2023 Ellna Handbook
2023 Ellna Handbook
2023 Ellna Handbook
Department of Education
Early Language,
Literacy, and
Examiner’s Handbook
Table of Contents
ACRONYM .………………………………………………………………………………. 1
TESTING PERSONNEL ……………………………………………………………….. 1
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………….. 2
TEST ADMINISTRATION PROPER ………………………………………………… 3
I. PRE-TEST...……………………………………………………………………......... 3
1. Delivery of TMs…………………………………………………………....... 3
2. Entrance and Seating Arrangement……………………………………. 3-4
3. Boardwork……………………………………...................................... 4-5
4. Orientation and General Direction …………………………………….. 5-6
5. Distribution of TMs ……………………………………………………….. 6
6. Checking of TMs …………………………………….. ……………………. 6
7. Accomplishing of the Seat Plan …………………………………………. 7
8. Filling in of information in the Answer Sheet ……………………….. 7-10
9. Answering of EDQ …………………………………………………………. 10
● AE - Assistant Examiner
● AS - Answer Sheet
● CE - Chief Examiner
● CETRE - Chief Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope
● DTC - Division Testing Coordinator
● EDQ - Examinee’s Description Questionnaire
● EH - Examiner’s Handbook
● ETRE - Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope
● LRN - Learner Reference Number
● LWD - Learners with Disabilities
● MTB - Mother Tongue-Based
● PSS - Private Schools Supervisor
● RE - Room Examiner
● RTC - Regional Testing Coordinator
● SDS - Schools Division Superintendent
● SE - Supervising Examiner
● SH - School Head
● SSH - Scannable School Header
● STC - School Testing Coordinator
● TB - Test Booklet
● TM - Test Material
⮚ BEA Representative – He/She shall monitor and supervise the test administration
in the assigned division.
⮚ Regional Testing Coordinator (RTC) – He/She shall oversee the test
administration in the region. He/She shall provide Schools Division Offices (SDOs)
with the list of private schools operating with permit that are to be included in the
test administration. He/She shall prepare a test monitoring team in the whole
⮚ Division Testing Coordinator (DTC) – He/She shall supervise the test
administration in public schools.
⮚ Chief Examiner (CE) – He/She shall oversee the conduct of the test in the school.
The School Head (SH) shall serve as the CE.
⮚ School Testing Coordinator (STC) – He/She shall assist the CE in the overall test
⮚ Supervising Examiner (SE) – He/She shall monitor and supervise the assigned
testing rooms. He/She shall conduct ocular inspection the day before the test
administration to be familiarized with the school layout.
⮚ Room Examiner (RE) – He/She shall administer the test in accordance with the
standardized test administration guidelines in the Examiner’s Handbook (EH).
⮚ Assistant Examiner (AE) – He/She shall provide any test-related assistance to the
RE, if there are reported LWDs in the testing room. He/She is not required if there
are no reported LWDs in the testing room.
⮚ Support Staff – He/She shall provide any test-related assistance to the SH, such
as preparation of the testing rooms.
This Examiner’s Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of the
Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA). It outlines the activities to be
undertaken at various stages of the test administration. To ensure a standardized test
administration, this Handbook must be strictly followed.
The Room Examiner (RE) should receive the Test Booklets (TBs) and Answer Sheets
(ASs) from the Chief Examiner (CE). He/She shall count the TMs received before going to the
testing room.
TEST BOOKLETS (TBs). There are two forms of TBs. TB 1 contains the Examinee’s
Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) consisting of items on information about the examinee and
the test items in three (3) learning areas: English, Filipino, and Numeracy. TB 2 contains
test items on Grammar and Numeracy translated in Mother Tongue Language.
ANSWER SHEETS (ASs). Each examinee will use an AS composed of one (1) sheet.
The front page of the sheet contains the basic information about the examinee such as name,
Learner Reference Number (LRN), region, division, school ID, birth date, age, type of school,
third quarter grades, sex, class size, member of indigenous peoples group, recipient of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), name and address of school. The back page of the
sheet contains the Mother Tongue Language tested in ELLNA, Examinee’s Descriptive
Questionnaire (EDQ), Test Proper, and Name and Signature.
The ASs are numbered consecutively. Circles with letters are provided for the answers
to each part of the test.
WRITING MATERIALS. Each examinee will use soft lead pencil and sheets of blank
paper for computation purposes.
The RE shall administer the test within the time limit as shown in the tables on Page
4. The tables show the time frame, activity, time allotment, and total time allotment. The
total time limit excludes the 10-minute entrance of examinees, seating arrangement, 15-
minute orientation and general direction, distribution of test materials, 15-minute filling in of
information in the answer sheet, and 20-minute allotment for answering the Examinee’s
Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) or Mga Katanungang Naglalarawan sa Umeeksamin, and the
10-minute snack break.
The time limit indicated in the Boardwork on page 4 should be strictly followed.
Examinees must observe that the snack break is limited to 10 minutes only.
The RE shall accomplish the following activities pertaining to this test namely: Pre-
Test, Test Proper, and Post-Test. He/She shall read aloud to the examinees the instructions
in the boxed portion, but read silently the words inside the parentheses.
As per Section 4 of Republic Act No. 11650, the inclusion of Learners with Disabilities
(LWDs) in the national assessment must be observed; hence, the AE shall assist the reported
LWDs-examinees in the testing room. He/She may use alternative response formats such as
oral type wherein the AE reads the test items to the examinee with difficulty seeing.
Additionally, he/she shall ensure that all spoken instructions during the test are adequately
interpreted to those who have difficulty hearing. An oath of confidentiality must be signed
by the AE to ensure the security of information. The RE and AE shall not deviate from this
The RE shall check the boxes provided before the boxed instructions after each
activity/instruction has been done/given.
The RE shall count the Test Booklet in sealed plastic bags in the distribution room.
He/She shall sign the BEA Form 3 (TMs Accounting Form) after accounting and
checking the materials.
1. The RE shall be at the assigned testing room not later than 7:00 a.m.
2. The RE shall inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to
enter the testing room. There shall be four rows by five columns (5x4) of armchairs;
the RE shall check if the first and last rows are close to the walls.
3. The RE shall ensure that the testing room is accessible to clean restrooms and fire
4. The RE shall ensure that examinees who are considered LWDs may be grouped
according to difficulty experienced.
5. The RE shall ensure that the LWDs have different accommodations varying by
exceptionality/difficulty. Accommodations to LWDs may include spacious room,
wide tables instead of armchairs, and provision for teacher-assistants.
6. The RE shall instruct the examinees to sit according to the seat plan.
7. The RE shall instruct the examinees to leave vacant the seat assigned to an
8. The RE shall ensure that there shall not be more than 20 examinees in a room.
9. The RE shall admit the examinees following the alphabetical order in the List of
Examinees posted outside the testing room.
10. The RE shall instruct the examinees to turn off their digital devices, such as
smartphones and smartwatches, and put them in their bags. Their bags and other
personal belongings shall be placed in front, under the board upon entrance. Only
pencils, sharpeners, and a clean sheet of paper are allowed during the test.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
The RE shall accomplish the boardwork as follows. He/She shall note the time started
and time finished for each accomplished activity.
Time Frame Activity Time Total Time Time Time
Allotment Allotment Started Finished
7:00-7:10 Entrance of Examinees 10 minutes
Seating Arrangement
7:10-7:25 Orientation and General Direction 15 minutes
Distribution of Test Materials
1 hour
7:25-7:40 Filling in of information in the Answer 15 minutes
7:40-8:00 Answering of Examinees’ Descriptive 20 minutes
A. For Learners whose LOI is not included among the 19 MT Languages assessed in ELLNA
8:00-8:40 English (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes
8:40-9:20 Filipino (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes
1 hour and
9:20-9:35 Retrieval of Test Materials and 15 minutes 35
Dismissal minutes
Preparing of Reports and Sealing the
B. For Learners whose LOI is Tagalog MT Language
8:00-8:40 English (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes
8:40-9:20 Filipino (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes
9:20-9:50 Numeracy (Test Booklet 1) 30 minutes 2 hours
9:50-10:05 Retrieval of Test Materials and 15 minutes and 5
Dismissal minutes
Preparing of Reports and Sealing the
C. For Learners whose LOI is among the 18 MT Languages assessed in ELLNA
8:00-8:40 English (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes 2 hours
8:40-9:20 Filipino (Test Booklet 1)* 40 minutes and 55
9:20-9:30 Snack Break 10 minutes minutes
9:30-10:10 Mother Tongue (Grammar)* 40 minutes
(Test Booklet 2)
10:10-10:40 Mother Tongue (Numeracy) 30 minutes
(Test Booklet 2)
10:40-10:55 Retrieval of Test Materials and 15 minutes
Preparing of Reports and Sealing the
1. LOI- Language of Instruction * Including Listening Test (10 minutes)
2. MT- Mother Tongue
Good morning everybody. I am (State your name), your Room Examiner and (State
the name of Assistant Examiner). These are some points you should remember to
follow while taking the test. I shall read each one.
11. Work quietly and mind only your work. Do not use books, dictionaries, rulers,
calculators, smartphones, tablet computers, smart watches, etc. inside the
testing room.
12. Refrain from cheating. If you are caught cheating in any form such as talking
to co-examinees, and have been warned twice, but persist on cheating, you
will not be allowed to take the test any further.
13. Work fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time. If you finish
the test ahead of time review your answers.
After you have read the guidelines, allow examinees to go out, if necessary, before
distributing the TMs.
Cut with a pair of scissors or a blade one end of the plastic bags (one containing the TBs
and the ASs). Check their quantities and see to it that these are accurate and not tampered. In
a pack, there are twenty (20) TBs. Each examinee will have one TB and one AS.
In the distribution of the TBs and ASs, start with the examinee in Number 1 by giving
him/her the TB/AS with the lowest serial number and end with examinee in Number 20, giving
him/her the highest serial number.
Seats of latecomers/absentees should be left vacant. TBs and ASs allocated to the
said examinees should be placed inside the original plastic bag by the RE pending their
arrival. However, the TMs should not be distributed yet if there are only less than 10
examinees in the room.
Everybody, put the Answer Sheet on your chair. (Wait until everybody has done this.)
Look at your Test Booklet. (Pause.) Check the pages one by one. If you notice any misprint or
a missing page, raise your hand so that I will change it.
Pause. Wait until everybody has done this. The AE shall assist the LWDs-examinees in
checking the pages of the TB. The RE will say:
Everybody, look at your Answer Sheet. Find out if there are defects. In case there are,
raise your hand so that I will change it.
Pause. Look for raised hands. The AE shall assist the LWDs-examinees in checking the
AS. In case a TB or an AS is defective, change it.
On the Seat Plan that I will pass, write your name, and the corresponding
Examinee Number and Test Booklet Number.
Pass the Seat Plan as soon as the examinees begin filling in the information about
themselves, not when the test proper is being done. The AE shall assist the LWD in filling in
of information about themselves. Write on the boardwork under “Entrance of Examinees,
Seating Arrangement”, the exact time the entrance of examinees and accomplishing the seat
plan has started and the time finished.
The Answer Sheet is composed of one (1) sheet printed back-to-back broken down as
follows: The front page contains the circles for the basic information about yourself. The
back page contains the Examinee’s Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) circles numbered 1 to
15. It also contains circles numbered 1 to 45 for English, 1 to 45 for Filipino, 1 to 20 for
Numeracy, 1 to 45 for Mother Tongue, and 1 to 20 for Mother Tongue Numeracy. In
marking the circle, see to it that the whole space within the circle is fully shaded. NAME
You shall now fill out your name. Print your name inside the box provided for on the
upper portion of the Answer Sheet. Then print your name inside each box provided for in the
name grid.
Then say:
Let us accomplish the name grid found on the upper portion of the Answer Sheet. The
basic rules in filling up the name grid are as follows:
1. Write only one letter in each box starting with the first box at the left. Below letter Z are
Ñ and dash (-).
2. Enter your last name first, then your first name(s) in the allotted box and finally your
middle initial in the last box. If you are a “JR", "III", "IV", etc., write it immediately after
your last name but leave one blank box in between.
3. If your last name consists of two or more words such as dela Cruz, delos Santos, San
Ignacio, etc., write your last names leaving a blank box between. Likewise, if you
have two first names write them leaving a blank box in between.
4. If you have long last names and/or first names, fill your names up to the last box
allotted for your last names and first names.
5. There are two columns for the middle initial. If you have two or more middle names
write only the first letter of the first and second middle names (e.g. SJ for San Juan).
If you have one middle name, write the first letter in the first box at the left. Leave it
blank for those without middle initial.
If you have filled in your surname, first name, and middle initial, blacken the circle
below each box which corresponds to the letters written in the boxes.
Go around to assist each examinee in accomplishing the name grid. The AE shall
assist the LWD in accomplishing the name grid.
The Examinee Number is a bar code found at the upper left portion of the Answer Sheet.
(Point to the Bar Code)
The Examinee No. is a unique six-digit code found at the upper left portion of the Answer
Sheet, below the Bar Code. (Point to the Examinee No.)
Blacken the circle corresponding to your 12-digit LRN. It consists of twelve numbers.
Check your LRN given by your class adviser.
Shade the circle corresponding to the Region, Division, and School ID of your school.
Note: The Region, Division, and School ID codes must be written on the board.
first column and 6 in the second column.
Fill out your birth date in your Answer Sheet following my instructions. AGE
Two columns are allotted for the age. If you were born on January 6, 2016, you are
now 8 years of age. Shade 0 in the first column and 8 in the second column.
Fill out your age in your Answer Sheet following my instructions.
Shade the circle corresponding to your third quarter grades in English, Filipino, Mother
Tongue Language, and Mathematics.
Note: Each examinee must have a copy of their Third Quarter Grades. SEX
Shade the circle corresponding to your response as a family who are a recipient of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).
Note: The RE and AE should ensure that the appropriate circle is shaded by the
examinees for the Mother Tongue tested. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Give the examinees enough time to accomplish the personal information in the AS.
Check that each examinee does this correctly. For LWDs-examinees, double the time to take
the test, if necessary. This is to give them ample time to fill in their information in the AS.
Write on the boardwork under “Filling in of information in the AS”, the exact time the filling
in of information in the AS has started and the time it has finished. Go around to check if
the examinees are shading their answers properly on the AS.
It is imperative that you check and double-check that all examinees have shaded the
correct circles pertaining to the NAME GRID and all the necessary information about
the examinee. To do this, go around and inspect each Examinee’s Answer Sheet.
Everybody, turn to Page 1 of your Test Booklet. I will read the General Directions aloud
while you read it silently. (Read the General Directions)
Give the examinees time to read silently with you the General Directions. Then
after reading, say:
Part I is the Examinee’s Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) which asks certain pertinent
information about you. It is numbered 1 to 15 and should be answered in the space
Part I will last for 20 minutes. Everybody, open your Test Booklets to the EDQ.
Open your test booklet on the first page of English. I will read to you the directions for
test items 1 to 12. Listen carefully. Blacken your answer to each question in your Answer
The AE shall assist the LWDs-examinees if the instruction in answering the test is
confusing for them. However, the AE shall be prohibited from supplying answers to them.
This shall also apply to all subtests. Write on the boardwork under “English”, the exact
time it has started and the time it has finished.
Open your test booklet on the first page of Filipino. I will read to you the directions for
test items 1 to 12. Listen carefully. Blacken your answer to each question in your Answer
Write on the boardwork under “Filipino”, the exact time it has started and the time it
has finished.
For Learners whose Language of Instruction is not included among the 19 Mother
Tongue Languages assessed in ELLNA, proceed to “Part III. Post Test” which includes the
retrieval of test materials and dismissal, and preparing of reports and sealing of ETRE.
Open your test booklet on the first page of Numeracy. Blacken your answer to each
question in your Answer Sheet.
Write on the boardwork under “Numeracy”, the exact time it has started and the time
it has finished.
You are given a ten-minute (10) break for your snack. Insert the Answer Sheet in your
Test Booklet and secure them properly. For those who brought snacks with them, you may eat
in your respective seats, but be careful not to smudge your Test Booklet and Answer Sheet.
Write on the boardwork under “Snack Break”, the exact time the snack break has
started and the time it has finished.
Open your test booklet on the first page of Mother Tongue (Grammar). I will read to you
the directions for test items 1 to 12. Listen carefully. Blacken your answer to each question in
your Answer Sheet.
Write on the boardwork under “Mother Tongue (Grammar)”, the exact time it has
started and the time it has finished.
Open your test booklet on the first page of Mother Tongue-Numeracy. I will read to you
the directions for test items 1 to 12. Listen carefully. Blacken your answer to each question in
your Answer Sheet.
Write on the boardwork under “Mother Tongue (Numeracy)”, the exact time it has
started and the time it has finished.
Insert the Answer Sheet in the Test Booklet and submit them to me as I go around to
collect the test materials.
Collect and count all used and unused TBs and ASs. Used and Unused TBs with serial
numbers arranged consecutively are placed inside the original plastic bag. Used Scannable
ASs are arranged consecutively by Examinee Number and place it in the original plastic bag.
The AE and examinees may leave the room only after accounting of all TMs.
We are now done with the test. Thank you very much. You may now leave the room.
Write on the boardwork under “Retrieval of TMs and Dismissal, Preparing of Reports
and Sealing the ETRE”, the exact time the retrieval of TMs and dismissal of the examinees
has started and the time it has finished.
The RE shall prepare the following contents of the Examiner’s Transmittal Report
Envelope (ETRE).
1. Used Scannable Answer Sheets (arranged consecutively by Examinee
Number; placed in the original plastic bag)
2. List of Examinees posted outside of the testing room
3. BEA Form 1 & 2: List of Actual Examinees & Seat Plan, printed back to back
4. BEA Form 7: Room Examiner’s Report Form
5. Boardwork with actual time record (posted on the board)
The RE shall seal the ETRE while still inside the testing room and shall affix his/her
signatures thrice (3x) across the flap of the ETRE upon sealing it.
1. Unused Scannable Answer Sheets
2. BEA Form 3: Test Materials Accounting Form
3. BEA Form 4: Chief Examiner’s Report Form
4. School Header
Any or all of the following sanctions will be imposed on any or all of the aforementioned
violations committed by those involved:
1. Examinees
The degree of violation and corresponding sanction shall be determined by the Chief
2. Testing Personnel
The degree of violation and corresponding sanction shall be determined by the Schools
Division Superintendent.
Prepared by: