1 s2.0 S000649712034115X Main
1 s2.0 S000649712034115X Main
1 s2.0 S000649712034115X Main
Cardiovascular disease resulting from iron accumulation is still a major cause of death in
Key Points
patients with thalassemia major (TM). Voltage-gated calcium-channel blockade prevents iron
• In thalassemia patients with entry into cardiomyocytes and may provide an adjuvant treatment to chelation, reducing
cardiac siderosis, amlodipine myocardial iron uptake. We evaluated whether addition of amlodipine to chelation
combined with iron chelation strategies would reduce myocardial iron overload in TM patients compared with placebo.
resulted in more effective In a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 62 patients were
allocated to receive oral amlodipine 5 mg/day or placebo in addition to their current
reduction of cardiac iron.
chelation regimen. The main outcome was change in myocardial iron concentration (MIC)
• The combined treatment did
determined by magnetic resonance imaging at 12 months, with patients stratified into
not have any effect on serum reduction or prevention groups according to their initial T2* below or above the normal
ferritin and left ventricular human threshold of 35 ms (MIC, 0.59 mg/g dry weight). At 12 months, patients in the
ejection fraction. reduction group receiving amlodipine (n 5 15) had a significant decrease in MIC compared
with patients receiving placebo (n 5 15) with a median of 20.26 mg/g (95% confidence
interval, 21.02 to 20.01) vs 0.01 mg/g (95% confidence interval, 20.13 to 0.23), P 5 .02. No significant changes were observed in the
prevention group (treatment–effect interaction with P 5 .005). The same findings were observed in the subgroup of patients with
T2* <20 ms. Amlodipine treatment did not cause any serious adverse events. Thus, in TM patients with cardiac siderosis, amlodipine
combined with chelation therapy reduced cardiac iron more effectively than chelation therapy alone. Because this conclusion is based on
subgroup analyses, it needs to be confirmed in ad hoc clinical trials. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov identifier as
#NCT01395199. (Blood. 2016;128(12):1555-1561)
Myocardial iron overload affects up to 50% of patients with thalasse- of iron handling in the heart.10,11 Experiments in mice suggest the
mia major (TM) in many parts of the world.1,2 Despite significant possibility of preventing iron uptake by cardiomyocytes through
reductions in death rates because of early diagnosis and improved voltage-gated calcium-channel blockade.12-15 Amlodipine is an inex-
chelation treatment, iron cardiomyopathy is still responsible for a high pensive, widely available calcium-channel blocker with a well-known
proportion of deaths and hospitalization from arrhythmias and heart safety profile in both adults and children, and a first small, open-label
failure, especially in patients with high myocardial iron concentrations study in humans showed its use reduced MIC as measured by MRI
(MIC).3,4 Noninvasive assessment of MIC with magnetic resonance in TM patients.16 In this randomized trial, we sought to study whether
imaging (MRI) and early, more intensive chelation to reduce iron levels the use of oral amlodipine in addition to standard iron chelation regimens
in the heart have been the main goal of most recent trials in this disease, in patients with TM can reduce MIC after 1 year of treatment.
with a corresponding reduction in the incidence of clinical events.5-8
Despite these advances, current options for treatment of myocardial
iron overload are restricted to a limited number of chelation strategies,
with important constraints from the need for elevated doses, con- Methods
comitant side effects, heterogeneous access worldwide resulting from
relatively high cost, or limited market availability.9 Study design and participants
Once iron is taken up by cardiomyocytes, its removal from within The study was designed as a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled,
these cells is slow. Myocardial clearance may take several years to occur double-blind trial with an allocation rate of 1:1. Participants with TM were
even with very intensive chelation because of the specific mechanisms included if they were 6 years of age or older and had been receiving regular blood
Submitted June 6, 2016; accepted July 5, 2016. Prepublished online as Blood The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
First Edition paper, July 13, 2016; DOI 10.1182/blood-2016-06-721183. payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section 1734.
The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
There is an Inside Blood Commentary on this article in this issue. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology
transfusions for at least 2 years (total lifetime red blood cell transfusions above Statistical analysis
20 units). Exclusion criteria were a scheduled or already expected change in
chelation strategy within the next 12 months (specifically, a change in chelator Sample size was defined based on previous pilot study data that showed a 27%
drug or change from monotherapy to combined therapy, for example); advanced reduction in myocardial iron in patients treated with amlodipine.16 For a power of
clinical heart failure or ejection fraction below 35%; and formal contraindication 80% and a error of 0.05 to detect a similar difference in the primary outcome
for undergoing a MRI examination. The local ethics committees approved the between groups assuming a 30% drop-out rate, the total number of patients for
study, and all participants (or their legal guardian) gave written informed consent. enrollment was calculated to be 62 for a final number of 43 patients to be analyzed
All authors had access to the primary clinical trial data. (PASS 11, Kaysville, UT). The expected difference used in the power calculation
was based on patients with initially high myocardial iron because patients with
Randomization and masking normal baseline MICs did not show significant follow-up changes in previous
studies.22 We acknowledge that this might limit possible interpretations of our
Randomization was performed using a predefined computer-generated list findings from underpowering of the subgroup analysis.
without specific restrictions of blocks, which was kept by the pharmacy All data were analyzed on an intention to treat basis with a 2-tailed sig-
responsible for manufacturing the pills for the study (Formula & Cia, Campinas, nificance level of 5% (Medcalc Statistical Software, version 15.8, Ostend,
Brazil). Allocation of patients and pill distribution were done by the central Belgium). Baseline differences among the groups were compared using Student
pharmacy, with the drug/placebo being shipped directly to the patient in t test, x2 test with Fisher’s exact test for proportions and Mann-Whitney in case
tablets with identical appearance. Compliance was checked monthly during of nonparametric variables (specifically, serum ferritin, myocardial T2*, MIC,
the outpatient/transfusion visits as well as through telephone contacts by a and LIC). The respective changes in MIC, LIC, and serum ferritin were not
study technician. Concealment of the type of intervention was kept during the normally distributed and were compared using Wilcoxon test. Subgroup–
whole study for patients and health personnel involved in diagnosis, examination treatment effect interaction was analyzed using 2-way analysis of variance
interpretation, and treatment. including treatment arm and subgroup classification as independent factors.23
Patients were invited to participate during their routine outpatient appointments
in 6 hematology centers in Brazil. Once selected, peripheral venous blood
samples were collected for chemistry and hematology analyses and an MRI scan Results
was performed if the patient had not undergone the examination within 30 days
before enrollment in the trial. MRI scans were acquired according to a specific Seventy-seven patients were screened for the trial and 62 patients were
protocol to determine liver and myocardial T2* as well as left ventricular randomized from October 1, 2011, to February 10, 2014 (Figure 1). The
parameters in 1.5 T scanners following standardized techniques (details of the main reasons for exclusion during screening were prediction of
MRI protocols are described in the supplemental Data, available on the Blood chelation therapy change in the next 12 months and patients declining to
Web site).17 Patients were stratified according to their initial MIC values: they participate. In the amlodipine arm, 1 patient was excluded from analysis
were placed in the reduction group if baseline MIC was initially above the normal from a lack of follow-up MRI scans; in the placebo arm, 1 patient was
mean human threshold for iron concentrations (MIC .0.59 mg/g dry weight or lost to follow-up and 1 patient was excluded because of review of the
T2*,35 ms)18,19 or the prevention group if MIC was below those values at
initial diagnosis from TM to hemoglobulin S/b thalassemia.
baseline (MIC #0.59 mg/g or T2* $35 ms). After undergoing MRI scans,
patients in each group were randomized to receive either oral placebo or
Baseline characteristics of all patients and in each of the treatment
amlodipine (5 mg/day for patients weighing more than 30 kg or 2.5 mg/day for arms are shown in Table 1. No significant baseline differences were
patients weighing 30 kg and less). During the study, amlodipine/placebo doses observed between the amlodipine and placebo arms. Baseline charac-
could be lowered if the patient complained of adverse events commonly teristics of the patients stratified into reduction and prevention groups
expected with the use of calcium-channel blockers. Changes in chelation are presented in supplemental Table 1, with no significant differences
therapy were allowed during follow-up at the primary physician’s discretion, in treatment arms in these subgroups either. Cardiac iron overload
especially in cases when patients had potentially dangerous levels of MIC or defined by T2* ,35 ms (MIC .0.59 mg/g) was observed in 50% of
liver iron concentration (LIC). After 12 months, all patients repeated the MRI the amlodipine arm and 52% of the placebo arm, with 27% of the
scan with the same parameters as the baseline examination. At 6 months, an patients in the former arm with T2* ,20 ms (MIC .1.16 mg/g) vs
additional MRI examination was also performed in a subgroup of patients that
14% in the latter (P 5 .33). No significant differences in initial MIC
lived geographically close to 1 of the MRI centers. A central core laboratory
concealed to treatment allocation and identity of the patient performed
were found in the reduction group between patients allocated to
interpretation of the all MRI scans using a dedicated workstation (Circle amlodipine or placebo treatment, with a median of 1.31 mg/g (range,
Cardiovascular Imaging, Calgary, Canada; details in the supplemental data). 0.64-12.81) vs 0.77 mg/g (range, 0.61-4.34), respectively (P 5 .17).
MIC and LIC values were derived from myocardium and liver T2*, respectively, There was 1 outlier in the amlodipine group whose removal brought
according to previously published reports.20,21 All MRI data were available to the the median in this group to 1.08 mg/g (range, 0.64-4.26). Because all
primary physician throughout the study. other statistical results were similar after exclusion of this outlier, we
chose to perform the analysis while keeping all patients.
Outcomes Iron intake during the 12 months of follow-up was similar in
The primary outcome of the study was the change in MIC at 12 months from both arms, with 173 6 57 mg/kg per year in the amlodipine arm vs
baseline in both arms (placebo and amlodipine) as defined by T2* values, with 177 6 56 mg/kg per year in the placebo arm (P 5 .82). No significant
the comparison of effect of the treatment between the 2 subgroups based on differences were observed in modifications in chelation therapy
subgroup–treatment effect interaction. This outcome was changed to evaluate between the 2 arms (P 5 .31): chelator doses were escalated by the
change in MIC instead of T2* values after the publication of the correlation primary physician in 30% of the patients in the amlodipine arm and in
curves between myocardial T2* and MIC during the course of the trial because
24% in the placebo arm, and doses were decreased in 27% and 14%
they showed a nonlinear correlation between these parameters with a more
of the patients, respectively, with a full description of baseline and
appropriate clinical use for MIC.20 The use of MIC allows for a more direct
assessment of the linear changes in iron concentrations of the heart, as has been
12-month chelation regimens presented in supplemental Table 2.
used in the liver in previous trials using LIC as the main outcome and not liver Between-subject treatment effects analysis provided strong evi-
T2*.5,6,8 Secondary outcomes were change in MIC at 6 months, change in LIC at dence of a significant interaction between treatment effects and base-
12 months, serum ferritin, left ventricular ejection fraction, and incidence of line MIC and indicated that the effect of treatment differed depending
adverse events at 6 and 12 months. on the initial MIC (P 5 .005 for interaction; supplemental Figure 1).
77 patients assessed
for eligibility
15 ineligible
62 enrolled
62 randomized
31 assigned 31 assigned
Amlodipine placebo
29 treatment 28 treatment
ongoing ongoing
30 included in 29 included in
intention-to-treat intention-to-treat
analysis analysis
Stratification Stratification
As a result, the effects of amlodipine were evaluated separately in each [95% confidence interval [CI], 21.02 to 20.01] vs 0.01 mg/g
subgroup and not as a main effect in the whole cohort. Individual patient [95% CI, 20.13 to 0.23], P 5 .02; Table 2). The median percentage
changes for all subjects are presented in supplemental Figure 2. Patients change in the amlodipine arm was 221.3% (95% CI, 231.9 to 21.33)
treated with amlodipine in the reduction group showed significant vs 12.2% (95% CI, 215.5 to 8.5) in the placebo arm (P 5 .06). On a
decrease in MIC at 12 months (primary outcome of the study) com- patient-by-patient evaluation, MIC increased in 8 patients (53%) in the
pared with patients treated with placebo after 12 months of treatment placebo arm after 12 months compared with 3 patients (20%) that
(Figure 2). MIC in the amlodipine arm significantly reduced from received amlodipine (relative risk, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.13–1.15], P 5 .09).
a baseline of 1.31 mg/g (range, 0.64-12.81) to 1.05 mg/g (range, There was no significant difference between the treatment arms in
0.48-10.81), P 5 .02. MIC did not change significantly in patients the number of patients that decreased or maintained their chelator
receiving placebo, going from 0.77 mg/g (range, 0.61-4.34) at doses: 9 (60%) in the amlodipine arm and 11 (73%) in the placebo arm.
baseline to 0.75 (range, 0.49-4.59) at 12 months (P 5 .76). There was A subgroup analysis including only patients presenting with a
a significant difference in the median change in MIC in patients T2* ,20 ms (MIC .1.16 mg/g) at baseline showed that patients
receiving amlodipine compared with placebo (median, 20.26 mg/g treated with amlodipine had a significant median change in MIC
(20.92 mg/g: 95% CI, 21.43 to 20.53 vs 0.28 mg/g; 95% CI, 20.13 At 6 months, a subgroup of patients underwent MRI scans to assess
to 0.39 in the placebo arm, P 5 .02). Percent change in this subgroup MIC and LIC. Although not reaching statistical significance, the
was 226.8% (95% CI, 241.2 to 216.6) after 12 months of amlodipine amlodipine-treated arm in the reduction group showed changes in
vs 17.5% (95% CI, 28.9% to 23.0%) with placebo, P 5 .04. Paired MIC when compared with the placebo arm at this time point (20.18
individual MIC values at baseline and at 12 months stratified by vs 20.06 mg/g, respectively, P 5 .16). In patients with MIC .1.16
cardiovascular event risk4 from patients in this subgroup are shown mg/g (n 5 7), median MIC at 6 months was significantly lower than
in Figure 3. No patient in the amlodipine arm with an initial T2* ,20 ms baseline values (2.1 mg/g vs 2.6 mg/g, median difference 20.76
displayed an increase in MIC after 12 months. [95% CI, 21.14 to .31] mg/g, P 5 .047) in patients receiving
In the prevention group, no significant differences were observed amlodipine, with no significant differences in MIC in the placebo
between the amlodipine and placebo arms, with a change in MIC in arm. No significant changes were observed in ejection fraction, LIC,
the former of 10.04 mg/g (95% CI, 0-0.06) and 20.01 mg/g (95% CI, or serum ferritin at this time point.
20.07 to 0.03) in the latter, P 5 .07. The median baseline MIC of No patient died or was admitted because of cardiovascular compli-
0.54 mg/g went to 0.55 mg/g (range, 0.42-0.71 mg/g) with amlodipine cations during the trial. Four mild adverse events were reported in
and from 0.55 mg/g to 0.52 mg/g (range, 0.44-0.68 mg/g) with placebo. the amlodipine arm vs none in the placebo arm (13% vs 0%, P 5 .11;
No patient treated in either arm in the prevention group developed a supplemental Table 3). Three patients (10%) in the amlodipine arm had
T2* ,20 ms (MIC .1.16 mg/g), whereas 2/14 (14%) in the placebo their initial dose of 5 mg/day reduced to 2.5 mg/day because of mild
group and 3/15 (20%) in the amlodipine group finished the study with ankle edema (2 patients) and dizziness (1 patient). All events subsided
a T2* ,35 ms (MIC .0.59 mg/g). Chelator dose was increased in 3 with dose reduction. One patient developed a mild cutaneous allergic
patients in each group and decreased in 3 patients taking amlodipine. reaction and stopped the medication after 15 days of use while con-
Despite changes in MIC with amlodipine in the reduction group, no tinuing in the study. No significant cases of hypotension or bradycardia
significant changes in ejection fraction were observed in these patients occurred in either of the groups during follow-up.
compared with patients treated with placebo (Table 2). Absolute and
relative changes in LIC were not significant in any of the study arms. In
the reduction group, in which patients significantly reduced MIC, no
significant differences in final LIC were seen at 12 months (11.7 [95% Discussion
CI, 5.5-22.7] for amlodipine vs 13.1 [95% CI, 4.9-22.5] for placebo,
P 5 .98). There was no significant change in serum ferritin values The results of this study show that oral amlodipine reduces myocardial
across the groups by the end of the study. iron overload when added to standard iron chelation in TM patients
the hepatic and serum ferritin-bound iron does not depend on active
uptake by voltage-gated channels, so blocking calcium channels was
not expected to affect liver or ferritin-bound iron kinetics. One
important aspect of the drug is that because of its long half-life of
approximately 50 hours, at steady-state there are relatively small
variations in plasma concentrations between doses.27 Therefore, the
Change in MIC (mg/g dw)
pharmacokinetics of amlodipine makes it suitable for single dosing any
time of the day, allowing for continuous blockade of channels and thus
-0.5 possible prevention of labile plasma iron entrance into cell at all times.
Although we did not specifically evaluate iron excretion, blockade
-1.0 Prevention Group of calcium channels appears to increase the iron transport within the
Reduction Group kidney by prolonging the activity of divalent metal transporter-1
-1.5 channels and would favor the use of amlodipine especially with longer
follow-ups.15 Although this mechanism of iron excretion is acknowl-
-2.0 edged, the majority of iron excreted will always be substantially derived
by chelation. The allowed changes in chelation strategies during
-2.5 the trial might also have affected the differences observed in iron
concentration in each of the organs studied. However, there were no
Change in MIC, mg/g 20.18 (20.95 to 0.03) 20.06 (20.12 to 0.12) .16 0.0 (20.05 to 0.08) 0.05 (20.08 to 0.10) .73
Change in MIC, % 215.6 (237.2 to 3.5) 23.0 (210.5 to 15.3) .08 1.5 (28.4 to 16.7) 8.9 (214.4 to 18.6) .77
Change in LIC, mg/g 20.3 (22.8 to 1.7) 1.5 (20.7 to 4.6) .10 0.1 (20.45 to 2.0) 0.5 (20.5 to 3.4) .82
Change in LIC, % 24.6 (217.3 to 17.1) 29.2 (27.8 to 56.5) .046 3.2 (25.8 to 22.1) 8.1 (27.6 to 29.8) .91
Change in SF, ng/mL 2451 (21065 to 385) 15 (2393 to 810) .18 27 (2658 to 658) 24 (2214 to 170) .79
Change in ejection fraction, % 20.5 (26.5 to 4.7) 1.0 (24.2 to 4.7) .60 0 (23.5 to 2.0) 2.0 (0.18-5.8) .21
Baseline MIC
12 12 Months MIC
0 2
Placebo Amlodipine Placebo Amlodipine
Figure 3. Baseline and 12-month MIC and myocardial T2* in the placebo (n 5 4) and amlodipine arm (n 5 8) in patients with a baseline T2* <20 ms (MIC > 1.16mg/g). The mild
gray area represents patients at the lowest risk of developing heart failure, the light gray area represents mild to moderate risk, and the dark gray area represents MIC levels at which
there is significant risk for cardiovascular complications.4 MIC and T2* can be converted using the formula [Fe] 5 45.0 3 (T2*)21.22.20 A T2* of 10 ms represents a MIC of 2.71 mg/g,
whereas a T2* of 20 ms corresponds to a MIC of 1.16 mg/g (data are presented in MIC [A] and T2* values [B]). No patient in the placebo group shifted from their original risk
assessment, whereas 4 of 8 patients changed from severe to moderate risk or from moderate to low risk. All patients in the amlodipine arm reduced their baseline MIC values with a
significant change at 12 months (2.9 mg/g [95% CI, 1.6-5.9] vs 2.1 [95% CI, 1.0-4.5], P 5 .008); in the placebo arm, no significant changes in MIC were observed (2.8 mg/g [95% CI,
1.7-3.8] vs 2.7 [95% CI, 1.7-4.1], P 5 .88).
in patients with comparable initial MIC levels treated exclusively with Despite that, previous studies have established MIC as a strong and
iron chelators, in whom changes have been reported in the range of consistent surrogate for clinical outcomes with even small reductions
20.26 to 20.89 mg/g.22,28,29 Interestingly, comparable reductions in of MIC associated with improved clinical outcomes.31 Future trials
MIC after 1 year of treatment had only been shown with either high- with patients, preferably with a higher degree of myocardial overload
dose combination iron chelation therapy or intravenous, continuous or even with established heart failure, might help indicate whether
deferoxamine.7,10,29,30 In patients with baseline myocardial T2* amlodipine can also improve global ventricular function. Patients
,20 ms that received amlodipine, despite the significant MIC reduction who might benefit more from this therapy are exactly included in this
observed, only 25% of patients received combination therapy (vs 50% group, as suggested by our results in the group with a T2* ,20 ms
in the placebo group) and none received intravenous treatment, again (MIC .1.16 mg/g).
suggesting a lack of bias in the chelation regimens interfering with In the prevention groups, although there was no change in MIC in
the results. The findings on this group, despite the limited number of these patients, our data cannot rule out the possibility that extended use
patients, reinforce the results found in the larger reduction group. of amlodipine might prevent myocardial iron accumulation with a
Limitations of this trial include the short observation period and the longer observation period. Although a T2* of 20 ms has traditionally
relatively small number of patients included to assess whether the been used as a clinical cutoff for relative normality, in practice the
addition of oral amlodipine can decrease the incidence of cardiovascular normal mean 1.5 T T2* value in the heart is considered 35 ms
events in this population. Although our sample size calculation was (corresponding to a MIC of 0.59 mg/g).18,19 Our rationale for choosing
based on previous experimental and pilot studies, that stratification was 35 ms as the stratification cutoff in this study was based on these normal
done after randomization, no block randomization was performed, and human levels and on the median values for this entire cohort of patients
each subgroup was analyzed separately may have led to underpowering of 34.1 ms (95% CI, 30.9-36.4 ms). In agreement with that, a recent
and possibility of confounders. This design imperfection has to be study showed that patients with apparently normal T2* from 20 ms to
taken into account when analyzing our results, although we tried to 35 ms could present with lower myocardial native T1 values, which are
circumvent these limitations by demonstrating the treatment–effect associated with higher iron deposits in the myocardium, while no
interactions and performing adequate statistical treatment to the data patient with a T2* .35 ms had abnormal T1 numbers.32 Therefore,
despite the reduced numbers. Previous randomized controlled studies although there would still be an expected improvement from 20 ms to
in this area are relatively few and the number of patients in these studies 35 ms because abnormal iron deposition seems to be present, no
is in accordance with our sample size as well. Nevertheless, we believe further increases in T2* should be anticipated after those values are
that the results, presented along with previous studies, allow us to reach reached—when iron concentrations are very close to the normal
the conclusions regarding the benefits of amlodipine. threshold and other factors interfere with T2* relaxation time. Pre-
One important clinical limitation that might have been affected by venting an increase in MIC in patients with these initially normal
the reduced sample size was the observation that amlodipine did not values would certainly be desirable, and future studies with the use of
increase left ventricular ejection fraction even in the reduction group. amlodipine in longer follow-ups might address that hypothesis.
The relatively low prevalence of reduced ejection fraction or severe Finally, future studies may also help investigate whether amlodipine
myocardial siderosis upon trial enrollment, limiting the power of can prevent iron overload or help iron removal in endocrine organs
the study to assess these outcomes, might have led to this lack of that also absorb iron through voltage-gated channels, particularly
improvement because patients already started the trial with relatively considering the close association of cardiac siderosis with endocrine
high ejection fraction values with small ranges for improvement. complications and the correlation of pancreas and MICs.11,33
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