Monopoly Chance Cards
Monopoly Chance Cards
Monopoly Chance Cards
Chance Chance
You gain 10% interest on all your cash, take 10% of You’ve suffered damage, next go only move one
your total cash amount from the bank. space forwards and pay £25 for repairs.
Chance Chance
You save a cat in a tree and the grateful owner Speed camera, if you rolled 7 or higher when
gives you £25. you landed on this space, pay a £90 fine. If you
rolled 12, pay £300, otherwise nothing happens.
Inherit a house.
Go back to Old Kent Road
You inherit house, put it on any property you own
Do not pass GO.
(can be used even if you don’t have the full set).
Property auction.
Double or nothing!
A treasure is discovered at Free Parking. All players have free will, up to and including
your next turn, no-one rolls the dice, instead
The next player to land there collects £150. everyone chooses to move 2-12 spaces.
Chance Chance
Chance Chance
Swap your piece with another player’s piece. You may buy a sports car for £200.
Neither of you pass GO, but you must take
whatever action’s required on the space you move Unless you get sent to Jail (Just Visiting is OK),
to. The other player also draws a Chance card at you keep it for the rest of the game and throw 3
the start of their turn. dice for each move.
Chance Chance
On a 1, it is destroyed. For hotels, roll a 2nd time if Keep this card until used.
you get a 1 again, the hotel is destroyed,
otherwise it’s OK.