Idioms Grade 8
Idioms Grade 8
Idioms Grade 8
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.
Vision: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global
Mission: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible and
inclusive learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible
global citizens and leaders.
Date: September, 3023
recitation; and
a. Preparation
-Checking attendance
b. Motivation
2) Michel has to think on his feet to finish his math problem in 5 minutes.
4) Joana and Karen are in the same boat having a hard time with biology
5) This time, Matthew took the books seriously so he could pass the history
c. Lesson Proper
Idiomatic Expressions
Face the music to receive punishment or accept the unpleasant results of your
A blessing and disguise Something that is not recognized
Hit the books To study
Hit the sack Go to bed
Up in the air Uncertain or unsure
Stab someone in their back Hurt someone by betraying him or
her secretly and breaking their trust
Pitch in Contribute to something or
someone or join in
Get duck in a row Get things well-organized
Think on your feet Adjusting quickly to changes and
making decisions
Tricks of the trade Clever or expert way of doing
Not let grass under feet Do not delay in getting something
Separate sheep from goats Examining a group of people and
deciding suitability
Tickled pink Made very happy
Hands down Without question
Down in the dumps Sad or depressed
Till the cows come home For a very long time
Under the weather Sick or not well
Piece of cake Very easy
Slap on the wrist Mild punishment
An arm and leg Extremely expensive
Loose canon Unpredictive
When pigs fly Never
In the same boat In the same unfortunate
circumstances as others
Back to square one Having to start all over again
A taste of your own medicine When are mistreated the same way,
you mistreat others
Cut to the chase Leaving out all the necessary and
just to get the point
Add insult to injury To worsen an unfavorable situation
Whole nine yards Everything or all of it
Last straw The final problem in a series of
Bite off more than you could To take on a task that is way too
chew big
d. Activity
1. The dose of the field trip is still up in the air due to the recent changes.
-not yet decided/uncertain
2. Finish your project right away and do not let grass grow under your feet.
You don’t want a low grade on the project, don’t you?
-take action immediately/act quickly
3. She was down in the dump as she did get expect a low grade in the
English exam.
-feel very sad
4. Michelle has been under the weather for 3 days already, her mom said she
still has to stay in bed for a few more days.
-feeling sick or unwell
5. Larry did not follow the instructions, so he had to go back to square one
and do the right this time.
-start over
e. Generalization
“Share it!”
daily communication?
1. Chen and Kyla lifted the curtain
regarding the upcoming wedding.
2. I already paid for last month's water
bill, it's your turn to pick up the tap.
3. Well-written adventure and sci-fi
books are not Achilles heel.
4. Don’t go to them, let sleeping dogs
5. I’m sorry, but my hands are lifted.
6. I will do that scary challenge when
pigs fly.
7. The villain sheds crocodile tears so
VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.