Long Quiz
Long Quiz
Long Quiz
2. A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods
or nutrients as part of the treatment for a medical condition.
a. True
b. False
8. Clear liquid diet are foods that are clear. Which would not be on a clear
liquid diet?
a. water
b. broth
c. plain gelatin
d. orange juice
10. Full liquid diets have foods that can be creamy in nature. What is an
a. Milkshakes
b. Cooked egg
c. Puree peas
d. Applesauce
11. Fiber is classified into 2 main types. One type is soluble. How is soluble
fiber defined?
a. It is broken down completely in milk
b. It partially dissolves in water
c. It doesn’t dissolve in orange juice
d. None of the above
12. The other type of fiber is insoluble fiber. What happens to insoluble fiber
when you eat it?
a. The fiber is broken down in the stomach
b. The fiber is broken down in the small intestines
c. The fiber is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract intact.
d. The fiber is broken down in the large intestine.
13. Which of these methods is a good way to increase your daily fiber intake?
a. Eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juice.
b. Snack on raw vegetables instead of chips or crackers.
c. Go meatless several times a week by substituting legumes for
meat in recipes
d. All of the above
14. A diet high in fiber has been linked to a lower risk for heart disease.
a. True
b. False
15. Fiber helps prevent constipation. Fiber from which source seems to be
better for accomplishing this?
a. Fiber from fruits
b. Fiber from vegetables
c. Fiber from wheat and oat bran
d. All of the above
16. Does the change in diet help the person to recover from disease?
a. Yes
b. No
25. What medication is most commonly associated with diarrhea among tube
-fed patients?
a. Diuretics
b. Anti- inflammatory drugs
c. Antibiotics
d. Chemotheraphy.