Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Rod Heikell

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Indian Ocean
Cruising Guide

Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd

Sr Ives Cambridgeshire England
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Imray pilot books are amended at intervals by the
Wych House, St Ives, Huntingdon, issue of correctional supplements. Supplements, if
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10 Rod Heikell 1999 Printed in Great Britain by Bath Press Colourbooks,
1st edition Blantyre. Scotland

ISBN 0 85288 295 5

British Ubrary Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the
British Ubrary.
The plans in this guide are not to be used for
navigation. They are designed to suppon the text
and should at all rimes be used with navigational
Every effon has been made to ensure the accuracy of
this book. It contains selected information and thus
is not definitive and does not include all known
information on the subject in hand; this is
panicularly relevant to the plans, which should not
be used for navigation. The author believes that its
selection is a useful aid to prudent navigation, but
the safety of a vessel depends ultimately on the
judgement of the navigator, who should assess all
information, published or unpublished.
The editors would be glad to receive any
corrections, information or suggestions which
readers may consider would improve the book, as
new impressions will be required from time to time.
Letters should be addressed to the Editor, Indian
Ocean Cruising Guide, care of the publishers. The
more precise the infonnation the better. but even
panial or doubtful infonnation is helpful if it is
made clear what the doubts are .
Preface, ix Reunion, 223
Comoros, 225
Introduction Mayotte, 226
The Indian Ocean and the limits and purpose of Madagascar, 234
this book, 1 South Africa, 236
Cruising in the Tropics, 3 Mozambique, Tanzania and Zanzibar, 236
Stores along the way, 9 Kenya, 236
Piracy, 13
War Zones and civil unrest, 15 Appendix
Diving, 16 I. Hydrographic publications, 245
Fishing, 18 II. Yachtsman's Guides, 247
Cultures and poverty, 19 III. Useful books, 247
Health matters, 21 IV. Charts for the Indian Ocean, 248
Bureaucracy, 24 V. Conversion tables, 258

Technical infonnation Index, 259

Cruising highways, 25
Prevailing winds, 29
Tropical storms and cyclones, 35
Weather information, 41
Currents, 47
Passages westabout, 51
Passages eastabout, 57

I. Northern Indian Ocean

Singapore, 61
Indonesia, 65
Malaysia, 66
Thailand, 95
Burma, 119
Andaman Islands, 119
Nicobar Islands, 121
Sri Lanka, 122
India, 131
Maldives, 152
Pakistan, 156
Oman, 158
Yemen, 161
Somalia, 176
Red'Sea, 177

II. Southern Indian Ocean

Australia, 201
Ashmore Reef, 202
Christmas Island, 202
Cocos Keeling, 206
Chagos archipelago, 208
Seychelles, 212
Rodrigues, 220
Mauritius, 223

Imray Mediterranean Almanac (Editor)
Mediterranean Cruising Handbook
Mediterranean France and Corsica Pilot
Greek Waters Pilot
Italian Waters Pilot
Turkish Waters & Cyprus Pilot
The Danube - A river guide
Yacht Charter Handbook
The Turquoise Coast of Turkey NET
Mediterranean Sailing A & C Black Ltd
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

KEY TO SYMBOLS USED ON PLANS How the information is organised

3~: depths in METRES The pilotage is divided into two sections:
2 Part I Northern Indian Ocean and Part II Southern
~: shallow water with a depth of 1 metre or less Indian Ocean. The equator is the dividing line. The
countries are dealt with from the east to the west
which is the most common direction for yachts to be
~: drying (mud or sand) travelling in.
The different countries have an initial section
rocks with less than 2 metres' depth devoted to general information. The pilotage
over them
information follows. Not all countries have the full
(~: : rock just below or on the surface complement of general information and the level of
'Z': a shoal or reef with the least depth detail depends on the country's size, the extent of its
\61 shown cruising area and the popularity of the country on
-L-: wreck partially above water cruising routes.
lit CO): eddies Charges
~ : overfalls Where charges are made in harbours or marinas,
because the exchange rates change and pricing
,:~~: wreck policies change, I use a charge band system so you
(?t~;Wk: dangerous wreck have some idea of what a place will cost 'if it is
rock ballasting on a mole or known. This is as follows. The charge is for a 12m
breakwater yacht in high season (if applicable) for 24 hours and
above-water rocks prices are in £GBP.
Charge band 1 Free
cliffs Charge band 2 under £15 (approx US$24)
Charge band 3 £16-£25 (approx US$26-40)
coral Charge band 4 £26-£35 (approx US$42-56)
Charge band 5 £36+ (approx US$58)
J.: anchorage
;;t;: prohibited anchorage
J: Light
>i<: church
@: Lighthouse
'0: mosque
f : fixed
l£: windmill
Flo: flash
If: chimney
FI(2): group flash
Zl: castle or fort

oc.: occulting
@: airport
R : red
~}-, : ruins
• __ I
G: green
: houses
w: white
@: harbour master or
port police m: metres
f"TTl •
~. fish farm M : miles
§: customs s : sand
~: travel-hoist m: mud
P'c : yacht club
w : weed
.. : water
w: rock
. : fuel
'121: post office co : coral

'\: Telecommunications
[I]: Tourist information
~ : mangroves
~(: palms
7 : electricity
-$-: waypoint
E------I : yacht berth
Local boats
~: (usually shallow or reserved)
1: bn
7i': port hand buoy
t: starboard hand buoy
. : mooring buoy

This book began with a request to write a successor One thing I do take exception to IS the
to Alan Lucas' Red Sea and Indian Ocean Cruising photocopying of books. A lot of work goes into
GuideJ the first proper cruising guide for the Indian putting a guide like this together and I would hope
Ocean which for a long time served its purpose well. that its usefulness would more than repay the
What to do? I decided to sail down there and do purchase price. Yet there seems to be a culture of
the research for new guide. Twenty years ago I had poverty (mostly of spirit) amongst some cruising
planned to go down the Red Sea and on to yachtsman whereby it is perceived as a fair cop to
Southeast Asia from the Mediterranean. In between photocopy books and charts. It is opportunistic theft
then and now events had conspired to keep me out in both the legal and moral sense and I am weary of
of the Indian Ocean. It probably took me all of ten hearing the tired excuses of this benighted group of
minutes to pull out a chart of the Indian Ocean and cruisers. I don't have a villa in the south of France
plot a track across it. Now all I had to was get Tetra and nor do I drive a Swan 50. The publishers are j,

ready, say goodbye, and cast off. not awash with long expensive lunches and their
However, it wasn't really that simple. Tetra was in profits are modest. In fact were it not for the
a dire state and basically needed to be rebuilt. In enthusiasm and drive of Willie Wilson at Imrays,
Turkey I contacted Yusuf at Vat Lift and together then these sorts of books would probably not be
we worked out what had to be done. Everything was published at all. You are under no obligation to buy
removed from the interior, the mast and keel came this book, but please do not steal it by photocopying
off, and Tetra was rebuilt and finished off with cloth it. Just to be on the safe side I got a shaman in India
and epoxy on the hull and decks. In between there to shake up a curse for those who photocopy. The
came new chainplates, skin fittings, ports, deck curse involves contrary winds and unpopular
hardware, pulpit and bow roller, the list went on and receptions wherever they go, amongst other things.
on and the costs escalated. Down below Hey, don't say you weren't warned.
modifications were made and everything was beefed I have to confess to going a bit 'tropo' in the
up for the trip to Southeast Asia and back. Indian Ocean. There were places when I turned to
In September 1995 I set off for Cyprus and there my companions and suggested that we should just
picked up my cousin Frank whom I hadn't seen for stay here, not tell anyone where we were, and just go
nearly twenty years and an old friend, Colin with the flow in 'tropo' land. It meant that the
Mitchell. Going to Southeast Asia against the laptop wasn't fired up too many times, hence the
prevailing winds and currents was a bit of an epic, time between the initial research and the publication
some 7500 miles to windward in the end, but of this book. In the end I hope you find it useful and
strangely enough we were quite used to life on an that all your cruising in the Indian Ocean is
angle by the time we arrived. In late 1996 I went out enjoyable. Fair winds and if you have to beat to
to bring Tetra back to the Mediterranean and going windward may there be cold beer waiting for you at
with the prevailing winds and current was infinitely the end of the voyage.
preferable to the trip out. On the way out it took
three weeks to beat to windward from Mukalla to Acknowledgements
Cochin. On the return trip it took thirteen days of Many people helped with the information in this
easy sailing off the wind to cover the same distance. book, with practical advice and help on the trip, and
And while beating up the Red Sea is not a picnic for with simple good cheer in bars or cockpits. To all of
anyone, at least I knew what to expect. you my thanks and while I would like to mention
One of the problems with a book that covers this everyone, it is just not possible. To the following my
sort of area is getting first hand information on special thanks:
places and conditions along the way. In the northern To Alan Lucas for his Red Sea and Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean I managed to cover most places with Cruising Guide although the work here is my own.
a few exceptions. For the southern Indian Ocean I To all those who wrote and edited the British
got in touch with a number of people coming across Admiralty pilots which although not the easiest
and detailed what sort of information I needed. reading, assisted along the way with a mass of
Others I met along the way who had cruised detailed descriptions.
extensively in the Indian Ocean (north and south) To Frank Whelan, alias Captain Franr;ois, able
were quizzed exhaustively and I thank everyone for crew from Cyprus to Malaysia, good company,
their patience. In the end you who sail in the Indian courageous, and makes the best pikelets in the
Ocean must judge how this book succeeds and I Indian Ocean. To Colin Mitchell for crewing from
welcome any material that adds to it.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Cyprus to Aden and for brandy sours under arduous
conditions. To Yat Lift and all the crew for putting
Tetra back together. To Jody for occasional smiles.
To Yusuf Civilekoglu and crew for the passage from
Thailand to Cochin. To Yener, for sails and
canvaswork, I hope you take your own boat to the
Red Sea some day. To Graham Sewell for crewing
at the Kings Cup (and winning), glad you survived.
To Arthur Hind and Jill Murray for looking after
Tetra and information on Malaysia. To all those who
rescued Tetra when the mooring broke in
Kamphong Bahru. To Andy at Yacht Services
Phuket. To Wen and Ti. To Horst at Big 'A' in Ao
Chalong. To Eric and Robin Lambert for good
cheer and information on the southern routes and
for proof reading this manuscript. To Hans van Rijn
for information and proof reading. To Harry and
Dorothy (more Parker than Wizard of Oz) of S.Y .
Whimbrel for information and good liquor. To the
late Nigel Morley and Julie Smart for information
on Kenya. To Omar, Mr Fix-It, in Aden. To Mike
in Massawa. To David Macmillan for cold white
wine in parched Port Sudan. To Alison for cake. To
Barry Sheffield for information on the Red and
Arabian Seas. To AB and Adrienne, may you sort
out those moral dilemmas. To Stephen Davies and
Elaine Morgan for information. To Captain Mick
for fortuitous encounters. To Mike and Christine of
S.Y Sea Topaz for information. To Peter, hope you
got to India. To Roy Stacy, mission control, for
keeping everyone in touch and looking after things
while I was away.
To the Seychelles Tourist Board in London my
thanks for information and photos. To Willie
Wilson for all his help and care and to everyone at
Imrays who checks, draws and double-checks, my

Rod Heikell
London 1999

The Indian Ocean and the Maximum depth 7, 725m125,344ft in the Java Trench
between Java and Christmas Island.
limits and purpose of this Average depth 3890mlI2,762ft.
Subsidiary seas Northern Indian Ocean: Gulf of
book Aden/Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Bay of
The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean after the Bengal, Andaman Sea.
Pacific and Atlantic. It is divided into two by the Salinity 34-36 parts per 1000 except for W side of
equator with a collection of seas in the northern Arabian Sea which is 36-37 parts per 1000.
Indian Ocean and the large mass of the southern Wave height Wave heights of 20m plus recorded over
Indian Ocean stretching down to the Southern the Agulhas Current.
Ocean. In this book I take this easy division of the Precipitation The W coast of India can receive up to
northern and southern Indian Ocean as the dividing 4000mm during the SW monsoon. Parts of the
line for the various chapters. Starting in the east the Shillong Plateau in the far NE of India have
first section covers the northern Indian Ocean and received up to 26m in a year.
the countries westabout from Singapore to the Red Cyclone seasons Bay of Bengal April to December,
Sea. The second section covers the southern Indian Arabian Sea May to November, southern Indian
Ocean and the countries westabout from Australia Ocean November to April.
to East Africa. This is a just a convenient division to Worst cyclone damage 300,000 dead in Bangladesh
organise the text and for routes which criss-cross from storm surge after 12 November 1970
from the northern to the southern Indian Ocean you cyclone.
will need to flick between the sections. You've got to Endangered marine species Dugong, Leathery turtle,
do something with the large amount of information Hawksbill turtle, Olive turtle, Loggerhead turtle,
to organise. Blue whale.
For certain areas I touch only briefly upon the
information and pilotage for an area if there are Characteristics and history
other useful books which provide relevant The Indian Ocean is a divided sea. The northern
information. The following list gives those areas Indian Ocean is for the most part a calm sea except
which are already well served by other pilots. for the occasional tropical storm that ploughs its
Indonesia surface. It is also blessed with two distinct seasons
Cruising Guide to Southeast Asia Volume II. Papua where the change in wind direction makes it
New Guinea, Indonesia, Malacca Strait, West comparatively easy to sail back and forth across it.
Thailand by Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan. By contrast the southern Indian Ocean is rougher,
Riau Islands Cruising Guide by Mathew Hardy: especially down towards the Southern Ocean.
Available locally. Hemming in the southern Indian Ocean on the W
Thailand and E are the tip of Africa and the bottom of
Sail Thailand collated by Thai Marine & Leisure. Australia, both difficult turning points separating
Available locally. the oceans on either side.
Red Sea The relatively benign northern Indian Ocean and
Red Sea Pilot by Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies. the reversal of wind directions between the NE
Australia monsoon and the SW monsoon provided early
Australian Cruising Guide by Alan Lucas. traders with convenient wind patterns to complete a
Seychelles trading voyage within a year. Hecateus of Miletus
Les lies Seychelles by Alain Rondeau. (In French and (520 Be) mentions India as does Megasthenes (300
English) Be). The Greeks called the Indian Ocean the
East Africa, Madagascar and the Comoros Erythrean Sea, but there is little evidence they
East Africa Pilot by Delwyn McPhun. explored it, although it is likely some voyages were
South Africa made. Not until the first century AD are there
South Africa Nautical Almanac by Tom Morgan. concrete references by Pliny and the unknown
Greek author of the Penplus (Circuit) of the Erythrean
Vital statistics and odd facts Sea. Pliny refers to the SW monsoon as the
Hippalus, named after a pilot called Hippalus who
Total area 73 million km 2/28 million miles2 • About
discovered that the SW monsoon could take you
20% of the world's total ocean area.
clear across to India. This discovery by Hippalus
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
opened up the route to Roman vessels and there was they certainly must have made numerous trading
soon a regular trade across the ocean and back to forays over the years. In the 13th century Marco
the Red Sea and the Gulf. Pliny also mentions the Polo voyaged on Chinese junks backwards and
land of Chryse the Golden beyond India and it is forwards across the Indian Ocean. In the 14th
reasonable to surmise that he was talking about century the Three Jewel Eunuch, the Grand
Southeast Asia and China. Admiral Zheng He, effectively brought much of the
Less than a century later Marinus of Tyre northern Indian Ocean under Chinese control.
acquired information on passages in the Indian Chinese junks were formidable and capable sea-
Ocean from a sailor called Alexander who had sailed going ships compared to the coir bound Arab dhows
to the Malay Peninsula and on to China. This and they possessed not only the knowledge to
information was used by Ptolemy to draw his world navigate by the stars and reckon latitude, but also
map with a workable representation of the northern the magnetic compass, which had only been
Indian Ocean. introduced into Europe from China in the 12th
For western voyagers the exploration of the Indian century. Richard Hall provides the following
Ocean pretty much ceases with the demise of the description of a Chinese expedition under Zheng:
Roman Empire. All the spices, silks and precious 'The number of big junks sailing in each of the
stones coveted in Europe were transported by Arab expeditions varied from about forty to more than a
traders to the Levant where European traders hundred, and each had several support vessels. These
purchased them. It was Arab traders who were to armadas Of the Xia Xiyang ('Going down to the Western
dominate trade in the Indian Ocean until the arrival Ocean') were the wonders of the age. The ships carried
of the Portuguese under Vasco de Gama at the end doctors, accountants, interpreters, scholars, holy men,
astrologers, traders and artisans of every sort: on most of
of the 15th century.
his seven expeditions Zheng had as many as 30,000 men
Voyages by Indian and Arab traders were in under his command, in up to 300 ships of varying types.
dhows, the hull shape much like the dhows still seen Flags, drums and lanterns were used to send messages
around the Arabian Sea and down the east coast of within the fleet. To work out positions and routes the
Africa. These craft were constructed using coir to heavens were studied with the use of calibrated 'star
bind the planks together, a method that used readily plates', carved in ebony.'
available materials and that could be easily repaired Empires of the Monsoon Hall
anywhere in the Tropics that coconut palms grew. Zheng effectively brought the countries around
Small craft are still made like this in some parts of the Arabian Sea under Chinese authority although
India. Iron was in short supply in the region so nails no land garrisons were ever left to maintain control.
could not be fashioned for alternative construction - The sight of one of these huge armadas sailing into
any iron ore was used to make swords and spears. a port would have been more than enough to quell
Craft of this type were certainly making voyages any uprising.
across the northern Indian Ocean in early times. In 1498 Vasco da Gama arrived in India with his
The Greek author of the Periplus mentions these small fleet and so began the period of Portuguese
craft and the fact they voyaged across to Indonesia. colonisation of India and adjacent countries. The
In what was the Middle Ages in Europe, this part of influence of the Portuguese can be seen everywhere
the world was alive with trade and there were a from the architecture to the Catholic faith to Indians
number of rich Arab trading cities around the and Malays called Diaz or Fernandez. The
Middle East and Arab trading outposts around Portuguese were followed by the Turks who gained
Africa, India and Indonesia. From the Gulf to the possessions in the Red Sea, but ultimately failed to
Hadramaut in Yemen and Hijaz in the Red Sea, displace the Portuguese from India, by the Dutch
traders journeyed all across the northern Indian who were established in the East Indies and
Ocean spreading Islam to India and Indonesia and established colonies in Ceylon and South Africa,
the Malay Peninsula. Even into the period of and finally the English who by the 19th century had
European domination this influence continued as colonised just about every country around the
recorded in Conrad's Lord Jim where European and Indian Ocean including much territory that was
Arab traders competed for trade in the Indies. formerly Portuguese and Dutch.
There were other voyagers as well. The Waqwaqs Most of the charting of the Indian Ocean was
from Indonesia voyaged in large outrigger canoes carried out in the 19th century by English ships and
similar to those used on Polynesian voyages in the in fact most of the present day charts are based on
Pacific across to Africa and colonised Madagascar 19th-century surveys. The French were here as well
around 300-400 AD. These voyages were direct and established colonies in and around the SW
over 3500 miles from Indonesia to east Mrica and Indian Ocean and charted some of the difficult coral
Madagascar using the SE trades. Some nine tenths strewn waters here. But the overwhelming influence
of the Malagasy vocabulary is derived from the was English, so much so that the Indian Ocean was
Waqwaq language and in fact Waqwaq is probably a dubbed the 'English Lake'.
term that referred to the sound of this foreign In the 20th century the Indian Ocean countries
tongue. have largely been returned to the indigenous peoples
The other great voyagers in this period were the or whoever was the longest standing coloniser.
Chinese and although references to them are scarce, Some small island territories remain British or

Cruising in the Tropia

French, but for the most part the countries around Cruising in the Tropics
the Indian Ocean are independent states.
The arrival of that largest of 20th-century
industries, tourism, has come late to many of the Coral
countries around the Indian Ocean. There are huge C orals are related to sea anenomes and can be
areas which see little in the way of tourists and in thought of as a polyp living in a limestone case. Each
other countries the tourism is concentrated in coral secretes its own design of limestone case and
relatively small areas. In some countries civil wars or over time old limestone cases build up to become a
general civil unrest have ru:ned tourists ~way. reef. Over thousands of years coral reefs build up as
Eritrea, Yemen, Somaha, Mozambtque, polyps die and new polyps overlay the old. Corals
Madagascar, and Myanmar (Bunna) have all had need a sea water temperature of 20°C plus and
long civil wars and in a way, at the end of the . 20th relatively clean water to grow in. Anywhere there is
century, if you really want to get away from It all, a lot of silt or mud restricts the growth of coral
then choose a country that has just had a civil war which is why you find linle coral around river
and you will find it uncluttered except f~r the lc;>cals estuaries and a lot of coral around the Red Sea
and UN relief workers. Other countnes hke Pakistan where there are no major rivers. Coral grows at just
and Sri Lanka have ongoing civil war affecting pan below the sudace down to 7Om. From just below
of the counuy and have suffered a dramatic decline the surface down to 20m you get the widest variety
in tourist numbers. Some countries like Saudi of species and the best conditions for growth.
Arabia and Oman are not keen on visitors and Contrary to popular belief, coral grows very slowly
others such as much of the Laccadives and the at around 0·3-O·6m ( I-2ft) every hundred years on
Andamans and the Nicobars, are off limits to the ocean side and O·S-I·Sm (l·6-Sft) every
touriSts. hundred years in sheltered reef areas. These are
Some islands like the Maldives, Seychelles, maximum rates and are frequently slowed by stann
Mauritius and Reunion have turned themselves into damage or conditions that are less than ideal. Charts
touriSt meccas and are now largely dependent on made from old surveys SO or even a 100 years ago
touriSt receipts for as much as 50% of GOP. Other will pretty much reflect what is down there now
countries like Thailand, Kenya and, until recently, assuming the survey was correct in the first place. In
Sri Lanka, are also heavily dependent on tourism. some areas the charts are known not to be reliable
Inevitably other areas will follow and pam of the
west coast of India are now being developed as
resort areas while other countries are also making
plans to cash in on the tourist bonanza.

Fringing Aeef

Barrier Reef



Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
whereas in others the surveys are meticulous and where the word 'atoll' comes), Cocos Keeling,
wonderful pieces of work. In some areas the reef Chagos archipelago and around the outer islands
may have less water than shown, but then again it of the Seychelles.
may have more water than is shown. What has
Navigating in coral
usually been missed in a survey are isolated coral
There are a few things to know about coral which
heads or 'bombies'.
are useful if you are new to it.
A coral reef is a complex and varied ecosystem
Coral reefs are not normally exposed except for a
that also supports a wide range of other marine
few hours at MLWS. Coral cannot survive being
species either in a commensal fashion, as food, or exposed to the hot sun for more than a few hours, so
most importantly, as a habitat sheltered from the in most places the coral will be just under the water
power of the sea and waves. Coral reefs are classified or at the surface for most oflow water. At high water
pretty much along the lines suggested by Darwin in
it may well be a couple of metres under the surface.
1842 as follows and represent the evolutionary Where coral is above water it has generally been
process of reefs from fringing to barrier to atoll. raised by the land underneath being pushed up by
Fringing ree/Formed by the growth of coral close the tectonic plates and this is dead coral. In places
inshore on rocky coastlines. On the seaward side coral boulders may be thrown up by storms onto the
the drop-off may be gradual or abrupt. Inshore reef and these are a useful visual indication of a part
from the ocean there is usually just low coral reef of the reef.
with rock pools which have formed from storm In less than 20m great care is needed when
damage or subsidence. There are not usually any navigating in coral as it is in these depths that coral
natural passes through a fringing reef except grows most prolifically and irregularly. Bombies
where rivers exit, there is a very deep natural grow anywhere that they can, on old coral
indentation, or a sub-strata like crumbly basalt accretions, on the higher parts of submerged land,
exists which is unsuitable for coral to grow on. on wrecks, and can vary in size from a pillar to a fair
Artificial passes may have been blasted through sized clump or small isolated reef. If you are under
the fringing reef. Fringing reefs are found all 20m and see the depthsounder fluctuating wildly
around the Red Sea, the Yemen and Oman, parts then slow down and send someone aloft.
of India, the Andamans and Nicobars, parts of When approaching a reef anchorage always time
Thailand and Malaysia, Christmas Island, the approach for between 0900 to 1400 or 1500 at
Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, parts of the very latest. For reef approaches towards the east
Madagascar, the Comoros and along some of East the approach should probably be made no later than
Africa. 1300-1400 although we are nearly all guilty of later
approaches. Mter 1400 the sun is starting to dip
Barrier reef These reefs are separated from the
land by a lagoon, usually due to coastal lower in the sky so that it is in your eyes and
subsidence during which the seaward reef builds identifying reefs becomes a lot more difficult. For
upwards. The barrier reef is typified by the Great reef approaches towards the W 1500 is OK,
although time it earlier if possible. It constantly
Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia. There
surprises me how many boats make an approach
are usually natural passes through the reef where
through coral late in the afternoon and for many it
coral cannot grow or where storm damage has
is sheer luck that they do not hit anything. Even with
broken through and the tidal streams are too
someone conning you in over the radio and utilising
violent for coral to grow well. There may also be
artificial passes which have been blasted through GPS positions it is dangerous to approach through
coral late in the afternoon. You may misunderstand
the reef. Barrier reefs are found in some places in
the Red Sea, the Andamans and Nicobars, the an instruction or there may be bombies that the
Seychelles, Mayotte and parts of East Africa. person conning you in did not see. Some do not
make it through safely when making an approach
Atolls An atoll is a barrier reef where the original late in the afternoon and the Red Sea, in particular,
island it built around has subsided underwater has its fair share of wrecks.
and the_barrier reef builds upwards and in the end A pair of Polaroid sunglasses is essential to
is all that is left. Sand accumulates on the barrier navigating through coral or in relatively shallow
reef to form low-lying islands or cays. Within the water anywhere for that matter. Other sunglasses
central lagoon there can often be considerable will not do. Only Polaroids cut out the light from one
depths and in places there will also be very plane and so remove much of the reflected light
variable depths and bombies. On the seaward side from the surface making it much easier to see the
an atoll typically drops off abruptly to relative depths in shallow water. As a general rule
considerable depths. There will nearly always be the following colour coding applies for the depth of
one or more natural passes through the reef into water: brown to yellow-brown means 2m or less,
the lagoon, although in some cases the pass will be green 2-5m, blue-green 5-25m and dark green-blue
shallow and also possibly dangerous if it is on the 25m plus. This is in relatively calm water with the
side where the prevailing winds cause large seas sun overhead. On days when there is scattered cloud
which break across the entrance to the pass. Atolls identification is more difficult as you will get dark
are found in the Laccadives, the Maldives (from shadows moving over the water which make it

Equipping for cruising in the Tropics

difficult to see what is going on. Caution is needed water tank or a jerrycan, or by simply having a fitting
interpreting these colours as under 10-15m the in the middle which can take a hose and some way
nature of the bottom confuses the scheme with of depressing the middle of the bimini to form a
sandy bottoms giving the clearest indication while hollow to collect the rainwater. Another method
rock and weed make things look darker and which I used was to collect the run-off from the
shallower. Weed clumps on the bottom can give you furled main and sail cover. By simply dropping the
a heart attack as they look closer to the surface than boom a bit substantial amounts gush out of the end
a sandy bottom or light coral and it can be difficult of the main and cover and by the simple method of
to judge whether a patch of weed is a coral outcrop shoving a bucket under the end it was possible to
or what it actually is - weed. In disturbed water catch a fair amount of water. The only drawback
where the sand has been whipped up or blown off with any rain catching device is that if a squall
the shore the water is murkier and it is more difficult accompanies the rain, most of the water is blown
to work out the depths. Around the outflow of rivers away and in bumpy conditions at sea the motion of
there can be a lot of silt in the water which severely the boat tends to slosh the water off the bimini.
reduces visibility so that it is all but impossible to see Whether using the bimini or the sail cover it is
anything. How coral grows under these conditions it necessary to let it run for a bit to wash off salt and
is difficult to know, but around Thailand and dust. For the first amounts collect a few bucketfuls
Malaysia you will commonly encounter visibility of which cap be used for washing clothes or yourself.
less than 2m and this makes it impossible to con One of the advantages of catching rainwater is that
your way around reefs. you know it is potable.
Currents around the reefs are generally strong and Increasing numbers of yachts, even some quite
variable in direction and it can be alarming to watch small ones, are installing watermakers. These have
your boat being sluiced sideways through the reefs become a lot more reliable with filter elements
when in fact your heading is elsewhere. Through which need less attention and last longer than many
channels one side of a reef will generally be fairly earlier models. I know of one 28ft cruising yacht
steep-to compared to the other side, although this is which relies on its 12 volt watermaker and although
not a hard and fast rule and you may encounter I don't recommend you carry a radically reduced
areas of 'bombies' that appear to obstruct a channel, amount of water with a watermaker, in practice
but can in fact be navigated through with good some yachts do. In the area covered by this book
nerves. Currents outside of reefs of any type will places to get spares are few and far between so carry
often have a set towards the reef, a benign phrase adequate filters and any other bits you might need.
that could be replaced with reef-sucking currents Water from a suspect source ashore can be treated
(however you say it). Constant attention must be by adding a little bleach (sodium hypochlorite at
paid to currents when near to reefs as they can be as around 3%), potassium permanganate crystals, or
much as 2-3kts in places and inattention to your proprietary tablets like Puri-tab at the recommended
navigation can lead to catastrophic results. dosage. If you are really worried then boiling for
around 10 minutes is the only sure-fire solution as
the chemical regime above will not remove all
Equipping for cruising in the nasties.
Tropics Anchoring
Anchoring over coral means you need to have chain
and lots of it. Coral cuts through rope in a shorter
In many places getting good drinking water ashore time than you can believe possible and there is no
can be difficult and sometimes impossible. It may be way out of using chain. However in practice some
that there is no water (usually the case on atolls) or yachts use a chain-rope combination where the
that the water available ashore is suspect for some water is very deep and with care this is a perfectly
reason. Carrying adequate amounts of water on adequate solution. The reason is really that in places
board backed up by jerrycans is just common sense the water is so deep around coral that you could be
although th~ quantity you carry will self-evidently be anchoring in 30m plus and anchor winches and
determined by the strictness of the water regime on human-power have difficulty with the straight up
board. If you use salt water for some purposes such and down pull of 30m of chain and the anchor on
as washing dishes, washing yourself, and for cooking
the end. Any anchor winch needs to be man enough
(around a quarter for rice and pasta, around a third for the job and at the very least small yachts need a
for vegetables), then you can get by on very little. snubber for the chain and enough muscle on board
And you can always rinse yourself and the dishes off
to get the anchor and chain up in deep water.
with fresh to keep that saltwater stickiness away. When anchoring in coral you do need to take care
To augment water supplies the answer for many of where you anchor. Coral is a delicate slow-
lies in the rain that regularly falls in most parts of the growing organism and careless anchoring can
tropics. Most yachts cruising in the tropics are destroy coral that can take decades to re-grow.
equipped with some sort of rain-catching device. Multiply that by numerous yachts anchoring on
Many adapt the bimini for this purpose by either coral and you have significant damage to coral
putting gutters on either side with a run-off to the caused by careless anchoring. Many governments

Indian Ocea'i Crnising Guide
now realise the damage being caused and have put
down moorings in popular anchorages. These
should always be used when available. If there are
no moorings then search out a patch of sand. This
often means anchoring in deeper water, but avoids
not only damage to the coral but also the possibility

of your chain gening snagged o n lumps of coral on

the bottom. For some reason chain has a magnetic ..&
attraction for the most undercut coral ledge and can

be extremely difficult to free - often the only
solution is to dive on it o r get someone with tanks to
dive on it for you and free the chain fro m the coral.
C hain caught under coral on a low tide may
endanger your boat if at high tide the scope of chain :
left is less than the total depth of the water and
consequently the chain is trying to pull the bows of
the boat underwater.
The best sort of arrangement for getting ashore is
not always the most practical to carry on board and
so many of us end up with a compromise. You need
to be properly equipped before you leave as getting
a replacement tender can be a difficult job and
practically only in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand and South Africa, will you be able to
replace a tender lost or damaged in the Indian
Ocean region. You could of course get something
flown o ut to other places, but the cost of doing this
is exorbitant and you will still need to get it out of
the grip of customs. Some yachties have been
inventive enough to build small ply dinghies in out
of the way places although the results have been In many places the re is a lot of gooey mud at low tide $0 allow
mixed depending on the abilities and materials time ror gelling ashore and back ror either side or high tide.
A rigid dinghy is certainly the best option and
aluminium has the advantage over GRP when it most people end up getting an outboard - as did 1.
comes to coral. For lots of yachts stowing a rigid It is a matter of the distances. Sometimes you will
dinghy is not practical and an inflatable is then the have to ancho r 1/4 or '/3 a mile off the shore, and
choice. What you get really depends on what is rowing back and forth with others in the inflatable
available, but Avons are in mine and others and to carry supplies, against a chop or against the
current, becomes just too much even for dedicated
experience the best choice in terms of durability.
M any cover the top of the tubes wim a canvas cover rowers. Outboard spares are fa irly common in most
to stop UV deterioration and when stowed on board places because many local boats now utilise
the inflatable should be covered as well. ou tboards and UN programmes seem to hand
I like to row, even in an inflatable, which has to be outboards out in me belief that this is a good way to
the worst kind of rowing machine invented, but encourage modem fishing methods.
One very cheap accessory for a tender is an
umbrella. Most of the countries in the Indian Ocean
have cheap umbrellas for sale and it is wonh getting
a couple . If the person sitting forward in me tender

/ 1\ =
puts me umbrella up in front of them mOSt of the
spray coming over the front when there is a bit of
chop will be defl ected from coming on board.
Be lieve me. it is more effective than a dodger on the
front. If you are alone then wedge me umbrella in
the front as a makeshift d odger. It can be angled for
sp ray coming over one or other side and if there is a
downpour. you can usc it to keep dry. When it gets
ru sty just throw it away and get another.
And do carry a good pair of oars even when you
have an outboard. I twice had to rescue tenders
If anchor chain gets caught under a large coral head it can drifting away into the distance when outboards
putt the boat under or cause other damage on a rising t ide.
failed .
c·quipping for musing in the Tropics
One other thing, and this is a true story, don't be worthwhile thinking about extra deck hatches and
tempted to [Ow your dinghy on long passages as one opening ports. All hatches and ports need screens to
would-be sailor I met en route was going to - and keep mosquitoes out although it is useful if the
no, it wasn't a wind-up. screens can be removed for anchorages where
Shade and ventilation mosquitoes are few because any screen impedes the
Under the tropical sun a permanent bimini is a flow of air below . Wind-scoops for deck hatches are
must. The construction of a bimini depends on the imponant and I favour the type with a four-way
cockpit layout, but if you are constructing one from entry (sec diagram) as it doesn't need adjustment (0
new or getting new canvas work made up, it is a work properly when the wind is fluky, the tide keeps
simple enough matter to have side-screens made. the boat at a contrary angle to the wind, or when
On my bimini the side-screens simply rolled up or you are moored fore and aft or berthed in a harbour.
down and were secured by Vckro tabs. A side-screen One design element I missed and had to rectify
cuts out the sun when it is low in the sky and also later was to put zips either side of the middle
importantly cutS Out some reflection off the water. window of the spray hood so it can be rolled up at
Although you may be worried about using a side- anchor or in calm conditions at sea. Spray-hoods
screen when sailing, in practice it doesn't seem to tend to be fairly permanent affairs on a cruising boat
make much difference except when conditions are and being able to roll up the middle panel allows a
really boisterous. And there is something nice about flow of air into the cockpit area and also allows
rolling them up at the end of the day, a sort of cooking smells and moisture to get out. Boats with
nautical equivalent to dosing the curtains at night in permanent cuddies likewise need an opening
a house. window in the front to allow a flow of air into the
Ventilation is an important consideration in the cockpit.
tropics and if you are doing a major refit it is

Tl!tra looking aft showing the solar panels ~rmanen t ly insralled If ynu leave the boat somewhere for a while get a cover made up
on the bimini. Although not the opti mum si te fo r solar panels, it to pro tect th e decks from sun, rain and bird deposits from mose
meant they were always then.' producing a squirt of power for liule crinen; who !rea! your rigging as home. You don', want 10
the autopilot and light~. com~ hack to a floating island of guano.
I1Idia1l Ocea1l en/isi1lg Gllide

It shou ld always be remembe red (and I am

WoO den crossbar folds continually surprised by how often cruising folk
for stowing neglect to do it) that the cha rt da tum must be
selected for the GPS readout or significant errors
can result. For the plans in this book waypoints arc
given to WGS R4 dat um (usually th e default setting
for most GPS receivers) wherever possible although
some arc related (0 GIS (Geographica l Information
Systems) which utilises information on all relevant
errors using satellite photographs and data to give a
position which should be close to WGS 84. This is
nOl always the , ase and care is needed using G IS
positions although where I have been abk to check
them they appea r to correspond well to WGS 84
The matter of chart datum is at hest hazy for
unm ctricated charts and obscure for some of the
new metricated charts . ,\1ost modern charts refer to

Windscoop . this design works whatever

the wind direction relative to the boat

For cruising in coral ma st~stcps arc a must. Reing
able to get up the mast gives you a much better idea
of what is guing on on the sea bottom and also gives
you a wider perspective on channels through coral.
j\ 1ast-steps need on ly go u p to the first set of cross-
trees as th is will give you a good enough view and
going higher means more motion aloft if the re is any
sea running. Ratlines ben"een th e shrouds arc a
possible alternative, but are not as easy to usc whe n
a sea is running. Mast-steps wi ll allow you to hold
onto the mast for secu rity. Some yach ts have a form
o f craw's nest on the mast, but in most sit uations it
is comfortable enough sitting on the cross-trees with
a leg either side of the mast.
This little miracle box of tricks co nside rably
simplifies navigation through the reefs and islands
and in the approaches to harbours and anchorages.
Apart from the obvious uses of plotting latitudes and
longitudes and plumbin g in waypoims, it is
extremely useful in giving the true course taking into
account current. as opposed to the compass course .
Currents can vary greatly around the islands and
reefs with variable strength and direction and often
at variance with indicated currents fr om th e
collected hydrographic data. The reef-sucking
phenom enon is often noted in logs with lots of
exclamation marks directed at c urrents that seemed
A permanent bim ini is a must. If possib k get side-eunains
only to suck towards a reef, often at rates of made f"r when the su n is low in the 5 k ~' , ,\ \05t o f th,' time they
I- I '/o kn . can be u ~ed when sailing and un 1~·tm we un ly ewr rolled them
up uw r Fur'e 5- u.
Scores along the way

~GS 'B<\ ~t ~GS 1'2., bu.\ \l\ ~~me <:.a~e.~ \nete. ate
references to simply WGS datum or to a country
datum source that is not commonly used or does not
exist in the chart datum sources logged into the
memory of the GPS. In some cases a correction is
given which must be applied to lat and longs. For
unmetricated charts there is generally no datum
source given and I have been unable to track any
down for most of the fathoms charts. Where a WGS
84 GPS position is known a correction can be
worked out for the general area the chan covers and
while n ot perfect, will be bener than nothing.
In practice it is best to operate with a guard zone,
a circle of error (COE), of at least 1M from dangers
to navigation until positive visual identification of
landforms or conspics are made. In some cases the
COE should be up to 3M. Depths are a good guide
although in some areas there are significa nt
discrepancies and in others there are unsurveyed
areas of water. Extra vigilance is needed where
charts are known to show serious errors concerning
the lat and long or over depths. There are also
discrepancies between overlaps on the charts where
an islet can have a fringing reef on one chart and
none on the other. A certain amount of prudence is
needed when detennining JUSt how far to stay away
from a danger and ifin doubt keep at least 3M away.
There are a few hardy souls out there who think
GPS is a misbegonen beast of the late 20th century
and who rely solely on the sextant and tables to get
around. There are also those who like to keep a
check on the black box by taking occasional sights in
case the batteries go flat or the GPS gives up (and
mey do sometimes). For all of this area taking sights
is straightforward and indeed visibility is usually
good by day and night with one exception. The Red
Sea usually has so much haze above the horizon that
it is difficult to pull objects down to it and I would
recommend GPS, even for ephemeris die-hards,
when navigating in the Red Sea. This warning also Around mOSI of the Indian Ocean spares and repairs are hard 10
comc by. Equipmcm on board should be serviccd regularly,
applies to the Malacca Straits if smoke from the especially before any hard passages such as th e Red Sea or
forest fires on Sumatra reduce visibility dramatically around the bottom of Afriu. Here at Changs in Mala)'sia you
as has happened in recent years. need IO 'fighl offthc snakes when clcaning the

sometimes there is paperwork to carry out. In some

Stores along the way places you must pre-pay for fuel. In a number of
Stocking up with food and fuels along the way varies places the only way to get diesel is to jerrycan it from
dramatically around the Indian Ocean and forward the shore which means you need to do a lot of trips
planning is essential. In the introduction to each to replenish the tank(s).
country covered in this book I give some idea of In places the quality of the fuel can be appalling.
what is available and so here I will just make some Water in the diesel is the most common complaint
general comments. and in Massawa and Port Sudan, for example, I
estimate that me fuel contained around 7-8% water.
Diesel This means you are going to be cleaning your water
Is not always readily available although in most separator and filter at frequent intervals and after
places it can be found. It pays to fill up your tank taking on new fuel it should be checked regularly for
and any reserve tank or jerrycans wherever possible. water. It also pays to carry a good stock of fuel
Most of the harbours which get a significant number filters. In some places diesel-bug is also a problem
of cruising yachts will have either a fuel quay to go
and if you get it there is no solution except to clean
alongside or a fuel barge. In a lot of cases you need out the tank and fuel lines and filters.
to make an appointment to take on diesel and

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
If you are topping up the main tank from jerrycans Gas
I recommend the 'Eric' siphon method to avoid In most main centres gas bottles can be refilled IF
splashing diesel over the decks or having to suck on the depot has the right connector. For this reason it
the pipe and get a mouthful of the awful stuff. is a good idea to carry a collection of connectors
Simply lead the siphon pipe from the bottom of the which can simply be plumbing adapters whereby
jerrycan into the fuel filler and then take a short you can alternate between male and female thread
piece of pipe which you seal into the air space in the sizes. The only alternative to this is to drain gas from
top of the jerrycan with a piece of rag and your local bottles into your own, a procedure which
hand. By blowing into the short tube and the air should only be carried out in a well ventilated area
space in the top, or using your inflatable pump, which cigarette smokers are banned from. Draining
diesel is forced up the siphon tube and in a second seems to have varying degrees of success. I have not
away it goes starting the siphon. So elegant and had much success with the method and it can take a
simple, I wish I had thought of it myself. long time to even get a bottle half-full.
What you pay for fuel varies either because it is You also need to be careful of the depot over-
taxed heavily or because the one and only supplier is flliing a bottle. I had one bottle over-filled in Galle
taxing you with higher prices. In general it is fairly in Sri Lanka which started to fizz violently around
cheap throughout the region with the exception of the rubber seal when I got it back to the boat. Not
Australia, India, and the Seychelles. In the Red Sea wanting to live with a bomb on board I heaved it
you may pay a bit more for the agent to supply it into the water just before the seal went. The bottle
although if you can find a source ashore it is not acted a bit like a torpedo out of control, alternately
expensive. diving to the bottom and then erupting out of the
water into the air - all accompanied by a wonderful
Usually only available from a petrol station in town hissing sound. The marines stationed in the harbour
although as most people only require small amounts zoomed over in their runabout and it was all I could
for outboards, this is not too much of a problem. do to persuade them that it was not a Tamil Tiger
attack and that they should not shoot it. The
consequence of them shooting at the bottle doesn't
even bare thinking about. Ever since I have kept a
blow Rag held around the two pipes beady eye on anyone filling my gas bottles.
to prevent air escaping
Is easily found in most of the countries around the
Indian Ocean. In some countries such as India a
special permit is needed for large quantities unless
you get it through one of the boat-boys. Methylated
spirits is not always as easy to get and in some places
such as the Red Sea it is relatively expensive.
1· Basic provisions
Most basics including rice, pasta and pulses are
..... forces diesel up the readily available in most countries. Depending on
pipe to start the syphon
the local diet in a country, some items will be of
exemplary quality while others will often be of poor
quality and expensive to boot. So rice is cheap and
of good quality in India while pasta produced there
makes a glutinous mess when cooked. The colonial
past of a country needs to be taken into
consideration with the result that you can buy
excellent pasta in Eritrea courtesy of the old colonial
rulers, Italy. In general the Indian Ocean is the place
for rice and pulses and if you like pasta then stock
lSi phon starts up in places where there is good imported pasta or
the local stuff is known to be good.
Wheat flour is available everywhere and rolled
oats, essential for muesli, are also widely available in
Lubricating oils vacuum packed tins. Dried milk is commonly
Most of the well-known brands oflubricating oil can available although the ability of the powder to mix
be found or at least a viable alternative. Specialist properly with water varies dramatically from brand
hydraulic fluids are harder to find and a good stock to brand - try some before you buy a lot of it or stick
should be carried in case you can't locate the type to a brand you know. Biscuits vary a lot although in
you need. general countries which have been British colonies
in the past tend to have the best biscuits. This
applies to cakes as well and both India and Sri

Stores along the way

Lanka have very good dark fruit cakes of one son or sometimes in Thailand and Malaysia, excellent tiger
another. prawns can be found. In Thailand there are farmed
Tinned goods vary greatly and if possible it is best prawns everywhere , but these are not a patch on the
to stock up in either Australia, Singapore, Malaysia free range variety.
and Thailand, or South Africa. Cooking oil :s
available everywhere although olive oil is scarce and
In most of the countries around the Indian Ocean
expensive. beer and local spirits will be found. The exception is
Fruit and vegetables in Muslim countrics around the Red Sea. In Oman,
In most countries except the atolls and in the Red Yemcn and Sudan alcohol is banned and you
Sea, fresh fruit and vegetables are excellent and cannot buy it except on the black market or in a few
cheap. India and some of East Africa probably have luxury hO[els where it is very expensive (between
the best fruit and vegetables going with all sorts of SUS5- 7 for a small can of beer in Yemen). In some
recognisable varieties and some unusual species countries with a mor~ benign Muslim aspect such as
which should be tried. In a few odd places like the Malaysia and Egypt, alcohol will be available
Yemen, fresh fruit and vegewbles are better than although not everywhere. In some duty-free areas
you might think. Some places like India have along the way, notably Langkawi in Malaysia,
excellent dried fruit and nuts and others like alcohol is very cheap and yachts tend to stock up in
Madagascar have spices such as vanilla and nutmeg quantity. In other places like India where the locally
at bargain basement prices. made rum is good and cheap, additional stocks can
Meat and fish be taken on.
It is one of those little ironies that in countries
For most of the region meat is not butchered or kept
where alcohol is banned, like Yemen, mat you will
in the son of conditions most people are familiar
with. The sight offreshly butchered meat hanging in be constantly asked for it and a cheap bottle of any
local butchers shops, sometimes with a lot of flies description can buy you just about anything you
want and ease the way in all sorts of transactions.
around, may put some people off. For the most part
it is quite OK and will have been freshly killed that Good wine is difficult to find and when you do it
morning. Because it has not been hung it is not as can COSt an arm and a leg. The exceptions arc
Australia and South Africa which produce excellent
lender as most meat westerners are used to, but the
taste is often bener, even if a good serrated knife is wines at reasonable prices. In Langkawi you can
needed to cut it. In some places including Australia, find quaffable wines at reasonable duty-free prices
and in Reunion, Mayoue and Djibouti French wine
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India
and South Africa, good frozen meat can be found at is imported, though at a price.
reasonable prices. Boat bits
Fish is everywhere fresh and good value. The Basic items like shackles, polypropylene ropes, basic
Indian Ocean offers better and more reliable fishing paints and varnishes, oil filters, and the like can be
than any other ocean I know of and around coasts found in most of the large coastal towns or cities.
with a shallow continental shelf there are prawns Yacht chandlery can be found in Australia,
and shrimps aplenty. In India and Sri Lanka and Singapore, the west coast of Malaysia, Phuket and
South Africa. Specialist gear and spares will only be
found in Australia, Singapore, Phuket and South
Africa. Specialist antifoulings can be found in
Australia, Singapore, and South Africa. Soft
antifouling can be found in Malaysia, Thailand, Sri
Lanka, India, Yemen, Seychelles, Mauritius.
Reunion and Kenya. You may also be able to track
down soft antifouling in a few other places as well.
Resins, both polyester and epoxy, can be found in
most of the places where there is antifouling of any
sort although the shelf-life should be checked as the
storage can be suspect.
If you need to have spares sent out then get them
sent to Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, or South
Africa. Failing that get them sent via a courier such
as DHL or Federal Express. Do not have anything
sent to India, Madagascar, the Comoros or Egypt if
you can at all help it, either because the bureaucratic
process is cumbersome or in some cases corrupt.
Langkawi in Malaysia is a popular place to have gear
and spares sent to because it is a duty-free area with
Frank's tomato sto rage. Soft froit like tomatoes mostly go off
whcn touching ea\:h other. Using an cgg canon 10 separatc good communications and you simply receive the
them like this mCant tomatocs for nearly twO wec ks on passagc, goods and put them on board without any fuss.
evcn 10° off thc cquator.

Indian ~anC
A __ .. Guide

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reports. Some of this comes from local craft
approaching yachts, not to attack them, but out of
mere curiosity, or in some cases to get something to
eat or medical attention. Many of the countries
around the Indian Ocean are amongst the poorest in
the world and life on the water is a hard business .
Many of the fishermen look like something out of a
pirate movie and your first impulse is to take evasive
action and tell them to go away. I have encountered
local fishermen in Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen,
India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia without
ever really feeling threatened. Often these piratical
looking types have tied alongside and come on
board. At times it has been necessary to control the
situation by juSt having them alongside or tied off
astern without an invitation aboard and I always
leave the VHF on Ch 16 and turned up so that they
know I am in touch with the outside world. I have
yet to feel threatened although at times some
caution has been necessary. In return for hospitality
I have had more fish than you can poke a stick at
and enjoyed an hour or so of the locals company. I
don't recommend you do as I do at all, I can almost
see the lener arriving telling me about a fisherman in
Gondwanaland who went berserk or S[Qle
everything off your boat, but I do counsel some
caution over received opinion about pirates or theft
in some areas.

There have been odd reports of yachts being chased
by local craft in Indonesian waters, but as many
boats pass through here in company on the series of
races starting in Darwin and finishing in Singapore,
it is difficult to know what the situation is. For
yachts not travelling in company there are few
reports of piracy I can track down. For cargo ships
the area is considered a piracy blackspot with
numerous well documented incidents. The sea area
becween Indonesia and the Philippines, notably the
South China Sea and Sulu Sea, is considered the
worst piracy area in the world for commercial
shipping. Recent incidents on cargo ships have
Beer is the SlapJe drink in most of the Indian Ocean and is
occurred off Sandakan, Borneo, and Sumatra. In
nearly always palatable, especially in frosty cold bottles in the onc case it is believed that the customs officers used
heal of the day. the customs boat to supplement their income with a
little piracy on the side and in another incident the
'pirates' were wearing Indonesian marines uniforms.
The incident of the M.Y. Baltimar Zephyr, a
Piracy commercial ship which was attacked by pirates in
The question of piracy is one question often asked the Sunda Strait and in which two officers on board
and too little backed up by reliable reports. In were killed in December 1992, still rankles with the
general piracy world-wide is on the increase again shipping community as the Indonesian government
after a period where there was a marked decrease in refuses to accept that it was an act of piracy.
the numbers of pirate attacks reported. There are
areas in the Indian Ocean detailed below where care Singapore
is needed and few areas to be actively avoided, but Phillips Channel has long been a notorious area for
much of what passes becween cruising boats is often pirate attacks on merchant shipping with 82 cases
fourth or fifth hand, much embellished, and in the reponed by The Singapore National Shipping
worst cases totally unsubstantiated. Some cruising Association (consists of 180 shipping companies)
folk seem to make a bit of an industry out of between 1990 and 1995. Attacks on yachts appear
dissembling rumour and paranoia as reliable to be few and far becween and it seems likely that

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
these pirates are interested mainly in the valuables established links with the war-lords controlling the
carried on large ships. Yachts regularly use this area separate areas and no medical or hospital facilities.
and I know of no recent reported cases of piracy. For this reason the area should be steered well clear
The area is covered by the Regional Piracy Centre of and the zones shown as danger areas on the map
in Kuala Lumpur 1\1' (03) 292 1333 Fax (03) 298 from the French Navy should be given a wide berth.
7972. In 1995 the area off Somalia was declared a no-go
area for all shipping by the IMO (International
MaIacca Strait Maritime Organisation) with the recommendation
Incidents of piracy in the Malacca Strait have that vessels travel in convoy or keep close to the
declined dramatically in recent years with no recent Yemeni coast. In April 1995 the maxi yacht
cases of yacht piracy reported. If you are travelling Longobarda was fired upon and chased for over an
along the west coast of Malaysia the chances of hour in the area south of Socotra until the arrival of
piracy are very low to negligible. a Canadian frigate scared the attackers off. Another
The area is covered by the Regional Piracy Centre report from 1995 cited an attack on a ship by
in Kuala Lumpur 1\1' (03) 292 1333 Fax (03) 298 speedboats in the vicinity of Bossaso on the S side of
7972. the Gulf of Aden in which 5 were killed and the ship
Malaysian Royal Navy Piracy Headquarters looted.
1\1' (03) 235 7671 Fax (03) 232 0910. Chris Bonnet who sailed up the coast between
Socotra and Somalia on incorrect information that
Southern India the UN was policing the area collected the following
There have been reports of fishing boats disturbing data.
approaching yachts and stealing items off the deck. • There have been 15 attacks on ships, fishing
Most yachts including myself have not experienced boats and yachts between 1994 and May 1995 in
any problems with fishermen in the area who do the areas shown on the map. 5 attacks were on
approach yachts to ask for cigarettes, alcohol or to yachts.
attempt to sell fish, but are not pirates or even • Three pirate vessels have been identified as (i)
threatening, although their boathandling can be a 20m long wooden hull, no bridge deck. (ii) 15m
bit erratic at times. long steel hull, bridge at the stern. Reg. no.
Djibouti 304. (iii) Speed boat, no other details.
Oman • The speed of the first two vessels is estimated to
There have been reports of attacks on merchant be about 10kn.
shipping in the Straits of Hormuz just north of Ras • Weaponry involved includes handguns, AK47s,
Musandam and also a report indicating an increase rockets, and nets for fouling propellers.
in attacks in Omani territorial waters, but I have no The French Navy in Djibouti will respond to
reports of attacks on yachts in Omani territorial MAYDAY calls on VHF or SSB. Their emergency
waters. Mina Raysut is a naval base and it is unlikely Imarsat no. is 8731111351. They have a patrol
there would be pirate attacks in the vicinity. aircraft in Djibouti available for emergency response
and reconnaissance.
Yemen For most yachts crossing the Indian Ocean it is
There have been reports of yachts attacked off the fairly easy to avoid this area by sailing to either
Yemen coast including a Japanese yacht boarded by Salalah in Oman or Mukalla or Aden in Yemen
three men. The captain was reported to be keeping close to the Yemen coast. I sailed along this
kidnapped while the wife locked herself in the cabin coast in 1995-1996 and again in 1997 and
and radioed for help. I cruised the Yemen coast experienced no problems. For yachts coming from
stopping in numerous places in 1996 and visited Mauritius, South Africa and Kenya to the Red Sea
again in 1997 and cannot confirm this report. As far the problem is a little more complicated and the best
as I know the coast is relatively safe and no yachts I bet is probably to head out to sea giving Socotra a
know of have encountered problems. wide berth and then angle into the Yemen coast (or
vice versa when leaving the Red Sea towards the
Somalia and Socotra southern Indian Ocean).
Socotra Island at the SE corner of the Gulf of Aden Useful contacts
has always been well known as an area to keep clear International Maritime Organisation Piracy
of because of the possibility of pirate attacks. Now department V(0171) 735 7611 Ext 3155.
the threat of piracy around the island has spread all Hydrographic Office Warnings to Mariners
along the shores of Somalia right up to the 1\1' (01823) 337900
approaches to Djibouti. After the abortive attempt Hydrographic Office France (SHOM) 1\1' (33) (98)
of the UN and the USA to bring peace to Somalia, 220460
the country has disintegrated into areas dominated Foreign Office Travel Desk 1\1' (0171) 2704129
by local war-lords who have no compunctions about Maritime safety Agency V (01703) 329 100
extending their territory offshore. There is no
legitimate government for the whole country and
no-one to bring order to the situation. There are no
War Zones aud civil unrest


• AI Mukalla
Arabian Sea

, • Socotra


III Aden
, I

-- - -- -
-- --- Bender Casim


RiSk /


NE of the island, but the Tigers use suicide bombers

War zones and civil unrest and frogmen to mount attacks elsewhere, notably in
Indonesia The on· going violencc means there IS
In May 1998 the corrupt regime of Suharto and his considerable internal security and this applies to any
cronies and family finally fe ll after popular yachts visiting the island. In effect there is only onc
demonstrations aga inst him. RiOtS broke out in most harbour, that at Galle, used by yachts, and here your
major cities and eventually he was forced to resign yacht will be searched (a fairly cursory procedure)
and his first minister B J Habibe was appointed by the navy and at night small depth charges are
president. It is uncertain whether Habibe can calm randomly dropped into the harbour to deter Tamil
the situation in Indonesia, but for the time being frogmen from emering and placing explosives on
things are settled and Habibe has made some craft. Despite the state of unrest many travel inland
gestures such as freeing po litical prisoners, and up to the high lands and like many areas of civil
reforming the electora l rules and promising unrest, there is an unnerving feeling of normality
parliamentary elect ions In May 1999 and nearly everywhere you go. 1 spent a week
presidential elections in December 1999. motorcycling around Sri Lanka and did not feci
Around the coast and islands cruising yachts are worried at all . Obviously you should stay away from
pretty much away from political goings·on in the northern half of the island where Tamil activity
Jakarta, but it would pay to monitor evems prior to takes place .
visiting and get any feedback from other yachts
which have recendy cruised here. Persia n G ulf
A t the time of writing the most recent confrontation
Sri Lanka over Iraq has died down. If heading up this way it
The bloody civil war between the mainly Singalese would be wise to monitor me situation although
Sri Lankan m ilitary and the Tami) Tigers resistance paradoxically any stand·off means a large presence
fighting for an indepcndem Tamil state in the north of naval forces making the area relatively safe.
of Sri Lanka has been going on since the mid· I 980s.
All the actual fighting is concentrated in the Nand

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
YeD1.en accessed. Despite the apparent air of normality in
Yemen has been through numerous civil wars Port Sudan yachtsmen should take special care in
between the north and the south culminating in the Sudanese waters and follow the situation in the
last civil war in 1994 in which the north won. The countryside carefully. It would be wise at present to
country is now united although much resentment avoid all border areas although there have been no
smoulders between the north and south. Away from major problems in recent years.
the cities and large towns the odd group of tourists
are kidnapped by local sheikhs who hold them to Egypt
ransom, usually for something the government has While the coastal areas are stable, inland there is
promised like a school or a hospital. Those some terrorism from fundamentalist groups who
kidnapped are usually well treated. Along the coast want Egypt to become an Islamic country along the
you are unlikely to run into any problems of this lines of Iran or Sudan. These two countries are
nature. accused of aiding the terrorist groups. There have
been several attacks on tourists, mostly on coaches
SOD1.a1ia visiting areas around the Nile, and the massacre in
A state of anarchy exists in the country with late 1997 at Luxor which left over 40 dead and
different parts of the country ruled by war-lords. many injured. This has severely dented the tourist
Yachts should keep well away from the coast industry and internal security by the army is now
because of the risk of piracy. See the preceding much in evidence everywhere. It is unlikely a yacht
section on piracy. cruising along the coast will be targeted by terrorists
and no incidents have occurred to date. When
Eritrea and the Hanish Islands travelling inland it is probably wise to go by taxi
In December 1995 Eritrea invaded the Hanish although in real terms the risk on other modes of
Islands which had traditionally been regarded as transport is low.
Yemeni territory. I was in fact in the Hanish Islands
just a couple of days before the invasion and heard MozaD1.bique
of it on the BBC World Service between the Hanish After the madness of the civil war here between the
and Bab EI Mandeb. The occupation of the islands government (Frelimo) and the resistance (Renamo)
has effectively put them out of bounds to yachts and sponsored by South Africa, things are reported to be
there have been reports of a yacht being fired on in on the mend. The country cannot be described as
the vicinity of the islands since the invasion. Since stable just yet, but neither is it in a state of flux any
the Eritreans use small craft it could be either side more since an accommodation was reached between
firing on yachts around the islands. At the present Frelimo and Renamo in 1992. Although things have
time there is a stand-off and mediation between the improved greatly there is still much poverty and
two claimants to the islands. Given the volatile isolated incidents from bandits. For the most part
situation the islands should be given a good offing cruising yachts will know nothing of this as the
although in 1997 I saw no activity in the area when coastal regions are rarely affected.
I passed by.
In May and June 1998 and again in March 1999 Kenya
there were serious armed clashes over disputed The re-election of Daniel arap Moi in late 1997 was
territory between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Asmara has contentious and it is likely incidents of unrest will
been bombed and military forces in both countries increase in Kenya between the various opposition
have been mobilised. Most of the disputed area is in parties and Moi's KANU party. At the moment
the southwest comer of Eritrea. At the present time outbreaks of tribal violence mirrored by the various
it would be wise to avoid the port of Assab and political parties and violent crime in the urban
monitor the situation for Massawa. On no account centres has severely dented the tourism business in
should a yacht go anywhere near an area used by the Kenya. For the most part the coastal regions have
military. been little affected but it would pay to monitor the
situation in Kenya in case full scale tribal violence
Sudan breaks out.
Sudan is a country riven by civil war and famine,
governed by an Islamic party that has introduced
shariya law, a country which has disputes with every
country it borders and that includes Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Egypt. It has
Much of the Indian Ocean lies within the tropics
surprised many that the government is still in power
and the diving in this region is some of the best in
and given recent rebel advances in the south, it is the world. Here all I will do is briefly detail well
imperative that the situation is monitored closely.
known dive sites. For most of these areas I am
What is surprising given the situation in most of the talking about snorkelling as well as subaqua diving
country is that Port Sudan exudes such an air of and one of the delights of the Indian Ocean is that
normality. In 1997 and 1998 the port was open to
there are numerous areas where the marine life is so
visiting yachts and most services were easily
prolific that there is more than enough to see just the anchorage at Direction Island there is a drop-
snorkelling around the reefs and shallow diving off where fishing is banned.
without tanks. For additional infonnation contact
Chagos Outstanding diving over the reefs. It should
dive holiday operators or dive centres in the
be remembered this is a marine reserve and
countries concerned.
fishing, catching turtles, living ashore, etc. is
Indonesia Has numerous good dive sites around the prohibited.
smaller islands. Around many of the large islands
Seychelles Good diving over the reefs. Around the
the silt brought down by rivers reduces visibility. outer atoll groups the diving is reported to be
With over one quarter of the world's coral reefs
excellent, but you need a pennit to go there.
there just has to be a lot of little known good
Many of the hotels have dive facilities.
diving around the islands.
Mauritius and Reunion Don't have a lot in the way of
Malaysia Has some areas of coral reef but in general
reefs and several artificial reefs have been created
the silty water reduces visibility too much for it to
by sinking small hulks.
be a good diving area. Some offshore islands like
the Pulau Payer Marine Park between Langkawi Madagascar Has several superb diving areas around
and Penang are far enough away from the coast the offshore islands. There is a lot of coral and
for clearer water. marine life and the visibility is OK away from the
main island coast.
Thailand Like Malaysia suffers from generally bad
visibility making it necessary to visit the offshore Mayotte First class diving reported around the
islands. Around the Similan and Surin Islands barrier reef.
there is good diving. Good dive facilities in Comoros First class diving reported around Moheli.
South Africa Sodwana Bay (Sordies) close to the
Andamans Reported to have excellent diving around border with Mozambique is reported to have first
the offshore reefs with prolific marine life class diving with lots of sharks. Aliwal Shoal close
everywhere. Schools of manta rays and sharks to Durban is also reported to be a good place to
aplenty are reported. see lots of sharks.
Sri Lanka The only good area for diving is in the Mozambique Reported to be superb diving,
north where the civil war is going on so you can especially in the north between Tho and Ilha
strike it off your list. Mozambique with St Lazarus Bank offshore
India In general the water is too silty making recommended. Around some areas the water is
visibility so bad it is not worth diving in most silty from rivers flowing into the sea and visibility
places. Around the Laccadives the diving is much reduced.
reported to be excellent, but it is a restricted area. Tanzania Good diving around offshore reefs with
Maldives This atoll chain has long been renowned the Pemba Channel a well known world class
for its diving and little else needs to be said. The diving area. Lots of manta rays, sharks and good
diving is excellent everywhere with lots of pelagic coral.
fish including mantas and sharks. Good healthy Kenya Popular dive area although close to Mombasa
reefs although care is needed in places of strong it tends to be overpopulated. Bad visibility in
currents. Good dive facilities and some of the places from silt brought down by rivers.
islands have small hotels devoted to dive holidays.
Diver's code
Yemen Good diving around the reefs and islands
• Do not collect living shells and coral.
although the present stand-off between Yemen • Do not buy shells, coral, souvenirs made from
and Eritrea makes it a bit tricky to dive here. turtle shell or other marine knick-knacks. Turtle
Eritrea Superb diving around reefs that have seen shell is protected under CITES and can be
little fishing during the long civil war. At the time confiscated by customs.
of writing the new conflict between Eritrea and • Respect marine reserves and the regulations
Ethiopia means it would be prudent to avoid governing them. If it is prohibited to fish in an
dallying overlong around the coral reefs. Monitor area leave your speargun and lines behind and
the situation to see if things calm down. A marine just look. Yachtsmen can get to out-of-the-way
soup where you can really just watch everything places like Chagos where regulations are
go by. Lots of sharks including hammerheads. sometimes flouted so self regulation is necessary
or the numbers of places yachts can go to will be
Sudan Superb diving around the reefs which are
curtailed - something which has happened in
little touched by commercial fishing.
parts of the world already.
Egypt Already well known on the dive scene. Away • Do not litter or feed fish with unsuitable food.
from popular dive sites like Hurgadha the diving is Plastic bags can suffocate life on the bottom and
excellent. Good dive facilities. cause death to animals like turtles or dugongs
Cocos Keeling Superb diving over the reef and near
which get caught in them.

bldian Ocean Cruising GUide
• Do not anchor yachts on coral and always use
moorings if they are provided .
• Do not pollute the water with diesel or oil.
• Do not walk on reefs if you can help it. In some
areas repeated numbers of people walking on
reefs has caused a visible effect on coral growth.

Fishing around the Indian Ocean is some of the best
fishing anywhere and that includes the Pacific and
Atlantic. There were days when we had to declare a
'no-fish' day, and I love fish, but in the end you can
get sick of it day after day. I'm not a dedicated
fisherman but I don't mind trolling a line out the
back and in some parts of the Indian Ocean you can
dangle just about anything off the back and catch
Most of the fish you arc going to get will be tuna
of some SOrt, including ycllowfin, dogtooth and
occasionally albacore, mackerel and wahoo, and
dolphin fish (mahe·mahe). You wi ll also get
barracuda and sharks. Personally I don't mind
barracuda and small shark for eating, but if there is
Olher fish around I usually throw them back. The
mackerel in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean are
beautiful fish with an almost white flesh and less oily
than other mackerel I have caught.
Theories on Jures vary, but a good lure like those
made by Rapallo are wonh carrying. When you have
lost them all then you can get down to making your
own. Tuna will go for just about anything including
white cloth wrapped around a hook. What you will
need is a good stainless trace, preferably 3 or more
metres long, and good strong swivels. Sometimes
you will find the trace has JUSt been cut in half with
hardly a tug on the line and in this case you really
don't need to know what was on the end of it. Nor
Cuttk fish catch in the harbou ~ in Muk<llla. To my taste cuttle
do you need fancy kit, just some good strong nylon fish is better than squid.
line and a bit of elastic cord (,stretchy') to take the
sting out of the initial strike. We used to use either a
clothes peg to hold the slack line after the elastic or also lets the fle sh bleed and stops toxins
to loop it around the winch so it turned the winch accumulating from a struggling fish. I used to stun
when there was a strike. It's a good idea to carry a the fish with a baseball bat and then hold it down
good stock of line, stainless traces, swivels and and sever the head. The fish can then be gutted and
hooks. not only to replace those that you lose, but filleted or cut into steaks. For small bony fish that
also as gifts for fishennen in out of the way places. are going to be pan·fried the easiest thing to do is to
Catching the fish is comparatively easy in the cut the head off and then cut along the bottom
Indian Ocean, but geuing it on board can be more (ventral) of the fish so it can be flattened out to fit in
difficult. For hard- lipped fish like tuna you can just the pan.
haul them up or gaff them through the mouth. For
soft-lipped fish like dolphinfish, you need to gaff Cooking fish
them through the gills or through the body. For Arguably the best way to eat fish which has just been
shark and barracuda the trick is to get them off any caught is to pan·fry it. Following are a few tips.
way you can without getting bitten or cut from the • With tuna or any other fish than can be cut cross·
shark's skin. It's a delicate process, especially on a wise into steaks, get a plastic bag, put some fl our
smaller yacht, and care is needed - those teeth are and a bit of pepper and salt into the bag, and then
very sharp and even a small shark or barracuda can just throw the steaks in and shake them around
do a fair bit of damage. inside the bag. This cuts out a lot of mess and you
Once on board the head should be severed to cut can kcep the bag to be re·used with the flour until
the spinal cord and kill it as quickly as possible. It it begins to smell a bit fishy.

Cultures and poverty
• The oil in the pan should be hot and to stop the
fish sticking sprinkle a bit of salt into the oil. Cultures and poverty
• For a bit of variation on pan-frying put some The Indian Ocean has a mixture of cultures ranging
garlic cloves into the oil (you can leave the skin from Muslim to Hindu to Buddhist to Christian to
on), some sun-dried tomato, a few chillies, or Taoist with a bit of Anilnism and a lot of variation
anything similar or whatever combination of all thrown in. Some are well-developed and
these that suits your palate. It just gives a economically prosperous cultures and others are
suggestion oftaste to the fish. And remember fish very poor. These diverse cultures often co-exist and
is not salty so it needs a bit of salt for flavour. all are overlaid with different colonial experiences
• Never keep fish for more than a few hours and some home grown influences that have formed
without refrigeration or more than 6-10 hours them into the particular culture they are. For the
with refrigeration. Tuna is a good fish to freeze, yachtsman encountering these very diverse cultures
but do make sure it is frozen. If fish tastes prickly for the first time there can be an element of fear and
to the tongue, smells ammoniacal or very fishy, concern about how safe, honest, friendly and
then throw it out. Food poisoning from bad fish approachable these cultures are.
is not something you need in mid-ocean. Let me put it this way. I sometimes think that if!
had to live a poor and menial existence in one of
Rod's fish stew these cl.\ltures then I would seize upon the
For four opportunity to steal from these plump westerners in
• lkg offish their fancy yachts and rip them off whenever I
If you can get them, mussels (canned mussels could. Yet you are unlikely to have anything stolen
are not too bad) or any other shellfish or things by the poor in this part of the world and the honesty
like shrimps. of people with very little leaves me gasping at the
• 2 large onions and several cloves of garlic. concept. You are far more likely to have something
• 1 can tomatoes (plus a handful of chopped sun stolen in your own highly developed country than in
dried tomatoes if you have them or some tomato most of these underdeveloped countries where the
paste). word 'underdeveloped' applies only to the economic
• Any other suitable vegetables like green peppers, situation and not to their morals and ethics.
courgettes, or even a few potatoes chopped into In a few places it pays to take precautions against
small pieces. You don't need to use any of these theft from items left on deck and from tenders on
but be inventive. the shore and there are details on these places in the
• Oil, salt and pepper, and basil and bay leaves if relevant sections in the main body of the text. But in
you have them. many places I did not bother to lock up the boat and
• Aniseed spirits like ouzo, raki, Pernod or similar. during my whole time in the region nothing was
Or brandy if you don't have any aniseed stolen from the boat, even when left unattended, not
flavoured spirits. even anything inconsequential, except on one
Chop the onions and saute. Chop the fish into bite occasion, and the likely culprits were some of the
sized chunks and add to onion with crushed garlic, crew from a coaster berthed nearby.
seal the fish on either side. Add all the other Certainly I have a rekindled respect for the dignity
ingredients and simmer gently for 10 minutes with a and honesty of the poor. I left Tetra for 3 weeks in
lid on. Add a glug of aniseed spirit or brandy to Cochin and nothing was stolen. I left her again in
taste. Simmer for another 2 minutes with the lid on. Malaysia for 6 months up the Dinding River and
Serve with rice or noodles. nothing was stolen. I left her for a day or two in all
BBQfish sorts of anchorages and harbours and not a thing
was touched. I have fumbled with bundles of riyal in
Wrap fillets or steaks of the fish in tinfoil with a slice
of tomato and green pepper on top and if you have Yemen and had some returned because I counted
it, a piece of mozzarella or similar - even camembert out too much. I have had a Thai fisherman help me
to move from an anchorage that was becoming
or brie work OK.
untenable. I have had an Indian farmer hand me a
You can also mix up some curry powder and other forgotten package as the train pulled out. I have
condiments you fancy with butter or margarine (or been so often humbled by acts of generosity and
oil at a pinch) and smear the mixture onto fillets or friendliness from the poor that I have lost count.
steaks. Don't wrap with tinfoil but just BBQ You will of course come across sharp practices,
directly. but these will generally be perpetrated by those
Other good uses of fish are for fish cakes or if you hanging around tourist areas or a well-known yacht
have plenty of gas, oven-baked in tinfoil. harbour or anchorage. Anyone who calls themselves
an agent should always be treated with suspicion if
they are not already well known to the cruising
community. There are places like Sri Lanka or the
Suez Canal where you need to use an agent and
there is no point in arguing the point. In some places
touts and taxi drivers can be a pain and will

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
overcharge you while in others a good taxi driver will Egypt although you will find that some haggling is in
prove to be a Mr Fix-It who will be able to locate order and at times a downright refusal must be
services and take you to the best places to buy made to extortionate demands by minor officials.
provisions. In some countries confidence tricksters For any situation some interpretation of what is
will regale you with a hard luck story involving the going on will be required and amongst cruising
loss of money, family, goods, whatever, all through yachts the word on what the going rate is, what gifts
absolutely no fault of their own and only because are useful or appreciated, and where and. when to
they happened to be standing in the wrong place say 'no' will be frequently discussed. Using common
when the sky fell on their head. You need to be wary sense in a situation is one thing, but there are some
over such stories which you will likely find have been cruising folk around for whom the milk of human
repeated to most of those in the anchorage or kindness has dried up and who are downright mean
harbour. in their dealings with the locals. Perhaps it is
Drugs are a no-no in all of the countries around worthwhile reflecting on what your own attitudes
the Indian Ocean and should you be caught there are to yachts cruising your own home waters and
are harsh penalties which may involve the loss of how you react to those arriving in your country.
your yacht. In Malaysia and Singapore the death How would you like to be treated as a second class
penalty applies for smuggling hard drugs. In other citizen in your own country?
apparently tolerant countries like India there are TPe matter of dress and appearance is important
hundreds in primitive prisons awaiting trial for drug in many countries and can be taken as a reflection of
related offences. Ashore you may be offered various your worth and standing. If you go ashore in cut-off
substances, although often you may not get what shorts and a dirty T-shirt you are not likely to be
you think. Some dealers will report you to the police treated with the same respect as someone who takes
and many pass off packets which contain not a a bit of time to don long trousers and a shirt. This is
milligram of an illicit substance but do come with a a difficult one because you know that what you wear
lot of assurances. on board at sea means nothing in terms of how you
Begging is a contentious issue and I for one adopt cope with the sea and its dangers and many of us
a random approach based on a gut feeling. You would like to think that somehow our intrinsic worth
cannot pass all those deformed limbs and gazelle shines through. It does not. Things will be a lot
eyes without succumbing and you cannot satisfy smoother ashore if you make an effort to look neat
them all. When I feel it is time to give a few coins I and tidy and don't offend the norms and mores of
generally make sure I have an escape route like a the local population. For many Muslim societies it is
shop or office which the beggars will not enter. In offensive for men and especially women to show
countries like India a single coin dispensed will flesh around the mid-riff and a lot of leg. In some
attract other beggars in an instant. Cochin in fact Muslim societies women should wear a head scarf.
bans beggars from the streets, but if you travel to When visiting any religious temple or shrine modest
other urban centres prepare for constant attention and neat attire is expected and appropriate. You
from gangs of beggars. wouldn't walk into a church or go to see your bank
In most of the areas you visit a small gift or some manager in your own country dressed in swimming
hospitality on board is only human. For fishermen trunks or a pair of tatty shorts, so why expect to do
hooks and line are treasures and it is worthwhile it in another country.
carrying a stock of shiny hooks and line for gifts. Body language in different countries is also
Containers, especially plastic containers, are also something that can be a bit confusing. Seemingly
valuable currency. In Arab countries a small packet innocent gestures or postures used in our own
of tea is a symbolic gift of friendship and in cultures country can be offensive in others. For many
where sweets and sugar are in short supply a packet cultures it is offensive to point with a finger or to
of fairly ordinary biscuits is a treat for isolated beckon someone with a crooked finger. Use the
fishermen. In places like India your rubbish can be hand palm down to make a gesture to 'come here'.
a treasure trove for the dispossessed and at the Using the left hand to eat or touch things with is
Bolgatty Hotel it was sorted through and recycled in often offensive because in many countries this is the
next to no time when left near the landing stage. For hand used to carry out necessary toilet activities in
other communities a T-shirt or a hat with the name the absence of 100 paper. To touch the head in
of the yacht on is a nice link between you and them Buddhist countries is to touch the most sacred part
and for others a pen with the yacht's name on it will of the body and to touch anything with your foot,
also go down well. the least sacred part of the body, is to contaminate it
In most of the region a 'business' card with your or express disgust. Affectionate embraces and
address and other details on it is de rigeur and people kissing in public is also inappropriate in Buddhist
you meet will expect you to have one and will give cultures. Raising your voice often means a loss of
you their card in return. Alcohol of any sort is a face and you will have less credence if you do so.
useful gift in countries where it is banned or in short It's a complicated old world out there - but
supply and in some places can significantly ease interesting.
your passage through bureaucratic procedures.
Cigarettes are important currency in Sudan and

Health matters
Hepatitis A is only a moderate risk but Hepatitis B is
Health matters on the increase. Hepatitis B is only transmitted by
Visitors to the Indian Ocean will be encountering a sexual contact or contaminated blood. For
good number of countries in which there will be Hepatitis A gammaglobulin is not now widely
health risks not nonnally associated with their own used and the only effective vaccination is the new
country. Partly this is to do with the tropical Hepatitis A (Havrix) vaccine. Havrix can be given
environment and partly to do with standards of in conjunction with other vaccinations.
hygiene, poor living conditions and low standards of Japanese encephalitis Is on the increase in a few
health care in some of the countries. In each of the tropical areas. Effective vaccines are available.
general sections on a country in the main body of Typhoid Is a risk only in a few areas. Injectable or
the text I have briefly detailed what to expect in the oral vaccines last only three years so check with
way of health care in a particular country. Before your doctor.
you go there is much in the way of preparation to Cholera Is low risk in most areas. As the vaccine is
reduce the likelihood of contracting disease and here only 60% effective and lasts for only 3-6 months
I will briefly give an overview and advice on it is not nonnally recommended. If there has been
minimising the risks. a recent cholera outbreak in an area you are going
Stock up on any special medication you are on to a doctor will be able to advise you if vaccination
(for high blood pressure, angina, diabetes, etc.) for is useful. A cholera exemption certificate may be
the duration of the trip. Asthma sufferers should useful although I have never heard of anyone
ensure they take adequate refills for inhalers and any being asked for one.
other necessary medication. Asthma sufferers Rabies Not nonnally recommended as the incidence
usually find the sea air helps their breathing but in is extremely low.
some cases the humidity can aggravate their TB Children should be immunised at any age.
condition. Hayfever sufferers should take whatever Meningitis Is a risk in certain areas. Check with a
medication they require with them and not assume doctor on vaccination.
that because they are going to areas where the pollen Smallpox Not required for most countries but check
count should be low, that they will have no reaction. with your doctor.
It may be that different types of pollen will cause a Children should be protected against diphtheria,
severe reaction when actual counts are low. And whooping cough, mumps and measles if they have
don't forget a spare pair of glasses and your lenses not already had them. Consult your doctor.
prescription. Advice on vaccinations can be obtained from your
Insurance doctor, the Department of Tropical Diseases in a
Medical insurance including repatnauon in the main hospital or in the UK from MASTA (Medical
event of serious illness should be seriously Advisory Services For Travellers Abroad). In the
considered. I make it mandatory for any crew UK MASTA is the most likely to have the latest
coming with me on the boat although thankfully it information and can be telephoned on 0891
has never been necessary to claim on it. A good 224100. Calls are charged and you must give
policy need not be overly expensive and it is answers to a recorded answer-phone system with a
worthwhile looking around and getting a few quotes fairly tedious system of pressing numerals in
on premiums. Many companies do not make an response to questions. You will be sent a print-out
additional charge if you are on a yacht although do detailing· health risks and recommended
check because some do. Most insurers do have vaccinations as well as the latest health warnings
exemptions for sports like sub-aqua diving, water- from the countries you have specified.
skiing and the like so you may need an additional Malaria
premium to cover you for accidents involving these There is a risk of contracting malaria in many of the
activities. countries around the Indian Ocean. In some
Medical insurance for the Indian Ocean should be countries the incidence of malaria is increasing and
for one million pounds (or Ph million dollars) and there are also some new strains of malaria which are
should include air ambulance costs of around 1/2 a resistant to the normal prophylactic regime.
million pounds- (% million dollars). Often the Whether or not to take prophylactics in a malaria
medical insurance component can be obtained as risk area is a much debated point on cruising yachts.
part of a general travel insurance policy although it In some countries the coastal areas are little affected
can be cheaper to get it separately or you may decide by malaria whereas inland there is a high risk. This
that the general travel insurance part is too does not mean you will not contract the disease in a
expensive and not worthwhile. coastal region and in some areas the local
Vaccinations population has some resistance to the disease which
Yellow fever Should be kept up to date. It lasts ten new visitors will not have. Many believe that by
years and evidence of immunisation is required in taking sensible precautions and avoiding being
some countries. bitten that there is therefore no reason to take
Tetanus and polio Ensure your jabs are in date. prophylactics which in any case may not be
Tetanus and polio jabs last ten years. effective.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
It is important to know that while malaria is reaction to the anticoagulant the mosquito injects
transmitted by mosquito bites, it is only transmitted which causes the irritation. If you know that
by the anopheles mosquito. Mosquitoes are common mosquitoes or midge bites cause an allergic reaction
in most parts of the world, but the majority of take whatever medication is necessary. Putting
species do not transmit malaria. Because there are screens over ports and hatches will keep mosquitoes
mosquitoes around does not mean you are at risk out (although there always seem to be one or two
and in fact anopheles normally come out in the which somehow get through) and once you set off to
evening and at dawn only. sea a good spray down below with fly spray or
The choice of treatment is between the old similar will kill any mosquitoes hitching a ride.
fashioned prophylactic regime of two proguanil In the evenings cover yourself up with a long-
(commonly Paludrine) a day and two chloroquine a sleeved shirt and long baggy trousers. Use a reliable
week (commonly Nivaquine or Avloclor) or one mosquito repellent. Those that contain DEET are
mefloquine (commonly Lariam) a week. While the the most effective but in some people they cause an
weekly regime may seem more attractive it does irritable reaction on 'the skin and they will also
produce side effects in a certain percentage of dissolve some plastics including watch straps and
people thought to be as high as 10% although only the like. Try some out on your skin before applying
0·7% experience serious side effects. These side to clothing. There are various other repellents of
effects are dizziness and for a small group rapid varying effectiveness. Use vapour coils if these do
mood changes or depression. The latter can be long not suffocate you and if the boat has a cigarette
term for the 0·7% so affected. If you have any lighter adapter it is possible to purchase,12 volt
history of dramatic mood changes or depression it is tablet 'cookers' which plug into lighter adapters
suggested that you do not use mefloquine. The similar to the ones which plug into 220V mains
possibility of depression on a small yacht invites sockets.
some scary scenarios.
The best protection against malaria is to prevent The incidence of AIDS in the world still increases
mosquito bites. Some boats have mosquito screens dramatically and rates in Southeast Asia and East
fitted, but unless you are going to stay below on
Africa in particular are very high. The TravelSafe
balmy evenings this is not much of a help. In the code from the Department of Health reproduced
following section on dealing with unwanted visitors below should be followed at all times.
there are suggestions for keeping mosquitoes (and
other aerial visitors) at bay. Avoid unnecessary medical or dental treatment and
situations which may make this necessary.
Unwanted visitors Avoid having casual relationships but if you have sex
By day there can be unwanted VISItOrs like flies, with someone new, always use a condom.
wasps, bees, flying ants and an assortment of other
creatures depending on where you are. Wasps and Don't inject drugs or share needles and syringes.
bees are the only ones which are dangerous and Remember alcohol and drugs affect your
really only because you will have few clothes on and judgement.
be more likely to be stung. Wasps and bees are Avoid having a tattoo, acupuncture, or your ears
attracted by the odour of food and drinks and if pierced unless sterile equipment is used.
these are removed, they will soon disappear. They Within your medical chest it is worthwhile carrying
particularly like sweet drinks like colas and other your own sterile hypodermic syringes in case you
fizzy pops, mixers in your evening tipple, jams and need injections ashore.
chutneys, and meats like ham and salamis. It is best
not to try and swat them or they may get angry and Marine perils
sting someone. Jellyfish Jellyfish stings are the most common injury
One tip is never to drink out of a can whatever the encountered in the marine world. All jellyfish
beverage inside. I know of two incidences where a sting as that is the way they immobilise their prey
wasp crawled unseen into the can and stung the and it is also their defence against predators. They
recipient in the throat while travelling down the will only sting if you bump into them or
oesophagus. The subsequent swelling in the throat inadvertently become entangled in their trailing
obstructed the windpipe and nearly caused death in tentacles. Some jellyfish like the Portuguese man-
one case. Always tip canned drinks into a glass. o-war and some sea wasps are vicious stingers and
For stings take an antihistamine cream or the sea wasp causes a number of fatalities in
something like Waspeze in an aerosol can which Australia every year. Other jellyfish like the more
contains a mild local anaesthetic as well as an common Aurelia aurita and Pelagia noctiluca are
antihistamine. stingers but never fatal. Different people have
In the evening and early morning mosquitoes and different reactions to jellyfish stings. For some
midges are a problem in many areas. Midges are not there is a violent allergic reaction with loss of
disease carriers but can inflict an irritating bite out breath and increased heart rate while for others
of all proportion to their size. Mosquitoes in most the symptoms are just a mild irritating reaction on
areas are not malaria carriers, but the bite is the skin. There are various treatments although
irritating and some poor souls have an allergic none are 100% effective. Those likely to have a

Health maners
violent reaction should use anti-histamine creams which has a sedative effect and leaves the sufferer
and something like Waspeze. Other treatments are drowsy.
dilute ammonium hydroxide, neat alcohol, Patches A small elastoplast patch is stuck on the
vinegar, lemon rubbed on the sting, and even body, 'usually behind the ear, and releases the
meat tenderiser which is said to break down the sedative slowly into the bloodstream. This has the
protein base of the venom. One tip is to wear advantage of a small continuous dosage as
gloves when hauling up an anchor as jellyfish opposed to the instant dosage in tablet form and
tentacles can become wrapped around it and will thus is less likely to cause drowsiness. Commonly
still sting you even if detached from the body of contain hyoscine hydrobromide. Young children
the jellyfish. cannot use this system and it does have side
Sea urchins Can be a problem when wandering effects on some people, usually drowsiness
around rocky areas if you tread on one and get the although a few souls have experienced mild
spines embedded in your f(lOt. Always wear shoes hallucinations.
or sandals when walking in shallow water around Homeopathic cures A number of homeopathic
rocky areas and watch where you put your feet. treatments are available: Nux Vomica, Cocculus
The spines themselves are not venomous but are Indicus, and Ipecac. Other natural remedies are
difficult to remove and may cause an infection. ginger, glucose and Vitamin BIZ. Ginger appears
Coral Coral cuts are common when you go
to come out favourite.
swimming or walking around reefs and for some Sea bands Elasticised bands with a small knob sewn
reason take an age to heal. Coral does sting into them. When slipped over the wrist the knob
mildly, but this is not the cause of cuts taking a is supposed to press on the nei-kuan pressure
long time to heal. Any cuts should be washed with point that reduces nausea. The problem is hitting
an antiseptic solution and then the cut kept dry. If exactly the right point something an
necessary put a plastic bag on the foot with a acupuncturist spends years learning to do.
rubber band around the ankle when going ashore In general someone who is seasick should be kept
in a dinghy or anywhere else the foot is likely to warm, but should stay in the cockpit if possible.
get wet. Watching the horizon seems to have a curative effect
and giving them something to do like steering, if
Ciguatera Is not a well known disease but does claim
they are able, seems to take the mind off the nausea.
a number of victims every year. Though it is
Any odours from diesel, gas, cooking smells and the
seldom fatal its effects can be long term. It is
like will aggravate the nausea. When seasick try to
caused by eating certain types of fish, usually reef
eat something like crackers or dry bread and drink
fish, although others have been implicated, which
plenty of water as vomiting causes dehydration.
for some reason become infected and pass the
infection on to humans when eaten. The problem Water
is that the disease affects fish which are normally Water is a tricky issue and staying clear of
edible and there is no way of knowing whether a waterborne diseases or complications cannot be
fish is infected or not. It only affects tropical fish solved by drinking bottled water. In any of the
and has been associated with fish living around destinations you go to you will come into contact
coral that has been damaged in some way. Fish with it by virtue of eating ashore. Salad vegetables
caught on a line trolled behind a boat are seldom and fruit will be washed in it, local ice and ice-cream
affected. Local fishermen normally know if will be made from it, cooking and other utensils will
ciguatera is around and consequently will not be washed and rinsed in it, and you will wash and
deliver certain types of fish to the market at certain clean your teeth in it. Even the most fastidious
times of the year. If you have been fishing around amongst you will not be able to avoid contact with it
a reef ask the locals if the fish is OK to eat. in one way or another.
In most places the water is safe to drink although
it may contain local micro-organisms which in
Most people suffer at some time or other from
themselves are not dangerous, but may cause a
seasickness, some more chronically than others. If
minor case of upset tummy and the runs until your
you know that you are susceptible take your
preferred remedy with you. digestive system adapts to them. If there are
problems with water supplies in an area other boats
Tablets A number of antihistamines are on the will know about it. Otherwise my advice is to drink
market, commonly Avomine, Dramamine, Marzine the local water as you will inevitably come across it
RF, and Sturgeron. Of these Sturgeron is widely in one way or another.
accepted as the most effective. They all cause One last plea. Dispose of used water bottles in
drowsiness to some extent, though Sturgeron is garbage containers. There are too many plastic
reported to do so to a lesser extent than the others. water bottles littering the seas and beaches of the
The tablets should be started prior to going world and none of us should add to this very visual
sailing, sometimes as much as four hours form of pollution.
beforehand. Other tablets such as Phenergan,
Kwells and Sereen contain hyoscine hydrobromide

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Malaysia where it is straightforward to leave a
Bureaucracy yacht in the country.
An inevitable part of travelling by yacht is that you Sri Lanka The Windsors are the official agents here
will often encounter long and tedious procedures for for clearing in and out with a set fee.
clearing in and out of a country or to prolong your
India Clearing in and out is a prolonged affair
stay in it. In most cases these regulations are not the
although all officials are helpful and there are no
making of the officials you encounter and I have
'additional' charges. Can be difficult to get visa
been appalled at times to witness skippers shouting
and lecturing to harried officials who are trying their
best to clear them in or out. You will encounter little Maldives Use an agent at Male.
Hitlers in some places and almost invariably will Oman Straightforward with no 'gifts' necessary.
come across corruption and requests for Yemen Straightforward and efficient with just a few
backhanders or gifts, but mostly you will encounter small 'gifts' to ease the way.
officials who are just doing their job and carrying out Djibouti Straightforward.
the procedure set down from on high. There is often
no point hectoring some hapless official when he E,itrea Straightforward with no 'gifts' necessary.
already knows that he is involved in a tedious Sudan Use an agent. A few small 'gifts' may be
paperchase, but must follow it through because that required.
is the law. Egypt Baksheesh rules. Use an agent at Suez.
\Vhen you do go to clear in make sure you are Elsewhere agents will approach you and can be
dressed neatly and soberly with long trousers and a used although they tend to be very expensive. For
shin. Many officials will treat you with greater everything, even saying 'hello'. you will be asked
respect and process your paperwork a lot quicker if for baksheesh. Use your own judgement, but stan
you are neatly attired. Wear a pair of swimming out by refusing any until you get down to the
trunks and a grubby T -shin and you will not be absolute bottom base rate.
considered worthy of rcspt':ct and your requeStS will Seychelles Straightforward if tedious. You may be
not be taken seriously. asked for some gifts along the way. All formalities
The following list will give you some idea of what are handled at Victoria.
to expect with officialdom in any given country,
Maun'cius a'id Reunion Straighcforward.
although obviously experiences can differ.
Madagascar and Comoros Confused and difficult
Singapore and Malaysia Paperwork carried out
process. Demands for 'extra' charges and 'gifts'.
quickly with civility and honesty.
Check with others just what the going rates arc.
Thailand Paperwork carried out quickly with a smile
Mayoue Straightforward.
and a small 'gift'. To leave a boat in the country
you must lodge a bond for which a larger bribe is Souch Africa Straightforward and friendly.
needed . Use an agent if possible for extensions Mozambique Confused and you may be asked for
and leaving a yacht in the country or go to 'extra' charges and gifts. Difficult to get visa
Tanzania Officious with occasional requests for
small ' gifts'. Difficult to get visa extensions.
Kenya Straightforward and generally friendly .
For a voyage around the Indian Ocean it is useful to
carry a wad of passpon size phowgraphs of yourself
and crew and to have numerous crew lists made up.
A ship's stamp is also useful to add authority to all
documents and it can give some respite from the
tedium by wielding it vigorously for all documents.

Obey the signs. II makes it pretty ckar whal will happen if you
don't in Malaysia.

Technical information
Cruising highways attention to weather forecasts, but in the southern
hemisphere summer should be relatively
Most cruising yachts will be making a passage straightforward.
westabout across the Indian Ocean, usually as part Increasing numbers of yachts are basing
of a circumnavigation. This passage uses the trades themselves in Southeast Asia around areas like
and the NE monsoon to get across from Australia Singapore, Langkawi and Phuket and doing a circuit
and Southeast Asia to Africa and the Red Sea. It is from these bases around the neighbouring countries
a well known passage with reliable winds and and even back and forth to Australia. Others do
generally easy seas except towards the southern half longer circuits as far as Sri Lanka and Chagos and
of the Indian Ocean. then baCK to Southeast Asia.
Although the majority of yachts are cruising Around the eastern side there are yachts based in
westabout along known routes, an increasing South Africa and Kenya which cruise to Chagos and
number of yachts are cruising eastabout or staying neighbouring areas before returning to Africa.
around the Indian Ocean area for longer periods and Some yachts are now doing a regular run down
basing themselves in one or more places to enjoy the from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean and
cruising to be had here. In the sections on passage then back to the Mediterranean over an 18 month to
making that follow I will flesh out some of the 2 year period with large charter yachts doing an
general comments here which give an overview on annual circuit. The bash up and down the Red Sea
planning a cruise around the Indian Ocean and can be a bit of pain but with adequate planning
some pointers on where you might like to dally. there is nothing too daunting to it.
Once across the Pacific yachts arriving in Australia
or eastern parts of Southeast Asia have a decision to
make about crossing the Indian Ocean. From Cruising bases
Darwin you can decide to strike out south of the Australia/Darwin Easy access to Indonesia and
equator for the Christmas Island, Cocos, Chagos, Southeast Asia. Yachts can return to the east coast
Seychelles route to Africa and the Red Sea with a for the cyclone (willy-willy) season. Good
split at Cocos where some yachts will head up to Sri facilities.
Lanka and then across to the Red Sea. Alternatively
Indonesia/Riau Islands Easy access to Southeast Asia
yachts will head up through Indonesia to Malaysia
and to Singapore for facilities.
and Thailand before crossing to Sri Lanka and on to
the Red Sea north of the equator. Choosing between Singapore Restricted space in marinas. Easy access
these routes is often a matter of time with the route to Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Good
south of the equator covering the distance to Africa facilities.
or the Red Sea in large chunks with the reliable SE Malaysia Convivial anchorages and some marinas
trades pushing you along at a good clip. The route opening up including Sebana Cove near
up through Southeast Asia and then on across north Singapore. Admiral Marina near Port Dickson,
of the equator generally has less reliable winds and a Penang YC, Langkawi YC, and Rebak Marina.
lot of coastal cruising along the way and will take Facilities expanding. Duty-free import
longer because of distances and diversions to the straightforward.
straight sailing. It also has a whole series of regattas Thailand Convivial anchorages and two marinas.
which link up to-one another and which are detailed Facilities expanding. Restrictions on time that can
below. be spent here.
From the middle of the Indian Ocean there is a Sri Lanka A few yachts have used Galle.
decision to make on whether you are going up the
Red Sea to the Mediterranean or down around India Cochin and Bombay have been used by a few
Africa. The route up the Red Sea can be quite a yachts. Maldives not too far away.
bash to windward with awkward seas and strong Seychelles A few yachts have spent extended time
winds on the nose. It comes as a bit of a shock to here. Convoluted bureaucratic procedures.
those who have been drifting with the wind around Mauritius and Reunion A few yachts (mostly French)
the world on the trades, but with a little preparation have based themselves here for a season or two.
and attention to your gear it is not unduly arduous Risk of cyclones.
if you do not hurry over it. The passage around the
bottom of Africa needs to be planned carefully with

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Note: The circles show areas that Ble cruised around lI'fIi>r ~
ra ther than sailed 10 8S one or maybe two destin ations
en rou te. The highways show the most popular '""r"~
cruising rou tes through the Indian Ocean.
For further in formation on passages see th e relevant -~
sections on passages westa bout and eastabout.
T...... "..

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Cruising highways
South Africa Well developed facilities in Durban and is unlikely that the regatta series will be postponed,
Richards Bay. Easy access to Madagascar and partially or wholly, after the recent troubles, still it
East Africa. would pay to enquire in advance.
Kenya Used by some yachts for a season or more. Darwin to Ambon Race late July to early August.
Restricted facilities but a lot of goodwill. Began in 1976. Currently around 130-140 yachts
take part. Useful race for cruising yachts as all
paperwork and permits for Indonesia are arranged
Off the beaten track by the race committee. Race ends in Amahusu 8km
Indonesia A number of yachts now cruise the W from Ambon town centre.
coast of Sumatra en route to Australia or Makassar Regatta mid-August.
Indonesia. A look at the charts would indicate a Yachts sail at their own pace from Ambon to
lot of useful looking anchorages, but I have little Ujung Pandang in South Sulawesi (a little over
hard information on Sumatra. 600M) for two day race series.
Malaysia While there are a number of well known Bali to Jakarta Yacht Race end of August to early
places that yachts hole up in Malaysia, there are September.
also a lot of rivers offering good protection and From Benoa on Bali to Surabaia and on to Pulau
interesting places to explore. A few yachts I know Pelangi in the Thousand Islands off Jakarta (around
of spend a fair bit of time pottering around the 650M). -
rivers and some leave the well known places like Thousand Islands Regatta mid-September.
Lumut and Langkawi to spend part of the wet Two days of racing around the islands.
season up a river. Jakarta to Nongsa Race mid- to late September.
Thailand There are a number of sheltered areas From the Thousand Islands to Nongsa in the Riau
behind islands and in estuaries where there are Islands (around 440M).
few yachts and tourists. Most of them are south of Kasal Cup Regatta late September.
the main areas around Phuket Island along the Olympic triangle race at Nongsa.
mainland coast.
Note For Indonesian Regattas the following applies.
Andamans Not many yachts visit here and all that do • Races are sailed under the International
report that it has wonderful diving and good Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea rules
anchorages not that far from Port Blair. and the Yacht Racing Rules and Sailing Instructions
India Most yachts just touch at Cochin en route to of the IYRU.
the Red Sea, but a number spend a season here • Races are open to the following classes:
although the cruising is limited by the SW Div. 1 Monohull Racing
monsoon and cumbersome bureaucratic Div. 2 Monohull Cruising
procedures. Div. 3 Monohull Rally
Yemen I spent a fair bit of time cruising the Yemen Div. 4 Multihull
coast and it has some interesting and remote • Yachts must have a waterline length of not less
anchorages. than 7'3m and comply with IYRU Safety
Red Sea Eritrea and Sudan have a lot of anchorages Regulations. Multihulls must have a waterline
and out of the way places to cruise although care length of not less than 8m.
is needed of the political situation in both • An entrance fee for the series or for individual
countries. races applies. ($US200 in 1997).
• The Race Committee can arrange sailing permits
Madagascar Sees an increasing number of yachts. for 3 months for Indonesia over the period of the
There are numerous places to cruise and a lot of
useful looking anchorages.
• For some races a valid CHS or IMS certificate is
Mozambique and Tanzania By all accounts a whole needed, although for cruising classes a rating will
new area with a lot of cruising to be had away be allocated by the Race Committee if necessary.
from it all. For further information and entry forms contact:
Kenya Has long been a base for yachts, but there are Secretariat, The Indonesian Sail Training
still remote areas to cruise. Association, Cilangkap, Jakarta. 'H' (6221) 872
3162 Fax (6221) 871 1858.
Changi Sailing Club Regatta early November.
Southeast Asia regattas Three days of racing off Singapore. Contact Changi
There is now an extensive series of regattas in Sailing Club, 32 Netheravon Road, Changi,
Southeast Asia, many of which are aimed at cruising Singapore 1750. 'H' (65) 545 2876 Fax (65) 542
yachts heading up to Thailand from Darwin. Many 4235.
of these regattas are well established events and are Raja Muda late November.
a lot of fun. The social side is often hectic and if you A week of races up the west coast of peninsular
can survive the parties ashore and the racing on the Malaysia from Port Klang to Langkawi including
water, you will survive just about anything. While it several Olympic triangles. Several of the early legs
are sailed at night to take advantage of the land
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Bankok (I

A ndaman ,(
5.. Thailand South

o Ki ng'. Cup
5•• Pacific

f Raja Mud.

.. " ' -Kuehl

Lumpur Changi SC Rega na
B 0 R N E 0 Sulawesi
Jakaru 10
Nongsa Race

SUMATRA Makessar / !Ambon NEW GUINEA

Jsva Setl Ujung P8nd8n~ Banda Sea
1.....- -.... Bali 10 J akarta ~
Yacht Race - - ,/

Islands $urebela
Oerwin 10
Ambon Recl!
Easl Timor
Indian Ocean

A u S T R A L A


breeze augmented by the NE monsoon. Yachts with a CHS hull factor of 8·5 or less and
Races arc open to the following classes: C H S DLR greater than 195 may be permitted to
• Racing Class A CHS TCF of above 1-050. race in the cruising classes.
• Racing Class B CHS TCF of 1-050 or below. • Ocean Cruisi"g Class C HS hull factor of 7·5 or
• Cruising Class No high tech sails or gear or you lower and a TCF of 1·050 or above.
may be re-c1assified into one of the racing • Cruising Class CHS hull factor of 7·5 or lower and
divisions. a TCF of 1·049 or less.
• Classic Class Usually 25 years plus old. Handicap • Classic Class 20 years plus old and assessed CHS
issued by the Race Committee. hull factor of less than 6·5. Handicap by the Race
• Ocean Multihull Class Minimum size eligible to Committee.
MOCRA rule. Handicap by Portsmouth • Ocean Multihull Class Anything from 25 foot up
Yardstick or estimated by Race Comminee. approved by the Race Committee.
Entrance fee in 1997 around SUS150 depending on Entrance fee in 1997 around 5US600 depending on
the number of crew. Valid CHS certificate required crew. Valid CHS certificate required except for
except for classic and muhihull classes. For further classic and multihull classes. For further
infonnation and entry fonn contact The Secretary, infonnation contact The Regatta Secretary, Phuket
Royal Selangor Yacht Club, Jalan Limbongan, Kings Cup Regatta, 9th Aoor Pacific Place, 140
42000 Port Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Sukumvit Road, Bangkok 1011 0 Thailand. "ff (662)
... (603) 368 6964 Fax (603) 368 8650. 254 9900 Fax (662) 254 5311.
Kings Cup early December. Envoi
A week of races Out of the Phuket Yacht Club in Nai A lot of cruising yachts decline to enter these races
Ham. Several Olympic triangles and several longer for reasons which range from an inverse snobbery to
races. Attracts a large number of international mutterings about the expense. In truth they are not
entries and is firmly established on the international expensive and the amount of fun to be had is vast.
yacht racing scene. Races are open to the following In 1996 I entered the venerable old Tetra in the
classes: classic class of the King's Cup and to my own and a
• Raci"g Class CHS hull factor of 7·6 and above. few locals' surprise won the classic division. The
racing on the water is adrenaline buzzing stuff, even

Prevailing winds

in the classic class, and the entertainment ashore onset of the season with the SW monsoon occurring
makes you wish for a quiet night on board - except earlier in the S than in the N. During this period it
you might miss some of the fun, not to mention the blows with great constancy and can be relied upon
booze and food, so you don't. At the end of the for 90% or more of the time. Its influence stretches
whole affair there is a wonderful calm as you realise right across the northern Indian Ocean from the
that today you don't have to get up and party or Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Aden. In strength it is
race. I'm going back for more. typically stronger in the Arabian Sea than it is in the
Bay of Bengal. In July it often blows at Force 7 or
more for long periods in the Arabian Sea.
In the Bay of Bengal wind speeds over the open
Prevailing winds sea in July are generally Force 4-6 (I0-25kn)
This section covers winds over the open seas away although there will be occasional days of Force 7
from thermal effects generated by land masses and and possibly 8 (3D-40kn). In June and August wind
strong winds generated by depressions or tropical speeds are a little less.
storms. For details on coastal winds there is a In the Arabian Sea wind speeds over the open sea
section included in the general information on the in July are generally Force 5-7 (I8-32kn) although
specific country. For information on tropical storms there will often be days of Force 7-8 (30-40kn). In
and cyclones and the ITCZ refer to the relevant June and August wind speeds are a little less but still
sections which follow. substantial and there is more than enough wind to
The prevailing winds in the Indian Ocean can be shift you along. .
conveniently sliced into those in the northern and In the Andaman Sea and along the coasts of
southern Indian Ocean although there is some Thailand and Malaysia the SW monsoon lifts over
interaction between the northern and southern the land and the constancy and direction of the wind
systems. The accompanying wind charts give the is less marked, although a heavy swell will still set
general pattern for direction over the Indian Ocean. onto any exposed coast.
For more detailed information on direction and In the Gulf of Aden the wind is channelled to
frequency when closer to land refer to the tables in blow from the W to WSW by the shape of the gulf
the introduction to each country. until it joins the main SW flow of air in the Arabian
Northern Indian Ocean The constant winds from the SW have a long
The northern Indian Ocean is dominated by the NE fetch which creates moderate to heavy seas over
and SW monsoons. Although there are other areas much of the area. The SW monsoon also spawns a
which have monsoon seasons, the northern Indian good number of thunderstorms which can cause a
Ocean is the archetype of the monsoon and indeed localised area of confused and violent sea. On any
the name comes from the Arabic mawsim meaning a exposed coast heavy seas will be encountered and
fixed season. The word monsoon applies equally to not surprisingly many ports on the W coast of India
the prevailing winds and to the characteristics of the are closed for the duration of the SW monsoon.
season in terms of rainfall, cloud cover and Northeast monsoon The NE monsoon blows
temperature. during the northern winter from around November
The NE monsoon is known as the cool season and to March. In general it occurs earlier in the Nand
is generally dry with· clear skies and moderate lasts longer in the S so that it is dominant in the
temperatures making it the best time to be in the northern areas from November to February and in
area. The SW monsoon is known as the rainy season southern areas from December to March. During
and brings rain, often torrential, and moist humid this period it blows with reasonable constancy and
conditions which can be oppressive at times. It also can be relied upon for 75% or more of the time. Its
brings impressive thunderstorms with awesome influence stretches right across the northern Indian
lightning displays. The transitional period from Ocean from the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Aden.
April to May is known as the hot season until the In strength it is typically less than the SW monsoon
relief of the rain in the SW monsoon arrives. and rarely reaches Force 6-7 (25-30kn). Mostly it
The monsoon winds are dictated by pressure blows at Force 4-5 (I0-20kn) over most of the
differences caused by the warming and cooling of northern Indian Ocean making for very pleasant
the Asian landmass between the northern summer passage making.
and winter in relation to the adjacent sea mass While the SW monsoon is fairly constant in
which remains at a fairly constant temperature. In direction, the NE monsoon tends to slightly
the summer the landmass heats up and draws air off different directions over the sea area. In the
the sea mass towards Asia and the Indian Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal it can at times have
subcontinent setting up the SW monsoon. In the an easterly or northerly component although mostly
winter the landmass cools and the warm sea mass it is from the NE. In the Arabian Sea it blows from
draws air off the land setting up the NE monsoon. the N near the W coast of India to NE over most of
Southwest monsoon The SW monsoon blows the Arabian Sea until the Gulf of Aden where it is
during the northern summer from around May to funnelled to blow from the E and at Bab EI Mandeb
October, although allowance must be made for the is funnelled to blow from the SE and increases in

Indian Ocean C ruising Guide

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Prevailillg wil/ds

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0 ~

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,, / 1

------ ,, ) /
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hldian Ocean Cruising GUide
strength up to Force 7 (30kn) in the bonom of the Red S ea
Red Sea .
The moderate winds blowing off the land cause The Red Sea is a special case with nonherlies
on ly a moderate and at times slight sea wh ich is prevailing for most of the year. The accompanying
generally regular and easy for passage making. maps show the prevailing winds over the Red Sea
Generally conditions arc clear with little cloud and a nd for more detailed information you should
rain . consult Red Sea Pi/ot by Elaine Morgan and Stephen
Transition periods Between the twO monsoons
there are transitional periods in April to May and Southern Indian Ocean
September to November. During these periods the
wind d irection becomes variable and there may be The southern Indian Ocean is dominated by the SE
some days when the wind changes between trades. These blow across most of the southern
monsoon directions or goes light and variable. Indian Ocean all year round between approximately
There are also more days of calm . Before the arrival 5° to 25°S, although the extent of the SE trades
of the SW monsoon there can b e violent extends and recedes over the tOp half of this area
thunderstorms accompanied by strong squalls and between the equ ator and 12°- 15°S during the NW
heavy rain . At the end of the SW m onsoon there will monsoon. In the far S after 300 S, the prevailing
be similar conditions. winds are the westerlies of the Southern Ocean
which become progressively stronger the funher S
Gale force winds (For tropical storms see the you go to the roaring forti es, furious fifties and
relevant section that follows.) screaming sixties.
SE Trades The SE trades blow consistently and
often at some strength over most of the Indian
Ocean ou tside the wind shadow of the surrounding
continents. Clear of the wind shadow of Australia
and Sumatra the SE trades kick in . On the western
side the African continent stops the wind or the
influence of the NE monsoon makes itselffeh, more


15·20 , ,
I , ,
25N \ I ,
- 1017-


\ .
' /


\ /
Artlbi/tn 5ea
f--------'" 25.31) 25-30

\, Gulf of Aden ""- - - I S

~ /'1 LOW
lOW ,0
30E 40' <S, SO' E 55<E 60'

Prevailing winds



"N ~

\ 15·20
~ ~>/


\ .. 20-25____

Gulf of Aden 25.30





of which later. Where land masses funnel the wind Nor thwest monsoon Between December and
such as in the Torres Strait and the Mozambique March the SE trades are pushed to the S and over
Channel, the wind direction can be altered and the area from the equator to approximately
winds forced into the channel are usually stronger 12°-1 50 S when the northwest monsoon prevails.
than over the open sea. The northwest monsoon is something of a
From April to November the trades b low m isnomer because although the prevailing wind is
consistently over the whole of the southern I ndian NW, it is not a consistent wind like the NE
Ocean at around Force 4- 6 (12-25kn) becoming monsoon in the northern Indian Ocean and you can
lighter towards the equator depending on the expect to have variable winds on many days and
position and extent of the ITCZ an d somewhat unsettled weather with fluky winds and
stronger towards Madagascar as the wind is thunderstorms. The NW monsoon is an extension
deflected by the African continent. At times the of the NE monsoon in the north which is deflected
wind will get up to Force 7 (30kn) fo r a few days to the NW by the African continent and the retreat
and will then generally die down to its norm of of the winter high pressure over the southern Indian
around Force 4-6. At other times it will die down to Ocean. The influence of the NW monsoon is along
a benign Force 4 (12-15kn) before rising again. It the west coast of Africa and from the equator down
will sometimes become more easterly then SE, but to 12°_ 15°S to about 800 _90 0 E. In the same band
never goes into the north except for the area under under the equator winds from around 900 E to
the northwest monsoon caused by the northeast Sumatra and Australia are predominantly from the
monsoon in the northern Indian Ocean. S, usually S-SW, although some W- NW winds will
The SE trades season between April and blow as well.
November corresponding to the southern winter is a If all this sounds a little messy it is because this
warm settled time to travel with typical trade wind band of wind down to 15°$ is not as consistent and
clouds and regular if quite large seas over the long true as the SE trades. Often the wind is modified by
fetch across the southern Indian Ocean . This is the thermal effects from land masses and by the position
dry season and temperatures and humidity make it and extent of the ITCZ which has a much broader
the most pleasant time to be in these latitudes . spread at this time of the year. In the introduction to
each country I have described the weather panerns

indiall Oeeml C nllsillg Guide
during this time and reference can also be made to
the tables for wind and weather given for an area.
Between the maps and the data for each country.
more specific information can be identified than a
tex(UaJ description is able to give.
The northwest monsoon is known as the wet
season corresponding to the southern summer and
there are often thunderstorms which may be
accompanied by squaJls. It is also the cyclone
season. Cyclones breed at the junction of the NW
monsoon and SE trades between 5°_ 10 oS although
they do not usually become destructive until they
have tracked south for a while.

The Intertropical Convergence Zone. the ITCZ,
can be simply defined as the convergence zones of
northern and southern weather systems around the
equator. It is now usually called the ITCZ, but may
also be referred to as the Equatorial Trough or the
Doldrums belt. More properly the ITCZ is a
complex interaction of weather and oceanic factors
demarcating a meteorologica l equator.
The ITCZ lies around the equatorial trough
where the prevailing winds in the northern and
southern hemisphere meet to form a low pressure
feature. These prevailing (trade) winds, laden with


Beating up the Red Sea seems to go on and on forever. Nothing ,..

for it but to buckle down and keep at it.


ITCZ: January

,.., "CZ
- ,,


Waterspouts are fairly eommon in tropical water, but

fonunatcly rarely seem to cause damage to yachts. This one is a
fairly small affair in the Langkawi archipelago in Malaysia .
ITez: July

Tropical stonns and cyclones
heat and moisture after their passage across the sea, rain and awkward seas. It pays to keep in touch with
converge to form a zone of increased convection, other yachts on HF to get an exact picture of what
rain and cloudiness. Although the prevailing winds is going on although even a few days later ITCZ
provide the engine for the ITCZ, oceanic factors like boundaries can change dramatically.
the prevailing surface currents, deep ocean bottom
Seasonal changes
currents causing an upwelling of colder water and
The ITCZ is difficult to work out for the Indian
the warm surface water carried by the prevailing
Ocean and various sources give one of two
swell, also influence the formation of the ITCZ. The
explanations. One has the ITCZ around and just
ITCZ plays a critical role in the global weather
below the equator for all of the year although it
picture restoring equilibrium by the release of latent
moves S during the northern winter/southern
energy generated by the prevailing winds in their
summer. The second has the ITCZ around the
passage over the sea.
equator or just S of it for the northern
So much for the meteorological description. In
winter/southern summer, but when the SW
sailing terms the ITCZ is neither simple to pin down
monsoon kicks in for the northern summer/southern
nor well understood. Let us get a few
winter it has the ITCZ situated across the top of
misconceptions out of the way and make some
India curving around to the southern Red Sea. In
general comments on the ITCZ.
fact it is likely that the Indian Ocean has two
• The ITCZ is not always a well defmed area. It convergem:e zones (as the Pacific does) for the
can be a zone perhaps 50 miles wide with well northern summer/southern winter with a weaker
established limits or it can extend over 300 miles convergence zone around the equator and a higher
with ill-defined boundaries. one over the Asian landmass. This is shown on the
• The ITCZ does not stay in the same place at any map below.
given period. Although the maps show the In general the ITCZ hovers around the equator or
average position of the ITCZ for the time of year, just below it during the southern winter/northern
this is only an average as the ITCZ is continually summer and then moves S and expands over a wider
shifting in response to weather systems and can area across the top of Madagascar, extending in an
be a long way N or S of its given position before arc to the top of Sumatra and down to 200S over
moving back again. Australia for the southern summer/northern winter.
• Although the ITCZ is also called the 'doldrums', The northern convergence zone also separates
(specifically in the Atlantic), it is not always a winds in the Red Sea and over the Persian Gulf area.
windless zone with calm seas. In the Indian The Red Sea convergence zone is usually located
Ocean it frequently has violent thunderstorms around 12°-18°N in July and over the top of
and has been known to have few days of calm. In Somalia in January. However I have encountered it
my experience there was wind for 75% of the as a clearly defined zone at around 15°N in January
time and others report struggling with strong and others report similar experiences, so it is likely
winds and awkward seas for long periods. The to sit around here even in January when it is
wind will often be variable although towards the supposed to be much further S.
boundaries of the zone the winds become more It must be stressed again that these are average
consistent and more or less from the direction of positions and the ITCZ moves about all over the
the prevailing wind outside the ITCZ zone. place either side of the equator and no doubt in the
• In the Indian Ocean there is nearly always rain, split affecting higher latitudes as well. The ITCZ
often torrential, and sometimes continuous for also extends across land masses so it affects coastal
days on end. I have experienced two days of solid regions as well, although thermal winds may
torrential rain and along with the almost dissipate its effects at times. One thing is sure, you
continuous cloud cover the effects on morale of will recognise it when you enter the zone.
sailing in the ITCZ zone should not be
underestimated .
• The lightning displays can be dramatic and scary.
I am sure I have seen ball lightning in the ITCZ Tropical storms and
and even called the crew out to witness it. Then
again I am not 100% sure of what ball lightning
looks like as I have never seen it elsewhere. This Tropical storms originate between 7°-15° north or
is also the region where St Elmo's fire was south of the equator and then spin off to the north
reported in the days of yore and I for one am not in the northern hemisphere and to the south in the
keen on seeing this weird display of atmospheric southern hemisphere. In the Indian Ocean the term
ionisation. cyclone is used to describe what are called
In truth getting through the ITCZ, whether you hurricanes in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific and
are stuck in it on an outer edge or cutting across it, typhoons in the western Pacific. They are also called
is a matter of luck. Because the ITCZ zone changes 'willy-willies' in Australia.
not just seasonally, but daily as well, you may have Tropical storms require certain conditions to
just a day or so of variable winds and calms or you develop. The ocean temperature needs to be ill' the
can get a week of variable winds, thunderstorms, region of 26°C or above. If atmospheric conditions



- .....,
Medil6ffanO'Jn W.-o o
Sea .....
s-c....or ....... _
Apr· Dec
~.. £.1M
~~ Sftollol-""
CHINA ... ~
~ ,~


SUDAN ~, '{;:
Arltbian ,-'" :::::: Pacific Ocean

- -. -
~ .


..... ~~~




- _. - '"""'
~ ~ SRI
Geh LANKA \...
" --

- -_. ........
KENYA Dec · Apr


_... - = --
o.<_.sw-. z...u_ ~1IeIo9> .,~s.. NEW
Africa SulaWMi
::: -~-

- --,- --
~ $It~
cr.......... l

Indian (I(MU"CI!

- \ ,

--. ~ ....
....... __ . ill! L<>o-.
E"'r- Frequency over a 20 year period . J, .........
• Over 20 ...
G.... ,A~."./i.."
' ~
I ~'T-
• "·2.
• 6 · 1.
1• 5 ,---
tIMCro ...

Tropical srom/$ and cyclones
are favourable, which usually means that there are storm there will be a period of calm or variable
calms and increased convection in the ITCZ, then winds and the seas, without any wind to drive them
humid air rises, cools and condenses to form and coming from different directions, will be steep
thunderclouds. Air is sucked in to replace the rising and treacherous. It hardly needs (Q be said that
air and if the process goes on the winds strengthen avoiding action must be taken at the earliest possible
and begin to swirl around a low pressure centre. In moment and in both the nonhem and southern
the nonhem hemisphere rotation is anticlockwise Indian Ocean the action is the same: head for the
and in the southern hemisphere rotation is equator. I will elaborate on avoiding action later.
clockwise. Although the pressure at the centre is
around that of a mid-latitude depression, because Northern Indian Ocean
the depression is over a smaller radius, (typically Bay of Bengal In the nonhem Indian Ocean the
500 miles for a cyclone as opposed to 1500 miles for Bay of Bengal is the danger area. The British
a mid-latitude depression), the pressure gradients Admiralcy gives an average of 5- 6 tropical stonns
are tighter and therefore the wind speeds greater. and 2 cyclones a year for the Bay of Bengal
Tropical depressions are graded on the following measured over a 50 year period . Dr Landsea of
scale. Colorado Universicy gives an incidence of tropical
• Tropical depression Winds of Force 7 (30kn) storms for the whole of the nonhern Indian Ocean
• Tropical storm Winds of Force 8- 9 (35-45ko) at 5·4 and for cyclones 2·5 per year measured over a
• Severe tropical scomr Winds of Force 10- 11 20 year period to 1990. The two sets of data would
(45- 63kn) suggest that the average for the Bay of Bengal is
• Cyclone/hurricane/typhoon Winds of Force 12 and around 5- 6 tropical storms a year and 2 cyclones a
over (64kn plus) year. It must be remembered these are averages and
In any cyclone the winds are of a destructive there may be just I in a year followed by 4 in
naNre and yachts cannot sail in these conditions. another year. For all of the nonhero Indian Ocean
Even large ships have difficulcy manoeuvring and Dr Landsea gives the most tropical storms occurring
may founder. A cyclone is accompanied by in any year as 10 and the least 1, while the most
torrential rain and with the wind speeds cyclones in any year are 6 and 0 over the 20 year
mountainous waves are set up. In the eye of the period from 1968 [0 1989.


(Yango n)


M ergu i

Andaman Sea

\ I
_-- I

SRI ......



Indian Ocean Cruising Guide




Gulf of Aden

, /


In the Bay of Bengal the cyclone season runs from Bangladesh except for late season (Oct-Nov)
late April to early December although the most cyclones which may cwve NW to the Indian coast
dangerous · months are May, October and around the region of Andurapesh in the crook of the
November. The table below gives an idea of the E coast or curve NE across to Bunna. In November
incidence of tropical stonns and cyclones on a 1996 a cyclone tracked across to Andurapesh
monthly basis for the Bay of Bengal. Figures are causing much damage and some loss of life. Typical
from British Admiralty records and are the totals tracks for cyclones in the Bay of Bengal are given in
over a 50 year period. the accompanying map, but it should be
!!.tEnth __ ...__ .I 'Y'P.!·,aI S.tbJ7!lS ___ ~$ _ _ _ _ _.. remembered that these are the typical tracks and
~.!! ________ ._.. _.. . 4 I cyclones can take atypical tracks from as far S as Sri
Feb 1 0 Lanka to across the Andamans.
Mar ____ ~. 3 A.rabian Seq The Arabian Sea has a much smaller
. .. ... --'1.
<'!'C.... 8 incidence of tropical stonns at just 1- 2 tropical
M~Y________ .. __ ._~ .L __ .. ..... ._._I.L ___.___.. ___ _ stonns a year. Some of these will develop into
_.__ ___
I~ 24 . _________ 3 _____.________...__ _
lui ... _ .. __ .. _ __~... ___.__ 5 ____ ... __ _._.__
cyclones, but the incidence is much less than the
~':!g_______ .. 16 2 Bay of Bengal. There are two distinct periods for
tropical stonns in the Arabian Sea. The first is from
~.~~ .. _... 22 7
Oct _... _._. __ 1~ .. ____ ._.__ .____ .. ~4 May to June. In this period tropical stonns originate
in the general area around the Laccadives and move
~~._ ~~ _.'CI~~____._... _.._
Total 222
----- - _..
_._-_ ...._..- off to the N or NW. Occasionally these stonns will
curve back to the NE. The second period is from
Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal typically originate October to November and these tropical stonns
in the sea area between 88°E to 94°E and around originate in the Bay of Bengal and move W or NW
looN of the equator, except for the later season across India into the Arabian Sea. Tropical stonns
cyclones in October-November which can originate have been recorded in other months, but the overall
around 5°N of the equator. The cyclones typically incidence is low as the table below shows. Figures
move off in a northerly direction towards are from British Admiralty data and are totals over a
74 year period to 1975.

Tropical stonl/S al/d cyclones
Month Tropical StonllS Cydollt!~ In the SW Indian Ocean no month can be
j,n 5 5 regarded as tmally free of tropical storms, but the
Fob 0 0 period of highest incidence is from November to
M" 3 I April with December to March considered the worst
Ap' 9 8 months. The table below from British Admiralty
M,y 32 25 data gives the average annual occurrence of tropical
jun 24 12 stonns and cyclones for the different months.
jul 7 0
Aug II 3 M Olllh Tropical StonllS Cyc/Olltl
j,n 3-4 1- 2
Scp 10 5
54 30 F,b 3-4
Nov 70 36 M" 2- 3
Dec 29 13 Ap' 0·4
Total 254 134 M" 0·2 rare
Note To roughly compare the frequency with the table for jun ~" rare
the Bay of Bengal reduce these figures by one third. jul rare rare
Aug rare rare
Southern Indian Ocean Scp ~" rare
0" 0·33 rare
SW Indian Ocean The SW Indian Ocean has the 0·4 rare
highest incidence of tropical storms and cyclones for no< 1- 2 0·5
the whole ocean. The average from the British Total II 4
Admiralty is around II tropical storms per year and Note Figures are averages per year.
4 cyclones per year. Dr Landsea gives the incidence Cyclones in the SW Indian Ocean breed between
at 10-4 tropical storms per year and 4·4 cyclones per 5 0 S and 13°S of the equator in the ITCZ zone and
year. Like other areas these are averages and there between 50° to 95°E, although the majority breed
may be I cyclone in one year followed by 8 in the between 60° to 800 E. They then track [0 the SW
next year. For the SW Indian Ocean Dr Landsea before recurving to the Sand SE. Some will travel as
gives the most tropical storms occurring in any year far as the E coast of Africa and the Mozambique
as 15 and the least 6, while the most cyclones in any Channel and may recurve across Madagascar.
year are 10 and 0 over the 20 year period from 1968 Others will recurve before Madagascar and threaten
to 1989.
Bay of Bonga/
Arabian Sea SRI LANKA
sOMAUA Sourh


\ ,...-------....,
Chagos Suma1ra

) IN DO N Esl,-II.


c E A N




Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
pressure for the time of year should put you on
your guard. If there is a drop of 5 millibars or
more then it is definitely time to take avoiding
action and the likelihood is that you are already
experiencing an increase in wind strength.
• If there is an abrupt change in wind direction and
strength this is a good indication assuming you
are not in the ITCZ or there is thunderstorm in
the vicinity. Buys Ballot's law states that if you
face into the wind the centre of the storm will be
around 100°-125° on the right hand side in the
northern hemisphere and on the left hand side in
the southern hemisphere. This will be when the
eye of the storm is around 200 miles away. As the
centre gets closer the angle becomes nearer to
0° ---------------------------------------- • A long low swell, usually with a long period,
contrary to the prevailing swell, will sometimes
Evasion emahate from the eye of the storm. Most yachties
track are pretty tuned in to the pattern of swell when
on passage and contrary swell with a long period
can be a useful indicator.
10°5 ------------------..,...:j'---f- • Solid amounts of cirrus followed by altostratus
and then broken cumulus advertises the approach
. at~ ..•.... ·········::.:::::::;::::·'· of a tropical storm.
I'o~~!?~~.l!···· ........ 9a'-"{\ Avoiding action
......... ····s'-,c
.. ··~0~' If a tropical storm is known to be forming or the
signs are that one may, it is necessary for all sailing
yachts to take avoiding action in the early stages.
..... " Basically the action is to head for the equator if you
are on a typical east or westabout passage along the
principal sailing routes.
TROPICAL STORM TRACKS FOR NORTHERN AND In the northern hemisphere the storm revolves in
an anticlockwise direction and travels somewhere
between NW and N. If you are to the E of the storm
then it is necessary to head towards the equator in
Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues. The Seychelles whatever fashion you can. This will be difficult
are outside the cyclone zone and Chagos is rarely hit because the winds will be predominantly SW-S, but
by destructive winds. you will just have to' do the best you can. Even
SE Indian Ocean and Australia In the area making little progress is better than 'following' the
covered by this pilot tropical storms and cyclones storm which will only bring you closer to stronger
(willy-willies) are rare. Cyclone Tracy which hit winds. If yon are W of the storm then proceeding S
Darwin in 1976 was an anomaly in the overall towards the equator will be easier because winds will
picture and the area from Darwin to Christmas be mostly N-NW.
Island is rarely affected. In March 1999 cyclone In the southern hemisphere the storm revolves in
Vance hit close to Exmouth 780 miles NW of Perth a clockwise direction and travels somewhere
causing extensive damage. Vance was classified as a between W-SW. If you are E of the storm then it is
category 5 cyclone with winds up to 140mph and is a matter of struggling N for the equator again. If you
one of the strongest cyclones on record to have hit are W of the storm then it is an easier matter to head
the NW coast of Australia. for the equator as winds will be S-SW.
Warning signs The two diagrams show the scenario although not
If you are not on the recelvmg en d 0 f HF the conditions at sea. Even towards the equator with
communications or a weatherfax warning of II the storm travelling away from you it is likely that
developing cyclone, there are a number of warning\ \ you may have to heave-to for a day or two
signs of a developing cyclone which can give some depending on the distance from the storm. The
indication of what is going on. In practice, though, ,waves generated can be very high and the swell can
it can all be a bit nebulous. " travel long distances. I have not been in the sort of
destructive winds generated by a cyclone, but I have
• If you have a barometer corrected for height, been around the perimeter and even at a distance of
latitude, and temperature and you are equipped 700 miles the seas generated are considerable.
with tables for the diurnal variation, then a For weather information on cyclones and forecasts
sudden drop of 3 millibars below the mean see the next section.

Weather information
Pinang (9MG)
Weather information Weather messages
For most cruising yachts weather information comes 6353'9, 8698kHz at 0148, 0548, 0948, 1348, 1748,
from HF communication or weatherfax. There are 2148
also a number of other options which I list here as 17172·4kHz at 2148
2790, 8719kHz at 0205, 0605, 1005, 2205
Storm warnings, synopsis, 12h Fest in English for
Phuket, Malaeea, Tioman, Bunguran, Condore, Reef,
Samui, Palawan, Sulu
Radio weather services Navigational warnings
Indonesia (Surnatera) 6353'9, 8698kHz at 0148, 0548, 0948, 1348, 1748,
Dumai (PKP) 2148
Navigational warnings 17172'4kHz at 2148
8457kHz at 0100, 1300. 12682·5kHz at 0230, 0630. 2790, 8719kHz at 0205, 0605, 1005, 2205
17184·8kHz at 0500. In English In English for China Sea, Malaeea Strait, Bay of Bengal
Belawan (PKB) Thailand
Navigational warnings Krung-Thep (Bangkok) (HAS) (USJ) (F)
8686kHz at 0200, 0600, 1100, 1300. 12970'5kHz at Weather messages
0230,0630. 16861·7kHz at 0600, 1400. In English 7955, 8573'5, 8686kHz at 0150, 0750, 1150
Palembang (PKC) Storm warnings, in English for area 4°N-20oN,
Navigational warnings 98°E-115°E. Synopsis, in English, for area OON-30oN,
8705·5kHz at 0100, 0500, 0900. 1130 in English 90 oE-120oE. 24h Fest, in English
Indonesia Gawa) Sri Lanka
Jakarta (PKX) (E) Colombo (4PB)
Weather messages Weather messages
8542, 12970'5, 2690kHz at 1100. Storm warnings, 24h 8473kHz at 0530, 1330. Gale warnings, synopsis, Fest
Fest, synopsis and analysis in English for Indonesian in English.
waters and China Sea. 0600, 1300. Fest in English for Sri Lanka and vicinity
Navigational warnings Navigational warnings
8542, 12970'5kHz at 0200, 1000, 1800. In English 8473kHz on receipt. At the end of the next silence
jakarta-Kemayoran (8BB) period. 0600, 0900, 1330. On request. In English for
Weather messages area within 200 n miles of Colombo.
11500, 16200kHz at 0830. Storm warnings, synopsis,
24h Fest in Indonesian and English for Indonesia. India
Surabaya (PKD) Bombay (Mumbai) (VWB) (G)
Navigational warnings Storm warnings
8461kHz at 0200, 0730. 12704·5kHz at 0000, 1100. 8630, 12710kHz at 0448\ 0848, 1248', 1648,2048',
8794, 13110kHz at 0100, 0900. In English 2348 2 • In English for Arabian Sea.
Weather messages
Singapore 8630, 12710kHz at 0848, 1648. Synopsis and Fest in
Singapore (9VG) (C) English for Arabian Sea.
Weather messages 8630, 12710kHz at 0420', 0820, 1220', 1620,2020',
4369kHz at 0005, 1205 2320 2
6412, 4322kHz at 0118, 1318 Situation, Fests of wind, weather visibility and sea state
6323'5,8420'5, 12579'5, 16807, 22381kHz at 0130, in English.
1330 Navigational warnings 8630, 12710kHz On receipt.
Storm warnings, situation in English for South China At the end of the next silence period. 0648, 1548. On
Sea, Malaeea Straits, Andaman Sea. 12h Fest in English request. In English for the area within 200 n mil~s of
for Phuket, Malaeea, Tioman, Bunguran, Condore, Reef Bombay between 21°N and 17°N including GuW.of
Navigational warnings Khambat (Cambay) \
8728kHz at 0005, 0405, 0805, 1205 1. Bset in the event of a tropical storm having deVelope\
VHF Ch 24 at every odd H+05 (0105-1105) 4322kHz 2. Best in the event of disturbed weather
at0118, 0518,0918,1318,1718,2118 Bombay (Mumbai) Naval (VTG)
6412kHz at 0118, 0518 0918, 1318 Weather messages \
For South China Sea, Malaeea Strait, Bay of Bengal 4268,8634, 12808'5, 16938, 22628'5kHz at 0900
Malaysia 2072,4268,6467,8634, 12808·5kHz at 1500
Kuching (9WW20) Navigational warnings
Weather messages 2072, 4268, 6467,8634, 12808'5, 16938, 22628·5kHz
4249, 6632'5kHz at 0120, 0520, 0920, 1320, 1720, at 0500, 1500 on day of receipt or 1500 on day of
2120 receipt and 0500 following day. Repeated at 0900 on
Storm warnings, synopsis and 12h fest for Phuket, days 2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 (day of second main Best
Malaeea, Tioman, Bunguran, Condore, Reef, Samui, taken as day 1). On request
Palawan, Sulu, Labuan, Terumbu Layang Layang NAVAREA VIII warnings in English
4249, 6632·5kHz at 0120. 2072,4268, 6467, 8634, 12808'5, 16938, 22628·5kHz
Navigational warnings Sat 0500, 1500
8522kHz at 0200, 0600, 1000, 1400, 1800, 2200 Numbers of all NAVAREA VIII warnings in force.
2130kHz at 0300, 0700, 1100, 1500, 1900,2300 Repeated at 0900 Sun, Wed
4371·1 or 8767'2kHz at 0100,0500,0900,1300,1700, 2072, 4268, 6467,8634, 12808'5, 16938, 22628·5kHz

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Sun 1215. Summary of important NAVAREA VIII Weather messages
warnings between 24 and 42 days old 8487kHz at 0018. 4272·5kHz at 1018. 2201, 4426,
2072,4268,6467,8634, 12808'5, 16938, 22628'5kHz 6507,8176, 12365kHz and VHF Ch 67 at 0233,1233
at 1400. List of vessels W of 800 E holding overdue (on frequencies in use at the time). Gale and strong
INSPIRES reports wind warnings, synopsis, 24h Fcst for coastal waters
Goa (VWG) Torres Strait (10041'S 142°00'E) to Exmouth Gulf
Weather m.essages (21°47'S 114°10'E)
417'5kHz at any H+OO' Navigational w"rnings
0420>, 0820 2, 12202, 1620,20202,23203 • Situation, Fcsts 4272'5, 8487kHz at 0018, 1018 (on frequencies in use
of wind weather, visibility and sea state in English at the time). For coastal waters Torres Straits to Kuri
Navigational warnings Bay.
417·5kHz On receipt. At the end of the next silence NAVAREA X warnings repeated on days 2-6. Numbers
period. 0648, 1548. On request. In English for the area ofNAVAREA warnings in force (more than 6 days old).
within 200 n miles of Goa between 13°30'N and 2201,4426,6507, 8176, 12365kHz and VHF Ch 67 at
16°30'N 0233, 1233 (on frequencies in use at the time).
Mangalore (VWL) NAVAREA X warnings repeated on days 2-6. Numbers
Weather messages of NAVAREA warnings in force (more than 6 days old)
438kHz at any H+OO' 2201,4426,6507,8176, 12365kHz and VHF Ch 67 at
0420 2,0820, 1220\ 1620,2020" 2320'. Situation, Fcsts 0833,2233 (on frequencies in use at the time). For
of wind weather, visibility and sea state in English. coastal waters Torres Straits to Exmouth Gulf.
Navigational warnings Seychelles
438kHz On receipt. At the end of the next silence Seychelles (S7Q)
period. 0648, 1548. On request. In English for the area Navigational warnings
within 250 n miles of Mangalore between 100 30'N and 8770kHz at 0518, 1548. In English for area within 200 n
14°N including the Lakshadweep Islands. miles of Seychelles
Cochin (VWN)
Weather m.essages Mauritius
460kHz at any H +00' Mauritius (3BM)
0420 2,0820, 1220>, 1620,20202, 2320'. Situation, Fcsts Weather messages
of wind weather, visibility and sea state in English 8554, 12831kHz at 0830, 1630.
Navigational warnings 16978·4kHz at 1630
460kHz On receipt. At the end of the next silence 22587kHz at 0830. Storm warnings, synopsis 24h Fcst
period. 0648, 1548. On request. In English for the area in English
within 300 n miles of Cochin between 5°N and 12°N 4282kHz at 0130, 2030.
including the Lakshadweep Islands. 8554, 12831kHz at 0130, 0430, 1330,2030
Madras (Chennai) (VWM) (P) 22587kHz at 0430, 1330. Cy1cone warnings (only bcst
Note Bcsts reported unreliable (Nov 1994) when cyclones affect Fcst Areas), in English
Storm warnings Navigational warnings
8674'4kHz at any H+OO'. At the end of the next silence 4282,8554, 12831, 16978'4, 22587kHz at 0130,0430,
period. At the end of the next silence period for single- 0900, 1630. Coastal warnings in English
operator ships. 0030 2,0430" 0930, 1330" 1830,21303 Mauritius (3BT)
Weather m.essages Weather m.essages
8674'4, 12718·5kHz at 0030,0930, 1830. Synopsis and 3188,7693, 15955kHz at 0930. Surface Anal for area of
Fcst in English for Bay of Bengal La Reunion, southwest Indian Ocean including the
1. Best in the event of the unexpected development of a Seychelles.
tropical stonn Reunion
2. Best in the event of a tropical stonn having developed Radio Reunion (Radio-France Outre-mer (RFO»
3. Best in the event of disturbed weather
Weather messages
Djibouti 666, 729kHz at 0235, 0828, 1355. Fcst for the coastal
Djibouti a2A) waters of the Mascarene Islands and approaches, in
Weather messages French
8628kHz at 0430, 1700'. 666, 729kHz at 0355, 1440. Synopsis, 24h Fcst for La
12728kHz at 0900'. 12h Fcst in French and English Reunion, in French
8628, 12728kHz. On request. Fcst in French or English South Africa
1. Bsct includes updated infonnation Cape Town (ZCS)
Navigational warnings 8719kHz and VHF Chs
8682kHz at 0430, 1700. 12728kHz at 0900. In French Alexander Bay 04 Port Nolloth 01
and English for coastal waters of Dijibouti, Red Sea, Hondeklip Bay 25 Doringbaai 87
NW Indian Ocean. Cape St Martin 23 Saldanha Bay 27
Australia Milnerton 25 Constantiaberg 26
Darwin (VID) Franskraal 85 Struisbaai 84
Storm warnings Albertinia 26
4272'5, 8487kHz at every odd H+48 for up to 6 hours. Storm warnings
Gale warnings for coastal waters Torres Strait (10 0 41'S As above. On receipt. On request. At the end of the next
142°00'E) to Exmouth Gulf (21°47'S 114°10'E). silence period.
2201,4426,6507,8176, 12365kHz and VHF Ch 67 Weather m.essages
every even H+33 (on frequencies in use at the time). As above at 0948, 1748.
Gale and strong wind warnings for coastal waters Torres
Strait to Exmouth Gulf.
Weather in/ormation
Navigational warnings Stonn warnings
As above. On receipt. On request. At the end of the next 1764kHz. On receipt and at the end of silence periods
silence period. Urgent NAVAREA VII; urgent local and until incorporated in the general weather bulletin.
coastal warnings for the area from Cape Cross to Cape Gale warnings and weather forecasts
Recife. 1764kHz at 0935, 1235, 1635. Coastal and Trades area.
0918,1718. NAVAREA VII warnings, repeated on days Navigational warnings
1,2,3; thereafter every 4th day for 6 weeks. Local and 1764kHz at 0905, 1605. NAVAREA VII and coast of
coastal warnings are best on all frequencies and channels Namibia.
at the scheduled best times for the area from Cape Cross Kenya
to Cape Recife. Nairobi (5YE)
Port Elizabeth (ZSQ) (I) Weather messages
VHF Chs 9043, 17441'6kHz at 1200. Storm warnings, general
Knysna 23 Kareedouw 24 situation including sea state and visibility and 24h Fest,
Port Elizabeth 27 Governorskop 83 in English.
East London 26 9086kHz at 1245. Storm warnings, general situation, fest
Stonn warnings in English
As above. On receipt. At the end of the next silence
Weather nzessages HF nets and HaIn
As above at 0933, 1733. The maj~rity of yachts on passage communicate on
1340. Reports from selected meteorological observation informal nets and someone ahead of you can give
stations, gale warnings. accurate information on the weather you can expect.
Navigational warnings Below are a number of established amateur nets.
As above. On receipt. At the end of the next silence
All times UT unless stated.
period. Urgent NAVAREA VII; urgent local and coastal
warnings for the area from Cape Hangklip to Cooper Lt Thailand
(Natal) Rowdy's Net 14316kHz USB (OOZULU)
0933, 1733. NAVAREA VII warnings, repeated on days Phil Hollywood 14320kHz USB (irregular)
1 and 2 and thereafter every 4th day for 6 weeks or until
cancelled. Local and coastal warnings for the area from South Africa
Cape Hangklip to Cooper Lt (Natal), repeated daily Durban Maritime Mobile Net
until cancelled. 14316kHz USB at 0630 (ZS5GC).
Durban (ZSD) (0) 14316kHz USB at 1130 (ZS5MU)
VHF Chs Run by the Campbells in Durban. Synoptic and coastal
Port Shepstone 26 Port Edward 27 weather.
Bluff (Durban) 26 Empangeni 26 Kenya
Cape St Lucia 25 Sodwana 16 East African Marine Radio Net (call sign Kiore)
Kosi Bay 16 4483kHz USB at 0430
Stonn warnings 8101kHz USB at 0445Z
As above. On receipt. At the end of the next silence 14316kHz USB at 0500 (call sign 5Z4FZ)
period. Run by Tony Britchford in Kilifi. Synoptic and coastal
Weather messages weather.
As above at 0903, 1703. On request.
1303. Gale warnings, reports from selected observation Eastern Med Net
stations. 7080kHz LSB at 0530.
Navigational warnings East Med weather.
As above. On receipt. At the end of the next silence
period. After the first silence period in each subsequent Weatherfax
single-operator watch period until they are included in
the next scheduled best. Urgent NAVAREA VII; urgent If there is one thing that is certain in the world, it is
local and coastal warnings for the area from Cape Recife that weatherfax transmissions are often not on time.
to Ponta do Ouro. The following frequencies and times should be
0903, 1703. NAVAREA VII, local and coastal warnings checked whenever possible against the data from
for the area from Cape Recife to Ponta do Ouro, anyone else trying to receive weatherfaxes.
repeated until cancelled for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Walvis Bay (VSW) Darwin (AX!) (Facsimile)
Stonn warnings 5755 10 0900-2300
VHF Ch 26, 27. On receipt and at the end of silence 7535 10 0900-2300
periods until incorporated in the general weather 10555 10 H24
bulletin. 15615 10 2300-0900
Gale warnings and weather forecasts 18060 10 2300-0900
VHF Ch 26, 27 at 0935, 1235, 1635. For coastal waters Map Area
and Trades area. A (a) B (a)
Navigational warnings 300N 1200E 300N 180° 30 0N 700E 30 0N 1300E
VHF Ch 26, 27 at 0905, 1605. NAVAREA VII and 35°S 1200E 35°5 1800 35°5 700E 35°5 1300 E
coast of Namibia. C (a) D (a)
Liideritz (VSL) 300N 700E 30 0N 1800 29°N 96°E 34°N 142°E
35°S 700E 35°S 180° 43°S 1100E 34°S 155°E

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
E (a) H Anal. 2100(120
23°N 1000E 23°N 1700E 25°N 80 0E 25°N 1800 500 hPa streamline 0920(00)
23°S 1000E 23°S 1700E 25°S 800E 25°S 180 0 Anal. 2120(12)
AUST (b) RSW (a) 700 hPa streamline 0940(00)
10 0 S 90D E 170D E OD.lOooE 0.180° Anal. 2140(12)
50 0 S 90 DE 170DE 50 0 S 1000E 50 0S 180 0 SH 48h Southern 1030(00)
10 (c) SWP (c) Hemisphere 2230(12)
IODS - 90 0 S 20 0 S - 90 0 S 500 hPa Prog.
0° East to 1800 150° East to 700W 48h Southern 1045(00)
SH (c) SEAUST (c) Hemisphere 2245(02)
100S - 90 0 S 31°S 148°E 31°S 156°E Surface Prog.
All longitudes 40 0 S 148°E 400S 156°E Southern Hemisphere 1115(00)
SWAUST (a) 500 hPa Anal. 2303(12)
25°S HooE 25°S 120 0E E Sea surface 1130
37°S nODE 37°S 120 0E Anal. temperature
Schedule (Updated Tues)
AllAXM Schedule 0015 1215 120/576 AUST 36h Surface Prog. 1200(12)
(2 parts) 1515(12)
Infonnation notice 0045 2330(00)
IPS recommended fx for 0100 10 36h Indian Ocean 1245(12) 120/576
AXM Surface Prog.
IPS recommended fx 0130 SWP 48h Pacific Ocean 1315(00) \
for AX! total waves
AUST 24h Surface Prog. 0200(00) 10 48h Indian Ocean 1330(00)
1515(12) total waves
RSW Regional significant 0215(18) SWP Pacific Ocean, Sea 1345
Wx Prog. 0715(00) surface temperature
1300(06) (Updated Weekly)
1900(12) 1201576 10 Indian Ocean, Sea 1400
H Current warnings surface temperature
summary 02300815 (Updated Weekly)
(on WT(HF) plain 14452045 AUST 500 hPa Prog. 1500(12)
language) 10 48h Indian Ocean 2345(12)
AUST _ Surface Anal. 0245(00) Surface Prog.
0845(06) Note Weather charts are also available by fax through;
1430(12) INl\.1ARSAT +613 9273 8046. Fax 019725046
500 hPa Anal. 0300(00) Krung- Thep (Bangkok) (HSW) (Facsimile)
D Darwin tropics (HSW64) 7396·8 3·0
significant WX 0330(18) (HSW61) 17520 3·0
Prog. 1000(00) Map Area
1530(06) 120/576 A 1:20 000 000 (a)
2200(12) 50 0 N 500N 160 0 E
AUST 24h 500 hPa Prog. 0400(00) 30 0 S 300S 1600 E
1600(12) Schedule
SEAUST Sea surface isothenn A Test chart 0500
(SE Australia) 0430 Fest for shipping (English plain 0100(00)
(Updated Wed) language) 0400(03)
250m isothenn 0445 0700(06)
(SE Australia) 1000(09)
(Updated Wed) 1300(12)
SWAUSTSea surface isothenn 1700(17)
(SE Australia) 0500 2300(17)
(Updated Wed) Surface pressure fest 0120(12)
A Gradient level wind 0600(00) Surface Anal. 0140(18)
Anal. Part A 1800(12) 0500(00)
B Gradient level wind 0623(00) 1020(06)
Anal. Part B 1823(12) 1720(12)
C Surface pressure Anal. 0645(00) 2320(18)
10 Indian Ocean surface 0730(00) 24h surface pressure fest 0300(12) 120/576
Anal. 1915(12) 0720(12)
AUST24 wind/wave ht(m) Prog. 0745(00) 1201576 48h surface pressure fcst 0320(12)
1930(12) 0740(12)
24h swell/wave ht(m) 0800(00) 72h surface pressure fest 0340(12)
Prog. 1945(12) 120/576 0800(12)
SWP South Pacific Ocean 0830(00) 24h 850 hPa wind/temp fcst 0420(12)
surface Anal. 2000(12) 120/576 0820(12)
C 250 hPa streamline 0900(00) 850 hPa Anal. 0520(00)
700 hPa Anal. 0540(00)
500 hPa Anal. 0600(00)
Weather information
New Delhi (ATA) (ATP) Facsimile) A 300 hPa upper air Prog. 1025(00)
ATA57 7403 B9W 10 1430-0230 2241(12)
(White+400kHz) 250 hPa upper air Prog. 1055(00)
ATP65 14840 B9W 0230-1430 2259(12)
(Black -400kHz) 200 hPa upper air Prog. 1115(00)
Note Bests are centred 1900Hz away from the carrier 2317(12)
frequencies, listed above, in the USB Tropopause/Max wind Prog. 1135(00)
Map Areas 2335(12)
A 1:20 000 000 (a) B 1:20 000 000 (a) 100 hPa upper air Prog. 1135(00)
45°N 300E 45°N 125°E 400N 30 0E 400N 125°E 2353(12)
25°S 300E 25°S 125°E 0° 30 0E 0° 125°E E 850 hPa relative vorticity 1840(12)
E 1:20000000 (a) F 1:20000000 (a) 500 hPa relative vorticity 2136(12)
1. ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-range Weather
60 0N 25°E 60 0N 1200E 25°N 55°E 25°N 1000E Forecasts
0° 25°E 0° 1200E 0° 55°E 0° 100 0E
H 1:20 000 000 (a) Diego Garcia
67°·5N 0° 67°·5N 1800E NKW relay from US Navy, Guam on USB
15°S 0° 15°S 1800E 7580kHz 1400-0159
12804kHz 1100-2300
A Surface Anal. 0011(18) 20300kHz 0200-1359
0634(00) ,0000/1200 Fax schedule
1211(06) 0235/1435 36 hour surface analysis
1820(12) 0435/1635 Preliminary surface analysis
H 24h 250 hPa Windffemp Fest 0030(12) 0505/1705 Sig wave height analysis
1230(00) 0525/1725 48 hour surface prognosis
24h 500 hPa Windffemp Fest 0050(12) 0540/1740 N. Indian Ocean satellite image
1248(00) 0555/1755 S. Indian Ocean satellite image
24h 850 hPa Windffemp Fest 0110(12) 0700 Tropical cyclone warning
1306(00) 1020/2220 Preliminary surface analysis
B Significant Wx Prog. 1150/2350 24 hour surface prognosis
for period 0300-1500 0130(18)
for period 0900-2100 0834(00) Saint-Denis Meteo (HXCP) (FZS63)
for period 1500--0300 1324(06) (Facsimile)
for period 210()"'{)900 2040(12) (HXP) 8176 1·0
A ECMWF' 96h 500 hPa Fest 0150(12) (FZS63) 16335 1·0
H 24h 400 hPa Windffemp Fest 0210(12) Map Areas
1400(00) A (c) B (a)
24h 300 hPa Windffemp Fest 0238(12) 90 0 E 2°N 18°E 2°N 700E
1342(00) 90 0 E 32°S 18°E 32°S 700E
24h 700 hPa Windffemp Fest 0300(12) C (a)
1506(00) 2°N 31°E 2°N 100°
24h 200 hPa Windffemp Fest 0320(12) 44°S 31°E 44°S 1000E
1430(00) Schedule
24h 150 hPa Windffemp Fest 0340(12) Test chart 0430 0730
1448(00) C 12h 850/700 hPa Winds Prog. 0433(12)
A ECMWF' 48h 200 hPa Wind 0400(12) 12h 500/200 hPa Winds Prog. 0445(12) 120/576
Fest 12h Vertical shearing 850/200 0457(12)
ECMWF' 72h 500 hPa Fest 0420(12) hPa Prog.
F 7 day mean sea surface Temp 0440 120/576 12h Vorticity/divergence 850 0509(12)
Satellite Imagery (Infrared) 0600(12) hPa Prog.
Test chart 0622 1810 12h Vorticity/divergence 200 0521(12)
A 850 hPa upper air Anal. 0654(00) hPa Prog.
1910(12) 12h Steering current Anal. 0533(12)
700 hPa upper air Anal. 0714(00) and Prog.
1928(12) 24h & 48h Steering current 0545(00)
500 hPa upper air Anal. 0734(00) Prog.
1946(12) A Surface Anal. 0733(00)
300 hPa upper air Anal. 0753(00) 1105(06)
2004(12) B TEMSI-Significant Wx, air 0744(09)
Surface Prog. 0812(00) C 24 & 48h Surface pressure 0755(00)
2022(12) Prog.
200 hPa upper air Anal. 0856(00) 24h 850/700 hPa Winds Prog. 0807(00)
2100(12) 24h 500/200 hPa Winds Prog. 0819(00)
A 850-500 hPa thickness 0916(00) 24h 300/250 hPa Winds Prog. 0831(00)
2118(12) 24 & 48h Vertical shearing 0843(00)
500 hPa upper air Prog. 0936(00) 200/850hPa Prog.
2223(12) 48h 850/700 hPa Winds Prog. 0855(00)
Digital Significant Wx (fokyo) 1005(00) 48h 500/250 hPa Winds Prog. 0907(00)
2205(12) Test chart and schedule 1030

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
C 24h Vorticity/divergence 850 1041 (00) D 1:15000000 (a) E 1:15000000 (a)
hPa Prog. 30 0N 15°E 30 0 N 700E 200N 300E 200N 700E
24h Vorticity/divergence 200 1053(00) 30 0S 15°E 300 S 700E 30 0S 300E 30 0S 700E
hPa Prog. Schedule
48h Vorticity/divergence 850 1116(00) Test chart 03500830 1
hPa Prog. B 24h 500 hPa Prog. 0844(00) 2055(12)
48h Vorticity/divergence 200 1128(00) 24h 300 hPa Prog. 0903(00) 2114(12)
hPa Prog. 24h 250 hPa Prog. 0922(00) 2133(12)
A 12h Surface wind Anal. & 1140(00) 24h 200 hPa Prog. 0941(00) 2152(12)
Prog. D Surface Anal. 1057(06) 1638(12) 120/576
24h & 48h Surface wind Prog. 1152(00) Upper air Anal. 1112(06)
24h change of 1127(06) 1455(12)
Pretoria (ZRO) (Facsimile) pressure/variation
Facsimile (USB): 24h Surface Prog. 1142(06) 1802(12)
(ZR05) 4014 6·0 1600-0800 B 700 hPa Anal. 1210(06) 1820(12)
(ZR02) 7508 6·0 H24 500 hPa Anal. 1229(06) 1839(12)
(ZR03) 13538 6·0 H24 300 hPa Anal. 1248(06) 1858(12)
(ZR04) 18238 6·0 H24 250 hPa Anal 1307(06) 1917(12)
RTIY (USB): 200 hPa Anal. 1326(06) 1936(12)
(ZR05) 4016 FIB 6·0 1600-0800 E Surface Anal. 1345(06) 1708(12) 120/576
(ZR02) 7510 FIB 6·0 H24 (Iridian Ocean)
(ZR03) 13540 FIB 6·0 H24 C Low level convergence 1430(12)
(ZR04) 18240 FIB 6·0 H24 zone
Map Areas D 850 hPa upper air Anal. 1653(12)
ASZA: 1:20 000 000 (a) FSZA (a) 1. Changes to the schedule will be transmitted in place of the
0° 200W 0° 700E 10 0S 5°W 100S 300E normal test chart
60 0S 50 0W 60 0S 900E 50 0S 200W 45°S 500E
(Shipping Chart) (forecast Area for Numerical Model)
25°S 15°E 25°S 34°E 15°S 8°E 15°S 21°E See map.
38°S 15°E 38°S 34°E 34°S 8°E 34°S 21°E
(Eastern Coastal Area) (Western Coastal Area) Internet
XXZA: (c)
200W to 300E The following web sites may be useful. All of them
Antarctic Coast to edge carry a warning along the lines of: Not to be used as
of Pack Ice an accurate forecast or for navigation purposes.
Schedule Nonetheless many of them do have the best
FSZA ECMWF 1 Surface Prog. 0405(12) forecasts and the most recent weather maps and
0730(12)120/576 satellite images.
ASZA Surface Anal. 0445(00)
1000(06) 120/576 Tropical weather sites
1500(12) Some of these have real time weather analyses and
2200(18) real time tropical stonn warnings. They also have
Schedule 0505 120/576 other links.
FUZA ECMWF 1 Upper air Prog. 0630(12) 120/576 Tropical
AOZA' 10 day Mean sea Surface 0710 120/576 gives up to date warnings for the Indian
temp Anal. Ocean.
XXZA Antarctic Ice limits 0800 120/576
1. ECMWF - European Centre for Medium Range Weather Weather
Fcsts http://cirrus.sprl.umich.edulwxnetlservers.html useful
2. Monday, Wednesday and Friday - East Coast of Southern links
Africa. Tuesday, ThUrSday and Saturday - West Coast of http://lumahai.soest.hawaii.edufI'ropical_Weather/tropica
Southern Africa l.html
Nairobi (5YE) (Facsimile) http://banzai.neosoft.comlcitylinklblake/tropical.html
7464·4 1800-0600 http://www.supertyphoon.comlindian.html has pressure,
9045 6·0 H24 wind and satellite photos.
12315 http://www.wmo.chlweb-enlmetinfo.html useful links.
16186·9 0600-1800
17445·6 6·0 H24
Note Transmission is centred 1900Hz above the
registered frequencies. It is intended for the broadcasts
to be received within a 3000 n miles radius of Nairobi
Map Areas
B 1:15000000 (a) C 1:7 500 000 (a)
55°N 200W 55°N 90 0 E 22°N 25°E 22°N 60 0 E
35°S 200W 35°S 90 0 W 02°S 25°E 02°S 60 0 E


. Ismalia (Serapeum)
P'l Bus hehr [A)
• . Bander Abbas IF)
Dammam IGI . t .
Bahrain Ie) . Karachl (PI
. Muscal(MI

Haiphong [PI .
Bombay .
(Mumbai) IGI
Paki.ta n
. Madras
(Chennai ) [PI

• Operational
o Planned
[AI NaVle)!
Char&e:ter • •
Known VIII

Jakarta lE I • ,


Durban 10J .
Elizabeth South Afr ica Au stralia


currents are reasonably strong and consistent. Rates

Currents can be appreciably higher than the averages
Like the prevailing winds for the Indian Ocean, it is provided by hydrographic publications and it is not
useful [Q look at the predominant currents for the unusual to have rates of l - I V2 kn on passage
northern and southern Indian Ocean separately. between Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia . Around the
Here I will look at the oceanic currents while bottom of Sri Lanka rates of up to 2kn can be
currents around the coast are discussed in the encountered where the current is pushed down
introduction to each country. It must be emphasised around the island.
that in coastal waters currents can be contrary to the With the NE monsoon the current starts to die
main oceanic flow or can be in the same direction down in March-April and the clockwise circulation
but greater. There can also be considerable onshore spreads further S. Rates are still considerable
sets augmented by local tides (the 'reef-sucking' enough with a W-going current of around V2 -%kn in
currents) and some care is needed plotting courses. the south of the Bay of Bengal. In May the E-going
Keep an eye on that ever-useful GPS reading for current from the SW monsoon is established
cross-track error. although it does not reach full strength until July. By
Bay of Bengal The pattern of currents in the Bay July there can be rates of I- I V2kn of E-going
of Bengal changes radically between the NE and SW current. In October the current dies to be replaced
monsoons. Basically the NE monsoon sets up a by a generally N - NW-going current which is
W- flowing current with a clockwise circulation in deflected S by the E coast of India and accelerates
the northern half of the Bay of Bengal. The SW down the coast at rates of 1- 2kn until the fu ll NE
monsoon sets up an E-going current with an monsoon pattern is established later on.
anticlockwise circulation in the nonhern half of the If you are on passage against the prevailing
Bay of Bt:ngal. In the southern half of the bay, which currents it pays to get down towards the equator
is the bit that concerns most cruising yachts, the where there is less current and towards the end of

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Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
the NE monsoon you can even pick up favourable counter-current is set up between the equator and
counter currents. between 8 0 S to 10oS. Its S limit is the South
Arabian Sea As for the Bay of Bengal, current Equatorial Current. This current flows to the E
patterns change radically between the NE and SW during the southern summer (northern winter)
monsoons. The NE monsoon sets up a while the NE monsoon is blowing. At this time it
predominantly W -going current although in the affects the Seychelles, Chagos and right across to
early stages the current around the bottom of India Sumatra where it is deflected SE by the coast of
and Sri Lanka tends to flow NW up the coast before Sumatra. It is a solid current with rates around
being pushed W. The current is typically stronger in I-2kn with the higher rate usually found at the
the southern half of the Arabian Sea at around %- beginning and end of the season. Rates of 4kn have
I kn than it is in the northern half where rates are ';4- been reported.
1/2kn and may be more variable in direction. SW Monsoon Current When the SW monsoon is
The SW monsoon sets up an E-going current blowing in the northern Indian Ocean an E-going
which tends to curve around the top of the Arabian current is set up between the equator and 5 0 S to
Sea and flow SE down the W coast of India. Rates 8 0 S. This effectively replaces the Equatorial
are typically Y2-%kn except around the bottom of Counter-current during the southern winter
India and Sri Lanka where the current is (northern summer) and although the direction is
compressed by the land and rates can be %-1 kn or basically the same, it has important implications
more. During the SW monsoon there is generally a around the region of the Seychelles. The Equatorial
weak southerly flow around the equator, although Counter-current is fed from the N iIi an
the current may reverse to a weak W-going flow in anticlockwise direction while the SW monsoon is
places. fed from the S in a clockwise direction. If you are on
In the intervening periods between the monsoons passage in this area the two contrary 'feeds' to the
the currents die, become variable in places, and then two currents can be important. The SW Monsoon
pick up as the new monsoon wind takes over. Current is consistent and strong with rates around
Gulf of Aden With the NE monsoon the W -going I-2kn. Like the Equatorial Counter-current it is
current is squeezed into the gulf and can be strong most consistent and strong at the beginning and end
in places, up to lihkn in the Gulf of Aden and of the season.
2-2ihkn through Bab El Mandeb and the very S of Southern Ocean Current Also known as the
the Red Sea. With the SW monsoon the current is Circumpolar Current. This current flows eastwards
predominantly E-going out of the Gulf of Aden and around the Southern Ocean propelled by the
S-SSE out of the bottom of the Red Sea. continuous westerlies that circulate here unhindered
by any landmass. In the southern winter there is a
Southern Indian Ocean SE to SW anticlockwise flow between 30 0 S to 400S
Current patterns in the southern Indian Ocean are while in the southern summer there is
somewhat more complex than in the north. It is predominantly a SW flow between 30 0S to 400S
useful to talk about the separate currents, which are except where the current is deflected back around
all well developed and known individually. the SW tip of Australia. Below 40 0 S the flow is to
Sometimes a textual description can be confusing, the E.
but a glance at the accompanying maps should Mozambique Current The Mozambique Current
clarify maners. runs S along the E coast of Africa from around the
South Equatorial Current In general there is a W- top of Madagascar where the South Equatorial
going current between IOoS and 25°S throughout Current divides. It is a strong current with rates of
the year known as the South Equatorial Current. up to 4kn recorded. Usually it runs at around PI2-
The N limit of this current butts onto the S limit of 2kn, less in the southern winter. Up the W coast of
the SW Monsoon Current or the Equatorial Madagascar a weaker N-going current runs at
Counter-Current according to the season (see around ih-I Y2kn. It is useful for yachts headed N up
below). Its S limit is the Southern Ocean Current. the Mozambique Channel.
Out of the Ti~or Sea and across through Christmas Agulhas Current Around the tip of Africa there is
Island, Cocos, to the top of Madagascar, this a continuation of the Mozambique Current
current flows strongly with rates up to %-Ikn and augmented by the South Equatorial Current known
more at times. Generally it is stronger and less as the Agulhas Current. It has a strong SW flow
variable in the N than in the S. During the southern curving Wand then NW following the coastline.
hemisphere winter it flows around the bottom of The current is always strong and rates of 5kn have
Chagos and the Outer Islands of the Seychelles. In been regularly recorded at all times of the year.
the southern winter it is pushed up around the top Rates of at least 2kn can be expected although in
of Madagascar into the Somali Current and the places rates are around Ililkn. The inside boundary
Mozambique Current. In the southern summer it of the current is said to be the 200m line, so yachts
divides at Madagascar to flow S down the E coast of wishing to get out of the current should go inside
Madagascar and across to the African coast. 200m. Around East London the current divides and
Equatorial Counter-current When the NE one arm circulates anticlockwise to join the
monsoon is blowing in the northern Indian Ocean a
Passages westabout
Southern Ocean Current. The Agulhas Current is at 12-25kn although in May and again in November
known and feared by many as it can give rise to they are less consistent. Generally this is a fast
exceptionally steep seas with a short period when a passage with a relatively easy landfall at Christmas
SW blow comes through. Yachts should listen Island. Some yachts break the passage at Ashmore
carefully to weather forecasts in the area when on Reef. From Christmas Island yachts usually proceed
passage around the tip of Africa. on to Cocos Keeling. Some yachts will make the
Somali Current This current runs up or down the passage direct to Cocos Keeling because the
coast of Somalia and Kenya depending on the anchorage at Christmas Island is uncomfortable
season. When the NE monsoon is blowing in the with the swell pushed around into it with the SE
northern Indian Ocean it flows SW down the coast. trades. The anchorage at Cocos is safe and
It is a strong current running at 2kn with 3-4kn not comfortable with the SE trades.
unusual at certain times. When the SW monsoon is
blowing it flows NE up the coast and often attains W2 Darwin to Langkawi or Phuket
rates of 3kn with 4kn not unusual. Charts Aus 413, BA 941B, 941A, 830. You will of
course need more detail than this bare minimum.
Pilots NP34 Indonesia Pilot Vol II. NP36 Indonesia Pilot
Passages westabout Vol 1. NP44 Malacca Strait Pilot
Darwin to Vali (Benoa) 970M
Passages westabout take the normal trade winds Bali (Benoa) to Singapore 985M
route and this is the most common direction for Singapore to Langkawi (Kuah) 420M
yachts to go as part of a circumnavigation or starting Langkawi (Kuah) to Phuket (Ao Chalong) 135M
off from Australasia for a cruise of the Indian Ocean Season May to December
region. There are a lot of variations, but for the most Tropical storms December to April. (A small chance
part yachts will travel through Southeast Asia and only in the Timor Sea.)
then across to Sri LankalIndia and then on across to This is the more leisurely route when going west.
the Red Sea and up to the Mediterranean. The Many yachts follow the regatta series beginning in
alternative is to Christmas Island, Cocos/Chagos, Darwin with the Darwin to Ambon Race in late July
Sri LankalIndia and on across to the Red Sea and and proceeding on to the Bali to Jakarta Yacht Race,
the Mediterranean. Some yachts will go down Jakarta to Nongsa Race and the Raja Muda. There
around Africa, but the majority take the Red Sea are numerous regattas and race series in between
option to the Mediterranean. finishing up with the Kings Cup at Phuket in early
Note December.
Charts are small scale British Admiralty (BA) with a few There will be periods of calms once you are
exceptions where charts from another Hydrographic amongst the Indonesian archipelago and in the
department are routinely used. Malacca Straits. The likelihood of tropical storms is
Sailing directions are British Admiralty. It is illegal to very low and the only bad weather is likely to be
photocopy charts and pilots or to carry photocopies on squalls associated with thunderstorms including the
board. It will invalidate an insurance policy covering notorious Sumatra in the Malacca Straits.
your boat and makes you liable to maritime claims in a This route takes some people a year or two to do
country including third party claims. as there are a lot of places to explore along the way.
Season is the normal time yachts make the passage Yachts going west will normally leave from
described. Langkawi or Phuket.
Tropical storms gives the months when it is likely there
will be a tropical storm although in some areas there is W3 Fremantle to Cocos Keeling
the possibility of a tropical storm all year round, but
storms are rare in certain months. Chart BA 4070
The following brief descriptions identify the main routes Pilots NP17 Australia Pilot Vol V. NP34 Indonesia Pilot
going westabout. Vol II
Fremantle to Cocos Keeling 1585M
WI Darwin to ChristInas Island/Cocos Season May to October
Keeling Tropical storms November to April
Charts Aus 413, BA 4071 This is the quick route to the northern Indian Ocean
Pilots NP17 Australia Pilot Vol V. NP34 Indonesia Pilot during the SE trades. The passage will normally be
Vol II a fast one and at times a wet and roIly passage. Some
Darwin to Christmas Island 1490M yachts sail up the W coast of Australia before setting
Christmas Island to Cocos Keeling 530M out for Cocos.
Season May to October
Tropical storms December to April W4 Phuket to Sri Lanka (Galle) and
This is the standard fast way out of Australia into via the Andamans (Port Blair)
the southern Indian Ocean. Once out of the wind Charts BA 830,827
shadow of Australia the SE trades blow consistently Pilots NP21 Bay of Bengal Pilot, NP38 West Coast of
India Pilot

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Passages westabouts
Phuket to Sri Lanka (Galle) 1100M weather and some motoring. Most yachts tend to
Phuket to Andamans (Port Blair) 410M make the passage in September to November.
Andamans (Port Blair) to Sri Lanka (Galle) 850M Closing on Sri Lanka a fair amount of commercial
Season January to March although yachts sometimes traffic will be encountered and a good lookout must
leave in December. be kept at this stage.
Tropical storms May to December There are three different current flows to deal
Once clear of the wind shadow of Thailand the NE with here, but the overwhelming direction for the
monsoon blowing at 12-20kn gives a fast passage to most popular time in September to November is
Sri Lanka. Yachts nonnally pass through the Great towards the E and the Southwest Monsoon Current
Channel between Great Nicobar Island and the N can flow at anything up to 2kn towards the E around
end of Sumatra, but can also pass through the the bottom of Sri Lanka. Allowance should be made
Sombrero Channel between Katchall Island and for this overall push towards the E and while leaving
Little Nicobar which is free of dangers. It is the passage until December is an option, it doesn't
prohibited to approach or anchor off the Nicobars seem to make a great deal of difference when
(see section on the Nicobars). In the approaches to compared to making an earlier passage.
Dondra Head, the southern end of Sri Lanka, traffic
is squeezed into narrow separation lanes and there W6 Cocos Keeling to Chagos
will be a significant increase in shipping. The best (Salomon Islands)
option is to go between the inside lane and the coast Charts BA'4707, 4703
and although large numbers of fishing boats will be
Pilots NP44 Malacca Strait Pilot, NP39 South Indian
encountered, especially at night, this is a better Ocean Pilot
option than mixing it with ships in the separation
Cocos Keeling to Chagos (Salomon Islands) 1520M
lanes further out.
The passage to Port Blair in the Andamans will Season May to October
usually be dogged by light winds until clear of the Tropical storms November to April
wind shadow off Thailand. Remember it is advisable Most boats make this passage around September to
to have an Indian visa with a stamp to visit restricted October when the SE trades have died down a bit,
areas before leaving for Port Blair (see section on the but are still consistent and strong enough to make
Andamans). From the Andamans to Sri Lanka it is for a speedy passage. The currents during this time
a downhill ride with the NE monsoon. are mostly W -going with the South Equatorial
In the Andaman Sea there will often be upwelling Current although the further N you get, the more
currents producing a strange choppy sea in defined likely the current will slow or even reverse towards
areas. This phenomenon occurs over most of the the E as the Southwest Monsoon Current takes
Andaman Sea between the Nicobars and Andamans over. For most yachts this is a pleasant fast passage
and the Thai and Bunnese coast. Around the if occasionally a bit roIly when the trades go into the
Nicobars and Andamans there are variable currents, E.
some producing overfalls, and there will often be an
onshore set which needs to be monitored with the W7 Cocos Keeling to Rodrigues,
cross-track error on the GPS. Around the bottom of Mauritius and Reunion
Sri Lanka there are also strong currents, some with
Charts BA 4714, 4703
an onshore set, which need to be monitored.
Pilots NP44 Malacca Strait Pilot. NP39 South Indian
Ocean Pilot
W5 Cocos Keeling to Sri Lanka (Galle) Cocos Keeling to Rodrigues (Port Mathurin) 1985M
Chart BA 4707 Cocos Keeling to Mauritius (Port Louis) 2330M
Pilots NP44 Malacca Strait Pilot. NP38 West Coast of Cocos Keeling to Reunion (Port des Galets) 2460M
India Pilot Season May to October
Cocos Keeling to Sri Lanka (Galle) 1480M Tropical storms November to April
Season August to December For this passage it is important that the voyage is
Tropical storms November to April in southern Indian planned well clear of the cyclone season and with
Ocean!April to December in the Bay of Bengal. time in hand to leave the area for east Africa before
This transequatorial route is pretty much clear of the onset of the cyclone season. The three
the tropical stonn zones although even on the Mascarene Islands of Rodrigues, Mauritius and
fringes the effects of a tropical stonn can be felt with Reunion have a good chance of being hit by cyclones
winds and especially big seas. The chances of a which develop in the area and there are not too
tropical stonn once N of the equator are next to many options available if a cyclone is predicted to
non-existent. pass by.
Because the route passes through the ITCZ, The passage will be a fast one although it is often
winds will be variable and the likelihood of reported as uncomfortable with big seas the further
thunderstonns and squalls is high. There are few S you go and some days when the SE trades are
who have much that is good to say about this route somewhat more than boisterous. For this reason it is
and it can involve lots of sail changes, dull rainy not a bad idea to make the passage around June

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
before the SE trades get up to full strength and it The seas are not too big and the current is going in
allows some time to explore the Mascarene Islands the right direction. The approach to the Seychelles
before leaving. needs to be made with caution and the final
The currents are all favourable for this passage approach to Victoria should be by day.
and the landfall on the high volcanic islands is The passage to the Comoros tends to get more
straightforward. windy as you go S and the seas start to get bigger
and less pleasant.
W8 Chagos (Salomon Islands), Sri The passage from Moroni to Nosy Be tends to be
Lanka (Galle), Maldives (Male) and sheltered from the worst of the swell by the bulk of
Madagascar and the closer you get, the less sea there
India (Cochin) is.
Charts BA 4703, 4707 For detailed information on passages around the
Pilot NP38 West Coast of India Comoros and Madagascar see East Africa Pilot by
Sri Lanka (Galle) to Chagos (Salomon Islands) 835M Delwyn McPhun.
Sri Lanka (Galle) to India (Cochin) 355M
India (Cochin) to Maldives (Male) 390M
Maldives (Male) to Chagos (Salomon Islands) 595M
W10 Seychelles (Victoria) to the Red
Season January to April
Charts BA 4703, 4704
Tropical storms May to December
Pilots NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot. NP3 Africa Pilot
The rough triangle of routes here are mostly used Vol III. NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot
during the NE monsoon period. Yachts en route to
Seychelles (Victoria) to Red Sea (Bab el Mandeb)
the Red Sea will often cross from Galle to the 1720M
Maldives and a good number now go up to Cochin.
Season June to October
Some yachts head down to Chagos and likewise
some head from Cochin to the Maldives and then Tropical storms May to June (small risk)
onto the Red Sea or down to Chagos. Winds can For this passage yachts need to hitch into the SW
vary dramatically depending on the route. monsoon period which gives favourable winds and
From Galle to Chagos winds will initially be current. The problem is that when the SW monsoon
NE-E with the NE monsoon and then become is blowing at full strength there will often be gale
variable in the ITCZ with a good chance of force winds around the Hom of Africa and in the
thunderstorms and squalls. You will also have to do entrance to the Gulf of Aden. For this reason yachts
a bit of motoring. Many yachts leave this passage normally make the passage in September to October
until later in the season, around March or April. when the SW monsoon has died down a bit, but
From Galle to Cochin the passage will be there is still sufficient wind to shift you along and a
boisterous where the NE monsoon is funnelled favourable current.
down through the gap between the bottom of India Yachts should go well outside Socotra before
and Sri Lanka with winds of Force 7 (30kn) not heading into the Gulf of Aden because of the piracy
uncommon for a day or so. Once up to the coast risk around Somalia and Socotra. Yachts will
there will be land and sea breezes to Cochin. probably head for Mukalla or Aden to break the
From Cochin to Male there is a good breeze from voyage before tackling the Red Sea.
the NE monsoon· once you are clear of the wind In the NE monsoon yachts will usually find light
shadow off India, although this tends to weaken as and variable winds from the NW-NE in October-
you get towards the Maldives. November when heading towards the Gulf of Aden
From Male to Chagos the winds will be variable and when the NE monsoon is established there will
with thunderstorms and squalls in the ITCZ zone as be E winds in the Gulf of Aden itself.
for the Galle to Chagos passage.
W11 Seychelles (Victoria) to East
W9 Chagos (SaloDlon Islands) to the Mrica (Mombasa)
Seychelles (Victoria), Comoros, Charts BA 4703, 4701
Madagascar (Nosy Be) Pilots NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot. NP3 Africa Pilot
Chart BA 4702 Vol III
Pilot NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot Seychelles (Victoria) to East Africa (Mombasa) 950M
Chagos (Salomon Islands) to Seychelles (Victoria) Season May to September
IOIOM Tropical storms none
Seychelles (Victoria) to Comoros (Moroni) 860M With the SE. trades this is a fast and pleasant
Comoros (Moroni) to Madagascar (Nosy Be) 320M passage. The currents are favourable until you hit
Season May to October the Somali Current which flows strongly to the N up
Tropical storms November to April the coast of Kenya and Somalia. The width of the
The passage from Chagos to the Seychelles is current is around 100 miles for the worst of the
usually a pleasant one with the SE trades providing current and this has been recorded at 4--5kn at
a moderate breeze and hardly ever getting blustery. times. By all accounts getting through the current is

Passages westabout
a wet business and there seems little to be done W14 India (Cochin) to Oman (Mina
except to expect a loss to the N. If this can be Raysut), Yemen (Aden) and the Red
compensated by keeping as far S as possible in the
approaches then so much the better. The current Sea
usually finishes around 30-50 miles off the coast. Chart BA 4705
Pilots NP38 West Coast of India. NP64 Red Sea and Gulf
of Aden Pilot
W12 Mauritius (Port Louis) to the
India (Cochin) to Oman (Mina Raysut) 1360M
Comoros (Moroni) and Madagascar India (Cochin) to Yemen (Aden) 1850M
(Nosy Be) India (Cochin) to the Red Sea (Bab el Mandeb) 1940M
Chart BA 4702 Sri Lanka (Galle) to the Red Sea (Bab e1 Mandeb)
Pilot NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot 2240M
Mauritius (Port Louis) to Comoros (Moroni) l065M Season January to April
Mauritius (Port Louis) to Madagascar (Nosy Be) 825M Tropical stonos May to December
Season May to October Yachts normally leave Galle, the Maldives and
Tropical stonns November to April Cochin around January to February for the passage
During the SE trades this is a downwind run that across to Mina Raysut (Salalah) or Aden when the
will be fast if a bit wet and furious at times. At the NE monsoon is firmly established. Yachts can also
northern tip of Madagascar the wind tends to be leave in December when the risk of tropical storms
particularly heavy although once around the top is very low. Yachts heading for Aden or the Red Sea
things get better. The seas up to Madagascar can be directly should not aim to make too much northing
fairly big at times and it will not always be a at first as the NE monsoon will be mostly N at first,
comfortable trip. The currents are all favourable gradually turning to NE and E at the entrance to the
except for the counter current running up the W Gulf of Aden. This allows you to make the passage
coast of Madagascar. with the wind just aft of the beam all the way to the
The voyage can be broken at a number of places Gulf of Aden rather than going N and then rolling
around Madagascar or at Mayotte. downwind to the Gulf of Aden. In addition the
For detailed information on passages around the W -going current is strongest around 11 o-12°N
Comoros and Madagascar see East Africa Pilot by giving a useful boost to daily averages.
Delwyn McPhun. Likewise going to Mina Raysut, it pays to curve
gradually up to the north rather than trying to make
a lot of northing in the beginning.
W13 Mauritius (Port Louis) to South This passage is considered to be one of the gentler
Africa (Durban) ocean passages with only a moderate swell and
Charts BA 4700 winds hardly ever above Force 5 (20kn) and clear
Pilots NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot. NP3 Africa Pilot skies with few thunderstorms and squalls.
Mauritius (Port Louis) to Durban 1555M W15 Red Sea passages
Season May to October Chart BA 4704
Tropical stonns November to April Pilot NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot
This is the fast way out of the Indian Ocean around Bab e1 Mandeb to Port Suez 1210M
the southern end of Madagascar and to Durban or a Season December to April
yacht can continue on to the Cape of Good Hope Tropical stonos none
and into the Atlantic. The SE trades die down
Getting up the Red Sea is complicated by the fact
towards the bottom of Africa and some SW winds
that the prevailing winds blow down the Red Sea
and a SW blow will be likely. The SW blows against
from the N for most of the year. At the bottom of
the strong Agulhas Current running down the coast
of Africa can produce very steep and dangerous the Red Sea there will be southerlies from
December to March/April blowing for anything up
seas. It is worthwhile monitoring the weather in this
to 100-150 miles N ofBab el Mandeb. After that it
area which has a -bad reputation for small craft.
is likely the convergence zone will be encountered
For detailed information on passages around
and N of Massawa there will be northerlies. For the
Madagascar and South Africa see East Africa Pilot by
Delwyn McPhun and the South African Nautical rest of the way up the Red Sea northerlies will blow,
Almanac by Tom Morgan.
often quite strongly at Force 6-7 (25-35kn) with
few days of calm. The short steep seas kicked up by
the wind make going to windward a wet and bumpy
business and the whole thing will come as a bit of
shock to those who have been on passage downwind
for some time. Unless you are in a hurry (in which
case it will all just be wet and uncomfortable) it is
best to take some time over the Red Sea passage.
For detailed information on passages in the Red
Sea see Red Sea Pilot by Elaine Morgan and Stephen

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Passages eastabout

Wl6 East Africa passages Passages eastabout

Charts BA 4701,4700
Pilot NP3 Africa Pilot Vol III. Passages eastabout are less common than the
Kenya (Mombasa) to the Red Sea (Bab e1 Mandeb)
westabout trade winds route. Yachts will choose an
2150M (outside Socotra) eastabout passage if they want to get directly from
Kenya (Mombasa) to South Africa (Durban) 1750M the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, to get from
Tropical storms May to October east Africa to other cruising grounds, or to get
quickly back to Australasia and the Pacific from the
The passage from Mombasa to the Red Sea is best bottom of South Africa.
in October to December when the SW monsoon is
dying out and the Somali current is still favourable. Note
Late November to December are best as then the Charts are small scale British Admiralty (BA) with a few
NE monsoon can be caught in the Gulf of Aden and exceptions where charts from another Hydrographic
southerlies are more likely in the bottom of the Red department are routinely used.
Sea. Yachts need to keep well clear of Somalia and Sailing directions are British Admiralty. It is illegal to
Socotra because of the piracy risk there. Yachts will photocopy charts and pilots or to carry photocopies on
often break the passage at Mukalla or Aden. board. It will invalidate an insurance policy covering
The passage from Mombasa to Durban is rarely a your boat and makes you liable to maritime claims in a
country including third party claims.
direct one as there are lots of places to stop off en
route. Yachts normally cruise down the coast of Season is the normal time yachts make the passage
Tanzania to Mozambique and Madagascar in July described.
to August aiming to be going down the Tropical storms gives the months when it is likely there
Mozambique Channel in September to October. will be a tropical storm though in some areas there is the
possibility of a tropical storm all year round, but storms
The ramifications of current, winds, the cyclone
are rare in certain months.
season and the rainy season make cruise planning
essential along the East African coast. For further The following brief descriptions identify the main routes
going eastabout.
information consult East Africa Pilot by Delwyn
EI Red Sea Passages
Wl7 Durban to Capetown and the Chart BA 4704
Pilot NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot
Chart BA 4204 Port Suez to Port Suez 1210M
Season All year
Pilot NP3 East Africa Pilot Vol III.
Tropical storms none
Durban to Capetown 175M
Season January to March Getting down the Red Sea is easier than getting up.
The prevailing winds are northerly for all of the year
The passage around the Cape of Good Hope can be at least down as far as the bottom of Sudan. You can
a challenging one, but with attention to planning
potter down the Red Sea or pick up a brisk northerly
and constant monitoring of the weather forecasts blow and fly down for as long as it lasts. For the
there should be few problems in the southern southern end of the Red Sea the situation is
summer. The main danger is of SW gales coming in somewhat different. With the NE monsoon blowing
and causing steep and potentially dangerous waves there will be strong southerlies, up to gale force,
when it blows against the SW-going Agulhas anywhere just S of Massawa to Bab el Mandeb. Add
Current. Wave heights of 20m have been recorded
to these headwinds a current of anything from
and the waves are very steep. Choosing your time
I-3kn and it can be hard work getting out of the
and monitoring the weather forecasts, it is possible
bottom of the Red Sea. When the SW monsoon is
to coast around here without encountering bad blowing northerlies extend further down the Red
Sea and often there will be just a patch of variable
For detailed information see the South African
wind or light southerlies at the bottom of the Red
Nautical Almana~ by Tom Morgan. Sea.
The favoured time to make the passage is in July-
August when you can pop out the bottom of the Red
Sea and catch the last of the SW monsoon up to
Mukalla or Mina Raysut before continuing on
across to India or Sri Lanka. The only disadvantage
to this is that it is very hot at this time in the bottom
of the Red Sea and around the Arabian peninsula,
often in the high 30s or 40°C.
For detailed information on passages in the Red
Sea see Red Sea Pilot by Elaine Morgan and Stephen
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

E2 Red Sea (Bab el Mandeb) to With the SW monsoon it is a matter of catching

Yemen (Aden), Oman (Mina Raysut), the tail of the monsoon in August to September. It
will be a rapid passage across to India or Sri Lanka
and India (Bombay) and fairly wet at times. Although this is theoretically
Chart BA 4705 the cyclone season, the incidence of cyclones is very
Pilots NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. NP38 West low.
Coast of India
Bab e1 Mandeb to Aden 100M E4 Red Sea (Bab el Mandeb) to Kenya
Bab e1 Mandeb to Mukalla 370M
Bab el Mandeb to Mina Raysut (Salalah) 690M (Mombasa) and the Seychelles
Mina Raysut to Bombay 1080M (Victoria)
Mina Raysut to Cochin 1360M Charts BA 4705, 4703
Season December to March and August to September Pilots NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. NP3 Africa
Tropical storms May to December (incidence in Pilot Vol III
August to September is virtually nil) Bab el Mandeb to Kenya (Mombasa) 2150M (outside
Yachts nonnally try to exit out of the Red Sea into Socotra)
the Gulf of Aden around late July and through Bab el Mandeb to Seychelles (Victoria) 1720M
August and then proceed around the coast via Aden Season November to March
and Mukalla to Mina Raysut. The trick here is to Tropical storms May to December in Arabian Sea
avoid the SW monsoon when it is blowing strongest (incidence in August to September is virtually nil)
in July in the Arabian Sea and catch the tail end of This passage should be made in the NE cionsoon
the SW monsoon as it dies down in late when there will be favourable winds and current
August/September. Yachts normally cross to once you get out of the Gulf of Aden. The latter can
Bombay, Goa (Panaji) or Cochin in late August and be a bit of a struggle and most yachts go up to
through September. Although this is theoretically Mukalla.
the cyclone season, the incidence of cyclones is very Yachts on passage to Kenya should not be
low. tempted to squeeze through the passage between
It is possible to cross from the Gulf of Aden to Socotra and Somalia because of the risk of piracy.
India during the NE monsoon although a yacht Some yachts do take this shortcut, but there have
must be able to efficiently go to windward. See E3 been more than enough incidents to make this a very
below. risky business. Once out from Socotra it is a
Care must be taken to keep well clear of the coast downwind passage to Kenya with the Somali
of Somalia and Socotra because of the risk of piracy. Current providing a useful increment to daily runs.
The passage from the Gulf of Aden to the
E3 Red Sea (Bab el Mandeb) to India Seychelles is straightforward once out of the Gulf of
(Cochin) and Sri Lanka (Galle) Aden although yachts usually run out wind for
Charts BA 4705, 4706 longish periods and a good supply of diesel will be
Pilots NP64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. NP38 West
necessary if you are not to take a long time over the
Coast of India passage.
Bab el Mandeb to Mukalla 370M
Bab el Mandeb to Ras Fartak 550M ES Sri Lanka (Galle) to Thailand
Mukalla to Cochin 1615M (Phuket) and Singapore
Ras Fartak to Cochin 1450M Chart BA 4707
Mukalla to Galle 1910M
Ras Fartak to Galle 1750M Pilots NP38 West Coast of India Pilot. NP2! Bay of
Bengal Pilot. NP44 Malacca Strait Pilot
Season December to March and August to September
Sri Lanka (Galle) to Phuket 1100M
Tropical storms May to December (incidence in Sri Lanka (Galle) to Malaysia (Kuah) 1180M
August to September is virtually nil) Kuah to Singapore 420M
During the NE monsoon getting out of the Gulf of Season January to March and June to August
Aden against the prevailing easterlies and against the Tropical storms April to December Oune to August
W-going current (I-2kn) can take some doing have a low incidence of cyclones)
although it is possible to coast along Yemen until a
This passage can be made during the NE monsoon
good slant can be obtained from Ras Fartak.
although like the passage eastabout across the
Around longitude 55°E the worst of the current
Arabian Sea, it means going to windward to get to
should be over and it is then a matter of sailing hard
Southeast Asia. It is not unduly arduous and in the
on the wind to India or Sri Lanka. Initially it will not
approaches to Sumatra and Thailand there may well
be possible to point in the right direction, but bit by
be long periods of calm or light winds where you will
bit the NE monsoon will tum to the NNE and then
have to motor.
N and you will be able to pull around to Cochin or
The passage can be made during the SW
Galle. Although you are hard on the wind, the
monsoon in June to August and although there is a
moderate breeze and moderate seas do not make
risk of tropical stonns, the risk is low and by keeping
this an unduly arduous passage.

Passages eastabout
around lOoN or lower you should be able to take E9 Seychelles (Victoria) to Chagos
avoiding action if a tropical storm threatens. (Salomon Islands)
Passage from Phuket or Langkawi down to
Chart BA 4702
Singapore is best made with the NE monsoon
although the winds are much affected by the land Pilot NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot
and sea breeze pattern and there will be calms. Seychelles (Victoria) to Chagos (Salomon Islands)
Season November to December and April
E6 East Africa to the Seychelles
Charts BA 4701, 4703 Tropical stonns November to April
Pilots NP3 Africa Pilot Vol III. NP39 South Indian Ocean This passage is against the prevailing winds so a
Pilot yacht should attempt to make it at the beginning or
Mombasa to Seychelles (Victoria) 950M end of the NW monsoon which coincides with the
Dar es Salaam to Seychelles (Victoria) 975M cyclone season. In November and again in April the
Season All year likelihood of a cyclone is rare and in any case a yacht
will be pretty much out of the sea area affected by
Tropical stonns none
keeping N of 5 0S. Just because you are not in the
Although it is possible to make this passage all year actual path of a cyclone does not mean that the
round, the best time is during the NE monsoon weather and seas will not impede progress and any
when the wind is likely to be NNW-NW once across cyclone <teveloping in the area will send a
the Somali Current. You will also pick up the considerable swell up to 5 0S and the weather can be
Equatorial Counter-current about halfway across. squally with impressive thunderstorms.
Winds are likely to be light and variable with some To make the passage during the SE monsoon
squalls as you get towards the Seychelles. between May to October would mean you would
For detailed information on passages around East have to beat to windward to get there, but there
Africa see East Africa Pilot by Delwyn McPhun. would be a negligible risk of tropical stoans.

E7 Seychelles to Mauritius and EIO Chagos (Salomon Islands) to

Reunion Thailand (Phuket) and Malaysia
Chart BA 4702 (Langkawi)
Pilot NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot Charts BA 4703, 4707
Seychelles (Victoria) to Mauritius (port Louis) 945M Pilots NP39 South Indian Ocean Pilot. NP 44 Malacca
Seychelles (Victoria) to Reunion (Pon des Galettes) Strait Pilot
Chagos (Salomon Islands) to Thailand (Phuket) I760M
Season May to October Chagos (Salomon Islands) to Langkawi (Kuah) I8I5M
Tropical stonns November to April Season All year
This is a windward route which cannot be made Tropical stonns none
when the SE trades are partially displaced by the On this transequatorial route the incidence of
NW monsoon because of the risk of cyclones. Most
tropical storms is rare although like E9 the effects of
yachts will tend to voyage down the coast of East a cyclone to the N or S can produce big seas and
Africa and then across to the Comoros and Mayotte unsettled weather. The best time to make this
before the final bash to Mauritius and Reunion. passage is at the beginning of the SW monsoon
period when with luck you will pick up good SW
E8 South Africa to Seychelles winds once across the ITCZ.
Charts BA 4204, 4700, 4701, 4703
Pilots NP3 Africa Pilot Vol III. NP 39 South Indian Ell South Africa to Australia
Ocean Pilot Charts BA 4072, 4070, 4060
Capetown to Durban 175M Pilots NP3 Africa Pilot Vol III. NP39 South Indian Ocean
Durban to Seychelles (Victoria) 2IOOM Pilot. NP13 Australia Pilot Vol I. NP17 Australia Pilot Vol
Season May to October V. NP14Austraiia Pilot Vol II
Tropical storms November to April Capetown to Fremantle 4710M
Yachts proceeding around the bottom of Africa will Capetown to Sydney 6320M
have a hard job against the Agulhas Current. Season December to March
Passage up the Mozambique Channel should be in This fast route from South Africa to Australia
Mayor June as the chance of SW gales is highest in should only be made in yachts built and equipped to
July and August. Once up towards Tanzania yachts withstand the rigours of the roaring forties. The
can follow the passage as for E6. winds around 400S blow from the W around the
For detailed information on passages around east globe and are frequently at gale force. The seas,
Africa and South Africa see East Africa Pilot by driven by this wind and unchecked by any land can
Delwyn McPhun and the South African Nautical be mountainous. Most of us will have seen pictures
Almanac by Tom Morgan. of the Whitbread Race around the world (now the

Indain Ocean Pilot
Volvo Race) where the 60 to 70ft yachts look like
dinghies in the mountainous seas and waves
continually sweep over the decks. Cruising yachts
should attempt to keep fairly well N so that they are
on the edge of the roaring forties and do not get
down to the furious fifties and the screaming sixties.
The passage in the southern winter should be
avoided if possible as ice can drift a fair way Nand
the consequences of hitting even a small bergy bit in
this desolate piece of ocean should persuade most
people that summer is the season to do this trip.
Even then it is for the hardy in a bullet-proof yacht
that can withstand this ocean.

I. Northern Indian Ocean

INDIA 8ay of 8engel


Mangalora f:) Madr..
• ~~ort Blair

Ten Degrees
Andllmlln Gulfof
Channel $ ..

Nicobars (India) ,.

'00 ,
200 ,
300 ,
'00 500
Niilutical Miles
600 Grellt Channel
Hat Ya;

M ost visitors to Singapore from Europe, the USA
Singapore and Commonwealth countries will automatically get
Current situation a visa on entry for two weeks. This is extendible for
Singapore is a stable d emocracy although it has been another two weeks and it is possible to get an
ruled with an iron fist by Lee Kuan Yew since extension up to 90 days. A yacht can be left here for
secession from Malaysia in 1970. Lee himself long periods and visas apply to individuals only.
resigned as prime minister in 1990 and was Entry fonnalities
succeeded by Goh Chok Tong although Lee's tough On arrival in Singapore you must go to immigration
policies arc continued. In a sort o f benign and the port office after you have arrived .
dictatorship, opposition to the government is strictly Immigration is at: Seaman's Section , #3-01B World
controlled and Singapore is one of the most orderly Trade Centre, 1 Maritime Square, Telok Blangah
places in Southeast Asia. Littering, including Road, Singapore 0409. 'fr 273 0525/273 0053/4.
dropping cigareue butts and chewing gum in public Once stamped in here you must report the yachts
places, carries a fine. Vandalism and graffiti writing arrival at the Port Clearance Office, Tanjong Pagar
is punishable with a birching. These laws apply Complex .
equally to visitors and the locals alike, so behave
yourself. Area 620km' (239M 1)
The waters around Singapore are well patrolled Coastline 193km ( 10 4M)
and [Oday the incidence of piracy inside the Maritime claims Territorial 3M. Exclusive fishing zone
territorial waters is low for yachts. 12M.
Population 2,765,000
Documentation and visas
Tinw zone UT+R
Nonnal boats papers and a valid passpo rt for all Language Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English (all
crew members must be carried. You may be asked offi cial). English widely spoken.
for a radio licen ce and insurance documents Ethnic divisions Chinese 76%, Malay 15%, Indian
although there will be few problems if you do not 6'5%, other including Europeans 2·5%.
have them . Religion Chinl;!se are mostly Buddhist, Malays are
bldian Deeml Crnising Guide

Johor Baharv

Ponggol Marina (l ""

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Sebana Cove Marina
Singapore Is land
Chengi Airport@
T Slapa

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Public holidays I n ternational

Jan I New Years Day Air C hangi Internation al Airport is an ultramodern
May I Labour Day affair that handles flight s from all around the world.
Aug 9 National Day Singapore Airlines fly to many destin ations
Dec 25 Christmas including cou ntries around the Pacific and (0
JanfFeb Chinese New Year E urope. M ost other major airlines also have services
Apr Good Friday, Hari Raya Punsa from Changi.
Apr/May Vcsak Day Fem·es To nearby towns on the Malay peninsula and
1un.Jul Hari Raya Haji to the ruau Islands.
Nov Deepavali
Government Democratic Republic although one party
Train Singapore is me southern tennination of the
has ruled continuously since 1970. Malaysian railway network and is connected to the
Disputes Two islands in dispute with Malaysia. main line through Kuala Lumpur and Butterwonh
Gn'm e Low level of crime with efficient police force . and so on to Thailand .
Drug smuggling in Singapore is harshly dealt with and Bus Frequent bus services [0 Malays ian
can be punishable by death, so do not even think about destinations.
Travel Mail Reliable and efficient. Can be sent to Poste
Inte rnal Restante but a private address is ( 0 be preferred .
Good bus and underground system (MRT: Mass
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
Rapid Transit) to all areas. Taxis and car hire.
65. Phone cards and credit card dialling widespread .
Ferries to many places.
Digital phones with a GSM card work if your
supplier has an agreement in Singapore. Fax service
fro m agencies and hotels.

Currency The unit of currency is the Singapore

dollar divided into 100 cents. Rates of exchange Harbours and anchorages
have been reasonably stable although it lost value
with the Southeast Asian slump of 1997. Changi
Banks and exchange Most of me major banks can Charts BA 3831> 2569
be found in the Central Business District although
Cruising yachts will normally make for this
there are others elsewhere. Most banks will change
anchorage off the Changi Sailing Club.
travellers cheques or cash and many can glve a cash
advance on major credit cards. Banks are open Approach
1000-1500 weekdays and 1100- 1630 Sat. The anchorage lies on the NE comer of Singapore
Moneychangers (mostly located in Change Alley £Sland. Proceed around to Serangoon Harbour and
near the major banks) will exchange for cash and anchor where indicated in Loyang Bay off the pier in
travellers cheques. They also deal in restricted 12- 20m.
currencies such as Indian rupees and it is useful to VHF Ch 16, 69 for Chang] Sailing Club.
obtain some rupees here if headed for India (see the
section on clearing into India). ATMs which will 1. In the approaches yachts with masts higher than
take major credit cards are common. Many shops 49m must keep outside the restricted area shown
and restaurants also accept major credit and charge
on BA 3831.
cards. 2. Care is needed of the numerous craft using me
Medical care Medical facilities arc of a high eastern channels.
standard and charges are medium. Most doctors
and dentists will have been trained in Britain, Mooring
Australia, NZ, or the USA. Chinese herbal centres Data 160 moorings. 300 dry benhs ashore.
are common and acupuncture centres will be found. Anchor off the pier in Loyang Bay and then take the
The water is generally safe to drink. yacht tender around to Changi Sailing Club to son
Electricity 220V 50Hz AC. out a mooring.
For climate and weather see the section on Shelter Adequate although there is continual wash
Malaysia. from passing craft.
Authorities Commodore, club staff.
Anchorage It is often difficult to get a mooring at
C hangi, such is the demand, so yachts will often
anchor out in Loyang Bay or under the lee of Ubin
£Sland on the opposite side of the fairway. These
spots are as good as any and you can still get
temporary membership at the club and use the

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Indian Ocean Crnising Guide
Facilities and painting and antifouling.
Water At the club. Keppel Marina, Bukit Chermin Road, Singapore
Repairs Slipway up to 10m and 6 tons. Repairs can 098832. on- (65) 270 6665 Fax (65) 273 7900.
be arranged.
Provisions Some shopping nearby.
Keppel Marina is more of a dryberth marina and
Eating out Restaurants and local stalls. Good
yard than a fully fledged marina as such.
seafood at the beach restaurants.
Other 24 hour security. Library and chartroom.
Swimming pool. Bus and taxi into town. Singapore Yacht Club
Chang£ Sa£l£ng Club, 32 Netheravon Road, Changi,
Charts BA 3833
Singapore 1750. (Can be used as a mailing address).
on- (65) 545 2876 Fax (65) 542 4235. The Singapore Yacht Club may have a berth
available, but it is necessary to check and book a
General berth in advance.
Changi is a popular place for cruising yachts to stop
and the club is a convivial and convenient place to Mooring
be. To get into Singapore take the No. 29 bus from Data 30 berths. 120 dry berths.
behind the club to Tampines where you can transfer Facilities
to the MRT. Services Water and electricity. Clubhouse.
The club plans to build new facilities on the W
Ponggol Marina Singapore Yacht Club, 249 Lalan Buroh, Singapore
Charts BA 2586 609832. on- (65) 265 0931 Fax (65) 265 3957.
Through the Johor Channel to the entrance at
Ponggol. The first approach should only be made by Raffies Marina
day. Charts BA 3833

Mooring Approach
Data 62 berths. 800 dry berths. Visitors berths. The marina lies on the SW of Singapore Island a
short distance up the Johor Strait. Merambong Islet
Berth Where directed or anchor off.
is best left to port to avoid the Merambong Spit
Facilities running out N of it.
Services Water and electricity. Showers and toilet. VHF Ch 77 for marina office.
Repairs 70-ton travel-hoist. Most repairs can be
carried out or arranged. Mooring
Other Clubhouse. Restaurantlbar. Data 165 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 20m+8
Ponggol Marina, Lot 73, Ponggol, 17th Ave, megayacht berths.
Singapore 820000. on- (65) 385 3920 Fax (65) 385 Berth Where directed. Finger pontoons.
3923. Shelter Good all-round shelter.
General Authorities Harbourrnaster and marina staff. Charge
Ponggol is more a place to haul out than a place to band 2.
berth. It is a bit out of the way but there is public Facilities
transport into downtown Singapore. Services Water and electricity at all berths. Shower
and toilet block.
Fuel Fuel quay.
Keppel Marina Repa£rs 70-ton travel-hoist. Covered workshops.
Charts BA 3833 Mechanical and engineering repairs. GRP and wood
Marina 0IoI5'·9N 103°48'·66E WGS 84 repairs. Electrical work. Spray painting facilities.
Approach Chandlers.
The marina lies on Sentosa just S of West Keppel Contact: Marina Yacht Services Pte Ltd on- (65)
Fairway. 8624319/20 Fax (65) 8624431.
Provisions Mini-market.
Mooring Eat£ng out Restaurant and bar.
Data 50 berths. 200 berths ashore under cover. Max Other Telephone and fax services. Tennis, pool, and
LOA 25m. a gymnasium.
Berth Where directed. Pontoons. Raffles Marina, 10 Tuas West Drive, Singapore
638404. on- (65) 861 9000 Fax (65) 862 2280.
Services Water and electricity. Showers and toilets. General
Repairs 70-ton travel-hoist. 15,000lb marine forklift The marina is a bit out of the way from town, but
for dry berths. Most repairs including mechanical downtown Singapore can be reached by taxi or bus.
and engineering repairs, GRP repairs, wood repairs


Other services Indonesia

Natsteel Marine, 72 Loyang Way V 543 1651 For general infonnation on Indonesia see Cruising
Guide to Southeast Asia Volume II by Stephen Davies
Intennarine Supply Co. 12 Tuas 11 V 863 3396 and Elaine Morgan. For infonnation on the Riau
Marine International, 388 East Coast Road V 447 Islands including Batam see Riau Islands Cruising
Guide by Mathew Hardy available locally.
Codar, 315 Outram Road V 221 0310 Batam
Communication Systems, 67 Ayer Rajah C res.
11' 776 5191 Charts BA 3831, 3833
VDO Southeast Asia, 51 Ayer Rajah Cres. V 778 There are two marinas on the N of Batam used by
7772 cruisers as an alternative to the marinas and
Rico Pte Ltd, 80 Genting Lane. V 745 8472 anchorages around Singapore.
Motion Smith, 78 Shenton Way. V 220 5098
Inflatables and liferafts Nongsa Point Marina
Supratechnic Pte Ltd, 16 A Joo Koon Circle. Lies on the NE tip of Batam.
11' 862 2100 Mooring
W H Brennan, 47 Loyang Way. V 542 9722 Data 178 berths. Visitors berths.
Berth Where directed. Finger pontoons.
Marine Air-Con Systems, Hougang Ave 4.
11' 288 0668 Shelter Good shelter.
Rigging Authorities Harbounnaster and marina staff. Charge
Marintech Marketing, 101 Kitchener Road. band 2.
11' 298 8171 Nongsa Point Marina V (62) (778) 761 333 Fax
Sails (62) (778) 761 330.
Hip Jack & Co, Blk 642 Rowell Road. V 29 1 Facilities
5259 Services Water and electricity at all berths. Showers
Sail Spirit Ltd, 1210 East Coast Road. 'U' 752 and WC.
The marina is part of a hotel and condominium
complex. Ashore there are restaurants and bars,
mini-market, pool, and telephone and fax facilities.
Mini-bus connection to other pans of the island.

Marina Cove
Lies S of Sekupang on the NW of Batam.
l'HFCh 14.
Dangers Care needed of shallow patches in the
Data 60/150 berths. Visitors berths.
Berth Where directed. Finger pontoons.
Shelter Good shelter.
Authorities Harbounnaster and marina staff. Charge
band 2.
Man'na Cove Resort, Marina Clubhouse, Waterfront
C;ty, Batam. 11' (65) 276 5179 Fax (65) 225 7526.
Services Water and electricity at every benh.
Showers and We.
The marina is pan of a reson as yet unfinished.
There are restaurants and bars and a mini-bus
shuttle operates to Batu Ampar and Nagoya where
there is good shopping. The marina is next to Teluk
Senimba ferry tenninal which operates a setvice to

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Sumatra Malaysia
Yachts crossing to Sri Lanka from Langkawi have
reported putting into Sabang at the N end of Current situation
Sumatra for a break en route. Details are a bit Malaysia is a stable democracy although it has
sketchy but it seems if you cite the usual engine always been under the sway of the ruling party. the
problem or other minor breakdown then there are United Malay National Organisation (UMNO),
not too many problems. since independence. The present Prime Minister.
Yachts with a sailing permit for Indonesia will Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamad, usually known as
sometimes take the outside route down the western Dr Malathir. rules with an iron hand and is known
Sumatran coast and report that it is an idyllic for his Malay chauvinism and outspoken opposition
cruising area. to Western values, although none of this affects the
visitor who will recognise many old British
institutions and practices in the countn'o By and
large the officials here are fair and there is less
obvious corruption than in many other Southeast
Asian countries.
Piracy in the Malacca Strait is now much
diminished after the Singaporean. Malaysian and
Indonesian authorities decided to co-operate on
anti-piracy measures in 1992 and the few cases
which occur here concern commercial shipping and
not yachts. In 1993 there were no reported incidents
involving pleasure craft although commercial
shipping in the Malacca Strait is still a target for
pirate attacks. Patrol boats are much in evidence up
and down the coast keeping an eye on Indonesian
boats smuggling workers into Malaysia and as a by-
product the waters are weB policed and piracy
towards yachts virtually unknown in the last five
Documentation and visas
Normal boats papers and a valid passport for all
crew members must be carried. You may be asked
for a radio licence and insurance documents
although there seem to he few problems if you do
not have them.
Most visitors to Malaysia from Europe, the USA
and Commonwealth countries will automatically get
a visa on entry for 60 days. This is extendible up to
3 months and after that period you can go to
Singapore or Thailand by road or air and on your
return you will automatically be granted another 60
days extendible to 3 months.
Entry fonnalities
On entering territorial waters a yacht should
proceed to the nearest port of entry. From S to N
the pons of entry commonly used are at:
Port Dickson
Port Klang
Kuah at Langkawi
You can also clear in at Malacca and Sehana Cove
Marina. In most places. with the exception of
Lumut, the relevant offices will he grouped together
or within a short distance of each other. You must
bring the following documents: ship's papers, all
crew passpons, last pon clearance papers, crew and
passenger list. and if you have them a radio licence,
cenificate of competence and insurance documents.

A Q flag and a Malaysian courtesy flag should be holidays as can only be expected from this intricate
flown. mix of Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu cultures.
Governnzent The Confederation of Malaysia was
Note It is a serious crime to bring illegal drugs (of any fonned in 1963. It consists of 13 states in peninsular
sort, but especially heroin) and firearms into Malaysia. Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak. The 13 states are
Firearms must be declared on entry. Smuggling illegal ruled by Sultans, usually in direct succession from a
drugs into the country can carry the death penalty on royal family. Every 5 years an election is held for the
conviction. Yang di-Pertuan Agong or 'King' of Malaysia. An
Go to the Marine Department to register your elected government handles the real power and
arrival, to immigration to be stamped into the economic and law-making apparatus in the country.
country, to customs and the health office, and finally The UMNO party has been in power since 1963.
Disputes Dispute over the ownership of the Spratly
to the harbourmaster. You will be given various slips Islands with China, Philippines, Taiwan and
of paper to carry from one department to another Vietnam. The state of Sabah is claimed by the
and there is a modest charge for stamps on some of Philippines. The old frictions between Singapore and
the documents such as the immigration registration. Malaysia have largely been resolved. Some friction
On exit you must again visit all these departments with Thailand over smuggling. Some irritation with
and obtain a port clearance form. You will not need Indonesia over the smuggling of workers into
to clear immigration if you are going to another port Malaysia.
in Malaysia. Officially you must clear in and out of Crinze In general Malaysia is a safe country to travel in
each port you visit, but in practice many yachts will and there are few incidences of violence or robbery.
Around Langkawi there was a problem in the past
just clear in at the first port of entry and then clear
with smuggling between Thailand and Malaysia, but
out for the last port they visit before leaving this has been pretty much eliminated and a large
Malaysia where they will again clear in and out, patrol boat stationed here keeps it that way. Piracy in
visiting immigration this time to be stamped out. the Malacca Straits is confined to the Indonesian side
If you want to leave a yacht in Malaysia this is a and to big ships. The crew on Malay fishing boats
fairly straightforward process and does not involve a may look piratical, the boats look piratical as well, but
bond. Simply visit immigration and customs and they are a friendly lot and no danger. Theft from
then the harbourmaster where the requisite boats is infrequent, but take all precautions and lock
paperwork will be handled. On entry it is a simple the yacht securely before going ashore.
process to again visit these offices to collect the You should be aware that drug smuggling in
Malaysia is punishable by death, so do not accept
necessary paperwork for the yacht.
packages from strangers or acquaintances and pack
Data your own bag.
Area 329,750km 2 (127,317M 2) (includes peninsular Note Parts of Malaysia including Langkawi have
Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak) predominantly Muslim popUlations and topless sun-
Frontiers 2669km (1441M). Brunei 381km (206M). bathing is offensive. It is also offensive for men to go
Indonesia 1782km (963M). Thailand 506km into Muslim villages with bare torsos. Dress
(273M). appropriately if you are going ashore.
Coastline 4675km (2524M) iotal. Peninsular Malaysia
2068km (11 17M).
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic Internal
zone 200M. Good air, rail and road links. Ferries link some of
Population 18,750,000 the islands or coastal towns. Car and motorcycle
Capital Kuala Lumpur hire in some tourist areas.
Tinze zone UT+8 Air Internal routes are nearly all operated by the
Language Bahasa Malay. Cantonese. English is widely national airline MAS. There are useful links
between Langkawi, Alor Setar, Penang, Kuala
Ethnic divisions Malay and other indigenous 59%,
Chinese 32%, Indian 9%. Lumpur, and Johore Bahru or Singapore. There are
Religion Malays mostly Muslim, Chinese Buddhist, also numerous links to Sabah and Sarawak.
Indians Hindu. Rail There are two main lines running close to the E
Public holidays and W coasts. The W coast line runs from
Jan 1 New Ye~r's Day Singapore to Kuala Lumpur and on to Penang and
Feb 1 City Day (Kuala Lumpur) then to Thailand. The service is reliable, clean and
May 1 Labour Day cheap. It is much to be recommended and is worth
Jun 1 Yang di Pertuan Agong Birthday
taking a trip just for the trip itself.
Aug 31 Malaysian Day
Dec 25 Christmas Coach Most places in Malaysia are connected by
Moveable coach and the service is efficient and cheap. Try to
JanlFeb Chinese New Year get an air conditioned bus if possible. At holidays
AprlMay Wesak Day and weekends it pays to book in advance.
Ramadan (Lunar calendar)
Hire cars and motorcycles In the tourist areas (such as
Jul Hari Raya Haji
Sep/Oct Mohammed's Birthday Langkawi and Penang) there are numerous hire car
OctINov Deepavali and motorcycle companies. Rates are cheap.
There are many other national and local festivals and Taxis and rickshaws Taxis are common and will

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
either have a meter or you pre-pay for your equipped hospitals in the larger centres and tourist
destination. There are also numerous share-taxis resorts and doctors are often trained in Britain or
which run along a more or less predetermined route. the USA. The cost of medical care is medium but it
Long distance taxis operate on a full complement of is advisable to have private medical insurance. The
four and are a cheap way of getting around. In pharmacies are well stocked and there are few
places such as Penang there are rickshaws but these problems in obtaining any of the drugs you need.
now charge an exorbitant price and are more of a There are also numerous Chinese herbal centres
tourist attraction than a means of transport. and shops selling Chinese remedies.
Femes There are numerous ferry services between In the major towns and big resorts the water is
Langkawi and Penang and Singapore and generally safe to drink. If you are unsure drink
peninsular Malaysia. The ferries are often fast bottled water. For the most part any problems will
catamaran-type vessels. Ferry services also link other be a reaction to local micro-organisms in the water
places along the coast. to which you are not accustomed.
International Electn'city 220V 50Hz AC.
Connections by air, land and sea. Curiosities and culture
Air Most international flights are from Kuala Sons of the soil In 1969 violent riots broke out
Lumpur. From here it is possible to fly almost between the Malays and the resident Chinese
anywhere in the world. The national airline MAS population. The source of the dissent was the extent
gives good deals on tickets and has an extensive to which the Chinese controlled companies and
international network using modern aircraft. There business and the extent to which Malays were giVen
are some international flights from Penang and in privileges in land ownership, business licences and
the future there may be international flights from opportunities and positions in the government
Langkawi. It is also possible to find flights out of bureaucracy. Following the riots the government
Singapore. introduced the title bumiputra which means 'sons of
Land There are good rail and road connections with the soil' and stipulated wide ranging reforms which
Thailand and Singapore. gave the bumiputras more advantages. One of the
Practicalities main reforms was to define the amount of a
Mail Reliable and efficient. You can send letters to company's shares which a bumiputra must hoid in an
Poste Restante but it is better to use a private attempt to wrest control of the nation's business
address if possible. If you are having duty-free items away from the Chinese. Much of the talent and a lot
sent out get them sent to Langkawi which is a duty- of the wealth in Malaysia disappeared overnight as
free island. (See the notes on Langkawi.) the Chinese left in disgust and it is fair to say that
there is a good deal of resentment to this day.
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code While it was necessary to balance the wealth of the
60. Phone cards and credit card dialling to some resident Chinese against the poverty of the native
countries including the UK, USA and Australia. Malays, many feel that the concept of the bumiputra
Digital mobile phones with a GSM card work if your has done much to introduce laziness and minor
supplier has an agreement in Malaysia. Fax service corruption into Malay life when they are assured of
from agencies and hotels in the larger centres. The job positions and opportunities over and above the
telecommunications system is adequate and in other inhabitants of Malaysia. To a large extent the
general there are no problems dialling in and out. visitor doesn't see the effects of the system, but for
Currency The unit of currency is the Malaysian anyone working here the sloppiness the system has
dollar or ringgit divided into 100 sen. The ringgit introduced is all too evident.
used to be tied to the Singapore dollar but is now Ancient rainforests Peninsular Malaysia has the
one of the currencies in the basket of ASEAN most ancient rainforests in the world and the
currencies. Rates of exchange have been reasonably biodiversity of the region is astounding. In any
stable over the last 5 years although it lost value with anchorage away from centres of population the
the Southeast Asian slump of 1997. jungle teems with life and the extent of the flora and
Banks and exchange In any city or tourist resort fauna is astounding. There are over 8000 species of
there are banks which will change travellers cheques flowering plants including 2000 trees. It has the
or cash and give cash advances on major credit world's highest tree, the tualang, which can reach
cards. Banks are open from 0830-1200 and 80m (260ft) and the world's largest flower, the
1300-1600 Monday to Friday. In some provinces rafflesia, which can reach one metre across and
including Langkawi, all offices and shops close at weigh up to 9kg, nearly 20lbs. There are 450 species
midday Friday and all day Saturday, but are open of birds, 250 reptiles and 200 mammals. As for
on Sunday as a normal day of business. There are insects, there are an incredible 150,000 species.
also ATMs which will take major credit cards. Many Around Langkawi and any other places where you
shops and restaurants accept credit and charge can get away from man you only need to sit in the
cards. cockpit with a pair of binoculars and marvel. There
Medical care Is generally very good in the cities are huge flying sea eagles floating overhead,
and larger centres. There are well-staffed and monkeys crashing through the canopy, bright flashes

of colour from birds like hornbills, kingfishers, Geography and climate
woodpeckers and sunbirds. It is not uncommon to The coast Unlike Thailand, much of the W coast of
see snakes swimming across a river or from an island peninsular Malaysia is made up of flat river deltas
to the shore as contrary to popular opinion, most of although there is often high land not too far away.
them swim very well. There are cobras including the Around Langkawi and in other places down the
spitting cobra, pythons including the reticulated coast there are steep-to islands and coast jutting out
python which is the world's longest snake at around of the sea, but not in the exaggerated way of the
10m (32J.hft) and not the anaconda as is commonly islands in Thailand. Like Thailand everything is
supposed, vipers and tree snakes. If you go ashore covered in thick jungle and along the flatter parts of
the sheer density of the jungle is off-putting and the the coast there are extensive plantations of coconut
best thing to do is to try and find an established and palm oil palms.
path. Don't worry: most of the beasties there will Coastal waters In the Malacca Strait the depths
retire when they hear you crashing through the are everywhere below 100m and from Port Klang
undergrowth. Personally I try to make a lot of noise. down to Singapore everywhere below 50m.
Eating out Eating in Malaysia is pure heaven with Extensive shallows border the coast up to IO-15M
bounteous variety at unbelievable prices. You will off and in places like One Fathom Bank there are
find Chinese (Cantonese and northern and southern extensive shoals scattered across the width of the
Chinese as well), Indian (again all regions), Malay Malacca Strait. Off the coast there are also extensive
and Indonesian dishes. Most of this food will be drying mud flats bordered by large areas of
cooked fresh whether in an up-market hotel mangroves. Around Langkawi you will often be
restaurant or at a market stall. Dishes often contain sailing in waters just 3-4m deep for long periods arid
chicken, beef, pork or fish. Seafood is abundant with when you hit depths of more than 10m this is deep
a wide range of fish and crustaceans at bargain water around this archipelago.
basement prices. Add to this an abundance of fresh Although the shallow depths are at first
vegetables and tropical fruit and it is unlikely that intimidating, you get used to following the contour
anyone will not delight in the cuisine of Malaysia. lines and keeping an eye on the depth sounder.
Strange fruits Apart from all the usual tropical Because the water is fairly silty there is not a lot of
fruits like pineapples, bananas, mangoes and fringing coral around the coast. For most of the
pawpaws, Malaysia has a whole plateful of strange coast you can sit on the 20m line which keeps you
and assorted fruits. Some like the durian which away from the shipping lanes further out and
smells like a sewer and tastes like sour ice cream are outside of the range of smaller inshore fishing boats.
for aficionados only, and the durian for some reason You will still meet lots of fishing boats although they
has a lot of aficionados. Others should be tried and tend to be in clusters off the main fishing ports.
tried again. The rambutan is cousin to the lychee The fishing boats are normally adequately lit
and tastes just as good. The mangosteen is the size although some will simply flash a light at you or will
of an orange but with a dark purple skin concealing only turn their lights on when you are getting close.
white segments which taste like sweet and sour I won't pretend you will have any relaxed night
strawberries and grapes. The starfruit is a pale green sailing in the Malacca Strait, but you get used to it.
and when cut has a star shape. It has a cool slightly One danger is unlit smuggling boats coming across
sweet lime taste and is one of my favourite fruit from Sumatra, although they will usually keep well
juices. The custard apple or zirzat has a warty green clear of you just in case you are a patrol boat. Closer
exterior over a creamy white flesh that tastes of inshore, there can be fishing platforms although
lemon. In the markets you can find stalls which do these are now few and far between and most fishing
slices or segments of these fruits and so can taste all seems to be by boat.
of them and then select what you want. You can also Most of the waters around the coast are murky
get a fresh fruit salad made up of those you fancy. and not at all clear. Visibility is often less than 2m.
This is not because the waters are dirty but because
Useful books of the river silt brought down and deposited by the
Being an old English colony there are a number of numerous rivers in the Malacca Strait.
local publishers in English and two English language Unfortunately manmade activities, mostly in
daily newspapers. developing tourist coastal projects, have severely
Malaysia and Singapore Handbook Joshua Eliot. exacerbated the situation by removing forest cover
Footprint Handbooks. and allowing increased erosion. In the period 1989
Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei to 1996 I have noted a discernible decrease in
Wheeler, Finlay, Turner & Crowther. Lonely underwater visibility around the Langkawi
Planet. archipelago and this can be directly related to the
Remember a lot of Joseph Conrad's novels are set huge increase in coastal developments. Some
in Malaysia and Indonesia including Lord Jim estimates around the coast suggest there has been a
and The Shadow Line. 40% decrease in visibility over the last 20 years
Turtle Beach Blanche d' Alpuget. Penguin. On the which can be directly attributed to an increase in the
arrival of the Vietnamese boat people and their removal of jungle cover, coastal development and
detention ashore in horrific conditions. mining activities. It is ironic that tourist

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
developments are killing off the main attraction by or in the transitional periods. At night you may well
polluting the waters they are built close to. have to reef down as the land breezelNE monsoon
Climate There are two distinct seasons winds get up to 20-25kn, especially in the northern
corresponding to the two monsoon periods. The parts of the Malacca Strait. By mid-morning the
favoured season is during the northeast monsoon wind will have died down and by afternoon it will
between November and April and the less favoured often be calm or a light NW- W breeze again.
is the southwest monsoon between May and During the NE monsoon the diurnal effect of
October. calm days and windy nights means it is worthwhile
The northeast monsoon is the dry season taking some care over where you anchor as although
(although paradoxically it can be wet at Langkawi it may be calm or light NW-W in the late afternoon,
and Penang from September to December) and the wind can get up in the night from the NE and
consequently the least humid season. Average there can be gusts off any high land.
temperatures range from around 31-32°C in During the SW monsoon there can be little wind
November and December to 33-37°C in April. in the Malacca Strait or strong southerlies blowing
Temperatures are only a few degrees less at night. up the strait depending on the strength of the SW
The average humidity at midday is around 66-71 % monsoon. When it is blowing strongly there are
over the season. The northeast monsoon will have often squalls in the strait, especially around the N
settled down by mid-November and lasts through entrance. Throughout the strait this is the time
until mid-April with a consistent pattern. The best when a sumatra is most likely. The diurnal effect is
months are reckoned to be December, January, and less pronounced during the SW monsoon beca\lse of
February. the increased cloud cover over the land. Where a sea
The southwest monsoon is from May to October. breeze does occur it will augment the SW monsoon
This is the hot season and later the wet season. and likewise any land breeze at night will diminish
Those unused to the tropics will find the humidity the effect of the SW monsoon.
difficult to handle. Average temperatures are around AtPenang Prevailing winds Calms
33-37°C from May through to October although Jan N-NE/45 % 20%
temperatures will often reach 39-40°C. The average Feb N-NE/35% 20%
humidity is around 79-81 % over the season. The Mar N-NE/35%+SW-W/35% 30%
humidity is uncomfortable at first throughout this Apr S-SW-W/35% 30%
May <.;.!~ variable 35%
season. The worst months are reckoned to be July, !1:fi'
August and September. Jun 40%
JuI ~ S-SW/30% 35%
At Avmax Avmin Relative Days O'~5 Aug ~ S-SW-W/35% '~;;'~g 35%
Penang "C humidity mm ram
Sep variable 35%
Jan 32 23 68% 8 Oct variable 30%
Feb 2.3 64% ii,';;; 7· ~'~<:i k Nov ;:~.~~ N-NE/35 % 30%
Mar ·33·" .• 23 64% ~;:~';:; 11 -: ... y:!- Dec N-NE/50% 20%
Apr 33 24 66% ',':t;~ 14 ~:; .
May 32 23 66% 'i~ 16 f- ~. Locally named winds
Jun 32 23 67% ;;:0 12 Bohorok Wann fall wind in Sumatra.
.. '-
JuI 32 23 67% j:) ~
12 S" "
Sumatra Violent squall usually accompanied by rain
Aug 32 23 ;i
67% or !-~ ,",
15 and lightning in the Malacca Strait.
SgI 31 23 69% 18
Oct 23' 70%

. ',r,oo:. $_. Gales
Nov' .' 23 ·t~ 11% .;:~} 1~
',--:-"-~ , Gales are rare and winds of over 30kn account for
Dec 32 23 :::";
68% ~~~; n-' _?t., ;:';::~~~} ,-::.. around 1 % of observations. These are mainly from
~ squalls and particularly from sumatras. At the N end
Weather of the strait there is a marked increase to around 5%
Prevailing winds near the coast The prevailing for winds over 30kn. Depressions do not nonnally
winds in the area are basically detennined by the travel over this area.
monsoon season, but because the waters are much
enclosed by, large land masses, peninsular Malaysia Tropical storms
on the E and Sumatra on the W, there is a lot of Do not nonnally effect these low latitudes. Only two
variation. tropical storms have travelled close to the N
The wind blows from the northeast during the entrance to the Malacca Strait in the last 50 years.
northeast monsoon and this is the favoured time to Thunderstorms and waterspouts
sail in this area when the wind is blowing off the Thunderstonns are common in the area. They
land. However there is a distinct diurnal component mostly occur during the SW monsoon and in the
promoted by sea and land breeze effects. The NE transition periods, but also occur during the NE
monsoon will often be held up in the afternoon by monsoon. They can be spectacular affairs with a
the sea breeze and augmented at night by the land great deal of lightning, especially over high land. It
breeze. By day you will often have to motor to get is common to see thunderstonns most evenings in
anywhere or there may be a NW or even W sea this area and lightning strikes do occur. In 1996
breeze when the NE monsoon is not fully developed during the Raja Mudra regatta a small fishing boat

was hit by lightning and a fishennan's hand blown bottom of Singapore rates again decrease.
off. One of the competitors in the race notiCed the The tidal range at springs can expose considerable
fishing boat in distress and was able to provide areas of mud when the tide is out and it pays to work
assistance until the fishennan was rescued. These out when to go ashore and when to come back if you
thunderstonns are often accompanied by squalls do not want to be wading ashore through black
although mostly the wind will be in the range of sticky mud.
20-30kn and only last for an hour or two. Currents
The exception to this is a sumatra which nonnally Currents in the Malacca Strait are generally from
occur between April and November. They mostly
the SE in a NW direction throughout the year. The
occur in the evening and move from Sumatra itself rate is on average % of a knot although it can be less
in a roughly easterly direction to peninsular
at times. At the N end of the strait there may be a
Malaysia. They can be spotted by a dark bank of
weak SE set from May to September. Tidal streams
cumulonimbus and are accompanied by an as described above are the most important feature
impressive lightning display and heavy rain. They
around the coast.
can last anything from an hour to 4-S hours and In this enclosed area the seas are seldom large and
winds may reach gale force and above for brief
even wind against tide or current does not raise large
periods. Winds up to 40-S0kn have been regularly seas.
recorded. The squalls can hit in an instant with
winds getting up to 30-40kn from a flat calm or a Visibility
light breeze. You can expect 4-Skn sumatras a In 1997 smoke and haze from forest fires on
month from April to November with the area of Sumatra severely reduced visibility in the Malacca
highest frequency at the northern end down to the Strait and there were a number of collisions between
middle of the Malacca Strait. ships and probably a fair number of small fishing
Waterspouts are common in this area and I have boats that were run over and not reported. The
had one close encounter at less than a mile away in sound of fog horns was commonplace in the strait
the Langkawi archipelago. and navigation was difficult and at times dangerous
for yachts. Although the reduced visibility was put
down to the dry conditions promoted by an EI Nino
In the Malacca Strait the tides are semi-diurnal with year causing forest fires on Sumatra to burn out of
the time of the tide getting progressively later going
control, reduced visibility has occurred from forest
down the Malacca Strait. Thus the tide at Iyu Kecil
fires in other years, notably 1992, which was also a
in the approaches to Singapore Strait is 10Y2 hours bad year for smoke and haze across the strait.
later than at Langkawi at the N end of the Malacca
It is likely in the future that forest fires on Sumatra
Strait. In general the tide sets SE down the Malacca
will get out of control or be purposely lit to clear
Strait on the flood and NW out of the Malacca land and that when the SW monsoon is late, or
Strait on the ebb. With luck you can catch the tide
brings little rain to damp the fires down, that
on the flood for a good distance down the strait visibility will be bad in the strait. In 1997 it also
because it will be getting progressively later the
made living in Sumatra, Singapore and the Malay
further down you go. It is certainly possible to catch peninsula hell and was reckoned to be the equivalent
it from Langkawi just about down to Lumut in one of smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
go. On the ebb you will invariably encounter some
tidal set against you although the prevailing NW Navigation
current mitigates against the tidal stream' (see The coast has been surveyed in recent years around
below). major harbours and in the main shipping channels.
The tidal range varies from N to S in the Malacca For some areas there have been no obvious surveys
Strait. At springs the range at Langkawi is 3·2m since the 19th century. The admiralty and other
(10ft Sin), at Lumut 2·7m (8ft 9in), at One Fathom charts have corrections of around 0·1 minute
Bank 3'7m (12ft), after which it decreases to 1·8m eastwards to agree with WGS 84 datum. For
(Sft lOin) off Melaka and then increases again to metriCated charts this allowance seems to be
2·6m (8ft SY2in) off Iyu Kecil. The range is reasonable although there have been reports of
considerable enough to mean that care is needed errors up to 0·3-0·4 minute of longitude. I cannot
around the numerous shoal areas, especially off One confinn these errors and for the most part found the
Fathom Bank. metricated charts to be accurate. In some areas,
The tidal streams vary considerably and are such as around Langkawi, the old fathoms charts are
affected by the constant NW-going current in the still in use, although it is likely that they will be
Malacca Strait. Tidal streams in the deeper water of either metricated or deleted from the catalogue.
the Strait are usually around 1-1 Yzkn at springs Where possible I have given GPS co-ordinates using
except around One Fathom Bank where streams are WGS 84 datum. Other co-ordinates are schematic
variable but have been recorded at 3-4kn. Likewise and should be treated with caution.
in the shallow waters and channels close to the coast Despite there being no obvious discrepancies it is
rates may be stronger, up to 2-3kn at springs. In still necessary to exercise considerable care when
general rates are less at the N end (around 1-1 1/2kn close to dangers to navigation and when
off Kuah) and stronger at the S end, although at the approaching anchorages. Because so much of the

Indian Ocean C,.uising Guide
coastal waters are shallow it is necessary to watch
the tide and use transits to get in and out of some Harbours and anchorages
anchorages. Likewise it is necessary to take care over This section includes only those commonly used
the channels leading into river harbours o r between harbours and anchorages along the coast of
sandbanks and mudbanks leading to a harbour or peninsular Malaysia. There are a whole host of other
anchorage. anchorages and small harbours and a good number
One danger in these waters is large trees and logs of rivers which can be explored for part of their
washed down the rivers and into the strait. There length . The description is from S to N.
arc not inconsiderable numbers of very large water·
logged trees and logs floating just above the water or
at water level which can d o considerable damage to Sebana Cove Marina
a yacht if you hit one. I have had several close Charts BA 2585
encounters at night and it is an adrenaline pumping Entrance 01 "24'N 104"07'E
experience. In fact I believe that some accounts of Marina 01 °24"7N 104"09" SE
yachts hining uncharted reefs and rocks are more Approach
likely [0 be yachts running into nearly submerged The marina lies JUSt under 3 miles up the Sungai
trees or logs. There is little you can do except keep Santi River opposite the E tip of Singapore Island.
a good lookout by day and pray by night. Care is needed in the approach to the river moum as
a sand bar extends from the N entrance point to
about half way across the entrance. Enter on a
course which takes you midway between the S
entrance point and the middle of the entrance. If in
doubt of depths call up the marina on VHF Ch 71.
Ideally the approach should be made on a rising
tide. The river itself is buoyed with port and
starboard buoys right up to the marina. Pilotage can
be arranged by the marina if necessary .

• Hal Vai
• o 50 100 150
Nautical Miles

• KOla Bahru

penang ~
"Z:. • Kuala Terengganu

South China Sea

• Taiplng Malay Peninsula

• Ipoh

Depths in Maffes

• Medi n

• Kuala Lumpur A n am bas Islands a.~

~ ,- .,
PonDi,kro ~
Malacc I

'"PO' M"" .~
JohQr 8ahru . S C
SUMATRA ebana ove

• Plkanbaru
\}..!' -·l
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,, \,, Depth, in Metres
,, \ '.
\ \ Dries
I \

, I


1< 1 ',
I \

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...-; ....
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10 5 2 ',I 2 ,,I) Drios
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u // ---~

at the marina but the papers will be taken to the

relevant authorities at 1100 and 1500 each day. If a
FI.G !'~t. R

• /~ yacht arrives after 1500 it can deliver the papers for

clearing in for the next day to the office. Charge
.-) ~
J Off.,
Marina band 2.
lar~e Facilities

Yae ts +. j
i= Services Water and electricity ( 110/220/420V) at
• every berth. Shower and toilet block.
Fuel Fuel quay in the marina.
" Sho ps
Repairs Limited repair facilities. Most yachts will
head for Singapore. There are plans to expand
facilities in the future .
•• Hotel
ProvisiollS Mini-market. Duty-free zone. For better
shopping go to Singapore.
Eating our Several restaurants and bars.
SEBANA COVE MARINA -$-01 •24 ·7N 104•09 ·BE
Other Exchange facilities. Telephone and fax
communications from the office. Laundry selVice.
Marina ferry service [0 Tg Belungkor where you can
By night The channel buoys are lit FLG/FLR but a
get a ferry to Singapore.
night approach is not recommended for the first
Seballa Cove Marilla, PO Box 102, Bandar Penawar
entry into the river.
PO, 81900 KOla Tinggi, Johor DaTUI Takzim.
VHF Ch 71 for marina COntrol. Call sign SCM Marina office '8' (07) 825240 1 Pax (07) 8252054.
(Sierra Charlie Mike).
Dmlgers Care is needed of me sand bank at the General
Sebana Cove Marina is pan of a large shoreside
entrance as described above.
development that includes a five star hotel,
Note Speed limit in me river is 6kn and in the marina numerous condominiums and leisure facilities like a
basin 3kn as long as you are not making excessive golf course, pools, a go-kan track, roller blade track
wake. and an archery range. It is a bit out of the way but
Mooring affords all-round shelter and 24 hour security. To
Data 170 berths. Visitors benhs. Max LOA 50m. get to Singapore you can take the marina ferry to
Berth Where directed. Finger pontoons. Belungkor or walk to [he ferry station which
connects with Changi on Singapore.
Shelter Excellent all-round shelter.
Authorities Harbounnaster. Marina staff. Captain
must report to me marina office after benhing.
Authorities for clearing in and out arc not stationed

Indian Ocean Cnlisi"g Guide
Depths In MOlres
Johor Bahru
Charts BA 2586
For many years the anchorage off the town to the E
of the causeway has been technically prohibited and
yachts have been informed they must move on.
However recently (1997) there seem to have been a
few foreign flag yachts anchoring off here and it may
be worth trying. The anchorage is sheltered and
handy to everything in Johor Bahru.

Muar River (Sungai Muar)

02°03'N IOZ032'E
About 20M S of Malacca is the Muar River which
oFll1re oFlare
has been used by a number of yachts . There is a bar
over the mouth of the river with reported depths of
just over one metre at low tide. Yachts normally
cross from 3 hours plus on the flood and report no
problems. The channel is reported to be marked.
You can anchor off the town of Muar just inside the
entrance. The officia ls are reported to be friendly
and most things can be obtained in the town. It is
about 45 minutes by bus to Malacca.

Malacca (Melaka)
Chans BA 3946
Yachts sometimes anchor in the roadstead off the
town. There is no harbour or river here. You need
to anchor a fair way off, outside the buoys (around
Y2 mile out) and it is fairly exposed here. There is no
protection from o nshore winds and there is a fair
amount of inshore traffic. The officials are on the oI 2
waterfront and most facilities can be found in the I
Nautical Miles
town .
-$- 02°30··9N 101 °47··7E
Port Dickson
Charts BA 1140 By night Although the approaches are well lit a night
An anchorage on the S side of the settlement. To the approach is not recommended. Use the light on
S of Port Dickson is the new development of Kuala Sepang Besar FI.WRG.4s15-IOM. Thc W
Admiral Marina. red sector over 270 0 _311 0 covers Bambek Shoal. At
the SE end of Bambek Shoal there is a light buoy
FI(2)R.1 Os. There is a fairway buoy LFI. IOs2M S of
The approach is best made from the W between the
Bambek Shoal SE buoy. The inner N has three light
Arang beacon (topmark C) and the buoy marking
buoys from NW to SE: Q.G/FI.G.2s/FI.G.7sl
the pipeline running out from the coast O'6M to the
F1(3)G.I0s. Arang beacon is lit Fl(2)8s. Pulau
N . There is also an inner passage between Bambek
Arang Arang Fl.l0s.9M. Buoy marking the end of
Shoal and the coast which has good depths. Care is
the pipeline FI.4·5s.
needed of Bambek Shoal to the NW of Port Dickson
which is extensive and has a significant part of it VHF Ch 16 for Port Dickson . Ch 69 for other
with less than 1m depths. In the immediate yachts in the vicinity.
approach from the W there is no shoal water and a Dangers
yacht can proceed into the roadstead between Port 1. From the N care is needed of Bambek Shoal as
Dickson and Pulau Arang Arang just off the coast. outlined above .
Conspicuous The settlement at Port Dickson will be 2 . From the S care is needed of two patches of shoal
seen and from the S the large development at water SE of Arang beacon
Admiral Marina also stands out well. A number of 3. Off the SE side of Pulau Arang Arang there is a
chimneys and flare s arc conspicuous near the town. large area of shoal water although generally
Arang beacon and Pulau Arang Arang can be depths are 3m plus.
identified in the closer approach. 4. Yachts should not attempt to pass between the

buoy (Y) marking the end of the pipeline off Port 2. Care need of shoal water and coral patches to the
Dickson as there may be floating hoses on the N of the entrance.
surface. Mooring
Mooring Data 180 berths. 94 stacking benhs. Visitors'
Anchor off in the roadstead taking care n ot to berths. Max LOA 60m . Depths 3·S-4m.
obstruct the channel. There are convenient depths Berths Where directed. Finger pontoons.
of 5-1 Om off the jetty. The bottom is mud and good Shelrer All round.
holding. Shelter is good from northerlies but open to
southerlies and to the sumatra from the W. Authorities Harbourmastcr. Marina staff. Facilities
for customs and immigration to be arranged so that
Authorities Immigration and custom s are located in yachts can clear in and out from the marina .
the town.
Facilities Services Water and electricity to be installed at every
Water and fuel ashore. Reasonable shopping for berth.
most provisions. Local restaurants. Banks and PO. Fuel Diesel and petrol dock at the entrance to the
Repairs Basic repair facilities to be installed .
Admiral Marina Chandlers.
A large marina and apartment complex in an Provisions Supermarket.
advanced stage of completion approximately 21/: Eating out Restaurants.
miles SE of Port Dickson. Other Laundrette. swimming pool and gymnasium
Approach [0 be built.

The approach should be made from the Wand not Admiral M arilla BHD. Port Dickson, Selangor.
directly from Port Dickson because of shoal water 111' (03) 248 1033 Pax (03) 2417555.
and several coral patches. Care is also needed of a General
shoal patch (least depth 1'2m) lying approximately The breakwaters for the marina are in place and
1M SW of the entrance. basic infrastructure for yachts was expected to be
Conspicuous The large high rise buildings of Marina ['eady by the end of 1998.
Crescent at the SE end of the marina will be seen.
The Marina Club building also stands out well.
By night Entrance lights are to be installed. Port Klang (Kelang)
VHF Channel to be allocated but try on C h 16. Charts BA 3453, 2152, 2153
Dangers Approach
1. Care needed of the isolated shoal mentioned The approach is through the S C hannel (Selang
above. Klang Lumut) or through the N Channel (Sclang
Klang Utara). Both channels are deep (8-1Im at
MLWS) and marked by buoys or beacons into Port
N Klang.

~_...... Marina Conspicuous The entrance to both channels is

" li' difficult to identify from the distance. The islands
and coast are fringed with low-lying mangrove.
Once up to the channel entrance the buoys (green
\. conical and red can buoys) can be identified and
lead to the North Port. The chimneys of the power
statio~ on the coast of the North Channel are
Shops conspicuous. Close to the North POrt the cranes and
Admiral gantries of the pon will be seen. 'me channel
Marina leading into the South Port and the yacht club is
marked by buoys and beacons.
Admiral By night Although the channel buoys and beacons
Hill are lit (FI.GIFI.R) a first time night approach is not
Olfieo recommended. Batu Penyu in the North Channel is
lit FI(2)SsI0M.
Marina Tides 5·7m at springs and around 1m at neaps. Tidal
Crescent streams can be 3kn at springs and more if it has
rained a lot and the river is running high . Assuming
conditions are suitable there are numerous places in
o 200 the shallow waters to anchor off and wait for the tide
Metres to tum.

India'l Ocean Cruising Guide

Dftpths In Melfes


........ -.

... "

/ .............\
, .::~~\
, j' ..........., :,....
\ , ....;i " '0.

." f i
" ... ;;/ Plilau Klang

" I.",,)
, <I ,
• •
,, ,j


o 10
1 1
Nautical Mites

APPROACHES TO PORT KLANG -$- 03°13'.7N 101 °12'·8E

VHF Ch 16 for Port KJang port control. Ch 72 for Mooring

Royal Selangor Yacht Club (call sign RSYCl ). Contact the yacht club to see if a mooring is
Dangers available. Moorings are allotted on a temporary
1. Care is needed of fishing stakes off the coast and basis and the club does its best to accommodate
on some of the banks. visiting yachts.
2. Commercial traffic has right of way in the deep Shelter Good all-round shelter.
water charmels and must not be obstructed. Authorilies The marine department, customs, health
and immigration are situated in the South Port near

Depth, In Metros Induslrial

~L Tanks

Royal s.tangor

"'-;. . . . . . -.."-.. .-.. . . . . . . .____

.... . _____
(.- ~ Soulh

.~.-- 2 ~~~---- ~'- """

... -.-........-'
, 3

6 ,"-'"

f;1 F1(2IR.1o. 8

8 8

.... __ ....... __ .. _. __ ~ ..•. _

.... _........... _. _ .. _. ___ /-....-.......... Dr;"
-~.--.- ........-'. - . 1"""""

')l ~
Puleu Lumut ,.... //, Z5


..., ..
o... ./
. ...'&~ 1
// ...• -
PORT KLANG 4- 3"OO·· 1N 101 °23"·5E
the jetty. The yacht club makes a modest charge for General
mooring and use of the club facilities. The yacht club opened in 1969 and in 1989 it
obtained the title Royal Selangor Yacht Club. In
1990 the club organised the first Raja Mudra
Water On the yacht club pOntoon.
Regatta named in honour of the Life Commodore of
Fuel At the yacht club.
the club. the son of the Sultan of Selangor. He is a
Repairs The club has a slipway that can haul yachts
keen sailor and well known on the local racing
up to 35 tons. It must be booked in advance and is
circuits. Recently he completed a circumnavigation
often busy. Mechanical and electrical repairs.
in his Swan 68 Jugra . The club is a friendly place
Chandlers and general hardware shops. Electricity
and makes visiting yachts welcome. There are club
on the club pontoon.
rooms, showers and toilets, a restaurant and bar and
Provisions Good shopping in Klang.
the club also provides a bum-hoat to ferry you back
Eatitlg out Numerous restaurants and a
and fonh between the moorings and the club.
restauramlbar at the yacht club.
Other PO. Banks. Gas bottles can be filled.
Telephone and fax at the yacht club. Laundry
services . Taxis. Bus to Kuala Lumpur.
Royal Selatlgar Yacht Club, Jalan Limbongan, 42000
Pon Klang, Selangor. '8' (03) 368 6964 Fax (03)
368 8650 VHF Ch 72.
Indian Oceml Cruising Guide

Depfhs In Merles
10 10
7 \,"



"'. ,i





·3 19m

\ 20
~. Dries
. ....... .

..6:.:\ Fa;tway 20

l;cJ ROCk
o 10 10
Naulical M iles



Perak River Lumut (Dinding River and

Charts BA 1351, 3944, 3945 Kamphong Bahru)
04°03'N lOo o40'E (Fairway Buoy)
C h arts BA 792
The Perak River can be navigated for at least 10M
Lumut is the town inside the mouth of the river
although passage is restricted at one point by
where there is a naval base and the Lumut Yacht
overhead electricity cables. The entrance is buoyed
Club with pontoon berths and some laid moorings.
and there arc reported to be good depths for at least
Further up the Dinding River there is Changs with
10M. There is a yard up the river which some yachts
laid moorings and posts to dry out on and further on
have used.
up is Kamphong Bahru where there are laid
moorings off the G7 cha let camp .
Three channels lead into the Dinding River as
shown on the plan. The two easiest and deepest
channels are the S Channel entered from the S cnd
of Pangkor Island leading inside the island and
Northwest Channel leading in from the Wand
across the N end of Pangkor Island. North Channel
can also be used but it is not as easy to identify what
is what in the approa c he~ . Although it all looks a b it
daunting in the approaches, the channels arc in fact
straightforward although it pays to keep an eye on
the depth sounder. Tht: channels are marked by
buoys and beacons, the latter being a mixture of
platform beacons and small towers.
Conspicuous Pangkor Island can be identified from
some distance off. C loser in the islets off the N end
of Pangkor Island and Pulau Pangkor Laut off the S
end are easily identified. The outer beacons marking
Trawle rs charging into Lu mut on lhe tide an: a good indicalion the channel are p latform beacons which are
of the chann el. conspicuous. Batu Mandi and T Awang Kecil light
towers arc both white girder towers and easily
identified. In Teluk Dalam, the large bay on the N
end of Pangkor Island, a hotel development is
conspicuous. Tht: village at Pangkor on the E side of
Pangkor Island is easily identified . Tht: mid-channel
buoy (RW) where the three channels meet at the
entrance to the Dinding River i~ easily identified.
Once into the Dinding River the channel buoys arc
easily identified . The naval base on the S bank just
inside the river mouth and Lumut town a little
further on are conspicuous.
By night There are numerous lights in the
approaches but without local knowledge I don't
recommend a night approach.

Pangkor Island
T. Tcrcngganu SE Pt FI (2)4s8M
Hospital Rock FI.R.6s5M
Batu Mandi Q. R. 5M
Platfonn type beacon in the W channel into Lumut. T. Awang KedJ Fl.5s8M
Mainland coast
Pulau Katak Fl.4s7M
Putih Iso.4s7M
River Rock Fl.WRG ..3s7-4M
Billik Ldg Lts 351°15' From Oc(3) 20s9M Rear
T . Hantu Fl.5s13M
Indiarl Ocean Cruisi,lK Guide


* 20



\ I) / Chang's

~~~' p,;;!
Bukil Batu ~
'~ ~ J. . _ 10

' 332
Flour MIl! ...
(Conspicl r-


.~ ........./
.- "
......../ •

" 13
,L o
.......... ······-;;.
.. -;L':.::m::
.'i.-:::..:.. ...". 'i:li'J.
TOwn: Lumuf
,...... ~

OINOING RIVER - LUMUT TO KAMPONG BAHRU -$04"17'.77N 100c 40'· 12E WGS 84


VHF Ch 69 for anyone listening on a yacht upriver. Mooring

Ch 16 for harbounnastcr at Lumut. Yachts can make for onc of three places not
Dangers Large numbers of fishing boats including counting the anchorages around Pangkor Island or
large trawlers arc based here and numerous ferries in the Dinding River.
criss-cross back and forth from Lumut to Pangkor. Lumut International Yacht Club Lies at the E
A good lookout needs to be kept in the immediate end of Lumut town just around the corner in Kuala
approaches and the channels. It is not always wist: to Lumut. There are good depths in the channel which
follow the ferries and local boats which will take seldom arc less than 7- 8m and mostly 10m plus.
shortcuts across shoal water where there are Two floating pomoons with finger pomoons project
insufficient depths for a keelboat. out from the shore and clubhouse. Yachts up to
Nore The fishing fleet often anchors off Pangkor in around 100ft can be accommodated. Depths off the
one or other bays waiting for the flood to enter. ends of the pontoons arc around Sm at MLWS.
When the tide turns they all charge in and so give a There arc also laid moorings which can be picked up
good indication of what the tide is doing. Tidal to the ~ of the club and a couple in shallower
currents in the channels and in the Dinding River water to the SE of the pontoons. The latter afford
can be considerable at times and may run at the best shelter as there is less chop from the
2- 2'lzkn at springs. afternoon sea breeze that blows up thc river.
Likewise berths on the SE side are to be preferred.
Shelter in general is good although there can be
some wash from river traffic. Dinghies can be left on
the pontoons.
Charge balld Charge band 2 on the pontoons and a
modest charge is made for thc laid moorings.
Changs Lies around 2Y2M further up the Dinding
River in a branch river on the right bank. From
Lumut the large flour mill with a loading pier off it
is conspicuous. The river is well buoyed up to the
branch where Changs lies and up to the branch river
there are mostly 10m plus depths. Once up to the
branch keep near to the S bank to avoid the
extensive sandbank on the NE comer (see plan).
Part of the sandbank dries at low water. Dredging
has been going on here so the navigable channel
varies somewhat. A number of yachts on laid
moorings will be seen and the best thing to do is
pick up a free mooring and go across to Changs
house and restaurant to see if moorings are
available. Good shelter in this branch rivcr but you
are away from it all and it can be difficult to get into
town . Dinghies can be hauled up on the beach.
Perak Yacht Club Right next to Changs on the W
Lumut Intem:llional Yadlt Club juSt past Lumut town.
side i!> the Perak YC. No facilities are yet available
[0 visiting yachts although it is planned to construct
The flour mill conspicuous o n the pun side on the way up to facilitics.
Changs and Kamphong Bahru.

Indian Ocean Cruising GUIde

The above-water roeks to be left just lU port (shoal water on the

starboard side) on the way up to Kamphong Bahru.

Kamphong Bahru Lies further up the Dinding lifting large pleasure yachts which is used by a
River. From the flour mill it is necessary to ket!p contractor carrying out repairs and refits to pleasure
dose to the W side of the river to avoid the craft. There are extensive workshops ashore.
sandbank on the E side. Two large above water Reasonable shopping in Lumut town. Bar and
rocks will be seen on the W side and a yacht should restaurant at the yacht dub. Other restaurants and
pass just E of these rocks. There are a number of bars nearby . Laundry in town . PO. Banks and ATM
buoys but mostly depths are over 10m and often that accepts Visa and Mastercard for cash advances.
IS- 20m. The village of Kamphong Bahru will be Ferries to Pangkor and buses to Penang and Kuala
seen on the E side of the river and a number of Lumpur.
yachts moored off the village will be also be seen. Lumut Imernational Ya cht Club. Lot 41 82 Jalan Titi
Pick up a mooring if one is free or anchor off. Panjang. 32200 Lumut. Perak. 'fI' (0 5) 683 5191.
Depths are considerable at around to- ISm, but the Changs Hose near the drying out posts although its
bonom is mud and good holding. I left Tetra here potability is suspect. Fuel at the commercial docks
for 6 months, mostly on anchor, and experienced no opposite where the rugs berth. Concrete apron wirn
problems. Good shelter. Dinghies can be left on the pOStS to dry out alongside. Restaurant at Changs
pier off the village or at the G7 pier. although it may not always be open. To get into
Note It is planned to build a bridge across the river town you will have to walk along a track through
from the bank opposite Changs [0 the other side. plantations for a good 30 minutes before you get to
Surveys have been completed but work had not the road near Kamphong Bahru where you can get
started in 1998. The last information was that it was the local bus to Sitiawan. Alternatively if you have a
to have an air height of over 20m under the highest ruB the casiest thing to do is head down the river to
span. Lumut.
Authorities Immigration is a bus-ride away and Kamphong Bahn4 Water and (cold) showers at
customs and the harbourmaster are in Lumut. G7. Small quantities of petrol by jerrycan at
Customs is near the Lumut Yacht Club and the Kamphong Bahru. Limited shopping. A couple of
harbourmastcr at the Pangkor ferry terminal. basic Chinese restaurants and several Muslim
Anchorage There are a few places up the river where restaurants (no alcohol). For shopping and orner
you can anchor and around Pangkor Island a facilities it is a 20 minute bus ride into Sitiawan.
number of anchorages which can be used depending Here there are several good hardware shops which
on the wind and sea. See the plan. stock some basic chandlery including sealants, paint
and antifouling. Good shopping for provisions in
Facilities several supermarkets and a good fresh fruit and
Lumut International Yacht Club Water and vegetable market. Restaurants. Laundry. PO and
electricity at every berth. Showers. Fuel in the town. bank. Buses to LumU[ .
A slipway with tractor and trailer where motor boats
are hauled in and out. Dry storage ashore within a General
secure compound. Mechanical and minor The river is a wonderful place flanked by thick
engineering and electrical problems can be tackJed. jungle on the left bank and plantations on the right
At the naval base there is a travel-hoist capable of bank after the branch to Changs. There is

something appealing about chugging up a river and Kamphong Bahru is a small village that I for one
for the most part the Dinding River is well buoyed have a special affection for. There is a half
and the depths considerable. reasonable reStaurant ashore with good sweet and
LumUl is a bustling p lace serving the ferry sour crab and cold beer. The locals are friend ly and
terminal to Pangkor Island which is a popular the yachting community convivial. A bus runs
destination for weekends and day trippers. The regularly into Sitiawan where most facilit ies can be
yacht club is a convivial enough place to stay and the found. Kamphong Bahru and Siliawan have the
bar and restaurant ashore has a shaded veranda charm of being almost entirely off the tourist map
overlooking the club swimming pool which catches and I left the place with fond memories. It is a good
juSt enough of the breeze to be a cool spot for a beer. p lace to leave a yacht if you need to get back home
On the road into Lumut town there are several good and Tetra survived the wet season virtually
restaurants and bars that are used by yachties here unscathed. Do get a cover made though, not for the
as less formal watering holes. rain but for the hordes of swallows that will use your

Depths in Metres N

/11' • H.od
FI. 10s2~~
Nonh 8.y

: o~ i
W\ -

\ ·Immlgr.llon

Pulau Penang

Ct FI(215s8M

\ <,;"

, ,",
, \\
l \,
"'--- LFI. I~
PENANG ISLAND -$ Pulau Rimau 05°14'.8N 100016'.9E
Indian Ocea'i Crui5i,lg Guide
nggmg as a convenient perch and your deck as a the outer approach channels from the Sand N are
public 100 . straightforward.
Yachts will normally make for the o ld junk
anchorage or P enang Yacht Club . Some yachts go
Pulau Penang (Pinang) to Bayan Bay Marina close to the airport.
Charts BA 1366
The large island lying just off the mainland between
OS oIS'N and 05°30'N . It has a navigable channel Bayan Bay Marina
between the island and the coast although some care Charts BA 1366
is needed to identify buoys and other navigation A yard with laid moorings and shore berths at the S
marks. The tide runs swiftly through the ch annel end of Penang Channel. The ' marina' is tucked
and often runs at 2- 3kn for some time after the [Urn . around on the N side of Balu Maung Point to the E
This is not so important for the N approach where of the airport. The approach should be made from
the tide runs less strongly if you are headed to the the SE to avoid the shoal water running out from
Penang Yacht Club or the old junk anchorage as Batu Maung Flat. Anchor off or go on the dock if
they are fairly close to the NE end of the island, but there is room to inquire after a berth. Good shelter
is important when leaving to go S through the a lthough there can be some chop across the bay and
channel or when headed N up the channel to the from craft using the S entrance to the channel.
Penang Yacht Club or the junk anchorage. A road Water and fuel available. Slipway at the yard.
bridge connects P enang to the mainland with an air Most repair work including mechanical, engineering
height of 28m under the highest navigable arch. In and electrical work can be arranged. Restaurants
theory you must get permission to pass under the and bars nearby.
bridge, but in practice no-on e does. Bayat/ Bay M arilla Club, 2 Sg N ibong, 11 900 Bayan
Although the channel approaches fro m either end Lepas, P enang. "B' (60) (4) 642 2339 Fax (60) (4)
are lit, a night entrance into the channel between 6 422336.
Penang and the mainland is not advised although

Depfhs in Merres
o 2
2 Nautical Miles
5 22
10 /'

cS, FI.A.S. //


(high·rise buildings

/ ,.I
Drles / 7, A'lon ! Q.8M
./ .t

un Sip Bn p
0., Junk. Anchorage , ,
IS> / 8 "
1" ./ J ,':
...... m " < I ,'
..,.,./ 7.','
. "
, , .~:.........
~ ' ..../,'
10 "~~/ ,/:
12 /.. 10 i :
7 /~.
: '

/ ,, ' '
// " "
term;n,' Oil
. '
, (tanks)


41- 0s02S··36N 100 020··69E WGS 8 4


Junk Anchorage (Georgetown)

Charts BA 3732
Anchor off the shanty town on stilts and rough piers
along the shore where shown. You usually have to
anchor in quite deep water, often IS- 20m, despite
what the chart shows. Care is needed not to get too
dose in as the bottom comes up quickly from
considerable depths. The bottom is sticky black
mud and good holding, but makes a mess of
everything when you haul the anchor up. There is a
considerable current here and it can be blowy at
times, especially at night jf there are thunderstorms
around and a squall blows through .
Although it is dirty, roily from me wake of passing
craft, and the tide rips through the channel, you arc
close to all the facilities in Georgetown. Take the
dinghy ashore to one of the rough piers where it will
usually be safe although it may pay to padlock it on.
There has been some talk of reclaiming the land
here and prohibiting yachts from anchoring. In 1998
the anchorage was still in use.
For facilities in Georgetown see under Penang
Yacht Club.

Penang Yacht Club

Charts BA 3732
The Penang Yacht Club marina lies on the NE end
of the island.
Conspicuous From the NW approach the large
skyscrapers of Georgetown arc easily identified and
The road bridge a<.:ross the Penang Strait (air height 28 metre~) .

,., '.G the buoys marking the deep water channel into
} Pontoon
; Penang Channel are easily located. There will often
be ferries or commercial shipping entering or leaving
by the deep water charmel and lhis makes finding it

relatively easy. Once into the channel follow it down
., until you can identify the pontoons of the Penang
'f; Yacht Club. The masts of any yachts and the
superstructure of motor yachts make identification

.. I

~ o.G.


, >0,
Dflpth, in Metres
PENANG YACHT CLUB-$- 05" 25'·36N 100~20'·69E WGS 84 Northern approaches to the Penang Yadu C lub marina.

Indian Oceall Crnising Guide
care is needed over berthing as the current makes
manoeuvring difficult and there is not a lot of space
to get in and out of some berths. You should have
all fenders and lines ready before entering.
Authorities Harbourmaster. Customs is at
Georgetown near the Penang Yacht Club and
immigration is at Butterworth on the other side of
the channel. Charge band 2.
Penang Yacht Club, No 3, Lebuh Penang, 10200
Pulau Penang. "B' (04) 261 8860 Fax (04) 261
Services Water and electricity at or near every berth.
Shower and toilet block.
Fuel Fuel quay near the entrance.
Repairs Small yard with laO-ton travel-hoist. Some
yacht repairs can be arranged including mechanical,
engineering and electrical work. Some chandlery
Pulau Rimau and lighthouse at the S end of Penang Strait. and good hardware shops. Sealants, paint~ and
antifouling. With a bit of looking most things can be
found here and there are specialist workshops
straightforward. From the S follow the channel up scattered around Georgetown.
until the Penang Yacht Club is identified. Provisiom Good shopping for all provisions. Several
By night A night approach from the N is feasible large supermarkets in Georgetown. Ice available.
although the final approach is best left until daylight. Eating out Restaurants of all types in Georgetown.
A night approach from the S up the Penang Channel You can choose from basic street stall food right up
is not recommended. to very expensive cuisine in up-market
Lights Other PO. Banks and ATMs that take Visa and
From the S use Mastercard. Laundry. Taxis and rickshaws although
South Channel fairway buoy LF1.1 Os the latter now charge prodigious amounts and are
Pulau Rimau A(Z)IOsZZM more of a tourist side-show. Hire cars and
Bukit Teluk Tempoyak Besar Aero FLR.Z·4s1ZM
Ldg Lts on 044 0 From F1.3sSM Rear Q.SM
motorbikes. Rail connections at Butterworth. Buses
Ldg Lts on 05 0 From FI.3s8M Rear Q.5M to most places from Butterworth. Ferry connections
Bridge navigable arch light Oc.WRG.lOslO-8M to Langkawi. Domestic and some international
Aston Bo Q.8M flights from Penang Airport.
Buoy lights are COITect for the entrance from scawards General
from the S. Georgetown is a special place and well worth a
From the N use stopover. It is slowly being submerged under high
Muka Head A.IOs2SM
Fairway buoy A(2)7s rise development, but there is still more than
Deep water channel is lit (Fl.G!F1.R) with direction of enough of the old town to see and really the best
buoyage from seawards. thing to do here is just wander around and poke
P Tikus A.3s10M your nose into shops and markets. The sights and
Fort Cornwallis A.R.2s16M smells of the predominantly Chinese community are
Marina is lit on extremities F.RIF.G for outer protective everywhere from steaming soup and noodle shops to
pontoons and Q.RlQ.G at entrance. stalls selling market produce to stalls selling cheap
VHF Ch 72 for harbourmaster at Penang Yacht radios to joss and incense shops to vast department
Club. stores. This is a prosperous communiry dedicated to
Dangers the dollar of whatever origin.
I . The tide flows strongly in the immediate
approach to the yacht club marina.
2. There is a considerable amount of traffic in the Other Anchorages
approaches and a good lookout must be kept. North Bay Anchor off the Mutiara Hotel in the
large bay on the N. The anchorage is really only
Mooring suitable in calm weather as the NE monsoon blows
Data 130 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 160ft. straight in. Restaurants and bars and other facilities
Depths 8m+. ashore. The Mutiara Hotel has been hospitable to
Berth Where directed or wherever there is a berth visiting yachts in the past.
free. Finger pontoons. Monkey Beach On the SW side of Muka Head.
Note The tidal stream flows strongly within the Sheltered from the NE monsoon.
marina and causes tidal swirls and eddies. Some South Bay The large bay on the S has gently

sloping depths and reasonable shelter during the NE The islands provide the best diving, in fact just
monsoon. The wreck of a cement ship that was run about the only decent diving, in the vicini£y, with
aground here is conspicuous in the bay. good visibili£y and a wide range of fish and coral.
Pulau Rimau There is a cove on the NE side that Fishing is prohibited and the area is for diving and
could be useful in southerlies. looking with or without tanks under the control of
[h e authorities. There is also an observation
platform moored off the rangers buildings with an
Pulau Payar Marine Park underwater observation tank.
The isolated group of islands lying approximately
14M SE of Pulau Enggang in the SE approaches to
Langkawi. The relatively high islands (Payar is 88m) Pulau Langkawi
are easily identified from the S or N. The islands are Situated on the west coast of Malaysia JUSt under the
a marine reserve and there are moorings for yachts Thai border, Pulau Langkawi is an archipelago of
off the SE side of Pulau Payar. Although an open islands of which there are said to be 100, but like all
anchorage it is normally comfonable enough in the similar claims this depends on how small you go
NE monsoon. Repon to the reserve rangers on when you are counting. In fact there is one large
arrival. island, Pulau Langkawi, and several other
significant islands on the Sand E, notably Pulau

o 5 10

Nautical Mi tes

P.T. Dendang

Pu. Tepor



1-$ 06° 14'.5N 99°52·.6E Pu. Enggan Light 2-$ 06°26'·3N 99°38'.8E Tg. Cincin Light
Depths ;n Metres

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Dayang Bunting, Pulau Tuba and Pulau Singa clearer in parts. but for the most part you must still
Besar on the S. and Pulau Timun and Pulau rely on the depthsounder when entering or leaving
Langgun on the E. It is a spectacular area with high anchorages and avoiding shallow areas. It can be
cliffs. steep-to islands and lush tropical forest. The nerve-wracking sailing over large areas of water with
islands and' anchorages are spectacular with jutting just 3-4m under the keel until you get used to it.
pillars of rock, fjord-like inlets dripping with The anchorages are for the mOSt part in fairly
vegetation. and deserted white sandy beaches. shallow water and you will have no problem with the
Ashore things vary between chic exclusive hotels holding which is predominantly mud or sand.
with hot and cold running everything to simple
fishing villages. Kuah on Langkawi island is the
closest you get to a town after Penang. Kuah (Bass Harbour)
There are numerous anchorages aU around the Charts SA 843
archipelago and two marinas. Perusing the chart just
nuns up more anchorages and depending on the
The approach can be made from the SW through
season there are lots of places where a yacht can
the islands or from the SSE through Selat Kuah.
anchor with care. A few are suggested here or are
Care is needed over patches of shoal water in the
noted on the plan of the group. The area is mostly
approaches in both channels.
fairly shallow and approaches to anchorages require
some care over navigation. A number of rivers Conspicuous From either channel the islands can be
empty into or near the Langkawi group and this identified with care. From the SSE th~ light
makes the water a milky green and the bottom structure on Pulau Enggang will be seen. Once into
difficult to see. Out amongst the islands the water is the SW channel the modem lighthouse (an inverted
white cone shape) on Pulau Kedera stands out well.
o 05
NauttC81 Miles

Dries Shops/re sta ulan ts

....-_...._.. ,....- ....... ......

.......... ~~
. . . 2---
./ ...-_.........-.. ~,


,---,~ 8ass Haroovr


~IL ...•..........•... ..

Dep,"", Mo«o> ..•--.••:.-/ (2--::.. 0""-
Pulau Dayang unling
V '
KUAH-$- 06°18'·58N 99°50' ·9E WGS 84

From some distance off the modern developments push the dinghy out through glutinous mud.
around Kuah waterfront will be seen. Closer in the Eating out Adequate places in town. The night
mosque with gold domes, the large statue of an market on the waterfront has numerous stalls with
eagle, and Kuah pier will be seen. local cuisine at cheap prices although there is no
By night Although a night approach is possible it is alcohol.
not recommended for a first time entry. Use the Other Banks including some ATMs which take
following lights. foreign credit cards. PO. Courier services including
Pulau Enggang F1.8s15M DHL. Gas bottles can be filled. Ferries to Penang,
Pulau Kedera F1.5s15M Kuala Perlis and Kuala Kedah. Internal flights from
Beacon offPulau Besar Fl.G.286M Langkawi Airport with some international flights
The end of Kuah jetty is lit F1.R.58/Q.G/Q.R planned in the near future with the airport
VHF Ch 16 for port authorities. Ch 69, 72 for extension.
Langkawi Yacht Club and other yachts in the General
vicinity. Kuah has grown in recent years from a ramshackle
Dangers ferry and fishing port into a prosperous tourist and
1. There are numerous patches of shoal water in the duty-free zone. It still straggles all the way around
approaches and care must be paid to your the waterfront making it a bit of an expedition to get
navigation. to places. but mini-buses run frequently from Kuah
2. High speed ferries come and go frequently and a pier into town. The front has some bizarre
good lookout must be kept. embellishments. Most prominent is the huge ferro-
3. Local fishing boats lay nets in the channels and a cement eagle painted somewhat extravagantly in
good lookout should be kept. They are usually eagle colours. The sea eagle is the symbol of
attended by a longtail boat. Langkawi although you can't help thinking this huge
edifice looks a bit like an advertisement for
Langkawi fried eagle in competition with the KFCs
Anchor off to the N of Kuah pier where convenient
around the place. Nearby is one of the most
in 4-8m leaving the approaches to Kuah pier clear
spacious Pizza Huts in the world complete with
for the ferries. The bottom is mud and excellent
courtyards. Much of the waterfront is a landscaped
holding. There is a pontoon on the pier for yacht
park and further into town is a modern mosque
(with the two gold domes) also in spacious
Shelter Good shelter although occasional squalls landscaped grounds. In Langkawi itself there are
come off the mountains. some large extravagant hotels including one with
Authorities Immigration, customs and harbour- turrets like something out of a Victorian Gothic
master are all conveniently located at Kuah pier. novel. No doubt the future will bring additional
Facilities expansive building programmes and sadly the
Water Either near KUah pier or at Langkawi Yacht clapboard and corrugated iron buildings that
Club. originally made up Kuah will disappear.
Fuel At Langkawi Yacht Club. For large amounts
there is a fuel barge moored in the anchorage for
which arrangements must be made in advance. Fuel
Langkawi Yacht Club
can also be obtained at the fishing village on the NW Approach
side of Bass Harbour. The pontoons of the club are situated immediately
Repairs Some mechanical and electrical repairs. S of Kuah pier.
Hardware shops and a chandlers at Seaspeed in VHF Ch 69, 72.
Kuah town. Langkawi is a duty-free zone and spares
can be imported without duty. Most yachts choose Mooring
to use Seaspeed as they are used to handling Data 50 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 50m.
packages arriving for yachts. Seaspeed Boat and Depths 3-8m.
Yacht Supp1.ies SON, 51, Jalan Pandak Mayah 5, Berths Where directed. There are finger pontoons
Pusat Bandar Kuah, 07000 Langkawi. 'Zf (60)(4) for most berths. Large yachts on the outside use
9660681 Fax (60)(4) 9669224 VHF Ch 69. Duty- their own anchors.
free outboards and generators can also be obtained Shelter Good shelter during the NE monsoon. The
here. ferries using Kuah pier set up a significant wash on
Provisions Supermarket at the NW end of town. the pontoons although efforts are being made to
Other supermarkets in the town. Fresh fruit and reduce the speed of the ferries in the immediate
vegetable market in town. Provisioning for basics is approaches to the marina and Kuah pier.
not too bad. As a duty-free port alcohol is very
Authorities Harbourmaster and staff. Immigration,
cheap and most yachts stock up here. To go
customs and harbourmaster nearby at Kuah pier.
shopping some yachts take the tender across to the
village tide permitting - however do not stay in town Facilities
too long drinking duty-free beer or you may have to Services Water and electricity (220 and 415V) at all
berths. Shower and toilet block.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Fuel On the S pontoon.

Repairs Some basic repairs can be organised. A
chandlers is to be built.
Provisio,ls In Kuah town.

\1 R ''''lInt/811'
Eating Out Restaurant and bar at the yacht club.
Other Phone and fax facility at the club. Laundry.
Swimming pool [0 be built.
Langkawi Yacht Club, Kuah. 07000 Langkawi.
'D' (60)(4) 9664078 Fax (60)(4) 9665078.

Rebak Marina
Charts BA 843
The marina is situated on the S side of Pulau Rebak
o, ,
'00 ~
Malras Depths In Melres
Besar. The entrance to the marina is difficult to see
even when quite close to . It is situated at
06° 17"44N 99°41"68E WGS 84.
Conspicuous A building with a red roof to the E will
be seen. Close in the breakwater protecting the
channel will be seen.
By night The entrance and channel are lit and a
night approach should be straightforward. Entrance
FI.G.Ss/Fl.R.Ss. Channel beacons Q.R!Q.G.
VHF Try Ch 16 or 69.
Dangers Yachts drawing 2m plus should wait for a
rising tide before entering. There arc 2'S- 2'8m
depths at MLWS and around 4'S-Sm at high tide.
Data 124 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 36m.
Depths 2,5- 2,8 at MLWS .
Berths Where directed. Finger pontoons .
Shelter All round.
Authorities Harbourmaster and staff.
Rebak Marina, Pulau Rebak, Langkawi . 'fi" (04) 966
9941 Fax (04) 966 9944.
Langkawi Yacht Club just S of the pier at Kuah.
Services Water and electricity at all benhs. Showers
and toilets.
Fuel Fuel quay inside.
Repairs Yard to be established at a fUlOre date.

Approach 10 Rcbak Marina.


, 0

\. •....... ..-
~ Drie$

. ............ Tanchong Pehmgi Beach Resort

\ -J Kobo
..;;_ ...../ : ...........~... LANGKAWI

;-:~~~ "\


"~ Tukun Babau

.. ' Langkawl
,'oj ', ,lIagu
,.~ ,

10. Po. Topor ~
o / , ..... ....-:--2
ship lerminal

" Tg.Sawi
'---'0 o
Work in progress
20 20



o 0·' ....
Nautical Miles
: ' +. "


Provisions Mini-market to be established. General

Eating out Restaurant and bar. The marina and shoreside apartments and hotel are
Other Telephone and fax facilities. Swimming pool. still being completed, but all basic facilities arc in
Ferry to the main island. place. The marina and resort arc very much an
upmarket place where it was envisaged everyone
would arrive from seawards whether on their own
yacht or by the ferry service. It is now planned to
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide


Depths in M etres

Rflooi< MIJr;na


.. i

2, 2,





O.R. O.G.
I PUl8U Rebek Besar

I D.R.

oL _ _ _ _ _- '_ _ _ _ -;-;:=200'

REBAK MARINA ~ 06° '7 '. 44N 99"41' ,68E WGS 84


Rcbak Bay anchorage.

build a causeway across to the island from Langkawi customs will have to be stationed here and might
Island, presumably because therc were just not prove a useful alternative to Kuah . Care is needed of
enough people arriving here. a nearby coral patch just ESE of Pulau Selang in the
channel proceeding into Bass Harbour which can be
difficult to discern on BA 843. There have been a
Anchorages around Langkawi few yachts which on cutting the comer through the
archipelago channel have come to an abrupt halt .
Pulau Beras Basah There is a good sheltered
Proceeding from the NW corner and going anchorage from NE and SW on the E side of the
anticlockwise . island .
Burau Bay In the NW comer of thc large bay with Pulau 5,'n6a Besar There are good anchorages on
the airpon extension (Airpon Bay) there arc twO the NE and E sides of the island . Small beach
coves on either side of Pulau Anak Burau which give restaurants sometimes open. The wide bay on the
good shelter with the NE monsoon. Anchor in 3- 5m bottom makes a good lunch stop. In the approach
on either side of the islet . Ashore therc are from the S the small white light tower on the SE
restaurants and bars at the reson . corner stands out well.
Airport Bay The extension of Langkawi Airpon Telok Dayang Bunting (Fresh Water Lake
runway into the bay necessitated the construction of anchorage) The long enclosed bay on the W side of
two breakwaters to protect the runway proper. Pulau Dayang Bunting. Anchor in conve nienl
There are rumours that this may be developcd into depths. The jetty at the head is used by speedboa ts
a mega-marina with 6000 benhs. No-one seems to bringing tourists over. In the evening the tours fini sh
have carried out the necessary research to see if even and it is a peaceful spot. Good shelter from the NE
one tenth of the benhs could be filled and even if the monsoon. Ashore there is the fre sh water lake
marina was built, who would want to berth directly which, as local myth has it, restores the fenility of
under the flightpath into the airpon. maidens who may have lost it.
Pelan6i Beach Resort A sympathetic reson in Fjord anchorage A spectacular anchorage behind
traditional Malay style in the NE comer of Rebak Pulau Gabang Darat at 06° II"14N 99°47"30E
Bay on the S side of Pulau Rebak. You cannQ[ get WGS 84. Entrance can be from the N or SW.
toO close because of the shallows but there are a Anchor in 6- 12m on mud . Good all round
number of moorings in around 2m or anchor off. protection. The steep slopes around abound in
Good. protection from the NE monsoon. Restaurant birdlife and troops of monkeys.
and bar ashore . Telok Ayer Taban The large bay around the
Rebak Bay Between Pulau T epor in the S of the corner from Fjord anchorage. Adequate shelter
bay and the coast of Langkawi there is good shelter from the NE monsoon only.
from the NE monsoon at 06° 16'·89N 99°43"67E Surrounding islets The several islets around Fjord
WGS 84. Anchor in 4- IOm on sand and mud . anchorage and Taban make a wonderful area just 10
Several beach bars and restaurants ashore. potter. Most are limestone rising precipitously from
Cruise Ship Terminal Directly under Tungu [he sea and undercut in places. They have numerous
Sawa, the SW tip of Langkawi Island a new cruise caves and prolific birdlifc amongst the vegetation
ship and ferry tenninal is nearly complete . This is sprouting from all sides.
for the use of large ships although immigration and

lndiau Ocean ernising Guide

" 8

5 8

5, 1

8, ----. -. --



6~ "
• iI
1'·S4N 99°47'·13E WGS 84

Dayang Bunting NW side There are several good

anchorages along the NW side of the island which in
fact provides bener shelter from the NE monsoon
than might appear from the chart. Due E of Pulau
Kedera and the islet after it are several coves with
sandy beaches. At one of these there is a fresh water
creek used by yachts to water up.
Bumbon Besar Bay The passage from Kuah
between Pulau Bumbon Besar and Langkawi Island
is easily negotiated. During the NE monsoon yachts
anchor in the large bay NNE of Bumbon Besar.
Care is needed of a shoal patch in the bay. A floating
restaurant sometimes operates here.
Hok·in·the· Wall Actually the Kisap IDver on the
E side of Langkawi Island. Care is needed of twO
isolated rocks in the entrance after which navigation
is srraightforward with good depths. Yachts can
navigate up to the comer where the river abruptly
turns N and which is marked by a charcoal factory.
Anchor anywhere. All round shelter. Wild
Kelawar River The next river N of Kisap. Some
yachts have reponed it navigable.
Tanjung Rhu The inlet on the NE of Langkawi
Island. The Radisson Plaza Suite Resort is located
on the S side of the inlet.
Datai The bay on the N side of Langkawi close to
the NW tip is used by some yachts even during the
NE monsoon. The Datai Resort is located at the
head of the bay.

dearing in, in practice most yachts spend two weeks
Thailand to a month getting up to Phuket and another two
Current situation weeks to a month leaving, usually to Langkawi.
Thailand has long been a stable democracy with Always remember that technically you should leave
little internal or external dissent. There have been within 24 hours after clearing out and that I only
squabbles with Burma and Laos on the exact mention the practice common in these waters: I
definitions of where the border is and a few cannot endorse it here!
confrontations on the eastern side between the Thai If you want to leave a yacht in Thailand and fly
navy and the Vietnamese over where their respective out of the country, then each person who has
territorial and exclusive economic zones begin and cleared in on the yacht as crew must put up a bond.
end. For the most part this has little impact on In 1997 this was 20,000 baht, approximately $800.
visitors. What happens in theory is that you deposit 20,000
Thailand does have its share of corruption, but for baht in a Thai bank, get the bank to issue a letter of
the most part this does not affect visitors. You may guarantee, go to immigration with this letter and
have to pay a few baht extra when you clear in and have your visa amended. The amendment must be
out to immigration and customs and if you intend to stamped when you exit the country and you should
leave a yacht here for longer than one month then allow time for the relevant customs official to do
some greasing of local palms at immigration and this, usually at Bangkok Airport. When you return
customs is necessary to get the requisite paperwork the letter 'Of guarantee is redeemed and you get your
through. 20,000 baht back. In practice the procedure
Documentation and visas normally requires some oiling of the cogs' at
Normal boats papers and a valid passport for all immigration and my advice is to employ help from
crew members must be carried. You may also be an agency to carry out the procedure.
asked for a radio licence and a certificate of One useful tip if you intend leaving the boat is for
competence of some sort although if you do not only one person to clear in as crew with any others
have either of these there appear to be few problems. listed as passengers. The bond does not apply to
A visa for one month will be issued when you clear passengers with the catch being that passengers only
in. It is important to know that this visa is different get a 15 day visa.
to the tourist visa normally issued when you arrive Data
by plane and this can cause complications if you Area 514,OOOkm2 (198,457M2)
want to leave other than by the boat you arrived on. Frontiers 4863km (2626M). Burma 1800km (972M).
(See below.) You may be asked for a vaccination Cambodia 803km (434M). Laos 1754km (947M).
book but this is rare. Malaysia 506km (273M).
Coastline 3219km (1738M)
Entry formalities Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
The authorities are fairly relaxed about entry into zone 200M.
Thailand. On entering territorial waters you must Population 56,100,000
proceed to the nearest port of entry and clear in Capital Bangkok
within 24 hours. Yachts do not normally fly a Q flag Time zone UT+7
but a courtesy flag should be flown. Most yachts Language Thai. English spoken in cities and tourist
clear in at Phuket but· it is possible to clear in at
Ethnic divisions Thai 75%, Chinese 14%, Other 11%.
Krabi. Religion Buddhism 95%, Muslim 3·8%.
For Phuket most yachts go to Ao Chalong and Public holidays
then get a bus or tuk-tuk into Phuket town. You Jan 1 New Years Day
must bring the following documents: ship's papers, Feb 17 Chinese New Year
all crew passports, last port clearance papers, crew Apr 6 Chakri Day
and passenger list, and, optional, radio licence and May 1 Labour Day
captain's papers or certificate of competence. May 5 Coronation Day
With these papers proceed to Phuket town where May 11 Harvest Festival Day
immigration and customs are located on Phuket Jul 28 Asalaha Bupha Day
Aug 12 Queen's Birthday
Road going towards the harbour. It is usually best to
Oct 23 Chulalangkom Day
get a tuk-tuk there although ensure that the driver Dec 5 King's Birthday
does know where you want to go. At immigration Dec 10 Constitution Day
you will be stamped in and a visa issued. You then Dec 31 New Year's Eve
go to customs to pay stamp duty. In the past it has Variable
been necessary to then go to the harbourmaster in Makha Bucha, Songkram, Visakha Bucha, Buddhist
Phuket Commercial Port for final clearance. In Lent.
recent years this has not been necessary although Government Constitutional monarchy. Chief of state
check locally on the situation. Clearing out simply King Bhumbibol Adunlayadet (since 1946). Heir
entails going back to immigration and then to apparent Crown Prince Wachiralongkon.
Democratically elected representatives.
customs to get your port clearance papers.
Disputes Border disputes with Burma (Myanmar) and
Although in theory you get one month only when Laos. Maritime dispute with Vietnam over their
adjacent waters.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Crime Crime against visitors is generally low although From here it is possible to fly to almost anywhere in
actual murder and violent assault figures for the Thais the world. There are regular scheduled flights to
are high. Thailand has a homicide rate of 9'7/10,000 Europe, the USA and Australasia. In Bangkok it is
compared to 8'6/10,000 for the USA, usually possible to find reasonably priced flights with a bit of
considered one of the highest, although they kill each
other and rarely kill visitors. Theft occurs in the cities
looking around. An alternative is to fly out of Kuala
and large tourist resorts but is rare from yachts. Many Lumpur or Singapore which are easily reached by
do not bother to lock up and there is little chance of land or air from Phuket. There are some
anything being stolen. The most likely items are international flights and some charter flights out of
dinghies and outboards and the solution is to padlock Phuket, mostly to European destinations.
the outboard to the dinghy and use some stainless Land There are good rail and coach connections to
steel cable or chain to padlock the dinghy to an Malaysia and Singapore.
immovable object such as a tree or metal piling.
Ashore pickpockets and confidence tricksters operate Practicalities
in the tourist areas. Always wear a bumbag ashore to Mail Not always lightning fast but reliable. You can
keep passports and cash secure and keep the bag to send letters to Poste Restante but it is better to use
the front. If you are offered gems, antiques or other a private address such as an agent or a marina.
items at prices that are very low, it is likely you are
being offered fakes. Fake gems are big business in Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
Thailand. 66. Phuket code 076. Digital mobile phones with a
GSM card work if your supplier has an agreement in
Thailand. The telecommunications system is
Travel adequate, but it can take some time dialling out of
Internal some places because of the demands on the lines.
Good air, rail and road links. Small ferries link some Likewise anyone dialling in may not always get
of the islands. Car and motorcycle hire in tourist through on the first go. There are a number of
areas. phone and fax bureau's in large towns and tourist
Air Internal routes are efficient and safe. The most resorts or use the phone/fax of an agent such as Big
useful link is Phuket to Bangkok and there are 6-8 'A' or Phuket Yacht Services.
flights a day. There are also flights to Surat Thani Currency The unit is the Thai baht which is divided
and Trang in the S. into 100 satangs although only 50 and 25 satang
Rail From Bangkok the railway line runs S down the coins will occasionally be seen. The baht used to be
E side of the country through into Malaysia and on tied to the US dollar but is now part of a basket of
to Singapore. It is clean and relatively cheap, not to Asian currencies and is relatively stable although it
mention civilised. nose-dived with other Asian currencies in 1997.
Coach Most places in Thailand are connected by There is effectively no black market and it is best to
coach and the air conditioned coaches are cheap and do transactions at a bank in case confidence
efficient. Local services run shorter trips between tricksters do some sleight of hand with the number
towns and villages. In most places you can get about of notes you think you are getting.
for comparatively short distances (such as around Banks and exchange In any city or tourist resort
Phuket Island) by simply wandering out onto the there are banks which will change cash or travellers
main road and flagging down any buses or mini- cheques. A number of banks will give cash advances
buses going in the direction you want. against major credit cards. There are also ATMs
Hire cars and motorcycles In the tourist areas (such as which will take major credit cards. Many shops and
Phuket) there are numerous hire car and motorcycle restaurants will accept credit cards.
companies. Rates are fairly cheap. It should be Medical care Is generally good. There are well-
borne in mind that Thailand in general, and Phuket staffed and equipped hospitals in the cities and large
in particular, has one of the highest accident rates in tourist resorts and the doctors are generally well
Southeast Asia and that motorcycle accidents are trained, often in Europe or the USA. The cost of
the most common cause of injury to tourists. care is medium, but it is advisable to have private
Taxis and tuk~tuks Around the cities and towns there medical insurance. The pharmacies are generally
are numerous conventional taxis or the three- well stocked although drugs may be under different
wheeler kamikaze conversions known as tuk-tuks. brand names.
Taxis will have a meter although you may have to Opinions on the water in Thailand vary. Some
persuade the driver to tum it on. For tuk-tuks agree people like to treat it before use and others do not
a price beforehand. There are also numerous small bother. If in doubt treat water before using it.
vans which operate as taxis and on longer routes Bottled water is widely available in restaurants and
where you should also agree on a price beforehand. bars. Where the ice comes from is another matter.
On longer routes there are share-taxis which may be Electricity 220V 50Hz AC.
anything from a pick-up truck to a minibus.
Curiosities and culture
International Keeping face and head to foot Losing your
Connections by air and land. temper and getting angry with a Thai person is
Air Most international flights are from Bangkok. considered a loss of face and diminishes you in the

eyes of the other person. Amongst Thais jai yen, destinations in the world and it has the unenviable
literally a 'cool heart', is considered an admirable reputation as a place where the girls (and boys) are
quality and calmness and coolness in dealings with easy and cheap. Along with this reputation has come
others is the cultural norm. A farang (non-Thai) the modem scourge of the late 20th century and
should never lose his temper in dealings with Thais, estimates of those who are HIV positive are
even when recalcitrant officials are being awkward currently 600,000 with the World Health
and demanding, implicitly or explicitly, a bribe. Organisation estimating a total of 8-9 million at
Look at it this way. Not only do you diminish risk. Figures such as 50% of prostitutes being HIV
yourself in the eyes of a Thai, but invariably dealings positive have been bandied about. In 1991 Thailand
will take longer and paperwork will, inexplicably, get started an HIV awareness programme and began
more complicated. promoting safe sex. Despite this very public
When in the presence of Thais it should be campaign it is likely large numbers will still be
remembered that the body is assigned degrees of infected and for anyone on the razzle in Patong or
holiness or dirtiness. Not surprisingly the head is the elsewhere it is imperative that safe sex is practised.
holiest spot and the feet the dirtiest. Never point at You have been warned.
anything with your foot as this is regarded as an Thai massages On most beaches you will see
insult. Likewise do not touch the head of anyone as makeshift beds with Thai masseurs sitting patiently
this is the holiest and most spiritual part of the body. by them w~iting for clientele. This has nothing to do
Although things are changing in the tourist areas, with the· nudge-nudge, wink-wink notions of
Thais frown on open displays of affection including massage parlours in the west and a Thai massage
kissing and holding hands in public. Men may hold can do wonders for muscle tone and even things like
hands in public and this is simply a sign of affection whiplash neck and tennis elbow. It is a variation on
and nothing else that farangs might assume it Chinese and Indian massage techniques and
signifies. identifies problems from certain chakras or energy
Buddhism Buddhism in Thailand is Theravada points. It is to be recommended for long standing
Buddhism which was imported from Sri Lanka in muscle complaints or just a pick-me-up.
the 13th century. In this sense it relies on the
Useful books
teaching of the elders and the received lore of Thailand has significant English speaking readership
Buddhist colleges, although in other ways its has a
and there are a number of English language daily
very Thai aspect to it that, at a superficial level, gives
newspapers and some monthly magazines on a
it a charm and appeal of its own. In practice Thai
variety of topics. I mention a few of the many books
Buddhism is fused with Brahmanism, animism and
available below.
ancestor worship to give it a popular 'feel' all of its
Sail Thailand Thai Marine & Leisure. ed. Collin
own. Outside most buildings you will see a
Piprell. Artasia Press. Available locally or in the
Brahmanistic spirit house on which fruit, something
UK from Imrays. Covers all the western coast
to drink, rice and maybe a few flowers are laid every
with plans of harbours and anchorages.
day. On some of the more remote islands you will
Thailand and Burma Handbook ed. Joshua Elliot.
see animist statues and shrines, some of an explicit
Footprint Handbooks. The best of the general
phallic nature, and most Thais wear amulets and
guides by miles.
charms to keep away evil spirits. This bringing
Rough Guide to Thailand Penguin. Adequate guide
together of various religious elements is not seen as
but doesn't cover out-of-the-way places.
contradictory and gives Thai Buddhism a joyful
Lonely Planet: Thailand Joe Cummings. Covers all
aspect, a placating of all the gods so that things go
of Thailand so not detailed on out of the way
right. I go along with this sort of syncretic approach.
Thais follow the Law of Karma whereby
God's Dust Ian Buruma. Vintage. Observations on
meritorious acts reduce suffering. This gives a daily
Southeast Asia.
impetus to Buddhist practice because this reduction
applies to daily life as well as any future life. Thai Geography and climate
wats (monasteries) are peopled by monks going The coast The west coast of Thailand is one of the
about everyday life laughing, drinking, chatting and most impressive coasts in Southeast Asia. It is nearly
just getting on with the reduction of misery. It is not everywhere high and steep-to. Most of the coast and
uncommon for young Thai men to spend a short islands are limestone which has been eroded into
period in a wat, anything from a year to five years, to weird and wonderful shapes and to describe the
gain merit for the family and also to prepare for a islands and islets as steep-to is nearly a misnomer:
responsible life. And he gets to learn to read and many of them are precipitous and close to vertical.
write as well if he comes from a remote village. Only around some of the river deltas is there flat
Sin City and Aids Around Phuket the name land and a few of the islands have a gentler more
Patong is pretty much synonymous with sin-city. At rolling aspect to them in the south of the area. The
night parts of it ~ome to life with a surprising variety limestone islands and islets are spectacular to say the
of sexual choice. There are girlie bars everywhere least. Anywhere that tropical plants can get a hold is
and a few lady-boy bars as well. Not for nothing is covered in green foliage and in places trees grow out
Thailand known as one of top sex tourism of the slopes at impossible angles. Being limestone
there are extensive cave and sinkhole systems as well
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Chumpho,, _ ,
I 10'
(M y:anmar} NeUlicel Mites

;' (; ISlhmus
of Kra

0 .,

Surin Islands ~ . e

Gulf of Thailand

Similan ISlands . THAILAND

Nakhon Si Thammaral a

Andaman Soa

Ao Chelon
• _ Trang
Ko Lanta Va

Tutn(l River

Ko Tarutao(t
Butang Islands -., • \i
• Ahrr 51110r


SUMATRA Ma/acca Str8/1


as the hongs, cave systems where the top of the cave The southwest monsoon is from May to October.
has collapsed leaving a steep crater in the island This is the wet season and those unused to the
which is often only accessible from caves at low tide. tropics will fmd the humidity difficult to handle.
Coastal waters The waters vary according to Average temperatures range from 34-38°C in May
where you are. In Phangnga Bay and around the to 31-32°C in October although temperatures will
waters close to the coast the visibility is much often reach 39-40°C. The average humidity is
reduced by silt brought down by the numerous around 58-70% over the season. The worst months
rivers. Visibility is often less than 2m and snorkelling are reckoned to be July, August and September.
is not an option and the swimming not all that On the western coast of Thailand around Phuket
appealing. The water is not dirty as such, just a there is a double rainy period with most rain falling
milky green from river sediment, although around in May and again in October. On average it will rain
the towns and tourist resorts there is pollution both for more than 20 days in the month during these
from sewerage, the detritus of tourism most evident two months.
as plastic flotsam, and a sheen of spilt diesel from
tripper boats. Only around the outer islands and At Victoria Av max Av min Relative Days rain
away from major rivers on the coast nearer the Point °C "C humidity ;Z·5mm
Andaman Sea does the water get clearer and here Jan '. ~O 23 70% 1
snorkelling and swimming is a joy in warm tropical Feb 31 23 66% <1
water. Mar "32 24 70% 2
For the most part the waters are fairly shallow and Apr 32 25 66% 7
May 30 24 85% 19 ,
around the coast and islands you get to consider
Jun 29 24 86% ~2
deep water as anything over 20m. It takes a little Jul y:',l{ 28 24 86% 23
time to get used to these shallow depths but after a Aug 't'" ,\ 28 24 86% 22
while taking on passages with 3-4m in them and
crossing 2-3m patches becomes the norm. The
bottom is mostly mud so if you do go aground it is Nov . "'- 4" 'irj 29 24 82% 11
not too much of a problem except if you do so at low Dec 29 24 73% 5
water springs. Note The figures above are for Victoria Point 09° 58'N
The silt rich waters around the coast attract lots of 98°35'E which is in southern Burma. In fact Victoria
fish although the Thais are pretty good at scooping Point is on the N side of the Pakchan River which forms
most of them up in trawl nets, set nets and fish traps the boundary between Thailand and Burma and the
for the huge tourist industry around the nearby figures are typical for the W coast of Thailand.
coast. One of the hazards of cruising in the area is Weather
abandoned or lost fish traps which can be up to 2m Prevailing winds near the coast The winds near
long and of fairly heavy construction. As they the coast are basically determined by the NE or SW
usually float just below the surface a good lookout monsoon. However there is a lot of variation
needs to be kept for them around the coast and even depending on the topography and the strength of
offshore. Another hazard is water-logged trees and the monsoon winds.
branches brought down by the rivers which can be During the NE monsoon the wind is basically NE
of substantial size and can do serious damage to a but, can be channelled to blow anywhere from the N
yacht should you collide with one at speed. to the E off the land. When the NE monsoon is not
Climate There are two distinct seasons blowing strongly and in the transitional periods on
corresponding to the two monsoon periods although either side, a land and sea breeze blows or affects the
some divide the year up into three periods with the prevailing NE winds. What will often happen is that
cool dry season from November to February, the the NE wind is augmented through the night by a
hot season from March to June and the rainy season land breeze effect and around mid-afternoon the NE
from July to October. The favoured season is during wind will be stopped by the onshore sea breeze
the northeast monsoon between November and producing a calm or a light onshore wind. When the
April and the less favoured is the southwest NE wind is augmented by the land breeze there is
monsoon betWeen May and October. normally anything between 10-20kn of wind. In the
The northeast monsoon is from November to afternoon there will frequently be a calm or a light
April. This is the dry season and consequently the onshore breeze up to 10kn or so. Depressions
least humid season. Average temperatures range passing to the N of the area may also cause
from around 31-32°C in November and December variations on the normal patterns.
to 34-38°C in April. Temperatures are only a few During the SW monsoon the wind often lifts near
degrees less at night around Phuket. The average the coast and there will be little wind during the
humidity at midday is around 50-58% over the night and stronger winds in the afternoon when the
season. The northeast monsoon will have settled SW monsoon is augmented by the sea breeze.
down by mid-November and lasts through until Overall the land and sea breeze effect is much less
mid-April with a consistent pattern. The best because of the greater cloud cover over the land.
months are reckoned to be December, January, and When the SW monsoon is blowing strongly there

Indian Ou an Cruising Guilk

b cO •

"~hanpnJlIl'ia'l ;', •
& ,,..', ,"
KO } ( NOt •• '
'S) .
'. ~oL.;
. ..
P"o~ _ .

J....flS Chalong

• co
• thPhi Phi

d Ko Racha Vai

, /JKo Racha No;

I:> '.

- Hin Dallng

: " ~

Ko Bulan lll,
.. , A 'i) Ko KhaoV '
Ko Bulan "

Butang ISlando . D :
'" , Ko Adang .. /
/ --
Ko Tarutao
, <) , -

- / \


10 20 30
Nautical Miles


will be consistent SW winds over the area, often 3-4kn for an hour or two, enough to make your
with associated squalls. coasting very slow or lightning fast. For most of the
Prevailing Prevailing area tidal streams are not this savage and are more
At Victoria Point winds 0800 winds 1700 usually 1-2kn. Away from shallow channels and the
Jan NE-E/67% " NE-E/75% islands tidal streams are much less. The varying

Feb c_
NW/34 % direction of the tidal streams around the islands and
Mar ::-~~-'jriil-;t -NE-El71% NW/39% channels also means that some care is needed over
Apr NE-El63 % NW/32%
May /:!~>;,c_ SE-El31%
navigation. The Admiralty charts give an indication
SW-W/50% of the direction and rates of tidal currents around
Jun SE-SW/56% ~.:~~L " SW-W/70%
·';;,ft~~. "
the coast.
Jul SW-W/45% ~ SW-W/74% One other consequence of the tidal range in these
Aug ~~'" .{.- -;-~~;~¥r" .': . SW-W/46% ~ .,:." SW-W/65%
,.1- '6' shallow waters is that at low water there may be a
Sep SE-SW/41% SW-W/Sl%
.~.::!.,. . ~- ~' significant stretch of mud exposed between the
Oct NE-El43% NE-El34%
Nov NB-El60% NE-E/62% beach and the anchorage. This makes things very
NE-El64% NE-El79 % messy getting to and from the shore and in such
For more infonnation on wind direction and strength see anchorages it is wise to plan going ashore or
the charts in Technical Information page 30-31. returning to the yacht for a time before or after low
Gales During the NE monsoon there are few non- water.
tropical depressions that affect the area. There may Currents
be occasions as in late November 1996 when strong Currents around the coast are variable in rate and
winds are generated as the spin-off from a tropical direction, but are generally weak and are easily
storm in the Bay of Bengal, but this is rare. On other reversed. Currents are nowhere more than V4kn
occasions a non-tropical depression may pass to the except around the mouth of large rivers. Tidal
N or S bringing gale force winds though this is also streams as described above are the most important
rare. Squalls may pass through the area, often in feature around the coast.
mid to late afternoon, but again winds are rarely gale
The coast has been surveyed in recent years around
With the onset of the SW monsoon the incidence
the major harbours, but on the whole surveys for
of gale force winds increases to around 5% in July.
most of the area are from some time ago, probably
The effects are lessened near the coast although
late 19th-century surveys. The Admiralty and other
there can be a higher incidence of localised squalls
charts have corrections of between 0·10 and 0·20
bringing gale force winds for a short period.
minutes to be applied to the charts, but these
Tropical storms It is rare for the W coast of corrections are not systematic (for example some
Thailand to be hit by a tropical storm although it apply a correction E and others a correction W for
can get a peripheral effect in the form of unsettled longitude) suggesting that there are substantial
weather and heavy seas setting onto the coast. random errors from old surveys. By my rough
Occasionally a tropical storm will pass close by as in estimates using GPS I have found errors of between
November 1924 and 1989 when Typhoon Gay 0·25 to 0·40 minutes in some places. This means
affected the area. There are however numerous that considerable care must be used when
places a yacht can find shelter in the comparatively navigating close to dangers to navigation and when
shallow waters as heavy seas do not build up in the approaching anchorages. This applies particularly to
enclosed waters. inland waters where visibility is low and it is difficult
For more information see Technical Injonnation, to see dangers such as the edge of a reef or the sea
page 35. bottom. Where possible I have given GPS co-
Thunderstorms and waterspouts Thunder- ordinates using WGS 84 datum. Other co-ordinates
storms and associated squalls occur although they are schematic and should be treated with caution.
are most common during the SW monsoon and the
transitional periods on either side. They can also
occur during the NE monsoon, although the squalls
do not carry a heavy weight of wind and they are
usually short lived affairs. During the SW monsoon
squalls may reach 35kn for short periods but rarely
Waterspouts occur most commonly during the
SW monsoon and the transitional periods.
Around Phuket the spring range is in the vicinity of
2·3m (7ft 6in). This is considerable enough to be
taken into account as the comparatively shallow
waters and channels mean that tidal streams can be
significant at springs. In places tidal streams may be

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Harbours and anchorages Butang Islands

This section does not include anywhere near all the A group ofrwo major islands and a number of minor
possible anchorages and for more detailed islands lying off'the NE comer of Langkawi making
infonnation you should consult Sail Thailand by them an easy day hop from the W side of Langkawi.
Thai Marine Leisure which is available in Phuket The approach from the SE is straightforward
and a few other places locally. A brief perusal of the although Hin Takon Chet is difficult to spot until
charts will also rum up a lot of anchorages usable in close to.
the NE monsoon. There are numerous anchorages around the islands.
The description of anchorages is from the S to the 1. Ko Lipe S side Anchor in the bay on the S side
N. in to-20m. The depths come up quickly to the
fringing reef which is irregular so it pays to have a


Ko Rawi

25 '0



o 2 3 4 5
I I ! I I
Dep!hs In Metres Nautical Miles

BUTANG ISLANDS -$- 06°29'· lN 99° 18'·5E WGS 84

Butang Islands. Ko Lipe south side anchorage.


lookout aloft. The bottom is sand with some coral

patches. There is also a current running around 'EG.S•. 1M
the bay. Good shelter from the prevailing NE
winds although some ground swell works its way Ko Lela
around inro the anchorage. Open to the SW.
Ashore there is a small village and primitive
bungalows. Simple fare available ashore at the
bungalows. Fish from the fishermen or there is
good fishing around the reef.
2. Ko Lipe N side Anchor between Ko Lipe and
Ko Adang in the chalUlel in 8-15m on mud and
sand. Keep a lookout for moorings used by the
local fishing boats. Good shelter in the NE
monsoon and reported to be adequate in the SW
monsoon. A significant current runs through this
channel. Simple fare ashore.
3. Ko Adang W side There are several anchorages
on the W side that can be u~ed in idyllic
surroundings. Care is needed of the fringing reefs
in places but with a little exploration there are
several coves that can be used. Some ground • Ko Kaman
swell may penetrate at times bUl on the whole it
is peaceful if tucked close in. The slopes drop
down steeply to a number of beaches and there
are no facilities available. -"
~ K~Sing

' nKtl'"'~O
4. Ko Rawi SW corner Anchor off the reef here in
20- 25m. Some current flows through the
channel. Reasonable shelter in the NE monsoon. ;
.,....-5 J,. ~ Q Ko Belitvng Besa
A heavy swell peneU'ates imo the anchorage with
the SW monsoon. Good fishing around the reef.
D -'to ' );;
~I O ,', ~/OUdllng
Pyramid Point ..f!f: :.~)·i;n bai
o 5
Ko Tarutao Nautical Milas
The large island directly N of the NW comer of
kO TARUTAO -$ 06"42'N 99"39'E
Langkawi. Like the Butang Islands it can be reached
in a day sail from the W coast of LangkawL The
island is a national park and fishing in the vicinity of ponds. The rangers are welcoming to visiting
the island is prohibited although this does not seem yachts and helpful on walks and sights around thc
to deter Thai trawlers which fish imensively all island .
around the island. In fact the trawlers are so thick on There arc also anchorages funher down the W
the sea at times that you will have to zigzag your way coast which can be used with carc. Suitable
around them to get between Tarutao and Langkawi. depths can be found for anchoring although there
Rangers are stationed on the island but do not always seems to be some ground swell around
object to yachts anchoring off or to parties going with the NE monsoon.
ashore, in fact they appear to welcome company 3. Ao Tala Wao An anchorage on the E coast
from visiting yachts. between the islets and rocks. A pier on the shore
There arc a number of anchorages around the is left over from when a prison was sited here.
I. Ao Talo Udang Anchor in 4- 7m off the W side
of Ko Panan. The bottom is mostly mud and Ko Bulan
good holding. Good shelter from the NE The skinny island lying alongside the larger Ko
monsoon but open to the SW monsoon. Ashore Khao Yai off the mainland coast. The anchorage is
there are reported to be the remains of an old in between the two islands and should be
penal colony. approached from the S. Anchor in 3- 6m on a gently
2 . Ao Pante Anchor on the S side of the off-lying shelving bottom. Good she lter from the NE
rocks in 5- 10m. The bottom i!> sand and good monsoon. The twO islands are pretty much deserted
holding. Good shelter from the NE monsoon except for local boats. Spectacular surroundings
although some ground swell penetrates. Open to which repay the effort of exploration by dinghy.
the SW monsoon. The jetty on the shore is for the
Tarutao National Park headquarters ashore.
Limited provisions and a simple restauram here.
There is also a visitors centre and turtle breeding

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Ko Phetra place is under the S end of Ko Rok Nai. Care is

needed of coral patches closer in. Alternatively
07°06"4N 99°28"6E WGS 84 off S end of island
anchor off the NE side of Ko Rok Nok in IO- 20m
Anchor off the SE tip of the island in 6-10m. The taking care of the reef off the beach which extends
bottom comes up quickly from 9-1 Om [0 2- 3m and for 100-150m off. The bonom is sand and good
less. There is a lot of current here and you will holding. At times the ranger on Ko Rok Nai will tell
probably lie [0 the current even when it is blowing boats anchored in the channel to move as they
strongly from another direction. The island is also obstruct the passage for fishing boats.
subject to strong squalls when it is windy. Good Reasonable shelter in the NE monsoon but with
holding and adequate shelter in the NE monsoon. any unsettled weather producing a swell the
The island is a spectacular precipitous ridge of anchorage is most uncomfortable. In fact with any
limestone covered in jungle and resounding [0 bird swell rolling in from the Andaman Sea the
cries. It is a major bird nesting island and some of anchorage in the channel is a bit like being in a
the ropes and paths can be seen. washing machine. The anchorage is a favourite
stopover for yachts heading to or from Phuket with
brilliantly clear water for swimming and sandy
RokNok beaches.
07°12"S8N 99°03"9E WGS 84 (Channel anchorage)
An anchorage in the channel between the islands of
Rok Nai and Rok Nok or off the NE comer of Rok Ko Lanta Yai
Nok. If possible anchor in the channel in 5- 15m 07°29"SN 99°Q7"lE WGS 84 (Under Ko KJuang)
trying to keep out of the main fairway. The best On the E side of this island/peninsula there are
several good secure anchorages. In the approach the
N high island/peninsula is easily identified and the

~~ ""ok N""~
light structure on the end (Fl(3)15s15M) is easily
recognised. During the NE monsoon anchorage can
be obtained in a number of places.
1. Ko Kluang Anchor off the S side in 4-6m taking
Deprhs in Malras ~a~ \ 0 care of the fringing reef which extends out from

..,c:::.;;»-, ... .'.

the S comer. Good shelter and a small beach
ashore with oysters on the rocks. There is a sea
gypsy village at Lek opposite where a few
provisions may be found.

::!:.::..,'f:.:.•·::./i.·... .... \''.•.••:;..... Ko Lllntll No;

... '..' if ~~ 1<0 TII18ool'l9
.. \ ~/ C\
.: , "\~r-;::)) ~
':~l:l ( ~Y.mY.
Nautical Miles

Ko Lanl"" Vei ~""~"~'~' .!. V
.. / ~ ~' tt!-

l" 2
\. ~ ~l<oBlIbll

\(i., .!.~r'
"-Jl ' • •

(-'''"' ~
20 o 5
Depths in M8tr~s
1 1 1 1
NautiClI1 Miles
Rok Nok. The anchorage in the channel.


Ko Lama Yai S e nd. The light lOwer siands nUl well .

2. Ko Po Anchor off the NW side in 4- 6m taking

care of the reef off the island . Good shelter from
the NE monsoon in tranq uil surroundings.
3. There are numerous other anchorages around
here which can be explored with care and some
appear to provide shelter from the SW monsoon.
The bonom is mostly mud and good holding.
The water is not very clear for swimming but the
surroundings are spectacular with high land on
the peninsula and everything covered in jungle.

Phi Phi
The large island of Ko Phi Phi Don and its smaller
sister Ko Phi Phi Le are probably known to most
people who visit Phuket. The large island is the most
developed and after some of the other islands it is a
bit like arriving at an offshore metropolis of Phuket.
The island is sa id to be one of the three most
beautiful islands in the world although the source of
these judgements is not known, probably a glossy
magazine or a travel brochure through which the



/-linK/s /


_. Ko Bida Nok
/~' 0 2
,~ , I I I
Depths in MSfr(ls
Nau lical Miles
Ko Phi Phi Lc, the smaller siSle r 10 Ko Phi Phi Don.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Ton Sai Bay

Straightforward by day and possible at night with
care. Make for the W side of the bay to avoid the
reef and rocky outcrops on the E side. The reef
fringing the W side of the bay is fairly even for most
of its length and easily identified by day. At night
care is needed of craft anchored in the bay, many of
which do not have anchor lights.
Anchor where convenient in the NW comer of the
bay keeping clear of the jetty the tripper boats use
and any of the permanent mooring buoys for the
tripper boats. The anchorage can get crowded at
times, but then it is possible to anchor further out.
The bottom is sand, reasonable holding once your
anchor is dug in.
Shel,er Good shelter in the NE monsoon and
reported adequate in the SW monsoon. It is only
uncomfortable from the wake of the hordes of
tripper boats charging in and out.
Water From a tap near the tripper boat jetty. It
should be treated before use.
Fuel There is a fuel barge used by the tripper boats
where it may be possible to get fuel. Most yachts go
elsewhere for fuel.
ProvisiOnS Adequate shopping for provisions in the
shanty town on the isthmus.
Eatitlg out Numerous restaurants of all types in the
shanty town and around the adjacent coast. The
restaurants on the N side of the isthmus have
wonderful views out across the water or have a
sundowner here and go into the shanty town to eat.
Good seafood available in non-fiery dishes tailored
to the European palate.
Ton Sai Bay on Phi Phi.
Other PO. Moneychangers who can change
travellers cheques as well as hard currenc),.
comment has since become enshrined in Thai Telephone and fax agents. Ferries to the mainland
tourist literature. In fact there are many other and Phuket.
islands off the east coast which are every bit as General
beautiful or more so than Phi Phi, especially when The anchorage under the precipitous slopes on the
the water around the islands are stained by a sheen W side of the bay is beautiful and spectacular.
of diesel from the tripper boats and from discarded Unfortunately the water often has a diesel sheen
rubbish and the air is punctuated by the staccato over it making it uninviting [0 swim in. There have
sound of unsilenced longtail mOtoTS. Still, it is a been threats to remove the shanty town and install
spectacular spot and Ton Sai Bay provides some of upmarket hotels around the foreshore, a pity as the
the nightlife absent on other islands. shanty town has a good deal more interest than
The islands are easily identified from the distance, many of the hotels nearby offering bland
being high and steep-to and stuck out on their own. international standards and cuisine.
From the N care is needed of the reefs around Ko
Mai Phai and especially of Hin Klang. The 5m
patch off the E side of Phi Phi Le does exist as was
Other anchorages around Phi Phi
verified by a super yacht recently which had its 1. Ao Lanah 07°46"ON 98°45'·5E WGS 84.
centre board drawing more than 5m down. In the Anchor in 1O- 15m keeping clear of the coral reef
closer approach the numerous tripper boats from filling much of the bay. Adequate shelter in the
the mainland coast and Phuket and those operating NE monsoon although some ground swell may
out afTon Sai Bay will be seen everywhere. penetrate.
Most craft make for Ton Sai Bay. 2. Ao Lohdalum The large bay on the N side afthe
isthmus cuning affTon Sai Bay. The large bay is

beset with coral heads and the reef and should bay and clear water over coral and sand in the inner
not be used. It is possible to anchor in the cove pan of the bay. The bay is popular with tripper
on the NW side of the large bay keeping clear of boats so it is not exactly a peaceful spot. Ashore
the fringing reef. Anchor in 15 -20m on sand. there are several restaurants with good seafood.
Adequate shelter only. On Ko Racha Noi, the long thin island to the S of
3. Resort Hotels NE side In calm weather it is Racha Yai . it is possible to anchor off on the middle
possible to anchor off the resort hotels on the NE of the W side. This is not really a good overnight
side keeping clear of the fringing reef. These anchorage, but is a beautiful spot with good
anchorages are not nonnally good overnight stops snorkelling in clear water.
being exposed to any wind and swell from the N .
4. Phi Phi LeIMaya Bay On the SW side of Phi
Phi Le it is possible to anchor off Maya Bay in Ao Chalong
20- 25m. Most of the lagoon inside IS
encumbered by a shallow reef. By day large Approach
numbers of tripper boats come here so it is not a The approach is a bit unnerving the first time
tranquil spot. The anchorage is not really a safe because of the shallow depths and large extent of
one for an overnighter. To see the other sights co ral and mud-flats fringing the bay and Ko Lon,
around Phi Phi Le pOtter off in the yacht and use but on subsequent approaches it is straightforward.
the dinghy or take a longtail from Ton Sai Bay. There are twO passages into Ao Chalong on the W
Most people go to look at the Viking Cave where or E sides of Ko Lon.
there are prehistoric pictures of Viking-like boats. C01lSpicuous The islands in the approaches are fairly
Maya Bay, and a hong (collapsed cave system) on easy to identify. The large Phukel Island Resort
the E side. Just d on' t expect it to be tranquil. H o tel on the W side of the W channel is easily
5. Bamboo Islands The two smaller islands to the identified and the buildings around the NW side of
N of Phi Phi Don can be visited although there is the bay and the numerous yachts on moorings will
no secure anchorage. Care is needed of Hin be seen. On the E side lhe Fisheries Institute on the
Klang. Anchor off where convenient and return E side of the E channel which usually has a large
to Phi Phi D on for the night. ocean going trawler berthed ofT the pier is easily
identified . The fairwa y buoy for Phuket Commercial
Harbour is also easily identified along with the other
Racha Yai channel buoys leading up the E side of the headland .
The island lying W o f Phi Phi and S of Phuker Ko Thanam is easily identified and the buildings at
Island. On the NW of the island there is an Ban Nit will be seen once into the channel. Two
anchorage at Ao Racha Yai providing good shelter pairs of small RIG buoys mark the channel from just
from the NE monsoon. Anchor in the outer part of N of Ko Thanam to Ao Chalong pier.
the bay in 1O- 15m on sand . The surroundings are By night A night approach should not be made for
wonderful with a fine sand beach at the head of the the first entrance. Once familia r with the bay a night

Ph uket Fishing I .odgc and Jimmy's Lighlhou~t: in An Chalong.




Ko Ngllm
i, •


..' .,
','Ii ,




e., 10

.~. ..,..- Cholo...

,.A0 enalong

: KoLon
l .1./

~ ~llR.KJC- jJ KoA~
Ko Kaeo Yai .'. f!..' 10 0'
fL&e.1OM 0 +·' KO ~
; ,
-$- 07 ' 7'·55N 98 23' .9E WGSa4 I I I
Nautical Miles

'~ 9
~ ........
.~.......... .1

5 --
5 , 20
10"""------ N

'0 2
\ ,11'

/ "------------~----~~~~'
.... Na utical Miles
Depths in Metros


approach can be made with care. Off the fisheries on Dangers

the end of the headland a light is exhibited I. Care is needed in general of several shoal areas in
F1(3)WR.lSs ISM. The fairway buoy is lit Mo(A)6s . the bay shown on the plan. Other shoal areas
Off the Phuket Fishing Lodge a strong fixed white have been reported although not confirmed. For
spotlight is exhibited until around midnight. The the most part the bottom is mud should you go
small buoys marking the main channel into Ao aground. There is some fringing coral on the W
Cha long to the N of Ko Thanam are lit Q.RlQ.G and E sides of the bay a!i well as around Ko Lon.
although they should not be relied upon. Many of 2. Care is needed of the mud bank on the W side of
the moored yachts do not exhibit an anchor light. the bay which is deceptive. It is easy to
VHF The general calling channel for yachts is Ch 69 underestimate how close you are to the coast
and someone at the Phuket Boating Association when the bank is covered by the tide . Head for
based in the Fishing Lodge may be listening in. This the centre of the bay before making for the yacht
is not an official service and you rely on the goodwill moormg area.
of others here for information or help. 3. In the E channel off Ko Thanam a set net is
sometimes extended from the coast to a pole in

Indian Ocean Crnisi,zg Guide
the position shown (p.a. 07°48"3SN 98°22"83E Road about I '/2 miles from Chalong. See the
WGS 84). The pole can be difficult to see and addresses at the end of this section.
does not always appear to be in position. Care is Pr()visi()ns Some groceries and fresh fruit and
needed with a good lookout forward for the pole vegetables can be found ncar the roundabout on the
and any fishermen in the vicinity who will wave a main road where there is a supennarket and a
red flag and jump up and down. greengrocers. Ice from a factory on the road to the
4. Care is needed of numerous tripper boats roundabout. For better shopping go into Phuket
including fast water taxis zooming in and out. town where there are a number of large
supermarkets including Robinsons which stocks
many imported items. The buses usually stop and
There are numerous yellow mooring buoys to which
leave from the market which always has an
a line can be taken. The moorings appear to be
impressive array of fresh fruit and vegetables and
secure. Alternatively anchor where convenient,
fresh fish and creatures of all shapes and sizes. It is
mostly in 3- Sm depths. The bottom is mud and
wonh a wander around even if you intend to buy
excellent holding.
Shelter Good all round shelter. With a strong NE Eating ()ut Most yachties spend a bit of time at
monsoon there is a considerable chop in the bay Jimmy's Bar on the waterfront where reasonable
which can make the anchorage uncomfortable food and cold beer is served by girls in sailor suits.
although never untenable. With a strong SW Good Thai food, including good seafood can be
monsoon there can also be a chop although it is found at other restaurants on the road to the
generally less bothersome than the strong NE roundabout or in the complex of stalls to the E,
monsoon. although at the latter make sure you ask for the
Authorities In Phuket. (See section on Entry chillis to be left out. even if you like hot food.
Formalities.) Get a bus or taxi to Phuket from the Other PO on the road going S from the roundabout.
roundabout on the main road. There has been talk Banks and money changers in Phuket including
at times of making a charge for the use of the ATMs which take Visa and Mastercard for cash
mooring buoys, but to date they have been free. advances. Laundry at Big A or other shops in
Dinghies Are usually left on the beach in front of Chalong. Telephone/fax service at Big A or in
Jimmy's Bar where they appear to be safe enough. Phuket. Hire motorbikes at Chalong and hire cars
Make sure you tie it off. At low water springs there and motorbikes in Phuket.
can be a fair expanse of mud exposed and a not Addresses
inconsiderable number of yachties tend to spend Big A, Next to Jimmy's Bar. Can arrange most
their time in Jimmy's or elsewhere rather than boat repairs. stocks Thai charts, laundry service.
wading through the viscous goo which is exposed. telephone/fax service and will hold mail.
This only happens for a few days over low water Big A, Next to Jimmy's Lighthouse, Chalong,
springs and can be avoided by judicious timing for Phuket. V IFax (66) (76) 381 934
trips in and out. Rolly Tasker Sails, 26/2 Chaofa Road, Chalong,
Phuket, Thailand 83130. V (66) (76) 280 347
Facilities Fax (66) (76) 280 348
Water Call the water barge on VHF Ch 69 or by G C Huat, 18 Rassada St (ncar the market),
jerrycan from the shore and private sources. Large Phuket town, Phuket. V (66) (76) 211 098 Fax
20L containers of treated drinking water are (66) (76) 211 097
available in Chalong village. Spares can be ordered if they are not in stock.
Fuel Call the fuel barge on VHF Ch 69. For small
amounts and for petrol there is a service station
close to the roundabout on the main road heading
into Phukct.
Repairs Mechanical and engineering repairs in
Chalong and Phuket. You can source them yourself
or use the Big A Agency. For many repairs such as
GRP, wood', electrical and electronic work it
depends on what skills are available on yachts more
or less pennanently based here. There are some
skilled folk around but you will need to find out by
word of mouth. Rolly Tasker Sails can make and
repair sails using the latest laser cutting equipment
and also provides a rigging and spar service. Canvas-
work can be carried out by Cobra and Sea Sports in
Chalong. Most hardware and some chandlery can
be found in Phuket town with G C Huat
(pronounced 'Wat') justly famous for stocking a
large range of spares. Some second-hand boat items
can be found at the group of chalets on the Rawai Ban Nit on the E side of Ao Chaiong.

Most yachts end up in Ao Chalong at one time or
another. It is not only a secure anchorage, but a
meeting place for cruising yachts with good facilities
and easy access to Phuket town and the airport . It is
a secure place to leave a yacht although it may not 1f PhJke~'t "t
be a bad idea to get someone to keep an eye on it if -;:' r ell..
you are going to be away for a long time . It is not the
quietest place around with tripper boats and water
taxis roaring in and out, but it is not too noisy either
and some yachties have been known to settle down
here for months.
Jimmy's Lighthouse is a well known watering hole
for yachties and the service is friendly and the food
reliable. The bay is unfortunately not a good place
for swimming being a bit murky, but if you go over
to the eastern side under Ban Nit the water is

Anchorages around Ao Chalong Depths in Metres

I . Ban Nit On the E side of the bay where shown NAI HARN -$ 07 c
46'·37N 9ao18'·1E WGS 84
on the plan. This anchorage is more comfortable
in the NE monsoon as there is little fetch , but
with the SW monsoon a considerable chop can
build up across the bay and roll into the
anchorage. Pick up a mooring if onc is free or
anchor in 4-6m . A reef fringes the beach through
which an access channel has been cut for
dinghies. At low water springs a fair amount of
mud is exposed. Ashore there are restaurants and
bars. Water is available from a buoyed water hose
off the water mooring buoy just off the reef. Call
up on VHF C h 69 (Ban Nit Marina) for the
water to be turned on. It is reported to be
potable. Fucl can be delivered and some minor
repairs organised. There is a bus service into
Phuket from the road on top of the ridge.
2. Fish Farm Bay In the bay around the comer
from Ban Nit which has a number of fl oating fish
fanns in it there is good shelter from the NE
monsoon. You can anchor inside the fish fanns
with care. Clearer water than in the bay proper.
3. Aquan·urn Next to the fisheries there is an
aquarium which is open to the public. Anchor off
in 5- 7m on mud. Good shelter from the NE
monsoon but there is usually a lot of wash from
craft using the E channel at speed.

Nai Ham
07°45'·95N 98° 17'·69E WGS 84
The bay on the SW tip of Phuket Island. It is easily
recognised by the wind generators on the ridge
above and once into the bay the white buildings of
the Phuket Yacht Club on the N side. With care it
would be possible to enter at night although it is not
recommended. Anchor off the Phuket Yacht Club
or other convenient depths in the bay in 5- 1Sm.
The bottom is sand and good holding. Good shelter
from the NE monsoon although any swell in the
Andaman Sea works its way in. There can often be
a light surf on the beach which makes it interesting King 's Cup boats in Nai Ham.
Indian OceQ1J ernising Guide
getting ashore in the dinghy. Open to the SW
monsoon. A yacht should not be left unattended
here as if the wind turns it is a lee shore and every
year there is usually a yacht which ends up on the
Ashore there are the very upmarket facilities of the
Phuket Yacht Club or a good selection of beach
restaurants around the shore. To the W of the
Phuket Yacht Club there is a small beach known as
Jungle Beach with a simple but good seafood
restaurant. It is possible to anchor close off here
with good swimming in clear water off the beach.
In early December this is the base for the King's
Cup with the committees and race office billeted in
the Phuket Yacht Club. The place buzzes with
dinghies going back and forth and panies ashore or
on boats. It is an enviable location for a week of
racing and should not be missed.
Palong loo king OUI imo Ih", hay from the reson.

The large bay on the W coast of Phuket Island with French, Mexican, English pubs, fast food, just about
a foreshore lined by hotels and buildings of all anything you might desire. There are more bars and
shapes and sizes and heights. It is difficult to miss. night-clubs than almost any other square mile in the
This is a popular NE monsoon anchorage with good world. This is sin-city with a deserved reputation for
shelter, although like Nai Ham care is needed with sexy shows and sexy girls. Just remind your crew
onshore winds. Anchor in 5- 15m on a gradually there are a lot of lady-boys around and that the
shelving bottom. The bottom is mostly sand and slickest sexiest shows are usually of the lady-boy
good holding once you ensure your anchor is well in. variety. Patong is popular with yachties over
Ashore there are all the facilities of a large tourist Christmas, New Year and Songkran when there is
reson. There are numerous banks and ATMs which usually a lot of festivity at Patong and impressive
will g1ve cash advances on Visa and Mastercard. fireworks.
Telephone and fax services. Travel agents. There
are enough restaurants of all types including Italian,

West coasl of Phukel. From boltom to top: Kata No i, Kat a,

and Karon.

Other west coast anchorages

Between Nai Ham and to the N of Patong there are
numerous other bays which can be u sed during the
NE monsoon which have a number of hotels and
restaurants on the foreshore, often a large number of
hotels and restaurants as the whole Phuket W coast
is a popular tourist destination. Access to me bays is
mostly straightforward . The following arc popular
anchorages going N from Nai Ham.
Kala Nai, Kala Beach, Karon Beach, Meridien Bay,
Freedom Bay, Kamala, Sunn, Bang Tao, Mai

Boat Lagoon
A marina built inside the mangroves with a 2km
long winding channel from the sea marked by
beacons. For most craft drawing more than 1-5m it
Boat lagoon tucked up inside the ma ngrollcs

is best to go in on a rising tide. Craft drawing up to

2·5m can enter although it is planned to dredge the
channel so that deeper draught craft can enter.
lal!mYamu Approach
The seaward end of the channel is located under
Deplhs In Metres Laem Yamu and NW of Ko Rang. The beacons are
Dries not easy to make out, but closer in will be easily
identified. If you are waiting for a rising tide there is
a pleasant anchorage off the beach on the SW side
3-3 : 2
• - -....
,,- - 1":::
:::-.::v' ofKo Rang .
Conspicilous The islands of Ko Rang, Ko Maphrao
(beacons) 'I '. and Ko Mali are easily located. The beacons are
,,::::::::: \. difficult to spot at first but closer in will be seen. The
_ _ ~g;(;~7t"2 9 ~ ::. '2. \. entrance to the channel is at 07 D 58"67N 98°24"95E
Ii) gMangroves
9QQ9 \
, WGS 84.
i By nighr A night entrance must not be attempted.
Boat l4goon Dries ! VHF Ch 71 for the harbounnaster. He will advise
o you on the state of the tide and on whether it is
N8utieal Miles practical to enter.
, ~ 07°58' ·67N 98°24' ·95E WGS 84
2 ~ 07°58' ·05N 98°23' ·9E WGS 84


ShopS, olficH,

Work i n

Depfhs in Meffes I
BOAT LAGOON ~ 07°57'·8N 98~ 23' · 2E WGS 84 The channel marked by poles into Boat Lagoon.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Note At 0755 local time the harbourmaster at the because it provides secure berths and good yacht
Boat Lagoon broadcasts on Ch 71 a weather facilities it has prospered. It can be a bit still in here
forecast, tide times and ranges, and a list of faxes out of the wind during the humid summer period,
received in the office by boat name. but there is little else like it except for the Yacht
Dangers Haven development on the north of Phuket Island.
1. There are a number of shallow spots in the There are plans to expand the number of berths for
channel which are dredged periodically. If you go the second stage of the development and dredge and
aground it is all mud in sheltered waters within widen the entrance channel.
the bay.
2. If large craft, particularly large motor yachts are
coming out as you go in, it can be a bit of a
Yacht Haven
squeeze in the channel. Slow down and edge by. A new marina and condominium development on
the N of Phuket Island just E of Sarasin Bridge
Mooring which connects Phuket Island to the mainland.
Data 120 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 100ft.
Draught restricted to 2'5m by entrance channel. Approach
The entrance in from Phang-Nga Bay looks
Berth Where directed. There are finger pontoons for
difficult, but in practice it is straightforward. The
most berths.
islands and islets in the approaches are easily
Shelter All round shelter. identified and the only tricky bit is in the immediate
Authorities Harbourmaster and marina attendants. approaches between the mud bank fringing the
Charge band 2. Sliding scale for longer term stays. coast of Phuket Island and the isolated sand bank on
Facilities the NE side. Both of these dangers can usually be
Services Water and electricity at every berth. Shower seen and at low tide they dry. A course of around
and toilet block. Phone and cable TV connections 320 0 M on the tall electricity pylon on the mainland
possible. side at Sarasin Bridge from Ko Ngam leads more or
Fuel Fuel quay with diesel and petrol at the less clear to the marina as shown on the plan. There
entrance. is some tidal current in the enclosed waters running
Repairs 60-ton travel-hoist. Large area of hard pretty much NW-SE along the channel, but it poses
standing. Good range of services. Mechanical and no real problems.
engineering repairs. GRP and wood repairs. Conspicuous The condominium development around
Electrical and some electronic repairs. Sail repairs the marina and the marina itself are easily identified.
can be arranged. Canvas work. Chandlers. Phuket By night A night approach should not be attempted
Yacht Services are a long established company that unless totally familiar with the area. A transit light is
can carry out or arrange most repair jobs. See to be established at the marina Iso.RWG.4s.
address at the end of this section. VHF Ch 72 for the harbourmaster.
Provisions Limited provisions available in the
marina. There is a small supermarket at the land Mooring
entrance to the marina or it is a short distance into Data 300 berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 90ft.
Phuket town. Max draught 5m at the marina.
Eating out Limited in the marina. Go into Phuket Berth Where directed. Finger pontoons.
town. Shelter Good shelter although there can be a bit of a
Other Exchange facilities. Telephone and fax chop when winds blow freshly up and down the
service. Taxis available into Phuket or walk out to channel.
the main road and flag down a bus or tuk-tuk. Authorities Harbourmaster and marina attendants.
Addresses Charge band 2/3.
Phuket Boat Lagoon, 22/1 Thepkassatri Road, PO
Box 500, Phuket, V (66) (76) 239055 Fax Facilities
(66) (76) 239 056 Services Water and electricity at every berth. Phone
Phuket Marina Services, Phuket Boat Lagoon, 22/1 and cable TV can be connected. Shower and toilet
Moo 2 Thepkassatri Road, Phuket 83200, block.
V (66) (76) 238 944 Fax (66) (76) 238 943 Fuel Fuel quay.
E-mail Repairs Small slipway and workshops. Some repairs
can be organised from here.
General Provisions Mini-market. Ice.
Although it sounds a bit odd, it is pleasant if a little Eating out Several restaurants.
bizarre to wend your way up what was an old creek Other Exchange facilities. Laundry. Car hire and taxi
through the mangroves and suddenly come upon a service. Phuket Airport is around 15 minutes away.
Mediterranean style marina development with
stucCo apartments around the edges. It is even more General
odd to be able to get on and off your yacht without The Yacht Haven has experienced a number of
dinghying ashore. The marina was the first to be teething problems during the building programme,
developed on the west coast of Thailand and but is now up and running. Not all services are


Phangnga Province {\
..... \ ....
Deprhs in Me/res

Yecht Haven

Mal Khao Beech


Nai Yang

o 5
Naullcal Mil8$
APPROACH TO YACHT HAVEN-$- 08° 10'·34N 98°2Q'·4E WGS 8 4

available at the time of writing, but it is likely most

facilit ies will be in place in the ncar future.

N 15 Phang-Nga Bay
...)!l,- Phang-Nga Bay is the large area between the east
coast of Phuket and the mainland coast around to
./f" 8
r- I I
KrabL The whole bay is peppered with islands and
islets and most of the water is comparatively shallow
Depths in Merres m aking anchoring an easy prospect. The islands and
islets are simply spectacular, tall limestone pinnacles
covered in jungle and surrounded by green waters.
Many of the islands have hOllgs, (he collapsed cave
systems which are accessible from the sea a( low
........... ~ -- ..- .
.... _....... (ide. Wandering along a dark tunnel until you get to
Dries ' . ..........• where the roof has collapsed and it is open to the sky
.... .. is an experience you should not miss .. a bit of
8oard ..... Dries
ResI/bllr HlIr claustrophobia is worth it for the entrance to the
'-. steep-to hole at the end. T he water in Phang-Nga
Condominiums Bay, fed by numerous rivers, has a lot of river silt in
Rood it making it fairly murky, although quite clean fo r
The tide as expected fl ows up into Phang-Nga
Bay on the fl ood and out on the ebb. Tidal currents

Irl!fian Ocean Cruising Guide

, v

,.. _'"
/ 'D" '.
J Ko Rava
Ko Mak ..... --_... ;, ..
~James Bond I V K.
'~t,/ A.

'" PhangNgfJ ""

Bay tI Ko
• f f Khtui

DKoRol '.•
• •.', •

K' ~

• ...


""' K.
V Hong

t "
". •
Ao Labu

'" .L

Boal LlJgoon
Ko Rang
KoVac C:J Ko Dam Hok
y" .L .. .L
.LQ; • ( \_Ko Dam Khw81l
, ' 0 ""'J..
W KoMaPhfao

• Hin Mu

Ko Vung
I \~:O) KO Mal Pha'
r_ ~t
-o Ko Dok Mal
,.!) Hin Klang

a Ko Mai ThOll 0
, ,
Nau tical Mllea

often exceed 2kn at springs so a bit of planning for You only need to see them if you are clearing in or
the tide does not go astray. The sheltered waters are out of Thailand.
rarely rough and although squalls can come Facilities
through, they are usually less than 30kn and fairly Around the beach there are numerous restaurants
short-lived affairs. They may be accompanied by and bars with some more upmarket ones at the
torrential rain which drastically reduces visibility. flashy resorts. Good seafood available. Limited
I will only mention a few of the numerous possible provisions available. In Krabi there are banks,
anchorages here. A perusal of the chart and
provisions and telephone and fax agencies. You can
reference to the plans and instructions in Sail get a bus or taxi into Krabi from the main road
Thailand should sort out an itinerary and suitable running around the shore.
Ko Yao Yai The largest island in the bay lying off General
the E coast of Phuket. There are several The bay is spectacular under high limestone cliffs
anchorages with Ao Labu half way down the W covered in jungle. Palms line the beaches and the
side being easy of access and well sheltered in the water is clean and clear for swimming and
NE monsoon. It is also possible to anchor in the snorkelling. The anchorage is popular in the
bay at the S end although most of it is summer for both its beauty and a modest choice of
encumbered by a reef. facilities ashore.
Ko Yao Noi The large island above Ko Yao Yai.
Anchorages on either side of the N end of the LaemNang
Anchor in the bay N of the reef, or if there is room,
Ko Phanak Convenient depths around the island in in the cove S of the reef running out to the islets off
settled weather. During the NE monsoon anchor the SW side of the headland. Good shelter in the
in the SW or NW bays. Several near the NW bay. NE monsoon. There are beach restaurants and bars
James Bond Island The small islet of Ko Phing around the beach and the upmarket Dusit
Kan at the S end of Ko Raya Ring. It was used in Rayavadee Hotel across part of the peninsula. The
the filming of The Man With The Golden Gun and location is superb with clear water and good
consequently is visited by hordes of tripper boats snorkelling. There is no road access to Krabi.
every day. In reality the scenery around other
islands is better than the location here. Visit it by
tripper boat if you must. Similan Islands
Ko Chong Lat The thin island with Ko Khlui This group of islands lies just over SOM NW of
under it. Good anchorage in the channel between Patong on the W coast of Phuket. With clear seas
Chong Lat and the coast or around the N end of between Phuket and the islands the best policy is to
Ko Chlui. Strong tidal streams in the vicinity. leave around midnight arriving sometime in the
Ko Hong Group The cluster of islands between Ko morning. This has the advantage of picking up the
Yao Noi and the mainland coast. More for lunch offshore land breeze and NE monsoon to give a
stops than an overnight stay. Visit here and go to close reach to the group. A light is exhibited on Ko
Krabi for the night. Similan, Fl(3)20s17M.
The islands are a national park and the water
around them is exceptionally clear. Not surprisingly
Ao Nang (Krabi) they are popular with diveboat parties and during
Yachts do not actually go to Krabi itself, but to Ao the NE monsoon there are a lot of diveboats around.
Nang or to Laem Nang. Good diving and snorkelling all around the islands.
Ko Similan There is really only one useful
overnight anchorage on Ko Similan itself. On the
Straightforward. The islets in the approaches are
NW tip of the island is a bay affording good
easily identified.
shelter from the NE monsoon. Pick up one of the
Mooring visitors moorings if one is free or a diveboat
Anchor in the middle off Ko Sam or in the SE mooring if not in use. You may find diveboats
corner. Anchor in 3-6m on a sandy bottom. return late in the day to reclaim the mooring you
Shelter Good shelter in the NE monsoon. Open to are on. If you have to anchor off it will be outside
the SW. the moorings area in 15-30m as the bottom drops
Dinghies Off Ko Sam you can get into the river and off quickly. Good shelter from the NE monsoon.
leave the dinghy at the jetty to get into Krabi. The The anchorage is not as tranquil as might be
road is nearby and buses and taxis run into town. In wished with the coming and going of diveboats,
the SE comer there are a number of places where generators and compressors buzzing away all over
you can get the dinghy ashore off either the Krabi the place and diveboat parties going on late into
Resort or Pra Nang. the evening. The bay itself is beautiful and there
Authorities Immigration and customs in Krabi town. are good walks ashore.

iridian Ocean Cruising Guide
Depths in M e/res Ko Miang The best anchorage here is off the E side
under the islet lying just off the coast. Anchor in
IS- 20m on sand, good holding. In settled weather
this is a possible overnight anchorage, although
the tidal streams running down the E side of Ko
Miang are quite strong. Idyllic surroundings and
good snorkelling in clear water.
It is also possible to anchor off the national park
Ko Similan headquarters to the NW although this is not a good
overnight anchorage. Restaurant and bungalows
30 ashore.

Surin Islands
The group of islands lying just under the Thai-
Burmese border. A light is exhibited on Ko Chi, the
northernmost of the group, FI.IOsI5M.
HI" ,r-, At the time of writing it is prohibited for pleasure
Po V craft to enter Burmese waters and it is essential you
observe this restriction on navigation.
There are twO useful anchorages during the NE
monsoon on the Wand E sides of Ko Surin Nua.
The best anchorage is reported to be on the SW side
of Ko Surin Nua tucked into the cove where the two
~KOP'V" islands nearly meet. Anchor in 15m taking care of
coral heads. Alternatively there is an anchorage
under the headland running out from the SE end of
~ Mu Ko Similan Ko Surin Nua.
35 National Park headquarters on Ko Surin Nua.
o 0 .

Ko Miang ~


KOP';:~ ,,~HI,. h"

( 35


~ '~1~~j
1L-___ Nautical Miles
SIMILAN ISLANDS Oao3T.9N 97°39 ··lE (FI(3)20s17M)

BurmalAndaman Islands
informers and the secret police. Organisations like
Burma Amnesty International have extensive files on the
(Myanmar) repression in Burma and much has been
Burma has been promoting its tourist potential for a documented elsewhere. Ifpressure on SLORC leads
number of years with 1996 officially 'Visit Myanmar to a situation where the democratically elected NLD
Year'. At the time of writing this promotion of its and Aung San Suu Kyi come to power, it will lead
tourist appeal does not include visits by yachts and to a country which will be a joy to visit and to the
it is prohibited to enter Burmese waters in a private eventual possibility of cruising around its extensive
yacht. The archipelago of islands and indented coastline and islands by private yacht.
mainland coast extending from the Thai border to Further reading
the mouth of the Irrawaddy and the Cheduba Thailand and Burma Handbook Footprint
archipelago down from the Bangladesh-Burma Guidesrrrade & Travel.
border makes a mouth-watering cruising prospect. Freedom from Fear Aung San Suu Kyi. Penguin
The Chergui archipelago, in particular, is as Outrage: Burma's struggle for democracy Bertil
extensive as the islands off the W coast of Thailand Lintner. White Lotus. Documents the 1988
and the cruising possibilities immense. Set against uprising and is banned in Burma.
this is the political situation in Burma which must be
weighed up against any future opening up of
Burmese waters.
Burma is one of the most politically repressive Andaman Islands
regimes in Southeast Asia. Prior to the Second BA 825, 1419, 1398
World War Burma was one of the richest countries The Andaman Islands are an archipelago running
in the region. It is now the poorest. In 1962 General more or less in a N-S direction for 200 miles
Ne Win staged a coup d'etat which ushered in a between 13°40'N and lO o 30'N. There are said to be
period of political and social repression which over 200 islands in the group, although the three
continues to this day. In 1988 riots and largest islands, North, Middle and South Andaman,
demonstrations by the population against the lie close together and overlap at the edges to
government were brutally repressed. Ne Win effectively make up one very large landmass called
ordered the streets to be cleared with bullets and Great Andaman. At the bottom of the group is Little
estimates put the casualties at 12,000 with Andaman.
3000-4000 killed. A military junta was set up, the The Andamans are governed by India and it is
State Law and Order Restoration Council necessary to get an Indian visa with a permit to visit
(SLORC), which has continued to rule the country a restricted area before arriving at Port Blair. An
with all the repression and disregard for human Indian visa can be arranged in Bangkok or Kuala
rights that Ne Win used to keep order. In 1990 Lumpur and is in any case necessary if you are
elections were held and Aung San Suu Kyi's continuing on to India. For further details on visas
National League for Democracy (NLD) won 82% see the relevant section under India. A number of
of the vote despite the fact that Aung San Suu Kyi yachts have arrived in Port Blair without a visa and
had been under house arrest since 1989. SLORC while some have been allowed to stay a week or so,
had miscalculated and immediately imprisoned the most have been given three days and restricted to
leaders of the NLD and arrested many of its Port Blair itself.
activists. Others fled to Thailand as a period of The islands have extensive fringing and barrier
violent repression and atrocities by the military was reefs and great care is needed within 10 miles of the
mounted to contain the threat of democracy coast. There are also significant tidal currents
triumphing against the junta. In 1995 Aung San Suu around the islands and through the channels, some
Kyi was released only to be put under house arrest of which give rise to overfalls and can run at 3-4kn
again where she remains. Meanwhile SLORC at springs. Anyone on passage to or from the
promotes the tourist potential of the country and Andamans will fmd patches of disturbed water and
has tendered contracts to large multinationals for overfalls all around the Andaman Sea, even 50 miles
oil, gas and mineral rights. or so from land. It can be quite disconcerting to run
If you are intending to visit Burma by land I into an area of disturbed water from a virtual calm
suggest you weigh up the moral legitimation that or long ground swell when there are depths of well
tourists give to this corrupt regime. If you do visit I over 1000m and no land in sight.
suggest you avoid government (SLORC) sponsored Yachts must head for Port Blair on the SE side of
hotels and tours which are in any case very South Andaman and not stop elsewhere in the
expensive by Southeast Asian standards. Spend your group. The islands were once off limits as there were
money at local hotels and restaurants and after your a number of Soviet military bases here and much
visit write to the tourist office expressing your sensitive monitoring equipment remains.
concern over repression by SLORC of the
population. The violence to the population is
evident with a bit of sniffing around although the
locals are usually reluctant to talk for fear of

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Prepsr;s Sou rh Chsnnel North Point F1(2) 12s20M
Ross Island N end FI.J5s8M
\ Great Coco I Perseve rance Point Fl.l Os8M
Southern entrance Fl.5sbM
Coco Channel
Command Point F1(2)20s5M
Blair Reef beaeon FI.R.6sm6M .
• Narcondam I

North Andaman I

Middle Andaman I
VHF Ch 16 for coastguard and navy.
Dcmgers Care is needed of Blair Reef in the final
approach to Phoenix Bay.
o Mooring
3 Anchor where directed or in convenient depths in
=s South the SE of Phoenix Bay. You may be directed onto
iii" Andam the quay to clear in and in some cases it has been
• II,
possible to stay on the quay .
(if.; Invisible Sheller Reasonable shelter with the NE monsoon

...... Benk although it can get a bit roily in the bay sometimes .
Linla Andam an I
Awhon'cies Police and naval authorities. There are
no standardised procedures for clearing in and you
w ill have to let the navy and police sort mings out.
Ten Degre6s Chsnnel
Water Near the quay.
Fuel Can be organised.
o Car Nicoba' I
Repairs Basic mechanical and engineering repaIrs
, Balli Molv I ProvisimlS Most of the basics can be found in
( lillonchon g I Aberdeen.
Eating oue Local restaurants in Aberdeen with
Toressol q, excellent seafood and venison - mostly South India
-z. KalCholl ~"O Chlllll101 style, but also Chinese and Bunnese styles. As more
"6 Sombrero tourists arrive it is likely more restaurants will open.
~ '.h Little Nieobar I Other PO. Bank. Hospital. Taxis. Ferries and flights
• V '
to mainland India.
;, ~ Great Nicobaf I
Aberdeen has seen some development in the last
couple of decades, but it remains essentially a small
colonial town. Doubtless things will change as more

, ." B.eueh
hotels are built. For the moment it is small enough
to be able to see just about everything there is in half
o 60 120 Uleelhau a day . From Aberdeen you can organise excursions
I I I to the fanns, the saw mill on Chatham Island and
Nautical Miles Sum.b. get to the beach resons at Corbyn Bay.
ANDAMANS AND NICOBARS Most yachts have been given pennission to anchor
off Ross Island and also the islands of Wandour
Marine Park around the S end of South Andaman
Port Blair Island. The diving and fishing here is reponed [0 be
BA 514
nothing short of superb.
Most boats will make the approach from the SE.
The only danger in me outer approaches is Invisible
Bank. In the final approach Ross Island should be
left to pon. Once up to me entrance the approach is
straightforward and dear of dangers until up to
Phoenix Bay.
Conspicuous Ross Island can be difficult to make out,
but closer in the light structure on the N end will be
secn. The hinterland and coast is heavily wooded
and it can be difficult to distinguish buildings and
By night Almough the approach is reasonably well
lit, a night approach is not recommended.

Nicobar Islands

o 0.5
NaUlical Miles

Hopelown North
Poin l

, i
Flat Pllrsevllrance Pt
i ./
Depth in Metres



near the coast or on passage through Ten Degree

Nicobar Islands Channel, the Sombrero Channel or Great Channel.
The Nicobar Islands are administered by India in However there is no problem using these channels
conjunction with the Andamans. Unlike the on passage E or W, although care may be needed in
Andamans. the Nicobar Islands are not open to Sombrero Channel.
yachts and it is prohibited to navigate close to the
coast or anchor off the coast anywhere. There have
been odd rumours that the islands will be opened up
to tourism and be accessible 10 yachts. but at the
time of writing !:he islands arc definitely off limits to
yachts. In 1997 a yacht which anchored off in the
Nicobars was arrested and detained before being
requested to leave. Other yachts have in the past
related stories of cruising in the Nicobars. but I
would counsel caution over many of the slOries
which are apocryphal accounts usually founh or
fifth hand and related after a good number of beers
in a bar.
It is a shame that the Nicobars cannm be cruised
as there are a wealth of natural harbours and bays as
can be seen from a brief perusal of the chan. In the
past, and the not too distant past, the islands had a
reputation for piracy and cut-throat inhabitants.
The Nicobarese were said to practice cannibalism
and to this day there are still a number of indigenous
tribes (reckoned at about 15% ofthe population) on
the Nicobar Islands. While the Indian government
would have you believe that prohibiting cruising
around the coast is to do with protecting the native
peoples, it also cenainly has something to do with
the Russian military installations on the islands
which are now in the hands of the Indian military.
There is air and naval surveillance of the coast and
surrounding seas which will be evident if you are

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
apologetic officer, While this might all seem
Sri Lanka dramatic, you get used to it surprisingly quickly.
Current situation Inland there are few problems travelling around
Since 1983 when anti-Tamil riots erupted in and most areas in the S and middle of the island are
Colombo and left hundreds of Tamils dead. there considered safe from Tamil attacks. You are more
has been increasing violence leading to a civil war likely to be worried by the police who have a
between the predominantly Singhalese Sri Lankan reputation for conupt practices and the general
military and Tamil resistance groups. One of these advice is not to go to a police station unless you
groups, the liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam, or really need to. If you do, go with a friend and if
Tamil Tigers for short, soon gained ascendancy as possible repon any incident to your consular office.
the dominant resistance group and has fought a I should add that on the one occasion I went to a
guerrilla war in the north of the island since the mid- police station inland in Kandy I encountered no
1980s. Despite proclamations by the Sri Lankan problems apan from a general lack of interest in my
military that the group would be wiped out (in 1987, plight.
1991 and 1995- 96) very soon, it continues to fight Documentation and visas
on. All the actual fighting is concentrated in the N Normal boats papers and a valid passpon for all
and NE of the island. but the Tigers use suicide crew members must be carried. A visa can be issued
bombers and frogmen to mount attacks elsewhere, on arriva~ and need not be obtained in advance.
notably in Colombo. Evidence of immunisation against yellow fever may
The on-going violence means there is be asked for, especially if you have come from
considerable internal security and this applies to any Africa.
yachts visiting the island . In effect there is only one
harbour, that at Galle, used by yachts, and here your Entry and exit formalities
yacht will be searched (a fairly cursory procedure) Entry is straightforward. Arrival should be timed for
by the navy and at night small depth charges are daylight hours as it is prohibited to enter the
randomly dropped into the harbour to deter Tamil harbour at night and in any case it is hardly worth
frogmen from entering and placing explosives on the risk of being mistaken for a Tamil boat making
craft. If you happen to be coming from India to Sri a surprise night attack on the harbour. If you arrive
Lanka, a fairly unusual route which I used going off the harbour at night, as I did on the trip
eastabout, you may well be subject to additional eastabout, this means pottering up and down
searches. in my case by an anned party and an between the large numbers of fishing boats
operating off the coast which becomes less nerve-

• Bay of Bengal



Trincom alee

T,ivandrum Gulf of Manner

Nagercoi[-.;_ r -

Putfelam - /

Sangama Kanda Pt
Colombo •
.... '-'O'''' ..
• Uttl8 Sasses

o 100
! I I ! I
Nautical Miles


Sri Lanka
wracking as the night wears on when the positions of the future then other ports may be suitable
the fishing fleet are established. destinations for yachts and it may be possible to
Because of the ongoing civil war with the Tamils cruise around the island again.
in the north there is much security in evidence. Permitted ports for yachts: Colombo, Galle,
Recently security has been tightened and yachts Trincomalee, laffna, Kankasanthurai.
must now wait at the entrance until a navy cutter
comes out to clear you into the harbour. This entails Data
Area 6S,610km2 (25,332M2 )
either a cursory search of the yacht and/or just
Coastline 1340km (724 M)
taking the names and passport numbers of those on Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
board and a few details on the yacht. You can then zone 200M. There may be sea and air patrols up to
enter the harbour. 100-1S0M off the coast and you may be buzzed by
When you have moored the procedure is as an aircraft or helicopter.
follows: Population 17,800,00
1. You will be visited by the harbourmaster or his Capital Colombo
representative who will inform the clearing agent Time zone UT+5'12
Language Sinhalese and Tamil. Around 10% of the
(the Windsors) of your arrival or will authorise population speak English.
you to go ashore to clear in. Clearing in can only Ethnic divisions Sinhalese 74%, Tamil 18%, Moor
be done through the Windsors. You will be 7%. ,
dealing with one of the late and legendary Don Religion Bhuddist 69%, Hindu 15%, Christian 8%,
Windsor's sons, either Santosh, Vinney or Indra. Muslim 8%.
There always seems to be some discontent over Public holidays Most holidays are organised around
this, but in fact the Windsors are the only ones the lunar calendar and vary from year to year.
who have lodged a bond with the government to Poya days are full moon days. There can be 'normal'
carry out the requisite paperwork. poya days and poya days on which there are special
2. You must clear with the port health officer either celebrations. The largest poya celebrations are in May
(Wesak) and July (Esala). On any poya day no alcohol
on board or in the company of a 'guide' from the is sold and places of entertainment are closed. In
Windsors. practice this does not apply to hotels.
3. You clear with customs and immigration, usually Feb 4 National Day
with a 'guide' from the Windsors. May 1 MayDay
The basic cost is $140 which covers the May 22 National Heroes Day
paperwork dealing with customs and immigration Jun 30 Bank Holiday
and one month's mooring in the harbour and the Dec 25 Christmas
Windsor's fee. For additional months charges are Dec 31 Special Bank Holiday
$66 plus an agency fee. You have to pay for one Government Democratic Republic. There is much
month's mooring even if you intend staying only a rumoured and some recorded evidence of fairly hefty
corruption involving the various parties, but especially
few days so it makes sense to plan for up to a month the anti-Tamil ]vp, in the killing and disappearance
in Galle. There is much to see and do. of people and involvement with the criminal
The Windsors can be contacted in advance and fraternity.
mail can be held there. Disputes Internal civil war between the Sri Lankan
Don Windsor & Co Ltd, 6 Closenburg Road, military and the Tamil Tigers who want to establish
Magal1e, Galle, Sri Lanka, V (94) 9 an independent homeland, Tamil Elam, in the N of
22927/34592 Mobile 072 31213 the island. See preceding Current Situation.
Fax (94) 9 34592 Crime The crime level is low. Despite the poverty
evident in many places, actual theft and violent crime
Once you are cleared in there is no obligation to to visitors is very low. You will be overcharged by the
use the Windsor's for other services although many locals and conned by touts, but it is very unlikely you
yachts choose to do so. will be the victim of theft via pickpockets or
Exit formalities are included in the fee above and muggings. The yacht harbour at Galle is within the
involve notifying the Windsors of a departure date. customs enclosure for the port and there are no
Although formalities usually only take a few hours known reports of theft in the harbour.
for clearing out it is best to notify the Windsors Touts Sri Lanka has some of the most persistent touts in
several days in advance in case of holidays or other the world. You will be followed for hours by touts
difficulties. You will need to give them your offering to change money, sell gems, lace and
seashells, take you to yet another Bhuddist temple,
passports and ships papers.
sell you illegal substances and questionable services,
You must clear in and out of Sri Lanka at every indeed find anything you need. If an apparently
port which effectively proscribes cruising between affable young man enquires if he can help you, the
ports. This is not, in any case, practical as although chances are he will expect a fee in return for finding
the ports below are listed as possible yacht harbours you things that you can easily find for yourself. It can
which can legitimately be visited, at least according become irritating even to the most tolerant of us and
to the handout attributed to the Secretary of I can only counsel patience and a brisk walking pace.
Defence, only Galle and Colombo are equipped to
handle pleasure yachts and several of the harbours
listed lie within the war zone. If the civil war ends in

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Travel for rupees. There are also money changers and touts
Internal offering to change cash. The Bank of Ceylon will
Rail and coach links to most of the major towns and give cash advances on Visa cards. Banking hours are
cities. Also mini-bus and driver and hire cars and 0900-1300 Mon-Fri.
motorcycles. Medical care Is generally good with a
Rail The trains are fairly basic and rattle along at a recommendation in private hospitals. Many of the
bone-shaking pace, but are cheap and adequate for doctors have trained in the UK or Europe and will
the comparatively short distances covered between nearly always speak English. Ask at the Windsors for
towns. a recommendation. A wide range of drugs can be
Bus The buses are basic and the driving erratic. bought over the counter at pharmacies.
Buses connect to most places but they are usually The water is generally safe to drink but if in doubt
crowded to overflowing and the better option is to treat it before using it or filling the boats tanks.
take a train if possible. Bottled water is available.
Mini-bus Most yachties will elect to take a mini-bus Electricity 230-240V AC. The current is variable.
from one of the agents and this is the sensible Curiosities and culture
option. Make your choice on cost and an intuitive Buddhism Sri Lankan Buddhism is of the
choice of driver. The driver will understand that Hinayana form which declined in India with the
excessively erratic driving will cause dissent and you ascendancy of Hinduism. The Hinayana form, or
get to more or less make up your own itinerary with Little Way, emphasises the monastic way of Ffe as
advice from the driver. It pays to do a bit of research the route to nirvana. In fact Sri Lankan Buddhism
beforehand in case there is anything you would has been much modified over the years and has for
really like to see. a long time been closely intertwined with secular
Hire cars and motor bikes Hire cars and motorbikes affairs and matters of state. In Sri Lanka there is an
available at Hikkaduwa and Colombo. We hired ongoing debate over whether Buddhism should be
motorbikes at Colombo and played biker boys actively supported by the state as opposed to the
around the highlands. On the main roads there is a more ascetic and self supporting forms found
lot of traffic pumping out poisonous diesel fumes elsewhere, and this debate is actively picked up by
and it pays to remember that it often rains for a bit the main political parties who try to identify
in the afternoon. Once you get off the main roads themselves with Sri Lankan Buddhism. The
there is not too much traffic to worry about and the institutionalised nature of Sri Lankan Buddhism is
welcome in small villages off the normal route is much in evidence with large temples, monasteries
often embarrassing - you feel like royalty riding and statues of the Buddha scattered around the
around and returning the locals waves and smiles. It landscape. For me it does not have the softened
turned out to be the best thing we did in Sri Lanka edges and more gentle form of Buddhist practice of
and I recommend it if you feel like a bit of whatever form found elsewhere. There is a definite
adventure. presence and mode of worship of the Buddha
International somehow at odds with other more ascetic forms.
There are a few international flights to Southeast Then again what would an old agnostic like me
Asia and India and onwards to Europe with Air know about these things?
Lanka. A number of other carriers like Air France The Highlands If you are in Sri Lanka it would be
also have flights to and from Sri Lanka, but with the inexcusable not to go up into the highlands. Huge
troubles there are not a lot of flights overall. tea plantations with delightful old-fashioned names
like Wilderlands and Hightree are graced by 19th- and
Mail Is slow and inefficient, but generally reliable. early 20th-century colonial buildings. Thick jungle
Mail can be sent to the Windsors who will hold it for clings to the slopes and waterfalls drop a hundred
you at the address above. Several courier services at feet and more down rocky slopes. There are enough
Colombo including OHL. Bhuddist temples and shrines to satisfy anyone and
the highland soil grows some of the largest and
Telecommunications IOD system. Country code brightest vegetables I've seen anywhere. Many of the
94. The telecommunication system is adequate. villages have old colonial guesthouses and at six and
There are IOD bureau's in most major towns or use seven thousand feet it gets cold at night - a welcome
the telephone and fax system of someone like the respite from the humid heat on the coast. Most
Windsors. yachtsmen hire a minibus and driver from one of the
Currency The unit is the Sri Lankan rupee. Sri agents in Galle and get a semi-organised tour
Lankan rupees are not interchangeable with Indian staying in guest-houses where recommended.
rupees and in fact are not interchangeable with very However there is no reason why you cannot travel
much after you leave Sri Lanka. The rate is fairly on public transport as a good rail system connects
stable, but there is little point to hold Sri Lankan main centres and buses run to smaller places.
rupees before or after your stay in the country. Alternatively hire a motorbike.
Banks and exchange In Galle there are several
banks that can exchange cash and travellers cheques

Sri Lanka
Useful books 'Don't think I would like to tackle it with a yacht
Sri Lanka Handbook Footprint Guides. Excellent drawing more than 8ft.
guide. Experienced a light land and sea breeze and anchored
The Reef Romesh Gunesekera. Granta off Shingle Island, covering the south approach to
Pamban, on February 1st. The channel from here to the
Geography and climate Pass is fairly well marked with perches, but we nearly got
The coast Sri Lanka is geologically an extension of ashore trying to creep through next morning, so we
the Indian Peninsula separated by the narrow and dropped the hook half-way and waited for a pilot. Pilotage
shallow Palk Strait. Most of the land around the is compulsory, and the railway bridge (on the Indian side)
coast is flat with numerous fresh and salt water isn't lifted till the dues have been paid.'
lagoons close to the coast. Nearly all of the coast is After Pamban Island the passage across the
covered in high coconut palms and just behind there shallow Palk Strait is not at all straightforward with
is invariably thick jungle. Behind the coastal plain banks of 5·5-9m (I8-30ft) and shoal patches of
the land rises steeply to the central highlands which 2·45-2·75m (8-9ft).
are mountainous with the valleys folded in on Climate like India the climate is dominated by the
themselves forming steep-to precipitous slopes. It is NE and SW monsoons and reference should be
a spectacular landscape with the highest peak at made to the notes for India. The island, sitting down
Pidurutalagala (2524m), although the lower Adams closer to the ITCZ, is generally wetter than the
Peak (2260m) is the more conspicuous from bottom of India. Climatically the island is divided
seawards. into the dry zone of the Nand E and the wet zone
Coastal waters Around the E, S and most of the W of the Sand W, but all things are relative and the dry
coast of Sri Lanka there is deep water a short zone is actually quite wet. Even in the dry season of
distance off. Only in Palk Bay and Palk Strait is the NE monsoon it is common to have a short
there shallow water where until 10,000 years ago Sri period of heavy rain in the afternoon when the cloud
Lanka was joined to India. The steep drop-off from builds up over the highlands.
the coast and the position of the island at the bottom At Av max Av min Relative Days Imm
of the Indian peninsula means that the coast is Colombo DC "C humidity ram
constantly battered by large seas depending on the Jan 30 22 67% 7.
monsoon season. Around much of the coast there is Feb 31 22 66% 6
always some ground swell which usually breaks as Mar 31 23 66% 8
surf on the coast. Many of the beaches have Apr 31 24 70% 14
dangerous tidal rips and strong undertow and there May 31 26 76% 19
are usually a few tourists drowned every year when Jun 29 25 78% 18
swimming off some beaches.
1m 29 25 71% 12
Aug 29 25 76% 11
Visibility is generally good around the coast, Sep 29 25 75% 13'·
although it is reduced where rivers flow into the sea Oct 29 24 76% 19
and where heavy surf stirs up the bottom. Coral Nov 29 23 75% 16
grows around much of the coast and there is some Dec 29 22 69% 10
good diving although strong currents make many
places dangerous. Weather
The position of the island dividing the sea areas E Prevailing winds near the coast During the NE
and W of it also means that it is rich in fish stocks, monsoon winds are deflected down the E coast of
the last geographical barrier for fish migration W or Sri Lanka so that they blow from the NNE-N down
E. Along the S coast there are always numerous the coast curving around to blow from the ENE
fishing boats, large and small, during the NE along the S coast. In the Gulf of Mannar the wind is
monsoon and in places it is positively crowded. channelled and blows out of the gulf with
During the SW monsoon heavy seas largely prevent considerable strength. Around the SW comer winds
fishing on the exposed coasts. are mostly variable with a sea breeze sometimes
being the prevailing wind.
Palk Bay and Palk Strait This area of shallow During the SW monsoon the strong SW winds
water littered -with reefs and shifting sandbanks is blow directly onto the Wand S coasts raising
little used today, in fact I can find no references to
considerable seas.
yachts using it at all in recent years. This is partially
because of the troubles in the N of Sri Lanka and Gales During the NE monsoon there are no gale
partially because of the very real difficulties of the force winds to speak of apart from localised
passage anyway. The old passage used at one time is thunderstorms. One local anomaly is in the Gulf of
at the Wend of Pamban Island where you have to Mannur where the NE monsoon is channelled
wait for a railway bridge to open. The approach is through the gap between peninsular India and the
very difficult and pilots used to be available for the top of Sri Lanka which effect can give rise to gale
passage. MacPherson on Driac made the passage force winds over some of this sea area.
before the war and had this to say about it. With the SW monsoon gale force winds increase
and although the recorded percentage is low at
around 1-2%, the actual incidence is locally
reported to be much higher. Heavy seas set onto the

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Month Prevailing Prevailing Currents
winds 0900 winds 1500 Currents around Sri Lanka are generally stronger
Jan ;:\{t.o~ NE/56% NW/38 % ~, than many other places in the northern Indian
Feb ~~i';§J~ NE/46% W-NW/78% 'f;J*~i: Ocean. Rates of 1-2kn are common and currents up
Mar ~q'4~,;t NEl26% W/42 % to 4kn (100M per day) are not uncommon. Sri
Apr "'," SW/30% SW-W/77%
Lanka is the point of confluence for the current
May 7:" > SW/56% SW/61 %
systems in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and
JuI ,;': [ SW-W/86% SW-W/91 % ;<,j\{'!,\ the currents in these two seas are all pushed away
Aug SW-W/85% SW-W/92%ttt.'!:" from or towards Sri Lanka at the bottom of
Sep ':'1j~~ SW-W/79% SW-W/91 % !!5{i0.' peninsular India.
Oct;;~~ SW-W/56% SW-W/75% ~%,~~i As elsewhere in the northern Indian Ocean the
Nov NE/29% W-NW/58% currents result from the circulation caused by the
Dec NEl53% W-NW/50% NE and SW monsoons. Around Sri Lanka these
Notes Winds for Colombo on the W coast of Sri Lanka. currents are deflected and accelerated as they hit the
Prevailing winds show a definite sea breeze effect in the coast. Mostly the current flows parallel to the coast
afternoon during the NE monsoon. The sea breeze effect in one direction or other, but close inshore strong
will alter the gradient wind to different onshore directions counter-currents and variable sets are common with
depending on location. Thus at Galle the wind is more an .onshore set frequently occurring. The variable
SW than at Colombo. Other winds blow for the remaining and often onshore sets close to the coast mean some
For more infonnation on wind direction and strength vigilance is needed when coasting to or from Galle.
see the charts in Technical Information, pages 30-31. The traffic separation scheme for ships runs some
5M off the coast at Dondra Head and yachts
Wand S coasts of Sri Lanka during the SW frequently keep inside the traffic separation scheme
monsoon making it a difficult and in places when on passage from Thailand or Malaysia to
dangerous coast, even if gale force winds are not Galle. A close eye needs to be kept on the GPS for
blowing locally. cross-track error as well as on the fishing boats all
over the place.
Tropical storms Because tropical storms usually Current direction and rates can be obtained from
breed at around 10° above the equator, Sri Lanka the charts in Technical InJom/ation, pages 48-49 but
rarely experiences tropical storms. However there the following notes may be useful.
are incidences of tropical storms passing over Sri Along the S coast the current is WSW-SW going
Lanka from the Bay of Bengal and an incidence of a from November to March. Rates are strongest in
storm breeding in the Gulf of Mannur. This, I December and January with average rates of 1·25
would emphasise, is a rare phenomenon. and 0'8kn respectively. However rates of 4kn have
Thunderstorms and waterspouts Thunder- been recorded at intervals. In April and May the
storms are fairly common in this region where the direction is variable, although usually SE going.
ITCZ covers or touches the area. From June to October the current is E-ESE going.
During the NE monsoon these thunderstorms are The rate is strongest in June with an average rate of
of fairly short duration and the associated squall is 1·25kn.
not usually of any consequence. Occasionally there Along the E coast the current is mostly S-SSE
will be strong winds around 30-35kn for an hour or going. Rates are mostly 0'5-0'7kn with the
so. exception of November to January, During these
During the SW monsoon there are exceptionally three months the current is sucked around the SE
violent and prolonged thunderstorms at the onset of comer so it closely follows the contours of the coast.
the SW monsoon and to a lesser extent during the Rates average I-I'25kn at this time and rates of
SW monsoon. Many of the associated squalls are 3·5-4kn have been recorded. From February to
very strong at up to 40+kt and can be of some April the current is NW-NNW going and averages
duration. over 0·4--Q·5kn.
Waterspouts occur in this area at times but in On the W coast currents are less determinate until
general it is rare to see one, especially during the NE some distance off the coast where the general
monsoon. monsoon pattern predominates.
The tidal range around Sri Lanka is on average less
than one metre at springs. Tides are mostly diurnal. Galle
Tidal streams are of less importance than the effects Charts BA 819
of currents converging around Sri Lanka, with the Approach
exception of tidal streams in Palk Bay and Palk In the approach there will be lots of fishing boats off
Strait. Here the Admiralty mentions tidal streams of the coast and as most yachts will be making part of
%-1 kn setting in irregular directions according to the approach along the coast at night, some care and
the marine topography and the effects of ocean attention is needed. The final approach through the
currents deflecting or augmenting the tidal stream. buoyed channel is on 003°. Yachts should wait at
the harbour entrance until a naval cutter comes out

"" i ...
>-. '
(@J@ Silo
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HarbOU ~ ~
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0mmunICation Irs

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''I \
Deplfls in metres
'0 pun,awatuna
.'"'G''' "-.
~ (1 ) 06-00', 4N
SO"I3'. 3E
Lh. iWGS841 20 ~Oeumba Gala
'V (2 ) 06' O, '. 4N 35 20 '+"....'" -
s0013'. 4E -'~
iWGS 84 ) 10 ~~ ,.
No t e: l . ligh! obscure d 0 1l8 r oI 0.5 1 ~aGala
WNW and E
2. Night entry prohibit ed
Nautical Miles
' ++'(seebreah)
-; r---- ,O
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
There is a 2F.R on the communication tower on the
E side of the bay. No.1 pier 2F.R.
.. -
;,: ;;,.
VHF Ch 16112 for pOrt control. Don't worry too
much if mere is no answer.
I. There are numerous fishing boats in me
approaches along the coast and a good lookout is
2. There can be a considerable swell rolling in ontO
the coast making the approach uncomfortable.
Note The buoyed channel has some unorthodox
,C urg
buoys marking it. See the approach plan for details.
,, ..." In practice the approach is more straightforward
than it looks and mere is no problem by day. The

oI 500
DepthS in M e/res Metres
GALLE HARBOUR -$ 06°02'·OlN 80o n··91E WGS 84

Fishing proas. Most use outboards for power, but a few still usc
sails. One of the big advantages of these craft is gening OUI
through the surf and back in again - they just slice through IDe
surf with case.

Stitched wooden boat in Galle.

to carry out a preliminary check before entering and

mooring up .
Conspicuous Fort Galle on the headland is easily
identified and a white mosque on the SE comer is
conspicuous. The lighthouse is easily located and a
lanice communication tower near Galle town is
conspicuous. Two communication towers on
Edwards Pillar on the E side of the bay are also
conspicuous. Closer in the buoys marking the
channel will be seen. The entrance to the harbour is
difficult to make out until close to, but a silo and a
number of storage tanks wiU be seen making
location straightforward .
PROHIBITED. The best thing to do is potter
around 3-4 miles off waiting for day-break. In the
approach use Point de Galle light FI(2) 1Ss25M.
The light is obscured from the E and W approaches. Nelling from a proa in Galle harbour. I have to say they never
seemed 10 catch very much.

Sn' Lallka

Approaches to Galle with the mosque and lighthouse in Fort

Galle conspicuuu~.

waypoims given for the approach channel are to needed to get the tides right as depths off the quay
WGS 84 datum. are tight.
Mooring Gas Filling station on the E end of G ibbet Island.
Once cleared in by the navy proceed into the Most gas bottles can be filled and the station is an
harbour. M ooring is between your own anchor and agent for some internati onal companies like
a stem line from the mooring buoys laid out from Camping Gaz.
the east side of the harbour. When the harbour is Paraffin In Galle town or get one of the agents to fill
crowded. as it can be in January and February. cans. The quality is reported to be mediocre.
yachts also moor under the end of the breakwater L aundry Any of the agents take in laundry which is
with an anchor out and a long line to the shore . The cheap and will be returned neatly folded and
bottom is mud and good holding once your anchor smelling of the sun.
has dug in, although some like to lay a second Repairs There is a slipway with cradles running on
anchor just to be on the safe side . rails at the Fisheries quay. The yard can carry out
basic work but nothing more. Bottom cleaning by a
Shelter Good shelter in the NE m onsoon and some
diver with bottles can be arranged. Mechanical
yachts have been left here for the SW monsoon as
repairs are possible but results have not been
well. During the NE m onsoon some ground swell
outstanding for an engine rebuild on a Perkins, for
enters the harbour but it is quite comfortable inside .
examplc . Some engineering repairs. Minor electrical
AUlhon'ties Naval personnel, harbourmaster, and electronic repairs. Most of the good facilities for
custo ms, immigration . See notes on entry repair work are in Colombo, but in practice it is
formalitie s for details on clearing in. probably best to arrange work through one of the
Note The harbour is 'bombed' every night by a dory agents and the Windsors are the ones who can
from which small depth charges (or m ore usually a facilitate getting workers and spares into the harbour
stick of gelignite) are dropped into the water to deter area . Duty-free spares can be imported via an agent
Tamil Tiger frogmen from swimming into the although the procedure is not always trouble-free.
harbour and sabotaging naval boats. The Sail repairs and canvas work locally although the
underwater explosions initially disturb people 's repairs to my cruising chute were inadequate.
sleep, but most get used to the sharp crack of the C anvas work locally. There is reported to be a large
detonation and after a few days it is not worrying. H ood sail loft in Colombo which can do first class
The navy personnel who cruise around in the dory repairs and of course make new sails. Hardware
can occasionally be a nuisance themselves eommg shops in Galle with a basic !>tock of paints and
over to ask for cigarettes and alcohol. sealants and better hardware and tool shops in
Facilities Colombo .
There are several agents apart from the Windsors Provisions Most yachts use Mike Yacht Service
whose addresses follow at the end of this section. Centre to provision. H e has a good stock of basic
Water By jerrycan from a tap near the dinghy jctty. items including many imported good s. Good
There are showers in a fairly ruinous block just N of canned and basic staples. For fruit and vegetables
the dinghy jetty. It is also possible to go alongside there is a good market in Galle and despite the usual
the fi sheries quay when there is room to take on warnings that you will be 'ripped off' I found that
larger quantities of water. The water is generally after a little familiarity the stock was adequately
considered potable, but if in doubt add bleach or priced and generally fresher than elsewhere. There
tablets to it. are also good general provision shops in Galle which
Fuel By jerrycan from the fisheries quay o r go can be used with no hassle - again despite the
alongside to take on larger quantities. Care is rumours advising against going there. Sri Lankan

11ldiml Ocean Cruising Guide
tea in various blends including Earl Grey is available Tarshish which traded with the Egyptians and
everywhere and is of course excellent. Sausages and Persians and with the Levant in Greek and Roman
bacon available. Excellent bakers in Galle and Fort times. It was visited by that great traveller Ibn
Galle - the plum cake keeps reasonably well on Bauuta in 1344 and later the Portuguese, Dutch
passage. Ice from the Fisheries but said to be non- and British made it their own as evidenced in the
potable for drinks. architecture in Fort Galle. It declined when the
Eatillg out For a night out most head for Unawaruna large commercial port at Colombo was built and is
by auto rickshaw where the Hot Rock Cafe is a only used by a few small coasters and the navy
favourite with good food including seafood and cold today. There are plans to build a small yacht marina
beer at reasonable prices just back from the surf on at Fort Galle under Point de Galle, but things never
the beach. There are also other reStaurants at seem to happen with any haste in Sri Lanka and it
Unawatuna . Above the harbour at Galle is the remains to be seen if it ever comes to fruition.
Closenburg Hotel which serves mediocre food but
has a great view from colonial surroundings. In
Galle there are several restaurants of varying quality Colombo
and in Fort Galle several wonderful old fashioned Charts SA 1655
tea rooms for an afternoon cuppa.
Other PO. Banks . The Bank of Ceylon will do cash Approach
advances on Visa . Telephone and fax from the Straightforward. The high rise buildings of
Windsors. Mail can be sent to the Windsors. Small Colombo will be seen and a white Buddha on the S
hospital and dentists. If possible go to Colombo. side of the harbour is conspicuous.
Hire cars. Bus into Galle town. Auto rickshaw. Bus By night
and train to Colombo. A NIGHT APPROACH [S PROHIBITED
Don Windsor & Co Ltd, 6 Closenburg Road, W[THOUT PRIOR AUTHORISATION.
Magalle, Galle, Sri Lanka 'fJ' (94) 9 Main light FI(3)lOs25M
22927/34592 Mobile 072 31213 Fax (94) 9 NE breakwater F.R I OM
Fisheries harbour F.R5M
34592 NW breakwater FI.R.3sI0Mj DirF.WRG.7-5M
Marlin Yacht Service, 9/1 Gibbets Lane, Magalle, Shead Fl.G .3s IOM
Galle, Sri Lanka SW breakwater head Oc.G.5s13M Spur
Good cheap courtesy flags, laundry and minor Q.G.8MHead FI.G.3s5M
services, may start a 'restaurant'. There are numerous other lights on the piers and
Mike Yacht Service Centre, Udugama Road, quays within the harbour.
Magalle, '8" (94) 9 34054 VHF Ch 16/ 12 for pon control.
Provisions, tours, laundry and minor services.
Galle is a convivial place to visit and few people
leave with a bad taste in their mouth. Galle town is
a pleasant if rambling place where most facilities can
be found . Fort Galle is nearby surrounded by the
sea and full of colonial Portuguese, Dutch and Ft.G.3s. 10M
British architecture. Above the harbour the colonial Si~
splendour of the Closenburg Hotel is somewhat >3 /'
faded but it is as good a place as anywhere to sip a OifFWAl.l.75M W
13 /
cold beer in the evening. Unawatuna is a short auto
rickshaw ride away and a favourite with yachties out
for an t!vening on the razzle.
Fort Galle is wonh at least a day for a wander
""G"~"'. 'Ji',:::".
around and a visit to the gem shops there . A word of
caution: it is best to make your own arrangements
with the gem workshops as the toutS and agents are
tied into a cut for their introduction and in my
experience that can be as much as double the price
you should pay. Just feel free to visit any of the gem .>
shops and don't be pressured to go to just one CO LO MBO
because you have been told the others will rob you
blind. Sri Lanka produces large numbers o f semi- N
precious stones such as sapphires, star sapphires,
garnets, amethyst and the like and these can be _lL
incorporated into some fine silverwork at very
reasonable prices. /1"
The natural harbour at Galle has a long pedigree. Depth$ in metres
It is claimed by some to be the anciem harbour of
COLOMBO -$- 06°57' ·3N 79°5 1' · lE
Berth where directed. Yachts are usually directed to India
the S of the harbour. Current situation
Shelter Reported to be uncomfortable with the NE India has been a stable democracy, in fact the largest
monsoon from a reflected ground swell within the democracy in the world, since independence in
harbour. 1948. However some of the problems of secession
unresolved at the time remain to this day. There are
Authorities Naval personnel, harbourmaster,
still numbers of minority groups in India, principally
customs, immigration.
in Kashmir and the Punjab. The stand-off between
Facilities Pakistan and India also causes some internal friction
Water and fuel from within the harbour area. Good and it may surprise some to know that there are still
shopping for provisions and numerous restaurants large numbers of Muslims and Christians in a
of all types. International flights. predominantly Hindu society. In some places they
General make up a majority. In Mangalore Muslims are in
No yachts I know of have visited Colombo recently, the majority and in Kerala Christians
but it is possible to stop here en route or as the first (predominantly Catholic) are the dominant group.
port of call in Sri Lanka. For most intents and purposes this has little effect
on visiting yachties except that internal state security
is strong and much in evidence. The police and the
naval authorities keep a tight control on all
movement on the water and internal security is a
national watchword. The following tale is meant to
be cautionary only and it should be remembered
that many, including myself on two separate
occasions, have visited India by yacht without
At the end of 1995 the French catamaran Galathee
(registered in Mauritius) was intercepted by the
coastguard and searched. The catamaran had been
surveying the sea-bed in the approaches to Cochin.
The search turned up an impressive array of
equipment: two side-scan sonar's, two
magnetometers, and two computers with
programmes to analyse the data. The six crew
members were arrested and imprisoned and the
catamaran impounded by the coastguard. Later the
Indian sponsor was also arrested. The French
national who had chartered the catamaran and the
captain stated that they had been surveying the sea-
bed in the approaches to Cochin for aquaculture
and tourism projects. The case took a curious twist
when the charterer and the captain stated that they
believed they had permission to survey after meeting
a local MP. Things got even murkier when it was
revealed that the Frenchman had tried to erect a
high frequency antenna on a church in Fort Cochi
which would have enabled them to transmit directly
to the land. Once naval intelligence got hold of the
data in the computers all sorts of spying accusations
hit the newspapers. The naval authorities believed
the data would be useful for submarine operations.
They denied that the data had any use for
aquaculture purposes or tourism. The gossip
amongst the yachties was that the catamaran was
being used in a survey for a Portuguese wreck in the
approaches to Cochin. Certainly it seemed a clumsy
operation and hardly a furtive one as the catamaran
regularly chugged in and out of harbour for water,
fuel and provisions. When I left Cochin the crew
had just been released on bail after a year of
incarceration and were awaiting trial. The moral of
the story is clearly not to do anything which could be

Indian O cean C ruising Guide






• Karwar Penner
8ala Kar;

Bay of Bengal

New Mangalora Bangelor.

• • Madras

A rabian Sea
CaTlTl.nore Pondicherry
TeUicherry •

Coc hin

Qullon •

Trivandrum -
Gulf of Mannar

·Ka ndv
Colomb · .. ....,..,.• Pee_

. GIU.
o ' 00
'00I 300
I "'"
Nau tical Milas


remotely construed as contrary to the security of a For every port in India you must enter and leave
country anywhere, but especially in India. in this manner. You cannot cruise 'between' ports
once you have cleared into the country and clear out
Documentation and visas
at the last port.
Nonnal boats papers and a valid passport for all
crew members must be carried. A VALID VISA Data
MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOU ARRIVE A-rea 3,287,590km2 (l,269,346M2). Includes the
IN INDIA. A visa cannot be obtained on arrival Lacadive, Nicobar and Andaman islands.
although extensions to a visa can be organised. Visas F1'Ontie-rs 14,103km (7,615M). Bangladesh 4053km,
are issued as follows. Bhutan 605km, Bunna 1463km, China 3380km,
Nepal 1690km, Pakistan 2912km.
Tourist visa. Valid for up to one month after the Coastline 7000km (3780M).
date of issue and valid for one month in India. Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
Tourist visa for 3 months. Valid from the date of zone 200M.
issue. Population 900,000,000 (2010 projection
Tourist visa for 6 months. Valid from the date of 1,172,101,000)
issue. Capital New Delhi
Tourist or business visa for 1 year. Valid from the Time zone UT+5Y2
date of issue. Language Hindi and English. 14 other official
languages. 24 languages commonly used. Numerous
Visas can be obtained in Malaysia (Kuala regional dialects. In most large towns and tourlst
Lumpur), Thailand (Bangkok), or Sri Lanka areas it is an easy enough matter to find someone who
(Colombo). speaks English and in larger towns the English is
Evidence of immunisation against yellow fever may impeccable. Think of how many modern novelists
be asked for. There have been some instances of writing in English are Indian or of Indian extraction.
visitors being required to produce proof that they There are well stocked English language bookshops in
are HIV negative although no visiting yachts have the major cities and several national English daily
been required to do so.
Ethnic divisions Indo-Ayran 72%, Dravidian 25%,
Entry and exit fonnalities Mongoloid and others 3%.
Entry into India is labyrinthine in what can only be Religion Hindu 82'5%, Muslim 11'5%, Christian 2'5%,
described as Dickensian surroundings. It can take a Bhuddist and Jains 1·2%.
swift 4 hours or may take a day if the requisite Public holidays
Numerous Hindu and Moslem holidays which can vary
officials cannot be seen in nonnal working hours
from state to state.
(0900-1700). You should have a small amount of Jan 1 New Year
rupees set aside for the harbourmaster's fees Jan 26 Republic Day
(around 500 rupees should do it) as these cannot be Aug 15 Independence Day
paid in foreign currency. The procedure is time Oct 2 Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday
consuming, but it is all carried out pleasantly and Dec 25 Christmas
politely. Gove-rnrnent Democratic Republic, the largest
In the approach to any major port call up the democracy in the world. The Congress party
coastguard on VHF Ch 16 or port control on Ch 16 dominated by the Nehru dynasty has been the key
(changing to Ch 12) when 10 miles off. You will be political party since 1948. The opposition is mostly
made up of coalitions of national parties. The civil
asked for the yacht name, registration, number and
service inherited from the British plays an important
names of crew and your ETA at the entrance to the part in political life although it has recently been seen
harbour. When at the entrance call up again to get to be corrupt at higher levels.
pennission to enter. Disputes With Pakistan over Kashmir. Border disputes
Customs will come out to the yacht where with China and Bangladesh. Riparian disputes with
valuables, navigation gear, fireanns, etc. will be Pakistan over the Indus and Bangladesh over the
itemised. You will be asked to sign various fonns to Ganges. At the time of publication India had still
state you have no fireanns (other than those refused to sign the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty.
declared) and no class A drugs on board. You can Crime The crime level is low. Although there are
then proceed- ashore to the harbounnaster who will beggars on the streets and locals will try to overcharge
tourists, actual crime is very low by any standards. In
fill in a number of fonns and make a small charge
Bombay and on train journeys a little more vigilance
(to be paid in rupees only). You must then go back is required for pickpockets and baggage thieves.
to customs where your boats papers will be locked Common advice is to take a chain and padlock so
away and a receipt for them issued. You must then your luggage is securely attached to the rack, but I
go to immigration and be stamped into the country. and many others have travelled safely without this
If you have to move within the harbour written precaution.
authorisation must be obtained from the In Cochin there are no reported losses from yachts,
harbounnaster. This basically entails you writing even those left unattended while the crew were on
him a note of your intentions and he will then issue extended excursions ashore. In Bombay you may
pennission. need to be a little more vigilant, but certainly nothing
like you would be in any of the so-called civilised
To exit is basically the reverse of this procedure.
countries of the world.
There have been reports of fishing boats off the

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
bottom of India coming up to yachts and stealing International
items, in fact at one time the advice was to stay 80 There are international flights to most countries in
miles off. This is the rumour-mill working at its worst the world from New Delhi and Bombay. There are
and the fishing boats which approached me and also international flights from Madras, Calcutta,
others off the coast were after cigarettes, food or
Trivandrum, Tiruchirappali, and Goa. All cities will
money and although they came close to the boat they
were not hostile or threatening. If you are really have a competent travel agent who can arrange
worried remove loose items from the deck and leave flights.
the VHF volume turned up loud on channel 16 which Practicalities
is busy most of the time. Mail Is slow and inefficient and will often not arrive.
Travel If you are sending letters from India ask to see the
Internal stamps franked at the PO. Important letters arriving
Good air, rail and coach links throughout the in India should be sent by registered mail. Postcards
country. A car and driver is also well worth sent from India will often not arrive. Parcels sent
considering. from India must be taken open to the PO so the
Air Indian Airlines is the main internal carrier contents can be checked. Outside the PO there will
although there are now a number of private be a number of 'parcel-men' who will wrap it up in
companies operating internal flights. Internal flights the approved fashion. To send parcels is time
are nearly always fully booked and you need to make consuming and quite simply a hassle. I would
a confirmation well in advance. Queue jumping suggest that you do not have parcels sent to India or
occurs and you need to be persistent on popular if you must, have them sent by a courier firm. to a
flights. major city.
Mail can be sent to Poste Restante at any post
Rail India has a well developed rail network which office where it will be held for one month before
now has computerised booking in most places which being returned. Putting 'please hold' on mail does
works well. Train travel is relatively cheap and if not work.
possible it pays to go I st class air-conditioned if it is
available. If you go 2nd class sleeper do not try for Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
more than 12 hours at a stretch. The only train 91. The telecommunication system is poor although
available from Bombay to Cochin for example, is you can generally get a line out without too much
2nd class sleeper and that is a 38 hour journey and bother from a bureau in a city or large town. In the
not to be recommended in one go. Food and drink country it will be more difficult.
are available on board and at stations from roaming To telephone out use a bureau which will charge
vendors. less than a hotel. Any city and large towns will have
a bureau with 'PCO-STD-ISN' sign and here there
Coach and bus It is possible to get everywhere by bus will be a cubicle where you dial out and the time is
and to most places by coach. The latter is to be metered. at the desk. Typical costs are $2-$3 per
preferred with air conditioning and reserved seats. minute for Europe and a bit more for the USA.
Ordinary buses are overcrowded, stop frequently, Some bureau's will have a fax service where the
break down, and are to be avoided except for short fax is sent for you. Any bad connections or error
journeys. transmissions must be paid for. Typical costs are
Car and driver It is possible in most places to hire a $4-$5 per page to send a fax and 40¢-50¢ per page
car and driver at comparatively low rates. The car to receive faxes. Again errors in transmission must
will usually be the ubiquitous Morris Ambassador of be paid for. Faxes may not get in or out because of
the 1950s which are still made in India, although the numerous power cuts which occur in some areas
some Japanese cars are now made under licence. In and anyone sending a fax should be asked to try
1997 the rate was around 6 rupees per km for a again after 3-4 hours in case there has been a power
round trip although you can and do get lower rates cut.
in some places after haggling a lot. You will soon Mobile phones working on the GSM system will
know what the bottom rate is. For two or three work in some major cities if your supplier has an
people this is recommended, especially if you are agreement in India.
doing a round tour inland. The driver will sleep with Currency The unit is the Indian rupee. Now that
the car (by choice) so will not need a hotel room for the rupee has been floated there is little· difference
the night. between bank rates and black market rates. It is also
Taxis Operate in the cities and towns. Fix a price in illegal to change money on the black market with the
advance as meters are often 'not working sir'. possibility of stiff penalties.
Bombay is the worst place for overcharging. Banks and exchange In any city or large town
Auto rickshaws The motorised three-wheelers that there will be several banks which can change cash or
are the best way of getting around most towns and travellers cheques for rupees. There are also
villages. Again meters will often not be working exchange agencies which will change cash or
(except in Mangalore where all auto rickshaws use travellers cheques in some places. Always try to get
their meters) and so a price should be agreed in an encashment certificate which enables you to
advance or offer two or three rupees over the meter change rupees back into hard currency if you need
price at journey's end.
Emakulam. Indian mlcks are often lovingly decorated. Local ma rkets around the Indian Ocean are a source of both the
famil iar and unfamiliar. Experiment with unfamiliar fruit and
vegetables and spices and herbs for that nouveau boat cuisine.

Fishing canon at Cannonorc. Off the bon:om of India the local fishing boats will come up to
you looking for alcohol and cigarcltt$. Their boat handling is a
bit erratic but thev are hardly piratt$.
Indi3n Oc... an NE m(.ms()on sunsct. Sometimes the skies CJ n
look 3 bil 3ngl)', hut rarely does anything come of it.

Yemeni fishCnTlcn o ff the coast nca r Mukal!a. They look like

cXlras fro m a Hollywood piratc movie, but are simply curious
and a cup uf I\:a and biscuils will usual!~' satisfy them.

L.:tngkawi in Malaysia. Tdok Dar ang Bunling (Fresh Water Lak.: andItJ
looking in from the channel.

King 's C up compt:ti lon ny spinnaken on the Phi Phi 10 Nai

H3m race. You can catch races all (he way from Darwin to
Thailand lin thc SE Asi3 Regalia cin.:uit.

Around Malaysia tha~ arc numerous anchorages up large rivers

as here in the Dinding Rh'cr. Those who have cruised
extensively around the coast say there are countless anchorages
around once you get used to chugging up riven and tributaries.

lJmestone outcrops characterise the Langkawi archipelago making

Fishing boat it a spectacular place to cruise around.
towing a bamboo
raft off
Langkawi. I'm
not quite sure
how you catch
fish this way, but
it at least has the
merit of being
easy to spot and
avoid by day.

Langkawi in M:aiay1 ia . Fjord ancho rage behind Pulau Gabang


A tJove Longlails in the BUiang Islands. R~/ow Thailand. Anchorage off the SW
§idc of Ko Rang ncar lhc entrance ttl Blla! Lagoon.
India. Throw-nefti", in me anchorap: off dK
Bol&hany Hotel.

Butang Islands. Ku Adang ..... cst ~iJc anchora~.., .

Abow Ton Sai Bay

on Ko Phi Phi Don.
Ltft Mala)'lil .
Ancl>o<a&< "
Kunphon,: Bahru.

Ahaw GaUe Iwbour on 1M SW eomer or Sri l&o.b.

l.t/t Kerala backwater. The: only WIY to ret around the:
smaller canals il by a poled canoe.
Abc ,.;:.: India. C:lrjl:" I;:lm><: 111 C."hln.
IM";l· Aden. The Prince of \'fak, .
A bot."1! Ind ia. Sulphur c~noc·bargcs bdng towed through the :mch urage o ff the
Boighally Hmc\.
RdllW Red Su sunS<.'l . Iryo u gCI a ch",n\.·c 10 look al illhruugh th e spray cuming on
board, Ihe nighl sJun really arc ,11"'1 blue \·(1\·(1 studded b~· diamonds uut ohhe
.·Ir<tl>ilJlI X ixhlS .

1...,/1 Balihaf in
Top righl Panjim
in India. The
Portuguese and
influence is
everywhere. If
you like old
churches head
for Old Goa.
I.lIIft Sue7. Canal.
A desen
landSl;ape with
ships mmdling
through it.
Right Mukalla, a
son of mini-
Manhanan on
the Yemeni
Port Sudan h3~ a su rpri si n!!ly ~(l(ld fro.:sh fruil and vq;l.' lab lc::

POrt Ftluad Ya cht Club Ril(hr Hanish Islands.

I"n king across the " 'CSt T he fishe mlen arc as
branch of thc Suez Ca nal In piralical a loo kin!! Inl as
Po rt Said h;m·n . )'ou could wish ftlr nn
thl.'ir kaky Sill/b ll" ·s.

lJd,,;:' COC('l Isl3nd.

lkl'!I~' Yilt/II I'arl' do.: St~ . Anrw "'oking \'(1
ttl ;\ 1 ~h~ :.LIld I'orl VicIllri:l . .\·(\\·},dk.•
1; 'u,.i$r qffi,",

to and can also be used to pay in rupees where

payment must usually be made in foreign currency
such as some large hotels.
Credit cards can bc used in some banks to get a
eash advance although it is a time consuming
process in most places. Credit cards (Visa and
Mastercard/Access) are increasingly being taken by
large hotels, upmarket restaurants and some shops.
Charge cards (Amen'ca'i Express and Diners) are nO[
widely accepted. One thing to check is that sterling
is not changed at the lower US dollar rate. Indian
rupees are difficult to exchange at a good rate
outside of India and if you are coming from Sri
Lanka, Sri Lankan rupees arc difficult to exchange
in India.
Medical care Is generally better than most people
think in the cities when you can pay for it. There are
good doctors and dentists, trained in Europe and
Australasia/ USA, with modern equipment. Auto ricksh3ws get you around dties and towns in an emphatic
Standard western practices such as using disposable manner. Agree the price befo rehand iflhe meter is ' not
needles arc followed in the good clinics. Ask for working'.
recommendations and go to a private practice if
possible. In the country outside the cities medical
care is poor. A wide range of drugs can be bought
over the counter at pharmacies although brand
names for common drugs may differ. For major
problems fly to Europe or Australasia if possible .
For those interested in alternative medicine India
has a lot of it. Kerala is the centre for Ayurvedic
medicine, a na[Uralistic system which offers
diagnosis of the body's 'humours' (blood, mucous,
Walk beside me wind, and gall) and treatment using herbs, minerals,
and be my friend oils and water. Ayurvedic massage using various oils
is well wonh exploring even if you have little interest
for Company. Always.) in the theory and is advertised in numerous places in
Kerala including Cochin,
Care muSt be taken with water in India and it is
wise to treat any water you put into me boats tanks.
Bottled water is available in most places.
Electn'city 220- 240V AC. There are frequent
power cuts in many states and a lot of the shops will
have generators for the power cuts. A street full of
generators fills the streets with exhaust fumes and
can be most unpleasant.
Curiosities and culture
Begging In most of the large CIties (with the
notable exception of Cochin which has banned
begging on its streets) you will see and be pestered
by numerous beggars. Many of them are badly
deformed and the sight is distressing to say the least.
Sad-eyed children are especially appealing to the
visitor. I would suggest you refrain from handing
money over to beggars for me simple reason that
once seen to do so, you will immediately be
surrounded by many more and they are difficult to
shake off. If you would like to give money, give it to
an organisation. There are also syndicates of beggars
operating which obtain money by presenting a
letter often in English, telling a tale of woe and

asking for help.

Th~ English hne left their mark in tangible ways including In some places confidence tricksters operate with
some wo nd erfully old-fashioned advertising. the ploy of way-laying you and telling a tale of
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
distress and need and, of course, ask for money. In 350cc single pot Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycle of
places they can be very persistent and if you show the 1950s is also still made and much in evidence.
interest it is unlikely you will easily get rid of them. The Bullet has special significance for me, bringing
One other ploy to watch out for is the request for a back memories of teenage years when I bought one,
penfriend and your address. You may find that your stripped it down and rebuilt it. Never did get the
name is used as a reference for an exit visa or clutch quite right. The hollow 'poom' of the exhaust
passport application. of the Indian Bullet is like a sound-bite back to those
Having outlined the ploys around I should add years although sadly, like the Ambassador, it is being
that poverty is very real in India, there is a lot of replaced by soulless modem bikes made under
need, and only the callous could not react to it. Just licence to Yamaha and Honda.
use some judgement for individual cases. You can hire a car and driver, which will
Karma Cola This biting book by Gita Mehta inevitably be a Morris Ambassador, at relatively low
details the clash of east and west in India. Many rates, and it is a wonderful experience, a bit of post-
westerners have come to India, some by yacht, colonial nostalgia, to be driven around the country
looking for an alternative to what they perceive as in one of these cars. You can also hire a Royal
their own arid and sterile western way of life. Some Enfield Bullet with a bit of looking around and take
of them are deluded, some genuinely puzzled by the yourself off on a thudding ride around the country.
spiritual vacuum of the west, some are seeking an Useful books
easy-fix enlightenment, and some just come for a India has a wide English speaking readership and
good time in a country where the cost of living is there are good bookshops stocking titles frOin the
relatively cheap. While India has a long and varied UK and a prolific local press publishing newspapers,
tradition of enlightenment and practices towards magazines and books in English. I mention only a
that goal, most of those I have encountered looking few of the many books available below.
for it have little idea of the traditions and belief India Handbook ed. Robert Bradnock. Footprint
systems to be found here and tend to gloss over Handbooks. The best of the general guides and
things like the relationship of the belief systems to streaks ahead of other popular titles.
the appalling caste system and to the poverty to be Rough Guide to India RKP. Adequate but sketchy
found on every street comer. To those enlightened in places.
visitors who regard me as a cynical and Lonely Planet: India Adequate.
unsympathetic soul damned to be reincarnated as Chasing the Monsoon A Frater. Penguin. Interesting
the lowest form of insect (and no doubt an obvious account following the arrival of the SW monsoon
product of this age of kaliyuga) I commend Karma as it sweeps over India.
Cola and its attempt, tritely summarised here, to A Passage to India E M Forster. Available in
unravel the striving of the west to get into India's Penguin.
heart and soul and the east to emulate the material Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie. On India and
success of the west. independence. I won't mention any other titles.
Trains India has one of the largest railway networks An Area of Darkness V S Naipaul. Penguin. Harsh
in the world and it is still expanding. Rail travel in criticism partially revised by his later and softer A
India is a delight where you will encounter people of Million Mutinies.
all types travelling to all sorts of places. Workers Karma Kola Gita Mehta. Penguin. Already
returning from long stints in other parts of India, mentioned above. She has written other books
travelling salesmen, sons going home to see mum, about India like A River Sutra also well worth
students, beggars and itinerant musicians. The getting hold of.
railway stations are a microcosm of life in India and Geography and climate
on slow trains you can jump off to buy a thali (rice
The coast Peninsular India is mostly bordered by
and pun with a sauce of some description wrapped
low coastal flats behind which are the Western
in a banana leaf), pots of curry and rice, sweet cakes
Ghats, the N-S ridge of the peninsula that was
and sticky buns, fresh fruit and fresh fruit juice. The
pushed up by the movement of the land away from
train clatters along at a sedate rate (mostly) allowing
Africa. The Ghats are bordered by coastal flats
you time to gaze out at the landscape of the Indian
varying from 5 miles to 60 miles wide. Most of the
sub-continent without an organised itinerary of
coast is low-lying and covered in jungle. In some
things you should see. Travelling by train is to be
areas, S of Bombay and around Cannanore for
recommended although in 2nd class, and you can
example, there is higher land and a few low cliffs and
only get 2nd class to some destinations, restrict
hills near or on the coast. The low-lying coast and
journeys to 10 hours or so unless you are
the haze from cooking fires and light and heavy
particularly masochistic.
industry means that the coast is mostly difficult to
Cars and motorbikes For the mechanically make out until closer to and from seaward it
minded India is a bit like a living motor museum. suddenly materialises out of the haze. There is some
The 1950s Morris Ambassador is still manufactured sort of human activity along just about all of the
here although it is being replaced by Japanese joint coast, although some bits are surprisingly sparsely
venture products like Suzuki and Toyota cars. The inhabited.

Coastal waters Surrounding India is a shallow At Avmax Av min Relative Days
muddy shelf deposited by the silt brought down by Bomba.l'. °C OC humidiQ!. 2'5mm rain
the numerous rivers flowing off the peninsula. Most Ian 28 19 61% 0·2
of the harbours are in fact built within the estuaries Feb 28 19 62% 0·2
of rivers. The fresh water brings down a good deal Mar t " 30 22 65% 0·1
of silt with it and consequently much of the sea near AQr 32 24 67% 0'1
May 33 27 68% 1
the coast is murky with limited visibility. Only on f , .•

lun 32 26 77% 14
the coast away from major rivers will you find "

29 25 83% 21 '.'
comparatively clear water and only here will there be Aug .{~'t.
29 24 81% 19
limited coral growth. For most of the coast the SeQ ~'11"l' . 29 24 78% 13 It
bottom is mud, good for anchoring but not that Oct 11;,._"
32 24 71% 3 '.
great to swim around in. Elsewhere the bott~m is a Nov l'-~t
32 23 64% '--'{'f" 1
mixture of sand, coral rubble and occasIonally Dec 31 21 62% 0'1
The silt-rich waters around the coast attract lots of Weather
fish and consequently lots of fishing boats. Fishing is Prevailing winds near the coast During the ~
largely confined to the NE monsoon when the se~ is monsoon when yachts cruise the W coast of IndIa,
calm and to the transition periods, although fishmg land and 'sea breezes prevail. Up to 20-30 miles off
boats can be caught out as happened in 1996 off the coast the land and sea breeze effect is well
Bombay when upwards of SO boats were lost in a developed and consistent. The sea breeze normally
sudden storm. The approaches to major and minor fills in around 1200 and blows onto the coast at
around 10-ISkn. A short sea is set up but it is not
ports are cluttered by fishing bo.ats of. evel!'
description from large trawlers (paIr trawhng IS problematic. The sea breeze normally d~es around
often practised) to dugout canoes and proas. Larger 2000 at night and the land breeze blow1Og off the
fishing craft are well lit, but smaller craft will flash a coast sets in around 2200-2400. It generally blows
light or splash some oil onto a brazier to alert you to at around 8-12kn. At times there may be calms
their presence. through some of the night. The exception to this
pattern is around the Gulf of Mannar where the NE
Climate The climate over peninsular India is monsoon is funnelled through the gap between the
largely determined by the monsoon season. bottom of India and the top of Sri Lanka and fans
Monsoon is used as a term to describe a season but out over the adjacent sea area. The wind here will
really means the actual change from one season to often blow at between 20-30kn and raises a
another. considerable sea.
The NE monsoon is the dry and cool winter On the E coast of India the NE monsoon blows
season from November to March. The NE directly onto the coast and is turned to a more
monsoon winds are comparatively gentle affairs and northerly direction. The wind strength here is often
in fact most of India is sheltered from the worst around 10-20kn and a heavy swell is pushed down
effects of cold winds by the bulk of the Himalayas. onto the coast. This is most evident for the southern
The relatively still conditions encourage polluting half of India with wind speeds decreasing towards
haze to build up and it is not uncommon for the the N around Calcutta.
airport at New Delhi to be closed because of poor During the SW monsoon winds on the W coast of
visibility. Along the coast the visibility is much India are consistently from the SW-W in the day
reduced and it is often difficult to make out and night and can blow with some force. During
otherwise salient features. June and July winds are often 20-2Skn and regularly
The SW monsoon is the hot rainy season, and also
the more turbulent season. It runs from April to Month Prevailing Prevailing
October. The SW monsoon is heralded by dramatic winds 0800 winds 1700
thunderstorms with spectacular lightning displays. Jan E NFJ84% W-NW/81 % •• A

The summer SW monsoon is also the season for Feb " E-NFJ81 % W-NW/88%
Mar ~,,{ E-NEl78% W-NW/91 %
tropical st0tn:ls although the E coast of Indi~ is the
only area likely to be affected. The heat dunng the AQr g( E-NEl73 % W-NW/79%
SW monsoon can be oppressive with high May ,~'c; E NFJ61 % W-NW/65% ~~~~~l
Jun "':11 E NFJ38% W-NW/69%
temperatures and high humidity. Becaus~ ?f ~e luI 'B-NEl33% W-NW/82%
ferocity of the SW monsoon few yachts sad 10 thIS Aug c,,:, NEl19% ,~:, W-NW/83%
period around the Indian coast and in any case SeQ NEl25% W-NW/86% , '

many harbours are closed during this period, so it is Oct !. E NEl60% W-NW/65%
unlikely that most yachtsmen will experience the Nov E NEl74% W-NW/61 %
discomfort of the summer. Dec E-NE/85 % W-NW174%
Notes Winds for W coast of India at Cochin. Prevailing
winds are for the morning land breeze and afternoon sea
breeze and any gradient effect on the SW monsoon winds.
Other winds blow for the remaining percentage.
For more information on wind direction and strength see
the charts in Technical Information, pages 30/31.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
blow at 30kn plus. A heavy swell is pushed onto the in the coastal region from storm surges which can
coast and squalls of 30-40kn are encountered from cause coastal damage and flooding.
time to time. As a consequence many of the On the E coast ofIndia there is a higher incidence
harbours along the W coast are closed during the of tropical storms and a considerably higher
SW monsoon and radio and light facilities literally incidence of full blown cyclones. Tropical storms
do not run at this time. developing at or below lOON in the Bay of Bengal
On the E coast the SW monsoon blows fairly will often head in a NW direction in October to
consistently off the land from the SW to WSW. November and to a lesser extent in December to
Land and sea breezes tend to slow or augment the March towards the E coast of India. In November
SW monsoon winds by small amounts only. 1996 two cyclones hit the E coast of India around
Andhrapradesh causing great loss of life and
Locally named winds property. The average incidence of cyclones in the
Bhoot small dust storm Bay of Bengal is around 2 per year but it does seem
Challiho strong southerlies, often squally, preceding that in recent years the average has been consistently
the SW monsoon as it proceeds north higher.
Elephantas southerly squalls marking the end of the Thunderstorms and waterspouts Thunder-
SWmonsoon storms and associated squalls are common at the
Thar hot dry wind in Rajasthan onset of. the SW monsoon and indeed the W coast
A bit of trivia. In the Sanskrit Vedas there are two has been described as a solid wall of lightning at this
major deities. One of these is Dyaus, the sky father, time. Many of the associated squalls are very strong
who was imported into Greek mythology as Zeus, at up to 40+kt and can be of some duration.
creator of the wind and weather in the ancient Thunderstorms also occur around the ITCZ during
world. both the SW and NE monsoons, although these are
Gales During the NE monsoon there are few non- not usually accompanied by vicious squalls.
tropical depressions that affect the area. Non- Waterspouts occur although with no greater
tropical depressions may move across from Arabia frequency than elsewhere in this area.
to Pakistan and northern India with associated Tides
warm and cold fronts. These can cause squally Along both the W and E coasts of India the tidal
disturbed weather in the north, but the further south range varies from N to S with a greater range in the
you go the less the effect. Apart from localised N and less range in the S.
thunderstorms there are virtually no gale force On the W coast the spring range is around 3· 5m
winds to speak of south of 15°N during the NE at Bombay decreasing to around 2m at Mormugao
monsoon. and to 1m or less at Calicut, Cochin, and down to
With the onset of the SW monsoon the frequency Cape Comorin and the E coast of Sri Lanka. The
of gale force winds of Force 7 and above from non- tides are diurnal and although in the S the range is
tropical depressions increases dramatically. In July not great, the tidal streams can be very strong in
at the height of the SW monsoon there are winds of confined channels as at Cochin where the tidal
Force 7 and above 40% of the time in the middle of range is augmented by the rivers flowing out into the
the Arabian Sea and off the W coast of India for harbour.
between 4-8% although like all recorded data the On the E coast the picture is pretty much the same
actual incidence of gale force winds seems higher. with a spring range of around 2'5m at the mouth of
The sea state off the coast is usually rough with surf the Ganges (this range is increased during the wet
over the shallow coastal area from the high season to 4m) becoming around 1'5m at Madras
incidence of gales further out to sea. The incidence and less than 1m further S.
of gale force winds drops dramatically in September In general the tidal streams are from the N-NW
in the intervening period between the SW and NE on the flood and S-SE on the ebb. However the
monsoon. bottom contours and any geographical features like
Tropical stonns On the W coast there are two capes or islands can dramatically alter the direction.
main periods for tropical storms. The first is at the Also the tidal streams can be amplified by large
beginning of the SW monsoon from late May to rivers flowing out over a shallow delta as at Cochin
June. These tropical storms normally originate in where there is generally 9 hours ebb to 3 hours
the Arabian Sea around latitude 10-14°N and move flood.
in a N-NW direction. They may curve towards the
NE and Pakistan. The second period is from
To a large extent currents around the Wand E
October to November and these tropical storms
coasts of India result from the current circulation
originate in the Bay of Bengal and move across to
caused by the NE and SW monsoons. However the
the Arabian Sea. By the time they arrive in the
circulation set up in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of
Arabian Sea the wind strength is much diminished.
Bengal causes some counter-currents which may be
Overall the incidence of tropical storms on the W
contrary to the general current circulation. Tidal
coast of India is low at around 1 per year. If a full
streams in the comparatively shallow water also
blown cyclone develops there is considerable danger
cause local effects.

On the E coast the picture is not too complicated
with basically a SSW-going stream following the Harbours and anchorages
coast with the NE monsoon and a NE-going stream Note Except for Bombay, Panaji (Goa) and Cochin,
with the SW monsoon. The only place where it gets other harbours and anchorages are covered by brief
a little complicated is off the mouth of the Ganges notes only as yachts normally clear out of India
where the tidal streams may reverse or augment the when leaving a port before entering another port
main currents. and clearing back into India. This makes it difficult
On the W coast the predominant current is SE- to cruise to ports and anchorages where the
going following the coast from February to authorities are unfamiliar with the formalities for
September. In February the current is fitful and pleasure yachts. A few yachts have cruised to ports
easily reversed while in April to September rates and anchorages other than Bombay, Goa and
may be as much as O·6kn in April and O·75kn in Cochin and so brief details of ports and anchorages
July. From October to January there is generally a other than the main three on the west coast are
weak NW-going current. In January there is a weak included as a starter for those interested in doing
circulating current between 8-10 0 N. Around the some more research.
Laccadives there are variable currents which you The order of harbours is from S to N.
need to keep an eye on when in the vicmity of the
In general currents around the coast appear to be Quilon'
stronger than generally indicated and it is wise to 08°S2'·7N 76°34'E (Tangasseri Point lighthouse)
keep an eye on cross-track error to get some idea of An open anchorage under Tangasseri Point. Can be
what is happening locally. used in the morning before the sea breeze gets up. A
Navigation channel leads into the backwaters although the
The coast has been surveyed in recent years around entrance channel shifts and depths vary.
the major harbours and in general the approaches to
major ports are accurately charted. Away from the
major ports the coast has not been adequately Alleppey
surveyed for some time and care is needed in the 09°29'·SN 76°19'·3E (Alleppey lighthouse)
comparatively shallow coastal waters, especially in An open anchorage, although with the NE monsoon
areas likely to silt. Most modern charts are it can be used in the morning before the sea breeze
referenced to Indian datum. Most GPS receivers do gets up.
not have this datum listed (it is not Indian-
Bangladesh or Indian-Thailand) and generally carry
a warning that the datum for the chart cannot be Cochin
adequ;itely determined and that GPS co-ordinates Charts BA 65
should be plotted with care. Where possible I have Approach
given GPS co-ordinates using WGS 84 datum. Visibility along the coast and in the approach to
Other co-ordinates are schematic and should be Cochin is reduced by industrial haze and the smoke
treated with caution. from charcoal burning and cooking fires. A buoyed
channel (dredged to 11-12·5m) leads into the
Conspicuous There are always a number of ships
anchored in the roadstead at the outer end of the
buoyed channel. The fairway buoy at the beginning
of the channel will be seen and the other buoys
marking the channel can then be followed in. Closer
in the high buildings of Ernakulum and the
lighthouse just N will be seen.
By night
Cochin main light Fl(4)20s28M
Ldg Lts on 078°36' Front Q.IIM Rear Iso.4s11M
Ldg Lts on 107°15' Front Q.IIM Rear Iso.4s11M
Channel light buoys Fl.R.SslFl.G.5s
Inner harbour light buoys Fl.R.3s/Fl.G.3s
A night approach can be made with care.
VHF Ch 16/12 for port control. Call up when 5M
off and give ETA. You will be asked to call up again
when off the entrance to the harbour.
1. There are fishing boats everywhere in the
approach up to 30M off. Some will have surface

India" Ocean Cruising Guide

Wllllnr P.l

Depth. in trnIIfres
Fairway buoy 09 57'.7N (dumping
76"'09'·A E ) .~J 1ao4$.llM,

2 j~ <I Vypjn O"M\~
~ "'-- ' No.10 - _ _ _ - -...;._::- 0
F-.y No . ~RI
'FU'-~ "' --
l No.a - - -2 "/
FI'!P ______ ,;.~ No.t
__ - - - - ,
--f-- --_

~ ~~> _____ -~;p-Drid.99ffLOj2lit!~~1~

~-:::: ~I.a------ No i4..-- .. r ~(r
-:}: ~LG
", ' :"'41"'900
',' fi,
flG.!ita.... fl... 5 EKPO_


~, ~-
o \
APPROACHES TO COCHIN -$ Fairway Buoy 09°57'.7N 76°09',"E WGS 84

nets for prawns. These are usually laid in a V with 2. Large commercial ships use Cochin and have
a fishing boat stationed at each comer. At night right of way in the approach channel.
they are lit by a quick flashing white in the middle Note The coastguard often patrol the approaches to
and a F1 or F .G/R at either end. There are boats Cochin and may come over to check you out.
long-lining and trawlers either trawling alone or Mooring
pair-trawling. The latter pose the greatest danger Taj Malabar Proceed into the outer harbour and
and every care is needed at night. In general the anchor off the Taj Malabar Hotel where indicated in
fishing boats are well lit with the exception of 2- 7m. The bottom is mud and good holding. The
some smaller craft which will flash a torch or current swirls around here creating strong eddies
show an oil lamp. but it is quite secure. Formalities for clearing in will
be carried out here as follows. It may take as little as
3-4 hours or as long as 24 hours depending on
arrival time . Office hours are 0900 to 1700 with
some offices closed for lunch. The relevant officials
are all, in my experience, polite and friendly.
1. Customs will come OUt to the boat with the
relevant paperwork and will make a cursory check
of items on board.
2. You will then go ashore to the harbounnaster on
the waterfront and pay a small fee. The fee can
only be paid in rupees so have a small amount
3. You must then go [0 customs just back from the
waterfront and hand over the ships papers for
which a receipt will be issued.
4. You must then go (by auto rickshaw or taxi) to
immigration. It is easiest if all crew go to
5. You must then go to the harbourmaster and
compose a letter asking permission to move to the
Coc;hin. Approal;h 10 the anl;horage: off the: Taj Malabar HOlel
where ),ou clear in. The building on th~ Jeft is the: new pon anchorage off the Bolgatty Hotel.


2 ~-------;,FI.R.3!t -- -
____- J _ -HR.3!tj'_ - --- ----j-

-- --

• Coastguard

Fort Cochin

o 500

TAJ MALABAR ANCHORAGE -$- 09°58'·14N 76°15'·4E WGS 84

The exit procedure is the above in reverse order. leave about halfway through the flood . If you do
Boigatty Hotel Once you have completed [Ouch the bottom it is all soft mud and you should
formalities and obtained permission from the be able to plough your way back into the deeper part
harbourmaster you can then proceed to the of the channel. A local boat will usually come to
anchorage off the Bolgatty Hotel. The channel to help out if you get stuck. To my knowledge the
the anchorage presents a few problems for deeper deepest draught craft to get through the channel was
draught craft. It is not marked and the temptation is 2·80m. A bit of keel dredging was necessary to do
always to head directly for the yachts moored off the this. Once into the anchorage anchor in 3-3·Sm.
hotel. Follow the channel indicated on the plan and The bottom is sticky mud and good holding.

Cochin . Looking out to thc approach channel from the Ta;

M~Jabar anchorage with the fishing fleet coming in.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Cochin. Emakulum waterfront. The arched footbridge run.

over the canalleadina to the market.
Shelter Excellent all-round shelter. This is pretty Facilities
much a hurricane hole and yachts have been left A number of bumboats operate ferrying people to
here for extended periods. The current is strong but and from the Bolgatty Hotel and they wil", also
"the holding excellent and so no problems will be provide some senrices to yachts. For ~fuel, gas,
encountered. In general there is 9 hours ebb to 3 lalUldry, etc. a small amount will be added on, but
hours flood in the anchorage. It does have a we are really talking about small amounts. Use your
significant resident population of mosquitoes. own discretion when making a choice.
Authon'ties Harbourmaster, customs and
immigration on Willingdon Island.

Ebb 9 hr.

Flood 3frrJf"

Canning factory
Ichlmneys Cf,Insplc!

Wsftsr Pst Rae/emar/on
Gundu 1
Foul V

, Ernakulam

Sh ell t

" Fort Coehin



0.' 1
Naullcal Mil" Oepth$ in metres

Warer By jerrycan from the Bolgany H otel or get General
one of the bumboats to fill jerrycans. The water There are few people who do not enjoy their
should be treated. stopover in Cochin. It is a friendly low-key place
Fu.el By jerrycan from Emakulum or one of the with good facilities and a suitable base for
bumboats will fill jerrycans for you. There is a fuel expeditions inland . T o date there has been no theft
station at Vypin, Bharar Petrol, with 3m off the from boats of any consequence and many, myself
quay, and the Shell station at Fort Cochin with included, have left yachts in the Solgatey anchorage
2'5- 3m off the quay. At either of these remember unattended for several weeks and travelled inland. If
that the Chinese netS overhang the water a fair way you feel better about it hire a boatman to keep an
off and care is needed not to get tangled up in the eye on the yacht while you are away. In some cases
net. This is not as silly as it sounds as your natural yachts have been left for months and in one case for
inclination is to concentrate on getting into the quay years.
and it is all too easy to keeping looking dead ahead Cochin itself has much to excite the senses. The
rather than up. (No, it wasn't me that got tangled city is a watery one split by the estuarine canals into
up). different parts and connected by small ferries which
Gas Most gas bottles can be filled at Emakulum run all day and late into the night ferrying the
although there may be problems with some finings inhabitants around. Lo ng sailing canoes with
such as Camping Gaz. patchwork sails carry local produce to the islands
Paraffin Ashore in Emakulurn. and spits of the city and rowing boats powered by
Lawldry On Bolgatty Island or in Emakulurn. impossibly thin anns connect the lesser parts of
Altematively ask one of the bumboats. Cochin. Emakulum is the commercial hub and the
Repairs A few yachts have been hauled at the place to go for shopping and services. Willingdon
Norwegian run docks in the commercial port S of Island houses the harbour offices and freight
Emakulum. Hauling is on a slipway. There is talk of
setting up a small boatyard for yachts here. Ashore
there are good facilities for mechanical and
engineering repairs. Good mild and stainless steel
work can be carried out. Galvanising. Electrical and
m inor electronic repairs. Basic refrigerat ion repairs.
Some wood repairs although usually nOl to yacht
standards. Canvas work. Some basic spares like
seals, bearings, impellers and outboard parts. Good
hardware shops with paints and sealants. Most of
the workshops are in Emakulum.
ProvisioflS Most basics can be found although there
are significant holes for the basics . Supermarket
near the waterfront. Excellent fresh fr uit and
vegetable market a short way up the canal with the
conspicuous arched footbridge over it. The selection
of good quality fruit and vegetables is astounding
even by Indian Ocean standards. It is possible to
take a dinghy up the canal for major loads but it is
filthy and the dinghy will be covered in grime
afterwards. Good shopping for dried fruits and nuts,
especially cashews. Freshly ground spices. Also try
the plum-cake sold in some of the bakeries.
Eating out Range of restaurants in Emakulum. The
Ta; Malabar has more westemised fare and also
does an excellent Sunday lunch buffet with the use
of the swimming poo l if you eat there -
recommended. Several other hotels also do good
food at reasonable prices.
Other Banks. Grindleys will do a cash advance on
Visa cards. PO. Telephone and fax bureaus. Mail
can be sent to the Bolgatty Hotel, Bolgatty Island ,
Emakulum, Cochin, Kerala . Hospital and dental
services. Dr Sujit Vasudevan, Ojus Clinic,
Mullassery Canal Rd, Emakulum 'ti" 370 0303 has
been recommended. Hire cars. Bus services along
the coast and trains across to Madras. Internal
flights to Bombay.
Ddivering fud in Cochin. It COSIS a link m Oil: for boal service,
but in thc scheme of things thc amount is relatively liule

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
agencies. Fort Cochin is off on a limb and has a bit Islands and is composed of Minicoy on the S side of
of everything from small hotels to the offices of Nine Degree Channel and Suheli Par, Kalpeni,
sugar and spice houses. Vypin and smaller places Kavaratti, Pitti, Agatti and Androth on the N side of
like Boigatty Island are largely residential. the channel. Bingaram is part of the Agatti group.
At the very least you must take a tour of the! Several yachts have thought about anchoring off
Kerala backwaters from Cochin. Stretching south one of the islands close to Nine Degree Channel to
down the coast are interlinked waterways dive to dean up the bottom, but I have yet to come
surrounded by thick jungle. You will be poled across anyone who actually has. There look to be
around the canals with the jungle just a handspan several places where yachts could anchor off the
away and it is a thoroughly relaxing way to get smaller less populated atolls and on the larger atolls
acquainted with the flora and occasionally the [here are good lagoons with passes marked across
fauna. I will never again take black peppercorns for the barrier reef. It should be remembered that
granted now I know they grow on vines around the whatever you do, the Indian navy does not mess
trees and must take hours to pick. Half day about when it comes to enforcing maritime
backwater tours are easily organised in ErnakuJum regulations and consequently if you do decide to
from the main ferry terminal or a travel agent. You stop without permission, don't expect leniency if
can spend another half day just hopping on ferries apprehended .
and exploring the different parts of Cochin around When on passage near the islands in Nine Degree
the perimeter of the estuary. The Kerala backwaters Channel or between the islands currents seem to be
are a largely unknown waterways system with ferry irregular in direction and strength . On one occasion
services connecting the parts further south and with I have had N-going current of between '!2_ 3;"kn in
more time you can travel down to Quillon and January when coming down through the islands
Alleppey. above Nine Degree Channel . In February I had '12-
Like Goa further north, there is a distinct 'I. kn ofW-going and then later E-going current. It is
Portuguese element to Cochin . Much of the likely that the tidal streams amongst the islands
population is Catholic and there are churches produce significant currents that are variable in
everywhere. Scattered around in-between are Hindu direction depending on the prevailing ocean current
temples and on Fort Cochin there is a Jewish and the submarine topography. Just keep an eye on
synagogue. At the entrance to the harbour and the cross-track error on the GP$.
around the channels are huge Chinese drop-nets
suspended on counter-balanced poles and around
Bolgany fragile canoes manned by wizened Beypore
fishermen wim throw-nets balance gracefully as they Charts BA 3461
follow the tide-line in and out netting shrimp and
small fish . Cochin is a patchwork of sights and
sounds and a few smells mat you won't forget, a Beypore light and the rocky breakwaters protecting
the river entrance will be seen. With onshore winds
gentle introduction to a vast country and not a bad
there is a confused swell at the entrance.
place to linger despite the mosquitoes that plague
the anchorage.

Laccadive Islands
The chain of islands lying some 200 miles off the W
coast between 08° and 12°30'N . The islands are all
coral atolls and consequently are relatively low-lying
with the palm trees on the islands the first thing you 5
will see. The islands are a part of India and are off'-
limits to yachts. It may be possible to get permission
to visit them, but that is unlikely. Foreign tourists DeDths in metfes
are allowed on only two of the islands, Bingaram
and Suheli, and then only as part of an organised
package tour.
The name Laccadive literally means one hundred
8 6
thousand islands and was used to cover the
Maldives as well as the present day Laccadives. The
southernmost island, Minicoy, still retains a strong
Maldivian character. The islands are divided into a
Nand S group. The N group is known as me
Amindivi Islands and is composed of Amini,
Kadmat, Kiitan, Chetlat and Bitra Par. Amini is the o
main island in the group with a significant Nautical Miles
population. The S group is known as the Cannanore
BEVPORE-$ 1F09'.5N 75°48'E


By night Main light FI(2) lSs24M. Entrance Mangalore

F .G/F .R.2M. A night entrance should not be made. 12°S0'·SN 74°50'·3E (Fl.3sl IM N side of river)
Mooring A small cargo dhow and fishing port on the
Proceed into the river and anchor off the fishing conflu ence of the Gurpur and Netravati Rivers . The
quay in convenient depths. Good shelter but there is entrance is beset by shifting sandbanks and strong
a significant current . currents, Dhows go up a backwater to Mangalore
old port. This is picturesque but rather seedy and
has a definite menace to it with some local heavies
Water and fuel on the fi shing quay. Limited
around .
provisions in Beypore nearby and a few restaurants.
Calicut is about 20 minutes away by auto rickshaw.
General New Mangalore Harbour
Beypore is the port for Calicut and a pleasant Charts SA 3461
enough place. The harbour is packed with fi shing
New Mangalore harbour is a large all-weather
commercial port N of Mangalore proper, The
Mahe Cranes and gantries at the port and oil storage tanks
and a large steelworks near the harbour are all
11 04 2'N 75°31 '·SE (FI (2) IOs12M light)
conspicuous. The entrance channel (dredged to
Loca l fi shing boats anchor under the headland off 12·Sm) is buoyed .
the vi lla ge. Shelter appears good. Idyllic
By night
surroundings. Suratkal Point FI.lOs31M
Airfield Aero AI ,WG,7·5s28M
Lg Lts on 078°S6' From Q ,6M Rear Oc.IOs6M
Tellicherry VHFCh 16112.
11 044'·SN 75°29"2E (FI(3)9s I0M light)
An anchorage under a small bight. Care needed of Mooring
reefs and shoal water in the approach. Anchor at the Where directed,
S end of the above- and below- water reef between Authorities Harbourmaster and cuStoms.
the jetty and rocky islets. Reasonable shelter. Town Immigration in Mangalore,
nearby, Facilities
Water and fuel can be arranged. The POrt is within
an easy taxi ride of Mangalore proper.
1I °5 1'·SN 7S021"4E (FLlOs17M light) General
The harbour is not somewhere you would choose to
St Angelo Fort is conspicuous. Anchor off outside
visit, being grimy and polluted, but it could be
the fishing port with a stem anchor to hold you into
useful in an emergency if a harbour with easy access
the swell . h may be possible to get into the fishing
in all weather was needed along this bit of coast.
harbour but reconnoitre fi rst by dinghy. This is an
attractive place with a fine beach fringed by palms,
About 5 minutes into CannanOre town by auto
rickshaw ,

Depth' In Metres

- oI 0.5
Nautical Miles
C annanore: Launehing fishing canoes through the surf.
NEW MANGALORE HARBOUR-$ 12°55'.5N 74°48'·5E

Indian Ocean Crnising Guide

Coondapoor Facilities
13°37"3N 74°40"4E (F.4M S side of river) Water and d iesel nearby in the commercial harbour.
Limited shopping for provisions. Local restaurants!
The mouth of the Chakra and H aladi Rivers. cafes.
Approach from the SW to avoid reefs and shoals to
the N. There are reported depths of 2m over me bar General
into the river where there are 5-6m depths. A local Karwar Bay is a quite beautiful spot, fringed by
pilot is advised. In the river shelter looks good . palms and with the jungle always nearby. Karwar
Head is a high steep-to headland covered in dense
jungle. Baitkol harbour hardly seems to dem the
Belekeri surroundings and is a small low-key affair compared
14°43'N 74° 12'E to other Jarger commercia l harbours along the coast.
Charts BA 3464
Anchorage possible in the W cove on the N side of Panaji (Panjim)
Belekeri Bay.
(Goa/Mandavi River)
C h arts BA 492
Karwar Bay and Baitkol Approach
Charts BA 3464
An anchorage in the Mandovi River off Panaji town
Approach (referred to loca lly by its old name of Panjim) . The
A yacht should head for Baitkol harbour. Although entrance to the Mandavi River is between twO
the anchorages on the S side of Karwar Head look sandbanks where the Mandavi River empties into
like they could be sheltered with an offshore wind, Aguada Bay. Ideally the approach should be made
in fact surf breaks along most of the S anch orages. around late morning when the sandbanks are more
The deep water channel (dredged to 10m) into easily identified . Once imo the channel head for the
Baitkol harbour is buoyed. s mall lighthouse on the N side and from there to the
By 'JigJu anchorage indicated in Verem Bay.
Oyster Rocks F1.10s26M Conspicuous The white lighthouse and signal station
Baitkol E side Q.R.6M on the headland on the N side of Aguada Bay are
Mooring conspicuous. A large hotel on the slopes further E is
Anchor off NE of the harbour entrance in 3- 6m. a lso conspicuous. In the immediate approach to the
There is usually flat water here during the NE river the small fort and lighthouse on the W side of
monsoon . You may be able to find a berth alongside the channel are conspicuous. The buildings of
in the small commercial harbour. Panaji town are easily identified on the S side of the
Authorities H arbounnaster and customs.
By night The lighthouse on the N side is lit
FI (3)G.20s27 M. Under it closer to the shore is a
The small lighthouse in the channel is lit
FI.G. I ·Ss3M. The two channel buoys are lit FI .3s

Nautical Miles

fl(3)201 ~/~ J..

Aguada Bay
f. J

10 ,w
~S"rl 10 ~
Depths in motros 0"", if' , . . <:: .
PBtcheP 5 ..r\t .... Doplhs In metres
o Surf
0.'I "<"): "
,; '-'I'-T;+ +
SUflchi i:R. ',,., +
Nautical Miles Roofs '\ -:0 -- ~_+~, PSSCOI) Rod:


Dept/II In M urres

, , ,SfO
'. ,
Nautical Milas

Note: AUlnnor tights, September to MIlY only

There are leading lights for the channel on Dat/gm

053°54': Front A ,3s6M Rear Fl.3sSM . The leading I . Entrance should nOt be attempted during the SW
lights used as a back-bearing once into the river o n monsoon when heavy surf often breaks across the
19 1° are : From Q .R.5M R ear F .R. 8M. entrance and in the approaches.
Note The inner lights operate from September to 2. Entrance between the sandbanks to the Nand S
May only during the NE monsoon . The lights are of the entrance must be made with someone
not in operation in the SW monsoon . A night conning you through. The sea generally breaks
entrance is not recommended. o n the sandbanks and at low tide part of the
VHF Port control on C h 16/ 12. sandbanks are above water.

Goa (P:mjim ) . The anchorage in the: Mandavi River off Pan jim
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
3. A current is generally flowing out of Mandovi now called Old Goa, a bit further up the river. The
River and care is needed of cross-currents, Portuguese influence is evident everywhere from old
especially just inside the sandbanks. buildings of the period with high ceilings and all-
4. Workboats and barges regularly use the river and round verandahs, porticoed arcades, fine squares,
yachts should keep well out of their way. and Catholic churches all over the place. Old Goa
upriver is now overgrown with jungle, its many
Mooring •
churches and other buildings melding into the
Anchor due W of the conspicuous column where
shown in Verem Bay in 2-5m. The bottom is mud undergrowth, a touching reminder of how quickly
and good holding. colonial splendour can disappear. The tomb of St
Francis Xavier, built by one of the last of the Medici
Shelter Good shelter . You are mostly out of the land family, is kept in good repair and the saint's body is
and sea breeze effects here and you are also out of taken out every ten years and displayed to the
the worst of the current. public. The next time is 2004. All around the old
Authorities Harbourmaster, customs and town centre are the remains of many fine churches
immigration at Panaji near the town quay. and it is well worth a trip up the river to see Old
Anchorage It is also possible to anchor on the N side Goa. There are numerous trips arranged from
of Aguada Bay in 3m. Good shelter from the Panaji.
prevailing winds in flat water. PaQaji is not the easiest place to be in a yacht
because you are stuck out on the N side of the river
Facilities away from easy access to facilities. It is \a safe
Water From local sources on the N side at Berin. anchorage and worth the inconvenience for the
Fuel Diesel and petrol from the petrol station on the charm of Panaji and is also a safe place to leave the
N side at Betin and on the S side at the ferry quay.
boat for short trips inland.
Gas Most gas bottles can be filled in Panaji.
Paraffin Available ashore at Betin. Note The sea breeze is often turned NW-NNW
Laundry At Betin or Panaji. between Bombay and Goa.
Repairs It should be possible to haul out in an
emergency. Mechanical and engineering work at
Panaji. Electrical repairs. Good hardware shops Port Redi
ashore with a range of paints and sealants. Good 15°45'N 73°44'E
selection of tools made in India. Charts BA 3464
Provisions Good shopping for all provisions in Care needed of reefs in the approach. Shelter
Panaji. Fruit and vegetable market near the bus reported adequate under the headland.
station at Patto. Limited shopping for basics in
Eating out Excellent selection of restaurants serving Vengurla
good Indian food, variations on Indian food and 15°51'·2N 73°37'E
westernlGoan fare. Good seafood. Try the Venite on Anchorage possible under the headland on the N.
rua 31 st Jan Rd for a treat. Care needed of reefs in the bay. Shelter reported to
Other Banks will exchange travellers cheques. be good.
Andhra Bank or Bank of Baroda do cash advances
on credit cards. PO. Telephone and fax bureaus.
Hospitals. Hire cars and motorbikes. Buses to most Devargh Harbour
parts of India or connections to other buses and the 16°23'·3N 73°22'·6E
rail system. The new Konkan Railway to Bombay is It is reported there are 5m plus depths up to the
now open. Internal and international flights from headland (Fort Point) sheltering the inlet running
Dabolim Airport about 30 minutes away. SW and that in the inlet depths shelve gradually.
General Anchor behind the headland where convenient.
Goa has become a synonym for long sandy beaches Shelter looks good.
inhabited by pot-smoking hippies who got caught in
a time warp. In fact most of them have long
disappeared to beaches further south because the Vijayadurg Harbour
beaches along this bit of coast are now lined by huge 16°33'·7N 73°20'E
hotels full of northern Europeans here for the winter The entrance to Vaghotan River. Anchorage under
sun. The province of Goa has a large tourist the N side. The river proper has a shallow bar at the
industry and charter flights fly here direct bringing entrance.
thousands in every day. Panaji itself, not being on
the beach, has few of the European imports and is
surprisingly untouristy given it is the capital and hub
of the region. It is a fine old city with most facilities
and some excellent restaurants.
Panaji was originally a suburb of the old capital,


Rajapur Bay Bombay

16"36"5N 73"19"3E Charts BA 1487, 2621
At the entrance of Rajapur River. The cove under Approach
the N side of the bay appears to offer good Visibility in the approaches from some distance out
protection in the NE monsoon. is generally bad from local industry, cooking fires
and the general air pollution in Bombay from motor
vehicles and other sources.
Ratnagiri Bay Conspicuous There are numerous oil rigs in the
16"59'N 73"16"4E approaches from 80- 90M off the coast in the case of
Charts BA 3460
the Bombay High Oilfield Development Area. The
Anchorage in convenient depths under the approach route for commercial vessels is either due
headland. Shelter appears to be good in the NE E to Bombay or around 20M off the coast from the
monsoon. The town of Ratnagiri is nearby. NNW and I O- ISM off the coast from the SSW. BA
1487 should be consulted . In the immediate
approaches there are numerous ships at anchor
Mirya Bay waiting to unload or load cargo and the skyscrapers
l rO l 'N 73" 16'E in the Colaba area will be seen. The lighthouse on
Charts BA 3460 Prongs Reef on the N side of the entrance, a rower
Large bay under Mirya Head. Harbour works with white, red and black bands is conspicuous and
reported. the light [Ower on Sunk Rock can also be identified.
The main channel for commercial ships into the
harbour is buoyed. C loser in, the small lighthouse
Jaigarh Bay on Dolphin Rock will be seen as wil l the
17" I S"2N 7)° 12'E monumental Gateway of India and the high-rise Taj
The mouth of the Shastri River. Straightforward Mahal and Intercontinental hotels.
access. Anchor in the NE comer or under the W By night The harbour and approaches are well lit,
entrance point. Shelter looks adequate . but a night approach should be made with due
caution for unlit fishing boats up to 20 or more
miles off.
17"33"9N 73"08'·5E
The mouth ofVashishti River. There arc reported to
be depths of 3m in the entrance channel towards the
S side. Shelter inside looks good.

18"lS'N 72"S7'·8E
The mouth of Rajpuri Creek. There are reported
depths greater than 5m into the river following a
more or less central channel. Anchor off under
Janjira Fort on its rocky islet and the coast E where
depths are convenient . Shelter looks good during
the NE monsoon.

18°32"3N 72°54"5E
The mouth of the Kundalika River. A sand bar
obstructs most of the entrance with a black buoy
marking the extremity (NE monsoon only). There
are reported 2m depths in the entrance channel
although local sources say 3m. Local knowledge
needed. Inside shelter looks all-round.

Kanhoj/ Ang re '.-; 0 5

f I! 2)WR. 101 to", ! I ! ! .--1
25122M ~' NautICal MIles
BOMBAY APPROACHES -$- 19"51'N 72°48'E

Indian Ocean Cruising Gu~

rr- - • 7

Bombay. Anchor8,e off the BomblY Ylcht Club under the


Commerci(l/ Pon FI R.3ISM

Depths in meues

BombayYCo ~
Intercontinental Hoto'''&' "
U Gateway of India
Taj Matlal Hoteto - ' I
0 D1ngh;es I
, ,
Local Ferr;OSR
<1 \'_--

" ~
3~ 5~ 6, , •
I ,~ ~5
\. . -..2"':""
:" ~
(Small lighthouse consplc)
Cola be Reef

' V ' Ship J.

! fJ} ~'
o \. ..~
5 Metres
" o, 0.5
, 2
, Nautical Miles

BOMBAY~ 18"54'.9N 72°50'·2E

Bombay Airport Aero AlFl.WG.4s27/25M Note It may be useful to contact the Bombay Yacht
Bombay LtF No.2 Fl(2)lOslOM Club in advance announcing your arrival. They may
Prongs Reef Fl.I Os23M be able to help with entry and exit procedures.
Gull Islet Fl.5.s7M
Sunk Rock Fl(2)WR.6sl3/7M Facilities
Dolphin Rock Fl(4)WR.20s11/5M 147°-R-236°-W- Note The Bombay Yacht Club may extend a helping
270o-R-OOO° hand to visiting yachtsmen. You can only ask.
Tucker Beacon Oc.WR.5s13M Water There is a tap on the quay ashore. It may be
Kanhoji Angre Island Fl(2)WR.10s25/22M 336°-R- possible to obtain larger amounts within the
001 o-W-20l ° commercial harbour. Check with reliable locals on
There are numerous minor lights around the water purity, but in general it is advisable to sterilise
commercial and naval dockyards for which any water taken on here.
Admiralty List of Lights Vol. F should be consulted. Fuel By jerrycan from the shore. You can engage a
VHF Ch 16/12 for port control and pilots. Call up local boatman to ferry it out. There must be a small-
when 10 miles off and follow any instructions. You craft fuel quay within the harbour complex -
will usually be asked to anchor off the Bombay enquire at the Bombay Yacht Club or to the local
Yacht Club if you manage to get through. ferries and tripper boats operating off the quay.
Dangers Gas Most gas bottles can be filled ashore although
1. There will be numerous ferries, large and small, there may be difficulties over some bottles such as
charging about at speed. Special care is needed as Camping Gaz bottles.
you get closer to the Bombay Yacht Club .. Paraffin Available ashore.
2. There are always numerous local craft in the Laundry A number of laundries in the vicinity.
approaches and within the port area itself. Most Repairs There are slipways and repair yards within
of these are fishing boats large and small although the port complex. It may be possible to haul at one
there will also be local- craft ferrying goods of these. With a bit of research facilities for engine
around. repairs, mechanical and engineering work, electrical
3. Care must be taken of commercial ships entering repairs and basic canvas-work will be found.
or leaving port which have right of way. Obtaining spares for marine engines and equipment
4. The tidal streams are strong in the approaches is next to impossible and importing spares is
and in the harbour proper. At springs rates of up difficult. Numerous hardware shops with a good
to 4kn have been recorded. The tide is generally range of paints and sealants.
easterly on the flood and westerly on the ebb but Provisions There are several supermarkets in the
can be ENE turning N on the flood and WSW on local area and numerous small grocery shops and
the ebb. The direction is to some extent variable greengrocers. Alternatively go to Crawford Market a
within the harbour depending on the depths and little distance N for a wide selection of fresh fruit
there can be tidal swirls in places. and vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish.
5. Fishing stakes and unmarked nets may be found Eating out There is everything to choose from.
some distance off the coast in the approaches. Nearby in the Taj Mahal and Intercontinental there
are western-style restaurants. In the streets nearby
Mooring there are numerous other restaurants and you can
Proceed into the anchorage off the Bombay Yacht wander around and find all sorts of restaurants from
Club and anchor 2-5m N of Dolphin Rock the humble to the more up-market. In general it is
wherever there is space. The bottom is mud and possible to eat well for little.
good holding. Other Banks and ATM machines which accept
Shelter Good shelter during the NE monsoon. The foreign credit cards. American Express, Bank of
discomfort here .is from the wash from local ferries, America (Mastercard) and Grindleys ANZ (Visa).
fishing boats, bum-boats and shipping using the PO near Victoria Terminus and in the
channel. Intercontinental. Telephone and fax services from
Authorities Harbourmaster, customs, immigration. agencies. Buses and taxis. Hospitals. Ask in the
Entry On arrival call up port control and inform Intercontinental for advice. 24-hour pharmacies.
them you want to clear in. Customs will then come Rail services all over India from Victoria Terminus
out to visit you and you must then fill in the nearby. Ferry service to Goa. Internal and
requisite paperwork detailing everything concerning international flights from Sahar International and
the yacht and its occupants and various forms Santa Cruz about an hour by taxi from Gateway of
stating you are not carrying illegal drugs or firearms. India.
You must then visit the harbourmaster, customs General
again, and finally immigration. You will need a Bombay is smelly, polluted, noisy, dirty and
small amount of rupees to pay the harbourmaster crowded beyond belief. If you can't cope with the
who will not (usually) accept other currencies. hubbub of a big city where hundreds of people seem
Exit Basically the above procedure in reverse. You to want to inhabit the same patch of ground you are
will need to notify the coastguard on VHF Ch 16 of on, then Bombay is not for you. If you like a bustling
your intention to leave. and vibrant city then Bombay is not to be missed.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
You don't have to walk very far before commerce of
every type, from small food stalls to emporiums full Maldives
of a diverse assortment of goods, assault your Current situation
senses. Only those with no curiosity at all will fail to The islands have been a republic since 1968 when
be enchanted by the streets of Bombay. the sultanate was abolished. It is a stable counuy
The city itself is heir to some wonderful even though there has been discontent amongst the
architecture mostly bequeathed by the British. young. In 1988 a coup was put down with help from
There is Victoria Terminus, the Victorian Gothic the Indian government.
train station still used to connect Bombay to the rest
of India. Around Homiman Circle are the Venetian Documentation and visas
Gothic Elphinstone buildings and nearby is the Normal ships papers and a valid passport for all
Town Hall with Doric columns shipped out from crew members must be carried. Most foreign
England. Off the anchorage the monumental nationals do nOt need a visa and will be given 30
Gateway to India is in Indian-Saracenic style and days on arrival. Yachts must go to Male first [Q clear
was built to commemorate the visit of George V and in where a permit will be issued.
Mary in 1911. The Bombay Yacht Club is housed Entry fonnalities
in an old colonial building with a wonderful sense of On arrival at Male call up on VHF Ch 16 and the
calm to it after the hustle and bustle around the marine police will come out to the yacht. Most
Gateway to India. Large fans revolve lazily overhead people then use an agent who will come out to you
and there is a library, trophies and models of yachts. with the other requisite officials: health, cus[Qms
a reading room, everything a proper gemleman's and immigration . An agent whose name often crops
club should have including peace and quiet. up is ' Fifo' and in 1997 charges were around 840
You will be pursued everywhere in Bombay by US a day. Other yachts have reported a flat $90 fee
beggars, touts and the mildly curious. It is for clearing in. It may be that some negotialion is in
something you have to get used to and my tip of the order for the agents fee although you can he sure it
day for a visit here is not to give money to beggars. will increase in the fUlure.
It's not that I am mean-minded, but as soon as you Once cleared in a yacht can cruise the North and
donate so much as a rupee you will be surrounded
in a fla sh by many more beggars and the only way to

shake them off is to duck into a shop where O';IIOO
Nina Degr". Ch~nnal
hopefully the shopkeeper will keep them out. The
alternative is to walk around looking like the Pied 6 Minic;ov I
Piper with a suing of voluble urchins tagging along
Eight DlIfI'H Ch,lnnei
imploring you to give them a few rupees.
0' N Thilldhunmathee Atoll

: ~;"dh'"m'd'" AIOII

~~ F"dh;ppo'h, "01'
B" . Kllashldhoo
Ch •
!Cllfd;"·p ~ N Male Atoll MALDIVES

Ari S Male AtOll
<) ~ Feljdhe Atoll
o0 Mulaku Atoll A- N Maalhosmadulu

0: B· 5 Maalhosmadulu

a Kolhumadulu Atoll

Hadhdhunmathee Atoll

Dna and H," Degr". Channal

Equatorial Channal

o• AdooAtoll
o, ,
60 ,
Nautical Miles

South Male Atolls for two weeks. After this period a Currency The unit is the rnffiya divided into 100
charge of $5US per day is levied for the next one laari. The currency is reasonably stable at the
month and for any periods over this length of time a present time.
charge of $8 per day is levied. There seems to be Banks and exchange Banks will exchange hard
some discrepancy over these charges and they may currency (US dollars preferred) and travellers
well be reviewed. cheques (US dollars preferred). The Bank of Ceylon
Some yachts stop at one of the northernmost in Male will give cash advances on Visa. Although
islands, usually Turakunu Island (Ihavandiffulu technically all transactions must be in rnffiya, the
Atoll), with engine or other mechanical 'problems' US dollar is usable for most transactions.
and there appear to be few problems with this, Remember it is technically illegal. Some shops and
although I cannot recommend it. What normally many of the hotels will take the major credit and
happens is that the island headman will get in touch charge cards.
with Male to get clearance and then as long as it is a Medical care Rudimentary. Specialist care is not
brief stopover (1-3 days) there appear to be few available. In the event of major illness head for
problems. I will add that this leniency should not be Europe or Australasia. The water is generally
over-exploited or it may be withdrawn. potable but can often be brackish and tastes awful.
Data Collect rainwater whenever possible for
Area 300km2 (116M2) (The smallest member of the consumption.
UN) Electricity 220V 50Hz AC
Coastline 644km (348M)
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic Useful books
zone 35-310M. Sri Lanka Handbook Robert Bradnock. Footprint
Population 222,000 Handbooks. Includes the Maldives.
Capital Male Common Reef Fishes of the Maldive Islands Charles
Time zone UT+5 Anderson & Ahmad Hafiz. Novelty Printers.
Language Divehi (Sinhala dialect). Some English
Available in Male.
Religion Sunni Muslim. The Muslim religion on the Living Reefs of the Maldives R C Anderson. Novelty
island is a very gentle form. Printers. Available in Male.
Public holidays Geography and climate
The Muslim holidays vary from year to year. The coast The Maldives is made up of some 19
Jan 1 New Years Day major atolls which encompass approximately 1200
Feb 5 Martyr's Day coral islands. Many of these are very small and
Jul 26/27 Independence Day generally no more than 2·5m (8ft) above sea level.
Aug 29/30 National Day This has caused the Maldivians to be much
Nov 3 Victory Day concerned about global warming as if the sea level
Nov 11/12 Republic Day continues to rise, even at very small rates, the effect
Government Democratic Republic on the islands will be catastrophic. If present
Crime Low levels of all crime. This is a safe place. predictions are correct and a rise of 1m occurs by
the year 2100, most of the Maldives could be
Travel uninhabitable. It is not so much the loss of actual
Internal land, but the effect of storm surges, which will likely
For short trips between the islands dhonis (local cause much damage, as in 1987 when high tides and
boats) will ferry you around. Air Maldives has flights a storm surge caused severe damage to the airport
to 2 southern and 1 northern atoll. A hovercraft on Hulule and to the island of Male.
connects some islands from Male. Maldivian The word we use to describe the sort of islands
Airtaxis operate sea-planes. On the islands you get that make up the Maldives, an atoll, comes from the
around on foot or sometimes by bicycle. Maldivian word, and the atolls are textbook
International examples of coral-based islands surrounded by a
There are numerous scheduled flights from Male to circular barrier reef enclosing a lagoon. Like all
Southeast Asia, India, Europe and the USA. There atolls, the high palms will be the first thing you see
are also a number of charter flights from Europe. although from the distance the afternoon clouds
Practicalities gathering over an island are a useful though not
Mail Mail is quick and reliable. Mail can be sent infallible clue to the presence of an atoll.
poste restante to Male. Coastal waters In true atoll fashion the reefs are
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code surrounded by very deep water with only a few
960. shallow areas off some of the islands. Around the
Telephone and fax from the post office at Male. barrier reef on the drop-off depths are typically
Alternatively use the telephone and fax of the agent. 200-300m. Within the lagoons the depths are also
Some hotels and shops will allow you to use the considerable, often 40-50m until close to the island.
telephone and fax for a charge. Phonecards This makes anchoring difficult and typically a yacht
available. must anchor in anything from 15-40m. Anywhere

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
there are more convenient depths will invariably be Degree Channel, One and a Half Degree Channel
off a resort hotel and as the island is usually leased and Equatorial Channel. For the smaller channels
to the resort, yachts are often asked to move on. The and passes into the lagoons the current set depends
considerable depths in which a yacht has to anchor on the marine topography and shape of the atoll.
means that you need to pay every attention to Although variable, the currents close to the coast
anchoring tackle and to the anchor winch which will can be considerable and rates of between 1 and 4kn
be struggling at these depths. have been recorded.
The bottom is typically sand or coral. In many The moral is simple: keep an eye on cross-track
places there will be coral heads which easily snag error on the GPS and a lookout up the mast or
anchor chain and it is prudent to rig a trip-line. The forward when traversing a pass into a lagoon. The
reefs have abundant marine life over them and 'reef-sucking' phenomenon applies to most places in
indeed most of the resorts cater for diving holidays. the Maldives.
There is frankly not a lot else to do.
Climate The climate is equatorial and although the In general the Maldives are well charted and most
islands are influenced by the NE and SW monsoons, modem British Admiralty charts can have GPS
the influence is less pronounced than further N. As positions plotted directly on to them. This does not
further N, the dry season and calmer period is apply when within I-2M of reefs or land as there are
during the NE monsoon from November to April. random errors incorporated into what are basically
During the SW monsoon rain is more likely, still 19th-century charts. All navigation within the
although because the islands sit across the ITCZ, atolls must be first and foremost of the 'eyeball
rain, often heavy, can fall at any time. variety backed up by prudent use of the GPS and
Temperatures range from 25°-30°C throughout any other aids to navigation.
the year. Mean sea temperatures are 28°-29°C
throughout the year.
Prevailing winds near the coast Prevailing winds
Harbours and anchorages
Below are details on Male where yachts must go to
are pretty much determined by the NE and SW
clear in before cruising around the atolls. While it
monsoons although the position of the Maldives just
might seem restrictive to be granted permission for
above the equator means that winds will often be
just the North Male and South Male atolls, in
variable and weaker in the more southerly islands
practice there are more than enough anchorages
than in the northern islands of the group. Generally
here to keep any coral-hopping cruiser happy.
winds are NNE-NE turning to N-NW around April
for the NE monsoon. During the SW monsoon
winds are typically westerly. Wind speeds are Male
typically around IS-20kn although there are often
Charts BA 3323
days of calm or little wind.
Gales The pattern of gales associated with the SW Approach
monsoon found further N does not strictly apply to The normal approach to Male is through Male
the Maldives, especially the southern atolls. May is Channel (Gaadhoo Koa) on the SE comer of Male
the month with the highest average of gales at Atoll.
around S% in some years. Squalls associated with Conspicuous Several radio masts on the SE comer of
thunderstorms pass through and wind speeds can . Male Island and a communications tower near the
exceed 40kn at times. Because the islands lie middle of the island will be seen. The control tower
between the equator and 8°N, they are not affected and radio masts on Hulule Island will also be seen.
by tropical storms, although the storm surge from From the distance planes making the final approach
cyclones can affect anchorages. to the airport on Hulule Island are a good pointer to
where it is.
The tidal range around the islands is nowhere more By night There are no useful lights for a night
than 1m at springs. For some of the shallow passes approach. The loom of the lights on Male and the
into the lagoons this range can be critical allowing lights at the airport will be seen. The radio masts
you to just scrape in, so it is necessary to keep a carry F.R lights. The communications tower on
record, even a mental one, of the state of the tide Male has an Oc.R. Stand off until the morning
and its likely range. before making a final approach.
VHF Ch 16 for the marine police. Call them up
when you are making the final approach through
Close to the atolls the currents are unpredictable in
Gaadhoo Koa.
direction and strength and are often in contrary
directions to the equatorial counter-current or to Mooring
current patterns in the Arabian Sea. As a general Anchor off the N side of Male. The anchorage is
rule currents set either E or- W through the large very deep and you will usually be anchoring in
navigable channels between the atolls for Eight 30-35m. The bottom is sand and coral and some



Depths in metres 50 55 "




ViIlgUl Communicat ion

Tr1b MaSlS<f

o 0.5
Nautical Miles
APPROACHES TO MALE -$- 04° 10'N 73°32'E

yachts have reported coral patches which can snag General

the chain. Use a trip line. The capital is a small place and it will take you only
Shelter Reasonable shelter ahhough there IS some 20 minutes to walk it from end to end . Around one
wash from passing craft. quarter of the total population of the Maldives lives
Authon'rics Marine police, customs, health, here and it has a transient population of those
immigration, harbounnaster. visiting to sell and buy, get medical treatment, and
just visiting to see the sights. Take some time out to
Note Some yachts have used the new harbour on the
visit the fish market on the waterfront to identify
NW comer of the island. Benh Mediterranean-style good eating fish and marvel at the skill of the locals
stern or bows-to the wall or anchor inside the gutting and filleting the fish.
breakwater. Depths are reported to be mostly 3- 5m. The old inner harbour dates from the 17th
Facilities century when the Dutch considered the Maldives a
Water From various sources in the town. The water protectorate and an extension of their rule in Sri
comes from a desalination plant and is potable. Lanka. uke many of the other structures around it
Fuel The agent can arrange for fuel to be ferried out is built of coral blocks, the only available building
in drums with a pump and hose for small amounts. materials on the islands. There are a number of
A delivery charge is made. mosques and a small museum in Male, but really it
Lau"dry Can be arranged ashore at a price. is a p lace just for wandering around before relaxing
Repairs Minor mechanical and electrical repairs. A in the shade with a cool drink.
diver can be arranged for bottom cleaning. Anchorages
Provisions Most staples can be found and there are There are numerous anchorages around the Male
several small supermarkets . Fruit and vegetables are AtoUs. Depending on draught yachts can enter some
limited. Fish from the fish market. of the lagoons and find a secure anchorage within .
Eating out Indian fare at a number of local Alternatively it is possible to anchor on the lee side
establishments. European s(yle food at the hotels at of some islands. The following notes may be useful.
a price. Good fresh fish available although it is not
often cooked imaginatively . 1. Many of the passes into a lagoon are fairly
Other PO. Banks. Cash advance on Visa at the Bank shallow. Typically some passes are around
of Ceylon. A visa for India can be obtained quickly ) ·30- 1·50m and this effectively locks out many
and easily here. DhOlis to nearby islands and internal yachts with deeper draught. Some passes are
and international flights from Hulule. deeper at around 4- 6m and these will usually

Indian Ocea" Cnlising Guide
have substantial beacons marking the pass. depth of 10m up to the port area . The surroundings
Smaller and more shallow passes may be marked here are all lOW-lying.
by sticks or brushwood or not at all. It is always By night A night approach should not be made.
useful to check OUt the pass fi rst by dinghy and Buddo Island is lit OC.6s I6M. There are leading
always have someone aloft to con you in. lights into POrt Muhammad bin Qasim on 032°26'
2. Care is needed in many of the atolls of bombies. front Q.l l M rear Buddo Isla nd light. Ashan
The only way to spot these is from aloft. Channel is lit by lightbuoys FI.R to pOrt and FJ .G to
3. Depths in the lagoons are usually 5- IOm making starboard.
anchoring easy. Use a trip line if there appear to VHF C h 16, for port authorities. Call up when 12M
be coral patches around that might snag chain. off Ashan Channel and request permission to enter.
4. Anchoring on the lee side of an island will be in Call up again when at the entrance to Ashad
the usual considerable depths of anything from Channel for permission to proceed.
30-40m. At times it is useful to put a stem
anchor out to hold the bow into any ground Tides Around 3m range at springs and neaps.
swell . Note With the SW monsoon a heavy swell setS OntO
S. The reception at resons on the islands varies. the entrance to the channel.
Some juSt do not want you around and do not Mooring
allow anchoring in their 'own' bit of water - Berth where directed to dear in. This is a
usually the bit that has convenient depths. Some commercial port with no facilities for yachts. After
resorts will allow you to anchor but generally clearing in you may be able to anchor off somewhere
expect you to eat ashore. The local fishermen are morc convivial.
friendly and you can often get crayfish or fish
Shelter Excellent shelter in the delta. Tidal streams
from them.
are strong here.
Authorities H arbourmaster, customs, immigration
and health at Pon Muhammad bin Qasim.
Pakistan Facilities
Few yachts bother to make the detour up to
At the pOrt there is water and electricity. It is likely
Pakistan and I would probably not have included it
that you will be able to organise fuel. There is a
but for meeting one person who had made the trip.
small settlement at Korangi and Karachi should be
Yachts should head for Phiui Creek to the E of
easily accessed from the pan. Either get someone to
Karachi if they are headed this way and not to
organise a taxi or more likely you will be able to
Karachi Port itself.
a rrange a lift into Karachi with someone from the
While there is considerable internal dissoot and a
port .
lot of internecine violence in cities like Karachi,
Cruising Associatiml HL R Mr Qureshi , clo
most travellers will not be affected by it.
Muhammad Ibrahim & Co (PVT Ltd), 500/ 14 M.
Nonetheless it would pay to monitor the BBC
PKRY Ani Rd ., Saddar, Karachi 0302, Pakistan .
World Service and if possible avoid Pakistan when
'fi' 568 35 11 , 568 1400.
elections are being held .

Phitti Creek
Charts BA J284
Phirti C reek leads to Port Muhammad bin Qasim.
The entrance to Phitti Creek is through the Ashan
Channel. In the approaches ships will often be seen
anchored off the entrance waiting to go into the
pon. Ashan C hannel is well buoyed with a least

o . .RACHI c3 -7~
Korungi ,
Ras MUllri
HlJrbour . C~~ '
'::OfS!1g' . I
o 5 10 20 ~
I I ,PI1i1t\
Nautical MIlos


Kunn; Swamp

....." ......


Oc 6a31ml6M Fl(21R.a. /
• / •.••.•. ~ .... \ ... ~./~.~.. \.IIi'
R.cO!1!Dl ~
Po rt FU311Ss
Khand Island

Zulfiquar Dries Deplhs;n Meues

" o 2
~ No. \(
Nautical Miles
Miran Island

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Wednesday you will have to wait on board until the
Oman next day.
CUJ'I'eDt situation Exit procedures are basically the reverse of entry
From 1965 the Dhofar rebellion in the south made except you must go ashore to do the paperwork. Go
things unsettled in Southern Oman, but the conflict to immigration who will provide you with four
was effectively brought to an end in 1982 when copies of the clearance papers. Take these in order
Yemen and Oman established diplomatic relations to the harbourmaster, port office, immigration
and Aden effectively stopped bankrolling the rebels. police to collect your passports, customs, and finally
The British anny played a covert role in all this as the port office to collect the ships papers.
well. Today Oman is a settled country under Sultan Data
Qaboos and despite being sealed off from the Area 212.460km l (82,03 IM,)
western world for a long period, it is a surprisingly Frontiers 1374km. Saudi Arabia 676km. UAE 41Okm.
forward-looking country. There have been one or Yemen 288km. Note: Oman has a separate territory
two incidems in recent years, but nothing of on the Musandam Peninsula contrOlling the Strait of
consequence to bother visitors. Hormuz and 17% of the world's oil production
transits this point going from the Persian Gulf to the
Documentation and visas Arabian Sea.
Nonna! boat's papers must be carried and a valid Coastline 2092km ( 1 130M)
passport for all crew members. A visa is not required Marltt·rt'Ul claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
when you arrive by yacht at Mina Raysut where the zone 200M.
ships papers and passports are retained by the Population 1,588,000
authorities and a shore-pass issued. Your passport ClIpital Muscat
Tinu! zone Uf+4
can be redeemed for things like changing money and LanpG6e Arabic. Some English spoken in Muscat and
then given back to the authorities. Salalah.
Entry fonnalides Ethnic divisions Mostly Arab.
In the approach to a port call up on VHF Ch 16 Rttlizion Ibadhi Muslim 75%. Remainder mostly Sunni
and Shi'a Muslim. It is courteous [0 dress correctly
when 2-5M off. You will be asked for a few details
when going ashore and dealing with officials. For men
and directed to enter the harbour. Here you will be that means long trousers and a shirt, for women a
visited by health, immigration, CUStoms and the dress which covers the anns and legs.
harbounnaster. The ships papers and passports will Public holidays
be retained until your exit. You must not go ashore The Muslim holidays vary from year [0 year.
or receive visitors until you are cleared in. There is 18-19 Nov National Day
no clearance on the Muslim weekend (Thursday GovernnMmt Monarchy. The current ruler is Sultan
and Friday) and outside office hours on Saturday to Qaboos bin Said AI Said.

Saudi Arabia Ras Hadd


• Arabian Sea
Mina Raysut (Salalahl
S•• Yemen
Ras Furtak
ri r'ea

Socotra (Yemeni
, sao
Nautical M;les
Depl hs In Melres


Disputes Border dispUie with Yemen over where the
border lies. Harbours and anchorages
Cri~ Low level of petry crimc. The harbour al Mina
RaysUi is a secure area and there have been no
reports of theft . Muscat/Marina Bander al-Rowdha
Travel C harts BA 3522, 3518
Internal Approach
Public transport is limited. In Sa lalah there arc no Yachts should head for the marina. The fairway
buses and you either hitch-hike or get a taxi. Hitch- buoy is located at 23°35"4N 58°37"SE, WGS 84.
hiking is quite easy and accepted. There are fli ghts
and coach services between Salalah and Muscat. By night The buoyed channel and marina entrance
arc lit.
Inte rnational
From Muscat there are flights to Southeast Asia, VHF Ch 16/9. Call sign Marilla Comrol.
E urope and the USA, and to the other Gulf states. Mooring
Flights out of Oman are very expensive and there Data 140 berths . Depths 5' Sm MLWS.
are no bucket shops. Berth "Where directed.
Practicalities Shelter All round shelter.
Mail Is quick and efficient. Mail can be sent to Authorities Harbourmaster and marina staff.
Salalah c/o of the Salalah Holiday Inn, Salalah,
Oman . Facilities
Services Water and electricity at all berths . Shower
Telecommunications IDD system . Country code
and toilet block.
Fuel On the quay.
In Muscat telephone and fax from a hotel. In
R epairs A travel-hoist is to be installed. Mechanical
Salalah there is the central GPO (0730- 1230 Sat-
and engineering repairs.
WedfIburs 0900- 1100) for telephone calls. Holiday
Eating out A restaurant and several bars at the
Inn for telephone and fax.
Currency The unit is the Omani nyal (OR) divided
Contact: Marina Bander AI-Rowdha "8' (968) 737
into 1000 baisa. It is a convertible currency and
288 Fax (968) 737 285.
quite stable. At the time of writing £ IGBP = 0·58
Banks and exchange Banks will change hard
currency (US dollars and sterling GBP preferred) to
riyals. There are also money changers in Muscat and
Medical care Is generally very good. Hospitals arc
Depths in
modem and many Omani doctors have trained in
the UK or USA.
For the most pan the country is free of infectious
diseases with just a few places where malaria
remains a threat. Hygiene in the towns and cities is
good. The water is potable and need not be treated
although you should take local advice.
Electricity 220V 50Hz AC.
Useful books
Middle East Lonely Planet. Has an adequate
section on Oman.
Arabiml Sands Wilfred T hesiger. Penguin. Thesiger
ended up in Salalah after crossing the Empty
Travels hi Oman - On the track of the early explorers MARINA BANDER Al ROWDHA IMUSCATI
23°35'·4N 58 G 37"·8E WGS 8 4 (Fairway buoy No.5)
Phillip Ward. Oleander.
For information on
Geography and climate Mina Raysut
Tides (Salalah)
Currents C h a rts BA 2896
Navigation Approach
see the relevant sections covering the NE coast Straightforward by day or night. There are no
under Yemen. dangers in the direct approach from the E.
Conspicuous A communications tower and storage
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide


,. VO(6).LfI.1Cb

,A "~F.9M& "
HomMol DJ


Ra's Rayslit
, 500
I ! ( I

,., I

Nautical Miles

" Deplhs in MOlres

MINA RAYSUT -$ 16"56'·6N 54"02'E

tanks N of the harbour will be seen and the 'waterman' to unlock a water point. A charge is
breakwaters are readily identified . The breakwaters made for this.
are reported to show up well on radar. Fuel Diesel is available from the Shell depot on the
By night E breakwater F.9M and FI(2)R.lOs5M. hill S of the harbour. You pre·pay for the amount
Lightbuoy on starboard side of channel you want and a tanker delivers it to the quay.
VQ(6)+LFI.IOs and closer in light buoy FLG.Ss. Obviously the Shell office is none too pleased if yOll
VHF Ch 16. Call up port control when 2- SM off only want a small amount. For small amounts of
diesel and for petrol take jerry cans to the service
and give ETA. You will usually be asked to proceed
station in town.
into the harbour on arrival.
Laundry In [own at one of the hotels.
Mooring Repairs The naval workshop within the harbour can
Anchor where indicated on the plan in 3-Sm. The help out . Enquire first and don' t presume you can
bottom is mud and good holding. just wander in at will - it is a naval secure area.
Shefter Good shelter during the NE monsoon Some minor mechanical and engineering work in
despite the fact it looks open to this direction. town.
Shelter is reported to be good during the SW Provisiom Most provisions can be found in Salalah
monsoon. including staples and fresh fruit and vegetables. The
Authorities Harbourmaster, customs, health, and new souk near the town centre is probably the best
immigration. For entry and exit formalities see notes place for meat and fruit and vegetables.
above. Eating OUt Restaurants in Salalah. Most of the
restauran ts offer Chinese o r Indian food, or
Facilities variations on them. For European sryle meals you
Water By jerry can from the shower block on the will have to go to the Holiday Inn on the coast which
quay. For larger amounts you will need to make is also the only place that sells alcohol.
arrangements to go alongside and get the Ocher PO. Banks and money changers. Telephone


Current s ituation
NOM and South Yemen have had a number of civil
wars over the last ten years. With the collapse of !he
Soviet Union the nOM has sought to unify with the
once communist but now more liberal south. The
last confrontation was in 1994 and during the
fi ghting Aden was bombed. Foreign nationals,
including yachtsmen, were evacuated. Two yachts
were damaged in the fighting and sunk in !he
h arbo ur. There were no casualties. When the
fighting was over efforts were made by the harbour
authorities to raise the yachts . This was
accomplish ed successfully in both cases. Since 1994
yachts have again used Aden and thin ~ are back to
normal, although evidence of the various civil wars
litters the harbour. A number of yachts have cruised
the coast of Yemen, including myself in 1995 /96
and 1997. and the authorities have been nothing but
There are undercurrents of dissatisfaction evident
between the nOM and the south, particularly where
nonhemers have been given positions of authority in
the institutions of the south such as customs, police,
the anny, etc. On the whole you will not be affected
by th is except for a little surliness and requests for
larger than usual ' gifts'. It would be wise to monitor
the airwaves in case trouble brews again .
Documentation and visas
Nonnal boats papers must be carried and a valid
passport for all crew members . Evidence o f
vaccination fro m yellow fever and cholera has
occasionally been asked for. A visa can be easily
The desen C03S!. obtained for Yemen and if you intend to travel
inland th is is worth getting. Crew arriving in Yemen
to join a boat must have a visa before arriving.
and fax services from the GPO and at the Holiday If you intend to stay on board every night a visa is
Inn . Mail can be sent to the H oliday Inn where it not required and instead your passport will be
will be held for collection (Salalah H oliday Inn, retained by immigration and you will be issued with
Salalah, Oman "ff 235333). There are no buses a sh orepass. Your passport can be redeemed for
from Mina Raysut to Salalah and most people hitch- things like changing money and then given back to
hike. Taxis at the New Souk. Buses to Muscat from immigration until your departure.
Salalah . Internal flights from Mina Raysut to
Muscat. Entry fonnalities
In the approach to any major port call up pOrt
General control o n VHF Ch 16 or 13 when 10 miles off. You
Salalah h as a temperate climate in contrast to almost will be asked for an ETA and asked to call up again
everywhere else in the Arabian Peninsula, friendl y when 2 miles off. Night entrance is prohibited so
locals, and a secure harbour. The latter is the real time your arrival for daylight hours. In practice
attraction for yachts providing an easy landfall on some (m yself included) have arrived at night and
the Arabian Peninsula with diesel and water easily anchored o ff to clear in in the morning.
available. It is a pleasant fi rst bite at the Arab world On arrival you must go ash ore ( 0 customs, health,
and although there is not really a lot to do and see , and immigration. If you do not have a visa your
the surro undings under the steep slopes are passpon will be retained by immigration and a
spectacu lar, and the seascape down to Yemen shorepass issued . Small 'gifts' ranging from a few
attractive in that desolate desert way. dollars or a few packets of cigarettes (preferably
There is a sma)) museum in Salalah and the site of M arlboro) may be asked for.
the ancient city of Zafar is near the Holiday Inn, but
few bother to visit either and in truth you are not Data
missing too much . Most Opt for a visit to the Area 527,970km1 (203,850M' ). Includes Perim, the
H oliday Inn and a cold beer in relaxed surroundings Hanish Islands and Socotra. Note the Hamish Islands
looking out over the sea. are now occupied Eritrea.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Frontiers 1746km (931M). Oman 288km. Saudi Arabia Travel
1458km. Internal
Coastline 1906km (l029M). Getting around Aden or Mukalla is best done by
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic taxi. The rates are generally very reasonable. Buses
zone 200M.
and share-taxis operate around Aden and Mukalla.
Population 10,395,000
Capital Sa'na There are internal flights from Aden to Sa'na.
Time zone UT +3 International
Language Arabic. Some English spoken in the south, Yemen Aitways (Yemenia) has connections from
especially in Aden. Sa'na to Cyprus, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London,
Ethnic divisions Predominantly Arab. Small Indian Paris and Rome. However there are only a few
influence along the coast. Tribal divisions are marked flights a week and the air fares are very high. Air
with the two predominant groups being the Hashids France flies once a week to Sa'na. There are also
and the Bakils. Inland there is the possibility of being
caught up in tribal disputes, but near the coast this is
flights to Ethiopia and Egypt and these are more
unlikely. reasonable. Probably the best thing to do is fly to
Religion Muslim. As the north effectively won the last Egypt and get a cheap onward ticket from there to
civil war in 1994 there has been a tightening of the Europe.
loose secularism formerly evident in the south. Men Practicalities
should dress correctly and women should wear
Mail I~ surprisingly quick and efficient out of the
clothing that covers most of the body or they will be
regarded as available and subjected to much attention country. It is possible to have items couriered into
by the male population. Aden. Post can be sent to the post office at Steamer
Public holidays Point although the reliability varies.
In addition to Muslim holidays the following secular c/o Post Office, Steamer Point, Aden, Yemen.
holidays are observed. Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
May 1 Labour Day 967.
May 22 Day of National Unity In Aden and Mukalla there are numerous
Sep 26 Revolution Day
Oct 14 National Day bureau's offering telephone and fax services. Indeed
Nov 30 Independence Day these agencies seem to be one of the few growth
Government Democratic Republic. During 1990 the areas in Yemen along with money-changers. Typical
unification of the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR) with charges vary but are generally around $3 a minute
the People's Democratic Republic (PDRy) took for calls to Europe, $4-$5 to send a one page fax to
place. In 1994 after a brief civil war between the Europe and 30¢-50¢ per page to receive faxes.
north and the south legal government has again been Currency The unit is the Yemeni riyal. The bank
established with a bias towards the policies of the less
rate is typically 25-30% below the black market
secular north.
Disputes Border dispute with Oman over where the rate. It is illegal although widespread to change
border lies. Border dispute with Saudi Arabia over money on the black market.
where the exact border lies is now exacerbated by the Banks and Exchange Banks will change US
discovery of oil deposits in the disputed region. dollars to Yemeni riyals. The bank in Aden will also
Armed dispute with Eritrea over the Hanish Islands. change travellers cheques in US dollars to US
Eritrea invaded Greater Hanish in December 1995 dollars cash. The US dollar is really the only
and yachts are advised to keep well clear of this area. currency accepted for changing into Yemeni riyals.
Overall the Yemeni government is in disfavour with
many of the Middle East states because it sided with
There are numerous official and unofficial money-
Iraq in the Gulf War. Large numbers of Yemenis who changers who will give you a substantially better rate
formerly worked abroad have now returned as they than the bank. Only US dollars in good condition
find it mysteriously difficult to renew work and will be accepted and damaged or even creased bills
residence permits. may be rejected. $100 bills are the favoured
Crime Low level of petty crime. As stated to me by one denomination and those later than 1990 with the
Yemeni, 'you will have nothing stolen from you here, anti-counterfeit strip are preferred.
but you can be killed over a question of honour'. Medical care Is generally poor. If you are seriously
Large numbers of the males carry automatic rifles
(often customised Kalishnikovs), sidearms and the ill try to get to your home country or to Europe as
traditional jambiya, the curved dagger usually worn in quickly as possible and if necessary use your health
an ornamental sheath on the belt. However you are insurance to get repatriated. Some drugs are
unlikely to feel threatened by this once you have available over the counter in the pharmacies but do
become accustomed to the sight of men wandering not rely on specific drugs to be available.
around with lethal hardware. There have been some Immunisation is suggested for typhoid, hepatitis A
reports of fishing boats harassing yachts, but I believe and polio. The water supplies in Aden have been
in most of these cases that the object is food and affected by the shelling in 1994 and water should be
curiosity. After encountering numerous fishing dhows treated. Malaria is prevalent throughout the country
I have not once felt threatened. These fishermen live
except for Aden and its environs. AIDS has been
wretched lives and a few small gifts will enhance that
life significantly. And you may get a sizeable fish in reported.
return for modest gifts.


Electricity 220V 50Hz AC. There are frequent

power cutS and all shops usually have a generator
sitting outside for when cuts occur. In larger urban
areas there are often sectored cuts with one part of
the town being turned off for 6 hours or so and then
another pan of the town at another time. Because of
this be wary of frozen products.
Curiosities and culture
Qat Pronounced 'gat'. This is the national narcotic
of Yemen and it seems that the majority of the male
population indulge in it. It is a small evergreen bush,
Catha edufis, culrivated in the highlands and trucked
down daily to the markets on the coast . The leaves
are chewed to produce a mild stimulant effect and
every afternoon you will see Yemenis sitting around
chewing qar. The stated attributes are a peaceful
disposition, heightened sexual prowess and even
more heightened sexual prowess. The leaves are
chewed into a mulch and by the end of the
Tran sp(ming dinner home in Mukalla.
afternoon the user will have a large pulpy ball of the
stuff distending the cheek pouch . It has no
immediate effect and it was explained to me that the reception a collection of rifles that have been handed
couple of leaves I tried were not enough and I in. Strangely enough you get used to the sight of
should continue chewing for a few days until a men walking around with an automatic rifle slung
cumulative effect kicked in. It is not cheap and it over the shoulder and most people do not fed overly
would appear that a good deal of the income of the threatened.
average Yemeni goes on the stutT. Alcohol With the ·victory of the north in 1994 there
Women Yemen is a male dominated society and have been strict controls on alcohol and it is not
except for a few, all women are clothed tOP to commonly for sale. There is a black market in Aden
bottom in black with a full veil leaving only the eyes and alcohol is available in a few of the luxury hotels
exposed . The eyes are probably the most beautiful at inflated prices, typically 54- 56 for a small can of
encountered anywhere . It is probably unwise to ga7.e beer. If Aden becomes a free port as intended then
overlong at a Yemeni woman and certainly unwise it is likely controls will be relaxed within the free
to approach or even point a camera at them without pan area, though not elsewhere along the coast.
prior permission. 'X'henever I sought permission to Because alcohol is Strictly controlled you will gel
take a photo it was denied except for one bizarre numerous requests [0 supply it. Whether you do or
instance in Mukalla . Remember you may be not depends on the situation and the recipient, but
breaching the code of honour in Yemen by pointing remember what you are doing is illegal.
a camera at a Yemeni woman and for that the Boatbuilding Most traditional boatbuilding takes
consequences may be harsh. Foreign women should place along the Red Sea coast in the Timahah
wear loose-fitting garments that cover the whole region. There are basically two types of craft
body and may feel more comfortable wearing a scarf constructed. The hun· is transom stemed with a high
over the hair as well. bow and anything from 5- 6m up to 15m. The
Jarnbiya The ceremonial CUlVed dagger worn in a 5anbuq is double-ended, of heavier construction and
special belt. Simple jambiyas can be bought cheaply usually around 15 to 20m. The hun is normally
in shops in Mukalla and Aden. Ornatejambiyas and powered by twin outboards and is used for coastal
the more expensive dhuma, a slender version of the fishing, although they can often be seen some
jambiya, can COSt upward of 5200-300 depending distance offshore even in bad weather. The sanbuq is
on how ornate they are. The most expensive are used for fishing and transportation along the coast.
those with handles made from African rhinoceros The sanbuq is usually powered by an inboard diesel
horn and in fact Yemen is the main consumer of and will have some loosely defined living
rhinoceros hom, sadly endangering the sUlVival of accommodation. They all leak and it is not
the species because of poaching to satisfy the uncommon for sanbuqs to have one or two auxiliary
Yemeni demand for the stuff. engines to drive large pumps in order to stay afloat.
Rifles and sidearms By right males can carry a I've seen them pumping continuously from one
rifle and a sidearm in Yemen. Many do not but a fair pump with the other pump started at odd times to
number wander around with automatic rifles, help out and the hose bores are big. I estimated one
usually Kalishnikovs, many of them with customised $anbuq had to be pumping out 30+ gallons a minute.
stocks and fancy engraving on the chamber and The boats are built by eye with no plans although a
barrel. Lesser numbers carry sidearms. It is not few formers may be used. Timber is imported,
uncommon in a hotel or restaurant to find at the mostly pine, spruce and zinjj[, a red hardwood from

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
oasis. What is surprising is just how volcanic the
whole area is. Betwt!en the rolling sands old volcanic
peaks and lava flows look li ke chocolate coating the
sands. Aden itself is a cluster of old calderas and all
along the coast others will be seen. In the region
between Oman and Yemen, in ar-Ruba'al-Khali
(the Empty Quarter), some of the hottest
temperatures on earth have been recorded .
Coastal w aters Varies from area to area. The water
is mostly very clean with exceptional visibility, in
places to 1O-15m. The littoral area is often of
volcanic origin, typically basalt, with some fringing
coral depending on the location. The bottom is
most often sand. When approaching the coast some
care is needed of isolated rocky projections, but for
the most part the approaches are free of the
extensive coral reefs common in the Red Sea. The
area has abundant marine life and fishing becomes
mostly a matter of whether you want fish today or
not. Several species of tunny and dolphin fish will go
for trolled lines without hesitation .
Climate The climate varies considerably with the
NE monsoon being dry and the SW monsoon
bringing rain . Rain can at times be substantial along
the coast, although in some years there may be little
rain at all. Although the monsoon is regular, the
rain-bearing clouds can pass the coast by. There
may also be isolated rain during the NE monsoon
depending on depressions passing to the N and rain
clouds often circle around the peaks at Mukalla and
Aden. The Empty Quarter reccives no rain.
Temperatures range from 30°C in the winter to
40°C in the summer. Nights are slightly cooler along
the coast although inland temperatures can
plummet dramatically.
Av max A v min Relalivc Days
At Aden 'c 'c humidity //1/111 raill
j,n 28 22 63% I
F,b 2. 23 65% 0
Moe 30 2. 66% 0-3
Ap' 32 25 66% 0
Fish in abundance. A local fi~herman dra~ his calch ashore at M,y 3. 27 66% 0
Mukalla. lu.n_ 37 29 51 % 0
jul 3~ 28 49"/0
Aug 36 28 50% 0-7
Indonesia. No doubt steel and GRP will take over in S'p 3. 28 56% 0-2
the futurt!, but for now the leaky but beautiful 0« 33 2. 58% 0-2
sanbuqs and huris are still built. Nov 30 23 ._ ... _ E I % 0-2
Do< 28 23 62% 2
Useful b ooks
Lonely Planet: Yemen. Yemen in detail. W eather
Lo,u[y Planet: Middle Ease. Covers all the Middle Preva iling w inds n ear the coast P revailing winds
East with enough detail on Yemen to be useful. arc pretty much determined by the NE and SW
Motoring With Mohammed Eric H ansen. Abacus. monsoons and the topography of the Gulf of Aden.
Good read about a yacht being wrecked off the The high land masses along the coast channel winds
Red Sea Yemen coast and the author's return to into or out of the Gulf.
recover his notebooks. The NE monsoon is deflected by the coast down
into the Gulf of Aden where the wind blows from
Geogra phy a nd clirn.ate
the E and is then channelled around up into the Red
T h e coast The desert coastline of Yemen is nothing
Sea from the SE and S through Bab E I Mandeb.
short of spectacular. It embodies all those old
The wind strength tends to increase with [he
stereotypes of Lawrence of Arabia and the Bedouin
funnelling effect of the Gulf of Aden so that while
with colling sand dunes coming right down to the
there is to- 15kn along the eastern coast, at Aden
water and the occasional tight green splash of an

there may be 20kn, and at Bab El Mandeb the wind below tropical storm intensity when they reach the
can be blowing at 30kn and even gale force as far up coast. Tropical storms occur in April-June and
as the Hanish Islands. September to November, but overall the incidence
The SW monsoon is deflected so it blows from the is low with only 5 storms over Force 8 reaching the
SW off the African coast turning to the S along the coast in a 50 year period.
eastern Yemen coast. It keeps a fairly true SW Thunderstonns and waterspouts Localised
direction over the open sea. Typically the SW thunderstorms are recorded although in my
monsoon is stronger than the NE monsoon and experience with the NE monsoon they are short-
there are often associated squalls, especially during lived and the associated squalls are not prolonged.
the first month of the SW monsoon. When Waterspouts are recorded but principally during the
established the SW monsoon will be blowing at SWmonsoon.
20kn from the W-WSW in the Gulf of Aden,
turning more SWat the entrance where the wind Tides
force increases to 30kn and can often reach gale The tidal range in the Gulf of Aden is around
force in July and August. A heavy sea is set onto the 2'5-3m at springs becoming less in eastern Yemen.
eastern Yemen coast. The tides are diurnal becoming less so towards
eastern Yemen and again less so towards Bab El
Prevailing Prevailing
Aden wind 1 wind 2 Mandeb. Tidal streams are pretty much overcome
Jan FJ71 % SFJ27% by the prevailing current except at Bab EI Mandeb
, . where the tidal stream compressed through the
Feb FJ75% SFJ24%
Mar FJ66%. SEl29 % narrow straits can run at 3+kt over any underwater
Apr FJ58% SEl37% shelf. In the Small Strait on the E side I managed to
May - SEl43 % FJ37% do only O'lkn over the ground for nearly an hour
Iun SW/60% SFJ19% when going S according to the GPS (and my long
luI II ~:' ..
SW/80%, ·¥;i S/6% observation of the lighthouse on Perim Island) while
Aug SW/80%, __ • SEll 1% ' cO' • • , ' the speed over the ground was 5·5kt. A large part of
Sep SW/45 % SFJ32% F, Q
this is current (see below), but the tidal stream
Oct SFJ50% FJ29% ,X' 'C" component is significant and can augment or
Nov FJ67% SEl29% decrease the normal N-going current during the NE
Dec FJ74% SEl23% monsoon.
Notes Winds for Gulf of Aden at Aden. Prevailing winds 1
and 2 give percentage of the two most prevalent winds. Currents
Other winds blow for the remaining percentage. Currents along the Yemen coast are dependent on
For more information on wind direction and strength the SW and NE monsoons.
see the charts in Technicallnfonnation, pages 32-33. During the NE monsoon currents are westerly
Locally named'winds into the Gulf of Aden with given rates of around ',.4-
Asifati Tropical storm in the Arabian Sea 'hkt in the Gulf of Aden and off Socotra and
Belat Strong N-NW wind which can reach gale northern approaches to the gulf. In my experience
force. Blows off the land and brings dust and sand. these rates are appreciably greater up to 10 miles off
It is strongest in eastern Yemen and particularly in the coast and commonly run at 1kt or more in a
Kuria Muria Bay in the Oman. Typically lasts 1-2 westerly direction following the contours of the
days. coast. Off headlands the rate can be as much as
Khan! Katabatic wind off the south side of the Gulf 11/2kt. The current only decreases to a rate of
of Aden which reinforces the SW monsoon. Most 1,.4_1hkt when just E of Socotra. Having spent a long
common in June, July and August. time beating out of the Gulf of Aden the rate of
current was assiduously monitored on the GPS and
Gales Are rare during the NE monsoon except for
plotted to give rates often over Ikt in December and
the funnelling effect through Bab El Mandeb. With
the SW monsoon gale force winds are common and January.
During the SW monsoon the current flows out of
there can be associated squalls of considerable
the Gulf of Aden in an easterly direction fanning out
strength. The average wind strength in June and
at the entrance to the gulf. Rates are given at around
August is some 25kn and in July the average wind
1kt in the Gulf of Aden, 11/2 kt around Socotra, and
strength is 30kn plus. This of course means there is
'h-%kt off the eastern coast. If average rates
a high percentage of gale force winds estimated to be
correspond to those given for the NE monsoon then
some 20% of all winds. This high percentage of
current up to 10 miles off the coast can be expected
gales means that most native craft are laid up during
to be appreciably greater.
this time and even small coasters do not put to sea.
Many of the harbours and anchorages along the Navigation
Yemen coast are untenable in the SW monsoon. The coast has not been adequately surveyed since
Tropical storms The incidence along the Yemen the 19th century. Many of the capes and islands and
coast is very low and virtually unheard of in the Gulf islets are known to be out of position by up to 4M
of Aden. Most tropical storms deflect NE before or more. However the new metric charts have
hitting the Arabian peninsula or have declined to corrected some of the errors and generally
navigation off the coast is not a problem with due

Indian Ocean C ruising Guide

, ,
, ,, )\1 Ghaydllh
, ,
. Hldur Shu'ayb Nishlun
"' AilS Fanak
. 511'1'1 YEMEN Olshn

Red • Hammlm Rls Qunyr

Al Hudlydah
AI Muk.uUi Ras Sharma
Sea Flas Burum Arabian
Balihlf Ras Maqdah
Aas Ghurab Sea
. Ta'iu Arratl

Ras ,I Imran
Arllb Adln
lib ,I Mllndeb
Gulf of Aden <::::> SOCOlfll
(Vlmlm l

/~""",_"" Xiii

II , I t I ,

• Dire Oawa HarQersa NaUIi(:al Miles

o 500
care and attention. When dosing the coast to anchor I I
or enter a harbour it is essential that basic coastal
navigation techniques are employed and that the
final approach is made with someone conning you
in. GPS should not be used as the final reference Nishtun
when closing the coast or dangers to navigation.
Where possible I have given GPS co-ordinates using
WGS 84 datum. Other co-ordinates are schematic
and should be treated with caution.

Harbours and anchorages

Charts SA 3784
Straightforward by day. The oil tanks and
installations at the pon are easily identified. 12
By night Can be made with care. The light on the
promontory is Fl.9sISM and the end of the pier is
lit Fl.R.3s.
VHF The pon authorities and pilots listen out on
Cb 13, 16 (0700-1400). Facilities
Water. Fuel may be available. limited provisions.
Anchor in the NE of the bay in 2- 5m under the lee General
of the promontory. A swell works its way around Not often used by yachts on passage between Mina
into the bay so it may be wonhwhile putting out a Raysut and Mukalla/Aden although it could be
stem anchor to hold the bows into the swell. useful in an emergency.
Shelter Good in NE monsoon only.
Authorities Harbounnaster, police and military who
will want to see your papers.


the reefs on either side . Shcltt:r in here is reponed to

Ras Fartak be adequate with a stem anchor to hold the bows
This prominent cape is usually mentioned . as the into the ground swell which works its way around
point to head for to pick up a good slant dunng me the cape . It may also be possible to anchor closer to
NE monsoon when making a passage easrabout the extremity of the cape tucked under the twin
towards India and Sri Lanka. Here me NE monsoon islets on the plan although care would be needed to
will be morc NNE- NE. rather than E- ESE, and get through the rocks and reefs in the immediate
there is also the chance of N or NW winds. approach.
MacPherson picked up a solid NE here and N at The anchorage off the village is not suitable in the
night at the end of D ecember and so shaped his NE monsoon and looks like it would be subject to
course to the Laccadives from Ras Fartak. swell with the SW monsoon.
Khaysart on the S side of Ras Fartak is used by In this vicinity basalt effusions from past volcanic
trading dhows. It was at onc time the pre-eminent e ruptions scar the coast. The old lava flows of
slave trading pOrt on the coast. basalt arc in striking contraSt to the base white
limestone of the region in a more dramatic version
of the Yemeni coastline elsewhere. Rainfall is very
Qishn Bay low and in the words of the Admiralry Pilot, ' ... the
C h arts SA 3784 heat in M ay is almost unsupportable' .
A large bay located under Ras Sharwayn. Ras
Sharwayn has two conical peaks on it called Conical
Peak (58 1m ) and more imaginatively Asses Ears Ras Sharma
(55 1m). Asses Ears are two distinct projections like The cape is a limestone promontory not easily
a pair of asses ears and are easily identified when distinguished from the rest of the coastline . The
coasting towards the ENE . The bay look~ ~o ?ffer village of AI Qam lies on the W side and it is
good sheller during the SW monsoon, but It IS hkely possible to anchor off here . However the best
that a swell will penetrate into the bay. It is not anchorage is in the cove just under the W side of the
suitable in the NE monsoon when a heavy swell sets tip of the cape where shown. Here there are
in. Depths for anchoring are convenient and the convenient depths in flat water with the NE
bottom is reponed to be sand and some coral monsoon. The approach should be made by day
patches. when the islet of Jazarit Sharma will be easily
It should be borne in mind that this is a fairly identified when close to the cape and from there the
remote area. approach to the cove is straightforward .
Lrnited supplies may be available in the village at
AI Qam.
Ras Quasyr
Ras Quasyr is a low rocky cape bordered by
scattered rocks and coral. Care is needed using the
plan and the approach must be by day only. 23 miles
E of Ras Quasyr lies Palinurus Shoal, a rock and
coral reef with least depths of 4·5m reponed over it.
In the NE monsoon anchorage can be obtained in
the cove to the NW of the cape. Care is needed of

Naul,c.l M,Ie' " Sherma

NeU lle,' Milltl Deplh, in M fllr/J!l

N RAS SHARMA 14°50'N 50 001'E

DepthS in Motros

RAS QUASYR U 054' N 50 0 17 'E

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Depths in Mlltres


~" ,"
, *: T'"
M, ••II.

,.C," -
. _. -",RII's Kodar

•, ,

Nllul ;cal Miles

~ 14oa1'·4N WOS',9E IKHALf HARBOUR)
-$ 14°31',6N 49°08'E IOLD PORT)

(IIC1U_ CONpocl ,
o ,

" Melf8$


Depths in Metres

MUKAUA (KHAlF HARBOURI-$- '4oa1'.4N 49"08'·9E WGS 84

(OLD PORTl-$- 14"31'.6N 49"08'E WGS 84

Charts BA 3784
The headland ending in Ras Kadar under which
Mukalla sits is easily identified. The steep-to grey-
red cliffs on either side of the headland are
conspicuous. In the evening dark clouds often sit
over the high land.
Conspicuous There are a number of communication
rowers on the ridge of the headland. From the S the
white houses of the town are conspicuous. From the
N a scattering of white houses will be set:n on the E
side of the headland. C loser in the breakwaters of
Khalf harbour are conspicuous as is the outermost
wrecked cargo ship (Maldive Image) off the old
harbour. There are often cargo ships anchored in
the roadstead.
By night A night entrance is possible, but a yacht
should proceed into Khalf Harbour and then go to
the old harbour in daylight. The Fl.5s15M at Khalf
Harbour shows up well. A 2F.R on one of the
transmitter towers on the ridge has a good range.
The FI.R on the inner breakwater at Khalf will be
seen when closer in. A number of the mosques have
green lights on the minaret - green being the
Muslim holy colour.
VHF Ch 16 for the harbourmaster 0700- 1600
Mon- Fri. You will not always get a reply.
I. Care is needed of the rocky patch off Ras Kodar
although at 4m least depth it should not be a
problem. It is easily identified by the disturbed
water around it. By day it is surrounded by small
fishing craft and there seems to be an abundance
of fish off the headland.
2. The military has a presence along the ridge
complete with artillery. Do not take photos. They
have some powerful radar or other scanning
equipment which wiped out my GPS in the
Blacksmith in Mukalla.
vicinity of the headland.

Approaches to Mukal1a.

India'l Ocean Cruising Guide
Mooring Also a good fish market close to the fruit and
Anchor in Khalf Harbour in 4-6m on the N side. vegetable market.
There are usually cargo dhows at anchor here. In the Ealitlg out Several good restaurants near the old
NE monsoon yachts should proceed directly to the harbour with excellent fresh seafood, grilled chicken
old harbour by day. Anchor in 4-10m and put out a and excellent pilaff. In the market there is a rough
stem anchor to hold the bow into the ground swell. and ready canteen that does excellent fish in a pit
The bottom is sand and a bit of rubble, reasonable oven with roti. Nearby you can get a pudding of rot;
holding. There are usually cargo dhows at anchor as mashed up with banana - recommended.
well. Other PO. Moneychangers who are only interested
Shelter Good shelter in the NE monsoon in the old in US dollars. Laundry. Telephone and fax
harbour. The ground swell is not really bureau's . Taxis. Hotels. International medical
uncomfortable once you have a stem anchor out. clinic. Some flights to Aden and $a'na.
Khalf Harbour could be used during the SW General
monsoon although I suspect there would be a Mukalla is a wonderful place and some time, at least
worrying surge inside. two or three days, should be spent here JUSt looking
Authorities Harbourmaster. Immigration. Police. around. The old mini-skyscraper houses perched
The harbourmaster can supply a weather forecast if precariously beneath the limestone cliffs behind
asked. make a wonderful backdrop to the old harbour. On
Agent Iskender (Alexander) who has his office closer inspection some are crumbling and as ever the
near the port gates. He will approach you when you Yemenis seem to have a predilection for discarding
come ashore and is the general Mr Fix-it for garbage in the streets, but it is a fascinating place to
MukaJla. His rates for services are slightly more than wander around. The people are friendly and there
the norm, but he can find things that would are all the sights and sounds of the Arabian
otherwise be difficult to get and it is quicker and Peninsula.
more efficient than spending days doing it yourself. Close by on the waterfront is the blacksmiths
Facilities 'market' with the blacksmiths squatting over mini-
Water From a tap near the pon entrance or Iskender
charcoal forges making everything from knife-blades
to large iron nails. The dexterity of the smiths using
will ferry jerrycans out.
Fuel A permit from cuStoms is required. By jerrycan
simple equipment is a joy to watch and conceivably
from one of the pC[rol stations outside town. they could make basic repairs to small items if given
Although it costs more it is much easier to let a pattern or the original. By the fruit and vegetable
Iskender get it and have it ferried out to the boat by market is the fish market with everything from large
jerrycan. There seems to be a general shonage of tunny and shark to dolphin fish, snapper, swordfish,
diesel and it can be difficult to find withour help. and a few poor undersized crayfish. In the fruit and
Repairs At least one yacht has been hauled out by the
vegetable market there is an abundance and quality
harbourmasters office. Basic engineering and of produce seemingly mocking the arid sands and
mechanical repairs. Some electrical repairs possible. lack of rainfall to the north and east. And of course
Provisions Good shopping for basic provisions. there is qat without which Yemen would probably
Supermarket in the suburbs with reasonable grind to a standstill.
selection of basics. Excellent shopping for fresh fruit One excursion worth making is to the fresh water
and vegetables in the market near the old harbour. swimming hole in the desert. This is an
underground aquifer into which the roof has

The w~ck of the Moldiw ImOKt looking out from the old Ras Burum looking SW.
harbour at Mukalla.


collapsed. It is one of those special and bizarre

experiences to swim in clear sweet fresh water in the
middle of the desen and should not be missed. Get
Iskender to take you and take his advice on which
day to go as it is popular with the locals on weekends
and holidays.

The cape is easily identified and from the N the
town in the crook of the bay will be seen. The
anchorage looks like it would provide adequate "
protection in the SW monsoon with more of an
enclosed bay than appears on the chart. With the 15
NE monsoon it is often calm down this stretch of
coast from Mukalla to Ras Burum. r.f\)
Care is needed of the islet and reef off Ras Burum,
Islend W
Deprhs in

although it is easily identified in daylight.


The anchorage under this cape which is casily
identified when coasting. Barraquah Island off the
cape looks like it has white stripes (guano) on it. Ghurab
Anchor under the W side of the cape taking care of
An anchorage under Ras Ghurab. Sikha Island is a
double-humped island easily identified when
coasting . Closer in it is difficult to identify the low-
o 1
lying islands of Halaniya and Ghadarayn which
Nllulieal Miles appear to be rough basalt and coral extensions of the
reefs and rocks off the coast. Great care is needed in
the immediate approaches as it is not at all apparent
that everything is where it should be. The white
---- houses of Bir Ali are easily identified but the

.' approach into the anchorage should be made in the
,, 6 morning with someone aloft conning you in. Shelter
." ,
is not the best in the anchorage and not as good as
at Ras Maqdah and Balihaf.

Ras Ar Ratl
An indifferent anchorage under this round volcanic
cape. The crater on the cape is easily identified with
white limestone or guano covered cliffs off it.
Anchor in me cove in 6~IOm on sand and coral

Depths in Mlltres patches. A swell works its way around into here with
Island C--:/ the NE monsoon and frankly you are bener off
(while 'stripes' going to Balihaf nearby.
RAS MAQOAH 13°S9'N 4so26'E

the fringing reef and a finger of reef which extends

OUt from the coast. The water is very clear and by Approach
day it is easy to identify all dangers. The bottom is Sikha Island and Ras Ar Rat! crater are readily
sand with some isolated coral and rock patches. recognised from the E and the conical peak on the
Good shelter from the NE monsoon in flat water. end of Balihaf headland is conspicuous from some
You will be visited by local fishennen in outboard distance off. Once around the headland the fan and
powered huris who will be curious and may have fish the tower N of me village will be seen and the few
for sale. crumbling buildings of the hamlet are easily located.
Further around the bay the oil tenninal at Rudum
will be seen with the storage tanks visible. The oil
tenninal is brightly lit at night .

Indian Ocean Cnlising Guide
oL!_ _ 200
if you so desire. The coast road [0 Mukalla runs
MOlro. dose by.
This is an enchanted little place and I spent an
enjoyable 3 days over Christmas here. The water is
very clear, there are fish everywhere and oysters on
the rocks around the cove. The locals are very
curious and can be a bit of a nuisance coming by to
say hullo, to ask for things, or just to look at you.
life is hard here and the fi shermen stroked the
canvas dodgers as if they were made of velvet,
marvelled at the stainless steel fittings and would
have died for the multiplait rope. Yet not once did I
25 feel threatened and nor did a single item go missing
despite the apparent poverty all around. The hamlet
was evidently once a military outpost with the fort
still standing, but it is no longer used and the only
inhabitants are me fishermen and meir families.

An indifferent anchorage on the W side of the islets
off a blunt promontory. The islets show up better
than you would expect when coasting. There is a
BALIHAF -$- 13°58'.5N 48° 10'·5E WGS84
ruined tower ashore, but there are also several other
towers along the coast to confuse the situation . If
Mooring the NE monsoon is not blowing strongly the
Have someone up front to con you in as the coral anchorage can be used, but with even a moderate
extends some way out, especially on the N side of breeze from the E- SE it is advisable [0 go on to
the cove. Anchor in 6- 10m on sand, good holding. Aden.
Sheller Good shelter from the NE monsoon with
little swell finding its way around into the cove. The
wind sometimes blows lightly from seawards, but
this is probably a swirling effect from the high land A reef-bound anchorage. The approach is difficult
around. You can anchor further N of Balihaf cove and I have yet to come across anyone who has
but there is more swell there. Open to the SW braved the approach and anchored here.
monsoon .
None really. The local fishermen may offer to get
you diesel. You can also buy fish from the fishermen

Oeplhs in Melras A«oOc.R.10M 0

Christmas view at Balihaf, a Beau Oml! location along thc
! "!
Nautical M iles

Yemeni coast. ADEN APPROACHES -$ 12°45'.8N 44°58'·2E WGS 84

o f Wales Pier where sh own. The bottom is mud and
excellent holding. The tidal streams through here
can be quite strong, but once your anchor is well in
there should be little problem.
Shelter Good shelter from the NE monsoon and
probably from the SW monsoon.
Authon'ties Harbourmaster, customs, immigration,
and police.
Entry On arrival go ashore to the Prince of Wales
Pier where you will be cleared through customs and
immigration. There is a small charge at customs and
a small 'gift' may be asked for. A few dollars or a
packet of cigarettes should suffi ce and are not
stricdy necessary. Immigration is just across the
road and here a shorepass will be exchanged for
Aden looking l'-'W. your passport (which is locked away in a safe) if you
do not have a visa. If you have a visa your passport
will be stamped and returned to you. If you have
given details to the harbourmaster by VHF it is not
Aden necessary to go there. If n ot go to the
Charts SA 3660, 3662 harbourmasters offi ce on the small hill at the root of
Approach the breakwater and provide details.
The lumpy jagged outcrop that is the Aden Exit Buy the requisite stamps from the post office or
P eninsula is easily recognised from some way off. from Omar or Hussein and go to immigration. They
Conspicuous From the E the white houses of Krater will provide a note to take along with the stamps to
will be seen . Once around the headland the most the harbourmaster. H ere you will receive clearance
conspicuous thing is the huge oil refinery at Little and you can then return to immigration to collect
Aden. The chimneys (some with flares) and tanks the passpons. Once you are ready to leave call the
are easily identified. The large fairway buoy will be harbourmaster on VHF Ch 13/ 16 to get permission
seen and after that the buoyed channel is easily to leave harbour.
identified. C loser in the light [owe r on the Note
breakwater is clearly visible. There are always 1. On arrival at the Prince of Wales Pier you will
numerous ships anchored in [he roadstead waiting probably be contacted by Omar or Hussein, the
to enter the port. twO local drivers who cater to yachts. They are
By night The harbour is well lit but a night entry is worth every d ollar and will help you clear in and
prohibited. Lights are as follows: out as well as a myriad other things.
Elephants Back main light F1.WR.2·Ss26/22M 306°- 2. The harbour is prone to heavy oil pollution at
R-322°-W-06 )0-R- 119° times. This probably comes from damage to the
Ras Marshaq Oc.Ss23M bunkering stations during the 1994 conflict or to
Breakwater LA .G.Ss I OM spillage when ships are bunkering. Suggestions
Fairway buoy Q. Channel buoys FI.RlFl.G such as waxing your hull have been made and
Little Aden Oil Harbour Iso.G.2s10WIso.G.2sI0W
probably work, but the majority usually opt [0
wash the fi lth off with petrol and in my case this
VHF When 10 miles off call port control on VHF worked fin e. The problem is that the wash from
Ch 13/16. You will be asked to call up again when 2 workboats tends to splash heavy oil up the
miles off. D etails of the following will be required: topsides and the result is JUSt appalling. You may
boat name, port of registry, registration number, be lucky as in the three week period I was here
GRT, LOA, owner, skipper, number of crew, there was no oil around for the first week.
nationalities. 3. Only go ashore at the Prince of Wales Pier.
Dangers Dinghies are normally left on the W side of the
I . There are two wrecked ships outside the buoyed pier where there are several unused bum-boats. If
channel. These are clearly marked by isolated you go ashore elsewhere you will probably receive
danger buoys. It is n ot strictly necessary to stay a visit from the military as I know to my cost.
within the buoyed channel as long as you have
located the approximate position of the two Facilities
NOle Omar and Hussein, the two drivers usually on
wrecks and have a large scale chart of the
approaches. the quay to greet new arrivals, can considerably
2. Just inside the breakwater there is a wreck above smooth the way for yachties. They know where to
water. get most things, where the best fruit and vegetables
are, where reliable repair shops are, and where you
Mooring can get the cheapest (such as it is) beer in Aden.
Proceed into the harbour and anchor o ff the Prince They can also take you on tours around the nearby

J 73
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide


- ••


", ,, ~

,, or

,• ••~
~li' ~ "•
z ~, ~ $

The yacht anchorage at Aden looking out from The Sailor's


Aden dhow harbour E of the yach t anchorage looking down

fro m thc road to Krater.
It is possible to have items sent by courier to Aden.
Provisions Basic staples in Tawahi and Krater. There
coast and if nothing else you should go to Krater for is a supermarket at Khormaksar where a wider range
half a day. of goods is available including frozen produce.
Water On the Prince of Wales Pier. You can take it Always check the sell-by date of any items including
off by jerrycan or you may be able to go alongside th ose in the supermarket. Fresh fruit and vegetables
for a brief spell to fill up. A small charge is made. are plentiful and can be obtained in Krater or better
There have been reports that the water may have still in the Arab market. Ask Hussein or Omar to
been contaminated after the 1994 bombing but take you there.
numerous yachts have taken on water here since Eating out The Sailors Club nearby is usefully
then with no reports of bad water. Still it might be located and serves up excellent food. Unfortunately
worthwhile sterilising the water with bleach or it is sometimes heir to a loud live band that plays
proprietary purifiers. interesting Yemeni music and bad western music . In
Fuel At the Aden Bunkering Company aboll[ 1/2 a Tawahi there are numerous small restaurants
mile E of the Prince of Wales Pier. You must make serving good food at bargain prices. Much of it will
arrangements with customs to go there and fuel be cooked over a flame that resembles the
must be paid for in hard currency or in riyals with a afterburner of a jumbo jet. Eating with the hands is
bank receipt to show the requisite amount of hard de rigeur in these smaller establishments and
cash has been changed. It is possible to get small normally fo od is mopped up with delicious rotis.
amounts by jerrycan with Omar or Hussein Several of the large hotels have restaurants and these
although this is illegal and you may have to provide arc the only places you will get alcohol, though at
a 'gift' for customs to get it to the boat. At times much inflated prices. A small can of beer is usually
customs can be sticky about this. 54- $8 depending on the hotel. Hussein and Omar
Gas Most gas borrles can be fill ed at Little Aden. will know where the cheapest beer is. There is also a
Arrange with other yachts to have Hussein or Omar Chinese restaurant in Khormaksar and a number of
take them there and ensure you leave at least 24 restaurants in Krater.
hours for filling. Ocher M o ney-changers in Tawahi and Krater.
Paraffin Hussein or Omar can usually find it. Like Alternatively Hussein or Omar can help out at close
diesel o r petrol it is illegal to carry it in jerrycans to to the best rate. Travellers cheques in US dollars
the boat so some 'arrangement' will have to be can be changed to cash dollars US at the bank in
made . Khormaksar. PO. Telephone and fax bureau's in
Laundry A number of laundry-men on the Prince of Tawahi which will hold faxes for you. Buses and
Wales Pier seem to have the concession for laundry. shared taxis around Aden. International medical
R epairs It should be possible to haul out here in an clinic. Flights to Sa'na. Taxi to Sa'na.
emergency, but there are no dedicated facilities. General
Basic mechanical and engineering repairs arc Most people do not retain a deal of affection for
possible . Few spares for anything. Some electrical Aden. The disgusting oil pollution that covers your
repairs can be made and at least one yachty has had pride and joy in lhe harbour, the dust and rubbish
an alternator rewound here and purchased new ashore, the general lack of facil ities should you need
batteries. In Krater there are several hardware shops to effect repairs, and on top of it all the virtual
that stock a limited range o f items useful on a boat. absence of alcohol to smooth over all this. casts a

irIdian Ocean C ruising Guide
Ras al Arab

Depths In Metre.
It is possible to anchor on the W side of this stubby
cape where there is some protection in the NE
monsoon. However the wind is usually SE around
here and protection under the cape is not the best.
Care is needed in the approach of the reef and shoal
water extending S from the cape proper for some
2 M . Make the approach on a course of due N.

Bab el Mandeb
A number of anchorages are possible around the
Small Strait between M ayun (Perim Island) and the
Yemen coast. The best anchorage during the NE
monsoon is on the N side of Ras Bab EI Mandeb. It
should be remembered that the wind has turned to
the SE- SSE through the Straits of Bab EI Mandeb
and often reaches 25- 30kt. If you arrive in a
o comparative lull it is likely that before lOO long the
Nautical Mile
wind will pick up again so plan to be able to leave or
m ake sure you are securely anchored should the
wind pick up .
Mayun (Perim Island) is a military area and yachts
gloom over perceptions of Aden. Sct against this is a re prohibited lO navigate within the seclOrs shown
the friendliness of most of the loca ls you run across. o n the chart and are not allowed to anchor off the
good seafood, the strange mish-mash of colonial and island.
local architecture that is Aden, and the willingness
of O mar and Hussein to ease your way. These two
gents make life easy in Aden with their helpfulness
and spry wit and it is worth engaging their services Somalia
to take you out of the place fo r a days tour of the Somalia today is in a state of anarchy with at least 12
country inland and the adjaccnt coast. If nothing different &Toups ruling different pans of Somalia as
else look around Krater and wander down to the war lords. In 199 1 the US Operation Restore Hope
fishing harbour on the end of the peninsula . initially seemed to bring the two most dominant
war-lords, General Aidid and Ali Mahdi. to an
agreement. This broke down within a matter of days
Bandar Imran and US attempts to restore order added fuel to
Ten miles W of Unle Aden is the headland of Ras Somali discontent. In 1994 a bungled auemp[ by
Intran with the island of Jabal Aziz off its extremity. US marines to capture Aidid in Mogadishu led to
The headland and Jabal Aziz are high and bold and m e death of a number of marines and hundreds of
stand out well. C loser in a number of rock pinnacles Somalis. The US withdrew and a state of anarchy
around Jabal Aziz stand out well . Approach to the prevails to [his day. UN aid workers do their best to
anchorages behind the headland and island should keep s[arvation at bay for the civilian population.
be around the outside of the island and rocks as but when an estimated 80% of aid is lomed and aid
coral and rocks are to be found closer in . workers are themselves kidnapped at times, the
Anchor in the bay behind the island taking care to situation is nothing shon of desperate.
avoid the reef around the shore or behind the The country should nor be visited by yachts and in
headland where local boats are anchored. Good fa ct yachts should stay well off the coastline because
shelter in the NE monsoon in flat water. This of the risk of piracy. See section iiv in the
anchorage is often used by yachts to stop and clean Introduction.
off the o il that has besmirched the topsides in Aden
before proceeding to the Red Sea. There are few
facilities ashore and in any case, technically, you will
have cleared out of Yemen when leaving Aden so it
is best not to go ashore so close to Aden . Local boats
will come out to say hullo and for 'favours', but pose
no menace .

Red Sea

Red Sea The climate vanes considerably and winter
Geography and climate temperatures in the northern Red Sea can come as a
The coast Typically the Red Sea coast is low-lying bit of a shock to those used to tropical temperatures.
land and islands with fringing reefs. There are also In the south temperatures are mild in the winter and
numerous isolated reefs. The coast does have some very hot in the summer. In Massawa summer highs
higher land in places and some of the islands such as of 40°C are not uncommon. In the north summer
the Hanish group and Muhabbaka Islands are high temperatures are less and winter temperatures on
islands which can be readily located in contrast to the face of a cold front can be very cold with a
most of the low islands along the coast. In places savage wind chill factor. In the Suez Canal I had not
such as in the Gulf of Suez and around Safaga in only a wool jersey but full wet weather gear as well
Egypt and along the Yemen coast there are high to keep warm.
mountains close to the coast. The low-lying parts of At Av max Av min Relative Days
the coast can be difficult to identify and here GPS Cairo humidity Imm rain
really comes into its own. Likewise low-lying islands Jan 18 8 40% 1
Feb 21 9 33% 1
can be difficult to spot and judicious use of GPS
Mar 24 11 27% 0-8
helps out immensely. Parts of the coast and some Apr 28 14 21%
islands have scrubby trees that somehow survive the May 17 18% 0-2
savage summer temperatures. • 33
Jun 35 20 20% o
Coastal waters The waters around the coast are Jul 36 21 24%- o
typically fairly shallow, often less than 20m, Aug 35 22 28%
although depths usually come up quickly from Sep 32 20 31% o
10-15m to the fringing reef. For this reason it is Oct 30 18 31% 0·3
imperative that navigating through the reefs and into Nov 26 14 38% 0'8
anchorages on the western side should be carried Dec 20 10 41% 1
out around midday and preferably no later than At Port Avmax Avmin Relative Days
1400 so the sun is not too low to make identification Sudan °C °C humidity Imm rain
difficult. Most yachts will have been cruising in Jan 27 20 65% 0·9
tropical waters and through reefs already, but for Feb 27 19 66% 0·3
some reason the Red Sea claims more than its fair Mar 29 19 63% 0'1
share of victims each year. Rather than opting to Apr 32 22 59% 0·2
race for an anchorage each day, it can be better to go May 35 24 51% 0·2
outside the reef and sail through the night to arrive Jun 39 26 45%- 0·1
at an anchorage around mid-morning if practicable. JuI 41 28 44% 0·8
Aug 41 29 47% . 0-6
Anchorage is typically on sand or mud with some Sep 38 26 51% o
coral patches in places. In general the holding is Oct 34 24 64% 1
good in most anchorages and I encountered no real Nov 31 23 64%
problems anywhere. Dec 28 22 66%
The Red Sea is a rich marine environment,
especially around Sudan, Eritrea and Yemen, where For data in the south see under Yemen.
little commercial fishing takes place. In some places Weather
it is like a marine soup and the phosphorescence at Prevailing winds neaT the coast Prevailing winds
night beats anything in any other sea. It can be near the coast are pretty much according to the
positively spooky at times. Underwater there is such patterns detailed in Technical InJomzation page 32-
an abundance of fish that you hardly have to move 33. For the most part winds blow up or down the
to see them. In the south there are significant Rift Valley with small amounts of sheer near the
numbers of sharks, especially hammerheads and edges. Overall I found little discernible consistent
silver and white tips. While normally found in difference when swapping from coast to coast,
deeper water on the drop-off, I have often seen them although there was a bit more easterly in the wind
in very shallow water off the reefs and if like me you close to the Saudi coast. In general the wind speed
are not too keen on them, it is best to dinghy into closer to the coast is perhaps 5-10kt higher than the
the lagoon and then go snorkelling. Marine growth wind speed over the open sea where the wind is
on the hull is prolific and impeller logs must be channelled by the land on the coast. Set against this
cleaned fairly frequently as barnacles and coral is the fact that wave height is generally greater in the
worm grow at an alarming rate. On two occasions middle than on the western side.
my log was stopped completely by growth after just There are a few pockets where the wind is
a week in Massawa and five days in the Hanish consistently from a different direction. Around
group. Massawa and the off-lying islands the wind is
generally a sea breeze from the E and there are some
calms. Around Hurgadha and down to Safaga the
wind is often lighter than out to sea and there can be
a sea breeze effect.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
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Port Sudan
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Red Sea
Port Prevailing Prevailing Sirocco Southerly off the desert.
Suez wind 1 wind 2 Gales Gales resulting from depressions passing over
Jan ' \' Nl24% S/18% , -r"
are rare for most of the Red Sea. The exception is in
Feb"., ,N/24% s/22% . ,-' ,--.... - > -, "'-,'- ~
the northern quarter of the Red Sea where
Mar "~" N/38% S/20%
Apr i,;~. " N/41 % S/20%
depressions passing over the Mediterranean may dip
May, ~.. !.. N/57% S/13% down across North Africa or the effects of
Jun ' N/68% NW/12% , ,~

, . depressions in the Mediterranean passing close to

the northern end of the Red Sea are felt. Although
Aug ,. N/68 % NW/13% depressions are rare in most of the Red Sea, gale
. _':c'_'
r_', force winds are not uncommon. The prevailing
:.h,'.7-;, ~_;':-_
northerlies can often get up to 35 plus knots for
Nov N/49 % NW/15% periods of 1-3 days. Generally after 3 days the winds
Dec N/39% NW/13% will die down to a more typical 20kt and there may
Notes Winds for Gulf of Suez at Port Suez. Prevailing even be a day of calm. At Bab El Mandeb
winds 1 and 2 give the percentage of the two most southerlies often blow at gale force, although more
prevalent winds. Other winds blow for the remaining typically winds are 20-25kt. You may have to wait
percentage. some time for strong southerlies at Bab El Mandeb
Port Prevailing PreTJiMling to die down in the latter part of the year: one yacht
N:!;% . 'S<.:'",~/"
:-.;. .. < ....

fau;an'. : . ~7:8~ '0",

waited for 22 days at Assab before the wind
moderated enough for them to dash to Aden.
Feb ., NEl44% ;"., · El30%
Mar" NEl41%'" El36% Tropical storms Are unknown in the Red Sea.

Apr " NEl42% El36%" Thunderstorms and waterspouts Are rare for
El47% NEl33% '\~;,·"'GS most of the Red Sea except around Suez in the
winter. Waterspouts are also rare except around
Oct ,. ;" El60% NEl21 % The tidal system of the Red Sea is an independent
Nov '," NEl44% N/32% one with a semi-diurnal nature. When it is low water
Dec NE/45% El30% at the N end of the Red Sea it is high water at the S
Notes Winds for Port Sudan. Prevailing winds 1 and 2 end and vice versa. The spring range is not great and
give percentage of the two most prevalent winds. Other only at either end in the Gulf of Suez and at Bab El
winds blow for the remaining percentage. Mandeb are there strong tidal streams. In the
At Prevailing Prevailing middle of the Red Sea there is no appreciable spring
Assab ~~~ wind 1 wind 2 :,': . -~ range while at the N end the range is around O·6m

Sr ,~K?~ ·~~~~ {~'~,."~':

"_"W ',t ... :_.:.,...;.

and at the S end around O·9m.
Tidal streams around Bab El Mandeb are
considerable although the effect is only to decrease
Apr :+{L S/SEf76%' N/I00/0
or augment the prevailing current. In the Strait of
Jun .}~. NINE/58 % NW/180/0
Gubal tidal streams are 1-2kt with the N-going
stream lasting longer than the S-going. Around the
bays in the Gulf of Suez the direction of tidal
streams varies and can often set towards reefs.
Oct >~~~" ElSE/68% S/22% ",J"" )\~ Currents
Currents in the Red Sea are a combination of
Dec SEl600/0 ~ El200/0 prevailing currents and the effects of tidal streams.
Notes Winds for Bah EI Mandeh at Assab. Prevailing On both passages up and down the Red Sea the
winds 1 and 2 give percentage of the two most prevalent current pattern has not really conformed to the
winds. Other winds blow for the remaining percentage.
overall current pattern given in Technical
Locally named winds Infonnation, pages 48-9. Often the current has been
Dchaoui Another name for the Haboob in Sudan contrary to the given current direction. Close to the
Haboob Dust storm in Sudan. Winds can be violent coast and reefs current direction can be variable in
and visibility severely reduced. Usually followed by both rate and direction. There does seem to be the
rain. dreaded 'reef-sucking' current around where the
Hawa Janubi Southerly in Arabian Peninsula current sets towards the reef. In my experience I
Hawa Shimali Northerly in Arabian Peninsula have sometimes needed to alter course by as much
Khamsin Sirocco in Egypt. From the Arabic for as 15°-20° to stay on a true course because the
'fifty' as it is said to blow for 50 days. current was pushing me off by that amount. Within
Nasim Sea breeze in Saudi Arabia. the reefs currents can be strong and when conning
Sharav Desert wind in Israel from the cross-trees it can be frightening to see the
Simoon Desert wind in North Africa. From the yacht going faster sideways than it is going forward.
Arabic for 'poison'.

· '-'"'
IndUln .. Guide
,.....··on Crumng



Navigation When you are ready to leave go to the capitainerie
The coast has not been adequately surveyed since to obtain clearance and then to the port office to pay
the 19th century and there are serious discrepancies harbour dues. Once you have your clearance papers
and errors even on the modem metricated charts. In and the receipt for dues, you can collect the
general I allowed a circle of probable error around passports from immigration.
my GPS position of at least 1M and in some cases, Data
for example on the coast of Sudan and Eritrea, a Area 23,200km2(8958M2)
circle of error of around 1Y2M. There are also Coastline 314km (l70M)
serious discrepancies over general descriptions such Maritime claims Territorial 12M.
as whether or not an island has a reef around it, over Population 417,000
the extent of reefs, over whether a reef is exposed at Capital Djibouti
low tide or not, and over depths. It is unlikely many Time zone UT+3
areas will be re-surveyed although some areas Language French and Arabic. Some English spoken.
(North and South Massawa Channels for example) Religion Muslim (94%)
have been re-surveyed for geological and oil survey Government Republic.
Crime Some petty crime in Djibouti town. Outside
purposes. Whether or not this data finds its way there is some risk from groups (predominantly
onto hydrographic charts is unknown. The moral FRUD) committed to armed conflict against the
here is very clear: keep a sharp eye on the depth governm$!nt.
sounder and when close to land or dangers to
navigation augment the GPS with eyeball navigation Practicalities
and any fixes you can obtain. The final approach to Mail Generally reliable. It can take some time to
an anchorage must be made with someone conning reach destinations. Poste Restante which is reliable.
you in. Where possible I have given GPS co- Telecommunications International telephone and
ordinates using WGS 84 datum. fax from the PO in Djibouti town. IDD code 253.
Note For detail it is recommended you consult Red Currency The Djibouti franc divided into 100
Sea Pilot by Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies. centimes. US dollars are widely used.
Banks and exchange Cash and travellers cheques
can be changed at a bank. Banking hours are
Country profiles 0700-1130 Mon to Sat. It is reported you can get
cash advances on major credit cards. There are
moneychangers who will change hard currency.
Current situation
Djibouti was a French territoire outre-mer until 1976
Harbours and Anchorages
and in 1977 gained independence. Although the
French granted independence to Djibouti, it
remains essentially funded by France and there is a
strong French military presence as well as Charts BA 262
commercial concerns. There is, after all, little to Approach
Djibouti except its strategic position as a port near A number of reefs lie in the immediate approach
Bab eI Mandeb. The rest is desert. While the French and around the off-lying islands, principally lIe
retain a strong military presence here Djibouti is a Moucha and lIe Maskali. The approach can be
stable country and the only danger is the sea area off made from the E through Passe Est leaving Moucha
nearby Somalia which is effectively in a state of and Maskali to starboard or from the N leaving the
anarchy. Yachts visiting Djibouti should keep well islands to port. The leading marks for the approach
clear of the sea area off Somalia and make the from the N are a black tower with a round top in the
approach and exit from a NE direction. front and a BW tower with a triangle at the rear.
Documentation and visas Leading marks are in line on 184 0 •
Normal ships papers and a valid passport for all Conspicuous The off-lying islands of Moucha and
crew members must be carried. A visa is issued on Maskali are relatively low-lying (lIm and 9m
arrival and is free for up to three days. For longer respectively) and are difficult to spot from the
periods a charge is made ($25 in 1997) per person. distance. The buildings of Djibouti, especially the
French nationals do not require a visa. oil silos and the cathedral, stand out and a number
of transmitter pylons will be seen be in the town.
Entry formalities
A yacht should proceed straight to Djibouti town. By night A night approach is not recommended.
De Maskali Wend Fl(2)6s24ml0M
When 10M off call up the capitainerie on VHF Ch De Moueha NE end FI(3)R.12sI0M
16 and request permission to enter. Once anchored Ldg Lts on 1840 Front DirQ.17M Rear Q.19M
off take the ships papers and passports to the Bane Maskali light buoy Oc(4)R.12s
capitainerie and to immigration. Passports are held Bane du Pingouin light buoy Iso.G.4s
until you leave. Bane du Heron light buoy Iso.R.4s

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Reef entrance Fl.G.2M1F.R.7M
YC jetty DirOc(2)WRG.6s(occas). Eritrea
VHF Ch 16 for capitainerie. Ch 06 for yacht club Current situation
(variable times). The Eritrean People's Liberation Front fought a 30
Dangers Care is needed of the various reefs in the year war against Ethiopia which they finally won in
approaches and it is recommended you make the 1991. This was the longest civil war in Africa and a
approach in daylight before 1400 so that the reefs war which was largely unnoticed in the west. Part of
are easily spotted. the reason for this was that no-one imagined that a
poorly armed band of guerrillas could defeat the
Mooring might of Ethiopia's army which in the latter stages of
Anchor off the yacht club where convenient in the war was heavily supported by the USSR.
3-4m. The bottom is mud and good holding. Ethiopia had an airforce, navy and armoured
Dinghies can be safely left at the club pontoon. divisions. The EPLF had only the weapons they
Shelter Protection is good except for strong winds captured from the Ethiopians and knowledge of the
from the W. mountains. It is an incredible story of courage and
Authorities The port captain, customs and endurance. In a referendum in 1993 the people
immigration are located nearby. A charge is made voted for Eritrea to be recognised as an independent
for anchoring here. state and it joined the UN.
At thl!' present time the country is ruled by a
Facilities council made up of the EPLF elite although
Water At the yacht club. Arrangements can be made elections are promised for the near future. After 30
to go alongside to take on water, but care is needed years of war there is understandably still some
over depths. tension over borders and yachtsmen should play
Fuel Small quantities available in the town. everything by the rules. It is imperative that yachts
Arrangements can be made for fuel to be brought to go directly to a port of entry, either Assab or
the boat and pumped on board or to the dhow Massawa, to clear in and do not stop anywhere en
harbour. route. In 1996 two yachts were arrested after
Repairs Some mechanical and engineering repairs, anchoring in a bay on the Eritrean coast. The crew
but prices are generally high for average work. were unceremoniously arrested and detained in
Enquire at the yacht club. Asmara before being released and allowed to
Provisions Good shopping for all provisions although continue. This was both unfortunate and badly
prices are not cheap. Nothing much is grown in handled by the Eritreans. However some 4 months
Djibouti itself so nearly everything is imported. previous I had cruised along part of this coast after
Wine is available at reasonable prices for this part of clearing in at Massawa and and experienced no
the world. Good market in the town. problems. Again in 1997 I was here and again
Eating out Food is served in the yacht club. experienced no difficulties.
Elsewhere there is very good fare to be had in some In 1995 just five days after I had left the Eritreans
up-market restaurants, but prices are high. Around invaded the Hanish Islands which had always been
the market there are some local and cheap Arab considered a part of Yemen up to then. Why Eritrea
eateries. should do this is a moot point although it almost
Other PO. Banks. Telephone and fax services at the ct'!rtainly includes the matter of extending the
PO. Car hire. International flights. exclusive economic zone for oil and fishing rights.
General The fate of the islands is still unresolved and yachts
Djibouti really exists because of its port and its should steer clear of the area around the Hanish
position near the entrance to the Red Sea. Yachts Islands.
visiting here have to make a bit of a detour, but it The recent clashes between Eritrea and Ethiopia
offers good services, communications and a bit of in the SW mean it would be prudent to avoid Assab
colonial luxury and choice of French wines. French until the situation is resolved. At the time of
yachts like it for obvious reasons. If Aden is not your publication Eritrean and Ethiopian forces are lined
cup of tea for whatever reasons, then Djibouti makes up either side of the border and it is difficult to know
a good alternative. whether some accommodation can be reached or
whether there will be a full scale conflict. Monitor
the situation and adjust your itinerary accordingly.
At the present time the Eritrian authorities are
Yemen uncertain about how to treat visiting yachts. There
See separate entry under Yemen. is a certain suspicion about cruising yachts and there
may at times be what comes across as a belligerent
attitude by some authorities. This is unfortunate
because the population as a whole are some of the
friendliest and most honest in this part of the world.
My advice is to keep an ear to the ground and visit
the place. For me it was one of the highlights of the
Red Sea.
Documentation and visas Telecommunications International telephone and
Normal ship's papers and a valid passport for all fax from the PO in Massawa and Assab. The system
crew members must be carried. A visa will be issued is overloaded and it can be impossible to get faxes
on entry for which a passport-sized photo is needed. and phone calls through to Eritrea. Phoning and
In 1997 a visa cost $25 per person. There is also $5 faxing out is normally straightforward. The normal
per day tourist tax which is usually applied on a per procedure is to pre-pay a set amount for a phone or
boat basis. Theoretically a cruising permit is needed fax call and then the balance will be refunded after
to sail up through the Dhalak Islands, but in the call.
practice most yachts do not obtain one. The cost of Currency The nacfa (named after the most famous
the permit seems to be something of a lottery with battle in the long war). The Ethiopian birr is also
prices varying between $50 and $250 quoted for the used until the new currency is widespread. The rate
permit. is reasonably stable.
Entry formalities Banks and exchange Cash and traveller's cheques
A yacht must enter at Assab or Massawa. Do can be changed at a bank. A better rate can be
not stop anywhere in Eritrean territory before obtained on the black market and although common
entering at Assab or Massawa. practice remember it is illegal.
When 10M off the port call up port control on Ch Medical care Hospitals are rudimentary. A few
16/12. You will be asked to call up again when 1M drugs including home grown antibiotics are
off and given permission to enter harbour. You will available. The water should be treated although in
be asked to come alongside if there is room and you places there are filter systems.
will then be visited by harbourmaster, customs and
health. You must then go ashore to immigration Useful books
where the visa and tourist taxes are paid and then to Towards Asmara Thomas Kenneally. Faction
the port office where permission to stay will be account of the last days of the war. A must-read
granted. The entry procedure normally takes just a even if you do not go to Eritrea.
couple of hours in normal office hours. Outside Guide to Eritrea Edward Paice. Bradt Publications.
office hours you may have to wait within the port
area until the next working day. Do not go ashore Harbours and anchorages
until cleared in. For details on other harbours and anchorages see
Exit formalities simply involve contacting the port Red Sea Pilot Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies.
office and signing the requisite papers to clear out.
Data Massawa
Area 93,680krn' (36, 170M')
Coastline 1094krn (591M) (Mits'iwa, Mitsawa)
MaritiWle claiWlS Territorial 12M. Charts BA 164, 171
Population 2,500,000 (Difficult to assess because so Approach
many fled or were killed during the 30 years of war.) Through either the North Massawa Channel or the
Capital Asmara South Massawa Channel. For these approaches BA
TiWle zone UT+3
164 and 171 or similar are recommended. A yacht
Language Tigrinya and Arabic. English widely spoken
and is the official second language in schools. should not stop en route before clearing in at
Religion Predominantly Christian. Most of the balance Massawa.
are Muslim. Conspicuous The islands and light structures in the
GovernWlent Revolutionary council. Democratic approach channels are readily identified. Off
elections promised in the near future. Massawa the cement factory on the N side of Khor
CriWle Very low levels of petty crime. Dakliyat (often belching smoke) is conspicuous.
Travel The square signal tower on the N side of the
Internal harbour entrance and on the S side a water tower
Limited. From Assab and Massawa there are and the main lighthouse (BW bands) are
primitive buses to Asmara. Mini-buses available. conspicuous. The harbour breakwaters will be seen
Taxis. Limited flights between Assab and Massawa when closer in. There are usually a number of ships
to Asmara. anchored in the roadstead off the S side of the
International harbour. There are leading marks on the N end of
Limited flights to Ethiopia, Egypt and several Talaud Island showing the entrance channel in, but
European destinations. these are not really necessary once you are up to the
Practicalities By night A night entry must be made with caution.
Mail Reliable. It can take some time to reach Main light Iso.4s14M
destinations. Packages can be flown into Asmara Entrance Fl.R.3s7M!Fl.G.3s7M
and transport by bus arranged to Massawa or Assab. Ldg Lts on 243°30' Front F.R.6M Rear F.R.8M.
Poste Restante which is reliable. VHF Ch 16/12 for Massawa port control. Call up
when 10M off and again when 1M off.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

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Note Once into the harbour you will usually be asked Laundry Mike the laundry man will do it and much
[Q go alongside the commercial quay [0 clear in. else besides. See below.
Care is needed to avoid the wreck at the Wend of R epairs There is really nowhere to haul. It may be
the quay. If the quay is full you may be asked [0 p ossible to get craned out at the commercial
anchor off in the outer harbour. harbour in an emergency. Maiks Boatyard on the SE
side of Massawa Island has looked after several
small yachts left here in the past. Some mechanical
Once you have cleared in proceed [0 Talaud Bay.
and engineering work can be carried out. Very
Care is needed of the reefs off the S side of the
limited hardware. Several yachts have had spares
channel into Talaud Bay. Keep closer to the N side
Hown into Asmara and bussed down to Massawa
than to the S side . Just W of the fisheries quay there
using an agent.
is an isolated reef which must be avoided as it is
Provisions Some staples and tinned goods available.
tempting to tum WSW into the bay which will take
Fresh produce is poor and expensive. Good Italian
you across or onto the reef. Again stay close to the
pasta available.
N side until the reef is identified and you can safely
Eating out Several good and cheap restaurants. The
tum into the bay. Anchor where convenient in
Eritrean Restaurant has a good range of food
4-10m. The bottom is mostly mud, good holding.
including good pasta . The Salaam restaurant in the
Recently it has been reported you can anchor off in
old town on Massawa does wonderful baked fish in
front of the Dahlak H otel on the S side of the bridge
a pit oven. The more up-market Adulis nearby also
connecting Massawa Island. Enquire on arrival.
has good fish. The last two are Muslim restaurants
Care is needed of coral around the edges of the inlet
and do not serve alcohol. Fresh fruit juices (guava.
and there arc isolated coral patches funh er out.
orange, mango) are widely available.
Shelter Excellent all-round shelter. The water is Other PO (telephone and fax). Bank. Buses and taxis
clean enough to swim in. to Asmara.
Authon·cies Harbourmaster. health, customs and Agents There are no specific yacht agents as such,
immigration at the commercial harbour. but a number of the big ship agents may approach
Facilities you. One person who will introduce himself to you
Water At the Fisheries quay. If you take a yacht over as ' Mike the laundry man' can do much else besides
[Q the quay you will be charged (around $50) for
and is honest and helpful. He is a useful contact and
berthing. If you jerrycan water back and forth by will normally pedal up on his bike to greet you: Mike
dinghy the cost of the water is nominal. The water (Weldemichael H 'Tzion) V 552 467. Another big
here is filtered and good quality. However the ship agent who may be helpful is Burhane Red Sea
filtration system often seems to break down. Water Fast Ship Chandler, PO Box 139. Massawa. V 552
can also be delivered by tanker to the commercial 607. These two may often be found in their 'office'
quay. The water in town should be treated. at the Seghem (Ostri ch) Restaurant on the
Fuel A yacht should be able to squeeze onto the waterfront of Massawa Island.
outer end of the fuel quay on the Fisheries quay. General
Alternatively jerrycan fuel from the fuel quay. The Massawa is a useful stop on the way north as there
fuel is sometimes contaminated with water so check will usually be southerlies at least this far up . It is
your separator and filters carefully after running the also a fascinating introduction to a country most
engme. know little about. The Italianate port town is being
Gas Most gas cylinders can be filled in Asmara. Use gradually put back together after the intensive
one of the ' agents' to help you. fighting which demolished so much of it. There is
Paraffi" C an be obtained in town. still much to do. Heavy calibre machine gun holes

The lighthouse on Shumma Island in the southcm approach

channel 10 Massawa.
Indian Ocean Crnising Guide
will find one that works. Despite the heavy bombing
of Massawa by the Ethiopians, many of the
wonderful colonial buildings with wrap-around
verandas remain and are being reslOred. This is a
little Italy a thousand miles and more removed.
Despite the somewhat tonurous bus trip, a visit to
Asmara should not be missed. The mountain capital
at 7500ft is wonderfully cool after the heat of the
coast. Remember to take a pullover. Asmara was
hardly damaged in the war as by this stage Mengistu
knew he had lost to the EPLF and the troops just
melted out of the capital into the mountains leaving
it relatively undamaged . It is a vision of Italy locked
away in the fastness of the East African mountains,
an anomaly that makes you pinch yourself to realise
that this is reaUy Africa.

Current situation
Sudan is a country riven by civil war and famine,
governed by an Islamic party that has introduced
shariya law, a country which has disputes with every
country it borders and that includes Eritrea ,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Egypt. It has
surprised many that the government is still in power
and given recent rebel advances in the south, it is
imperative that the situation is monitored closely.
What is surprising given the situation in most of the
country is that Pon Sudan exudes such an air of
normality. In 1997 the port was open to visiting
yachts and most services were easily accessed.
Despite the apparent air of normality in Pan
Sudan yachtsmen shou ld take specia l care in
Sudanese waters and follow the situation in the
countryside ca refully. It is worthwhile gett ing
The yacht anchorage in TaJaud Bay. Here Telra is anchored jusl
permission from POrt Sudan to cruise along the
inside the reef running parallcllo the fisheries quay. Most
yachts must anchor on the other side of the reef. coast if that is your intention. It would be wise at
present to avoid all border areas although there have
been no major problems in recent years.
Documentation and visas
pock-mark many buildings. The bomb craters have Nonnal ships papers and a valid passpon for all
not all been filled in. A couple of Soviet tanks have crew members should be carried. Certain passport
been left as a ready-made memorial to the 'Heroes holders such as Israeli, Egyptian and South Africans
of Massawa'. Much remains to be done but 1 was will not be permined ashore and anyone with an
surprised at the progress made in a little over a year Israeli stamp in their passport will likewise not be
between my twO visits here. allowed to land. In 1997 there was a chaner yacht in
Massawa really consists of the old Turkish town here with engine problems on which two crew
on Massawa Island surrounded by the colonial members. one with an Egyptian passport and the
buildings the Italians built during their time here. other a USA passport with an Israeli stamp, had not
There is a very real Italian feel to the place. In the been allowed ashore for a month. For most
restaurants all sorts of pasta, from lasagne to nationals a visa is not required and you will be given
Iinguini, are served alongside the Eritrean dish of a shorepass to get in and out of Pan Sudan. Two
choice, the hot zi'lguini stew commonly made from passpon photos are required.
goat meat. The famous Morelli beer originally
brewed by the Moretti family who built the Entry fonnalities
wonderful an deco house on the end of Talaud When 1M off the harbour call up pan control on
Island is still made and is excellent. Some Italian VHF Ch 16. They will take a few details on the
wine is available although if stored badly in the heat yacht and crew before allowing you to enter and
of the summer it can be off. In most cafes there is a anchor off. You may also bc called by an agent at
dilapidated expresso machine and occasionally you this point as they monitor the radio for inbound

yachts. Once at anchor you will be visited by one of Banks and exchange Banks and money changers
several agents who will arrange entry fonnalities. It in Port Sudan will change US dollars cash. $100
is possible to do the paperwork yourself, but most bills post 1990 preferred.
people choose to let an agent handle everything as Medical Poor. Few doctors and few drugs. Get out
they have the 'contacts' to get it all done quickly and quickly.
smoothly. In 1997 the charge was $50 US for the Electricity 240V. Frequent power cuts.
agents fee plus around $8 per day for port fees.
Agent EI Barbary, PO Box 31, Port Sudan, V (249) Harbours and anchorages
31 26338 Fax (249) 31 26558 The marsas and reef anchorages north of Port Sudan
Data have been much used by cruising yachts to coast up
Area 2,505,810km2 (967,499M2) (The largest country in towards Egypt. See Red Sea Pilot by Elaine Morgan
Mrica.) and Stephen Davies.
Coastline 853km (461 M)
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Contiguous to 200m
depths. Port Sudan
Population 26,477,000
Disputes With just about everyone including the US
Charts BA 3492
and Great Britain. Border disputes with Eritrea, Approach
Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Egypt. The southern Is straightforward from seawards and by day
states are accused of helping the SPlA (Sudanese straightforward inside the reefs from the Nand S.
People's Liberation Army) which stands for secular The light structures and moles at the entrance are
rule. It has made significant military gains in the
south in 1996 and 1997. The Egyptians have long reported to show up well on radar.
disputed the border area with Sudan and have the Conspicuous Saganeb lighthouse and island are
extra beef that Sudanese terrorists tried to assasinate conspicuous. The light structures on Wingate Reef
Mubarak on his visit to Sudan and are now protected do not stand out but will be seen. There are usually
by the Sudanese government. In 1997 there were numerous ships anchored off in the roadstead
Egyptian naval ships off the border area. Most of the around the Fl.G on the isolated reef. The light
countries around Sudan have closed their borders to structure on the S fringing reef is conspicuous and
trade and travel. further in the light structure marking the remains of
Capital Khartoum
Time zone UT+2 the wreck on the S fringing reef is easily identified.
Language Arabic. Many other languages. Some English The buildings around the harbour stand out well
spoken. and a large square silo on the S side is conspicuous.
Ethnic divisions Black 52%, Arab 39%, Beja 6%. By night Possible from the seawards approach
Religion Sunni Moslem 70%, Indigenous mostly although care is needed. It should not be attempted
Animist 20%, Christian 5%. without radar. On my night approach several of the
Public holidays lights were not working and I stood off until dawn.
Jan 1 New Year Saganeb ReefF1.5s19M
Mar 3 Unity Day Wingate Reef (Silayet) FI(3)15s6M Send Fl.G.3s6M.
Moslem holidays which vary from year to year. Neither of these two lights seem to have the stated
Government Revolutionary Council which was installed range.
by the army after the 1989 coup. Martial law has Fringing reefS side Fl(2)10sI0M
been imposed and the Council adheres to Islamic Danuna Damma Q.R.6M
Fundamentalist principles including shariya law. Mole N side Fl(2)G.5s and F.G.3M
Crime Appears to be a low level. Mole S side Fl.R.3s5M
Travel Note The lights should not be relied upon and in
Internal 1997 the entrance lights were not working.
Bus or share taxi to Suakin. In general internal travel VHF Ch 16 for port control. Call up when 2M off
is not advised. and you will usually be instructed to proceed into
International the anchorage on arrival. You may be asked to call
Some flights to Egypt and Italy from Khartoum. up again on arrival at the harbour entrance.
Practicalities Dangers Care is needed of the reefs in the approach
Mail Unreliable. and particularly of the fringing reef which comes up
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code quickly from 60-80m in the immediate approaches.
249. Port Sudan 31. Mooring
In general the system is poor. Calls in and out are Anchor off in 3-10m in the inlet on theW side. The
rationed and it can be impossible to get incoming bottom is mud and good holding.
calls. Telephone office in Port Sudan where with Shelter Good all-round shelter. Northerlies can blow
persistence you can get out. El Barbary has a phone with some force into the anchorage and if worried
and fax but as the power is frequently off the fax is lay a second anchor. No sea penetrates the
little use. anchorage.
Currency Sudanese pound (£Sud). Authorities Harbourmaster, health, customs,

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Depths in MtlInIS


- ---\ \
, \
lEO \
\ Fringing reef

0" Port
, J. \
, area \
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,, Zoo \
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PORT SUDAN-$-1.9 D36',' N 37 D 14',2E WGS 84

Port Sudan exudes a remarkable air of calm for a
country in turmoil. The locals go about their
business in an orderly way and are friendl y to
strangers arriving in their port. The market hustles
and bustles with local commerce. The roadside tea
and coffee stalls do a roaring business all day. The
pOrt is even being cxpanded. There is a definit e
army presence and here and there you see the faces
of refugees and outsiders marked by the strain of
conflicts in the region, but overall I was knocked ou[
by the air of normality that pervades the place.
Most yachts which stop here do so for some
respite from the northerly winds and to take on fuel
and water and fresh fruit and veggies. There is little
to see inland that you cannot see from the various
marsas up the coast (read desert vistas) and in any
case internal travel is difficult and not recommended
while the civil war rages. While it is u nlikely that
Port Sudan will be attacked, after all even the SPLA
will need a working port if it takes power, it is only
wise to monitor the situation closely before calling

The yacht anchorage in the W inlet at Pon Sudan.

immigration and harbour police. If you employ an

Saudi Arabia
In general yachts are not welcome in Saudi
agcm (recommended) the various officials will be territorial waters and most yachts choose to cruise
fcrried out to the yacht by the agem. If you decide up the western side of the Red Sea. Some yachts
to clear in yourself allot at least one day as the offices have visited Jiddah to take on fuel and water and
are scauered all over the place . Some baksheesh may supplies with varying degrees of success. U you must
be demanded and normally a packet of cigarettes visit Jiddah it is imperative you call up port control
suffices. Thc ships papers and passports will be on Ch 16 to request clearance to emer the port. For
retained by the harbourmaster and shorepasses further information refer to Red Sea Pilor by Elaine
issued. M organ and Stephen Davies.
Water Can be ferried out by the agent . Alternatively
arrangements can be made to go to the water barge Egypt
in the N part of the harbour. Water quality is poor
and the water is brackish. Current situation
Fuel Can be ferried o ut in jerrycans for small Egypt is one of the most liberal and westernised of
amoums or for larger amounts arrange with the the Arab countries and for the most part the coast is
agent to go to the fuel q uay in the N inlet. Power a stable place to cruise along. It is only sensible [ 0
cuts often mean that the pump here is not working. steer clear of the border area with Sudan and any
The fuel is often comaminated with water. military areas. While the coastal areas are stable,
Gas Most gas bonles can be filled by the agent. inland there is some terrorism from fundamentalist
Lamldry Can be arranged by the agent at a price. groups who want Egypt to become an Islamic
Repairs There is a dry dock with reasonable charges country along the lines of Iran or Sudan which are
in the N inlet. At least one yacht I know of has used accused of aiding the terrorist groups. There have
it. Minor mechanical and engineering repairs been several attacks on tourists, mostly on coaches
possible. Some basic paints can be found. visiting areas around the Nile, and some deaths.
Provisions Limited basics. There are some imported This has severely dented the tourist industry and
items at a price. Check the sell-by dates. Excellent internal security by the army is now much in
fruit and vegetable market in town with a surprising evidence everywhere. It is unlikely a yacht cruising
variety of produce. along the coast will be targeted by terrorists and no
Eating OUI Limited. There are some basic restaurams incidents have occurred [0 date. When travelling
and a slightly better restaurant in the hotel near the inland it is probably wise to go by taxi although in
harbour. There is of course no alcohol around. real terms the risk on other modes of transport is
Other PO. Banks and money changers. Duey-free low.
shop . A few taxis. Ferry (irregular) to Jiddah and on
Documentation and visas
to Suez. Flights to Khartoum.
Normal ships papers and passports for all crew

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
members should be carried. A visa obtained in Jul 23 National Day
advance may be useful although in practice an agent Oct 6 Armed Forces Day
can obtain one with little trouble. If you plan to Muslim holidays which vary from,year to year.
cruise along the coast before getting to a major port Government Democratic Republic
then it would be sensible to have a visa in advance. Crime Some petty theft in the cities and tourist areas.
Most harbour areas are guarded and there is little
Two passport photos are required for a visa likelihood of theft. If you report a theft relating to a
obtained in Egypt. By law you must have your visa government employee (such as a Suez Canal pilot in
stamped by the police within one week of entering my case) it will be treated seriously if you persist and
Egypt. kick up a fuss.
Entry fonnalities Travel
You must clear in and out of every port. In most of Internal
the major ports an agent can do this for you at a There is an adequate coach system connecting
price, often a fairly substantial price. If you complete major towns and cities and a limited rail network.
formalities yourself some baksheesh is in order or you Within towns there are buses or perhaps more
may, like me, end up waiting for a relevant official useful, numerous mini-buses that stop just about
for half a day or so. Miraculously he will appear anywhere on a more or less set route. There are also
when a few packets of cigarettes are on offer. taxis. To go to the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, or
Recently there have been reports that if you clear other famous sites it is probably best to take a taxi
in at Hurgadha you will have to obtain a cruising for the day as prices are reasonable and it is better to
permit at a cost of around $300 US. This does not be driven in Egypt than to drive. There are SGrne
seem to apply to Safaga or any other ports. If you internal flights between Hurgadha and Cairo for
anchor off Hurgadha en route from another example.
Egyptian port there seems to be no problem. Keep International
your ears to the ground for future developments. From Cairo it is possible to fly to most destinations
To clear in at any port (with the exception of Suez in the world or at least to somewhere you can pick
and Said where you will need an agent to transit the up a connecting flight. There are some scheduled
canal in any case) the procedure is as follows. You and charter flights to Hurgadha.
will be visited by the health officer, harbourmaster,
customs and immigration. Sometimes you will have Practicalities
to go ashore to find one or several of these and this Mail Slow and inefficient. Poste Restante although
is where it gets messy if you are doing it yourself. it does not work well in practice. If possible address
Office hours are 0900-1400 and extra charges (and mail to an agent to hold for you.
more baksheesh) are payable outside these hours and Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
at the weekend and public holidays. Immigration 20. Telecommunications are good on the whole
can issue a visa and if you already have one it must with few delays for incoming and outgoing calls.
be stamped within one week. Telephone calls can be made from the PO. Probably
Most port areas are guarded by the harbour police the best thing to do is to use the agent although you
who will want to check your passport - even upside will pay through the nose for telephone and fax calls.
down! Fees are payable to all the officials and port Currency The unit is the Egyptian pound (£E)
dues are also payable. divided into 100 piastres. The currency is reasonably
To clear out you must visit all the officials except stable at the present time.
health and obtain clearance papers to the next port. Banks and exchange Banks will exchange hard
There seem to be few problems stopping over at currency (US dollars preferred but £GBP, Ffr and
anchorages although if there are army or police Dm accepted) and travellers cheques. In Hurgadha
ashore they will usually want to check your passport. Thomas Cooks near the harbour will give cash
For details on transiting the Suez Canal see the advances (in SUS or £E) on Visa and MasterCard.
section under Harbours and Anchorages. In Port Said there is at least one ATM which gives
Data cash advances on Visa. In Cairo there are numerous
Area 1,OOl,450km2 (386,662M') ATMs which accept Visa and MasterCard. The large
Coastline 2450km (l323M) hotels, restaurants and travel agencies accept major
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Contiguous zone to credit cards.
200m depths.
Population 60,000,000 Medical care Is adequate in the cities and large
Time zone UT+2 towns. Elsewhere medical care is rudimentary. In
Language Arabic. Some English and French spoken. the event of a major illness fly to Europe.
Ethnic divisions Eastern Hamitic 90%. Greek, Italian, Pharmacies are adequately stocked with the
Lebanese, Syrian stock 10%. standard drugs although many will be under a
Religion Muslim (mostly Sunni) 94%, Coptic Christian different brand name. Most chemists speak English.
and other 6%. The water is generally potable, but if in doubt treat
Public holidays it.
Apr 25 Sinai Liberation Day
May 1 Labour Day Electricity 220V 50Hz AC
Jun 18 Evacuation Day

Useful books immigration, harbour police. Fantasea II Agency
Wonders of the Red Sea David Fridman and Tony can be used to clear in. The agents fee in 1997 was
Malmqvist. Isis. Published and available in $100 although the introduction specifically
Egypt. mentioned that there would be none or only a small
There are numerous local guides and maps to fee. Alternatively clear in yourself as most of the
diving sites and the fish of the Red Sea published offices are close to the jetty. According to Fantasea
and available locally in Egypt. II port dues were free for up to 10 days after which
Egypt Handbook Anne and Keith McLachlan. a cruising permit for 3 months will cost $100. This
Footprint. Excellent guide. cost is now reported to be $US300 (1999).
Egypt & the Sudan Lonely Planet Guide. Agent Samir Hares, Fantasea II, PO Box 44,
The Alexandria Quartet Lawrence Durrell. Faber. Hurgadha'U' (65) 443 675 Fax (65) 442 288. Note
Read it again just for the pleasure. that you will be charged an agents fee (anything
Hashish Henry de Monfreid. Penguin. Intriguing from $100 up) despite assurances when you arrive
and colourful tale of Henri's smuggling that that is not so and other services will cost more
adventures bringing hashish from Greece to through the agent.
Egypt in his yacht in the 1920s. He also wrote Anchorage After clearing in it is possible to proceed
Secrets of the Red Sea (OP). down the S channel and anchor off. Yachts have
often ancb,ored off the Sonesta Hotel where some
facilities are available. An alternative anchorage is
Harbours and anchorages off the Marriot Hotel. Yachts en route in Egypt have
reported no charges for just anchoring off. The
bottom is mud with some coral and a few old
Hurgadha moorings. Generally good shelter.
Charts BA 3043 Facilities
Approach Water Via the agent or close to the jetty there is a
The approach through the reefs looks a little tricky, desalination plant from which water can be taken in
but in practice it is straightforward by day. The jerrycans. Alternatively on the jetty at the Marine
approach should not be made at night. Most of the Sports Club or at the Sonesta Hotel in the S
isolated reefs can be identified by the cluster of dive- channel.
boats around them. If you are making the approach Fuel Fuel quay near the clearing in jetty or at the
from the SE then around 1500 and later numerous Marine Sports Club. Small amounts in jerrycans can
dive boats will be on the return trip back to be arranged by the agent.
Hurgadha. Gas Most gas bottles can be filled although some
types may cause problems.
Conspicuous The islands and reefs in the approach
Paraffin Can be obtained ashore.
are reasonably easy to identify from aloft. In the
Laundry Via the agent (expensive) or take it ashore
approach from the SE the Sheraton Hotel, an oval
yourself to one of the laundries near the clearing in
art deco building on 3 floors with large windows and
a large white hotel immediately N of it will be
Repairs The boatyard near the clearing in jetty may
readily identified. A course of around 295 0 on the
be able to haul you out on a sledge although it
Sheraton when into the approach channel leads you
through the reefs to Hurgadha. Once close to mostly deals in dive-boats. The Marine Sports Club
is reported to be investigating putting in a hoist of
Hurgadha the channel to the clearing in jetty is
some sort. Mechanical and engineering repairs.
partly marked by beacons and is in any case obvious.
Some electrical repairs. Several chandlers with
By night A night approach should not be attempted. imported gear. Hardware shops. Canvas work.
VHF Fantasea II Agency can be contacted on VHF Provisions Good shopping for the basics although
Ch 16 if required. any imported goods are expensive. Adequate fruit
Dangers There are numerous reefs, both isolated and and vegetables.
fringing, in the approaches. It is useful to have Eating out Numerous restaurants of all types.
someone up the mast conning you in. Several good and quite cheap fish restaurants near
Note There is a considerable amount of traffic with Thomas Cooks. Many of the large hotels (including
dive boats coming and going, but on the whole they the Marriot) have a buffet which is good value for
do not pose too much of a problem. money with a wide range of food.
Other PO. Banks. Thomas Cook near the clearing in
Mooring jetty will give cash advances on Visa and Mastercard.
Berth Mediterranean style on the clearing in jetty. Share mini-buses and taxis. Flights to Cairo. Some
The bottom is mud, coral and weed, reasonable international flights, mostly to Europe, from
holding. Hurgadha.
Shelter Adequate. The wind normally blows either
down the N channel or off the land.
Authorities Health, harbourmaster, customs,
Indian Ocean Crnising Guide

o Carloss Ree f

o 5
Nautical Miles




Gifa tin


f/ \ ::0 7


, 'V '

. -- ~;, 0

, ,

Depth in Metre5


General welcome breath of civilisation with all the amenities

Hurgadha is something of a brash high rise resort a large resort offers. Things like working telephones,
catering for northern Europeans looking for some cash advances on credit cards, cold beer, fast food
winter sun and usually a bit of diving thrown in. joints and buffet dinners provide a strange and
Along with Sharm EI Sheikh it is the diving mecca wrreal glee after the wilderness to the south. like all
of the Egyptian Red Sea coast although for yachties bright baubles, the fool's gold of Hurgadha soon
who have sailed up through the Red Sea and dived shines out and you find yourself talking lovingly
over some of the reefs further south, it is a bit of a about places you were cussing a few weeks
disappoinunent. Ashore the brash resort comes as a previously.

of large ships. Although confusing, if you take your
Suez time there are no problems in a night approach.
Newport Rock F I.5sIOM
Green Island Q
Port Tewfiq Shab •Ataqua FJ.3s3M
Charts BA 3214. 233 Birket Misallat F.1 3s 18M
Port Ibrahim F.R.4M1F.G.4M
Approach Entrance to Suez YC Q.RlQ.G light buoys
There are always numerous ships at anchor and The deep water channel into the Suez Canal is lit by
entering or leaving the canal. The numbers of ships light buoys FI.GIFI.R.
can be confusing and in the approaches they often VHF Ch 16 for pilots and agents. The agents
obscure channel marks and conspicuous objects on monitor C h 16 and you will likely be contacted by
the shore. When ships are entering the channel they the agent (usually Prince of the Red Sea) rather than
at least show you where the deep water channel is. the Suez Canal authorities. The Prince of the Red
Conspicuous The numerous ships at anchor will be Sea monitors Ch 16. 24 (24/24).
seen and if yOll head for them you at least know Note You may be approached by a pilot boat or a
there are sufficient depths. The channel light buoys chandlers boat pressing you to take the services of
will be seen closer to the deep water channel. one or other agent before entering Pon Tewfiq. The
although the ships at anchor often obscure them. best policy here is to say you have already made
The steel pylon tower of Newpon Rock and Green arrangements and proceed without committing
Island arc easily identified. The actual entrance to yourself beforehand.
the canal can be difficult to identify from the Dangers
distance but the channel is well marked and there 1. There are always large numbers of ships inbound
are no difficulties following it. The shon section of or outbound from the canal or coming up to the
canal up to Pon Tewfiq is marked by beacons which big ship anchorages. Commercial ships have right
have deep water right up to the structure. of way at all times and you must keep clear of
By night Confusing. The lights of the ships at anchor them.
make it difficult to identify the channel light buoys 2 . There can be strong tidal streams running at the
and even major lights may be obscured by the bulk head of the Gulf of Suez which may accelerate or
retard progress. Keep a careful eye on the cross-
track error on the GPS.
3. North winds at the head of the Gulf of Suez
usually blow strongest in the afternoon and into
the late evening . It is not a bad idea to time arrival
at dawn having come up through the night when
winds arc lighter and may even have been
favourable at times. Although cautioned against.
there seem to be few problems entering the canal
in company with the N-going convoy as there is
plenty of room to stay out of their way close to
the edges of the channel. Do keep a wary eye aft
for ships joining the convoy.

The of Gulf of Suez is studded with oil platfonns. Most are

clearly marked on th e chart but there can also be o ne or t\l."O
new o ncs that haven', made it onto the chart yct.
Port Tewfiq. The yacht moorings off the Suez Yacht Club.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Dries " Suez
Dries ./


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Prince of ,
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,. ,. o 100 200 JOO '00 500
,. ,.
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,. , I I I I

,. ,.
,. ,. ,. ,. oI 0·25
NautIcal Miles

PORT TEWFlK (SUEZ) 2g056' ·5N 3ZOl4' ·lE

Mooring tunc from Lawrence of Arabia all the way and
Moor fore and aft lO the buoys off the Suez Yacht feeling vastly superior to the other lOurists being
Club. A boatman will usually row out to help you. d isgorged by the coach-load.
Shelter Good all round shelter. Yachts have been left Foaad Hessen, 14 Elgomhoriya St, A.R.E. Suez.
here for substantial periods. "H' 57006 1/326849.
Authorities Yacht club attendant. Health,
harbourmaster, customs, and immigration. Often
you will not have to sec any of these if you use the Suez Canal
Prince of the Red Sea as your agent. C harts SA l .U
The Prince of the Red Sea has established himself I know of nobody who has arranged their own
as the main yacht agent here for canal transits and transit of the Suez Canal in the last five years or
on the whole he provides a good service at a fair more . Everyone uses an agent and just about
price. Most yachts use h is services . A mooring everyone uses The Prince of the Red Sea at Suez
charge of S8 per day is made. and Nagib Latif of the Felix Agency at POrt Said.
Mohamed F Soukar, Prince of the Red Sea Co, 40 Despite muuerings from the odd few , both of these
Gohar El Kayed St, Port Tewfiq, "H' (20) 62 222 agents provide a good service at a competitive price.
126 Fax (20) 62 223 825 The transit from south to north costs less than the
transit from north to south. On average the transit
Facilities going N costs around S200 and the transit going
Water On the jetty at the yacht club. If you do go south around 5320 ( 1997 figure s). This is to do with
alongside here lO take on water do not go very far N the pricing structure from the canal authorities and
past the jetty where it gets shallow. not an arbitrary decision by the agents.
Fuel On the quay in the basin nearby. Arrange a
The Prince of the Red Sea, (Mohammed F Soukar,
time with the agent to collect fuel. Smaller amounts
although you will probably deal with his son Heebi) ,
can be brought out to you in jerrycans.
40 Gohar E I Kayed St, Port Tewfiq, 'B' (20) 62 222
Gas Most gas bottles can be filled via the agent.
126 Fax (20) 62 223 825. VHFCh 16
Paraffin Available ashore. Enquire to the agent.
Repairs Few available locally. Some mechanical and Felix Agency (Nagib Latif), Al Gomhoria St, Post
engineering repairs possible . Basic hardware shops Tower Building, 4th Floor Office no. 12, POrt Said,
in Suez town. ,.. (20) 66 409 401 Fax (2 0) 66 402 443.
ProvisiotlS Most basics can be found in Suez town VHFCh 22
along with a ju st adequate selection of fresh fruit Transit of the Suez Canal normally takes two
and vegetables. days. A yacht is required to be able to motor at a
Eating out Several good fish restaurants in Suez minimum 4kt. If a yacht ean do 8kt plus it may be
town. The Summer Palace on the W side of Port possible to transit in one day. Remember your
Tewfiq has food and alcohol. engine will be working overtime for at least 10- 12
Other PO and banks in Suez. Driver and car can be hours to get you through so it needs to be topped up
arranged for trips to the Pyramids or other sites. wi th oil and ready to withstand a good two
Buses and share taxis lO Cairo.
Most find Suez a drab little place with not a lot
going for it. I have lO say after two visits here I have
an affection for it and enjoy wandering around. The
people are friendly, there are several good fish
restaurants on the High Street, you can find most
things and just take it easy after the slog up the Gulf
of Suez. To get into Suez walk up to the main road
and flag down a mini-bus which will whisk you into
Suez town in five minutes . If you just want a quiet
beer wander across the main road and a short .
distance up the obvious side street is the Summer
Palace ('Samir Balis' in Egyptlish).
Tewfiq is a secure port to leave the yacht for a visit
to the Pyramids which can be comfortably made in
a single day. I can recommend Foaad Hessen as that
rarity in Egypt, a calm and patient driver who will
not give you white knuckle syndrome throughout
the drive. H e drives the ubiquitous Peugeot 405 and
can be found at the address below. Although it
sounds like a gee ky touris ty th ing to do, I Felucca in the Biller Lakes, Egypt. Sailing craft are Iming
recommend hiring a horse or camel to ride around gro und to diesel puwer in the Indian Ocean, but are still used in
Indone~ia, India, Sri Lanka. Yemen, Sudan , Egypt, and in
the Pyramids and sand dunes humming the theme places down the coast of East Mriea.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
(though not always) speak some English. They will
ail, without fail, want baksheesh. Some cruising folk
L/lke : ~
Manzalll.. . , Medl f erra nean find the demands by tum funny, irritating, a strange
" 5 .. cultural quirk, infuriating or downright insulting. It
should be remembered that asking for baksheesh in
Egypt is an institution and a perfectly normal
process. For most of us it is antithetical to our
nonns and means of behaviour and often we do not
know how to deal with it. I suggest that you delay
payment until near the end of the leg and then offer
Suel Callal
the going rate (around $ I 0-$ 15 for small yachts,
$20 for larger yachts plus a discretionary number or
packets of cigarettes in 1997) which will
immediately be refused as an insulting amount by
the pilot. Put the baksheesh below where it is visible
and say: OK, if you refuse it I'll keep it. Ignore any
funher requests and it will be asked for before he
leaves. One new development on the pilot agenda is
that when you arrive in Pan Said, the pilot will be
taken off by the pilot launch and a new p.~lot put
71msah aboard for the trip out to the seaward end ' of the
EGYPT channel into the Mediterranean or for the one mile
C.iro . l,m/li/!/1
Canal trip to Port Fouad Yacht Club. It is in order not to
Abo give him anything despite demands for a minimum
Sultllo· of one carton of Marlboro and 320 etc.
Yachts usually leave Suez at the end of the north
bound convoy or more often with the tail-end or the
convoy. One thing to watch for is the shoal patch at
the entrance to Pon Tewfiq which some pilots like
Uttle Bitter Late
to cut across. I suggest you go out the way you came
in through the buoyed channel as I have seen at least
EI . $h,lu'li.
one tug go aground on the shoal patch and be left
high and dry by the ebbing tide. There are usually
good depths outside the markers so do not panic
when the pilot takes you outside the channel.
suuil Whatever speed you do, the pilot will urge you to go
Port Tewfik
• EI·Shen faster. Just keep the engine revs at a figure you are
happy with. The pilot will often helm the boat for
you and in my experience they have all been careful
about the job of conveying your pride and joy sarely
through the canal.
Occasionally the pilot will want to give a rew
Gulf packets of cigarettes (Marlboro being the preferred
currency) to a pilot station. On my southbound
transit this was insisted upon for a couple of pilot
o stations but for the nonhbound transit no demands
Kilometres were made. You will have to pass close to a number
of the pilot stations to identify the yacht, say hullo to
the pilot's friend and in some cases to hand over
paperwork. You also need to keep the VHF open,
nonnally on Ch 13, 12 or 11 . If you appear to be
consecutive days motoring. If you need to get a tug having undue problems tell the pilot you are going
to give you a tOw through the canal, figures in the to give the agent a call on the radio and this will
vicinity of $3000 US have been bandied about usually circumvent apparent problems.
although I have no hard evidence what the actual In Ismalia you will need to drop the pilot off at the
price may be. And in case you were contemplating it pilot station where there are generally good depths
- you cannot be towed by another yacht. (around 3-4m off the end of the jetties) and then
Every yacht must take a pilot on board. The pilot proceed to the anchorage just WSW of the pilot
from Suez to Ismalia will disembark there and station. Depths here come up quickly to 2m and less
another will join you in the morning for the passage and generally you will anchor in 3-8m. The bottom
to Pan Said (and vice versa for a nonh to south is mud and the shelter good. In the morning the
transit). The pilots are generally friendly and usually n ext pilot will be ferried out to you by the pilot
launch - have some fenders ready.
Pon Said 0'5m range at springs
Pon Suez 1·5m range at springs
T idal streams are strongest in the S half of the canal and
can reach 3-3'!:. kt at springs. This can significantly add
or subtract to your speed although once N of the Great
Biuer Lake the stream is much reduced. In the N pan of
the canal after Ismalia the stream is significantly less and
rarely exceeds 1kt.

Port Said
Port Fouad
Charts BA 233
From the canal you can choose to keep on going
straight through Port Fouad after picking up the
pilot and out into the deep water channel which is
clearly marked. Alternatively me pilot will take you
to Port Fouad Yacht Centre . From the
Mediterranean the approach is reasonably
straightforward to the buoys marking the deep water
channel into Port Fouad . Where the channel divides
take the westernmost channel and not the Pon Said
bypass channel on the east.
Conspicuous From seawards the oil rigs off the coast
will be the first thing you see after which me
numerous ships anchorcd off in the roadstead will
bc seen. Ships normally anchor just W of the outer
buoys to the deep water channel. Stay within the
channel as there are a number of wrecks outside it
when closer to Pan Said. The high rise buildings of
Port Said will eventually be seen and me approach
into the port is straightforward in the buoyed
By uighl The oil rigs are well lit as are the ships
anchored in the roadstead which will often obscure
the main light. There will also be numerous fishing
For the most pan the pilots in the Suez Canal are couneo us boats with set nets, trawling or purse seine fi shing.
and diligent although th~y will always nag Y')U to g') 'faster-
faster' and will always be offended at the meagre buksheesh you
Main light A.IOs20M (range appears to be
offer. substantially less)
El Bahar Iso.2s 15M
E breakwater OC.R.6s
Thc passage through the canal is a pretty relaxed Ldg Lts on 217°40' Front F.R.6M Rear Oc(2)R.IOs7M
affair that most enjoy. The sides of the canal are
littered with metal d etritus from the Six Day War VHF Ch 16 for port control. Call up when 10M off
and discarded engineering equipment. Dredgers and you will be instructed to proceed into the
harbour. You will often be hailed by a pilot boat
work in parts of the canal, but the channel clear of
the area being dredged is obvious. The desert vista which is usually looking for baksheesh . It is not
is mostly obscured by high banks along the sides of necessary to take on a pilot although you will
the canal, but up at the croSS-trees you can see what probably be instructed to listen out on Ch 11 or 13.
is going on. Enjoy it. Call up port control when 2M off if requested to do
so. You may also call up an agent if desired at this
Data point. Felix Agency operates on Ch 22 but also
Distance 162km (i00'5M) listens in to Ch 16.
Suez to Ismalia 84km (52, 1M)
Said to Ismalia 78km (48'4M) D angers
Depths In the main channel I 3- 20m I. There are numerous ships coming and going
Convoy times from Port Said at all times. A good lookout must
Northbound convoy 0600 be kept from at least 40M out. Commercial ships
Southbound convoys 0 I 00 and 0700 have right of way in the buoyed channel at all
2. Numerous fi shing boats, especially trawlers,
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

5 ____________________



Aero Oc;.FI

,, Port

,, ,,



o 0·'
N autical M ilas


Gas Some but not all bonles can be filled via the
• agent.
Paraffill Available ashore.
Laundry Via the agent or take it to Port Said
yourself, the latter being the cheaper option.
Repairs It may be possible to haul out in an
emergen cy. Some mechanica l and engineering
work. Hardware shops in POrt Said.
Provisiolls Adequate shopping for basics and fre sh
fruit and vegetables in Port Said.
Eatillg out Restaurant at the yacht centre although it
mostly does lunches. Restaurants in Port Said. The
Galab on the High Street is good value and has
Other PO. Banks. ATM which accepts Visa and
Mastercard. Taxis and mini-bu ses. Coaches to
Cairo. Ferry to Cyprus.
Pon Fouad Yacht c.entre at Pon Said. Note To get to P ort Said walk out of the yacht centre
gates on the S side and a short distance down the
road you will come to the ferry quay which crosses
to POrt Said. This is a free service and you just walk
operate around and in (h e deep water ch annel.
on to the ferry along with several hundred other
Care is nt=eded to avoid them and their traw\. The
people trying to get on.
end of the trawl may be marked by a buoy of
some description, but is more often not marked General
at all. Port Fouad is a dirty garbage-filled hole of a place
3. Care is nceded of the partly submerged weStern that is constantly noisy and disturbed by the wash of
breakwater. Stick closely to the buoyed channel craft rushing around. If you are making a
in the immediate approaches to P ort Said. southbound transit you must stop here. If leaving
4. There may be fog.or perhaps industrial pollution the canal and the weather forecast is OK it is up to
cutting visibility in the approaches to a mile or so. you whether or not you Stop herc. On the other side
This makes a night approach particularly difficult of the canal Port Said is a bustling city and although
as I found out in mid-October 1995. ramshackle and run-down, I quite like the place.
There are interesting sh ops and several reasonable
restaurants. There are usually several cruise ships in
Yachts proceed to Port Fouad Yacht Centre. Berth
h ere on a stopover for the passengers to be delivered
Mediterranean-style to on e of the wood en jetties.
to the Pyramids and other sites on the Nile. If
There is also a large m ooring buoy in the middle of
proceeding southbound, Suez is a better place to
the basin to which a line can be taken. The bottom
leave the yacht for a tour inland .
is mud and reasonable holding although anchors
sometimes pull through it.
Shelter Good shelter although the wash from large
ships passing through and also fro m the pilot
launches and bumboats create an uncomfortable
Authorities Health , harbourmaster, customs,
immigration. Suez Canal officials. Your agent will
arrange for clearance into Egypt and for the relevant
canal offi cials to the visit and inspect the yacht. A
charge of 58- S 12 per day is made according to
A gent Nagib Latif, Felix Agency, AI Gomhoria St,
Post Tower Building, 4th Floor Office no. 12, Port
Said V (20) 66 409 401 Fax (20) 66 402 443. VHF
Ch 22
Water Good potable water on the quay. Hot sh owers
in the run-down block within the Yacht Centre.
Fuel Can be arranged by the agent. A tanker can
come down to the yacht centre or smaller amounts
are brought by jerrycan.

II. Southern Indian Ocean
and do not go ashore. Quarantine inspection will be
Australia c arried o ut and then immigration and customs
For general information and data on weather see clearance can proceed. Austra lian quarantine
A uslraiiall Crnising Guide by Alan Lucas. regulations are stringent and it is likely certain
Documentation and visas foodstuffs will be destroyed. No animals on board
Normal boats papers and a valid passport for all will be allowed ashore and heavy fin es and the
crew m embers must be carried. Valid yellow fever possible destruction of the animal may result from
vaccination certificate for every person on b oard if infringing regulations (which usually results from
arriving from a place where yellow fever occurs. the animal going missing or being allowed ashore).
C learance papers from last port of call . lmmigration and customs will want to see your last
All non-Australian n ationals (except for New port clearance papers and will issue postcards for
Zealanders) MUST HAVE A VISA BEFORE you to post back to them from points along your
ARRlVlNG IN AUSTRALIA . With a valid visa you itinerary along the lines of the system used in the
will be given 6 months stay in Australia which can USA. Departure must also be from a port of entry.
usually be extended for another 6 m onths. All or some o f these procedures apply to
s ubsequent Stops at Australian dependencies which
Entry formalities here means Ashmore Reef, Christmas Island and
All yachts must go to a port of entry when dearing Cocos Keeling.
in . When in Australian territorial waters and
IO- I SM off call up coast radio on VHF Ch 16 or
2 182kHz and inform the authorities of your arrival.
You will be asked for £he yacht's name, arrival port,
ETA, last port, number of crC!w o n board and if any
animals are o n board. When you arrive anchor off


'" .. t/!!"
Andaman Thllillmd o 500 1000
S " SOlllh China 598 L'-i-i-i-i-i'--"-Co=~c"'
Bay 01 ell Mel ysia Nautical Miles
Bengal Penlrsula ..

'O Pelf Borneo. <:,8
ollleea ] : ' _ s
p • c ; , i c o c e a n

Padang ' 8alikpapan ~ 5ea '" .

\ Jam bi 'O. (\ . "Moluc~ Jayapura _
\ P lemDeng Q ~
Sumatra J8va Sea Ujung Pendan .~ Ambon ; Papua New -',-
. lkarla S b' A
Semarang a ala Easl Timo. II : GuineJ'l . ~',
. D~ ~Io;e~.huted) .F
Denpesar ~upan~;;mr Arafufa ; SOlomo~ "\
. Sumba '.. mor Sea Islands ~'1.
Christmas Islend T,mo,
-Cocos I

Islends Terri/ory
Indian Dee a n Territory
Greal SandV Desert Coral Sell
Western Queensland
A U s T R A L A

Soulh Australia Brisbane


Indian Duan Cruising GuUk

,'.. ' '

o SaIling
o Club


," ,
~ "
" \



Culllln 8.IIy
Emery Pt Mllrine
- _ . . - / (Lock Qlflflsl

N.vy Frll~S &oy


Slokes Hill W~arf

o 2
Nautical MIles

----------- - ----,I
I Quarantine area I
DARWIN-$-'2"28'S 130"5,'E


Darwin For information on Indonesia see Cruising Guide to

Southeast Asia Vol II by Elaine Morgan and Stephen
Darwin is the usual jumping off spot for yachts
taking the southern Indian Ocean routes if they are
not proceeding up through Indonesia to peninsular
Malaysia and Thailand.
VHF Ch 16 for coast radio and port authorities. Ch Ashmore Reef
11 for Cullen Bay Marina. East Island 12°16'S 123°4'E
West Island 12°15'S 122°56'E
Mooring Australian dependency
There are two main anchorages and a marina at Located approximately 520 miles W of Darwin and
Cullen Bay. Most yachts make for the anchorage at 100 miles S of Roti Island off the SW end of Timor.
Fannie Bay which can be a little uncomfortable but Ashmore Reef is composed of three small sand cays
not dangerous in the dry season. named East, Middle and West. They rise out of the
Fannie Bay Anchor clear of the drying mudflats same coral reef and with hardly any vegetation
and beach off the Darwin Sailing Club or where except a few coconut palms (reportedly four
convenient. The bottom is mostly mud and sand, amongst the whole group) and some scrubby bush
good holding. Good shelter in the dry season (April will not be seen until close to. The reef is a maritime
to November) although there may be a ground swell reserve and in the dry season has a resident ranger
making it uncomfortable but not untenable. on board a research vessel (M.V. Aurelia IV in
Frances Bay On the E of Darwin and more prone 1997). It is also the haunt of Indonesian fishing
to a ground swell in the dry season than Fannie Bay. boats although it is of course illegal for them to fish
Anchor off the town on mud, good holding. Because in the area. There are no procedures for clearing in
it can suffer from swell it is less popular than Fannie an out and as long as you refrain from fishing
Bay even though it is closer to town. (including spearfishing) around the group then it
appears OK for yachts to break their voyage here.
It is possible to anchor in several places around
Cullen Bay Marina the group although the best protected anchorage is
Data Visitors berths. Max LOA 32m. Depths max the one used by the research vessel on West Island:
4m. There are a lot of bombies in the approach to the
The marina is accessed via a 24 hour lock (Darwin anchorage in the lagoon and the best policy is to see
has a 6m tidal range at springs). Call up the marina if the rangers will come out to guide you through the
on Ch 11 for lock opening times and instructions for pass into the lagoon. In the dry season shelter is
entering the marina. Berth where directed. Finger good in the lagoon.
pontoons. Good all-round shelter. The coral around the reefs is magnificent and the
diving first rate. Because there is no fishing around
Facilities the reefs the fish are tame. There are however a lot
Darwin Sailing Club Has club facilities, a yard, and a of sea snakes.
grid for drying out. Water and fuel by jerrycan.
Buses run along the waterfront to downtown
Darwin Water and fuel at Fort Hill Wharf or Christmas Island
Fisherman's Wharf. All repair facilities including Flying Fish Cove lO 0 26'S 105°40'E
good mechanical, electrical, electronic and Australian dependency
engineering repairs. Sail loft. Chandlers. Large Christmas Island lies approximately 1050M W of
supermarkets. Ashmore Reef. It is comparatively high (around
Cullen Bay Marina Water and electricity at every 300m/975ft) and easy to pick up from the distance.
berth. Fuel. Shower and toilet block. Yard and The island has two high points joined by a saddle.
repair facilities. Shops and restaurants. Casino and The only anchorage is at Flying Fish Cove under the
golf course. NE end of the island. There are no dangers in the
General approaches and once around North East Point the
Darwin is the usual jumping off spot for the gantries and settlement are obvious in Flying Fish
southern Indian Ocean and also for Indonesia and Cove.
up to Southeast Asia. For this reason I include it
here as the logical starting point for the section on Flying Fish Cove
the southern Indian Ocean. It is the last place before
Aus 608
South Africa or the Mediterranean where you can
source hard to find boat spares and specialist skills Approach
and also the best place to stock up with basic Straightforward around North East Point into the
provisions. bay.
For additional information on Australia see By night The approaches and cove are not lit, but
Australian Cruising Guide by Alan Lucas. with radar a night approach is possible although not
Indian Ocean C ruising Guide

N R(H;ky pt.fl;t North East where you take what you want and enter it on the
Flying Fish PI club ledger. Also showers and we at the club.
,"It'' Cove
Smilh pt
Remember to settle up your tab before leaving.
Other Bank. PO. Telephone and fax from the PO.
Northwest pt /1' Mail can be sem to Poste Restante, PO, Christmas
Island, Australia 6798, Indian Ocean. Gas bottles
can be filled by arrangement. Launderette. Mini-
buses from the jetty to Drumsite and the lower

c@ .......
Murray HIli
settlement. Fortnightly flights to Singapore and
Penh .
Christmas Island was named by Captain William
Smithson Mynors of the Royal Mary who sighted it on the
Egefia PI Bight
25th December 1643. It was not actually claimed
until 1888 when surveys revealed substantial
Sou th PI phosphate deposits on the island . A company was
fonned and by the tum of the century pho sp h at~
o 2 3 • 5 was being exponed. Chinese labour was imported
I I t
Nautical M iles
and later augmented by Malays. These two groups
now make up the major part of the population .
CHRISTMAS ISLAND -$ 1 0~25'S 105°41 'E
Today the island is administered by Australia and
continues to export phosphate although the deposits
VHF C h 16 for C hristmas Island Marine. You
are running out and the fut ure of the island is in
should call up to announce your arrival when 5- 10 doubt. Ships must moor to the system of buoys in
miles off. Flying Fish Cove to take o n the phosphate as the
Mooring ground swell makes it impossible to lie alongside fo r
1i"dal range 1·8m at springs. loading. The fine brown dust finds it way into
Anchor in 6- 20m where shown on the plan clear of everything and ashore the buildings and streets arc
the fringing reef. Care must also be taken [Q anchor coated with it and if the wind is in the wrong
clear of the chains holding the ship mooring buoys direction yachts get coated with it as well. The dust
shown on the plan. The bottom is mostly coral or has remarkable adhesive q ualities and even green
coral rubbl e and your anchor will likely snag water over the decks fails to sh ift it.
something. It is a good idea to use a trip-line . Although phosphate mining is the mainstay of the
Shelter Reasonable shelter in the dry season (April to island. it mostly goes on in the south of the island
and it is then taken on the single line railway to
November) although the SE trades send some
Flying Fish Cove and transferred to the ships. Most
ground swell into the anchorage making it roily. The
of the rest of the island is covered in rain forest and
barges charging around also produce a considerable
wash being simply square water-pushers with big is also home to the remarkable red crab. The s~ arc
large crabs, around the size of a dinner plate
including th~ claws when fully grown, which live in
Authorities Advise Christmas Island Marine on VHF burrows in the highlands. At the beginning of the
Ch 16 when you have arrived. You must clear wet season around November the crabs migrate
customs and immigration at the local police station down to the sea to mate. The whole of the island is
ashore . No visas are needed . covered in red crabs and the road-kill is enormous.
Facilities After mating the females lay the eggs in rock pools
Water From local sources ashore. around the coast and the crabs return to the
Fuel Can be obtained from the barge jetty. Arrange highlands. It is a spectacular migration with the
for a tanker and then go stem-to the barge jetry with crabs JUSt walking through and over everything in
an anchor out to hold you off. When there is a big the way including houses, shops, gardens. cars, and
swell running this operatio n is best left for another roads as their annual biorhythm pulls them to the
day when there is less swell . Petrol by jerrycan from coast.
the settlement. O ne of tfte scft emes in pface to repfa ce phosphate
R epairs Some mechanical and hardware items as the main earner for the island is tourism and a
available. casino and hotel has been built to attract gamblers
Provisiom M ost items can be fou nd in the here . Given the addiction to gambling in Southeast
Settlement T rade Store including many items from Asia this venture has p roved remarkably successful
Australia and also from Southeast Asia . Alcohol is with Asians fl ying in to the casino resort to spend
duty-free. large sums on the gaming tables and in 1997 the
Eati"g om Numerous restaurants including Chinese, casino had a turnover of over S I 00 million. h's
Malaysian and pizza restaurants. At the yacht club probably not a good way to renew the coffers but, if
fast food and drink is available o n an honour basis you fancy a (luuer, you might get lucky.


o 100 200

- - -
'- --
In M etres
" '-
'- '.0<- - -- -- -- ---

'1' Supe rmll~8t

._---- ---.... Phosphate
. W~'"

, ,

. •
"- ,, Tanks

"- , 10

, • ",ok

" 10
"- ,, ..



India'l Ocean C rnising Guide

Cocos Keeling I
Naul'CIII Miles

Nonh Keeling I 1049'S 96°50'E
Direction Island 12°04'S 96°53'E
Australian dependency
Cocos Keeling lies approximately 530M W of
C hristmas Island and 600M SW of the SW Turk Reef
extremity of Sumatra. C
Cocos Keeling consists of two main island groups.
North K eeling is an atoll with a continuous coral
reef enclosing the lagoon and is covered in coconut
palms. It is a nature reserve and all fauna and flora
are protected. South Keeling consists of an atoll
with a reef connecting the various main islands
around the large lagoon. The main entrance to the
Shallow "" ~

lagoon is at the N end and most yachts make for the

mini-lagoon lying under Direction Island at the
northern entrance. Yachts can also go to West
Island although the anchorage is exposed to the SE
trades and there is little point in going here unless
vlSHtng the seulement for provisioning o r
communications. The islands are also covered in
extensive coconut palms which will be seen from
10M off the coast. Ifan aircraft is landing the airport
light is turned on and is reported to be visible from
some 35M off the group. SOUTH KEELlNG 4>- 12°05'5 96°52'E WG5 72
Currents In general currents set NW past the islands
at rates o f l/._ Ikt. Within the lagoon currents arc Direction Island was blown up by a party from the
tidal and generally set NW or SE. The tidal range is Gennan cruiser Emdeu. The Gennan ship was
around 0·5m. subsequently anacked by the Australian HMAS
Sydney damaging the ship whereupon the Gennan
Weather captain ran the Emden ashore on North Keeling.
Prevailing winds in the Cocos Islands. This is the historic wreck marked on chan 607.
Month Prevailing Prevailing Up to and after the Second W orld War
- ~ ~----- -
wi"ds 0900 wi"ds J500 administration for the island was given to various
Jan E-SEl64% E-S~!>2".(o_
other British dependencies until it was made an
Feb E- SEl57% E- SEl53%
Australian dependency in 195 5. In 1978 the
Mar E- SEl70% E- SEl59%
Apr E-·SEl85% E-SFJ86% Australian governmem purchased the property from
May ,_ ~-S:EI?Oo/,! E- SEl86% the Clunies-Ross' descendants except for a house
J.':IE. E-SEl95% E- SEl92% and property on Home Island.
Jul E-SEl91 % E- SEl92% H ome Island is the main settlement for the
Aug E-~El93% E- SEl90% Malays left here and although administered from
Sep E- SEl97% E-SE/92% Australia, it is essemially self-governing at a local
- E-SEl93%---
-- _._-- ._------ E- SEl94% level.
Nov _ _ E-SJ¥2~% E- SEl9 1%
Dec E-SEl83% E- SEl96%
Entry fonnalities
When approaching the 12M limit contact the
History marine officer on VHF Ch 20 to advise on your
The islands were reponed by Captain William ETA. Note that the preferred channel is 20 and not
Keeling in 1609 and further explored in later 16. Vessels which arrive during the night must
decades . However they were not settled until 1826 repon at 0700 in the morning. All new arrivals must
when John Hare arrived on South Keeling. He was fly a yellow Q flag . Anchor off the quarantine area
followed soon after by John Clunies-Ross and and await the arrival of the authorities. No person
despite being business partners the twO soon fell must leave the vessel or approach within 30m of
out . John Hare was restricted to Prison Island and another vessel until cleared in.
soon left. Clunies-Ross imported labour from
Malaya and built up a large copra plantation . The
island was only declared a British dominion in 1857,
although this didn't seem to phase C lunies-Ross and
his family who kept on building up the plantation
and in 1886 the descendants of Clunies-Ross were
virtually awarded the islands by Queen Victoria.
In the First World War the cable station on

Cocos Keeling

Direction Island are lit, it would not be prudent to make a night

approach, especially since most yachts will be
Aus 606,607
heading into the lagoon at Direction Island where it
Approach is wise to eyeball the final approach into the
From 8- l0M off me coconut palms that grow anchorage.
extensively on the islands will be seen. There are no VHF Ch 16 for the authorities on West Island. Ch
off-lying dangers until right up to me northern 20 for customs and immigration. Ch 72 for ship to
entrance to the lagoon between Horsburgh Island ship.
and Direction Island. At the lagoon entrance the
Dangers Care is needed in the final approaches to
depths come up quickly from 200-300m to 10m
the anchorage under Direction Island and it is only
and less which can be a bit stanling with the
prudent to have someone conning you in visually.
dramatic colour change from deep blue to
Because the depths are relatively shallow and the
turquoise. At the entrance the open lattice light
water very clear it can be a little breath-taking
tower on the Wend of Direction Island will be seen .
getting in here. Depths over the sand and coral from
Yachts should proceed into the mini-lagoon under
the S are around 3·5m. Yachts drawing more than
Direction Island, entering from the S after skirting
3·5m should anchor outside the inner lagoon in Pan
the sand and coral bank running S from the light
Refuge. Often there will be other yachts in the
tower as shown on the plan. A small beacon marks
anchorage and someone may come out to show you
the end of the shallow bank and should be left [0
the channel in .
Note A yacht should not proceed to the basin at
By night The W tip of Direction Island is lit
Home Island where a yacht symbol is shown on Aus
FI{2)8s8M. The light at the airport on West Island
is Aero AlFI. WG. 7 ·4s 11 M although it is reported
the loom is visible some 35M off. The beacons Mooring
marking the channel through the lagoon to West Proceed into the inner lagoon under Direction
Island are lit including the leading lights, mostly PI Island. Anchor off near the yellow quarantine buoy.
or FI.R. Do not use the quarantine buoy to moor to. The
Although there is the light on Direction Island and bottom is mostly sand with scattered coral patches.
the beacons marking the channel through the lagoon There is also a wreck under the water with 2·5m

o 05
Nllulical MilliS

Island -J~
-=< ---
Depths;1f Metres


\ ~(£): ~~"
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Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
reported over it. Upon arrival do not go ashore or animal waste. Rubbish of any sort should not be
visit another yacht until the authorities from West disposed of in the lagoon. There are others who will
island arrive to clear you in. They can be contacted come after you and it is only right that you leave the
on VHF Ch 20. Once cleared in you can move place in the same (or better) condition that you
closer to the beach wherever convenient, but clear of found it.
the swimming area and to the S of a line between the
orange and red float buoys off the beach.
Shelter Good shelter from the SE trades. West Island
Authorities The authorities from West Island visit the Aus 607
anchorage by launch on most days. Customs, If you need to go to West Island for any reason then
immigration and quarantine officials will visit you in the buoyed channel through the lagoon can be
the anchorage and formalities are quickly followed to the jetty at the N end of West Island.
completed. A visa is not necessary. South Keeling is Approach
an animal quarantine station for animals being The channel is straightforward by day. Although the
introduced into Australia and therefore no animals beacons are lit a night transit is not recommended.
are allowed ashore and any animal food or other
waste must be burned off in a pit provided for that Mooring
purpose on Direction Island. Anchor as close to the jetty as prudence dictates -
usually in 2-3m. The bottom is weedy and reported
Facilities not to be good holding. You will need to be securely
Water There is a tank on Direction Island to catch anchored as the anchorage here gets the full weight
rainwater but it seldom has a lot in it. A tap on the of the SE trades blowing across the lagoon and a
jetty at Home Island has treated water. Toilets considerable chop is set up. It would be prudent to
ashore. leave someone capable on board if at all possible or
Fuel At West Island settlement. It is expensive. several cruisers can get together and make the trip
Repairs A slipway at Home Island although the on one yacht so that there is a spare body that can
reported max depth available is just over a metre. be left on board to keep an eye on things.
Limited mechanical repairs may be possible but do
not depend on it. It is possible to arrange for spares Facilities
to be flown in from Perth. It is around 4 miles into the settlement and it is a
Provisions All provisions must be flown in and prices matter of walking it or trying to hitch a lift from any
are accordingly high. It is much better to have done traffic between the jetty and the settlement. The
a big shop for basics at Christmas Island as prices at facilities to be found are mentioned under Direction
Cocos can be 1'h times higher than there or Island.
Australia. For large orders put your order in to the
shop near the airport control tower well in advance
so that items can be ordered from Perth. Cheques Chagos archipelago
and credit cards cannot be used at the shop! Salomon Atoll offN pass 05°18'S 72°15'E
Eating out Barbecue facilities at Direction Island. Peros Banhos Atoll off N pass 05° 15'S 71°51'E
Other At West Island: PO. Telephone and fax Diego Garcia off Main Pass 07°15'S 72°22'E
facilities. Gas bottles can be filled. Resident doctor
and a small hospital (call on VHF Ch 20). Ferry Current situation
between Home Island and West Island. Fortnightly The archipelago is formally British Indian Ocean
flights to Perth. Territory. This status was declared in 1965 when
the Seychelles were given independence and the
General surrounding islands handed back to the new
Direction Island is remembered fondly by visiting government with the exception of the Chagos
yachts. The anchorage is well protected and archipelago. The group is administered by the
comfortable in the SE trades. There is an amiable British Navy and there is a Royal Naval Liaison
camaraderie amongst the yachts here and beach Officer stationed on Diego Garcia. He in tum
parties and drinks on board are a regular feature of reports to the British High Commissioner on Mahe
Direction Island life. There is a BBQ area ashore in the Seychelles. Diego Garcia is leased to the US
and the swimming off the yacht or the beach is Navy and US personnel are stationed on the island.
excellent. In the lagoon the snorkelling is good and DIEGO GARCIA IS OFF UMITS TO YACHTS.
around the fringing reef on the weather side the fish Technically a yacht must have prior permission to
life is prolific. Spear-fishing and cleaning fish is not visit islands other than Diego Garcia, but in practice
allowed off the beach and swimming area (it attracts an accommodation has been reached whereby
sharks) and the area off the SE corner known as the yachts may stop at the northern group (usually
'Rip' is a marine reserve and fishing of any kind is Salomon Atoll) to break the passage across the
prohibited here. Indian Ocean. It must be understood that stopping
Care should be taken to bury all rubbish in the here is entirely dependant on the goodwill of the
pits provided on the island and to conform to the authorities at Diego Garcia and yachts have no
quarantine regulations concerning animals and rights to stop here. In practice a yacht should not

Chagos Archipelago
". Co/voco-
be taken. You will then be escorted into the lagoon.
resses A charge is made for entering and anchoring at
r;Sksrs:,.... '· :"" "
Bank R~f
Diego Garcia.
IJ ,. Data
Maritime claims Territorial 3M . Fisheries jurisdicrion
p,,~ c· ~
/ ) R~f
Populariem Uninhabited except for British and US navy
Banhos )
~ S!lIOmOnIS personnel on Diego Garcia.
• Time zoneur +5
(": Vlcfory Blink
Geography and climate
!::::::) (. _~el~~~ I The Chagos archipelago consists of six major atolls
'" " .:,; and a number of reefs and smaller isolated islands
," c'
\. around the Chagos Bank. From N to S these are the
Salomon Islands, Peros Banhos, Three Brothers,
Eagles I. of",
,~.' nree
: ,",
Eagle Islands, Egmont Islands and the largest
/" ,.... GfDllt Chagos Bank
./ island, Diego Garcia. The archipelago covers a large
9a area which is some 177M long (between 04°44'S
081 .1. 'f .••. ...•. ,", and 07°41'S) and 11 8M wide (between 70047'E and
72°44'E). The islands are all atolls, mostly with
emontl- Q ··· ..... . .....
I. Sudesl ./ coconut palms, and are surrounded by reefs. As with
,.. all true atolls the reefs are surrounded by deep water
except in the Chagos archipelago where there are
Cauvin Bank
1---+--,,... PItt7
··~·~ ____-+_______ -'-l7
large areas of emerging reef with comparatively
Bank shallow water over them. Great Chagos Bank covers
a large body of water between the northern and

(: Gange!
" EMnk
.. ,
southern atolls with depths 10- 80m and large areas
which are imperfectly charted. The latest Landsat
{: Wighl Bank IIrea}
surveys suggest that the existence of some of the
ceJuf;on infonnation shown on the charts is doubtful.
Bani 8
Coastal waters Within the lagoons depths are
mostly considerable although there are numerous
coral heads and patches of reef reducing the depths.
Around the barrier reef on the drop-off depths are
stay more than one month (3 more or less unspoken typically 200- 300m. For the most part convenient
agreement) and should not contravene any depths to anchor in can be found in the Salomon
regulations regarding the disposal of waste or atoll and also at lie du Coin in Peros Banhos and in
destruction of the habitat. The islands are a the atoll around the Egmont Islands.
designated conservation area and all flora and fauna The bottom is typically sand or coral. In places
3re protected. Spear-fishing is technically illegal in there are coral heads which easily snag anchor chain
the archipelago. In recent years there has been some and it is useful to rig a trip-line. The reefs and
blatant disregard by yachties for the environment marine life around the atolls are superb and there
with wholesale fishing, killing of turtles and are few yachties who do not rave about diving and
makeshift camps ashore. Remember others come snorkclling in Chagos.
after you and your behaviour should ensure that
others can enjoy the goodwill and environment you
Climate The climate is equatorial and temperarures
are pleasant with the SE trades blowing. During the
found here.
wet season the ITCZ moves over or close to the
Documentation and visas Chagos group and rain and squalls are common.
None is required although the patrol vessel of the Temperatures range from 25°_30°C throughout
British Navy visits on occasions, usually on a two the year. Mean sea temperatures are 28°_29°C
week rota, and you may be required to submit a throughoU( the year.
crew list and particulars. At times they also set up a
barbecue on the beach with all yachts invited.
Prevailing winds The winds are pretty much
Diego Garcia can be entered in an emergency
detennined by the SE trades and the NW monsoon
situation only. The Royal Navy will do their beSt to
winds. However as the islands are close to the
help in a serious emergency but the privilege should
equator the SE trades are not as reliable here and
not be abused. This is not a place to go for a minor
can be patchy at times. However the wann water
engine problem, a blown out sailor minor medical
around the atolls tends to accelerate the wind over
problems. Call the Royal Navy on VHF Ch 16 or
the island groups by 4- 8kt so that there will
2182kHz and requeSt pennission to enter. A patrol
generally be a little less wind away from the groups.
vessel will meet you at the entrance to Main Pass
During the NW monsoon there are often squalls
and the yacht may be searched and particulars will
and also days of calm or little wind.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Gales The percentage frequency of gales in all Salomon Islands
seasons is low at <1-1 %. However there are often
Charts BA 3, 4
squalls in which the wind can reach 30-40kt
although they seldom last for long. Approach
The area is not known for tropical storms The approach from the E is straightforward
although the records show that a cyclone hit the although a yacht should keep well clear of Blenheim
group in 1891 causing much damage. However the Reef. There is everywhere deep water in the
spin-off from a large cyclone tracking SW can cause immediate approaches. The islands of the atoll are
severe winds (40-50kt) and very large seas in the extensively covered in coconut palms which are
group. visible when about 10M off. The pass into the atoll
is on the NW end between lIe Anglaise and lIe de la
Passe. The depths come up quickly from around
The tidal range around the islands is small at less
200m to 3-9m over the bar at the entrance. The
than a metre, but because of the reefs and shoal
deeper part of the channel is closer to lIe de la Passe
water the tidal streams can be strong and have been
with the reef extending W from the islet marked by
recorded at up to 4kt in some atoll passes. In general
a large coral boulder near its extremity. There are
the tidal set is less around the atolls and usually Y2-
depths of around 6m through the deepest part of the
lkt although the direction can vary. In most cases
pass. Once into the lagoon there are a number of
there is a set across or oblique to the pass direction
coral heads with good room between them when
requiring care when entering or leaving an atoll pass.
proceeding towards the anchorage off lIe FOllquet.
Currents Tidal streams The tidal stream is reported 'to set
From January to April the Equatorial counter- NNE-E across the entrance on a rising tide and
current sets E through the group at an average rate NW-W on a falling tide. Rates are generally Yl-lkt
of lkt. From May to December the SW monsoon although at springs a rate of 21/2kt across the bar has
current sets E in the N of the group and the South been recorded on a rising tide. Rates within the
Equatorial current sets W. Rates average 112-1 Ylkt. It lagoon are negligible.
would be great if this generalisation applied By night There are no lights and entrance should
wholesale, but it does not. Around the banks and only be made by day and preferably before midday.
reefs and atolls the current direction tends to be
more variable and rates are also variable. When VHF During the SE trades there will likely be other
combined with the tidal streams the direction and yachts in here and contact can be made on Ch 16 or
rates vary. What this means is that a close eye should 69.
be kept on the cross-track error on the GPS and Dangers
corrections made accordingly. 1. The entrance over the bar is safe with the SE
Across the banks there can be confused seas when trades but should not be made when there are
a prevailing ground swell meets the currents around strong NW winds blowing (usually the NW
a bank. Across Great Chagos Bank confused seas up monsoon is strongest in January and February).
to 5m have been recorded when away from the bank 2. Entrance through the pass and navigation within
the seas were more regular and the wave height less. the lagoon should be of the eyeball variety.
On other occasions yachts have crossed the Great Mooring
Chagos Bank without any apparent confused seas. Yachts anchor in two places. The preferred
Navigation anchorage is off lIe Fouquet. Anchor where
The charts for the Chagos archipelago are convenient on sand and coral. The shelter here is
acknowledged to be incomplete and many of the good with the SE trades. Yachts also anchor off lIe
reported positions of reefs and banks are likely to be Takamaka.
inaccurate. For the atolls themselves the surveys are The alternative anchorage is off lIe Boddam
more accurate and in general can be relied upon for although the approach to the anchorage needs some
detail although not for plotting GPS positions. That care as there are numerous' bombies scattered
means that eyeball navigation is the preferred around this SW end of the lagoon. Good shelter
method of getting around near to and within the from the SE trades and also shelter from the NW
atolls. monsoon in here.
A high-tide pass suitable for a dinghy exists
between Boddam Island and Anglaise Island.
Authorities The patrol boat from Diego Garcia will
visit from time to time. They will issue a clearance
to any yachts present and charge US$55 for this
None. However the atoll is popular during the SE
trades and there can be substantial numbers of
yachts anchored here. Yachts from South Africa

Salomon Islands

Oepl hs in MeITes



'f· H.; q
'f, '.+:

'" '.+:
~ :!:

o 2
Nautical Miles
Note Eyenall navigation essential inside tha lagoon

SALOMON ISLANDS-$- 05° 18'$ 72° 15'E

regularly come up this way with Chagos as the Yachts travelling to the island have brought spares
turning point for the voyage. Yachts regularly and supplies out to the couple who seem to have
connecting via the local marine net may be able to dropped into the castaway mode without too much
ask yachts in other places to bring spares or of a problem. However it appears that with the yacht
specia list equipment down to Chagos. Otherwise pretty much ready to go that the castaways may be
there is a good mutual support system between the going to leave what has been their home for a
various skills and resources distributed around number of years.
visiting yachts.
General Peros Banhos
Although the islands are technically uninhabited, in
Charts SA 3, 4
fact Salomon atoll has been inhabited by several
unintentional castaways for some years. Pete and Approach
Tina (and Jess the cat) arrived here in their fony This large atoll has passes on the Nand S. From the
foot Hartley designed ferrocement yacht Vespera a N the usual pass is between lie Parasol and lie
number of years ago. While here the anchor dragged Longue. From the S the pass is between lie Vache
in a squall, the engine wouldn't start, and the yacht Marine and Coin du Mire. There are numerous
went onto the coral and was sunk in the lagoon. The coral heads in the anchorage so eyeball navigation
other yachts here rallied around and decided the from aloft is essential.
yacht could be repaired. It was eventually raised but Tidal screams In the S pass the stream is reported [0
then needed to be refitted and the engine rebuilt. set SSE on a rising tide and NNW on a falling tide
This all takes time and the couple have become at around 'I2kt. In the N the stream is reported to set
accepted as the involuntary caStaways of Chagos. E on a rising tide and W on a falling tide at '/:- '!.kt.
21 I
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

,- 1·,e ....
Peros Banhos
I. de Ie pess~ • " B'''h.t'mf+)
I. Pierr
, ·
I. Di.m",,"

.-:- . •

' #5....
I. Peruole~
I. Moo,,'
.....- :
I. longue

8 ,

: . it".1;. 1f.·~~, .....

. "'" c,+: •.••.•. :" :i' ....:

Grande f\1 "~ '. C!"~ . ( 5~ ..: .... ~. ~ . .
Souer 1 $$"c+' ..... .;l~ ""+' _ Pelrte 1. Coqulliage
'.".' "I+".t' '. , ~'
I :',f, ~~,' . l.j:;' lof'
t ;·; ....'I"!:'~+-, ,:g:' /+~ 'I Grande i. Coquillega i. BOdda..l.'b,;.....-
, .....5) ,,!": • :.+. /
:-I;':'i ~ •.;., I. Vac.*:le Mari~~."·"1~.···
. Ii: /iii. fSJ .··· .. ··SS.·.. ····· Depths in Melres
I .~. " !9i .... "'Co)'n du Mire
1.duCoin ~ .,/ o, 5
Nautical Milas


Most yachts make for the anchorage off Ile du Coin Seychelles
which affords the best sheller from the SE trades. Current situation
Anchor where convenient under the lee of the island After independence in 1976 the political history of
where there are convenient depths. Shelter here is the Seychelles has been marked by a series of coups
not as good as in the Salomon Islands. and by the quasi-Marxist government of President
Alben Rene. Rene reached power in a coup in 1977
and established single party rule with the Seychelles
Egmont Islands People's Progressive Front (SPPF) as the only legal
Charts BA 3, 4 party. A coup was attempted by mercenaries posing
Off the N pass 06°38'S 71 °23'E as South African rugby players under the direction
Approach of Mad Mike Hoare in 1982. Later in (he same year
The islets around the atoll are covered in high the army attempted another coup and yet again in
coconut palms. The entrance to the lagoon is on the 1985 another coup was foiled. Rising discontent
N side across a bar with reponed depths of 2- 4m. forced President Rene to legalise opposition panies
Inside the lagoon is peppered with coral heads and in 1991 . It has [0 be said that the possibiliry of
eyeball navigation from aloft is essential to thread another coup still exists although the country is at
your way through them. the moment stable. Despite all this the attempted
coups have had little effect on yachts visiting here.
One yacht that was here during the 1982 coup
The anchorage under lie Sudest is recommended as
hardly knew anything was going on. In recent years
the best during the SE trades.
things seem to have settled down somewhat and
despite the apparent instabiliry of the country in the
past, there appear to be few problems for visiting
yachts and the number of charter yachts based in the
Seychelles has increased dramatically in the last few
years .
Crime in the islands has been a problem in years
past and it is recommended you stow all loose yacht
gear below. Personal crime is relatively low and it is
only boat bits left lying around that the locals are
Documentation and visas
Normal ship's papers and a valid passport for all
crew members must be carried . Proof of cholera
vaccination is required if arriving from Africa. You
will need at least a dozen crew lists for the various
Most foreign nationals do not need a visa and on
arrival crew will be issued a visitors permit for two
weeks. This can be extended up to 3 months
although the process is a little tricky in that
application must be made one week before the old
permit expires.
Entry fonnalldcs Charges are per day and in SUS at the 1997 rate.
All yachts mUSI enler and leave the Seychelles at Stays of < 5 days: '18 for 0- 20 tons GRT
Victoria on Mahe which is the only port of entry and 531 for 20- 100 tons GRT
exit. When 10- 12M off call up pon conuol on VHF Stays of 5-10 days: SIS for 0- 20 tons GRT
C h 16 or 2 182kHz and advise them of your 125 for 20- 100 tons GRT
intended arrival. Yachts must fly a Q flag and on Stays of 10 > days: 512·50 for 0-20 tons GRT
arrival anchor otT where indicated by the pon $19 for 20- 100 tons GRT.
authority (usually E of Victoria lighthouse) until These taxes apply for all anchorages around the
entry formalities have been carried out. Yachts must Seychelles and must be paid before you can redeem
not proceed into the harbour unless advised to do so the ship's papers from the POrt office at Victoria.
by the pOrt authorities. C ustoms, immigration and On some islands a visitors fee is also charged
health officials will come out [Q the yacht and which is usually somewhere between SI5- $25.
complete the necessary paperwork. The quarantine For all procedures it pays to keep a sheaf of crew
officer will arrange for the yacht to be fumigated lists handy .
which is mandatory for all new arrivals. Once the On departure from the Seychelles application
paperwork and fumigation has been carried out a must be made to immigration two working days
yacht will be directed to berth in the harbour, before the departure date. One day before departure
usually at Victoria Yacht Club. Within 24 hours port and customs clearance must be obtained .
(except weekends) the captain must report to the If departing to visit other islands then port
port office and complete an arrival fonn and hand clearance must be obtained . Before departing port
over the ships papers which are kept until departure. control must be advised on Ch 16 and a security
All fees due must be paid here. In the past yacht fees clearance may be required. At the other islands
were exceptionally high and in the early 1990s clearance must be obtained from the local police or
attempts were made to charge yachts SUSIOO per the island manager and the clearance form signed.
day. The charge for clearance and fumigation was This form must be returned to the port office within
around ,US75 in 1997 and harbour taxes have been 24 hours of arriving back in Victoria.
rationalised as follows. If this all sounds like a bureaucratic nightmare - it
is . But it is generally carried out in a friendly fashion
although some patience is needed.

1. aux vt,~~.; • tOenla

~W~fI Sho.l
Pr.alln Inl1.r

'. : .' lal.nds

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,.~I~-'7_1------ Seychelles B8n/(-' __-"-c__1Zo~,~~~,~,u~S~'~~I__________~~"y

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to. ".rle

. ' Mltroe louIN , . Le Conlltltn/

Desnoeula B.nk ~ '. Correfrlt


I. CotI'VV I
I '" "
Nautical M'11lS


Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Data Underwater Seychelles Penny Verhoef.
Area 455km2 (176M2) There are a number of books on the fauna and flora
Coastline 491km (265M) and marine life produced locally.
Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
zone 200M. Geography and climate
Population 71,000 The coast The Seychelles are made up of two very
Capital Victoria different groups of islands. The northern islands
Time zone UT+4 called the Inner Islands are granite and generally
Language English and French are the official languages. high in aspect up to around 900m (2925ft). They
Creole. are not volcanic but seem to have originated from an
Religion Roman Catholic 90%. upthrust of the earth's crust some 650 million years
Public holidays
ago. Over time fringing reefs have developed around
Jan 1 New Year
May 1 Labour Day the islands. The slopes of the high islands are
Jun 5 Liberation Day generally covered in thick jungle and the Seychelles
Jun 18 National Day are home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, some
Jun 29 Independence Day of it unique induding the well known coco de mer.
Aug 15 Assumption Day The smaller islands in the north and the southern
Nov 1 All Saints Day islands, called the Outer Islands, are typical coral
Dec 8 Immaculate Conception atolls and as such low with a barrier reef and a
Dec 25 Christmas lagoon. Most of the atolls have high coconut palms
Government Democratic Republic (since 1991) on them.
Crime Low levels of all crime.
Coastal waters The Inner Islands sit on the
Travel Seychelles Bank which extends for a considerable
Internal distance around the group. This bank comes up
There are ferries and internal flights between the quickly from considerable depths to a rim of shoal
major islands. Buses and taxis around Mahe. Water water around the edge of the bank which in places is
taxis. Hire cars. only 10-20m deep. Once over the rim there are
International deeper depths inside although the rim is quite wide
To and from Mahe there are regular flights to many in places and there are also large areas of shoal water
European destinations and to some African and inside the outer rim. There are a few deep passages
Indian Ocean destinations. through the outer rim.
The Amirantes Group in the Outer Islands also sit
Mail Reliable. Mail can be sent Poste Restante to on a bank whereas the other Outer Islands
(Alphonse Group, Farquhar Group and the Aldabra
Central Post Office, Independence Avenue,
Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. Group) are more like other atoll groups with
considerable depths a short distance off the barrier
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code reef.
248. GSM phones are reported to work here if your Those island groups sitting on a bank can have
supplier has an arrangement in the Seychelles. confused and large seas piling up on them. This is
Telephone and fax from Victoria at Cable & especially true of the E and S sides of the Seychelles
Wireless. Calls from hotels are very expensive. Bank where the prevailing swell set up by the SE
Currency The unit is the Seychelles Rupee trades can give rise to disturbed seas. Once inside
commonly abbreviated to 'R'. The currency is and up to the Inner Islands the seas are mostly calm
reasonably stable. No more than RlOO can be and oflittle consequence. It also means that over the
exported. shallower parts of the bank amongst the Inner
Banks and exchange Banks in Victoria will Islands that depths are convenient for anchoring in
exchange hard currency and travellers cheques. compared to some of the atoll groups such as the
Cash advances on major credit cards are possible. Maldives.
Most of the hotels, up-market restaurants and many The Outer Islands are of a more typical atoll
shops accept credit cards. nature and depths come up quickly to the barrier
Medical care There is a hospital in Victoria but for reef and once inside the atoll depths can again be
major illness head for Europe or South Africa. The considerable for anchoring in.
water is generally potable. On the coral atolls there The bottom is typically sand or coral. In many
are no natural water supplies and rainwater is the places there will be coral heads which easily snag
only source. anchor chain and it is prudent to rig a trip-line. The
reefs have superb marine life over them and the
Electricity 240V 50Hz. diving is world class.
Useful books Climate The climate is equatorial with little
East African Handbook Ed Michael Hodd. variation in air and sea temperatures between the
Footprint Handbooks. Includes a short section seasons. The dry season is June to November and
on the Seychelles. the wet season December to May, but around the
Forgotten Eden A Thomas. Longman. high islands there will also be rain showers in the

At At/max Avmin Relative Days For the groups further S the incidence is 1-2%
Victoria OC °C humidi~ 2·5mm rain except around Farquhar Group where the incidence
Ian 28 24 78% 15 is 5 % in the April to September period.
Feb 29 25 76% 10 Squalls associated with thunderstorms pass
Mar 29 25 74% II ' "
through and wind speeds can exceed 40kt for short
AQr 30 25 74% 10 periods although generally less. One piece of local
Ma;r 29 25 74% 9 ,~,~-
,- :' .... lore states that if the islands look bluish in the
lun 28 25 75% 9
-24 distance then rain and associated squalls may occur.
lui 27 76% 8
Aug 27 24 76% 7 The Inner Islands lying near to the equator are not
SeQ 28 24 75% 8 subject to cyclones although heavy swell from
Oct 28 24 '75% 9 .- cyclones passing to the S of the group can make
Nov 29 24 75% 12 '~~.::~~~~.;'; things unpleasant. The Outer Islands are in the
Dec 28 24 78% 15 track of cyclones although most swing S and miss
the islands.
afternoon during the dry season.
Temperatures are generally 24°-31°C and sea
Around the Inner Islands the tidal range at springs
temperatures 28°-29°C.
hovers around 1m (O·9-1·1m). Around the
Weather Arnirante Group the range at springs can be higher
Prevailing winds near the coast Winds over the in places up to 1·4m. Despite the small range, tidal
Inner Islands are mostly determined by the SE streams over the comparatively shallow waters of the
trades and the NW monsoon (the NE monsoon in Seychelles Bank can be strong and in places have
the northern hemisphere curving around in the been recorded at up to 4Vzkt. Mostly the rates are
southern hemisphere). less at around 1-2kt, but care is needed especially
During the SE trades from April to November the where currents augment or deflect the tidal stream.
winds are generally from the SE and sometimes the
E blowing at around 10-25kt. The winds are
From December to April the Equatorial Counter-
strongest in July to September when they will
current sets E over the Seychelles Bank. The rate is
regularly blow at I5-25kt. At times E winds blow as
highest in December and April at the beginning and
a result of the diurnal heating and cooling of the
end when it is reported to run at 1'/2-2kt. In the
land. Typical trade wind clouds form over the
other months it runs at around lkt. In May to June
islands when the trades are blowing.
the South Equatorial Current moves northwards
The NW monsoon runs from December to March
and sets E in the N, and W in the S. By July it
during which NW-W winds prevail but are most
extends over the whole Seychelles Bank and sets W
consistent from January to the beginning of March.
until September. In October it moves S again until
There is a noticeable diurnal effect with NW winds
by December the Equatorial Counter-current
strongest at dawn and in the early morning and less
setting E again dominates.
strong in the afternoon. There are often associated
This all occurs around the Seychelles Bank, but
squalls with NW winds and rain can be expected
over the bank itself the currents are deflected by the
when distant islands take on a blue aspect.
marine topography and by tidal streams. There is
In the change-over period between the SE trades
often an onshore set towards islands and reefs, the
and the NW monsoon there will often be variable
'reef-sucking' current again.
winds although the general tendency to SE or NW
Because the bank is shallow in places there can be
overfalls and confused water where the current is
Month Prevailing Prevailing squeezed by land or reefs and where it opposes the
winds 1000 winds 1600 prevailing swell or a tidal stream. Currents around
Jan NW-W/40% NW-W/60%
reef passes can be considerable and care is needed.
Feb NW-NE/55% NW1NEI55% .. .~: ,4 ::",;::._:-:.-.

Mar NW-NE/55 % NW-W/55% Navigation

Apr NE-FJ40% NW-E/35 % Much of the Seychelles Bank and the Outer Islands
May SE-E/65% SE-E/60% - •
are not well charted and care is needed plotting GPS
Jun SE-E/70% SE-FJ45% >~'~b; >\:':-! '7
positions. All navigation near to and within the
. -;"--" -'. -
lui - SE-E/80% S-SE-FJ80% ' atolls must be first and foremost of the eyeball
Aug SE-FJ75% SE-FJ75% variety backed up by prudent use of the GPS and
SeQ SE-FJ75% SE-FJ70% any other aids to navigation.
Oct SE-E/60% S-SE-E/75% -
Nov SE-El35% SE-FJ25%
Dec NW/30% NW-W/50%
Note Figures are for Victoria. Other winds or calms make Harbours and anchorages
up the remaining frequency. All anchorages in the Seychelles can be visited with
Gales The incidence of gales varies over the group. the exception of the following which are prohibited
For the Inner Islands it is generally low with < 1% for security reasons or because they are protected
during most of the year except for July to September reserves.
when the incidence is 1-2%.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Yachts cannot anchor at Police Base 00 Mahe, for the AJdabra group permission is needed from the
Anse Bamaron, and the Cocos Islands. For islands SeycheUes Islands Foundation in Victoria.
60 miles from Mahe pennission is needed from the Around many of the islands mere are moorings
IDe in Victoria. for islands 240 miles from Mahe and these must be used ramer man anchoring so
pennission is needed from the IDL in Victoria, and that damage to coral is avoided.

R6qu'n Blink



Prohibited ,
Are. V'

5(ork Pllltch
?v Sol

OiJpths in MIII'r.,
p" 0 \

o 5
NautiUl Miles

MAHE-$04°37."S 55°28·2'E

For additional details on anchorages around the Port Victoria

Seychelles see Les lies Seychelles (in French and
Charts BA 722
English) by Alain Rondeau in the Pilote Cotier
senes. Approach
For a first time entry into Pon Victoria the ).olE
Channel between Sainte Anne and the N end of
Mahe should be used. The channel is deep and clear
of dangers although care is needed in the final

Depths In MOlres


Powor SUllioo
o 17
St Pauls
Ceth6d,a t
MeA t ..
Cement SIlos
.J "
Power Station '----()
New Port





Dries \,

o 500 >000

Q Oc:.Rk
PORT VICTORIA -$- 04¢37·"S 55°28·2'E

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
approaches through the fringing reef. The Cerf to 40 tons on a slipway. Enquire in advance about
channel can be used on subsequent occasions once the passage through the reef to the yard.
familiar with the approach. Mechanical, engineering, GRP and wood repairs
Conspicuous The high hills of Mahe and the high can be carried out. In Victoria some electrical and
granite outlines of Ste-Anne and lIe au Cerf can be electronic repairs are possible, limited sail repairs
seen from some distance off. Victoria sits in a valley can be made at the yacht club, refrigeration repairs,
between the hills Nand S of it. The buildings of and there are several chandlers around town.
Victoria are easily identified when making the Provisions Good shopping for all provisions in
approach through the NE Channel. The reef is only Victoria. Good boulangeries. There is a market
exposed at low tide so care is needed in the final everyday in town although it is best to get there early
approach although the white tower of Victoria light in the morning for the best produce and freshest
at the entrance to the reef is conspicuous. The fish.
beacons marking the pass through the reef show up Eating out Numerous restaurants ranging from
well. Seychellois cuisine which is Creole style and
By night Although the approach is lit it is not features on seafood, chicken and pork to more
recommended for a first time approach. On Ste- 'international' cuisine which will be easily
Anne there is an Aero F.R and on NE Point an Aero recognised and will cost more and not taste as good
Fl.R. Victoria light (reef entrance) FI.6·7s12m7M. as local dishes. The yacht club has a restaurant and
bar and is a popular meeting place.
Ldg Lts 210 0 Front Q Rear Oc.R.6s.
Other PO. Banks. Laundry. Telephone and fi1x at
VHF Ch 16 for port authorities. Yachts should call Cable and Wireless. Buses and mini-buses to main
up when 10-12M off. towns around Mahe. Ferries to the other major
Dangers Care is needed of the fringing reef in the islands.
final approach.
Note With care Cerf Channel is easily negotiated by Although around half of the inhabitants of Mahe live
day although it is wise to make the first approach in Victoria, (and that amounts to near enough half
through the NE channel. the inhabitants of the Seychelles except for 10,000
Mooring or so), it is still a small place. Nonetheless good
Visiting yachts normally anchor off in the old port yacht facilities can be found here although at a price.
on the E side of lIe Houdoul. It may be possible to It is not a cheap place to buy boating bits or any
get a berth on the yacht club pontoon which has imported items for that matter. It is a convivial
2-2'Sm depths on the outer N side. Charter yachts friendly place and the spell of Seychellois life can
use the pontoon at the Inter-island quay. The soon capture you and keep you here. The Seychelles
bottom in the old port is mud and good holding. were thought to be the original Garden of Eden
Shelter Good shelter in the old port although strong when they were first discovered and although
SE trades can produce a bit of slop when the reef is Seychellois life includes a few of the best of the
below water - bothersome rather than dangerous. Devil's ingredients, the islands and life here still
have something of that mythic quality to them.
Authorities Harbourmaster, customs, health and
The French influence is much in evidence from
immigration are all nearby. The port office is on the
the language to baguettes and croissants in the
SE side of the old harbourlN end of the new
bakeries. The islands were also home to a number of
French pirates in the early 18th century including
Facilities Olivier Le Vasseur nicknamed the 'Buzzard'. He
Water Can be obtained ashore at the Marine was finally caught and executed in Reunion
Charter Association. To fill up tanks it may be although just before his death he threw a scrap of
possible to ask at the charter pontoon off the Inter- paper to the crowd which allegedly contained details
island quay where there is a tap on the pontoon. of where his treasure was buried. A spot at Bel
Fuel There is a fuel dock on the Marine Charter Ombre on Mahe is thought to be where the
pontoon, but depths are 1m or less at low tide. Buzzard's horde is buried and an Englishman,
Enquire about depths before going onto here to pick Reginald Cruise-Wilkins, bought the site and spent
up fuel. Alternatively there is a petrol station in town 40 years searching for the treasure - only to find a
where you can fill jerrycans. For large amounts a few coins.
tanker can be arranged and you will have to
negotiate a berth on the Inter-island quay or in the
commercial harbour. Anchorages around Mahe
Gas Gas bottles can be filled. Enquire at the yacht Sainte Anne Anchor off the SW tip on the W side.
club or the Marine Charter Association. Suitable with NW monsoon.
Note It is wise to stock up on water, fuel and gas here
as facilities are few and far between around the Baie Beau Vallon Suitable with SE trades. Rolly.
islands. Hotels and restaurants ashore.
Repairs A yard at the SE end of the Cerf Channel Anse Major Suitable with SE trades. Good holding
and at the NW end of the airport can haul yachts up on sand.

Baie Ternay Suitable with SE trades. National Anse Possession Suitable in light SE trades.
park. Mooring buoys. Anchoring prohibited. Gusts. Anse Volbert Suitable in light NW monsoon.
Port Launay Suitable with SE trades. National Hotels and restaurants ashore.
Park. Mooring buoys. lie Cun'euse Bay on me SE suitable in NW
Grand Anse Calm weather. Rolly. monsoon. National park. Mooring buoys.
Anse Boileau Calm weather. Rolly.
Baie Lazaire Suitable with NW monsoon. Good
holding on sand. Hotel.
La Digue
La Passe Suitable in SE trades. Coral passage.
Anse Takamaka Calm weather. Rolly.
Limited room to anchor under the mole.
Anse Intendance Calm weather. Rolly. Restaurants.
Baie Police Suitable with light NW monsoon. Poor Grand Anse Suitable in NW monsoon. Rolly.
h olding.
Anse Cocos Suitable in NW monsoon. Rolly.
Anse Royale NW monsoon. Passage through coral For detailed pilotage of these and other
and anchorage in passage. anchorages including me Outer Islands see iLS lies
Seychelles by Alain Rondeau.
Praslin and La Digue
These islands lie just over 20 miles from Victoria
and are the most popular destination for yachts. The
coco de mer with its curious sensuous seed pod grows
on Praslin, though me plant and its seed is now
protected because of me numbers spirited away a~
curios .

Baie Sle Anne Suitable in NW monsoon and light
SE trades. Eyeball navigation necessary through the
reef. Popular with tripper boats.
Grand Anse Suitable in NW monsoon. Difficult
access and restricted depms through me coral.
Baie Chevalier Suitable in SE trades. Sandy
La I>asse 00 La Digue island S<'yclldl~s T(lun'sl Office

Booby Islet

Les Soeurs




" '" Caiman Rocks
~, .. ~
'" hark Rock , 5
Depths in Metres I I
55"50' Nautical Miles
Rodrigues Mauritius
Rodrigues is a relatively high island (around Current situation
400mJ1300ft) lying some 330M E of Mauritius. It is Mauritius is possibly one of the most stable
surrounded by coral reefs with the main harbour of countries in the Indian Ocean. After independence
Pon Mathurin on the NW coast. It is not commonly was gained from Britain in 1968 its politics have
visited by yachts, but those that do call here have been relatively clean and it has functioned as a
been warmly received and speak well of the island. multi-party democracy based on the Westminster
It is administered from Mauritius along with the model. There have been a few scandals, but no more
AlgaJega Islands a long way to the Nand Cargados than have affected European or American
Carajos Reef somewhat closer to Mauritius. politicians. Its economy has also thrived through the
hard work of the inhabitants and efficient
government. The only recent blm on this paradise
o \0
has been riots in 1999 after the arrest of a local
Nautical Miles reggae-style singer.
Documentation and visas
Indian Ocean
Normal ships papers and passports for all crew. No
visa is required and anyone on a visiting yacht in
transit will not require a visa as long as they depart
with the yacht. For others a 3 month visa is granted
on arrival.
Entry fonnalities
A yacht should go first to Port Louis to clear in.
When 12M off call up port control on VHF Ch 16.
The port office keeps a 24 hour listening watch.
When up to the harbour call port control to advise
on your arrival and request permission [Q enter
harbour. You will be directed on where to berth and
pOrt control will also call customs and immigration
to clear you in. There are strict quarantine laws and
all animals on board will be confined to the boat and
Port Mathurin are not allowed ashore.
19°41'S 63°25'E When clearing out yachts must normally return to
Charts BA 715 Port Louis. You will need to purchase a clearing out
Pon Mathurin is approached via either Western or form and stamps from the post office to go on the
Eastern Pass with Western Pass the recommended form. In some cases yachts have been allowed to
one. It should not be approached at night. Call port clear out of Grand Baie.
control on VHF Ch 16 or 2182kHz. The Western Yachts arc nonnally allowed to remain for three
Pass is reported to be buoyed and to have a least months although this appears to be flexible. After
depth of9m. some period the yacht will be deemed liable to
Once up to the port you will be cleared in import tax.
although clearance applies only to Rodrigues and
not to Mauritius as well. Area 1850km' (7 14M' )
Coastline l77km (96M)
Man'time claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
zone 200M.
Population 1>120,000
Capital Port Louis
Time zone UT +4
Language English is the official language bUl French
and Creole are widely spoken.
Religion Hindu 52%. Roman Catholic 26%. Muslim
16·5% .
Public holidays
Jan 1,2 New Year
Mar 12 Independence Day
May I Labour Day
Nov 1 All Saints Day
Dec 25 Christmas


55<E N

-....- :1 Round

,.IV' flW30t29M}'fI8tl

HR. ISM J.. Port louis )


St· Denis
Pte de Bel·alr
J.. Port des Galets


Pitol'l de •
la Foufflaise
Pte de la Tabla
-~-~ Oc{2\6s8M

o 10 20 30 40 50
L'- - - - ' - ,- - - - ' - ,
Nautical Miles


Moveable Telephone and fax calls from the OTS office in

Id El Fitr (Ramadan) POrt Louis. Calls from hotels can be very expensive,
JanlFeb Chinese New Year up to 3 times the going rate.
Jan/Feb Cavadee (Hindu Tamil festival includes body
piercing) Currency The unit is the Mauritius Rupee (MUR)
Mar/Apr Ougadi (Telegu New Year) divided into 100 cents . The currency is stable.
AuglSep Gunesh Chaturthi (Tamil) Banks and exchange Banks will exchange hard
OctfNov Diwali (Hindu Festival of ught) currency and travellers cheques. Cash advances on
GoveT?lment Parliamentary Democracy major credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) . Banks are
Gn'me Low levels of all crime. open 0930- 1430 Mon-Fri and 0930-1130 Sat.
Travel Many of the shops and restaurants take credit and
Internal charge cards.
There arc bus services to most places although Medical care Good medical care is available
services finish early, usually 1700 for out of town although for major problems head for Europe or
services. Taxis are common although agree a price South Africa. The water is potable. Not a malarial
in advance. Taxi trains are share taxis operating area.
along a more or less fixed route. Hire cars and Electn'city 230V 50Hz
International Useful b ooks
Ease Afn'ca Handbook Ed . Michael Hodd. Footprint
There are flights from most East African countries,
from India, and from most European countries. Guides. Has a short section on Mauritius .
Guide to Maun'tius R Ellis. Brandt.
Practicalities Maun'tius, Reunion & Seychelles - a travel survival
Mail Is generally reliable . Mail can be sent Poste kit. Lonely Planet .
Restante to Pan Louis and there is also an Amencan
Express office here. Geography and climate
The coast Mauritius is a high precipitous island of
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code volcanic fonnation. The highest peaks are in the
230. vicinity of 800m (2600ft) and in most places it drops
steeply to the coast. The lower slopes are cu ltivated
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
in sugar cane and sugar remains the principal export usually only last a matter of hours. They are most
of the island. common from December to March.
Coastal waters The island is fringed by coral reefs Mauritius is within the area of the southern Indian
although because the coast drops off quickly to Ocean affected by tropical storms and cyclones
considerable depths there are few real lagoons or occur from November to April, although the most
reef protected anchorages. Most of the coral forms a likely months are December to March. The
shallow bank not far off the coast proper. There are frequency of cyclones is high with a probability of
few natural anchorages although the estuarine flats 11-20 in a 20 year period. Mauritius lies within the
of some of the rivers provide natural shelter. zone where cyclones in the southern Indian Ocean
The bottom is mostly sand or mud with a few tend to start curving to the S from the original
coral heads in places. W-SW path. There are no hurricane holes known in
the island and cruising yachts will normally try to
Climate The climate is tropical, although lying a
fair way S, the winter and summer temperatures do leave the area before the cyclone season.
differ. In winter (May to October) coastal Tides
temperatures are around 22-25°C by day and 16- The tidal range around the island is generally fairly
20°C by night. In summer (November to April) small at 0'3m at springs. Around the coast the tidal
coastal temperatures are around 27-30°C by day streams are not strong, but in some places where the
and 20-24°C by night. Rainfall is spread pretty wa~r shallows in an entrance tidal streams can be
much throughout the year although summer usually stronger, although rarely more than 1 Ihkt.
has the highest rainfall. Currents
Weather Mauritius lies within the South Equatorial Current
Prevailing winds near the coast Although Mauritius setting W-SW at around lkt. Around the coast the
lies in the SE trades, the high island significantly current is deflected, but usually in a straightforward
affects wind strength and direction around its coast. fashion as there are few narrow channels and banks.
The wind hitting the island will flow N or S around
it from the SE corner and also gusts down through
Mauritius is reasonably well charted although care is
valleys. On the W coast of the island there are places
needed with the use of GPS co-ordinates. Entry to
where there will be little wind and others where the
Port St Louis and Grande Baie should be made
wind is deflected to greater strength. There is also a
using eyeball navigation to confirm position and
thermal component with the development of land
dangers. Care is needed around the coast because
and sea breezes which affects the constant SE the depths come up quickly to the coral fringing
trades. In general winds will be easterly, although
depending on the location, they can blow from NE
to SE. Wind speeds are generally 10-20kt, although
in places there will be gusts and in others near Port Louis
Charts BA 713
Month Prevailing Prevailing
at 0600 at 1200 . ·"'.'","";F .'~ Approach
Jan E-SE/60% E-NEI65 % Port Louis is situated on the W coast and the
Feb E-8E160% E-NEI65 % .(,
approach is straightforward with good depths in the
Mar B-SEl70% SE-E-NE/BO% .' , -j
immediate approaches. Close in Fort George, silos
Apri E-SEl75 % E-8E170%
t .'."....
in the harbour and the buildings of Port Louis will
May E-SEl75% E-SElSO% be seen.
Jun E-SElBO% E-SEl85% '11
By night With care a night approach can be made.
Jul E-SElB5%
Use the leading lights on 127°30' Front Fl.R.2s10M
Aug E-SEl8¥1o E-SEl85%
Sep E-SEl75% E-SEl85% Rear Fl.R.3s15M. Mer Rouge Al.Iso.WR.8slOM.
Oct E-8E165% E-SEl70% Entrance buoys Q.G/Q.R.
Nov E-SEl65% E-NEI70% VHF Ch 16 for port control 24124.
Dec E-SEl65% E-NE!70% Dangers There can be a considerable swell in the
Note Figures are for Pamplemousses which is inland approaches although the entrance is safe except in
from Port Louis. Other winds or calms make up the exceptional weather.
remaining frequency.
Gales There are significantly more gales this far S of Mooring
the equator than there are closer to the equator. In Proceed to the NE basin and berth where directed.
general the gale frequency is around 5% through the Shelter Good shelter.
year although this may rise to 8-10% in July to Authorities Immigration, customs and health are all
September. At times the SE trades may get up to nearby. Do not go ashore until cleared in.
30kt or so in the seas around Mauritius, although
this will be for a day or so only. Facilities
Thunderstorms with associated squalls and wind Water In the NE basin.
speeds of 30-40kt occur locally although these Fuel In the NE basin or by jerry can from town.

Depths in M IItrBS

11,0'- - -

Pte Roche Noire *


Grand ,,
Rivet ,,
B.y ,,
'):. FI R.3t:1SM


ll-------------------L----------.N~,~"'~i~~'M""-".~!~ ~

Gas Most gas bottles can be refilled . antecedents can be seen everywhere from the
Repairs Mechanical and engmeermg repairs . architecture to the cuisine and general culture.
Hardware shops. Mauritius has twO claims to fame [hat most people
Provisions Good shopping for all provisions in POT( know of, one concerning an extinction and the other
Louis. Several large supermarkets. a rarity.
Eating out Numerous restaurants nearby, many with The dodo was endemic to Mauritius and Reunion
good seafood cooked Creole style and Indian food. until visiting sailors and early settlers decided it was
You can also get 'international' cuisine, some of it an easy source of food . The bird weighed around
very good. 20kg, couldn't fly , and looked and tasted much like
Other PO. Banks. Hospital. Buses and taxis. pigeon. To make matters worse it laid only a single
egg on a grass nest and consequently the eggs were
General easy prey to humans and introduced species like pigs
Port Louis is the bustling capital of Mauritius with a
and dogs . No dodos have been seen since the Dutch
populatio n of around 150,000. The general
left in 1710.
affluence of Mauritius is reflected here in the range
of shops offering luxury goods at not inconsiderable
prices . Port Louis was established as the capital by
the French in 1735 and its French and later English

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
The rarity is the Mauritian penny red stamp of months on arrival. A yacht can be used for 6 months
which a thousand were mistakenly printed with out of any 12 months here as in France itself. If a
'post office' instead of 'post paid' in 1847. Around yacht is laid up ashore and the owner leaves
15 penny-reds survive worth around USS200,OOO Reunion this time does not coum as part of the 6
each should you discover one lying about. month period allowed.
Entry fonnalities
A yacht must go to Port de la Poime-des-Galets to
Grand Baie clear in. When 12M off call up the capitanerie on
This large bay on the NW of the island is where VHF Ch 16. usually changing to Ch 12. You will be
most yachts make for. It is a touriSt area with directed to a berth and must wait for immigration
numerous hotels and restaurants around the beach. and customs to arrive. Animals on board will need a
There is reported [0 be a yacht club of sorts here. nbies certificate or they will not be allowed ashore.
Yachts can remain in Reunion for 6 months out of
12 months. If you need to stay longer it is best to go
Reunion to Mauritius and then return to Reunion .
Technically the 6 months out of 12 is cumulative,
Current situation but in practice you get another 6 months.
Reunion is a stable dependency of France
(Territoire Outre-Mer) with a Prefect appointed by Data
ATea 25 I Okrn' (969M')
the French government in overall control and a local Coastline 20lkrn (109M)
council which decides on local matters. In all Man·time claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
respects it is a safe place to be. zone 200M.
Documentation and visas Population 618,000
Nonnal ships papers and passports for all crew. No Capital Saint-Denis
Time zone UT +4
visa is required if you are from an EU country. Most Language French . Creole and some English spoken,
other countries do not require visas except for Religion Roman Catholic 94%
Australians. A visa can be easily obtained in Public holidays
Mauritius, but in other nearby countries it can take Jan I New Year
some time. EU and most ocher nationals get 3 May I Labour Day

Dep/hs;n Me/res

FI.R.~ "A
POrl Est L._"",


Port Ouest GAlETS

, ,
Nautiul Miles




May 8 Victory Day compl!titions which gives you an idea of what the
May Ascension seas around here can be like.
Jun Bank Holiday For details on climate, weather, tides and current
Jul 14 Bastille Day
Aug 15 Assumption
see the section under Mauritius.
Nov II Armistice Day
Dec 25 Christmas
Governmenr French rern'wire outre-mer Port-des-Galets (Port de la Pointe
Crime Low levels or all crime. des Galets)
Travel Charts BA 1497
Internal 20 0 55'S 55°17'E
Bus and taxi colkctlfs (share-taxis) serve all island Approach
destinations with an efficient service. Bus timetables The approach to Port des Galets is straightforward
are available in the main centres. Taxis can be found with good depths even quite close to the coast.
in the main centres. Hire cars and motorcycles. Yachts should make for Pon Ouest.
International By night The approaches are well lit and with care a
Flights from some African countries and to France. night approach can be made. Main light Port Ouest
Practicalities Fl(2)6s21M. Leading lights on 102°30' From
Mail Reliable and efficient. Mail can be sem to 2F.R.6M Rear F.R.6M. Entrance Q.R.9MJ
PoSte Restame, Main Post Office, Rue du Marechal, FI.G.4s7M. S basin F.R.
Saint-Denis, Isle du Reunion, Indian Ocean. VHF Ch 16 for capitallcn'elworking Ch 12 .
Telecommunications IDD system. Country code Da'igers There is usually a strong swell setting onto
262. Telephone and fax calls from the post office in the coast which will often be seen as surf.
St-Denis. Public phones use phonecards.
Currency Reunion uses the French Franc.
Banks and exchange Banks will exchange hard
currency and travellers cheques. Cash advances on
major credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) and some
ATMs. Banks are open 1000- 1900 Mon-Sat and
1300- 1900 Sun. Many of the shops and restaurants fF.R
take the major credit and charge cards,
Medical care Good medical care available

although for major problems go to South Africa or

The water is potable and abundant. "
Electricity 220V 50Hz.
Useful books
East A/nca Handbook Ed. Michael Hodd. Footprim
Mauritius, Reunion & Seychelles - a lravel survival
kit. Lonely Planet.
Geography and climate 10
The coast Reunion is a high precipitous island of .R.6M
volcanic origin and still has an active volcano, Piton - 0
de la Foumaise, in the SE of the island. The first
record of an eruption here was in 1640 and it lasted
10 years. The last eruption was in 1992. The highest
point of the island is Piton des Nieges in the middle
of the island at 3069m (10,069ft) and Foumaise in 10
the SE at 2631m (B63 2ft) . This makes the island OFG
easily visible from some distance off although cloud
frequently obscures the higher ground. Like
Mauritius much of the island is cultivated in sugar
Coastal waters The island has some coral reef
around it close to the coast as at Mauritius. There Depths in Metres
are no enclosed natural anchorages and the
harbours and anchorages used around the island can
be subject [0 heavy swell depending on wind and sea

conditions. In fact Reunion is a venue for surfing PORT-OES-GAlETS: PORT OUEST -$-20 0 55'.45 55° 17··3E

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Where directed . Yachts proceed into the long 5

basin where mere are S- S'Sm depms. To clear in ""d'
Comoro .
you may be requested to go to one of me N basins . Moroni Karthala
Shelter All-round.
Authorities Harbourmaster. customs, health and Dembeni COMOROS
Mutsamgjd, .
Facilities ~mboni AnJouan
Water In the yacht basin.
Fuel Can be arranged in the yacht basin.


Gas Most gas bottles can be refilled.

Repairs Mechanical and engineering repairs.
Hardware shops in St-Denis.
Provisions Some provisions can be obtained but you o, 50
, 1
are better off going into St-Denis to shop. Nautical Miles
Eatirlg out Several restaurants with Creole and other
Other For most things like banking,
telecommunications and the like you will have to go
around the islands are clear and rich in marine life.
into 5t-Denis. There is a reliable bus and share-taxi The diving is reported to be excellent.
For detailed pilotage on the islands refer to East
General Africa Pl10t by Delwyn McPhun.
The area is a fairly grim port and industrial area with
little [0 recommend it except the secure yacht
berths. The coast is black basalt onto which a heavy Moroni
surf pounds so it is difficult to go swimming. Charts BA 563
St-Gilles Moroni on the W coast of Grande Cornaro is the
port of entry for the islands. The approach is
There is reponed to be a harbour used by yachts straightforward as depths are considerable all
here at the entrance to the river. Numerous around the island with only a little coral around
restaurants and hotels here where the coaSt has some parts of the coast.
some beaches.

Depths in MerrilS
Comoros 20
The Comoros are made up of the other three islands

of the four-island Comoros archipelago which
includes Mayotte. The Comoros achieved
independence in 1975 from France. Since \ ,,
independence the names of me islands have been
5 ,,
changed from Grand Comoro to Njazidja, Moheli
to Mwali and Anjouan to Nzwani. but most people
still refer to them by the old names. The islands are
not particularly stable with a corrupt and precarious
government and numerous coups have been 5
mounted and bloody retribution exacted when one
or other faction has won. The last coup attempt was
in 1996 led by the French mercenary Bob Denard
who has been on the Comoros scene before,
although mis attempt was less successful and the
French arrived in force to restore order and return
Denard to France for trial. Moroni
The poverty, restless political situation and
fundamentalist rule from ruling parries (shariya law
was recently introduced) makes the Comoros
somewhat unstable in the region, but nonetheless it
is visited by yachts as a convenient stepping-stone o, (
between east Africa and Madagascar. The islands Metres
are spectacular granite outcrops and the waters
MORONI -$- 11 0 42'S 43°14'·3E
By night Leading lights on 105° Front Q.R.7M Rear Dzaoudzi
Q.R.7M. Also a Q.I0M near the inner basin. A
Charts BA 2741, 2744
night approach is not recommended.
Tides Tidal range 3·8m at springs. Approach
The main pass is through Passe M'Zamboro which
Mooring is about a mile wide between Nand NE reefs. The
Anchor off in 5-15m where shown. For reasons of pass and the channel to Dzaoudzi is buoyed and has
security it is best not to go on the mole although leading marks to get you through. Depths are
depths look adequate off the end. generally 10m plus.
Shelter An open anchorage suitable in the S By night Although the leading marks (with the
monsoon although it is reported to be exception of the first set) and the buoys are lit, a
uncomfortable with a considerable ground swell. night approach is not recommended for the first
Authorities Port captain, customs and immigration in time through here.
town. You can buy a visa on arrival. There are Tides Just over 3m range at springs. The
numerous unofficial 'fees' so negotiate how you will. comparatively shallow waters of the lagoon mean
Facilities that tidal streams can reach 3kt at springs although
Water Near the quay in the inner basin. usually less.
Fuel By jerrycan from town. VHF Ch },6 for the capitanerie.
Provisions Reasonable shopping for basics, bread, Dangers Care is needed not to stray from the access
and fruit and vegetables. channel as the lagoon is peppered with coral heads.
Eating out Local restaurants in town.
Other PO. Banks. Taxis and hire cars. Internal Mooring
flights to the other islands and international flights In the S monsoon (SE trades) anchor on the N side
to Paris, South Africa, Dar es Salaam, Madagascar of Dzaoudzi. In the N monsoon anchor on the S
and Mauritius. side of Dzaoudzi.
Authorities Harbourmaster, customs and
General immigration at Dzaoudzi. Visiting yachts are usually
Although the town is a fascinating spot to stop over allowed to stay for 3 months on entry.
at, the reports of most cruising yachts talk more of
the uncomfortable anchorage, venal officials and Facilities
persistent requests for fees or baksheesh. This is no Water On the quay. Reported potable but check
reflection on the inhabitants which away from first.
Moroni are said to be friendly and welcoming or the Fuel By jerry can from town. For duty-free fuel there
island itself, which if you get to explore it, is said to is a quay.
be spectacular. Different yachts have had widely Gas Most gas bottles can be filled.
disparate experiences here so I suggest you try it for Repairs There are reported to be places to dry out
yourself, but with some street-wise suss. alongside the quay. Mechanical and engineering
For information and pilotage for Grande Comoro repairs. Hardware shops.
and the other islands see East Africa Pilot by Delwyn Provisions Good shopping for provisions. Many
McPhunn. items are imported and prices are accordingly high.
Many hard-to-find items including good wines and
spirits from France and all sorts of tinned delicacies.
Baguettes and croissants in the bakeries.
Mayotte Eating out Good restaurants in Pamandzi with
Mayotte, although geographically and ethnically a French food available as well as Creole, Indian and
part of the Comoros, voted not to join the other Chinese!
islands when they opted for independence and Other PO. Banks. Laundry. Free ferry ('the barge')
remains a territoire outre-mer of France. This means across to Mamoudzou.
that it gets a good deal of aid from the parent
country and consequently it is wealthier and General
generally more accessible for Europeans. Yachts Dzaoudzi is the small islet off the W side of Pamanzi
must go to Dzaoudzi to clear in, but a glance at the and is largely occupied by the military. The bulk of
chart shows there are numerous other possible the population lives in Pamanzi and Mamoudzou
anchorages inside the barrier reef which encircles opposite on Grande Terre. The place is something
most of the island. of a haven, albeit an expensive one, with an ordered
For detailed pilotage refer to East Africa Pilot by life guaranteed by the French military and shops
Delwyn McPhun. sporting all sorts of goods out of Europe. The
French franc is the currency here and between the
freshly baked baguettes and imported French wines,
it is a welcome respite in this part of the world.

Indian Ocean Cruising GUIde
Depths in Metros

Pssss M'Zsmboro



A'1 \ ,0;.
MAVOTTE tl...'C lOV .12M.
o (I, lie
J.. " Pamanzi
Oz30udzI Di
J... . ~ V~lG.8M

o ,
Naul!e.1 Milos


Calendar of the Winds

The Mahorais of Mayotte measure the year by the season. The sea is calm, there is little rain and there
winds. are lots of festivals, marriages and social occasions.
Kashkazi N monsoon from November to March. Myombeni Wind veers to the W in the inter-
This is the 'bad' season when the seas are rough, it monsoon period from September to October. Rain
rains a lot and cyclones may hit the island as they showers start.
did in 1984 and 1987.
Maculahi Inter-monsoon period between April and
May. Wind is generally benign and from the E.
Kusi S monsoon from June to August - the 'happy'

For further information on the intricacies of entry
Madagascar and exit see East Africa Pilot by Delwyn McPhun.
Current situation Data
Under Didier Ratsiraka who controlled the country Area 587,040km2 (226,657M2). The fourth largest
from 1975 to 1991, effectively as a totalitarian island in the world.
regime, Madagascar was something of a no-go area Coastline 4828km (2607M)
for yachts and tourists in general. He established a Maritime claims Territorial 12M. Exclusive economic
quasi-socialist state that was actively supported by zone 200M.
Population 11,942,000
the USSR and North Korea. This period was
Capital Antananarivo
notable for riots, violence, corruption and attempted Time zone UT+3
coups. With the breakup of the eastern bloc in 1989 Language French and Malagasy official. limited
Ratsiraka accepted that the end was nigh and a English spoken.
referendum in 1992 ushered in elections. In the Religion Indigenous (including animist) beliefs 52%.
1993 elections Ratsiraka was defeated and Christian 41 %. Muslim 7%.
Madagascar got its first democratically elected Public holidays
president for 30 years. So far the transition to Jan 1 New Year
democracy has been smooth, but elements of the Mar 29 Independence Day
military which supported Ratsiraka remain and the MarlApr Easter
May 1 Labgur Day
country cannot be described as stable just yet. This
MaylJun Ascension
is no reflection on the Malagasy people who are Jun 26 Independence Day
generally honest and friendly souls. The visitor to Aug 15 Assumption
Madagascar will be safe although it is wise to Nov 1 All Saints Day
remove all gear from the deck, take precautions in Dec 25 Christmas
some areas (particularly the SW) and be prepared Dec 30 Republic Day
for some corruption by officials which seems to have Government Democratic Republic (since 1992 in
survived from Ratsiraka's era. If there are any practice)
rumours involving the military it would be wise to Crime Moderate levels of crime. Attention should be
investigate further and possibly leave. In some areas paid to where and when you wander around some
areas. Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in
it is unwise to wander around at night.
the world.
Documentation and visas Travel
Normal ship's papers and a valid passport for all
crew members must be carried. Proof of cholera and To get any distance it is best to travel by air. Air
yellow fever vaccinations are required if arriving Madagascar owned partly by the government and
from Africa. Last port clearance papers are required.
partly by Air France serves around 50 destinations
Carry some passport photos and a lot of crew lists.
on the island. A train service runs from Atananarivo
All visitors require a visa. It is best to have a visa
to Tamatave with branch lines. It is slow but
before arrival although one can be obtained on
comfortable. Buses serve most areas but they are
arrival. Visas can be obtained in the Comoros, overcrowded and the roads are appalling with less
Mayotte, South Africa, Reunion and Mauritius. If
than 10% paved. For short distances there are taxis
you do not have a visa then you will likely have to
(taxi-be) and mini-buses (taxi-brousse). There are
pay more for one when you arrive and perhaps an
hire cars (expensive) in some places and also hire
'administration' fee as well. Visas are issued for 3
motorbikes and bicycles. There are ferry services to
months. islands like Nosy Be.
Entry fonnalities
A yacht should go first to a port of entry. These are
From Europe there is really only Aeroflot from
at Diego Suarez (Antisiranana), Hell-ville (Adoany)
Moscow and Air Madagascar from Paris. From
on Nosy Be, Maharjanga, and Toliara. When 12M
Africa and the surrounding islands there are services
off call up port control on VHF Ch 16 to advise of including South Mrica, Malawi, Kenya, Comoros,
your arrival although do not expect to always get an
Seychelles, Reunion and Mauritius. Flights are in
general quite expensive.
The clearing in procedure appears to vary from
port to port as do the charges for clearing and out. Practicalities
Hell-ville is probably the most popular port for Mail Unreliable. It is best not to have mail sent
visiting yachts to clear in at although the here, especially packages which may go missing. Get
administration here is not always popular. At Hell- it sent to South Africa or elsewhere along the way
ville in addition to the normal visa you are required where you might stop.
to buy a transit visa and pay 'administration' costs. Telecommunications Generally primitive and
The latter are subject to some haggling. Clear in unreliable. There are a few public telephones and
with immigration and the harbourmaster. You will the PO, but you will often have difficulty getting a
be required to purchase a cruising permit and also line out.
pay port dues.

Indian Ocean Crnising Guide
CUt"t"e7lcy The unit is the Malagasy Franc (MGF). Electricity Usually 220V but liOV in rural areas.
All currency must be declared when entering. When
Useful books
leaving the amount of currency and the currency
East Africa Handbook Ed. Michael Hodd. Footprint
exchange slips must tally. MGF cannot be exported
Guides. Covers Madagascar.
and you cannot change it back to hard currency.
Dancing With The Dead: A JOUnley Through
The currency is not the most stable and there have
Zanzibar and Madagascar H Drysdale. Hamish
been arguments with the IMF on its valuation.
Banks and exchange Banks will change hard
currency or travellers cheques mto MGF. Geography and climate
Commission rates vary so look around. Some banks The coast Madagascar is not of volcanic origin like
(BankynyIndostria-Credit Lyonnais Madagascar some of the smaller islands nearby, but is thought to
(BNI)) will give cash advances on major credit be a pan of the African continent which drifted
cards. Banks are open 0800-1100 and 1400-1600 apart over time. The topography of the island is
Mon-Fri. Few places accept credit cards. The US quite different from the E to W coasts. The E coast
dollar is the preferred currency to carry although is relatively straight with little in the way of natural
French francs or SA rand are usually accepted. indentations. The W coast is more irregular with
some small islands off the coast and deep sheltered
Medical care Poor. There are a few foreign clinics
bays and is the most popular coast to cruise around.
around, but in general the best policy is to get out of
The most favoured area is the NW coast around
Madagascar. Water is generally potable but check
Nosy Be where there are more than enough
first as in some places it is not. Madagascar is a
anchorages to choose from. The SW coast is
malarial area and the appropriate prophylactics
generally sandy and arid.
should be taken.

Deplhs In Me/res

hes Glorieuses

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From the coast the land rises up to a central of gale force winds at around 5% between May and
plateau and then to the mountain ridge (maximum October. Winds often reach Force 7 which is not
elevation 2880ml9360ft) lying closer to the E coast represented in the 5% frequency giving a much
than to the W. The island has been extensively higher likelihood of strong winds accompanied by a
cleared for agriculture, but natural rainforest lumpy sea which makes the sea area uncomfortable
remains in pockets and is home to Madagascar's to sail through at this time.
many unique species of flora and fauna. Madagascar is within the sea area affected by
Coastal waters Most of the coast is fringed by a tropical storms and cyclones which can occur from
shallow bank that extends out a considerable November to April, although December to March
distance in places. There are extensive fringing coral are the worst months. Typical cyclone tracks can
reefs off much of the coast and around the islands move across Madagascar towards the SW and often
and islets. curve back down through the Mozambique
The bottom is mostly mud with some sand and Channel. The frequency of cyclones is high with a
coral in places. The diving off some of the offshore probability of 6-10 every 20 years over the island
reefs is reported to be superb. and a higher probability on the E coast.
Climate The climate is tropical although over such Tides
a large island it varies significantly. A temperature of The tidal range around the island is high on the W
-8°C has been recorded in the mountains. Around coast and much lower on the E coast. The
the coast temperatures in the summer (Nov-Apr) Mozambique Channel amplifies the tidal effect and
are around 29°-31°C on the E coast and 24°-26°C can produce strong tidal streams over enclosed
on the W coast. Around the NW coast temperatures waters around the coastal bank. Around Mahajunga
are generally higher at 31°-32°C in the summer and and Nosy Be the tidal range at springs is 3·8m.
28°-32°C in winter although they can fall to Where the tidal stream meets a contrary current
15°-19°C at night. overfalls can be experienced.
Rainfall varies dramatically from coast to coast
and N to S. On the E coast rainfall is very heavy for The South Equatorial current divides when it hits
most of the year with 4000mm average at Madagascar to flow Nand S around the island on
Maroansetra in the N. The W coast has a the E coast. Where the current curves around the N
pronounced dry season from May to October. and S ends of the island the current can be strong
However the NW coast has a higher average rainfall and rates of 4kt have been recorded and close to the
than the W coast further S. The SW of the island land rates of 8kt have been reported. With the SE
gets very little rain and is arid. trades blowing this can give rise to confused seas. In
Weather the Mozambique Channel the current sets SW on
Prevailing winds near the coast Although the African side and generally N-NE on the
Madagascar lies within the area that the SE trades Madagascar side. Around the W coast of
blow over, land and sea breezes play an important Madagascar the currents close inshore vary
part in the equation. On both the Wand E coasts considerably and there will often be an onshore set
land and sea breezes are well developed and either and rates can be appreciable through narrow
augment or detract from the SE trades between May channels.
to October. This means you need to take some care
over where you anchor as an offshore breeze will Madagascar is not well charted and there are
later tum around to an onshore breeze. The SE numerous reports of reefs and banks extending
trades are strong at the southern end of the island further than shown and some inconsistency over
and decrease in strength and become variable in
depths close inshore. GPS should be used cautiously
direction as they blow over the land. The exception and close to land or dangers to navigation eyeball
is over the NW coast where the SE trades pick up navigation is essential. On average GPS positions
again at the top of the island and are reliable and
are out by something like -0'2' latitude and
quite strong off the N end of Madagascar.
+0'5'/-0'7' longitude.
Between November and April NW winds blow
over the northern half of the island, generally at less
strength than the SE trades. At the N end of
Madagascar the ITCZ affects it between January to Harbours and anchorages
February and there can be squalls and rain for Many of the anchorages useful for yachts are not
periods. well charted and for detailed pilotage reference
Gales In general the frequency of gales is relatively should be made to East Africa Pilot by Delwyn
low throughout the year at 1-2%. This does not take McPhun published by Imray.
into account wind gusting down valleys and high
winds associated with squalls which make the actual
frequency seem higher. To the NE of Madagascar
there is an area between the N end and N of the
Farquhar group which sees a much higher frequency

indian Ocean Cmisi,lg Guide


• •
o •
Fair Bro/hers

NosV r--?

S8k8tia ~ No",

,I; •
Amp8ngo 0




o 10
Shcnl, and (eefs 110/ ,howlI



NWCoast and shoal water in the passage between Nosy Be

and Nosy Komba. You should have someone up
Most yachts make for Nosy Be and surrounding high conning you through.
anchorages when visiting Madagascar. The area is a
ready-made cruising ground and conveniently Mooring
placed between Chagos and the Seychelles Anchor off in lO- 15m. There are usually other
archipelago and South Africa. yachts in here to advise on where to go. The bottom
is mud and good holding.
Shelter Good shelter although the land breeze at
Nosy Be night and in the early morning can make it a bit
Charts BA 706 bumpy - uncomfonable rather than dangerous.
Yachts clearing into Madagascar should head for Authon·ties Port captain, cu stoms and immigration.
Hell-ville/Adoney on the S end of Nosy-Be. Some Clearing in fees seem to vary considerably so take
care is needed over the shoal water off the N end of advice from any yachts already here.
Nosy-Be and of the reefs and shoals in the channel
between Nosy-Be and Nosy Komba. Facilities
Water Reported to be unpotable.
Fuel On the quay.
Hell-Ville (Adoney) Gas Most gas bottles can be filled here .
R epairs Basic mechanical and engineering skills.
Charts BA 706
Provisiolls Most basics and excellent fruit and
Approach vegetables in town. Good spices including vanilla,
Approach should be made from the S to avoid the cinnamon, and cloves.
reef and shoal water between Hell-ville and Crater Eating out Local restaurants serving stewy things or
Bay. A red buoy marks the E extremity of the reef bredes. Some seafood available.
but cannot be relied on. Once at the! entrance to the Other PO. Banks. Buses and taxi-brousses. Ferry to
bay the buildings of Hell-ville are clearly visible. the mainland at Antsahampano.
By night A first time night approach should not be General
made. Leading lights on 021 0 From FI.G Rear FI.G. H ell-ville was named after the French Admiral de
The buoy marking the end of the reef may be lit Hell and not for its location. The old colonial town
FI.R. is in a state of disrepair, like much else in
Tides Around 3·5m range at springs. Madagascar. but it has a sleepy charm for all that.
VHF Ch 16 for port authorities. Other yachts in the The main tourist area is around the beaches at
anchorage may be on Ch 16 or 69. Ambetoloaka on the SW coast of Nosy Be.
I. Care is needed of the reef between Crater Bay
and Hell-ville.
2. If coming from the E care is n eeded of the reefs Nosy Be [)dUlY " M,P/ulII

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Nearby anchorages South Africa

Crater Boy Lies just W of Hell-ville separated by
the fringing reef. Good anchorage. Hotels and Since the remarkable transition to democracy under
restaurants ashore. Nelson Mandela, South Africa has developed its
nascent yachting industry to become an important
Nosy Sakatia The island off the W coast. Yachts force on the yachting scene. On the African
anchor in the channel. Good shelter. continent it offers the best facilities going for yacht
Nosy Komba Anchor off the village on the NE. repair and care. After the somewhat primitive
Anchorage looks to be exposed. facilities to be found elsewhere in the region, this is
Tanikely Anchor off the E coast. Exposed. the place to do all those important jobs you have
Nosy Mamoko Anchorage under the island on the been putting off for lack of expertise or spares and
W side of Ampasindava Bay. materials.
Ambararata Bay Anchor in cove on the W. Those cruising westabout around the bonom of
Mrica will probably head for Durban or Richards
Russian Bay Large sheltered bay. Suitable Bay before proceeding around the coast towards
hurricane hole. Capetown. For detailed infonnation on South
Most of this infonnation comes from disparate and Africa consult the current South African Nautical
often brief scribbled notes from other cruising Almanac by Tom Morgan available in South Africa
yachts. For detailed pilotage refer to East Africa Pilot or from Imrays.
by Delwyn McPhun which contains infonnation on
these and numerous other anchorages he has visited Documentation and visas
in Madagascar. Nonnal boats papers and a valid passport for all
crew members must be carried. Proof of vaccination
against yellow fever is needed.
Yachts arriving in South Africa are regarded as
being in transit and a transit pass is issued. This
means you cannot travel out of the port or city/town
you are in. If you want to travel inland you must sign
off the boat and obtain a visitors visa. A 3 month

Moroni Comoros
f. Pemba •• Antisintnana

ANGOLA nta!lIh

, - /-oOlanaro

,.-, ,
LE~O!HO Durban
Atlant ic

Ocean SOUTH AFRICA . East London Indian Ocean

,-.~.J'"p'oort Elizaboth

Depfhs in Melres


Souch Africa

visitors' visa is issued free to most foreign nationals Durban

including Americans and Canadians, Australasians, Charts BA 2088, 577
and EU members. You may be required to show
proof of sufficient funds or an onward ticket before Approach
a visitors visa is granted, although this does not The approach is straightforward and free of dangers.
usually apply to the owner and family. Conspicuous The tall buildings of Durban are easily
Entry formalities identified from some distance off and closer in the
When 12M off call up Durban Harbour Radio on harbour breakwaters and entrance will be seen.
VHF Ch 16 or 2182kHz and request permission to There are often workboats and rugs coming and
enter harbour. At busy harbours like Durban you going which makes the entrance easy to identify.
may be asked to stand off if commercial traffic is By night The approaches are well lit making a night
entering or leaving harbour. Request permission to approach straightforward.
clear customs, health and immigration and follow Main light (Anglo~American Building) Fl.7s25M
the instructions given to you. If you are coasting Holiday Inn F.8M
berween South African harbours you must still clear The Bluff Aero F.R.5M
Entrance Fl(2)5s6M1Fl.G.3s6M
with customs on each occasion. Leading lights on 215°30' Fro/lllso.R.2s12M Rear
On entry you will be directed to a quay, in Durban Oc.4s14M
the International Jetty, where clearance with
Tides Tidal range around 2m at springs. Although
customs, health and immigration will be arranged.
not large this can give a 3 '/2 kt stream flowing out
In general the harbour authorities are helpful to
visiting yachts. and 2'/2kt stream fl owing in at springs .
VHF Ch 16 for Durban Harbour Radio usually
changing to Ch 12.

Depth In Metres


.,... 20

Internat ional
..):£!!!!..+"~ 10

RNYC . ./ ' I
Sand )"~"'" '2
-... ................,
- ~.,

Wh." ".

Salisbury I

, ,,
,, 20

o 2
Nautical M ile$.

DURBAN -$- 29°51' .95 31 c 03'·9E

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Dangers and buses. International flights and internal flights
1. Care is needed of commercial traffic entering and to Johannesburg where connections can be made for
leaving the harbour. Commercial traffic has right most international destinations.
of way and you may be asked to stand off for a
while. Durban is a huge modem bustling city, a bit like a
2. With strong SW winds there can be an vision of the future in a sci-fi novel after some of the
appreciable swell in the approaches.
more simple places nearby. The noise and flurry of
Mooring activity can take some getting used to although it
Visiting yachts normally stay on the International makes a pleasant interlude for most with so much to
Jetty where it is possible to stay for up to 3 months do and see: eat in different restaurants, go to the
if there is room. The berths are administered by the movies, go shopping, accept invitations to braais, go
Yacht Basin Development and Mooring Association on safari or just sight-seeing, maybe even do a bit of
(yBDMA) whose office is close by. The berths here work on the boat.
are most convenient being right in the middle of
Shelter Good all-round shelter. Passage around the Cape
Authorities YBDMA. PO Box 2946, Durban 4000. The passage around the Cape is one to be treated
'U' (031) 301 5425 Fax (031) 307 2590. with respect. If you are in Durban then it is
If you need to stay longer or decide to move recommended you approach the Ocean Saiijng
elsewhere there may be berths at the following Academy (near the International Jetty) where
clubs. seminars are conducted on the passage around the
Point Yacht Club PO Box 2224, Durban 4000. cape. Often these will be taken by Chris Bonnet, a
'U' (031) 301 4787 Fax (031) 305 1234. well known sailor in the area.
Royal Natal Yacht Club PO Box 2946, Durban There are few places to stop on the passage to
4000. 'U' (031) 301 5325/6 Fax (031) 307 2590. Capetown and the Atlantic. The following brief
Bluff Yacht Club PO Box 21084, Fynnland, 4020. notes give you an idea of what to expect, but they
'U' (031) 466 1386. must be fleshed out from local advice and the
seminars at the Ocean Sailing Academy.
Point Yacht Club and the Royal Natal Yacht Club
have pontoon berths while Bluff Yacht Club has Durban to East London. Around 250 miles with
mostly moorings. All of them have a clubhouse with no really safe anchorages or harbours en-route.
a restaurantlbar and club get-togethers are very East London to Port Elizabeth. Around 125
social affairs. They can also be used as a mailing miles.
address (mark letters 'hold until arrival'). They are Port Elizabeth to Knysna Lagoon. Around 175
all welcoming to visiting yachtsmen/women. miles. Difficult entrance and 2m max draught.
Knysna Lagoon to Mossel Bay. Around 45 miles.
Facilities Mossel Bay to False Bay. Around 200 miles.
Durban has extensive facilities of every kind and There are numerous marinas and anchorages
only a few are listed here. For more information around False Bay.
refer to South African Nautical Almanac. False Bay to Capetown. Around 50 miles.
Services Water nearby at the YBDMA. Water and After Mossel Bay there are some anchorages
electricity at Point Yacht Club and Royal Natal under headlands and a number of fishing harbours.
Yacht Club. Shower and WC at all clubs. Consult the current edition of South African Nautical
Fuel On the quay. Almanac.
Gas Most gas bottles can be refilled by Natal Gas For most people the worst bit of the trip is Durban
Supplies. to Port Elizabeth or Mossel Bay. The Agulhas
Repairs There are three boatyards at Bayhead at the Current runs strongly down the coast and when (not
NW end of the harbour. Marina Yacht Lift has a 22- if) a SW buster comes through the wind against the
ton travel-hoist. Dorbyl and Elgin can crane or slip current raises steep waves. Twenty metre waves
yachts. Yachts can also be hauled at Bluff Yacht have been regularly recorded. The advice most
Club. All yachts repairs are catered for in Durban receive is to set off into the end of a SW buster when
including specialist GRP and wood repairs, the barometer has just started rising. If you wait
sailmaking (North and Doyle have lofts), aluminium until the NE arrives after a SW blow then you will
welding, and liferaft servicing. Most spares and have lost time. Yachts usually stay around 10-12
yacht equipment are available or can be ordered. miles off the coast where the Agulhas current can
Chandlers and hardware shops. give them up to a 4kt boost in the right direction,
Provisions Excellent shopping for all provisions in though usually less. If a southerly blow should come
town. through yachts head in towards the coast where
Eating out Restaurants of all types and classifications there is less current and therefore less sea.
from pizza to Chinese to posh French.
Other PO. Banks. ATMs. Telephone and fax Ocean Sailing Academy, 38 Fenton Road, Durban
services. Courier services. Laundry. Hire cars. Taxis 4001. 'U' (031) 301 5726/66/67 Fax (031) 307
Mozambique, Tanzania and Zanzibar
with the attempted coup by officers of the Air Force
Mozambique, Tanzania and in 1982 and since then there has been increasing
suppression of opposition parties, corruption that
Zanzibar has crippled the whole infrastructure of the country,
The east African coast from South Africa to Kenya and a general repression of the population that has
is little cruised by yachts, but by all accounts it offers led to some instability. Allegations of human rights
some superb sights ashore and excellent diving. The abuses and vote rigging have been made by a
weather can be boisterous at times and tides and number of international organisations. The country,
currents are considerable, but then to get to once the most prosperous in Africa, now has very
comparatively untrammelled cruising areas requires real poverty and in places theft and muggings make
an element of risk and the desire to explore badly it dangerous to go into certain areas after dark.
charted areas. Anyone cruising the coast will need a At the present time there is a risk of riots and
copy of East Africa Pilot by Delwyn McPhun which violence between tribal groups which mean you
will take some of the pain away from getting to should avoid certain areas and stick to well travelled
harbours and anchorages and provide a lot of routes. For the most part the coastal area north of
interesting tid-bits on life and sights around the Mombasa is one of the safest areas to be and
coast. yachtsmen have few problems here. For the future it
would be wise to keep an eye on the situation in
Kenya and consult others who have recently been
Mozambique there.
After the madness of the civil war here between the Documentation and visas
government (Frelimo) and the resistance (Renamo) Normal boats papers and a valid passport for all
sponsored by South Africa, things are reported to be crew members must be carried. Yellow fever and
on the mend. The country cannot be described as cholera certificates may be requested. The clearance
stable ju~t yet, but neither is it in a state of flux any papers from your last port of call will also be
more since an accommodation was reached between requested.
Frelimo and Renamo in 1992. Since then things A visa will be issued at the port of entry and is
have improved greatly although there is still much valid for 3 months. This can be extended for
poverty and isolated incidents from bandits. For the another 3 months. When you leave and re-enter a
most part cruising yachts will know nothing of this new visa will be issued. The charge for a visa is
as the coastal regions are rarely affected. around $50 per person, although this comparatively
recent charge may be dropped if tour operators have
their way.
Tanzania and Zanzibar
Although Zanzibar is a part of Tanzania, it largely Entry and exit formalities
has self-rule and its own elections. A yacht cruising A yacht must first go to a port of entry. From the S
from the Tanzanian coast to Zanzibar will have to these are Shimoni, Mombasa, Kilifi, and Lamu.
clear in with immigration although only a Tanzanian Along the coast you may be called up by the navy if
visa is needed for both Tanzania and Zanzibar. This they spot you and asked to identify yourself. At the
area is redolent of spices. and trading dhows and old port of entry you must report to customs and
myths and the cruising is described as superb. There immigration within 24 hours. You will be issued
are more than enough anchorages to visit within with a transire which states what your next port is
short distances and Tanzania as a whole has one of and that you are not carrying cargo or passengers. At
the most stable governments in Africa, although each subsequent port you are required to present the
there have been some rumblings of discontent and a transire and obtain clearance to the next port. At
desire for independence in Zanzibar. present there is no charge for clearing in and for a
transire, but given the recent introduction of high
Further reading visa charges, there may soon be a charge for the
East African Handbook Ed. Michael Hodd. transire. A charge is made for light dues and port
Footprint Guides. Excellent guide. dues, but these are a matter of dollars rather than
East Africa Lonely Planet. tens of dollars. When you leave the country the
receipts for light and port dues must be presented
before you will be given clearance.
Kenya Data
Area 580,370km' (224,082M')
Current situation Population 28,261,000
The re-election of Daniel arap Moi in 1997 Capital Nairobi
continues the rule of the KANO party which has Time zone UT+3
been continuously in power since independence and Language English and Swahili. Numerous other ethnic
the first elections in 1963. Moi came to power in languages.
1978 on the death of Kenyatta and at first seemed to Ethnic divisions Kikuyu 21 %, Luo 15%, Luhya 14%,
usher in a period of greater freedom. That ended Kalenjin 11 %, Kamba 11 %, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%,
others 16%.

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide


_ Mogadishu



Buur Gaabo

TANZANIA Indian Ocean

d Mafial

Kitwa Kivinje
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Religion Roman Catholic 30%, Protestant 40%. customs so it can take a while before you are notified
Public holidays a parcel has arrived. It may be better to use a courier
Jan 1 New Year like DHL or Federal Express to get parcels out to
May 1 Labour Day Mombasa.
Jun 1 Madaraka Day (Independence)
Mail can be sent to Poste Restante at any main
Oct 10 Moi Day
Oct 20 Kenyatta Day post office, although if you can, get mail sent to a
Dec 12 Independence Day private address.
Dec 25, 26 Christmas Telecommunications IDD system. Country code
Moveable 254. The telecommunication system is generally
Easter. good and you can usually get through without too
Govermnent Democratic Republic. The KANU party much hassle. International calls can be made from
has ruled since independence. public call boxes with a phonecard. Charges are
Crime The larger centres like Nairobi and Mombasa
have a bad reputation for theft and muggings.
typically around $4 a minute to Europe or the USA.
Basically you should not carry any expensive items Calls can be made from hotels but charges are
like a camera or camcorder, jewellery, and do not typically double those from a call box or the PO.
carry large amounts of cash with you. Confidence Faxes can be sent from the PO or a bureau in
tricksters will regale you with hard luck stories and Mombasa.
gangs often work a pick-pocket routine involving Currency The unit is the Kenyan shilling (KSH)
bumping into you or diverting your attention so that which is divided into 100 cents. With the political
other members can relieve you of valuables. It is
turmoil in recent years the KSH has not been stable
unwise to go into certain areas after dark and best to
avoid some areas even in the daytime. Do not leave and has progressively devalued against major
any loose items on deck and in Mombasa it would be currencies. $US are accepted in many places or are
wise to hire a recommended watchman. For most of easily changed.
the coast there will be few problems, but nonetheless Banks and exchange In Mombasa there are banks
be aware that theft does occur. which will change travellers cheques and cash. You
Travel can get cash advances on American Express and it
Internal may be possible to do so on Visa in Mombasa.
Good air and rail connections. Road connections Banking hours are 0800-1300 Mon-Fri and
are generally OK although the roads are falling to 0830-1100 Sat.
pieces. A black market exists but the rate is hardly worth
it, being only marginally better than at the bank and
Air Kenya Airways has regular flights between
it is also illegal. There are also scams where you go
Nairobi and Mombasa and Kisumu. There may also
around the back of a building to change money and
be flights from Nairobi to Lamu.
find yourself relieved of it without obtaining KSH in
Rail A good if sedate train connects Mombasa and return.
Nairobi. Charge cards like American Express and Diners are
Coach and bus Regular buses connect Mombasa and widely accepted by hotels and upmarket restaurants
Nairobi. It pays to take a more up-market bus. Local and shops. Credit cards like Visa are accepted in
buses connect most places, especially along the some places and Mastercard is hardly accepted at all.
coast. Medical care Is reasonable in large cities like
Matatus and Peugeots Matatus are almost any vehicle Mombasa and Nairobi where good doctors can be
which operates as a share-taxi. They operate along found. In the country medical care is poor. Care is
more or less one route and are fast and sometimes needed of malaria which is rife in this part of the
lethal. Peugeot estates are a little more up-market world. More tourists get malaria in East Africa than
than a matatu and are a quick and relatively in any other part of the world. Sexually transmitted
comfortable way of getting around on longer routes. diseases including HIV are also widespread
Car hire Relatively expensive and an alarming throughout Kenya.
experience. Drivers in Kenya say that they don't Care must be taken with the water in most places
stop because they might be robbed, so everyone as Hepatitis A is common and can be caught from
ignores traffic lights, stop signs, any signs at all. contaminated water. Suspect water should be boiled
International or bottled water used.
Kenya has good connections to Europe and Electricity 220-240V AC.
particularly to the UK. It is one of the cheapest For information on geography and climate, weather,
places to get to and from in East Africa with a tides, currents and navigation see East Africa Pzlot by
number of airlines operating flights into and out of Delwyn McPhun.
Nairobi and Mombasa.
Mail Is generally efficient and doesn't take too long
to arrive. Parcels should be sent by registered post or
they may go astray. They also have to be checked by

Indian Oceall Crnising GUIde

Harbours and anchorages VHF Ch 16 for port authoriries.

Here I will describe just three of the harbours used Dangers Care is needed of shipping and local boats
by yachts, Mombasa, Kilifi and Lamu. For charging in and Out of the harbour. Do not expect
additional infonnation on other harbours and any rules of the road to be obeyed.
anchorages around the coast of Kenya see East Mooring
Afn'ca Pilot by Delwyn McPhun . Tidal range 3·2m at springs.
Anchor off the Mombasa Yacht C lub around the
bend of Port Kilindini in 20- 30m. The bottom is
Mombasa sticky mud and good holding.
Charts SA 616, 666 Shelter Good shelter although traffic in the harbour
Approach creates a lot of wash making it uncomfortable at
The approach is reasonably straightforward with a times.
buoyed deep water channel and leading marks. Authorities Customs and immigration . Mombasa is a
Yachts should head for Port Kilindini on the pOrt port of entry.
side following the leading marks and the buoyed Note
channel. I. Theft is a very real problem in Mombasa and it is
Conspicuous The high rise buildings of Mombasa are best to employ a recommended watchman. The
easily identified . To the N off Kenyatta Beach is a Mombasa Yacht C lub can usually recommend a
large cement factory with conspicuous chimneys. reliable watchman. In any case remove all items
The main channel in has leading marks on from the decks and make sure the yacht is locked
301 - 302° on a B&W striped tower. Once up to Ras up when you go ashore.
Serani the second leading line into Port Kilindini is 2. It has been reported that there are a lot of sharks
marked by twO obelisks with a black vertical stripe. in Mombasa harbour and it is nO[ advisable to
This channel is relatively straightforward with good swim or dive, even briefly to free a fouled anchor.
By night A first time night approach is not Water From the Mombasa Yacht Club. The water
recommended . Outer channel buoys Q.G/Q.R. on the pier is non-potable.
Leading lights on 301 °45' From Q.8M Rear Fuel A fuel quay near the yacht club. Alternatively
F1.5s18M. Leading lights on 238 0 into Port fuel can be jerry-canned from town although this is
Kilindini From Q Rear FI. a bit tedious.

Deprhs In M~UftJ

Terminal MOM8ASA ." e. P,o,ooo

Mom a.
~ Hl!,bou,
T·IO Old
Mombasa ;:;--"_ _.-'

t. __________-L__~ ~
Nautical Miles

MOMBASA-$-04°04 ·.3S 39~40 ··7E

Gas Most gas bottles can be refilled. LF1.30s9M. Leading lights on 274°: Front F.R Rear
Repairs Africa Marine next to the yacht club can F.R. Leading lights on 328° Front F.R Rear F.R.
haul yachts by crane. Most mechanical and Radio mast F.R.
engineering repairs can be arranged. Some wood Dangers
and basic GRP repairs are possible. Good hardware 1. There can be a current in the creek of 1-1·Skt,
shops in town and most basic mechanical usually flowing into the creek on the flood tide.
components, bearings, filters and belts can be 2. Care is needed of the reefs which are rarely above
tracked down. Basic canvas-work and some sail water and which combined with the poor
repairs. visibility of the water make it difficult to spot
Provisions Good shopping for most provisions with them.
supennarkets stocking imported European goods. 3. Care is needed of the fringing reef on either side
Check sell-by dates carefully. of the entrance to the creek and in the creek
Eating out Good local restaurants with a variety of proper.
food and Indian and Chinese restaurants. Upmarket Note It is also possible to use Takaungu Pass further
international cuisine at the hotels and some S of North Pass, but the latter is the most direct
restaurants, most of them a bit out of town. entrance into Kilifi Creek.
Other PO. Banks including Barclays. Hire cars.
Matatus and taxis. Train and coach to Nairobi. Mooring
Internal and international flights. Tidal range 3·1m at springs.
Yachts will normally make for Swynford's
General Boatyard on the S side of the creek just past the road
Mombasa is not often used by yachts because of the bridge. There are laid moorings and a charge is
problem of theft. However those who visit here made for using them (US$I·S0 per foot per month
usually enjoy it for a taste of city life after more in 1997). Although there are a number of
simpler places along the coast. It also has good anchorages which can be used in the creek it is
connections to Nairobi and for flights out of Kenya, advisable to use the moorings at the boatyard both
although Kilifi Creek is not far away and an for the security of the boat and also for the facilities
altogether more secure place to leave a yacht. ashore.
Shelter Good all-round shelter and a boat can be
Killfi Creek safely left here.
Charts BA 238 Authorities Customs and immigration in Kilifi town
on the N bank of the creek.
The most direct entrance into Kilifi Creek is Facilities
through North Pass approximately 1M S of the Water Potable water at the boatyard. Showers and
creek itself. There are least depths of around 9m toilets at the boatyard.
following the leading marks. Leading marks show Fuel Can be arranged by jerry can from the yard.
the passage through the reef and another set of Gas Most bottles can be filled by arrangement with
leading marks show the passage into the creek. The the boatyard.
first set of marks are two white beacons Repairs Swynford's can haul yachts on a cradle up to
approximately 4m high on the low cliffs to the S of 15m and 20 tons. Most mechanical and engineering
the creek and show the entrance in on 274°. Once repairs can be arranged. Other repairs can be
through the reef the second set of marks are two arranged either in Kilifi or Mombasa. The boatyard
white beacons (front 2m high and rear Sm high) on also has a quay wall where a yacht can dry out
328° which show the channel up to the creek alongside between tides for antifouling. You can
proper. Once up to the creek there are good depths also have mail sent to the boatyard.
in mid-channel. Provisions Most provisions can be found in Kilifi
Before the bridge there are electricity cables across town. Market.
the river with 15m air height in mid channel. There Eating out Snack bar at the boatyard with a
is more clearance (up to 20m) closer to either shore wonderful view. Restaurants and bars in Mnarani
where the cables curve up to the pylons. Beyond the and Kilifi.
pylons is the road bridge with 17m air height under Other PO. Barclays Bank. Buses to Mombasa.
the middle of the bridge although greater clearance Swynford's Boatyard, Private Bag, Kilifi, Kenya.
(up to 20m) has been reported. '2iI' 0125 22479.
Conspicuous The buildings of Kilifi will be seen and General
a radio mast is conspicuous in the town. The creek Most yachts headed for Kenya make a bee-line for
proper cannot be seen until you open it from Kilifi because it offers a relatively secure anchorage
seaward when the bridge is conspicuous. The in pleasant surroundings. Some theft from yachts
leading marks can be difficult to see until closer in, has been reported from Kilifi, but nothing on the
but Kilifi lighthouse will be seen. scale of Mombasa. Sywnford's Boatyard employs
By night A first time night entry is not recommended night watchmen and the presence of other yachts
as the leading lights are not reliable. Kilifi lighthouse keeps theft down. Kilifi is close enough to Mombasa

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K1UR CREEK -$- 03"39·· .. S 39"53 ', 25E
to make trips into the big city and is a good place to Provisions Some provisions and a market in Shela.
leave a yacht either for extended trips inland or Bener shopping in Lamu.
when going back home. And the social scene around Eating out Good restaurant and bar at the Peponi
the snack-bar at the boatyard is an added bonus Hotel. Other restaurants and cafes in Shela and
with some good parties and much swapping of Lamu.
stories and skills. Other PO. Bank. Bus to Malindi. Internal flights to
Malindi and onto Mombasa.

Lamu General
Lamu is a fascinating place to visit, an old dhow
Charts BA 668 trading port which still has sailing dhows although
Approach these are rapidly being converted to diesels in the
Lamu Bay with Lamu Island behind it can be interests of ferrying tourists to and from the reefs
recognised by the high white dunes of Lamu Island and beaches. Lamu town and the surrounding area
which reach 79m (257ft). The entrance channel into is predominantly Muslim and you should adopt an
Lamu is on 015° with the lighthouse in line with a appropriate dress code. [n the surrounding area
black conical beacon on the beach. The channel there has been some banditry in recent times and
buoys shown on the chan are not all in place. The you should exercise care on excursions or on the bus
second leading line into Lamu is just before a trip to Malindi. In Lamu town it is probably wise
sandbank marked by a red buoy and is on 033° not to wander around at night although off the
marked by two red and white beacons. The white Peponi Hotel theft is reported to be unlikely.
Peponi Hotel at Shela on the shore will now be seen.
The channel on up to Lamu town is buoyed and
generally follows the outside curve of the creek.
Conspicuous The high white sandhills of Lamu
Island can be identified. Closer in the lighthouse on
the W side of the entrance will be seen.
By night A first time night entrance is not
recommended. Leading lights on 015°: Frone Q.SM
Rear A.5sSM. Leading lights on 033°: Frone Q.2M
Rear FI.3s2M. There are other leading lights for the
channel leading to Lamu and the channel buoys
may be lit.
1. Care is needed of Utend Rock in Lamu Bay.
2. There can be strong tidal streams in the entrance
to the creek with as much as 3kt reported at
Tidal range 2·9m at springs.
If you are clearing into Kenya you will need to
proceed up the channel to Lamu town and anchor
off the town to clear in. Otherwise most yachts
anchor off the Peponi Hotel at Shela just inside the
entrance . . The entrance to the inside channel and
anchorage is marked by two beacons on two rocks.
Shelter Good shelter from the S monsoon. It can get
a bit bumpy in here with the N monsoon and you
may have to move to the E side of the channel. The
strong tidal stream can also make things difficult
although the bottom is reponed to be good holding
on mud and sand.
Authon'ties Customs and immigration at Lamu town.
Water Can be arranged at the Peponi Hotel.
Fuel Can be arranged at the Peponi Hotel.
Gas Standard Kenyan bottles can be exchanged.
Otherwise go to Mombasa.
Repairs Very basic mechanical and electrical repairs.
For most skills and spares you will need to go to
Kilifi or Mombasa.

Indian Ocean Crnisi"g Guide
Depth' in Me' rtnJ
Dries\ Nol•. AU buoys may 1101
be in place


(Sand duoesJ




10 Res "lieu


LAMU -$-02°20'5 4Q"54',4E

I. HYDROGRAPHIC PUBLICATIONS SD174 Strait of Malacca and Sumatera (Enroute),
BA publications 1993
List of lights SD175 North and West Coasts of Australia (Enroute),
NP 79 List of Lights Vol F Bay of Bengal and Pacific 1994
Ocean N of the equator. Other
NP 83 List of Lights Vol K Indian and Pacific Oceans S Ocean Passages of the World Data on power and sail routes
of the equator. including pilot charts.
NP 77 List of Lights Vol D Eastern Atlantic, Western The Mariner' Handbook Basic data on everything
Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. maritime.
NP 78 List of Lights Vol E Mediterranean, Black and Red II. YACHTSMAN'S GUIDES
Seas. Pilotage
Radio Publications World Cruising Routes Jimmy Cornell. Adlard Coles
281 (1) Vall Part I Communications: contains Nautical. Worldwide guide to cruising routes.
particulars of Coast Radio Stations in Europe, Africa World Cruising Handbook Jimmy Cornell. Adlard Coles
and Asia (excluding the Philippine Islands and Nautical. Worldwide guide to data on cruising
Indonesia) countries including basic data, fonnalities,
281 (2) Vol 1 Part 2 Communications: contains communications, etc.
particulars of Coast Radio Stations in Philippine Cruising Guide to Southeast Asia Vol1. The South China
Islands, Indonesia, Australasia, the Americas, Sea, Philippines, Gulf of Thailand to Singapore Stephen
Greenland and Iceland Davies and Elaine Morgan. Imray. Covers Hong
282 Vol 2 Radio Navigational Aids, Electronic Position Kong to Philippines.
Fixing Systems and Radio Time Signals Cruising Guide to Southeast Asia Vol II. Papua New
283(1) Vol 3 Part I Radio Weather Services and Guinea, Indonesia, Malacca Strait, West Thailand
Navigational Warnings in Europe, Africa and Asia Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan. Imray. Covers
283 (2) Vol 3 Part 2 Radio Weather Services .and Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malacca Strait.
Navigational Warnings in Philippine Islands, Riau Islands Cruising Guide Mathew Hardy. Available
Indonesia, Australasia, the Americas, Greenland and locally.
Iceland Sail Thailand collated by Thai Marine & Leisure.
284 Vol 4 Lists of Meteorological Observation Stations Available locally or from Imray. Covers mostly W
285 Vol 5 Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems coast and some E coast.
286(1) Vol 6 Part 1 Vessel Traffic Services, Port Red Sea Pilot Elaine Morgan and Stephen Davies. Imray.
Operations and Pilot Stations - NW Europe Covers Yemen to the Suez Canal.
286(2) Vol 6 Part 2 Vessel Traffic Services, Port lmray Mediterranean Almanac Imray. Biennial publication
Operations and Pilot Stations - The Mediterranean, includes light and radio data.
Africa, Asia Mediterranean Cruising Handbook Rod Heikell. Imray.
286 (3) Vol 6 Part 3 Vessel Traffic Services, Port Data on Mediterranean countries.
operations and Pilot Stations - Australasia, The Australian Cruising Guide Alan Lucas. Imray. General
Americas, Greenland and Iceland coverage of Australia.
Sailing Directions East Africa Pilot Delwyn McPhun. Imray. Covers Kenya
NP No. Title to South Africa including Madagascar and the
3 Africa Pilot, Vol III Comoros.
13 Australia Pilot, Vol I South Africa Nautical Almanac Tom Morgan. Annual
14 Australia Pilot, Vol II publication available locally or from Imray.
17 Australia Pilot, Vol V General
30 China Sea Pilot, Vol I Cruising in Tropical Waters and Coral Alan Lucas. Adlard
31 China Sea Pilot, Vol II Coles Nautical.
32 China Sea Pilot, Vol III The Maritime Radio & Satellite Communications Manual
33 Phillipine Islands Pilot Ian Waugh. Waterline Books.
34 Indonesia Pilot, Vol III
36 Indonesia Pilot, Vol I m. USEFUL BOOKS
38 India, West Coast of, Pilot In each of the introductions to a country there is a list of
39 Indian Ocean, South, Pilot useful books relating to that country. Here I list just some
44 Malacca Strait Pilot general books on the Indian Ocean and topics like marine
life and fauna and flora. This is not a bibliography, just
Defense Mapping Agency Sailing Directions some books I think are useful.
SD 171 East Africa and the South Indian Ocean Narrative
(Enroute), 1995 Macpherson's Voyages ed by John Scott Hughes. Methuen
SDI72 Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (Enroute), Ig93 1946. OP. Droll and infonnative. Macpherson is little
SD 173 India and the Bay of Bengal (Enroute), 1994

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remembered these days, but if you visit the National Wonders of the Red Sea David Fridman and Tony
Maritime Museum at Greenwich you will come across Malmqvist. Isis. Available in Egypt.
the Macpherson collection, a wealth of nautical The Greenpeace Book of Coral Reefs Sue Well and Nick
pictures and prints collected by Macpherson over Hanna. Blandford. More for the coffee table.
many years and then bought by Sir James Caird for The Natural History of Whales & Dolphins Peter G H
the museum. (Spell Dn'ac backwards.) Macpherson Evans. Christopher Helm.
started sailing late in life in his late fifties and the boat SeasheUs of the World Gert Lindner. Australia & NZ Book
he sailed in was not dissimilar to Tetra at just 32 ft and Company.
of similar shape and displacement. Get hold of it if Seabirds of the World Peter Harrison. Christopher Helm.
you can. Collins Photo Guide Tropical Plants W Lotschert and G
Sheila in the Wind Adrian Hayter. Hodder & Stoughton Beese. Harper Collins.
1959. OP. Account of a passage eastabout after the
war en route to his native N.Z. Useful infonnation and IV. CHARTS FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN
a good read.
British Admiralty charts
Somewhere East of Suez Tristan Jones. Bodley Head. Note Index references refer to sections in Admiralty
Usual irascible style account of a passage eastabout in World Catalogue NP 131
the trimaran Outward Leg. Index A
To Venture Further Tristan Jones. Grafton Books. Journey
The World - General charts of the oceans
across the Kra Peninsula in a Thai boat.
Chart Title Scale
The Sinbad Vtryage Tim Severin. Hutchinson. Retracing 4060 Australasia and adjacent waters 10,000,000
the steps of Sinbad in a replica ship from Oman to
4070 Indian Ocean - southern part 10,000,000
China. Recommended. 4071 Indian Ocean - northern part 10,000,000
The Tigris Expedition Thor Heyerdahl. Unwin. Djibouti 4072 Indian Ocean - western part 10,000,000
to Karachi and then on the Gulf in a reed raft.
Section 21
South From the Red Sea Haroun Tazieff. Travel Book
Indian Ocean Routeing charts
Club. OP. With Cousteau on the Calypso. 13,880,000
5126(1) January
Breeze in the Sails Gulshan Rai. IBH Bombay. OP. 5126(2) February 13,880,000
Sailing down the Indian coast and from UK to 5126(3) March 13,880,000
shipwreck in the Red Sea.
5126(4) April 13,880,000
From Southampton to Bombay Gulshan Rai. IBH 5126(5) May 13,880,000
Bombay. UK to India.
5126(6) June 13,880,000
Sailing Around the World Gulshan Rai. IBH Bombay.
5126(7) July 13,880,000
Hashish Henry de Montfreid. Penguin. Smuggling
5126(8) August 13,880,000
hashish in the Red Sea in the 1920's. Recommended.
5126(9) September 13,880,000
Motoring With Mohammed Eric Hansen. Abacus. Sailing 5126(10) October 13,880,000
from Sri Lanka to shipwreck in the Red Sea and the 5126(11) November 13,880,000
return to retrieve his journals. Good on Yemen. 5126(12) December 13,880,000
Index Gl
West and South Coast of Africa, including adjacent
Empires of the Monsoon Richard Hall. Harper Collins.
islands and Cape Town approaches
Good and entertaining history. Recommended.
577 Approaches to Durban 50,000
Further India Hugh Clifford. White Lotus. Reprint of
578 Cape Columbine to Cape Seal 1,000,000
classic 1904 work covering mostly Southeast Asia.
636 Table Bay to False Bay 100,000
Arabia Through the Looking Glass Jonathon Raban.
648 Maputo to Porto de Bartolemeu
Fontana. Recommended.
Dias 1,000,000
The Last Sailors Neil Hollander & Harald Mertes. Angus
1232 Approaches to Saldanha Bay 100,000
& Robertson. OP. Covers some working sailing craft
1843 Approaches to East London 25,000
in the Indian Ocean.
East London Harbour 8,000
The Indian Ocean Alan Villiers. 1952. OP. Collection of 2080 Approaches to Richards Bay 50,000
travelogue and history. Recommended.
Richards Bay 18,000
Chasing the Monsoon Alexander Frater. Penguin.
2082 Cape Columbine to Danger Point 300,000
Hout Bay 30,000
God's Dust Ian Buruma. Vintage.
2083 Danger Point to Mossel Bay 300,000
World Conflicts Patrick Brogan. Bloomsbury.
2084 Mossel Bay to Cape St Francis 300,000
Heroes John Pilger. Essays many of which concern
2085 Cape St Francis to East London 300,000
contemporary Southeast Asia. Recommended.
Bird Island Passage 100,000
Seven-Tenths James Hamilton-Patterson. Hutchinson.
2086 East London to Port St Johns 300,000
Any of Joseph Conrad's relevant tales of the sea.
2087 Port St Johns to Durban 300,000
Marine Life
2088 Durban to Cape Vidal 300,000
An Introduction to Marine Ecology R S K Barnes and R N
2089 Cape Vidal to Maputo 300,000
Hughes. Blackwell Scientific. Excellent primer.
2095 Cape St Blaize to Port St Johns 1,000,000
Underwater Guide to Coral Fishes Brent Addison and
2930 Jesser Point to Boa Paz 300,000
Jeremy Tindall. Southern Book Pub. 2939 Boa Paz to Baia de Inmambane 300,000
Indo Pacific Coral Reef Field Guide G R Allen and R
3769 Great Fish Point to East London 150,000
Steene. Tropical Reef Research/Singapore.
3770 East London to Mbashe Point 150,000·
Indian Ocean Tropical Fish Guide Helmut Debelius.
3793 Shixini Point to Port St Johns 150,000
3794 Port St Johns to Port Shepstone 150,000
South East Asia Fish Guide Helmut Debelius and Kuiter. 3795 Port Shepstone to Cooper Light 150,000

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
Index H Itapere 24,000
Southern Indian Ocean, Zanzibar Approaches and Fenerive, Foulpointe, Vatomandry
Mozambique Channel, Northern Part and Mahanoro 25,000
3 Chagos archipelago 360,000 Farfangana and Fort Dauphin 25,000
4 Plans in the Chagos archipelago Ste. Luce 36,000
Entrance to Salomon islands lagoon 12,130 681 Lindi Bay 25,000
Salomon islands 38,180 Lindi harbour 12,500
Peros Banhos and Egmont islands 684 Mtwara and Mikindani harbours 36,300
or Six islands 72,600 Mikindani harbour entrance 18,100
238 Ports in Kenya, Kilifi and Malindi 687 Kiswere harbour 24,200
Entrance to Kilifi creek 12,500 688 Tamatave 32,850
Kilifi Creek and approaches 25,000 689 Approaches to Mauritius and lIe
Malindi and approaches 37,500 de la Reunion 550,000
563 Comores 300,000 690 Cabo Delgado to Mikindani Bay 72,800
Anjouan: Port de Mutsamudu 5,000 Channel and anchorage of Msimbati 24,000
Grand Comore: Mouillage de Moroni 12,000 691 Mtwara harbour 12,500
Anjouan: Mouillage de Mutsamudu: 692 Rade de Tulear and Baie de
Muillage D'ouani 20,000 St Augustine 65,000
616 East coast, Kenya. Approaches to 693 Dar es Salaam 7,500
Port Mombasa 50,000 701 Approaches to Baie de Bombetoke 150,000
642 Ports in Mozambique Baie de Bombetoke ~O,OOO
Porto de Beira 25,000 704 Nosi Shaba (Beroja) to Moramba Bay,
Porto de Bartolomeu Dias 50,000 including Narendri Bay 145,000
Porto de Sofala 50,000 706 lIes Mitsio to Baie d' Ampasindava 100,000
Porto de Chiloane 75,000 711 Mauritius 125,000
644 Baia de Maputo 75,000 713 Port Louis and Grande Riviere Noire Bay
646 Porto de Maputo 25,000 Port Louis 12,500
648 Maputo to Porto de Bartolemeu Grande Riviere Noire Bay 20,000
Dias 1,000,000 Approaches to Port Louis 50,000
649 Approaches to Porto de Nacala 100,000 715 Rodriguez island 145,000
Porto de Nacala 36,000 Mathurin Bay 24,200
650 Porto de Quelimane 50,000 Port South-east 48,400
653 Mokambo, Mo~ambique and 718 Islands north of Madagascar
Conducia 100,000 Farquhar group, entrance to
Mo~ambique harbour 30,000 inner harbour 20,000
661 Approaches to Kilwa Kisiwani harbour 75,000 lIe Picard 30,000
Kilwa Kisiwani harbour 35,000 Astove 50,000
663 Tanzania, Approaches to Tanga 37,500 Assomption: Cosmoledo group 75,000
Tanga 15,000 Aldabra Island: Farquhar group 100,000
665 Approaches to Zanzibar ·50,000 lIes Glorieuses 150,000
666 Port Mombasa, including Port Kilindini 721 Southern approaches to the
and Port Reitz 12,500 Seychelles group 750,000
Mbaraki creek 3,000 722 Port Victoria and approaches 12,500
668 Lamu, Manda and Pate Bays 724 Anchorages in the Seychelles group
and approaches 75,000 and outlying islands
Lamu harbour and approaches 25,000 Curieuse Bay, Baie Ste Anne to
671 Outer approaches to Muqdisho and La Digue, Grande Anse 25,000
Mark anchorage 300,000 Bird Island 35,000
Muqdisho 15,000 Dennis Island 50,000
Mark anchorage 30,000 D' Artos and St Joseph Is: African Is 75,000
Approaches to Muqdisho 60,000 Coetivity Island 200,000
674 Approaches to Dar es Salaam 50,000 Providence and St Pierre Is: lIe
677 Mananara to lIe aux Nattes 150,000 Desroches 300,000
Ambodifototra (Port Saint-Marie) 20,000 740 The Seychelles group 300,000
678 lIe aux Nattes to Tamatave 150,000 742 Mahe, Praslin and adjacent islands 125,000
679 Anchorages on the east coast of 758 Northern approaches to Madagascar 1,000,000
Madagascar 759 East coast of Madagascar -
Rade d'Antalaha: Baie de Tintingue 25,000 Baie d'Antongil to Farafangana 1,000,000
Sambava: Mananara: Antanambe 30,000 760 Southern coasts of Madagascar -
Rade d' Angonsty 36,000 Baie d' Ampasilava to Mananjary 1,000,000
Baie de Vohemar: Maroantsetra 40,000 865 Plans on the Tanganyika coast
Baie de Loky: Baie de Mangerivy (Port Entrance to Pangani river 12,500
Leven): Baie d' Andravina 50,000 Mto Sudi and Mchinga Bay 18,000
680 Anchorages on the east coast of 866 Plans in Tanganyika and Kenya
Madagascar Moa or Gomani Bay and Wasin
Manakara 15,000 channel 25,000
Mananjary 20,000 Moa or Gomani Bay to Funzi Bay 50,000

Chan Title Scale Chan Title Scale
920 Diego Garcia 25,000 Southern entrance to Grand Port 12,500
1002 Diego Suarez Bay to Andranoaombi 3211 Zanzibar harbour 12,500
Bay 104,000 3252 Victoria Nyanza - northern portion 294,000
1003 Approaches to Porto da Beira 50,000 Ugana passage 25,000
1032 North Mafia channel to Kilwa point 150,000 3255 Victoria Nyanza - Nakaranga point
1052 Approaches to Kismaayo 300,000 to Dagusi 100,000
Kismaayo 35,000 Entebbe Bay 12,100
1064 Plans on the northeast coast of 3256 Victoria Nyanza - Port Florence
Madagascar (Kisumu) 10,500
Passe d'Orongea 15,100 3300 Mbashe point to Maputo 1,000,000
Port de la Nievre 15,300 3308 Cabo Delgado to Fanjove island 300,000
1116 Baie de Diego-Suarez 40,600 3309 Fanjove island to Dar es Salaam 300,000
1120 Victoria Nyanza - Plans in Kavirondo 3310 Mafia Island to Pemba island 300,000
gulf and entrance 3361 Pemba island to Lamu 350,000
Mbita passage 4,520 3362 Lamu to Kismaayo 350,000
Homa Bay - southern portion and 3665 Victoria Nyanza - southern portion 294,000
Kongo Bay - western portion 24,300 3693 Plans in Lake Victoria Nyanza
Homa Bay to Mbita passage 72,500 Namaungu 6,050
1310 Southwest coast of Pemba island 48,400 Mizinda Bay and Bukoba road 12,100
Mchengangazi 24,200 Mlmyonyo 24,400
1497 La Reunion 175,000 Lubembe harbour 24,400
Port de la Pointe des Galets, Port Shirati Bay 24,400
Ouest, Port Est 10,000 3855 Cap Kimby to Morombe 350,000
Approaches to Port de la Pointe Morondava 50,000
des Galets 60,000 3868 Cape Kimby to Cap Saint Andre 350,000
1810 Mo~ambique channel. Porto de 3872 Nossi Be to Baie de Bombetoke 350,000
Bartolomeu Dias to Porto de Antonio 3873 Iharana to Nosy Be 350,000
Enes with west coast of Madagascar 1,000,000 4204 Walvis Bay to Maputo 3,500,000
1811 Porto de Mocimboa de Praia 75,000 4700 Port Elizabeth to Mauritius 3,500,000
1812 West coast of Pemba island, 4701 Maputo to Muqdisho (Mogadiscio) 3,500,000
including Ports Kiuyu, George and 4702 Chagos archipelago to Madagasikara 3,500,000
Cockburn and Chake Chake Bay 48,370 4703 Gulf of Aden to the Maldives and
1816 Porto Amelia (Baia de Pemba) and the Seychelles group 3,500,000
Porto do Tho 45,000 4713 Ile de la Reunion to Ile Saint-Paul 3,500,000
1881 Cargados Carajos shoals 121,000 Index HI
Ile Tromelin 50,000 Arabian Sea
St James anchorage 25,000 5 Abd AI Kuri to Suqu~a (Socotra) 350,000
Agalega islands 164,000 6 Gulf of Aden 750,000
2089 Cape Vidal to Maputo 300,000 38 Karachi to Ra's al Hadd 750,000
2110 Northern entrance to Mocambique Gwadar: Ormara 125,000
channel: Porto de Antonio Enes to Pasni 200,000
Cabo Delgado with Comoro islands 39 Gulf of Kachchh to Sonmiani Bay 500,000
and adjacent coast of Madagascar 1,000,000 40 Karachi harbour 10,000
2461 Plans on the north and west coasts of 43 Gulf of Kachchh 150,000
Madagascar 61 Approaches to Karachi 100,000
Mouillage de Morombe 50,000 65 Approaches to Cochin 25,000
Baie de Baly 75,000 Port of Cochin 10,000
lIe Juan de Nova 100,000 100 Raas Caseyr to Suqu~a 350,000
Maintirano and approaches 100,000 492 Mormugao and Panaji with approaches
2741 Ile Mayotte 100,000 Mormugao 12,500
2744 Approaches to Dzaoudzi 40,000 Panaji 25,000
Dzaoudzi 20,000 Approaches to Mormugao and Panaji 60,000
2871 Nossi Be - southern anchorages 25,000 672 Ports in the Gulf of Kachchh
2930 Jesser point to Boa Paz 300,000 Navlakhi and approaches 25,000
2931 Bahia de Inhambane to Cabo Narara Bet and Sikka creek 40,000
Sao Sebastiao 300,000 673 Ports and anchorages in the gulf of
2932 Cabo Sao Sebastiao to Beira 300,000 Kachchh
2934 Beira to Rio Zambeze 300,000 Port ofOkha 15,000
2935 Rio Zambeze to Ilha Epidendron 300,000 Rozi anchorage 35,000
2936 Ilha Epidendron to Ponta Namalungo 300,000 Approaches to Okha 50,000
2937 Ponta Namalungo to Ponta Uifundo 300,000 705 Islands of Lakshadweep (Laccadive islands)
2938 Ponta Uifundo to Cabo Delgado 300,000 Minicoy island 30,000
2939 Boa Paz to Baia de Inhambane 300,000 Androth island: Kitlan i: Chetlat island:
2951 Cabo Delgado to Lamu Bay 1,000,000 Kalpeni and Cheriyam islands:
2952 Lamu Bay to Itala 1,000,000 Kavaratti island 40,000
2953 !tala to Ras Hafun 1,000,000 Amini island 50,000
3048 Grand Port 30,000 707 Bombay to Masqat 1,500,000

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale

708 Cape Comorin to Bombay 1,500,000 3460 Ports on the west coast of India
709 Maldives to Sri Lanka 1,500,000 Veraval 20,000
828 Cochin to Vishakhapatnam 1,500,000 Porbandar 25,000
1011 Addoo atoll to North Huvadhoo atoll 300,000 Ratnagiri and Mirya Bays 40,000
1012 North Huvadhoo atoll to Malaku atoll 300,000 Approaches to Bhavnagar new port 75,000
1013 Mulaku atoll to South Maalhosmadulu 3461 Ports and anchorages on the west coast
atoll 300,000 of India
1014 Maldives, South Maalhosmadulu atoll New Mangalore 20,000
to Ihavandhippolhu atoll 300,000 Quilon anchorage 30,000
1284 Port Muhammad Bin Qasim and Cabcut and Beypore anchorages 50,000
approaches 30,000 Approaches to New Mangalore and
Approaches to Phitti creek 50,000 Mangalore harbour 50,000
1470 Veraval to Okha 300,000 3464 Ports and anchorages on the west coast
1474 Savai bet to Veraval 300,000 of India
1486 Gulf of Khambhat and approaches 300,000 Karwar harbour and approaches 25,000
1487 Approaches to Bombay 300,000 Belekeri anchorage; Redi anchorage 35,000
1508 Vengurla to Murud-Janjira 300,000 3466 Approaches to Kandla 40,000
1509 Coondapoor to Vengurla 300,000 Kandla creek 15,000
1564 Sacrifice Rock to Coondapoor 300,000 3518 Ports and anchorages on the northeast
1565 Alleppey to Sacrifice Rock 300,000 coast of Oman
1566 Cape Comorin to Cochin 300,000 Port Sultan Qaboos and Muscat
1586 India and Sri Lanka - Pamban to Cape (Mas qat) 12,5000
Comorin 300,000 Sur: Bandar Ji~~ah: Bandar Khayran 20,000
1587 Colombo to Cape Comorin Khawr al Jaramah and Khawr al Hajar 25,000
2067 Addoo atoll 25,000 Masqat to Mina'al Fahl 30,000
2068 Anchorages in the Maldives 3519 Southern approaches to Masirah 100,000
Goidhoo atoll 30,000 Khalij Masirah 50,000
Ihavandhippolhu atoll 50,000 3522 Approaches to Masqat and Kina
2621 Inner approaches to Bombay 60,000 al Fahl 100,000
2624 Port of Bombay 20,000 3523 Outer approaches to Wudam 100,000
2627 Jawahar Lal Nehru Port (Nhava-Sheva) 3784 Ra's al Kalb to Ra's Marbat 750,000
and Trombay 20,000 Nishtun 10,000
2736 Bombay to Dwarka 750,000 Al Mukalla 37,500
2738 Lakshadweep Sea - northern part 750,000 Ash Shihr Termina 50,000
2851 Masirah to the strait of Hormuz 750,000 3785 Mina Raysut to Al Masirah 750,000
Khalij-e Chah Bahar 150,000 Marbat Bay: Madrakah anchorage 35,000
2854 Northern approaches to Masirah 100,000 4701 Maputo to Muqdisho (Mogadiscio) 3,500,000
Ra's Hilf anchorage 20,000 4703 Gulf of Aden to the Maldives
2858 Gulf of Oman to Shan al 'Arab 1,500,000 and the Seychelles group 3,500,000
2888 Jask to Dubayy and Jazlreh-ye 4704 Red Sea 2,250,000
Qeshm 350,000 4705 Arabian Sea 3,500,000
2895 Outer approaches to Mina Raysut 4706 Bay of Bengal 3,500,000
and Salalah 100,000 4707 Maldives to Sumatera 3,500,000
2896 Approaches to Mina Raysut and Index H3
Salalah 25,000 Red Sea
Mina Raysut 10,000 6 Gulf of Aden 750,000
2950 Plans on the coast of Somaliland 7 Aden harbour and approaches 25,000
Elayu 7,500 8 Red Sea - Suez to El Akhawein 750,000
Las Khoreh 12,500 Ash Sharma 100,000
Bandar Gaan 14,500 Gulf of Aqaba 300,000
Bosasso (Bandar Cassim) 20,000 15 Jizan and approaches 200,000
Alula 20,000 Jizan 25,000
Obbia 30,000 63 El Akhawein to Rabigh 750,000
Dante (Hafun) - north and south 64 Approaches to Rabigh 50,000
anchorages 30,000 Rabigh industrial port 20,000
Eil Marina 40,000 81 Sawakin to Ras Qassar 300,000
Bandar Beila anchorage 50,000 Sawakin 12,500
Capo Elephante anchorage 50,000 82 Outer approaches to Port Sudan 150,000
Candala, Oloch and Damo 50,000 Sanganeb anchorage 25,000
Itala 50,000 138 Gezirat el Dibia to Masamarit islet 750,000
Illigh 60,000 141 Masamirit islet to Zubair islands 750,000
2952 Lamu Bay to Itala 1,000,000 143 Jazirat at Ta'ir to Bab el Mandeb 400,000
2953 Itala to Ras Hafun 1,000,000 164 North and northeast approaches
2954 Gulf of Aden - eastern portion, to Mits'iwa 300,000
including Socotra island 750,000 168 Anchorages on the coast of Ethiopia
3323 Male atoll 150,000 Dolphin cove 12,500
Male anchorage and approaches 25,000 Dissei anchorage: Port Smyth 15,000

Chart Tide Scale Chart Title Scale
Melita Bay 25,000 2374 Ras Sheratib to Ashrafi islands
Entrance to Gubbet Mus Nefit 37,500 Ras Gharib 15,000
Anfile Bay 40,000 Zeit Tenninals 50,000
Bera' Isole Bahir Selat'e 75,000 2375 Ashrafi islands to Safaga and Strait
171 Southern approaches to Mits'iwa 200,000 of Tiran 150,000
205 Mersa Fijab and Mersa Darur 18,200 2577 Mina 'AI Jeddah Giddah) 15,000
233 Suez canal (Qanat el Suweis) 60,000 2588 Red Sea - Straits of Bab el Mandeb 75,000
EI Timsah (Lake Timsah) 30,000 Mayyun harbour 25,000
El-Kabrit 40,000 2599 Approaches to Mina 'AI Jeddah
253 Golfe de Tadjoura and anchorages Giddah) 30,000
Entrance to Ghoubbet Kharab 12,000 2658 Outer approaches to Mina 'AI
Mouillage de Tadjoura 12,500 Jeddah Giddah) 75,000
Mouillage di 'Ambada 20,000 2659 Sh'ib Nazar to Qita 'Kidan 200,000
Port D'Obock 25,000 3043 Ports on the coast of Egypt
Golfe de Tadjoura 200,000 Berenice 25,000
262 Approaches to Djibouti 50,000 Hurghada 25,000
Djibouti 12,500 Safiiga 35,000
321 Abu Duda to Sirrain island and Approaches to Berenice 60,000
approaches to AI Lith 200,000 AjJproaches to Safiiga 75,000
AI Lith Jaliijil and approaches to El-Quseir 75,000
Ras al Askar 75,000 3049 Harbours and anchorages in the Red Sea
322 Sirrain island to Qadimbal islet and Marsa Halaib 24,000
approaches to AI Qunfidha 200,000 Marsa Gwilaib 15,000
AI Qunfidha, Khor Nahud 75,000 Marsa Abu 'Imiima 12,000
326 Southern approaches to Madinat Yanbu Marsa Halaka 36,000
'AsSina 'iyah 75,000 Khor Shin 'ab 50,000
327 Northern approaches to Yanbu 75,000 Marsa Arakiyai 36,000
Yanbu al Bahr 25,000 3214 BUr el Suweis (Port of Suez) 20,000
328 Madinat Yanbu 'a~ Sina 'iyah- 3492 Approaches to Port Sudan 50,000
Mina' al Malik Fahd 25,000 Port Sudan 10,000
453 Islands in the southern Red Sea Marsa Gwiyai 20,000
Jabal Zuqar and Hanish islands: 3530 Approaches to Berbera 50,000
Jaza' ir az Zubayr 100,000 Berbera 10,000
460 Mits'iwa harbour 10,000 3660 Aden Inner harbour 7,500
542 Madiq Kamaran to AI Hudaydah 100,000 3661 Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb to Aden
Port of Hudaydah 15,000 harbour 200,000
Approaches to port of Hudaydah 35,000 3662 Aden oil harbour 7,500
548 Approaches to Madiq Kamaran and al 3722 Approaches to Muhammad Qol 75,000
Luhayyah 100,000 Muhammad Qol 10,000
675 Harbours and anchorages on the coast Marsa InkeifaI 12,500
of Sudan 4703 Gulf of Aden to the Maldives and
Marsa Esh Sheikh Ibrahim: the Seychelles group 3,500,000
Trinkitat harbour 12,500 4704 Red Sea 2,250,000
Khor Nawarat 30,000 4705 Arabian Sea 3,500,000
Marsa Esh Sheikh Ibrahim to 5501 Mariners' Routeing Guide. Gulf of Suez Ed.2
Talla Talla Saqir 100,000 Index I
801 Plans in the Gulf of Aqaba East Coast of India, Sri Lanka, West Coast of
EI 'Aqaba industrial port 25,000 Bunna and Thailand
Strait of Tiran; Elat and EI 'Aqaba 25,000 84 Approaches to Chittagong 100,000
Approaches to Elat and EI'Aqaba 75,000 Chittagong 35,000
Approaches to strait of Tiran 75,000 123 Approaches to Hugli River 150,000
1925 Jabal Zuqar island to Straits of 136 HugIi River: Sagar Roads to Kukrahatti
Bab-el-Mandeb 200,000 Reach 75,000
Abu 'Ali channel 40,000 Haldia Port 37,500
1926 Aseb Bay 75,000 216 Mergui archipelago 300,000
Aseb 15,000 239 Approaches to Vishakhapatnam 100,000
1955 Ports in the Yemen Vishakhapatnam harbour 15,000
Kamaran harbour 12,500 514 South Andaman island - Port Blair 14,000
AI Mukha 25,000 538 Approaches to Paradip 60,000
Southern entrance to Madiq Kamaran 30,000 574 Approaches to Madras 50,000
2090 Ras Matanna to Ain Sukhna 40,000 Madras harbour 15,000
2098 Approaches to Port of Suez (BUr el 575 Anchorages on the east coast of India
Suweis) 40,000 Kakinada anchorage 25,000
2373 Suez Bay to Ras Sheratib (Bahr e1 Pondicherry anchorage: Cuddalore
Qulzum) 150,000 anchorage 30,000
Wadi Feiran tenninal 30,000 Nagappattinam anchorage 40,000
Ras Budran tenninal 50,000 Approaches to Kakinada 75,000

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
813 Colombo to Sangama Kanda Point 300,000 Phuket 20,000
814 The Sandheads - Paradip to Raimangal Approaches to Phuket 50,000
river 300,000 3942 Ko Lanta Yai to Ko Tarutao 200,000
816 Trincomalee harbour 10,000 Index 11
819 Approaches to Galle harbour 25,000 Sumatera, Malacca Strait and Cocos or
Galle harbour 10,000 Keeling Islands to Christmas Island
821 Elephant Point to Cheduba Strait 342,000 Aus 606 Approaches to Cocos 150,000
823 Koronge Island to White Point, including (Keeling) islands
the Gulf of Martaban 358,000 Aus 607 Cocos (Keeling) islands 25,000
824 White Point to Mergui 281,900 Aus 608 Approaches to Christmas Island 100,000
825 Andaman islands 500,000 Flying Fish Cove 5,000
828 Cochin to Vishakhapatnam 1,500,000 792 Sungai dinding and approaches 25,000
830 Andaman Sea 1,500,000 842 Chowra to Great Nicobar 175,000
831 Kyaukpyu harbour to Cheduba Strait 146,000 843 Approaches to Bass harbour 50,000
Kyaukpyu harbour 36,318 1140 Tanjong Sepat to Port Dickson 50,000
832 Cheduba Strait to Ramree harbour 145,000 North western approach to Port
833 Rangoon river and approaches 60,000 Dickson 12,500
Port of Rangoon 25,000 Port Dickson 6,000
834 Bassein river and approaches 72,600 1312 Singapore Strait to Selat Karimata 800,000
840 Little Andaman to Great Nicobar 500,000 1353 Tanjung Jamboaye to Permatang Sedapa
841 Plans in the Nicobar islands (One Fathom Bank) 500,000
Nancowry harbour and approaches 25,000 1358 Permatang Sedapa (One Fathom Bank)
St Georges Channel 50,000 to Singapore Strait 500,000
842 Chowra to Great Nicobar 175,000 1366 Approaches to Pinang harbour 60,000
859 Raimangal river to Elephant Point 300,000 1788 Ports in east Sumatera and adjacent
924 Tavoy river 72,600 islands
1075 Approaches to Mergui harbour 75,000 Jambi 20,000
1369 Mayu river to Kyaukpyu harbour 145,000 Tanjungpandan 25,000
1398 Andaman islands - southern approaches Kuala Niur 50,000
to Port Blair including Duncan Pangkalbalam 60,000
Passage 150,000 Sungai Batanghari 300,000
1419 Coco Passage and northern approaches 1789 Pulau-Pulau Lingga 250,000
to Port Blair 150,000 Selat Lima 125,000
1583 Little Basses Reef to Pulmoddai 2056 Selat Sunda and approaches including
Roads 300,000 Selat Panaitan 250,000
Batticaloa Roads 25,000 2149 Selat Sunda to Selat Gelasa and Selat
Pulmoddai Roads 300,000 Bangka 500,000
1584 Trincomalee to Point Calimere 300,000 2152 Pelabuhan Kelang 15,000
1586 India and Sri Lanka - Pamban to Cape 2153 Southern approaches to Pelabuhan
Comorin 300,000 Kelang 25,000
1587 Colombo to Cape Comorin 300,000 Selat KeIang Selatan 15,000
1655 Approaches to Colombo 30,000 Selat Lumat 25,000
Colombo harbour 7,500 2760 Sumatera - west coast - Pulau We
1845 Mou1mein river and approaches to Pulau Enggano 1,500,000
Moulmein harbour 15,000 2777 Indira Point to Teluk Aru and Ujung
Approaches to Moulmein river: Kareueng 500,000
Moulmein river 60,000 2778 Ujung Raja to Pulau Ilir 500,000
1885 Sittwe 25,000 2779 Pulau Ilir to Pulau Nyamuk 500,000
2058 Puri to the Sandheads 300,000 2780 Pulau Nyamuk to Bengkulu 500,000
2060 Kalingapatnam to Puri 300,000 2781 Benkulu to Selat Sunda 500,000
2061 Kakinada to Kalingapatnam 300,000 2917 Plans in northwest Sumatera
2062 False Divi Point to Kakinada 300,000 Sabang 15,000
2063 Madras to False Divi Point 300,000 Sibolga 20,000
2069 Point Calimere to Madras 300,000 Teluk Tapanuli 100,000
2197 Palk Strait and Palk Bay - Selat Benggala and Alur Pelayaran
eastern part 150,000 Malaka 125,000
Kankesanturai harbour 20,000 2918 Plans in Simeulu and Nias
3052 Za Det Gyi Island to Mu Ko Similan 200,000 Telok Delam, Rede Gunung Sitoli 25,000
3265 Weligama to Little Basses Reef 150,000 Lugu Sibigo 25,000
Hambantota 15,000 Sinabang Baai and Telok Linggi 37,500
3481 Moulmein river to Ye river 145,000 Channel between Simeulu and Simeulu
3624 Pig Island to South Moskos islands 146,000 Tjut, Tandjung Tanah Nasi to Muzeuj
3700 Weligama to Colombo 150,000 River 75,000
Weligama Bay 25,000 Rene Onolimbu 75,000
3771 Andrew Bay to Calventuras 145,000 Hinako Eiladen 100,000
3772 Calventuras to Bassein river 146,000 2948 Plans on the west coast of Sumatera
3941 Mu ko Similan to Ko Lanta Yai 200,000 Rede Meulaboh, Rede Tapa Tuan 50,000

Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
Baai van Tapanuli 100,000 3831 Singapore Strait - eastern part 75,000
Udjung Radja to Pulau Delapan 100,000 3833 Singapore Strait - western part 75,000
2965 Ports and approaches in southern 3937 Ports in Kepulauan Riau
Sumatera Sambu and Sekupang 12,500
Panjang: Teluk Bayur: Pulaabaai 15,000 Batuampar 12,500
Approaches to Pulaubaai: approaches Tanjungpinang, Tanjunguban and
to Panjang and Tarahan 75,000 approaches, Kijang and approaches 35,000
Approaches to Teluk Bayur 100,000 3947 Melaka to Singapore Strait 200,000
3453 Selat Kelang and approaches 50,000 Pelabuhan Sungaipakning 50,000
3471 Selat Bangka and approaches to Pulau Karimun Besar 75,000
Pangkalbalam 250,000 3948 Selat Durian 125,000
3476 Sungai Palembang 50,000 3949 Selat Riau 125,000
Pelabuhan Plaju and Sungai Gerong 25,000 5502 Mariners routeing guide, Malacca and
3732 Pinang harbour 20,000 Singapore Straits
3833 Singapore Strait - western part 75,000 Gulf of Thailand
3919 Kruenggeukueh and Blanglancang to 769 Sungei Sedili Besar to Kuala Pahang 200,000
Ujung Peureulak 200,000 770 Kuala Pahang to Terengganu 200,000
3920 Ujung Peureulak to Teluk Am 200,000 771 Trengganu to Tumpat 200,000
3921 Teluk Am to Kualatanjung 200,000 Kuala Trengganu 25,000
3933 Selat Bengkalis and Selat Rupat 75,000 Pulau Redang harbour 40,000
Dumai: eastern entrance to Selat Rupat 75,000 986 Approaches to Si Racha and Laem
3940 Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) Chabang 25,000
Traffic Separation Scheme 80,000 993 Mae Nam Chao Phraya 15,000
3942 Ko Lauta Yai'to Ko Tarutao 200,000 999 Approaches to Krung Thep (Bangkok) 35,000
3943 Ko Tarutao to Pulau Pinang 200,000 1046 Outer approaches to ports from Krung
3944 Pulau Pinang to Kepulauan Sembilan 200,000 Thep to Map Ta Phut 120,000
3945 Kepulauan Sembilan to Port Klang 1311 Singapore Strait to Pulau-Pulau Subi
including Pandang and Pulau-Pulau Besar 500,000
Amah 200,000 1312 Singapore Strait to Selat Karimata 800,000
Outer approaches to Port Klang 100,000 1371 Anambas Eiladen 200,000
3946 Port Klang to Melaka 200,000 Telok Kuala 25,000
3947 Melaka to Singapore Strait 200,000 1374 Ports on the east coast of peninsular
Pelabuhan Sungaipakning 50,000 Malaysia
3948 Selat Durian 125,000 Kertih terminal: Tanjung Berhala 30,000
3949 Selat Riau 125,000 1379 Approaches to Kuantan 50,000
4714 Cocos or Keeling islands to Kuantan port 15,000
lIe St-Paul 3,500,000 Sungai Kuantan 25,000
Index 12 1789 Pulau-Pulau Lingga 250,000
Singapore and approaches, Gulf of Thailand Selat Lima 125,000
Singapore and approaches 2403 Singapore Strait and eastern
1311 Singapore Strait to Pulau-Pulau Subi approaches 200,000
Besar 500,000 3542 Pulau Redang to Hlaem Talum Phuk 500,000
1358 Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) 3543 Singapore to Pulau Redang 500,000
to Singapore Strait 500,000 3724 Port of Sattahip and Map Ta Phut 10,000
1789 Pulau-Pulau Lingga 250,000 Sattahip commercial port (Chuk Samet
Selat Lima 125,000 harbour) 10,000
1995 Port of Singapore - eastern roads 12,500 Map Ta Phut industrial port 12,500
2012 Sultan Shoal to Pulau Bukom 12,500 3727 Approaches to Ao Sattahip 40,000
2014 Selat Jurong and approaches 12,500 3961 Tumpat to Songkhla 240,000
2015 Port of Singapore - western roads 12,500 Songkhla 40,000
2023 Keppel Harbour and Cruise Bay 7,500 3963 Laem Kho Kwang to Laem Riu
2403 Singapore Strait and eastern including offshore gasfields 240,000
approaches 200,000 3964 Lang Suan to Prachuap Khiri Khan 240,000
2556 Eastern approaches to Singapore 30,000 3965 Prachuap Khiri Khan to Ko Chuang 240,000
2569 Southern approaches to Kuala Johor 30,000 3966 Ko Chuang to Ko Kut 240,000
2570 Western approaches to Singapore 30,000 IndexJl
2585 Kuala Johor and Sungai Johor 30,000 Borneo to Ceram and Jawa to Timor
2586 Eastern part of Johor Strait - Kual Johor Aus
to the causeway 30,000 414 Rowley Shoals to Lombok Strait 1,000,000
Sembawang 10,000 912 Cilacap and approaches 15,000
Serangoon harbour 12,500 Approaches to Cilacap 500,000
Pasir Gudang 15,000 918 Ports on the north coast of Jawa
2587 Western part of Johor Strait 30,000 Semarang 15,000
2598 Main Strait and Selat Phillip 30,000 Merak: Cigading 25,000
3543 Singapore to Pulau Redang 500,000 Cirebon: Approaches to Semarang:
Tegal: Karimun Jawa anchorage:
Approaches to Merak and Cigading 50,000

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
932 Tanjungpriok and inner approaches Mosselbaai 10,000
Tanjungpriok 12,500 61060 East London to Cape St Francis 249,500
Inner approaches to Tanjungpriok 20,000 61061 Approaches toPort Elizabeth 40,000
933 Approaches to Tanjungpriok 55,000 Port Elizabeth 10,000
941A Eastern archipelago - sheet 1 western 61070 Mbashe Point to East London 251,860
portion 1,552,500 61071 Approaches to East London harbor 12,000
941B Eastern archipelago - sheet 2 western East London harbor 6,000
portion 1,552,500 61080 Port Shepstone to Mbashe Point 256,035
945 Selat Madura and Selat Sapudi 61090 Dumford Point to Port Shepstone 260,460
including Madura 250,000 61091 Approaches to Durban 25,000
946 Ports in eastern Jawa, Bali and Lombok 61092 Durban 7,500
Approaches to Ujung: Celukanbawang: 61100 Ponta do Ouro to Port Dumford 265,100
Tanjung Wangi 10,000 Mozambique Channel area
Teluk Labuhantereng 30,000 61110 Limpopo to Ponta do Ouro 269,800
Pantai Timur: Padang: Probolinggo: 61120 Pont de Barra to Rio Limpopo 273,160
Panarukan 50,000 61130 Ilha Chiloane to Ponta de Barra 278,300
Approaches to Teluk Labuhantereng 100,000 61140 Rio Zambeze to Ilha Chiloane 282,000
2056 Selat Sunda and approaches including 61141 Approaches to Beira 60,000
Selat Panaitan 250,000 61142 Port of Beira 15,000
2149 Selat Sunda to Selat Gelasa and Selat 61150 Ilha Epidendron to Zambezi river 300,000
Bangka 500,000 61160 Porto de Mocambique to Ilha
3706 Selat Lombok and Selat Alas 250,000 Epidendron 287,000
3726 Selat Bali to Pulau Kangean 250,000 61170 Porto do Tho to Porto de
Selat Bali 75,000 Mocambique 300,000
3729 Tanjungpriok to Cirebon 250,000 Porto Belmore 100,000
3730 Cirebon to Semarang 250,000 Porto de Duarte Pedroso 40,000
3731 Pulau Panjang to Selat Surabaya 250,000 Porto de Nacala 75,000
IndexM 61171 Porto de Mocambique including Baia
Australia de Conducia and Porto de Mocambo 80,000
Aus 61172 Porto de Mocambique 25,000
413 Cape Fourcroy to Cape Leveque 1,000,000 61180 Mchinga Bay to Porto do Tho 294,500
61181 Mikidnai Bay including Mikidani harbor
American Defense Mapping Agency charts
and Mtwara Bay 36,490
Region 6 - Indian Ocean
Entrance to Mikidani harbor 18,780
Coastal charts
61182 Plans in Mocambique
61000 Algoa Bay to Cape Town 798,688
Porto do Ibo 46,100
61003 Durban to Algoa Bay 830,131
Porto Amelia 46,100
61015 Giuba River to Zanzibar 971,600
61190 Dar es Salaam to Mchinga Bay 300,000
61018 Hobyo to Kismaayo 973,000
61191 Dar es Salaam and adjoining anchorages50,000
61020 Mozambique Chanel - southern
Dar es Salaam harbor 10,000
reaches 1,000,000
61200 Dar es Salaam to Mombasa harbor 300,000
61021 Ras Hafun to Obbia 964,515
61203 Approaches to Zanzibar 75,000
61300 Madagascar - north coast 1,000,000
61204 Zanzibar harbor 12,500
61400 Mozambique Channel - northern
61210 Mombasa harbor to Manda island 300,000
reaches 1,000,000
61211 Approaches to Mombasa 50,000
61450 Mozambique Channel 1,000,000
61212 Mombasa harbor induding Kilindini
61500 Madagascar - south coast 1,000,000
harbor and Port Reitz 15,000
61550 Madagascar - east coast 1,000,000
61220 Manda Island to Kismaayo 300,000
62000 Gulf of Aden 1,000,000
61301 Islands north of Madagascar
62001 Red Sea 1,800,000
Aldabra islands 75,000
Khalig el Suweis (Gulf of Suez) 500,000
Main Channel 25,000
62024 Al Masirah to Ra's Raysut including
Assumption Island 75,000
Suqutra island 1,000,000
Iles Glorieuses 150,000
62028 Gulf of Oman and adjacent coasts -
Entrance to Inner Harbor 20,000
Karachi to Al Masirah 1,000,000
Astove islands 50,000
63000 Karachi to Bombay, India & Pakistan 903,500
Approaches to West Island 25,000
63005 Bombay to Cochin including the
Farquhar group 100,000
Lakshadweep 1,000,000
Cosmoledo group 75,000
63010 Cochin to Calimere Pt, with Sri Lanka
61310 Comoros islands 300,000
& the northern portion of
61311 Plans in the Comoros and Mayotte
the Maldives 964,000
Niazidja - anchorage at Moroni 10,000
63015 Coast of India - Calimere Point to
Ile Pmanzi - Dzaoudzi 35,000
Kalingapatam 945,197
Baie Fomboni 20,000
South Africa
Anchorages of Matsamuda and Ouani 20,000
61040 Yzervarkpunt to Cape of Good l:Iope 246,000
61312 Mayotte (north side) 35,024
61050 Cape St Francis to Yzervarkpunt 246,530
61410 Cap d'Ambre to Nosy Be 300,000
61051 Approaches to Mosselbaai 40,000
61420 Nosy Be to Baie de Bombetoka 300,000

Chan Title Scale Chan Title Scale
Nosy Be anchorage 50,000 62162 Bernice and approaches 50,000
61430 Baie de Bombetoka to Cap Saint Bernice 20,000
Andre 300,000 62170 Approaches to Madinat Yanbu
61440 Cap Saint Andre to Cap Kimby 300,000 As'Sina'iyah 150,000
61460 Cap Kimby to Nosy Lava 300,000 62171 Outer approaches to Madinat Yanbu
61470 Nosy lava to Cap Andriamanao 300,000 As'Sina'iyah 75,000
61510 Cap Andriamanao to Faradofay Yanbu AI Bahr 15,000
(Fort Dauphin) 300,000 62172 Mina AI Malik Fahd (King Fahd) at
61520 Faradofay to Riviere Faraony 300,000 Madinat Yanbu As'Sina'iyah 25,000
61530 Faraony to Toamasina 300,000 Northern entrance channel 50,000
61540 Toamasina to Cap Est 300,000 62177 Gaziret Zafaga and approaches 75,000
61560 Cap Est to Cap d'Ambre 300,000 Bur Safaga 15,000
Kenya and Somalia 62188 Approaches to EI-Ghardaqa 75,000
61220 Mand island to Kismaayo 300,000 EI-Ghardaqa 25,000
61230 Kismaayo to Baraawe 300,000 62191 Madiq Gubal to Ras Gharib 150,000
61240 Cadale (Itala) to Baraawe 300,000 Sharm EI-Sheikh 25,000
61242 Muqdisho 15,000 Ras Shukheir 50,000
61250 Cadale to Ras Cusbad (Itala to Ras 62193 Bahr el-Quizum (Suez Bay) 15,000
Assuad) 300,000 62194 Approa£hes to Bahr el-Quizum
61260 Raas Cusbad to Raas Cabaad 300,000 (Suez Bay) 50,000
61270 Raas Garmaal to Raas Cabaad 300,000 Ain Sukhna 25,000
61280 Raas Garmaal to Raas Binna 300,000 62195 Ra's Shukheir to Ra's el-Sudr 150,000
62040 Suqutra island and adjacent islands 300,000 Ra's Gharib 25,000
62050 Raas Aantaara to Raas Binna including 62220 Gulf of Aqaba 150,000
Abd AI Kuri 300,000 62222 Srait of Tiran 25,000
Red Sea area 62225 Elat and El Aqabah (Gulf of Aqabah) 25,000
56082 Difirswar by-pass to Bur Said by-pass 62230 Madiq Gubal to Geziret Zabartad 500,000
(Suez canal northern part) 30,000 62241 MinaJiddah 15,000
Buheiret EI-Timsah 15,000 62242 Approaches to Jiddah 75,000
56083 Bur Taufiq to Difirswar by-pass 62250 Geziret Zeberged to Bur Sudan 500,000
(Suez canal southern part) 30,000 62270 Bur Sudan to Sajid 500,000
62070 Raas jilbo to Raas Goragli 300,000 62271 Jaza'ir Farasan and approaches to
62080 Gulf of Aden - western part 300,000 Jizan 200,000
62090 Gulf of Aden - western part 300,000 62276 Port of Jizan 15,000
62091 Approaches to Berbera 75,000 62285 Approaches to Madiq Kamaran 150,000
Berbera 15,000 Madiq Kamaran 35,000
62092 Approaches to Djibouti 100,000 62288 Plans of AI Luhayyah and AI Mukha
Continuation of Djibouti 100,000 AI Luhayyah 25,000
62093 Djibouti and approaches 20,000 Mukha (Mocha) 25,000
62095 Port of Djibouti 10,000 62290 Sajid to Siyyan 500,000
62097 Approaches to Bandar at 62292 Al Ahmadi and approaches 75,000
Tawahi (Aden) 75,000 AI Ahmadi 25,000
62098 Bandar at Tawahi (Aden harbor) 20,000 62295 Ra's Isa to Ra's Mutaynah including
62100 Jazirat al Hanish as Saghir to Bab el Jazair Az Zubayr and Jazair Hanish 150,000
Mandeb 150,000 62302 Yemen (Aden) south coast 300,000
62105 Perim Island and Small Strait 18,000 Ghubbat Al Mukalla 25,000
62110 Ed to Aseb including Az Zuqur and Gulf of Aden to Persian Gulf
J azair Hanish 150,000 62040 Suqutra island and adjacent islands 300,000
Aseb harbor 25,000 62046 Approaches to Suqutra 150,000
62111 Plans in the Red Sea Ghubbah Di-Hadiboh (Tamrida Bay) 50,000
Aqiq 27,160 62050 Raas Aantaara to Raas Binna including
Marsa Halaib anchorages 29,230 Abd AI Kuri 300,000
Marsa Shaykh Ibrahim 16,240 62070 Raas Jilbo to Raas Goragli 300,000
Sharm Dumaygh 7,170 62302 Yemen (Aden) south coast 300,000
Edd Road 21,710 Ghubbat AI Mukalla 25,000
62115 Ra's Abu Masarib to Ra's Marjah 150,000 62306 Ra's Fartak to Ash Shihr 300,000
62120 North Mitsiwi Channel 150,000 62310 Ra's Fartak to Ra's Janjali 300,000
62121 Approaches to Mitsiwa (Massawa) 62312 Approaches to Ra'a al Madrakah 100,000
harbor 75,000 62313 Approaches to Mina Raysut 75,000
Mitsiwa harbor 15,000 Mina Raysut 25,000
62130 South Mitsiwa Channel 150,000 62320 Ra's Sharbithat to Ra's Janjali 300,000
62140 Approaches to AI Qadimah 150,000 62330 Ra's Ad Duqm to Ra's Sharbithat 300,000
62142 Approaches to Bur Sudan 25,000 62340 Ra's Duqm to Ra's AI Hadd Khalij
Bur Sudan 10,020 AI Masirah 300,000
62143 Approaches to Bur Sudan and 62342 Northern approaches to Masirah 75,000
Sawakin 100,000 62344 Ra's Hilf anchorage 25,000
62144 Approaches to Sawakin 20,000 62350 Ra's AI Hadd to Masqat 300,000

lndian Ocean Crnising Guide
Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
62353 Ra's AI Hadd to Sur 37,500 Pondicherry 25,000
62360 Masqat to As Salamah wa Banatuha 300,000 63270 Palar river to Penner river 300,000
Eastern part of Arabian Sea 63271 Madras and approaches 50,000
62387 Gwatar Bay 70,000 Madras harbor 12,500
62388 Gwadar Bays 70,000 63280 Nizampatnam Bay 300,000
63040 Gwadar to Ra's Malan 300,000 63281 Machilipatnam anchorage 25,000
63050 Ras Kachari to mouths of the Indus 300,000 63290 Sacramento Shoal to Vamsadhara river300,000
63053 Approaches to Karachi 75,000 Kakinada Bay 50,000
63054 Karachi harbor 15,000 63291 Approaches to Vishakhapatnam 50,000
63055 Port Muhammad Bin-Qasin and Vishakhapatnam harbor 12,500
approaches 25,000 63310 Vamsadhara river to Devi river 300,000
63060 Ras Muari to Lushington Shoal 300,000 63320 Devi river to Pursur river 300,000
63062 Gulf of Kachchh 150,000 63321 Hugli river approach 150,000
63063 Approaches to Okha 30,000 Entrance to Hugli river 75,000
63065 Approaches to Kandla & Navlakhi 50,000 63322 Haldia to Hugli Point 35,000
63070 Lushington Shoal to Diu Head 300,000 Haldia 15,000
63080 Diu Head to Tarapur 300,000 63323 Hiraganj Point to Calcutta 20,000
63090 Tarapur to Bankot 300,000 63324 Paradip and approaches 25,000
63091 Gulf of Khambhat 150,000 Paradip 10,000
63092 Piram island to Bhavnagar 31,800 63330 ' Raimangal river to Elephant Point 300,000
63100 Bankot to Malvan 300,000 63331 Pusur river 75.000
63101 Agashi Bay to Kumbaru Point including 63337 Approaches to Karnaphuli river 75;000
approaches to Bombay harbor 140,000 Karnaphuli river 25,000
63102 Approaches to port of Bombay 40,000 63340 Naf river to Cheduba Island 300,000
63103 Port of Bombay 20,000 63341 Cox's Bazar to Mayu river 143,160
63110 Malvan to Bhatkal 300,000 63350 Cheduba Island to Pagoda Point 300,000
63111 Approaches to Mormugao & Panaji 63351 Mayu river to Kyaukpyu harbor 144,086
harbors 100,000 63352 Kaladan river 70,000
Mormugao & Panaji harbors 30,000 Harbor of Sittwe 35,000
Port Mormugao 12,500 63353 Kyaukpyu harbor to Cheduba Strait 144,530
63120 Bhatkal to Cannanore 300,000 Kyaukpyu harbor 36,320
63121 New Mangalore and approaches 100,000 63354 Cheduba Strait to Andrew Bay including
Anchorage of New Mangalore 35,000 Ramree harbor 145,100
Harbor of New Mangalore 10,000 63361 Andrew Bay to the Calventuras 145,930
63150 Cora Divh to Lhavandiffulu Atoll 500,000 63370 Andaman islands - northern part 300,000
63160 LhavandiffuIu Atoll to South 63380 Andaman islands - central part 300,000
Malosmadulu Atoll 200,000 63383 Port Blair and approaches 100,000
63170 North Malosmadulu Atoll to Felidu Port Blair 15,000
Atoll 200,000 63390 Nicobar islands 300,000
63172 Approaches to Male anchorage 20,000 63400 Andaman Sea - Burma to Sumatera 1,200,000
63180 Falidoj Atoll to Haddummati Atoll 200,000 63410 Goyangyi Kyun to Rangoon river
63190 Haddummati Atoll to Addu Atoll 300,000 including Preparis Island 300,000
63200 Cannanore to AIleppey 300,000 63411 Calventuras to Bassein river 146,966
63201 Cochin anchorage and harbor 25,000 63412 Bassein (Ngawun) river and approaches 75,000
Cochin harbor 12,500 Continuation of the river to Bassein 100,000
63202 Addu Atoll - Indian Ocean 25,000 63413 Rangoon river 50,000
Gan anchorage 10,000 Rangoon 25,000
63205 Approaches to Cochin and AIleppey 75,000 63417 Approaches to Rangoon river 100,000
AIleppey 25,000 63420 Rangoon river to Launglon Bok
63210 AIleppey to Cape Comorin 311,100 Islands 300,000
Bay of Bengal area 63422 Mali Kyun and vicinity 74,800
63220 Gulf of Mannar - southern part 311,770 63424 Approaches to Moulmein 100,000
63230 South coast of Sri Lanka 312,620 Moulmein river entrance 50,000
63231 Colombo to Ambalangoda 100,000 Moulmein harbor 25,000
63232 Approaches to Galle 100,000 63430 Launglon Bok islands to Nearchus
63233 Colombo harbor and approaches 15,000 Passage 300,000
63234 Approaches to Galle harbor 25,000 63433 Approaches to Mergui harbor 75,000
Galle harbor 10,000 Mergui harbor 17,500
Not for sale or reproduction outside the USA. 63440 Nearchus Passage to Ko Tachai 300,000
63240 Batticaloa Roads to Pt. Pedro 311,120 71040 Ko Tachai to Ko Butang 300,000
63241 Approaches to Trincomalee 50,000 Islands Eastward of Madagascar
63242 Trincomalee harbor 10,000 61036 Seychelles with the Amirante and
63250 Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar 310,350 other outlying islands 638,000
53252 Tuticorin harbor 25,000 Not for sale or reproduction outside the USA.
63260 Palar river to Muttupetai including 61541 Mahe and Prastin and approaches 125,000
Sri Lanka 300,000 61542 Victoria and approaches 12,500
63268 Approaches to Pondicherry 75,000 Not for sale or reproduction outside the USA.

Chart Title Scale Chart Title Scale
61551 Plans in the Indian Ocean Teluk Bayur 16,000
Cargados and Carajos Shoals 91,240 Teluk Bayur and Teluk Bungus 53,000
Agalega islands 123,380 71180 . Selat Sunda and approaches 290,480
St James anchorage 18,760 71210 Southern reaches to Bangka and Selat
lie Tromelin 30,080 Gelasa 300,000
61581 lie de la Reunion 175,300 71220 Selat Bangka
61582 Saint Denis to Saint Gilles-Les-Bains 40,000 Northern part 150,000
Anchorages of Saint Denis 10,000 Central part 150,000
Port Des Galets 10,000 Southern part 150,000
Anchorage of Saint Pierre 12,500 71223 Air Musi - from the mouth to Pulau
61591 Mauritius 100,000 Karto 50,000
61592 Plans on the west coast of Mauritius Plaju roadstead and Sungaigerong 25,000
Approaches to Port Louis 50,000 71230 Selat Durian to Selat Bangka 300,000
Port Louis 12,500 71239 Pelabhuan Sambu 12,500
Grande Riviere Noire Bay 20,000 71241 Selat Durian and approaches 100,000
Not for sale or reproduction outside the USA. 71243 Selat Riau and vicinity 100,000
61594 Grand Port (Mauritius) 25,000 71244 Selat Bulan 25,000
South entrance to Grand Port 12,500 Sekupang 10,000
61601 Rodrigues island 116,320 71247 Singapore harbour - eastern part 15,000
Port South East 48,870 71251 J~hore Strait and eastern entrance 25,000
Mathurin Bay 24,220 71253 Harbor of Singapore - central part 15,000
61610 Chagos Archipelago 360,000 71255 Harbor of Singapore - western part 15,000
61611 Diego Garcia 15,000 71257 Singapore Strait - western part 60,000
61612 Approaches to Diego Garcia 80,000 71258 Main Strait and Phillip Channel 30,000
Region 7 - Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand 71259 Singapore Strait - eastern part 60,000
Coastal charts 71261 Selat Bengkalis and Selat Rupat 75,000
71005 Northwest Sumatera and the Strait Pelabuhan Dumai 37,500
of Malacca 1,000,000 Selat Rupat - southeast approach 30,000
71027 Pulau Bintan to Mui Ca Mau including 71262 Plans of Port Dickson and Melaka
north coast of Borneo and adjacent Port Dickson entrance 35,000
islands 1,091,700 Port Dickson 10,000
71033 Western part oOava Sea and southern Melaka anchorage 35,000
passages to China 1,613,850 Melaka 17,500
71050 Great Channel (Indonesia - India) 300,000 71265 Singapore area (Singapore-Malaysia-
72000 Java Sea 1,025,000 Indonesia) 200,000
72021 Eastern part of Java Sea including 71271 Approaches to Selat Kelang 75,000
Makassar Strait (Borneo east coast) 750,000 71272 Northern approaches to Pelabuhan
Sumatera and vicinity Kelang (north port) 15,000
63400 Andaman Sea - Bunna to Sumatera 1,200,000 A. 30,000
71006 Tanjung Jambuair to Singkil 500,000 B. 15,000
71009 Singkil to Padang including adjacent 71273 Southern approaches to Pelabuhan
islands 500,000 Kelang (south port)
71012 Padang to Bengkulu including A. 15,000
Kepulauan Mentawai 499,326 B. 30,000
71015 Bengkulu to Selat Sunda including 71275 Strait of Malacca - southern part 200,000
Pulau Mega and Pulau Enggano 498,114 71281 Cocos (Keeling) islands 30,000
71040 Ko Tachai to Ko Butang 300,000 North Keeling island 37,560
71042 Approaches to Ko Phuket 50,000 71285 Malacca Strait - central part 200,000
71043 Port of Phuket 10,000 71295 Strait of Malacca - northwest part 300,000
71044 Kantang and Approaches 100,000 71305 Strait of Malacca - northern part 300,000
Kantang harbor 25,000 71315 Ko Klang to Pulau Langkawi 200,000
71045 North coast of Sumatera (Strait of 71430 Southeast reaches to Singapore Strait 300,000
Malacca) 300,000 71440 Singapore Strait to Pulau Tioman
71050 Great Channel (Indonesia - India) 300,000 including Kepulauan Anambas 300,000
71058 Pinang harbor (Strait of Malacca) 17,500 Borneo and vicinity
71059 Nonhern approach to Pinang harbor 35,000 71036 Selat Karimata (South Java and China
71061 Approaches to Pinang harbor 100,000 seas) 500,000
South Channel entrance 35,000 71410 Karimata Strait and southeast reaches 300,000
71066 Lumut and approaches 75,000 72040 Tandjung Putting to Tanjung Sambar
Lumut 25,000 (Borneo south coast) 201,090
71071 Approach to Belawan (Sumatera east 72050 Tandjung Malatajur to Tandjung Putting
coast) 25,000 (Borneo south coast) 200,980
Port of Belawan 12,500 72060 Tanjung Selatan to Tanjung Malatayur
71091 North coast of Sumatera ond off-lying (Borneo south coast) 200,645
islands 106,835 72070 Tanjung Selatan to Pulau Laut 201,020
71140 Ujung Katiagan to Tanjung 72085 Makassar Strait - southern portion 500,000
Inderapura 269,500

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
Jawa Oava) to Timor I inch = 2-54 centimetres (rough1y 4in = lOan)
71018 WC5tem ponion of Jawa including 1 centimetre = 0-394 inches
Selat Sunda 497,000 1 foot = 0-305 melttS (roughly 3ft = 1m)
71180 Sclat Sunda and approaches 290,480 I metre = 3-281 feet
71182 Oedjoeng Genteng to Prinsen Eiland I pound = 0-454 kilograms (roughly 100bs = 4-5kg)
(Southwest coast of Java) 200,480 I kilogram = 2-205 pounds
71185 Approaches to Jakana 60,000 1 mile = 1-609 kilometres (rough1y 10 miles = 16km)
71186 Jakana including Tanjungperiuk and I kilometre = 0 -621 miles
Jakana roadstead 20,000 I n aurical mile = 1-15 15 miles
71191 Christmas Island 51,430 I mile = 0-8684 nautical miles
FJying Fish Cove 3,280 I acre = 0 -405 hectares (roughly 10 acres = 4 hectares)
Region 9 - East Asia I hectare = 2-47] acres
Coastal cham I gallon = 4-546 litres (roughly 1 gallon = 4-5 littes)
Chan Title Scale I Iiue = 0·220 gallons
71027 Pulau Bintan to Mui Ca Mau including
nonh coast of Borneo and adjacent Temperature scale
islands 1,091 ,700 Centigrade to Fahrenheit ~+32 =F
93010 Gulf of Thailand 1,000,000 5
VielDam, Cambodia, Thailand and Eastern Malay Fahrenheit te Centigrade (F-32) x 5 =C
Peninsula O°C = 32°F
93018 Kuala Terengganu to Ao Nakhon 496,000 O°F = -17 -8C
93110 Pulau Tioman to Terengganu 75,000 So,
93113 Approaches to Kuantan 75,000 70°F = 21'l o C 20°C = 68°F
93] 15 ApproachC5 to Kenih 75,000 80°F = 26-7°C 30°C = 86°F
93117 Kertih and Kuantan 90°F = 32'2°C 40°C = l 04 D F
Kertih tenninal 25,000
Kuantan 15,000
93160 Kuala Terengganu to Laem Khao
Ph", 242,900
93 180 Laem Khao Phra to Ko Kra 250,000
Harbor of Songkhla 48,800
Ao Pattani 149,900
93200 Ko Kra to Lang Suan Roads 241 ,300
93220 Lang Suan Roads to Prachuap Khiri
Khan 240,000
93224 Prachuap Khiri Khan and vicinity 20,000
93240 Prachuap Khiri Khan to Ko Chuang 240,000
93241 Laem Krabang to Mae Nam Chao
Phraya including Ko Si Chang 75,000
Mouth of Mae Narn Chao Phcaya
including Bangkok Bar 35,000
93242 Bangkok Bar [0 Ban Bang Hua Sua 10,000
93243 Ban Bang Hua Sua to Sathu Pradit
including Krung Thep (Bangkok)
harbor 10,000
93244 Plans on the Gulf of Thailand
Approaches to Ban Ao Udon 20,000
Approaches to Ban Patthaya 25,000
93245 Approaches to Ao Sattahip 75,000
93246 Sathu Pradit to Krung Thep (Bangkok) 10,000
93247 C hong Khram & Ao Sattahip 15,000
93260 Ko Chuang to Ko Kut 238,000

Aden 172-6; see also Yemen Bay of Bengal Colombo, 130-31 Equatorial Trough see ITCZ
passages currents, 47-50 Comoros, 226-7 Eritrea, 182-6
Admiral Marina, 74, 75 tropical storms and cyclones, formalities, 24 diving, 17
Adoney (Hell-Ville), 233 37-8 passage from Mauritius, 55 formalities, 24, 183
Agulhas Current, 50-51 Bayan Bay Marina, 84 passage from Seychelles, 54 war zone, 16, 182
AIDS, 22 Beau Vallon, Baie, 218 passage to Madagascar, 54 Ethiopia, 182
Airport Bay, 93 beer, 11 conversion tables, 258 False Bay, 236
alcohol, 11 begging, 20 Coondapoor, 146 Farquhar Group, 214
Aldabra Group, 214 Belekeri, 146 coral,3-5 fish, cooking, 18-19
Alleppey, 139 Beypore, 144-5 anchoring, 5-6 Fish Farm Bay (Chalong), III
Alphonse Group, 214 bimini, 5, 7, 8 cuts, 23 fishing, 18
Ambararata Bay, 234 Blenheim Reef, 210, 212 diving, 17-18 Fjord anchorage, 93
Ambetoloaka, 233 Boat Lagoon, Phuket, 113-14 souvenirs, 17 Flying Fish Cove, 203-5
Amirantes Group, 214 Boileau, Anse, 218 Crater Bay, ~34 Foreign Office Travel Desk, 14
anchoring, 5-6 Bombay, 149-52 cruising bases, 25-7 formalities 24; see also under
Andaman Islands, 119-20 passage from Mina Raysut, cruising highways, 25, 26 countries
diving, 17 58 Cullen Bay Marina, 203 Freedom Bay, 113
passages, 51-3 Yacht Club, 151 cultures, 19-20 Fremande
Anse Barbaron, 215 books, guides and pilots 1, 245- Curieuse, lie, 219 passage from Capetown, 59
Anse Boileau, 218 7; see also under countries currents 47-51; see also under passage to Cocos Keeling,
Anse Cocos, 219 Bumbon Besar Bay, 94 countries 51
Anse Intendance, 219 Burau Bay, 93 cyclones, 35-40, 53 Fresh Water Lake anchorage,
Anse Possession, 219 bureaucracy, 24 Dabhol,149 93
Anse Royale, 219 Burma, 119 Dar es Salaam, passage to fuel,9-1O
Anse Takamaka, 219 Butang Islands, 102-3 Seychelles, 59 Galle 126-30; see also Sri
Anse Volbert, 219 Calendar of the Windr, 228 Darwin, 202, 203 Lanka passages
Ao Chalong, 107-11 Cannanore, 145 passage to Christmas Georgetown, 84, 85-6
Ao Lanah, 106 Cape of Good Hope, 57, 236 Island/Cocos Keeling, 51 Ghurab,171
Ao Lohdalum, 106-7 Capetown passage to Langkawi or
Ao Nang (Krabi), 117
gifts, 20, 24
passage from Durban round Phuket,51 GIS, 8
Ao Pante, 103 Cape, 57, 236 Datai,94
Ao Talo Udang, 103 Goa, 58, 146-8
passage to Australia, 59-60 Dayang Bunting, 94 GPS, 8-9
Ao Talo Wao, 103 Chagos, 208-12 Devargh Harbour, 148 Grand Anse (La Digue), 219
Arabian Sea diving, 16 Diego Garcia, 208, 209 Grande Anse (Mahe), 218
currents, 47-50 passage from Cocos Keeling, diesel, 9-10 Grande Anse (Praslin), 219
tropical storms and cyclones, 53 Dinding River, 79-84 Grande Baie (Mauritius), 224
38-9 passage from Seychelles, 59 dinghies, 6-7
Ashmore Reef, 203
guides, books and pilots, 1, 245-
passage from Sri Lanka and Direction Island, 206, 207-8 7
astronavigation, 9 Maldives, 54 diving, 16-18
Adantic, passage round Cape, passage to Seychelles and Djibouti, 181-2 ham radio, 43
57,236 Hanish Islands, 16, 182
Madagascar, 54 formalities, 24, 181
Australia, 25, 201-3 passage to Thailand and harbours and anchorages, health matters, 21-3
passage eastabout, 59-60 Hell-Ville (Adoney), 233
Malaysia, 59 181-2
passages westabout, 51 Chalong, 107-11 radio weather services, 42 history, 1-3
radio weather services, 42 Hole-in-the-Wall,94
Changi, 63-4 documentation 24; see also under
tropical storms and cyclones, Changs, 80, 81, 82 specific countries hospitality, 20
40 Hurgadha, 191-2
charts, 247-58 Doldrums see ITCZ
Bab el Mandeb 176; see also Chevalier, Baie, 219 dress and appearance, 20, 24 Hydrographic Office France, 14
Red Sea passages Christmas Island, 203-5 drugs, 20 Hydrographic Office Warnings to
Baie Beau Vallon, 218 passage from Darwin, 51 Durban 235-6; see also South
Mariners, 14
Baie Chevalier, 219 passage to Cocos Keeling, 51 Africa passages
hydrographic publications, 245
Baie Lazaire, 219 ciguatera, 23 Dzaoudzi,227-8 lie Curieuse, 219
Baie Police, 219 civil unrest, 12, 15-16 East Africa, 237-44 India, 131-52
Baie Ste Anne, 219 Cochin 139-44; see also India diving, 17
passage from Red Sea, 58
Baie Ternay, 218 passages formalities, 24, 133
passage from Seychelles, 54-5
Baitkol, 146 Cocos, Anse, 219 passage to Red Sea, 57 harbours and anchorages,
Bali, 51 Cocos Islands, 215 139-52
passage to Seychelles, 59
Balihaf, 171-2 Cocos Keeling, 206-8 East London, 236
passage from Chagos, 54
Ban Nit, 111 diving, 16 Egmofit Islands, 209, 212
passage from Oman, 58
Bandar Imran, 176 passage from Christmas passage from Red Sea, 58
Egypt, 189-99
Bander al-Rowdha, Marina, Island, 51 civil unrest, 16, 189 passage from Sri Lanka, 54
159 passage from Fremantle, 51 passage to Maldives, 54
diving, 16
Bang Tao, 113 passage to Chagos, 53 passage to Oman, Yemen and
formalities, 24, 189-90
Barbaron, Anse, 215 passage to Rodrigues, Red Sea, 55
harbours and anchorages,
Bass Harbour (Kuah), 88-9 Mauritius and Reunion, 53-4 191-9
piracy, 13
Batam,65 passage to Sri Lanka, 53 Equatorial Counter-current, 50, radio weather services, 41-2
Indonesia, 65-6
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide
civil unrest, 15 International Yacht Club, Mirya Bay, 149 Phitti Creek, 156, 157
diving, 17 79-82 Mitsawa (Massawa, Mits'iwa), Phuket
harbours and anchorages, Madagascar, 229-34 183-6 passage from Darwin, 51
65-6 diving, 16 Mombasa 240-41; see also East passage to Sri Lanka and via
piracy, 13 formalities, 24, 229 Africa passages Andamans, 51-3
radio weather services, 41 harbours and anchorages, Monkey Beach (Penang), 86 Phuket Island, 107-15
insects, 7, 22 231-4 monsoons Boat Lagoon, 113-14
insurance, 21 passage, 57 NE, 29-32, 58 Yacht Haven, 114-15
Intendance, Anse, 219 passage from Comoros, 54 NW,33-4 Phuket Yacht Club, 111-12
International Man"time passage from Mauritius, 55 SW, 29, 58 pilots, guides and books, 1, 245-
Organisation, Piracy Mahe (India), 145 Moroni 226-7; see also 7
Department, 14 Mahe (Seychelles), 212-19 Comoros passages Pinang (Penang), Pulau, 84-7
Internet weather sites, 46 Mai Khao, 113 mosquitoes, 7, 22 piracy, 12-15
Ismalia, 196 Malacca (Melaka), 74 Mossel Bay, 236 Police, Baie, 219
ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Malacca Strait, 51 Mozambique, 57, 237, 238 PonggolMarina, 64
Zone), 34-5, 53 piracy, 13, 66 civil unrest, 16, 237 Port Blair, 119, 120, 121
Jaigarh Bay, 149 malaria, 21-2 diving, 17 passages, 51-3
James Bond Island, 117 Malaysia, 66-94 formalities, 24 Port Dickson, 74-5
Janjira, 149 diving, 17 passage, 57 Port Elizabeth, 236
jellyfish stings, 22-3 formalities, 24, 66-7 Mozambique Current, 50 Port Fouad, 197-9
Johor Bahru, 74 harbours and anchorages, 72- Muar River (Sungai Muar), 74 Port des Galets 225-6; see also
Junk Anchorage 94 Mukalla, 58, 168, 169-71 Reunion passages
(Georgetown), 84, 85 passage from Chagos, 59 Muscat, 159 Pon Klang (Kelang), 75-7
passage from Darwin, 51 Myanmar, 119" Port Launay, 218
Kamala, 113
passage from Sri Lanka, 58-9 Nai Ham, 111-12 Port Louis 222-4; see also
Kamphong Bahru, 79-84
piracy, 14, 66 navigation Mauritius passages
Karachi, 156
radio weather services, 41 astro, 9 Port Mathurin, 220
Karon Beach, 112, 113
Maldives, 152-6 GPS, 8-9 Port Redi, 148
Karwar Bay, 146
diving, 17 in coral, 4-5 Port Said, 197-9
Kata Beach, 112, 113
harbours and anchorages, see also under countries Port Sudan, 187-9
Kata Noi, 112, 113
154-6 NAVTEX,47 Pon Tewfiq, 193-5
Kelawar River, 94
paperwork,24, 152-3 nets, 43 Port Victoria 217-18; see also
Kenya, 237-44
passage from India, 54 New Mangalore Harbour, 145 Seychelles passages
civil unrest, 16, 237
passage to Chagos, 54 Nicobar Islands, 53, 121 Possession, Anse, 219
diving, 17
Male, 154-6; see also Maldives Nishtun, 166 poverty, 19-20
formalities, 24, 237
passages Nongsa Point Marina, 65 Praslin, 219
harbours and anchorages,
Mamoudzou, 227-8 North Bay (Penang), 86 provisions, 10-11
Mandovi River, 146-8 North Keeling, 206 Pulau Beras Basah, 93
radio weather services, 43
Mangalore, 145 Nosy Be 232, 233; see also Pulau Langkawi, 87-94
see also East Africa passages
Maqatin, 172 Madagascar passages Pulau Payar Marine Park, 87
Keppel Marina, 64
Marina Bander al-Rowdha, Nosy Komba, 234 Pulau Penang (Pinang), 84-7
Kilifi Creek, 241-3
159 Nosy Mamoko, 234 Pulau Rimau (Penang), 87
Kisap River, 94
Marina Cove, 65 Nosy Sakatia, 234 Pulau Singa Besar, 93
Klang (Kelang), Port, 75-7
Knysna Lagoon, 236 Maritime Safety Agency, 14 oil, 10 Qishn Bay, 167
Ko Adang, 103 Mascarene Islands, see Oman, 158-61 Qui1on, 139
Ko Bulan, 103 Rodrigues; Mauritius; formalities, 24, 158 races and regattas, 27-9, 51
Ko Chong Lat, 117 Reunion harbours and anchorages, Racha Yai, 107
Ko Hong Group, 117 Massawa (Mits'iwa, Mitsawa), 159-61 radjp nets, 43
Ko Kluang, 104 183-6 passage from India, 55 radio weather seroices, 41-3
Ko Lanta Yai, 104-5 mast-steps, 8 passale from Red Sea, 58 Radisson Plaza Suite Resort,
Ko Lipe, 102-3 Mauritius, 220-24 piracy, 13 94
Ko Miang, 117-18 diving, 16 Raffles Marina, 64-5
formalities, 24, 220
Pakistan, 156
Ko Phanak, 117 Pamanzi, 227-8 Rajapur Bay, 149
Ko Phetra, 104 passage from Cocos Keeling, Ras al Arah, 176
Panaji (Panjim), 58, 146-8
Ko Rawi, 103 53-4 Ras Ar Ratl, 171
Pangkor Island, 79, 83
Ko Similan, 117 passage from Seychelles, 59 Ras Burum, 171
Panjirn (Panaji), 146-8
Ko Surin Nua, 118 passage to Comoros, 55 Ras Fartak, 167
paperwork 24; see also under
Ko Tarutao, 103 passage to Madagascar, 55 Ras Maqdah, 171
Ko Yao Noi, 117 passage to South Africa, 55 Ras Quasyr, 167
paraffin, 10
Ko Yao Yai, 117 radio weather services, 42 Ras Sharma, 167
passages eastabout, 56, 57-60
Krabi (Ao Nang), 117 Maya Bay, 107 Ratnagiri Bay, 149
passages westabout, 51-7
Kuah (Bass Harbour), 88-9 Mayorte, 227 Rebak Bay, 93
diving, 16 Rebak Marina, 90-3
La Digue, 219 Payar, Pulau (Marine Park),
formalities, 24, 227 Red Sea, 177-81
La Passe, 219 87
Mayun, 176 country profiks, 181-95
Laccadive Islands, 144 Pelangi Beach Resort, 93
Medical Advisory Services for navigation, 9, 181
Laem Nang, 117 Penang (Pinang), Pulau, 84-7
Travellers Abroad (MASTA), passage, 25, 55, 57
Lamu, 243, 244 Penang Yacht Club, 84, 85-6
21 passage from East Africa, 57
Langkawi, Pulau, 87-94 Perak River, 79
medical insurance, 21 passage from India, 55
anchorages, 93-4
medical services, see under
Perak Yacht Club, 81
cruise ship terminal, 87-94 Perim Island, 176 passage from Seychelles, 54
specific countries passage to East Africa, 58
passage from Chagos, 59 Peros Banhos, 209, 211-12
Melaka (Malacca), 74 passage to India and
passage from Darwin, 51 Persian Gulf, war zone, 15
Meridien Bay, 113 Sri Lanka, 58
Langkawi Yacht Club, 89-90 petrol, 10
midges, 22 passage to Seychelles, 58
Lazaire, Baie, 219 Phang-Nga Bay, 115-17
Mina Raysut (Salalah) 159-60; passage to Yemen, Oman and
Lumut, 79-84 Phi Phi, 105-7
see also Oman passages India,58

wi1ldJ,32, 177-9 radio Wlather U7t1ias, 42-3 VijayadIUJ Harbour, 148
ngallas, 27-9, 51 South Bay (Penang), 86-7 Volben, Alue, 219
Reunion, 224-6 South EqU4UJrial CIDTml, SO war.wI'IQ,12,15-16
diving, 16 SoutJurn Ocean Cwnml, 50 U>o:IUT, 5, 23
jomllmM, 24, 224 spans, 11 U>o:IUl'l'lfaMrs, 5
pmJQge /rom Cows Kuling, Sri Unu, 122-31 lDtIathn informatictliU7tlias, 41 -
5}-<1 civilwrrut., 15, 122 6
~/rom Scy;:MUu, 59 diviNg, 17 _arMr/ax, 43-6
radio ,"ather~, 42 /«maiilits, 24, 122-3 wflI siu WlarMr injrmnation, 46
R.evandra, 149 harOtnm a1ld tmehoraga, West Island (Cocos KeeIinJ),
Ftinlau, f\Uau (penang), 87 126-31 206, 208
Rodrigues Island, 220 passag' from Cocas Kuling, winds,29-34
passage from Cows Kuling, 53 windsc«Jps, 7, 8
53-4 passap from PhuJul and
Yenlen, 161 -76
RDd's fish SItu>, 19 Andamans, 51-3
civil unnsl, 16, 161
Rok Nok, 104 pasJage from &d &a, 58
diving, 17
"",w,25 passage to Chagos and 1ndi4,
jrmnolirUs, 24, 161 , 173
Royal Selangor Yacht Club,
Royale, Anse, 219
"passag, to ThaikJnd and
Singapore, 58-9
harbours and ancJwrrJpJ,
passagt from India, 55
Russian Bay, 234 radio WlatMr stroias, 41
JXUsagt /rom Red Sta, 58
sailing diI'tCticns, 245, 246 St-Gilles, 226
fHU$DpS to 1ndi4, 58

Sainte Anne, 218 Ste Anne, Baie (Praslin), 219
sringJ,22-3 piracy, 13 ..
Salalah 159-60; su tWa Oman
sUJnJ,9-11 Zanzibar, 237, 238
Salonlon blands 210-11; su Sudan, 186-9
tWa Chap passaga civil ""nsl, 16, 186
Saudi Arabia, 189 diving, 17
SE rradu, 32-3, 53-4 jormaJirin, 24, 186-7
sea urchin njnzs, 23 harbours and andwragtJ,
UDJiclrrrQl, 23 187-9
Sebana Co~ Marina, 72-3 Suez, 55, 193-5
Seychelles, 212-20 Suez Canal, 193, 195-7
diving, 16 Sumaua,66
jonofaJiM, 24, 212-3 Sunpi Muar (Muar River), 74
harbou" a1ld anchcraps, JUngUuus, 4-5
215-20 Surin, 113
passage from Cna,os, 54 Surin Islands, 118
passagt from East AftUa, 59 Sydney, passage /rom CapefOflm,
passage from Red Sta, 58 59
passap from South~. 59 Takamaka, Anle, 219
passage UJ Chagos, 59 Tanikeiy, 234
patsap UJ Comoros, 54 Tanjung Rhu, 94
passap /0 &ur lif!*a, 54-5 Tanzania, 237, 238
passap UJ Mauririws a1ld diving, 17
Rel."wn, 59 /«maJirilJ, 24
passap /0 Red Sta, 54 ptllJap, 57
prohibiud areas, 215-16 ItilCDmmunicarions, SII urukr
radw WWtMr U7t1ias, 42 _ma
slwuU a1ld wnrilariotl, 7-8 Tellicherry, 145
sMUs, 17 Telok Ayer Taban, 93
Shuqra, 172 Telok Oayang BWlting, 93
Sililan Islands, 117-18 um~twn SC4k, 258
Sinppore.6 1-5 uru:krs, 6-7
jomrolilits, 24, 61 Temay, Baie, 218
harbours a1ld anclu:waps, Thailand,95-118
63-5 divinl, 17
passap from S rI· lAnI!a, 58-9 jormaJitia, 24, 95
piracy, 13-14 Iutr60un and andwragu,
radio fJJNlhn U7t1ias, 41 102-18
Yacht Club. 64 passap from Chagos, 59
JnOf'luJ/ing, 16- 18 passagt from Sri Lanka, 58-9
SocotrI Idand, 13, 57 ptllJap to S ri Lanka and W2
sclar pands, 7 Andamans, 51-3
Somoli Cumln/, 51, 59 radio weathn- smnas, 41
Sonlalia, 116 Ton Sai Bay, 106
cfvil unnsl, 16 m:uk winds, 32-3
piracy, 13, 57 tropieol stonm, 35-40
South Africa, 234-6 wnk sheil, 17
diving, 17 umb.-.llas,6·7
jrmnoliria. 24, 234-5
pauap from EoJl /lfrittJ, 57
tJtJCcinarions, 21
Venaurla, 148
paJJtJgt /rom Mau,,"riw, 55
wntilation a1ld sh~, 7-8
passag' UJ Arlanril:, 57
Victoria 217-18; see alJ<J
passagt UJ Awtralia, 59-60
Seychelles passagu
passap to St:ycMiks, 59

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 1 of7

Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

Rod Heikell

1st edition 1999

ISBN 0 85288 295 5

Supplement No.1 March 2002

PLEASE NOTE: To enable this Supplement to be placed on the web as early as possible it
has been published without three plans, these will be added as a link to this supplement in the
very near future. Please check this supplement page for the link.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this supplement. However, it contains
selected information and thus is not definitive and does not include all known information on
the subject in hand. The author of this supplement and Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd believe
it to be a useful aid to prudent navigation, but the safety of a vessel depends ultimately on the
judgement of the naVigator, who should assess a/l information, published or unpublished,
available to him/her.

My thanks for information to Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan, John S Newton, and Graham

Page 4 Coral
Anyone diving in the Indian Ocean and in tropical waters world-wide cannot fail to notice how
much dead coral there is. Only this year I dived on coral around the Seychelles and found as
much as 80% of it dead. In other parts of the world it is estimated 70--80% of coral is dead or
dying. The consensus of opinion is that global warming and the resulting increase in average
sea temperatures is killing off the coral. Much like the canary in a coalmine, coral is sensitive to
small changes in the marine environment. If global warming goes on then it is likely the
majority of coral reefs in the world will die along with all the marine life dependant on coral
It is a sobering thought and one which every yachtsman needs to heed. Many countries are
trying to remedy the situation by creating maritime parks, putting down moorings so that
anchors do not destroy living coral, funding conservation programmes and limiting commercial
fishing. All these moves should be supported by the yachtsman even when it appears some of
the funding is siphoned off to local pockets and Swiss bank accounts. We have to start
Page 8GPS
GPS accuracy is much improved now that SA (selective availability) has been switched off and
no longer degrades the signal. An accuracy of around 3-10 metres can now be obtained in
many places depending on satellite reception. However the warning on chart accuracy and
COE's still stands.
Page 13 Piracy
Piracy has increased in several areas covered in this book and some care is needed in certain
volatile areas. For a recent and reasoned assessment of the piracy situation free of some of
the rumour and hysteria that goes on, especially around the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea,
look at the pages on piracy on the Imray site. Click on the 'Corrections' button at the top of
screen, select 'Red Sea Pilot' then click on the Piracy Warning near the top of the supplement
Indonesia After the recent riots in Indonesia yachts have been sailing in convoy and cutting
through the archipelago without dallying as much as in the past. Some yachts have missed out
Jakarta because of the riots there although at the present time things are calm in the
Indonesian capital. The Bali area is reported free of piracy.
Singapore No new reports of attacks on yachts.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 2 of7

Page 14
Malacca Strait No new reports of attacks on yachts. The Royal Malaysian Navy has a Piracy
HQ Tel (0)32357671 Fax (0)32320910.
Southern India No new reports of attacks on yachts.
OmanlYemenlSomalia and Socotra At least seven reported cases of attacks on yachts in
2000-2001. See the report from Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan in 'Corrections' for 'Red
Sea Pilot'.
Yemen contacts: Aden: Harbourmaster, Captain Ali. Deputy Harbounnaster, Captain Hussein.
VHF Ch16 from about 25 miles and ssa 2182kHz to about 100 miles. Tel office + 9762
202850; Duty Officer +9762 202262, 202238; Fax +9762 206241 ).
An IMO officer in Aden, Capt Roy Facey (Tel/fax +9762 203521), is another helpful contact.
Mukallah: Harbour pilots, Captains Salem and Amin. VHF Ch 16 to about 25 miles and on SSB
2182kHz to about 60 miles. Tel Mukallah 354742; mobile 7951076.
Djibouti contacts: French Navy (La Marine Fran~ise) Tel +253351 351 or + 253 35 0348.
Ask for OPO (officier penn anent operation).
Page 15 War zones and civil unrest
Sri Lanka At the time of writing a new cease-fire had just been agreed. VVhether this will last or
go the way of previous cease-fires remains to be seen.
Persian Gulf The American war on EI Quaida and the Taliban has meant that the gulf is now
heavily patrolled by the US Navy supported by a number of other western naval forces.
Yemen and Somalia The naval forces patrolling the Persian Gulf also extend down to the Gulf
of Aden. At the time of writing German naval forces were in the Gulf of Aden.
Madagascar The recent elections in Madagascar have caused rioting and some general
strikes in some areas, but mostly in the capital Antananarivo.
Page 35 Tropical storms and cyclones
On 23 rd March 1999 Cyclone Vance devastated the NW coast of Australia with winds up to
140 mph. It was classified as a Category 5 cyclone before being downgraded to a Category 4
as it moved overland.
Page 43 HF nets

Roy's Net. Perth, W.A 14·320mHz.

warnings & then covers
I boats in N & W Indian Ocean. I
zu u then at 1130 zulu aSY's to SA
m/m net on 14·316mHz
2400 zulu
SE Asia M/M Net. 14·320mHz. &
& later at
(Rowdy's breakfast moves to Icovers SE Asia
show), Phuket. 7·085mHz.

0630 and
S.A. M/M Net South
& moving to 1130 Indian Ocean & South Atlantic
7·045mhz.(after) zulu.

ITony's Net. Kenya. 1114.316mHz. 1 0 500 zulu Il~~~ers Indian Ocean & Red
IMediterranean M/M
Net. 117.085 mHz. 110700 zulu liMed. I
Page 46 Internet weather
NOAA wavewatch Up to 126 hour forecast for surface winds and wave heights for the Indian
Organized weather links Good links for the Indian Ocean (and elsewhere)

I Northern Indian Ocean

Page 63 Singapore - Natsteel Marine
Lies just around the corner from Changi in Loyang Bay. Pontoon berths and some moorings.
Natsteel Marine, 72 Loyang Way, Singapore 508762. Tel 543 1651 Fax 5431659
Page 64 Singapore
Keppel Marina
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 3 of7

Keppel Marina Pte Ltd PSA Building Post Office P.O. Box 421 Singapore 911145
Tel 377 5425/2706665 E-mail
Republic of Singapore Yacht Club
West Retan Beacon 01 °17'·6N 103°45'·OE
The Republic of Singapore Yacht Club (RSYC) is one of the newest marinas in Singapore and
is located on the south side of the island near the town of Clementi. Leave West Retan Beacon
to starboard and proceed along the East Jurong Fairway towards the marina. When close to
the marina call on VHF.
VHF Ch 77 (083~1730)
Dangers Care is needed of shipping and ferries using the East Jurong Fairway.
Data 180 berths. Visitors berths.
Berths Report to the marina office.
Shelter Good shelter although there is some wash from the ferries and other traffic which tend
to make it rally at times.
Authorities Mark Ray is Harbourmaster. Marina staff.
Services Water and electricity at all berths. Showers and toilets. Laundry.
Fuel Fuel quay.
Repairs Travel hoist. Mechanical and engineering repairs.
Provisions Some distance away in Ginza Plaza.
Eating out Two restauranVbars in the marina.
Other At Ginza Plaza: PO, Bank, laundry. To get about you need to go to Clementi MRT
station. The RSYC runs a shuttle bus from the marina to Clementi MRT station. Get details
and bus schedule from Dockmaster's office upon arrival Alternatively take a taxi. At Clementi
station (EW23) take the train going east to get to the city and west to go to Raffles Marina. The .~......
trains run approximately every 2-5 minutes.
Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, 52 West Coast Ferry Rd., Singapore
Dockmaster: Mark Ray Tel (65) 768 9233, Fax (65) 768 9230, Email
Raffles Marina
Raffles Marina, 10 Tuas West Drive, Singapore 638404
Tel (65)861 8000 Fax (65)861 1020
Page 66 Sumatra - Sabang
Ujung Lho Me light (N side Sabang) 05°53"2N 95°18"6E
In the NE monsoon anchor off the small town. Depths are considerable. In the SW monsoon
anchor off in Lhok Kreuengraya under Klah Island. You will need to get permission for the
latter anchorage.
Customs and naval authorities. Water and fuel available. Provisions and some restaurants.
Page 75 Malaysia - Admiral Marina
02°28'·75N 101 °50"40E
VHF Ch 14
Data 120 berths. 80 dry berths. Visitors berths. Max LOA 60m.
Authorities Immigration and customs officer.
Services Water and electricity (220/380V) at aI/ berths. Shower and toilet block. 24 hour
Fuel Fuel quay.
Harbour master Paul Brennan. Admiral Marina, BT 5%, Jalan Pantai, 71050 Si Rusa, Port
Dickson, Negeri Darul Khusus, Malaysia. Tel (06) 647 0888 Fax (06) 647 0889
Page 89 Malaysia - Royal Langkawi Yacht Club
06°18"2N 99°51"1E
Data 60 berths. Max LOA 60m.
Royal Langkawi YC, 07000 Kuah Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Tel (6)04-966 4078 Fax (6)04-
E-mail Web
Page 95 Thailand - Entry formalities
A cruising tax has now been introduced (at least around Phuket) of 1800 baht. Clearance
charges are 300 baht for the yacht and captain and 300 baht for additional crew. If crew are
listed as passengers then the clearance charge is 15 baht. Clearing out charges are 100 baht.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 4 of7

Page 107 Thailand - Ao Chalong

Ao Chalong now has a one-stop clearing in and out office with immigration, customs and
harbour master.
Page 113 Thailand - Boat Lagoon
Phuket Boat Lagoon Co Ltd, 2211 Moo 2 Thepkasattri Rd. P.O. Box 500, Phuket 83200
Web or
Page 114 Thailand - Yacht Haven
The Yacht Haven Marina Phuket, Phuket Island Marina Co Ltd., 141/2 Moo 2 Tumbol Maikhao
Thalang, Phuket, 83110 Thailand Tet66 7620670415 Fax 66 76206706 E-mail info@yacht-
haven-phuket. com
Page 122 Sri Lanka - Current situation
In February 2002 a cease-fire between the government forces and Tamil Elam was agreed. At
the time of writing this cease-fire was still in place, but there can be no guarantee as to how
long it will hold. Cease-fires have been negotiated in the past and have then broken down.
Page 123 Sri Lanka - Entry and exit formalities
The fee for paperwork, the Windsor's fee and one months mooring is now around US$160.
Page 152 Maldives - Entry formalities
Another Male agent is:
Alliance Management Services, 1st Floor, M. Javvahir Vaadhy, Orchid Road, Male, Maldives.
PO Box 2086. Tel (960) 338788 Fax (960) 338688 E-mail
Page 156 Maldives - Uligan
The following information on Uligan was collected by Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan,
authors of the Red Sea Pilot.
Uligan I
This is the easiest port of call in the N Maldives.
Clear passes into Thiladhunmathee Atoll are:
From N, the deep pass is at rOT·2N 72°54'·6E. From SWvia 6°S3'.ON 72°57'·4E, 6°55'·55N
72°59"25E, 6°5T'ON 72°58'·3E. From SE, the pass close S of Mulhadhoo, 6°59"44N 72°
59'·35E. From E the pass S of Uligan, 7°04'· 192N 72°56'·398E.
For the NE Monsoon (NNE thru ESE winds) anchor in the channel between an off-lying patch
and the lagoon border at or04'·7SN 72°S5"27E, 10-14m, sand. It's possible to tuck a bit
further N for shallower water, but less swinging room. For the SW Monsoon, (generally W to
NWwinds), S of island at approx 07°04'·5N 72°55'·9E is deep «25m) unless you tuck right in
and find a clear patch closer to the beach. The area is easy to spot because there is a wide
avenue from the beach to the village.
There is a US$5 anchorage fee payable at the Island Office. First, the coastguard (who double
as security and customs) will come out in their runabout to conduct a security check. You will
be asked to complete clearance forms in duplicate, a vessel details form and a customs
declaration. YOU'll need 3 crew lists. You will receive copies of the forms and a crew list
stamped "entry cleared". They'll also tell you the rules. An anchor light is compulsory. No
member of the local population is allowed aboard. No one to be ashore from 2200-0600. No
(major) repair work to be done. Any gifts for people ashore must be shown to and approved by
the customs offiCials. No alcohol to be taken ashore. Dress ashore to be modest (shorts OK for
ladies if not super short and skin tight).The day before leaving inform the Coastguard. Produce
your receipt for the US$5 anchorage fee and DON'T LEAVE until a security check has been
completed. This all sounds complicated. It isn't. The officials are delightful and anxious to make
things easy.
Hassan of the Sailor's Choice store will probably meet you when you first go ashore and may
call you on VHF beforehand. The store (owned by Ahmed Naseer, the local magistrate) has a
small range of basics and souvenirs and can arrange limited quantities of diesel @
US$50c/litre by jerry jug. If you want it delivered customs clearance is necessary. There's a
phone near the jetty and phonecards (US$3 and US$10) are on sale. Collect calls are
expensive. Mail can be sent from Sailor's Choice, US$1 for a letter or card to Europe. They
also offer showers and laundry. A supply boat brings replenishment of stores every 7-10 days.
Fresh water in limited quantities is available by jerry-jug for a small fee. Hassan's wife will lay
on a wonderful and very beautiful Maldivian vegetarian dinner for US$5-8 a head (the lower
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 5 of7

price for 10 people, the higher for 3). AMSCO, the main agent in Mali, also has an office here
and you can arrange to buy diesel through them. There is one other small store, Hafolhu,
which has much the same range of provisions. It is possible to take a boat to Hanimaadhoo (6°
4S'N 73°10'E) where there is an airfield with flights to Mali.


Page 156 Pakistan

Given the current troubles in Pakistan it is advised that yachts do not go to Pakistan under any
circumstances. Consult the latest Foreign Office advice if in doubt.
Page 161 Yemen
Refer to the section on piracy (page 13) at the beginning of this supplement.
Page 177 Red Sea
Refer to the section on piracy (page 13) at the beginning of this supplement
Page 185 Eritrea, Massawa
Some yachts have anchored between Talaud Island and Massawa without any problems. Here
you are much closer to town and shelter is still good.
The following information on Hurghada was collected by Stephen Davies and Elaine Morgan,
authors of the Red Sea Pilot.
Page 192 Egypt - Hurghada
The beacons on Umm Agawish-el-Kebir and at the S end of the fairway W of the island are
missing. There is a yellow buoy off the NE end of reef E of the hotel strip S of Abu Minqar I.
There is now no beacon on the S tip of Umm-Agawish. There is a conspicuous new water
tower NWofthe town in 2r17"7N, 33°44'·6E. The leading marks for approach from the N are
very clear. There is a new ferry pier. From seaward a jetty appears to be under construction
between where we mark Police and Port Authority launches and the wreck. The Sharm el
Sheikh jetcat berths N of this new jetty. Extensive reclamation is also underway filling in what
seems to be the entire fringing reef between Merlin Pt and the port. There is now a large
number of piers along the whole shoreline Nand NWof the port for hotel dive boats, the
numbers of which in Hurghada are now well over the 1200 mark!
If you call here you will have to pay port fees of US$120. In addition there will be the
Customs Fee which you will have to pay for the first time if this is your first port after the Canal.
You will also have to pay it here if you are northbound and you have not already paid in
Safaga. Some yachts try to avoid the procedures and the associated fees, but this is illegal.
Clearing can be done with or without an agent. Agents cost approx US$80. If you use an agent
you can usually leave passports and ships' papers with him and go to EI Gouna marina directly
if you don't want to anchor in Hurghada. The GSM mobile phone network works well here and
there are cyber-cafes for e-mail.

II Southern Indian Ocean

Page 203 Christmas Island

A visa is now required in advance before stopping at Christmas Island.
Strict quarantine regulations on the importation of egg and poultry products. All live animals
must remain on board the yacht.
Quarantine Service Tel 08 91 647 456 Fax 08 91 647 468
Customsllmmigration Tel 08 91 648444 Fax 08 91 648440
Marine Service Tel 08 91 648434 Fax 08 91 648435
Water From a tap on the beach by the slip.
Fuel Diesel and petrol from the filling station.
Other Internet and e-mail facilities at the PO or the cafe nearby. The Yacht Club is presently
Page 212 Seychelles - Entry formalities
Call sign is Seychelles Radio.
Charges are now in Seychelles Rupees (SR)
Charges per day for cruising in the Seychelles are SR50 per day.
Charges in marine parks are 50 SR per person from 0900-1700 and SR50 per yacht
overnight. If you arrive after 1700 and leave before 0900 you pay only the SR50 per yacht fee.
On a number of islands including Silhouette and Bird Island, special permission must be
obtained at Victoria.
Page 217 Seychelles - Port Victoria
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 6 of 7

NE Channel off isolated danger buoy 04°36',768 55°28'·65E WG884

NE Channel off Victoria lighthouse 04°37'.018 55°28"16E WG884
Reclamation A large reclamation project has been in progress for several years and basically
involves reclaiming land on the coral reef that fringed Victoria from Victoria harbour to near NE
point and from the New Port to the Airport. From the distance this reclaimed land is very
obvious and basically if you square off the reef areas and build them up, you will have a pretty
good idea of what the reclaimed areas look like. Work was still going on in February 2002.
Charter pontoon You may be able to negotiate a place on the 8unsail pontoon off the Inter
Island Quay. It is planned to install a new pontoon along the bank NWof the Inter Island Quay
proper. A large tuna canning factory (reputed to be the 2 nd largest in the world) has been built
on the quayfront 8 W of the charter pontoon.
Seychelles Marina It is planned to build a marina immediately NW of the airport. Work had not
started in February 2002.
Page 219
0'25M Wof Pointe Matoopa light 04°38',328 55°21"82E WG884
Port Launay entrance 04°39"258 55°23"15E WGS84
Good shelter in NW season. Anchor in SE end of the bay in 5-6m between the reefs on sand.
Baie Ste Anne
Entrance to buoyed channel 04°21'.058 55°46'.61 E WG884 ,
The entrance to the bay is now buoyed by a green and red buoy. Enter on 310oM. The bay has
been dredged to 8-10m in the entrance channel on 3100M and to 3-8m off the pier and
reclaimed area. An area has been reclaimed in the W of the bay and shows up well from the
entrance. Anchor in 3-8m on sticky sand, excellent holding. Yachts can go on the end of the
pier if it is free to take on water and supplies.
lie Curieuse
Entrance 04°17"338 55°44"13E WGS84
No mooring buoys. Anchor in 8-12m clear of the reef. Good shelter in NW season. The walk to
the 'Doctors House' in Anse 8t Jose is recommended.
La Digue
La Passe
Entrance 04°20"778 55°49"59E WG884
A small harbour has been built with room for 2-3 yachts. Most yachts must still anchor off
Page 220 Mauritius - Entry formalities
A visa is normally granted for 2 weeks extendable to 6 months.
There have been reports that for stays of more than one month a bond equivalent to 100% of
the value of the boat must be lodged in a Mauritian bank. The exact ramifications of this are
unclear and it would be useful to enquire in advance as to the current regulations.
Page 222 Mauritius - Port Louis
There is now a yacht basin opposite the customs house. It is subject to wash from local craft in
the day. The surrounding area has been redeveloped and there are shops, restaurants and
Page 224 Mauritius - Grand Baie
Anchorage off the YC 20°00',68 57°34"5E
Approach Keep well off the rocky coast until the bay bears due 8 and a red can buoy will be
seen. Leave it close to port and head for the yachts moored off the YC on the E side of the
bay. The bay shoals rapidly to around 4m.
Mooring Anchor off the yacht club in around 4m. In the bay there are a number of small
conical buoys which mark watersports areas (mostly water-skiing). Good shelter reported in
the bay. You can take a dinghy ashore to the YC or to the jetty in the SE of the bay.
Facilities At the YC you will be required to prove your membership of a YC after which you are
given 15 days free membership. The YC jetty has water, petrol and diesel but has barely 2m
depths at high tide. The tidal range here is around O·Sm. Showers and a bar at the YC. Internet
connection at the YC. There is a supermarket around 1km away (with internet cafe) and other
shops. The main coast road is a short walk away from the YC.
General Grand Baie has been recommended by John 8 Newton from which these notes and
the sketch plan are derived.
Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Page 7of7


Page 225 Reunion - Port-des-Galets - Port Ouest

Water and electricity and showers in the yacht basin. 40-ton travel-hoist.
Page 229 Madagascar - Entry formalities
Entry formalities (at least in Nosy Be) have been much simplified. It is best if you arrive with a
visa rather than attempting to get one here. Then go to Helville and to customs and
immigration, the harbourmaster and the Dispensaire for health clearance. You must leave your
ships papers (or a copy) at the customs and immigration office. You will need at least 8 copies
of a crew list. Total fees are around £25 GBP ($35 US) which include a cruising permit for one
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Indian Ocean Cruising Guide Rod Heikell is well known as the author of
numerous guides to the Mediterranean. An
There has long been a need for a general handbook for experienced yachtsman, his pilot books are
yachts crossing the Indian Ocean from Australia and seen as models of their type, combining well
New Zealand to Europe, from the Red Sea to East Africa researched data with a lively writing style.
and to Southeast Asia. Until a decade or so ago Alan Indian Ocean Cruising Guide is the result of
lucas' Red Sea and Indian Ocean Cruising Guide extensive cruising in the area over several
provided much of the necessary background and years in Tetra, his 1962 31ft sloop.
planning information but his guide went out of print and
in recent years there has been no simple source of
general data for yachtsmen.
Rod Heikell's new work fills this gap by providing all the
essential information on planning a passage, on climate.
routes and formalities. Indian Ocean Cruising Guide also
provides detailed sailing directions for key harbours and
cruising areas where yachts are likely to senle for
sometime .
There are sections on Malaysia, Western Thailand. Sri
Lanka. Southwest India and the Red Sea. Christmas and
Cocos Keeling islands are covered as are Mauritius, the
Seychelles, Madagascar, East Africa and Durban.
More detailed information is found in the pilot books of
the area that Imray publish and distribute:
Red Sea Pilot Morgan and Davies
Cruising Guide to Southeast Asia Davies and Morgan
Vol 1 The South China Sea, Philippines, Gulf of Thailand
to Singapore
Vol 2 Papua New Guinea. Indonesia. Malacca Strait to

Australia Cruising Guide Alan lucas

East Africa Pilot Delwyn Mc Phun
South African Almanac Tom Morgan

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