Hoarder Perceptions
Hoarder Perceptions
Hoarder Perceptions
This questionnaire has 10 questions. The first 5 are for the person who has
(or might have) a hoarding problem. The second 5 are for someone else
to answer about the person who has (or might have) a hoarding problem.
To complete this measure, then, you’ll need to find a trusted person—a
friend or family member, perhaps even a therapist or other social service
These first 5 questions are for the person who has (or might have) a hoard-
ing problem.
1. Because of the clutter or number of possessions, how difficult is it for you to
use the rooms in your home?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Not at all Mildly Moderately Severely Extremely
difficult difficult difficult difficult difficult
2. To what extent do you have difficulty discarding (or recycling, selling, giving
away) ordinary things that other people would get rid of?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No Mild Moderate Severe Extreme
difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
3. To what extent do you currently have a problem with collecting free things or
buying more things than you need or can use or can afford?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No Mild Moderate Severe Extreme
problem problem problem problem problem
These next 5 questions are for a friend, family member, or other trusted person.
Answer these questions about the person who has (or might have) a hoard-
2. To what extent does this person have difficulty discarding (or recycling, selling,
giving away) ordinary things that other people would get rid of?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No Mild Moderate Severe Extreme
difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty
3. To what extent does this person currently have a problem with collecting free
things or buying more things than he/she needs or can use or can afford?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No Mild Moderate Severe Extreme
problem problem problem problem problem
5. To what extent does this person experience impairment in his/her life (daily rou-
tine, job/school, social activities, family activities, financial difficulties) because
of clutter, difficulty discarding, or problems with buying or acquiring things?