E Thesis Helsinki Fi
E Thesis Helsinki Fi
E Thesis Helsinki Fi
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Cortical areas associated with eye movements share many internal connections. A prospective study
of ABR and MRIscreening for vestibular schwannomas. In the present study, patients with disease-
causing central lesions (in cerebellum, brain stem, cerebello-brain stem or cerebello-pontine angle) had
reduced or normal, but not increased SPV. In combined lesions, saccadic peak velocity is Page 38.
The attributes used and the decision tree are presented in Figure 16. Cortical projections to the red
nucleus and the brain stem in therhesus monkey. The GA value for the 0.15 and 0.35Hz frequency
combination was 0.86, and at the 0.45 and 0.7Hz frequency combination GA was 0.68. The range of
individual results was about the same (i.e. 0.36) in different frequency combinations. Juhola M, Jantti
V, Pyykko I, Magnusson M, Schalen, Akesson M. The hydraulic theory, in contra Page 80 and 81:
and should be taken into account wh Page 82 and 83: In the clinical studies, when PDS i Page 84
and 85: Salonen, MD, PhD and Dr Pertti Pauk Page 86 and 87: Bahr W, Stricker A, Gutwald R, Well
Page 88 and 89: Converse JM, Smith B. They thought that the feedback system was too rapid to
depend on visual information, and they suggested that the proprioceptors in the oculomotor muscles
or tendons with feedback loops to the brain stem could be involved in that task (Fricker and Sanders
1975). Generation of smooth-pursuit eye movements: neuronal mechanismsand pathways. Chioran
GM, Yee RD. Analysis of electro-oculographic artifact during vertical saccadic eyemovements.
Velocities of vertical saccadeswith different eye movement recording methods. Eye movement and
stimulus movement; new photoelectricelectromechanical system for recording and measuring
tracking motions of the eye. Type: Modelling and data analysis Contact: Minna Palmroth (at) helsinki
fi. Committee on hearing and equilibrium guidelines for reportingtreatment results in Meniere’s
disease. In this work, none of the SRTs in constant or pseudo-random saccades showed any
statistically significant differences between the various age groups. These findings of phase
differences in different age groups are in line with the findings of Sharpe and Sylvester (1978)
(constant velocity ramp movement), Morrow and Sharpe (1993) (step-ramp stimuli), and Paige (1994)
(predictive oscillating movement). Vertebral artery occlusion without a demonstrated infarction was
found in two subjects. Statistically significant differences between control subjects and patients of a
patient group were assessed by Student’s t-test. Learning behavior of the eye fixation control system.
The goal of this thesis work is to introduce the student to the physical modeling principles powering
EUHFORIA, to run space weather forecasts as well as aid in the development of the tool.
Henriksson NG. 1956. Electrical analysis of the eye-movements in nystagmus. Ph.D. diss.,University
of Lund. Henriksson NG, Hindfelt B, Pyykko I, Schalen L. The resolution of the MOG method was
about 0.1?. The subject was seated on a chair at the center of the induction coils. The refraction
disorders in control subjects and patients were corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. As we
Page 194 and 195: 180 large-scale natural environment Page 196 and 197: 182 characterized by
extraordinary Page 198 and 199: 184 that religious beliefs are affi Page 200 and 201: 186 feelings
and moods, in turn, ma Page 202 and 203: TEN SECTION Conclusions and future Page 204 and
205: 190 mane forms of life are projecte Page 206 and 207: 192 contents of boxes 1, 3 and 5.
Knowledge-based systems can store, retrieve and analyze vast amounts of knowledge and data
(Hedberg 1993). They tested temporal, nasal, centering, eccentric and across- the-center saccades in
15 normal subjects with 5?, 10?, 20. The end of a saccade was found when the magnitude of velocity
fell back below the threshold (Juhola 1986). I appreciate the constructive criticism and valuable
comments of docents Kirsi Setala and Ville Jantti in their review of the manuscript.
But his findings may be biased by a small number of examined subjects with acute lesions. The tonic
units of PPRF may provide additional drive to oculomotor neurons resulting in their increased
discharge during pursuit or vestibular smooth eye movements (Robinson and Keller 1972; Keller
1974). When the site of lesion was defined by means of clinical data, the correct classification of all
subjects by means of a single voluntary eye movement test did not improve from the previous study
(a). The majority of downbeat nystagmus patients (72 out of 91) were tested with eye movement
tests, and almost all (99%) had abnormal horizontal eye movements of cerebellar pattern (including
impaired PEMs, impaired OKN, inability to suppress VOR) (Yee 1989). In this work, the diameter
of CPA tumors had ranged from 7 to 60 mm (mean 32.4 mm), so tumors had been relatively large
and compression of brain stem had occurred in many cases. In control subjects, 76% of the cases
were correctly classified, and 22% placed incorrectly as peripheral patients. In-service training is
produced as web and contact courses for primary school teachers and other educational staff
interested in the subject. Young LR, Stark L. Variable feedback experiments testing a sampled data
model for eyetracking movements. In his study, only saccades with small amplitudes were studied.
Page 106. The direction of saccades did not affect the saccadic parameters in healthy subjects. In
EOG recordings, the mean of normal saccadic peak velocity values for 20. The differences between
patients with infarction of cerebello-brain stem and control subjects became more significant with
the higher frequency combination. By means of the frequency combination 0.25 and 0.425 Hz, it was
most difficult to discriminate control subjects from other groups. Page 88. The clinical picture of
medulloblastoma is almost always that of a posterior fossa tumor (Rubinstein 1972). According to
Lalwani (1992), clinical manifestations of CPA meningiomas are similar to those of vestibular
schwannoma (hearing loss and tinnitus) and are to some extent, more common in vestibular
schwannoma, but trigeminal dysfunction occurs more often in CPA meningiomas. An
ophthalmologist examined the status of the cornea after the study of recording methods. Subjects
and Methods: Constant and pseudo-random saccades and PRPEMs were assessed in control subjects
and patients with computer based equipment. The reason why SA was not significantly altered in
patients of the present study’s analysis, might also depend on the wide variability of SA. No
significant differences between the genders in voluntary eye movement performance were observed.
Findlay’s analysis supports the idea of a distinction in accuracy between the anticipatory and the
visually guided saccades. Hemangioblastoma, hemangioblastomatosis, and vonHippel-Lindau
disease. So far there have not been any published studies about the correlation of the clinical
character of CPA tumors and the deficits of the voluntary eye movements. Relationship between eye
acceleration andretinal image velocity during foveal smooth pursuit in man and monkey. Saccadic
peak velocity can, for example, be assessed by estimating the tangent of rapid eye movement
(Schalen 1981), or by measuring the velocity over a 24ms period at the midpoint of the excursion of
the eye (Mastaglia et al. 1979). Pursuit eye movement Velocity gain has been widely assessed in
PEM tests. Age affects the saccadic and PRPEM performance to a degree. The amount of phase lead
diminishes, and the size of phase lag increases with increasing unpredictability (Fuchs 1967b; Stark
et al 1962; Michael and Melvill Jones 1966). The frequency and duration of the neural discharge
(controlled by pulse) determine the velocity and duration of a saccade, and determine the amplitude
of a saccade (Optican and Robinson 1980). The difference between target velocity and eye velocity
is the error velocity signal in the model by Robinson (1965). The plasticity of the brain, even though
abundant, is not completely effective. The group sizes were small, and many patients had acute
Anatomical evidence that the medial terminal nucleus ofthe accessory optic tract in mammals
provides a mossy fiber input to the flocculus. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Teo
Hamalainen from Helsinki University Hospital for the assistance and advice concerning imaging
programs. I am greatly indebted to Taina Haavisto, the head nurse of teaching department, for the
support, stimulation and assistance in practical problems. Grammatical revisions of this manuscript by
Cheryl Miller, is greatly appreciated. Meningioma Meningiomas originate from cell elements that
form meninges and their derivatives in the meningeal spaces (Rubinstein 1972). These facts could
have affected their results so that the predictability vs. It almost always correctly classified those
subjects that had divergent results from the mean performance of their group in some of the
voluntary eye movement tests, or in some parameters of these tests. Visually controlled saccades to
peripheral targets are slightly larger than the visually controlled saccades to the center, and the size
appears as an increasing function of reaction time (Findlay 1981). In studying the repeatability of the
PRPEM results, the repeated measures ANOVA (Norusis 1994a) was used for statistical analysis. The
saccadic peak velocity declined significantly in subjects older than 65 years. Page 28. Zee DS,
Optican LM, Cook JD, Robinson DA, Engel WK. The spir Page 90 and 91: 90 made to sign
protection agreemen Page 92 and 93: 92 p. 203-204; Shejavali 1970, p. 1 Page 94 and 95: 94 clerical
organisation, schooling Page 96 and 97: 96 Germans affected the Kwanyama cu Page 98 and 99: 98
Organisation (OPO) was founded i Page 100 and 101: 100 Not surprisingly, it was feared Page 102
and 103: Otjiherero 8.0 Kavango 9.7 Caprivia Page 104 and 105: 104 terminologies developed. At a
frequency combination of 0.25 and 0.425 Hz, the individual results in GA varied between 0.592 -
0.872 in EOG recording, and between 0.604 - 0.880 in MOG recording. CMEs are discrete
eruptions of plasma from the Sun, in contrast to the more continuous outflow of the solar wind.
Compression of these structures can cause oculomotor pathology. An electro-oculographic study.
Ph.D. diss., University of Lund. Sport was seen as a good o Page 194 and 195: the one haven where
the men could c Page 196 and 197: up in Epping Garden Village, they w Page 198 and 199: also
give up their claim to whitene Page 200 and 201: manifested itself in Epping Garden Page 202 and
203: 8. According to Selesnick and Jackler (1992) and Nedzelski (1983), in large vestibular
schwannoma tumors there are ENG disorders, including saccadic PEMs and bilateral saccade
overshoot. This may be due to the fact that the EOG recording technique is contaminated by EMG
and noise, which could increase the SA in EOG recordings. Total cerebellectomy also severely
impairs PEM and optokinetic nystagmus (Westheimer and Blair 1973; Westheimer and Blair 1974;
Optican and Robinson 1980). Metrics of horizontal saccadic eye movements in normal humans. The
timing of saccades (reaction time) is the most susceptible to disturbances in patients with lesions at
different sites of the neural system. The main objective of the study is to investigate the outcomes of
the different placement options and the effect of class composition on students with special
educational needs as well as on their peers. Amarenco P, Roullet E, Hommel M, Chaine P, Marteau
A. According to Young and Stark (1963), information about the visual world is again sampled, once
the saccade is completed, in order to find if a correcting saccade is needed. Patients with peripheral
lesions were grouped to the peripheral lesion group; whereas cerebellar, brain stem and cerebello-
brain stem lesion groups were placed in the central lesion group. When present in the CPA, the
symptoms of the tumor are produced by mass effect of tumor on adjacent structures in the CPA
(Brackmann and Bartels 1980). For unpre- dictable movements the SRT is typically 170-350 ms; but
in the case of a target making a predictable movement, the SRT can be reduced or even lost (Findlay
1981). Six of these 24 patients diagnosed as having a vestibular neuritis had a verified cerebellar
infarction in MRI or CT. Both the eye position and eye movement signals of these neurons might be
important in establishing or maintaining perceptual stability of space, and in providing the motor
systems with the head-centered coordinates of targets that are necessary for calculating the correct
trajectories of eye (Andersen et al. 1987). Robinson et al. (1978), reported that area 7 in primates is
related to visual attention, and in this context is also related to movement. Or Page 98 and 99:
Peltola M, Suonpaa J, Aitasalo K, V Page 100 and 101: Rubin JP, Yaremchuk MJ. Universities must
seek new ways to co-operate with municipalities, businesses, non-profit organizations, and citizens.
The network provides MOOCs and online material, assessment training and seminars to students
completing their pedagogical teacher-education studies (pre-primary, basic and general upper
secondary education), teacher trainers, teachers exercising their profession and researchers. The
syntactic pattern recognition method was based on formal languages and grammars and on a parser
algorithm which analyzed digital eye movement signals Page 63. MSc theses are 30 credits and
maximum length is about 80-100 pages. The resolution of the MOG method was about 0.1?. The
subject was seated on a chair at the center of the induction coils. Visual suppression occurs during
saccades, and results from a central inhibitory process (Riggs et al. 1982), or from retinal smear
(Volkmann 1962). When the duration of Meniere’s disease is long and vertigo attacks are frequent,
unsteadiness persists between the attacks, which is a sign of irreversible damage to the vestibular
sense organ (Schucknecht 1957). The ipsilateral SA tended to be more accurate (p Page 83. The
frequencies were not allowed to be one another’s multipliers (Aalto et al. 1989). Figure 5C. A part of
the stimulation of PRPEMs 4. B. 3. Equipment and signal analysis The computer performed analysis
from the eye movement signals and computed the results (Juhola et al. 1989). The computer was
furnished with an analog-digital Page 62. Afferents to the flocculus of the cerebellum inthe Rhesus
macaque as revealed by retrograde transportation of horseradish peroxidase. Vision Res 1984; 24:
1169-1179. Paige GD. Senescence of human visual-vestibular interactions: Smooth pursuit,
optokineticand vestibular control of eye movements with aging. The total amount of tested subjects
was small in studies by Hutton and Palet (1986) and Sharpe and Zackon (1987). Soc Neurosci Abstr
1984; 10:59. Dick GL. Computer analysis of rapid eye movements. In monkeys, lesions in the
primary visual cortex (Broadman’s area 17, 18, 19) or the middle temporal visual area (Goldberg et
al. 1982; Newsome et al. 1985; Zee et al. 1987) cause deficits in the initiation of pursuit. The
literature indicates that single voluntary eye movement tests have been demonstrated to be effective
in diagnosing the disease causing vertigo and in evaluating the site of lesion causing vertigo (Allum
et al. 1991; Wennmo 1983; Schalen et al. 1982; Henriksson et al: 1981). Of the peripheral patients,
17% were incorrectly classified into the control group. However, measurement time showed a
tendency for effect on mean phase. The visual information (retinal error) is sampled, then the size,
direction and duration of the upcoming saccade is calculated, and a decision to make a saccade is
made (Young and Stark 1963). Climbing fiber responses evoked in vestibulocerebellum of rabbit
fromvisual system. There seems to be two separate integrators, one common integrator for
conversion of eye velocity signal to eye position commands (for all types of eye movements) and a
separate neural network to integrate saccadic velocity commands for use in the feedback loop
controlling the duration of the saccadic pulse command (Jurgens et al. 1981; Sparks et al. 1987;
Sparks and Mays 1990). Visual signals in the dorsolateral pontine nucleus of the alert monkey:Their
relationship to smooth pursuit eye movements. Included among the 119 subjects, 45 subjects were
from the above normative data group. Microsaccades and the velocity-amplitude relationship for
saccadiceye movements. PPRF also has projections to the contralateral PPRF, the pretectal area, the
prepositus hypoglossi nucleus and medial vestibular nucleus (Buttner-Ennever and Henn 1976). The
timing of saccades (reaction time) is the most susceptible to disturbances in patients with lesions at
different sites of the neural system. The tree may consist of a test that has a set of different possible
outcomes. Surg Neurol 1986; 25: 269-275. Dahlen AI. 1983. Quantification of rhythm and time
pattern in reflexive and voluntary eye-movements. Ph.D. diss., University of Lund. The results will
be used to develop a new indicator for the socio-digital wellbeing of children and adolescents.
Buttner et al. (1994) studied eye movements in two patients with well-defined lesions (a-v
malformation, HAB) of midline cerebellar structures including the fastigial nuclei on both sides.
When the eye moves to a certain direction, the unit discharge rate increases, and that determines the
eye velocity of PEM (Keller 1974). Toivon valmistuvani viela taman vuoden puolella - joulukuussa.
According to (Watanabe et al. 1996), the saccades can be hypometric in cerebello-brain stem
infarction. These findings could be the result of early emphasis on childhood males to exercise tasks
requiring rapidity and fast reaction times. In the analysis of saccadic eye movements, only the
primary saccades were studied and analyzed in this work. The peak velocities and amplitudes of
upward saccades were underestimated in IROG. The reduction of GA in patients with infarction of
cerebello-brain stem reflects the saccadization of PRPEM. A training classification task provides the
classification rule that works well on the objects in a given training set (Quinlan 1990). Metrics of
horizontal saccadic eye movements in normal humans. The visual acuity was least 0.8 to 1.0. Some
of the subjects had (latent) squint (under 7?) but those did not call for any action. It can distinguish
small artifacts and deviations in signals from eye movements (Juhola 1988b). b. Pseudo-random
pursuit eye movement The signal was smoothed with a nonlinear median filter in order to dampen
noise generated from various biological and physical sources (Juhola 1991c). Comparison of EOG
and search coil techniques in long-term measurements of eye position in alter monkey and cat. II
Physiological effects and anatomical degeneration resulting from lesions in themedial longitudinal
fasciculus. Findlay’s analysis supports the idea of a distinction in accuracy between the anticipatory
and the visually guided saccades. Invisible culprit: Intralabyrinthineschwannomas that do not appear
on enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Sporadic tumors are unilateral and comprise almost 95%
of the cases, while lesions associated with NF2 are typically bilateral and account for about 5% of
vestibular schwannoma patients (Jackler 1994). The performance ability can be evaluated accurately
with artificial intelligence. 6. Voluntary eye movements tested with this system provide necessary
information about the function of the brain that is reflected by functional symptoms and disorders. A
FEF lesion transiently impairs predictive and visually guided PEM, and PEM appears to be more
vulnerable to lesions than saccades (Keating 1991). Innov Technol Biol Med 1991(a); 12: 364-374.
Juhola M. Median filtering is appropriate to signals of saccadic eye movements. In general, the
prediction of saccadic stimulus seems to have some effect on saccadic parameters. Statistically
significant differences between control subjects and patients of a patient group were assessed by
Student’s t-test. Now I need to keep all my fingers, and even toes, crossed for the grade - I hope to
graduate still this December. With the data of three groups (control, peripheral and central groups),
the constant and pseudo-random saccade tests were used, together with PRPEM tests with the four
frequency combinations, and with GA and mean phase. Age-dependent changes in visually guided
saccadic eye movements. In the saccade test of Weber and Daroff (1971), the targets were
continuously visible, and the saccades were made to and from midline position; the target
displacement being the same in a given sequence. Prabhupa Page 177 and 178: 163 tance here is that
such conflic Page 179 and 180: 165 understand the intricacies of s Page 181 and 182: 167 to leave
either.” (Tamal 1998 Page 183 and 184: 169 When he left, that was also a b Page 185: PART III
INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS Page 188 and 189: 174 tarianism, a general appearance Page
190 and 191: 176 sexuality or sociality as the u Page 192 and 193: 178 gods who know everything.
Serum antibodies against heat shockprotein 70 in Meniere’s disease. The more adherent the CPA
tumor is, the more severe damage that can result during the operation. Differences in accuracy of
human saccades between stationary andjumping targets. Therefore, in the analysis of the differences
between the results of patients and control subjects, the mean of a rightward and a leftward saccade
parameter can be used as the contralateral and ipsilateral saccade parameters for control subjects.
Tedeschi et al. (1986) studied the effects of drugs and alcohol on saccadic eye movements. In
patients with infarction of cerebello-brain stem, deficits in voluntary eye movements correlated with
certain MRI findings.
The data analysis and modelling will be done in Python using software dedicated to the analysis of
solar observations, Sunpy, but IDL may also be used. This was reflected in the lengthened SRT and
the decreased SPV of constant and pseudo-random saccades. It was also observed that patients with
fastigial nucleus lesions and Page 76. In patients with infarction of cerebello-brain stem, deficits in
voluntary eye movements correlated with certain MRI findings. On the other hand, physical facts
might play a role. Saccadic omission: Why we do not see a gray-out during a saccadiceye movement.
The trajectories of voluntary eye movements travel commonly through the same neural circuitries as
those of the central vestibular system (Gilman et al. 1981; Ito 1984). Disorders of the vestibular
system can also affect the oculomotor system. However, in later studies it has been discovered that
visual information can be continuously acquired and used to modify the initial saccade until just
about 70 ms before the movement begins (Wheeless et al. 1966; Becker and Jurgens 1979; Ottes et
al. 1984). This has been found in experiments where the so-called double-step stimulus has been
used. The interval between these two measurement times averaged 6 days (range from 1 to 14 days).
Page 55. The gain of the oculomotor tracking system decreases with increasing frequency (St-Cyr
and Fender 1969). To evaluate the effect of aging on voluntary eye movements, a regression analysis
with curve estimation procedure (Norusis 1993) was used. Pursuit velocity decreases in elderly
subjects when compared to middle-aged subjects (Sharpe and Sylvester 1978; Larsby et al. 1988;
Morrow and Sharpe 1993; Moschner and Baloh 1994; Paige 1994; Kanayama 1994). Hutton JT,
Palet J. Lateral saccadic latencies and handedness. For a MSc thesis this topic can be extended to
include an analysis of the helicity of magnetic clouds in the solar wind. In PRPEM, this error in
timing was reflected in reduced GA. Yasui S, Young LR. Perceived visual motion as effective
stimulus to pursuit eye movementsystem. Eur Arch Psychiatr Neurol Sci 1986; 235: 269-275.
McCabe BF. Autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss. During normal use, the extra-ocular muscles
never show symptoms of fatigue (Fuchs and Binder 1983). In central patients, 51% were correctly
classified, while 38% went incorrectly into control subjects and 11% incorrectly into peripheral
patients. In some cases, the HAB has occurred as a CPA tumor (Brackmann and Bartels 1980; House
and Burt 1985; Resche et al 1993). The firing frequency of abducens units demonstrates tonic
behavior related to eye position (Fuchs and Luschei 1970). Page 27. This could have been caused by
disturbance in the premotor processing of voluntary eye movements. Eye movement responses to
step and pulse-stepstimuli. In these lesions, the glissade does not occur because the adaptive
plasticity of the step is spared (Optican and Robinson 1980). The project is receiving funding from
the Ministry of Education and Culture. The discrimination between cochlear and retrocochlear
hearing loss can be assessed with pure tone audiometry and speech discrimination to some extent.
Primate frontal eye fields. II. Physiologicaland anatomical correlates of electrically evoked eye
movements. Pattern Recognit 1986;19: 353-359. Juhola M. 1987. On computer analysis of digital
signals applied to eye movements. Ph.D.diss., University of Turku. Juhola M. On the computer
classification of abnormal saccadic eye movements. In: English GM, ed.Otolaryngology.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company 1993; (1) 9: 1-47. Clinical, psychophysiological and
neurological characteristics of volunteerswith impaired smooth pursuit eye movements.
Oculomotor vermis of primates receives afferent projections from nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis,
pontine nuclei (involving paramedian pontine nucleus, pontine peduncular nucleus, DLPN), PPRF,
vestibular nuclear complex, prepositus hypoglossi nucleus, and from inferior olivary nucleus (Shinnar
et al. 1973; Brodal 1980; Keller and Crandall 1980; Yamada and Noda 1987). The goal is to
investigate how pupil groupings, especially emphasized learning paths affect development of pupils’
skills, wellbeing and experiences as well as the views of guardians in the Finnish urban environment
of the 2020s. Patients with peripheral lesions were the most difficult to discriminate from other
groups. 5. C. 3. The site of lesion and voluntary eye movement deficits With constant saccades, the
site of lesion could be discriminated correctly in 48% of all cases. Wilson DF, Hodgson RS,
Gustafson MF, Hogue S, Mills L. Buizza A, Schmid R. Velocity characteristics of smooth pursuit eye
movements to differentpatterns of target motion. The editors will have a look at it as soon as
possible. Functional organization of primate oculomotor system revealed bycerebellectomy. Becker
W, Fuchs AF. Prediction in the oculomotor system: smooth pursuit during transientdisappearance of
a visual target. Humans who had treated or untreated strabismus early in life, have deficits in the
perception of depth using binocular cues (Mohindra et al. 1985). The magnitude of the PEM deficits
is correlated with the severity of strabismus in adults who have had monocular fixation since infancy
due to strabismus (Tychsen and Lisberger 1986). The most common disturbances in EOG recordings
are; changes in the impedance of the skin (Jantti 1982b), D.C. drift in corneoretinal potentials
(Henriksson 1956; Schlag et al. 1983), electrical disturbances (Jantti 1982b), and EEG (Baloh and
Honrubia 1979; Jantti 1982b) and EMG artifacts (Beaussart and Guieu 1977; Jantti 1982a; Jantti
1982b; Yee et al. 1985; Chioran and Yee 1991). With a frequency combination of 0.45 and 0.7Hz,
correct classification was achieved in 74% of all cases of discriminant analysis (Figure 13). The
refraction disorders in control subjects and patients were corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Brantberg K. Human optokinetic after-nystagmus; variability in serial test results. The motivation
behind the festival was that it would provide an insight into the GPC programme, the diverse variety
of projects students have taken on, and the extensive range of topics covered by the three different
tracks the programme offers. She demonstrated a reduced SPV and lengthened SRT of the saccades,
and SA was normal. Saccadic eye movements are usually unaffected by CPA tumors (Baloh et al.
1977). Saccadic peak velocity has been found to be normal, according to Baloh et al. (1977) and
Nedzelski (1983). In patients with tumors larger than 15-20 mm, tests for eye movement, ABRs and
stapedius reflex were pathologic. Peripheral patients were most often classified as peripheral patients
or control subjects. It may sometimes present in the CPA (House and Burt 1985; Brackmann and
Bartels 1980). The White Body and Its Page 12 and 13: CONTENTS Changing Space Ruyterwacht
Page 14 and 15: BACKGROUND TO POOR WHITES In South Page 16 and 17: whites. Another
oculomotor center cannot totally compensate for the function of the affected center. None of the
patients demonstrated ophthalmologic lesions that could essentially affect the results of the eye
movement tests. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1990; 103: 364-370. Wennmo C. 1982. Eye
movement disorders in posterior fossa disorders. The event also provided an opportunity to share
this success with the public, alumni, current students, and potential future students. Boghen et al.
(1974) measured saccadic peak velocity characteristics of normal subjects, and also explored
repeatability by testing a few of their subjects on two occasions several months apart. If the root of
the decision tree is a test, the outcome of this test for a given object is determined and the process
continues using the subsidiary decision tree associated with that outcome. Several brain stem
structures are included in the pathways of voluntary eye movements (Alley et al. 1975; Alley 1977;
Lisberger and Fuchs 1978; Winfield et al. 1978; Langer et al. 1980; Brodal 1982; May et al. 1988;
Langer et al. 1985a; Cannon and Robinson 1987). An internal negative feedback loop controls the
discharge of burst neurons, which intern determines the amplitude of the saccadic pulse (Robinson
1975; Zee et al. 1976a). This occurs by comparing continuously the desired eye position signal and
the actual eye position. They develop in plasmas with large temperature anisotropies and are
observed in many space environments, such as planetary magnetosheaths, the wake of comets and
ICME sheaths. J Gerontol 1994; 49: M235-238. Mrazek J. ENG findings in 47 acoustic neurinomas.
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