Department of Sociology
The IIS University, Jaipur
November 2011
the modern era. We are now said to be in the midst of a ‘new industrial revolution’, one that will
lead us into a new kind of society, a network society ,which has accelerated change and
accentuated the qualities which have come to characterize late modernity. In the information
society, the rapid development of computers, telecommunications and other technologies have
led to the evolution of new forms of trans-national crimes known as “cyber crimes”. Cyber
crimes have virtually no boundaries and may affect any country in the world. They may be
defined as, “any crime with the help of computer and telecommunication technology with the
purpose of influencing the functioning of computer or the computer systems”. The full social
impact of cyberspace upon the individual is only just beginning to be understood. The extent of
loss involved worldwide on account of cyber crimes is tremendous. It is estimated that about
500 million people who use the Internet can be affected by the emergence of cyber crimes.
Cyber crime is a very serious threat for the times to come and poses one of the most difficult
challenges before the law enforcement machinery. Most cyber crimes do not involve violence
but rather greed, pride, or play on some character weakness of the victims. It is difficult to
identify the culprit, as the net can be a vicious web of deceit and can be accessed from any part
of the globe. To understand cyber crime as a significant new phenomenon, with potentially
wider political, social and economic restructuring currently affecting countries worldwide. This
new technology not only provides opportunities for the profitable development of an international
information market but has also raised the spectra of new criminal activities to exploit them. The
very technology that enables multinationals to do business more effectively and challenge the
individual controls and regulations of nation states, also offers the prospect of globally organized
criminal networks. Moreover the free flow of uncensored information on electronic networks and
web- sites is as attractive to insurgents and extremist groups. Just as crimes have changed with
the growth of information technology so have the categories of criminals who engage in such
crimes. There are various categories of criminals who engage in such crimes, ranging from
hackers, information merchants and mercenaries, to terrorists, extremists and deviants. The age
group of these criminals varies from teenage to old age, varying with the nature of crime.
We live in an increasingly networked world. We are connected to each other through numerous
types of ties, with social networking sites offering one of the most popular methods people
currently employ to link themselves together. But do "old-fashioned" ways of developing and
we become too reliant on the instantaneous, answer-producing quality of the internet that can
reveal others' most intimate personal details before we even introduce ourselves? Most of the
Internet users are members of various social networking sites because of various reasons,
without being aware of the harms it can have on their social life. It can lead to social isolation
,tension and conflict at individual, group and social life. It can also lead to various types of
crimes such as cyber defamation, cyber bullying, creating organized clubs against some
individual, state or even government. It can also create some terrorist organizations against
The current study focuses on the magnitude of cyber crime by the extensive use of social
networking sites and how it affects our society. It is widely held that the social environment has
a profound impact upon how social interactions can take place (both licit and illicit), and in turn
also gets affected by these which transforms the potential scope and scale of offending,
altering the relationships between offenders and victims, and the potential for criminal justice
systems to offer satisfactory solutions. The “Time-Space compression” suggests that
distant actors, creating new forms of association and exchange which render us vulnerable. In
addition, great emphasis is placed on how the Internet enables the manipulation and
reinvention of social identity, adopting new virtual personae ,this is viewed as a powerful tool for
The contemporary society is characterized by the extensive use of Internet. People of all age
groups and strata have access to internet which on the one hand is giving them access to
information but is also on the other hand giving them easy access to cyber criminal activities
affecting the social fabric of society.
Increased use of Internet is leading to certain issues like destroying privacy, isolation, exposing
children to online predators and a risk culture where even a small typing error can lead to online
victimization. Today ,youngsters are using social networking sites indiscreetly, which apparently
is affecting not only the pattern of social relations in present society but is also exposing them to
associated risks.The current study aims to discover social implications of the use of social
networking sites on the target group.
A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current
Review of literature on Cyber crime is to find out what has already been done in this
area, what type of theoretical explanations have been given about this new
technological crime which is spreading very fast all over the globe, what have been the
causes behind its occurrence and what effects it has on our society. Besides all this, it is
also worthwhile to find out what laws and legislations are present to deal with this and
Most Notable of the academic discourses about the social impact of technology were
the long standing concerns expressed in the volumes on Industrial sociology from Karl
means of rationalizing the power of capital by specializing the division of labor to reduce
the cost of production process .As per the views of Marx, application of technologies of
control alone tends to inscribe distrust into the process .In doing so it leads to the
breakdown of trust relationships because they fail to reassure, create fresh demands for
novel forms of trust and then institutionalizes them. In fact it seems that technologies of
control can often make much worse the very problems they were designed to solve,
especially if in the case of spam, they end up hardening the spammer’s resolve. There
more sophisticated and that there have been marked signs of resistance in the form of
will imprison us all. The same can be applied to crimes which have emerged in post-
modern era. Rationality has caused more technical crimes. A move towards
bureaucracies(a process which Ritzer (2002) has called McDonalization, whereby the
environment, so all manner of new crimes and the spread of Information Technology
brings with it new patterns of crime-from cyber crimes to mobile phone thefts. Cyber
criminals have rational minds as most of them are technically sound, but instead of
using it for social upliftment they involve in such acts with different motives behind them.
Weber’s conception of ‘Ideal type’ is quite applicable to the virtual environment created
by cyberspace. As for weber, ideal types are considered as utopia or fantasy and on the
other hand he told that ideal types were drawn from the reality itself.
distribution of wealth and other differences among people. With industrialization came a
wider and more intense Division of Labour as factory work came to be broken down into
smaller repetitive tasks requiring less skills .the process of industrial production, also
spread geographically creating increasingly global levels of interdependence. The
changes in old patterns of social relations .He describes this as a shift away from
in the interdependencies created by Division of Labour. And though the latter was
certainly much less personal and emotionally fulfilling for individuals, it was actually a
more solid and systematic type of human interdependence that was capable of joining
and societies. Cyber crime is the result of this global interdependence. Sitting at on e
corner of the globe, cyber crime can be committed in any other part without any physical
between societal goals and the means available for their achievement. This discrepancy
success are not available to all. This results in discrepancy between goals and
One of the essential premises of this approach is that organization and disorganization
in society are not mutually exclusive, but rather many of the cultural values that have
posed both manifest and latent functions .The use of Internet has been to send mails,
searching web, learning online etc but it is also used foe hacking ,pornography, bullying,
spoofing etc.
simulacra or “reproduction of objects or events”. With the distinction between signs and
reality imploding, it is increasing difficult to tell the distinction between real and difficult.
and distribution of products intended to pass for the original is done by end user
copying, hard disk loading and illegal downloads from the internet. Eventually, it is the
a network to pretend to have identity of another computer, usually one with special
there are new and dangerous risks associated with modernity that always threaten our
trust and leads to insecurity. Examples-The risk of crime caused by use of computers
and internet has stem from globalised economy. People are not aware of these risks. It
is these risks which give modernity the feeling of a runaway juggernaut and fill us with
insecurity. Relationships with those who are physically absent and increasingly distant
break. He describes this new form as a cultural dominant. His concepts of Superficiality
and lack of depth are relevant to cyberspace. Emergence of social networking sites
coincide with superficiality as the people who are connected through these networks
lack the basic connection and sentiments which are required for being human.
Intensities occur when” body is plugged into the new electronic media”. People are so
much engulfed in surfing and chatting online that they forget about the real life .Internet
also devours us of the man’s past. Since it is impossible for users to find out the truth
about each other’s past, they have to rely on the information given.For the postmodern
organization and social conflict. Beck labels the new ,or better yet newly emerging form
as reflexive modernity. The contemporary world has elements of both industrial society
and risk society, since many of those risks are traceable to industry which has also
which has increased crimes. Due to complexity of society new crimes especially cyber
crimes have come up which is again a risk for individuals, organizations and for state.
,Differential Association theory, Strain theory, Space Transition theory which are very
much important for the study of cyber crime as these fit well with its occurrence. Cyber
crime is white-collar as well professional crime because the individuals involved in it are
technically sound as well as proficient. The Space transition theory clearly discusses the
Kshastri(2010) brings the fact that global cyber crime industry, which according to
and institutional processes in the cyber crime industry, provides insights into the
cyber crime business models, explains the global variation in the pattern of cyber crimes
and seeks to understand threats and countermeasures taken by key actors in this
Wall(2004) views Internet as one of the greatest sensations of recent times. It has
array of benefits. However, the thrill of those prospects has been accompanied by
public fears about the potential scale of criminal opportunities that can arise.
Furthermore, there is clearly emerging a body of evidence to show that the criminal
reality of the Internet is not the all engulfing “cyber-tsunami”, but, like the terrestrial
world, a large range of frequently occurring small-impact crimes. One could argue that
criminologists have been slow to explore these emerging fears and new criminal
behaviors, and engage in debate about them in order to develop useful bodies of
knowledge that could enlighten the public and provide the basis for informed policy. In
the criminologists' defense, however, it could be argued that there is wisdom in
falling in recent years, cyber crime has exploded in an environment where traditional
law enforcement has been largely unprepared. “He starts out with a valuable addition to
the discussion of the sociology of cyber crime: the concept of deviance of behavior in a
new and rapidly changing field. The author also reviews the various types of cyber
attacks and crimes .The psychology of cyber criminals and abusers is reviewed which
also provides a very detailed classification for social engineering, and Donn Parker’s
attackers. McQuade notes the difficulty in getting agreement on a profile for computer
abusers, but does not address the changing style of attacks and attackers over time.
victimization, the social construction and policy implications of Internet crime, the
Ghosh(2010) has examined complex cyber crimes from the perspectives of multiple
concurrently bring out the complex, subtle, and elusive nature of cyber crimes, how
cyber crimes will affect every human endeavor, at the level of individuals, societies, and
computers and networking, and stop reacting to every new cyber attack, how
conventional laws and traditional thinking fall short in protecting us from cyber crimes.
Phair(2007) states "The Internet is not of the Wild West, as was once portrayed in
American Western movies. It is just another public place and Internet users need to use
real-world sensibilities when operating in the online environment." But his statement is
commerce activities, will slowly erode over time as personal users either become
victims of online crime or know someone who has." He then briefly mentions ‘the profile
of cyber crime criminals’ and how hacking the counterculture has completely changed
into well-organized and hierarchical groups of criminal syndicates that have realized that
provides recommendations for upgrading the current cyber law acts, and contextualizes
these developments with respect to actual reported cases of cyber law in India. The
author is a practicing advocate of the Supreme Court of India, and is a prolific writer and
speaker. "Cyber law is important because it touches almost all aspects of transactions
and activities concerning the Internet. Cyber law concerns everyone," Duggal begins.
Drawing on the UNCITRAL law on e-commerce, the Indian government drafted the IT
Bill of 1999 which was then implemented as the IT Act 2000 in October 17, 2000. It
targets three existing areas of la contract, penal code, and evidence, and expands the
provisions of the Indian Penal Code of 1860, the Indian Evidence Act of 1872, the
Banker's Book Evidence Act of 1891, the Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934, and the
Companies Act of 1956. There are several positive aspects of the IT Act 2000: it
companies, paves the way for e-government transactions, and creates provisions
against cyber crime. The author calls for more education and orientation for police
officers on the intricacies of cyber crime; there was a case of police officers carrying
away computer monitors during a raid in Mumbai, thinking they were the actual
Cross and Shinder(2002) analyses that law enforcement and IT security communities
are now working diligently to develop the knowledge, skills, and tools to successfully
investigate and prosecute Cyber crime cases. Over the past 5 years a great deal has
changed in how computer crimes are perpetrated and subsequently investigated. Also,
the IT security and law enforcement communities have dramatically improved their
ability to deal with Cyber crime, largely as a result of increased spending and training.
According to the 2006 Computer Security Institute's and FBI's joint Cyber crime report:
investigation and remediation. The contents also provide law enforcement officers with
an idea of some of the technical aspects of how cyber crimes are committed, and how
technology can be used to track down and build a case against the criminals who
commit them. It is now fairly established that the legal and technical landscape is need
of the time to understand, prevent, detect, and successfully prosecute the criminal
behavior that is as much a threat to the online community as "traditional" crime is to the
as one of the first successful e-commerce product has been the foremost crime on the
Heuven & Botterman(2003) opines that attacks on computer networks have caused
economic losses and created risks for national infrastructure security. In addition,
criminals around the world are increasingly using computers to commit traditional
crimes, such as financial fraud, distribution of child pornography, and copyright piracy
.There is a need for increased consensus between the private sector, governments, and
law enforcement officials to find the best means to counter hackers, computer virus
spreaders, denial of service attacks, and use of the internet for illicit purposes .
whilst offering new insights into online regulation. The causes of cyber deviance, crime
and its control, as per Matthew Williams takes the Internet as a site of social and
researchers into crime, that there is no single, dominant organizational structure with
universal applicability, and the realization by law enforcement agencies that they are
seeing patterns of organized crime that do not fit the traditional hierarchical structure is
important to understand.
Richard Clarke, (2009), draws attention on Cyber terrorism which have the potential to
reach out from cyberspace into the physical dimension, causing giant electrical
disappear and enemy units to walk into ambushes. With cyber war, we have another
means of launching attacks on the other side of the world, this time with only a
Operational definitions:
Cyber crime- Computer crime, or cybercrime, refers to any crime that involves a computer and
a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the
target. Such crimes may threaten a nation’s security and financial health.
Social Networking site-is a site that enables users to create public profiles within that website
and form relationships with other users of the same website who access their profile.Social
Deviance- in a sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms
including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g.,
Adolescents- the period between puberty and the completion of physical growth, roughly from
13 to 18 years of age. In this study students of 15-18 years of age-group will be studied.
Aims and Objectives
• To find out the extent and magnitude of cyber criminal activities in Jaipur city.
• To comprehend Cyber crime vis-à-vis Levels of Income, Age, Gender and the duration of
Internet Usage.
• To identify the impact of Social Networking websites on social life, academic performance
• To assess the challenges that cyber crime presents for criminal justice systems and to
• To find out how much are youngsters aware of their privacy and safety on Internet.
The research will be conducted on the basis of the following hypotheses.
1) It is hypothesized that Frequency and Intensity of using Social Networking Sites and
2)The level of Income and Cyber crime are not significantly related.
3) Males/Young boys are more involved in committing Cyber crime as compared to females.
4) People in the age group of 25-35 are more prone to commit Cyber crime than people in other
age groups.
Area, Universe and Sample
The area for the study is Jaipur city. Universe will consist of students in the age group of 15-18
In the survey 500 respondents will be contacted for the purpose of data collection from five
(1) Questionnaire-For the purpose of collecting first hand information and facilitating
(2) Unstructured Interview-Due to the qualitative nature of the study it is assumed that
will be asked.
(3) Case Study-Some case studies of people who have been the victims of cyber crime
will be analyzed. This will help to assess the magnitude of cyber crime in society.
be difficult to obtain otherwise. Besides these sources also help in supplementing the
Data Analysis Tools
After collecting the data a descriptive analysis of the data will be done because it is both
Statistical analysis will include tabulation of data and representation of data using
Correlation will be used to find out the relation between Cyber crime and levels of
empirical study and the study may also be limited due to these aspects.
3. The respondents may be quiet on certain issues and as such certain inferences will
have to be drawn on the basis of observation of the overt behavior of the respondents
(1) Cyber Crime and Indian Society: A Conceptual and Theoretical Framework.
(4) Methodology
(7) Conclusion
Ahuja, Ram( 2000). Criminology, Jaipur : Rawat Publications
Beck, Ulrich (1992). Risk society Towards a New Modernity, New Delhi: Sage
Verma, Amita(2009) .Cyber Crimes and Law,New Delhi: Jain Book Depot.
NAME _________________________________
AGE ______________________
GENDER ________________________
Q4) If you access your account everyday, how much time you spend on SNS?
a) Between 4-5 hrs b) Between 3-4 hrs
c) Between 2-3 hrs d) less than 2 hrs
Q9) How much time you devote for your studies everyday?
a) More than 4 hrs b) between 3-4 hrs
c) Between 2-3 hrs d) Less than 2 hrs
Q13) Have you posted any personal information (telephone, address etc) on SNS?
a) Yes b) No
Q14) Are you aware that your personal information can be misused through SNS?
a) Yes b) No
Q22) Do you feel the urge to check your account on SNS everyday?
a) Yes b) No
Q23) Do you share your personal pictures and videos through SNS?
a) Yes b) No
Q26) Have you restricted access to your profiles so that only friends can view them?
a) Yes b) No
Q27) Are you aware of hacking through SNS?
a) Yes b) No
Q29) Are you aware that online victimization can lead to offline setting which leads to physical
a) Yes b) No
Q30) Have you ever faced cyber bulling in any one of the form?
a) Receiving threatening messages b) Posting of embarrassing picture without permission
c) Spreading rumors online d) None of the above
Q31) Do you feel the need to use the SNS with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve
a) Yes b) No
Q32) Have you made effort to control cut back or stop SNS use?
a) Yes b) No
Q34) Have you ever experienced at least one negative outcome as a result of using SNS?
a) Yes b) No
Q36) Have you ever complained to your parents or teachers regarding something which you don’t like on
a) Yes b) No
Q37) Do you feel like sending hate messages to your friends or teachers when you are angry with them?
a)Yes b)No
Q38 )If given a chance ,will you like to hack someone’s account on SNS ?
a)Yes b)No
Q39) Do you feel that online harassment is much easier as compared to Physical one?
a)Yes b)No
Q40) Do you feel that excessive use of SNS can lead to negative performance in studies?
a)Yes b)No
Q46) Do you feel that excessive use of SNS leads to negative physical health in adolescents?
(Such as sleep disorders)
a) Yes b) No