College of Nursing
Mandaue City, Cebu
BSN 2D - Group 2
Group Members:
Mr. Allosada, Willy II M.
Ms. Asignar, Julia Ryan G.
Ms. Bispo, Roseanne Karla D.
Mr. Boc, Michael Eliezer L.
Mr. Chua, Hance G.
Mr. Co, Ronald Jr. B.
Ms. Dinoy, Alyssa Marie T.
Ms. Domapias, Regene Katherine L.
Ms. Gabasa, Ana Monica O.
Ms. Huynh, Kristy Tu Anh G.
Ms. Leyson, Precious Anne G.
Ms. Longakit, Zia Princess Angela Haven V.
Ms. Maglasang, Janine F.
Ms. Paco, Ericka China M.
Mr. Paden, Evanno Dave G.
Ms. Remedio, Johanna Marie C.
Ms. Rodrigo, Kisha Bethel G.
Mr. Roma, GV B.
Ms. Rosal, Aaliyah Mai. M.
Ms. Sampilo, Shyne Tiffany Y.
Ms. Tabuco, Nicole Uriel P.
Ms. Tambidan, Sittie Cera Kenji O.
Ms. Villafuerte, Alliah Marie B.
Surgical History:
Familial Illness:
Paternal: History of cysts, Pneumonia,
Maternal: Hypertension
Anthropometric Measurements
Length 35 inches
Vital Signs
Temperature: 36.1°C
Screening Tests
Medication / Vaccines
DPT (6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks old) January 22, 2019 / March 5, 2019 / April
23, 2019
OPV (6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks old) January 22, 2019 / March 5, 2019 / April
23, 2019
Hepatitis B (within 24 hrs, 6 weeks) October 25, 22018 / December 14, 2018
Status: Single
Hair -hair color is -smooth and
Occupation: black and thin. firm, somewhat
N/A elastic
Past Medical
History which Scalp -clean and no
has relevance dandruff
to present
Two times of Face -symmetrical and
pneumonia. proportional
After there is
pneumonia Skin -no edema, -his skin is
there is a lesions, bruising, rough, dry, and
severe burns, and warm
pneumonia soares temperature
c measure- Eyes -Clear, without
ments: redness or
Birth weight: purulent
2.240kg discharge
Birth length:
35 inches
Blink reflex -pupils are
equal, round and
reactive to light
20 inches
Ears -is equal in size -no tenderness
21 inches
girth: -no lesions and
18 inches presence of
lumps back in
GTPAL: the ear
P-1 Nose -no sinuses or
A-1 clear patency
-no edema,
bleeding or pain
of the gums and
-complete teeth
and no decays
areas on the
Heart -presence of
shortness of -HR: 79bpm
breath if asthma -No heart
attack occurs murmurs
-presence of
- no lesions and
Health Before, the child is thin and takes different medications. After the
Perception child is not that thin as before and there is only an asthma attack.
Cognitive/ The child has no deficit in sensory perception. If the child speaks,
Perceptual it is still not fully developed but can identify colors, alphabets, and
Sleep/ The child has trouble sleeping because of his skin rashes and
Rest sometimes wakes up early in the morning just because of an
asthma attack.
Activity/ He plays outside but for a short period because the child has been
Exercise asthmatic. He easily gets tired and has trouble breathing.
Attending Physician: Dr. N.P
Psychosocial Spiritual Diagnostic Normal Patient’s Significance
Culture Tests Value Result
Role The mother Blood test: 12.0 - 16.0g/ Within the High hemoglobin can
Relationship: and the child Hemoglobin dL normal range be caused by
The child has a good are Roman dehydration, living in
relationship with theCatholic.The high altitude areas,
family on the mother or other conditions,
maternal side. On participates such as lung or heart
the paternal side, hein worship disease. Low
doesn’t have a good groups and hemoglobin levels
relationship because also tries to lead to anemia,
the family lives go to which causes
abroad churches in symptoms like fatigue
other and breathing
Values religions problems.
The mother is always (born again
there for his child, church). Hematocrit 36.0 -46.0% Within the Dehydration is the
and she is the one normal range most common cause
making the decision. of increased
hematocrit and the
Moral Beliefs decrease of
-the child tries to get hematocrit is a
a toy that is stuck or characteristic of
under in the bed, anemia which may be
and he finds a way caused by blood loss
to get it and also or nutrient deficiency.
analyzes the
situation. RBC 4.00-5.20x10 Within the High RBC count or
^6/uL normal range Polycythemia Vera
Coping/ may be caused by
Stress overproduction of
Tolerance RBCs or underlying
Before, the child hit medical problems.
his head when he is Low RBC count may
angry or stressed, be caused by anemia,
but now he only bone marrow
cries. failure,and
The client does not have any problems with his pattern of urinating. He is not
also using any form of assistive devices used for urinating.
The mother confirmed that her son’s bowel elimination is daily, once almost
every 10 in the morning. Moreover, poop is color black due to frequent ingestion of
Chuckie. The client doesn’t use any assistive devices and usually doesn’t experience any
difficulty unless he’s eliminating hard stool; he always cries when this happens.
Health Pattern #4: Active-Exercise Pattern
The client usually wakes up at around 9 AM, eats then does his usual routine like
bowel elimination and taking a bath. Afterwards, he plays a little bit and then doze off
to sleep at around 2 in the afternoon until 6 in the evening. Then, he watches TV and
plays cars, lego and fix things until he gets sleepy. Although asthmatic, he still likes to
play outside but only for a short period of time since he always gets tired easily.
The client’s family is Roman Catholic but they go to a Born again church because
she said that it did not matter as long as the belief in God is there. The mother
participates in worship groups and usually gets her strength from worshiping God. Their
family participates in religious activities in the community for example, their family
Task 5 (Ms. Remedio and Ms. Rodrigo): Identify 1 actual physiologic nursing problem.
Develop a care plan based on the identified problem. List down 10 Nursing
Interventions (5 Independent, 3 Dependent, 2 Interdependent). Use the CDU-CN NCP
Doenges, M. E.,
Moorhouse, M. F., &
Murr, A. C. (2019).
Breathing Pattern.
In Nurse's pocket
guide: Diagnoses,
interventions, and
rationales (15th ed.,
pp. 107-112).
Pennsylvania: F.A.
Davis Company.
Martin, P. (2020,
January 09).
Breathing Pattern.
Retrieved April 07,
2021, from
Task 6 (Mr. Roma and Ms. Rosal): Identify 1 actual physiologic nursing problem.
Develop a care plan based on the identified problem. List down 10 Nursing
Interventions (5 Independent, 3 Dependent, 2 Interdependent). Use the CDU-CN NCP
Doenges, M. E.,
Moorhouse, M. F., &
Murr, A. C. (2014).
Nursing care plans:
guidelines for
individualizing client
care across the life
span. Edition 9.
Philadelphia, PA:
F.A. Davis
Task 7 (Ms. Sampilo and Ms. Tabuco): Identify 1 psychologic nursing problem.
Develop a care plan based on the identified problem. List down 10 Nursing
Interventions (5 Independent, 3 Dependent, 2 Interdependent). Use the CDU-CN NCP
● Consult with a ● May need
dietitian to assistance
provide a diet to ensure
high in adequate
protein, intake of
carbohydrates, nutrients.
and vitamins.
Doenges, M. E.,
Moorhouse, M. F.,
& Murr, A. C.
(2014). Nursing
care plans:
guidelines for
client care across
the life span (9th
ed.). Philadelphia,
PA: F.A. Davis
Task 8 (Ms. Tambidan and Ms. Villafuerte): Identify 1 risk nursing problem. Develop a
care plan based on the identified problem. List down 10 Nursing Interventions (5
Independent, 3 Dependent, 2 Interdependent). Use the CDU-CN NCP template.
● Administer ● Bronchodilator
Sources: prescribed s: to dilate or
asthma relax the
Belleza, M., medications ( muscles on
R.N. (2021, bronchodilator the airways.
February 20). s such as Steriods: to
Asthma. Albuterol, reduce the
Retrieved from steriods or inflammation
https://nursesl combination in the lungs. inhalers/
ma/ nebulizers)
Lian JX.(n.d)
Managing a Severe
Acute Asthma
Retrieved on April
7,2020 from
Martin, P., BSN, RN
(2020, January 9).
8 Asthma Nursing
Care Plans.
Retrieved from
● Encourage the intake of Whole grains ● Helps protect children from asthmatic
● Encourage intake of Omega-3 fatty ● Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like
acids (Fish), and avoid Omega -6 fatty salmon, tuna, and sardines, and some
acids plant sources like flaxseed oil, have a
number of health benefits. A recent
study showed that kids who ate an
adequate amount of Omega-3s from
fish had better airflow and resulted in
low dependency of asthma medication
as opposed to children who did not
consume fish. Omega-6 fatty acids,
found in some margarines and
processed food on the other hand,
need to be avoided because it may
worsen asthma and other serious
health conditions such as heart
● Encourage parents to have their child ● Asthmatic people are at high risk of
get flu vaccination and pneumonia complications from the flu. Flu
shot infection in lungs can cause/trigger
asthma attacks, can worsen asthma
symptoms, and may lead to
development of pneumonia. CDC
recommends that people 6 months of
age and older, get a flu vaccine every
year to protect against getting flu
complications. A study of influenza
related pediatric deaths between 2000
to 2016 found that 12% had asthma
(Shang, M. et. al. 2018)
- One risk factor of Pneumonia is
Asthma. Pneumonia shot for the child
will help prevent lung infection and
can help the child get rid of the risk of
having the infection.
● Limit the child’s exposure to asthma ● Help the child avoid the allergens and
triggers irritants that trigger asthma
symptoms. Irritants bother the airway
and can induce bronchospasm when a
child with asthma is exposed.
● Don’t allow smoking around the client ● Exposure to tobacco smoke during
infancy is a strong risk factor for
childhood asthma, as well as a
common trigger of asthma attacks.
● Help the child for regular elimination ● Encourage the child to use the
of wastes bathroom at regular times during the
day, especially after meals and
whenever they feel the urge to go. Let
your toddler sit for at least 10 minutes
at a time. This helps improve bowel
habits of client
● Advice the parents of the child to limit ● This helps reduce the number of trips
the amount of fluid taken before bed to the bathroom needed to make
time during the night and avoid sleep
Task 10 (Ms. Bispo and Mr. Boc): Search for at least six (6) recent evidence-based
studies/practices across culture that contribute/address the health needs of the client.
Give relevant information such as the author’s name, date the study was published,
findings, conclusion and recommendations.
1. Chinese herbal medicine formula To observe the efficacy The PCYQ as the Administer 6.0 g of
for acute asthma: A multi-center, and safety of Chinese Chinese herbal medicine PCYQ daily via oral
randomized, double-blind, herbal medicine formula formula significantly administration for 7
proof-of-concept trial entitled PingchuanYiqi improves lung function days.
a. Authors: (PCYQ) granule, on and symptoms of acute
i. Hong Ping Zhang acute asthma and to asthma, and reduces
ii. Lei Wang explore its possible SABA dosage possibly via
iii. Zhen Wang mechanism. Participants decrease of
iv. Xian Rong Xu with acute inflammatory
v. Xian Mei Zhou mild-to-moderate biomarkers.
vi. Gang Liu asthma recruited from
vii. Lv Yuan He seven centers in China
viii. Jun Wang were randomly assigned
ix. Alan Hsu to receive PCYQ or
x. Wei Min Li placebo.
xi. Gang Wang
Chinese herbal medicine
b. Date Published: July 2018 formula significantly
improved the asthma
symptoms (shortness of
breath, wheeze, chest
tightness, and cough)
compared with placebo
after 4-day (−3.93 ± 6.8
vs. −2.58 ± 2.82,
P = 0.002) and 7-day
treatment (−5.55 ± 3. 95
vs. −3.83 ± 3.24,
P = 0.001). But there
were no differences in
numbers of eosinophils
in blood (0.206 ± 0.153
0.195 ± 0.156 × 109/L,
P = 0.2753) or
percentage of
eosinophils (3.09 ± 2.31
vs. 3.02 ± 2.35%,
P = 0.4005) between the
two groups at the end of
the treatment. During
the study period, no
patients required
systemic glucocorticoids
or hospitalizations due
to asthma deterioration,
although the patients
were asked to contact
physicians if asthma
symptoms worsened.
2. Japanese guidelines for childhood Recently, the number of Long-term management Non-pharmacological
asthma 2020 hospitalizations and with anti-inflammatory management:
a. Authors: deaths of children from controller drugs, ● Use anti-mite
i. Hirokazu Arakawa asthma has dramatically elimination of airborne sheets and covers;
ii. Yuichi Adachi decreased in Japan. The antigens from the wash bedding
iii. Motohiro Ebisawa reasons for this include patient’s living frequently and
iv. Takao Fujisawa the wide use of inhaled environment, and hang it outdoors to
v. Committee for corticosteroids (ICS) and enlightenment and dry in the sun
Japanese Pediatric leukotriene receptor education about asthma ● Do not use
Guideline for antagonists (LTRA), including mattresses;
Childhood Asthma which are pathophysiology are wooden floors are
vi. Japanese Society of anti-inflammatory drugs three fundamental preferable
Pediatric Allergy and for children with asthma, factors for the treatment ● Use sofas made of
Clinical Immunology as well as the and management of leather or artificial
vii. Japanese Society of development and childhood asthma. leather; no fabric
Allergology dissemination of devices made sofas
for the effective use of ● Do not use stuffed
b. Date Published: April 25, ICS. toys; use washable
2020 ones if necessary
The International Study ● Do not keep
of Asthma and Allergies mammals and/or
in Childhood (ISAAC) birds inside rooms
and the American
Thoracic Society-Division
of Lung Diseases
(ATS-DLD) with
modifications are used
to survey the prevalence
of childhood asthma. In
Japan, asthma
prevalence in
schoolchildren has been
increasing during the
last two decades
according to a survey
targeting children in the
same primary schools
within the same given
area (3.2% in 1982,
4.6% in 1992 and 6.5%
in 2002). However, a
very recent survey
indicated that asthma
prevalence was declining
(4.7% in 2012).
3. Variations in asthma treatment in Doctors in the The variation in For treatment of
five European countries — Netherlands prescribed treatment may be exacerbations, doctors
judgement analysis of case more oral steroid attributed to variations in prescribed oral steroid
simulations courses and fewer the underlying tendency courses and antibiotics.
a. Authors: antibiotics than doctors to prescribe, and in part
i. Rolf Wahlström in Norway and Sweden, to different use of clinical For maintenance
ii. Eva Hummers-Pradie whereas doctors in patient characteristics. treatment, doctors
iii. Cecilia Stålsby Germany and the Slovak These findings can be prescribed inhaled
Lundborg Republic prescribed the used in tailoring corticosteroids.
iv. Maria Muskova least oral steroids and educational programs to
v. Per Lagerløv the most antibiotics. improve treatment
vi. Petra Denig practices.
vii. Thimothy Oke The physicians
viii. D Mark Chaput de participating in this
Saintonge study were all enrolled
ix. Drug Education in the Drug Education
Project Group Project (DEP). In
Sweden and The
b. Date Published: Oct. 9, Netherlands,
2002 pre-existing groups of
general practitioners
(GPs) were recruited,
while in Norway and
Germany GPs were
recruited as individuals.
In the Slovak Republic,
GPs do not treat asthma
independently, and
therefore lung
at out-patient
departments were
recruited individually for
the study.
A comparison of sales of
antibiotics in the
countries in the
European Union showed
that The Netherlands
had the lowest total
sales, followed by
Denmark, Sweden and
Germany.27 Expressed
as daily defined doses
per 1000 inhabitants,
the figures for these
countries were 8.9,
11.3, 13.5 and 13.6,
4. Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices Latino patients do not Two focus groups with The value of patient
Regarding Asthma Care Among want to be diagnosed area health-care education, the
Providers and Adult Asthmatics in with asthma, as professionals were held establishment of an
Imperial County, California observed in one focus to learn more about the asthma clinic, and
group conducted by the obstacles that keep them frequent prescription
a. Authors Name: researchers in this from adopting the review and follow-up
i. Paula Kriner specific study. One National Asthma with patients emerged
ii. Yolanda Bernal physician explained, Education and as themes around
Iii. Amy Binggeli "They don't like hearing Prevention Program healthcare provider
Iv. India Ornelas the word "asthma." (NAEPP) guidelines. guidelines for improving
“They believe it to be a Asthma is one of the patient-centered
b. Date Published: 2003 chronic, life-threatening most common and asthma treatment.
disease.” severe health conditions
that doctors face,
Providers agree that according to the majority HCPs emphasized the
cultural factors play a of focus group importance of reviewing
role in patients' drug participants. patients' drug usage on
use. “We speak about Several providers a regular basis, as well
inhalers... they think the mentioned that they do as tracking their use of
child will become not have spirometers or inhalers or peak flow
addicted to it or prefer lack the necessary meters, to ensure that
not to use it equipment to diagnose they are using them
sometimes,” one or advise patients about correctly. Long-term
provider explained. how to manage their patients who had never
Instead, they assume asthma in their offices. learned how to use
that if the patient does Patients' comprehension their medicine properly
not take the drug, their of asthma treatment and were reported by also
asthma will go away management is often providers.
with time and age on its hampered by cultural,
own. language, and literacy Patients using diaries to
barriers, as well as track their asthma have
Providers also identified financial barriers that had limited success,
a lack of time to spend prevent patients from according to providers
with patients during the purchasing equipment who use them.
initial visit as a reason not covered by Both focus groups'
for not following the low-income health providers agreed that
guideline insurance patient diaries and
recommendations. “I policies.Patients' action plans are
used to work in private unwillingness to take beneficial.
practice, and I prescribed drugs, as well
remember how busy it as issues with patients Participants in the focus
was, and I couldn't have who self-medicate, were groups have stressed
spent as much time with mentioned by a few the importance of
patients as I do now,” providers. continuing education
one physician said. and a multi-faceted
Despite these limitations, approach to patient
Patients who do not clinicians understand the education.
have access to peak value of updating
flow meters face medication regimens and Patients should be
another major challenge proper inhaler and peak trained by a nurse who
in controlling their flow meter techniques specializes in asthma
asthma. They are not on a regular basis, as treatment, a health
covered by Medi-Cal, the well as overall patient instructor, or a team
state's low-income education. approach, such as the
health insurance type offered by an
program, and they are asthma-care facility,
too expensive (around according to providers.
$25) for patients to buy Patients must be
on their own. One trained in a variety of
patient who had ways, according to
been using an inhaler providers. To
for 14 years told his “demystify and
physician that it did not de-stigmatize childhood
work well. After the asthma,” one provider
physician took the time proposed making public
to demonstrate how to service announcements
use the inhaler properly, that could be broadcast
the patient told him, on radio or television.
“Gosh, I never knew it
could work this well.”
5. Barriers to medication adherence For racial and ethnic There is strong evidence There is growing
in asthma: The importance of minority asthma that racial and ethnic evidence that
culture and context patients, there are minorities are patient-centered
(African-American & Latino several obstacles to underusing asthma communication and
American focus groups) strict adherence to controller drugs. This cultural competence
controller medication. happens on many training can have a
a. Author’s Name: Cultural variations in occasions, including: (1) significant impact on
i. Elizabeth L. McQuaid, PhD, attitudes regarding the initial prescription of patient adherence. An
ABPP traditional medications, drugs in certain analysis of the results
as well as mental health circumstances, such as of physician
b. Date published: 2018 conditions such as at hospital discharge for communication training
depressive symptoms, publicly insured patients; found that it improved
are linked to lower levels (2) filling the prescription patient adherence in a
of controller drug usage once it has been variety of medical
at the person level. initiated; and (3) taking conditions.
medication once it has
been received. Lieu and colleagues
discovered that practice
Disparities in the use of sites with policies to
controller medications encourage cultural
are widespread. competence among
Identifying the causes of workers were less likely
these inequalities is a to have patients
crucial first step in underusing asthma
developing intervention controller medications
strategies. in an early review of
pediatric asthma
Over the next few procedures in Medicaid
decades, the health maintenance
sociodemographic organizations.These
composition of the findings indicate that
United States is expected providing training to
to increase. Our research facilitate effective
and clinical practices communication with
must develop in order to culturally diverse
find the most patient populations can
appropriate ways to enhance patient
assist patients with adherence to provider
asthma from a variety of recommendations.
backgrounds in
successfully managing Increasing health care
their condition, including providers'
consistent medication understanding of their
usage when indicated. It patients' use of
will also become complementary and
increasingly relevant to alternative medicine
encourage strategies to (CAM), beliefs about
improve disease controller medications,
management contact and general health
between clinicians and concerns may lead to
patients from various more effective asthma
cultures. To overcome medication
disparities in asthma communication in the
treatment and clinical encounter,
subsequent health which is arguably the
outcomes, interventions most effective medium
must take into account for increasing
not only patients' cultural adherence to controller
values, but also medications.
clinicians' unconscious
prejudices and methods
of dealing with minority
patients, as well as
system barriers to care
for those at risk.
6. Perceived Barriers to Asthma Asthma affects Better understanding of Some findings reveal
Therapy in Ethno-Cultural approximately 2.2 patient needs, provision that educational
Communities: The Role of Culture, million adults and 0.8 of culturally and handouts and videos be
Beliefs and Social Support among million children (12 linguistically appropriate developed and
the Mandarin and Punjabi speaking percent of the Canadian education, and inclusion distributed by an
Community in Canada population) and is very of home caregivers into asthma educator or
common in the general the management doctor in their group.
a. Author’s Name: population; however, it practices are necessary They believe that the
i. Michele Shu is less well regulated to improve asthma emphasis of such
ii. Iraj Poureslami among people of lower outcomes in Chinese and discussions should be
iii. Jing Liu socioeconomic status Punjabi communities. on drug discrepancies,
iv. J. Mark FitzGerald and those from possible medication side
low-income families. effects, and proper
b. Date published: July 2017 Asthma is also common inhaler use. They also
in recent immigrant stressed the importance
communities in Canada, of bringing educational
and they bear a materials home with
disproportionate burden them.
of disease compared to
Canadian-born people. These findings back up
When compared to the the findings of research
white population, ethnic that looked at the
groups are affected impact of educational
differently by asthma in interventions on asthma
terms of disease-related outcomes in minority
consequences such as populations, with a
morbidity and mortality. specific emphasis on
Mandarin, Cantonese, improving
and Punjabi-speaking patient-provider
immigrants, who make communication and
up one of Canada's reducing illness and
largest and medication-related
fastest-growing cultural misunderstandings, and
groups, are among use of appropriate
them. educational material.
Findings of the study
indicated that In One of the problems
general, the majority of found in this study is
participants in both the target communities'
ethnic groups struggled "access" to relevant
to understand why they information. Developing
should use reliever vs. educational
controller drugs, and interventions and
several of them blamed directly engaging
their doctors for their patients and caregivers
misinterpretation, is one suggestion for
claiming they never enhancing information
obtained guidance or an and service
action plan in their accessibility.
language about how to
properly use inhalers
and the reasons for
using different
In their views of the
causes and
consequences of having
asthma as well as
behaviors, the Chinese
and Punjabi groups
shared some similarities
and differences. For
example, many Chinese
and Punjabi patients
believe that asthma is a
contagious disease
similar to the common
cold: “A lot of people in
my community believe
that asthma is a
contagious disease.
Many Punjabi
participants also
embarrassment about
using an inhaler in
public, fearing that
people would think they
had a transmissible
infectious lung disease
like tuberculosis. There
were disparities in
perceptions of smoking
among the groups
surveyed.There were
disparities in perceptions
of smoking among the
groups surveyed.
Although smoking was
freely and widely
practiced among
Chinese patients, as
they suggested, smoking
is heavily encouraged by
Chinese culture and aids
in the formation of social
bonds with peers/friends
and coworkers. In
comparison, Punjabi
patients stated that
smoking is not a
common practice in their
community, especially
among women, and that
many of them prefer not
to smoke in front of
their elders, citing
religious and cultural
norms as reasons.
Patients' decisions to
engage in self-care of
their chronic condition
may be influenced by
these values and lack of
Significant obstacles to
adherence were
identified by study
participants as a lack of
communication between
the patient and the
healthcare provider,
concerns regarding drug
costs, and
misconceptions about
medication side effects.
The target populations'
risk of poor outcomes
may be increased as a
result of such difficulties
and ability barriers.
Task 11 (Mr. Chua and Mr. Co): Make a drug study of all the medications the
infant/child is taking. Use the CDU-CN Drug Therapeutic Record (DTR) template.
Further search for at least 3 recent studies / update about the medication in treating or
managing the client condition.
Drug/ Dose/ Classification/ Contraindications/ Principles of Care Treatment Evaluation
Frequency/ Mechanism of Action Side effects/ Adverse
Route reactions
1st study: Vitamin C: Fact sheet for Health Professionals (Weinstein, 2021)
Most infants in developed countries are fed breast milk and/or infant formula,
both of which supply adequate amounts of vitamin C. For many reasons, feeding infants
evaporated or boiled cow’s milk is not recommended. This practice can cause vitamin C
deficiency because cow’s milk naturally has very little vitamin C and heat can destroy
vitamin C.
2nd study: Vitamin C: An update on current uses and functions (Yussif, 2019)
“We found strong evidence that the effect of vitamin C on asthmatic children is
heterogeneous. Further research is needed to confirm our findings and identify the
groups of children who would receive the greatest benefit from vitamin C
supplementation” -Harri Hemila.
Drug/ Dose/ Classification/ Contraindications/ Principles of Care Treatment Evaluation
Frequency/ Mechanism of Action Side effects/ Adverse
Route reactions
● Vancomycin:
Adverse Reactions: Studies have
detected an
● CNS: Seizures, increased
neurologic incidence of
reactions acute kidney
● GI: ● Methotrexat
Antibiotic-associat e:
ed colitis may reduce
the clearance
● Immune:
due to
● Lymphatic for renal
System: secretion
Thrombophlebitis ● Vecuronium:
● Respi: Dyspnea of the
r blockade of
● Probenecid:
tubular renal
secretion of
This study showed that sparse plasma or plasma plus DBS samples can be used
to characterize the PK of piperacillin-tazobactam in infants. On average,
piperacillin-tazobactam concentrations in DBS samples were lower (50 to 60%) than
those in plasma. Tazobactam/piperacillin (TAZ/PIPC) is widely used for the treatment of
this entity, because it is stable to beta-lactamases and effective against both
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Broad-spectrum carbapenem antibiotics are
often used for the treatment of pneumonia in children and have been shown to be
effective against aspiration pneumonia.
Metered-Dose Inhaler An MDI is a complex drug Remove the cap from the
(MDI) delivery device designed to MDI and chamber; Shake
provide a fine spray of well before use; Place the
medicament, commonly mouthpiece between the
with a particle size of less client's teeth and seal lips
than 5 μm. An MDI is tightly around it; Breathe
generally used for out completely; Press the
treatment of respiratory canister once; Breathe in
diseases such as asthma completely through your
and COPD; it can be given mouth; Hold breath for 10
in the form of suspension seconds; Repeat the above
or solution. steps for each puff ordered
by your doctor; Wait about
1 minute in between puffs;
Clean the mouthpiece
when finished; Put back
the cap.
Height Chart A tool for tracking a child's Let the child stand straight
physical growth and in front of the chart.
development. They help a Ensure that the child is
pediatrician make sure a looking straight ahead,
kid is gaining inches, without shoes. Measure
putting on pounds, and the length. When the
increasing in head size (an length stops, take a
indicator of healthy brain reading on the height
development) at a rate chart.
that's typical for their age.
Visual Aids Visual aids are items of a Font size should be clear
visual manner, such as enough to read by the
graphs, photographs, video readers and the
clips, etc. used in addition presentation should be
to spoken information. easily understood or
Task 13 (Ms. Huynh, Mr. Paden, and Ms. Leyson): Choose a most relevant concept
that addresses the 3 learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor and affective) based on
the assessment findings / health needs. Develop a health teaching plan appropriate for
the family using the CDU-CN HTP template. Design a creative medium that will be used
during the health education forum.
General Objectives:
After a week of holistic
nurse-patient interaction, the
client will maintain airway
patency as evidenced by
clear breath sounds,
improved oxygen exchange,
normal rate and depth of
respiration, and ability to
effectively cough out
Specific Objectives:
After 30-45 minutes of
nurse-client interaction, the
client will:
3. Enumerate cares for Prevention of asthma episodes: discussion
asthmatic patient. Avoid allergens: with
● Cover pillows and mattresses with powerpoint
dust proof covers. presentation
● Wash bedding in hot water once a
week.Dry completely.
● Avoid using feather- or
down-filled pillows and
● Keep the child indoors while the
lawn is being mowed, bushes and
trees are being trimmed, or pollen
count is high.
● Keep windows and doors closed
during pollen season; use an air
conditioner if possible, or go to
places that are air condi- tioned,
such as libraries and shopping
malls, when the weather is hot.
● The child should not be present
during cleaning activities:
● Wet-mop bare floors weekly;
wet-dust and clean child’s room
● Vacuum carpet and fabric-covered
furniture every week to reduce
dust buildup, using a
high-efficiency particulate air filter
(Environmental Protection
Agency, 2012).
● Limit or prevent child’s exposure
to tobacco and wood smoke; do
not allow cigarette smoking in the
house or car; select day care
centers, play areas, and shopping
malls that are smoke free.
● Use air conditioners with
high-efficiency particulate air
● Use indoor air purifiers with
high-efficiency particulate air
● Choose stuffed toys that can be
washed in hot water. Dry
completely before the child plays
with the toy.
Drug therapy:
● Corticosteroids are
anti-inflammatory drugs used to
treat reversible airflow obstruction
and control symptoms and reduce
bronchial hyperresponsiveness in
chronic asthma. Inhaled cor-
ticosteroids should be used as
first-line therapy in children over 5
years of age.
● β-Adrenergic agonists (short
acting) (primarily albuterol,
levalbuterol [Xopenex], and
terbutaline) are used for
treatment of acute exacerbations
and for the prevention of EIB.
● Cromolyn sodium is medication
used as maintenance therapy for
asthma in children over 2 years of
● Leukotrienes are mediators of
inflammation that cause increases
in airway hyperresponsiveness.
4. Define MDI.
Inhaled respiratory medications are often
taken by using a device called a metered
dose inhaler, or MDI. The MDI is a
pressurized canister of medicine in a
plastic holder with a mouthpiece.
Diaphragmatic breathing:
○ Sit in a comfortable position or lie
flat on the floor, your bed, or
another comfortable, flat surface.
○ Relax your shoulders.
○ Put a hand on your chest and a
hand on your stomach.
○ Breathe in through your nose for
about two seconds. You should
experience the air moving through
your nostrils into your abdomen,
making your stomach expand.
During this type of breathing,
make sure your stomach is moving
outward while your chest remains
relatively still.
○ Purse your lips (as if you’re about
to drink through a straw), press
gently on your stomach, and
exhale slowly for about two
○ Repeat these steps several times
for best results.
nasal breathing
○ Deep slow breathing through nose
pursed lip breathing
○ Sit with your back straight or lie
down. Relax your shoulders as
much as possible.
○ Inhale through your nose for two
seconds, feeling the air move into
your abdomen. Try to fill your
abdomen with air instead of just
your lungs.
○ Purse your lips like you’re blowing
on hot food and then breathe out
slowly, taking twice as long to
exhale as you took to breathe in.
○ Then repeat. Over time, you can
increase the inhale and exhale
counts from 2 seconds to 4
seconds, and so on.
1. ask questions with
Open forum
regards to the
discussions Letting the client or significant others
communicate openly and be able to
answer their questions and clarifications
2. express regarding asthma, MDI etc.
understanding on the sharing of
use of MDI and its input &
proper usage.
3. Recognize and
verbalize awareness
of one’s responsibility
in health compliance Discussion
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