Sta Rosa Laguna Ordinance

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Sta rosa laguna ordinance

Environmental Science (De La Salle University – Dasmariñas)

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance


Series of 1999



Be it ordained and enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of Santa Rosa:

WHEREAS, Section 20-c of the Local Government Code provides that local government
units shall continue to prepare their respective Land Use Plans enacted through Zoning
Ordinances which shall be the primary and dominant bases for the future use of land

WHEREAS, the local government of Santa Rosa, in pursuit of its development goals and
objectives, formulated its Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan which would
require the enactment of regulatory measures to translate its planning goals and objectives
into reality;

WHEREAS, this Zoning Ordinance is one such regulatory measure which is an important
tool for the implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan;

NOW THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Bayan of Santa Rosa in a session assembled

hereby adopts the following Zoning Ordinance.


Section 1. Title of the Ordinance. This Zoning Ordinance shall be known as the
Santa Rosa Land Development Guidance System and shall hereinafter be referred to
as the LDGS.


Section 2. Authority. The LDGS is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Local
Government Code of 1991, R.A. 7160 Section 458 (2 ix) authorising the Municipality
through the Sangguniang Bayan to adopt a Zoning Ordinance in consonance with the
approved Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan and in conformity with
Executive Order No. 72.

Section 3. Purposes. The LDGS is enacted for the following purposes:

1. Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general
welfare of the inhabitants of the Municipality;

2. Guide the growth and development of Santa Rosa in accordance with its
Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan;

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

3. Provide the proper regulatory environment to maximise opportunities for creativity,

innovation and make ample room for development within the framework of the
Municipality’s over-all goals and objectives;

4. Protect the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional,

open space and other functional areas within the Municipality and promote the orderly
and beneficial development of the same; and

5. Guide the local government and the private sector in their development decisions.

Section 4. General Principles. The LDGS is based on the approved Santa Rosa
Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan as per Resolution No. ___ dated ____.

1. The LDGS reflects the Municipality’s vision of “A community with a sustainable

economic growth focused on industrial and commercial development that allows for
maximum employment opportunities, and promotes a high quality of life through the
provision of basic services and a humane and balanced environment;”

2. The LDGS recognises that any land use is a use by right but provides however that the
exercise of such right shall be subject to the review standards of the LDGS;

3. The LDGS gives the free market the maximum opportunity to spur the Municipality’s
development within a framework of environmental integrity and social responsibility;

4. The LDGS has been designed to encourage the evolution of high-quality

developments rather than regulating against the worst type of projects;

5. The LDGS has been crafted in a manner that it is fully responsive to the ever-changing
conditions that the Municipality continually face;

6. The LDGS functions as a tool for informed decision making on the part of the land use
administrators by way of providing specific criteria to judge the acceptability of

7. The LDGS provides a direct venue for community empowerment where the
stakeholders become involved especially in critical development decisions;

8. The regulations in the LDGS are considered as land use management tools that area
necessary to provide a clear guidance to land development in order to ensure the
community’s common good.


The definition of the technical terms used in the LDGS shall carry the same meaning given
to them in already approved codes and regulations, such as but not limited to the National
Building Code, Water Code, Philippine Environmental Code and the Implementing Rules
and Regulations promulgated by the HLRB. The words, terms and phrases enumerated
hereunder shall be understood to have the corresponding meaning indicated as follows:

1. Agricultural Zone (AGZ) – an area intended for cultivation/fishing and pastoral activities
e.g. fish, farming, cultivation of crops, goat/cattle raising, etc.

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

2. Agro-Industrial Zone – an area intended primarily for integrated farm operations and
related product processing activities such as plantation for bananas, pineapple, sugar,

3. Allowable Impervious Surface Area Ratio (AISAR) - the ratio between the coverage of
ground level impervious surfaces to the total lot area. This is expressed as a
percentage over and above the resultant Percentage of Land Occupancy (PLO) for
each development. The computation of impervious surface area coverage shall include
spaces outside the building envelope, such as driveways, walks, parking areas, etc.

4. Buffer Area - these are yards, parks or open spaces intended to separate incompatible
elements or uses and to control pollution/nuisance.

5. Building Height Limit (BHL) - the maximum height allowed for structures or buildings
expressed as number of floors or storeys.

6. Central Business District - shall refer to areas designated principally for trade, services
and business purposes (Commercial 1 Zone)

7. Certificate of Non-Conformance - certificate issued to owners of all uses existing prior

to the approval of the LDGS which do not conform to the provisions herein provided.

8. Certificate of Zoning Classification – a document issued by the Zoning Administrator

citing the zoning classification of the land based on this Ordinance.

9. Compatible Uses - uses or activities capable of existing together harmoniously e.g.

residential use and parks and playground.

10. Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan (CLUDP) - a document embodying
specific proposals for guiding, regulating growth and/or development. The main
components of the CLUDP in this usage are the sectoral studies i.e. Environment,
Social, Economic, Land Use, Transport, Infrastructure and Local Administration.

11. Conflicting Uses - uses or activities with contrasting characteristics sited adjacent to
each other e.g. residential units adjacent to industrial plants.

12. Conforming Use - a use that is in accordance with the zone regulations as provided for
in the LDGS.

13. Easement - open space imposed on any land use/activities sited along waterways,
road-right-of-ways, cemeteries/memorial parks, utilities and the like.

14. Environmentally Critical Areas - refers to those areas which are environmentally
sensitive and are listed in Proclamation 2146 dated 14 December, 1981, as

a. All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife

preserves and sanctuaries;
b. Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots;
c. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of
indigenous Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna);
d. Areas of unique historic, archaeological, or scientific interests;
e. Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or tribes;

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

f. Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards,

floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.;
g. Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;
h. Recharge areas of aquifers;
i. Water bodies characterised by one or any combination of the following conditions:
• tapped for domestic purposes;
• within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by appropriate
authorities; and
• which support wildlife and fishery activities.
j. Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination of the following
• with primary pristine and dense young growth;
• adjoining the mouth of major river systems;
• near or adjacent to traditional productive fry or fishing grounds;
• which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong winds and
storm floods; and
• on which people are dependent on their livelihood.
k. Coral reef characterised by one or any combination of the following conditions:
• with 50% and above live coralline cover;
• spawning and nursery grounds of fish; and
• which acts as natural breakwater of coastlines.

15. Environmentally Critical Projects - refer to those projects which have high potential
for negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential Proclamation
2146 dated 14 December 1981, as follows:

a. Heavy industries
• non-ferrous metal industries;
• iron and steel mills;
• petroleum and petro-chemical industries including oil and gas; and
• smelting plants.
b. Resource extractive industries
• major mining and quarrying projects; and
• forestry projects such as logging, major wood processing, introduction
of fauna (exotic animals) in public/private forests, forest occupancy,
extraction of mangroves and grazing.
c. Fishery projects
• dikes for/and fishpond development projects
d. Infrastructure projects
• major dams;
• major power plants (fossil-fuelled, nuclear-fuelled, hydroelectric or
geothermal); and
• major roads and bridges.

16. Exception- a device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of the
LDGS where because of the specific use would result in a particular hardship upon the
owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

17. Floor/Area Ratio (FAR) - is the ratio between the Gross Floor Area of a building and
the area of the lot on which it stands. Determined by dividing the Gross Floor Area of
the building and the area of the lot. The Gross Floor Area of any building should not
exceed the prescribed floor area ratio (FAR) multiplied by the lot area.

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

18. Forest Zone (FZ) – an area intended primarily for forest purposes.

19. General Commercial Zone (GCZ) – an area for trading, services and business

20. General Institutional Zone (GIZ) – an area principally for general types of institutional
establishments e.g. government offices, schools, hospitals/clinics, academic/research,
convention centres.

21. General Residential Zone (GRZ) – an area principally for dwelling/housing purposes.

22. Gross Floor Area (GFA) - the GFA of a building is the total floor space within
the perimeter of the permanent external building walls (inclusive of main and
auxiliary buildings), occupied by:

a. Office areas;
b. Residential areas;
c. Corridors;
d. Lobbies;
e. Mezzanine;
f. Vertical penetrations which shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts,
pipe shafts, vertical shafts, vertical ducts, and the like and their enclosing
g. Machine room and closets;
h. Storage rooms and closets;
i. Covered balconies and terraces; and
j. Interior walls and columns, and other interior features.

Excluding the following:

k. Covered areas used for parking and driveways, including vertical

penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are
present; and
l. Uncovered areas for AC cooling towers, overhead water tanks, roof decks laundry
areas and cages, wading or swimming pools, whirlpool or jacuzzis, gardens,
courts or plazas.

23. HLRB/BOARD - shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

24. Impervious Surface - type of man-made surface which does not permit the penetration
of water.

25. Land Use Intensity Controls (LUIC) - refer to controls on open spaces (PLO), building
bulk (FAR), building height (BHL) and impervious surfaces (AISAR). The LUIC is
imposed to control, among others, traffic generation, requirements on utilities, over-
building, over-crowding, visual access and to attain the desired zone character. The
LUIC is applied as follows:

a. Maximum Allowable Building Area Per Floor in Square Meters = Lot Area x
Allowable PLO
b. Maximum Allowable Gross Floor Area in Square Meters = Lot Area x Allowable

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

c. In determining the maximum number of floors per building, BHL regulations shall

For planned unit development schemes, residential subdivisions and the like, the LUIC
shall apply to individual lot parcels. Gross open spaces (defined as common areas,
roads, etc.) shall be governed by the requirements of PD 957, BP 220 and related
regulations. For large scale projects on single blocks, i.e. those that have no
lot/parcellary subdivisions, the LUIC shall mean to apply to the gross lot area of the
block and the gross floor area of the buildings to be put up therein.

26. Light Industrial Zone (I-1) – an area principally for the following type of industries:

a. non-pollutive/non-hazardous
b. non-pollutive/hazardous

27. Locational Clearance - a clearance issued to a project that is allowed under the
provisions of the LDGS as well as other standards, rules and regulations on land use.
This clearance is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

28. Medium Industrial Zone (I-2) – an area principally for the following types of industries:

a. pollutive/non-hazardous
b. pollutive/hazardous

29. Mitigating Device - a means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of the

30. Non-Conforming use - existing non-conforming uses/establishments in an area allowed

to operate in spite of the non-conformity to the provisions of the LDGS subject to the
conditions stipulated in the Locational Clearance.

31. Official Zoning Map - a duly authenticated map delineating the different zones in which
the whole Municipality is divided.

32. Parks and Recreation Zone (PRZ) - an area wherein uses are designed for
diversion/amusements and for the maintenance of the ecological balance of the

33. Percentage of Land Occupancy (PLO) - defined as a percentage of the maximum

allowable floor area of any building (at any floor level) to the total lot size. This includes
the main and auxiliary buildings. In case of discrepancy between the specified PLO in
this Ordinance and the Light and Ventilation provisions of the National Building Code,
the lesser allowable floor area shall prevail.

34. Rezoning – a process of introducing amendments to or change in the text and maps of
the Zoning Ordinance. It also includes amendment or change in view of
reclassification under Section 20 of RA 7160.

35. Setback - the open space left between the building and lot lines.

36. Socialised Housing Zone (SHZ) – shall be used principally for socialised
housing/dwelling purposes for the underprivileged and homeless as defined in RA

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

37. Variance - a Special Locational Clearance granting a property owner relief from certain
provisions of the LDGS where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape
or topographical conditions of the property, compliance on height, area, setback, bulk
and/or density would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished
from a mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

38. Warehouse – refers to a storage and/or depository of those in business of performing

warehouse services for others, for profit.

39. Water Zone (WZ) – bodies of water that include rivers, streams, lakes and seas except
those included in other zone classifications.

40. Zone - an area within the Municipality, as defined by manmade or natural boundaries,
where specific land use regulations are applied.

41. Zoning Administrator - a Municipal government employee responsible for the

implementation/enforcement of the LDGS.


Section 5. Division into Zones. The Municipality of Santa Rosa is hereby divided
into five general zones, namely, Low Intensity Development, Urban Redevelopment,
Growth Management – 1, Growth Management – 2 and Shoreland. Said divisions are for
the purposes of the following:

1. implementing the Santa Rosa CLUDP;

2. defining specific areas of the Municipality of Santa Rosa, each requiring different
standards of development to meet different circumstances present within the zone;
3. serving the purposes and intent of the LDGS as outlined in Chapter I.

The provisions contained herein anticipate the likelihood and desirability of mixing land
uses. Unlike conventional zones, which segregated various land uses, the LDGS allows
mixed uses and places the emphasis on minimising or buffering any nuisance factors
between such uses. Further provisions impose criteria to resolve any possible problems
and eliminate what might be negative impacts when unlike uses are located in proximity.
Zones are distinguished according to allowable land use intensities, which are discussed in
detail in succeeding articles.

Section 6. Description of Zones. The intent and purpose of each zone is described

1. Low Intensity Development Zone

The Low Intensity Development Zone (LIDZ) is the Low Intensity Development Area
described in the CLUDP. The Zone is one of the direct urban expansion areas of
the Poblacion but is, however, determined to have low development capability.
Limitations are due mainly to it being flood prone with unstable soils in some parts. It
is delineated in order to control development in these environmentally sensitive

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

The LIDZ further hosts the remaining classified agricultural areas of Santa Rosa.
The LDGS does not provide for the re-classification of these agricultural areas. Re-
classification shall have to undergo the standard statutory proceedings as required
by the Sangguniang Bayan.

The LDGS provides that the LIDZ shall be a predominantly low-intensity development
area having substantial vegetated and landscaped open spaces. All developments
shall carefully consider drainage as well as minimise impervious surface conditions.

Barangays included in the LIDZ (in whole or in part) are as follows: Sinalhan, Aplaya
and Caingin.

2. Urban Redevelopment Zone

The Urban Redevelopment Zone (URZ) is the Urban Redevelopment Area described
in the CLUDP. It hosts the traditional business and residential districts of Santa Rosa.
These districts have since expanded and evolved into a mixed-use area predominated
by low to medium intensity activities. The zone, however, has moderate development
capability in as much as it is located on environmentally sensitive land and has little
room for substantial infrastructure improvement.

It is the intent of the LDGS to encourage urban renewal to enhance the present mixed-
use character of the area as well as prevent the over-burdening of infrastructure. The
LDGS further promotes the low to medium-intensity mixed use development in this
area, which can improve the identity and character of the zone in particular and the
Municipality in general. A compact urban development pattern is desired,
interspersed with strategic public open spaces.

The central Poblacion area, composed of Bgys. Kanluran and Malusak, is hereby
classified as a Historical Redevelopment District (HRD). This encompasses Rizal
Blvd., from the foot of Sta. Rosa Bridge to the corner of G. B. Zavalla St.; F. Gomez
St. from the corner of Anonuevo St. to the corner of P. Gomez St.

Barangays included in the URZ (in whole or in part) are as follows: Tagapo, Market
Area, Poblacion, Labas, Pooc, Balibago, Dila and Dita.

3. Growth Management Zone – 1

Growth Management Zone – 1 (GMZ-1) is described as Growth Management Area –

1 in the CLUDP. It used to be the urban fringe area of the municipality and has
since experience sporadic urban growth, which is now in the process of
consolidation. It also has moderate development capability with limitations due to
flooding hazards and limited capacities of access roads.

It is the intent of the LDGS to encourage the well-ordered consolidation of urban

growth in this area. Developments shall be of moderate intensity in consideration of
its natural and man-made limitations.

Barangays included in GMZ - 1 (in whole or in part) are as follows: Tagapo,

Macabling, Balibago, Dila, Pulong Sta. Cruz, Dita and Malitlit.

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

4. Growth Management Zone – 2

Growth Management Zone – 2 (GMZ-2) is described as Growth Management Area – 2

in the CLUDP. It has high development capability with substantial potential for further

GMZ – 2 is intended to accommodate the urban expansion requirements of the

municipality, directing it away from the more environmentally sensitive lands. The
LDGS promotes mixed-use high-intensity developments in the zone. Substantial
ground open spaces shall be provided along with impervious surface conditions.

Barangays included in GMZ - 2 (in whole or in part) are as follows: Pulong Sta. Cruz,
Malitlit, Don Jose and Sto. Domingo.

5. Shoreland Zone

The Shoreland Zone (SZ) is described as the Shoreland Area in the CLUDP. LLDA
Resolution No. 23 Series of 1996 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act No. 4850 define it, as follows:

a. Existing titled lands with elevation 12.50 meters and below including those titled
under the Torrens System prior to the enactment of Presidential Decree No. 813
in 1975; and
b. All other areas below elevation 12.50 meters as referred to a datum 10.00 meters
below mean lower low water (MLLW).

Per the said LLDA Resolution, the Shoreland Area “is a strip of linear open space
designed to separate incompatible elements or uses, or to control pollution/nuisances
and for identifying and defining development areas or zones.” The administrative and
regulatory control on the land use of the Shoreland Area is vested upon the Laguna
Lake Development Authority. This area is the declared Strategic and Agricultural
Development Zone (SAFDZ) of Sta. Rosa.

Barangays included in SZ (in whole or in part) are as follows: Sinalhan, Aplaya and

6. Road Rights-of-Way Zone

It is the intent of the LDGS to ensure the provision of adequate accessibility to all parts
of the Municipality as provided in the CLUDP. With this regard, Road Rights-of-Way
Zones (RROW) are delineated. All properties that are affected by the identified new
road alignments shall be required to provide unimpeded road rights-of-way.

Section 7. Zoning Map. It is hereby adopted as an integral part of the LDGS, the
Official Zoning Map of the Municipality, duly signed by the Mayor and authenticated by the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan. The designation, location and boundaries of the zones herein
established are shown and indicated in the said Official Zoning Map. Appendix A and B
show the General Zoning Map and the Historical Redevelopment District, respectively.

Section 8. Zone Boundaries. The locations and boundaries of the above mentioned
zones into which the municipality has been subdivided are hereby identified and specified
as follows:

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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

1. Low Intensity Development Zone

The LIDZ is bounded on the west by the barangay boundaries of Tagapo, Market Area,
Ibaba, Labas, Pooc, Dila and Dita.

2. Urban Redevelopment Zone

The URZ is bounded on the west by the Manila South Road and on the east by the
barangay boundaries of Sinalhan, Aplaya, Caingin and Pooc.

3. Growth Management Zone – 1

GMZ-1 is bounded on the west by the South Luzon Expressway and on the east by the
Manila South Road, as presented in the Zoning Map.

4. Growth Management Zone – 2

The Municipalities of Silang, Binan and Cabuyao bound GMZ-2 to the west, north and
south, respectively. The South Luzon Expressway also bound it at the east.

5. Shoreland Zone

The boundaries of the Shoreland Zone shall be as provided by LLDA Resolution No.
23 Series of 1996 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.

6. Road Rights-of-Way Zone

The alignment of the RROW Zones shall be as measured from the RROW Zone Map
(Appendix C). The measured distance shall be construed as the centre line of the
said RROW. The respective RROW widths shall then be reckoned at an equal
distance from these centre lines. These RROW widths are presented as follows:

RROW Category RROW Width

Code (mts.)
TR-1 Farm-to-market 10
TR-4 Secondary 20
TR-5 Primary 30
TR-6 Primary 30
TR-7 Secondary 20

Section 9. Interpretation of the Zone Boundary. In the interpretation of the

boundaries for any of the zones indicated on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules
shall apply:

1. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the centre
of streets or highway, the street or highway right-of-way lines shall be construed to
be the boundaries.

2. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow barangay
boundary lines, the delineation shall be based on those indicated on the cadastral


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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

3. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to the
centre lines or right-of-way lines of streets and highways, such zone boundaries
shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as
indicated in the Official Zoning Map. If no distance is given, such dimension shall
be determined by the use of the scale shown in said zoning map.

4. Where the boundary of a zone follows a stream, lake or other bodies of water, said
boundary line should be deemed to be at the limit of the political jurisdiction of the
community unless otherwise indicated. Boundaries indicated as following
shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines and in the event of change
in the shorelines, shall be construed as moving with the actual shorelines.
Boundaries following bodies of water shall be subject to public easement
requirements as provided in the Water Code, in the provisions of this ordinance
and with other applicable regulations.

5. Where a zone boundary line divides a lot of single ownership, as of record at the
effective date of the LDGS, the lot shall be construed to be within the zone where
the major portion of the lot is located. In case the boundary line bisects the lot, it
shall fall in the zone where the principal structure falls.

6. Where zone boundaries are said to be as indicated in the Official Zoning Map, the
location of the parcel in consideration shall be referred to from the cadastral map
and overlain to the former.

7. The mapped location of the property in consideration shall prevail over that of the
textual description.


Section 10. General Provision. The Municipality recognizes that any land use is a
use by right but provides that the exercise of such right shall be subject to the review
standards of the LDGS.

Section 11. Classification of Uses. Development proposals shall be classified

according to the allowed uses within the following zones, as defined by the HLRB:

• General Residential Zone • General Institutional Zone

• Socialised Housing Zone • Special Institutional Zone
• General Commercial Zone • Agricultural Zone
• Light Industrial Zone • Agri-Industrial Zone
• Medium Industrial Zone • Forest Zone
• Heavy Industrial Zone • Parks and Recreation Zone

The definition as well as the list of allowable uses within each classification as provided by
the HLRB to the above is adopted in this Ordinance and are exhibited in Appendix D.

Section 12. Height Regulations. Unless otherwise stipulated in this ordinance,

building heights must conform with the height restrictions and requirements of the Air
Transportation Office (ATO), the National Building Code, Structural Code and other
rules and regulations related to land development and building construction.


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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

Section 13. Subdivisions, Condominiums, Economic and Socialized Housing.

Projects classified as Subdivisions and Condominiums or Economic and Socialized
Housing shall conform to the rules and regulations of the following:

1. PD 957, “Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective Law” and its

implementing rules and regulations;
2. Batas Pambansa 220, “Promulgation of Different Levels of Standards and
Technical Requirements for Economic and Socialised Housing Projects” and its
revised implementing rules and regulations;
3. RA 7279, “Urban Development and Housing Act;” and
4. Other pertinent government rules and regulations.

Section 14. Building Setback Regulations. Unless otherwise specified in this

ordinance, building setback regulations shall be per the minimum requirements of the
National Building Code.

Section 15. Easement. Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code, the following
easements shall be observed:

1. The banks of rivers and streams and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout
their entire length and within a zone of three meters in urban areas, 20 meters in
agricultural areas and 40 meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject
to easement of public use in the interest of recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing and salvage.

No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for
space or recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or to build structures
of any kind.

2. Mandatory five-meter easement on both sides of earthquake fault traces on the

ground identified by PHIVOLCS.

Section 16. Specific Provisions in the National Building Code. Specific provisions
stipulated in the National Building Code (P.D. 1096), as amended, relevant to traffic
generators, advertising and business signs, erection of more than one principal structure,
dwelling on rear lots, access yard requirements and dwelling groups, which are not in
conflict with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, shall be observed.

Section 17. Network of Green and Open Spaces. All residential and commercial
subdivisions are required to provide green strips and forest parks as provided in
Sangguniang Bayan Resolution 768-99. The LDGS provides that industrial subdivisions
shall also be required to comply with the provisions of the said Resolution. For this
purpose, the suitable tree species are exhibited in Appendix E – HLRB Administrative
Order No. 02 Series of 1997.

Section 18. Projects of National Significance. Projects may be declared by the

NEDA Board as Projects of National Significance pursuant to Section 3 of Executive
Order No. 72. When a project is declared as such by the NEDA Board, the Locational
Clearance shall be issued by the HLRB pursuant to EO 72, in consultation with the
Municipality of Santa Rosa in order to ensure that the requirements of the LDGS are


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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

Section 19. Environmental Compliance Certificate. Projects within the scope of the
Environmental Impact Assessment System or those that are classified as
Environmentally Critical Projects or those which are located in Environmentally Critical
Areas shall not be commenced, developed or operated unless the requirements of the
Environmental Compliance Certificate have been complied with.

Section 20. Subdivision Projects. All owners and developers of subdivision projects
shall, in addition to securing a Locational Clearance as provided by this Ordinance be
required to secure a development permit pursuant to the provisions of PD 957 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations or BP 220 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations in the case of Socialised Housing Projects in accordance with the
procedures laid down in EO 71, Series of 1993.

Section 21. Infrastructure Capacities. All developments shall not cause excessive
requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to
the economic welfare of the community. All developments shall exhibit that their
requirements for public infrastructure (such as roads, water supply and the like) are
within the capacities of the system/s serving them.

Section 22. Traffic Impact Assessment. Major, high intensity facilities such as
commercial-residential buildings having four floors and above, shopping centres,
schools, universities, industrial estates and/or other similar developments that are
required to provide 20 or more vehicular parking slots by the National Building Code,
shall be required to submit Traffic Impact Assessments which shall form part of the
requirements for Locational Clearance. Other traffic generating developments, as
determined by the Zoning Administrator, shall be required to submit the same.

Section 23. Socio-Economic Impact Assessment. Major facilities such as

industrial estates, industrial establishments, shopping centres and/or similar facilities that
require 50 or more employees during operations shall be required to submit Socio-
Economic Impact Assessments which shall form part of the requirements for Locational
Clearance. Proponents shall establish that their developments shall cause direct socio-
economic benefits to the municipality such that they prioritise the hiring of qualified
residents of the municipality, provide relevant employee housing facilities/assistance
and/or prioritise the sourcing of materials and supplies from the municipality.


Section 24. Innovative Techniques or Designs. For projects that introduce flexibility
and creativity in design or plan such as but not limited to Planned Unit Development,
Housing projects covered by New Town Development under RA 7279, BLISS
Commercial Complexes, etc., the Zoning Administrator shall on grounds of innovative
development techniques forward applications to HLRB for appropriate action.


Section 25. Buffer Yards. Building setbacks shall be considered as buffer yards.
Aside from providing light and ventilation, buffers can mitigate adverse impacts and
nuisances between two adjacent developments. Whenever necessary, buffers shall be
required to be extended and/or provided with planting materials in order to ameliorate said


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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

negative conditions such as, but not limited to, noise, odour, unsightly buildings or danger
from fires and explosions. A buffer may also contain a barrier, such as a berm or a fence,
where such additional screening is necessary to achieve the desired level of buffering
between various activities.

1. Buffers Between Adjoining Properties. Between two different developments, e.g.

General Residential and General Commercial, the more intense land use shall
provide the proper buffer design and materials. If a development shall occur
beside a vacant lot, the owners of the properties in consideration may submit a
contractual agreement whereby the required buffer for the first area to develop
shall be reduced or waived. If additional buffer will be required at the time the
vacant lot develops, it shall be provided by the latter development.

2. Buffers on Simultaneous Developments. The more intense use shall provide the
necessary buffer in cases when two developments occur simultaneously.

3. Location of Buffers. The building setbacks shall serve as buffer locations, at the
outer perimeter of a lot or parcel. In no case shall buffers occupy public or private
street rights-of-way.

4. Types of Buffers. Landscaped buffers with suitable foliage are encouraged. On

developments where it may not be possible to put in landscaped buffers (such as
narrow lots), the developer may put up a fence provided the fencing material is
compatible with the design of the building.

5. Land Uses in Buffer Areas. Buffers are part of yards and open spaces and in no
case shall buildings encroach upon it. It may, however, be used for passive
recreation such as gardening, pedestrian trails, etc.

Section 26. Environmental Conservation and Protection Standards. It is the intent

of the LDGS to protect the natural resources of the Municipality. In order to achieve this
objective, all development shall comply with the following regulations:

1. Views shall be preserved for public enjoyment especially in sites with high scenic
quality by closely considering building orientation, height, bulk, fencing and

2. The utilisation of the water resources of the Municipality for domestic and
industrial use shall be allowed provided it is in consonance with the development
regulations of the DENR, provisions of the Water Code, the Revised Forestry
Code of the Philippines, as amended, and whenever necessary, be subjected to
an Environmental Impact Assessment Study;

3. Heavy water using industrial (e.g. soft drink bottling), recreational (golf courses,
water theme parks and the like) and other facilities shall be discouraged to locate
within the Municipality;

4. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural drainage patterns or
change the velocities, volumes, and physical, chemical, and biological
characteristics of stormwater. Streams, watercourses, wetlands, lakes or ponds
shall not be altered, regraded, developed, piped, diverted or built upon;


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Zoning Ordinance

5. All developments shall limit the rate of stormwater runoff so that the rate of runoff
generated is no more than that of the site in its natural condition; and

6. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, streams, lakes and
ponds from sedimentation and erosion damage.

7. The internal drainage systems of developments shall be so designed as not to

increase turbidity, sediment yield, or cause the discharge of any harmful
substances that will degrade the quality of water. Water quality shall be maintained
according to DENR DAO No. 34 – Revised Water Usage and
Classification/Ambient Water Quality Criteria;

8. Municipal and industrial wastewater effluents shall not discharge into surface and
groundwater unless it is scientifically proven that such discharges will not cause
the deterioration of the water quality. Effluents shall be maintained according to
DENR DAO No. 35 – 91 – Establishing Effluent Quality Standards for Class “C”
Inland Waters;

9. Floodplains shall not be altered, filled and/or built upon without proper drainage
design and without proper consideration of possible inundation effects on nearby

10. Facilities and operations that cause the emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, smoke or
any other air polluting material that may have deleterious effects on health or
cause the impairment of visibility are not permitted. Air quality at the point of
emission shall be maintained at specified levels according to DENR DAO No. 14 -
Revised Air Quality Standards of 1992.

11. Mature trees or those equal to or greater than 12 inches calliper measured 14
inches above the ground shall not be cleared or cut; and

12. Easements shall at all times be observed along the banks of rivers, streams and
major National Irrigation canals (greater than 2 meters) and the shores of the lake
throughout their entire length pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code of the
Philippines; likewise irrigation canals of the National Irrigation Authority shall be
provided with similar easements.

Section 27. Historical Preservation and Conservation Standards. Historic sites

and facilities shall be conserved and preserved. These shall, to the extent possible, be
made accessible for the educational and cultural enrichment of the general public.

The following shall guide the development of historic sites and facilities:

1. Sites with historic buildings or places shall be developed to conserve and

enhance their heritage values.

2. Historic sites and facilities shall be adaptively re-used.

Section 28. Site Performance Standards. The Municipality considers it in the public
interest that all projects are designed and developed in a safe, efficient and aesthetically
pleasing manner. Site development shall consider the environmental character and
limitations of the site and its adjacent properties. All project elements shall be in complete
harmony according to good design principles and the subsequent development must be


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Zoning Ordinance

visually pleasing as well as efficiently functioning especially in relation to the adjacent

properties and bordering streets.

The quality of every neighbourhood shall always be enhanced. The design,

construction, operation and maintenance of every facility shall be in harmony with the
existing and intended character of its neighbourhood. It shall not change the essential
character of the said area but will be a substantial improvement to the value of the
properties in the neighbourhood in particular and the community in general.

Further, designs should consider the following:

1. Sites, buildings and facilities shall be designed and developed with regards to
safety, efficiency and high standards of design. The natural environmental
character of the site and its adjacent properties shall be considered in the site
development of each building and facility.

2. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so designed that it does
not impair the entry of light and ventilation, cause the loss of privacy and/or create
nuisances, hazards or inconveniences to adjacent developments.

3. Abutments to adjacent properties shall not be allowed without the neighbour’s prior
written consent which shall be required by the Zoning Administrator prior to the
granting of a Locational Clearance; and

4. The capacity of parking areas/lots shall be per the minimum requirements of the
National Building Code. These shall be located, developed and landscaped in
order to enhance the aesthetic quality of the facility. In no case shall parking
areas/lots encroach into street rights-of-way.

5. Developments that have lot areas of two hectares or more and which attract a
significant volume of public modes of transportation, such as tricycles, PUJs,
buses, etc., shall provide on-site parking for the same. These should also
provide vehicular loading and unloading bays so as through street traffic flow will
not be impeded.

6. Buffers, silencers, mufflers, enclosures and other noise-absorbing materials shall

be provided to all noise and vibration-producing machinery. Noise levels shall be
maintained according to levels specified in DENR DAO No. 30 - Abatement of
Noise and Other Forms of Nuisance as Defined by Law.

7. Glare and heat from any operation or activity shall not be radiated, seen or felt
from any point beyond the limits of the property.


Section 29. Low Intensity Development Zone (LIDZ) Guidelines

1. Allowed Uses

All uses allowed under the following classifications of the HLRB:

a. General Residential Zone


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Zoning Ordinance

b. Socialised Housing Zone

c. General Commercial Zone
d. General Institutional Zone
e. Agricultural Zone
f. Parks and Recreation Zone

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the LIDZ:

Maximum Maximum Maximum AISAR

0.4 1.0 3.0 Plus 10% of resultant PLO

Section 30. Urban Redevelopment Zone (URZ) Guidelines

1. Allowed Uses

All uses allowed under the following classifications of the HLRB:

a. General Residential Zone

b. Socialised Housing Zone
c. General Commercial Zone
d. General Institutional Zone
e. Parks and Recreation Zone

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the URZ:

Maximum Maximum Maximum AISAR

0.6 2.0 4.0 Plus 10% of resultant PLO

3. Historical Redevelopment District

All uses allowed within the URZ are allowed in the Historical Redevelopment District
(HRD). Moreover, the applicable LUIC is as follows:

Maximum Maximum Maximum AISAR

0.8 2.0 3.0 100% of total lot area

The design and construction of all buildings, structures and other facilities therein
shall observe a Hispanic Architectural motif, circa 1800s and must remain compatible
with the architecture of the municipal hall. The town plaza shall also be rehabilitated
along the same architectural character. Further, all commercial signages, billboards,
advertising signs and the like shall not exceed six meters in height nor shall be of
such dimensions as to dominate the visual landscape and obstruct views. Their
designs and materials shall also conform to the historic character of the District.


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Zoning Ordinance

Section 31. Growth Management Zone – 1 (GMZ - 1) Guidelines

1. Allowed Uses

All uses allowed under the following classifications of the HLRB:

a. General Residential Zone

b. Socialised Housing Zone
c. General Commercial Zone
d. General Institutional Zone
e. Light Industrial Zone
f. Agricultural Zone
g. Parks and Recreation Zone

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in GMZ-1:

Maximum Maximum Maximum AISAR

0.6 3.0 None Plus 10% of resultant PLO

3. Intensity Bonus

The LDGS encourages developments with substantial ground and air open spaces.
Developments that reduce their PLO coverage shall be entitled to the following
additional allowances in the maximum FAR and the AISAR.

PLO Additional Additional

Reduction FAR AISAR
(%) (%) (%)
10 to 19 5 10% of allowed PLO
20 to 29 7 20% of allowed PLO
30 to 39 10 30% of allowed PLO
40 to 49 12 40% of allowed PLO
50 to 59 15 50% of allowed PLO
60 to 69 17 60% of allowed PLO
70 to 80 20 70% of allowed PLO

Section 32. Growth Management Zone – 2 (GMZ-2) Guidelines

1. Allowed Uses

All uses allowed under the following classifications of the HLRB:

a. General Residential Zone

b. Socialised Housing Zone
c. General Commercial Zone
d. General Institutional Zone
e. Special Institutional Zone
f. Light Industrial Zone
g. Medium Industrial Zone
h. Agricultural Zone


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Zoning Ordinance

i. Parks and Recreation Zone

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in GMZ-2:

Maximum Maximum Maximum AISAR

0.6 4.0 None Plus 10% of resultant PLO

3. Intensity Bonus

As in GMZ-1, the following Intensity Bonus applies to developments in GMZ-2:

PLO Additional Additional

Reduction FAR AISAR
(%) (%) (%)
10 to 19 5 10% of allowed PLO
20 to 29 7 20% of allowed PLO
30 to 39 10 30% of allowed PLO
40 to 49 12 40% of allowed PLO
50 to 59 15 50% of allowed PLO
60 to 69 17 60% of allowed PLO
70 to 80 20 70% of allowed PLO

Section 33. Shoreland Zone (SZ) Guidelines.

The administrative and regulatory control on the land use of the Shoreland Zone is
vested upon the Laguna Lake Development Authority. This area is also the declared
Strategic and Agricultural Development Zone (SAFDZ) of Sta. Rosa.

Per LLDA Resolution No. 23 Series of 1996 or the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 4850, the allowable uses are as follows:

1. Tree farming / planting;

2. Recreational uses (with no permanent facilities);
3. Agriculture;
4. Fishponds;
5. Backyard poultry;
6. Dockyards and boat sheds;
7. Research facilities;
8. Fishport; and
9. Other facilities that will not pose pollution or cause disturbances to the ecological
balance of the lake.

Section 34. Deviation. The Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA)
may allow exceptions, variances or deviations from the provisions of this Ordinance only
when the following terms and conditions are existing:

1. Variance


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Zoning Ordinance

a. The property is unique and different from other properties in the adjacent locality
and because of its uniqueness, the owner/s cannot obtain a reasonable return on
the property.

This condition shall include at least three of the following provisions.

• Conforming to the provisions of the LDGS will cause undue hardship on the
part of the owner or occupant of the property due to physical conditions of the
property (topography, shape, etc.) which is not self-created.

• The proposed variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit

reasonable use of the property.

• The variance will not alter the physical character of the district or zone where
the property for which the variance is sought is located, and will not
substantially or permanently injure the use of the other properties in the same

• That the variance will not weaken the general purpose of the LDGS and will
not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.

• The variance will be in harmony with the spirit of the LDGS.

2. Exceptions

a. The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare and is
in keeping with the general pattern of development in the community.

b. The proposed project shall support economic based activities/ provide livelihood,
vital community services and facilities while at the same time posing no adverse
effect on the zone/community.

c. The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoining property
in the same zone.

d. The exception will not alter the essential character and general purpose of the
zone where the exception sought is located.

Section 35. Procedures for Granting Exceptions and Variances. The procedure
for the granting of exception and/or variance is as follows:

1. A written application for an exception or variance shall be filed with the Local
Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) citing the section of the LDGS
under which the same is sought and stating the ground/s thereof.

2. Upon filing of application, a visible project sign, (indicating the name and nature
of the proposed project) shall be posted at the project site.

3. The LZBAA shall conduct preliminary studies on the application.

4. A written affidavit of non-objection of the project by the owners of the properties

adjacent to the project shall be filed by the applicant with the LZBAA at least 15
days prior to the decision for exception/variance.


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Final Report
Zoning Ordinance

5. In case of objection, the LZBAA shall hold public hearing.

6. At the hearing, any party may appear in person, or be represented by agent/s.

All interested parties shall be accorded the opportunity to be heard and present
evidences and testimonies.

7. The LZBAA shall render a decision within 30 days from the filing of the
application, exclusive of the time spent for the preparation of written affidavit of
non-objection and the public hearing in case of any objection to the granting of


Section 36. Locational Clearance. All land owners/developers shall secure

Locational Clearance from the Zoning Administrator or, in case of variances and
exemptions, from the LZBAA prior to conducting any activity or construction on their

Section 37. Building Permit. The Local Building Official shall not issue a Building
Permit without a valid Locational Clearance issued in accordance with the LDGS.

Section 38. Business Permit. The concerned local unit or department shall not issue
a Business Permit unless a valid Locational Clearance and Occupancy Permit have
been issued.

Section 39. Non-User of Locational Clearance. Upon issuance of a Locational

Clearance, the grantee thereof shall have one year within which to commence or
undertake the use, activity or development covered by such clearance on his/her

Non-use of said clearance within said period shall result in its automatic expiration,
cancellation and the grantee shall not proceed with his/her project without applying for a
new Locational Clearance.

Section 40. Issuance of Zoning Classification. An applicant may request from the
Office of the Zoning Administrator the status of their land/property in relation to the
LDGS. Such document shall not be used as a Locational Clearance but as reference
only for planning and may be amended by the Local Zoning Review Committee without
any prior notice from the owner or applicant as the need arises based on the
reasons/situations stated herein.

Section 41. Certificate of Non-Conformance. The owner of the structure or operator

of the activity involved shall apply for a certificate of Non-Conformance within six months
from the ratification of the LDGS by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. Failure on the part
of the owner to register/apply for a Certificate of Non-Conformance shall be considered
in violation of the LDGS and is subject to fine/penalties.

Upon approval of this Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall immediately notify
owners of known existing non-conforming use to apply for a certificate of non-


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Zoning Ordinance

Section 42. Existing Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings. The lawful uses of any
building, structure or land at the time of adoption or amendment of the LDGS may be
continued, although such uses do not conform with the provision of the LDGS, provided:

1. That no such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended to occupy a

greater area of land than that already occupied by such use at the time of the
adoption of the LDGS or moved in whole or in part, to any other portion of the lot
or parcel or land where such non-conforming use exists at the time of the
adoption of the LDGS;

2. That no such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more than one
year be again revived as non-conforming use;

3. An idle/vacant structure may not be used for non-conforming activity;

4. That any non-conforming structure, or structures under one ownership which has
been damaged maybe reconstructed and used as before provided that such
reconstruction is not more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement cost;

5. That should such non-conforming portion of structure be destroyed by any means

to an extent of more than fifty percent (50%) of its replacement cost at the time of
destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions
of the LDGS;

6. That no such non-conforming use maybe moved to displace any conforming use;

7. That no such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way

which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or portion thereof may be
altered to decrease its non-conformity; and

8. That should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance, it shall
thereafter conform to the regulation of the district in which it is moved or

Section 43. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement. The LDGS shall
be enforced and administered by the Local Chief Executive through the Zoning
Administrator who shall be appointed by the former in accordance with existing rules and
regulations on the subject.

Section 44. Powers and Functions of a Zoning Administrator. Pursuant to the

provisions of EO 72 implementing RA 7160 in relation to Sec. 5, Paragraph a and d, and
Section 7 of Executive Order No. 648 dated 07 February 1981, the Zoning Administrator
shall perform the following functions, duties and responsibilities:

1. Enforcement

a. Act on all applications for Locational Clearances for all projects.

• Issuance of Locational Clearance for projects conforming to the regulations of the


• Recommend to the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA) the
grant or denial of applications for variances and exemptions and the issuance of


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Zoning Ordinance

Certificate of Non-Conformance for non-conforming projects lawfully existing at

the time of the adoption of the zoning ordinance, including clearances for
repairs/renovations on non-conforming uses consistent with the guidelines

b. Monitor on-going/existing projects within their respective jurisdictions and issue

notices of violation and show cause order to owners, developers, or managers of
projects that are in violation of the provisions of the LDGS and if necessary,
pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order No. 71 refer subsequent actions
thereon to the HLRB.

c. Call and co-ordinate with the Philippine National Police for enforcement of all
orders and processes issued in the implementation of this Ordinance.

d. Co-ordinate with the Municipality Fiscal/Municipality Legal Officer for other legal
actions/remedies relative to the foregoing.

2. Planning

a. Co-ordinate with the Regional Office of the HLRB regarding proposed

amendments to the zoning ordinances prior to adoption by the Sangguniang

Section 45. Action on Complaints and Oppositions. A complaint for violation of

any provisions of the LDGS or any clearance or permits issued pursuant thereto shall be
filed with the LZBAA. Further, oppositions to application/s for Locational Clearance,
Variance or Exception shall be treated as a complaint and dealt with in accordance with
the provisions of this section.

Section 46. Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Zoning Board of

Adjustments and Appeals. There is hereby created a LZBAA which shall perform the
following functions and responsibilities:

1. Act on applications of the following nature:

a. Variances
b. Exceptions
c. Non-Conforming Uses
d. Complaints and oppositions to application/s

2. Act on appeals on Grant or Denial of Locational Clearance by the Zoning


Section 47. Composition of the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals
(LZBAA). The Municipality Development Council shall create a sub-committee that shall
act as the LZBAA, composed of the following members:

1. Municipal Mayor as Chairman;

2. Municipal Legal Officer;
3. Municipal Assessor;
4. Municipal Engineer;
5. Municipal Planning and Development Co-ordinator (if other than the Zoning


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Santa Rosa Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan

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Zoning Ordinance

6. Two representatives of the private sector nominated by their respective

organisations and confirmed by the Municipality or municipal mayor. In the event
of non-availability of any of the officials enumerated above, the Sangguniang
Bayan shall elect the number of its members as may be necessary to meet the
total number above set forth, as representatives; and
7. Two representatives from non-government organisations nominated by their
respective organisations and confirmed by the Municipality mayor. In the event of
non-availability of any of the officials enumerated above, the Sangguniang Bayan
shall elect the number of its members as may be necessary to meet the total
number above set forth, as representatives.

For purposes of policy co-ordination, the LZBAA shall be attached to the Municipal
Development Council.

Section 48. Review of the Zoning Ordinance. The Municipal Development Council
shall create a sub-committee, the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) that shall
review the LDGS considering the CLUDP, and as the need arises, based on the
following reasons/situations:

1. Change in local development plans;

2. Introduction of projects of national significance;
3. Petition for rezoning; and
4. Other reasons which are appropriate for consideration.

Section 49. Composition of the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC). The
Local Zoning Review Committee shall be composed of sectoral experts.

These are the Local Officials/Civic Leaders responsible for the operation, development
and progress of all sectoral undertakings in the locality, e.g.:

1. Municipal Planning and Development Co-ordinator

2. Municipal Health Officer
3. Municipal Agriculturist
4. President, Association of Barangay Captains
5. Municipality Engineer
6. Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO)
7. Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO)
8. District School Supervisor
9. Three Private Sector Representatives (Local Chamber of Commerce, Housing
Industry and Homeowner’s Association)
10. Two NGO Representatives

For purposes of policy and program co-ordination, the LZRC shall be attached to the
Municipal Development Council.

Section 50. Functions of the Local Zoning Review Committee. The Local Zoning
Review Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Review the LDGS for the following purposes:

a. Determine amendments or revisions necessary in the LDGS because of

changes that might have been introduced in the CLUDP;


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b. Determine changes to be introduced in the CLUDP in the light of permits given,

and exceptions and variances granted; and

c. Identify provisions of the LDGS that are difficult to enforce or are unworkable.

2. Recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan necessary legislative amendments and

to the local planning and development staff the needed changes in the plan as a
result of the review conducted.

3. Provide information to the HLRB that would be useful in the exercise of its

Section 51. Amendments to the LDGS. Changes in the LDGS, as a result of the
review by the Local Zoning Review Committee shall be treated as an amendment,
provided that any amendment to the LDGS or provisions thereof shall be subject to
public hearing and review and evaluation of the Local Zoning Review Committee and
shall be carried out through a resolution of three fourths vote of the Sangguniang Bayan.
Said amendments shall take effect only after approval and authentication by the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

Section 52. Violation and Penalty. Any person who violates any of the provisions of
this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding P2, 500.00
or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or both at the discretion of the
Court. In case of violation by a corporation, partnership or association the penalty shall
be imposed upon the erring officers thereof.

Section 53. Suppletory Effect of Other Laws and Decrees. The provisions of the
LDGS shall be without prejudice to the application of other laws, presidential decrees,
letter of instructions and other executive or administrative orders vesting national
agencies with jurisdiction over specific land areas, which shall remain in force and effect,
provided that land use decisions of the national agencies concerned shall be consistent
with the CLUDP.

Section 54. Separability Clause. Should any section or provision of the LDGS be
declared by the Court to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the LDGS as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be
unconstitutional or invalid.

Section 55. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, rules or regulations in conflict with the
provisions of the LDGS are hereby repealed, provided that the rights that are vested
upon the effectivity of the LDGS shall not be impaired.

Section 56. Effectivity Clause. This Ordinance shall become effective 10 days after a
copy thereof is posted at the entrance of the municipal hall and in at least two other
conspicuous places in the municipality.


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Final Report
Zoning Ordinance







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