Lecture 02
Lecture 02
Lecture 02
A program performs three basic operations: it gets data, it manipulates the data, and it outputs the results
In C++, I/O is a sequence of bytes, called a stream, from the source to the destination. The bytes are usually
characters, unless the program requires other types of information, such as a graphic image or digital speech.
Therefore, a stream is a sequence of characters from the source to the destination. There are two types of streams:
To receive data from the keyboard and send output to the screen, every C++ program must use the header file
iostream. #include <iostream>
The predefined functions are organized as a collection of libraries ,called header files. A particular header file
may contain several functions. Therefore, to use a particular function, you need to know the name of the
function and a few other things, which are described shortly.
The program in the following example illustrates how to use predefined functions in a program. More specifically, we
use some math functions, from the header file cmath, and the string function length, from the header file string. Note
that the function length determines the length of a string.
cin and the get Function
As you have seen, the extraction operator skips all leading whitespace characters when scanning for the next input
value. Consider the variable declarations:
char ch1, ch2;
int num;
and the input:
A 25
Now consider the following statement:
cin >> ch1 >> ch2 >> num;
When the computer executes this statement, 'A' is stored in ch1, the blank is skipped by the extraction operator >>,
the character '2' is stored in ch2, and 5 is stored in num. However, what if you intended to store 'A' in ch1, the blank
in ch2, and 25 in num? It is clear that you cannot use the extraction operator >> to input this data.
The variable cin can access the stream function get, which is used to read character data. The get function inputs the
very next character, including whitespace characters.
The syntax of cin, together with the get function to read a character, follows:
Now consider the following input again:
A 25
To store 'A' in ch1, the blank in ch2, and 25 in num, you can effectively use the get function as follows:
cin >> num;
The preceding form of the get function reads values of only the char data type.
cin and the ignore Function
When you want to process only partial data (say, within a line), you can use the stream function ignore to discard a
portion of the input. The syntax to use the function ignore is:
cin.ignore(intExp, chExp);
Here, intExp is an integer expression yielding an integer value, and chExp is a char expression yielding a char value.
In fact, the value of the expression intExp specifies the maximum number of characters to be ignored in a line.
Suppose intExp yields a value of, say 100. This statement says to ignore the next 100 characters or ignore the input
until it encounters the character specified by chExp, whichever comes first. To be specific, consider the following
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
Consider the declaration:
int a, b;
and the input:
25 67 89 43 72
12 78 34
Now consider the following statements:
cin >> a;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
cin >> b;
The first statement, cin >> a;, stores 25 in a. The second statement, cin.ignore(100, '\n');, discards all of the remaining
numbers in the first line. The third statement, cin >> b;, stores 12 (from the next line) in b.
When the function ignore is used without any arguments, then it only skips the very next character. For example, the
following statement will skip the very next character:
Output and Formatting Output
Other than writing efficient programs, generating the desired output is one of a programmer’s highest priorities.
there is a lot more to output than just displaying results. Sometimes, floating point numbers must be output in a
specific way. For example, a paycheck must be printed to two decimal places, whereas the results of a scientific
experiment might require the output of floating-point numbers to six, seven, or perhaps even ten decimal places.
Also, you might like to align the numbers in specific columns or fill the empty space between strings and numbers
with a character other than the blank.
Recall that the syntax of cout when used together with the insertion operator << is:
cout << expression or manipulator << expression or manipulator...;
Here, expression is evaluated, its value is printed, and manipulator is used to format the output.
setprecision Manipulator
You use the manipulator setprecision to control the output of floating-point numbers. The general syntax of the
setprecision manipulator is: setprecision(n) where n is the number of decimal places.
for example
cout << setprecision(2); formats the output of decimal numbers to two decimal places
To use the manipulator setprecision, the program must include the header file iomanip. Thus, the following include
statement is required: #include <iomanip>
fixed Manipulator
To further control the output of floating-point numbers, you can use other manipulators. To output floating-point
numbers in a fixed decimal format, you use the manipulator fixed.
The following statement sets the output of floating-point numbers in a fixed decimal format on the standard output
cout << fixed;
After the preceding statement executes, all floating-point numbers are displayed in the fixed decimal format until the
manipulator fixed is disabled.
You can disable the manipulator fixed by using the stream member function unsetf.
After the manipulator fixed is disabled, the output of the floating-point numbers returns to their default settings.
Sample Run:
hours = 35.45, rate = 15, pay = 531.75, tolerance = 0.01
Scientific notation:
hours = 3.545000e+001, rate = 1.500000e+001, pay = 5.317500e+002, tolerance = 1.000000e-002
cout << showpoint; //sets the output of decimal numbers with a decimal point and trailing zeros.
cout << fixed << showpoint; // sets the output of a floating-point number in a fixed decimal format with the decimal point and
trailing zeros
The manipulator setw is used to output the value of an expression in a specific number of columns. The value of the
expression can be either a string or a number. The expression setw(n) outputs the value of the next expression in n
columns. The output is right justified. Thus, if you specify the number of columns to be 8, for example, and the output
requires only four columns, the first four columns are left blank. Furthermore, if the number of columns specified is
less than the number of columns required by the output, the output automatically expands to the required number of
columns; the output is not truncated.
Int x;
cout << setw(5) << x << endl; // outputs the value of x in five columns on the standard output device
To use the manipulator setw, the program must include the header file iomanip. Thus, the following include statement
is equired:
#include <iomanip>
cout << left; sets the output to be left-justified on the standard output device:
cout << right; sets the output to be right-justified on the standard output device:
Input/Output and the string Type
You can use an input stream variable, such as cin, and the extraction operator >> to read a string into a variable of
the data type string. For example, if the input is the string "Shelly", the following code stores this input into the
string variable name:
string name; //variable declaration
cin >> name; //input statement
Recall that the extraction operator skips any leading whitespace characters and that reading stops at a whitespace
character. As a consequence, you cannot use the extraction operator to read strings that contain blanks. For example,
suppose that the variable name is defined as noted above. If the input is:
Alice Wonderland
then after the statement:
cin >> name;
executes, the value of the variable name is "Alice".
To read a string containing blanks, you can use the function getline.
where istreamVar is an input stream variable and strVar is a string variable. The reading is delimited by the newline
character '\n'.
Consider the following statement:
string myString;
If the input is 29 characters:
bbbbHello there. How are you?
where b represents a blank, after the statement:
getline(cin, myString);
the value of myString is:
myString = " Hello there. How are you?“
All 29 characters, including the first four blanks, are stored into myString.