Spam Detection Thesis

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We also covered deep learning and other crucial Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based spam detection
approaches that have previously only been found in restricted investigations. Tropical Medicine and
Infectious Disease (TropicalMed). A significant number of these works are based on the use of
machine learning and datamining techniques. Table 7 outlines some of the existing works on text
spam detection that use various pre-processing techniques. The researchers recommend Deep
Learning (DL) techniques to avoid such limitations in ML techniques for spam classification because
some algorithms take much longer to train and use large resources based on dataset. Future
Generation Computer Systems 108: 467 - 487. Before extracting features from text, it is necessary to
eliminate any undesired data from the dataset. Some earlier studies failed to highlight the benefits
and drawbacks of various spam detection and classification systems. The novelty of our work is that
we used data from a variety of reputable academic sources to achieve our goal of identifying spam
content on social media. Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature
Subset Sele. Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature Subset Sele. The
experimental evaluation of the proposed approach has shown that the CNN-LSTM model performs
better than other techniques for classifying SMS spam. All articles published by MDPI are made
immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special. In some cases, SMS
spam contains malicious activities, such as smishing. The experimental evaluation showed that the
model can detect smishing messages with 94.20% of true positive rate and 98.74% overall accuracy.
A spammer may also employ social bots to automatically post messages based on the user’s interests.
Because these datasets frequently have unstructured text and may contain noisy data, preprocessing
is almost always necessary. Any paper that does not refer to social media spam was eliminated from
further investigation. The idea is to classify text messages and identify those that are spam and those
that are not spam. A variety of ways have been used to detect and regulate spam text. Expert advice
was sought regarding source selection, and databases such as Web of Science (WoS), Scopus,
Springer, IEEE Xplore, and ACM digital library were used to collect research papers for our study.
Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida WOW Con. As a
consequence, they are rather poor classifiers and their classification accuracy is restricted. Table 8
(Term-document matrix) depicts the link between a document and its terms. The frequency of
occurrence of a term in a group of documents is represented by each value in the Table 9. Following
an initial search, new words discovered in several related articles were used to generate several
keywords. Obtaining the spam text collection (dataset) is the initial step. If there are undesirable
features in the dataset, the classifier’s performance suffers, and an efficient feature selection
algorithm is required. It provides a straightforward API for typical NLP tasks such as part-of-speech
tagging and sentiment analysis. The architecture of LSTM contains a range of repeated units for
each time step. A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for SMS Spam Detection in Arabic and English
Messages. Based on the experimental results that are detailed in the next section, we concluded that
a hybrid deep learning model based on the combination of two methods (CNN and LSTM) gave the
best results as compared to the others. 3.3.1. Traditional Machine Learning Even though the main
idea of our approach was to implement a model based on deep learning, in this paper we have chosen
to compare several algorithms that belong to the family of traditional machine learning.
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). Junnarkar et al. (2021) used a two-
step methodology to ensure that the mail people received was not spam. Looks like we're having
trouble connecting to our server. Table 12 covers a number of existing spam classification works that
employ various Machine Learning (ML) methodologies. With a classification accuracy of 90% and
an F1-score of 91.5%, the Decision Tree classifier produced better results. The goal of the first
module is to analyze the content of text messages and identify the malicious contents by the use of
Naive Bayes classification algorithm. IRJET Journal Email Email ARSD College Spam Detection in
Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature Subset Sele. When considering that we have an
input data containing a collection of N text messages, the first step in the process is to vectorize the
text corpus, by transforming each text into a sequence of integers (each integer being the index of a
token in a dictionary). If your e-mail contains any of these words, it’s quite likely that it'll end up in
the spam bin. The authors used the UCI SMS spam dataset to which they added a set of Indian
messages collected manually. In Table 1, we present a comparative summary on different works that
are discussed in this section. 3. The Proposed Model In this section, we describe, in detail, our
proposed model. CAN SPAM and You. CAN SPAM Requirements The Make-Up of an Email
Managing Unsubscribes Legally Acceptable Behavior Best Practices Current Trends. 5
Requirements. Correct header information. In some cases, SMS spam contains malicious activities,
such as smishing. In: Antoniou G, Potamias G, Spyropoulos C, Plexousakis D, eds. Presentation By:
Dr. Ajay Data CEO, Data Infocom Limited. Agenda. Topics Taxonomy: What’s out there. We’ve
also provided details on a number of databases that can be used for spam detection studies. They
tested their approach on an email corpus containing lakhs of emails and scored a 99.60% spam
detection accuracy score. Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature
Subset Sele. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 ( 12 ): 1458 - 1461. We can deduce from
various studies on Machine Learning for spam classification that ML techniques occasionally suffer
from computational complexity and domain dependence. The time spent by people using social
media is overgrowing, especially in the time of the pandemic. The not-spam class designates normal
messages that represent no danger for the users. 4. Experimental Evaluation In this section, we
present the results that were obtained from the experimental tests that we conducted on the model
presented in this paper. CAN SPAM and You. CAN SPAM Requirements The Make-Up of an Email
Managing Unsubscribes Legally Acceptable Behavior Best Practices Current Trends. 5
Requirements. Correct header information. They tested their algorithm on three publicly available e-
mail spam datasets and discovered that it outperformed the others in spam filtering. Spam Detection
Ham Spam Is this just text categorization. Wu (2009) used a novel technique to spam detection in
their work, merging Neural Networks (NN) with rule-based algorithms. They classified spam content
using Neural Networks, rule-based pre-processing, and behavior identification modules with an
encoding approach. In this paper, we propose a hybrid deep learning model for detecting SMS spam
messages. Expert Systems with Applications 112 ( 3 ): 148 - 155. Because each word is mapped to a
different vector and the technique resembles a neural network, it is usually referred to as deep
learning. The computed TF-IDF score can then be fed into machine learning algorithms such as
Support Vector Machines, which substantially improve the results of simpler methods such as Bag-
Using the proposed survey, researchers will be able to select optimal detection and control
mechanisms for spam eradication. The process of the proposed system begins by cleaning up
unnecessary information found in the text messages. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), one of
the most important and extensively used Deep Learning approaches, has received a lot of attention
in recent times for performing NLP tasks. On the e-mail spam dataset, Naive Bayes and Support
Vector Machine achieved the highest accuracy of over 90%. International Journal of Emerging
Trends in Engineering Research 8 ( 5 ): 1979 - 1986. First and foremost an expert should have a rich
content resource in his repertoire and his dexterity to find good resources, however the paraphernalia
for rich resource is virtuosity of users who tagged it. When it comes to training datasets, decision
trees (DT) require very little effort from users. The contribution of our paper, as compared to existing
work, is the proposal of an efficient system for detecting SMS spam that can deal with both English
and Arabic messages. Accuracy: is the number of messages that were correctly predicted divided by
the total number of predicted messages. In recent years, it is considered among the best
representations of words in NLP. They may also encounter difficulties if the spammer is intelligent
and quick enough to adapt. Berlin: Springer International Publishing. 559: 340 - 350. We designed a
hybrid model combining these two algorithms in order to benefit from the advantages of both CNN
and LSTM. Some previous efforts on spam identification from social media have constrained
themselves to only a few limited academic sources. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials
Processing (JMMP). It contains 5574 English messages that were labeled according being legitimate
(ham) or spam. Editor IJCATR Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature
Subset Sele. In Figure 1, we present the architecture of the proposed model. Arabic and English
stop-words: Stop-words refer to the most common words in a language that are not important for
understanding the text. For efficient research, a dataset with correct labelling is required, as is large
computational power in the case of a large dataset. SpamAssassin is open source software that aids
in the creation of rules for various categories and is preferred by spam detection researchers.
Spammers also employ Deep Learning algorithms to manipulate social media material in order to
generate spam. Feel free to interrupt when you have any question or comment. Ricardo Villamarin-
Salomon, Jose Carlos Brustoloni Department of Computer Science University of Pittsburgh SAC '09,
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing ???. Outline. Introduction
Bayesian method. The four classifiers were: Random Forest, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine,
and AdaBoost. Next Article in Journal Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity: Literature Review
and IoT Cyber Risk Management. The objective of their approach is to employ two deep learning
techniques together: CNN and LSTM. Only a few studies have used deep learning techniques and
semantic approaches to detect spam. However, it is unable to correlate the current information with
the past information. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) 80 ( 8 ): 11583 - 11605.
Reduce the number of clock cycles used to run a query. They created this model to capture complex
text features using a long-short attention mechanism. Troyano; Fermin L. Cruz. “Spam Detection
with a Content-based Random-Walk Algorithm”. FP-growth algorithm is used to extract frequent
itemset in text messages and Naive Bayes Classifier is used to classify the messages and filter those
that are spam. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Obtaining the spam
text collection (dataset) is the initial step. Did everyone start tracking your spending this week. Arid
Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment 13: 391 - 399. Slavisa Sarafijanovic
Sabrina Perez Jean-Yves Le Boudec EPFL, Switzerland. Finally, for the AUC measurement, our
CNN-LSTM model gave the best score with a value of 0.937054, Multinomial Naive Bayes is the
second with a score of 0.934046. In Figure 9 and Figure 10, we present the confusion matrix and the
ROC curve of the CNN-LSTM model. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information
Sciences 34 ( 1 ): 1407 - 1416. We can deduce from various studies on Machine Learning for spam
classification that ML techniques occasionally suffer from computational complexity and domain
dependence. As shown in the Fig. 4 below, there are three techniques of classifying the text. A
Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for SMS Spam Detection in Arabic and English Messages. Introduction.
There’s a good chance that in the past week you have received at least one email that pretends to be
from your bank, a vendor, or other online site. Comparable words have similar vector representations
in word embedding, which is a form of word representation technique. Every word is represented by
a separate hot vector, with no two vectors being identical. The computed TF-IDF score can then be
fed into machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, which substantially improve
the results of simpler methods such as Bag-of-Words. The purpose of this step is to use the TF-IDF
method to convert the text data into numerical data. A total of five machine learning algorithms were
investigated. The skip-gram model can accurately represent even rare words or phrases with a small
quantity of training data, but the CBOW model is several times faster to train and has slightly better
accuracy for common keywords. This method’s goal is to extract meaningful information from a text
that describes essential aspects of it. Expert Systems with Applications 36 ( 3 ): 4321 - 4330. The
second one is used to inspect the URL contained in the messages. In the following, we describe, in
detail, the role and configuration of each layer. Accuracy: is the number of messages that were
correctly predicted divided by the total number of predicted messages. The obtained results showed
that the CNN and LSTM model is much better when compared to other machine learning models. In
fact, the volume of SMS spam has increased considerably in recent years with the emergence of new
security threats, such as SMiShing. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article
numbers instead of page numbers. Frequently, these comments are accompanied by links to
commercial websites.
In: Elizondo DA, Solanas A, Martinez-Balleste A, eds. Yahoo is a useful platform that brings in
some of the really useful application for its users. Frequently, these comments are accompanied by
links to commercial websites. Thus, the challenge that we face is: (i) how to collect a significant
dataset supporting both Arabic and English language and allowing researchers to conduct studies on
SMS spam; and, (ii) how to find a robust classification model to detect spam messages in this mixed
environment. They tested their method on the Enron dataset (email corpus ), and their proposed
work with the SVM classifier achieved a very low positive rate of 0.03 with a 99% accuracy. The
values of TF and IDF is calculated as per the following Eqs. (1) and (2). Reduce the number of clock
cycles used to run a query. If your e-mail contains any of these words, it’s quite likely that it'll end
up in the spam bin. In our case, we used Rectified linear unit (ReLU) as nonlinear function. Spam
Detection in Social Networks Using Correlation Based Feature Subset Sele. As shown in the Fig. 4
below, there are three techniques of classifying the text. BTech thesis. Preview PDF 693Kb Abstract
The algorithm proposed will be able to identify the spammers and demote their ranks cocooning the
users from their malicious intents and gives popular and relevant resources in a collaborative tagging
system or in online dating sites, or any other online forum where there are discussions like quora,
amazon feedbacks etc. To improve social media security, the detection and control of spam text are
essential. An Approach for Malicious Spam Detection in Email with Comparison of Differen.
Machine learning has the ability to adapt to changing conditions, and it can help overcome the
limitations of rule-based spam filtering techniques. Some rule-based systems rely on static rules that
can’t be changed, so they can’t deal with constantly changing spam content. Among the recent
solutions that have proven to be effective in solving these kinds of problems is the use of deep neural
networks. A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for SMS Spam Detection in Arabic and English Messages.
We have taken the assumption that there are two factors on which the virtuosity of a user with
reference to a resource or a document depends on. Please note that many of the page functionalities
won't work as expected without javascript enabled. In: MacIntyre J, Maglogiannis I, Iliadis L,
Pimenidis E, eds. The proposed “Conceptual Similarity Approach” computes the relationship
between concepts based on their co-occurrence in the corpus. Junnarkar et al. (2021) used a two-step
methodology to ensure that the mail people received was not spam. In the architecture of our model,
we used a single LSTM layer placed directly after the MaxPooling. Domain-specific terms with
lower scores may be eliminated or ignored as a result of this issue. In: Gelbukh A, ed.
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. The sigmoid function is a logistic
function that returns a value between 0 and 1, as defined by the formula in Equation ( 6 ). They
tested their approach on an email corpus containing lakhs of emails and scored a 99.60% spam
detection accuracy score. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. SVMs
are straightforward to train, and some researchers assert that they outperform many popular social
media spam classification methods.

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