CRP 2024 - GRAMMAR - 7th Grade - Long Range Plan NEW
CRP 2024 - GRAMMAR - 7th Grade - Long Range Plan NEW
CRP 2024 - GRAMMAR - 7th Grade - Long Range Plan NEW
Diagnostic Test
● The teacher presents the Literature diagnostic test
(digital) in order to measure their knowledge and
skills according to what's needed in the level. They
will be evaluated on:
Reading comprehension, writing, sentence
completion, citing evidence, cohesiveness,
and punctuation skills.
4 Unit 1: ● To identify and classify ● To distinguish between ● Students watch a 6-minute-long video (ISL
different types of fragments and sentences, collective), and then answer several questions. Summative classwork
(2 days) Parts of sentences (declarative, revise the fragments to form ● Video: London vacation travel guide. Sentence type
03/25 - 26 speech interrogative, imperative,
complete sentences, and use
and exclamatory). correct punctuation. ● Students are allowed to take notes while watching,
Into Literature
● To recognize, identify, and ● To diagnose knowledge about and then, they´ll receive the CW.
correct run-on sentences. the sentence.
Grammar practice
● To identify the basic
pp. 3/17-21 components of a sentence, in
order to develop their ability to
● Run-on sentences construct grammatically
Fragments correct sentences and
Sentences effectively communicate their
Conjunctions classify sentences as
FANBOYS declarative, interrogative,
Clauses imperative, or exclamatory
● Sentence types based on their structure and
Declarative function.
Interrogative ● To demonstrate their
understanding by creating
sentences of each type
(declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory)
in writing exercises.
● To apply their knowledge of
sentence types by
incorporating a variety of
sentence structures into their
own compositions to enhance
the overall quality of their
5 Unit 1: ● To identify and classify ● To distinguish between ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in SummativeTest
04/01 - 05 different types of sentences fragments and sentences, sentences or paragraphs. “Parcial”
Parts of
(declarative, interrogative, revise the fragments to form ● Choosing the correct form of a word to complete a
speech Run-on sentences
imperative, and complete sentences, and use sentence, such as a verb tense or subject-verb and
exclamatory). correct punctuation. agreement.
Into Literature Sentence type
● To recognize, identify, and ● To diagnose knowledge about ● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
correct run-on sentences. the sentence. ● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
Grammar practice
● To identify the basic complete sentences.
pp. 3/17-21 components of a sentence, in ● Identifying and correcting sentence structure errors,
order to develop their ability to such as run-on sentences or fragments.
● Run-on sentences construct grammatically ● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
Fragments correct sentences and sentences.
Sentences effectively communicate their
● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
Conjunctions classify sentences as
declarative, interrogative,
● Writing sentences or paragraphs to demonstrate
FANBOYS the understanding of grammar rules and concepts.
Clauses imperative, or exclamatory
based on their structure and ● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy and
● Sentence types
function. completeness.
Interrogative ● To demonstrate their
understanding by creating
sentences of each type
(declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory)
in writing exercises.
● To apply their knowledge of
sentence types by
incorporating a variety of
sentence structures into their
own compositions to enhance
the overall quality of their
6 Unit 2: ● To correctly use various ● To identify and define verbs ● Classroom Discussion Diagnostic preview
04/08 - 12 THE VERB types of verbs, including in a sentence, and ● Analysis and vocabulary questions Formative evaluation
MODULE - action verbs, linking distinguish them from linking,
● Video interpretation
PART 1 verbs, and helping main and helping verbs.
● Writing as daily basis
verbs, in both oral and ● To use appropriate verb
● Role play
Into Literature written communication. tenses (present, past, and
● Reading out loud/Group
HMH future) in their writing and
● Comprehension worksheets
Grammar practice speech.
● Inference chart
pp. 25-27 ● To distinguish linking verbs
● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
from verb phrases, and
● Video Lesson Questionnaire
●Verbs helping verbs.
● Level-up tutorials
●Helping, main, ● To use the concept of
● Test the students´ knowledge.
linking verbs subject-verb agreement,
ensuring that the verb
matches the subject in
number and person.
● To use verbs to convey a
variety of moods, including
indicative, imperative,
● To demonstrate their
understanding of verbs by
writing original sentences
that include a variety of verb
forms, tenses, and
7 Unit 2: ● To correctly use various ● To differentiate between the ● Classroom Discussion Summative classwork
04/15 - 19 types of modal verbs. modal verbs "can" and
THE VERB ● Analysis and vocabulary questions Helping, main, linking
MODULE - "could" in sentences to and modal verbs.
● Video interpretation
PART 1 express present and past
● Writing as daily basis
ability or permission.
● Role play
●Modal verbs ● To use the modal verbs
● Reading out loud/Group
Can "may" and "might"
● Comprehension worksheets
Could appropriately to indicate
● Inference chart
May possibility or uncertainty in
● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
Might different situations.
● Video Lesson Questionnaire
Shall ● To practice using the modal ● Level-up tutorials
Should verbs "shall" and "should" ● Test the students´ knowledge.
Will to give advice or make
Would suggestions in various
Must contexts.
● To demonstrate the correct
usage of the modal verbs
"will" and "would" for future
predictions and
hypothetical situations.
● To apply the modal verbs
"must" and "ought to" to
express obligation,
necessity, or strong
recommendations in written
and spoken
8 Unit 2: ● To correctly use various ● To differentiate between the ● Classroom Discussion Summative Test
04/22 - 26 types of modal verbs. modal verbs "can" and
THE VERB ● Analysis and vocabulary questions “Parcial”
MODULE - "could" in sentences to THE VERB MODULE -
● Video interpretation
PART 1 express present and past PART 1
● Writing as daily basis
ability or permission.
● Role play
●Modal verbs ● To use the modal verbs
● Reading out loud/Group
Can "may" and "might"
● Comprehension worksheets
Could appropriately to indicate
● Inference chart
May possibility or uncertainty in
● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
Might different situations.
● Video Lesson Questionnaire
Shall ● To practice using the modal
● Level-up tutorials
Should verbs "shall" and "should"
● Test the students´ knowledge.
Will to give advice or make
Would suggestions in various
Must contexts.
● To demonstrate the correct
usage of the modal verbs
"will" and "would" for future
predictions and
hypothetical situations.
● To apply the modal verbs
"must" and "ought to" to
express obligation,
necessity, or strong
recommendations in written
and spoken
13 TERM TEST ● To measure students´ ● To measure the students´ ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in SUMMATIVE (TERM
05/27 - 31 complete knowledge (I sentences or paragraphs. TEST)
skills according to the
Into Literature term). ● Choosing the correct form of a word to complete a
general objectives.
sentence, such as a verb tense or subject-verb
● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
complete sentences.
● Identifying and correcting sentence structure errors,
such as run-on sentences or fragments.
● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
● Writing sentences or paragraphs to demonstrate
the understanding of grammar rules and concepts.
● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy and
5 Unit 2: Parts of ● To correctly use ● To recognize the different types of ● Classroom Discussion Diagnostic preview
07/01 - 05 speech different types of pronouns pronouns, including personal,
● Analysis and vocabulary questions Formative evaluation
(including personal, possessive, reflexive, relative, and
● Video interpretation
Into Literature possessive, reflexive, indefinite pronouns.
● Writing as daily basis
HMH relative, and indefinite ● To identify pronouns in written and
● Role play
Grammar practice pronouns) in their writing spoken language.
● Reading out loud/Group
pp. 13-21 and speaking, ● To use personal pronouns accurately ● Comprehension worksheets
demonstrating their to refer to the subjects of sentences.
● Inference chart
● Pronouns understanding of how ● To use possessive pronouns to ● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
these words play a crucial indicate ownership or relationship. ● Video Lesson Questionnaire
role in making language ● To use reflexive pronouns to refer ● Level-up tutorials
clear and concise. back to the subject of the sentence. ● Test the students´ knowledge
● To use relative pronouns to introduce
relative clauses and connect ideas.
● To use indefinite pronouns to refer to
6 Unit 2: Parts of ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors Summative classwork
one or more unspecified persons or
speech in sentences or paragraphs.
07/08 - 12 things.
● Choosing the correct form of a word to Pronouns
● To use pronouns in context to create complete a sentence, such as a verb tense or
Into Literature clear, concise, and grammatically
HMH subject-verb agreement.
correct sentences. ● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
Grammar practice
● To apply the rules of subject-verb ● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
pp. 13-21 agreement with pronouns. complete sentences.
● To demonstrate understanding of ● Identifying and correcting sentence structure
● Pronouns
pronoun-antecedent agreement. errors, such as run-on sentences or
● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
● Writing sentences or paragraphs to
demonstrate the understanding of grammar
rules and concepts.
● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy
and completeness.
07/15 - 19
07/22 - 26
Grammar practice
pp. 13-21
6 Unit 3: Parts of ● To identify and correctly ● To define and identify different ● Classroom Discussion Diagnostic preview
10/21 - 25 speech use phrases in types of adverbs and ● Analysis and vocabulary questions
sentences. prepositions. ● Video interpretation
Into Literature ● To recognize and use adverbs ● Writing as daily basis
HMH to modify verbs, adjectives, ● Role play
Grammar practice and other adverbs. ● Reading out loud/Group
pp. 23-36 ● To develop the ability to use ● Comprehension worksheets
adverbs and prepositions to ● Inference chart
● Phrases describe actions and states in ● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
● Prepositional writing and speech. ● Video Lesson Questionnaire
phrases ● To practice using adverbs and ● Level-up tutorials
● Adjective phrase prepositions to create more ● Test the students´ knowledge.
● Adverb phrase precise and descriptive
● Infinitive phrases sentences.
● To understand the difference
between adjectives and
adverbs, and use them
correctly in sentences.
● To apply knowledge of
adverbs and to analyze the
meaning and tone of written
● To develop the ability to use
adverbs to express opinions
and emotions in writing and
● To demonstrate mastery of
commonly used adverbs and
the ability to apply them in
everyday communication.
7 Unit 3: Parts of ● To identify and correctly ● To define and explain the ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in Summative classwork
10/28 - speech use phrases in function of adverbs in sentences or paragraphs. Phrases
11/01 sentences. modifying words and phrases. ● Choosing the correct form of a word to complete a
Into Literature ● To identify and categorize sentence, such as a verb tense or subject-verb
HMH different types of adverbs agreement.
Grammar practice (e.g. manner, time, place, ● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
pp. 23-36 degree) in sentences. ● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
● To construct grammatically complete sentences.
correct sentences using ● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
● Phrases
adverbs to modify verbs, sentences.
● Prepositional
adjectives, and other adverbs. ● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
● Adjective phrase ● To explain how the use of ● Writing sentences or paragraphs to demonstrate
● Adverb phrase adverbs affects the meaning the understanding of grammar rules and concepts.
● Infinitive phrases and tone of a sentence. ● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy and
11/04 - 06 WEEK (FROM 2 TO 6)
9 Unit 3: Parts of ● To identify and correctly ● To define and identify ● Classroom Discussion Summative classwork
11/07 - 8 speech use phrases in different types of adverbs ● Analysis and vocabulary questions Phrases
Into Literature sentences. and prepositions. ● Video interpretation
HMH ● To recognize and use ● Writing as daily basis
Grammar practice adverbs to modify verbs, ● Role play
pp. 23-36 adjectives, and other ● Reading out loud/Group
adverbs. ● Comprehension worksheets
● Phrases ● Inference chart
● To develop the ability to use ● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
● Prepositional
adverbs and prepositions to ● Video Lesson Questionnaire
describe actions and states ● Level-up tutorials
● Adjective phrase
● Adverb phrase in writing and speech. ● Test the students´ knowledge.
● Infinitive phrases ● To practice using adverbs
and prepositions to create
more precise and
descriptive sentences.
● To understand the
difference between
adjectives and adverbs,
and use them correctly in
● To apply knowledge of
adverbs and to analyze the
meaning and tone of written
● To develop the ability to use
adverbs to express
opinions and emotions in
writing and speech.
9 Day off Day off Day off Day off Day off
10 Unit 3: Parts of ● To identify and correctly ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in Summative “Parcial”
11/12 - 15 speech use phrases in sentences or paragraphs.
● Choosing the correct form of a word to complete a Phrases
Into Literature sentence, such as a verb tense or subject-verb
HMH agreement.
Grammar practice ● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
pp. 23-36 ● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
complete sentences.
● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
● Phrases
● Prepositional
phrases ● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
● Adjective phrase ● Writing sentences or paragraphs to demonstrate
● Adverb phrase the understanding of grammar rules and concepts.
● Infinitive phrases ● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy and
11 Unit 3: Parts of To identify different ● Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in Summative
11/18 - 22 speech tenses. sentences or paragraphs. Classwork
● Choosing the correct form of a word to complete a ● Tenses
Into Literature sentence, such as a verb tense or subject-verb
Present, past and
HMH agreement.
future perfect.
Grammar practice ● Identifying and correcting punctuation errors.
● Selecting the appropriate words or phrases to
pp. 23-36
complete sentences.
● Rearranging words or phrases to form correct
● Tenses
Present, past and
● Identifying and correcting usage errors.
future perfect.
● Writing sentences or paragraphs to demonstrate
the understanding of grammar rules and concepts.
● Checking and reviewing answers for accuracy and
12 Unit 3: Parts of ● To identify different ● Classroom Discussion Summative Parcial
11/25 - 29 speech tenses. ● Story Elements chart/worksheet ● Tenses
● Analysis and vocabulary questions Present, past and
Into Literature ● Video interpretation future perfect.
HMH ● Writing as daily basis
Grammar practice ● Role play
pp. 23-36 ● Reading out loud/Group
● Comprehension worksheets
● Tenses ● Inference chart
Present, past and ● Analysis and Vocabulary Questions
future perfect. ● Video Lesson Questionnaire
● Level-up tutorials
12/ 02 - 04 Review Week Review Week Review Week Review Week Review Week
13 Unit 3: Parts of ● TERM TEST ● To measure the students´ ● Written test Printed test
12/05 - 11 speech skills according to the Summative
general objectives.
Into Literature
Grammar practice
pp. 23-36