This document discusses the polarization and aggregation properties of molecules in liquid crystals. It finds that:
1) The electronic transition of molecular ensembles in liquid crystals is polarized perpendicular to the plane of the molecular ions and parallel to the axis of the crystal structure.
2) Planar cyanine dyes aggregate in the nematic state of liquid crystals, while non-planar dyes do not.
3) These findings indicate that the molecules are adsorbed edge-on to crystal surfaces in an orientation perpendicular to the surface.
This document discusses the polarization and aggregation properties of molecules in liquid crystals. It finds that:
1) The electronic transition of molecular ensembles in liquid crystals is polarized perpendicular to the plane of the molecular ions and parallel to the axis of the crystal structure.
2) Planar cyanine dyes aggregate in the nematic state of liquid crystals, while non-planar dyes do not.
3) These findings indicate that the molecules are adsorbed edge-on to crystal surfaces in an orientation perpendicular to the surface.
This document discusses the polarization and aggregation properties of molecules in liquid crystals. It finds that:
1) The electronic transition of molecular ensembles in liquid crystals is polarized perpendicular to the plane of the molecular ions and parallel to the axis of the crystal structure.
2) Planar cyanine dyes aggregate in the nematic state of liquid crystals, while non-planar dyes do not.
3) These findings indicate that the molecules are adsorbed edge-on to crystal surfaces in an orientation perpendicular to the surface.
This document discusses the polarization and aggregation properties of molecules in liquid crystals. It finds that:
1) The electronic transition of molecular ensembles in liquid crystals is polarized perpendicular to the plane of the molecular ions and parallel to the axis of the crystal structure.
2) Planar cyanine dyes aggregate in the nematic state of liquid crystals, while non-planar dyes do not.
3) These findings indicate that the molecules are adsorbed edge-on to crystal surfaces in an orientation perpendicular to the surface.
strongly shielded-electro nic transition (shown in
absorption, in fluorescence, and in optical sensitizing) proper to these ensembles is polarized in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the component mole- cular ions, that is, parallel to the axis of the packet or micelle--ari.d, therefore, to a 110 plane of the crystal. The coupling of this with the azimuthal component of the electronic energy of a filled zone 1 could proceed, therefore, as for an adsorbed molecule. In this connexion, it is significant that we find that non-planar cyanine dyes do not aggregate in the 5 nematic state, while their planar isomers do so. The considerations advanced are equally applicable to acid sensitizing dyes, for example, erythrosin, etc., of the xanthene type . . These also are adsorbed edge- 0 wise and orthogonally to an octahedral surface, though of silver ions 2 • The molecules of these dyes are also planar, and a fortiori, because having a fused polycyclic skeleton. s. E. SHEPPARD. Research Laboratories, R. H. LAMBERT. Eastman Kodak Company, R. D. WALKER. Rochester, New York. April 25. 1 NA.TUllE, 146, 386 (1940). 0·6 1·0 1·4 • Sheppard, S. E., Lambert, R. H., and Walker, R. D., J. Chem. log V Ph11a., 7, 265, 426 (1939). • Sheppard, S. E ., Vanselow, W., and Happ, G. P ., J. Phys. Clwm., 1, MINERAL LUBRICATING OIL ; 2, RICINOLEIC ACID ; 44, 411 (1940). 3, LIGHT MINERAL LUBRICATING OIL; 4, GLYCEROL • Kameyama, N., and Fukumoto, T., J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), 42, 489 (1939). (91 %) ; 5, POPPY SEED OIL; 6, RAW LINSEED OIL; • von Hippe!, A., Z. Phys., 67, 707; 68, 309 (1931); 75, 145 (19;32). 7, TRIACETIN; 8, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE; 9, NOR· • Eggert, J., and Biltz, M., Trans. Farad. Soc., 34, 892 (1938). MAL HEXANE. 7 Jelley, E. E., NATUllE, 139, 631 (1937).
• Scheibe, G., Kolloid. Z., 82, 1 (1938) .
less time being required in the thinner liquids for the dispersed phase to take up positions of stream- line flow. It was found under isoviscometric conditions that the specific character of the dispersior medium Viscosity of Suspensions and the Einstein affects the viscosity ratio ; thus, for example, with Equation kaolin, 5 per cent volume, a viscosity ratio of 2 · 15 was found in a light mineral oil, but in oleic acid the THE Einstein equation lj = T/o (1 + 2·5 V) relating ratio was l ·3 and in benzyl alcohol l ·45. the viscosity lj of a suspension of solid spheres and It is possible that in very dilute suspension these "IJo the viscosity of the dispersion medium, V being effects may be minimized, but in the systems ex- the volume in parts of a cubic centimetre occupied amined at lower concentrations the variations were by the dispersed solid, has been used as a b~sis for observed. determining the molecular structure of prote!IlS and The viscosity measurements were made in a simple other colloidal substances 1 • form of plastometer, low rates of shear being avoided. It is of interest in this connexion that the viscosity E. w. J. MARDLES. ratio TJITJo is dependent, among other things, on Chemistry Department, temperature, the ratio being affected by the viscosity Royal Aircraft Establishment, of the dispersion medium. The following data for Farnborough, Rants. (a) 16 ·7 per cent volume of graphite in a mineral April 29. lubricating oil and (b) 14·8 per cent volume kaolin '"Viscosity and Molecular Structure", by H. Mark and R. Simha, in meta cresol, for example, illustrate this . NATURE, 145, 571 (April 13, 1940).
(a) Temp. • C. t/ tJl'I, (I>) Temp. ° C. 1/ T/11/,
80 3•7 3 ·6 13·5 1 ·21 7•7 40 1·9 3 ·4 22 0·15 7·2 45 1·5 3·1 45 0 ·05 6·7 Cohesion of Liquids That the effect is not entirely due to disaggregation THE recent interesting letters of Profs. M. Born and is indicated by using dispersion media of different R. Furth, published in NATURE of May 11, on the viscosity. In the accompanying graphs, values of strength of solids, lead me to think that experiments log (TJ/l}o - 1) and log percentage volume are plotted which I am now carrying out on the strength of for powdered silica in various liquids, and it will b e liquids under hydrostatic tension may be of interest seen that the curves are roughly in order of the viscos- to physicists workin$ in this field. Liquids, owing to ity of the liquids, the viscosity ratios being least their homogeneity and absence of rigidity, possess for normal hexane and greatest with glycerol. The certain advantages over solids for the study of source of the variation is presumably due to the cohesion. In my view, measurements of the greatest spinning motion of the particles or their aggregates, tension which can be applied to liquids under various