8 1 Notes
8 1 Notes
8 1 Notes
1 Programming Concept
1. Declare and use variable and constants
2. Understand and use the basic data types, including integer, real, char, string, boolean
3. Understand and use input and output
4. (a) Understand and use the concept of sequence
(b) Understand and use the concept of selection, including IF/CASE statements
© Understand and use the concept of iteration, including count-controlled loop, pre-
condition loop, post-condition loop
(d) Understand and use the concepts of totaling and counting
(e) Understand and use the concept of string handling. Including length, substring, upper,
lower, the first character of a string can be zero or one
(f) Understand and use arithmetic, logical, and Boolean operators
5. Understand and use nested 嵌套 statements
6. (a) Understand what is meant by procedures, functions, and parameters
(b) Define and use procedures and functions, with or without parameters
(c) Understand and use local and global variables
Global Variable Can be used any part of the program
Local Variable Can be used only in the part of the program
it is declared in.
- if a local variable is used outside of
its score, an ‘undefined error’ will
Scope (可用范围) Where it can be used
7. Understand and use library routines, including MOD, DIV, ROUND, RANDOM