This document contains a daily lesson plan for an English phonics lesson on 27-28 March 2023. The lesson focuses on teaching students to recognize and reproduce the sounds /ear/, /air/, /ure/ and /er/ through listening activities, rhymes, and reading words containing those sounds. Students will listen to rhymes and do actions, say the rhymes, and read words from the rhymes containing the target sounds. The lesson objectives are for students to listen and do actions for words correctly and blend and read 5 words correctly. Assessment will be through observation of students' ability to do the listening and reading tasks successfully.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for an English phonics lesson on 27-28 March 2023. The lesson focuses on teaching students to recognize and reproduce the sounds /ear/, /air/, /ure/ and /er/ through listening activities, rhymes, and reading words containing those sounds. Students will listen to rhymes and do actions, say the rhymes, and read words from the rhymes containing the target sounds. The lesson objectives are for students to listen and do actions for words correctly and blend and read 5 words correctly. Assessment will be through observation of students' ability to do the listening and reading tasks successfully.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for an English phonics lesson on 27-28 March 2023. The lesson focuses on teaching students to recognize and reproduce the sounds /ear/, /air/, /ure/ and /er/ through listening activities, rhymes, and reading words containing those sounds. Students will listen to rhymes and do actions, say the rhymes, and read words from the rhymes containing the target sounds. The lesson objectives are for students to listen and do actions for words correctly and blend and read 5 words correctly. Assessment will be through observation of students' ability to do the listening and reading tasks successfully.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for an English phonics lesson on 27-28 March 2023. The lesson focuses on teaching students to recognize and reproduce the sounds /ear/, /air/, /ure/ and /er/ through listening activities, rhymes, and reading words containing those sounds. Students will listen to rhymes and do actions, say the rhymes, and read words from the rhymes containing the target sounds. The lesson objectives are for students to listen and do actions for words correctly and blend and read 5 words correctly. Assessment will be through observation of students' ability to do the listening and reading tasks successfully.
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Time/Class/ 10.35-11.35am / 2A / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 1 Lesson Focus Skill Listening Content Standard Main Skill 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds Complementary Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Learning Standard Main Skill 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language phonemes Complementary Skill 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to 1. Listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 2. Blend and read 5 words correctly. /ear/ /air/ /ure//er/ Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and do the actions correctly. 2. Read 5 words correctly. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ear/ and /air/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 1. 3. Pupils listen to a rhyme. 1. 4. Pupils say the rhyme with actions. 2. 5. Pupils say out words with /ear//air//ure//er/ from the rhymes. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 3. 6. Pupils listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 4. 7. Pupils blend the phonemes and read 5 words correctly. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 9.Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work CLASSROOM BASED Observation ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION RANCANGAN PEMBELAJARAN HARIAN TS25 MATA PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN SENI VISUAL TAHUN 4 UNIT: 1 KELAS: 3A MINGGU: 2 TAJUK: TUT TUT KERETA API MASA: 9.15-10.15 TARIKH: 27/3/2023 BIDANG: 1 : MENGGAMBAR TEMPOH: 60 minit HARI: Isnin Kod Standard Kandungan: Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: EMK 3.1 , 4.1 3.1 , 4.1.1 Kerjasama Kreativiti dan Inovasi Aspirasi Murid: Pengetahuan , kemahiran berfikir OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN (OP): KRITERIA KEJAYAAN (KK): Pada akhir PdPC murid dapat : 1. Mengaplikasikan sumber, media dan teknik semasa 1.Murid berjaya menghasilkan tona cerah-gelap dengan proses penghasilan karya. Teknik silang pangkah. 2. Bercerita tentang bahasa seni visual, teknik dan proses penghasilan mengenai karya. Alat dan bahan : Kertas lukisan, pensil, warna air, berus cat air, kapas, kain dan span, Buku Teks : m/s 6-7 STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN DAN PEMUDAHCARAAN IMPAK / REFLEKSI Pengenalan:- Guru menunjukkan contoh beberapa karya yang telah dihasilkan dan bersoal _____ /_____ murid dapat mencapai jawab mengenai bahasa seni yang ada pada contoh karya. objektif pembelajaran dengan baik dan Aktiviti:- diberi latihan pengayaan. 1. Murid secara berkumpulan meneroka media dan berbincang proses, _____ / _____ murid dapat mencapai teknik dan langkah-langkah untuk menghasilkan corak teknik silang objektif pembelajaran dengan pangkah seperti dalam buku teks. (PAK 21) bimbingan dan diberi latihan 2. Guru bersoal jawab dengan murid tentang ruang hadapan, ruang tengah pengukuhan. dan ruang belakang dalam menghasilkan karya . _____ / _____ murid tidak dapat 3. Murid membuat proses awal menghasilkan karya. (PBD) mencapai objektif pembelajaran dan diberi latihan pemulihan. Penutup : Guru membuat rumusan dan pdpc disambung minggu hadapan.
Think– Pair– Share (Fikir-
KBAT Mengaplikasi PAK-21 Pasang– Kongsi) TINDAKAN SUSULAN UNTUK MURID Pemulihan: Pengukuhan: Pengayaan: Murid menghasilkan corak teknik catan Murid berlatih menggunakan Teknik Murid diberikan lembaran kerja. dengan bimbingan guru. silang pangkah REFLEKSI Tindakan: PdPc akan diteruskan dengan topik baru. PdPc akan diulang semula pada pembelajaran akan datang. PdPc seterusnya akan ditambahbaik dari sudut ______________________________________________________ WEEK: 2 DAY: TUESDAY DATE: 28 MARCH 2023
Time/Class/ 7.45-8.45am / 2E / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 1 Lesson Focus Skill Listening Content Standard Main Skill 1.2 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds Complementary Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Learning Standard Main Skill 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language phonemes Complementary Skill 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to 1. Listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 2. Blend and read 5 words correctly. /ear/ /air//ure//er/ Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and do the actions correctly. 2. Read 5 words correctly. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ear//air//ure//er/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 2. 3. Pupils listen to a rhyme. 5. 4. Pupils say the rhyme with actions. 6. 5. Pupils say out words with /ear//air//ure//er/ from the rhymes. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 7. 6. Pupils listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 8. 7. Pupils blend the phonemes and read 5 words correctly. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 9.Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work CLASSROOM BASED Observation ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: TUESDAY DATE: 28 MARCH 2023
Time/Class/ 10.35-11.35am / 2H / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 1 Lesson Focus Skill Listening Content Standard Main Skill 1.3 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds Complementary Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Learning Standard Main Skill 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency target language phonemes Complementary Skill 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to 1. Listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 2. Blend and read 5 words correctly. /ear/ /air//ure//er/ Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and do the actions correctly. 2. Read 5 words correctly. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ear//air//ure//er/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 3. 3. Pupils listen to a rhyme. 9. 4. Pupils say the rhyme with actions. 10. 5. Pupils say out words with /ear/ and /air/ from the rhymes. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 11. 6. Pupils listen and do the actions of the 5 words correctly. 12. 7. Pupils blend the phonemes and read 5 words correctly. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 9.Pupils tell what their parents do and try to explain their work CLASSROOM BASED Observation ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: WEDNESDAY DATE: 29 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 7.45-8.45am / 2A / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 2 Lesson Focus Skill Reading Content Standard Main Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non- linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Complementary Skill 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Learning Standard Main Skill 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word. Complementary Skill 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or sentence to understand meaning Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 1. Look and say out the phonemes shown. /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 2. Read and choose 2 correct answers. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 3. Pupils read a story. 4. Pupils tell the chronology of the story. 5. Pupils answer simple questions. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 6. Pupils say out the phonemes and blend them to make words. 7. Pupils say out the words and write them in their book. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 8. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: WEDNESDAY DATE: 29 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 9.15-10.15am / 2H / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 2 Lesson Focus Skill Reading Content Standard Main Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non- linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Complementary Skill 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Learning Standard Main Skill 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word. Complementary Skill 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or sentence to understand meaning Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 1. Look and say out the phonemes shown. /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 2. Read and choose 2 correct answers. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 6. Pupils read a story. 7. Pupils tell the chronology of the story. 8. Pupils answer simple questions. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 8. Pupils say out the phonemes and blend them to make words. 9. Pupils say out the words and write them in their book. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 9. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: THURSDAY DATE: 30 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 10.35-11.35am / 2E / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 2 Lesson Focus Skill Reading Content Standard Main Skill 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non- linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of letters Complementary Skill 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Learning Standard Main Skill 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with some support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word. Complementary Skill 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or sentence to understand meaning Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 3. Look and say out the phonemes shown. /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 4. Read and choose 2 correct answers. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils recall the sounds of /ay//ou//ie//ai/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (25 minutes) DELIVERY 3. Pupils read a story. 4. Pupils tell the chronology of the story. 5. Pupils answer simple questions. Activity 2 (25 minutes) 6. Pupils say out the phonemes and blend them to make words. 7. Pupils say out the words and write them in their book. POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 8. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: THURSDAY DATE: 30 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 11.35-12.35pm / 2H / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 3 Lesson Focus Skill Writing Content Standard Main Skill 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Learning Standard Main Skill 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 3. Listen and spell out 3 words correctly with guidance.. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils listen and say the sound /oy//ir/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (10 minutes) DELIVERY 3. Pupils read a story. 4. Pupils blend and say out the words. Activity 2 (20 minutes) 5. Pupils listen to the teacher and spell out words correctly with guidance. 6. Pupils write them in their book. Activity 3 (20 minutes) 7. Pupils complete the worksheet and discuss the answer with the teacher POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 7. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: FRIDAY DATE: 31 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 8.15-9.15am / 2A / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 3 Lesson Focus Skill Writing Content Standard Main Skill 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Learning Standard Main Skill 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 4. Listen and spell out 3 words correctly with guidance.. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils listen and say the sound /oy//ir/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (10 minutes) DELIVERY 3. Pupils read a story. 4. Pupils blend and say out the words. Activity 2 (20 minutes) 5. Pupils listen to the teacher and spell out words correctly with guidance. 6. Pupils write them in their book. Activity 3 (20 minutes) 7. Pupils complete the worksheet and discuss the answer with the teacher POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 8. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION WEEK: 2 DAY: FRIDAY DATE: 31 MARCH 2022
Time/Class/ 8.15-9.15am / 2A / English Language
Subject Theme/ Topic/ World of Self, Family and Friends/ Phonics Lesson 3 Lesson Focus Skill Writing Content Standard Main Skill 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Learning Standard Main Skill 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 1. Listen and spell out 3 words correctly with guidance.. Success Criteria Pupils will be successful if they can: 1. Listen and say out the phonemes. 2. Blend and say out the words. HOTs / CCE Pupils tell the moral value from the story. Teaching Materials Flashcards , crossword puzzle
PRE-LESSON Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Pupils listen and say the sound /oy//ir/ 2. Pupils say the sound with actions. LESSON Activity 1 (10 minutes) DELIVERY 3. Pupils read a story. 4. Pupils blend and say out the words. Activity 2 (20 minutes) 5. Pupils listen to the teacher and spell out words correctly with guidance. 6. Pupils write them in their book. Activity 3 (20 minutes) 7. Pupils complete the worksheet and discuss the answer with the teacher POST-LESSON Closure (5 minutes) 7. Pupils tell the moral value of the story. CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION