A Comparative Study of Traditional and Smart Classrooms in Relation To Their Creativity and Academic Achievement

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A comparative study of traditional and smart classrooms in relation to their

creativity and academic achievement

Research · August 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19436.10886


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2 authors:

Navita Malik Vinod K Shanwal

Galgotias University Gautam Buddha University


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Integr. J. Soc Sci., 2017, 4(1), 15-19 . Article .


A comparative study of traditional and smart classrooms in relation to their creativity

and academic achievement
Navita Malik and V.K. Shanwal*
Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India
Received on: 10-June-2017 Accepted and Published on: 05-Aug-2017

The education and health are two major components for development of any country. The traditional system of teaching
has been replaced with latest technology. The technology is one of the important components for the advancement. The
need of technology is also felt in teaching and learning to make it more meaningful. The process of attendance,
assignments, homework, evaluation, management and many more issues become easier with the help of technology. The
application of technology is not only useful in management but also to control them. The education imparted through
interactive whiteboard is also known as Smart classroom. It is one of the important technology-based teaching aids used
now-a-days. The studies revealed that the use of smart class room technology in the teaching and learning process is
increasing day by day. It enhances the capability, interest, and motivation etc. of both tutor as well as students. Hence, it
was felt necessarily to make an attempt to see the difference between academic achievement and its relation with
creativity. This paper focuses on the comparison between the students which are studying in the traditional classroom
and smart classroom in relation to their creativity and academic achievement. In this study students of VIII standard,
aged from 13 to 15 years old were selected. The students were divided into two groups i.e. experimental and control,
taught in smart classroom and traditional classroom respectively. The Baqer Mehndi’s verbal test was used to measure
creativity. This study measured the academic achievement through researcher's self-made class test for students. The t-
values were used to compare the academic achievement of students studying in smart and traditional classrooms.
Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation was used to find out the relation between creativity and academic achievement. It was
found that was a significant difference of student’s academic achievement when taught with smart classroom and also
found positive relation between academic achievement and creativity.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Creativity, Smart Classroom technology and Traditional classroom,

interest, the reflective thinking among students. Academic

Introduction Achievement, Intelligence, creativity, attitude, retention, etc.
are measurable parameters of a good education. This research
Now-a-days technology is widely used in our daily life. The paper helps stakeholders not to follow the new technology
technology is one of the important components of the blindly, but get well versed with its effects.
advancement. As the technology advances, the teaching
methodology also changes. The traditional system of teaching Smart Classroom
has been replaced with advance teaching methodology. The A smart classroom is a classroom that has an instructor
process of attendance, assignments, homework, evaluation, station equipped with computer and audio-visual equipment
management and many task become easier with the help of which allow the instructor to teach using a wide variety of
advance technology. Now, education is imparted through new media.
innovative methods like Cloud classrooms, NPTEL, Online
Courses, Smart Classrooms etc, No doubt, These technologies The Smart Learning Methodology
cannot replace teachers, but a blended approach is needed.
The curriculum and lesson planning is pre-installed by the
Smart classrooms are used in maximum schools over to software company. The company ensures that all teachers and
traditional classes. These classes used to develop curiosity, students benefit from the lesson prepared by experienced
teachers and curriculum developers. The web-based system
provides a single, common infrastructure to manage teaching,
Corresponding Author: Dr. V.K. Shanwal learning and training initiatives in the smart schools. The tech-
Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India savvy students not only enjoy their studies through these
Email: vkshanwal@gbu.ac.in methodologies but keenly participate in the learning process.
Smart classes have changed the process of learning.
According to Kumari et al., 2013 in comparison of the
Cite as: Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2017, 4(1), 15-17. traditional classroom audio-visual aids in the classroom ensure
©IS Publications IJSS ISSN: 2348-0874 that each child understands and grasp better. At the smart
school a combination of e-learning and traditional teaching

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2017, 4(1), 15-19 15
method called as blended learning method is used. By using overcome obstacles by careful thought. Author finds that there
the relevant Information and Communication Technology is no firm evidence that creative individuals are either more or
(ICT) teaching and learning tools, the computer labs and web less intelligent than other people; definitely there exists a
portals, the combination of e-learning and traditional teaching correlation between the two, which has a positive low
assists every student to achieve his or her goals in the correlation. Intelligence is necessary but not sufficient to
classroom. produce creativity.
Subject Attainment Target Kamaei and Weisani, 2013 assess the relationship between
achievement motivation, critical thinking and creative thinking
Smart school teachers and students in meeting have with academic performance of secondary girl's school
following subject attainment targets :
students. Authors (Bagceci and Ozyurt, 2014) found that there
1. It enables every student to set his or her own pace of is a significant positive relationship between the flexibility
study. aspect of the students’ creativity and SBS success on the
subjects of Turkish, Math, Science and Social Sciences and
2. It is interactive. also that there is a significant positive relationship between the
3. It enables topics to be shown in audio and video originality aspect of the students’ creativity and SBS exam
sequences. success on the subjects of Math and Social Sciences. The
means of creative thinking skill levels of the students are
4. Smart learning fosters student collaboration. compared and it is observed that the mean of fluency is the
5. It encourages creativity. highest and the mean of flexibility is the lowest.
6. It encourages students in the use of research skills. Kumar J. and Rani, 2014 studied to find out the difference
in creative thinking abilities of senior secondary school
7. Students may access the web portal at any time through students in relation to their intelligence. The findings of the
the internet. study reveal that superior intelligent students and low
8. Students are unbound by time. intelligent students differ significantly on fluency superior
intelligent students are higher fluency than the low intelligent
Academic Achievement students. Similarly, superior intelligent students and low
intelligent students differ significantly on flexibility too.
An important measure to know whether there is any
investment found in students or not in due course of studies. However, there is no significant difference found between
According to Goods,1973 “Academic achievement as a superior intelligent students and low intelligent students
regarding originality and creativity. It shows that originality
knowledge attain or skill develop in school subject usually
designate by test score or by mark assign by teachers or by there is no significant difference found between superior
both”. Academic achievement is the key factor to judge to intelligent students and low intelligent students regarding
originality and creativity. It shows that originality and
have some impression about abilities of a person.
creativity are equally distributed between superior intelligent
Creativity students and low intelligent students and creativity are equally
distributed between superior intelligent students and low
According to Mumford, 2003 creativity involves the
intelligent Student.
production of novel and useful products. It is defined as “the
process of producing something that is both original and Namia Y., Marsooli H , Ashouri M (2014) studied the “The
worthwhile" or "characterized by originality and Relationship Between Creativity And Academic Achievement.
expressiveness and imaginative”. Authors investigated relationship between students’ creativity
and academic achievement. The sample size of 72 subjects
According to Nazima T and Hummara A, 2012 Creativity is
was conducted to collect data from the student questionnaire
a process by which something new, either an idea or object in
and Torrens creativity was used. Field of information gleaned
the form or arrangement is produced. Creativity is seeing
from questionnaires and was analyzed by using both
something in a new relationship. It is one’s abilities or skills
descriptive and inferential statics. These results are captured
expressed in a new combination. Creativity can be seen in
components of creativity and achievement, and there were
thinking, in expressed activities, in manipulating objects or
positive significant relationships.
materials. Creativity is an investigation of new ideas. It is the
determination of some unique characteristics. It is an urge in Geeta R, Suman D, 2013 studied the relationship of
the person to reveal in an object something new. It is also Creativity and Achievement Motivation of Senior Secondary
learning to estimate and to deal with the new situations on Students and result revealed that there is no significant
their unique characteristics. relationship between creativity and Achievement motivation.
Creativity and Achievement motivation of government senior
According to Hamzah, et al., 2009 the software provided in
secondary school students are not correlated with each other.
smart schools is referred as sophisticated learning tools in
The result also revealed that achievement motivation of
which every topic is covered in the software with the schedule
government senior secondary school students do not differ
and the topics. It means no need to open the textbook. The
significantly on the basis of their level of creativity.
students looked at this software as new inventions that
Achievement motivation mean scores of high creative and low
distinguish smart schools from other schools and at the same
creative students of Govt. Senior Secondary Schools do not
time offer them advantages compared to other schools
differ significantly. It may therefore be concluded that
According to Narain, S., 2009 one factor that is related to achievement motivation level of students of govt. senior
creativity but is not identical, is intelligence. The term secondary schools do not affect their creativity level.
intelligence refers to individual’s ability to understand
complex ideas to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn
from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning to

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2017, 4(1), 15-19 16
Nazima T and Hummara A, 2012 studied the factors Procedure of Data Collection
affecting the creativity levels between the private and
government school children in Srinagar city (7th- Before giving any instructions to both the group, a pre-test
10thgrades).The variation in the school environment was is conducted in science. After conduction of Pretest lesson is
found to be the major factor that affected the creative abilities taught to both the groups. Instructions given to control group
among Government school students which is due to lack of through chalk and talk in traditional classroom and
opportunities, facilities and encouragement in Government experimental group by following a Smart Classroom
schools. Further, gender as a variable could not make any Technology through interactive whiteboard. After the
difference among students. completion of the content in both groups, students were
administrated post –test. The same test is used as pre test and
Kant,R 2012 studied creativity in relation to TV viewing post test with same marks distribution; number of items,
habits of secondary school students. The result of this study duration and maximum marks are same. The Baqer Mehandi’s
shows that on some behalf TV viewing is negatively related to Verbal Test of Creativity is also employed to both the groups.
creativity but overall TV viewing is positively related to
creativity of secondary school students. Students viewed Collection of Data
variety type program on TV however they were low achiever Investigator personally went to the school for
or high achiever gain knowledge and information through TV. administration of the test. The investigator administered the
In this study relationship between creativity and TV viewing Baqer Mehandi’s Verbal Test of Creativity was employed and
was positive overall but not significant. for academic achievement test was constructed by the
Sumati S. and Chaturvedi S., 2014 studied to examine the investigator to examine the academic achievement in Science
difference in scholastic achievement of high and low creative of standard VIII class, science students.
students .Results revealed that high creative group had high
scholastic achievement. In the level of gender high creative Result and Discussion
boys had better scholastic achievement than their counterpart
low creative boys. Table 1. Coefficient of correlation between creativity and
academic achievement on traditional classroom technology
Need of the study Variable Academic
There are number of researches which focused on
improving student learning, participation and increasing Creativity 0.41
faculty, staff and student exposure to smart board technology.
Student perceptions, attitudes and attention to the use and non-
use of an interactive whiteboard during instruction are Table 2. Showing coefficient of correlation between creativity
measured. But following variables like Creativity and and academic achievement for Smart classroom Technology
Achievement are still not considered with smart classroom
technology. This study will present a comparison between Variable Academic Achievement
traditional and smart classroom teaching in Indian scenario Creativity 0.55
using Creativity and Academic Achievement variables.

Objectives of study
Analysis of coefficient of correlation between Creativity
The main objective is to compare academic achievement in and Academic Achievement on traditional classroom
relation to creativity of students of Smart Classroom technology is shown in table 1. There is a significant positive
technology to traditional classroom. correlation between creativity and academic achievement. The
correlation coefficient of 0.41 is significant at 0.01 levels.
1) To compare the academic achievement of students Table 2 shows a significant positive correlation between
studying in smart classroom and Traditional Classroom. creativity and academic achievement. The correlation
2) To find out the relationship between intelligence and coefficient of 0.55 is significant at 0.01 levels. It may be
academic achievement of two different classroom. therefore concluded that there is a positive relation creativity
and academic achievement, whether the students are of
Hypothesis traditional classroom or smart classroom. This correlation
shows that with the increase or decrease in achievement, there
1) There exists no significant difference between academic
will be impact on creativity of students and vice –versa is also
achievement of students studying in Smart Classroom and
true. Result of the present study support Studies of authors
Traditional classroom
Yaghoob Namia , Marsooli H , Ashouri M (2014) which
2) There exist no relationship between creativity and revealed the positive significance between creativity and
academic achievement of students studying in Traditional academic achievement of both government schools and private
classroom and Smart classrooms. schools.
The sample consisted of 40 students, which include boys
from Panchsheel balak inter college, Noida. Students are
distributed randomly into two groups one is control group
taught traditional method of classroom and another group is
experimental taught through smart classroom technology.

Integrated Journal of Social Sciences Integr. J. Soc. Sci., 2017, 4(1), 15-19 17
Table 3. Statistical Analysis of Means of Pre test Scores of 2. There is no significant difference between the academic
Academic Achievement in Science among Class VIII Students achievements of secondary level students when no instructions
in Experimental and Control Groups to both groups are provided.
Groups Mean variance t-value 3. There is significant difference found between both
experimental and control group following smart classroom
Experimental 4.9 7.49 1.05
technology and traditional group respectively and concludes
that smart technology classroom is an effective way of
Control Group 3.9 10.39 instruction method.
This study found a relationship between academic
achievement and creativity of the students when no
instructions is provide no difference exist and then significant
difference found between both experimental and control group
Table 4. Statistical Analysis of Means of Post test Scores of following smart classroom technology and traditional group
Academic Achievement in Science among Class VIII Students respectively. This study found that smart technology
in Experimental and Control Groups classroom is an effective way of instruction method. Through
the smart classroom technology students will become more
engaged with the subject matter. It will make learning an
Groups Mean variance t-value enjoyable experience for them while improving their
performance in school and enhancing their creativity.
Experimental 17.4 12.04 2.10
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