General Science
General Science
General Science
Although the use of Biotechnology has been documented right since very early times in a very
rudimentary form, without modifications and innovations, it could be said that modern
biotechnology was born in the year 1971 when Paul Berg's experiments in gene splicing had
early success. In 1972 a new technology was advanced by Herbert W. Boyer, University of
California, San Francisco (UCSF), in collaboration with Cohen of Stanford University, which
involved transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be
reproduced. Ananda Chakrabarty, an American-Indian scientist, had modified a bacteria (of
the genus Pseudomonas) capable of breaking down crude oil, which he proposed to use in
treating oil spills. (This work did not involve genetic manipulation; it was rather based on the
transfer of entire organelles between strains of the Pseudomonas bacterium). Biotechnology
deals with techniques of using living organisms or enzymes from organisms to produce
products and processes useful to humans.
E.g. : Making curd or bread, are all microbe-mediated processes that could also be
thought of as a form of biotechnology.
Growth and maturity of modern biotechnological processes using genetically modified
organisms was made possible only when man learnt to alter the chemistry of DNA and
construct recombinant DNA. This key process is called recombinant DNA technology or
genetic engineering.
Note:- DNA alterations involve using restriction endonucleases, DNA ligase, viral vectors
or appropriated plasmids to isolate and transport the foreign DNA into host organisms. It
results in expression of the foreign gene, and purification of the gene product. Whereas a
Large scale production involves use of bioreactors (Bioreactor is an apparatus in which a
biological reaction or process is carried out, especially on an industrial scale).
Today Biotechnology has a wide range of applications and usage in several fields like Molecular
biology, Cell culture, Genetic modification of higher levels in agricultural and scientific
development etc.
The wide concept of "biotech" or "biotechnology" covers a range of procedures and techniques
for modifications of living (biological) organisms according to human purposes, needs, motives
and requirements as per times, and dates back to domesticating animals, cultivating plants, and
"improvements" to these through breeding programs that employ artificial selection and
hybridization. Modern usage also includes Genetic engineering techniques as well as cell
and tissue culture technologies, among many other applications. Broadly, Biotechnology can
be defined as "use of biological systems of organisms or the use of the living organisms
themselves, to make technological advances in order to adapt those technologies to various
different fields, ranging from agricultural practice to the medical sector.
The two crucial technologies, which are the core of biotechnological principles are: genetic
engineering and chemical engineering.
i. Genetic Engineering
The principle of genetic engineering is to modify the existing organisms by changing the genetic
material in them. It mainly includes recombinant DNA technology.
Fig 1.2:Recombinant DNA technology
The genetic engineering or the so-called Recombinant DNA Technology requires certain tools
like restriction enzymes, and vectors to carry out the entire process.
ii. Process
● The restriction enzymes are a category of nucleases which help make a cut in the DNA
at the respective positions.
● The DNA is ligated with the help of ligases before inserting it into the host organism
● The DNA-vector combination is known as the Recombinant DNA which is finally
transferred into the host.
● These vectors can independently replicate within the bacterial cells and are, hence, used
for the transformation of the recombinant DNA within the host organism.
● This recombinant DNA, also known as the foreign DNA, gets multiplied within the host.
● It is then provided with optimum conditions to induce the expression of the target protein.
This protein is known as the recombinant protein.
Fig:1.3 Recombinant DNA technology
v. Maternal Spindle Transfer
In maternal spindle transfer, the nucleus is removed from a donor egg, leaving behind the
cytoplasm. The nucleus from the mother’s egg cell is then inserted into the donor egg. The egg is
fertilized with the father’s sperm and then transferred to the mother’s uterus for normal gestation,
similar to other IVF procedures.
vi. Transfer
In pronuclear transfer, the mother’s egg is first fertilized with the father’s sperm, producing a
zygote. The pronuclei of the egg and sperm are then removed from the zygote and inserted into a
donor egg that has been fertilized and has had its nucleus removed (a pronucleus is the nucleus
of the egg or sperm at the stage of fertilization before nuclear fusion). The zygote derived from
the donor egg is then implanted into the mother’s uterus. It is generally seen that as zygote
possess a nucleus that houses a genome comprising nuclear DNA from both the father and the
mother mitochondria that is how the distinct Junoon which is solely composed of mitochondria
DNA from the mother inherited mitochondrial DNA accounts for only a very small percentage of
total DNA in the cell get the ability of an egg to be fertilized successfully is thought to be
associated with the health of a woman's mitochondria particularly DNA. Operations have been
identified as between reduced mitochondria tree and quantity and infertility as well as between
mutations and fertilization rates.
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA are a cause of mitochondrial disease which is a heterogeneous
group of diseases that can lead to premature death, sometimes in infancy or childhood. Most
mitochondrial diseases lack specific treatments, and women who carry the causative mutations
are at high risk of transmitting the diseases to their offspring. Risk of transmission is greatest for
women with high heteroplasmy women whose total mtDNA content in affected cells or tissues is
made up of between 60 and 90 percent mutated mtDNA, the threshold at which mitochondrial
disease becomes apparent clinically. However, even women with low heteroplasmy and who are
therefore asymptomatic are at risk of passing on mitochondrial disease to their offspring. In such
women, heteroplasmy levels can be increased by phenomena such as selective replication of
mtDNA and mitochondrial bottleneck, in which only a select number of mtDNA molecules are
transferred to eggs at the time of egg maturation.
Hence, both maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer attempt to minimize heteroplasmy
by replacing the mother’s mitochondria with healthy donor mitochondria. Ooplasmic transfer, on
the other hand, may contribute to heteroplasmy, thereby possibly diluting the effects of
mutations in maternal mtDNA and enabling embryo survival. The precise mechanisms by which
any of the three techniques could potentially treat infertility or prevent inherited mitochondrial
disease are not fully known.
Biotechnology, through genetic engineering, works directly with the genetic material of a cell. If
we examined a cell under a high-powered microscope, we would see long, thread-like structures
called chromosomes. These chromosomes, composed of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), are
organized into sections called genes. Genes control the production of particular proteins, and
proteins, in turn, determine the characteristics of an organism. In some cases, a gene may govern
one particular trait, such as an organism's resistance to disease, while in other cases,
characteristics may be determined by many genes. It was the understanding of DNA that paved
the way for genetic engineering. The knowledge gained has allowed researchers to transfer genes
between the cells of different organisms.
Cut and paste method
In this method, the actual transfer of a gene is carried out in a complex "cut and paste"
procedure. In the cut and paste method, Specialized enzymes are used to "cut" or remove a
specific gene from one organism's DNA, and then to "paste" or slice that gene back into the
DNA of another organism.
The gene can be inserted into another organism through a variety of techniques, depending upon
the characteristics and properties of the recipient organism, or whether the organism is an animal,
bacterium or a plant. Some of the genetic engineering techniques used to modify organisms are:
A technique called micro- In certain bacteria, small
Plant cells have tough outer
injection is the method often naturally occurring circular
walls, making the delivery of
used to produce genetically segments of DNA called
genes into the plant cells a little
engineered or transgenic plasmids are found, which can
more challenging than is the
animals. Through this technique, be used for genetic engineering.
case for bacteria. There are two
a very fine needle is used to Plasmid DNA can be taken
main techniques by which this
inject a solution of DNA outside of the bacterial cell,
process is carried out.
molecules containing genes that modified with the addition of a
carry desired characteristics
The first of these involves the new gene, and placed back into
(such as disease resistance) into use of a modified species of a the cell. With the new gene, the
animal cells, usually at the bacterium called Agrobacterium. bacterial cell can now
embryo stage. The genes are In nature, the Agrobacterium manufacture the product of this
incorporated into the animal invades a plant, then infects it gene as its own. Because
cells genetic material, and the with a segment of its own DNA bacteria reproduce very rapidly,
cells begin to express
the that "codes" for the development large volumes of bacteria
characteristic determined by the of crown gall disease. This DNA containing the modified plasmid
new gene. Applying this micro- is incorporated into the plant's can be used to produce
injection technique could have DNA, and the plant becomes commercially significant
potential benefits for agriculture diseased with crown gall. quantities of a gene product,
as well. such as a food additive or an
When using Agrobacterium to animal vaccine, in short periods
modify plants genetically, these of time.
disease-causing parts of the
Agrobacterium's DNA are
removed. They are replaced with
genes that carry desired
characteristics (such as
improved nutritional value) by
the "cut and paste" procedure.
where it is allowed to invade
plant cells and introduce the new
gene with the desired
characteristics. The full plants
grown from these plant cells
express the characteristic
determined by the new gene.
Agrobacterium, therefore, is a
convenient delivery system by
which new characteristics can be
passed on to plants.
Plasmid Method
This method is the most commonly used in genetic engineering. This method uses small circular
pieces of a DNA molecule called plasmids. This method is mainly used for altering
microorganisms such as bacteria.
1) The plasmid is inserted into a container containing restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes
cut up the plasmids into small pieces.
2) Using the restriction enzymes, these cut pieces of plasmids are inserted into the bacteria and
due to which sticky ends are produced. A sticky end refers to how the restriction enzyme cuts the
DNA. If the cut was straight, then it is a blunt end, but if it is a staircase then it's sticky.
3) The sticky ends on the DNA from the plasmids combine with the sticky ends on the DNA
inside the bacteria to form a ring of DNA. Other enzymes are added to make those ringed DNA
molecules more stable. After they stabilize, they are put in safety to use for further processes.
4) A culture of live bacteria is then prepared with the newly formed plasmids and are placed
together. These plasmids will then enter into the bacterial cell, and start expressing itself. During
the expression, the plasmid will synthesize new proteins or antibiotic resistance genes. These
new genes will help distinguish the plasmid bacteria from the non-plasmid bacteria.
Vector Method
A vector in molecular biology means a molecule of DNA, which serves as a carrier of genetic
information into the cells. It is used especially in molecular genetics. Generally, it is consisting
of inserted DNA sequence and larger DNA sequence which serves as a supporting structure. The
most common vectors are plasmids, viruses, and artificial chromosomes.
Vectors are used especially to transfer genetic information into the cells to replicate and express
the selected part of DNA. The whole process is induced by a promoter which is also contained in
vector DNA. Inserting vectors into cells is called due to the target cell: transformation (for
bacterial cells), transfection (for eukaryote), transduction (for viruses).
The vector method uses techniques similar to the plasmid method. This method uses vectors,
which are small carrier molecules, which are normally viruses. Viruses are made of a protein
capsule and have their DNA inside, and they attach onto a cell then inserts its DNA or RNA into
the host cell, then it detaches itself. The DNA, now inside the host cell, will start replicating
itself by using the genetic information of the host cell, which means the gene that was inserted
will now be part of the host cell. The vector method is better than the plasmid method because
the plasmid method offers genetic variation. After all, the newly formed plasmids are made with
random pieces of DNA, while the vector method uses a specific gene to get a specific result. This
will make the host give the desired features.
1) The strand of DNA is put into a container with specific restriction enzymes to separate a
specific gene. Once the restriction enzyme cuts the gene of interest, that gene is then isolated
from the rest and is ready to be inserted into a vector.
2) This gene is now inserted into a vector, in this case, it's a virus, and once the virus has
accepted the gene of interest, it becomes a recombinant molecule. A recombinant molecule is
just a vector with recombinant DNA attached.
3) The vector is now placed with the host cell, where it transfers the DNA to the cell. Once
inside the cell, the DNA starts to replicate, the scientist then stops the vector's DNA from
replicating and only allows the gene of interest to replicate.
4) The gene is now inside the host cells' DNA, and now the cell will have this gene.
Gel Electrophoresis
It is a technique that is used to directly see DNA fragments. Like, researchers can analyze the
results of a PCR reaction by examination of the DNA fragments it produces on a gel. Gel
electrophoresis leads to the separation of DNA fragments based on their size, and the fragments
are stained with a dye so that researchers can see them.
Biotechnology is an emerging field of research as it has the potential to solve many biological
problems which have not been solved until now with the conventional techniques. Biotechnology
extends its applications over a broad spectrum which includes medicines, agriculture,
transgenics, genetic engineering, etc. Here we will discuss biotechnology in agriculture.
Fig:1.5 Applications of Biotechnology
Medical biotechnology is the use of living
cells and other cell materials for the purpose
of bettering the health of humans.
E.g.:- Vaccine
Agricultural biotechnology focuses on
developing genetically modified plants for the
purpose of increasing crop yields or
introducing characteristics to those plants that
provide them with an advantage.
E.g.:- Selective plant and animal breeding
BLUE (ENVIRONMENTAL) Use of natural resources or biological
BIOTECHNOLOGY(Marine, Aquatic, Plant modification techniques for lessening the
and Animal etc) impacts on environment
E.g:- biofuels, Ocean or marine engineering
One of the most common examples is that of Bt Cotton. Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis
which, when introduced in plants develop resistance against pests like bollworms and corn borer.
Thus, genetically modified crops help in optimizing the complete process of agriculture.
Advancement of biotechnology in agriculture resulted in a variety of GMO, which include pest-
resistant plants, disease-resistant plants, etc.
ii. Some examples of Agriculture Biotechnology
The process of recombinant DNA technology has made an immense impact in the area of
healthcare by enabling mass production of safe and more effective therapeutic drugs. Also, this
technology does not induce unwanted immunological responses which are very common in
similar products isolated from non-human sources.
Note:- Currently, about 30 recombinant therapeutics have been approved for the use of
humans all over the world. Moreover, in India, 12 of these are presently being marketed.
i. Insulin
● Insulin is required by diabetic patients to remove excess sugar from the blood. Diabetic
patients have a very low level of insulin or no insulin produced by the body. Therefore
they need external insulin to control the blood glucose levels.
● Later it was discovered that the insulin produced by the pancreas of the pigs could be
used by humans. But there were not enough pigs to provide the quantities of insulin
required. This led to the cloning of the human insulin gene.
● The specific gene sequence that codes for human insulin were introduced in E.coli
● The gene sequence altered the genetic composition of the E.coli cells. Within 24 hours,
several E.coli bacteria containing the recombinant human insulin gene were produced.
The recombinant human insulin was isolated from E.coli cells.
Gene Therapy holds the most promising answer to the problem of genetic diseases. Gene therapy
is used to treat genetic disorders usually by the insertion of a normal gene or correct gene for the
defective or inactive gene into an individual with the help of vectors such as retrovirus,
adenovirus, and herpes simplex virus. The normal gene replaces the defective or inactive gene
and carries out its functions. The therapy has the highest chances of developing a permanent cure
if introduced in the earliest stages of life.
Fig:1.8 Gene Therapy
In the above figure, the cell with the defective gene is injected with a normal gene which helps in
the normal functioning of the cell. This technique is employed mainly to fight against the
diseases in the human body and also to treat the genetic disorders. The damaged proteins are
replaced in the cell by the insertion of DNA into that cell. Generally, the improper protein
production in the cell leads to diseases. These diseases are treated using gene therapy techniques.
For example, cancer cells contain faulty cells which are different from the normal cells and have
defective proteins. Hence, if these proteins are not replaced, this disease would prove to be fatal.
This type usually occurs in the somatic cells It occurs in the germline cells of the human
of the human body. This is related to a single body. Generally, this method is adopted to
person and the only person who has the treat the genetic, disease causing-variations of
damaged cells will be replaced with healthy genes which are passed from from the parents
cells.In this method, therapeutic genes are to their children. The process involves
transferred into the somatic cells or the stem introducing a healthy DNA into the cells
cells of the human body. This technique is responsible for producing reproductive cells,
considered as the best and safest method of eggs or sperms. Germline gene therapy is not
gene therapy. legal in many places as the risks outweigh the
Somatic Cells A somatic cell is any cell of the body except sperm and egg cells. Somatic
cells are diploid, meaning that they contain two sets of chromosomes, one
inherited from each parent. Mutations in somatic cells can affect the
individual, but they are not passed onto offspring.
Germline Cells Germ cells are cells that create reproductive cells called gametes.
Germ cells are also diploid, but they are found only in the gonads. Gonads
are the ovaries in females and testes in males. In these organs, females
make gametes called eggs, and males make gametes called sperm.
Gametes are haploid cells, which means that they have only one set of
chromosomes. In humans, gametes have 23 chromosomes.
v. Molecular Diagnosis
Medical diagnosis is another application of biotechnology in the health sector. Many times the
pathogen concentration increases by the time the disease is diagnosed. Hence, early diagnosis
and knowledge of pathophysiology are essential for an effective cure. This can be achieved with
the help of techniques such as Recombinant DNA Technology, Polymerase Chain Reaction
(PCR) and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), etc.
vi. Pharmacogenomics
Pharmacogenomics has led to the production of drugs that are best suited to an individual’s
genetic makeup. It can be applied to diseases such as cancer, depression, HIV, asthma, etc.
1.4.1 Methods for Creating Transgenic Animals
i. Physical Transfection
In this method, the gene of interest is directly injected into the pronucleus of a fertilized ovum. It
is the very first method that proved to be effective in mammals. This method applied to a wide
variety of species. Other methods of physical transfection include particle bombardment,
ultrasound, and electroporation.
● Transgenic Mice: Transgenic mice are formed by injecting DNA into the oocytes or one
or two-celled embryos obtained from female mice after hormonal treatment. After
injecting the DNA, the embryo is implanted into the uterus of receptive females. It is
developed by the National Institute of Immunology and International Centre For Genetic
engineering and Biotechnology
i. Biological Products
Several biological products, such as medicines and nutritional supplements, are obtained from
transgenic animals. Research for the manufacture of medicines to treat diseases such as
phenylketonuria (PKU) and hereditary emphysema is going on. The first transgenic cow, Rosie,
in 1997, produced milk that was rich in human protein (2.4 grams per liter). This milk contains
the human gene alpha-lactalbumin and could be given to babies as an alternative to natural cow
ii. Vaccine Safety
● Transgenic animals are used as model organisms for testing the safety of vaccines before
they are injected into humans. This was conventionally done on monkeys.
ELISA Technique
ELISA is a basic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (also shortened as EIA: Enzyme
Immunoassay) that is carried out to detect and measure antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are
blood proteins produced in response to a specific antigen. It helps to examine the presence of
antibodies in certain infectious disorders.
ELISA is a distinguished analysis compared to other antibody-assays as it yields quantitative
results and separation of non-specific and specific interactions that take place through serial
binding to solid surfaces, which is normally a polystyrene multiwell plate.
iii. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The polymerase chain reaction is another widely used DNA
manipulation technique, one with applications in almost every area of modern biology. PCR
reactions produce many copies of a target DNA sequence starting from a piece of template DNA.
This technique can be used to make many copies of DNA that are present in trace amounts (e.g.,
in a droplet of blood at a crime scene).
Industrial biotechnology is one of the most promising new approaches to pollution prevention,
resource conservation, and cost reduction. It is often referred to as the third wave in
biotechnology. If developed to its full potential, industrial biotechnology may have a larger
impact on the world than health care and agricultural biotechnology. It offers businesses a way to
reduce costs and create new markets while protecting the environment. Also, since many of its
products do not require the lengthy review times that drug products must undergo, it's a quicker,
easier pathway to the market. Today, new industrial processes can be taken from lab study to
commercial application in two to five years, compared to up to a decade for drugs.
The application of biotechnology to industrial processes is not only transforming how we
manufacture products but is also providing us with new products that could not even be imagined
a few years ago. Because industrial biotechnology is so new, its benefits are still not well known
or understood by the industry, policymakers, or consumers.
From the beginning, industrial biotechnology has integrated product improvements with
pollution prevention. Nothing illustrates this better than the way industrial biotechnology solved
the phosphate water pollution problems in the 1970s caused by the use of phosphates in laundry
detergent. Biotechnology companies developed enzymes that remove stains from clothing better
than phosphates, thus enabling replacement of a polluting material with a non-polluting biobased
additive while improving the performance of the end product. This innovation dramatically
reduced phosphate-related algal blooms in surface waters around the globe and simultaneously
enabled consumers to get their clothes cleaner with lower wash water temperatures and
concomitant energy savings.
Rudimentary industrial biotechnology dates back to at least 6000 B.C. when Neolithic cultures
fermented grapes to make wine, and Babylonians used microbial yeasts to make beer. Over time,
humanity's knowledge of fermentation increased, enabling the production of cheese, yogurt,
vinegar, and other food products. In the 1800s, Louis Pasteur proved that fermentation was the
result of microbial activity. Then in 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming extracted penicillin from mold.
In the 1940s, large-scale fermentation techniques were developed to make industrial quantities of
this wonder drug. Not until after World War II, however, did the biotechnology revolution begin,
giving rise to modern industrial biotechnology.
Since that time, industrial biotechnology has produced enzymes for use in our daily lives and the
manufacturing sector. For instance, a meat tenderizer is an enzyme, and some contact lens
cleaning fluids contain enzymes to remove sticky protein deposits. In the main, industrial
biotechnology involves the microbial production of enzymes, which are specialized proteins.
These enzymes have evolved in nature to be super-performing biocatalysts that facilitate and
speed-up complex biochemical reactions. These amazing enzyme catalysts are what make
industrial biotechnology such a powerful new technology.
Industrial biotechnology involves working with nature to maximize and optimize existing
biochemical pathways that can be used in manufacturing. The industrial biotechnology
revolution rides on a series of related developments in three fields of study of detailed
information derived from the cell: genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. As a result,
scientists can apply new techniques to a large number of microorganisms ranging from bacteria,
yeasts, and fungi to marine diatoms and protozoa.
Industrial biotechnology companies use many specialized techniques to find and improve
nature's enzymes. Information from genomic studies on microorganisms is helping researchers
capitalize on the wealth of genetic diversity in microbial populations. Researchers first search for
enzyme-producing microorganisms in the natural environment and then use DNA probes to
search at the molecular level for genes that produce enzymes with specific biocatalytic
capabilities. Once isolated, such enzymes can be identified and characterized for their ability to
function in specific industrial processes. If necessary, they can be improved with biotechnology
Many biocatalytic tools are rapidly becoming available for industrial applications because of the
recent and dramatic advances in biotechnology techniques. In many cases, the biocatalysts or
whole-cell processes are so new that many chemical engineers and product development
specialists in the private sector are not yet aware that they are available for deployment. This is a
good example of a "technology gap" where there is a lag between availability and widespread
use of new technology. This gap must be overcome to accelerate progress in developing more
economical and sustainable manufacturing processes through the integration of biotechnology.
"New Biotech Tools for a Cleaner Environment" provides dramatic illustrations of what these
powerful new tools can do. The report aims to spark more interest in this powerful technology, to
help close this technology gap, and facilitate progress toward a more sustainable future.
Environmental biotechnology is biotechnology that is applied to and used to study the natural
environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one tries to harness biological
processes for commercial uses and exploitation.
Bioremediation is a biotechnical process, which abates or cleans up contamination. It is a type of
waste management technique which involves the use of organisms to remove or utilize the
pollutants from a polluted area.
Fig: 1.10 Bioremediation technique
There are several remedies where contaminated water or solid is purified by chemical treatment,
incineration, and burial in a landfill. There are other types of waste management technique which
include solid waste management, nuclear waste management, etc. Bioremediation is different as
it uses no toxic chemicals. Microorganisms like Bacteria and Fungi are the main role players
when it comes to executing the process of Bioremediation. Bacteria are the most crucial
microbes in this process as they break down the waste into nutrients and organic matter. Even
though this is an efficient process of waste management, bioremediation cannot destroy 100%
contaminants. Bacteria can easily digest contaminants like chlorinated pesticides or clean oil
spills but microorganisms fail to destroy heavy metals like lead and cadmium.
Biosparging: Injection of air under pressure Biopiles: it is a hybrid of land farming and
below the water table to increase groundwater composting. Essentially, engineered cells are
oxygen concentrations and enhance the rate of constructed as aerated compost piles.
biological degradation of contaminants by Typically used for treatment of surface
naturally occurring bacteria contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons
In this scenario, plants are directly used to clean up or contain contaminants in the soil. This
method of bioremediation will help mitigate the environmental problem without the need to
excavate the contaminant material and dispose of it elsewhere.
E.g:- Poplar trees are used for removal of toxic substances from ground( often used in
Also radioactive elements have been phytoremediation using Sunflower plants
Fig: 1.11 Phytoremediation Technique
(Image source: Byjus)
Going beyond the morality of such issues, the biological significance of such things is also
important. Genetic modification of organisms can have unprecedented and unpredictable results
when such organisms are introduced into the ecosystem.
It is essential that biotechnology innovations cautiously tested and analyzed before they are
released for commercial use. Some methods like Clinical trials and government regulation help
us to ensure that the products of Biotechnology that are released into the market are safe and
effective. However, sometimes new information becomes available that makes companies and
government agencies reconsider the safety or utility of innovation. This happens at times when a
medication is occasionally withdrawn from the market. Apart from this certain biological
Innovation and nobody technique of knowledge which raise ethical questions about the use of
these methodologies.
Privacy is one of the most important concerns arising out of it. Should a health insurance
company be able to charge you more if you have a gene variant that makes you likely to develop
a disease? How would you feel if your school or employer had access to your genome?
There are also concerns about safety, health effects, and ecological concerns related to
technology such as those associated with genetically engineered crops.
Therefore, under the Environment Protection Act (1986), the Government of India has set up
organizations such as GEAC (Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee), which will make
decisions regarding the validity of G.M. research and the safety of introducing GM-organisms
for public services.
The modification/usage of living organisms for public services (as food and medicine sources,
for example) has also created problems with patents granted for the same. There is growing
public anger towards certain companies being granted patents for products and technologies
which make use of the genetic materials, plants, and other biological resources that have long
been identified, developed, and used by farmers and indigenous people of a specific
Rice is an important food grain, the presence of which goes back thousands of years in Asia’s
agricultural history. There are an estimated 200,000 varieties of rice in India alone. The diversity
of rice in India is one of the richest in the world. Basmati rice is distinct for its unique aroma and
flavor, and 27 documented varieties of Basmati are grown in India. There is a reference to
Basmati in ancient texts, folklore, and poetry, as it has been grown for centuries. In 1997, an
American company got patent rights on Basmati rice through the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office. This allowed the company to sell a 'new' variety of Basmati, in the U.S. and abroad. This
'new' variety of Basmati had been derived from Indian farmer's varieties. Indian Basmati was
crossed with semi-dwarf varieties and claimed as an invention or a novelty. The patent extends to
functional equivalents, implying that other people selling Basmati rice could be restricted by the
Several attempts have also been made to patent uses, products, and processes based on Indian
traditional herbal medicines, e.g., turmeric neem. If we are not vigilant and we do not
immediately counter these patent applications, other countries/individuals may encash on our
rich legacy, and we may not be able to do anything about it
i. Biopiracy
Biopiracy is the term used to refer to the use of bio-resources by multinational companies
and other organizations without proper authorization from the countries and people
concerned without compensatory payment.
Most of the industrialized nations are rich financially but poor in biodiversity and traditional
knowledge. In contrast, the developing and the underdeveloped world is rich in biodiversity and
traditional knowledge related to bio-resources.
Traditional knowledge related to bio-resources can be exploited to develop modern applications
and can also be used to save time, effort, and expenditure during their commercialization.
There has been a growing realization of the injustice, inadequate compensation, and benefit-
sharing between developed and developing countries. Therefore, some nations are developing
laws to prevent such unauthorized exploitation of their bio-resources and traditional knowledge.
Biotechnology is applied to various fields and many industries such as food, pharmaceuticals,
medicine, agriculture, etc.. It has its scope in both research and engineering.
Genetic engineering has helped in the production of therapeutic proteins as well as biological
organisms. Biotechnology has made major advances in molecular biology and industrial
The scope of biotechnology is extended to various branches of Biology. Some of these include
tissue culture, development of transgenic plants and animals, development of antibodies, etc. The
USA itself has established more than 200 companies such as Biogen, Cetus, Hybritech, etc.
"Genetically modified organisms are those that have their DNA altered in some way
through genetic engineering.”
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs ) or transgenic organisms are those in which DNA from
the desired organism is inserted in the laboratory. They are created in the laboratory using
scientific methods reproductive cloning or Recombinant DNA technology.
ii. Bt CROPS
Definition:- Bt crops are transgenic crops that are genetically engineered from the DNA of
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
Bt Crops are transgenic crops that produce the same toxin as the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis
in the plant cell, thereby, protecting the crops from pests. The bacterium secretes specific
proteins known as “cry proteins” that are toxic to insects. A few of the Bt crops include cotton,
brinjal, corn, etc.
When an insect feeds on the transgenic plants, the toxic cry protein present in the plants
crystallizes the digestive system of insects that leads to the death of the organism. However, it
has no harmful effects on the human digestive system.
Fig:1.12 Bt Crops (Mechanism)
(Image source:
● Threats to traditional knowledge and farming practices due to increased competitiveness
from big capitalist
● Seed Monopolies by big companies
● Issues of Seed survival after the first generation
● Although the Bollgard 2 technology for cotton was supposed to protect crops against the
pink bollworm, the pest has grown resistant to the toxins produced by this trait only
in India.
● It is argued by research and scientific lobby that Bt-cotton seeds are not suitable under
Monsoon conditions and unlike other Cotton-growing countries where open-pollinated
cotton varieties are grown, Indian cotton farmers only opt for hybrid varieties.
Fig:1.13 GMO Crops worldwide
(Image Source:
DNA Vaccines
● DNA vaccination is a technique for protecting an animal against disease by injecting it
with genetically engineered DNA, so cells directly produce an antigen, resulting in a
protective immunological response.
● Several DNA vaccines have been released for veterinary use, and there has been
promising research using the vaccines for viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases, as well as
to several tumour types.
● Although only one DNA vaccine has been approved for human use, DNA vaccines may
have several potential advantages over conventional vaccines, including the ability to
induce a wider range of immune response types.
● Field of DNA vaccination is developing very rapidly, the vaccines that are being
developed use not only DNA but also the adjuncts that assist DNA target specific cells Or
that may Act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing the immune response.
● However, there are still several aspects of the development and functioning of DNA
vaccines that are yet not understood properly. Still, it has not impeded the research and
further progress towards working on its development.
● The first such vaccines that have been approved for use are likely to utilize plasmid DNA
from bacterial cells. In future, it is believed that the vaccines mainly use RNA derived
molecules or nucleic acid molecules.
In the wake of Coronavirus Pandemic, vaccine Development has taken a front seat in the global
research community. Several Nations have been in the vaccine Development Programme and
many who are not actively involved are supporting the initiatives by way of manpower, funding,
logistics etc.More than 90 vaccines are being developed against SARS-CoV-2 by research teams
in companies and universities across the world. Researchers are trialling different technologies,
some of which haven’t been used in a licensed vaccine before. All vaccines aim to expose the
body to an antigen that won’t cause disease, but will provoke an immune response that can block
or kill the virus if a person becomes infected. There are at least eight types being tried against the
coronavirus, and they rely on different viruses or viral parts.
(Image source: NATURE)
i. Virus Vaccines
These vaccines are developed using the virus itself, in an inactivated or weakened form. Many
existing vaccines are made in this way, such as those against measles and polio, but they require
extensive safety testing.
In a weakened vaccine, the virus which is being used is passed through human or animal cells
until it picks up mutations that make it less potent to cause diseases.
In the case of Inactivated Vaccine, the virus is rendered uninfectious using chemicals such as
formaldehyde or heat.
Viral Vector Vaccines:
In viral Vector Vaccines, the virus is Genetically engineered so that it can produce proteins in the
body. They are gradually weakened so that they can't cause any disease.
There are two types of viral Vector Vaccines:-
Replicating Viral Vector Vaccines: The recently developed Ebola Vaccine is an example of
this; which replicates within cells. These Vaccines are safe and provoke strong immune
Non replicating Viral Vector: These Vaccines have been useful in heme therapy. They utilize
booster shots to induce long-lasting immunity.
(Image source:Nature)
Note:- Placebo is something that looks similar to real treatment but it is not. For example-
sugar pills and saline injections.
The effectiveness of Vaccines is analyzed after comparing the prevalence of infection in the
group that was given the vaccine with the one which received a placebo.
The hypothesis that those in the vaccine group will be infected significantly less is thus tested.
Bioinformatics is an emerging branch of biological science that emerged by the combination of
both biology and information technology. It is an interdisciplinary field of study that uses
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science that are merged to form a
single discipline. This sector is mainly involved in analyzing biological data, developing new
software using biological tools.
According to the NCBI- National Center for Biotechnology Information, the branch of NLM-
National Library of Medicine and NIH- National Institutes of Health, defines Bioinformatics as
the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, recovery, storage and visualization of
all biological information using computation technology.
v. Applications of BIOINFORMATICS
Few of the Applications of Bioinformatics are:
● In Gene therapy.
● In Evolutionary studies.
● In Microbial applications.
● In Prediction of Protein Structure.
● For the Storage and Retrieval of Data.
● In the field of medicine, used in the discovery of new drugs.
● In Biometrical Analysis for identification and access control for improvising crop
management, crop production, and pest control.
Fig: 1.14 Bioinformatics
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related status among
specific populations and the application of that study to the control of health problems.
A biosignature can be defined as any substance like isotope, molecules, among others, or
phenomenon that provides scientific evidence of past or present life. Certain attributes of life that
can be measured include its complex physical or chemical structures and its use of free energy
and the production of biomass and wastes.
A biosignature can provide evidence for living organisms outside the Earth and can be directly or
indirectly detected by searching for their unique byproducts.
For example, the presence of methane in the atmosphere of Mars is an area of ongoing
research and a highly contentious subject. Because it tends to be destroyed in the
atmosphere by photochemistry, the presence of excess methane on a planet can be an
indication that there must be an active source. With life being the strongest source of
methane on Earth, observing a disequilibrium in the methane abundance on another planet
could be a viable biosignature.
Generally, there are two ways of attaining herd immunity:-
● Firstly, through mass vaccinations
● Secondly, through the infection when a person gets infected and after a while, they
develop antibodies to fight the infection and thus become immune to it
An endemic disease is the one that is always present in a population, for eg., chicken pox,
malaria. Endemic diseases are relatively rare and not as widespread as an epidemic. It is always
prevalent in the population that lives in that area. These areas contain viruses, bacteria or
parasites which can transmit the diseases to humans. There are two types of endemic diseases:
● Holoendemic Diseases- This kind of endemic disease affects mostly children. This
infection is highly prevalent in the early years of life. The adult population do not show
traces of diseases as much as children do. Malaria is a type of holoendemic disease.
● Hyperendemic Diseases- These type of endemic diseases are constantly present at a high
rate and are found among all age groups equally
PANDEMIC DISEASE -A pandemic disease is an epidemic that has spread across a large area
such as multiple continents or worldwide. HIV/AIDS is one of the most destructive pandemic
diseases that broke out all over the world. Influenza is another pandemic disease and has
occurred more than once. The pandemic is caused by a new infectious agent that has never
caused a disease before. It has faced a larger death toll than the epidemic diseases. Antibiotic
resistance and increased travel and mobility have increased the risk of diseases among humans.
The GEAC is India’s apex biotechnology regulatory body.
It is a statutory body constituted under the
‘Rules for the Manufacture,Use /Import /Export and Storage of Hazardous
Microorganisms/Genetically Engineering Organisms or Cells, 1989’ notified under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
● It was formed as the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee and was renamed to its
current name in 2010.
● It functions under the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change.
● The body regulates the use, manufacture, storage, import and export of hazardous
microorganisms or genetically-engineered organisms and cells in India.
Functions of GEAC
Composition of GEAC
● The Committee is chaired by the Special Secretary/Additional Secretary of the Ministry
of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, GOI.
● A representative of the Department of Biotechnology is a co-chair.
● There are many other members who meet every month to review the applications in the
Committee’s domain. The members include experts from other ministries as well as
institutions such as the ICAR, ICMR, CCMB, etc.
These scissors make double-strand breaks (DSBs) at specific sites in the genome and these
breaks are repaired by homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ).
This results in targeted mutations or ‘edits’.
At present, there are four kinds of engineered nucleases namely, meganucleases, transcription
activator-like effector-based nucleases (TALEN), zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and
CRISPR/Cas9 systems.
Fig: 1.15 Genome editing
(Image source: science direct)
He had “privately” organised a project team that included foreign staff and used “technology of
uncertain safety and effectiveness” for illegal human embryo gene-editing, investigators said.
But such gene-editing work is banned in most countries, including China.
Cutting-and-pasting DNA (CRISPR-CAS9)
● Unusual but repeated DNA structures that scientists had been observing for some time
were given a name. This name assigned was “Clustered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats” or CRISPR.
● It was discovered in the year 2012, that CRISPR is a key part of the “immune system”.
The CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool thus has two components. They are:
A sequence of short RNA that can bind to a An enzyme called CaS 9 ,which acts as
specific target of the DNA molecular scissors to cut the DNA.
● To edit a gene of interest, the short RNA sequence that perfectly matches with the DNA
sequence that has to be edited is introduced. Once it binds to the DNA, the Cas9 enzyme
cuts the DNA at the targeted location where the RNA sequence is bound.
● Once the DNA is cut, the natural DNA repair mechanism is utilized to add or remove
genetic material or make changes to the DNA.
● CRISPR May Prove Useful in De- genetic mechanisms in embryonic and
Extinction Efforts. For fetal development, and longer-term
example,Researchers are using the health and safety consequences.
powerfula gene-editing tool to recreate ● There are issues including off-target
the woolly mammoth. mutations (unintentional edits to the
● CRISPR Could Create New, Healthier genome), persistent editing effects,
Foods: In agricultural crops, Crispr has genetic mechanisms in embryonic and
the potential to impact yield, disease fetal development, and longer-term
resistance, taste, and other traits. Few health and safety consequences.
experiments have been done. If ● Altering one gene could have
successful it can help us to eradicate unforeseen and widespread effects on
the problem of hunger and other parts of the genome hence it will
malnutrition. become a tool for selecting desired
characteristics such as intelligence and
● It can also be used to eliminate
dangerous species of pests and few
experiments are being carried out on
mosquitoes but eliminating a species,
even one that doesn’t appear to have
much ecological value, could upset the
careful balance of ecosystems. That
could have disastrous consequences,
such as disrupting the food web or
increasing the risk that diseases like
malaria could be spread by different
species entirely.
Current scientific advancements show that CRISPR is not only an extremely versatile
technology, it’s proving to be precise and increasingly safe to use. But a lot of progress still has
to be made; we are only beginning to see the full potential of genome-editing tools like CRISPR-
Technological and ethical hurdles still stand between us and a future in which we feed the planet
with engineered food, eliminate genetic disorders, or bring extinct animal species back to life.
This makes the seamless extraction of scientific information an extremely challenging and time-
consuming (yet incomplete) process. With 100+ databases and millions of data points
(combined) from just human cells/tissue and disease, there is a pressing need to collate this
information in such a way that users like academic/industrial/clinical researcher as well as
teachers and students can easily access information that is relevant to them from a common and
modular platform.
Although there are ambitious ongoing efforts like the Recon X, The Virtual Physiological
Human, Human Cell Atlas, none of these projects aim to build the map of the whole human body
simultaneously comparing both macro(organ/tissue/cell) and micro (molecular interaction
networks) level details.
● Manav-Human Atlas Initiative aims to construct a comprehensive map of the entire
human body which will explicitly document macro to micro-level information.
● The project Manav will dramatically accelerate our understanding of the working of the
human body and help design better therapeutic targets for treating diseases like cancer,
diabetes, and more.
● This project will require understanding, extracting, and collating information from
millions of scientific papers that would need a massive investment of time, effort, and
● The large pool of scientifically literate population in India pursuing a bachelors /masters /
Ph.D. is a great resource that will be trained and engaged as part of this project to use the
annotation tool being developed to collate, curate, manage and visualize this scientific
● This project is funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India
as a collaboration between Persistent Systems, NCCS, and IISER, Pune.
● The process of the human genome project
● The complete gene set was isolated from a cell.
● It was then split into small fragments.
● This DNA structure was then amplified with the help of a vector which mostly was BAC
(Bacterial artificial chromosomes) and YAC (Yeast artificial chromosomes).
● The smaller fragments were then sequenced using DNA sequencers.
● On the basis of overlapping regions, the sequences were then arranged.
● All the information of this genome sequence was then stored in a computer-based
● This way the entire genome was sequenced and stored as a genome database in
computers. Genome mapping was the next goal which was achieved with the help of
microsatellites (repetitive DNA sequences).
Features of the project
Applications of Human Genome Project
As the goals of the human genome project were achieved, it led to great advancement in
research. Today, if any disease arises due to some alteration in a certain gene, then it could be
traced and compared to the genome database that we already have. In this way, a more rational
step could be taken to deal with the problem and can be fixed with more ease.
Formally announced on 2 June 2016, the project leverages two decades of work on synthetic
biology and artificial gene synthesis. The newly created HGP-Write project will be managed by
the Center of Excellence for Engineering Biology, an American nonprofit organization.
Researchers expect that the ability to artificially synthesize large portions of many genomes will
result in many scientific and medical advances
A complete haploid copy of the human genome consists of at least three billion DNA nucleotide
base pairs, which have been described in the Human Genome Project - Read program (95%
completed as of 2004). Among the many goals of GP-Write is the making of cell lines resistant
to all viruses and synthesis assembly lines to test variants of unknown significance that arise in
research and diagnostic sequencing of human genomes (which has been exponentially improving
in cost, quality, and interpretation).
Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals,
plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. For example, canola oil and baking soda have pesticidal
applications and are considered biopesticides. This process is also referred to a biological
control. The biological application is mainly introduced to reduce the population of a pest and to
produce pest-free yields. It is a self-sustaining and long-term treatment method, for managing
invasive plants. The living organism applied in this system is used to suppress a weed infestation
and to control pests including insects, pathogens, and grazing animals.
The natural enemies like parasitism, predation, and other mechanisms for controlling the plant
pests are referred to as a biocontrol agent. They play an important role in controlling plant pests
like nematodes, weeds, insects, and mites. The biological control agent helps in maintaining and
balancing the plant species along with their natural enemies.
This approach uses pathogens, where they are It uses agent populations that would waver in
used to apply on a target weed at a very high a natural prey and predator relationship. This
rate in an aspect that is similar to herbicide method adopts natural predators of the
application. The most common pathogens invasive plant to create an eternal relationship
used in inundative biological control include between a plant and biological control
nematodes and nuts. This approach does not animals.
prevent the invasive plant from implementing
at a later date
Pathogens: Virus, Bacteria, and fungi are relatively pathogenic micro-organisms that are host
specifics or kill their host. Some of the microbial diseases occur naturally but they are used as
biological pesticides.
Bacteria: Bacteria belonging to the coccobacillus group are more pathogenic to insects. They are
used for biological control. They infect the digestive tract of insects thus limiting the options for
controlling insects with sucking mouthparts namely scale insects and aphids.
Viruses: The use of insect virus as a controlling agent is still in inception. Since they are host
specific, they turn out to have good potential as biocontrol agents.
Fungi: The fungi Entomophaga is effective against pests namely green peach aphid.
Parasitoids: They lay eggs in the body of the host (insect), eventually killing the host. It is later
used as a source of food for the developing larva. It is one of the most widely used biological
control agents.
● The biological control agents are environmentally friendly and cause no side effects.
● Less cost compared to other Agrochemicals – pesticides and insecticides.
● Easily available, easy to use and is effective throughout the season.
● Helps in reducing the use of chemicals and other pesticides.
● It affects the product quality.
● Pest is not completely destroyed by these biological control agents.
● It is effective only for large scale
It is defined as" a technique that shows the genetic makeup of living things. It is a method of
finding the difference between the satellite DNA regions in the genome".
Satellite DNA regions are stretches of repetitive DNA which do not code for any specific
protein. These non-coding sequences form a major chunk of the DNA profile of humans. They
depict a high level of polymorphism and are the basis of DNA fingerprinting. These genes show
a high level of polymorphism in all kinds of tissues as a result of which they prove to be very
useful in forensic studies.
Any piece of DNA sample found at a crime scene can be analyzed for the level of polymorphism
in the non-coding repetitive sequences. After the DNA profile is traced, it becomes easier to find
the criminal by performing the DNA fingerprinting for the suspects.
Apart from crime scenes, Fingerprinting applications also prove useful in finding the parents of
an unclaimed baby by conducting a paternity test on a DNA sample from the baby.
DNA Fingerprinting Steps
Alec Jeffreys developed this technique in which he used satellite DNAs also called VNTRs
(Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) as a probe because it showed the high level of
Isolating the DNA.
Separating the digested fragments as per the fragment size by the process of electrophoresis.
Fig: 1.18 Steps of DNA fingerprinting
(Image source: yourgenome)
Stem cells are" special human cells that can develop into many different types of cells, from
muscle cells to brain cells."
Stem cells also have the ability to repair the damaged cells. These cells have strong healing
power. They can evolve into any type of cell.
Research is going on and it is believed that stem cell therapies can cure ailments like paralysis
and Alzheimer’s as well.
Fig :1.20 embryonic stem cells
(Image source:
These can These are the cells These Examples of
differentiate into all from early embryos differentiate into a oligopotent cells
possible types of stem and can differentiate closely related includeAdult lymphoid
cells into any cell type. cell type. For eg., cells(any of the cells
the hematopoietic responsible for the
stem cells production of immunity
differentiate into mediated by cells or
red blood cells antibodies and including
and white blood lymphocytes,
cells. lymphoblasts, and
plasma cells.) or myeloid
cell that can differentiate
into any of the blood
stem cells found in the
lymphatic system.
Note:- Apart from above there are Unipotent Stem Cells: They can produce cells only of
their own type. Since they have the ability to renew themselves, they are known as
unipotent stem cells. For eg., Muscle stem cells
There are different mesenchymal stem cells that are used to treat various diseases as they have
been developed from different tissues of the human body. The characteristics of mesenchymal
stem cells depend on the organ from where they originate.
This is the most A team of researchers Stem cells can also The adult
important application have developed blood treat diseases such as hematopoietic stem
of stem cells. The vessels in mice using Parkinson’s disease cells are used to treat
stem cells can be used human stem cells. and Alzheimer’s. cancers, sickle cell
to grow a specific Within two weeks of These can help to anaemia, and other
type of tissue or implantation, the replenish the immunodeficiency
organ. This can be blood vessels formed damaged brain cells. diseases. These stem
helpful in kidney and their network and The researchers have cells can be used to
liver transplants. The were as efficient as tried to differentiate produce red blood
doctors have already the natural vessels. embryonic stem cells cells and white blood
used the stem cells into these types of cells in the body.
from beneath the cells. Therefore, it is
epidermis to develop possible to treat the
skin tissue that can diseases.
repair severe burns or
other injuries by
tissue grafting.
the proposed amendment stem cells that are ‘minimally manipulated’ are excluded from
the definition of a new drug.
● Stem cells are minimally manipulated, meaning they are subjected to minimal
manipulation when stem cells are taken from an individual, subjected to minor
procedures like rinsing, cleaning, and resizing and do not undergo any other processing
steps that may alter their function before being implanted into the same individual.
● India carries out stem cell research. The government of India has been supporting the
research through funding agencies like the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR). This has resulted in the establishment of the state of the art infrastructure at over
40 premier health research and education institutions.
● The guidelines are given in the National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research
Biosensors are nowadays ubiquitous in biomedical diagnosis as well as a wide range of other
areas such as point-of-care monitoring of treatment and disease progression, environmental
monitoring, food control, drug discovery, forensics and biomedical research. A wide range of
techniques can be used for the development of biosensors. Their coupling with high-affinity
biomolecules allows the sensitive and selective detection of a range of analytes.
Characteristics of Biosensors:
A biosensor is a device that measures biological or chemical reactions by generating signals
proportional to the concentration of an analyte in the reaction. Biosensors are employed in
applications such as disease monitoring, drug discovery, and detection of pollutants, disease-
causing microorganisms, and markers that are indicators of disease in bodily fluids (blood, urine,
saliva, sweat).
A typical biosensor consists of the following components:
Fig:1.23 Biosensor
(Image Source:
● Electronics: This is the part of a biosensor that processes the transducer signal and
prepares it for display. It consists of complex electronic circuitry that performs signal
conditioning such as amplification and conversion of signals from analog into the digital
form. The processed signals are then quantified by the display unit of the biosensor.
● Display: The display consists of a user interpretation system such as the liquid crystal
display of a computer or a direct printer that generates numbers or curves understandable
by the user. This part often consists of a combination of hardware and software that
generates results of the biosensor in a user-friendly manner. The output signal on display
can be numeric, graphic, tabular, or an image, depending on the requirements of the end-
Applications of Biosensors
BioGRID stands for Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets. It is an open-access
database for the purpose of curation and archival storage of genetic, protein and chemical
interactions related to all major model organism species and humans. The Biological General
Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) was created in 2003, originally called the General
Repository for Interaction Datasets (GRID, by Mike Tyers, Bobby-Joe Breitkreutz, and Chris
Stark at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital.
It strives to provide a comprehensive curated resource for all major model organism species
while attempting to remove redundancy to create a single mapping of data. Users of The
BioGRID can search for their protein or publication of interest and retrieve annotation, as well as
curated data as reported, by the primary literature and compiled by in house large-scale curation
efforts. The BioGRID is hosted in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Dallas, Texas, United States
and is partnered with the Saccharomyces Genome Database. The BioGRID is funded by the
BBSRC, NIH, and CIHR. BioGRID is a member of the International Molecular Exchange
Consortium (IMEx).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generally refers to the role of integrated
communications,telecommunications, computers and computing devices, necessary enterprise
software, storage devices, middleware, and the audiovisual systems which facilitate its users to
store, transmit, manipulate and access information, i.e. ICT is the convergence of telephone
networks and audio visual systems with computer networks through a single cable network
etc. The word Information Technology was officially coined by Jim Domsic of Michigan in
November 1981.
Fax machines, telephone
and cable networks, etc.,
are the devices used for
extending communication.
Satellites, radio, cable
networks and the World
Wide Web (www) are
powerful tools for spreading
Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating, and communicating information since the
Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed writing in about 3000 BC,but general use of the term
information communication technology in its modern sense had appeared first in an article
published in the Harvard Business Review; where the authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L.
Whisler write about it as "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We
shall call it information technology (IT)."
The definition which was given by them consists of three categories: techniques for processing,
the application of statistical and mathematical methods to decision-making, and the simulation of
higher-order thinking through computer programs.
It was with the beginning of the era of computers that the field of Information Technology
gained prominence throughout the world.
First generation computers In 1946, the first successful electronic computer ENIAC
(1946-1959) (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator) was
developed by Presper Eckert and William Mauchly.The First
generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and
magnetic drums for memory. The computers in this
generation relied on ‘machine language’ which was the basic
programming language.
Examples include ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, Z3 and IBM
Third generation computers In this phase integrated circuits were developed and
(1964-1971): transistors were miniaturized and integrated on the silicon
chips. This increased the speed and efficiency of computing
and enabled machines to run several applications at once.
Fourth generation computers The advent of microprocessors brought the era of the fourth
(1971- Present): generation of computers In 1971, Intel inc. developed the
first microprocessor called Intel 4004 by positioning all
computer components in a single chip.
Fifth Generation computers 5th generation computers are based on artificial intelligence
(future endeavours) which is still in development. Some of the technologies
which are emerging include voice recognition systems etc.
1.Computer Technology: Computer technology has led to immense growth and expansion in
the information transformation process and the recent developments in computer and
communication technologies have enabled smooth management of information data, several
institutions and organizations, and work processes.
4. Satellite communication systems: The system of satellite communication has become one of
the most popular and extensively used technologies in the ICT sector. In today’s scenario, this
system has enabled transmission of information even in difficult geographical areas such as
mountains, rugged topographical Zones, and unreached regions of the world, etc.
the cost of internet services due to the development of ICT technologies such as 4G
internet services etc.
● Reliability in communication: The growth of the Internet and other IT services has
emerged as one of the most reliable modes of communication because the information
could be accessed and retrieved any time from anywhere. With the advent of new modes
of communication such as video conferencing, email, databases, it has become easier to
perform different business transactions.
● Data storage efficiency and file management: The advent of ICT services such as cloud
hosting, cloud computing, etc., resulted in better data storage, file management. Today
the storing of backup business data has become much more efficient and easy.
It has also reduced the amount of paperwork required for any work and has made transfer and
access of data to remote locations more efficient.
● Efficiency and Productivity: ICT has made the sharing of information much more
efficient and effective for all people around the world. People can share news and
information, exchange opinions through ICT services such as the Internet, online forums,
discussion groups on WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. All these developments are contributing
to the development of a knowledge-based society.
● Paperless environment: The advancement and progress of ICT led to the growth of a
paperless environment in which information can be stored and retrieved digitally instead
of paper. The use of emails, online chat, and instant messaging services for
communication is contributing to the development of a paperless environment.
● Innovation and research: ICT services are assisting in various research and innovation
activities. The use of IT services has been widely credited in the field of innovation and
research such as space technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.
● Entertainment and Recreation industry: The growth of ICT has improved the options
of entertainment for people all over the world. New modes of entertainment have
emerged such as cable television, online video streaming, online games, and other over
the top Platforms like Amazon, Netflix, etc.
● Improved social connectivity: ICT services have led to the emergence of various social
networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and various social networking
applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, etc. All these have led to an
improvement of social interactions and inter-relationships among the members of society
and now it is easier to connect with our friends and relatives through these social
networking websites and apps.
● ICT Transcends Boundaries: The speed and faster means of communication through
the internet have resulted in rapid information retrieval, accessibility and versatility. All
these have created borderless sources for services, information, and communication, and
are contributing to the emergence of a borderless world.
profile includes personal details such as age, address, marital status, etc., which are
preserved in a database and can be sold to the interested parties. Spyware collects user
information without users’ knowledge by sneaking in like a computer virus.
● Loss of Employment: There are concerns related to job losses as ICT Technology
has substituted many positions that were occupied by humans. Like the use of
Robots in few places to replace manpower.
ICT has contributed in the industrial sector right ICT has enabled students, teachers and
from production, planning, control systems, researchers to gain knowledge with the
supply chain and management etc. Buying and help of computers and the internet. The
selling of bonds in the stock markets have been Internet, digital libraries and electronic
made possible only due to the contribution of the sources of information are becoming more
ICT sector. Research and development activities popular among students all over the world.
utilise the latest computer technologies and the ICT has opened new opportunities in the
information available from different sources education sector such as Massive Open
such as the internet etc. Online Courses (MOOCs) etc.
Computers are used for managing the financial ICT in the field of medicine has immense
and business records, databases of workers and possibilities. For example, MRI, in which
employees etc. Digital Technologies, the computer combines the pictures and
sophisticated hardware, software and produces 3D images of bodies organs. New
communication technologies are extensively Emerging Technologies such as robotic
used in day to day commerce and business surgeries performed by specialists from
transactions. remote locations utilise Information and
Communication Technologies.
Online buying and selling of products and
services through E-Commerce platforms have
been made possible by the use of Information
and Communication Technologies. Computers,
internet, software and telecommunication
technologies are utilised for connecting the
customers and suppliers for carrying out e-
commerce transactions.
Various entertainment options such as online Information and Communication
games, streaming music, digital television Technologies have made governance
broadcast, satellite radio, etc have been made easier, smoother, and citizen centric.
possible with the help of internet connections via Administration :- The provision of e-
computers, mobile phones, cable connections or government services such as online post
through Wi-Fi, 4G technologies etc. matric scholarships, online filing of income
tax returns etc., have been made possible
through the application of Information and
Communication Technologies.
Banking: ICT has become the center of the
banking system. The rise of electronic
banking services which includes services
such as electronic fund transfer, automated
teller machine (ATM), internet banking,
Unified Payment Interface (UPI) etc., have
been made possible due to the contribution
of the ICT sector.
The rise of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the world like never
before. It has enhanced the human ability to communicate more efficiently and easily and
changed the lives of individuals, groups, and entities around the World. The challenges and
concerns arising out of ICT needs to be tackled properly in order to ensure its benefits reach all
and become inclusive as well as the losses incurred are greatly reduced. In order to achieve this
goal the contribution of all the stakeholders including the service providers, users, civil society
and the government is necessary. If used to an effective level with proper integration along the
mainstream developmental paradigms.
Telecommunications,or telecom, refers to exchange of information over significant distances by
electronic means and several types of voice, data and video transmission are also included in It.
On a broader level the term includes a number of information transmitting technologies such as
telephones (wired and wireless), microwave communications, fiber optics, satellites, radio and
television broadcasting, the internet and telegraphs.
There are several types of telecommunications networks, it is quite known that the simplest type
of telecommunications takes place between two stations, but it is common for multiple
transmitting and receiving stations in order to exchange data between them. Such an arrangement
is known as telecommunications network. One of the biggest examples of telecommunications
networks is growth 9f internet services. On a smaller scale, some of the examples include:
● Telephone networks
● Corporate and academic wide-area networks (WANs)
● Cellular networks
● Police and fire communications systems
● Groups of amateur (ham) radio operators
● Taxi dispatch networks
● Broadcasting networks
The rise and initial growth of basic telecommunications technology started with Evolution of
Mobile Networks which had revolutionized the telecommunication systems all over the world.
The term mobile generations is generally associated with the change in the nature of Mobile
Networks communication speed, technology, data capacity, frequency, latency etc. With the
evolution and growth of each generation there were some new techniques, new features, and
higher capacities which were added to the previous generation of Mobile technology.
The terms usually used for the evolution of mobile communication technologies have been
designated as 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G.
In addition to voice and other services of 3G, the 4th generation mobile technology provides
wireless mobile broadband internet.Its various applications include improved web access, IP
telephony, video conferencing, cloud computing, gaming services high-definition mobile TV
etc.It is to be noted that the data transmission speed provided by 4G technology is up to tenfold
of existing 3G mobile networks. 4th Generation technologies eliminate circuit switching which
was used in 3G networks while offering Voice over Internet protocol and downloading speeds up
to 100mbps and even higher.
It is difficult to attain the stipulated speed of 5G, considering the inadequate technological
support in most parts of the world. While there will be challenges replacing the old devices that
do not support 5G.
Issues of speed and latency particularly in India where Average downloading speed is around 9
Mbps compared to a global average of 23 Mbps.
Large numbers of users in India pose significant challenges for increasing the consumer base to
meet the demand-supply gap.
Apart from all these challenges, there has been a recent controversy surrounding the safety and
security concerns related to the Huawei Company.
The reason related to Huawei’s origin, because the company was owned by Ren Zhengfei,
formerly an engineer in the People's Liberation Army of China. His connections to the military
and the Communist Party, alongside those of senior Huawei executives, have been cited as a
security concern for foreign customers. The US has banned Huawei, citing that the company is
funded by Chinese state security. Also, India's Department Of Telecom has flagged concerns
over possible bugs in the equipment sold by a Chinese company. Indian Security agencies have
also raised fears over the possible presence of embedded spyware or malicious software
(‘malware’) that could allegedly be used by the Chinese intelligence to snoop into conversations
and data flowing through the Indian network or even shut down communications in Delhi and
Mumbai sitting in Beijing.
However, India recently rolled out the 5G trials in which it permitted the participation of
Huawei. But the recent developments on the Strategic and military front where tensions are
simmering between India and China may force a possible relook at the approved trials, as India
has blocked 59 Chinese apps such as TikTok and WeChat, claiming they are a threat to national
Moreover, recently USA has pushed its allies to bar Huawei, a Chinese telecom giant, from
building next-generation 5G mobile networks, claiming its equipment can be used to spy for
Beijing. It has also made Britain to cut the firm out of the most sensitive "core" elements of 5G
that access personal data. After this, India is also reconsidering the country’s 5G rollout plans
and whether Huawei should be allowed to participate.
Wi-Fi is a wireless network technology that provides wireless high-speed Data Services and
network connections using radio waves.
This technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards for connecting devices. Wi-Fi can connect
devices such as personal computers, video game consoles, smartphones, smart digital
headphones, etc., to the internet via a wireless network access point.
WiFi is a new characteristic of networking and has fetched a new feature in the field of
networking. The data broadcasting which is finished using radio waves allows users to get easy
access to the internet for objective sharing all around the world.
For example, Now it is easier to establish a computer network in any type of business like
companies, coffee shops, Libraries, campus, Hotels, colleges, universities, private institutes, etc.
Wi-Fi Technology enables us to get more profit from business and facilitates connecting to the
client anywhere or at any time.
Some of the peculiar features of Wi-Fi include: it has more Scalability and efficient
performance as compared to other technologies. It has more extensive reach than
conventional networking technology and has great power for consumption as compared to
other networks. Moreover, WiFi provides more reliability due to its security system which
protects your data, and also there is no need for cabling in Wi-Fi Technology.
Wi-Fi Calling- Wi-Fi Calling is a service for smartphones which, just as it sounds, allows you to
call over a Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi calling relies on a technology called SIP/IMS that tunnels your
call through the internet, instead of a cell tower. Consequently, you’re not using the cell tower to
place the call, which means that you don’t need cellular service. When placing a WiFi call it’s
just like placing a regular call, without logging in or using an app. Your carrier and phone will
determine if you can call through WiFi or not.
Recent Development
The Government of India has given its go-ahead for Wi-Fi services in flights. Passengers will be
now allowed to use Wi-Fi during flights in the Indian airspace as the government has issued a
notification in this regard. The government notification says that subject to permission by the
main captain, all flights will be able to switch on in-flight Wi-Fi for the benefit of fliers.
But the availability of the Wi-Fi during flights will be -- broadly -- subjected to two conditions:
● The main captain will have the authority to switch on or switch off the Wi-Fi in flights,
and the captain will be required to follow certain guidelines on this matter. For example,
Wi-Fi would be switched on only when the plane is at the cruising speed. During take-off
or landing, it will not be available. Also, if the weather is not clear, chances are that the
captain will not turn on Wi-Fi.
● Each plane that offers in-flight Wi-Fi will have to be certified by DGCA for this purpose
before fliers in it can enjoy connectivity.
The official notice by the Civil Aviation Ministry states: The pilot-in-command may permit the
access of internet services by passengers on board an aircraft through Wi-Fi onboard when a
laptop, smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, e-reader or a point of sale device is used in flight mode
or airplane mode. Provided that the director-general shall certify the aircraft for the usage of
internet in-flight through Wi-Fi onboard subject to procedures as specified in this behalf.
The notice further states that an aircraft shall be deemed to be in flight when all its external doors
are closed, following embarkation until the moment when any such door is opened for
The latest notification also states that the use of mobile phones may be permitted by the pilot-in-
command after the aircraft has landed and cleared the active runway, except when the landing
takes place in low visibility conditions as may be determined by the director-general.
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
Long term evolution is a standard for wireless broadband technology offering reduced latency,
incremental data speed, bandwidth capacity that can be Scalable with the present GSM, and
UMTS Technology in use.
WiMAX technology
WiMAX Technology: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is a wireless
technology for providing Point to multipoint (PMP) wireless broadband internet access. It can
provide wireless broadband access up to 10 miles for the mobile stations and around 30 miles for
fixed stations... It can provide data services at speeds up to 72 Mbps.
Wi-Fi and LiFi are similar because both technologies are wireless, but also very different
because unlike Wi-Fi, which relies on radio waves, LiFi uses visible light communication (VLC)
or infrared and near-UV spectrum waves.
In other words, LiFi works by using visible light, like the light that is emitted by any regular
lamp or bulb.
● The signal is then converted back into a binary data stream that the user would recognize
as web, video, and audio applications that run on internet-enabled devices.
Advantages of Li-Fi:
Issues Related To Light Fidelity Technology:
Li Fi uses visible light to transmit data but in If you have a WiFI router installed in one
case of Darkness or lack of visibility it may room of your house, you can connect your
not be very useful. devices sitting anywhere in the house, but this
is not the case with LiFi
There are issues of reliability in this The use of lifi Technology can disrupted by
technology (due to it being dependent on physical obstacle in its way since visible light
visible light) and has high installation charges. cannot pass through Opaque objects does a
user has to be close to internet source in case
there is any hindrance in between
● It can be used in street and traffic lights. In order to communicate with the vehicles and
with each other the traffic lights would be useful.
● LiFi can be used for real time traffic control and each traffic and street light post can be
converted into access points to convert roadsides into wireless hotspots.
● Accidents can be prevented as vehicles with LED headlights may be able to communicate
with each other or exchange real time information.
● LiFi can be used in aircraft, where most for control communication in place of current
radio waves.
● It will also have applications in military and navigational operations, as it can work
● In future it may open opportunities for wireless transmission of power, wherein the
smartphone will not only receive data through Li-Fi, but will also receive power to
charge itself.
TV A TV’s backlight is the major power consuming source. Uses of LEDs can
Backlighting give an efficient power reduction. In the edges of TV, using an LED will be a
cost reduction choice. Using LEDs directly behind the display provides better
contrast. LEDs has been replacing CFLs and LCDs when it comes to TV
Smartphone With the use of LED, the backlight design of the smartphone can be thinner
Backlighting and be made within low cost. The price of LED may vary according to the
size of the smartphone display. Due to the lower output voltage, they ensure
longer battery life
Displays LEDs display boards are common now these days and are used outdoors like
storage signs, billboards, road signs etc. In sign boards which has multiple
languages conveying signals, use of more LEDs will be beneficial in terms of
less power consumption
Automotives The Use of LEDs in the automotive industry is growing. With LEDs, energy
is saved and there is a clearer visibility. These are extensively used in the back
and rear of an automobile for better accessibility. LED lighting can improve
safety of pedestrians and drivers as it enhances visibility when it is ON, OFF
and dimmed in any part of the journey.
Dimming of Few LED applications include dimming of lights which helps in reducing
Lights energy consumption:
● This dimming feature is also used in Appliances where it is of two
● Global Dimming where all LEDs are dimmed together.
● Local Dimming where LEDs are dimmed indepently.
LCD production uses mercury thus harm LEDs use no mercury thus environment
environment friendly.
All LCDs are not a subset of LED TV’s All LEDs are a subset of LCD TV’s.
LCDs primarily use fluorescent lights LEDs use light emitting diodes
Fluorescent lights used are usually placed Light emitting diodes are usually placed
behind the screen. behind the screen or around the edges.
LCDs are usually thicker in size and lack LEDs are much thinner in size and are much
energy efficiency compared to LEDs more energy efficient.
OLED is capable of producing light of different colours and they do not require a backlight and
directly produce a correct colour which also saves power and space.In low light conditions,
OLED displays provide a higher contrast ratio compared to the LCD displays.
OLED displays are considered better than the existing display technologies due to their fast
response time, better contrast levels, wide viewing angles, and perfect brightness.
OLEDs are used for creating digital displays on television screens, smartphones, computer
monitors, handheld game consoles, and personal digital assistants.
An OLED display can be based on the passive matrix (PMOLED) or active matrix (AMOLED)
control schemes. In PMOLED, each row in the display is controlled sequentially one by one.
In the AMOLED scheme, a thin film transistor backplane is used for directly accessing and
switching each individual pixel on or off. This provides higher resolution and larger display
Power Efficiency
Response time is fast and Strong durable and break Future production costs may
rapid resistant be Scalable
Lower lifetime due to limited lifetime of Water and other liquid materials may cause
organic materials damage
LiDAR uses a pulsed laser to calculate an object’s variable distances from the earth's surface.
These light pulses — put together with the information collected by the airborne system —
generate accurate 3D information about the earth's surface and the target object.
There are three primary components of a LiDAR:- the scanner, laser, and GPS receiver. Other
elements that play a vital role in the data collection and analysis are photodetector and optics.
Most government and private organizations use helicopters, drones, and airplanes for acquiring
LiDAR data
LiDAR systems are divided into two types based on their functionality:
● Airborne LiDAR-Airborne LiDAR is installed on a helicopter or drone for collecting
data. As soon as it’s activated, Airborne LiDAR emits light towards the ground surface,
which returns to the sensor immediately after hitting the object, giving an exact
measurement of its distance. Airborne LiDAR is further divided into two types —
Topological LiDAR and Bathymetric LiDAR.
● Terrestrial LiDAR- these systems are mounted on moving vehicles or tripods on the
earth surface for collecting accurate data points and are quite common in
observation and monitoring of highways, analyzing infrastructure, or even
collecting point clouds from the inside and outside of buildings. Mobile LiDAR and
Static LiDAR are two types of terrestrial LIDAR systems.
IoT is the interlinking of digital devices, people, machines, appliances, and other objects with
one another through wireless networks.
It allows machines and people to be connected and communicate as well.
It is considered the future of the internet. This version of the internet is about data that is created
by things.
Internet of Things Explained:
1. Any device that can be connected will be connected.
2. Any device that can be switched on and off will be connected.
3. Most of the connected devices will have an Internet Protocol (IP) address. With IPv6,
billions of devices can be connected with ease.
4. Things can be connected with IoT:
● Connected Homes: interlinking of household appliances to the network.
● Connected Wearables: smartphones, smartwatches, fitness bands, etc.
● Connected Cars: vehicles connected to the network.
● Connected Cities: smart meters that can analyze the usage of gas, water, electricity, etc.;
connected traffic signals; smart bins, etc.
● Different networks would be connected, like as mentioned below:
● BAN (Body Area Network) – Wearables
● LAN (Local Area Network) – Smart Homes
● WAN (Wide Area Network) – Connected Cars
● VWAN (Very Wide Area Network) – Smart City
Daily life: IoT can be Agriculture: IoT can Transportation: IoT Smart Cities: IoT
used to do small tasks be used to improve can be used on toll can be used to make
in daily life such as overall productivity booths, traffic cities better places to
coffee-making as through better management, live. It can be applied
soon as the owner of weather forecasting, driverless cars, etc. It in solid waste
the house returns soil nutrient content, can also be used in management, smart
home, refrigerator pest infestation, etc fleet management, power grids, smart
indicating that safety assistance, energy management
vegetables need to be improved logistics, systems, etc
bought and/or etc.
ordering them
automatically from
the e-store, etc. It can
also be used in
Industry: IoT can be Healthcare: there are Media/Advertising: Government policies
used to reduce human several benefits in the Companies can use and services: the
error, increase medical industry. IoT to analyse and government can use
efficiency, and Better diagnosis of predict consumer IoT to offer better
improve productivity, diseases, wearable behavior and apply citizen services.
etc. monitors of vitals, target marketing for
sophisticated better ROI in
connected equipment, advertising/marketing
etc campaigns, etc. Big
data and data mining
concepts can be used
in this regard.
The Government of India envisages to use Internet of Things (IoT) as part of the Digital India
Mission.The National Digital Communications Policy was launched in 2018 to develop and
apply IoT, 5G technology, machine to machine (M2M) communication, etc.
The government also permitted 100% FDI in the telecom sector. This should also aid the
development of IoT in India.The Department of Electronics and Information Technology
(DeiTY) also published a draft policy for IoT in India.
The government has set a target of USD 15 billion for the IoT market by the year 2020.
This would be 5 – 6 % of the global Internet of Things (IoT) industry.
There is a need to have better regulation and policy frameworks for regulating and monitoring
Internet of Things applications. Firewalls and safety software should be improved and data
confidentiality should be priority for all stakeholders.
Human history has been one big roller coaster ride. First, we discovered fire, then agriculture,
wheels, then factories and trading which were followed by steam power, electricity and mass
production.Then came the age of computers, the internet, gene-editing, block chain, self-driving
cars, and artificial intelligence, to neuro-technological brain enhancements.
The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and it is occurring at an exponential speed.
The industrial revolution was one of the most significant game-changing periods of human
history.Also termed as the industrial age, it was a period of immense technological, socio-
economic and cultural changes.This period introduced mass production and replaced hand tools
with machines.
The first and the second stages of the industrial revolution span a period from 1760 till
1914.It is widely agreed to have begun in England and later spread to Europe and then to other
countries.Previous industrial revolutions liberated human-kind from animal power, made mass-
production possible, and brought digital capabilities to billions of people.
The third industrial revolution used electronics and information technology to automate
production.The third industrial revolution created the foundational infrastructure for an
emerging, collaborative age. The fourth industrial revolution is built on the third.
Fig 2.9: Phases Of Industrial Revolution
(Image source: ASEAN Post)
Like most software applications and electronic devices, the industry 4.0 refers to a software
revision meant to indicate the overall shift towards digital platforms. It is in our hands to
proactively shape the 4th industrial revolution As these fundamental transformations are
underway in our society.The 4th industrial revolution needs to be more human centric and
This revolution can be looked at as an opportunity to unite global communities and to build
sustainable economies. The 4th industrial revolution is therefore not a prediction of the
future, but a call to action.
Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave an institutional shape to the expression, by
launching the center for the 4th industrial revolution- which is an initiative of the World
Economic Forum. This will initially focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The fourth industrial revolution is marked by diverse technological breakthroughs due to fusion
of technologies, ranging from physical to digital to biological spheres that bring together the
fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and a host of others
India has become the fourth country in the world, where the World Economic Forum
(WEF) had opened its Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With this, India will
endeavor towards massive digital and technological transformation. The Centre for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution India would work in collaboration with the NITI Aayog, to co-design new
policies and protocols for emerging technologies with an initial focus on artificial intelligence,
block-chain technology, and drones. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of
Things (IoT), BlockChain Technology, Big Data, can act as a catalyst towards making India’s
growth story to newer heights. Many employment opportunities can be created that can make the
lives of every Indian better.
The government is working to improve people’s lives and prepare the youth for changing
technologies through schemes like Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), Digital India, Skill India,
Startup India, and others. Several areas where the fourth industrial revolution can help in
transforming India like in the fields such as:
● Poverty alleviation;
● Better and low-cost healthcare;
● Doubling farmers’ income with the help of new technology and equipment
● Improvement of infrastructure and connectivity to villages and remote towns
● Artificial intelligence can be used to empower and enable differently-abled people.
● It will improve the ease of living and the ease of doing business.
The fourth industrial revolution will usher in a series of social, political, economic, and cultural
upheavals that will unfold over the 21st Century.
Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology that facilitates intelligence and human
capabilities of sense, comprehend, and act with the use of machines. Some of the technologies
that can allow these systems in analyzing and understanding all the information that is received
are natural language processing and inference engines. Artificial Intelligence is a system that
provides action through technologies such as expert systems and inference engines to undertake
operations in the physical world.
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to provide sizable incremental value to a wide range of
sectors globally and is expected to be the key source of competitive advantage for firms.
Agriculture Retail Energy Education and
AI has a major role to Being one of the early AI plays a major role
The potential use of
play in driving a food adopters of AI in the Indian
Artificial Intelligence
revolution and solutions, it provides education sector by
also includes
meeting the increased applications such as providing solutions
modelling and
demand for food. developing user for quality and access
forecasting of the
Applied AI addresses experience by issues including
energy system to
challenges such as personalized augmentation and
lack of assured suggestions, image- enhancement of the
unpredictability. AI
irrigation, inadequate based product search learning experience
also focuses on
demand prediction, and preference-based through personalized
increasing the
excess use of the browsing. Other uses learning, automating
efficiency of power
pesticides, fertilisers include customer and expediting
balancing and
and fungicides. Some demand anticipation, administrative tasks,
enabling the storage
uses include improved inventory and predicting the
of energy in
improved crop management, and need for student
renewable energy
production through efficient delivery intervention to reduce
systems. This process
advanced detection of management dropouts or
uses smart meters to
pest attacks, recommend
enable intelligent
prediction of crop vocational training.
grids, thus, improving
prices and real-time
the affordability and
reliability of solar
energy. Apart from
these, AI may also be
deployed for
maintenance of grid
● Lack of sufficient talent to build and deploy AI systems at scale. An estimate claims that
only 4% of AI professionals in India have worked on emerging technologies such as deep
learning and neural networks. There is also a significant gap in PhD research scholars in
the field.
● Difficulty in access to industry-specific data required to build customised platforms and
solutions is currently in the hands of a few major players. It is challenging for new
beginners to provide customised services that can compete with the existing data that
includes rich incumbents such as Facebook or Google. This phenomenon results in the
creation of a virtuous cycle which reinforces the hegemony of the big few, creating a
huge entry barrier for start-ups.
● High cost and low availability of computing infrastructure required for development,
training and deployment of AI-based services. Cloud infrastructure, though growing
rapidly, has limited capability.
● Lack of infrastructure is the major reason for many Indian AI start-ups that aim to
incorporate their business outside the country, thus, making AI outside the reach of
Indian researchers in government labs and many industries. Initiatives like GI Cloud
(MeghRaj), are in the right direction.
● Lack of AI awareness in resolving business-related issues in most of the public
enterprises and government agencies has led to the scarcity of AI professionals in
obstructing adoption.
● Transforming core research into market applications
● Lack of AI expertise, and manpower skills
● Uncertain privacy, security, and ethical regulations
● Data democratization
● Unattractive Intellectual Property regime to incentivize research and adoption of AI
● It can result in the replacement of manpower.
Apple and most of the Chinese brands of mobile phones have facial recognition technology
imbibed in their software. This could lead to the possibility of “mass surveillance”, which also
violates the privacy concerns of an individual.
The assimilated data in the AI systems could be passed onto the wrong hands which can prove to
be a threat to national security.
The increasing reliance on the use of machines, machine learning, and the use of smart
algorithms to power artificially intelligent systems, makes it prudent to regulate AI. The
regulations should be focussed on the intended usage of the technology rather than restricting the
usage of the technology itself.
● Instigating Core and Applied Research in AI: Advanced research, both core and
applied, provides the basis for commercialization and utilization of any emerging
technology, more so for technologies like AI. A considerable amount of dedication and
effort is required to build comprehensive research focusing on AI strategy for India.
● Getting India ready for the AI wave: India may appear to be relatively well-positioned
to take advantage of the disruption in AI system through its advanced IT sector and large
youth demographic potential to establish itself as the future hub for AI-related activities.
However, given the reduced availability of qualified faculty and researchers, this
advantage could quickly change into a liability without urgent government interventions
towards promoting access to such skills. This is a critical component of AI development
and should be a national priority.
● Accelerating Adoption: Adoption of AI in India has been slow and remains limited.
Estimates indicate that only 22% of the firms in India use AI in any business process.
Government intervention is needed to promote AI adoption, lest India loses the chance to
secure a prominent position on the global AI map. While acknowledging the need to
improve AI, governments at different levels, along with their various instrumentalities,
should adopt proactive measures to accelerate AI adoption in multiple processes.
● Ethics, Privacy, Security, and Artificial Intelligence: AI is going to be the tipping
point in the technological evolution of mankind, with human dependence on machines
and algorithms for decision making never been so profound. Thus, any strategy document
on promoting AI necessarily needs to be conscious of the probable factors of the AI
ecosystem that may undermine ethical conduct, impinge on one’s privacy, and undermine
the security protocol. Appropriate steps to mitigate these risks need to be an integral part
of any such strategy. E.g., National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP – 2013) talks about the
Sensitization of citizens, consumers, and employees on cybersecurity threats and basic
and best practices Sensitization towards the safety of cyber threats and in pursuance of
security programs.
These challenges, if addressed by relevant stakeholders, with the government playing a leading
role could lead to fundamental building blocks that form the core to India’s march towards
leadership in AI in an expeditious manner through concerted and collaborative efforts.
Robotics relates to the industry that deals with the engineering, design, manufacture, and
operation of robots for various commercial industries and consumer uses. Robotics also refers to
a branch of engineering that deals with the conceptualization, designing, manufacture, and
operationalization of robots.
Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch that consists of various fields of engineering as well as
artificial intelligence, nanotechnology bioengineering, etc.
All these developments have increased the concern over unemployment due to the risk of
automation. According to a study, 47% of US jobs are at risk of automation over some
unspecified number of years. However, the claims on artificial intelligence and robotics causing
unemployment have been criticized on the ground that social policy and not artificial intelligence
is responsible for this. Robotics and Robots present both challenges and opportunities for
occupational safety and health. The benefits include the substitution of humans with robots in
unhealthy and dangerous environments.
Robots are useful in space, defense and security, nuclear industry, logistics, maintenance, and
inspection. They can replace humans performing a dirty, dull, and unsafe task and avoid workers'
exposure to hazardous conditions and reduce risks. For example, robots are used for handling
radioactive materials and for working in an explosive atmosphere.
Despite these advancements, there are certain skills to which only humans will be better suited,
and therefore, it is important to achieve the best combination of robot and human skills.
The advantages of humans include creative decision making, flexibility and adaptability,
whereas robotics has the advantage of performing heavy-duty jobs with precision and
This combination of humans and robots sharing a common workplace has led to the development
of new standards and approaches for ensuring the safety of the “man-robot merger”.
In the future, the cooperation between humans and robots will diversify into new forms. The
current approaches and technical standards for the protection of employees from the risk of
working will have to be revised.
Advantages of Robots:
● It is believed that recent developments in the robotics world have made robots more user
friendly, intelligent, and most importantly, affordable. With these benefits of robotics, it
is no wonder that they have found jobs in every field. That is right, from industrial
manufacturing to the medical field robots are being used.
● The benefits of robots have increased their flexibility by being capable of performing a
variety of tasks and applications. They are more precise and consistent than human
workers. Robots also allow for increased production and profit margins because they can
complete tasks faster. Robots can work around the clock since they do not require
vacations, sick days, or breaks. They also make fewer mistakes than humans, saving
companies time.
● Other benefits of robotics are that they can work in any environment, adding to their
flexibility. Robots eliminate dangerous jobs for humans because they are capable of
working in hazardous environments. They can handle lifting heavy loads, toxic
substances, and repetitive tasks. This has helped companies to prevent many accidents,
also saving time and money.
● In the medical field, robots are used for intricate surgeries such as prostate cancer
surgery. Robots can reach and fit where human hands cannot, allowing greater accuracy.
Some robotic benefits in the medical field are less invasive procedures and less pain for
the patient when recovering.
● Their ability to be customized provides companies with the flexibility to use them for a
variety of tasks.
Disadvantages of Robotics
● There are issues regarding job losses of people as also the extensive consumption of
● Moreover the cost associated with Development of software or techniques for robotics
may be too high.
● Robots cost much money in maintenance & repair. The programs need to be updated to
suit the changing requirements, and the machines need to be made smarter, In case of
breakdown, the cost of repair may be very high, The procedures to restore lost code or
data may be time-consuming & costly.
● The robot is not able to act any different from what they are programmed to do. With the
heavy application of robots, the humans may become overly dependent on the machines,
losing their mental capacities. If the control of robots goes in the wrong hands, Robots
may cause destruction.
● They are not intelligent or sentient, and They can never improve the results of their jobs
outside of their predefined programming. They do not think, They do not have emotions
or conscience, This limits how the robots can help & interact with people.
● Robots can take the place of many humans in factories, So, the people have to find new
jobs or be retrained, They can take the place of the humans in several situations, If the
robots begin to replace the humans in every field, They will lead to unemployment.
● Robots inspire two types of fear: firstly, that they might take over our jobs, and secondly,
that they could take over the world, Robots will steal our jobs, Robots have the effect of
increasing productivity rather than eliminating jobs.
● Robots become increasingly present in our everyday life, with household robots, medical,
industrial, on production lines, not to mention airports, banks, and hotels, So, Robots may
dominate the human species. Robots can operate on the basis of information fed to them
through a chip; when one thing goes wrong, the entire company bears a loss.
● Although They can save times, it can also result in a lag, It is a machine so you can't
expect too much from them, If the robot has malfunctioned, you need extra time to fix it,
which would require reprogramming, If robots would do all the work, and the humans
will just sit and monitor them, health hazards will increase rapidly, Obesity will be on top
of the list and less labour at workplaces.
Applications of Robotics:
Cyborg can be considered as the real version of technological advancement that was once
considered as fiction. The term cyborg was first coined in 1960. The scientists described cyborg
as a man-machine system in which the control mechanisms of the human portion are modified
externally by drugs or any other device so that the man can be able to live in an environment
different from the normal one.
Cyborg is a short version for the cybernetic organism. Although an older term, modern research
and increased use of technology in biomedicine make cyborg the future of human development.
As the name suggests, cyborg consists partly of humans and part machines. Those people who
are having a cardiac pacemaker, contact lenses or implants come under the cyborg.
The last two decades see the ever-fast pace in the development of cyborgs. Various successful
implantation like embedment of the antenna inside the skull, bionic limb connection through
nerve-muscle grafting and many others show that cyborg does not remain merely a fiction that
we see in comics like Justice League and Avengers, but it’s a modern world reality.
Cyborg is said to be an open field by modern scientists. As technology advances, more and more
augmentation of the body with machines will occur. This augmentation, no doubt, will make
humans more agile and stronger. However, all this will also impact the basic behaviour of human
beings. The effect may both be positive as well as negative. Therefore, there exist serious ethical
issues in this regard.
This augmentation will make humans more agile and stronger. However, all the effect may both
be positive as well as negative. Therefore, there exists serious ethical issues in this regard.
● Firstly, artificial limbs do not provide a sense of touch that connects us with our family or
allow us to feel the outer world as before. The real cause is less evolution in the field of
development of sensing skin.
● Secondly, as we have already discussed that there exists a serious ethical dilemma in the
future of cyborg, there are many people with implants inserted in their bodies to increase
the innate human capacities, both mental and physical. All these activities may redefine
the meaning of humanness, the change that may cause problems.
● They have a limited lifespan thus issues of durability, replacements may arise that may
complicate the problems.
The cyborg technology has already taken the next stage of integration beyond the medical field.
The machines are not serving merely as an alternative to the human body part. The cyborg
technology is setting the stage for the next chapter of human evolution. The contemporary field
of cyborg research lies in the brain-machine interface. Any breakthrough may change our view
of humanity.
The criticism and problems associated with cyborg cannot be avoided. However, the solution lies
not in closing, but in more responsible and ethical research in this field. Keeping this in mind, the
first Cyborg Olympics were organized in Zurich, Switzerland, in 2016. It was the first time that
the official celebration of cyborg sports was conducted. It is believed that cyborgs are the next
step in human evolution of mankind. The establishment of colonies on different planets is
imminent in the near future, and so is the development in cyborg technology. There is a need for
all the ethical and moral questions to be resolved over the global stage. Like all other inventions,
the cyborg can work both as a boon or a bane, and the choice is ours.
Supercomputers,comparatively ,have a very high level of computing performance with respect to
general purpose computers and their performance is generally measured in FLOPS (floating
point operations per second) . These computers are known for their high level of memory and
performance speeds.Their performance is generally evaluated in petaflops (1 followed by 15
zeros). Supercomputers have utilities in solving problems that are too complex and huge for
standard computers.
India started its journey towards supercomputers because of the denial by USA to export Cray
supercomputers due to the arms embargo imposed on India after Nuclear tests in the 1970s. It
was believed that India might use the supercomputers for the development of military purposes
since supercomputers came under dual-use technology groups.
PARAM 8000 was replicated and installed at ICAD Moscow in 1991 under Russian
collaboration.In 2007, India held top 10 spots for speeds of supercomputers.India has nine
supercomputers with speeds in top 500 but not any in top 10.
It unveiled PRATYUSH and MIHIR ,one of the worlds’ fastest supercomputers under its
National Supercomputing Mission.
NOTE:- Summit (USA), Sunway TaihuLight And Sierra are the top three Supercomputers of
the world.
● This mission consists of designing and manufacturing 73 supercomputers in India.
● These clusters of supercomputers will be connected to various academic and research
institutions across India. This grid will be connected to the National Knowledge Network
● This is a Rs 4,500 Crore project.
● In 2018, the Government of India awarded a contract to French company Atos to build
supercomputers under this mission. Atos has collaborated with Indian partners in Chennai
and Pune to build most of the required parts.
Currently, Pratyush and Mihir are the Fastest Supercomputers in India. These are the 2 High-
Performance Computing Units (HPC) with a combined speed of 6.8 PetaFlops. Pratyush is
established in Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune. Mihir is established in the
National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (NCMRWF), Noida.
The Supercomputers which will be developed under the mission can be used for many new-age
applications. Few examples are given below:-
● Weather forecasting
● Natural disaster predictions
● Drug discovery
● Space applications
● Aerodynamic research
● 3D nuclear test simulations.
A group of physicists including Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli and Werner Heisenberg in the early
1920s at the University of Göttingen had coined the term “Quantum Mechanics”. The gradual
acknowledgment by scientists that matter has wave-like properties and radiation has particle-like
properties provided the momentum for the development of quantum mechanics.
It is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of light and matter on a subatomic and
atomic level. It attempts to explain the properties of atoms and molecules and their fundamental
particles like protons, neutrons, electrons, gluons, and quarks. The properties of particles include
their interactions with each other and with electromagnetic radiation.
Quantum mechanics is here to stay and taking it as a thing of the past will be a mistake. Till now
it was not as popular but recently,. Quantum mechanics has been applied and accepted into many
fields like thermodynamics, cryptography,optics, computers and also meteorology. Research is
going on in these fields.
Fundamentally, a normal computer can encode information as a string of binary digits consisting
of 0s and 1s. Quantum computers take this to the next level with “Qubits”, bits that equal 0s and
1s at the same time. What this means is it can perform certain tasks like molecular modeling and
factoring numbers much faster than an ordinary computer.
Quantum computers are different from binary digital electronic computers that are based on
transistors (a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical
power). The common digital computing requires the data to be encoded into binary digits (bits),
each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1).
● When qubits in a superposition state can be correlated with each other; that is when states
of qubits are interdependent,it is called entanglement.
● It means that particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the
other, even when separated by great distances. Albert Einstein had called this
phenomenon "spooky action at a distance."
● With these two principles,the qubits enable quantum computers to solve difficult
problems that are unmanageable using today’s computers.
In quantum computing, quantum supremacy refers to quantum computers being able to solve a
problem that a classical computer cannot.
In the year 2011 by John Preskill, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of
Technology, coined the term ‘quantum supremacy’.
(Image source: Enabler space)
● In 2018, the Department of Science & Technology unveiled a program called Quantum-
Enabled Science & Technology (QuEST) and committed to investing ₹80 crores over the
next three years to accelerate research. The ostensible plan is to have a quantum
computer built in India within the next decade.
The mission will help prepare next-generation skilled manpower, boost translational research and
also encourage entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystem development. By promoting advanced
research in quantum science and technology, technology development and higher education in
science, technology and engineering disciplines India can be brought at par with other advanced
countries and can derive several direct and indirect benefits.
1. Digital India Mission:-
The Indian Government launched the Digital India campaign to make available government
services to citizens electronically by online infrastructure improvement and also by enhancing
internet connectivity. It also aims to empower the country digitally in the domain of technology.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the campaign on 1st July 2015.
Digital India was an initiative taken by the Government of India for providing high-speed
internet networks to rural areas.
Digital India was established with a vision of inclusive growth in areas of electronic services,
products, manufacturing and job opportunities.
There are major nine pillars of Digital India are:
Fig 1.1: Components of Digital India
(Image source: Pib)
In the last 4 years since its launch several achievements have been made under the Digital India
Mission as given below:
Fig 1.2: Achievements Under Digital India
Advantages of Digital India Mission:
Digital India Mission is an initiative that encompasses plans to connect the rural areas of the
country with high-speed internet networks. On the platform of digital adoption, India ranks
amongst the top 2 countries globally and the digital economy of India is likely to cross $1 trillion
by the year 2022.
Some of the challenges and drawbacks of Digital Mission are mentioned below:
● The daily internet speed, as well as the Wi-Fi hotspots, are slow as compared to other
developed nations.
● Adapting to the new modern an issue for Most of the small and medium
scale industry has to struggle a lot for
● Lack of sufficient availability of smartphones with digital enabled technology.
● Lack of enough skilled manpower in the field of digital technology.
● Cyber security is a concern with rising cases of frauds
● Lack of digital education.
As the present world has entered the era of modern technological advancements in the Telecom
Sector such as 5G, loT, M2M etc., a need was being felt to introduce a 'customer focused' and
'application driven' policy for the Indian Telecom Sector, which can form the main pillar of
Digital India by addressing emerging opportunities for expanding not only the availability of
telecom services but also telecom based services. Thus in place of the existing National Telecom
Policy-2012, a new National Digital Communications Policy - 2018 has been formulated, to
cater to the modern needs of the digital communications sector of India.
The policy envisions India's transition to a digitally empowered society and
information/knowledge economy and in this light it seeks to fulfil the information and
communications needs of citizens and enterprises by establishment of affordable digital
Fig 2.1 National Digital Communications Policy
According to a recent report, more than a million jobs will be created in the Cloud Computing
sector of India by 2022. The area of cloud computing is rapidly becoming more prevalent and
dominant in both small scale medium and large businesses and companies. Also, it could be seen
that large businesses and firms are gradually investing heavily in the cloud infrastructure and the
sector is expected to grow very fast by the year 2022.
There has been a growing application of Cloud computing in India in the last few years as they
are used in everyday activities of people such as social networking, mail, online purchases, and
large-scale operations of MNCs including big data, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.
It has been realized by the Government and Indian Private Businesses that it offers huge
potential for firms to grow, expand, and is opening up new windows of opportunities not only
locally but also globally. Several sectors like retail, banking, manufacturing, railways, education,
and healthcare among Others have started the adaptation of cloud services.
Cloud computing relates to delivering hosted services over the internet. The cloud computing
process involves providing a pool of shared resources like networks, servers, storage,
applications, and services that can be provided to the consumer rather than the consumer
managing them on her own which is costly and time-consuming. The Internet is at the core of the
evolution of this technology.
Fig 3.1: Cloud Computing
Fig 3.2 :Cloud computing features
(Image source: Data flair)
Benefits of Cloud Computing:
BharatNet Project is the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity program using Optical
fiber. It is implemented by Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) – a special purpose
vehicle under the Telecom Ministry and is the Government of India’s ambitious rural internet
connectivity program. It has subsumed all the ongoing and proposed broadband network
projects. The project is being executed by BSNL, RailTel, and Power Grid and is being funded
by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
● It aims to connect all of India’s households, specifically rural households through
demand, affordable high-speed internet connectivity to fulfill the objectives of the Digital
India program in partnership with the states and the private sector.
● The Bharat Net project proposes broadband connectivity to households under village
Panchayats and even to government institutions at the district level.
● It intends to cover all 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats for the provision of E-governance, E-
healthcare, E-Commerce, E-Education, and Public Interest Access services.
● The first phase of the Bharat Net project will be completed in December 2017, providing
internet access to 1 lakh Gram Panchayats. So far, 83000 Gram Panchayats have been
● The equipment for the program are indigenously designed and are manufactured in India,
under the “Make in India” initiative.
Recent Development:
Under Phase -II, implementation is done through the State Model, Private Sector Model, and
CPSU Model. Not only will this phase include an optimum mix of channels for connectivity
(Optical Fibre Cables, Radio, and Satellites), but will also be providing last-mile connectivity
through Wi-Fi or similar technology to ensure that internet is available at the home/office. This is
based on the recommendations of the committee on the National Open Fiber Network which
submitted its report in 2015.
About eight states have opted for a State-led model while the satellite model is being
implemented mostly in states which have a difficult terrain. Uttar Pradesh is implementing the
project through both BSNL (CPSU Led) and PPP Model.
As on 06 March 2020, Optical Fiber Cables have been laid for over 4.27 lakh kilometers
connecting more than 1.5 Lakh gram panchayats. Around 1.37 lakh of these have been made
service ready as per the latest data on BBNL website.
Space programs and activities of India started in early 1960 with the beginning of scientific
investigations and experiments of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere using small rockets.
These programs were conducted over the magnetic equatorial region passing through THUMBA,
in Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala). It was Dr. Vikram Sarabhai who realized the immense potential
of the Space program and technology for the country and its development as well as solving the
problems and challenges of the common man.
With the establishment of the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) by
the Government of India in 1962, India thought of making an effort to start its space program.
ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation) Superseded INCOSPAR in 1969 under the able
leadership of Vikram Sarabhai. The initial thrust and leadership to utilize space research to solve
the problem of the common man were started under the visionary leadership of Vikram
Sarabhai.ISRO's main objectives were capacity building, self-reliance, to advance the causes of
the Space program and research for Nation Building and Development of the people.
● The Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was established by
Jawaharlal Nehru in 1962 under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
● Eminent scientist Dr. Vikram Sarabhai had a big role in this development. He understood
the need for space research and was convinced of the role it can play in helping a nation
● INCOSPAR set up the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) at
Thumba, near Thiruvananthapuram at India’s southern tip. TERLS is a spaceport used to
launch rockets.
● The INCOSPAR became ISRO in 1969.
● The Department of Space was created in 1972 and ISRO became a part of it and remains
so to date. The Space Department reports directly to the Prime Minister of the country.
About ISRO:
ISRO or Indian Space Research Organisation is India’s space agency founded in 1969 to help
develop an indigenous Indian space program. It is one of the 6 largest space agencies in the
world today. ISRO maintains one of the biggest fleets of remote sensing (IRS) and
communication (INSAT) satellites catering to the needs of the nation through a network of
centers, offices and research institutes in different parts of the country. ISRO functions in the
following areas: broadcasting, weather forecasting, disaster management, geographic
information systems, navigation, cartography (maps), tele-medicine, distance education
satellites, etc.
ISRO has many facilities each dedicated to a specialized field of study in space. A few of them
are as follows:
● Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram
● Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Thiruvananthapuram
● Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC-SHAR), Sriharikota
● Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad
● National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad
Timelines of ISRO Achievements:
● The first Indian-made satellite was the RH-75 (Rohini-75). It was launched from TERLS
in 1967. It was considered a ‘toy rocket’ and weighed just 32 kg.
● ISRO built its first satellite in 1975 and named it Aryabhatta. This was launched by the
Soviet Union.
● The first Indian-built launch vehicle was SLV-3 and it was used to launch the Rohini
satellite in 1980.
● ISRO launched the first INSAT in 1988. It was a communication satellite.
● ISRO also launched the first IRS (remote-sensing satellite) in 1988.
● ISRO has developed three types of launch vehicles (or rockets) namely, the PSLV (Polar
Satellite Launch Vehicle), the GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) and
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mark III or LVM).
● ISRO launched its first lunar mission Chandrayaan I in 2008.
● It also launched the Mars Orbiter Mission or the Mangalyaan in 2014. With this, India
became the first country to achieve success in putting a satellite on Mars orbit in its
maiden attempt and the fourth space agency and the first Asian agency to do so.
● In 2017, ISRO created another world record by launching 104 satellites in a single rocket.
It launched its heaviest rocket yet, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-Mark III
and placed the GSAT 19 in orbit. There are future plans for a human spaceflight
(Gaganyaan), interplanetary probes and a solar mission as well.
Indian Space programme has become self-reliant today with the commissioning of two launch
● Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle for launching Indian Remote Sensing Satellite into Polar
● Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle for launching communication satellites into
Geosynchronous orbit.
(Image source: Byjus)
In the last few decades, the INSAT systems and Satellites Communication Technologies
(SATCOM) have been offering several ranges of services ranging from Social and Economic
development services which are reliable, seamless and reach the widest possible distances in the
remotest corner of the country. Since its initiations the Satellite program of ISRO have covered
diverse areas of applications :
● Telecommunications
● Tele-education
● Data Services
● DTH and Cable TV
● Rural areas connectivity
● Village resources
● Disaster management and rescue operations, And many more
Edusat Programme:
EDUSAT’, India’s first thematic satellite dedicated exclusively for educational services, was
used extensively to cater to a wide range of interactive educational delivery modes like a one-
way TV broadcast, video conferencing, computer conferencing, web-based instructions, etc. it
had many objectives like supplementing the curriculum-based teaching, effective teacher
training, providing access to quality resource persons and new technologies, thus finally resulting
in taking education to every nook and corner of India. EDUSAT provided connectivity to
schools, colleges and higher levels of education and supported non-formal education including
development communication.
EDUSAT Programme was implemented in three phases: pilot, semi-operational and operational
phases. Pilot projects were conducted during 2004 in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya
Pradesh with 300 terminals. The experiences of pilot projects were adopted in semi-operational
and operational phases. During the semi-operational phase, almost all the states and major
national agencies were covered under the EDUSAT program. The networks were expanded
under the operational phase with funding by respective state governments/user agencies.
The EDUSAT (GSAT-3) satellite provided its services till September-2010, supporting Tele-
education, Telemedicine and Village Resource Centres (VRC) projects of ISRO. After its
decommissioning, the traffic of Tele-education networks was migrated to other ISRO satellites.
Most of the tele-education networks operating in Ku-band were migrated from GSAT-3 to
INSAT-4CR and those in Ext. C-band networks were migrated to INSAT-3A, INSAT-3C and
GSAT-12. The migration of the remaining few networks is in the pipeline.
Keeping in mind the urgent need to eradicate illiteracy in the rural belt which is necessary for the
all-round development of the nation ISRO has come up with the concept of dedicated
GRAMSAT satellites.This satellite is carrying six to eight high powered C-band transponders,
which can disseminate regional and cultural specific audio-visual programs together with video
compression techniques.
The high power in C-band has enabled even remote area viewers outside the reach of the TV
transmitters to receive programmers of their choice in a direct reception mode with a simple dish
The following features are provided by Gramsat Satellite:-
1. Its communications networks are at the state level connecting the state capital to districts,
blocks and enabling a reach to villages.
2. Tele-health and telemedicine services
3. It is also providing computer connectivity data broadcasting, TV-broadcasting facilities
having applications like e-governance, development information, teleconferencing,
helping disaster management
4. Providing rural-education broadcasting.
Telemedicine allows health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a
distance using telecommunications technology. The approach has been through a striking
evolution in the last decade and it is becoming an increasingly important part of the American
healthcare infrastructure.
Telehealth includes two or more clinicians discussing a case over video conference;or a robotic
surgery occurring through remote access;, live feed and application combinations; tests being
forwarded between facilities for interpretation by a higher specialist; physical therapy done via
digital monitoring instruments, home monitoring through continuous sending of patient health
data; etc.
Agriculture and Soil:
Satellite observations provide Reliable information regarding crop acreages, timely forecasts of
production & yields. ISRO has launched two projects namely - National Agricultural Drought
Assessment and Management System (NADAMS) and Forecasting Agricultural output using
Space, Agrometeorology and Land-based observations (FASAL), respectively.
Water Resources:
Space technology provides comprehensive inputs on surface water, snow cover, groundwater etc.
ISRO is actively involved in several projects to make the inventory and monitor the water
resources in the country.
Operational oceanography has now become a reality and it relies heavily on ground-based and
satellite-based observations. Ocean color observations, Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Wave
Height (SWH), ocean chlorophyll, sea ice parameters and ocean surface winds are analyzed
using satellite data.
many of these observing instruments in house. The data from these AWS are used for initializing
numerical weather prediction as well as validating the forecasts.
India has a clear direction of utilizing renewable energy for meeting the country’s requirements.
Satellite remote sensing provides synoptic data, covering larger areas continuously for longer
periods. Earth Observation data helps analyze Winds, solar and wave energy resources.
Rural Development:
For planning, monitoring and impact assessment viz. Integrated Watershed Management
Programme (IWMP), Space-Based Information Support for Decentralized Planning (SISDP),
and MGNREGA, Various programs are carried out by ISRO addressing the developmental
priorities of the country
Urban Development:
The urban environment of cities faces several challenges such as the rate of population increase,
urban sprawl etcThese changes f by way of increased spatial accuracy and frequent revisit
periods which allows planners to construct action scenarios and compile the accurate database of
spatial environments. information regarding changes in land-use patterns over the past for
carrying out various urban planning, planning alternatives and management activities can be
obtained through the use of satellite data.
For diverse applications like Television, DTH Broadcasting, VSAT etc. Satellite Communication
utilization has become widespread. The technology has matured substantially over the past three
decades and is being used on a commercial basis for a large number of applications. Most of us
are touched by satellite communication in more ways than we realise.
The potential of the technology for societal applications continues to fascinate ISRO and efforts
are on to leverage the benefits of technology to the betterment of mankind. Tele-education, Tele-
medicine, Village Resource Centre (VRC) and Disaster Management System (DMS)
Programmes are some important initiatives pursued by ISRO towards societal development. The
potential of space technology for applications of national development is enormous.
Disaster Management Services:
ISRO is actively involved in providing space inputs on a near real-time basis for major natural
disasters in the country, such as floods, cyclones, landslides, earthquakes and so on. The
information on fire alerts (forest fire, stubble burning) are also provided to the concerned. While
operational drought assessments are provided by the Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre
(MNCFC), necessary R&D products are also undertaken by the National Remote Sensing Centre
(NRSC), ISRO. Disaster Support Centre (DSC), NRSC has extended the satellite-based support
to Central and State Departments. For example, floods in eight States, viz., Assam, Bihar, Uttar
Pradesh, Delhi, Odisha, Mizoram, Tripura have been monitored using satellite data by NRSC,
Flood inundation in KERALA was monitored in recent times by NRSC.Apart from regular flood
maps, flood persistence map, showing the areas under persistent floods, was also provided to
Kerala. ISRO has extended the satellite images based support to central and state government
departments in providing near real-time inputs from space on all major disasters in the country
During July-August, 2018, . Through the sharing of valuable data, it has helped the MHA,
NDMA, NDRF and State Disaster Management Departments. Considering the high intensity of
the disasters, an international charter was also activated for obtaining more frequent high-
resolution satellite datasets. FOR public use all information related to disaster is disseminated via
BHUVAN satellite.
Landslides cause huge damages, particularly along pilgrim routes. ISRO prepared Landslide
Hazard Zonation maps for pilgrim routes in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and
Meghalaya.Also, ISRO is preparing seasonal landslide inventory regularly.These satellite-based
inputs are very useful for preparedness.
Experimental Landslide Early Warning System for Rainfall Triggered Landslides is carried out
for the following routes namely Rishikesh-Badrinath, Rishikesh-Uttarkashi-Gomukh, Chamoli-
Ukhimath Rudraprayag-Kedarnath and Pithoragarh-Malpa in Uttarakhand during specific
Near real-time information on landslides is derived regularly during major landslide events in the
country and disseminated through Bhuvan geoportal. A real extent of a landslide is also
estimated using satellite data and DSMs. Also, in case of river blockade due to landslides,
necessary inputs are provided to the Govt. from time to time.
With a large coastline, India is susceptible for cyclones. It is important to understand the impacts
of cyclones, concerning its earlier footprints, low lying areas, etc, wherein satellite images
provide such inputs. Using historical satellite data and Digital surface models, these inputs are
derived. ISRO uses geo-stationary and low earth orbit satellites for providing experimental
inputs on cyclogenesis, cyclone track, cyclone intensity. INSAT series of satellites with frequent
imaging provide the cyclone parameters for near real-time analysis.ISRO monitors the formation
of cyclones and carries out cyclone track prediction. Besides, near real-time inundation mapping
due to cyclones are also prepared.
Very high-resolution satellite data is used by ISRO to provide inputs on damage assessment for
major earthquake events. During 2015, the Nepal government was supported by ISRO which
provided satellite-based inputs on damages done by the earthquake that rocked the area.
Fig 3.2 ISRO Launch Vehicles Over the Years
(Image source: ISRO.GOV.IN)
The success of the project paved the way for advanced launch vehicle projects such as the
Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).
Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV):
The Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) Programme was designed to augment the
payload capacity to 150 kg, thrice that of SLV-3, for Low Earth Orbits (LEO). While building
upon the experience gained from the SLV-3 missions, ASLV proved to be a low-cost
intermediate vehicle to demonstrate and validate critical technologies that would be needed for
the future launch vehicles like strap-on technology, inertial navigation, bulbous heat shield,
vertical integration and closed-loop guidance.
Under the ASLV program four developmental flights were conducted. The first developmental
flight took place on March 24, 1987, and the second on July 13, 1988. The third developmental
flight, ASLV-D3 was successfully launched on May 20, 1992, when SROSS-C (106 kg) was put
into an orbit of 255 x 430 km. ASLV-D4 launched on May 4, 1994, orbited SROSS-C2 weighing
106 kg. It had two payloads, Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) Experiment and Retarding Potential
Analyser (RPA) and functioned for seven years.
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV):
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is the third generation launch vehicle of India. It is the
first Indian launch vehicle to be equipped with liquid stages. After its first successful launch in
October 1994, PSLV emerged as the reliable and versatile workhorse launch vehicle of India
with 39 consecutively successful missions by June 2017. During the 1994-2017 period, the
vehicle has launched 48 Indian satellites and 209 satellites for customers from abroad.
Besides, the vehicle successfully launched two spacecraft – Chandrayaan-1 in 2008 and Mars
Orbiter Spacecraft in 2013 – that later traveled to Moon and Mars respectively.
PSLV earned its title 'the Workhorse of ISRO' through consistently delivering various satellites
to Low Earth Orbits, particularly the IRS series of satellites. It can take up to 1,750 kg of payload
to Sun-Synchronous Polar Orbits of 600 km altitude.
Due to its unmatched reliability, PSLV has also been used to launch various satellites into
Geosynchronous and Geostationary orbits, like satellites from the IRNSS constellation.
● The uppermost stage of PSLV is PS 4, which comprises two Earth storable liquid
● The third stage of PSLV is a solid rocket motor that provides the upper stages of high
thrust after the atmospheric phase of the launch.
● PSLV uses an Earth storable liquid rocket engine for its second stage, known as the Vikas
engine, developed by Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre.
● PSLV uses the S139 solid rocket motor that is augmented by 6 solid strap-on boosters.
● PSLV uses 6 solid rocket strap-on motors to augment the thrust provided by the first
stage in its PSLV-G and PSLV-XL variants. However, strap-ons are not used in the core
alone version (PSLV-CA).
● It Weighs 320 tonne at lift-off and uses larger strap-on motors (PSOM-XL or S12) to
achieve higher payload capability. On 29 December 2005, ISRO successfully tested the
improved version of the strap-on booster for the PSLV.
● PSLV-XL was first used during the launch of Chandrayaan-1 by PSLV C11. The
payload capability for this variant is 1,800 kg to SSO.
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle -DL:
PSLV-DL variant has only two strap-on boosters with a 12-tonne propellant load on them.
PSLV-C44 on 24 January 2019 was the first flight to use the PSLV-DL variant of Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle.
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle -QL:
PSLV-QL variant has four ground-lit strap-on boosters, each with 12 tonnes of propellant.
PSLV-C45 on 1 April 2019 was the first flight of PSLV-QL.
The four liquid engine strap-ons used in GSLV are heavier derivatives of PSLV's PS2 and use
one Vikas engine each.
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV MK-III):
GSLV MkIII, chosen to launch Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft, is a three-stage heavy-lift launch
vehicle developed by ISRO. The vehicle has two solid strap-ons, a core liquid booster, and a
cryogenic upper stage.
GSLV Mk III is designed to carry a 4 ton class of satellites into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
(GTO) or about 10 tons to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), which is about twice the capability of the
The two strap-on motors of GSLV Mk III are located on either side of its core liquid booster.
Designated as ‘S200’, each carries 205 tons of composite solid propellant and their ignition
results in vehicle lift-off. S200s function for 140 seconds. During the strap-ons functioning
phase, the two clustered Vikas liquid Engines of L110 liquid core booster will ignite 114 sec
after liftoff to further augment the thrust of the vehicle. These two engines continue to function
after the separation of the strap-ons at about 140 seconds after liftoff.
On December 18, 2014, The first experimental flight of LVM3 mission lifted off from
Sriharikota,and successfully tested the atmospheric phase of flight. In this flight,the Crew
module Atmospheric Re-entry Experiment was also carried out. The module re-entered the
atmosphere, deployed the parachutes and splashed down in the Bay of Bengal.
On June 05, 2017, GSAT-19 satellite,was placed successfully in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
(GTO) from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota by the GSLV-Mk III-D1
GSLV MK III D2, The second developmental flight of GSLV MkIII was successfully launched
and carried GSAT-29, a high throughput communication satellite on November 14, 2018 from
Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota
(Image source: ISRO.GOV.IN)
CHANDRAYAAN 2, India’s second Lunar Mission, was successfully placed by GSLV MkIII-
M1, into Earth Parking Orbit on July 22, 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR,
● The development of GSLV Mk III will facilitate placing the 4 tonne class satellites of the
GSAT series into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits.
● Heavy payloads into Low Earth Orbits of 600 km altitude. Can be placed by The
powerful cryogenic stage of GSLV Mk III
● GSLV Mk III uses two S200 solid rocket boosters to provide the huge amount of thrust
required for lift off. The S200 was developed at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
● The Cryogenic Upper Stage (C25) is powered by CE-20, India's largest cryogenic engine,
designed and developed by the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre.
● The L110 liquid stage is powered by two Vikas engines designed and developed at the
Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre.
Reusable Launch Vehicle -Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD):
Reusable Launch Vehicle – Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) is one of the most
technologically challenging endeavors of ISRO towards developing essential technologies for a
fully reusable launch vehicle to enable low cost access to space. The configuration of RLV-TD is
similar to that of an aircraft and combines the complexity of both launch vehicles and aircraft.
The winged RLV-TD has been configured to act as a flying test bed to evaluate various
technologies, namely, hypersonic flight, autonomous landing and powered cruise flight. In
future, this vehicle will be scaled up to become the first stage of India’s reusable two stage
orbital launch vehicle.
RLV-TD consists of a fuselage (body), a nose cap, double delta wings and twin vertical tails. It
also features symmetrically placed active control surfaces called Elevons and Rudder.This
technology demonstrator was boosted to Mach no: 5 by a conventional solid booster (HS9)
designed for low burn rate.
The selection of materials like special alloys, composites and insulation materials for developing
an RLV-TD and the crafting of its parts is very complex and demands highly skilled manpower.
Many high technology machinery and test equipment were utilised for building this vehicle.
RLV-TD was successfully flight tested on May 23, 2016 from SDSC SHAR Sriharikota
validating the critical technologies such as autonomous navigation, guidance & control, reusable
thermal protection system and re-entry mission management.
Scramjet Engine:
The first experimental mission of ISRO’s Scramjet Engine towards the realization of an Air
Breathing Propulsion System was successfully conducted on August 28, 2016, from Satish
Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota.
After a flight of about 300 seconds, the vehicle touched down in the Bay of Bengal,
approximately 320 km from Sriharikota. The vehicle was successfully tracked during its flight
from the ground stations at Sriharikota. With this flight, critical technologies such as ignition of
air-breathing engines at supersonic speed, holding the flame at supersonic speed, air intake
mechanism, and fuel injection systems have been successfully demonstrated.
The Scramjet engine designed by ISRO uses Hydrogen as fuel and the Oxygen from the
atmospheric air as the oxidizer. This test was the maiden short duration experimental test of
ISRO’s Scramjet engine with a hypersonic flight at Mach 6. ISRO’s Advanced Technology
Vehicle (ATV), which is an advanced sounding rocket, was the solid rocket booster used for the
test of Scramjet engines at supersonic conditions. ATV carrying Scramjet engines weighed 3277
kg at lift-off.
collecting data and information. The GIS manages information on locations and provides tools
for analysis and display of different statistics that include population, economic development,
characteristics and vegetation. It also allows linking databases to make dynamic displays. These
abilities make GIS different from other systems and make it a wide range of private and public
remote sensing applications for planning and predicting outcomes from remote sensing satellites.
The satellites help Measuring using thermal remote sensing It helps in improving
sea levels and glacial flow to monitor active volcanoes efficiency and safety of air
traffic control
To observe the flow of ocean To further scientific research, locating missing aircraft in
currents and circulation It helps in mapping ocean case of plane accidents.
To map the degradation and Remote sensing satellites are military surveillance
loss of wetland ecosystems going to make imperishable
contribution in further climate
change research
Polar satellites
Polar satellites are a category of Remote Sensing Satellites that revolve around the earth in a
north-south direction as opposed to east-west like the geostationary satellites. They are very
useful in applications where the field vision of the entire earth is required in a single day. Since
the entire earth moves below them, this can be done easily. They are used in weather applications
where predicting weather and climate-based disasters can be done in a short time. They are also
used as relay stations.
Geosynchronous Satellite:
When a satellite has an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period, it is called a
GEOSYNCHRONOUS SATELLITE..the geosynchronous satellite returns to the similar position
in the sky after every sidereal day, and during a day, it traces out a path in the sky that is
typically some form of the analemma. A geostationary satellite is one special case of
geosynchronous satellite, which has a geostationary orbit – a circular geosynchronous orbit
directly above the Earth's equator.
Geostationary Satellites:
These satellites are placed into orbit at a distance of around 35,800 km from the earth’s surface.
They rotate in the same direction as the earth and one revolution of such satellites is the same as
one day on earth (roughly 24 hours). This means that, as seen from earth, these satellites will
appear to be at the same spot throughout. Hence, the name “geostationary” satellites. These
satellites are used as communication satellites and for weather-based applications.
1. Cartosat -1: CARTOSAT–1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing Satellite capable of providing
in-orbit stereo images. The images were used for Cartographic applications meeting the global
requirements. Cameras of this satellite have a resolution of 2.5m (can distinguish a small car).
2. Cartosat-2: Cartosat-2 Series Satellite is the primary satellite carried by PSLV-C40. This
remote sensing satellite is similar in configuration to earlier satellites in the series and is intended
to augment data services to the users.
The imagery sent by satellite will be useful for cartographic applications, urban and rural
applications, coastal land use and regulation, utility management like road network monitoring,
water distribution, creation of land use maps, change detection to bring out geographical and
manmade features and various other Land Information System (LIS) as well as Geographical
Information System (GIS) applications.
3. Cartosat-2 A: CARTOSAT – 2A is the thirteenth satellite in the Indian Remote Sensing
Satellite series (IRS). Imageries from this satellite were used for cartographic applications like
mapping, urban and rural infrastructure development and management, as well as application in
Land Information (LIS) and Geographical Information System (GIS).
● RISAT-2B is a radar imaging earth observation satellite weighing about 615 kg.
● The satellite is intended to provide services in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and
Disaster Management.
In India radar imaging are used for crop estimation because our main crop growing season of
kharif is in May-September when it rains and gets cloudy.We have used this data extensively for
forestry, soil, land use, geology and during floods and cyclone.Due to an all-weather seeing
feature, the satellite becomes special for security forces and disaster relief agencies.
India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, in its fiftieth flight (PSLV-C48), successfully launched
RISAT-2BR1, an earth observation satellite, along with nine commercial satellites of Israel,
Italy, Japan and USA from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota.
PSLV-C48 was the 75th launch vehicle mission from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. This is the 2nd
flight of PSLV in 'QL' configuration (with 4 solid strap-on motors).
RISAT-2BR1 is a radar imaging earth observation satellite weighing about 628 kg. The satellite
will provide services in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and Disaster Management. The mission
life of RISAT-2BR1 is 5 years.
India’s maiden lunar probe Chandrayaan-1 (meaning moon craft) was launched by ISRO using a
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
The probe weighed 1304 kg at launch and 590 kg at lunar orbit. The mission entered into lunar
orbit on 8 November 2008. It was orbiting the moon at a distance of 100 km from the lunar
The purpose of the mission was chemical, Conducting scientific experiments using
mineralogical and photo-geologic mapping of instruments on the spacecraft which would
the moon yield data for preparing a 3-D atlas of both the
near and far sides of the moon; for chemical
and mineralogical mapping of the lunar
surface at high spatial resolution with
particular focus on magnesium, aluminium,
silicon, iron, calcium, titanium, uranium,
radon and thorium; for increasing scientific
knowledge; and for testing the impact of a
sub-satellite on the moon’s surface for future
soft-landing missions.
● Chandrayaan-1 carried 11 scientific instruments built in India, the USA, Germany, UK,
Sweden and Bulgaria. Five of these instruments were built in India.
● The mission made more than 3400 orbits around the moon.
● The mission sent back to earth 70000 images of the lunar surface. Some of the images
had a good resolution of 5 m while many other moon missions provided only a 100 m
● The mission sent its first image of the entire earth on 25 March 2009. These images were
captured by the Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) which was one of the scientific
payloads of the mission.
● The mission also carried a Moon Impact Probe (MIP) whose purpose was to crash land
on the lunar surface and send information that would help in preparing a rover to land on
the surface in a future mission.
● The MIP was successfully deployed and data received from it confirmed the presence of
water on the moon’s surface.
● Chandrayaan has confirmed the magma ocean hypothesis which implies that the moon
was completely molten once.
● The TMC also captured images of the landing site of the U.S. spacecraft Apollo 15.
● The mission also detected titanium, confirmed the presence of calcium and also acquired
the most accurate measurements of iron, aluminum and magnesium on the moon.
● Scientists from ISRO and other participating agencies have termed the mission success
with 90% of the stated objectives being seen through.
The estimated project cost was Rs.386 Crore or US$60 million. Although the mission was
intended to last for two years, it ended on 28 August 2009 when communications to the probe
were lost suddenly. The probe lasted for 312 days or 10 months and 6 days.
About Mission:
Chandrayaan – 2 is the second lunar mission of India after the success of Chandrayaan 1. This
mission was conducted for topographical research and mineralogical studies to have a better
understanding of the Moon’s origin and evolution. Chandrayaan 2 Mission was launched from
the Satish Dhawan Space on July 22, 2019, by GSLV Mk III. The main aim of Chandrayaan 2
was to trace the location and abundance of lunar water on the moon’s surface.
Fig 3.12 India’s Lunar Missions
Objectives of Chandrayaan-2:
● Chandrayaan 2 fostered the findings of Chandrayaan 1 as reported by the ISRO.
● The mission will target the “South Polar region” of the Moon which is completely
● The mission focused on the extensive mapping of the lunar surface for studying
variations in its composition and tracing the Moon’s origin and evolution.
● Chandrayaan 2 was considered as a challenging mission as the South Polar Region of the
Moon was totally unexplored by any space agency before.
Components of Chandrayaan-2:
Fig 3.13: Chandrayaan-2 mission features
(image source:THE HINDU)
The orbiter, lander and rover collectively carried 14 scientific payloads, including a Laser
RetroReflector Array from NASA that provided precise measurements of the distance between
the Moon and the Earth. Chandrayaan-2’s orbiter shall continue its mission for around a year.
(Image source:
With the help of reference stations, navigation land uplink stations, 3 Indian mission control
centers, and installation of all associated software and communication links that have been set
up, GAGAN will be able to help pilots to navigate in the Indian airspace by an accuracy of 3 m.
hence this will facilitate landing aircraft in marginal weather and difficult approaches
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its commercial wing ANTRIX developed
the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System or IRNSS with its operational name of NAVIC
(Navigation with Indian Constellation). It is a Navigation Satellite System that will provide
accurate real-time positioning and timing services over India and the region around the country.
Features Of NAVIC:
● It consists of 7 satellites at an altitude of approximately 36000 km above sea level.
● 3 are in Geostationary Orbit
● 4 are in Geosynchronous Orbit
● The objective of the NavIC is to provide navigation, timing and reliable positioning
services in and around India.
● Working of the NavIC is very similar to the GPS (Global Positioning System)
implemented by the United States.
● The NavIC is certified by 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) which is
responsible for coordinating mobile telephony standards globally.
● It is an independent regional navigational satellite system developed by India.
● It is being designed to give precise position data service to users located in India and also
to users in the area out-spreading up to 1500 km from India’s boundary.
● The two kinds of services provided by IRNSS will be:
● Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and
● Restricted Service (RS).
● The system can offer a position accuracy of more than 20 m within India which is the
primary area of service.
● The IRNSS is being constructed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and
is wholly under the Indian government’s control. The need for such a system of
navigation is that the availability of global satellite navigation systems like the GPS is not
assured in hostile conditions.
Fig 3.15 Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
(Image source: Times of India)
There are a few recent developments in the NAVIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation)
according to ISRO:
● The leading semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm Technologies Inc. developed
and tested NavIC-friendly chipsets.
● This will help NAVIC support upcoming Automotive, Mobile and IoT applications
and platforms.
● The collaboration will enable superior location-based services to India’s industries
and technology ecosystem.
HysYS is an earth observation satellite built around ISRO’s Mini Satellite2 (IMS-2) bus
weighing about 380kg. The mission life of the satellite is five years. The primary goal of HysYS
is to study the earth’s surface in both the visible, near infrared and shortwave infrared regions of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
HySYS carries two payloads:
● Visible Near Infrared (VNIR) with spectral range of 0.4 to 0.95 micrometres with 60
contiguous spectral bands
● Shortwave Infrared Range (SWIR) with spectral range of 0.85 to 2.4 micrometres with a
10 nanometre bandwidth and 256 contiguous spectral bands.
● PSLV-C43 carrying HySYS and 30 secondary payloads was launched on 29 November
2018 from the First Launch Pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
● HySYS was successfully placed in a planned sun-synchronous polar orbit at around 645
● GSAT-6 is the twenty fifth geostationary communication satellite of India built by ISRO
and twelfth in the GSAT series
● Five of GSAT-6’s predecessors were launched by GSLV during 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007
and 2014 respectively
● After its commissioning, GSAT-6 has joined the group of India’s other operational
geostationary satellites
● GSAT-6 Satellite provides communication through five spot beams in S-band and a
national beam in C-band for strategic users
● It was launched using GSLV-D6 (Explained below in GSLV Missions)
GSAT -15
GSAT-15, India’s latest Communication Satellite is a high power satellite being inducted into the
INSAT/GSAT system. Weighing 3164 kg at lift-off, GSAT-15 carried a total of 24
communication transponders in Ku-band, as well as a GPS Aided GEO, Augmented Navigation
(GAGAN) payload operating in L1 and L5 bands. GSAT-15 is the third satellite to carry
GAGAN payload after GAST-8 and GSAT-10, which are already providing navigation services
from orbit. GSAT-15, carried a Ku-band beacon as well to help in accurately pointing ground
antennas towards the satellite.
GSAT-15 was launched by Ariane-5 VA-227 launch vehicle from Kourou, French Guiana on the
early morning of November 11, 2015
● GSAT-16, an advanced communication satellite, weighing 3181.6 kg at lift-off, is being
inducted into the INSAT-GSAT system.
● GSAT-16 is configured to carry a total of 48 communication transponders, the largest
number of transponders carried by a communication satellite developed by ISRO so far,
in normal C-band, upper extended C-band and Ku-band.
● GSAT-16 carried a Ku-band beacon as well to help accurately pointing ground antennas
towards the satellite.
● The designed on-orbit operational life of GSAT-16 is 12 years.
● The communication transponders on-board GSAT-16 together ensure continuity of
various services currently provided by the INSAT-GSAT system and serve as on-orbit
spares to meet contingency requirements or for the augmentation of such services.
● GSAT-16 is launched into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) by Ariane-5 VA-221
launch vehicle from Kourou, French Guiana. After its injection into GTO, ISRO’s Master
Control Facility (MCF) at Hassan took control of the satellite and performed the initial
orbit raising maneuvers using the satellite’s on-board Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM),
finally placing it in the vicinity of circular Geostationary Orbit.
● After this, the deployment of appendages such as the solar panels, antennas and three-
axis stabilization of the satellite was performed.
● GSAT-16 is positioned at 55 deg East longitude in the Geostationary orbit and co-located
with GSAT-8, IRNSS-1A and IRNSS-1B satellites.
GSLV-F11 successfully launched GSAT-7A, ISRO’s 39th communication satellite, on
December 19, 2018, at 1610 hrs (IST) from the Second Launch Pad (SLP) of Satish Dhawan
Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota.
GSLV-F11 is the 13th flight of India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) and its
7th flight with the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS).
GSLV – F11 is ISRO’s fourth generation launch vehicle with three stages. The four liquid strap-
ons and a solid rocket motor at the core form the first stage. The second stage of the vehicle is
equipped with a high thrust engine using liquid fuel. The Cryogenic Upper Stage forms the third
and final stage of the vehicle.GSAT-7A
GSAT-7A with a lift-off mass of 2250 kg, is a geostationary satellite carrying communication
transponders in Ku-band. The Satellite is built to provide communication capability to the users
over the Indian region.
During the 18th SAARC summit held in Nepal in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
mooted the idea of a satellite serving the needs of SAARC member nations as a part of his
neighborhood first policy.
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka are the users of the multi-
dimensional facilities provided by the satellite.
India’s telecommunication satellite, GSAT-31 was successfully launched on February 06, 2019,
from Kourou launch base, French Guiana by Ariane-5 VA-247.
GSAT-31 is configured on ISRO’s enhanced I-2K Bus, utilizing the maximum bus capabilities
of this type. This satellite will augment the Ku-band transponder capacity in Geostationary Orbit.
Weighing about 2536 kg, GSAT-31 will provide continuity to operational services on some of
the in-orbit satellites. The satellite derives its heritage from ISRO’s earlier INSAT/GSAT
satellite series. The satellite provides Indian mainland and island coverage.
The designed in-orbit operational life of GSAT-31 is about 15 years.
GSAT -30:
● India’s latest communication satellite GSAT-30 was successfully launched from the
Spaceport in French Guiana during the early hours today.
● The launch vehicle Ariane 5 VA-251 lifted off from Kourou Launch Base. After a flight
lasting 38 minutes 25 seconds, GSAT-30 separated from the Ariane 5 upper stage in an
elliptical Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.
● With a lift-off mass of 3357 kg, GSAT-30 will provide continuity to operational services
on some of the in-orbit satellites.
● GSAT-30 derives its heritage from ISRO’s earlier INSAT/GSAT satellite series and
replaces INSAT-4A in orbit.
● GSAT-30 has a unique configuration of providing flexible frequency segments and
flexible coverage.
● The satellite will provide communication services to Indian mainland and islands through
Ku-band and wide coverage covering Gulf countries, a large number of Asian countries
and Australia through C-band.
Second LaunchPad:
Second Launch Complex became operational in 2005 and unlike First Launch Pad operates on
the philosophy of Integrate Transfer & Launch. SLP is configured as a universal launch pad
capable of accommodating PSLV, GSLV and GSLV Mk III launch vehicles of ISRO.
Tracking Facilities:
ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), Bengaluru is entrusted with the
major responsibility to provide tracking support for all the satellite and launch vehicle missions
of ISRO. The major objectives of the centre are: carrying out mission operations of all
operational remote sensing and scientific satellites, providing Telemetry, Tracking and
Command (TTC) services from launch vehicle lift-off till injection of the satellite into orbit and
to estimate its preliminary orbit in space and hardware and software developmental activities that
enhance the capabilities of ISTRAC for providing flawless TTC and Mission Operations
services. Towards these objectives, ISTRAC has established a network of ground stations at
Bengaluru, Lucknow, Mauritius, Sriharikota, Port Blair, Thiruvananthapuram, Brunei, Biak
(Indonesia) and the Deep Space Network Stations.
In keeping with its long-established TTC support responsibility, ISTRAC has also been
mandated to provide space operations support for Deep Space Missions of ISRO, undertake the
development of radar systems for launch vehicle tracking and meteorological applications,
establish and operationalize the ground segment for Indian Regional Navigational Satellite
System, provide Search & Rescue and Disaster Management Services and support space-based
services like telemedicine, Village Resource Centre (VRC) and tele-education.
NRSC Ground station at Shadnagar acquires Earth Observation data from Indian remote-sensing
satellites as well as from different foreign satellites. NRSC is also engaged in executing remote
sensing application projects in collaboration with the users. The Aerial Services and Digital
Mapping (ASDM) Area provides end-to-end Aerial Remote Sensing services and value-added
solutions for various large scale applications like aerial photography and digital mapping,
infrastructure planning, scanner surveys, aeromagnetic surveys, large scale base map,
topographic and cadastral level mapping, etc.
Regional Remote Sensing Centres (RRSCs) support various remote sensing tasks specific to their
regions as well as at the national level.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC):
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) at Thiruvananthapuram is the major centre of ISRO,
where the design and development activities of satellite launch vehicles and sounding rockets are
carried out and made ready for launch operations. The centre pursues research and development
activities for associated technologies such as launch vehicle design, propellants, solid propulsion
technology, aerodynamics, aero structural and aerothermal aspects, avionics, polymers and
composites, guidance, control, and simulation, computer and information, mechanical
engineering, aerospace mechanisms, vehicle integration and testing, space ordnance, chemicals
and materials.
The Space Physics Laboratory at VSSC carries out research and studies in atmospheric science
and other related space science activities. Ammonium Perchlorate Experimental Plant (APEP) at
Aluva in Kerala is a part of VSSC.
The major programmes at VSSC include launch vehicle projects of Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicles (PSLV), Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicles (GSLV Mark II and Mark III),
Rohini Sounding Rockets, Space-capsule Recovery Experiments, Reusable Launch Vehicles and
Air Breathing Propulsion for Advanced Reusable Launch Vehicles.
100 satellites for various applications like scientific, communication, Navigation and remote
ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri is equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities
necessary for realising the cutting edge propulsion technology products for the Indian space
programme. Formerly, IPRC was known as LPSC, Mahendragiri and taking cognizance of the
future growth of the space program of our nation and the concomitant expansion at
Mahendragiri, it was elevated as IPRC with effect from February 01, 2014.
The activities carried out at IPRC, Mahendragiri are: assembly, integration and testing of earth
storable propellant engines, cryogenic engines and stages for launch vehicles; high altitude
testing of upper-stage engines and spacecraft thrusters as well as testing of its subsystems;
production and supply of cryogenic propellants for Indian cryogenic rocket programme, etc. A
Semi-cryogenic Cold Flow Test facility (SCFT) has been established at IPRC, Mahendragiri for
the development, qualification and acceptance testing of semi cryogenic engine subsystems.
IPRC is responsible for the supply of Storable Liquid Propellants for ISRO’s launch vehicles and
satellite programmes.
provides support to the Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the
Pacific (CSSTE-AP), affiliated to the United Nations.
As the commercial and marketing arm of ISRO, Antrix is engaged in providing Space products
and services to international customers worldwide. With fully equipped state-of-the-art facilities,
Antrix provides an end-to-end solution for many of the space products, ranging from supply of
hardware and software including simple subsystems to a complex spacecraft, for varied
applications covering communications, earth observation and scientific missions; space-related
services including remote sensing data service, Transponder lease service; Launch services
through the operational launch vehicles (PSLV and GSLV); Mission support services; and a host
of consultancy and training services.
The major business areas of NAIL include:
● Production of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Small Satellite Launch Vehicle
(SSLV) through industry;
● Production and marketing of space-based services, including launch services and space-
based applications like transponder leasing, remote sensing and mission support services;
● The building of Satellites (both Communication and Earth Observation) as per user
● Transfer of technology developed by ISRO centres/ units and constituent institutions of
Dept. of Space;
● Marketing spin-off technologies and products/ services emanating out of ISRO activities
● Consultancy services.
The centre also coordinates with the State Remote Sensing Application Centres of NER and acts
as a nodal centre for implementation of major national and regional programmes on natural
resource management, infrastructure planning, healthcare, education, emergency communication,
early warnings for disaster management support and atmospheric science research.
● In 2018, India’s first manned space mission was announced by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi in his Independence Day speech.
● Gaganyaan will be the Indian crewed orbital spacecraft intended to be the basis of the
Indian Human Space Flight Program.
● With Gaganyaan, India will become only the 4th country after Russia, the USA and
China to send humans to space.
● It will be ISRO’s next big project after the anticipated soft landing of Chandrayaan 2 on
the lunar
● The target is to launch it before the 75-year celebration of India’s independence.
● Before the manned mission scheduled for December 2021, two unmanned tests will be
carried out in December 2020 and July 2021.
● ISRO’s indigenous mission will be assisted by a few other countries in selecting and
training astronauts.
● According to ISRO, a budget of Rs 10,000 Cr. has been set aside for putting the
infrastructure in place.
● It is described as a national mission rather than an ISRO mission.
● The spacecraft will take 3 Indian astronauts, who will be known as ‘vyomanauts’ (in
Sanskrit ‘vyom’ means space.
● It will circle the earth for 7 days from a distance of 300-400 km.
● It will be launched by India’s biggest rocket GSLV Mk 3 from Sriharikota.
● The 7-ton spacecraft will orbit the earth at an altitude of 400km for up to 7 days.
● ISRO has developed most of the critical technology needed for the mission.
● Its service module will be powered by two liquid-propellant engines.
● It will have life support and environmental control systems.
● It will be smaller than the current Russian and Chinese ones or NASA’s Apollo or the
planned Orion
● But it will be slightly larger than the U.S Gemini
● ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Centre in Peenya will monitor it round the
Crew Module:
● The crew module is a twin-walled sealed structure that recreates earth-like conditions.
● It will be equipped with an Emergency Mission Abort and Emergency Escape System.
● The crew escape system is an emergency system to help the crew pull away from the
launch vehicle when the mission has to be aborted. It can be done at the 1st and 2nd
stages of the rocket.
● Crew escape system ensures that the crew module gets warning if anything goes wrong
with the rocket.
● It pulls the crew module away to a safe distance and can be landed either on sea or land
with parachutes.
Aditya L-1 Mission is India’s first solar mission planned by the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO). Earlier the name was Aditya -1, which has been renamed as Aditya L-1
Fig 3.21 Mission Components
(Image source: ISRO)
● The objective of the Aditya L-1 mission is to study Sun’s Corona, Chromosphere and
● Besides, it will study the particle flux emanating from Sun, and the variation of magnetic
field strength
● The Aditya-1 mission was planned for observing only the Corona of Sun. The reason
behind Corona getting heated to very high temperatures is still a mystery in Solar
● Aditya -1 mission involved placing the satellite in 800 Km low earth orbit.
● Later ISRO planned to place the satellite in the halo orbit around the Lagrangian Point
(L1). L1 is 1.5 Million Km from the Earth. This point provides the advantage of
observing the Sun continuously without any disturbance. Hence the mission was renamed
as Aditya L-1 mission.
The satellite will be launched by the PSLV-XL launch vehicle from Sriharikota.
Objectives of Mission:
● It would demonstrate new surface exploration technologies related to vehicular transport
and lunar night survival for sustainable lunar exploration in polar regions
● For precision landing, it would utilize feature matching algorithm and navigational
equipment derived from JAXA
● The lander's payload capacity would be nearly 500 kg including 350 kg rover.
● The rover would carry multiple instruments by JAXA and ISRO including a drill to
collect sub-surface samples from 1.5 m depth.
● Water prospecting and analysis are likely to be mission objectives.
● Payload proposals from other space agencies might be sought.
NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) MISSION:
NISAR mission is a joint project between NASA and ISRO to co-develop and launch a dual
frequency synthetic aperture radar satellite.
It is slated to be launched in 2020-21.
● Measure the changes on earth’s land surface, ice surface, glaciers, earthquakes and
● Find the causes and consequences of such changes.
● NISAR will be the first satellite mission to use two different radar frequencies (L-band
and S-band). Hence it can capture resolution even less than a centimeter of earth’s
● The L-band SAR is being developed by JPL/NASA, while ISRO is developing S-band
● The data obtained from the NISAR mission is not meant for building climate resilience.
● Understanding climate change
● Predicting natural disasters in advance.
● The L & S-band microwave data obtained from this satellite will be useful for a variety of
application, which includes natural resources mapping & monitoring; estimating
agricultural biomass over the full duration of crop cycle; assessing soil moisture;
monitoring of floods and oil slicks; coastal erosion, coastline changes & variation of
winds in coastal waters; assessment of mangroves; surface deformation studies, ice sheet
collapses & dynamics, etc.
However, the data acquired from this mission will be useful in developing certain applications,
which include –
● identifying crevasses in the glaciers hidden by fresh snow, where human movement takes
● identifying the snowpack parameters as an input in Avalanche forecasts,
● studying Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) hazards, and
● Identifying inundated areas due to floods/ cyclones. These applications could help in
taking measures to minimize the loss of human lives.
● Mangalyaan-2 or the MARS ORBITER ROVER MISSION 2 is India's second
interplanetary mission planned for launch to Mars by the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO).
● EARLIER the mission was to only carry an orbiter but it will now also carry a lander and
a rover.
Shukraya 1-1is a proposed orbiter to Venus by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus.
The mission will enter the atmosphere of Venus and conduct the following researches;
● surface/subsurface studies;
● It will Study of the composition of the atmosphere, its chemistry and their dynamics, and
● It will also analyze the atmospheric interaction of Venus with solar radiation and solar
Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) discovered a new
Subatomic particle called HIGGS BOSON or God's Particle in the year 2012.
This discovery had opened several vistas in the arena of Space Technology research and
understanding of the dark matter.
The discovery validated the Standard Model of physics, which also predicts that about 60% of
the time a Higgs boson will decay to a pair of bottom quarks. In the 1960s Peter Higgs was the
first person to suggest that this particle might exist. The Standard Model of particle physics is the
theory that describes three of the four known fundamental forces (the electromagnetic, weak, and
strong interactions, and not including the gravitational force) in the universe, as well as classifies
all known elementary particles.
Scientists do not yet know how to combine gravity with the Standard Model. The Higgs particle
is a boson. Bosons are thought to be particles that are responsible for all physical forces. Other
known bosons are the photon, the W and Z bosons, and the gluon.
(Image source: CERN)
It is a collaboration between LIGO Laboratory and three other institutions which are given
● Institute of Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar.
● Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune.
● Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
● The Indian Ligo Observatory project will be connected to Ligo observatories in the USA
and Virgo in Italy.
Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of
relativity.Einstein's mathematics showed that massive accelerating objects (such as neutron stars
or black holes orbiting each other) would disrupt spacetime in such a way that 'waves' of
distorted space would radiate from the source.Furthermore, these ripples would travel at the
speed of light through the universe.G- Waves can pass through any intervening matter without
being scattered significantly.While light from distant stars may be blocked out by interstellar
dust, gravitational waves will pass through essentially unimpeded. This feature allows G-Waves
to carry information about astronomical phenomena never before observed by humans.Colliding
black holes send ripples through spacetime that can be detected on Earth. The Advanced Laser
Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or Advanced LIGO, which has detectors in
Louisiana and Washington, has directly observed these gravitational waves.
Gravitational waves
(image source:Down to Earth)
● Besides, Taiwan, which is currently recognized by 14 UN member states, ratified the
treaty before the United Nations General Assembly's vote to transfer China's seat to the
People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1971
● It prohibits the placing of nuclear weapons in space
● It limits the use of the Moon and all other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes only and
establishes that space shall be free for exploration and use by all nations, but that no
nation may claim sovereignty of outer space or any celestial body.
● The Outer Space Treaty does not ban military activities within space, military space
forces, or the weaponization of space, except for the placement of weapons of mass
destruction in space.
● It is mostly a non-armament treaty and offers insufficient and ambiguous regulations to
newer space activities such as lunar and asteroid mining.
The Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,
better known as the Moon Treaty or Moon Agreement, is a multilateral treaty that turns the
jurisdiction of all celestial bodies (including the orbits around such bodies) over to the participant
countries. Thus, all activities would conform to international law, including the United Nations
The countries or states who are intending to or have been engaging in self-launched human
spaceflight, have not ratified the treaty (e.g. the United States, many members of the European
Space Agency, Russia, China and Japan). Due to this, it has little to no relevance in international
law. Till 2019, 18 states are parties to the treaty.
● The project location was initially decided to be located in the Nilgiris but later, on
grounds that it was too close to tiger habitat, was moved to a cavern under a rocky
mountain in the Bodi West Hills.
● It involves the Inter-Institutional Centre for High Energy Physics (IICHEP) and Iron
Calorimeter Detector (ICAL).
● Approval has also been granted to construct a magnetized Iron Calorimeter to study the
properties of the neutrino, specifically, the mass hierarchy in various types of neutrino.
● It will be the largest in the world weighing over 50,000 tonnes.
● The Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Atomic Energy
jointly support the project.
(image source: INDIAN EXPRESS)
particles in the universe, but they are very difficult to be detected because of their little
interaction with matter.
Nuclear forces treat electrons and neutrinos identically; neither participate in the strong nuclear
force, but both participate equally in the weak nuclear force. Particles with this property are
termed leptons. In addition to the electron (and its antiparticle, the positron), the charged leptons
include the muon (with a mass 200 times greater than that of the electron), the tau (with mass
3,500 times greater than that of the electron) and their anti-particles.
Similar to an electron, the muon and the tau, have accompanying neutrinos, which are called the
muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino. The three neutrino types appear to be different.
To detect neutrinos, very large and very sensitive detectors are required. Typically, a low-energy
neutrino will travel through many light-years of normal matter before interacting with anything.
Consequently, all terrestrial neutrino experiments rely on measuring the tiny fraction of neutrinos
that interact in reasonably sized detectors. For example, in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, a
1000 ton heavy water solar-neutrino detector picks up about 1012 neutrinos each second. About
30 neutrinos per day are detected.
In 2015, the Nobel prize in physics was awarded to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. Mcdonald for
discovering neutrino oscillations demonstrating that neutrinos have mass.Neutrinos are the least
harmful of all elementary particles, as they almost never react with solid bodies.The mass of a
neutron is 1.67×10-27 kg while the mass of a neutrino is of the order of 1×10-37kg. Hence, a
neutrino is about 17 billion times lighter than a neutron. The two are incomparable.
Importance of INO:
● It will be the largest experimental facility to come up in the country. It will facilitate the
development of cutting-edge technology and build sophisticated instruments.
● Neutrinos may have a role to play in nuclear non-proliferation through the remote
monitoring of nuclear reactors.
● Understanding neutrinos could help in detection of oil and mineral deposits.
● They may open up a faster way to send data than the current ‘around the earth’ model,
using towers, cables or satellites as they can pass through the Earth.
● Neutrinos will help in unraveling the deepest mystery of the universe, as they are
believed to carry a lot of information.
(Image source:
Under the ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT ABHIYAAN package and Reforms, it was announced
that ;
● There shall be a level playing field provided to private companies in satellites, launches
and space-based services.
● Predictable policy and regulatory environment to private players will be provided.
● Private sector will be allowed to use ISRO facilities and other relevant assets to improve
their capacities.
● Future projects for planetary exploration, outer space travel etc shall also be open for the
private sector.
● There will be liberal Geo-spatial Data Policy for providing remote-sensing data to tech-
In the last century, Science has transformed the world in almost all areas of society. The
importance of technology in the field of defence is well realised. In the era of atomic bombs,
ballistic missiles, and space warfare no country's defence forces can be deprived of the latest
technology for defence purposes. Defence Research and Development organization (DRDO) has
provided India with some of the promising missile technologies and state of art defence
capacities which has improved the defence preparedness of India.
However, India has still not achieved the goal of becoming self reliant in Defence manufacturing
and technology. It is still one of the largest importers of defence technology and is heavily
dependent upon its strategic partners to fulfill its defence sector needs. This requires an urgent
and sustained action and a long term blueprint for achieving self reliance and self capability in
the defence sector.
It was established in 1958 by the Government of India, under the Ministry of Defence.
● With a project in 1960 on Surface to Air Missiles (SAM), the Project Indigo was the
DRDO’s first major defence project. This project was discontinued without any success.
Vision Empowering the nation with state-of-the-art indigenous Defence technologies and
Mission Design, develop and lead to production state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems,
platforms and allied equipment for our Defence Services.
Provide technological solutions to the Services to optimise combat effectiveness
and to promote well-being of the troops.
Develop infrastructure and committed quality manpower and build strong
indigenous technology base.
DRDO is the Research and Development wing of the Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
DRDO's pursuit of self-reliance and successful indigenous development and production of
strategic systems and platforms such as Agni and Prithvi series of missiles; light combat aircraft,
Tejas; multi-barrel rocket launcher, Pinaka; air defense system, Akash; a wide range of radars
and electronic warfare systems; etc., have given quantum jump to India's military might,
generating effective deterrence and providing crucial leverage.
Today, DRDO is a network of more than 50 laboratories which are deeply engaged in developing
defense technologies covering various disciplines, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics,
combat vehicles, engineering systems, instrumentation, missiles, advanced computing and
simulation, special materials, naval systems, life sciences, training, information systems and
To ensure private participation in defense technology development, DRDO engages with several
private industrial units at regular intervals. Moreover, it takes up regular interactions with
Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), FICCI, ASSOCHAM, etc.
Airborne Telemetry Receiving System:
Evaluation of medium and long-range missiles requires physical parameters of subsystems as
well as navigational data acquired and recorded through telemetry. The instruments to be
deployed for adequate coverage of the flight are ensured during launch, mid-course and terminal
phases of the flight path. The tracking and telemetry systems deployed at the launch site ensure
data reception requirements of launch and mid-course phases of the flight path. The maximum
distance of signal reception is limited by the line-of-sight (LOS) conditions; the instruments
located near the launch site will not be able to receive telemetry signals during the terminal phase
of the flight path. To receive telemetry information in the final phase of trajectory, ship-borne
measurement stations are deployed near the expected impact point.
However, the ship-borne instruments can receive telemetry data only up to a limited height
above sea level because of the limitation of LOS. Also, for validation of anti-ship cruise missiles
cruising at very low altitudes of approximately 5 to 10 m the conventional approach of ship-
borne down range instrumentation will be less effective. To overcome the problems of reception
of telemetry signals at low heights, DRDO has developed a comprehensive helicopter-borne
measurement station to ensure the required range of straight visibility. Such systems available
elsewhere are cost-prohibitive
All Electric Type Weapons Control System For-ICV:
An all-electric type weapon control system with independent stabilization has been developed
indigenously by DRDO in association with private sector industry for the turret of Infantry
Combat Vehicle (ICV), Abhay. The purpose of an all-electric drive (AED) is to position the 40
mm main gun of Abhay on to the target in azimuth and elevation and to provide twin-axis
stabilization to the weapon platform against external disturbances.
It is an electromechanical system, which uses brush-less drives with specially designed backlash-
free elevation and traverse gearboxes. It employs vector control technology. It uses state-of-the-
art fiber optic gyros as feedback elements for stabilization and has real-time connectivity with
Fire Control System and Battlefield Management System.
The system has been tested onboard vehicles on cross-country and has been successfully test-
fired on static targets. Being an indigenous development, AED can be suitably configured to
drive and stabilize similar weapons/allied platforms.
Salient Provides fire on Operates in Inbuilt Interlocks for Dual control
Features move capability various mode provision for safe operation through
equipment gunner and
testing commander
joysticks with
facility to
● No sympathetic detonation between adjacent elements inside the panel and immune to
detonation against small arms
● Additional weight on one tank: 1.5T
● Effective even after deep fording
● The product has been accepted by the Users and likely to be inducted for fitment on MBT
Arjun Mk-I A and import substitute for T-90 Tanks.
Light Combat Aircraft:
The maiden flight of Light Combat Aircraft Technology Demonstrator 1 took place in 2001
which was a significant development that led to the entry of Light Combat Aircraft into the flight
test program of DRDO.
It is a light multi-role jet military aircraft most coming from advanced trainers that have been
modified or designed for engaging in light combat missions, either in a light strike or attack
missions, surveillance or interdiction roles while some are keeping its trainer role. They are also
slower than their bigger aircraft and most capable of running at subsonic speeds though some are
capable of reaching Mach 1+. It is generally used for self-defense purposes or anti-hostile
aircraft/helicopter missions not for air defense as lightweight fighters do. These aircraft are
usually smaller and more lightly armed than the bigger multi-role or strike aircraft.
The light combat aircraft program was started in 1983, and the Project definition phase was
started in 1989 while the full-scale engineering development phase started in 1993. The
development of light combat aircraft is taken up by Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA)
which is responsible for the design, project monitoring and promoting the development of
advanced technology related to light combat aircraft. The Principal Partner of LCA is Hindustan
Aeronautical Limited (HAL).
● LCA Tejas was designed and developed by India’s HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics
● It replaced the aging Mig 21 fighter planes.
● It was in 2003 that the Light Combat Aircraft program was named ‘Tejas’ (meaning
radiance in Sanskrit) by the then PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
● It is the second supersonic fighter jet that was developed by HAL (the first one being
HAL HF-24 Marut).
● LCA Tejas is a single-engine multi-role light combat aircraft.
● It is the lightest and smallest multi-role supersonic fighter aircraft in its class.
● It is designed to carry a range of air-to-air, air-to-surface, precision-guided and standoff
● Tejas has a single-engine, compound Delta wing and has a tailless design.
● The idea behind the LCA program was to expand and develop India’s indigenous
aerospace capabilities.
● Since the 1970s, the MiG 21 planes have been the mainstay of the Indian Air Force. The
primary goal of the LCA program was to replace the ageing MiGs.
● The secondary goal was the advancement of indigenous domestic aviation capabilities.
● HAL plans to deliver 123 Tejas aircraft to the Indian Air Force by 2024-25.
Tejas has a maximum payload capacity of 4000 kg. It is a single pilot single-engine aircraft that
has a maximum take-off weight of 13,300 kg. It can attend the maximum speed of Mach 1.8. It
has a general range of 850 km and a combat range of 500 km.
Tejas is a low-cost aircraft with a simple design. Hence, it is very attractive to cost-conscious
nations in Asia.
Although currently, Tejas is not sold to other countries, Singapore, Egypt, Sri Lanka, the UAE,
Turkmenistan and Malaysia have expressed interest in acquiring this aircraft.
Variants of Tejas:
● Tejas Trainer: 2-seater operational conversion trainer for training air force pilots.
● LCA Navy: Twin- and single-seat carrier-capable for the Indian Navy. However, the
Navy has declared that the Tejas is too heavy for it to be operational from aircraft carriers
(like INS Vikrant, INS Vikramaditya, etc.)
● LCA Tejas AF MK2: This is an improvement over the LCA Tejas Mk1 with a higher
thrust engine.
● LCA Tejas Navy MK2: This is phase 2 of the LCA Navy variant.
Salient Features
The superior armor defeating capability of the indigenously developed Fin Stabilized Armour
Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS) ammunition and 120 mm caliber rifled gun give MBT
ARJUN an edge over contemporary world tanks. A computer-controlled integrated fire control
system incorporating a day-cum-night stabilized sighting system guarantees a very high first-
round hit probability and reduced reaction time to bring effective fire on targets.
The stabilization system for the main armament, slaved to the sighting equipment in elevation
and azimuth, with a high and accurate laying speed, allows fire on the move.
● Gunner's Main Sight consists of a day-sight, thermal sight, a laser range finder, and a
stabilized head common to all the three channels. The common sighting head mirror is
stabilized in elevation and azimuth. The day- sight provides dual magnification.
● The thermal imager provides night vision facility to the gunner and the commander to
observe and engage targets in total darkness and the presence of smoke, dust, haze and
light camouflage. Integral with the main sight is the laser range finder by which targets
can be ranged accurately.
● Commander's panoramic sight enables the commander to effect all-round surveillance on
the battlefield without removing his eyes from the sight and without being disturbed by
the turret motion. The field of view is stabilized with the help of a two-axis rate gyro-
mounted on the platform of the head mirror. The sight offers dual magnification.
● Two types of ammunition, viz, FSAPDS and HESH have been developed for this
armament. The highly lethal FSAPDS ammunition which is the main battle ammunition
of the tank has accounted itself admirably during the trials. Besides, the anti-helicopter
round to combat the air threat to armour is also under development.
● Low ground pressure, high power-to-weight ratio and new design concepts in
transmission suspension and running gear result in a highly mobile and agile weapon
The remarkable mobility of MBT which also adds to its protection is the result of:
● Due to the high power-to-weight ratio and low specific ground pressure, MBT is fast,
highly maneuverable and extremely mobile to cross the most difficult terrain with ease.
High acceleration rapid braking capabilities with excellent steering characteristics make
MBT agile on the battlefield. Adequate fuel storage capacity and relatively low fuel
consumption allow for an optimal operational range.
● An important criterion for the mobility of any AFV is the effective performance of the
driver. Excellent vision systems both for day and night provide the most effective means
of observation in all battlefield conditions. The need to keep the crew's fatigue including
that of the driver at the minimum level over long periods of continuous operation has
been taken care of.
● All-round protection from anti-tank ammunition is achieved by t~e newly developed
KANCHAN armor to a degree much higher than available in present generation tanks. A
high degree of immunity is achieved.
● Fire Power:-Accurate and fast target acquisition capability during day and night and in all
types of weather
● Shortest possible reaction time during combat engagements.
● Ability to accurately engage targets on move.
● Capability to destroy all possible enemy armor at maximum battle ranges
● Excellent first hit probability.
During the phase of 1980s, the Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) had
developed competence and expertise in the fields of propulsion, navigation and manufacture of
aerospace materials based on the Soviet rocketry technologies. Thus, India's political leadership,
which included Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Defence Minister R. Venkataraman, V.S.
Arunachalam (Political Advisor to the Defence Minister), decided that all these technologies
should be consolidated which led to the initiation of the Integrated Guided Missile Development
Programme with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, to conceive and lead it. While the scientists proposed
the development of each missile consecutively, the Defence Minister R. Venkataraman asked
them to reconsider and develop all the missiles simultaneously. Thus, four projects, to be
pursued concurrently, were part of IGMDP.
● PRITHVI- Short range surface-to-surface missile
● TRISHUL-Short range low-level surface-to-air missile
● AKASH- Medium range surface-to-air missile
● NAG- Third-generation anti-tank missile
● Agni Series of missile
● AGNI V-Long range intercontinental ballistic missile
Brief description of the missiles under the Integrated Guided Missile Development
Development Programme:
● Prithvi is a tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) developed by
DRDO of India under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP).
● It is deployed by India's Strategic Forces Command.
● It is the first in the series of missiles to be developed under the programme.
● The missile is capable of running on solid or liquid or both the fuels and carries nuclear
The Prithvi project encompassed developing three variants for Army, air force and Indian Navy.
Dhanush is a variant of the surface-to-surface or ship-to-ship Prithvi III missile, which has been
developed for the Indian Navy. It is capable of carrying both conventional as well as nuclear
warheads with pay-load capacity of 500 kg-1000 kg and can strike targets in the range of 350 km
Two rounds of medium range nuclear capable surface-to-air missile Akash was test fired
successfully from a defence test facility off the Odisha coast against two unmanned aerial
● The Akash missile is capable of engaging aerial threats upto a distance of approximately
25 kms.
● The Akash missile having a multi target, multi directional, all weather air-defence system
consisting of surveillance and tracking radars, could take off at a speed of around 2.5
Mach and reach a high altitude of 18 kms and as low as 30 meters.
● The missiles were test fired against a Pilot less target aircraft (PTA) , Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) and Para-barrel, twice.
● More than 250 industries are involved in the production and supply of various
subsystems/components with military/aerospace grade quality and ground systems
developed by the DRDO for Akash missile.
5. AGNI :
The Agni missile series comprises medium and Intercontinental range ballistic missiles
developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India. Agni missile
systems are long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
The technology demonstrator version of Agni was the first missile of the series which was
developed under the integrated guided missile development programme and was tested in 1989.
The Agni series of missiles comprises 6 variants namely Agni-I, Agni-II, Agni-III, Agni-IV,
Agni-V, and Agni-VI.
Fig 4.4 Agni V and other Agni Series
(Image source:
Fig 4.5 Missiles of India
● Nirbhay is an all-weather low-cost, long-range subsonic cruise missile with stealth and
high accuracy designed and developed in India by the DRDO.
● The missile has a range of more than 1000 km. It weighs about one tonne and has a
length of 6 meters.
● Its relatively slow flight speed allows it to navigate its way precisely to the target.
● The Nirbhay cruise missile is an Indian version of the American Tomahawk.
● The missile is capable of being launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air.
● ‘Nirbhay’ missile can travel with a turbofan or turbojet engine and is guided by a highly
advanced inertial navigation system indigenously developed by the Research Centre
Imarat (RCI),
● The cruise missile is expected to supplement the Indo-Russian joint venture supersonic
cruise missile BrahMos, which can carry warheads up to 290 kilometers.
● In particular, Nirbhay is being adapted for the Indo/Russian Su-30MKI. The missile is
capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
● With two side wings, the missile is capable of flying at different altitudes ranging from
500 m to 4 km above the ground and can also fly at low altitudes (like low tree level) to
avoid detection by enemy radar.
The K family of missiles named after Indian scientist and former president A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
is a series of submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) developed by India to boost its
second-strike capabilities and thus augment its nuclear deterrence. Information about this family
of missiles has mostly been kept classified. The "K" missiles are believed to be faster, lighter and
stealthier than their Agni missile family
The K missiles are being developed by DRDO in cooperation with Bharat Dynamics Limited,
these missions are generally used by Indian Navy Services (INS).
K-15 /Sagarika K-4 K-5 K-6
missile off the coast
DRDL designed and
of Andhra Pradesh on
developed the missile,
19 January 2020
while the ASL
provided the motors
and propulsion
systems. The RCI’s
contribution was in
avionics, including
control and guidance
systems and inertial
navigation systems.
the missile was
conducted on 28
January 2013 from an
underwater launch
platform off the coast
of Visakhapatnam.
These 'K' missiles are important for India's nuclear deterrence arsenal because they provide India
with a much needed ideal and invulnerable second-strike capability stated in India's Nuclear
Doctrine and thus shift the balance of power in India's favour in Asian region.
The Shaurya uses a two stage The two stage propulsion The SHAURYA missile has a
propulsion system solid starts with the first stage solid hypersonic speed which
propellants to attain a speed fuel booster pushing the offers minimal chance of
of Mach 7.5 and altitude of 40 missile to a 5 km low getting destroyed by any
km. It has been incorporated atmospheric pressure altitude. interceptor missile. Also , the
with an advanced ring laser At this point the second stage missile is highly
gyroscope, resulting in a good starts and an inter-stage maneuverable like a cruise
accuracy of 20-30 m CEP coupling mechanism missile and has reduced
Circular Error Probable (softstage) separates the signature, rendering it
(CEP). missile parts. The second invisible to the satellites to a
stage payload rises to its very high extent.Further
flight altitude and conducts improvements to the missile
in-flight maneuvers to system include better
increase the accuracy before operational range, accuracy
plummeting towards it during and increased payload
the atmospheric re-entry. capability.
BRAHMOS is a two-stage missile with a solid propellant booster engine. The second stage or
the liquid ramjet then takes the missile closer to 3 Mach speed in cruise phase. BRAHMOS has
Stealth technology and guidance system with advanced embedded software
It has a flight range of up to 290-km with supersonic speed all through the flight, leading to
shorter flight time, consequently ensuring lower dispersion of targets, quicker engagement time
and non-interception by any known weapon system in the world.
It operates on 'Fire and Forget Principle', adopting varieties of flights on its way to the target.
Due to large kinetic energy on impact, Its destructive power is enhanced. Its cruising altitude
could be up to 15 km, and terminal altitude is as low as 10 meters. It carries a conventional
warhead weighing 200 to 300 kgs.
Fig 4.6 BrahMos Missile
BRAHMOS is the first supersonic cruise missile known to be in service. Induction of the first
version of the BRAHMOS Weapon Complex in the Indian Navy commenced from 2005 with
INS Rajput as the first ship. All future ships being built and ships coming for mid-life up-
gradation will be fitted with the missile. The Indian Army has also inducted three regiments of
BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile.
Ship-based Weapon Complex (Inclined & Vertical Configuration)
Land-based Weapon Complex (Vertical Launch Configuration from Mobile Autonomous
In Progress
Air launch version (successfully test-fired in 2017, creating history)
The canisterised missile is capable of being launched vertically from underwater and had been
successfully flight tested from a submerged platform. Deployment depends on the requirement of
the Indian Navy or navies of friendly countries.
The air-launched version has been developed and has lesser weight and additional rear fins for
aerodynamic stability during separation from the aircraft during launch. The missile has gone
through a complete cycle of ground trials. The required modifications in SU-30 MKI for
interface with the missile launcher and integration with the weapon control of the aircraft are
being carried out together with Indian Air Force and Sukhoi Design Bureau. The BRAHMOS
missile created history on 22 November 2017 after it was successfully flight-tested for the first
time from the Indian Air Force's (IAF) frontline fighter aircraft Sukhoi-30MKI against a sea-
based target in the Bay of Bengal.
Difference Between Cruise And Ballistic Missile:
Cruise missiles are unmanned self-propelled guided missiles that can carry large payloads with
high precision. The missile is guided entirely to the target under its power. These are known for
their low-level flight, closer and horizontal to the surface which helps them to avoid detection
from anti-missile systems. They can be launched from air, land, ship or submarine.
Based on the speed they can be categorized as Subsonic cruise missile(Speed around 0.8 Mach),
Supersonic Cruise missile: Speed around 2-3 Mach, Hypersonic Cruise Missile: Speed is more
than 5 Mach.
On the other hand, a ballistic missile follows a ballistic trajectory (projectile trajectory) over
most of its flight path. Unlike cruise missiles that remain in the same atmosphere, a ballistic
missile changes their atmosphere. It can travel well outside the atmosphere and then warhead
detaches and falls back to the earth.
It depends upon gravity to reach its target.
With a high terminal speed of around 5000m/sec, ballistic missiles have shorter time available
making them harder to intercept than cruise missiles. Ballistic missiles flying over the
atmosphere have a much longer range than possible for cruise missiles of the same size.
● BrahMos-II or BrahMos-2 or BrahMos Mark II is a hypersonic cruise missile currently
under joint development by Russia's NPO Mashinostroyenia and India's Defence
Research and Development Organisation, which have together formed BrahMos
Aerospace Private Limited.
● It is the second of the BrahMos series of cruise missiles.
● The BrahMos-II is expected to have a range of 450 km and a speed of Mach 7.
● The missile will be propelled by a scramjet airbreathing jet engine During the cruise stage
of flight the
● It is expected to be ready for testing by 2020.
● Astra is the Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) developed by DRDO
(Defence Research and Development Organisation).
● It can engage aerial targets at a range of 80 km – 110 km. It has been integrated with
Sukhoi 30 Mki, Mirage 2000, LCA, MiG-29 fighter aircraft.
● Astra is equipped with electronic counter-countermeasures to allow operation even
during enemy attempts to jam the seeker using electronic countermeasures.
● It carries a 15 kg high explosive warhead activated by a proximity fuse.
● The maximum range of Astra is 160 km under the head-on chase mode and 40 km in tail
chase mode.
● The maximum range is achieved when the missile launches from an altitude of 3 km .
while from an altitude of 2 km, the range drops to 144 km and when it is launched from
sea level, the range drops further to 121 km.
● The ramjet propulsion system used in it acts as an oxidizer, and the solid propellant reacts
with the air flowing through a solid propellant duct.
● Ramjet uses the air as an oxidizer just like a jet engine, unlike conventional rockets that
carry propellant and oxidizer. Therefore the weight of the fuel required is eliminated.
● The SFDR propulsion is designed in such a way that it allows for an up and down
● This further lets the missile to amplify its speed until it reaches the terminal phase of the
● The speed increases until the point when sharp turns are required to search for highly
maneuvering targets.
● The first flight of SFDR, developed under a joint Indo-Russian R&D project, was tested
in 2018. It had achieved the speed of Mach 3.
● The Indian SFDR will be used as variants of missiles such as the advanced version of
● It is a surface to surface solid fuelled guided short-range ballistic missile.
● The missile is based on the Prithvi Defence Vehicle, which is a part of the Indian
Ballistic Missile Defence Programme.
● It carries a payload of 1 tonne and can strike targets ranging up to 350 km away.
● It can travel up to 500 km if the payload is halved.
● It can evade ballistic missile defense systems and can fly faster than the conventional
missiles in its class.
● It can be launched from its own canister-based transport erector launcher.
● The AAD is equipped with an inertial navigation system, advanced computer and an
electromechanical activator.
Anti-satellite (ASAT) attacks can take a variety of forms and serve a range of goals. For
example, they may cause temporary, reversible interference, or they may be intended to cause
permanent damage. They may target the satellite, the ground station, or the links between them.
They may be overt, or they may be intended to be covert and thus not attributable to the attacker.
The ASAT system may be based on the ground or in space. It may be relatively simple or require
sophisticated technology appropriate to a space-faring nation. It may be able to interfere only
with satellites in low earth orbit, or it may reach all the way to geostationary altitude.
They are generally of two types: kinetic and non-kinetic.
Kinetic:- The kinetic ASAT systems must physically strike an object to destroy it. Examples of
kinetic ASATs include ballistic missiles, drones that drag an object out of orbit or detonate
explosives in proximity to the object, or any item launched to coincide with the passage of a
target satellite.
This means any space asset, even a communications satellite, could become an ASAT if it is
used to physically destroy another space object.
Non - Kinetic ASAT systems: A variety of nonphysical means can be used to disable or destroy
a space object.
These include frequency jamming, blinding lasers or cyberattacks. These methods can also
render an object useless without causing the target to break up and fragment absent additional
forces intervening.
ASATs can be used to intercept and jam communication or military satellites of enemy countries
in the time of war and stop them from communicating with their soldiers. It can also be used to
access critical information about troop movements or incoming missiles.
The anti-satellite weapons can even undertake pellet cloud attacks on the enemy's low orbit
satellites. Other ASAT capabilities include cyber-attacks on space systems, Electro-Magnetic
Pulse (EMP) explosion devices, directed energy (laser-based) weapons and targeted missiles for
the destruction of satellites to sabotage the enemy's military operations. Although no ASAT
system has yet been put to use in the actual war, several nations have shot down their own
(defunct) satellites to exhibit their ASAT prowess in a show of power.
The range of an ASAT is limited and depends on where it is launched from. Satellites above the
range of 20,000 kilometers are out of range. The US and Russia have the capabilities of
launching an ASAT from the ship, land and space, while India, presently, has used a land
The indigenously designed and developed Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH-DHRUV) is a twin-
engine, multi-role(an aircraft that can perform multiple roles; such as -air to air combat,
reconnaissance, electronic warfare etc) and multi-mission new generation helicopter in the 5.5-
ton weight class.
The basic Helicopter is produced in a skid version and wheeled version. Dhruv is “type –
Certified” for Military operations by the Centre for Military Airworthiness Certification
(CEMILAC) and civil operations by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
Certification of the utility military variant was completed in 2002 and that of the civil variant
was completed in 2004. The deliveries of production series helicopters commenced from 2001-
02 onwards. A total of 228 Helicopters have been produced by March 2017 including 216 for the
Indian Armed Forces.
The major variants of Dhruv are classified as Dhruv Mk-I, Mk-II, Mk-III & Mk-IV.
December 2009. The submarine, renamed INS Chakra, was recommissioned by the Indian Navy
in April 2012.
The submarine has a double-hulled configuration. The very low acoustic signature has been
achieved by incremental design improvements to minimize noise generation and transmission –
for example, the installation of active noise cancellation techniques.
The Akula Class carries up to 12 Granit submarine-launched cruise missiles. The missiles are
fired from the 533mm torpedo launch tubes. Granit (Nato designation: SS-N-21 Sampson) has a
range of about 3,000km and delivers a 200kt warhead. The land-attack Granit missile uses
inertial and terrain-following guidance.
The submarine’s anti-ship missiles are the Novator SS-N-15 Starfish and the Novator SS-N-16
Stallion. The Starfish, fired from the 533mm tubes, has a target range of 45km. The Stallion,
fired from the 650mm tubes, has a longer range of up to 100km. The submarine has eight
torpedo launch tubes, four 650mm and four 533mm tubes.
The Akula can launch a range of anti-submarine and anti-surface vessel torpedoes. The Akula’s
surface search radar is the Snoop Pair or the Snoop Half.
The submarine is fitted with the MGK 540 sonar system which provides automatic target
detection in broad and narrow-band modes by active sonar. It gives the range, relative bearing
and range rate. The sonar system can also be used in a passive, listening mode for the detection
of hostile sonars. The sonar signal processor can detect and automatically classify targets as well
as reject spurious acoustic noise sources and compensate for variable acoustic conditions.
INS Arihant class is the lead ship of India's Arihant class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile
submarines.The 6,000-tonne vessel was built under the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV)
project at the Ship Building Centre in the port city of Visakhapatnam. It has the code name S2.
The vessel is classified as a Strategic Strike Nuclear Submarine by India.
(Image source:defense 24.pi)
INS Arighat which was previously called Aridhmaan is the second Arihant-class submarine. It is
the second nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine being built by India. It is being built
under the Advanced Technology Vessel project to build nuclear submarines at the Ship Building
Centre in Visakhapatnam.
This class of submarines run on diesel and electricity. They have a huge network of batteries
which depend on the diesel generator for charging. These subs have to surface to charge their
batteries. They can also snorkel, which means to travel just below the surface of the water with
the periscope and the exhaust pipe above the water surface. Since they become vulnerable when
they surface, these subs usually snorkel while charging their batteries. Once they charge the
batteries, they dive into the ocean and run silently on battery power with the diesel generators
shut down.
● It is a shishumar class diesel electric submarine of Indian Navy
● It was the first ever submarine built in India and was launched in the year 1987.
In December 1981 the Indian government reached an agreement with Howaldtswerke-Deutsche
Werft, a German organization based in Kiel, for a four-section contract covering four
conventional submarines of the Type 1500 variant of the very successful boats of the U-206
The four Shishumar boats are the Shishumar, Shankush, Shalki and Shankul. Built in Germany
the first two boats were laid down in May and September 1982 for launching in December and
May 1984 and completion in September and November 1986, while the last two boats, built in
India, were laid down in June 1984 and September 1989 for launching in September 1989 and
March 1992 and completion in February 1992 and May 1994.
The submarines are basically conventional with a single central bulkhead, their most notable
operational features being the provision of an IKL-designed escape system.
The eight torpedo tubes are all grouped in the bows, and provision is made for the embarkation
of six reload torpedoes. The Shishumar started a mid-life refit in 1999, with the other boats
following in order of completion, and improvements that may be retrofitted are French Eledone
sonar and an Indian action data system.
● SINDHUGHOSH submarines have a displacement of 3,000 tonnes,top speed of 18
Knots, a maximum diving depth of 300 meters, and are able to operate solo for 45 days
with a crew of 53. The final unit was the first to be equipped with the 3M-54 anti-ship
cruise missiles with a range of 220 km.
Rajput class destroyers have anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare abilities for aircraft carrier
task force for defending against submarines, cruise missiles, and low flying aircrafts.Rajput class
destroyers were the first Naval warships to deploy Brahmos Supersonic Cruise missiles.
The Shivalik class or Project 17class FRIGATES largest currently in service with the Indian
Navy. INS Shivalik is the first ship of this class and it is also the first naval warship built with
stealth features in India. It was commissioned in the Indian Navy in April 2010
The armaments and defence systems of this class of frigate include surface to air missiles,
medium range missiles, Brahmos anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedo launchers etc The successor
of this class of frigates known as the project 17A has been started with the construction of its
first ship in 2017.
Godavari class are guided missile frigate that are built under project 16 for the Indian Navy
The only ship of this class currently in service are- INS Ganga and Gomati
● It is the smallest class of vessels which is considered as a proper naval warship.
● A Corvette vessel is larger than a Coastal Patrol vessel and smaller than a traditional
Frigate combat vessel.
● Five different classes of Corvette vessels are operated by INDIAN NAVY viz. Kamorta
class, Kora class, Khurki class, Abhay class, and Veer class.
● It is a relatively small naval vessel designed for coastal defense duties.
● Patrol vessels consist of many designs
● They are generally used by the nation's navy, coast guard, police force, or customs and
may be intended for marine or estuarine or river environments.
● They are commonly found engaged in various border protection roles, including anti-
smuggling, anti-piracy, fisheries patrols, and immigration law enforcement.
● Patrol vessels often participate in rescue operations.
An aircraft carrier is a naval warship from which the fighter jets and airplanes may take off and
land on them. It serves as a seagoing airbase and allows the naval force to project air power
worldwide without the requirement for local bases for aircraft operations.
● INS Vikrant was the first aircraft carrier to ever grace the arsenal of the Indian Navy.
● Initially starting life as the HMS Hercules of the British Royal Navy, the ship was re-
christened as ‘Vikrant’ after purchase by the Indian Navy.
● The construction aircraft carrier began when World War II was in full swing, but would
not be completed even after the end of the conflict.
● The incomplete ship was sold to the Indian Navy in 1957, who would finish its
construction by the year 1961.
● INS Vikrant measured a length of 700ft, with a beam of 128 ft wide, considerably shorter
than her sister ship, the INS Viraat, at 748 ft in length and 160 ft in width. The INS
Vikrant was a bridge between full-sized fleet carriers and smaller, more economical
escort carriers. In other words, INS Vikrant can be categorized as a “light fleet carrier”.
Formally, INS Vikrant falls under the Majestic-class of aircraft carriers.
● The indicated horsepower of the ship totaled up to 40,000 (30,000 kW). It gave a speed
of 25 knots which is about 46 km/hr. INS Vikrant could house about 1100 officers, men
and aircrew.
● INS Vikramaditya is the Indian Navy’s largest short take-off, but assisted recovery
(STOBAR) aircraft carrier and warship converted from the Russian Navy’s
decommissioned Admiral Gorshkov vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) missile cruiser
carrier. INS Vikramaditya was commissioned into service in November 2013.
● The warship has been extensively refurbished with new propulsion systems, hull sections,
sensors and flight deck. It was operationally deployed with a full complement of MiG-29
aircraft in May 2014.
● The vessel can carry more than 30 long-range multi-role fighters with anti-ship missiles,
air-to-air missiles, guided bombs and rockets. The aircraft aboard the carrier include MiG
29K / Sea Harrier combat aircraft, Kamov 31 radar picket Airborne Early Warning
(AEW) helicopter, Kamov 28 naval helicopter, Sea King helicopter, ALH-Dhruv, and
Chetak helicopter.
The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) also known as a drone is an aircraft that works without a
human pilot on board. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are a component of an unmanned aircraft
system and generally comprise UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of
communications between the two. The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of
autonomous modes: either under remote control by a human operator or autonomously by
onboard computers.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle generally fall in one of the six functional categories:
● Target and decoys
● Reconnaissance
● Combat
● Logistics
● Research and Development
● Civil and commercial services
● Nishant is a multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicle launched using a Mobile Hydro
pneumatic Launcher with Day/Night capability used for battlefield surveillance and
reconnaissance, target tracking & localization, and artillery fire correction.
● A sophisticated image processing system is used for analyzing the images transmitted
from the UAV.
● The air vehicle has autonomous flight capabilities and is controlled from a user-friendly
Ground Control Station.
● Nishant is a highly mobile, compact and easily deployable system.
● It is recovered with the Aero Conical Parachute and impacts the attenuation system.
● Onboard flight control and navigation system enable the aircraft to fly in autonomous
WayPoint Navigation mode.
● Nishant has been inducted in the Indian Army.
RUSTOM-1 and 2
● RUSTOM-1 is an all-composite, 800 kg class Short Range Remotely Piloted Aircraft
System (SR-RPAS) having capabilities of Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance,
Target Acquisition/ Tracking and Image Exploitation.
● Rustom-1 is the first Indian RPAS to have conventional take-off and landing capability.
● It has autonomous flight mode and Get-To-Home features.
● Rustom-1 RPAS has completed 65 flights and demonstrated flight endurance of 10 hrs, a
range of 200 km and an altitude of 20,000 ft.
● Up-gradation of SR-RPAS with Automatic Take-off & Landing (ATOL), Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) and Store carrying capability is achievable.
● Rustom 2 is being developed on the lines of predator drones of the US to carry out
Intelligent, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles for the armed forces with an
endurance of 24 hours.
● Rustom 2 is capable of carrying different combinations of payloads like synthetic
aperture radar, electronic intelligence systems, and situational awareness payloads.
● Panchi is a variant of Nishant (launcher based tactical UAV) with the capability of
conventional take-off and landing.
● Panchi is integrated with all composite landing gear and has improved flight envelope
and endurance.
● Panchi carries a stabilized payload platform.
● It carries payloads like daylight camera, infrared camera and laser designator.
● It is powered with an indigenously developed rotary Wankel engine.
● It has state of art systems, capable of surveillance, reconnaissance, target location
detection and artillery fire correction.
● Five flights of Panchi have been completed proving the concept of conventional takeoff
and landing.
● Data for aerodynamic, structure integrity and Flight control studies have been generated
and analyzed.
● It is an autonomous unmanned combat air vehicle, being developed by the DRDO for the
Indian Air Force.
● The design work on the UCAV is to be carried out by the Aeronautical Development
Agency (ADA).
● The details of this project are not open to the public.
● AURA is a self-defending high-speed reconnaissance UAV with weapon firing
● The Heron (Machatz-1) is a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle
(UAV) developed by Israel Aerospace Industries.
● India has imported Heron from Israel and it has been inducted in all the three services.
● It is a surface-to-surface short-range tactical ballistic missile which was test-fired by
DRDO from Chandipur, Odisha.
● It was reported that the missile traveled a range of 200 km before hitting its simulated
target, thereby successfully achieving all mission objectives.
● It was developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) the
prahaar weapon system is capable of carrying several different warheads like nuclear,
high-explosives (HE) and submunitions among others.
● Also, the Indian Army weapon is capable of engaging and successfully neutralising a
wide range of targets in different directions.
● The Prahaar weapon system is 7. Kms long and has a body diameter of 0.42m, with a
launch weight of 1,280kg
India is working on a new tactical ballistic missile capable of striking targets at a range of
200km. The surface-to-surface missile, being developed by the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO), has been named Pranash.
The new weapon traces its origin to the Prahaar missile developed by the DRDO. The Prahaar
has a range of 150km but the army wanted a weapon with a better range, which is why Pranash is
being developed.
● It is a long-range maritime surveillance aircraft used for reconnaissance and anti-
submarine warfare.
● Indian Navy inducted this maritime surveillance aircraft which took off from the Seattle
facility of Boeing.
● P-8I would be armed with torpedoes, rockets, and missiles to fight against warships and
for anti-submarine warfare.
● It also uses a noise-canceling technique, whereby its equipment is mounted on elastic to
prevent noisy vibrations from traveling outside the vessel.
● Its body is also designed to be more difficult for sonar to detect.
● Kalvari is the first of Indian Navy’s Scorpene-class stealth submarines being built
under the Project 75.
The following submarine is proposed to be developed under Project 75
It is a new engine that will power India’s first unmanned combat aircraft, or drones capable of
delivering bombs as well as tackling aerial threats, as part of a project that envisages major
participation of the private sector.
Ghatak will be a derivative of the abandoned Kaveri project that had been in the works for over
two decades. The key difference in the current plan is the proposed participation of the private
sector in a significant way.
The Indian UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) project is tentatively called Autonomous
Unmanned Research Aircraft (AURA). The target is to get the system operational within eight
years once the funds are cleared by the government. The original Kaveri project was meant to
power the light combat aircraft but it got shelved as the engine could not deliver sufficient thrust
for the fighter aircraft. In its revived avatar, the engine will be modified and its afterburners will
be removed to power the first Indian UCAV.
● It Will Be A Technical and Research Report organization to its parent agency The
Defence Space Agency
● It will be headed by a senior different scientist who will lead a team of other scientists
● The Organisation Will Be Charged With finding and implementing defense applications
for the entire spectrum of space technology.
With the electricity supply in Darjeeling in the year 1897, Power development in India
commenced which was followed by commissioning of hydropower station at Shivasamudram in
The Ministry of Power is responsible for the development of electrical energy in India, and it is
assisted in this endeavours by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA). Central sector power
Corporations are entrusted with the construction and operations of generation and transmission
projects under Central Sector that are namely; National Thermal Power Corporations(NTPC),
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited (NHPC), North-East Electric Power
Corporation Limited (NEECL), Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL).
PGCIL is responsible for existing and future transmission projects in the central sector and also
for the formation of the National Electricity Grid. Satluj Jal Vidyut Limited and Tehri Hydro
Development Corporation are responsible for the execution of Nathpa Jhakri power project in
Himachal Pradesh and Tehri Hydroelectric Power project in Uttarakhand while three statutory
bodies:- Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB), BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY, and
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) are also under the administrative control of Ministry of
The Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is responsible for the development of electrical
energy in rural areas while Power Finance Corporation (PFC), provides term finance to projects
in the power sector. The autonomous bodies/societies such as the Central Power Research
Institute (CPRI) and National Power Training Institute (NPTI) are also under the control of the
Ministry of Power.
consumption from coal (452.2 Million Tonnes of oil equivalent), crude oil (239.1 million tonnes
of oil equivalent), natural gas (49.9million tonnes of oil equivalent), nuclear energy (8.8 Mtoe),
hydroelectricity (31.6 Mtoe) and renewable power (27.5 Mtoe) is 809.2 Mtoe (excluding
traditional biomass use) in the calendar year 2018.
In 2018, the net imports from India were nearly 205.3 million tons of crude oil and its products,
26.3 Mtoe of LNG and 141.7 Mtoe coal totalling to 373.3 Mtoe of primary energy which is equal
to 46.13% of total primary energy consumption. By 2030, India's dependence on energy imports
is expected to exceed 53% of the country's total energy consumption. However, still, India is
largely dependent on fossil fuel imports to meet its energy demands as around 80% of India's
electricity generation is from fossil fuels. India has a surplus electricity generation capacity and
thus is also a marginal exporter of electricity, as recorded in 2017. Since the end of the calendar
year 2015, huge power generation capacity has been idling for want of electricity demand. With
a production of around 210 Mtoe, India ranks second after China in renewables production.
consumption. Due to rise in the energy demand in India and Limited availability of fossil fuel
resources India endeavours to ramp up its Non-conventional energy sources in order to meet
energy demand of the country primarily from
● Solar Energy: 31 gigawatt (approx.)
● Wind power
● Nuclear power: India also tries to increase share of Nuclear power to 9% in total in the
next 25 years
India has 5 nuclear reactors under construction in the world, the highest in the world while it
plans to build additional 25 nuclear reactors.
The CEA advises the government on policy matters and formulates plans and reports for the
development of electricity systems, projects, and other schemes related to the power sector. CEA
prescribes the standards on matters such as the construction of electrical plants, electric lines and
connectivity to the grid, installation and operation of meters and safety and grid standards under
the Electricity Act 2003. this organization is also responsible for the concurrence of hydropower
development schemes of central, state and private sectors and takes into consideration the factors
which determine efficient development of the river and its tributaries for power generation,
consistent with the requirement of drinking water, irrigation, navigation and flood control.
Ultra Mega Power Projects
The Ministry of Power, Government of India has taken steps to set up 9 ULTRA MEGA
POWER PROJECT, each of 4000 Megawatt capacity in different states these projects are an
initiative of Central electricity authority in Association with Power Finance Limited.
The first UMPP, developed by Tata Power in Gujarat (Mundra) has been commissioned and
contributes 4,000 MW in power to the Western grid.
The total installed capacity of NTPC stands at 62,110 MW (including JVs) own stations
including 24 coal-based, 7 gas-based, 1 Hydro 1 Wind 11 Solar and 1 Small hydro plant. Under
JV, NTPC has 9 coal-based, 4 gas based and 12 renewable energy projects. The capacity will
have a diversified fuel mix and it is projected that by 2032, non-fossil fuel-based generation
capacity shall make up nearly 30% of NTPC’s portfolio.
In 2019, NTPC was recognized as “Laureate” for consistently ranking among “Top 50 Best
Companies to Work for in India” for the last 11 years in the Great Place to Work and Economic
Times survey. Besides, NTPC was also recognized as the best among PSUs and in
Fig 5.4 Power Generation from NHPC
(Image source: NHPC)
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
PGCIL is an Indian state-owned electric utility company that is headquartered in Gurugram,
India. About 50% of the total power generated in India on its transmission network is done by
It is
● A “Maharatna” Central Public Sector Enterprise.
● Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India
● India’s largest Electric Power Transmission Utility
● Listed Company since 2007
● Consistently rated “Excellent” under Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of
Power since 1993-94
In the beginning, the inter-regional links were planned for the exchange of operational surpluses
amongst the regions. But, later on, when the planning philosophy had graduated from Regional
self-sufficiency to a National basis, the Inter-regional links were planned associated with the
generation projects that had beneficiaries across the regional boundaries.
It is estimated that the country has a total inter-regional transmission capacity of about 75,050
MW, up till the end of the 12th Plan, which is expected to be enhanced to about 1,18,050 MW at
the end of XIII plan.
Synchronization of all regional grids into one national grid will help in the optimal utilization of
scarce natural resources by transfer of Power from Resource centric regions to Load centric
regions. Moreover, this will facilitate the establishment of a vibrant Electricity market facilitating
trading of power across regions. One Nation One Grid shall connect all the regional grids
and there will be one national frequency with asynchronous character.
Power Finance Corporation
Incorporated on July 16th, 1986, Power Finance Corporation Ltd. is a Schedule-A Navratna
CPSE, and is a leading Non-Banking Financial Corporation in the Country. PFC's registered
office is located at New Delhi and regional offices are located at Mumbai and Chennai.PFC is
under the administrative control of the Ministry of Power. PFC has conferred the title of a
'Navratna CPSE' in June 2007 and was classified as an Infrastructure Finance Company by the
RBI on 28th July 2010.
PFC is the 8th highest profit-making CPSE as per the Department of Public Enterprises Survey
for FY 2017-18. PFC is India's largest NBFC and also India's largest Infrastructure Finance
Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)
Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) is the powerhouse of the Indian electrical industry. Set
up in 1960 by the Government of India, it functions as a center for applied research in electrical
power engineering assisting the electrical industry in product development and quality assurance.
CPRI also serves as an independent authority for testing and certification of power equipment.
CPRI's governing body includes eminent professionals from industries & utilities, prestigious
academic and research institutions & the government. It employs over 300 highly qualified and
experienced engineers & scientists besides other supporting staff. With its state-of-the-art
infrastructure and expertise, CPRI has made significant contributions to the power sector in the
country for improved planning, operation and control of power systems. Besides in-house R&D,
CPRI also undertakes sponsored research projects from manufacturers and other agencies in
different areas of specialization.
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited overtook the NEEPCO in the year 2019 and now
works as its Subsidiary.
Petroleum Consumption
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Oil India Limited (OIL) as well as private and
joint venture companies are involved in exploration and production of Oil and Natural Gas in the
ONGC Videsh Limited is The international Subsidiary of ONGC .ONGC Videsh Limited
participates in various exploration and production projects abroad, and currently has projects in
17 countries, which makes it one of the largest multinational Corporation of the world.
Coal is the main source of energy in India and accounts for around 2/3rd of the country's
requirements for commercial purposes. There are four varieties of coal found in India that is:
Anthracite, Bituminous, Lignite and Peat.
Note: Gondwana coal makes up around 98 per cent of the total reserves and 99 per cent of
the production of coal in India While lignite comes under the category of Tertiary coal.
Coal is the base of 70% power generation in the country. Indian coal has high ash content and
low Sulphur content. India has one of the largest coal reserves, but we are importing large coal
for billion dollars because we choose a monopoly that is incapable of domestic demand. To
overcome this, we went for captive mining, but this will have a big impact on Coal India and the
state which has coal Reserves.
India's Coal Production was reported at 308.044 TOE mn in Dec 2018. This records an increase
from the previous number of 286.556 TOE mn for Dec 2017. India's Coal Production data is
updated yearly, averaging 149.832 TOE mn from Dec 1981 to 2018.
Fig: 5.6 Coal Production over the years
(Image source: CEIC)
Uranium is one of the heavy metals that can be utilized as a rich source of concentrated energy.
The element exists in many rocks in the concentration of 2 to 4 ppm(parts per million) and
common in Earth's crust as tungsten and tin. It also exists in seawater and can be retrieved from
the oceans.
Uranium was formed over 6.6 billion years ago. Though it is not common in the solar system, its
slow radioactive decay provides a major source of heat within the Earth, responsible for
continental and convection drift. Uranium's high density means it also has applications in the
counterweights of aircraft control surfaces and radiation shielding. It is one of the heaviest
among all the naturally occurring elements when arranged based on the increasing mass of their
nuclei on a scale. The element is 18.7 times denser than water.
Uranium exists in various slightly different forms known as 'isotopes.' These isotopes are distinct
in the number of uncharged particles in the nucleus. Natural uranium was found as a mixture of
two isotopes. U-238 accounts for 99.3% and U-235 around 0.7%.Pure uranium is silver in colour
and readily oxidizes in air.
It is also used to colour glass that glows greenish-yellow in black light, not due to radioactivity
because the glass itself is a bit radioactive. The fluorescence is because of the UV light that
excites the uranyl compound in the glass and makes it let off photons when it settles down.
Note: India has no significant reserves of uranium. All needs are met through imports.
India imports thousands of tonnes of uranium from Russia, Kazakhstan, France.
Fig 5.7 Uranium Deposits in India
(Image source: Mines.
India has the World’s Largest Thorium Reserves and has modest uranium reserves. Thorium,
despite its greater abundance in nature and a number of superior characteristics, lags behind use
of uranium as it does not have any fissile content. The fertile thorium-232 has to be converted
into uranium-233 first for use in a nuclear reactor. Considering the country’s vast thorium
resources, the long-term nuclear energy policy of India has been focused on utilization of
thorium early on. A three-stage nuclear power program was drafted already in the 1950’s.
The known reserves of thorium in India are estimated to be between 457,000 and 508,000 tonnes
and mostly located along the Eastern Coastal Belt. Kerala, Jharkhand, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and
Rajasthan are the main producers.
It is a reddish-brown phosphate mineral that contains rare-earth elements. Due to variability in
composition, monazite is considered a group of minerals.Monazite is an important ore for
thorium, lanthanum, and cerium. It is often found in place deposits everywhere. Three countries
INDIA MADAGASCAR, and SOUTH AFRICA have large deposits of monazite sands. India
has a large number of deposits of MONAZITE.
Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD), under the Department of
Atomic Energy (DAE) has estimated the potential of around 11.93 million tonnes of monazite
resources in the beach sand mineral placer deposits along the coastal region of India. It is
projected that Monazite contains about 55 – 60% total Rare Earth Oxide. The state-wise
resources of in situ monazite established by AMD so far are as follows:
It has been found that the quantity of xenotime resources, another rare-earth bearing mineral, are
negligible in India. AMD has established about 2000 tonnes of xenotime-bearing heavy mineral
concentrate containing 2% xenotime in the riverine heavy mineral placer deposits of
Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
Monazite is a mineral mainly containing rare earths and thorium-a prescribed substance to be
handled by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). Accordingly, Indian Rare Earths Ltd.
(IREL) which is under the administrative control of the Dept. of Atomic Energy (DAE) and
wholly owned subsidiary of GOVERNMENT, utilises monazite mainly for production of rare
earth compounds, and thorium, as needed in the Department of Atomic Energy.
Fig 5.10: Rare earth minerals deposits (India)
(Image source: Atomic Energy Directorate)
India has the third-largest reserves of rare earth minerals in the world. Indian Rare Earths Ltd
under the Department of Atomic Energy is the sole producer of rare earth compounds.
Globally, China has a monopoly over rare earths, after USA's recede in this industry due to
serious environmental and health concerns. China had once almost shivered the Japanese
economy by halting the export of rare earth elements. India is also blessed with some crucial rare
earth minerals like zirconium, neodymium etc., available in plenty in monazite sands. This could
contribute to Indian export markets if utilized properly.
However, Owing to various reasons such as cost reduction due to high production (economies of
scale) in China, lack of demand in the domestic market, lack of domestic processing
technologies, the production of rare earth minerals has depleted over the years. Most of the
products that use rare earth minerals as raw materials are imported. Despite rare earth minerals
having high value add the potential for export growth, inadequate processing technologies have
made India suffer.
Rare earth minerals are very crucial for India to reduce the energy burden. It is an
important component in the manufacture of hybrid vehicles, fuel cells and LEDs.
(Image source: Deccan Chronicle)
Subsequently many States had also formulated their own State Action Plan on climate change.
According to a report in 2016 by REN21, the global energy consumption by the use of renewable
energy resources contributed to 19.2% in 2014 and 23.7% in 2015. Many countries have started
to invest in these renewable energy resources as these resources will help in maintaining a
sustainable development. The amount of investment in 2015 was about 286 billion dollars and
major sectors were biofuel, solar power, wind, and hydroelectricity.
The existence of renewable energy resources is spread over a wide geographical area in
comparison to the conventional energy resources which are often concentrated to a limited
number of countries like oil and gas are mostly concentrated in the Middle East countries. The
use of renewable energy resources in energy generation is resulting in less pollution and has a
significant effect on economic benefits and energy security.
We can define renewable energy as those energies which can never be depleted. The importance
of renewable energy is invaluable. These types of energy sources are different from fossil fuels,
such as oil, coal, and natural gas. Some examples of renewable energy sources are:
● Wind energy
● Solar energy
● Geothermal energy
● Hydropower
● Biomass energy
● Tidal Energy
● Hydrogen and Fuel cells
The sources could sustain for a longer period of time and can easily be renewed often.
Sustainable sources are biomass, nuclear power, geothermal, wind energy, solar power, tidal
power, and wave power. The sources of renewable energy are known to be less polluting and
therefore the whole world is looking forward to new carbon emission norms, where carbon will
play a major role in developing new factories and industries. They will be rated according to the
carbon emission and the products that they are producing will be rated accordingly.
India has outlined its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions as per the Paris Accord on
Climate Change, and made a pledge that by 2030, around 40% of its installed power
generation capacity shall be from non-fossil fuel sources and also by 2030, reduce emission
intensity of GDP by 33-35 % from 2005 level. Economic growth, increasing prosperity, a
growing rate of urbanisation and rising per capita energy consumption has increased the energy
demand of the country.
Keeping in view the above and our commitment for a healthy planet with less carbon intensive
economy, we decided in 2015 that 175 GW of renewable energy capacity will be installed by
the year 2022. This includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from wind, 10 GW from biomass
and 5 GW from small hydro power. The substantial higher capacity target will ensure greater
energy security, improved energy access and enhanced employment opportunities, India will
become one of the largest Green Energy producers in the world. With the accomplishment of
these ambitious targets, and would even surpass several developed countries.
The Prime Minister in his address atto Climate Action Summit stated that “India’s renewable
energy capacity would be increased to much beyond 175 GW, and later till 450 GW”.In line with
the objective of expanding renewable energy sector, several important initiatives were taken
during year 2019.
The technology that is generally utilised for Solar Energy generation are:
These technologies utilise sunlight reflectors Photovoltaic cells (PV) convert the incident
and concentrators in order to either convert sunlight into electricity which is called the
the solar heat into electricity or use the heat photoelectric effect. The Solar Photovoltaics
energy for domestic and commercial heating cells are made of semiconducting materials
purposes. Water is turned into steam by the like silicon, cadmium telluride,carbon-rich
solar heat, which can be used to run the polymers etc. Among these, silicon-based and
turbines, producing alternating current (AC) cadmium telluride based cells are the most
power. used as PV cells . These cells convert solar
energy into direct current (DC)
Fig 5.14 Solar Panel
(Image source:
The Government of India has set a national target of installing 1,00,000 MW grid connected
solar power capacity in the country by December, 2022. As on 31.10.2019, a total grid connected
solar power generation capacity of 31,696 MW has been set up in the Country, projects of 17998
MW capacity are at various stages of installations and tenders for 36278 MW capacity projects
have been issued. With new tenders of around 15000 MW planned in the remaining period of
2019-20 and 2020-21, we are on course for achieving the target.
The Union Government has been implementing the National Solar Mission under which various
Schemes have been launched for promoting the generation and use of solar power in the country.
This apart, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy makes publicity for effective
implementation of all schemes including Solar Schemes through print, social, electronic and
other media. The Ministry has also launched a Mobile App for solar rooftop systems.
National Solar Mission
Initially in India, the focus on solar technologies was bordered on the social and rural segment.
Some institutes like IIT, National Physical Laboratory focused on developing solar, thermal
and photovoltaic (PV) technologies. PV technology was being promoted extensively to meet
the challenge of providing electricity for rural telecom networks, village electrification and
electrification of the unmanned railway crossing.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission is also known as the National Solar Mission. The
mission was launched in Jan 2010 by the Government.
● The total cost for up-gradation to 100 GW solar power capacity would be $ 94 Billion.
● The Central Government is also planning to leverage bilateral and international donors,
including green climate funds under the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
● Using the bundling mechanism with thermal power.
● Investments would come from large Public Sector undertakings.
● Funds would be generated from Independent Power Producers.
● The Government of India is providing Rs 15,050 crore as capital subsidy to promote
solar capacity addition.
● This capital subsidy is for rooftop solar projects in various cities and towns, for
viability gap funding based projects to be developed through the Solar Energy
Corporation of India (SECI) and for decentralised generation through smaller projects.
Implementation model:
● Bundling scheme
● Generation Based Incentive (GBI) Scheme
● Viability Gap funding scheme
The mission also aims to reduce the cost of Solar Power Generation in the country through
● Long term policy
● Large Scale deployment goals
● Aggressive R&D
● Domestic production of critical raw materials, components and products, as a result, to
achieve grid tariff by 2022.
Major Positive Developments since 2014
The new Government as per its ambition to provide electricity for all, the target was revised
for establishing grid-connected solar power was revised from 20 GW to 100 GW under the
The huge quantum jump in targets generated huge demands for solar energy projects and
The emphasis is on roping in Central and State Public Sector companies, defence
establishments and others who started establishing projects on their unutilized land. The
problem of limited land availability can be avoided using innovative ideas such as floating
solar power plants, solar power plants over canals, and use of barren land for solar power
plants are being promoted. Revised targets for Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO), to ease
the purchase of solar power, net metering, interstate power purchase by bulk consumers such
as Delhi Metro. Focus on skill development and indigenous manufacturing through the
establishment of Skill council for green jobs.
Due to several efforts made by the Government, a report of 2018 by the International Renewable
Energy Agency, stated that India is now the lowest-cost producer of solar power globally.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing a programme on 'Development of
Solar Cities' which aims to reduce a minimum of 10% of the projected demand of conventional
energy of the city through renewable energy installations and energy efficiency measures.
Around 60 cities will be developed under this.
● Developing solar projects in silos is not financially viable, despite the involvement of
prominent financial institutions such as AIIB, World Bank, NDB and private and public
investments towards this.
● Absence of established renewable energy policy.
● There is no ecosystem that creates a willingness to buy and set up renewable energy;
there is no proper integration method with conventional energy.
● Hence, the focus of ISA will be on policy, ecosystem and integration with regard to solar
Kusum Scheme is being Initially, the government will 10000 MegaWatts Solar
implemented by- The distribute 1.75 million off- plants will be put up on lands
Ministry of New and grid agricultural solar pumps that are barren.
Renewable Energy
The state electricity Tube wells and existing Farmers will get a subsidy of
distribution companies, also pumps of the government will 60% on solar pumps. It shall
called, DISCOMS will buy be converted to run on solar be deposited to their bank
the additional solar power power accounts directly. This
produced by the farmers on subsidy is going to be shared
barren lands. DISCOMS will by the central and the state
get sops to buy this governments. 30% of the cost
electricity. will be obtained as a bank
loan. Hence, only the 10%
will have to be borne by the
farmers themselves.
Phase II of the Grid connected rooftop solar programme was approved with a target for
achieving cumulative capacity of 40,000 MW from Rooftop Solar (RTS) Projects by the year
2022 in February 2019.
(f) Government Producer Scheme for setting up Solar PV Power plants using domestically
manufactured SPV cells & modules:
Government have approved a Scheme [CPSU Scheme Phase-II (Government Producer Scheme)]
for setting up of solar PV power plants by Government Producers [Central Public Sector
Undertakings (CPSUs)/ State Public Sector Undertakings (SPSUs)/ Government Organisations,
etc.], as per extant Guidelines, in a World Trade Organization (WTO) compliant manner, using
domestically manufactured solar PV cells and modules to encourage ‘Make in India’ in Solar PV
Manufacturing sector.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has launched a scheme to set up several
solar parks across various states in the country, each with a capacity of Solar Projects generally
above 500 MW.
The Scheme proposes to provide financial support by the Government of India to establish solar
parks to facilitate the creation of infrastructure necessary for setting up new solar power projects
in terms of allocation of land, transmission and evacuation lines, access roads, availability of
water and others, in a focused manner.
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), a central public sector enterprise under MNRE, has
been implementing various schemes to develop the solar sector in the country. As per the policy,
these solar parks will be developed in collaboration with the State Governments.
Also, the acquisition of land from farmers on lease has not only resulted in irrational land-use
changes to the fertile lands but the majority of greenery and tree cover has been cleared off the
lands instead of setting up parks. There have been claims that Solar Parks has only helped big
farmers as small and marginal farmers only get a meager amount in return for the lease entered
Moreover, a large amount of polluting gases released due to the burning of waste is causing a lot
of problems for the people in the surrounding areas. So also studies are highlighting that the
temperature of villages where the solar parks are being established is comparatively higher due
to the reflection of light by the solar panels.
Wind Energy
The energy we get from winds is known as wind energy. For this, windmills have been used for
hundreds of years to pump out water from the ground. We use large tall wind turbines that allow
winds to generate electricity. The natural airflow on the surface of the Earth is used to run the
wind turbines.
The modern-day wind turbines range from about 600 Kilowatt to 5 Megawatt, for commercial
purposes; these are rated with an output power of 1.5 to 3 Megawatt. The most preferred
locations for these wind turbines to be installed are the areas which are strong and have constant
airflows on offshore and sites that are at high altitudes.
Development of wind power in India began in December 1952, when Maneklal S Thacker, a
distinguished power engineer, initiated a project with the Indian CSIR(Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research) to find out the probability of harnessing wind power in the country. A Wind
Power Sub-Committee was set up by CSIR, under P. Nilakantan, which was assigned the task of
investigating the available resources that could be practically utilized, along with researching the
economic possibilities of wind energy. Assistance was provided by the IMD(Indian
Meteorological Department), the Sub-Committee extensively reviewed available data on surface
winds in India and their velocity duration, and began detailed surveys of promising sites for
harnessing the optimum amount of wind energy; it also successfully developed and tested large
wood-and-bamboo windmills.
CSIR established a Wind Power Division In 1960, as part of the new National Aeronautical
Laboratory (NAL) in Bangalore, which was founded that year. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the
NAL and other groups continued to carry out wind velocity surveys and develop improved
estimates of India's wind energy capacity. With the setting up of the first wind project in
Veraval, Gujarat, in 1985, wind power development began, it was a 40-kW Dutch machine
connected to the grid. Subsequently, the government launched several demonstration wind
In 2015, the Government had set the target for Wind Power generation capacity by the
year 2022 at 60,000 MW (60GW). The estimated potential of generating wind energy in India,
at a mast height of 100 meters above the ground, is 302 GW (ACCORDING TO MINISTRY OF
NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY). India had become the country with the fourth-largest
installed capacity of wind power, behind China, USA, and Germany.
Fig 5.16: Cumulative capacity of Installed wind power
(image source:MNRE)
Several Wind power projects are established in the country, including in Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Madhya Pradesh among others, on commercial lines taking into account wind resource, land
availability, transmission infrastructure, etc.
So far, bids for 15,100 MW of wind power projects have been issued, out of which projects of
12,162.50 MW capacity have been awarded.
The cumulative installed capacity of wind power (as on 31.10.2019) in the country is
37,090.03 MW.[source :Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ]
MINISTRY OF NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY, has issued 'Guidelines for Development
of Onshore Wind Power Projects' on 22 October 2016 intending to develop wind power projects
in an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner taking into account the
requirements of project developers, States and national imperatives. The Guidelines have
provisions for the requirement of site feasibility, type and quality certified wind turbines,
micrositing criteria, compliance of grid regulations, real-time monitoring, online registry and
performance reporting, health and safety provisions, decommissioning plan, etc.
The government has also issued 'Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for
Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Wind Power Projects', on 8 December 2017, to
provide a framework for procurement of wind power through a transparent process of bidding
including standardization of the process and defining of roles and responsibilities of various
The government is promoting capacity addition of wind power projects through private sector
investment by providing various fiscal and financial incentives such as Accelerated Depreciation
benefit; concessional custom duty exemption on certain components of electric wind generators.
Wind projects commissioned before 31 March 2017 are eligible for Generation Based Incentive
(GBI). Technical support, including wind resource assessment and identification of potential
sites, is being provided, In addition to fiscal and other incentives as stated above, through the
National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai.
Fig 5.17: Year on Year Wind power Status in India
(Image source: World Resources Institutions)
It has a Wind turbines test station at Kayathar, which works with technical support from the
Government of Denmark.
● Wind turbines can be installed in a short period; hence unlike a nuclear power station,
which can take over twenty years, a windmill can be built in a few months.
● Environmentally sustainable and provide economy of scale for the owners
● In the case of offshore wind farms, large scale windmills can be installed along with
suitable conditions for installation and functioning.
○ The wind-solar PV hybrid systems will help in reducing the variability in
renewable power generation and achieving better grid stability. The policy also
aims to encourage new technologies, methods and way-outs involving combined
operation of wind and solar PV plants.
● Potential renewable energy zones (66.5 GW – Solar 50 GW and Wind 16.5 GW) have
been identified in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh and a comprehensive transmission scheme
was evolved integrating these renewable energy zones.
● Indian Wind Turbines Certification Scheme: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,
in consultation with National Institute of Wind Energy Chennai, has prepared a draft of
new Scheme called Indian Wind Turbine Certification Scheme (IWTCS) incorporating
various guidelines Turbine Certification Scheme (IWTCS).The draft Scheme enlists the
guidelines for the benefit of all the stakeholders from concept to lifetime of wind turbine,
including Indian Type Approved Model (ITAM), Indian Type Certification Scheme
(ITCS), Wind Farm Project Certification Scheme (WFPS) and Wind Turbine Safety &
Performance Certification Scheme (WTSPCS).The WITCH is envisaged to assist and
facilitate the following stakeholders; (i.) Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) (ii.)
End Users -Utilities, SNAs, Developers, IPPs, Owners, Authorities, Investors and
Insurers (iii.) Certification Bodies (iv.) Testing Laboratories.
● National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), is an autonomous institution under the
Ministryof New and Renewable Energy which has installed a remote sensing instrument-
LiDAR for assessment of offshore wind resources in the Gulf of Khambhat, off the
Gujarat Coast.
Over the decades,wind energy has matured enough to be the mainstream source of renewable
power generation in India. The steady growth of the sector has seen different types of wind
turbines with diverse performance and safety criteria. The Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy (MNRE), Government of India through various policies and schemes has facilitated the
healthy and orderly growth of the wind energy sector.
Hydroelectricity is the conversion of mechanical energy in flowing water into electricity.
Hydroelectricity is generated when the force of falling water from dams, rivers or waterfalls is
used to turn turbines, which then drives generators that produce electricity. The energy produced
is directed to a substation, where transformers "step up" the voltage before its transmission to the
electricity grid.The first step in the generation of energy in a hydropower plant is the collection
of run-off of seasonal rain and snow in lakes, streams and rivers, during the hydrological cycle.
The run-off flows to dams downstream. The waterfalls through a dam, into the hydropower plant
and turns a large wheel called a turbine. The turbine converts the energy of falling water into
mechanical energy to drive the generator After this process has taken place electricity is
transferred to the communities through transmission lines and the water is released back into the
lakes, streams or rivers.
The conversion of the mechanical energy in flowing water into electricity is called
hydroelectricity. When a force of falling water from dams, rivers or waterfalls is used to turn
turbines, it drives generators that produce electricity, and this is the process of its generation. The
energy produced is directed to a substation, where transformers "step up" the voltage before its
transmission to the electricity grid.
The first step involved in the generation of energy in a hydroelectric power plant is the collection
of run-off of seasonal rain and snow in lakes, streams and rivers, during the hydrological cycle.
The run-off flows to dams downstream. The waterfalls through a dam, into the hydropower plant
and turns a large wheel called a turbine. The turbine converts the energy of falling water into
mechanical energy to drive the generator After this process has taken place electricity is
transferred to the communities through transmission lines and the water is released back into the
lakes, streams or rivers.
Fig :5.18 Small Hydro Projects
(imagesource: Science
Classification of Hydro Projects based on Installed Capacity:
Hydropower projects are mainly classified into two segments, i.e. small and large hydro. In
India, hydro projects that have up to 25 MW capacities are categorized as Small Hydro Power
(SHP) projects.
● Micro: up to 100 KW
● Mini: 101KW to 2 MW
● Small: 2 MW to 25 MW
● Mega: Hydro projects with installed capacity >= 500 MW
● Thermal Projects with installed capacity >=1500 MW
For large hydro projects, the Ministry of Power, Government of India is responsible. In contrast,
for the small hydropower projects (up to 25 MW) the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is
India is bestowed with a large hydropower potential of 1,45,320 MW of which only about 45,400
MW has been utilized till now. Only Around 10,000 MW of hydropower has been added in the
last ten years. The hydropower sector is presently under a challenging phase, and the share of
hydropower in the total capacity has declined from 50.36% in the 1960s to around 13% in 2018-
19. As the country has targeted to add 160 GW of intermittent Solar and Wind power by 2022
and 40% of the total capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 to honour its Nationally
Determined Contribution for Climate Change, the importance of hydropower is increasing even
Advantages of Hydropower:
As Hydropower only utilises and not These stations are a preferred solution for
consumes water,it is a renewable source of meeting peak loads in grids because they have
energy because for generation of electricity, unique capabilities of quick starting and
and the hydropower leaves this vital resource closing.
available for other uses.
It is a renewable source of energy with no The operational needs of hydro & thermal
consumables involved; hence it has a little stations are complimentary, and the balanced
recurring cost and no high long term mix helps in optimal utilization of the
expenditure. As compared to electricity capacity. Seasonal load curves of regional
generated from coal and gas-fired plants, this grids match with the pattern of hydropower
energy is cheaper. It decreases the financial generation. During the summer/monsoon
losses due to frequency fluctuations. season, when the generation at hydropower
plants is high, the load factor of the system is
high due to heavy agricultural load. During
winter, the thermal stations operating at base
load and hydro stations working as peak load
stations will take care of weather beating
Disadvantages of Hydropower
Initiatives for Hydropower Development:
● As per approval of the Cabinet,Large Hydropower Projects will now be declared as
Renewable Energy source (as per existing practice, only hydropower projects less than
25MW are categorized as Renewable Energy).
● The Government has declared Hydropower Projects as a separate entity within non-solar
Renewable Purchase Obligation in order to cover large hydro projects commissioned
after notification of these measures (SHPs are already covered under Non-Solar
Renewable Purchase Obligation).
● To expedite development of hydropower projects, a Hydropower policy has been
formulated. Many States have followed the kinetic and adopted the hydropower policy
● The Centre and many states have initiated hydro projects in PPP mode to attract
investors for the development of water resources in an environment-friendly manner and
to generate revenue while ensuring project viability.
Geothermal energy is the thermal energy generated and stored inside the Earth's crust. The centre
of the Earth remains at the same temperature as the Sun, which is nearly constant due to the
continuous process of nuclear fusion. Due to such high temperature and pressure, some rocks
melt, which results in the upward motion of the mantle (as they become lighter with the heat).
These molten rocks formed in the Earth's crust are pushed upward where they get trapped in
certain regions called 'hot spots'.If underground water comes in touch or proximity with the hot
spot, steam is generated. Sometimes this hot water formed region finds outlets at the surface.
When this hot water gushes out of one of these outlets, it is called hot springs. To harness the
geothermal energy, a hydrothermal convection system is used. In this process, a hole is drilled
deep under the Earth, through which a pipe is inserted. The steam trapped in the rocks is routed
through this pipe to the surface of the Earth. This steam is then used to turn the blades of a
turbine of an electric generator. In another method, the steam is used to heat water from an
external source which is then used to rotate the turbine.
In its quest to increase its renewable energy portfolio, India proposes to harness 10,000 MW (10
GW) of geothermal energy by 2030 through active international collaboration with countries
such as the US, Philippines, Mexico and New Zealand. India is at a nascent stage in terms of
exploitation of geothermal energy, primarily because coal is cheaper. But with increasing
environmental problems associated with coal-based projects, India is now also looking at
developing clean and eco-friendly energy sources.
Though India has been one of the earliest countries to begin geothermal projects way back in the
1970s, at present, there are no operational geothermal plants in India.
There is also no installed geothermal electricity generating capacity as of now, and only direct
uses (eg.Drying) have been detailed.
Thermax, a capital goods manufacturer, based in Pune, has entered an agreement with Icelandic
firm Reykjavík Geothermal.
Thermax is planning to set up a 3 MW pilot project in Puga Valley, Ladakh (Jammu &
Kashmir). Reykjavík Geothermal will assist Thermax in exploration and drilling of the site.
When the geothermal energy is available at These plants are used when geothermal
150 °C and above temperature, the fluids can temperature is between 100 °C and 150 °C.
be used directly to generate electricity. In The fluid is extracted and circulated through a
some cases, direct steam is available from the heat exchanger where the heat is transferred to
geothermal reservoir; otherwise the steam is the low boiling point organic liquid. This gets
separated and turbines are used for power converted into high pressure vapour, which
generation. drives organic fluid turbines.
Fig 5.23 Binary Use of Geothermal energy
Fig 5.22 Flash Steam process (Image source:
(Image source: link.php?text=geothermal&themeid=13)
● Renewable resource: Geothermal energy is free
and abundant. The constant flow of heat from the
Earth makes this resource inexhaustible and
limitless to an estimated time span of 4 billion
● Green energy: Geothermal energy is non-polluting
and environment-friendly as no harmful gases are
evolved with the use of geothermal energy unlike
Advantages Of Geothermal the use of fossil fuels. Also, no residue or by-
Energy product is generated.
● Generation of employment: Geothermal power
plants are highly sophisticated and involve large
scale research before installation. This generates
employment for skilled and unskilled labours at a
very large scale at each stage of production and
● Can be used directly: In cold countries, the
geothermal energy is used directly for melting of
ice on the roads, heating houses in winters,
greenhouses, public baths etc. Although the initial
cost of installation is very high, the cost for
maintenance and repair is negligible.
present deep under the earth, so the process of
drilling may result in the release of highly toxic
gases into the environment near these sites, which
sometimes prove fatal to the workforce involved
in the process.
energy by international investment promotion (100% FDI in RE Sector), Customized
capacity building and technical assistance to key stakeholders, help in mitigating the
exploratory risk, technological support etc.
Oceans are a source of two major types of Renewable energy source
● Thermal energy - Which is produced by the heat of the Sun
● Mechanical energy - Which is produced from wave action and tides namely,
○ Tidal Energy
○ Wave Energy Ocean Thermal Energy is also called as Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion (OTEC) is a method of using the temperature difference between
the deep parts of the sea which are cold and the shallow parts of the sea
which are cold to run a heat engine and produce useful work.
Ocean thermal energy conversion is an electricity generation system. The deeper parts of the
ocean are cooler since the heat of sunlight cannot penetrate very deep into the water. Here the
efficiency of the system depends on the temperature difference: greater the temperature
difference, greater the efficiency.
The temperature difference in the oceans between the deep and shallow parts is maximum
in the tropics, 20 to 25-degree C. Tropics receive a lot of sunlight which warms the surface of
the oceans, increasing the temperature gradient.
Fig 5.24-OTEC -process
(Image source:
The energy source of OTEC is abundantly available, free and will be so for as long as the sun
shines and ocean currents exist. Estimates suggest that ocean thermal energy could contain more
than twice the world’s electricity demand. This makes it necessary for us to give it a closer look.
Open cycle OTEC directly uses the warm water from the surface
to make electricity. The warm seawater is first pumped in a low-
pressure chamber where due to the drop in pressure, it undergoes
a drop in boiling point as well. This causes the water to boil.
This steam drives a low-pressure turbine which is attached to an
electrical generator. The advantage this system has over a closed
system is that, in open cycle, desalinated water in the form of
steam is obtained. Since it is steam, it is free from all impurities.
This water can be used for domestic, industrial or agricultural
Open Cycle
Ocean Thermal Energy (OTEC) is a real candidate as one of the future sources of energy. Its
environmental impact is negligible, in fact, the mixing of deep and shallow seawater brings up
nutrients from the seafloor. The deepwater is rich in nitrates and this can also be used in
Thermal energy is the energy that comes from the temperature of matter. The hotter the
substance, the more is the vibration of molecules and hence the higher is the thermal energy.
The water at the surface of the sea or ocean is heated by the Sun while the water in deeper
sections is relatively cold. This difference in temperature is exploited to obtain energy in ocean-
thermal-energy conversion plants. These plants can operate if the temperature difference between
the water at the surface and water at depths up to 2 km is 20 K (20°C) or more. The warm
surface-water is used to boil a volatile liquid like ammonia. The vapours of the liquid are then
used to run the turbine of the generator. The cold water from the depth of the ocean is pumped up
and condenses vapour again to liquid.
Tides are a regular phenomenon. They can be predicted over months and years in advance. This
is why the energy from this massive movement of water can be harnessed and converted into a
usable form of energy.
The gravitational forces of the sun and the moon combined with the rotation of the earth result in
an alternate rise and fall of the sea levels. At one particular place, it usually occurs twice on a
lunar day. The rise of the sea level is called the high tide, whereas the fall is called the low tide.
When the earth and moon’s gravitational fields are in a straight line, the influences of these two
fields become very strong and cause millions of gallons of water flow towards the shore resulting
in the high tide condition. Likewise, when the moon and earth’s gravitational fields are
perpendicular to each other, the influences of these fields become weak causing the water to flow
away from the shore resulting in a low tide condition.
When the moon is perfectly aligned with the earth and the sun, the gravitational pull of the sun
and the moon on the earth becomes much stronger and the high tides much higher and the low
tides much lower during each tidal cycle. This condition occurs during the full or new moon
phase. Such tides are known as spring tides. Similarly, another tidal situation emerges when the
gravitational pull of the moon and sun are against each other cancelling their effects. This results
in a smaller difference between the low and high tides due to the smaller pulling action on the
sea water, thereby resulting in weak tides. These weak tides are known as neap tides. Neap tides
occur during the quarter moon phase.
Fig 5.26 Mechanism for Tides
(Image source:
The energy obtained from the rise and fall of tides is called the tidal energy.
Tidal barrages or dams are constructed across a narrow opening to the sea. Water rushes into the
dam when the sea level rises. This moves the blades of the turbines which are attached at the
opening of the dam. This results in the generation of electricity.
● The estimated potential of Tidal Energy is about 12455 MW, with potential locations
identified at Khambhat & Kutch regions, and large backwaters, where barrage
technology could be used.
● The total potential of wave energy in India along the coast is around 40,000 MW –
while these are preliminary estimates, this energy is, however, less intensive as
compared to that which is available in more northern and southern latitudes.
● Ocean thermal energy conversion has a theoretical potential of 180,000 MW in India,
but it is highly dependent on technological evolution.
In case of Tidal Energy Total identified potential is about 12455 MW, with potential locations
identified at Gulf of Khambhat & Kutch regions, and large backwaters, where barrage
technology could be used.
For generating biomass, often the energy sources are thought to be limited to plant wastes but
that’s not the case. Even animal-derived materials are used for biomass generation. Biomass is
the prime building block of biofuels, highly used for electricity production to produce heat in the
context of energy, as an alternative to fossil fuels.
The chemical composition of Biomass comprises – Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen along
with nitrogen and alkali atoms, heavy metals and alkaline earth.
Biofuels are of 3 types: a) Ethanol b) Biodiesel c) Biojet fuel
Today, Biomass is used to produce Biofuels that are used together with biofuels or even replace
them.About 25 billion gallons of ethanol are made each year as fuel, and each year, about 1
billion gallons of biodiesel are produced.
Biofuel is a source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels like petrol, coal and natural gas.
Further, it is cost-effective and also environmentally friendly. This makes it well suited in an age
where the cost of petroleum products are rising and there is a growing concern of fossil fuels in
global warming. Biofuels are subdivided into generations.
Categories of Biofuels:
These are the The 2nd Generation They entered the The 4th Generation
mainstream recently, biofuels don’t require
conventional biofuels Biofuels are more
and they refer to the destruction of
that are produced advanced Biofuels. biofuel that is derived biomass. This
from Algae includes electrofuels
directly from food They are made from
and photobiological
various types of non-
crops. solar fuels.
food biomass, which
Some of these fuels
are plant materials
They are derived and animal waste are carbon-neutral.
Different types of fuels can be produced using 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation biofuels
production procedures.
● Biodiesel is a renewable resource made from vegetable oil, recycled cooking oil,
soybean, palm oil, peanut oil, canola oil, animal fat and fatty acids.
● Bio-ethanol is made from the fermentation of plant starch.
● This is also a by-product of the chemical reaction with ethylene and other types of
petroleum products.
● One of the latest techniques to produce ethanol is eugenol which is done with the help of
algae. Bio-ethanol is a clean gas with no toxins. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions as
well (GHG's).
● Biogas is a renewable source of energy that is produced by the anaerobic digestion of
● It is obtained when organic matter is broken down in the absence of oxygen.
● The raw materials used are manure, food waste, municipal waste, agricultural waste and
sewage used as raw materials.
● A major portion of biogas is methane and CO2. It also has small proportions of hydrogen
sulfide, hydrogen carbon-monoxide.
● It is used for heating, electricity and automobiles.
● Butanol is similar to ethanol. It is a type of alcohol that can be produced from the
petrochemical process or by the fermentation of sugar from crops.
● Its energy content is the highest when compared to other gasoline alternatives.
● It has zero toxic emissions that minimize air pollution.
● Butanol is added to diesel to reduce emissions.
It serves as a solvent in textile industries and is used as a base in perfumes.
● It is similar to biogas and is produced with the help of bacteria, algae, and archaea
biologically. The common methods used in its production are photo-fermentation, dark
fermentation, direct photolysis, and indirect photolysis.
This year, the government approved the National Policy on Biofuels not only to help farmers
economically dispose of surplus stock but also to reduce India's oil import dependence.
Rajasthan became the first state to implement it.
With the first Indian airplane being flown with biofuel, there has been little doubt that biofuel
can be used to run vehicles as well.
But, the truth is that biofuel can replace all human energy needs from home-heating to vehicle
fuel to electricity generation. The basic concept of biofuel is that if we use as much product as is
grown, then our net impact on the environment is negligible if not zero.
Uses of Biofuel and their impact on the environment:
Biofuels are as old as cars. At the beginning of the 20th Century, when Henry Ford built his first
automobile, he also had plans to fuel it with ethanol. Considering that this happened over a
century ago and that ethanol is still not a popular fuel, the plan did not take off.
The discovery of huge petroleum deposits kept petrol cheap for decades, and by then biofuels
were largely forgotten. But a recent rise in the price of Oil and the rise and the concern about
Global warming has reignited the interest in Biofuels. Estimates suggest that we have nearly hit
peak-oil and that it is only a matter of time when we will run out of it. So, the need to find an
alternative is clear. It is strategically very important for India that she develops her indigenous
capabilities in fuels to cater to different needs. Thus, when we move towards biofuels, it is
natural that we would be developing our farming industries, our rural areas, our energy security,
etc. Petroleum products are in any case subject to a lot of ups and downs in the international
market. Thus if we produce biofuels internally in India, then this would be a very good addition.
Many of the alternatives like wind and solar energy are non-practical as transporting them is very
difficult. Thus, the solution seems to be algal-based biofuels. Algae has lipid and lipids can be
converted into several fuels, including diesel, ethanol, butanol and methanol.
With this renewed interest, it is important to examine the uses of biofuels, the first being
transportation. Globally, transportation accounts for 25% of all energy needs and nearly 62% of
all Oil consumed. Most of this energy is burnt to operate vehicles, while the rest goes towards
maintenance, manufacturing, infrastructure, and raw material harvesting.
Further, more than 70% of energy consumption in transportation is used in private cars. Thus, it
is being used in the least efficient means. The other use is in the area of power generation.
Electricity generation is the single largest user of fuel in the world. In 2008, the world produced
over 20,261 TWh of electricity and about 41% of that came from coal, 21% came from natural
gas, and the rest 16% from hydropower, 13% from nuclear, and 5% from Oil. Of the fuel burnt,
only 39% went into producing energy, and the rest was lost as heat.
The third major use of biofuel is generating heat. The majority of biofuel used in heating is used
as solid. The renewed interest has led to a surge of innovation in the industry with research
focussing on improved efficiency, reduced emissions, and enhanced convenience.
Recently, a fuel cell was developed with cooking Oil and sugar to generate electricity. This could
soon become a common method to do that.
Consumers may be able to use fuel cells in place of batteries to charge anything from computers
to mobiles. Biofuels can help to clean up oil spills and grease as well. It has been tested as a
potential cleaning agent in areas where Oil has contaminated waters. Biofuel can also be used for
cooking; the other uses are as a motor lubricant, and to remove paint and adhesives.
The biggest advantage of biofuels is that it is biodegradable. However, developing biofuels
require huge investments for water and fertilizer. In other words, more energy is put into the
system than taken out; thus, it leads to a net loss. Until the input of energy is lower than what the
system produces, the system cannot be viable.
● Biofuels are classified as "Basic Biofuels" viz. First Generation (1G) ethanol &
biodiesel and "Advanced Biofuels" - Second Generation (2G) ethanol, Municipal Solid
Waste (MSW) to drop-in fuels, Third Generation (3G) biofuels, bio-CNG etc. in order
to provide adequate financial and fiscal incentives to each category.
● Under the NATIONAL POLICY, the scope of usage of raw material for ethanol
production has been expanded, by allowing the use of Sugarcane Juice, Sugar
containing materials like Sugar Beet, Sweet Sorghum, Starch containing materials like
Corn, Cassava, Damaged food grains like wheat, broken rice, Rotten Potatoes
● Farmers are at risk of not getting appropriate prices for their produce during the surplus
production phase. Taking this into account, the policy allows the use of surplus food
grains for production of ethanol for blending with petrol with the approval of the
National Biofuel Coordination Committee.
● The National Policy Advocates a viability gap funding scheme for 2G ethanol Bio
refineries of Rs.5000 crore in 6 years, for advanced Biofuels, as well as additional tax
incentives, higher purchase price as compared to 1G biofuels.
● It encourages establishing supply chain mechanisms for biodiesel production from non-
edible oilseeds, Used Cooking Oil, short gestation crops.
● In order to synergize efforts roles and responsibilities of all the concerned
Ministries/Departments with respect to biofuels has been captured.
Expected Benefits of the Policy:
Reduce Import Dependency: One crore lit of E10 saves Rs.28 crore of forex at current rates.
The ethanol supply year 2017-18 is likely to see a supply of around 150 crore litres of ethanol
which will result in savings of over Rs.4000 crore of forex.
Cleaner Environment: One crore lit of E-10 saves around 20,000 ton of CO2 emissions. For
the ethanol supply year 2017-18, there will be lesser emissions of CO2 to the tune of 30 lakh
ton. By reducing crop burning & conversion of agricultural residues/wastes to biofuels, there
will be a further reduction in GreenHouse Gas emissions.
Health benefits: Prolonged reuse of Cooking Oil for preparing food, particularly in deep-
frying, is a potential health hazard and can lead to many diseases. Used Cooking Oil is a
potential feedstock for biodiesel, and its use for making biodiesel will prevent diversion of
used cooking oil in the food industry.
MSW Management: It is estimated that annually 62 MMT of Municipal Solid Waste gets
generated in India. There are technologies available which can convert waste/plastic, MSW to
drop-in fuels. One ton of such waste has the potential to provide around 20% of the drop-in
Infrastructural Investment in Rural Areas: It is estimated that one 100klpd biorefinery will
require around Rs.800 crore capital investment. At present Oil Marketing Companies are in the
process of setting up twelve 2G bio refineries with an investment of around Rs.10,000 crore.
Further addition of 2G biorefineries across the country will spur infrastructural investment in
rural areas.
Employment Generation: One 100klpd 2G bio refinery can contribute 1200 jobs in Plant
Operations, Village Level Entrepreneurs and Supply Chain Management.
Additional Income to Farmers: By adopting 2G technologies, agricultural residues/waste
which otherwise are burnt by the farmers can be converted to ethanol and can fetch a price for
these waste if a market is developed for the same. Also, farmers are at risk of not getting an
appropriate price for their produce during the surplus production phase. Thus conversion of
surplus grains and agricultural biomass can help in price stabilization
Green fuel, also known as biofuel, is a type of fuel distilled from plants and animal materials, it
is generally considered as environmentally friendly and sustainable. Green fuel has evolved as a
possible fueling option and an alternative for fossils.
Generally, crops are broken down into two types: sugar producing and Oil producing, while
making biofuels. These sugar and starch producing crops, like sugar cane or corn, are put
through a fermentation process to create ethanol. The Oil producing plants, such as the one's
used in vegetable oils, can be utilized much like fossil sources of Oil; they create diesel that can
be burned by cars or further processed to become biodiesel.
Recent innovations, in the field of technology, have opened new possibilities in the fields of
advanced biofuels, which focus on non-food sources and waste renewal as energy. The
conversion of landfill material, as well as wood and inedible plant parts, into a form called green
fuel, not only the use of fossil fuels is reduced but also effectively a large amount of waste is
A new form of fuel can be called green, as it derives from green algae. Algae, often seen
growing on bodies of water, is a tiny plant with a rapid growth rate. Its utility as fuel is because it
has an extremely high oil content that can be processed like other oil-producing crops. Many
countries have been involved in extensive research on algae, which is easy to cultivate and grows
extremely quickly. One acre of algae can produce 200 times as much oil as one acre of
per estimates by start-up algae oil companies,
Some critics allege that green fuel is not free from pollution-causing attributes. The processing of
sugar and starch plants into ethanol has come under heavy criticism in recent years; not only do
these plants take away food-growing space, but the fermentation process also releases
considerable pollution into the air. Moreover, green fuel is not necessarily clean and may emit
formaldehyde, ozone, and other carcinogenic substances when used or burnt.
It is not yet clear whether the green fuel currently available is the wave of the future or merely an
interim step on the journey away from fossil fuel use. Governments around the world are
devoting enormous resources to the research of clean, sustainable fuels to replace the pollutant
and quickly disappearing oil reserves used today. Green fuel may not be a perfect solution to the
problems of oil need and global protection, but it remains an important innovation that may pave
the way for a better future.
Today Energy has become a key determinant of production cost at the micro-level as well as in
dictating the inflation and the debt burden at the macro level. Energy cost is a significant factor
in economic activity at par with factors of production like capital, land and labor.due to a
situation of energy shortage and need for conservation there are requirements for energy
conservation measures, which essentially mean using less energy for the same level of activity.
An Energy Audit is an inspection survey, and an analysis of energy flows for energy
conservation in a building. It may include a process or system to reduce the amount of energy
input into the system without negatively affecting the output. It helps in the optimization of
energy costs, pollution control, safety aspects and suggests the methods to improve the operating
& maintenance practices of the system. It is useful in the situation of variation in energy cost
availability, reliability of supply, the decision on appropriate energy mix, decision on using
improved energy conservation equipment and technology.
Objectives of Energy Audit
The Energy Audit provides the vital information base for the overall energy conservation
program covering essentially energy utilization analysis and evaluation of energy conservation
measures. Its objectives include:-
● Identify the quality and cost of various energy inputs.
● Relating energy inputs and production output.
● Identifying potential areas of the thermal and electrical energy economy.
● It highlights wastage in major areas.
● Fixing of energy saving potential targets for individual cost centers.
● Implementation of measures for energy conservation & realization of savings
Fig: 5.28 Steps in Energy Audit
(Image source: Petroleum Conservation Research Association)
● Pipeline capacity requirement would go up from 30-170 million tonnes at the cost of Rs
210 billion for transportation of about 45 percent of petroleum fuels.
● Storage capacity requirement would go up from 9-27 million tonnes, at the cost of over
Rs 160 billion.
● The investment needed to set up retail outlets for the sale of about 133 million tonnes per
annum of motor gasoline and diesel is estimated at Rs 930 billion.
The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 was launched by the Government
of India in 2013 with the objective of achieving national fuel security by promoting electric and
hybrid vehicles. The target is to achieve sales of 6 – 7 million in the hybrid and electric vehicles
sector from 2020. The government will provide fiscal and monetary incentives for this industry.
The expectation is that crude oil worth Rs.62000 crore will be saved due to this.
Under the NEMMP, the government has launched the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing
of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME India) scheme.
● This scheme had an initial outlay of Rs. 75 crore.
● This scheme is expected to provide a major thrust towards early adoption of electric and
hybrid technologies.
● The government hopes that such vehicles will become the first and natural choice of
consumers thereby slowly replacing conventional vehicles, thus helping India inch
towards a pollution-free environment.
● The government envisions that by 2020, early market development via demand incentive,
domestic production and in-house technology development will help this industry reach
self-sufficient economies of scale.
● In 2012-13, around 42000 electric vehicles and close to 20000 hybrid vehicles were sold
in India. Most of the electric vehicles were low-speed scooters. It is expected that with
the government push for this sector, the market can be extended for 2 Wheeler, 3
Wheeler, 4 Wheeler, LCVs and buses.
● The government has plans to incentivise buyers buying hybrid and electric vehicles by
offering monetary support. The incentive will be disbursed through an electronic
mechanism or portal.
● Under this scheme, the producer of the vehicle will reduce the price of the vehicle while
selling to the consumer and the same amount will be reimbursed to the manufacturer by
the government.
Note: The latest update on the scheme: the government has withdrawn the subsidy given to
mild-hybrid vehicles.
Lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used form of batteries. The flexibility and the
reliability of the technology is a huge benefit that makes these batteries superior in many ways to
other forms of rechargeable batteries, and for that reason its developers - Dr. M. Stanley
Wittingham, Dr. John Goodenough and Dr. Akira Yoshino - were awarded this year’s Nobel
Prize in Chemistry.
These batteries have flexibility of Technology which makes them an important component of
vehicle industry system, where they can be adapted as small high-power batteries for hybrid
power buffering, to medium power batteries that can provide both electric power and buffering
in plug-in hybrids, to the increasingly effective high-energy batteries in electric-only vehicles.
There are several advantages of lithium-ion batteries, which is why in a 2016 study it was found
that this technology accounted for 95% of deployed systems in the grid-scale battery market. But
there are certain demerits as well which is driving demand for other kinds of storage systems.
Some of the issues associated with these batteries are; significant cost of production, laser
efficiency for long term storage, also they can have robustness issues, with batteries liable to
explode if damaged. Over time they will also degrade and require replenishment.
Lithium itself is a relatively rare mineral that must be mined at increasing costs, so also, there are
sustainability issues with the disposal of batteries.
Hence, for these reasons there has been an increased push in the development of alternative
batteries, with a rise in other forms in grid-scale developments over the last two to three years.
Thermal energy storage converts energy into heat that can be reused at a later time. The basic
process that it undergoes is relatively simple compared to the complex chemical processes that
make up batteries, but the solutions at scale can require huge construction projects.
Like thermal energy storage, it’s based on a relatively simple theory, but produces some complex
and imaginative results. In its simplest form it can take the shape of a weight and pulley, with the
energy required to lift the weight stored as gravitational potential until it is released again. But
more ambitious ideas are required in order to store grid-scale energy.
When used in a small scale, hydrogen can be stored in pressurised vessels. But for large scale
projects it is stored in underground salt caverns of up to 500,000 cubic metres, at pressures of
2,900 psi. A cavern at this size and pressure would deliver a capacity of around 100 GWh of
stored electricity.
Homi Jahangir Bhabha fostered the development of the Indian nuclear program and as a result of
his vision and the work of several scientists in the field, India is the only developing country that
is self-reliant in nuclear technology. This is despite the presence of many international
technology control regimes in the nuclear arena.
The genesis of nuclear science in India can be traced back to the establishment of the Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), in Bombay in 1945, by Homi Jahangir Bhabha. Since
then India has been making rapid strides both domestically and at the global stage in nuclear
science research and technology. Today it has harnessed the arena of nuclear technology for the
generation of electricity and also nuclear techniques have been used in the field of medicine,
agriculture, industry among others.
The Department of Atomic Energy, responsible for the development of nuclear power
technology in India, was formed on 3rd August 1954.
Apart from developing nuclear technology, the DAE is also in charge of developing radiation
technology for applications in the fields of medicine, industry, agriculture and basic sciences.
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was established with the following objectives:
● Generating electricity from nuclear energy through the use of the naturally available
uranium and thorium in India
● Building research reactors and implementing the radioisotopes produced in reactors for
application in the fields of agriculture, industry and medicine
● Developing advanced technology in domains like lasers, accelerators, information
technology and biotechnology
● Developing materials including strategic and non-nuclear ones like titanium
● Playing a role in national security
● Contributing to industrial development by promoting technology transfers and interaction
with the industry
● Offering support to fundamental research in nuclear energy and other areas in science
● Coordinating with academic institutions to enhance the quality of education and research
and also offering research grants to these institutions
● Promoting international collaboration in fields of advanced research and big science
The apex body of the DAE is the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
The DAE is headquartered in Mumbai. The department executive is the Chairman of the AEC,
who is the ex-officio executive head of the department. This department is directly under the
Prime Minister of the country.
This department has 6 research institutions, 5 public sector companies, 3 industrial organizations,
3 service organizations and 3 universities under it. The DAE also supports many other research
institutes of eminence in India.
Nuclear Energy is the energy at the core of an atom. Normally, the mass of an atom is
concentrated at the center of the nucleus. Neutrons and Protons are the two subatomic particles
that comprehend the nucleus. There exists a massive amount of energy in bonds that bind atoms
Nuclear Energy is discharged by nuclear reactions either by fission or fusion. In nuclear fusion,
atoms combine to form a larger atom. In nuclear fission, the division of atoms takes place to
form smaller atoms by releasing energy. Nuclear power plants produce energy using nuclear
fission. Sun produces energy using the mechanism of nuclear fusion.
Nuclear Reactions
● Nuclear reactions convert one element into a completely different element.
● Suppose if a nucleus interacts with any other particles then separates without altering the
characteristics of other nuclei then the process is called nuclear scattering rather than
specifying it as a nuclear reaction.
● This does not imply radioactive decay.
● One of the most evident nuclear reactions is the nuclear fusion reaction that occurs in
fissionable materials producing induced nuclear fission.
Fig 6.2: Share Of Nuclear power in India
(image source:india energy portal)
Fig 6.3: Atomic Power Stations
(Image source: Philophysics forum)
One of the main reasons for the low capacity factors of nuclear power in India is lack of nuclear
fuel. India has been making advances in the field of Thorium based fuels and trying to design
and develop a prototype for an atomic reactor using thorium and uranium (low enriched), which
forms a key part of the 3 stage Nuclear programme of India. The country has also recently re-
initiated its involvement in the low energy nuclear reaction research activities, in addition to
supporting work done in the fusion power area through the International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor initiative.
The Government of India has made nuclear energy its priority, and intends to augment the share
of Nuclear Energy in total energy generation from around 3.5% to 25 % by the year 2050.
Recently, India has been trying to ramp up its capacity for nuclear generation and for this it has
also been supported by its strategic partners such as USA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN among Other
Rationale for the three stage Nuclear Programme:
● India has only 2% of World’s Uranium reserves, on the other hand, India has 25% of the
World’s Thorium reserves.
● Since India was not part of some of the International Nuclear treaties, India was
prevented from taking part in international trade in the nuclear field.
● India has a huge population and growing economy, to meet the energy demands India had
to rely heavily on imports of coal, and crude oil.
● Hence India had to devise methodologies to be self-sufficient in meeting energy demands
arising due to a burgeoning population and economy; the 3 stage Nuclear Power Program
was one of the answers to it.
Thorium is not a fissile material, but it can be converted into Uranium – 233, which can
then undergo fission to produce energy.
Later on the first two Pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR) at Rawatbhata started
commercial operations in 1973 and 1981. While the first unit of the reactor was built with the
help of Atomic energy of Canada limited, the second unit was completed with the indigenous
research and development efforts and with the support of Indian industry. Due to this success, a
number of reactors were commissioned in India.
A pressurized heavy water reactor is a reactor that commonly uses unenriched natural
uranium as its fuel, while it uses heavy water as its coolant and moderator. The heavy
water coolant is kept under pressure allowing it to be heated to high temperatures without
boiling much as in a Pressurised water reactor.
managing, conversion or disposal of used fuels. If used fuel is not converted for reuse then the
process is defined as an open fuel cycle. If used fuel is converted for reuse then the process is
described as a closed fuel cycle. Let’s consider uranium. It is placed in a reactor for an average
of three years to generate electricity. Once the electricity is produced, used fuel further
undergoes various steps that are mentioned above.
Uranium is found in rocks, rivers, sea water and in most of the solids. It is one most slightly
radioactive metal. In most of the places in the world, the concentration of this metal is adequately
high in the ground. They are extracted and used as a nuclear fuel.
Uranium Mining Uranium Milling Conversion of Uranium
Two methods are used to It is carried out near to the It includes the conversion of
recover uranium ore, site of a uranium mine. A uranium oxide into uranium
evacuation, and situ majority of mining facilities hexafluoride. This product
techniques. Evacuation may involve a mill; wherein a only consists of natural
be open pit mining. The Situ single mill can process ores uranium, not the enriched
process involves oxygenated from several mines. Milling product. Uranium
groundwater that is circulated involves a production of hexafluoride is converted in
through the pores of an uranium oxide concentration gaseous form at a moderate
orebody to soften uranium that is carried out from the temperature of 57 °
oxide and to bring it to the mill.
surface. The convention mill
is used to restore uranium
oxide from a solution.
The concentration of U-235 is In this process, uranium The core of a reactor is made
less than a requirement to dioxide is converted into up of several hundreds of fuel
sustain a nuclear chain pellet form. The pellets are assemblies. U – 235 isotopes
reaction. Hence it has to be fired at a very high split producing an excess of
enriched in fissionable temperature to form enriched heat. This process is known as
isotopes and it is carried uranium and then undergo a a chain reaction and it entirely
through two processes namely grinding process. These depends upon the type of
low-enriched uranium and pellets are connected through moderator namely graphite or
simply depleted uranium. metal tubes organized in a water
fuel assembly to assure
consistency in the fuel.
Note:- In some countries depending upon the policies, used fuels may be shipped into
central storage facilities.
The indian nuclear power program is based on a closed fuel cycle under which the spent or used
fuel namely Plutonium or U-233 is recycled. Right since the inception of the programme the
Department of Atomic Energy has been developing the technology of fuel REPROCESSING.
There are pilot plants for fuel reprocessing at Trombay, that reprocess fuel from research reactors
and industrial scale plants at Tarapur and Kalpakkam that reprocess fuel from power reactors.
● This stage of nuclear power program consists of Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs). These
reactors use Plutonium-239 which is recovered as a byproduct from First Stage and
natural Uranium for fuelling the reactor.
● In FBR, the Plutonium 239 undergoes fission and produces energy. The Uranium-238
present in the fuel gets converted into additional Plutonium-239 by absorbing a fast
moving neutron.
● The FBR use produces more fuels than what is spent, that is: for every 1 kg of plutonium
spent, around 1.1 kg of Pu-239 is produced as a byproduct.
● After building sufficient reserves of Plutonium-239, thorium can be used as a blanket
material inside the reactor which gets transmuted to U-233 to be used in the third stage.
● The surplus Plutonium-239 that is produced in each Fast breeder reactor can be utilised
for setting up more FBRs.
The first prototype FBR has been built at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
(IGCAR), Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu which achieved criticality in 2019. It has been utilising
Uranium -Plutonium carbide fuel.
Based on the above experience the Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI) is
building a 500 MW pool type reactor using a mixed Uranium - Plutonium Oxide fuel
For achieving 2500 MW of electricity capacity from five FBRs, Construction of four more FBRs
has been planned
thorium in parallel with a sequential three stage programme. However beginning has already
been made by introducing forum uranium cycle in Pressurised heavy water reactors and research
India is considering three options in the development of thorium based reactors that include
● Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS),
● Advanced Heavy Water Reactor, (AHWR)
● Compact High Temperature Reactor.
Advanced Heavy Water Reactors are to be fuelled with 20% Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) and
80% Thorium. Low enriched uranium is available in the world market which can be utilised in
these reactors.
Moreover the research reactor at KALPAKKAM MINI REACTOR (KAMINI) utilises uranium
fuel which is derived from Thorium, in radiography of various materials.
For the separation of Uranium-233 from irradiated thorium fuel on a plant scale,a
Uranium-Thorium separation facility is in operation at Trombay.
Fig 6.5: Three Stage Nuclear programme
(Image source: The Hindu)
Also India has increasingly contributed to the different mega science projects like
International Thermonuclear Experiment Reactor (ITER), Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at
CERN, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the India based Neutrino observatory and the
ALICE experiment: Indian scientists have played a significant role in the ALICE experiment,
which is a dedicated experiment for search and study of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP).
Hardware contributions to the ALICE detector include the Photon Multiplicity Detector
(PMD), the Muon Spectrometer, the MANAS chip, and Silicon pad detectors. The PMD is a
fully Indian effort from conception to commissioning. The QGP research program of ALICE is
on the quest to get a glimpse of how matter behaves within a few microseconds after the birth
of our Universe. Indian scientists have contributed to the physics analysis, which led to the
discovery of the QGP matter and its characterization.
CMS - India:
CMS experiment: Indian scientists have played a major role in the CMS experiment, which is
one of the two experiments that discovered the Higgs Boson. Our scientists have been involved
in the design and manufacture of the Hadron Barrel Outer Calorimeter; Silicon strip based pre-
shower detector and RPC detectors, which were installed recently. Indian scientists have
contributed to the physics analysis that led to the discovery of Higgs Boson and a detailed
study of Quark-Gluon Plasma, a form of matter in the early Universe.
GRID computing: Experiments at CERN produce colossal amounts of data (roughly 30
petabytes a year), which are processed using Grid computing, enabling sharing of resources
belonging to computer centers located around the world. Indian scientists have contributed
substantially to the building and operation of the Large Hadron Collider Grid (LCG). LCG has
a hierarchical structure of data dissemination, of which India hosts two Tier 2 centres at
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
(TIFR), in addition to several Tier 3 centers. The two Tier-2 Grid computing centres at VECC
and TIFR are performing a large part of LHC computing.
Nuclear fusion is the process where the nuclei of two light atoms combine to form a new
nucleus. This is another way of producing nuclear energy, like nuclear fission, although in
nuclear fission the nucleus of a heavier atom splits. Now let us learn how the energy is produced
by nuclear fusion.
When two light nuclei combine in a fusion reaction, the combination has a mass that is less than
the mass of the initial individual nuclei. This means that the reaction gives out energy according
to Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence.
An example of a fusion reaction is that of the combination of Deuterium and Tritium, which are
isotopes of Hydrogen to give Helium and release a neutron and give out around 17 MeV of
Nuclear binding energy: It is defined as the energy required to split the nucleus of an atom
into its components.
Fusion: It is defined as a nuclear reaction in which the nuclei combines to form a massive nuclei
with release of neutrons and energy.
There are several research projects and experimental reactors which are under test and being
funded by Private and Public sectors. Some of these new fusion projects are utilising the newest
generation of supercomputers for better understanding and tweaking the behavior of the
ultrahigh-temperature plasma in which hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium. Others have
reopened promising lines of inquiry that were shelved decades ago. Still others are exploiting
new superconductors or hybridizing the mainstream concepts.
Magnetic Confinement
Here, the hot plasma is checked from touching the walls of the confining material by use of
magnetic fields. The temperatures achieved are extremely high and therefore they are kept from
touching material.
However this technology is still at a nascent stage and scientists are a long way from achieving a
self-sustaining reaction, and from preventing neutron activation from destroying the reactor’s
Inertial Confinement
Here, the high energy density is put into a small pellet of reactors fusing them in such a short
span that they don’t have the time to touch the confining material. Powerful pulsed laser or ion
beams compress a small fuel pellet to extremely high densities, and the resulting shock wave
heats the plasma before it has time to dissipate.
But there are issues with this type of fusion because the forces exerted on the fuel pellet result in
laser-plasma instabilities that produce high-energy electrons, which heat and scatter much of the
fuel before it can fuse. Moreover due to the high cost of laser and several complexities associated
with it makes the traditional approaches to Inertial Confinement unsuitable for energy
Magnetic Inertial Fusion
Also known as Magnetized Target Fusion,this is a hybrid approach which uses magnetic fields to
confine a lower-density plasma (as in magnetic-confinement fusion),that can be heated and
compressed using an inertial-confinement method such as lasers or pistons (as in inertial-
confinement fusion). But in order for this technique to work the scientists are yet to find a way to
increase the plasma density at a working level and keep it there so long enough that a significant
fraction of the fuel mass gets fused.
The stellarator’s spiraling ribbon shape produces high-density plasma that’s symmetrical and
more stable than a Magnetic Confinement Reactor, allowing the reactor to run for long periods of
time. But the challenge with this kind of reactor is its design which is hard to be built and
extremely sensitive to imperfect conditions.
However, some of the groups involved in building these reactors are predicting significant fusion
milestones within the next five years, including reaching the breakeven point at which the energy
produced surpasses the energy used to spark the reaction. As the threat of climate change looms
large over the world it is imperative that one of these projects gets commercialized and succeed
in order to mitigate harmful effects of climate change and simultaneously fulfill the energy
requirements of a large scale population.
It is a safe source for It is economic and The amount of fuel The greenhouse gases
the generation of sustainable. available in nature is produced during the
electricity. abundant and is process of fusion is
inexpensive. minimal.
There have been several efforts by the government of most of the developed Nations like the
USA ,France ,Germany etc but there were project delays and cost overruns which came as a
setback to most of the governments.
Although there is abundant fusion energy in nature, in the form of thermonuclear fusion which
powers stars and the sun, the task of triggering and controlling a self-sustaining fusion reaction
and harnessing its power is arguably the most difficult engineering challenge humans have ever
Also most of the challenges arise in fusion energy due to issues with heating, containing and
controlling the plasma. The neutron radiation in a nuclear fusion reactor damages the reactor's
walls which must be replaced frequently and disposed of as low-level radioactive waste.
Nevertheless,several of the new initiatives mentioned above are underway to overcome the
challenges and run few concept projects on Nuclear fusion energy in order to materialise the
envisaged dream into a reality.
Nuclear fission is the process of splitting a heavy nucleus, such as uranium or plutonium, in two
smaller nuclei of nearly the same mass. During this process, the unstable radioactive nucleus is
split into two smaller nuclei. Nuclear fission can occur spontaneously in some cases or can be
induced by the bombardment on the nucleus with a variety of particles (e.g., protons, or neutrons
or alpha particles) or by gamma rays radiation.
During this fission process, a huge amount of energy is produced further giving rise to
radioactive elements as well as the release of many neutrons. These neutrons can further induce
chain fission reaction in the nucleus of the uranium or plutonium and release more neutrons. This
can result in an uncontrolled chain reaction till all the starting material is exhausted where a large
amount of energy is also produced.
If such reactions can be controlled in a nuclear reactor, these chain reactions can be harnessed to
meet the electricity needs of society. On the other hand, such uncontrolled reactions can lead to
the formation of atom bombs, which can be very devastating.
The modern “Atomic Age” is attributed to the discovery and developments in the field of nuclear
fission. This has its own boon and bane. It’s judicious usage and development can help us to
develop at a great speed and in a sustainable manner but if it falls in the wrong hands it can cause
a great threat to humanity. However, there is still a great scope of development and research in
this field and still many more questions are to be answered.
As mentioned above the splitting of neutrons results in the release of a large amount of energy.
During this process, there is a strong repulsion force between the protons. But, they are also
bound together by the strong nuclear force. Typically, each proton applies a repulsion force of
20N on every other proton and that is equal to the force of a hand resting on a person’s lap. This
is really a very large force for these atomic particles.
Due to such a large force inside the small nucleus, it leads to the production of a large amount of
energy and is enough to cause a considerable reduction in mass. This implies that the total mass
of each of the fission fragments is less than the mass of the starting nucleus. Here the missing
mass is called the mass defect.
It is easy to understand the amount of energy that binds all the nuclei together. Every nucleus has
this binding energy except hydrogen. Therefore, the binding energy available to each nucleon is
simply called the binding energy per nucleon. The same amount of energy is actually required
per nucleon to split a nucleus.
The products formed after fission are more stable means further splitting is very hard. As this
binding energy for fission products is very high, the nucleonic mass becomes lower. The result
of this large binding energy and lower mass results in the release of energy. Nuclear binding
energy and mass defects are also used interchangeably.
When a nucleus fissions reaction takes place, the neutron breaks the target nucleus into further
smaller products. These fission products are nearly equal to half the original mass. Two or three
neutrons are also emitted.
Fig 6.7 Nuclear Fission
(image source:byjus)
The main purpose of a reactor is to contain and control energy released. Uranium is used as the
nuclear fuel in the reactors. The uranium is treated with ceramic pellets and they are sealed in the
form of metal tubes called fuel rods. Generally, about 200 such rods are assembled together to
form a fuel assembly. When a hundred of such assemblies are assembled together, it is called the
The fuel rods are dipped in water in the reactor, which functions as both a coolant and
moderator. The job of the moderator is to slow down the neutrons produced by fission to control
the chain reaction. Control rods may be immersed in the reactor core to reduce the reaction rate
or pulled out to increase the same. The heat produced by such reactions converts the water into
steam, which is further converted into carbon-free electricity by the help of turbines.
● Clean Alternative Source of Energy:-Nuclear fission is one of the most researched and
well-known topics of nuclear technology. This has been utilized as a very clean
alternative source of energy. It will not be a hyperbole if we tell it as “the energy source
of the future”. This technology is now achieving perfection and excellence and emerging
at a very fast pace compared to other alternative sources of energy.
● Fulfil The Needs Of The Present And Future Generation:An enormous amount of
energy is produced by the process of nuclear fission, which can be utilized to fulfil the
needs of next-generation high tech cities, and industries. As this is a very rapid reaction,
energy can be produced depending on the requirement with greater reliability.
● Reduced Threat From Greenhouse Gases Production And Global Warming:In
contrast to fossil fuels, which causes serious damage to the environment, nuclear fission
produces energy without releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which reduces
the effects of global warming and even helps fight pollution.
● Extremely Low Operation Cost:The cost of operation is very low once the nuclear
power plant is commissioned. The costs in operation are only the payment of workers to
run the plant and the cost of the raw materials required.
● Higher Risk of Radiation Exposure:The radiation emitted during the fission reaction is
extremely harmful to humans and animals. The workers who are exposed while working
at nuclear power plants are at great risk radiation poisoning, cancer and other diseases
associated with radiation.
● Highly Vulnerability:High vulnerability is a potential risk that is involved in nuclear
power plants. The enormous energy produced in a fission reaction can be utilized to
create nuclear weapons. Any small accident at a nuclear plant can cause huge damage,
affecting the lives of millions.
● Radioactive Contamination Risk:The waste that is released from the nuclear power
plant is highly radioactive and harmful for all living beings. There are high chances of
water contamination from these plants which can cause serious diseases and death in
living beings.
● High Cost Of Plant Commissioning:To build a nuclear power plant requires a huge
investment, and this is due to the latest technologies and safety measures that are required
to run it properly.
Due to nuclear instability, an atom’s nucleus exhibits the phenomenon of Radioactivity. Energy
is lost due to radiation that is emitted out of the unstable nucleus of an atom. Two forces, namely
the force of repulsion that is electrostatic and the powerful forces of attraction of the nucleus
keep the nucleus together. These two forces are considered extremely strong in the natural
environment. The chance of encountering instability increases as the size of the nucleus increases
because the mass of the nucleus becomes a lot when concentrated. That’s the reason why atoms
of Plutonium, Uranium are extremely unstable and undergo the phenomenon of radioactivity.
CONTROLLING RODS: DescriptionControl rods are used in nuclear reactors to control the
fission rate of uranium or plutonium.these rods are generally composed of chemical elements
such as boron, cadmium, silver, or indium, that are capable of absorbing many neutrons
without themselves fissioning
MODERATOR: These are used in a Nuclear Reactor to regulate the speed of fast moving
neutrons. Generally light water is used as a neutron moderator. Other alternatives include
beryllium, graphite ,heavy water .
resulting water is pumped out of the condenser with a series of pumps, reheated, and pumped
back to the steam generator. The reactor's core contains fuel assemblies that are cooled by
water circulated using electrically powered pumps. These pumps and other operating systems
in the plant receive their power from the electrical grid. If offsite power is lost, emergency
cooling water is supplied by other pumps, which can be powered by onsite diesel generators.
Other safety systems, such as the containment cooling system, also need electric power. PWRs
contain between 150-200 fuel assemblies.
The core mandate of BARC is to sustain peaceful applications of nuclear energy, primarily for
power generation. It manages all facts of nuclear power generation, from theoretical design of
reactors to, computerised modelling and simulation, risk analysis, development and testing of
new reactor fuel materials, etc. BARC is also involved in research areas related to spent fuel
processing and safe disposal of nuclear waste. Also, other research focus areas are applications
for isotopes in industries, medicine, agriculture, etc.
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam (IGCAR)
This centre for atomic research is the second largest establishment of the Department of Atomic
Energy after the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. IGCAR was established at Kalpakkam, 80
KMs south of Chennai [MADRAS], in 1971 with the main goal of performing broad based
multidisciplinary programme of scientific research and advanced Engineering, focussed on the
development of sodium cooled Fast Breeder Reactor [FBR] technology, in India. ThisFBR forms
the part of the second stage of Indian Atomic Energy Programme, which aims at exploring the
potential of the country for utilization of the extensive Thorium reserves and providing means to
meet the large demands of electrical energy in the 21st century.
In this light, a modest beginning was made by constructing a sodium cooled Fast Breeder Test
Reactor [FBTR], with a minimal power of 40 Mwt. The FBTR achieved its first criticality on
18th Oct, 1985 and since then it has been working at its maximum attainable power level of 10.5
MWt with a small core. It is one of the first reactors in the world to use Plutonium Uranium
mixed carbide as a driver fuel.
Over these years, theIGCAR has established a large number of research and development
facilities covering the entire spectrum of FBR technology related to Sodium Technology,
Reactor Engineering, Reactor Physics, Metallurgy and Materials, Chemistry of Fuels and its
materials, Fuel Reprocessing, Reactor Safety, Control and Instrumentation, Computer
Applications etc., and a strong base has been developed in a variety of disciplines related to this
advanced technology.
The experience and expertise gained after the successful operation of FBTR, the Centre has
moved towards the design and construction of 500 MWe, Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor
[PFBR]. Various research activities in the fields like Structural Mechanics, sodium-water,
thermal Hydraulics and flow induced vibration, Component Testing in high temperature sodium
environment, reaction, hydraulic development of sodium pumps etc., were pursued and the
design was completed. The PFBR is under advanced stage of construction and commissioning by
As a part of efforts for closing the fuel cycle, a Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Plant is under
construction.A 30 KWt, U233 fuelled mini reactor [KAMINI] has been made operational for
neutron radiography, neutron activation analysis etc.,
IGCAR utilizes its expertise and resources in enhancing its standing as a leading Centre of
research in various branches of basic, applied and engineering sciences that have a bearing on
Nuclear Technology like Structural Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Material Science,
Fabrication Processes, Non-Destructive Testing, Chemical sensors, High temperature
thermodynamics, Radiation Physics, Computer science etc.,
The IGCAR not only works in fields of nuclear technology,but also has credentials as a leader
of research in various frontier and topical subjects like Quasicrystals, SQUID fabrication
programs, exopolymers and experimental simulation of condensed matter using colloidsOxide
superconductors, Nano-structures, clusters, etc.,
The expertise and facilities of IGCAR has been utilised into other vital sectors such as Defence,
Space and other industries of India in order to develop techniques for reliable solutions to
specialized problems.the centre has also collaborated with educational and R & D institutes like
Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Pilani, Regional Engineering
Colleges, National Research Laboratories, Public Units and Institutes abroad.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
It is a research and development unit of the Department of Atomic Energy. The centre is located
in Kolkata, and involved in performance of research in basic and applied nuclear sciences along
with development of the latest nuclear particle accelerators. It has a collaboration with the CERN
In keeping with its growing stature as one of the country’s leading scientific organizations
involved in multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted exploration-cum-analytical-cum research
activities, the ‘Division’ was rechristened as a ‘Directorate’ on July 29, 1998 on the eve of its
stepping into the ‘Golden Jubilee’ Year.
The operations of AMD started on October 3, 1950 with a nucleus of 17 Geoscientists which has
grown to 2354 personnel by 2016. The principal mandate of the unit was to carry out geological
exploration and discover mineral deposits required for the Atomic Energy power program of the
● It is defined as variants of a particular element where these variants will have the same
number of protons but differ in the number of neutrons in the atom.
● Due to the unequal numbers of neutrons, the isotopes of elements usually have a
different mass.
● Generally, elements which have odd atomic numbers will have one or two stable isotopes
whereas elements with even atomic numbers will mostly have three or more stable
isotopes. However, there are also exceptions like carbon, helium, and beryllium.
● An isotope is usually denoted or identified by the name of the particular element at the
beginning, which is followed by a hyphen and the mass number.
● Some common examples that can be cited are the isotopes of hydrogen and carbon.
Talking about the element Hydrogen, it has three stable isotopes, namely protium,
deuterium, and tritium.
● These isotopes have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons
wherein protium has zero, deuterium has one and tritium has two.
● Looking at carbon, it also has three isotopes, namely Carbon-12, Carbon-13, and Carbon-
14. The numbers 12, 13, and 14 are the isotopes' atomic masses. It is to be noted that
Carbon-12 is a stable isotope whereas carbon-14 is usually a radioactive isotope.
● Apart from the above-mentioned elements, some other common isotope examples include
– Zinc has 21 known isotopes, Tin has 22 isotopes, Neon is a mix of 3 isotopes, natural
xenon consists of a mixture of 9 stable isotopes, Nickel has 14 known isotopes.
● These are radioactive isotopes of an element which can also be defined as atoms that
contain an unstable combination of neutrons and protons or having excessive energy in
their nucleus.
● Different isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons in their atomic
nuclei but differing numbers of neutrons.
● The unstable nucleus of a radioisotope can occur naturally, or as a result of artificially
altering the atom. In some cases, a nuclear reactor is used to produce radioisotopes, in
others, a cyclotron.
● Nuclear reactors are best-suited to producing neutron-rich radioisotopes, such as
molybdenum-99, while cyclotrons are best-suited to producing proton-rich radioisotopes,
such as fluorine-18.
One of the most common examples of a naturally-occurring radioisotope is uranium.
Applications Of Radioisotope:
Geological dating: in this radioisotopes are used to determine the age of rocks and minerals.
● Carbon dating: is used to determine the age of archaeological objects such as fossils. By
knowing the concentration of C-14
● Agriculture: P-32 is used to study the transportation of minerals and salts,killing pests,
causing genetic mutations to produce better strains
● Medical treatment: Co 60 is used for cancerous tumours, I-131 used for detection of the
thyroid, Na-24 used to detect problems in blood circulation.
Some of the most innovative ways being used to improve agricultural practices involve nuclear
technology. Nuclear applications in agriculture rely on the use of isotopes and radiation
techniques to combat pests and diseases, increase crop production, protect land and water
resources, ensure food safety and authenticity, and increase livestock production.
FAO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have been expanding knowledge and
enhancing capacity in this area for over 50 years. And the results have led to some major success
stories around the world.
Applications in Agriculture:
Animal The technologies related to nuclear and its components have made a
productivity and difference in improving livestock productivity, controlling and
Health preventing animal diseases and protecting the environment.
Improved soil In order to maintain healthy soil and water systems, a number of
and Water countries are utilizing nuclear technology, which is paramount in
Health ensuring food security for the growing global population.
Pest The nuclear-derived sterile insect technique (SIT) involves mass-
Management rearing and sterilizing male insects before releasing them over pest-
infested areas. This novel technology suppresses and gradually
eliminates already established pests and also helps in the prevention
of the introduction of invasive species – it is also touted to be safer
for the environment and human health than conventional pesticides.
Food Safety To facilitate the trade of safe food and to combat food fraud, Food
safety and quality control systems need to be robust at the national
level, which costs the food industry up to USD 15 billion annually.
Use of Nuclear technology has been helping national authorities in
over 50 countries to improve food safety by tackling the problem of
harmful residues and contaminants in food products and to improve
their traceability systems with stable isotope analysis.
Climate change The agricultural sector uses nuclear and related technologies to adapt
Adaptation to climate change by increasing resource-use efficiency and
productivity in a sustainable way.
Carbon dating is one of archaeology's mainstream methods for dating organic objects up to
50,000 years old. This method is based on the idea of radiative decay of Carbon-14 isotopes over
thousands of years. Through physics, scientists have discovered that radioactive molecules decay
at a specific rate dependent on the atomic number and mass of the decaying atoms. This constant
can be used to determine the approximate age of the decaying material through the ratio of
radioactive isotopes to the estimated initial concentration of these isotopes at the time of the
organism's death. Scientists have concluded that very little change has occurred in the ratio of
Carbon-12 to Carbon-14 isotopes in the atmosphere, meaning that the relationship between these
two should be very similar to how they remain today.
Without radiocarbon dating, "we would still be foundering in a sea of impressions sometimes
bred of inspired guesswork, but more often of imaginative speculation". Carbon-14 dating is a
revolutionary advancement in the study of the history of our planet. It is, in fact, leading to the
"reconstruction of the history of the world". This method of dating allows researchers to learn
about past civilizations, changes in the earth, and in the climate.
Different civilizations and religions have different methods of dating. However, carbon-14
dating offers something particularly valuable, called absolute dating, which is the age of the
substance before the current time. This means that it may be used and compared to dates
anywhere in the world. In fact, it is considered the, “most important development in absolute
dating in archaeology and remains the main tool for dating the past 50,000 years”. With this tool,
scientists hope to unravel the mysteries of how man developed, when the first man lived, where
he went, and create a type of timetable of human life.
Carbon has unique properties that are essential for life on earth. Familiar to us as the black
substance in charred wood, as diamonds, and the graphite in "lead" pencils, carbon comes in
several forms or isotopes. One less abundant form of carbon has atoms that are 14 times as heavy
as hydrogen atoms: carbon-14, or 14C, or radiocarbon.
Fig 6.10 :Radiocarbon Dating
The action of gamma rays radiation, emitted for instance by a cobalt-60 source, leads to ruptures
of chemical bonds in their interaction with the matter of living organisms. This process helps in
an efficient and reliable elimination of bacteria, fungi and parasites in food. The radioactive
treatments are generally more effective since the penetrating power of gamma rays ensures that
all points of the product are actually processed.
However, the efficacy are dose dependent. The doses used for preservation and sterilization are
adapted to their purpose. The scale of these doses is of course not the same as those applied to
humans. For example, we take as low a dose of 50 to 100 grays (Gy), whereas such a dose is
considered high in the case of radiotherapy of a cancer and it could be dangerous or harmful if
applied non-locally to the whole body.
The low dose irradiation inhibits germination, contributes to deworming of grain and fruit and
slows down physiological processes of decomposition. Potatoes, onions, shallots are irradiated to
inhibit germination so they are conserved longer. In order to slow down the maturity, the
Strawberries and tomatoes get the same treatment. Spices and dried vegetables are also treated to
destroy microorganisms.
Rays leave no radioactive residues in the product. If they disrupt atoms and molecules, they do
not attack the nucleus. Radiation is just energy that passes through food, destroying bacteria and
other microorganisms, and then dissipates. The only residue is a small amount of molecules that
have been affected in the food by the passage of energy.
India conducted its first successful test of a nuclear bomb on 18 May 1974 at Pokhran. The secret
operation was called “Smiling Buddha” and the current MEA nomenclature for the exercise is
achieve conditions where such a reaction can take place while controlling its rate, then we can
achieve what is called the controlled thermonuclear fusion.
In an uncontrolled state, these types of reactions give rise to destructive forces. The hydrogen
bomb is an example of an uncontrolled fusion reaction. Another differentiating factor between
controlled and uncontrolled fusion reactions is that, since conditions are unpredictable in an
uncontrolled reaction, they can’t be tapped for any use.
This type of bomb is generally an enhanced radiation weapon (ERW),which is a low yield
Thermonuclear weapon and is designed for maximization of lethal Neutron Radiation in the
immediate vicinity of the blast while the physical power of the blast is minimised
International Collaboration in the Project
● ITER is a collaborative project of thousands of scientists and engineers from 35
● There are seven major partners; India, U.S.A, E.U, Russia, China, Japan, and South
● These 7 partners constitute about 50% of the world population and about 85% of world
● EU alone will bear 45% of the estimated construction cost of $25 Billion while the other
6 countries will contribute 9% each.
● Further, specific tasks and components are assigned to each country.
Benefits to India from ITER:
Being a major partner in the project, would help India to accelerate towards the goal of building
a fusion reactor, much earlier than the original deadline of 2035. Moreover, working on the
project would be an enriching experience for our scientific community as well as industry.
Having become a full partner, India will be involved in the manufacturing of key components
like cryostat vessels, cryogenic lines and distribution systems. Since these components will be
manufactured in India using cutting -edge technology, it would be a great experience for both the
manufacturers as well as the research programmes for our own national fusion projects.
Results of the experiments and Intellectual Property Rights generated during it will be shared
with all the partner countries, including India, which will benefit its regime. Along with it, in the
long run, the project would facilitate development and growth of Fusion technology In India
which will be effective in meeting the energy demand of the Country besides being a clean
source. Thus, not only will it reduce dependency on fossil fuels but will also cater to India's quest
The Nuclear Doctrine of India is based on the principle that India will only use a nuclear weapon
in retaliation to a country’s attempt of attacking India, its states or its army with a nuclear
weapon. Nuclear Doctrine, in general, is how a country with a nuclear weapon uses the weapon
in peace and at the time of war.
The Nuclear Doctrine of India is based on three main pillars. The three pillars of India’s nuclear
doctrine are as follows:
● No first use
● Credible minimum deterrence
● Civilian control (NCA)
All other components of the doctrine such as survivability strategic( the ability of personnel,
equipment, and systems to survive the effects of nuclear weapons) trend, punitive retaliation in
rapid response and shift from peacetime deployment to fully employable forces in the shortest
possible time are all strict mathematical derivations of the above three basic principles.
Indian’s nuclear doctrine is the most responsible doctrine which aims at providing the minimum
credible deterrent. It is a consensus document and does not restrict the country from exercising
its nuclear weapon options in any manner. It offers complete elasticity in deciding the number of
nuclear weapons India should possess.
Image: Innovative Applications Of Nanotechnology
Source: Researchgate
2. Nano Mission
The Government of India launched the Nano Mission in 2007 under the Department of Science
and Technology. Its objectives:
● Basic Promotion of Nanotechnology
● Infrastructure Development
● Establishment of R&D in Nanoscience Applications
● Establishment of Development Centre for Nanosciences
● Human Development in Nanotechnology
● International Collaborations
India has been able to rank amongst the top 5 countries in the world for Scientific
Publications in Nanoscience & Technology due to the efforts led by the Nano Mission.
The Nano Mission has established national dialogues to promote R&D in the development of
standards for nanotechnology and for laying down a National Regulatory Framework Road-
Map for Nanotechnology (NRFR-Nanotech).
This rapid project was necessary for the emerging health care requirements in order to combat
the COVID-19 Pandemic. The goals of the project are to focus on the following areas:
● Antiviral Nano-coatings: It will be coated/used on the appropriate material for
producing anti-COVID-19 Triple Layer Medical masks and N-95 respirator or better
masks in large quantities.
● All components of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
4. ICONSAT 2020
The International Conference on NanoScience and NanoTechnology (ICONSAT) is a series of
biennial international conferences held in India under the aegis of the Nano Mission, Department
of Science and Technology (DST).
ICONSAT 2020 was organized during 5th-7th March at Kolkata (West Bengal).
Objectives of ICONSAT
● Bringing out Cutting Edge Nano Technology for the development of Physics, Chemistry
and Material domains.
● Integration of 5Ms – Mechanical, Material, Machines, Manufacturing and
Manpower with the help of NanoScience and NT.
● Integration of NT with Sustainable Development.
● Emphasizing the need to create a network of experts in nanoscience and to collaborate the
knowledge across sectors like energy, agriculture, transport, health and so on.
● Providing a potential platform for young researchers and students from within the country
and abroad to keep pace with the latest development in the emerging areas of Nano
Science and Technology.
The Scientists believe that it can be potentially used for applications ranging from solar energy
harvesting to desalinating seawater. One of the most fascinating properties of the new material is
its ability to absorb the entire visible and near-infrared region of solar light. It does so
because of inter-particle plasmonic coupling as well as heterogeneity in nanoparticle size. Black
gold could also act as a catalyst and could convert carbon dioxide into methane at
atmospheric pressure and temperature using solar energy
● The quality of research needs to be improved significantly. Only 16% of the papers from
India figured in the top 1% publications in 2011.
● Only 0.2% of the patents filed in the US Patent Office is from India in this field.
● Although the target number of PhDs in nanotechnology is 10000 per year by the Ministry
of HRD, the current number is just 150 per annum.
● The contribution of the private sector is minimal in this domain.
Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology which superimposes an image onto a user’s view of
the real world and enhances it with sound, touch, and even smell. It is a combination of the real
scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer. AR is a technology
which is going to blur the lines of reality.
Augmented Reality has moved beyond headsets and gaming and permeated into numerous
industries. It is increasingly being adopted for a variety of uses like assembly, maintenance,
repair, education, training, retail showcasing and diagnostics.
AR makes workers more efficient by providing them with an additional layer of knowledge and
insights. Augmented Reality remote assistance can improve training in situations where new
hires need assistance. This tech enables real-time collaboration between field personnel and
remote experts.
Defence Health
Pharmaceuticals Logistics
Augmented Reality tools can help scientists to AR will benefit logistics industries at
picture the structure of complex molecules. multiple levels of their operations.
Drug developers usually work with static
models. The AR will help the developers to ● Optimizing warehouse operations
step inside the molecule and see how it moves ● Optimizing transportation
and responds to different stimuli and situations. ● Last-mile delivery
This will reduce errors and reduce the years- ● Enhanced value-added services
long drug development cycle.
Advertisement Miscellaneous
For example, Jaguar Land Rover put ● Various filters on Snapchat and
prospective car buyers in the virtual driver’s Instagram are an example of
seat of its latest models without making the Augmented Reality.
visit to the dealership. Consumers could launch ● Scanning your QR code using your
the AR capability directly from a banner ad phone’s camera provides additional
without any need to install an app. Customers information on the screen.
can see the outside view seated at the driving ● Google Glass and other Head-up
seat through transparent windows. Displays (HUD) put Augmented
Reality directly into the glasses.
These glasses could be used as
reminders for patients undergoing
● Retail companies use it to help
customers envisage aesthetics when
new furniture is placed to redesign
the interiors of their homes.
● Gaming – Pokemon is one of the
most famous games to hit a big chord
with the public.
● AR is used in the field of language
● Law enforcement agencies can use
AR tech to recognize criminals in
huge crowds.
● If a car breaks down, people can fix
their cars using AR tech, repair and
maintenance can be carried out
without the help of mechanics. This
tech will recognize the vehicle parts
via object recognition, describe and
picture all required repair and
maintenance steps in detail and real-
time, along with information about
any equipment requirements.
First Augmented Reality Centre in India:
● For education and training institute, to be set up in Varanasi.
● It will be established in a tie-up with Eon Reality.
Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and
natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes. Science goes with conquering new frontiers of nature and
technology enables the speedy growth of it. Science demystifies magic and miracles and
provides satisfactory answers to human quest. Controlled methods are generally used in the
discovery of science. Science also goes with fathomless human imagination and establishes truth
for common observation. Universalism, objectivity, skepticism and organised criticism are the
rare impulses used in the progress of science and scientific temperament. The technological
apparatus has enabled humans to make many breakthroughs. The domain of science and
technology can easily be comprehended through physics, chemistry and biology. Technology
emerges as powerful tools to accelerate the momentum of scientific progress. The tripartite of
physical observation of nature, the chemical actions and reactions and human and plant anatomy
have immense power to control deterministically the living and non-living beings. Any average
mind person is expected to have a clear hold on it.
Aristotle is known as the father of Biology. He widely studied the natural world and examined its
origins using scientific insights and systematic observations rather than connecting it to divine
interference. Aristotle’s biology theory outlines five major biological processes:
temperature, metabolism, regulation, inheritance, embryogenesis and information processing. He
was also the first to uncover the relationship between animals and establish a system of
The integumentary system is the organ system that protects our body from any form of damage
that includes skin, hair, scales and nails. It works as waterproofing, cushion and protection to
deeper tissues. It excretes waste and regulates temperature of our body. Integumentary system is
an attachment site for sensory receptors to detect pain, sensation, pressure and temperature and
vitamin D synthesis.
The skin has three major layers of tissues, viz. epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis
is a thin, tough, outer layer made up of epithelial cells and it does not contain blood vessels.
Stratum corneum is the outermost portion of the epidermis, prevents most bacteria, viruses and
other foreign substances from entering the body. Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin,
function is to filter out ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. Langerhans cells are part of the skin’s
immune system which helps detect foreign substances and defend the body against infection.
Dermis is thick layer next to epidermis that is fibrous and elastic that gives the skin its flexibility
and strength. It contains nerve endings, sweat glands and oil glands, hair fallacies, and blood
vessels. Sweat glands produce sweat in response to heat and stress. The sebaceous glands secrete
sebum into hair moist and soft and acts as a barrier against foreign substances. The blood vessels
of the dermis provide nutrients to the skin and help regulate body temperature.
Hypodermis’ purpose is to attach skin to underlying bone and muscles as well as supplying it
with blood vessels and nerves. Fat layer helps insulate the body from heat and cold, provides
protective padding and serve as an energy storage area.
The digestion system includes four important stages, viz. ingestion, digestion, absorption and
elimination. The digestive system includes alimentary canal viz. salivary glands, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, large intestine ending in the rectum and anus
and accessory digestive organs. These are liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Food moves from one
organ to the next through muscle action called peristalsis. The salivary glands in the mouth
produces saliva contains an enzyme amylase that digest the starch from food into smaller
molecules. The stomach has three mechanical tasks. To store the swallowed food, to mix up the
food, liquid and digestive juice produced by the stomach and to empty its contents slowly into
the small intestine. The liver is the largest gland of our body. It secrets bile which helps the body
to absorb fat. The pancreas produces enzymes that helps digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
It also makes a substance that neutralizes stomach acid. Small intestine has 3 divisions such as
duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The inner wall of the small intestine is covered with millions of
microscopic, finger like projections called villi. The villi are the vehicles through which nutrients
can be absorbed into the body. The larger enzyme secrets no enzyme and plays only a minor role
in the absorption of nutrients. The three divisions of large intestine are caecum, colon and
rectum. The rectum is where feces are stored until they leave the digestion system through the
anus as a bowel movement. Disorders and disease of digestive system may primarily cause
gastrointestinal infection, caused by virus, by bacteria such as salmonelia, shigellia,
compylobactor of E coli. Hepatitis is a condition when liver becomes inflamed and may lose its
ability to function.
The respiratory system is an anatomical system of an organism used for respiration. Mouth, nose
and nasal cavity are the visible parts of upper respiratory system. The nostrils act as an air intake,
called Cilia that protects the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract. Pharynx
is the part of the digestive system as well as the respiratory system because it carries both food
and air. Larynx is also known as the voice box as it is where sound is generated. It also helps
protect the trachea by producing a strong cough reflex if any solid objects pass the epiglottis.
Trachea that is the wind pipe carries air from the throat into the lungs. The inner membrane of
the trachea is covered with cilia. Bronchi is one of the two divided parts of trachea, one entering
the left and one entering the right lung. Bronchioles is a tertiary bronchi that continues to divide
and become bronchioles, very narrow tubes, less than 1 millimeter in diameter. Alveoli is an
individual hollow cavities contained within alveolar sacs. Alveoli has very thin walls which
permits the exchange of gases viz. oxygen and carbon dioxide. Thorax or the chest cavities is the
airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart and other structures. Diaphragm is located
below the lungs. It is a large, dome shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continually
and most of the time, involuntarily. The tidal volume is the volume of air that is installed or
exhaled in a single such breath. Breathing is a constant process where the body constantly
breathe in and out of the day. Respiration is also a process of diffusion. In the process oxygen
moves from the alveoli to the blood through the capillaries lining the alveolar walls. Blood
contains Hemoglobin- a specialized protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs so that oxygen can
be transported to the rest of the body. Carbon dioxide which produced during the process of
diffusion, moves out of the cells into the capillaries, where most of it is dissolved in the plasma
of the blood. As an issue in respiration a chronic inflammatory lung disease may also cause
contract in the wind pipe that is also known as asthma. Asthma is triggered by irritants in the air
such as cigarette smoke, asthma flares. Smoking has two fold effects on respiration. It may
irritate the cells lining and respiratory tract. Long terms effects include disease like emphysema
of which the earlier is much common.
The circulatory system is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved materials
throughout the body, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste. The structure of
circulatory system is dependent on heart. The heart has four chambers, viz. right atrium, left
atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle. The bottom part of the heart is divided into two
chambers called the right and left ventricles which pump blood out of the heart. The upper part
of the heart is made up of the other two chambers of the heart, the right and the left atria. Arteries
carry blood away from the heart. They are the thickest blood vessels, with molecular walls that
contract to keep the blood moving away from the heart and through the body. Two coronary
arteries provide oxygen and nourishment to the muscles of the heart. Vein carry blood back to
the heart, waste products such as carbon dioxide are also removed by the capillaries. The
working of Circulatory system consists of one complete heartbeat makes up a cardiac cycle,
which includes two phases viz. the ventricles contract sending blood into the pulmonary and
systematic circulation then the ventricles relax and fill with blood from the atria, which makes up
the second phase of the cardiac cycle. The normal heart beat is 70-72 per minute in males and
78-82 per minute in females. The heartbeat of a child is more than that of an adult that is 140
heart beat per minute. The senatorial or SA node, a small area of tissue in the wall of the right
atrium, sends out an electrical signal to start the contracting of the heart muscle. These electrical
impulses cause the atria to contract first, and then travel down to the atrioventricular or AV node.
In the systematic circulation, blood travels out of the left ventricle, to the aorta, to every organ
and tissue in the body, and then back to the right atrium. In the pulmonary circulation, blood low
in oxygen but high in carbon dioxide is pumped out the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery
which branches off in two directions. The coronary circulation includes the coronary arteries to
supply blood to the heart mussels. The blood transports life supporting food and oxygen to every
cell of the body and removes their waste products. Blood has two main constituents. The cells or
corpuscles comprise about 45% and the liquid portion, or plasma in which the cells are
suspended, comprise 55 %. The blood cells comprise three types: red blood Cells (RBC) or
Erythrocytes, White Blood Cells (WBC) or leukocytes and Platelets or thrombocytes. Anemia is
a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. It can be caused by blood loss abnormal destruction of
the red cells, and inadequate red cells formation by the bone marrow. Leukemia is about the
excessive increase in abnormal leukocytes that may occur for unknown reasons, resulting in the
disease known as the leukemia. Atherosclerosis is a disorder of large and medium sized arteries,
such as the large coronary arteries that supply the heart muscles with oxygen. The disorder is
characterized by a buildup of fatty deposits, called plaques, on the inner walls of arteries. The
most important peripheral vascular disease of the veins is thrombophlebitis or phlebitis. This
disorder involves the formation a blood clot in large veins, usually in the leg or pelvis.
Hypertension is the high blood pressure that is often secondary to hardening of the arteries. As
the arteries lose their elasticity the heart has to beat harder to force the blood through. The result
is high blood pressure.
The network system is a network of specialized cells called neurons that coordinate the actions
and transmit signals between different parts of the body. The central nervous system of
vertebrates contains the brain, spinal cord and retina. The peripheral nervous system consists of
sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia and nerves connecting them to each other and
to the central envious system. All neurons have three parts: dendrites, axon and sensory. The
dendrites receives information from another cell and transmit the message to the cell body. The
axon conducts messages away from the cell body. The sensory neurons carry messages from
sensory receptors to the central nervous system.
The largest and most complex part of the body is forebrain. It consists of cerebrum. The
cerebrum contains the information that essentially makes us who we are, our intelligence,
memory, speech, ability to feel etc. The outer layer of the cerebrum is called cortex in the inner
part of the forebrain sits the thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The thalamus carries
messages from the sensory organs like eyes, ears, nose and finger to cortex. The hypothalamus
controls the pulse, thirst, appetite, sleep patterns and other processes in our bodies that happen
automatically. The midbrain is located underneath the middle of the forebrain that acts as a
master coordinator for all the messages going in and out of the brain to the spinal cord. The
hindbrain sits underneath the back end of the cerebrum and contains cerebellum, pons and
medulla. The brainstorm takes in, sends out and coordinates all of the brains’ messages. It also
controls many of the body’s automatic functions, like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure,
swallowing, digestion, and blinking. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for
sudden stress. The parasympathetic nervous system helps the digestive tract move along so our
bodies can efficiently take in nutrients from the food we eat. Disease and Huntington’s disease
are due to imbalances of neurotransmitters Parkinson’s is due to a dopamine deficiency.
Alsheimer’s disease is associated with protein plaques in the brain. One of the critical problems
of nervous system is brain tumors. They usually grow in one place and may be curable through
surgery. A malignant tumor is cancerous and more likely to grow rapidly and spread. Meningitis
and encephalitis are the infections of the brain and spinal cord that are usually caused by bacteria
or viruses. Meningitis is the inflammation of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord and
encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain tissue.
Three kinds of muscles are identified in our body viz. Skeletal, Visceral and Cardiac. Muscles is
a specialized tissue of mesodermal origin. About 40-50 per cent of the body weight of a human
adult is contributed by muscles. Each myofibril has alternate dark and light bands on it. A
detailed study of the myofibril has established that the striated appearance is due to the
distribution pattern of two important proteins- Actin and Myosin. Utilizing the energy from ATP
hydrolysis, the myosin head now binds to the exposed active sites on acitin to form a cross
bridge. The myosin release the ADP and Pi goes back to its relaxed state. A new ATP binds and
the cross bridge is broken. The ATP is again hydrolyzed by the myosin head and the cycle of
cross bridge formation and breakage is repeated causing further sliding. Auto immune disorders
affecting neuromuscular junction leading to fatigue, weakening and paralysis of skeletal muscles.
Skeletal system consists of a framework of bones and few cartilages. The system has a
significant role in movement shown by the body. Bone and cartilage are specialized connective
tissues. The axial skeleton comprises 80 bones distributed along the main axis of the body. The
skull, vertebral column, strernum and ribs constitute axial skeleton. The skull is composed of two
sets of bones-cranial and facial, that totals to 22 bones, Cranial bones are 8 in number. Vertebral
column is formed by 26 serially arranged units called vertebrae and is dorsally placed. It extends
from the base of the skull and constituents the main framework of the trunk. There are 12 pairs
of ribs. Each rib is a thin flat bone connected dorsally to the vertebral column and ventrally to the
sternum. It has two articulation surfaces on its dorsal and hence is called bicephalic.
Appendicular skeleton is the part of the skeletal system. The bones of the limbs along with their
girdles constitute the appendicular skeleton. Each limb is made of 30 bones. The bones of the
hand are humerus, radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges. Joints are essential for all
types of movements involving the bony parts of the body. Locomotory movements are no
exception to this. Joints are points of contact between bones, or between bones and cartilages.
Fibrous joints do not allow any movement. This type of joint is shown by the flat skull bones
which fuse end-to end with the help of dense fibrous connective tissues in the form of sutures, to
form the cranium. Synovial joints are characterized by the presence of a fluid filled synovial
cavity between the articulating surfaces of the two bones. Such an arrangement allows
considerable movement. Cartilaginous joints are the bones involved in joining bones together
with the help of cartilages. Arthritis are inflammation of joints. Osteoporosis is an age related
disorder characterized by decreased bone mass and increased chances of fractures. Decreased
levels of estrogen is a common cause. Inflammation of joints happen due to accumulation of uric
acid crystals.
The system that controls and coordinates the biochemical produced by body itself is called
endocrine system. It mainly consists of two important parts, namely glands and hormones. A
gland is a group of cells that produces and secrets, or gives off, chemicals. A gland selects and
removes materials from the blood, processes them and secretes the finished chemical product for
use somewhere in the body. Exocrine glands, such as the seat and salivary glands, release
secretion in the skin or inside of the mouth. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, release more
than 20 major hormones directly into the blood stream where they can be transported to cells in
other parts of the body. Two important endocrine diseases are diabetes millets (DM1& 2) and
Osteoporosis. Diabetes millets (DM) is a group of metabolic disease in which a person has high
blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin or because cells fail to use
insulin that is produced. The diabetes can further be classified into two categories, namely Type
1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes results from the body’s failure to produce insulin
and requires person to inject insulin. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance a condition
in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin
deficiency. If the body produces too much growth hormone (GH), gigantism or acromegaly
(gigantism in adults) can occur, too little growth hormone results a condition called growth
hormone deficiency. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become fragile and more likely
to break. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition associated with symptoms of infrequent or
irregular menstruation. Thyroid disorder is also produced by the complication in the thyroid
gland, influence nearly all of the body’s symptoms. Thyroid problems include hyperthyroidism.
Cushing’s syndrome is produced by cortisol hormone.
The reproductive system of animals can be divided into the internal and external system.
Gametes are reproductive cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a
zygote. When the haploid male and female gametes unite in the process called fertilization, they
form what is called a zygote. In the male, testes produce sperm, and in the female, overies make
eggs. Hermaphroditism is one organism has both sexes. Earthworms and garden snails always
have both male and female organs. Parthenogenesis is the ability of an unfertilized egg to
develop and hatch. There are two major mechanism of fertilization. In external fertilization, used
by many aquatic invertebrates, eggs and sperm are simultaneously shed into the water, and the
sperm swim through the water to fertilize the egg. In internal fertilization, the eggs are fertilized
within the reproductive tract of the female, and then are covered with egg shelf and remain
within the body of the female during their development.
● India energy portal