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Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,


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Informal Definition:

An Algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value or set of
values as Input and produces a set of values or some value as output. Thus algorithm is a sequence of
computational steps that transforms the I/P into the O/P.

Algorithm Definition : An Algorithm is a finite set of instructions that, if followed, accomplishes a

particular task. In addition, all algorithms should satisfy the following criteria.

Properties ( or ) Characterstics of Algorithm

An algorithm should posses following properties (or) characterstics –

1 : Input : The algorithm should produce zero or more number of quantities, as an input.
2 : Output : The algorithm should produce at least one quantity, as an output.
3 : Definiteness : Each instruction is clear and unambiguous.
4 : Finiteness : If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the algorithm
terminates after a finite number of steps.
5 : Effectiveness : Every step of algorithm should be effective. Every operation can be roughly by pen
and paper. So tracing of each step of algorithm should be done.
Issues ( or ) Design of Algorithm

There are various steps for algorithm design.

1 : Understanding the problem.

2 : Decision making.
3 : Specification of algorithm.
4 : Verification of algorithm.
5 : Analysis of algorithm.
6 : Implementation or coding of algorithm.
7 : Testing a program.
1 : Understanding the problem: The first thing you need to do before designing an algorithm is to
understand problem completely. This is a crucial phase, so we should be very careful. If we did any
mistake in this step the entire algorithm becomes wrong. Ask questions if you have doubts about the
problem and think about special cases.
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2 : Decision Making : After finding the required input set for the given problem we have

to analyze the input and need to decide certain issues such as

A ) Capability of computational devices : It is necessary to know the computational capabilities of

devices on which the algorithm will be running. Globally we can classify an algorithm from execution
point of view as sequential algorithm and parallel algorithm.

Sequential algorithm : specifically runs on the machine in which the instruction are executed one after
another. Such machine is called as Random Acess Machine (RAM ).

Parallel algorithm : are run on the machine in which the instruction are executed in parallel.

B ) Choice for either exact or approximate problem solving method : The next important decision is
to decide whether the problem is to be solved exactly or approximately. If the problem needs to be
solved correctly then we need exact algorithm. Otherwise if the problem is so complex that we won’t get
the exact solution then we need to choose approximation algorithm.
C ) Algorithm Design Techniques : In this we will use different design techniques.

Different types of algorithm design techniques :

1 : Brute – force.

2 : Divide and Conquer.

3 : Dynamic programming.

4 : Greedy technique.

5 : Back tracking.

6 : Branch and Bound

3 : Specification of algorithm : There are various ways we can specify an algorithm.

1 : Natural language.

2 : Pseudo code.

3 : Flowchart.

1 : Natural language : It is very simple to specify an algorithm using natural language. But many times
specification of algorithm by using natural language is not clear, and there by we get brief specification.

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Ex : Write an algorithm to perform addition of two numbers.

Step 1 : Read the first number say a.

Step 2 : Read the second number say b.

Step 3 : Add the two numbers and store the result in a variable c.

Step 4 : Display the result.

Such a specification creates diffculty while actually implementing it. Hence many programmers
prefer to have specification of alogorithm by means of pseudo code.

2 : pseudo code : pseudo code is nothing but a combination of natural language and programming
language constructs. A pseudo code is usually more precise than a natural language.

Ex : Write an algorithm to perform addition of two numbers.

Algorithm sum(a,b)
// Problem description : This algorithm performs addition of two integers.
// Input : Two integers a and b.
// Output : addition of two integers.

c <- a + b;
write ( c );

This specification is more useful from implementation point of view.

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3 : Flowchart : flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm.

Flowchart Symbols

S.NO Description Symbols

Flowlines : These are the left to right or top
to bottom lines connection symbols. These
lines shows the flow of control through the
Terminal Symbol : The oval shaped
symbol always begins and ends the
flowchart. Every flow chart starting and
ending symbol is terminal symbol.
Input / Output symbol : The parallelogram
is used for both input (Read) and Output

3 (Write) is called I/O symbol. This symbol is

used to denote any function of an I/O device
in the program.
Process Symbol : The rectangle symbol
is called process symbol. It is used for
calculations and initialization of memory
Decision symbol : The diamond shaped
symbol is called decision symbol. This
box is used for decision making. There
will be always two exists from a decision
symbol one is labeled YES and other
labeled NO.
Connectors : The connector symbol is
represented by a circle. Whenever a

6 complex flowchart is morethan one page,

in such a situation, the connector symbols
are used to connect the flowchart.

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Example :


Input a and b


Display the
value of c


4 : Verification of algorithm : Verification of algorithm means checking correctness of an algorithm.

After specifying an algorithm we go for checkeing its correctness. We normally check whether the
algorithm gives correct output in finite amount of time for a valid set of input. The proof of correctness of
an algorithm can be complex sometimes. A common method of proving the correctness of an algorithm
is by using mathematical induction. But to show that an algorithm works incorrectly we have to show
that at least for one instance of valid input the algorithm gives wrong result.
5 : Analysis of algorithm : Analyzing an algorithm we should consider following factors.

1 : Time Complexity.

2 : Space Complexity.

3 : Simplicity.

4 : Generality.

5 : Range of input.

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1 : Time Complexity : The Time Complexity can be defined as amount of computer time required by an
algorithm to run to completion. By computing time complexity we can analyze whether an algorithm
requires slow or fast.
2 : Space Complexity: The Space Complexity can be defined as amount of space required by an
algorithm to run to completion. By computing space complexity we can analyze whether an algorithm
requires more or less space.
3 : Simplicity : Simplicity of an algorithm means generating sequence of instructions which are easy to
understand. This is an important characterstic of an algorithm. because simple algorithms can be
understood quickly and one can then write simpler programes for such algorithms.
4 : Generality : Generality shows that sometimes it becomes easier to design an algorithm in more
general way rather than designing it for particular set of input. Hence we should write general
algorithms always.
5 : Range of input : Range of inputs comes in picture when we execute an algorithm. The design of
algorithm should be handle the range of input which is the most natural to corresponding problem.
Analysis of algorithm means checking the characterstics such as : Time complexity, Space
complexity, simplicity, generality and range of input. If these factors are not satisfactory then we must
redesign the algorithm.
6 : Implementation or coding of algorithm : The implementation of an algorithm is done by suitable
programming language. For example : if an algorithm consists of object and related methods then it will
be better to implement such algorithm using some object-oriented programming language like C++ and
JAVA. While writing a program for given algorithm it is essential to write an optimized code. This will
reduce the burden on computer.
7 : Testing a program : Testing a program is an activity carried out to expose as many errors as possible
and to correct them. There are two phases for testing a program.

1 : Debugging.
2 : Profiling.
1 : Debugging : Debugging is a technique in which a sample set of data is tested to see whether faulty
results occur or not. If any faulty result occurs then those results are corrected.
But in debugging technique only presence of error is pointed out. Any hidden error can not be
identified. Thus in debugging we cannot verify correctness of output on sample data. Hence profiling
concept is introduced.
2 : Profiling : Profiling is the process of executing a correct program on a sample set of data. Then the
time and space required by the program to execute is measured.
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PSEUDO CODE FOR EXPRESSING ALGORITHM : Hypothetical language is used to define

the algorithm is called pseudo code. It is not a programming language because it is not having any

compiler. It is used to represent the algorithm.

The following rules are involved to represent the algorithm by using pseudo code

1 : Algorithm is a procedure which consisting of heading and body. The heading consisting of

keyword Algorithm and name of the algorithm and parameter list.

Syntax : Algorithm name ( p1, p2, ............... , pn)

write parameters ( if any )

This keyword should name of an Algorithm
be written first

2 : The heading section we should write following things :

// Problem Description :
// Input :
// Output :

3 : The body of an algorithm is written, in which various programming constructs like if, for,

while or some assignment statements may be written.

4 : The beginning and end of block should be indicaed by { and } respectively. The compound

statements should be enclosed within { and } brackets.

5 : The delimiters ; are used at the end of each statement.

6 : Single line comments are written using // as beginning of comment.

7 : The identifier should begin by letter and not by digit. An identifier can be a combination of

alphanumeric string.

It is not necessary to write data types explicitly for identifiers. It will be

represented by the context itself. Basic data types used are integer, float, char, Boolean and so on.

The pointer type is also used to point memory location.

8 : The input and output can be done by read and write

Ex : write (“This message will be displayed on console”);


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9 : Boolean operators such as True or False.

Logical operators such as and, or, not.

Relational operators such as <, <=, >, >=, ==, #.

10 : Assignment of values to variables is done using the assignment statement.

Syntax : variable : = expression;

Ex : a := 10;

11 : The array indices are stored with in square brackets ‘[‘ ‘]’. The index of array usually start at

zero. The multidimentional arrays can also be used in algorithm.

12 : The conditional statements such as if-then or if-then-else are written in following form :

Syntax : if( condition ) then

statement 1;

if( condition ) then

statement 1;
statement 2;

if the if-then statement is of compound type then { and } should be used for enclosing block.

13 : while statement can be written as :

while(condition) do
statement 1
statement 2
statement n

While the condition is true the block enclosed with { } gets executed otherwise statement

after } will be executed.

14 : for loop can be written as :

for variable  value1 to valuen step stepcount do

statement 1;
statement 2;
statement n;
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Here value1 is initialization condition and valuen is a terminating condition.

Sometime a keyword step is used to denote increment or decrement the value of variable.

Ex : for i 1 to n step 1

Here variable i is incremented by 1 at each iteration.

15 : The repeat – until statement can be written as :

statement 1;
statement 2;
statement n;

16 : The break statement is used to exit fom inner loop. The rerurn statement is used to return

control from one point to another. Generally used while exiting from function.

17 Compound data types can be formed with records. Here is an example,

Node. Record
data type – 1 data-1;
data type – n data – n;
node * link;

Here link is a pointer to the record type node. Individual data items of a record can be accessed with
 and period.

Note that statements in an algorithm executes in sequential order i.e, in the same order as they

appear-one after the other.

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PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS : Performance Analysis refers to the task of determining the computing time
and storage space requirements of an algorithm. It is also known as performance analysis.

The main purpose of algorithm analysis is to design most efficient algorithms. The efficiency of the
algorithm mainly depends on two factors
1 : Space Complexity

2 : Time Complexity

1 : Space Complexity : The Space Complexity can be defined as amount of space required by an
algorithm to run to completion. By computing space complexity we can analysis the algorithm requires
less or more space.

The space needed by an algorithm consists of the following components.

1 : The fixed static part that is independent of the characterstics ( example number size ) of the input
and outputs. This part includes the instruction space, space for simple variable and fixed size component
variables, space for constants etc..
2 : A variable dynamic part, that consists of the space needed by component variable whose size is
dependent on the particular problem instance at run time being solved, the space needed by referenced
variables and the recursion stack space.

The space complexity requirement S(p) can be given as :

S(p) = C + Sp

Where C is a constant i.e, fixed part. It denotes amount of space required for inputs, outputs,
variables and instructions. And Sp is a instance characterstics. This is a variable part amount of space
required for problem is depends on particular problem instance.

Consider the examples of algorithms to compute the space complexity

Ex 1 : Algorithm add(a,b,c)
// Problem Description : This algorithm computes the addition of 3 numbers
// Input : a, b and c are of floting type.
// Output : The addition is returned.

return a+b+c;

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The space requirement for algorithm given in

S(p) = C

If we assume that a, b and c occupy one word size then total size comes to be 3.

2 : Time Complexity : The Time Complexity can be defined as amount of computer time required by an
algorithm to run to completion.

They are two types of computing time.

1 : compile time.

2 : run time.

For calculating the time complexity, only run time is considered.

It is diffcult to compute the time complexity in terms of physically clocked time. Because runtime
depends on many factors such as system load, number of other programs running and processor speed.
For avoiding this, we are using frequency count is basically a count denoting number of times of
execution of statement.
The method to determine the step count of an algorithm is to build a table in which we list the
total number of steps contributes by each statement.

First determine the number of steps per execution (s/e) of the statement and the total number of
times (ie., frequency) each statement is executed.

By combining these two quantities, the total contribution of all statements, the step count for the
entire algorithm is obtained.

Example 1 :

Statement S/E Frequency Total Steps

1 Algorithm Sum(a,n) 0 - 0
2.{ 0 - 0
3. S=0.0; 1 1 1
4. for I=1 to n do 1 N+1 N+1
5. s=s+a[I]; 1 N N
6. return s; 1 1 1
7. } 0 - 0
Total 2N + 3

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2. Step count method


Algorithm sum(a,n)
s= 0.0;
count = count+1;
for I=1 to n do
count =count+1;
return s;

 If the count is zero to start with, then it will be 2n+3 on termination. So each invocation of sum execute
a total of 2n+3 steps.

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Expressing the complexity in terms of its relationship to know function. This type of Notation is
called Asymptotic Notations.

Various types of notations :

1 : Big Oh Notation ( ‘ O ‘ )

2 : Omega Notation ( ‘ Ω ‘ )

3 : Theta Notation ( ‘ θ ’ )

1 : Big Oh Notation ( ‘ O ‘ ) :

Definition : Let f(n) and g(n) be two non-negative functions. f(n) is said to be O(g(n)) if and only if
there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for all non- negative values of n.
where n ≥ n0.

The following graph the curve for Big Oh Notation.

c * g(n)


f(n) = O(g(n))

This notation provides an upper bound for the function f i.e, the function g(n)

is an upper bound on the value of f(n) for all n, where n ≥ n0..

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1 : Show that f(n) = 8n + 128 = O (n2).

To Prove.
f(n) = 8n + 128 = O (n2)

Proof : If f(n) = O(g(n)). We have there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for
all non-negative values of n. where n ≥ n0.

Given problem in the form of f(n) = O(g(n)).


f(n) = 8n + 128

g(n) = n2

Now 8n + 128 ≤ 3* n2

Now N = 1.

8.1 + 128 ≤ 3*1 ( false)

Now take N=2

8.2 + 128 ≤ 3*4 ( false)

Now take N=3

8.3 + 128 ≤ 3*9 ( false)

Now take N=4

8.4 + 128 ≤ 3*16 ( false)

Now take N=5

8.5 + 128 ≤ 3*25 ( false)

Now take N=6

8.6 + 128 ≤ 3*36 ( false)

Now take N=7

8.7 + 128 ≤ 3*49 ( false)

Now take N=8

8.8 + 128 ≤ 3*64 ( true)

There exists two positive constants c = 3, n0 = 8 such that 8n + 128 ≤ 3 * n2 for all n>=8.

Therefore 8n + 128 = O (n2)

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2 : Show that f(n) = 12n2 + 6n = O (n3)

To Prove.

f(n) = 12n2 + 6n = O (n3)

Proof : If f(n) = O(g(n)). We have there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for
all non-negative values of n. where n ≥ n0.

Given problem in the form of f(n) = O(g(n)).

Here ,

f(n) = 12n2 + 6n

g(n) = n3

Now f(n) = 12n2 + 6n ≤ 4 * n3

Now N = 1.

12.1 + 6.1 ≤ 4 * 1 (false)

Now N = 2.

12.2 + 6.2 ≤ 4 * 8 (false)

Now N = 3.

12.3 + 6.3 ≤ 4 * 27 (True)

There exists two positive constants c = 4, n0 = 3 such that 12n2 + 6n ≤ 4 * n3 for all n>=3.

Therefore 12n2 + 6n = O (n3)

3 : consider function f(n) = 2n + 2 and g(n) = n2 .

Proof : If f(n) = O(g(n)). We have there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for all non-
negative values of n. where n ≥ n0.


f(n) = 2n + 2.

g(n) = n2

Now f(n) = 2n + 2 ≤ 2 * n2

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Now Take N = 1.

2.1 + 2 ≤ 2 * 1 ( false )

Now Take N = 2.

2.2 + 2 ≤ 2 * 4 ( True ).

There exists two positive constants c = 2, n0 = 2 such that 2n + 2 ≤ 2 * n2 for all n>=2.

2 : Omega Notation ( Ω ) :

Definition : Let f(n) and g(n) be two non-negative functions. f(n) is said to be Ω(g(n)) if and

only if there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≥ c * g(n) for all non-negative

values of n. where n ≥ n0.

The following graph the curve for Omega Notation.


c * g(n)
f(n) = Ω (g(n))

This notation provides an upper bound for the function f i.e, the function g(n) is an

lower bound on the value of f(n) for all n, where n ≥ n0..

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1 : Show that f(n) = 8n + 128 = Ω (n2).

To Prove.

f(n) = 8n + 128 = Ω (n2)

Proof : If f(n) = O(g(n)). We have there exists positive constants ‘c’ and ‘n0’ such that f(n) ≥ c * g(n) for
all non-negative values of n. where n ≥ n0.

Given problem in the form of f(n) = O(g(n)).


f(n) = 8n + 128

g(n) = n2

Now 8n + 128 ≥ 1 * n2

Now N = 1.

8.1 + 128 ≥ 1*1 ( TRUE)

There exists two positive constants c = 1, n0 = 1 such that 8n + 128 ≤ 1 * n2 for all n>1.

Therefore 8n + 128 = O (n2)

3 : Theta Notation ( θ ) :

Definition : Let f(n) and g(n) be two non-negative functions. f(n) is said to be θ(g(n)) if and

only if there exists positive constants ‘c1’ , ‘c2’ and ‘n0’ such that c1 * g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ c2 * g(n)

for all non-negative values of n. where n ≥ n0.

The following graph the curve for Theta Notation.

c2 * g(n)

. c1 * g(n)
f(n) = θ(g(n))

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This notation provides both lower bound and upper bound for the function f(n)i.e,

g(n) is both lower and upper bound on the value of f(n), for large n.

1 : Show that f(n) = 8n + 128 = θ (n2).

To Prove.

f(n) = 8n + 128 = O (n2)

Proof :

If f(n) = O(g(n)). We have there exists positive constants ‘c1’ , ‘c2’ and ‘n0’

such that c1g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ c2g(n) for all non-negative values of n. where n >_ no.

Given problem in the form of f(n) = θ (g(n)).


f(n) = 8n + 128

g(n) = n2


1* n2 ≤ 8n + 128 ≤ 3* n2

Now Take N = 1

1* 1 ≤ 8.1 + 128 ≤ 3* 1 ( False)

Now Take N = 2

1* 4 ≤ 8.2 + 128 ≤ 3* 4 ( False)

Now Take N = 3

1* 9 ≤ 8.3 + 128 ≤ 3* 9 ( False)

Now Take N = 4

1* 16 ≤ 8.4 + 128 ≤ 3* 16 ( False)

Now Take N = 5

1* 25 ≤ 8.5 + 128 ≤ 3* 25 ( False)

Now Take N = 6

1* 6 ≤ 8.6 + 128 ≤ 3* 36 ( False)

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Now Take N = 7

1* 49 ≤ 8.7 + 128 ≤ 3* 49 ( False)

Now Take N = 8

1 * 64 ≤ 64 + 128 ≤ 3 * 64 (true).

There exists positive constants c1 = 1, c2 = 3, n0 = 8 such that 1* n2 ≤ 8n + 128 ≤ 3 * n2

for all n ≥ 8

4 : Little Oh Notation : The Little Oh Notation is denoted by ‘ o ‘. The function f(n) = o(g(n)) iff

lim f(n)
n --∞ ------ = 0

Average of Best Case, Worst Case, Average Case

1 : Best Case : If the algorithm takes the minimum amount of time to run to completion for a

specific set of inputs is called Best Case Time Complexity.

Example : While searching a particular element by using sequential search. We get the

desired element at starting of the list.

2 : Worst Case : If the algorithm takes maximum amount of time to run to completion for a

specific set of inputs is called Worst Case Time Complexity.

Example : While searching an element by using linear search. If we get the desired element

at end of the list.

3 : Average Case : If the algorithm takes average amount of time to run to completion for a

specific set of inputs is called Average Case.

Example : BinarySearch.

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Divide Conquer Method: In divide and conquer method, if the given problem is divided into smaller sub
problems than we find the solution directly.
If the given problem is larger than divide the problem into sub problems and again sub
problem is large enough then divide the sub problem into smaller sub problems. Find the solution of the
sub problems finally we get the solution of the given problems. By combining the solution of sub

Given Problem P

P1 P2

P3 P4

. .
. .
. .
. .

Solution of P3 Solution of P4

Solution of P1 Solution of P2

Given Problem P

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Control Abstraction for Divide Conquer Strategy: Control abstraction is flow of control of the
procedure. It gives the basic function of the method. So it represents the logic code for divide and
conquer strategy.

Algorithm DAndC(p)
if small(p) then

return s(p);

divide p into smaller instance p1, p2, p3, p4, ……, pk;

apply DAndC to each of these subproblems;

return combine(DAndC (p1), DAndC (p2),........ , DAndC (pk));


Here small(P)is a Boolean value function. If it is true, then the function S is invoked . Otherwise the
problem P is divided into smaller subproblems. These problems p1, p2, p3, p4,...., pk are solved by
recursive applications of DAndC. Combine is a function that determines the solution to p using the
solutions to the k sub problems.
Calculate time for DAndC:
If the problem P of size is n and K sub problems size is n1,n2,n3 nk then
T(n) = g(n)
T(n1)+T(n2)+ --- +T(nk)+f(n)
T(n) = Time for DAndC of any Input size n;
g(n) =Time to compute the answer directly for small inputs
T(n1) = Time for DAndC of small input size n1;
T(n2) =Time for DAndC of small input size n2;
T(nk) = Time for DAndC of small input size nk;
f(n) =Time for dividing P and combining the solution of subproblems.

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Time complexity of Divide and Conquer algorithms is given by recurences of the form

T(n) = T(1) if n=1

aT(n/b)+f(n) if n>1

Here a and b are known constants. This is called the general divide and-conquer recurrence.

One of the methods for solving any such recurence relation is called the substitution method. This
method repeatedly makes substitution for each occurence of the function T in the right hand side until all
such occurrences disappear.
Example : Consider the case in which a =2 and b=2. Let T(1) = 2 and f(n ) = n.

T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
T(n) =2T(n/2) + n
=2[ 2T(n/2/2)+n/2]+n
=4[ 2T(n/4/2)+n/4]+2n
=8T(n/8)+4n/4 +2n
=8T(n/8) + 3n
= 23 T ( n / 23 ) + 3n
. In particular
. n = 2i
. i = log n 2
= 2 T ( 2i / 2i ) + in

=2i T( 1 ) + log n 2 . n alog na = n

= n.2 + n. log n 2
= 2n + nlog n 2

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The applications of Divide and Conquer Strategy are

1 : Binary Search.

2 : Quick Sort.

3 : Merge Sort.

4 : Stressen’s Matrix Multiplication.

1 : BINARY SEARCH : In binary search method we are using the divide and conquer strategy. In this
method first sort the elements in ascending order. An element which is to be searched from the list of
elements stored in array A[0 . . . n-1] is called KEY element.
Let A[mid] be the mid element of array A. Then there are three conditions that need to be tested
while searching the array using this method.
1 : if KEY = = A[mid] then desired element is present in the list.

2 : Otherwise if KEY < A[mid] then search the left sub list.

3 : Otherwise if KEY > A[mid] then search the right sub list.

Algorithm : Binary Search Non – Recursive Method

Algorithm Bin-search(A[0….n-1], KEY)

low = 0;
high = n-1;

while ( low < high ) do

mid = (low + high) / 2;

if( KEY = = A[mid]) then

return mid // desired element is present in the list.

else if ( KEY < A[mid] )then

high = mid - 1; // Search the left sub list

else if ( KEY > A[mid])then

low = mid + 1; // Search the right sub list

return -1; //if element is not present in the list


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Example : Consider a list of elements stored in array A as

10 , 20 , 30, 40, 50, 60, 70


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Low High

The Key element (i.e the element to be searched ) is 60.

Now to obtain middle element we will apply formula :

mid = ( low + high ) / 2

= (0+6)/2
= ( 6 /2 ) = 3

Then check key == A[mid]

i.e, 60 = = A[3] No

Then check key < A[mid]

i.e, 60 < 40 No

Then check key > A[mid]

60 > 40 TRUE
. . Search the right sublist.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 20 30 4 0 50 60 70

Left sublist mid Right sublist

The right sublist is

…… 50 60 70

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Now we will again divide this list and check the mid element.

4 5 6

…… 50 60 70

Left sublist mid Right sublist

Now to obtain middle element we will apply formula :

mid = ( low + high ) / 2

= ( 10 /2 ) = 5

Then check key == A[mid]

i.e, 60 = = A[5] Yes

. . i.e,The number is present in the list.

Algorithm : Binary Search Recursive Method

Algorithm RBin-search ( a, n, key )

low = 1;
high = n;
while ( low < high )
mid = low + high / 2;
if ( key = = a[mid])
return mid;
else if ( key < a[mid])
RBin-search ( a, key, low, mid – 1 );
else if (key > a[mid])
RBin-search( a, key, mid+1, high );

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Time Complexity of Binary Search Method : Time complexity of Binary Search method is described by
the recurence relation is

T(1) n=1
T(n) = T(n/2)+1 n>1

T(n/2) = T(n/4) +1
T(n/4) = T (n/8) +1

T(1) =1
T(n) = T(n/2)+1
=[ T(n/2/2)+1]+1
= T ( n / 23 ) + 3
= T (n /2i) +i
. In particular
. n = 2i
. i = log n 2
= T ( 2i / 2i ) + i
= T( 1 ) + log n 2
= 1 + log n 2
T(n) = O ( log n 2 )

Time complexity of Binary Search is : O ( log n )

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Quick Sort: Quick Sort is a sorting algorithm that uses the divide and conquers strategy. They are three steps
of quick sort are as follows.
1 : Split the array into two sub arrays that each element in the left sub array is less than or equal to the
middle element and each element in the right sub array is greater than or equal to the middle element.
The splitting of the array into two sub arrays is based on pivot element. All the elements that are less
than pivot should be in left sub array and all the elements that are greater than pivot should be in right
sub array.
2: recursively sort the two sub arrays.
3: combine all the sorted elements in a group to form a list of sorted element.
Algorithm for QuickSort :

Algorithm : Quick(A[0…n-1], low, high)


if ( low < high ) then

m : = partition(A[ low…… high]; //Split the array into two sub arrays.

Quick(a[low…m-1]); left sublist

Quick(m+1….high]); righ sublist


Algorithm: partition (A [low…high] ) partition

pivot = A[low];
i = low;
j = high;
while ( i <= j) do
while (A[i]<= pivot ) && ( i < j ) do

i = i + 1;

while (A[j]>= pivot ) do

j = j - 1;

if ( i <= j) then

swap ( A[i], A[j] ) //swap A[i] and A[j]


swap ( A[low],A[j]) //swap A[low] and A[j]

return j;
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Example : Consider a list of elements stored in array A as

50, 30, 10, 90, 80, 20, 40, 70

Step 1 : split the array in two parts. The left sublist will contain the elements less than pivot and

right sublist contains elements greater than pivot.

Low High

50 30 10 90 80 20 40 70

i / Pivot j

Step 2 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j)( 50 <= 50 )&&(0<7)– condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

50 30 10 90 80 20 40 70

pivot i j

Step 3 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j) ( 30 <= 50 ) &&(1<7)– condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

50 30 10 90 80 20 40 70

Pivot i j

Step 4 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j)( 10 <= 50 ) &&(2<7)– – condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

50 30 10 90 80 20 40 70

Pivot i j

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Step 5 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j) ( 90 <= 50 ) &&(3<7)– – condition false, if A[j] >= pivot ( 70 >= 50 ) – condition

true, we will decrement j.

Low High

50 30 10 90 80 20 40 70

Pivot i j

Step 6 : if A[j] >= pivot ( 40 >= 50 ) – condition false, if i<=j ( 3<=6) – true, we will swap A[i]

and A[j] i.e , 90 and 40.

Low High

50 30 10 40 80 20 90 70

Pivot i j

Step 7 : if A[i]<=pivot && (i<j) (40 <= 50)- &&(3<6)– condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

50 30 10 40 80 20 90 70

Pivot i j

Step 8 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j)( 80 <= 50 ) &&(4<6)– – condition false, if A[j] >= pivot ( 90 >= 50 ) – condition

true, we will decrement j.

Low High

50 30 10 40 80 20 90 70

Pivot i j

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Step 9 : if A[j] >= pivot ( 20 >= 50 ) – condition false, if (i<=j) (4<=5)- condition true, we will

swap A[i] and A[j]. i.e, 80 and 20.

Low High

50 30 10 40 20 80 90 70

Pivot i j

Step 10 : if A[i] <= pivot && (i<j) ( 20 <= 50 ) &&(4<5)– condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

50 30 10 40 20 80 90 70

Pivot ij

Step 11 : if A[i] <= pivot ( 80 <= 50 ) &&(5<5)– – condition false, if A[j] >= pivot ( 80 >= 50 ) – condition

true, we will decrement j.

Low High

50 30 10 40 20 80 90 70

Pivot j i

Step 12 : if A[j] >= pivot ( 20 >= 50 ) – condition false, if (i<=j) (5<=4)- condition false, we will

swap A[low] and A[j]. i.e, 50 and 20.

Low High

20 30 10 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot j i
Left sublist Pivot element
is correct Right sublist

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Step 13 : Now we will start Left sub list.

Low High

20 30 10 40 50 80 90 70

i / Pivot j

Step 14 : If A[i]<=pivot &&(i<j) (20<=20) &&(0<3)– - condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

20 30 10 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot i j

Step 15 : If A[i]<=pivot && (i<j), (30<=20) &&(1<3)– - condition false, A[j]>=pivot, (40>=20)- condition true, we

will decrement j.

Low High

20 30 10 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot i j

Step 16 : A[j]>=pivot, ( 10>=20)- condition false, if (i<=j), (1<=2)- condition true, we will swap

A[i] and A[j], i.e, 30 and 10.

Low High

20 10 30 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot i j

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Step 17 : A[i]<=pivot&&(i<j) ( 10<=20) &&(1<2)– - condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

20 10 30 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot ij

Step 18 : A[i]<=pivot && (i<j)( 30<=20) &&(2<2)– - condition false, A[j]>=pivot, ( 30>=20)- condition true, we will
decrement j.

Low High

20 10 30 40 50 80 90 70

Pivot j i

Step 19 : A[j]>=pivot ( 10>=20)- condition fale, if(i<=j), (2<=1)- condition false , we will swap A[low] and A[j], i.e,
20 and 10.

Low High

10 20 30 40 50 80 90 70

Left sublist pivot Right sublist

Step 20 : There is one element in left sublist hence we will start Right sub list.


10 20 30 40 50 80 90 70

i/ pivot j

Step 21 : if A[i]<=pivot && (i<j) (80<=80)&&(5<7)- condition true, we will increment i.

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Low High

10 20 30 40 50 80 90 70

pivot i j

Step 22 : if A[i]<=pivot&&(i<j) (90<=80) )&&(6<7)- -condition false, if A[j]>=pivot, (70>=80)-condition false,

if(i<=j), (6<=7)-condition true, we will swap A[i] and A[j], i.e, 90 and 70.

Low High

10 20 30 40 50 80 70 90

pivot i j

Step 23 : if A[i]<=pivot&&(i<j) (70<=80)&&(6<7) –condition true, we will increment i.

Low High

10 20 30 40 50 80 70 90

pivot ij

Step 24 : if A[i]<=pivot&&(i<j) (90<=80) )&&(7<7) –condition false, if A[j]>=pivot, (90>=80) –condition true, we
will decrement i.

Low High

10 20 30 40 50 80 70 90

pivot j i

Step 25 : if A[j]>=pivot, (70>=80) –condition false, if(i<=j), (7<=6)-condition false, we will swap
A[low] and A[j], 80 and 70.

10 20 30 40 50 70 80 90


Therefore the sorted list is :

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

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Merge Sort : Merge Sort is one of the most popular sorting algorithms that is based on the principle
of Divide and Conquer Algorithm.
The concept of Divide and Conquer involves three steps:

1. Divide : A problem is divided into multiple sub-problems.

2. Conquer : Each sub-problem is solved individually.
3 : Combine : sub-problems are combined to form the final solution.

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Example : Consider an array with values 14, 7, 3, 12, 9, 11, 6, 2

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Algorithm MergeSort(A[0…n-1], low, high)


If(low < high ) then

mid=( low + high ) / 2
MergeSort ( A , low, mid )
MergeSort ( A , mid+1, high )
Combine( A, low, mid, high )
Algorithm : Combine ( A[0..n-1], low, mid, high )
k <- low;
i <- low;
j <- mid + 1;
while ( i < = mid and j < = high ) do
if ( A[i] < = A[j]) then // if smaller element is present in left sublist.
temp [ k ] = A[i]
i <- i + 1;
k <- k + 1;
else // if smaller element is present in right sublist.
temp [ k ] = A[j]
j <- j + 1;
k <- k + 1;
while( i < = mid ) do // copy remaining elements of left sublist to temp.
temp [ k ] = A[i]
i <- i + 1;
k <- k + 1;
while ( j < = high ) do // copy remaining elements of right sublist to temp.
temp [ k ] = A[j]
j <- j+ 1;
k <- k + 1;
for(k=low;k<=high;k++) //Copy the elements from temp array to A
A[k] = temp[k];

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Time Complexity of Merge Sort : The time complexity of merge sort is given by recurrence relation is
T(1) = a
T(n) =2T(n/2) + cn

T(n/2) = 2T(n/4) +cn/2

T(n/4) = 2T(n/8) +cn/4

T(n) =2T(n/2) + cn
=2[ 2T(n/2/2)+cn/2]+cn
= 22T(n/22)+2cn

=4[ 2T(n/4/2)+cn/4]+2cn
=8T(n/8)+4cn/4 +2cn
=8T(n/8) + 3cn
= 23 T ( n / 23 ) + 3cn
=24 T(n/24) +4cn

=2i T(n/2i) + icn

. In particular
. n = 2i
lon n = log 2i = i log 2
i = log n / log 2
. i = log n 2
= 2 T ( 2i / 2i ) + icn

=2i T( 1 ) + log n 2 . cn alog na = n

= n.a + cnlog n 2
= an + cnlog n 2

By representing it by in the form of Asymptotic notation O is T(n)=O(nlog n)

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 Let A and B be two n * n matrices. The product matrix C = AB is also an n * n matrix whose i, jth
element is formed by taking the elements in the ith row of A and jth column of B and multiplying
them to get
C ( i, j ) = ∑ A ( i, k ) B ( k, j )
1≤ k ≤ n

 The time complexity for the matrix Multiplication is O(n3).

 Divide and conquer method suggest another way to compute the product of n*n matrix.

 We assume that N is a power of 2 .In the case N is not a power of 2 ,then enough rows and
columns of zero can be added to both A and B .SO that the resulting dimension are the powers of

 If n=2 then the following formula as a computed using a matrix multiplication operation for the
elements of A & B.

 If n>2,Then the elements are partitioned into sub matrix n/2*n/2..since ‘n’ is a power of 2 these
product can be recursively computed using the same formula .This Algorithm will continue
applying itself to smaller sub matrix until ‘N” become suitable small(n=2) so that the product is
computed directly .

 The formula are

C11 C12 A11 A12 B11 B12

= *
C21 C22 A21 A22 B21 B22

The Multiplication gives,

C11 = A11 * B11 + A12 * B21

C12 = A11 * B12 + A12 * B22

C21 = A21 * B11 + A22 * B21

C22 = A21 * B12 + A22 * B22

To compute AB using the above decomposition. We need to perform 8 multiplications of n / 2 *

n / 2 matrices and four additions of n / 2 * n / 2 matrices. Since two n / 2 * n / 2 matrices can be added
in time cn2 for some constant c., the overall computing time T ( n ) of the resulting divide and conquer
algorithm is given by the recurrence relation is
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b n<=2
T( n ) = 8T(n/2) + cn2 n>2

Where b and c are constants.

The time complexity is T ( n ) = O ( n3 )
Hence no improvement over the conventional method.
 Strassen has discovered a way to compute the Cij using only 7 multiplication and 18 addition or

Strassen’s Formulas :

P = ( A11 + A22 )*( B11 + B22)

Q = ( A21 + A22 ) * B11

R = A11 * (B12 – B22)

S = A22 * ( B21 – B11 )

T = ( A11 + A12 ) * B22

U = ( A21 – A11 ) * ( B11 + B12 )

V = ( A12 – A22 ) * ( B21 + B22 )

C11 = P + S – T + V

C12 = R + T

C21 = Q + S

C22 = P + R – Q + U

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Example : 2 * 2 matix

1 1 0 0
Ex : if A =
, B=
1 1 1 1

Solution : The given matrix is order of 2 * 2. hence we will compute P, Q, R, S, T, U, V.


A11 A12 B11 B12

A21 A22 B21 B22

A11 = 1 B11 = 0
A12 = 1 B12 = 0
A21= 1 B21= 1
A22= 1 B22= 1

P = ( A11 + A22 )* ( B11 + B22)

= ( 1 + 1 ) *( 0 + 1 )
= 2*1= 2
Q = ( A21 + A22 ) *B11
= ( 1 + 1 ) *0
= 2*0=0
R = A11 * (B12 – B22)
= 1*(0–1)
= 1*(-1) = -1
S = A22 * ( B21 – B11 )
= 1*(1–0)
= 1*1=1
T = ( A11 + A12 ) *B22
= ( 1 + 1 )*1
= 2*1=2
U = ( A21 – A11 ) * ( B11 + B12 )
= (1–1)*(0+0)
= 0*0=0

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V = ( A12 – A22 ) * ( B21 + B22 )

= (1–1)*(1+1)
= 0*2=0

C11 = P + S – T + V
= 2+1–2+0
= 3-2 = 1
C12 = R + T
= -1 + 2 = 1
C21 = Q + S
= 0+1=1
C22 = P + R – Q + U
= 2 + -1 – 0 + 0
= 2-1-0+0=1

C11 C12 1 1
C21 C22 1 1

Example 2 : 4 * 4 matrices

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Time Complexity of Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication : The recurrence relation is

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