Midsummer Nights Dream Thesis Statements
Midsummer Nights Dream Thesis Statements
Midsummer Nights Dream Thesis Statements
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At the beginning of the scene celebrations are being prepared for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding.
Oberon is jealous of him as he gets a lot of Titania’s attention. This is probably why Oberon is so
interested in Helena’s despair. Many people thought they lived in a kingdom of their own and were
invisible to humans, but occasionally they allowed themselves to be seen as if in a dream. This is
important to the plotline because it shows what a dream can do to a person. It is important to
recognize that the playwright was merely replicating the normal experience of the people of the time
because Shakespeare’s audience might have been familiar with the traditions of treacherous and
abusive treatment of women. Lysander wakes to see Helena; therefore he now loves her instead of
loving Hermia. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. These include; Quince the carpenter, Snug the joiner, Bottom the
weaver, Flute the bellows mender, Snout the tinker and Starveling the tailor. The Elizabethan
audience would also relate to this because they wouldn’t understand the other kinds of fairies we see
in other plays and films these days, they would most likely have preferred it basic and simplistic. We
have heard this before when Egeus explains that a spell had overcome his daughter causing her to
only see the good things and not the bad. The fairies live in the woods, this makes the human world
and fairy world come together. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. At this time the people relied on the seasons and weather so that their crops
could grow but now, because of the argument, there is no food. This play is based upon love, tricks,
comedy, and dreams so the faeries coming out during this time was important to the main plot and in
agreement with the legend of faeries coming out during midsummer nights. For the eighteenth-
century critics, they focused on the plot of the play while the nineteenth-century commentators
focused on the characters. Lysander has the potion put on his eyes again so that he will fall in love
with Hermia and the relationships will be sorted. Also in tragedy individualism is promoted as for
comedy the community is the whole focus. He would say this with passion and make it sound very
believable to give the audience the idea and theme of total confusion. Puck wants us to feel as if it
was all a pleasant dream, but at the same time he wants us to remember everything that happened,
good and bad and learn from it. Egeus, Theseus and the Duke of Athens attempt to influence
Hermia's choice of love object while Hermia tries to regain Demetrius' love. Bottom doesn’t yet
realise at this point, and therefore thinks that his friends are playing a trick on him. This would all
add to help build the new scenario in this play to display some subsequent changes in the moods of
the actors. These include, prose, rhymed verse, blank verse, shared rhyme, and iambic pentameter.
This now starts to cause the confusion between the young lovers. The textual evidences from the
play suggest that the father had absolute right to make the choice of the daughter’s husband. She
does this as she feels that he will be very grateful and love her. People like Egeus are paternalistic,
unrealistic, and appear like fools. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper
below. There are the mechanicals, which perform a play-within-a-play called Pyramus and Thisbe for
the Duke, which is a very dramatic device used my Shakespeare.
Hermia explains how the difference in social classes can keep people apart; none of these are reasons
why they cannot be together so the audience feels sorry for them both. A careful reading of the play
A Midsummer Night’s Dream confirms that the playwright deals in detail with women’s issues,
including their lack of choice and freedom in the patriarchal society. This is important to the plotline
because it shows what a dream can do to a person. Essay focuses are concerned with enabling
comment on the human condition and the structures of the world around us. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The
lights would then brighten a little and the cast of actors would all be lying there in a heap sleeping,
Puck and Oberon would then enter to see what effects the potion had on them. These issues are
strongly addressed in the literature produced during this time period such as William Shakespeare's
play a midsummer night's dream. To get the little Indian boy as his servant, he puts the magical
potion into her eyes, while she is sleeping. The audience are therefore left to wonder how many more
arguments they are going to have and the circumstances of them. To help prevent confusion the four
main characters are introduced individually. Lysander has the potion put on his eyes again so that he
will fall in love with Hermia and the relationships will be sorted. To make things right, Demetrius
gets potion into his eyes, and when he awakens, he sees Helena. The play remains popular today due
to the contemporary relevance of so many of the themes which Shakespeare included and he
presents the idea that love is unpredictable and can cause great confusion. Puck then with instruction
from Oberon, the King of the Faeries places the love petals in the eyes of the sleeping Demetrius to
let him fall deeply in love with Helena who loves him. This way her life would be spared and she
would not have to marry Demetrius, however this is at the cost of not being able to be with
Lysander. The audience would sympathize with Helena because both Demetrius and Lysander were
madly in love with Hermia and overnight a shocking change is made. Not Hermia but Helena I love”
(2.2.111-113). Lysander betrays his love for Hermia by getting a magical spell in his eyes to make
him love Helena. Lysander says, “I will my Hermia” (1.1.227). What he means by this is that he will
do anything for her, and by justifying my, he is saying that they are together, and Hermia is his one
true love. “Content with Hermia. I would make them use beseeching words and they would be
pulling at her clothes and kissing her feet to show the amount of obsessive love they possess for her.
Helena’s obsession over Demetrius made me feel sorry for Helena, as she felt rejected and unloved.
When Lysander awoke and Helena was the first one he saw, Lysander began to long for her and fall
in love with her. In a reflective exploration of the fundamental themes of the play A Midsummer
Night’s Dream, it becomes evident that Shakespeare convincingly demonstrates the negative
treatment women received from the English society during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
and the female characters are presented as owned by the father and unable to choose their husbands.
Theseus tries to help her out by giving her different alternatives. This emphasises the scene they are
in but also the fact that they are talking about potions so there is a magical atmosphere. This once
again echoes the speeches of Theseus, Lysander and Demetrius who are all prepared to put their lives
on the line when in love and indicates that when love is not running smoothly it can make you
irrational and drive you to extremes. In the beginning, Lysander has always loved Hermia, and
Hermia has always loved him. Even at war the two rulers of two conflicting groups became one.
They are known to play jokes on them and to get enjoyment out of mortals. Large differences had
been drawn to separate comedy from tragedy, but A Midsummer Night’s Dream has still many
serious issues it tackled and once analyzed various issues from different perspectives would arise.
The play includes a love story, showing the changing relationships between four young people;
Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius, and the play also consists of a magical plot about a world
of fairies, in which the king of the fairies, Oberon, quarrels with his queen.
Theseus promised Hippolyta even though they met from combat, they will get married with grand
celebration and pampering (Shakespeare Act 1 Scene 1). Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius and Helena
all reflect the idea of love not running smoothly and show what being in love can make you do. By
her upbringing in the conversation as Lysander tells Theseus and Egeus that Demetrius “made love to
Nedar’s daughter, Helena.” This was thought as wrong in the Elizabethan times as you were meant
to remain a virgin until married. Later on, he gets the magical spell in his eyes, and begins to love
Helena, so he betrays his love for Hermia. In the play, Shakespeare shows us a variety of different
types of love, this is the focus of my essay. To help prevent confusion the four main characters are
introduced individually. An Elizabethan audience would have loved that as they believed in
supernatura l, plus the two lovers patiently waited four days, and four nights to sleep together as also
reproduction was also a big part of Elizabethan’s lives. These issues are strongly addressed in the
literature produced during this time period such as William Shakespeare's play a midsummer night's
dream. Lysander only hopes that he loves Helena, as much as she loves him, and he ends up doing
so. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what
you were looking for. The 22 November Intermingling Two Worlds in a midsummer night's dream In
Shakespeare's play a midsummer night's dream, the world of the Fairies exists simultaneously with
the real world of Athens. This will solve their marital problems and bring balance back to the mortal
world. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 17 May 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
Share through facebook Share through pinterest Mr J's English Resources 2.89 17 reviews Not the
right resource. Lysander says, “I will my Hermia” (1.1.227). What he means by this is that he will do
anything for her, and by justifying my, he is saying that they are together, and Hermia is his one true
love. “Content with Hermia. Questions focus on: love, power, characterization, the influence of
setting, narrative methods, justice and morality, reality and illusion, the conventions of Shakespearen
comedy, argument and conflict, plays and acting roles, rebellion and dissent, transformation and
personal identity, the value a society places on free will, the consequences of argument and conflict,
the interplay of states of order and chaos. This brings us to the main events in the play, as all the
action occurs in the woods. In the play the characters run in parallel worlds; the fairies and the people
of Athens. They also had some plans for Athenian youth to met and prepare for the grand
celebration. Their relationship is lively, “Come, sit thee down upon my flowery bed” but they
relationship could also be described as fake. This argument between Helena and Demetrius carries on
into the woods where we notice the change of scene. According to Aristotle, tragedy starts calmly
and ends with horror or depressing conclusion while comedy starts with conflict and ends in a calm
and happy conclusion. The humans are not aware of the fairies helping them as they can’t see them,
but the audience watching would be able to which is another good example of Shakespeare’s stage
craft. No; I do repent the tedious minutes I with her have I spent. This way her life would be spared
and she would not have to marry Demetrius, however this is at the cost of not being able to be with
Lysander. When the issue was brought to King Theseus to rectify the situation, the statement made
by the king is a clear indication of the general negative treatment. The play remains popular today
due to the contemporary relevance of so many of the themes which Shakespeare included and he
presents the idea that love is unpredictable and can cause great confusion. He also illustrates that her
complexion is like snow and at the time the play was written you were only pretty if you were white.
Later on, he gets the magical spell in his eyes, and begins to love Helena, so he betrays his love for
Hermia. There is a clear focus on thesis statement development, the essay structure, and the
integration of citations and examples to develop a coherent essay overall. It just so happens that
Helena is in love with him as well, so he doesn’t get the magical potion in his eyes a second time.
An Elizabethan audience would have loved that as they believed in supernatura l, plus the two lovers
patiently waited four days, and four nights to sleep together as also reproduction was also a big part
of Elizabethan’s lives. Shakespeare does this to stress that they are in the woods, and are talking
about magical powers; this therefore makes the atmosphere very enchanting. The use of a metaphor
emphasises Lysander’s’ feelings towards Helena. At first, Demetrius has always loved Hermia, but
Hermia has and always will be in love with Lysander. Significantly, the stereotypical images of men
as well as women were very much evident in Shakespeare’s society and the oppression of women in
the Elizabethan times is a generally recognized reality. Bottom doesn’t yet realise at this point, and
therefore thinks that his friends are playing a trick on him. In a profound investigation of the
character of Helena in the play, it becomes evident that the playwright represents three types of
oppression of women in the Elizabethan times in this character and they are social oppression,
parental oppression, and conjugal oppression. The story is presented in a light manner and people
would truly appreciate and enjoy it without the need to be serious. Helena’s obsession over
Demetrius made me feel sorry for Helena, as she felt rejected and unloved. The potion will restore
harmony within their relationship and love will run smoothly for them. There are the mechanicals,
which perform a play-within-a-play called Pyramus and Thisbe for the Duke, which is a very
dramatic device used my Shakespeare. This emphasises the scene they are in but also the fact that
they are talking about potions so there is a magical atmosphere. Puck, the trickster faery is very
active during this time. He thinks they ran away to make a fool of him and to frighten him, therefore
he shows no fear by singing. This would amaze an Elizabethan audience; therefore their reaction
would possibly be livelier than from a modern audience. This is appropriate because people like
Lysander and Hermia wouldn’t normally in winter be traveling through the woods and stop to rest.
Helena betrays Hermia by telling Demetrius their plans. He shows his love by expressing his feelings
through words. Shakespeare does this by twisting the two together. Each has a challenging and
engaging central essay question, with the remainder of the page given over to a number of thought
provoking and sophisticated thesis statements or ideas which students can extend to form a complete
essay. Oberon sees this as if he has won the argument by getting revenge but to the audience he is
very childish and this represents how deceitful he is. Shakespeare shows us a blind love, as Bottom
uses Titania for all he can get. A good illustration to further deepen the understanding behind the
aspect of A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a comedy is to compare it with a tragedy made by the
same writer. In this celebrated comedy Shakespeare deals with the various events connected with the
marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. It’s a
wonderful time and usually what people think of when they think of love. Titania falls in love with
Bottom, of whom which was ironically transformed by the all magical Puck into an ass. “O Bottom,
thou art changed. This argument between Helena and Demetrius carries on into the woods where we
notice the change of scene. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is not only the title of this play but the
overall theme as well. Perhaps, the only thing that, woman from Shakespeare's play “ a midsummer
night's dream ”, have in common is that they are tied, sometimes happily and sometimes not so
happily, to the men that they love, and it is the rocky course of their respective relationships that
forms the main theme of the play. Even at war the two rulers of two conflicting groups became one.
Are the four teenage lovers fools - A Midsummer nights dream. This would all add to help build the
new scenario in this play to display some subsequent changes in the moods of the actors. The play
within the play is about two particular characters, Pyramus and Thisbe. Hermia and Helena’s names
are similar to further confuse the love situation. In the beginning, Lysander has always loved
Hermia, and Hermia has always loved him. Egeus does want Hermia to marry someone, but not
Lysander. Demetrius runs after them to prevent Hermia marrying Lysander, and Helena follows him.
When Oberon is talking to Puck he speaks in rhyming couplets. Helena is obviously confused about
the situation because she has no clue that they are under a spell. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. During the practice of the play
Pyarmus and Thisbe Snout wouldn’t have noticed that Bottom had been transformed. I would show
her becoming very anxious with restless eyes, whilst looking in many directions for him then finding
Demetrius by her side with disappointment. Titania has disobeyed him; therefore Oberon has to get
his own back. This once again echoes the speeches of Theseus, Lysander and Demetrius who are all
prepared to put their lives on the line when in love and indicates that when love is not running
smoothly it can make you irrational and drive you to extremes. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 17 May 2018 Share this Share through
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Mr J's English Resources 2.89 17 reviews Not the right resource. Later on, he gets the magical spell
in his eyes, and begins to love Helena, so he betrays his love for Hermia. Theseus tries to help her
out by giving her different alternatives. Also we are shown that young love is very complicated and
confusing. Shakespeare does this to stress that they are in the woods, and are talking about magical
powers; this therefore makes the atmosphere very enchanting. In a profound investigation of the
character of Helena in the play, it becomes evident that the playwright represents three types of
oppression of women in the Elizabethan times in this character and they are social oppression,
parental oppression, and conjugal oppression. A characteristic of Shakespearian comedy is that the
course of true love doesn’t run smoothly but everything turns out as it should by the end of the play.
The thesis states that Bottom is an allegorical character that parallels the human characters like
Hermia's father, Egeus. So having the fairies world twisted into the play would mean that they would
enjoy the play a lot. As “honest Puck” (pg. 173) says before he departs “So good night unto you all.
” (pg. 173). At first, Demetrius has always loved Hermia, but Hermia has and always will be in love
with Lysander. Luckily, he gets potion back into his eyes, and he loves Hermia once again, as he
always has. Titania and Oberon are significant characters in the play and their relationship is not
running smoothly. When Thisbee finds the body of Pyramus she does the same and kills herself. He
thinks they ran away to make a fool of him and to frighten him, therefore he shows no fear by
singing. The fighting would then stop, each one of them would be covered in dirt and would look
very scruffy, and Hermia would then burst into tears which would then hopefully confuse the
audience and show that these young men and women are meant to be from wealthy families but at
the same time they can act bizarre and be very uncivilised.
Theseus and Hippolyta show us that love can run smoothly in the end but each relationship has its
problem. Whilst they are practicing the play, Puck plays a little trick on Bottom, which turns him
into half an ass. They are known to play jokes on them and to get enjoyment out of mortals. We
understand the theme of this play more closely if we examine key points that support the theme and
title as one. Also in tragedy individualism is promoted as for comedy the community is the whole
focus. This would amaze an Elizabethan audience; therefore their reaction would possibly be livelier
than from a modern audience. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. He is discussing the potion that will help restore harmony in the relationship of Demetrius
and Helena; however Shakespeare implies that love should not be interfered with. Various themes
would be presented in the preceding paragraphs regarding the play as each theme would unfold the
meaning and story of the play. Helena betrays Hermia by telling Demetrius their plans. They also had
some plans for Athenian youth to met and prepare for the grand celebration. The fact that war can
affect people in love relates to Theseus and Hippolyta. A Midsummer Nights Dream Shakespeare's
treatment of illusion and reality in. Titania and Oberon are also deeply in love, and share a jealous
love. Titania was in love with what she thought to be the most majestic and absolutely wonderful
mortal she had ever laid eyes upon while in reality the creature she fell in love with was an ass. We
have heard this before when Egeus explains that a spell had overcome his daughter causing her to
only see the good things and not the bad. Questions focus on: love, power, characterization, the
influence of setting, narrative methods, justice and morality, reality and illusion, the conventions of
Shakespearen comedy, argument and conflict, plays and acting roles, rebellion and dissent,
transformation and personal identity, the value a society places on free will, the consequences of
argument and conflict, the interplay of states of order and chaos. This is to end the story on a happy
note, and is important in the play. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company
together.’ Bottom explains that if you are in love then you lack reason and only see what you want.
One of the themes of the play is love and marriage. The atmosphere at this stage is very depressing
which Shakespeare emphasises by the fact that no one is happy. I would make Puck wear rags and he
would look very small making him look like a creature rather than a human just to add to the
surrealism. Shared rhyme is where two or more characters are talking and their lines rhyme. This
argument between Helena and Demetrius carries on into the woods where we notice the change of
scene. Shakespeare does this to stress that they are in the woods, and are talking about magical
powers; this therefore makes the atmosphere very enchanting. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. Puck, the onlooker, sees this as a couple who have had an
argument and therefore thinks Lysander is Demetrius because he is sleeping away from Helena. This
would all add to help build the new scenario in this play to display some subsequent changes in the
moods of the actors. Eventually all is corrected, with more magic and intervention. The audience
know this and are once again kept one step ahead of the characters.
A Midsummer Nights Dream Shakespeare's treatment of illusion and reality in. Cahn, a midsummer
night's dream is Shakespeare's first comedy in which the playwright is in supreme control and the
dramatist's skill in creating love tension is palpable in the various elements of the play. I would make
an eight second silence between his response to create tension and maybe to give the audience the
idea that Demetrius is responsible for his death. To get the little Indian boy as his servant, he puts the
magical potion into her eyes, while she is sleeping. I would make Puck wear rags and he would look
very small making him look like a creature rather than a human just to add to the surrealism.
Significantly, the stereotypical images of men as well as women were very much evident in
Shakespeare’s society and the oppression of women in the Elizabethan times is a generally
recognized reality. Hermia and Helena’s names are similar to further confuse the love situation.
Hermia, and Helena’s betrayal of each other, resulting in their friendship to break is a good example
of this. One of the basic factors emphasizing the negative treatment of women by the English society
in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is that A Midsummer Night’s Dream presents women as
owned by the father. Titania has disobeyed him; therefore Oberon has to get his own back. Here I
think the audience feel Oberon should concentrate on his own problem he has with his wife before
he deals with other relationships. According to Aristotle, tragedy starts calmly and ends with horror
or depressing conclusion while comedy starts with conflict and ends in a calm and happy conclusion.
Romeo and Juliet was said to be written almost at the same time A Midsummer Night’s Dream had
been made. Theseus leaves the two lovers by themselves to give them time to talk. This exaggerated
language is amusing for the audience since we are aware of the magic that is involved. We have
heard this before when Egeus explains that a spell had overcome his daughter causing her to only see
the good things and not the bad. It is also used by the mechanicals in the play-within-a-play. As well
as being a mortal he also has an ass on his head from a trick previously played on him by Puck.
Whilst all this was occurring, Titania was sleeping overhead in her bower. Later Thisbe returns to find
her dead lover, and then does also kill herself. They are deeply in love with each other and they care
about one another very much. Dent locate the source of this tension in the play in the imagination
that is necessary on the part of the audience to appreciate a play like a midsummer night's dream
which has many elements of the fantastic (Dent, 115). When she awakens she sees an ass, and she
falls in love with him. He would say this with passion and make it sound very believable to give the
audience the idea and theme of total confusion. An Elizabethan audience would have loved that as
they believed in supernatura l, plus the two lovers patiently waited four days, and four nights to sleep
together as also reproduction was also a big part of Elizabethan’s lives. Puck, the trickster faery is
very active during this time. Without the illusion that clouded Titania’s eyes she might not have fallen
so deeply in love with Bottom, the ass. He was fascinated with people when said the line “Lord,
what fools these mortals be!” (Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 2). This would all add to help build the new
scenario in this play to display some subsequent changes in the moods of the actors. Cahn, a
midsummer night's dream is Shakespeare's first comedy in which the playwright is in supreme
control and the dramatist's skill in creating love tension is palpable in the various elements of the play.