Programme Guide - DTS
Programme Guide - DTS
Programme Guide - DTS
Printed material is our backbone. Our study material is prepared by teams of experts
keeping in view the interest of the learner group. Each course has a Course Expert
Committee with distinguished academics and professionals involved in the course
preparation. The course material is written in such a manner that the students can
study it by themselves with a little assistance from our Counsellors at the Study Centres.
Further, textbooks and reference books are available in the libraries attached to the
Study Centre and Regional Centres. Therefore, students will have no need for any cheap
or condensed guides for following courses of IGNOU. In fact, these may harm them.
Hence, the University strongly advises the students not to take recourse to such type of
Important Information
“The University sends study materials to the students by registered post and if
a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever, the University
shall not be held responsible for that.”
“Student can download a copy of the assignments from the IGNOU website:”
“The students are specifically instructed to send Examination Forms and
Registration / Re-registration Forms only at the respective Regional Centres
and nowhere else. If any student sends the Registration/ Re-registration
Forms, Examination Forms etc at the wrong place, other than the one
specified and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequently a
semester/year, he/she will have no claim on the University regularization.
Students can also submit the forms online.”
January 2019
© Indira Gandhi National Open University,
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without
permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the University’s
office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068.
Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi by Director, School of
Tourism and Hospitality Services Management (SOTHSM), IGNOU.
Updated by: Dr. Paramita Suklabaidya, Programme Coordinator - DTS
CRC by:
Printed at:
1 The University
2 Programme Structure
3 Scheme of Study
4 Fee Structure
5 Instructional System
6 Medium of Instruction
7 Evaluation
7.1 Early declaration of Results
7.2 Re – evaluation of Answer Script (s)
7.3 Photocopy of the evaluated answer script
7.4 Issue of official transcript
7.5 Duplicate Grade Card:
8 Other Useful Information
9 Some Useful Addresses
10 Some Forms for Your Use
11 Details of Courses
12 List of Regional Centres
13 List of Study Centres
1 March to 30th April
Nil 1 September to 31st October
1st May to 10th May 1000/- 1st November 10th November 1000/-
Please keep this Programme Guide safely till you complete the
Programme. You will need to consult it while working on the
Programme. You are a distance learner. Let the self study of this
Programmes Guide mark the beginning of your journey of distance
Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in September, 1985 by an Act of
Parliament, with a view to democratise education so that it covers large segments of population,
vocations and professions. The primary emphasis is on innovation, flexibility and cost
effectiveness. Thus, it is a University with a difference.
In recent years, tourism has developed as an industry employing a large number of people.
Numerous operational areas in tourism also offer immense opportunities for entrepreneurs to
establish their own business – big or small. Now-a-days there is an increasing popularity of
Tourism Studies as an academic discipline with many Universities and Institutions increasingly
offering tourism programmes/courses. Yet, a large number of people, scattered all over the country
may still not have adequate access and opportunities for studying this discipline. IGNOU was one
of the pioneer universities, which had recognised the need to start tourism programmes in the
country and the first Open University in the world to have started imparting tourism programmes.
Since 1994, various tourism programmes have been developed in IGNOU keeping in mind people
who, in future intend to make their career in some branch of tourism and those already working in
tourism related areas at various levels.
3. DIPLOMA IN TOURISM STUDIES (DTS)__________________________
IGNOU’s Diploma in Tourism Studies Programme has been developed keeping in view the
learner’s who are keen to join the tourism sector and intend to make a career in the tourism
industry. The thrust at the Diploma Level is to give basic knowledge and skill to the learner so as
to enable him / her to meet the basic requirements for joining the tourism industry.
The Diploma in Tourism Studies Programme is offered by the University in both Hindi and English
The fees should be paid in lump sum along with the filled in application form at the time of
admission through a demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at the city where your
Regional Centre is located (to identify your Regional Centre, please see the list printed in this
Programme Guide). Please write your name (in Capitals), address, programme code and year of
admission at the back of your demand draft to ensure proper credit to your fee account.
In case any student will fully appears in an examination without proper registration for a course,
disciplinary action shall be taken against him/her as per rules of the University.
Fee once paid is not refundable
The University offers a lot of flexibility and openness in the courses and duration for the
completion of programmes. You should take full advantage of this flexibility. Through proper
planning you can finish this programme according to your convenience and within the stipulated
time frame.
The University follows the credit system for its programmes. Diploma in Touirsm Studies (DTS) is
a 36 credit programme.
The three courses, viz, TS-1, TS-2 and TS-3 are compulsory. You must have indicated the choice of
optional course, only one from among TS-4 (PTS-4), TS-5 (PTS-5), TS-6 (PTS-6) in your
application form. However, if you want to change the optional courses you must write to us within
one month of the receipt of study material (For details refer to Section Some Useful Information).
You must submit project report of the PTS at least a month before the Term End Examination.
The project reports submitted till 31st May will be taken on record for June TEE result and the
projects submitted there after till 30th Nov will be taken on record for Dec TEE.
You can complete this programme in a minimum of 1 Year and a maximum of 4 Years. Completion
of a course means studying the course, clearing all the assignments and the Term End
The study material for this programme will be sent in two dispatches.
The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that in the conventional
universities. The Open University System is more learner-oriented, and the student is an active
participant in the teaching-learning process. Most of the instruction is imparted through distance
rather than face-to-face communication. The University follows a multimedia approach for
instruction. It comprises:
• self-instructional print material
• audio and video programmes available in cassettes
• Teleconferencing
• face-to-face interaction with academic counsellors at Study Centres
• assignments for assessment and feed back
• Video Programmes on Educational Channel Gyan Darshan
• Radio counselling through Yuva Vani and FM-2
The section Let Us Sum Up summarises what has been said in the whole Unit. This summary
enables you to recall the main points covered in the Unit. To facilitate comprehension, important
words/terms covered in the Unit are explained in the section Key Words. Some books for
additional reading are suggested in the section Some Useful Books. For your reference purpose
some of these books may be available in the Study Centre.
Read the Units carefully and note down the important points. You can use the space in the margin
of the printed pages for making notes and writing your comments. While reading the Units mark the
words that you do not fully understand. Look for the meaning of such words under the section Key
Words or in a dictionary. Read the Unit again and again until you have understood the point.
However, if you still do not understand something, consult your counselor during the face-to-face
sessions at the Study Centre for clarification.
Try to answer ‘Check Your Progress’ questions. These exercises will help you to reinforce the
information/knowledge you gain through your first reading of the text. Proper comprehension of the
units and the points/notes made by you while reading through the Units would help you in
answering the Check Your Progress Exercises given in the Units. Once you have written the answer
in the blank space provided for each question, you can compare your answers with the answers
given in the section ‘Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises’.At the end of every block we
have also given you some activities.In order to gain practical experience you must do them.
5.2 eGyanKosh
One of the world’s largest repositories of educational resources − The IGNOU eGyanKosh
( is available for the learners and teachers, and public at large for free.
The eGyanKosh houses the−in higher education self-learning material of around 2565 courses and
over 2389 video programmes of IGNOU. The resources available on the eGyanKosh can be
accessed through Login ID and Password which need to be created by the user at the initial login.
The IGNOU learners are encouraged to make use of these resources for their learning.
The learning package contains audio and video CDs which have been produced by the University
for better clarification and enhancement of understanding of the course material given to the
learners. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes duration. The video cassettes are
screened at the study centres during specific sessions which are duly notified for the benefit of the
The video programmes are telecast on National Network of Doordarshan. All Gyan Vani stations
are broadcasting curriculum based audio programmes. In addition, some selected stations of All
India Radio are also broadcasting the audio programmes. Learners can confirm the dates for the
programmes from their study centers. The information is also provided through the university
The University has started interactive counselling through AIR network all over India. You can
participate in it by tuning in to your area Radio station. Experts from various discipline areas are
available for this counselling. Students can put across their questions to these experts by using the
telephone. The telephone numbers are announced by respective Radio Stations. This counselling is
available on every Sunday between 4 and 5 in the evening.
IGNOU in collaboration with Doordarshan now has an exclusive Educational TV Channel of India
called Gyan Darshan. It is available through cable TV network. The channel telecasts educational
programmes round the clock every day. Apart from programmes of IGNOU it will have educational
programmes produced by various national education institutions. You should try to get access to it
through your cable operator. The schedule of programmes with time and date is sent to all study
centres one month in advance. Please obtain it from there. The schedule is printed in the Newsletter
of the University six months in advance. All students will receive it twice a year.
5.6 Teleconferencing
To reach out to our students spread in different parts of the country we take the help of
teleconferencing. These sessions are conducted from Delhi. The students can attend these at the
regional centres and specified study centres of IGNOU. It is a one way video and two way audio
facility. You will be sent a schedule with topics in advance through your study centres. The faculty
at Delhi and other experts as resource persons participate in these sessions. You can put your
problems and questions to these experts through the telephone available at receiving centres. These
will help in resolving your queries related to courses and other general information pertaining to
programmes of study.
Please bring all your Units and list of issues to be discussed with your counsellor when you
come for the counselling sessions.
5.9 Assignments
Detailed information about assignments would be provided in the next section on Evaluation.
The evaluation constitutes of two parts: 1) continuous evaluation through assignments, and
2) term-end examination. For the final result all the assignments of a course carry 30% weightage
while 70% weightage is given for term-end examination. The following is the scheme for awarding
divisions and grades:
Division Percentage Range Grade Point Grade
I 80% and above A – Excellent 5
60% to 79.9% B – Very Good 4
II 50% to 59.9% C – Good 3
Pass 40% to 49.9% D – Satisfactory 2
Unsuccessful Less than 40% E – Unsatisfactor 1
You are required to score at least 40% marks in both continuous evaluations (assignments) as well
as the term-end examination separately in all the DTS courses. In the overall computation also you
must get at least 40 marks in each course to claim the Diploma in Tourism Studies.
6.1 Assignments
Assignments constitute the continuous evaluation. The submission of assignments is compulsory.
The marks that you get in your assignments will be counted in your final result. Assignments of a
course carry 30% weightage. Therefore, you are advised to take your assignments seriously. A
simple omission on your part may cause an irreparable loss to you.
You will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination for any course if you do not
submit the specified number of assignments in time for the course.
The main purpose of assignment is to test your comprehension of the learning materials you receive
from us and also to help you get through the courses. The evaluators/counsellors after correcting the
assignments send them back to you with their comments and marks. The comments guide you in
your study and help in improving it. The content provided in the printed course materials should be
sufficient for answering the assignments. Please do not worry about the non-availability of extra
reading materials for working on the assignments. However, if you have easy access to other books,
internet, you may make use of them. The assignments are designed in such a way as to help you
concentrate mainly on the printed course materials and exploit your personal experience.
Tutor Marked Assignments should be submitted to the Coordinator of the Study Centre assigned to
you. After evaluation these tutor marked assignments will be sent back to you with comments and
Always make two copies of your assignments and keep one with you. Also take a receipt from the
study centre on submission of the assignments.
The University/Coordinator at the Study Centre has the right to entertain or reject the assignments
submitted after the due date. Hence, to avoid inconvenience submit the assignments well in time.
Remember to collect the evaluated assignments and assessment sheet as the same will help improve
your performance in the future. Keep a proper record of all the assignments submitted and evaluated.
You may require them in case any problem arises.
If you do not get pass grade in any assignment, you have to submit it again. However, once you get
the pass grade in an assignment, you cannot re-submit it for improvement of grade. Assignments
are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any, committed by the evaluator. The
discrepancy noticed by you in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the notice of the
Coordinator of the Study Centre, so that the correct score is forwarded by him/ her to the Student
Evaluation Division at Headquarters.
Do not enclose or express doubts for clarification if any about study material or assignment along
with the assignment. Send your doubts in a separate cover to the Programme Coordinator – DTS,
School of Tourism & Hospitality Services Management, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi -
110068. Give your complete enrolment number, name, address, title of the course, and the number
of the Unit or the assignment, etc. on top of your letter.
Course Code and Assignment Code may be reproduced from the assignment.
The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:
PROGRAMME TITLE: ......................... NAME: …………………………….
COURSE CODE: ............................... ADDRESS: ………………………...
COURSE TITLE: ....………............... ……………………………………...
ASSIGNMENT CODE: .......................... SIGNATURE:.……………………
STUDY CENTRE: ................................ DATE:……………………….........
All Tutor Marked Assignments are to be submitted at the study centre assigned to you.
3) Read the assignments carefully and follow the specific instructions, if any given on the
assignment itself about the subject matter or its presentation.
4) Go through the Units on which assignments are based. Make some points regarding the question
and then rearrange those points in a logical order and draw up a rough outline of your answer.
While answering an essay type question give adequate attention to introduction and conclusion.
The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to
develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question. Make sure that the
answer is logical and coherent, and has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs.
The answer should be relevant to the question given in the assignment. Make sure that you
have attempted all the main points of the question. Once you are satisfied with your answer,
write down the final version neatly and underline the points you wish to emphasise.
5) Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. Avoid using very
thin paper. Allow a 4 cm margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer. This
may facilitate the evaluator to write useful comments in the margin at appropriate places.
6) Write the responses in your own hand. Do not print or type the answers. Do not copy your
answers from the Units/Blocks sent to you by the University. If you copy, you will get zero
marks for the respective question.
7) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the assignments
of such students will be rejected.
8) Write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not be written in continuity.
9) Write the question number with each answer.
10) The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you.
Under any circumstances do not send the tutor marked response sheets to the Student
Evaluation Division at Headquarters for evaluation.
11) After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre gets the acknowledgement from the
Coordinator on the prescribed assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement card.
12) In case you have requested for a change of Study Centre, you should submit your Tutor Marked
Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by
the University.
13) If you find that there is any factual error in evaluation of your assignments, e.g. any portion of
assignment response has not been evaluated or total of score recorded on assignment response
is incorrect you should approach the Coordinator of your study centre for correction and
transmission of correct score to headquarters.
6.2 Term End Examination and Payment of Examination Fee
Term End Examination is the major component of the evaluation system and it carries 70%
weightage in the final result. The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the
months of June & December. Students will be permitted to appear in term-end examination subject
to the conditions that registration for the courses, in which they wish to appear is valid, minimum
time to pursue these course is elapsed and they have also submitted the required number of
assignment (s), if any, in those courses by the due date.
Every student must bring identity card for appearing in term end examination along with the
admit card. Students without Identity Cards shall not be permitted to enter the examination
hall under any circumstances.
Eligibility for Examination
To be eligible to appear at the Term-end Examination in any course, you are required to fulfil the
following conditions.
1) You should have opted and pursued the prescribed courses.
2) Your registration is valid at the time of your appearance at the examination.
3) You should have paid the course fee.
4) You should have completed the submission of assignments for the respective course.
5) You should have submitted the examination form within the stipulated time.
submitted for all the courses in one term-end examination. You can also submit online examination
form as per guidelines through IGNOU website at
Dates for submission
1st March to 30th April NIL 1st September to 31st October NIL
1st May to 10th May Rs.1000/- 1st November to 10th November Rs. 1000/-
(The exam centre (The exam
will be the city centre will be
where RC is the city where
located) RC is located)
Where to submit
Examination form should be submitted to the concerned Regional Centre under which your
examination centre falls through a demand draft or directly through the link given on the webite of
the university..
Please write your correct enrolment number, programme code and name at the back of Demand
Draft (drawn in favour of IGNOU) and payable at the city of the Regional Centre where you are
submitting your examination form.
The examination form received after due dates or without late fee, wherever applicable, shall be
Examination fee once paid is not refundable, nor adjustable. For every exam (June/December) a
student has to apply afresh.
Hall Ticket for Term End Examination
No hall ticket shall be dispatched to the examinees/students. Hall Tickets of all examinees are
uploaded on the University Website ( 7-10 days before the commencement of the
T.E. Examinations. Students are advised to take the print out of the Hall Ticket from University
website ( after entering the enrolment number and name of programme of study
and report at the examination centre along with the Identity Card issued by the Regional
Centre/University without valid IGNOU Student ID Card issued by the RC/ University. Examinees
will not be permitted to appear in the examination. In case, any student has misplaced the Identify
Card issued by the University, it is mandatory to apply for a duplicate Identity Card to the Regional
Centre concerned well before the commencement of the examination so as to get a duplicate ID
Card well on time/well before examination commences.
Examination Centre
Your Study Centre is normally your examination centre. In case you wish to take examination at a
particular centre, the code of your chosen centre can be filled up as Examination Centre Code.
However, if examination centre chosen by you is not activated, you will be allotted another
examination centre under the same Region. Change of examination centre is permissible only in
exceptional cases for which you have to make request to the concerned Regional Centre or to
Registrar, Student Evaluation Division (For Delhi/NCR Region).
Your enrolment number is your Roll Number for examinations. Be careful in writing it. Any
mistake in writing the Roll Number will result in non–declaration of your result.
It is your duty to check whether you are registered for that course and whether you are eligible to
appear for that examination or not. If you neglect this and take the examination without being
eligible for it, your result will be cancelled.
Study Centre is the contact point for you. The University cannot send communication to all the
students individually. All the important communications are sent to the Coordinators of the Study
Centres and Regional Directors. The Coordinators would display a copy of such important
circular/notification on the notice board of the Study Centre for the benefit of all the Students. You
are, therefore, advised to get in touch with your Coordinator for day-to-day information about
assignments, submission of examination forms, date-sheet, list of students admitted to a particular
examination, declaration of result, etc.
While communicating with the University regarding examination, please clearly write your
enrolment number and complete address. In the absence of such details, we will not be able to
attend to your problems.
The student can apply for early declaration of Term-End-Examination result with a fee of Rs. 700/-
per course. The application for early declaration of result shall be entertatined only if the
student has been selected for any post or applied for further studies. The student must
compulsorily submit documentary evidence (proof) in support of the reason for early declaration of
result to the concerned Evaluation Centre whose details are available on the University website.
Early Declaration is permissible in term-End-Examination only. This facility is not applicable for
Lab/Practical courses, Project, Assignment, Workshop, seminar etc. based courses. The Application
for Early Declaration of result shall be entertained for final year. Prescribed Form along-with rules
& regulations is enclosed in the Student Handbook and Prospectus and also made available on
IGNOU website.
After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can
request the University to re-evaluate their Answer Scripts on payment of Rs. 500/- per course. The
request for re-evaluation by the student must be made within one month from the date of
declaration of result to the concern Evaluation Centre in the prescribed format along-with the fee of
Rs.500/- per course in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where
submitting the Re-evaluation form. Prescribed Form along-with rules & regulations is enclosed in
the Student Handbook and Prospectus and also made available on IGNOU website.
After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can
request the University for obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts on payment of Rs.100/- per
course The request for obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scritps by the student must be made within
45 days from the date of declaration of result to the concern Evaluation Centre in the prescribed
format along-with the fee of Rs. 100/- per course in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU
payable at the city where submitting the Photocopy form. Prescribed Form along-with rules &
regulations is enclosed in the Student Handbook and Prospectus and also made available on
IGNOU website.
The University provides the facility of official transcripts on request made by the learners on plain
paper addressed to Registrar, Student Evaluation Division (SED), Block-12, IGNOU, Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi-110068. A fee of Rs. 200/- per transcript payable through DD in favour of
IGNOU is charged for this purpose. In case of request for sending transcript outside India, the
students are required to pay Rs. 400/- . Prescribed Form along-with rules & regulations is enclosed
in the Student Handbook and Prospectus and also made available on IGNOU website.
6.7 Duplicate Grade Card:
The learner can apply for obtaining duplicate Grade Card in case of lost/misplaced/damaged by
paying through DD of Rs. 150/- in favour of IGNOU payable at “New Delhi”. Prescribed Form
along-with rules & regulations is enclosed in the Student Handbook and Prospectus and also made
available on IGNOU website.
7.2 Reservation
Whereover admission is offered on the basis a merit list, the University provides reservation of
seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-creamy layer of OBC, War Widows, Kashmiri
Migrants and Physically Handicapped learners, as per the Government of India rules, for admission
to its various programmes.
SC/ST learner have to collect and subsequently submit their scholarship forms to the respective
State’s Directorate of Social Welfare Officer, through the Regional Director concerned of IGNOU
for reimbursement of programme fee.
Similarly, Physically Handicapped learners admitted to IGNOU programmes are eligible for
Government of India’s scholarships. They are advised to collect scholarship forms from the
respective State Government Directorate of Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer
and submit the filled in forms to them through the concerned Regional Directors of IGNOU.
Change of Medium is permitted within 30 days from the receipt of first set of course material in the
First Year only, on payment of Rs. 300/- plus Rs. 300/- per 2/4 credit course and Rs. 600/- per 6/8
credit course for undergraduate courses. For Master’s Degree Programme it is Rs.300/-plus Rs.
500/- per 2/4 credit course and Rs. 1000/- per 6/8 credit courses.Payment should be made by way of
a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at concerned Regional Centre. All such
requests for change of Medium should be addressed to the concerned Regional Centre only as per
There is a printed card for change/correction of address and change of Study Centre which is
dispatched along with the study material. In case there is any correction/change in the address, the
learners are advised to make use of proforma provided in the Programme Guide and send it to the
Regional Director concerned who will forward the request after verifying the student’s signature to
SRD IGNOU. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. Requests received directly at SRD, New Delhi
will not be entertained. The form of change of address can also be downloaded from IGNOU
Website Learners are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the
University in this regard. Normally, it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. Therefore, the
learners are advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed
address during this period. In case a change of Study Centre is desired, the learners are advised to
fill the proforma and address it to the Regional Centre concerned. Since counselling facilities are
not available for all programmes at all the centres, learners are advised to make sure that
counselling facilities are available, for the subject for which he/she has chosen, at the new centre
opted for. Request for change of Study Centre is normally accepted subject to availability of seat
for the programme at new centre asked for. Change of Address and Study Centre are not permitted
until admissions are finalized. Similarly, change of study centre is not permissible in
programmes where practical components are involved.
When a learner wants transfer from one region to another, he/she has to write to that effect to the
Regional Centre from where he/she is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre
where he/she would like to be transferred to. Further, he/she has to obtain a certificate from the
Coordinator of the study centre from where he/she is seeking transfer regarding the number of
assignments submitted. The Regional Director from where the learner is seeking transfer will
transfer all records including details of fee payment to the new Regional Centre under intimation to
the Registrar, SRD Division and the learner as well region. For change of programmes in practical
oriented programmes like computer programmes, B.Sc. etc, ‘No Objection Certificate’ is to be
obtained from the concerned Regional Centre/ Study Centre where the learner wishes to take his/her
7.7 Issue of Duplicate Grade Card/Mark sheet
A duplicate Grade Card is issued after a request is made on the prescribed form along with a draft
of Rs. 150/- to be paid in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi. The form for the purpose is given in this
Programme Guide.
7.8 Re-admission
If you are not able to complete the programme in a maximum of 4 years, the University has made a
special provision for re-admission. The form and the guidelines are available in the Programme
Guide. In case required, do fill and submit it as per the instructions.
Unit 26 Monuments and Museums
Unit 27 Living Culture and Performing Arts
Unit 28 Religions of India
Block 5 Architecture
Unit 14 Main Architechtural Styles
Unit 15 Regional Architecture
Unit 16 Functional Categories in Architecture
Uni 17 Sculpture
Block 6 Archaeology and Antiquity
Unit 18 Archaeological Sites-I (Early Harappa and Harappa)
Unit 19 Archaeological Sites-II (Post Harappa)
Unit 20 Museums and Antiquities
This course aims to sensitise tourist and professonals in the tourism sector to the issues pertaining to
the problems of ecology and environment today. It also attempts to define the “role” of the “visitor”
and his or her participation in the conservation effort.
Block 5 Marketing Mix: Specific Situations
Unit 18 Familiarization Tours
Unit 19 Seasonal Marketing
Unit 20 Tourism Fairs and Travel Markets
You are also advised to get in touch with the Co-ordinator of your Study Centre for timely
In this Section we are enclosing the sample of some forms that are useful to you. Whenever you
have to correspond with the University, please get the photocopy of the relevant form, fill it
carefully and send as per instructions therein. The detailed instructions for all these forms are
provided in this programme guide in different sections. The following forms are enclosed:
1) Assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement form/Change/correction of address/study centre.
2) Intimation of non-receipt of study material/assignments.
3) Requisition for fresh set of assignments.
4) Change/Correction of address & Change of study Centre
5) Application form for obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Mark-sheet
6) Term-end examination form.
7) Early declaration of Results
8) Re-evaluation of Answer Script(s)
9) Improvement in Division/Class
10) Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer Script
11) Issue of Official Transcript
12) Re-Admission Form
[Note: You can download the above forms from Student Zone at]
Annexure I
I am directed to say that Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi has been established
by Sub-section (2) of Section (1) of the IGNOU Act, 1985 (50 of 1985) vide Notification No. F.13-
12/85 Desk (U) dated 10.09.1985 issued by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, (Department of Education), New Delhi and is competent to award its own degrees
diplomas. The Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees awarded by Indira Gandhi National Open
University are to be treated equivalent to the Corresponding awards of the Universities in the
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary
Annexure II
The Registrar(s)
Member Universities
Dear Sir,
The Standing Committee at its 237th meeting held at Utkal University and the 68th Annual Session
of the AIU and in December, 1993 at the University of Delhi have decided to in principle that the
Degrees of the Open Universities be recognised in terms of the following resolutions:
“Resolved that the examinations of one University should be recognised by another on a reciprocal
basis, provided that the entrance qualification, duration of course and the general standard of
attainment are similar to those prescribed by the recognised university.”
The decision is brought to the notice of the Universities for favour of appropriate action in the
matter. The additional information, if required in this behalf, may kindly be obtained from the
Registrar of the Universities direct.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Joint Secretary
In Tourism Studies course materials activity exercises
have been given at the end of each Block. It is suggested
that you must do these activities in order to attain
professional skills & practical experience in the subject.