Leap Forward
Leap Forward
Leap Forward
Leap Forward
MAY 26, 2019
Still today the Great Leap Forward is painted in the blackest of colors. It was used
by many of the originators of the restorationist line (Liu Shaoqui and Deng
Xiaoping) in the People’s Republic of China as the reason to return to private
markets and self ownership in agricultural commodity and property relations. It
was a very complex time that preceded, but which would ultimately later
precipitate, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
This obliqueness originates in part to how revisionism must attack communism in
order to justify its existence, for if the Great Leap Forward was a model in any way it
would reveal the backward, counterrevolutionary design of state capitalism. In
other parts it has much to do with U.S. imperialism seeking the continued
“containment” and destruction of a revolutionary state that was showing
anticolonial struggles the way to socialist transformation and development. The two
enemies of the oppressed people of the world, being in unity to one another,
collided in creating the dominant ruling class thinking on this great historical event,
which is one of intentional ‘authoritarian’ starvation, of ‘ultra-left’ excess and
debauchery. Every Soviet revisionist aligned Party clique down to the Pentagon
helped to promote, in Western publishing houses and in history departments, that
to revolutionize the economy and see planning as the weapon of the proletariat was
to bring catastrophe to the masses.
The Great Leap Forward was a great act of courage. Under Stalin’s leadership the
Soviet Union had been aiding China for many years, yet the modern revisionists
under Khrushchev suddenly delivered an ultimatum: quit criticizing the Soviet
Union’s turn towards a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and their social imperialist
intrigue, which included the class collaborationist policy of “peaceful coexistence,”
or face isolation. Because the USSR-while it was still socialist-had helped China
develop earlier as an act of internationalism, it was now poised to use their control
of the economy as a form of blackmail. Their experts controlled the blueprints for
key industrial projects, and by the late 1950’s essentially controlled the northeastern
province of Manchuria, with a great deal of industry under the control of strong pro-
Soviet elements within the Chinese Communist Party. The Soviet stopped all aid to
the Chinese, with Khrushchev thinking that Mao’s revolutionaries would buckle and
allow China to become a semi colony of the USSR.
Mao’s red line defied the phony-communists, which was a big deal: although with
many real and tragic costs. The Soviets deeply compromised China by pulling out all
their blueprints, experts, projects, and loans, essentially brutally stabbing the
Chinese economy and leaving it to bleed. Within key sectors, the Soviet economic
advisers had mobilized powerful networks of supporters with China to overthrow
Mao. Construction stopped at scores of new plants and factories while the work at
many existing ones were thrown into confusion, mines and electric power plants
were shut down, and a planned irrigation and dam project on the Yellow River,
which frequently flooded and would kill thousands, was cancelled. A Soviet trade
journal detailed the force with which this blockade had harmed development: the
value of Soviet exports to China declined from 859,300,000 rubles in 1959 to
210,100,000 rubles in 1962; that of machinery and equipment from 537,800,000
rubles in 1959 to 24,600,000 rubles in 1962 (Klocho, 1971)
Mao knew that a concerted, independent, radical industrial offensive was highly
necessary- a way that could bring China on the path to self-reliance and could get
China’s economy back on its feet. The attitude of the Chinese revolutionaries was
clear: we can do this, we can develop our own expertise. “We can figure out how to
do it,” said the Chinese masses- and they did.
The challenges they had to overcome were intimidating. China had no coal or
petroleum, and they were told by the phony-communists and capitalists: that will be
the death of your economy. But in the Great Leap, they uncovered unknown
resources of coal and petroleum by mobilizing the masses on a huge scale to find it.
They developed a radical critique of Soviet economics which was foundational to the
Marxist understanding of political economy, and that was critical to the success of
developing all three components of Marxism which made MLM possible as the third
and highest stage. Mao wanted discover ways to decentralize industry and find ways
to proletarianize the peasantry. Programs to spread technical knowledge, and
working class experience to the peasantry were put into place. Putting these ideas
into motion, Chairman Mao Zedong was following through with the powerful words
of The Communist Manifesto: “Combination of agriculture with manufacturing
industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more
equable distribution of the population over the country.” And so they began to do
this, with the workers and masses in command.
One such example of the start of this was the development of the Daqing Oil Fields.
Veteran workers along with PLA soldiers arrived and studied geology collectively,
using amateur prospecting methods to discover the resource. Shirking the demand
to follow the Soviet model of an ‘oil city’ several miles from the oil fields, workers
insisted that production and living be integrated to cut down the commute, save
expenses on urban facilities, and to be more self-reliant. Daqing was organized with
centralism as a single municipality with a unified administration of oilfield and
municipality, but used democracy by having a people’s council whose members
were elected both by the residential areas and by the oil workers. To prevent
differences in living standards from developing, it integrated workers and peasants
by combining city and countryside. Instead of planning a major urban center,
residential points were scattered and constructed close to work sites. Several such
residential points were then situated around a central town to form a cluster
administered by a committee of women residents.
Outside Daqing with oil, elsewhere with the Great Leap Forward beginning, the
Communist revolutionaries built small operations in the countryside – to serve
agriculture. Small shops that could make blades for plows, for example. Small
machine shops that could repair pumps also came about; and of course they began
to develop local steel. Great amounts would be required to make the project
succeed, and did have the resources or expertise for large modern blast furnaces.
Some called Mao “insane” for developing these new techniques, but how did they
expect the Chinese to develop steel? No prayer would make it fall from the sky.
Bourgeois historians and revisionists alike have made it primary in looking at the
period to point out how the steel foundries caused problems. Yes, there were some
problems. Namely: the quality was low and they were often only able to produce pig
iron, which had uses, they underestimated how difficult it would be for the steel and
iron to be transported.
During the Great Leap Forward, there was a huge, parallel development in
agriculture: the Peoples Communes. The Chinese people developed a collective form
that was basically at the county level. That meant that the peasants could pool
resources on a much larger scale – develop canals and machine shops and side
industries. All of this was impossible at the small-collective or family farm level;
only during the Great Leap Forward did this begin to happen on a massive scale.
Afterwards, they had a basis for commune machine shops, to send kids for technical
training, etc.
However, did the furnaces lead to bad crops? No, as we know, in feudal times
agriculture went by human-pulled and animal-pulled plows. And these furnaces did
develop usable plows. There was no mechanized agriculture yet (except in a few
advanced areas) – the whole point was/is to develop agriculture and industry. The
furnaces did not “destroy” mechanized agriculture; the process laid the basis for
Chinese peasants to be able to deal with machinery and technical things. They
developed collective forms (at the Peoples Commune levels) to develop the furnaces
– and those forms were later used to set up machinery repair places etc.
While the furnaces themselves did not lead to poor crop yield, in that they
developed usable plows, they did divert needed labor from agriculture into
industrial production. Mao had urged caution among cadres implementing the
industrialization drive to not be overly ambitious with reaching targets, pointing to
the fact that this was a serious political error. But in certain regions this guidance
was not abided by and a productivist line was put in command. The heroic attitude
of the peasants and workers in the People’s Communes to conquer nature and
industrialize for revolution was stifled by those within the Party who were more
concerned about reaching targets, of letting industry exploit agriculture. In the next
section this will be elaborated on for more in depth.
So the Great Leap Forward was a very risky move, and it was deeply hurt by attacks
by the Soviet revisionists (as mentioned before), natural drought, and mistakes on
the Chinese part (mentioned above). There was a famine, indeed, but it was not as
horrific as the bourgeoisie make it out to be. No one can deny that there were deaths
and that in some areas there were painful consequences; yet this all must be taken
into context. As we know before 1949, China was basically semi-permanently facing
wave after wave of famine. After 1949 there was basically an end to famine. The
famine of 1959 was the great exception, in a period where hunger was abolished (for
the first time in Chinese history!!) The population doubled under Mao and life
expectancy grew by decades. A list of lives lost in India from malnutrition, which did
not experience a New Democratic and socialist revolution, is several times the
amount of those who perished in the GLF.
The socialist revolution made it possible to deal with famine in new ways. There was
rationing and food sharing. Areas that had good harvests sent food to areas with bad
harvests. The burden and impact of the bad harvests was softened, by all the new
forms that socialist made. It was new and breathtaking, and saved many lives. The
Great Leap Forward had its shortcomings, yes, but the way they handled those
shortcomings showed the strength and superiority of socialism over capitalism. In
looking at making revolution in agriculture, the Dazhai Production Brigade of the
Dazhai Commune the most stunning and inspirational example.
One of the right opportunist errors which ultimately contributed to the death toll
was productivism. In attempting to reach plan targets during the GLF it led to false
reporting and over emphasis on reaching targets. The revisionist clique of Liu
Shaoqi and Peng Dehuai limited the role of the Chinese masses to the “duty” of
speeding up what they saw as a purely technical process. They supported purely
bureaucratic and administrative methods of stimulating the Communes.
Mao pointed the disgusting flaws of this: “Once the correct thought representing the
advanced class is in the hands of the masses, it becomes a material strength to
transform society and the world.” The masses did not need more work points or
greater access to private market co-ops and shops. The Dazhai Production Brigade,
situated high in the Taihang Mountains, proved during the GLF that they possessed
overwhelming strength that was powerful enough to tame mountains and harness
rivers. Poor and lower middle peasants described the Taihang Mountains as so:
“The mountain is high, and rocks are plentiful. When you go outside, you have to
chamber up the slopes. There are less than 3.5 mou of land [note: this is about 0.08
to 0.13 acres of land] for each family. Natural disasters are commonplace.”
Steep ridges and rocky gullies divided the village. Top soil, deposited from years of
dust storms from Mongolia, would wash away during steady rains or turn rock hard
during droughts. The natural disasters described would not just be droughts, but
violent floods that would ruin productive fields and sweep away peasant homes.
Throughout the GLF the Dazhai Production Brigade organized the peasants to re-
route streams, tear down hills, and to increase food grain production. While crop
and malnutrition is reported to have haunted the rest of China, Dazhai according to
official accounts was able to not face starvation, even while not meeting the targets
that were demanded to be met.
Under the guise of reducing over reporting and reducing corruption among rightist
elements in the Party Shaoqui opportunistically promoted the “Four Cleans”
movement as a means of attacking those grassroots Maoist elements in Dazhai.
After evaluating what Dazhai had done, the Provincial Committee reclassified it as a
“third class brigade with serious problems.” Chen Yonggui, who was a poor peasant
that led land revolution in Dazhai, went to Peking and visited personally with Mao,
talking about the growing capitalist elements within the Party waging war on
Dazhai. Mao soon after went on the offensive, issuing the “Twenty-three Points”
which attacked those in the Party targeting grassroots cadre, in order to rectify
“those persons in positions of authority within the Party who take the capitalist
Mao urged all communists to “learn from Dazhai” not because it reached certain
production targets, which is all that revisionists seemed to care about. But to show
how peasants, under Communist leadership, was able to change the barren ravine
with all its poor natural conditions and transform an area formerly reliant on State
relief into being self-reliant. This was done not just with a communist labor attitude
but by politically and ideologically confronting the wage system by bombarding the
capitalist headquarters, first attacking the “quota management” by provincial
leadership which “relies on a system to control the people and obliges a few cadres
to manage the majority of the masses,” and in getting rid of the “pace setter system,”
which renumerated labor by basing the work those in the Brigade did to two to five
of the most skilled and productive workers. Instead cadre were sent into the fields,
expanding the workforce and reuniting them with the masses, with individual
abilities accounted for and imbursed without cadre controls, allowing the working
people to manage their own affairs with no special effort to inspect or examine the
“quality” of farm work performed.
Some Western commentators, such as Jung Chang, Jon Halliday, Richard Conquest
and others, have taken to comparing Mao to Hitler. Hitler was the fascist head of a
state that invaded countries for the purpose of German imperialism, of annexing
new land, resources, and enslaved labor. The Nazi state devised scientific methods
to execute on an industrial scale whole nationalities of people and experimented on
all manners of people. Socialist transformation and development being equated to
Nazism does not fool the worlds oppressed and working class, but it has enjoyed
some currency among fascists, conservatives and even ‘leftists’. The People’s War in
China, antifascist partisan movements in occupied Eastern Europe, combined with
the Soviet war effort which fought 80% of the Nazi scourge from the banks of the
Volga to the capital City of Berlin was what defeated fascism, but this fact is deleted
from the annals of history by anti-communists who insist on an equivalency.
When it comes to the Great Leap Forward period, it was very hard (for the
government or anyone else) to get accurate numbers about life and death
(population size, birth rates, infant mortality rates) in the vast, disconnected
Chinese countryside. The reason the numbers are not known about how many
people died from hunger is because such numbers are not knowable (to be specific,
there is no recording system to extract that information from) and it is not known
how many more hundreds of millions of people died in the many horrific famines
that ravaged China during their pre-revolutionary period either. That being said the
cause, of whether it was hunger or premature death due to hardship, is never
established. Some, most notoriously the anticommunist spin artists Chang and
Holliday, have estimates that try to assess the ‘missing’ population on the basis of
normal death and birth rates and therefore may have included millions of those who
may not have been born:
“Some scholars have used a very dubious method of arriving at grossly unrealistic
and inflated ‘famine deaths’ during this period (1959–61) by taking account not only
of the higher crude death rate (which is a legitimate measure) but also counting the
‘missing millions’ as a result of the lower birth rate, as part of the toll. There is a
great deal of difference between people who are already there, dying prematurely
due to a sharp decline in nutritional status, and people not being born at all. The
former can enter the statistics of famine deaths according to any sensible definition
of famine, but people who are not born at all are obviously in no position to die
whether prematurely or otherwise.”
In spite of what anticommunists write, weather conditions in 1959, 1960 and 1961
undeniably had an impact besides the political error of right opportunist over
reporting. Jimo County suffered horrific weather for those three consecutive years.
On June 30, 1958 a ten hour rainstorm caused 22 rivers to overflow and wrecked 69
dams and reservoirs. On May 27, 1959 a hailstorm ruined 31,000 crops of five
communes, causing an estimated loss of 1.35 million kilos of grain. On June 15 1959
intense rain damaged 75,900 crops, destroyed almost 5,000 houses and killed 8
people. On July 27, 1960, a hurricane wiped out 777,000 crops. These events, when
aggregated together, had an undeniable impact on overall grain output in Jimo
County alone.
Article by S. Mazur
Works Cited
The origins of the Cultural Revolution. Vol. 3, the coming of the cataclysm, 1961-
1966. MacFarquahar, Roderick. Columbia University, East Asian Institute. New
York: Chichester: Columbia University Press, 1999.
The Sino-Soviet Split: The Withdrawal of the Specialists. Klochko, Mikhail.
International Journal, volume 26, #3: 556-566
“Learn from Tachai”: China’s Agricultural Mode. Unger, Jonathan. Current Scene:
Developments in Mainland China. September 7, 1997. Vol IX, #9. Pg. 1-10.
The Battle for China’s Past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution. Gao, Mobo. 2008.
A Poem For Mao Zedong
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