SP0511C01R01 - DYn11 - 1 Transformer Stability Testing
SP0511C01R01 - DYn11 - 1 Transformer Stability Testing
SP0511C01R01 - DYn11 - 1 Transformer Stability Testing
Transformer Number:
Single phase injection into delta side (phase to phase) Three phase injection into delta side
Star side phase shorted to neutral Star side shorted 3 phases to neutral
v v
Z base (wrt hv side, on 100 mva) 43.56 ohms Z base (wrt hv side, on 100 mva) 10.89 ohms
transformer reactive impedance in ohms 21.62 ohms transformer reactive impedance in ohms 0.02 ohms
total reactance in ohms per phase -23.85 ohms total reactance in ohms per phase -45.46 ohms
resonant frequency (avoid 49 to 51 Hz) 59.2 Hz resonant frequency (avoid 49 to 51 Hz) 2554.3 Hz
Injection Voltage
injection voltage phase to phase 415 volts injection voltage phase to phase 415 volts
voltage across capacitor 723.7 volts voltage across capacitor 239.7 volts
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Form Owner: Neil Dwyer, Manager Technical Services
Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802