LAS BF Q3 Week 5 IGL
LAS BF Q3 Week 5 IGL
LAS BF Q3 Week 5 IGL
Two basic problems encountered in managing the Unsecured Credit includes all those sources that
firm’s use of short-term financing. (1) determining have as their security only the lender’s faith in the
the level of short-term financing the firm should use ability of the borrower to repay the funds when due.
and (2) selecting the source of short-term financing. Unsecured short-term financing is an obligation
without specific assets pledged as collateral.
Factors in Selecting a Source of Short-Term Collateral is the asset that the borrower pledges to a
Funds lender until a loan is repaid.
1. the effective cost of credit.
2. the availability of credit in the amount Secured Loans involve pledge of specific assets as
needed and for the period when financing is collateral to the event the borrower defaults in
required. payment of principal or interest. Account receivable
3. the influence of the use of a particular credit and inventory are most common source of collateral
source on the cost and availability of other for short-term financing. The lender expects the loan
sources of financing, and to be repaid from the cash-generating ability of the
4. any additional covenants of the loans that borrower at maturity. If the borrower defaults, the
are unique to the sources mentioned lender has the legal right to seize the collateral and
previously. sell it to pay off the loan.
pg. 1
Most loans will have at least two identifiable 1. How do you understand the need for short
sources of repayment: term financing? Discuss and give example.
1. Cash flow generated from profitable 2. What are the factors in selecting the sources
operations. of short-term funds? Enumerate and discuss
2. Collateral pledged to secure the loan. each.
3. Personal Guaranty. 3. Identify and discuss the different sources of
short-term funds then give example.
Trend Analysis
o Review of historical results to identify
trends or patterns in performance. 2nd Semester, 3rd Quarter, Week 5
Activity 2
Early Warning Signs
o May affect your relationship with your bank 4. For (50points)
and loan officer. 5. Search from the internet or look from your
Examples of Early Warning Signs community or area for the different source
Failure to provide information of funds, banks, cooperative or lending
requested by the bank institutions. Compare the feature of the loan
Borrower becomes hesitant to allow products, procedures, and process on how to
lender to visit their operations avail the funds.
6. If you were the one to secure such loan,
Frequent changes in high level which of the two will you prefer and
management elaborate your answer based on the data you
Frequent changes in accountants have acquired.
Borrower who expects an immediate
Payment Delinquency
Repeat Overdrafts
Increase in Loan Requests
Tax Liens
Unusual Capital Withdrawals by
Communications with Lender Ceases
Activity 1
pg. 2