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Course Code & Course Title: BIO 207: Lower Invertebrates

Course Writer: Dr. Patrick A. Audu

Course Editor

Programme Leader Dr. Ado Baba Ahmed

National Open University of
Nigeria, Lagos

Course Coordinator Mr. Adams, Abiodun E

National Open University of

Nigeria, Lagos




GENERAL INTRODUCTION …………………………………………… 1


Unit 1: Classification of Organisms …………………………………. 3

Unit 2: General Classification of Invertebrates…………………….. 7

Unit 3: A Systematic Approach to Lower Invertebrate Structure

and Levels of Organization …………………………………. 10
Unit 4: Phylum Sarcomastigophora ………………………………… 16
Unit 5: Phylum Ciliophora …………………………………………... 21


Unit 1: Mesozoa ………………………………………………………. 26
Unit 2: Parazoa ……………………………………………………….. 30
Unit 3: Classification and Characteristics of the Poriferans ………. 37

Unit 4: The Metazoa ………………………………………………….. 41

Unit 5: The phylum Cnidaria ………………………………………... 47


Unit 1: The Phylum Platyhelminthes …………………………………. 52
Unit 2: The Turbellaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55
Unit 3: The Trematoda …………………………………………………. 60

Unit 4: Class Cestoidea (Cestoda) ……………………………………… 64

Unit 5: The Phylum Nematoda ………………………………………… 71

General Introduction

Earlier, you studied all animals together under the broad subject Animalia. From this level on,
we shall be examining their classification, characteristics and economic importance. All animals
along with the animal like organisms can be classified into two main groups, namely
invertebrates - animals (and animal-like organisms) without backbone and vertebrates - animals
with backbone.
The invertebrates are grouped into two; the lower invertebrates and the higher invertebrates. The
lower invertebrates are those invertebrates without specific organs. Take for example Porifera
which does not live on the tissue level of organization. Cnidarians and Ctenophorans have simple
tissues but are not advanced enough to form organs. Finally you arrive at the phylum
platyhelminthes which does form simple organs but lacks a tube within the digestive system
(acoelomate). A false coelem is first seen in the Nematodes. Higher developed invertebrates have
a true coelem like mollusks, annelids, echinoderms, and arthropods.
In this course, we shall introduce you to the lower invertebrates’ morphology and levels of organization,
by examining their classification and characteristics. We shall also be examining the adaptive features to
mode of life and the general aspects of the vital functions of some of these organisms.

Unit 1 Classification of Organisms
1.0 Introduction

Classification is a system in which information on organisms are gathered and stored in an

orderly manner for easy retrieval. The aspect of Biology that deals with the classification of
organisms is called taxonomy. It includes the naming of organisms or nomenclature, and the
systematic assignment of organisms to groups called taxa; this is referred to as systematics.
Taxonomy and systematics are very often interchanged.

2.0 Objectives

By the time this lecture unit is completed, the student should:

• have a clear knowledge of the basis of grouping organisms together.

• be able to classify organisms in a hierarchical manner.
• be able to use and apply the basic rules of the binomial system of nomenclature.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Classification
There are two main types of classification:

• Artificial classification.
• Natural classification.
 An artificial classification is based on one or more easily observable characteristics such
as colour, mode of locomotion, habitat etc.
 A natural classification may be phylogenetic and reflects possible evolutionary
relationships based on ancestry and descent. In phylogenetic classification, organisms
belonging to the same taxa are believed to have a common ancestor. This may be
represented by a cladogram (family tree).
 Phenetic classification is based on evidence from data compiled on morphological
(structural), cytological (cellular) and biochemical similarities or differences between
 Biological nomenclature is based on the binomial system, which was introduced by the
Swedish naturalist Carl Von Linnaeus (1707-1778), who gave two Latin names to each
organism. The first name is the generic name, which begins with an upper case alphabet
and the second is the specific name, which begins with a lower case alphabet. Both
names must be underlined or italicized e.g. Clarias gariepinus or Clarias gariepinus.
Animals are named following rules set out in the International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature (ICZN). Following the rules of nomenclature, there can only be one
Clarias gariepinus, etc.

 Organisms are assigned to groups at various hierarchical levels, based on easily
observable morphological features that they share e.g. shape, number of limbs, position
of limbs etc. The major taxa employed in this system include the following categories in
descending order of size:
 Rank Example
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta (Hexapoda)

Order Diptera
Family Culicidae
Genus Anopheles
Species gambiae
 Each taxon usually contains a number of taxa below it; for example, one phylum may contain
five classes or a class may contain ten orders, etc. However, each taxon can only belong to the
single taxon immediately above it e.g. a class can only belong to the phylum above it.

 NB. Five kingdoms of organisms are currently recognized as opposed to the former two
Kingdoms, Plantae and Animalia. The five kingdoms are: Prokaryotae, Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae
and Animalia; the latter four are under the Super Kingdom Eukaryotae. Protoctista now
contains algae, protozoa, some former fungi and slime molds. It has become necessary to
classify organisms into more kingdoms than the traditional two because the two-kingdom
system does not quite reflect phylogenetic relationships.

4.0 Conclusion
Classification is a system in which information on organisms is gathered, documented
and stored in an orderly manner for easy reference. Animals with animal-like organisms
are separated into two groups, invertebrates and vertebrates based on the absence or
presence of a backbone.

5.0 Summary
 The two main types of classification are: artificial classification, in which easily observable
characteristics are used, and natural classification, which reflects possible evolutionary
relationships, based on ancestry (phylogeny). All organisms are classified in a hierarchical order.
 Every kind of organism is given two names (binomial system of nomenclature),
following the rules in the ICZN. The generic name is the first, and it begins with an
uppercase letter and the second is the specific name, which begins with a lower case
letter. Both names are either underlined or italicized.
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)
• Outline the criteria that are used in the classification of organisms.
• Define the following:
 Taxonomy
 Systematics and
 Nomenclature.
• Name the two main types of classification.

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.D. (1980). Invertebrate Zoology (4th Edition) 1,089pp. (Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).

Buchsbaum, R. (1971). Animals without backbones: 2. An introduction to the vertebrates.

Penguin Books, Australia, 401pp.
Lecture Notes on Animal Biology. Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University,

Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 2: General Classification of Invertebrates

1.0 Introduction
As we learnt earlier, the invertebrates are a group of animals (and animal-like organisms) that do
not have a backbone. They are by far the most numerous animals on Earth. An estimate of about
2 million species has been identified to date. These 2 million species make up about 98 percent
of all the animals identified in the entire animal kingdom. It is believed that the true number of
invertebrate species may be as high as 100 million. They are divided into four groups, based on
their cellular composition and organization.
In this lecture unit, we will examine the general classification of invertebrates, and mention the
four groups of invertebrates.

2.0 Objectives
By the time this lecture unit is completed, the student should:
 have a clear understanding of the basis of the classification of invertebrates.
 appreciate the four groups of invertebrates.
 become familiar with the names and features of some common invertebrates.
3.0 Main Content

3.1 Types of Invertebrates

♦ The invertebrates are a group of animals (and animal-like organisms) that do not have a
♦ The group of invertebrates without specific organs is referred to as the lower
invertebrates. For example, Protozoans and Porifera, while the higher developed
invertebrates have a true coelem like mollusks, annelids, echinoderms, and arthropods.
♦ Generally, the invertebrates are divided into four groups, based on their cellular composition
and organization, namely Protozoa, Mesozoa, Parazoa and Metazoa

3.1.1 Protozoa
• They are for the most part of their lives unicellular, i.e. made up of one cell
• They are also described as being acellular i.e. not divided into cells (non-cellular).
• Their vital functions are carried out by organelles.

3.1.2 Mesozoa (Greek: mesos = middle; zoon = animal)

• The name was given because mesozoans are thought to be intermediate between true
multicellular animals and protozoans (single-celled/acellular organisms).
• Their bodies are cellular.

• They do not have more than two cell ‘layers’; the outer layer ciliated and the inner
• They are bilaterally symmetrical.
• They have no organs.
• They have no body cavity.
• Gametes and agametes are produced from special cells, which form the central mass of
the body.
• Their life cycles involve the alternation of asexual and sexual generations.
• They are marine.
There are two classes and three orders.

3.1.3 Parazoa
• Multicellular invertebrates, which possess collared flagellated cells that make them
unique among the other multicellular invertebrates.
• The many cells in their body are not organized into tissues and organs.
• They are therefore at the cellular level of organization.

3.1.4 Metazoa
• Invertebrates with marked cellular differentiation.
• There are two levels of organization in this group:

 Diploblastic – includes animals with two cell layers showing tissue level of
organization, where the body is composed of an inner endoderm and outer

 Triploblastic – includes animals with three layers showing organ level of

organization; they possess a third body layer, the mesoderm between the outer
ectoderm and inner endoderm.

The mesoderm is bulkier than either of the other layers; it forms a greater part of the body and contains
important organs and definite systems of spaces.

4.0 Conclusion
The invertebrates are a group of animals (and animal-like organisms) that do not have a
backbone. They have been classified into several major groups, which are divided into four
subgroups, based on their cellular composition and organization.

Among the simplest invertebrates are the sponges (phylum Porifera). Other major invertebrate
phyla include the cnidarians (phylum Cnidaria), echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata), and

several different groups of worms, including flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes), roundworms
(phylum Nematoda), and annelids (phylum Annelida).

5.0 Summary
In this unit, we have learnt that:
♦ invertebrates (animals without a vertebral column) are separated into Protozoa, Mesozoa,
Parazoa and Metazoa.
♦ The protozoans are unicellular/acellular and the mesozoans and parazoans multicellular.
The cells of the latter two are not organized into tissues and organs.
♦ The metazoans are also multicellular organisms but their cells are organized into tissues
and organs.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Into how many groups are the invertebrates classified? Name them.
• Give two distinguishing features of each group.

7.0 References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Parker, T.J. and William, A.H. (1985). A Textbook of Zoology (invertebrates). Published by the
English Language Book Society & Macmillan. 874pp.
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
Webb, J.E., Wallwork, J.A. and Elgood, J.H. (1978) (2nd Edition). 305pp. Guide to Invertebrate
Animals. (Macmillan Education Ltd. London).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 3: A Systematic Approach to Lower Invertebrate Structure and Levels of


1.0 Introduction
As we learnt earlier, invertebrate refers to any animal lacking a backbone. The lower
invertebrates on the other hand are animals without specific organs. For example, Protozoans and
Porifera do not live on the tissue level of organization. Cnidarians and Ctenophorans have simple
tissues but are not advanced enough to form organs. The phylum platyhelminthes does form
simple organs but lacks a tube within the digestive system (acoelomate). A false coelem is first
seen in the nematodes. Higher developed invertebrates have a true coelem like mollusks,
annelids, echinoderms, and arthropods.
In this lecture unit, we will examine the characteristics and outline classification of the
protozoans, which are unicellular/acellular animal-like protoctists. We shall also examine the
distinguishing features of Phylum Rhizopoda and Phylum Apicomplexa.

2.0 Objectives
By the time this lecture unit is completed, the student should:

• understand the basis of the classification of the protozoans.

• become familiar with the names and features of members of the phyla Rhizopoda and
• become familiar with the economic importance of the phylum apicomplexa.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Structure and Levels of Organization of Protozoans

 The lower invertebrates are animals that lack specific organs.

 The protozoans and porifera are examples of animals that do not live on the tissue level
of organization.
 Cnidarians and Ctenophorans have simple tissues but are not advanced enough to form
 The phylum platyhelminthes does form simple organs but lacks a tube within the
digestive system (acoelomate).
 A false coelem is first seen in the nematodes.
 Higher developed invertebrates have a true coelem like mollusks, annelids, echinoderms,
and arthropods.

3.2 Characteristics of the Protozoans

• These organisms are animal-like.

• They are simple and primitive.
• They occur in watery or moist environments.
• They are found in the sea, freshwater, soil, body fluids etc.
• They are cosmopolitan (distributed worldwide).
• They are at the protoplasmic level of organization i.e. specialized portions of the cytoplasm
called organelles carry out particular functions within their single cell.
• Their organelles include cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, contractile vacuoles etc. (Fig.1.1)

3.3 Classification of the Protozoans

The protozoans belong to the Superkingdom Eukaryotae and Kingdom Protoctista.They are
broadly divided into four† phyla based mainly on their organelles and modes of locomotion as
♦ Phylum Rhizopoda
♦ Phylum Apicomplexa
♦ Phylum Sarcomastigophora
♦ Phylum Ciliophora

3.3.1. Phylum Rhizopoda (Sarcodina)

• They lack chromatophores.

• They possess a single nucleus.
• They do not have definite shape due to the absence of a rigid pellicle.

For simplicity, four of the major phyla of the Protozoa have been selected here. Several phyla, which will be
discussed in future, at a higher level, are currently recognized.

• Asexual reproduction is by binary fission.
• They possess pseudopodia (false feet) as locomotory organelles; the pseudopodia can be
formed in any position on the body and can be withdrawn into the body.
• E.g. Arcella, Amoeba, Entamoeba, etc. (Fig. 1.1)

3.3.2. Phylum Apicomplexa §

• They have an apical complex (see figure of Toxoplasma gondii)

• They lack external locomotory organelles.
• They are therefore characterized by their reproductive process rather than by their
locomotory organelles as in the other two groups (Fig. 1.1).
• They are parasitic and absorb food in solution from their host.
• They are uninucleate.

Members of what used to be the class Sporozoa have now been assigned to four phyla: Apicomplexa, Microspora,
Myxozoa and Ascetospora. Only the first of the four phyla (Apicomplexa) will be discussed at this stage.

• They form many spores during asexual and sexual reproduction. This is their most
distinctive characteristic.
• They are economically important in that:
 They cause diseases in humans and in organisms useful to humans.
 The skeletons of Foramininfera (Rhizopoda) make up much of the limestone and chalk
on the Earth.
 Flagellates are the primary component in the marine food chain
Trypanosoma gambiense (sleeping sickness).

• E.g. Plasmodium causes malaria, Eimeria causes coccidiosis, Toxoplasma causes

toxoplasmosis, etc.

4.0 Conclusion

The lower invertebrates are animals without specific organs. The protozoans and porifera are
examples of animals that do not live on the tissue level of organization. Cnidarians and
Ctenophorans have simple tissues but are not advanced enough to form organs. The phylum
platyhelminthes does form simple organs but lacks a tube within the digestive system
(acoelomate). A false coelem is first seen in the nematodes. Higher developed invertebrates have
a true coelem like mollusks, annelids, echinoderms, and arthropods.

5.0 Summary
In this lecture unit, we have learnt that:
 The Protozoa is a collective name for animal-like, single-celled organisms, some of
which may form colonies.
 In its classification, protozoa are placed in the kingdom Protista with other single-celled
organisms that have membrane-enclosed nuclei.
 Protozoa have little or no differentiation into tissue systems.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• List the groups of animals that do not live on the tissue level of organization
• How many types of Protozoans are there?
• State the differences between the Phylum Rhizopoda and Phylum Apicomplexa.
• The largest phylum of Protozoans is ____________.

7.0. References/Further Reading

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).

Unit 4: Phylum Sarcomastigophora

1.0 Introduction

The phylum Sarcomastigophora gets its name from the combination of "Sarcodina" (which is an
older term used for amoeboids) and "Mastigophora" (which is an older term for flagellates). It
belongs to the Protist kingdom, which includes many unicellular or colonial, autotrophic, or
heterotrophic organisms. The two main subphyla are Mastigophora and Sarcodina. A third is
Opalinata. It is polyphyletic, and it is not a universally recognized classification. It places great
significance upon method of locomotion in generating the taxonomy. However, members are
divided into two classes which are Phytomastigophorea and Zoomastigophorea.
In this lecture unit, we will examine the outline classification of the Sarcomastigophora. We shall
also examine the distinguishing features of members of the Phylum Sarcomastigophora.

2.0 Objectives
By the end of this lecture unit, the student should:

• understand the basis of the classification of the Sarcomastigophora.

• become familiar with the names and features of members of phylum Sarcomastigophora

3.0 Main content

3.1 Characteristics of members of phylum Sarcomastigophora

• Some members possess chromatophores while others do not. Chromatophores are cup-
shaped masses of protoplasm of a green, yellow or brownish colour, due to the presence
of the pigments: chlorophyll, xanthophylls, carotene etc. (Fig. 1.2)
• The cell is covered by a pellicle and it is semi-rigid.
• They usually have a definite shape.
• Adults use flagella as a means of locomotion.
• They possess a single nucleus.
• Asexual reproduction is by longitudinal binary fission.

3.2 Classification of phylum Sarcomastigophora

Members are divided into two classes, Phytomastigophorea and Zoomastigophorea

3.2.1 Phytomastigophorea
♦ These are flagellates that are plant like in that they possess chlorophyll.
♦ Most of the members are holophytic (photosynthetic).
♦ E.g. Volvox, Euglena, Chlamydomonas, etc.

3.2.1 Zoomastigophorea
♦ They are animal-like and lack chromatophores.
♦ They are holozoic (food is ingested through temporary or permanent openings).
♦ There is sexual reproduction in a few groups.
♦ Some members of this class are parasitic.
♦ They may possess one to many flagella.
♦ There are amoeboid forms with or without flagella.
♦ E.g. Mastigamoeba, Trichonympha, Trypanosoma, Leishmania etc.

4.0 Conclusion
The phylum Sarcomastigophora is a derivative of "Sarcodina" (which is an older term used for
amoeboids) and "Mastigophora" (which is an older term for flagellates). The phylum includes
many unicellular or colonial, autotrophic, or heterotrophic organisms. The members have
generally been grouped into two classes, which are Phytomastigophorea and Zoomastigophorea.

5.0 Summary
 We have learnt in this lecture unit that the Sarcomastigophora are separated into
Phytomastigophorea and Zoomastigophorea.
 They are flagellated organisms that are plant like in that they possess chlorophyll, while
the Zoomastigophorea are animal-like and lack chromatophores.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Into how many groups are the Sarcomastigophora classified? Name them.
• What is the single criterion that is used to divide Sarcomastigophora into its
component classes?
• Give two distinguishing features of Phytomastigophorea and Zoomastigophorea.
7.0 References/Further Readings
Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).

Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).

Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).

Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 5: Phylum Ciliophora

1.0 Introduction

As we learnt earlier, Sarcomastigophora are unicellular or colonial, autotrophic, or heterotrophic

organisms. They have two main classes which are Phytomastigophora and Zoomastigophora.
Some members possess chromatophores, while others do not.
In this lecture unit, we are going to study the outline classification and characteristics of the
members of the Phylum Ciliophora. As their name suggests, most members of the phylum
Ciliophora (also called ciliates) have great amounts of cilia. Ciliates may also have structures
called trichocysts, organelles which can be discharged from the cell. Trichocysts may be used to
anchor the organism or to capture prey by paralyzing it with a trichocyst with a poisoned tip.

2.0 Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture unit, you should be able to:
 recognize Ciliophora by most of their diagnostic features.
 identify common ciliates.
 recognize paramacium both as members of the phylum Ciliophora and the class Ciliata.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Structure and Level of organization of Phylum Ciliophora

• The Phylum Ciliophora (Ciliates) consists of a wide array of Protists characterized by the
presence of cilia over at least some of their cell surface during at least part of their life
cycle. Cilia are similar to flagella except they are generally much shorter than the length
of the cell. Cilia, like flagella may be used for locomotion in which case their action is
similar to the arms of a swimmer in that there is a power stroke followed by a return
• Ciliates are generally predators or bacterial feeders and the cilia as in the case of bacterial
feeders such as Paramecium, sweep food particles into a gullet where they are taken into the
cell in a vacuole. The darker clumps in the picture are food vacuoles in a very well fed
Paramecium! A few ciliates have symbiotic algae or have "captured" chloroplasts and thus
obtain energy either directly or indirectly from photosynthesis.
• Ciliates come in a wide range of shapes from the slipper shaped Paramecium to stalked forms
such as the Vorticella shown here. This a common ciliate often found attached to the surfaces
of aquatic plants. The stalk has a contractile fiber running through its center and when
disturbed, the organism retracts itself by contracting the stalk like a coiled spring.
• The Ciliophora have complex cells and are characterized by having two different types of
nuclei in their cells. The large macromolecules is specialized for protein synthesis and other
day to day activities of the cell. The much smaller micromolecules is involved in sexual
reproductive activities.

3.2 Phylum Characteristics

• This phylum constitutes the largest group of protozoans.
• They exhibit a high level of organelle development.
• They possess cilia as locomotory organelles.
• They have a constant body shape due to the presence of a firm pellicle covering the body.
• They possess nuclei of two types, a large meganucleus, which controls all cell activities,
except reproduction, and a micronucleus, which controls sexual reproduction.
• Asexual reproduction is by transverse fission while sexual reproduction is by
conjugation, which involves fusion of nuclei and not cells.
• Most of the ciliates are free-living and solitary, a few are colonial and some are sessile;
very few are parasitic.
• They feed on small organic particles or prey on microscopic organisms.
• E.g. Paramecium, Vorticella, Balantidium etc. (Fig. 1.3)

4.0 Conclusion

The phylum ciliophora also called ciliates bear so many cilia. Ciliates are equipped with
trichocysts which anchor the organism or used to capture prey by paralyzing it with a trichocyst
with a poisoned tip. The ciliates are also characterized by having two different types of nuclei in
their cells. The large macronucleus is specialized for protein synthesis and other day to day
activities of the cell. The much smaller micronucleus is involved in sexual reproductive

5.0 Summary
 We have seen in this lecture unit that the Ciliophora (Ciliates) consists of a wide array of
unicellular organisms which are characterized by the presence of numerous cilia over at least
some of their cell surface during at least part of their life cycle.
 The cilia, like flagella may be used for locomotion in which case their action is similar to the
arms of a swimmer in that there is a power stroke followed by a return stroke.
 Ciliates come in a wide range of shapes from the slipper shaped Paramecium to stalked forms
such as the Vorticella

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Take a named ciliophoran and classify it to species.

• Name the two types of nuclei found in ciliophora
• State two functions of the trichocysts.

7.0 References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

MODULE 2: The Structure and Level of Organization of the Mesozoa, Parazoa and

Unit 1: Mesozoa

1.0 Introduction
In the last lecture unit, we looked at the classification and characteristics of the Phylum
Ciliophora. We saw the features like cilia, which have structures called trichocysts that may be
used to anchor the organism or to capture prey by paralyzing it with the poisoned tip of the

In this lecture unit, we shall study the classification and characteristics of the members of the
mesozoa. Mesozoa were once thought to be evolutionary intermediate forms between Protozoans
and Metazoans, but now they are thought to be degenerate or simplified metazoa. Their ciliated
larva are similar to the miracidium of trematodes, and their internal multiplication is similar to
what happens in the sporocysts of trematodes.

2.0 Objectives
By the time this lecture unit is completed, the student should:
 have a clear understanding of the basis of the classification of Mesozoa.
 appreciate the two classes/orders of mesozoa.
 become familiar with the names and features of some members of the Mesozoa

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Level of Organization of Mesozoa

♦ The mesozoa (From the Greek Mesos for middle and zoon an animal) are minute parasitic
animals of marine invertebrates, particularly squids and octopuses.
♦ They comprise two orders of small, wormlike organisms, the Rhombozoa and the
♦ The body consists of a single layer of ciliated cells enclosing one or more reproductive
cells. These body cells are rather constant in number and arrangement for any given
♦ The internal cells do not correspond to the entoderm of other animals, as they have no
digestive function.
♦ The life cycles are complex, involving both sexual and asexual generations
♦ Scientists are unsure whether they represent a still existing remnant from the early stages
of the development of multicellular animals, or a degenerate form descended from the
♦ No fossil mesozoans are known and very little research has been done on them, so
consequently we know very little about them.
♦ The 50 or so known species are divided into two classes which some experts believe are
not actually related at all.
♦ Apart from differences in life cycles the two classes are easily separated by looking at
their respective asexual parasitic phases (forms).
♦ In the Rhombozoa, this stage is long thin and ciliated
♦ In the Orthonectida it is shaped more like an amoeba,but lack cilia.
♦ Mesozoans have no gaseous exchange organs, no circulatory system, no nervous system
and no digestive system.

3.2 General Characteristics of Mesozoa

• Bilaterally symmetrical.
• Has no organs or tissues
• Body contains no internal cavity
• Body possesses no digestive tract (gut).
• Body only two cell layers in most places.
• Has no nervous system
• Has some cells develop inside other cells (see Fig. 2.2).
• Reproduction is quite complex involving both sexual and asexual aspects.
• All are endoparasites on other marine invertebrates.

3. 3 General Classifications Mesozoa

♦ The two main mesozoan groups are the Rhombozoa (Dicyemid) and the Orthonectida.
Other groups sometimes included in the Mesozoa are the Placozoa and the
♦ Monoblastozoans consist of a single description written in the 19th century of a species
that has not been seen since. As such, many workers doubt that they are a real group. As
described, the animal had only a single layer of tissue.

3.3.1 Rhombozoans

• Rhombozoans, sometimes called Dicyemida in some older texts are parasites of

cephalopods (Octopus and Squid), they live in the animals kidneys. Rhombozoans have a
more complicated life cycle. Their basic body plan is a long thin central cell, called an
axial or tube cell, surrounded by a coat of smaller ciliated cells which are arranged
spirally around the axial cell. Some authors equate this with a two cell-layer body plan.
• The axial cell contains smaller cells called axoblasts. These axoblasts give rise to either,
vermiform(long and thin) asexual larvae called nematogens sexually reproducing
individuals called rhombogens.
• The two forms are physically identical as far as are they known. The only difference
being that in the nematogen stage, the axoblasts produce more nematogens and in the
rhombogen stage they produce infusorigens which serve as the animals gonads (organs
which produce eggs and sperm).
• The eggs are fertilised inside the axial cell where they develop into infusoriform larvae
which quickly develop the adult number of cells. Each species has a definite number of
cells in its adult form.
• This infusoriform larvae then leaves the axial cell and the hosts body, with its urine. They
then sink to the sea floor where they grow by means of cell enlargement rather than by
cell addition. It is not currently know how these larvae re-enter their hosts and become

Rhombozoan Life cycle

3.3.2 The Orthonectida

• The Orthonectida are parasites on a wide range of marine invertebrates including

Platyhelminthes, Echinodermata, Mollusca and Annelida. During the sexual stage they
are gonochoristic (male and female).
• During this phase they have no central tube-cell, instead the space within the layer of
ciliated cells is filled with eggs or sperm.
• The males release their sperm into the sea. The sperms enter the body of any females they
find and fertilise her eggs.
• These fertilised eggs grow into a ciliated larva (consisting of only a few cells). This larva
now leaves the mothers body and enters the body of a suitable host.
• Inside the host it loses its cilia and grows larger to form a plasmodium (something a bit
like a multicellular amoeba). This plasmodium has many nuclei and is called
multinucleate. Bits of this plasmodium break off and form new plasmodia. Eventually the
plasmodia give rise to the sexual which soon leave the host and the life cycle is complete.

4.0 Conclusion

The Mesozoa are a small phylum of small and poorly understood animals. They have very
simple bodies, often consisting of less than 50 cells. All known species are internal parasites of
marine invertebrates.

5.0 Summary

In this lecture, we learnt that:

♦ The mesozoa are minute parasitic animals of marine invertebrates.
♦ There are two main groups, Rhombozoa (Dicyemid) and the Orthonectida.
♦ Their body consists of a single layer of ciliated cells are rather constant in number and
arrangement depending on the species.
♦ In their life cycle, the sexual generation alternates with the asexual generation

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Name the two main groups of the mesozoa

• State the major differences between the two groups
• What do you understand by the phrase ‘Metagenesis’?

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.D. (1980). Invertebrate Zoology (4th Edition) 1,089pp. (Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).

William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 2: The Parazoa

1.0 Introduction
In the previous lecture, we learnt outline classification and characteristics of the members of the
Phylum Mesozoa. We went on to outline and briefly discuss the characteristics of members of
the Mesozoa.

During this lecture, we shall examine the general classification of the Parazoa and have an
overview of the phylum porifera. The parazoans are the simplest and most primitive multicellular
animals, because, despite their multicellular nature, their component cells are not organized into
tissues and organs.

2.0. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:
 understand the structure and the organization of the Parazoa.
 appreciate the differences between the multicellular organization of the Parazoa.
 classify the Parazoa and the component phyla.
 have an overview of the poriferans.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Overview of the Parazoa

o The Parazoa are an ancestral subkingdom of animals, literally translated as "beside the
animals". Parazoans differ from their choanoflagellate ancestors in that they are
macroscopic and have differentiated cells, but unlike "true animals" (Eumetazoa), they do
not have tissues.
o The only surviving parazoans are the sponges, which belong to the phylum porifera.
Some include Placozoa, a phylum that consists of only one species, Trichoplax
adhaerens, in the division, but they are also sometimes placed in the
subkingdom Agntozoa.
o Parazoa are asymmetrical (meaning they display no symmetry), all other animals will
display some sort of symmetry. There are currently 5000 species, 150 of which are
freshwater. Larvae are planktonic and adults are sessile.

3.2 General Description of Phylum Porifera (Latin: porus = pore; ferre = to bear) (Figs.
2.1, 2.2 & 2.3)

 Members of this phylum are commonly known as sponges. Sponges are relatively simple
animals. They are said to be at the cellular level of organization because their bodies are
not composed of true tissues or organs.

 Instead they are little more than a colony of several distinctive cell types that serve
different functions. One of the distinctive cell types is the choanocyte or collar cell.
 This cell type lines the internal chambers of sponges. Its flagellum creates the water
current that the sponge uses to filter very tiny food particles from the water.

 The collar that surrounds the flagellum acts like a fine sieve, filtering about bacteria-size
food particles. Thus the choanocyte creates the filtering current and captures the food
particles which are ingested via phagocytosis.
 Another cell type found in some, but not all, sponges is the pinacocyte which is a flat cell
that forms a thin external covering.
 Porocytes, found only in the simplest of sponges, are donut-shaped cells that form the
incurrent pores called ostia.
 Archaeocytes are ameboid cells that move about through the body of the sponge and
carry out various functions. Some archaeocytes differentiate into the cells responsible for
secreting the skeletal elements.
 These skeletal elements may be mineralized spicules (either calcareous or siliceous)
and/or spongin fibers. In addition, some cells secrete collagen fibrils in the intercellular
 Sponges are filter feeders because they create a current of water and filter out suspended
food particles, typically bacteria and tiny phytoplankton.
 Water enters the body through the tiny ostia and leaves through the larger oscula. Most
sponges are marine. However a few are freshwater.

4.0 Conclusion
Members of the phylum Porifera, commonly known as sponges are multicellular, but without
true tissues and organs. Their body is little more than a colony of distinctive cell types; mesohyl
separates the two layers of cells. They are either asymmetric or radially-symmetric, benthic filter
feeders. They lack digestive tract, rather body consists of choanocyte-lined chambers connected
to the exterior via various pores and/or chambers. Digestion in the sponges is intracellular. The
skeleton involves an extracellular matrix of fibrillar collagen with mineralized spicules and/or
spongin fibers. The sponges are known to exhibit both asexual (gemmules) and sexual
reproduction (usually hermaphroditic).

5.0 Summary
o Parazoa consists of a single phylum, Porifera (sponges). Although sponges are
made up of many cells, they are still at the cellular level of organization.
o The phylum is divided into four classes: Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Demospongiae
and Sclerospongiae.
o The cells of sponges are multicellular but not organized into tissues and organs.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• List the differences between the Parazoa and the Metazoa with special reference to their
• Why are the parazoans called sponges?
• State the differences between the parazoans and the choanoflagellate ancestors

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).

Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 3: Classification and Characteristics of the Poriferans.
1.0 Introduction.
In the last lecture, we examined the general classification of the Parazoa and had an overview of
the phylum porifera. The parazoans are the simplest and most primitive multicellular animals
because, their component cells are not organized into tissues and organs.
In this lecture unit, we shall study the general characteristics and examine the classification of
the Poriferans. The phylum Porifera is divided into four classes: Calcarea, Hexactinella,
Demospongiae and Sclerospongiae

2.0 Objectives
By the time this lecture unit is completed, the student should:
 have a clear understanding of the basis of the classification of Phylum Porifera.
 appreciate the classes that make up the Poriferans.
 become familiar with the names and features of some members of the Porifera

3.0 Main Content

The phylum poriferans are simple, multicellular animals with tissues but no distinct organs. They
are commonly known as sponges.
They typically attach to rocks, shells, or coral. Most sponges have an irregular shape supported
by a skeleton composed of calcareous crystals, silicon spicules, or spongin fibers.
Most sponges have an internal water canal system that moves water through the body, providing
a constant supply of food particles and oxygen to all cells and removing wastes. Sponges
reproduce sexually. They regenerate lost or injured body parts. They are classified into four

3.1 General characteristics of the Poriferans

The sporozoa has only a single phylum called Phylum Porifera.

• Members of this phylum are commonly known as sponges.

• They are the most primitive and simplest of the multicellular animals.
• Their body consists of many cells, which due to the absence of a nervous system and sense
organs are more or less independent of one another.
• The cells in the body of the sponge are not organized into tissues and organs hence they are
at a cellular level of organization; body is little more than a colony of distinctive cell types;
mesohyl separates the two layers of cells
• Adult sponges are sessile and attached to rocks and other hard surfaces in shallow water and
they are predominantly marine but some may occur in freshwater.
• The body of a sponge consists of many cells arranged in two layers around a central cavity.
• The central body cavity of the sponge is known as spongocoele or paragaster.

• The layer lining the internal cavity is known as the gastral layer or choanoderm; it is
composed of collared flagellated cells known as choanocytes.
• Numerous incurrent pores known as ostia perforate the body surface of a sponge, for which
they were named Porifera.
• The ostia are linked to inhalant canals.
• Water enters by the ostia and passes along the inhalant canals into the spongocoele. It carries
along with it various minute organisms that serve as food for the sponge.
• The food particles are engulfed by the collar cells (choanocytes) where digestion takes place
and the indigestible material is injected into the space within the collar.
• The major opening of the sponge body is an exhalant and not a mouth; this is the osculum.
• They are often coloured due to interaction with symbiotic algae.
• Individuals are hermaphroditic.
• Reproduction is by sexual and asexual means.
• One of different larval forms is the amphiblastula.

3.2 Class Calcarea

♦ These are sponges with skeletons consisting solely of calcareous spicules.
♦ They have large choanocytes.
♦ E.g. Leucoslenia, Sycon, etc.

3.3 Class Hexactinellida

♦ These are sponges with a purely siliceous skeleton composed of six-rayed spicules.
♦ Choanocytes are small and lack jelly.
♦ They are a deep-sea group.
♦ E.g. Euplectella, Hyalonema.

3.4 Class Demospongiae

♦ They lack skeleton and if present it may be siliceous and does not contain six-rayed
spicules of silica.
♦ Choanocytes are small and posses jelly.
♦ E.g. Spongilla, Oscarella, etc.

3.5 Class Sclerospongiae

♦ This is a very small class of leuconoid marine sponges.

♦ They are similar to Demospongiae.
♦ They are found in association with coral reefs.
♦ Their skeleton is made up of siliceous spicules and spongin fibres confined to a thin
superficial layer on top of a huge mass of calcium carbonate.

4.0 Conclusion
The poriferans (sponges) are simple, multicellular animals with tissues but no distinct organs.
They typically attach to rocks, shells, or coral. The members of the poriferans are differentiated
from one another by the composition of their skeleton. They regenerate lost or injured body

5.0 Summary
 The Phylum porifera commonly known as sponges are divided into four classes:
Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Demospongiae and Sclerospongiae.
 The Calcarea are sponges with skeletons; Hexactinellida have siliceous skeleton
composed of six-rayed spicules.
 The Demospongiae generally lack skeleton, while the Sclerospongiae is a very small
class of leuconoid marine sponges.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• List the differences between the Demospongiae and the Sclerospongiae

• How is the Skeleton of the Calcarea different from that of Hexactinellida?

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 4: The Metazoa

1.0 Introduction
In the previous lecture, we learnt that the Parazoa consists of a single phylum, Porifera
(sponges), consisting of four classes, which are made up of many cells; and are still at the
cellular level of organization.
During this lecture, we shall have an overview of the metazoans. The phyla in the Metazoa
include: Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes and Nematoda (lower invertebrates); Annelida, Mollusca,
Arthropoda and Echinodermata (Higher invertebrates). We shall also examine the general
characteristics of the Cnidarians.

2.0 Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:
 understand the structure and the organization of lower metazoans.
 appreciate the differences between the members of the cnidarians.
 appreciate features of the Cnidarians.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Overview of Metazoans

• The metazoans are group of multicellular animals, apart from parazoans and mesozoans.
• Members of the metazoans differ from parazoans in the following ways:
 Their bodies consist of many cells that co-operate with one another.
 Choanocytes are absent in metazoans.
 They possess sense organs and nervous system.
 The principal body opening in metazoans is inhalant.
 Endoderm cells, not choanocytes, line their body cavity.
• There are of two grades of organization: diploblastic and triploblastic.
 In diploblastic organization, the body wall is composed of two layers: ectoderm and
endoderm, and a layer of secreted jelly, the mesoglea/mesogloea, between the two
 The diploblastic body is attained by the cnidarians.
 In triploblastic organization, there is a third layer, the mesoderm between the
ectoderm and endoderm. The mesoderm is more extensive and forms most of the
body. Other invertebrate phyla belong to this group.

3.2 The General Characteristics of the Phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata) (Figs. 2.4 & 2.5)

• They are diploblastic animals.

• They have tissue grade organization.
• They possess a single cavity in the body known as enteron, which serves for ingestion and
• They lack an anus.
• Their mouth is surrounded by tentacles.
• They produce nematocysts which serve for defence and food capture.
• They are radially symmetrical.
• They are either sedentary (seated) or free-swimming.
• They exhibit polymorphism, occurring either as hydroid (polyp) or medusoid type.
• The medusoid forms are free swimming and solitary while the polyp forms are sedentary and
may be solitary or colonial.
• Their nervous system is an irregular network of cells.
• Asexual reproduction is by budding producing colonial zooids.
• Sexual reproduction produces a ciliated larva known as the planula.

4.0 Conclusion
Like the sponges, the metazoans are multicellular organisms but unlike the sponges, their cells
are organized into tissues and organs. There are two levels of organization among the
metazoans, namely, diploblastic and triploblastic.

5.0 Summary
 In this lecture unit, we have learnt that:
 the Metazoa is a group of multicellular animals other than the parazoans and mesozoans.
Like the sponges, the metazoans are multicellular organisms but unlike the sponges, their
cells are organized into tissues and organs.
 there are two levels of organization among the metazoans, namely, diploblastic and
triploblastic. The cnidarians are sedentary or free-swimming diploblastic animals that
exhibit polymorphism. They have a body cavity (enteron) that has a single opening to the
 the opening is surrounded by tentacles. The group is divided into the classes: Hydrozoa,
Scyphozoa and Anthozoa, traditionally.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• In what ways are the metazoans different from the parazoans?

• State the differences between diploblastic organisms and triploblastic organisms.

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).

Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.

Unit 5: The phylum Cnidaria

1.0 Introduction

In the previous lecture, we had an overview of the metazoans. Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes and
Nematoda are lower invertebrate members of the Metazoans.

During this lecture, we shall examine the characteristics of the different classes of the Cnidaria.
The name Cnidaria comes from the Greek word "cnidos," which means stinging nettle. Casually
touching many cnidarians will make it clear how they got their name when their nematocysts
eject barbed threads tipped with poison.

The phylum Cnidaria is a diverse group of very simple-bodied animals includes corals, sea
anemones, hydras, jellyfishes, and their relatives. About 9,000 living species are known. The
Cnidaria are the simplest Metazoa, and do not even possess organs. All they have is a stomach
and a mouth surrounded by tentacles.

2.0 Objectives

At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:

 understand the characteristics of the different members of the cnidarians.
 Classify the Cnidarians.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Diversity of the Cnidarians

o Cnidarians are incredibly diverse in form, as evidenced by colonial siphonophores,

massive medusae and corals, feathery hydroids, and box jellies with complex eyes.
o Yet, these diverse animals are all armed with stinging cells called nematocysts.
Cnidarians are united based on the presumption that their nematocysts have been
inherited from a single common ancestor.
o Many thousands of cnidarian species live in the world's oceans, from the tropics to the
poles, from the surface to the bottom. Some even burrow. A smaller number of species
are found in rivers and fresh water lakes.

3.2 Classification of the Cnidarians

There are four main groups of cnidarians, Hydrozoa, Cubozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa.

3.2.1 Class Hydrzoa

♦ They are the most diverse group of cnidarian with siphonophores, hydroids, fire
corals, and many medusae;

♦ They have the polyp and medusa forms in their life cycle.
♦ The polyp is the predominant stage while the medusa is the simple stage.
♦ They reproduce by alternation of the asexual and sexual phases of their life cycles.
e.g. Hydra, Obelia, Physalia (Portuguese man-of-war), Bougainvillea etc.

3.2.2 Class Scyphozoa

The Scyphozoa are considered the true jellyfish.

♦ In this class, the polyp stage may either be reduced to a small larva or it may be
absent; if present, it gives rise to medusae by transverse fission.
♦ They lack a gullet.
♦ Nematocysts are present in the ectoderm.
♦ They are exclusively marine.
♦ e.g. Aurelia (jelly fish), Pelagia etc.

3.2.3 Class Anthozoa

♦ They are exclusively marine cnidarians.
♦ They constitute the largest class.
♦ They occur only as polyps.
♦ Nematocysts are present in the endoderm.
♦ E.g. Actinia (sea anemone), Astrangia (coral), and sea pens etc.

3.2.4 Class Cubozoa.

They are referred to as the amazing box jellies with complex eyes.
They produce potent toxins

4.0 Conclusion
There are four major groups of cnidarians: These are Anthozoa, which includes true corals,
anemones, and sea pens; Cubozoa, the amazing box jellies with complex eyes and potent
toxins; Hydozoa, the most diverse group with siphonophores, hydroids, fire corals, and many
medusae; Scyphozoa, the true jellyfish.

5.0 Summary

In this lecture unit it has been shown that:
 The cnidarians are sedentary or free-swimming diploblastic animals that exhibit
 They have a body cavity (enteron) that has a single opening to the exterior.
 The opening is surrounded by tentacles.
 The group is divided into the classes: Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa, traditionally.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Give an outline classification of the cnidarians.

• Give two distinguishing features of each class.

7.0. References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).

Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.


Unit 1: The Phylum Platyhelminthes

1.0 Introduction

In the last lecture unit, we examine the characteristics of the four major groups of cnidarians. The
members are all armed with stinging cells called nematocysts. Cnidarians are united based on the
presumption that their nematocysts have been inherited from a single common ancestor.

In this lecture unit, we shall have an overview and study the general characteristics of the
phylum platyhelminthes. The platyhelminthes (flatworms) are bilaterally symmetrical and
triploblastic i.e. composed of three fundamental cell layers. They have no body cavity other than
the gut (and the smallest free-living forms may even lack that!) and lack an anus; the same
pharyngeal opening both takes in food and expels waste.

2.0 Objectives

At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:

 understand the characteristics of the different members of the platyhelminthes.

 classify the platyhelminthes.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 An Overview of the Platyhelminthes

• The platyhelminthes are the simplest animals that are bilaterally symmetrical and
triploblastic (composed of three fundamental cell layers). They are flatworms lacking
body cavity other than the gut (and the smallest free-living forms may even lack that) and
lack an anus; the same pharyngeal opening both takes in food and expels waste. Because
of the lack of any other body cavity, in larger flatworms the gut is often very highly
branched in order to transport food to all parts of the body.
• The lack of a cavity also constrains flatworms to be flat; they must respire by diffusion,
and no cell can be too far from the outside, making a flattened shape necessary.

• Flatworms were once divided into three groups. The mostly free-living Turbellaria
include the planarian, Dugesia; these are found in the oceans, in fresh water, and in moist
terrestrial habitats, and a few are parasitic.
• The Trematoda, or flukes, are all parasitic, and have complex life cycles specialized for
parasitism in animal tissues. Members of one major taxon of flukes, the Digenea -- which
includes the human lung fluke which passes through a number of juvenile stages that are
parasitic in one, two, or more intermediate hosts before reaching adulthood, at which time
they parasitize a definitive host.
• The Cestoda, or tapeworms, are intestinal parasites in vertebrates, and they also show
anatomical and life history modifications for parasitism.

• It now seems likely that the first two of these groups are paraphyletic; that is, they
contain some but not all descendants of a common ancestor.

• Recent molecular studies suggest that the Platyhelminthes as a whole, may even be
polyphyletic, having arisen as two independent groups from different ancestral groups.

• If this latter view is correct, then most of the flatworms may belong to the
Lophotrochozoa, a large group within the animal kingdom that includes molluscs and
earthworms, while the rest belong near the base of animal diversity.

• Platyhelminths have practically no fossil record. A few trace fossils have been reported
that were probably made by platyhelminths, and fossil trematode eggs have been found in
Egyptian mummies and in the dried dung of Pleistocene ground sloth. Trematode larvae
that parasitize molluscs may leave pits or thin spots on the inside of the shell, and these
pits may be recognized on fossil shells. If the mollusc is irritated by the presence of
trematode larvae, it may be able to surround them with layers of shelly material - and
thus do parasites become natural pearls.

3.1.1 General Characteristics of the Platyhelminthes

• These are flatworms because they are dorso-ventrally flattened.

• Many of the most important morphological features found in complex higher animal groups
were first observed in the flatworms. These features include:
 Cephalization and bilateral symmetry.
 Triploblastic organization.
 Organ-system level of organization.
• They are acoelomates i.e. the mesoderm is solid with no space between the ectoderm and the
• They possess a central nervous system.
• They lack blood vascular (circulatory) and respiratory systems.
• Respiration and excretion are mainly by diffusion through the body surface.
• They possess a unique excretory and osmoregulatory system of branched protonephridial
tubes that end in flame cells.
• The gut (when present) has only one opening, the mouth; no anus.
• They are hermaphrodites.

4.0 Conclusion
The platyhelminthes are commonly called flatworms. Some of the most important features of the higher
animals such as cephalization, bilateral symmetry, possession of a central nervous system and
triploblastic organization, were first observed in this group. The phylum contains four classes: the
Turbellaria (free-living), and, the Monogenea, Trematoda and Cestoidea (parasites).

5.0 Summary

We have studied in this unit that:

 The Platyhelminthes are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic organisms i.e.

composed of three fundamental cell layers.

 They are the flatworms with no body cavity other than the gut, and lack an anus; the same
pharyngeal opening both takes in food and expels wastes.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• List some of the important morphological features of higher animals that were first
observed in the platyhelminths.
• Outline the differences between paraphyletic and polyphyletic.

7.0 References/Further Readings

Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P. and Olive, P.J.W. (1989). The Invertebrates: A new Synthesis. 582pp.
(London, Blackwell Scientific Publications; Hong Kong, Holt-Saunders).
Buchsbaum, R., Buchsbaum, M., Pearse, J. and Pearse, V. (1987). Animals without Backbones,
3rd Edition. 572pp. (London, The University of Chicago Press).
Kershaw, D.R. (1988). Animal Diversity. 428pp. (Chapman and Hall).
Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P.O and Stout, G.W. (1998). Biological Science, 3rd Edition 984pp.
Soper, R. (Editor) (Cambridge University Press).
William, T.K., James, L.G. & Carol, G.G. (1993). Biological Science, Vol. II, 5th Edition.
Published by W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1194 pp.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Unit 2: The Turbellaria.

1.0 Introduction

In the last lecture unit, we had an overview and studied characteristics of the platyhelminthes.
The members are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic (composed of three fundamental cell
layers). Platyhelminthes have no body cavity other than the gut (and the smallest free-living
forms may even lack that) and lack an anus; the same pharyngeal opening both takes in food and
expels wastes. The phylum is divided into four classes, which are Turbellaria, Monogenea,
Trematoda and Cestoidea.
During this lecture, we shall examine the classification and characteristics of the class
Turbellaria and class Monogenea. The Turbellarians are a large class of ribbon-shaped flatworms
found primarily on the bottoms of oceans. While most are drably colored, some marine species
are vivid and brilliantly patterned. The Monogeneans are parasitic flatworm that spends its entire
life cycle on the outside of the same fish.

2.0. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:
 understand the general characteristics of the members of the class Turbellaria and
 Classify the Turbellaria and Monogenea.

3.0 The main content

3.1 Structure and characteristics of the Turbellarians

o The Turbellarians are a group of flatworms known for their remarkable ability to
regenerate lost body parts. Most species are free-living and aquatic, and feed on small
invertebrates or dead organisms. The few land-dwelling species are restricted to moist
environments. Turbellarians probably gave rise to the parasitic flatworm classes, the
tapeworms and the flukes.

o Turbellarian species vary greatly in size from microscopic up to 60 cm (24 in) in length,
although most are less than 1 cm (0.4 in). They have no need for a circulatory system (to
distribute food or oxygen) or an excretory system (to remove wastes). Rather, the
flattened shape permits direct exchange of oxygen and wastes between the body cells and
the aquatic environment.
o The mouth is on the underside of the body and leads to the pharynx and gut.
Turbellarians are classified according to the shape of the gut: simple and saclike,
branched, divided, three-lobed, or entirely absent. A primitive brain and sense organs are
located in the head. Two or more eyespots can sense light, and there are cells in the head
specialized for sensing chemicals, touch, and water current. The body is covered with
moving, hairlike structures, or cilia, especially on the underside. The cilia are used in
movement and are aided by cells called rhabdoids that secrete a mucous blanket on
which the worm glides. Muscular motions also assist in movement.
o Generally, the class Turbellaria lack cuticle, and suckers are rarely present. e.g. Dugesia,
etc. (Fig. 2.6).
o Turbellarians are simultaneous hermaphrodites, meaning that they can produce both eggs
and sperm at the same time. A single individual cannot fertilize itself; instead, mating is
reciprocal, with each of two individuals exchanging both eggs and sperm. Reproduction
may also be asexual, by splitting or fission. Environmental conditions such as light and
temperature influence whether reproduction will be sexual or asexual.
o Substances are produced in the brain that inhibit head formation and promote tail
formation. These substances are strongest near the head and become weaker towards the
tail. When the body is cut, the concentration of the substance provides each body piece
with information on where it originated. For example, if a planarian is cut in half
crosswise, the head end will regenerate a new tail, and the tail end will regenerate a new
head. If the head end is sliced lengthwise, each half will generate the missing half,
resulting in a two-headed individual.

3.2 Classification of Turbellaria

Turbellarians make up the class Turbellaria in the flatworm phylum, Platyhelminthes.
The planarian belongs to the genus Dugesia.

3.3 General Characteristics of the Monogenea (Fig. 2.6)

♦ They are mostly ectoparasites of fish, turtles and amphibians.
♦ A few are endoparasitic.
♦ They have simple life-cycles and have only one host.
♦ Possess hooked attachment structures.
♦ The large posterior attachment structure is called the haptor.
♦ e.g. Polystoma sp., Macrogyrodactylus sp., Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp.,
Diplozoon sp., etc.

4.0 Conclusion
The Turbellarians are a group of flatworms known for their remarkable ability to regenerate lost
body parts. Most species are free-living and aquatic, and feed on small invertebrates or dead
organisms. The few land-dwelling species are restricted to moist environments. Turbellarians
probably gave rise to the parasitic flatworm classes, the tapeworms and the flukes. The
Monogenans are essentially ectoparasites with hooked attachment structures

5.0 Summary

We have studied in this lecture unit that:

 The Turbellarians are a large class of ribbon-shaped flatworms found primarily on the
bottoms of oceans.
 While most are drably colored, some marine species are vivid and brilliantly patterned.
 The Monogeneans are parasitic flatworm that spends its entire life cycle on the outside of
the same fish.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Compare and contrast the morphological features of the turbellarians and the tapeworms.
• What do you understand by the phrase ‘simultaneous hermaphrodites’?

7.0 References/Further Readings

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

• Alessandrello, A., Pinna, G., and Teruzzi, G. 1988. Land planarian locomotion trail from
the Lower Permian of Lombardian pre-Alps. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze
Naturale e Storia Naturale, Milano, 129(2-3): 139-145.
• R. Buchsbaum, M. Buchsbaum, J. Pearse, & V. Pearse, 1987. Animals Without
Backbones. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
• Ruiz-Trillo, Iñaki, Marta Riutort, D. Timothy J. Littlewood, Elisabeth A. Herniou, &
Jaume Baguñà, 1999. Acoel flatworms: Earliest extant bilaterian metazoans, not
members of Platyhelminthes. Science 283: 1919-1923.
• Winnepenninckx, B., T. Backeljau, L. Y. Mackey, J. M. Brooks, R. de Wachter, S.
Kumar, & J. R. Garey. 1995. 18S rRNA data indicate that Aschelminthes are
polyphyletic in origin and consist of at least three distinct clades. Molecular Biology &
Evolution 12(6): 1132-1137.

Unit 3: The Trematoda

1.0 Introduction
In the last lecture, we examined the characteristics of the class Turbellaria and class Monogenea.
The Turbellaria are free-living platyhelminthes, found in aquatic habitat. Among other features,
they have mucous producing organ referred to as rhabdites, while the Monogeneans are parasitic
flatworms that spend their entire life cycle on the outside of the same fish.
During this lecture, we shall be studying the characteristics and the classification of the class
Trematoda. The Trematoda is a class within the phylum Platyhelminthes that contains two
groups of parasitic worms, commonly referred to as flukes.

2.0. Objectives
By the end of this lecture, the student should be able to:
 appreciate the general characteristics of the members of the class Trematoda.
 classify the Trematoda.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Characteristics of the Trematoda

 The Trematoda are estimated to include 18,000 to 24,000 species, and are divided into
two subclasses. Nearly all trematodes are parasites of mollusks and vertebrates.
 The smaller Aspidogastrea, comprising about 100 species, are obligate parasites of
mollusks and may also infect turtles and fish, including cartilaginous fish.
 The Digenea, which constitute the majority of trematode diversity, are obligate parasites
of both mollusks and vertebrates, but rarely occur in cartilaginous fish.
 Formerly, the Monogenea were included in the Trematoda on the basis that these worms
are also vermiform parasites, but modern phylogenetic studies have raised this group to
the status of a sister class within the Platyhelminthes, along with the Cestoda.
 Almost all trematodes infect mollusks as the first host in the life cycle, and most have a
complex life cycle involving other hosts.
 Most trematodes are monoecious and alternately reproduce sexually and asexually. The
two main exceptions to this are the Aspidogastrea, which have no asexual reproduction,
and the schistosomes, which are dioecious.
 In the definitive host, in which sexual reproduction occurs, eggs are commonly shed
along with host faeces. Eggs shed in water release free-swimming larval forms that are
infective to the intermediate host, in which asexual reproduction occurs.
 A species that exemplifies the remarkable life history of the trematodes is the bird fluke,
Leucochloridium paradoxum. The definitive hosts, in which the parasite multiplies, are
various woodland birds, while the hosts in which the parasite grows (intermediate host)
are various species of snail.

 The adult parasite in the bird's gut produces eggs and these eventually end up on the
ground in the bird's faeces. Some very fortunate eggs get swallowed by a snail and here
they hatch into tiny, transparent larva (miracidium).
 These larvae grow and take on a sac-like appearance. This stage is known as the
sporocyst and it forms a central body in the snail's digestive gland that extends into a
brood sac in the snail's head, muscular foot and eye-stalks.
 It is in the central body of the sporocyst where the parasite replicates itself, producing lots
of tiny embryos (redia). These embryos move to the brood sac and mature into cercaria.

3.2 Classification of the Trematodes

The class Trematoda contains two subclasses, one of which, the Digenea is a large and
successful group with much economic importance to mankind. The second subclass is the
Aspidogastrea which are a small group of absolutely no economic importance to mankind at all
(Fig. 2.7).

3.2.1 The Digenea

• They are endoparasitic in all groups of vertebrates.

• Suckers are usually two; oral and ventral suckers.
• They have two or more hosts in their life-cycles.
• e.g. Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola gigantica, Fasciolopsis buski, Schistosoma mansoni,
Clonorchis sinensis, Transversotrema, etc.

3.2.2 The Aspidogastrea

 The Aspidogastrea are an interesting group of about 80 species of parasitic

Platyhelminths. They are are all aquatic and as far as we know they all have indirect life
cycles, meaning they have more than one host species. Most species use some sort of
mollusc or arthropod as the intermediate host and a vertebrate such as a fish or a turtle as
the primary host. Some species however reach maturity in the invertebrate host, and it
must be remembered that there are a number of species in this group that we know very
little about.
 Aspidogastreans have more simple life cycles than their Digenean relatives as they lack
the intermediate forms that make Digeneans so prodigious in terms of numbers of young
resulting from one egg, for the Aspidogastreans one egg means one larvae and then one
adult. They are mostly small animals ranging in size from 1 mm to several cm. They also
tend lack much in the way of 'host specificity' meaning they can be infective to a wide
range of hosts. They have a large posterior sucker which is used to attach to the host.


 Eggs are laid and pass out of the host animal with its faeces. In some species, such as
Amphilina foliacea, the eggs do not hatch until they are eaten by the intermediate host. In
4.0 Conclusion
The Trematoda is a class within the phylum platyhelminthes that contains two groups of parasitic
worms, commonly referred to as flukes. The smaller Aspidogastrea, comprising about 100
species, are obligates parasites of mollusks and may also infect turtles and fish, including
cartilaginous fish. The Digena, which constitute the majority of trematode diversity, are obligate
parasites of both mollusks and vertebrates, but rarely occur in cartilaginous fish. Generally, the
trematodes body is covered by a complex tegument. The adults lack cilia, and have one or more
suckers by which they attach to their hosts. They have complex life cycles involving
intermediate hosts.

5.0 Summary
In this lecture unit we have learnt that:
 The class Trematoda contains two subclasses, one of which, the Digenea is a large and
successful group with much economic importance to mankind, and are endoparasitic in
all groups of vertebrates. They have suckers e.g. Fasciola hepatic and Fasciola gigantic.
 The second subclass is the Aspidogastrea, which are a small group of absolutely no
economic importance. They lack an oral sucker but have a large ventral sucker that is
called a holdfast. The holdfast is usually made up of many suckers or several alveoli.
They have one host, which may be a mollusc or a cold-blooded vertebrate.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Name the types, and state the uses of suckers in the trematodes.
• Compare and contrast the morphological features of the Aspidogastrea and the Digenea.

7.0 References/Further Readings

• Littlewood, D T J; R. A. Bray (2000). "The Digenea". Interrelationships of the

Platyhelminthes. Systematics Association Special Volume. 60 (1 ed.). CRC. pp. 168–185.
• Poulin, Robert; Serge Morand (2005). Parasite Biodiversity. Smithsonian. pp. 216.

UNIT 4: Class Cestoidea (Cestoda)
1.0 Introduction
In the last lecture unit, we studied the general characteristics of the members of the class
Trematoda and Monogenea. We also classified the Trematoda and the Monogenea.

In this lecture unit, we are going to study the outline classification and characteristics of the
members of the Cestoda. Cestodes or tapeworms are the most specialised of the Platyhelminthes
parasites. All cestodes have at least one, and sometimes more than one, secondary or
intermediate host as well as their primary host.

2.0 Objectives

At the conclusion of this lecture, the student should be able to:

 understand the characteristics of the class cestoda
 appreciate the differences between the members of the class cestoda.
 appreciate the economic importance of the class cestoda.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Overview of Cestodes
o Cestodes or tapeworms are the most specialised of the Platyhelminthes parasites.
Parasites are animals or plants that live on or in other animals or plants, or hosts, without
helping them and usually harming them.
o All cestodes have at least one, and sometimes more than one, secondary or intermediate
host as well as their primary host. While the intermediate hosts are often invertebrates of
some sort, the primary host is normally a vertebrate.
o In some cases both hosts are vertebrates, as in the common Beef Tapeworm Taenia
saginatus, and in a few species there may be only a single host.
o A number of tapeworms include humans in their life cycles but infection is not normally
a serious health problem and can be cured.
o There are more than 1,000 species of tapeworms known to science, and nearly every
species of vertebrate is liable to infection from at least one species of tapeworm.
o All of the known species of tapeworms are endoparasites.
3.2 Physical Characteristics of Cestodes

♦ Commonly called tapeworms.

♦ They are endoparasitic and their adults live in the gut of vertebrates.
♦ Body is typically elongated, tape-like and segmented; each segment is called a
proglottis/proglottid (Fig. 2.8).

♦ They have a head region known as the scolex, which mostly bears hooks and suckers
for attachment to the host.
♦ The anterior proglottides close to the scolex are young without complement of the
reproductive system.
♦ The middle proglottides are mature and have full complement of the reproductive
system, while the posterior segments are gravid and contain ripe eggs.
♦ Each proglottis contains a complete set of male and female reproductive organs.
♦ They have no mouth and no digestive system.
♦ They absorb digested food from the intestine of their host through the body surface.
♦ Their bodies are covered by a thick cuticle.
♦ No cilia in adults.
♦ Life-cycle is complex and involves intermediate hosts.
♦ E.g. Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Echinococcus granulosus, Hymenolepis nana,
Diphyllobothrium latum, etc.
♦ The body of most tapeworms is flat and much longer than it is wide, so that it looks
like a tape or ribbon. The length varies from 0.02 inch (0.6 millimeter) to 98 feet (30
meters), the longest worms being found in sperm whales.
♦ Tapeworms are parasites that have no head, mouth, or digestive system. Parasites are
animals or plants that live on or in other animals or plants, or hosts, without helping
them and usually harming them.
♦ Tapeworms have a body covering through which they absorb nutrients from the host's
intestine. This covering also protects the worms from the host's immune reactions and
digestive acids. Tapeworms are whitish and as internal parasites they live in darkness.
♦ The body of tapeworms has three regions: scolex, neck, and strobila. The scolex is the
head. It has spines, hooks, suckers, tentacles, glands releasing sticky secretions, or a
combination of these structures that the worm uses to attach itself to the inner wall of
the intestine of the final host, also called the primary host.
♦ Suckers are the most common attachment tool. Suckers are usually cup shaped and
have powerful muscular walls. The neck is the region of the body just behind the
scolex. It is usually short.
♦ The strobila is behind the neck. It consists of a row of segments called proglottids.
The strobila is made up of anywhere from a few to more than one thousand
proglottids but usually contains several dozen.
♦ Each proglottid starts development at the neck, and proglottids form one by one
throughout the life of the tapeworm in the final host. Just behind the neck, the
proglottids are short and narrow. When a new proglottid forms at the neck, already
formed proglottids are pushed toward the rear, grow, and eventually contain the
reproductive organs.
♦ Behind the new proglottids, each strobila contains the following types of proglottids,
from front to back: premature proglottids, with the beginnings of reproductive organs;
mature proglottids, which contain functioning male and female reproductive organs;
postmature proglottids, which contain developing eggs; and gravid proglottids, which
contain ripe eggs.

♦ The gravid proglottids at the end of the worm break off and pass into the environment
with the host's feces. A few species of tapeworms have no proglottids.

3.3 Classification and Characteristics of Cestoda

o The Class Cestoda is divided into two subclasses, the Cestodaria and the Eucestoda. The
Eucestoda contains all the animals we usually think of as tapeworms.
o The Cestodaria contains only a few species of unusual worms, their bodies are
unsegmented and roughly oval in shape, they have only one set of reproductive organs
and the larvae have 10 hooks for attachment.
o The class Eucestoda contains very few species that do not conform to the standard
tapeworm body plan. The larvae have 6 attachment hooks. The adult body consists of a
head, called a 'Scolex' which is distinguished by the presence of suckers and hooks,
though the hooks may be absent as in Taenia saginatus.
o Because they live in darkness there are no eyes, and because they do not feed in the usual
manner there is no mouth. Behind the scolex is a band of rapidly growing material that
produces an endless series of reproductive segments called 'Proglottids'.
o The proglottids contain both male and female reproductive organs, making the
tapeworms hermaphrodites.
o The male organs mature before the female ones. In some species such as the Fish
Tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum)can reach 20 metres in length, contain 3,000
proglottids and produce millions of eggs every day.
o Within the Subclass Eucestoda those species which infect mankind can be found in two
orders, Pseudophyllidea and Cyclophyllidea which can be recognised by their different
life cycles.

4.0 Conclusion

The cestodes, or tapeworms are endoparasitic. Their adult live in the gut of the vertebrates, and
lack cilia and their surface is a tegument (as in monogeneans and trematodes), but in cestodes the
tegument is covered with tiny projections, microvilli, which increase its surface area and thereby
its ability to absorb nutrients from a host.

5.0 Summary

In this lecture unit, we have learnt that:

 The cestodes (tapeworms) differ in a number of ways from other flatworms.

 Their bodies are long and flat, made up of many segments called proglottids, which are
the reproductive units of the cestodes.
 Digestive tracts are absent completely. At the tapeworm's anterior end is a specialized
segment called a scolex, which is usually covered with hooks or suckers and serves to
anchor it to the host.

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA)

• How do tapeworms feed? Give reasons for your answer.

• Compare and contrast the morphological features of the Cestodaria and the Eucestoda.

7.0 References/Further Readings.

1. Hickman, C.P. and L. S. Roberts (1994). Animal Diversity. Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque,
2. Chandler, A.C. (1961). Introduction to Parasitology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. Brusca, R. C., and G. J. Brusca (1990). Invertebrates. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,

Unit 5: The Phylum Nematoda

1.0 Introduction

In the last lecture unit, we studied the general characteristics of the members of the class
Cestoda. We also studied the characteristics of the two subclasses of Cestoda.

In this lecture unit, we shall be looking at classification and characteristics of the members of the
Phylum Nematoda, and outline the economic importance of the nematodes. The nematodes are
bilaterally symmetrical, worm-like organisms that are surrounded by a strong, flexible
noncellular layer called a cuticle. Their body plan is simple.

2.0 Objectives

By the end of this lecture unit, the student should:

• understand the basis of the classification of the phylum nematoda.

• become familiar with the names and features of members of phylum Nematoda

3.0 Main content

3.1 General Characteristics of the Nematodes

♦ The name Nematode means, "thread form". The nematodes are also known as round
worms. These animals have a cylindrical tapered bodies and range is length from few
millimeter to a meter and live in diverse habitats.
♦ Free-living nematodes eat microorganisms; other nematodes may feed on decaying
organic material. Vinegar eel is a common free-living nematode. All roundworms have a
bilateral symmetry and a mouth and an anus.
♦ The parasitic species are: pinworms, hookworms, heartworms (in dogs), and Ascaris
(intestinal roundworm). Humans can contract parasitic worms by eating under cooked
beef or pork.
♦ Nematodes are bilaterally symmetrical, and are surrounded by a strong, flexible
noncellular layer called a cuticle. Their body plan is simple. The cuticle is secreted by
and covers a layer of epidermal cells. Near the body wall but under the epidermal cells
are muscle cells; they run in the longitudinal direction only (Fig. 2.9)

♦ A true coelom is lacking, instead, nematodes have a "pseudocoel" formed directly from
the cavity of the blastula (rather than as a result of the division or folding of mesoderm).
The cavity of the pseudocoel is small, being mostly filled with an intestine and oviducts
or testes.
♦ A simple nervous system consists of a ring of nervous tissue around the pharynx that
gives rise to dorsal and ventral nerve cords running the length of the body.

♦ Nematodes move by contraction of the longitudinal muscles. Because their internal
pressure is high, this causes the body to flex rather than flatten, and the animal moves by
thrashing back and forth. No cilia or flagellae are present.
♦ Some nematodes have specialized cells that excrete nitrogenous wastes; in others, canals
or canals plus these specialized cells are present. Nematodes do not have flame cells.
♦ Most nematodes are dioecious. Fertilization takes place when males use special
copulatory spines to open the females' reproductive tracts and inject sperm into them. The
sperm are unique in that they lack flagellae and move by pseudopodia, like amoebas.
Development of fertilized eggs is usually direct.
♦ Nematodes are almost unbelievably abundant. One study reported around 90,000
individual nematodes in a single rotting apple. Another reported 236 species living in a
few cubic centimeters of mud.
♦ The number of described species is around 12,000, but too little attention has been paid to
these animals and the true number may be closer to 500,000. Some species are
generalists, occuring across wide areas and in many habitats; others are much more

3.2 Classification and features of members of the Phylum Nematoda.

The Phylum Nematoda is divided into two classes:

 Class Adenophorea (Aphasmidia)

 Class Secernentea (Phasmidia)

3.2.1 Class Adenophorea (Aphasmidia)

• They lack phasmids (caudal sensory organs).

• Excretory system is rudimentary or poorly developed.
• Males have one spicule.
• E.g. Trichuris sp. etc.

3.2.2 Class Secernentea (Phasmidia)

• They have phasmids; excretory system is present and well developed.

• Males have two spicules.
• E.g. Rhabditis, Wuchereria, Onchocerca spp., etc.

3.3 Economic importance of Nematodes

♦ Nematodes have colonized nearly every conceivable habitat on earth, including such
unlikely places as under beer coasters in Germany (Panagrellus redivivus).
♦ Some nematodes are also extreme habitat specialists, living, for example, only in the
placentas of sperm whales (Placentonema gigantissima), or the right kidneys of minks
(Dioctophyme renale)
♦ Many nematodes are free living and play critical ecological roles as decomposers and
predators on microorganisms.
♦ Nematodes also include parasitic species, a number of which affect humans directly or
indirectly through their domestic animals.
♦ These include the common roundworms, which probably infest more than half the
world's humans; hookworms; trichina, the worms that cause trichinosis; pinworms,
another extremely common parasite, which can be transmitted from human to human by
eggs floating in household dust; and filarial worms, primarily tropical parasites that cause
diseases such as filariasis (elephantiasis) and onchocerciasis (river blindness).

4.0 Conclusion
The nematodes, also called roundworms, are elongated, cylindrical, unsegmented worms. They
are cosmopolitan and are made up of parasitic and free-living species. The phylum contains two
classes, Adenophorea (Aphasmidia) and Secernentea (Phasmidia). The two classes are separated
on the basis of the presence or absence of phasmids.

5.0 Summary
• The nematodes are cosmopolitan and occur in the sea, freshwater, moist soil or as
parasites in plants and animals.
• They are elongated, cylindrical, unsegmented, triploblastic, pseudocoelomate and
bilaterally symmetrical. Body is covered by an elastic cuticle.
• They have only longitudinal muscles, no circular muscles, and are unique in that they
have no cilia in any part of their body.
• Sexes are separate i.e. dioecious. They exhibit sexual dimorphism, the males being
smaller than the females.
• Alimentary canal is a straight tube from mouth to anus. Some are free-living and many
are important plant and animal parasites and are of great medical and economic

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Name the classes of the Phylum Nematoda.
• On what basis are the classes separated?
• Write briefly on the economic importance of nematodes.

7.0 References/Further Readings

Hickman, C.P. and L. S. Roberts. 1994. Animal Diversity. Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA.

Brusca, R. C., and G. J. Brusca. Invertebrates. 1990. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

Chandler, A.C. 1961. Introduction to Parasitology. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Lee, D.L. and H.J. Atkinson. 1976. Physiology of Nematodes (2nd ed.). Columbia University
Press, New York.


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