Coolidge Alumni Assoc Newsletter
Coolidge Alumni Assoc Newsletter
Coolidge Alumni Assoc Newsletter
December 2007 D
Letter from the President contributing or how you should direct your time, but
Hello Fellow Alumni I do hope that you contribute to something which
asks the question about legacy, tradition, association
I want to first take this time to thank the Calvin and preservations. I feel there are legitimate
Coolidge Alumni Association, Incorporated Board questions to ask ourselves at a time when Coolidge,
of Directors and Advisors past and present who our alma mater, is going through a transition of
epitomize the word Alumna restructuring that all 10 traditional High Schools in
(female)/Alumnus(male) Association ( a organized body the D.C. Public School (DCPS) system are going
who have interest, activity, or purpose in common - a through. Where are you with these combined DCPS
mental connection of the mind, imagination, feelings or issues, how can you help? Coolidge is at a stage where
ideas). We must come together as a whole for the it needs all associates of its estate to lend supportive
betterment of our young people, future, society and the influences in some form or fashion either tangible or
world for a matter of social survival. Coolidge’s rich intangible to help stabilize the socio-economic system,
genealogy should be the sentiments for no ethnicity or culture, heritage, and provide influencing factors on
sociability separation when it comes to Calvin Coolidge’s academics, athletics and a united association towards
Legacy Preservations. An was featured in the culture growth and change. I quote the Foreword in the
Washington Post on Coolidge that should send a message first Coral year book published by Coolidge’s first
to any and ALL alumni of the need and support necessary graduating class in 1944, “It has been our privilege to
not only for Coolidge, but for all schools, students, work to find the traditions of our school for the future
communities and society in general. I feel no article classes. With this book we initiate an old American High
written or words spoken can truly define a school, only School Tradition into our school… the yearbook…the
its students, parents, teachers, administration, alumni student’s most treasured possession. It is a small
and community can make that divine distinction. Our beginning, but the important thing is that it has begun. It
legacies, communities and future depend on our is our hope that each class will feel its duty to improve
associations with the generations that follows our leads. upon and to further the development of this book which
I had the opportunity to meet and have alumni we have placed within you hands, for it will be through
informative dialogue with the writer of this Washington this annual and each succeeding annual that the living
Post article. I had not read the article at the time of history of Calvin Coolidge High School will be recorded
writing this message, but I knew it was to be released on and preserved. Now, with this first edition before you,
Sunday, November 11, 2007. I had no idea what was to pledge to yourself and to your school that as long as there
be written, but it didn’t matter to the degree of our are “COLTS” there will be a yearly roundup awaiting
responsibilities. The article was to be seen in a diverse them in the “CORAL”. In closing I would like to also
prospective with the bottom line still being what are we, thank EVERYONE that helped in anyway by means of
the elder generation doing to make the lives of our your labor, services, participation, attendance, ads
younger people, and society better then the way we purchased, consultations/advisory or financial
received it, or better than what it is today! They say life contributions to our 21st and another successful Annual
is not judged by what you do or accumulate, but more Scholarship/Award Breakfast. I’d like to give special
importantly by what you leave behind. In other words, thanks to Mayor Fenty, being the first Mayor to attend
what can or will you do that will leave an impact to let our breakfast, and also special thanks for the attendance
society know you were here? How will you contribute to of our Council Chairman Vincent Gray and Council
society to make it a better place and who will you help member Muriel Bowser. And let’s not forget the
along the way? I hear folks talk about how busy they or Mentorship Pre-Breakfast Reception, Implementation of
we are and I continue to think that life is a day to day The Wall of Legends, the grand opening of the Calvin
ritual never knowing when it may be our last day. When Coolidge High School Parent Alumni Community
you see and hear of war and terrorist acts all around the Resource Center (PACRC). Special Thanks and
world it reminds me that Coolidge was opened at a time hopefully continued support and partnering from Mr.
of War with the first Principal, Mr. Holmes, left to join Greg Roberts and the DC Children and Youth Investment
the services of our country. We must attempt to plan life Trust, Incorporated. I leave you with words that I see
the same way we must plan death and that’s as if and read that have been a part of my life and I truly feel
transition is inevitable, therefore things in life that we they were understandably instilled at Coolidge and
want to make time for - we can and should. I don’t nurtured by matured experiences: “Privileged,
speak to say Coolidge should or has to be your way of Development, Tradition, Treasured Possessions, COLTS,
2 CCAA Newsletter December 2007
open we will provide the phone numbers and President: Frank Jones Vice President: Pamela Johnson
Treasurer: Debra Whitford, Secretary: Toni Lyle-Drakeford Board
e-mail. Please contact me or the school for Members: Carol Sadler, Monica Jordan, Shearon Smith
future meeting dates and times. Community Coordinator: Phyllis Wells