p2f Userguide
p2f Userguide
p2f Userguide
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Foreword .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Session 1: Course Overview ................................................................................................................. 5
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes ................................................................... 9
Session 2-2: People ............................................................................................................................ 19
Session 2-3: Processes and Practices Quiz......................................................................................... 26
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case ................................................................................................. 28
Session 3-2: Theme: Organizing ......................................................................................................... 35
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans................................................................................................................ 43
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality.............................................................................................................. 52
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk.................................................................................................................. 59
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues .............................................................................................................. 66
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress .......................................................................................................... 71
Session 4-1: Processes: SU, IP........................................................................................................... 77
Session 4-2: Processes: CS, MP, SB .................................................................................................. 81
Session 4-3: Processes: CP, DP ......................................................................................................... 85
Session 4-4: Process Model Walkthrough ........................................................................................... 89
Session 5: Foundation Exam Simulator ............................................................................................... 91
Session 6: Case Study ........................................................................................................................ 92
ILX Group plc is a leading developer and distributor of multimedia training products specialising in the
area of project and programme management.
PRINCE2 Foundation uses the very latest multimedia educational techniques to provide a learning
environment which is stimulating, easy-to-use and stress-free.
The aim of this course is to take students with little or no knowledge of PRINCE2 to the level where they
could take the Foundation (Part 1) examinations with a high degree of confidence in achieving a pass.
The examination within the course package uses previous examination questions that are accessed at
random to provide an accurate simulation of the real thing.
We hope you enjoy the course and that you find it a useful starting point in your PRINCE2 training
Session 1: Course Overview
Session 1: Course Overview
Session 1: Course Overview
Finally, the context element also incorporates PRINCE2 is designed to be adaptable so it can
consideration of the scale of a project, and how be applied to any project, separating the
this might influence the tailoring of the method, management of project work from the [?]
plus how sustainability objectives of the development aspects.
business, for example around climate action or
gender equality, can influence the project’s 1. Technical
objectives. 2. Specialist
3. Quality
4. Structural.
Session 1: Course Overview
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
• Benefits, these are the measurable investment in the changes required to achieve
improvement within BAU because of its strategic objectives.
the project, and finally
• Sustainability, which acknowledges
that all projects have an impact on the S2-1P5: Project Context – Commercial
environment, and project teams Tony:
therefore need to be aware of Next, as part of the ‘project context’ integrated
sustainability performance targets for element of PRINCE2, we consider projects
the project work and for the products where the business enters into a commercial
being created by the project. arrangement with a supplier to deliver the
PRINCE2 is an integrated method of principles, project, usually following a formal tender.
processes, people and practices that address The organization delivering the project, namely
the planning, delegation, monitoring and control the supplier, will do so to satisfy a particular
of all these seven aspects of project need identified by the business, namely the
performance. customer.
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
1. A and B
2. B and C
S2-1P7: Project Context – Sustainability 3. C and D
Tony: 4. A and D.
Finally, with regards to the ‘project context’
integrated element, we will briefly consider the
context of ‘sustainability’. Pete, could you take
S2-1P9: Activity
us through this please?
Pete: Identify the missing word in the following
Well, as noted earlier, sustainability is one of sentence.
the seven aspects of project performance to be
PRINCE2 is an integrated method of principles,
people, practices, [?] and the project context
Typically associated with the environment, that address the planning, delegation,
sustainability encompasses the 17 UN monitoring and control of all these seven
development goals, which can be seen on aspects of project performance.
screen now.
1. Techniques
Some projects have sustainability as their very 2. Processes
purpose, such as a project to install a solar 3. Activities
panel farm on unproductive land. 4. Structures.
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
You can find these in the ‘point 3’ part of each When a project is undertaken to meet the
practice chapter, ranging from 5.3, techniques needs of legislation or regulation, which is
applicable to the Business case practice, to compulsory, the business case ensures that the
11.3, techniques applicable to the Progress best value for money solution is chosen.
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
By reviewing lessons from other projects which • Business sponsors, who endorse the
are similar in nature we can avoid many objectives and ensure the project
problems. provides value for money
• Users, who will be using the products
During a project, we record what went well and to generate benefits, usually after the
what didn’t go well. From these records we project is completed, and
can identify the cause and effect and can then
• Suppliers, who provide the resources
state the lesson.
and expertise needed to undertake
A lesson is something we must do the same the project work and these can be
such as use a certain technique which worked internal or external.
well before, or something we must do
All three stakeholder interests must be
differently to avoid a problem which occurred
represented in the project management team
structure, as reflected in the Project Board.
So, we can learn from experience by reviewing
The structure unites the various parties in the
lessons from previous projects when we start,
common aims of the project and for each team
we can learn throughout the project, applying
member answers the question “what is
lessons from previous stages to the work in
expected of me?”.
subsequent stages, with the goal being to
implement improvements as we deliver the This principle also considers the internal
project and when the project comes to an end relationships between the stakeholders working
and we evaluate the project we can note within the temporary project management
lessons from our project to pass on to others. team, but also the external stakeholders who
are impacted by the activities of the project.
The basis for learning is then good quality data,
Both require the use of effective
its subsequent analysis and the insights that
communication channels, and bidirectional
can be gained and applied throughout the life
of the project, and left as a legacy to future
projects. Karen, please can you take us through the
remaining principles.
Everyone has a responsibility to look for
lessons rather than wait for others to provide
S2-1P16: Manage by Exception
Thanks Pete.
S2-1P15: Define Roles, Responsibilities and
Relationships Manage by exception is our next principle, it
Pete: means that authority to work within specified
Projects are run by people and it is vital that limits is delegated through the project team
everyone knows what is expected of them structure. These limits are known as tolerance.
throughout the project. ‘people’ is also one of
the five integrated elements of the PRINCE2 This means that if the project is proceeding
method, and we’ll explore this in more depth in within the defined tolerances there is no need
the next session. for regular update meetings. This is particularly
important for the Project Board who need only
For now though, we know many projects meet to make decisions at the end of a stage.
involve a number of cross-functional skills and
these often come from different organizations Tolerances are set for each aspect of the
and to be successful all these groups must be performance as follows:
represented on the project team.
Cost: The allowable under or overspend
All these groups and individuals are known as against the budget for the project stage or work
stakeholders. Stakeholders are those who can package, usually expressed as a percentage.
affect, or be affected by, or perceive
Time: The amount of time either side of the
themselves to be affected by the project. You
could also say they are interested in it, and target date within which the project, stage or
have influence over it, to add to the standard work package can deliver.
definition. Scope: The allowable variation in a project’s
outputs, for example differentiating between
There are three primary stakeholders which, as
must-have and should have requirements.
we noted previously, are:
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
Quality: The variation in quality, for example a reduce effort for senior management, but offer
diver’s watch should work whilst swimming at a less control.
depth of 50 metres, plus or minus 5 metres.
Other factors that influence the choice of
Risk: The limits on the plan’s aggregated risk stages in a project would be - sector standards,
for example less than 10% of the project business policies and where significant
budget. decisions are needed in the project, usually
before we make a major commitment, for
Benefits: The degree to which it is allowable to example awarding a contract.
under or over deliver the benefits. For
example, a cost saving is expected of £50,000
plus or minus £5,000, and finally
S2-1P18: Manage by Stages – 2
Sustainability: Tolerance around sustainability Karen:
of the project’s product, or project activities, for Managing by stages provides several
example, a new production line that operates advantages which include:
within 5% of an emissions target.
• Giving the Project Board the
The aim is to alert the next management level opportunity to assess the project’s
in the project as early as possible that the work viability and defined intervals
is forecast to move outside of agreed • Making sure key decisions are made
tolerances, and a decision is needed on if, and before the work starts, for example
how, to proceed. awarding a contract
• Clarifying the impact of external
influences on the project before the
S2-1P17: Manage by Stages – 1 go-ahead is given. This could be
Karen: finalization of legislation or corporate
I’ll now outline the next PRINCE2 principle budget-setting, and finally
which is Manage by stages. PRINCE2 breaks • Facilitating the Manage by exception
work down into discrete sequential sections principle by delegating authority to the
known as stages. Project Manager on a stage-by-stage
These are defined as: ‘The section of a project
the Project Manager is managing on behalf of We will consider the detailed aspects of stage
the Project Board at any one time.’ planning later in the course.
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
• Ensures that the project only If tailoring is not actively undertaken, then there
undertakes work that directly is likely to be a “mechanistic” approach where
contributes to the delivery of a product the method is followed without question and
• Helps manage uncontrolled change or becomes over bureaucratic or, at the other
“scope creep” by ensuring that all extreme, where PRINCE2 isn’t really followed
changes are reviewed in terms of their at all, and hence there is insufficient control
impact on the project's products and and governance, it becomes a case of “heroic”
business case, before being accepted project management.
and incorporated into the project, or
not, and
Thank you both for that very clear explanation
• Reduces the risk of user complaints
of the principles. We have prepared short
and acceptance disputes by clearly
exercise on the next page for you to try.
establishing what will be delivered at
the start of the project.
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
Session 2-1: Projects, Principles, Practices and Processes
Session 2-2: People
Session 2-2: People
Session 2-2: People
Session 2-2: People
listened to and built into the early establishment stakeholders don’t get the ‘wrong end of the
of the project. stick’, which could lead to misinformation and
That’s great Karen, thank you.
Pete, could you expand on this please? ‘Star’ players are not the focus, but rather,
people in the team collaborating, and bringing
Pete: their respective strengths and perspectives to
Yes, no problem. Well, ‘bidirectional’ indicates add value.
it’s as much about listening, as it is about
broadcasting messages from the project. Collaboration is defined as “People from across
the project ecosystem working together to
Listening to thoughts about the proposed achieve the project’s objectives”.
project, or to feedback once the project has
started to deliver, is key to allowing messaging It would be fair to say a Project Manager is
being targeted, to hopefully allay such fears. skilled at the ‘art of calling in favours’, and that
a different style of leadership and management
Key influencers in the business, user and is required from that needed in traditional
supplier stakeholder groups need to be organizational settings.
identified, to ensure the different perspectives
on the project all have input. The reason for this is that the people working
within the temporary project management team
In view of this, generic messaging from the structure may be working on multiple projects,
project is usually unsuccessful, especially given have ‘day jobs’, with their own reporting lines,
the interconnected digital landscape. and in the context of a project, you, as Project
Manager, may be exerting control on someone
Many channels for communication exist, so it’s
who is on a ‘higher pay grade’.
probably beneficial to not rely solely on one
channel, but rather, provide information in Multiple reporting lines then are common, so
multiple formats to enable sharing of it’s important that the Project Manager tries to
information, and multiple options for providing motivate and influence people involved in the
feedback. project through, perhaps, shared interests, and
not just the shared purpose of the project.
Yes, they often say Pete, that ‘feedback is a Tony:
gift’, even if it’s not what you want to hear. In Absolutely, Karen. You can see definitions of
reality, less formal channels, like having an leadership and management on screen here.
unexpected chat in the corridor, or at an
unrelated Zoom meeting, might be the reality of
how many stakeholders are engaged. S2-2P11: Co-creation
On screen now are the contents of the The definition of management references
communications management approach, which something called ‘co-creation’.
is one of the nine approaches found in the PID.
Pete, can you expand on this please?
Remember though, early in the project
lifecycle, when little is known about the Pete:
proposed project, and it is still taking shape, it’s Well, to ‘co-create’ something, it implies
probably best to have a ‘quiet phase’ to ensure involving others, rather than the Project
Session 2-2: People
Co-creation can be found throughout the As such, the Project Manager needs to
PRINCE2 method, for example, involving a recognise that there will always be people over
team of people with differing perspectives to whom they do not have direct authority,
create project and stage plans, or to assemble possibly across organizational boundaries, and
the project brief. for this, they will require so-called ‘cultural
This will ensure, for example, the supplier
perspective is not forgotten with regard to the This is defined as being “the capability to relate
design of the plan in question. and work across cultures within the
organizational ecosystem”.
Likewise, involvement of business, user and
supplier perspectives in co-creating products, People from different organizational
will increase the chances of adoption, and ecosystems, perhaps on partnership type
reduce the potential for handover disputes. projects, or both the customer and supply side,
will potentially be involved in a project, even if
Tony: in a more limited way.
Thanks Pete. Yes, co-creation is something
you see throughout the PRINCE2 book with As such the Project Manager needs to be
regard to, for example, the Project Manager co- aware of the different cultures involved, and the
creating the full business case in the ‘Initiating different ‘pulls’ on people’s time and attention.
a project’ process with the Project Executive.
Likewise, the Project Manager will co-create Thanks Karen.
and review the instruction for work, which we
call the ‘work package description’, with the
Team Manager in the ‘Controlling a stage’
S2-2P13: Building Effective Teams
Thereafter, the products themselves will be co- Earlier we said it’s all about the power of the
created by The Team Manager and team team over the individual.
members in the ‘Managing product delivery’
Pete, could you explore this a little more
S2-2P12: Leading across Organizational Well, the first thing to note is that bringing
Boundaries teams together isn’t easy, especially in virtual
Tony: or hybrid environments. The Project Manager
We now have to think about who might be may have to think about novel ways of
involved in a project, but may not have a connecting, perhaps synchronizing co-location
defined role. days or offering incentives for team members
to meet face-to--face.
Karen, can you explore this for us please?
Also, a team will need a diverse range of skills,
Karen: competencies and perspectives to match the
Yes, no problem. Well, the first thing to note is requirements of the project.
that in addition to people who are formally
assigned to a role in a project, there will be Gaps in skills and competencies of those
those in an organization who don’t have a assigned to project roles need to be
formal PRINCE2 role but are performing a task understood, and mitigation put in place,
as part of the project. perhaps in the form of training, coaching or
Think of people from the user perspective for
example, who have a quality responsibility for Roles need to be assigned in view of the
accepting a particular product, to verify that it is capability, authority and availability of the
fit for purpose. person undertaking the work.
They may also be involved in the transition Recognition must also be made of the need for
work of the project, helping operational staff to project team members who have not worked
upskill, providing temporary support or with each other, to build trust.
guidance or ensuring that the old way of
The key to effective teams is that all members
feel accepted, respected, and able to express
Session 2-2: People
diverse viewpoints without fear of negative Let's move on to try a few multiple-choice
consequences. questions.
Session 2-2: People
Session 2-3: Processes and Practices Quiz
Session 2-3: Processes and Practices Quiz
• S4 - Covers the Project Board’s Again, you can review your answers by
activities selecting them in the question reference matrix.
• S5 - The project’s performance is Green question numbers indicate a correct
assessed against its original project answer and those in red were marked
initiation documentation (PID). incorrect.
• S6 - The Project Manager checks the
If at any point you exit the quiz before
work is going according to plan
completion, you will have to restart from the
• S7 - Used in the first stage.
Good Luck.
S2-3P4: Exercise
This brings us almost to the end of this revision S2-3P6: Quiz
session, but before we conclude the session
with a short quiz, try your hand at one further
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
Session 3-1: Practice: Business will also outline sustainability targets for the
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
As a result, profits increase as the new bar has in the PRINCE2 journey to help the Project
a better profit margin, which is the benefit. This Board make decisions, Pete, would you mind
is defined as being the measurable developing this further please by outlining what
improvement resulting from an outcome PRINCE2 calls the ‘Technique’ for the
perceived as an advantage by the investing, or practice’?
commissioning, organization as we’d say in
PRINCE2 This would contribute to the Pete:
achievement of one or more business No problem, Tony. Well, like all the practices,
objectives. in the ‘point 3’ part of the practice chapter,
which in the case of the Business case practice
is section 5.3, you find a suggested technique.
S3-1P5: Outputs, Outcomes, Benefits, Dis- The technique, or business case management
benefits and Business Objectives – 2 procedure, suggested, but not mandated by
Tony: PRINCE2 has four steps – Develop, Check,
There may also be downsides to doing a Maintain and Confirm.
project which we call dis-benefits. These are
defined as the measurable declines resulting Note that all techniques suggested by
from an outcome, which would detract from one PRINCE2 are optional, so, for instance, if you
or more business objectives. had an alternative technique in use corporately,
you might prefer to use that.
For example, if a homeowner extends their
house by turning the attached garage into a This use of an alternative to the one suggested
living room, which means they have more living by PRINCE2 would be a form of tailoring, and
space, which is a benefit, they have also lost you’d record this in the final section of the
their garage, which is a dis-benefit. project initiation documentation, or PID. Use of
no technique however is not advisable.
Benefits are specified by the Senior User, who
will also make sure they are realized in the live
S3-1P7: The Business Case Technique –
The Project Executive is responsible for Develop Step – 2
ensuring that the benefits represent value for Tony:
money and that they are also aligned to the So, the first step in the suggested business
business objectives. case management procedure is to ‘Develop’.
Business objectives, be they ‘to decrease the ‘Develop’ means to explore options and get the
organization’s carbon footprint’, or ‘to increase right information on which investment appraisal
customer retention levels’ for example, decisions can be made.
demonstrate progress to an organization’s
By options, we mean ‘do-nothing differently’, in
mission, to which the project should contribute
response to the mandate’s problem to solve or
in some way.
opportunity to exploit. Essentially carry on as
The fear is that a project team is so focussed you are, even if there is an aggressive new
on the outputs, or products as we usually call entrant in your marketplace.
them in PRINCE2, but loses sight of the
‘Do-the minimum’ would be another option to
benefits which may come, in the majority, after
explore, as would ‘Do-something’.
the project has closed. The project team
therefore needs to understand the link from Early in the lifecycle there will be many options
how their outputs will lead to outcomes, which to explore, and these will reduce and be
in turn lead to benefits which help achieve one explored in more detail accordingly. The
or more business objectives of the business case would need to say why the
organization. chosen option was selected, namely the benefit
the investment in change will bring, and why
Visibility of this link is key, otherwise focus may
other options were rejected.
be lost and benefits not realized. This is the
fundamental reason for doing the project after The main bulk of the business case will then be
all. for the chosen option.
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
Also, in the last stage, the Project Manager will S3-1P10: Key Management Products –
check the business case as part of the Closing Business Case and Benefits Management
a project process, to assess how the project Approach
performed and what likelihood there is of Tony:
realizing the expected benefits. There are three products associated with the
Business case practice which are the business
Tony: case, benefits management approach, and
Thanks Karen. finally, the sustainability management
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
The purpose of the business case is to Well, one of the aspects of project performance
document the business justification for the is ‘sustainability’, and we’ll see later that the
project based on the estimated costs of business case ‘high-level content’ also includes
development, implementation and ongoing sustainability targets for the project.
operations and maintenance and the value of
the benefits. Furthermore, we have a sustainability
management approach in PRINCE2 which is
It should outline how and when the anticipated one of the nine approaches in the PID.
benefits should be measured.
Its purpose is to define the actions, reviews,
The outline business case is developed in and controls that will be established to ensure
Starting up a project and refined in Initiating a that sustainability performance targets for the
project. project are achieved.
The Project Board approve, and re-approve the Note that the accompanying business case
business case using the process Directing a contains ‘sustainability tolerances’ around
project. specific sustainability targets. This is a concept
that we’ll talk more about when discussing the
The business case is used when we assess the Progress practice later in the course.
impact of issues and risks during the project
stages, using the Controlling a stage process. For now though, we’ll say it’s the permissible
deviation in the sustainability targets that is
It is reviewed and updated at the end of each allowed before the deviation needs to be
stage using the process Managing a stage escalated to the next level of management.
boundary and at the end of the project using Provided you are forecast to remain within that
the Closing a project process. permissible deviation, you are allowed to
continue with the stage or project.
The benefits management approach defines
the actions and benefits reviews that are In the same way, the benefits management
required to ensure that the outcomes and approach documents guidance around the
benefits are achieved. detail of benefits tolerance, the permissible
deviation around expected benefits, which is
It is prepared during the Initiating a project
summarised in the accompanying business
process, and is also part of the project initiation
documentation, or PID for short.
For example, increased sales revenues of
If the project is part of a programme, then the
£100m over the next five years, plus 10% or
benefits management approach may be
minus 5% either side.
contained within the programme benefits
realization plan and executed at programme Tony:
level. That’s great Karen. If you want to know more
about the high-level content in the sustainability
After the project has finished, the benefits
management approach, it’s shown on screen
management approach is executed and
maintained by the business layer.
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
Finally, the right-hand column outlines how by 2. Whether the project can be delivered
doing something, this results in something within the estimated cost and time
beneficial for the project. budgets
3. Whether the project outputs can be
So, for example, the Define roles, produced to the quality specification
responsibilities and relationships principle is required
achieved by clarifying the responsibilities for 4. Whether use of the products is likely
developing and maintaining the business case to result in the envisaged outcomes
and benefits management throughout the and resulting benefits.
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
S3-1P18: Business Case - High-level The Project Board in Directing a project will use
Content – 2 the detailed business base as part of their
Karen: considerations when authorising the project.
Thanks Tony.
Session 3-1: Practice: Business Case
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
Session 3-2: Theme: Organizing those requirements are met, they will use the
outputs to create outcomes and benefits.
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
The Project Board is the authority for the The Project Executive is accountable for the
project and is responsible for the project within business case for the duration of the project
the remit set by the business. We will see in the and has to ensure that the project is delivering
processes session how the Project Board carry value for the time and resources being
out most of their work via the Directing a invested.
project process.
The Project Executive is responsible for
Within the confines of the project, the Project governing the project in ways that align to
Board is the highest authority, but are business strategy, including thinking in more of
accountable to the business for the success of a strategic long-term way about areas such as
the project overall. the environmental, social and economic
impacts of the project.
PRINCE2 identifies this top-level body as the
business, the business layer or commissioning Where the project is part of a programme, the
party, and it is from here that the project Programme Manager may be the Project
mandate is handed down in order to trigger the Executive.
Starting up a project process.
The Senior User role represents the user
community, being accountable for the approach
taken to capture user requirements, and that
S3-2P5: The Project Board – 2 the specification of benefits is aligned to the
Karen: business case.
The Project Board should represent the three
interests discussed - namely the User, the The responsibility of the Senior User starts with
Supplier and the Business interests. the specification of user requirements,
controlling change to those requirements and
In order to achieve this, three roles are the adoption and handover of products into the
specified - the Senior User, representing the business.
user interest, the Senior Supplier representing
the supplier interest and the Project Executive,
representing the overall business interest.
S3-2P7: The Project Board – 4
The important point here is that these are roles Karen:
- not job titles or individuals. The roles can be A very important responsibility of the Senior
combined or shared, and the names can be User is the identification and realisation of
changed as appropriate to make them more benefits. This means the Senior User’s
understandable to people within your particular responsibility is likely to continue into the
organization. operational environment and beyond the
lifetime of the project.
The main concern of PRINCE2 at this point, is
that a Project Board exists and that the three As work progresses, it is the Senior User’s
interests are properly represented by that responsibility to monitor what is being produced
Board. and ensure that it will meet user needs and that
the expected benefits are materialised.
In small projects it may be desirable to combine
roles, for example, the Business interest and Depending on the scale of the project, it is
User interest may be represented by one likely that more than one person would be
person fulfilling two roles – Project Executive required to represent users, however, this
and Senior User. should be kept to a minimum.
At the other end of the scale, in very large Where the project is part of a programme, the
projects, each role may require a team of Senior User role may be fulfilled by the
people. programme Business Change Manager.
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
Let’s move on to try a few multiple-choice It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to
questions. plan and oversee all of the day-to-day work,
managing relationships within the project
S3-2P8: Activity ecosystem, to ensure that the project is
Karen: producing the right products, at the right time,
Which of the following are two levels of to the right specifications of quality and within
management in PRINCE2? the allotted budget.
A. Supervising The role of Project Manager should not be
B. Creating shared, and always relates to a single person.
C. Managing
D. Directing. On large projects, the volume of work and
Choose from the following answers: demands for specialist knowledge may justify
the appointment of Team Managers to support
1. A and B the Project Manager in the management and
2. B and C control of specific work package descriptions.
3. C and D Also, dependent on the skill and capacity of the
4. A and D. Project Manager, the Project Manager can also
perform the Team Manager role.
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
meetings, then to subsequently raise time on the project, therefore they place a great
checkpoint reports for the Project Manager. deal of reliance on the Project Manager.
Alternatively, the Project Manager could attend
such a daily stand up as an observer. Although they receive regular reports from the
Project Manager, there may always be
It is on the basis of these checkpoint reports questions at the back of their minds - ‘Are
that the Project Manager then provides regular things really going as well as we are being
highlight reports to the Project Board. told?’, ‘Are any problems being hidden from
us?’, ‘Is the solution going to be what we
want?’, ‘Are we suddenly going to find that the
project is over-budget or late?’, ’Is the quality
S3-2P14: Project Support – 1
management system being adhered to?’
All projects have a requirement for All of these questions mean that there is a
administrative support, and advice on project need in the project organization for a means of
tools, offering planning support and assistance assessing all aspects of the project’s
with risk and change management for example. performance and products, which is
This is known in PRINCE2 as project support. independent of the Project Manager. This is the
project assurance function.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager,
and dependent on the skills and capacity of the Each board member has their own set of
Project Manager, project support responsibilities for project assurance reflecting
responsibilities can be delegated to individuals their respective Business, User and Supplier
or groups within the business, or to other team interests. Each board member may undertake
members. assurance tasks themselves, but, if they wish,
they can delegate some or all of their
This enables the Project Manager to
responsibilities for assurance to individuals
concentrate on the management of the project
from the wider business or external party,
instead of getting bogged down in
however, assurance responsibilities cannot be
administration activities, especially for large or
assigned to the Project Manager, Team
complex projects.
Managers or project support.
Many large organizations may establish a
If project assurance roles are delegated, the
Project Office, who can in turn offer project
Project Board members are still accountable for
their own area of interest.
S3-2P15: Project Support – 2
One thing to consider here is on larger more
complex projects, the project board may grant
Some of the main tasks that are normally
‘change authority’.
carried out by the project support function can
be found at the end of each practice chapter in Not so much a ‘role’ in PRINCE2, but rather, a
the PRINCE2 guide. These will include, for set of rules which allow a person or group to
example, providing assistance with: make decisions on requests for change and off-
specifications, which are two types of issue in
• Stakeholder analysis
• Communications management
activities By default, this responsibility lies with the
• Change management activities Project Board but they may, if they wish,
• Commercial management activities delegate it to another body at the most local
• Compilation of project plans, stage level, where knowledge and capacity to make
plans and work package descriptions those decisions may reside.
• Application of the project’s risk
procedures We’ll explore ‘change authority’ again in the
Issues practice.
To name but a few.
Karen, please can you walk us through project S3-2P17: Project Management Team
assurance? Structure and Role Descriptions
Now we will consider the management
S3-2P16: Project Assurance products that relate to the Organizing practice.
Karen: Two products form part of the project initiation
The Project Board members do not work full- documentation, and the project brief that came
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
before it, these are the ‘product management It’s one of nine approaches in the PID and its
team structure’ and ‘role descriptions’. purpose is to describe the procedures,
techniques, and standards to be applied and
Pete, would you mind taking us through them the responsibilities for effective commercial
please? management.
Pete: For example, it will state what supplier
No problem Tony. The first management contracts are needed and what standards and
product with regard to the Organizing practice responsibilities there are around market
is the ‘project management team structure’. engagement, procurement or contracts
This could be a visual representation of who is
doing what in the temporary project team and One element in this approach is the delivery
the relationship between them, which, may of model, showing which elements of a work
course change on a stage-by-stage basis. breakdown structure for the project will be
delivered by external suppliers.
The term ‘project team’ is defined as the term
PRINCE2 uses to cover all people required to In a sense, the project management team
allocate their time to the project. structure is reflective of this model, and
underlines where capacity or capability does
Remember that roles in PRINCE2 can be
not exist in an organization, and where there is
shared or combined, with certain limits, for
no long term need to develop them.
example, the roles of Project Executive and
Project Manager must not be shared, in view of In such a situation external suppliers will be
project scale and the skills and capabilities of brought in to support the project, or indeed
those involved. some or all of product delivery will be
outsourced to them.
When agreeing to take on a role within the
temporary structure, it is important that people Tony:
‘sign up’ to a role description, with a clear Thanks Karen.
understanding of that role’s responsibilities, so
they fully understand the role that they are On screen you can see the ‘high level content’
being asked to perform. of the commercial management approach now.
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
On simple projects, with one work package and S3-2P21: Organizational Design and
a small team, a work breakdown structure Development Procedure – Design
would not be required. Tony:
The next part of the suggested ‘Organizational
Tony: design and development’ procedure in
Thanks for that Pete. We’ll discuss work PRINCE2 is ‘Design the project ecosystem’, a
breakdown structures again in the ‘Plans’ term we came across in the ‘people’ element of
practice when we run through ‘product-based the course.
planning’ in a bit more detail.
Pete, could you explore this a little further
S3-2P20: Organizational Design and Pete:
Development Procedure – Understand Well Tony, we’ve already said that the design of
Tony: the team is influenced by the work breakdown
Just like we had for the Business case practice, structure and commercial management
PRINCE2 also suggests a technique, or approach.
procedure, for use with the Organizing practice.
These are both informed by the project
If you have an alternative procedure in place, approach, in other words, how we think we
then it’s fine to use that, and state this in the should do our chosen option in the business
‘Tailoring’ section of the project initiation case, plus its scale and complexity.
It’s the Project Executive on the Project Board
Karen, could you outline the first part of this who is responsible for the design, with support
procedure please? from the Project Manager. People will be
Karen: required from the business, plus also,
Yes, no problem, Tony. Well, the organizational potentially, external suppliers.
design and development procedure has five The design needs to determine the:
elements, namely:
• Structure of the team,
• Understand
• The people and resources needed,
• Design
• The implementation of working
• Develop practices, and
• Manage, and • The development of a project culture
• Transition. and associated behaviours.
It’s got a large degree of overlap with the It must also be noted that this design will
‘people’ integrated element of PRINCE2 which evolve and change over the life of the project
we saw in session 2-2. though Tony, with different project team
Understand, means ‘Understand the structures for different stages potentially.
organizational ecosystem’, which, if you Tony:
remember from the ‘people’ integrated element Thanks so much Pete.
of the course, recognises that individuals who
eventually end up taking roles in our temporary
project team, will perhaps have ‘day jobs’ in
organizations that have already got defined S3-2P22: Organizational Design and
organizational structures and corporate Development Procedure - Develop and
governance. Manage – 1
The project then needs to think about how it will The next two parts of the suggested
interface with the existing organizational ‘Organizational design and development’
ecosystem on areas such as: procedure in PRINCE2 is ‘Develop the project
ecosystem’, and ‘Manage the ongoing changes
• People management to the project ecosystem’.
• Governance
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
This is where we actually implement the Learning is a key consideration also, sharing
organizational design and adopt and evolve it lessons and knowledge, with the recognition of
thereafter as the project progresses. the new skills and capabilities that those
working on the project may have acquired,
This will involve onboarding people to the which are now potentially useful for the wider
temporary team, with induction activities to get business.
people ‘up to speed’, and, in turn, ‘off-boarding’
activities to ensure lessons are captured.
In addition, this ‘Develop’ step will involve team S3-2P25: The Organizing Practice: Key
building and the associated establishment and Relationships with Principles of PRINCE2
maintenance of a culture for the project team. Tony:
Other activities may be required such as Finally, before we test our understanding with
training team members and dealing with some multiple-choice questions, we are going
succession planning for members who leave to explore how the Organizing practice
the team before completion. contributes to the adherence to the seven
PRINCE2 principles across the PRINCE2
As with the design of the project organization, lifecycle.
development is a responsibility of the Project
Executive supported by the Project Manager. On screen you will see a table, which lists the
seven principles on the left.
Here, the mindset is about ‘making the change Can the roles of project assurance be
stick’ as it were, where we think, at the closure delegated to project support?
of a project, about the organizational
ecosystem that the project’s products will be 1. No
transitioned into, including the arrangements 2. Sometimes
around benefits monitoring thereafter. 3. Yes
4. Only when the project is part of a
In addition, we need to consider the transition programme.
of remaining project team members back into
the organizational ecosystem.
Session 3-2: Practice: Organizing
S3-2P28: Activity
Identify which of these terms with regard to the
purpose of the commercial management
approach would NOT be an activity associated
with commercial management aspects of the
1. Contracts management
2. Procurement
3. Market engagement
4. Information management.
S3-2P29: Activity
The work breakdown structure is typically...
S3-2P30: Summary
This brings us to the end of our look at the
Organizing practice.
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
The purpose of the Plans practice is to facilitate The project plan provides a high-level view of
communication and control by defining the the full project, comprising key milestones,
products to be delivered and the means to major products, required people and resource
deliver them to satisfy the project business requirements, providing a baseline to monitor
case. progress through the project.
Planning provides all the people involved in the It is defined as “a high-level plan showing the
project to be able to understand: major products of the project and when, how,
and at what cost they will be delivered”.
• The user’s driving requirements and
the benefits they expect to realize, in A detailed plan for each stage called the stage
other the words ‘the why’ plan is produced. The stage plan doesn’t
• The products to be delivered and their extend past the ‘planning horizon’ - this is the
associated high-level acceptance time period over which is it possible to plan with
criteria and quality specifications, or reasonable confidence.
‘the what’
The stage plan is defined as “a detailed plan
• The delivery method such as an
used as a basis for project management control
iterative-incremental approach, and
throughout a stage”.
any constraints, or ‘the how’
• The sequence and estimated duration Finally, we have team plans which cover the
of delivery activities, ‘the when’ work of the team during the stage as defined by
• The facilities and locations involved, the work package description. In PRINCE2
or ‘the where’ team plans are optional.
• The estimated cost of agreed products
and associated delivery and The team plan is defined as "a plan used as
management activities, or ‘the how the basis for organizing and controlling the
much’, and finally work of a team when executing a work
• Risks that may be encountered and package".
issues that affect realism of the plan.
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
S3-3P4: Defining Stages - Balancing Stages a tranche, plus, of course, the planning horizon
Tony: within which it is sensible to plan.
Having the right number of stages of the right
length is fundamental to success, as they If there is significant uncertainty in the
provide a key means of control for the Project estimates, it makes sense for stages to be
Manager on a day-to-day basis. shorter to allow these estimates to be refined in
the next stage.
They also provide key controls for the Project
Board who decide whether to continue, or not, S3-3P6: Defining Stages - Stages and Work
at the end of each stage. Packages
A simple PRINCE2 project would probably Karen, would you mind talking about the
have two stages, which are the initiation stage, concept of stages, and link that to the idea of
which is the ‘theory’, to come up with the work packages?
project initiation documentation, and the rest of
the project, and one delivery stage, namely the Karen:
“doing”. Yes of course. Well, the key thing to say about
stages is that they don’t overlap. It’s one stage
Conversely, larger projects with complex sets at a time for the Project Manager.
of products, using a variety of delivery methods
and so on, are likely to involve multiple delivery Stages create ‘stop-go’ decision points by
stages after the first initiation stage. partitioning the project. In order to do the next
stage, the Project Board needs to review
When we determine how to divide the project progress for the current stage and assess
into stages, we must balance: whether the project still has continued business
justification, and if so, they can authorise
• How far ahead it is sensible to plan proceeding into the next stage.
• The sequence of delivery activities
• The amount of risk in the project, as Depending on the delivery methods used, and
higher risk suggests more stages specialist skills required, project work is likely to
• The delivery approach, such as be organized into logical groupings of work
iterative-incremental or linear- packages.
sequential, and finally
Such logical groupings of work packages are
• The number and timing of key
likely to overlap and run in parallel.
decision points.
While this is fine within a stage, it’s good
practice not to have work packages which span
S3-3P5: Defining Stages - Length of Stages
a stage boundary. The fear is of course that
the Project Board may decide not to authorise
We have discussed how dividing projects into
progression into the next stage, and work
stages requires balancing a number of factors.
would have been started on a work package
Linked to that we now need to consider the
that is now no longer required.
length of stages in a project, which, we need to
make clear at the outset, are not necessarily Sometimes work packages spanning stage
the same length throughout the life of a project. boundaries can’t be avoided, so status of such
work needs to be reviewed in the Managing a
Shorter stages mean more stage boundaries
stage boundary process.
and a greater effort for the Project Manager
and Project Board in terms of more end stage Tony:
assessments. That’s great Karen, thank you.
Longer stages mean fewer end stage
assessments but, potentially, reduced control
for the Project Board. S3-3P7: Seven Planning Steps - An
Introduction to Product-based Planning
The length of stages would be influenced by Tony:
complexity and level of risk, namely, the more Pete, could you run through the product-based
complex or risky a project is, the more stages planning technique in PRINCE2 for us please?
you are likely to have.
Other factors will also come into play to No problem. There are seven planning steps in
influence the length of stages, such as where PRINCE2’s planning procedure.
key decisions need to be made, coinciding with
programme decision points, such as the end of
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
The first is defining and analysing products procedure, otherwise known as the product-
using the product focused steps that we will based planning technique?
review later in this session.
1. Resource levelling
This naturally leads us to defining delivery 2. Analysing risks
activities associated with each product, which 3. Critical path analysis
can be organized into work packages required 4. Identifying work packages.
to develop the products and understanding the
dependencies between them.
S3-3P10: Activity
Once we know what we have to do, we can Pete:
estimate the durations of each delivery activity Identify the missing word(s) in the following
and prepare the schedule. After which we sentence:
allocate a budget to cover the cost of people
and resources to make those activities happen PRINCE2 defines a project plan as: a [?] plan
and, generically, to manage the project. showing the major products of the project and
when, how, and at what cost they will be
At each of these steps we must consider the delivered.
risks to the plan and any mitigating actions
must be included in the schedule. 1. Detailed
2. High-level
The final step in the process is to ‘document 3. Mid-level
the plan’, which means we prepare a short 4. Low-level.
narrative to describe what the plan contains,
internal and external dependencies, monitoring
and control requirements, budgets, S3-3P11: Activity
assumptions, tolerances and so on. Pete:
For a simple project, with well-understood
This planning procedure can be applied to any products and a mature delivery method, how
level of plan. many stages would typically be required?
Tony: 1. 1 stage
That’s great Pete, and later on in this session 2. 2 stages
we’ll ‘dig’ into the PRINCE2 technique of 3. 3 stages
product-based planning, otherwise known as its 4. 4 stages.
‘planning procedure’, in a bit more detail.
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
breakdown structure, stating their when a work package has been accepted,
general purpose and scope, and during the managing product delivery process.
• Whether each work package should
be delivered sequentially or iterative-
incrementally. S3-3P15: Exception Plans
S3-3P13: Stage Plan When it is predicted that a plan will no longer
Tony: finish within the agreed tolerances, an
The first stage plan produced in the PRINCE2 exception plan may be produced to replace that
lifecycle is the initiation stage plan created in plan.
the Starting up a project process. An exception plan follows an exception report
Stage plans are similar to the project plan in and explains how the project will respond to the
content, but each element will be broken down exception within the stage.
to the level of detail required to be an adequate When a stage exceeds, or is forecast to
basis for day-to-day control by the Project exceed, agreed stage tolerances, a Project
Manager. A stage plan is required for each Manager will raise an exception report to the
stage. Project Board.
Each delivery stage plan is created near to the If the Project Board decides to address the
end of the previous stage in the process of exception within the stage, the project
Managing a stage boundary, by virtue of a management team will prepare an exception
planning workshop involving the Project plan covering how directed actions will be
Manager, Project Board, project assurance and performed.
Team Managers and possibly other
stakeholders. It is prepared at the same level of detail as the
plan it replaces at either project or stage level.
The stage plan should include a stage product Once an exception plan has been approved it
breakdown structure, showing products within becomes the new baselined project plan or
scope of the stage and their relationships. stage plan as appropriate.
It should also include a stage work breakdown An exception plan picks up from the current
structure, identifying major activities, and the plan’s actuals and continues to the end of that
people and resources needed to make those plan.
activities a reality.
Exception plans are not produced at team
The stage plan is produced close to the time level. Should a work package be forecast to
when the planned activities will take place. exceed its tolerances then provided it can be
The stage plan is for a much shorter duration resolved within the stage tolerances, the
than the project plan and the stage plan is Project Manager will amend or replace the
developed with the benefit of knowledge of the work package description in question.
performance of earlier stages. Exception plans require the approval of the
Project Board if they replace a stage plan or by
the business layer if they replace the project
S3-3P14: Team Plan plan
Depending on the complexity of the project and
the amount of resources required, the Team S3-3P16: Product-based Planning –
Manager may produce a team plan, which is Introduction
used as the basis for organizing and controlling Tony:
the work of a team when executing a work According to the traditional way of planning
package. projects, the starting point is to decide on all
Team plans are regarded as optional. As such the activities that were needed to complete the
PRINCE2 does not prescribe a format for them project.
as there may be more than one team on a PRINCE2, quite sensibly, says that a better
project, possibly from different supplier starting point is to determine and fully
organizations and hence they may have understand all the products which the project is
different planning standards. to create. Having done that, it will be much
Team Managers could produce team plans in easier to identify and plan the activities
parallel with the production of a stage plan, or
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
necessary to deliver and check them, and It has a big bearing on the Plans practice, in
generically, to manage the project. terms of the list of major products, essentially
representing our first take on ‘scope’ for the
Product-based planning is a technique project.
suggested by the Plans practice, also referred
to as the ‘planning technique’, which leads to a It also has a major bearing on the Quality
plan based on the creation and delivery of practice, as it is the starting point of what we
products. call ‘quality planning’.
This aligns to the principle of Focus on The Senior User is responsible for specifying
products, and by identifying the products first, it the project product. However, in practice the
then leads to consideration of the most Project Manager will often complete the project
effective way of delivering them. In addition, by product description in conjunction with the
identifying products and their dependencies in Senior User, Senior Supplier and the Project
a plan, it clearly defines what is in, and not in, Executive.
the plan’s scope. Without this understanding,
issue and change control cannot function. This will provide the high-level scope of the
project, which in turn, will enable the top levels
In addition, product-based planning simplifies of the project’s product breakdown structure to
the identification of the work packages to be completed.
deliver the identified products, and also, the
sequencing of these work packages. Pete, would you like to provide us with an
We outlined the seven elements of PRINCE2’s
product-based planning technique earlier, but
here, we want to explore one step in more
S3-3P18: Product-based Planning - Product
detail, that of ‘defining and analysing products’.
Breakdown Structure Example
This actually consists of four main steps: Pete:
Thanks Tony
• Writing the project product description
• Creating a product breakdown Imagine you were the Project Manager building
structure the Channel Tunnel. You would want to start
the project by drawing up a very high-level
• Writing product descriptions, and
product breakdown structure.
• Creating a product flow diagram.
We have already filled in the major product,
We’ll explore these elements in a bit more which is the finished and operational tunnel.
detail now:
What do you think would be reasonable major
component products for this project?
S3-3P17: Product-based Planning - The There are no right or wrong answers here.
Project’s Product Description and the Even in real life, how you design your product
Product Breakdown Structure breakdown structures is entirely down to your
Tony: own preferences and the needs of the project.
The product breakdown structure (or PBS) is,
quite simply, the hierarchy of all products to be Click on the button to view our attempt at this
produced during a plan. one.
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
PRINCE2 recommends the main headings that It is used to show the order in which products
should be included in a product description as must be created, and therefore dependencies
shown: between them, and based on this, it then
becomes relatively straightforward to produce a
• Identifier - The product name or, if the schedule of all the activities that are required
project has a large number of for the project.
products, a unique identifier
• Version – Current version of the A product flow diagram can identify
product description intermediate products, which are those created
as an essential input to the delivery of another
• Purpose – The purpose of the
product but not intended for use by user, for
product, how it will be used and who
example a prototype design. Naturally, it will
will use it
also show ‘final products’ which will be used by
• Composition – A list of the product’s
the user community.
components or parts
• Derivation - The source of this A product flow diagram should have a clear
product, such as a design, a starting point and a clear end point, either from
commercial product, an existing top to bottom or left to right.
system to be upgraded or replaced, or
a statement of expected benefits The starting point for the product flow diagram
• Quality specifications - What criteria will be the product or products that are
must the product meet for it to be available right at the start of the project and the
judged ‘fit for purpose?’ end will be the final deliverable of the whole
• Development or production approach project.
and skills required - A description of
Subsequently, it can be useful for the Project
how the product is expected to be
Manager to sit down with the Senior User once
developed or produced, and any
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
it has been done, to map this sequence to the product delivery, namely the Team Manager
expected achievement of outcomes and and members.
For now though, we’ll state that the purpose of
the work package description is to describe
how one or more products will be produced and
S3-3P22: Product-based Planning – delivered. It is used to pass responsibility for
Example work formally to a Team Manager or team
Pete: members.
Referring back to our Channel Tunnel example,
we can see from the product breakdown It includes a statement of the work to be done
structure for the specialist products, all the and the associated work breakdown structure,
major products that have been identified. which is something we mentioned in the
Organizing practice.
Before work can start on any of these products,
we would in fact need an external product, The work breakdown structure is a way of
which would be ‘Government Approval to mapping work packages to relevant teams, and
Proceed’. has a number of applications.
Once approval for the project has been granted The product flow diagram helps identify the
work can commence on excavating the hole for appropriate delivery method, such as linear-
the tunnel. sequential, and once identified, delivery
activities for each product can be organized
Since there are no dependency issues, work into work packages involving closely related
can also start immediately on building the new people and resources.
road system around the terminals and the
rolling stock that will eventually operate in the Work packages need to record dependencies
finished tunnel. discovered in the product flow diagram that
came before them.
Having produced an excavated hole, the next
required product is the lined tunnel, followed by A ‘dependency’ means that one product is
a lined tunnel complete with all the required dependent on another. There are at least two
service, and so on, for each of the other types of dependency relevant to a project,
branches until eventually the required end- internal and external.
product is arrived at.
We’ll explore work packages more later on in S3-3P25: Preparing Estimates, Preparing a
the course when we look at the interface Schedule and Preparing a Budget
between the Controlling a stage process, Tony:
namely the Project Manager, and Managing Karen, next in the product-based planning
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
technique come the steps of ‘Preparing Alternatively, if a project has a fixed budget,
estimates’ and ‘Preparing a schedule’. Would then there will be narrow cost tolerance, and
you mind expanding on these a little more this too, might be set to zero.
Likewise, a project that needs to deliver the
Karen: 100% solution, and only the 100% solution with
No problem, Tony. Well, ‘Preparing estimates’, nothing ‘missing’, will have zero scope
is all about how long we think activities will tolerance.
take, and also, what people and resources,
such as equipment, facilities or natural Definitions of these tolerance areas can be
resources, we think we’ll need to make them found on screen now.
Such constraints may be regarding schedules S3-3P28: The Plans Practice - Key
or resources, and therefore, PRINCE2’s idea of Relationships with Principles of PRINCE2
tolerances can be used to manage such Tony:
constraints. Finally, before we test our understanding with
some multiple-choice questions, we will
For example, if a project is schedule-driven,
consider how the Plans practice contributes to
there may be narrow time tolerance, possibly
the adherence to the seven PRINCE2
set to zero.
principles across the PRINCE2 lifecycle.
Session 3-3: Practice: Plans
On screen you will see a table, with the seven 3. Creating a product breakdown
principles, we introduced earlier in the course, structure
down the left-hand side. You can find these 4. Creating a product flow diagram.
outlined in the second chapter of the PRINCE2
eBook or printed guide.
S3-3P31: Activity
The middle column of the table shows how the Pete:
Plans practice achieves the principle by doing Which PRINCE2 plan is optional?
1. A stage plan
Finally, on the right-hand side, we have a 2. A team plan
column outlining how by doing something, this 3. A project plan
results in something beneficial for the project. 4. An exception plan.
1. A and B
2. B and C
3. C and D
4. A and D.
S3-3P30: Activity
What is the first step in defining and analysing
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
The second part of project quality management S3-4P5: Registers relating to the Quality
is quality control. Practice
Quality control involves the procedures to A moment ago, we mentioned two registers
monitor specific products of a project and their which support the quality management
development or delivery activities to determine procedure, they were the product register and
whether they comply with relevant standards the quality register.
and identifying ways to eliminate causes of
unsatisfactory performance. This involves: Karen, could you outline them a little further
• Obtaining user acceptance of the
delivered products, and Karen:
• Assessing issues related to quality. Yes of course.
The results of quality checks are recorded in The product register is defined as “a
the quality register, and the status of those component of the project log that identifies the
products would be recorded in the product products to be delivered by the project and
register. Both of these registers form part of records their acceptance”.
the project’s log, along with the other logs and When product descriptions are approved and
registers. baselined by the Project Board when
authorisation is given to proceed with the next
stage, then an entry will be made in the product
S3-4P4: Quality Assurance and Project register for the products relating to the next
Assurance stage.
It is very important that we don’t confuse quality The key element for the product register is the
assurance with project assurance. ‘status’ field, noting whether, at this particular
moment in time, a specialist product is ‘To do’,
Quality assurance is the way we check that the ‘In progress’, or ‘Done’. Alternatively, ‘In
project is being managed and directed properly. development’, ‘In test’ and ‘Handed over’.
It looks from the ‘outside, in’ to the conduct of a
project. The purpose of the product register is to list all
of the products required of a plan and the
It is defined as being: “planned and systematic status of those products.
activity that provides confidence that products
will meet their defined quality specifications Another part of the project log relating to quality
when tested under quality control. Quality is of course the quality register. The quality
assurance is typically a function managed register is defined as "a component of the
independently from the project team.” project log that identifies all the quality control
activities that are planned or have occurred and
In short, this ensures that the project is being provides information for end stage reports and
managed in line with the business layer’s the end project report".
standards and policies.
It is used by the Project Manager and project
Quality assurance is independent of the project assurance as part of reviewing progress, for
and is typically performed at programme or example, for the Project Manager to compare
business level. and contrast against the checkpoint reports
they have been receiving from Team
Project assurance on the other hand is a Managers.
Project Board responsibility. It consists of a set
of responsibilities for each board member Tony:
which makes sure they are confident the Thanks Karen.
project is being managed correctly.
Pete, could you take a look at the user’s quality
Each Project Board member has their own set expectations and acceptance criteria, and then
of assurance responsibilities and therefore it is introduce the project product description?
not independent of the project. However,
remember that these responsibilities cannot be
delegated to the Project Manager, project S3-4P6: User’s Quality Expectations,
support or Team Managers. Acceptance Criteria, and the Project’s
Product Description
Yes Tony, no problem.
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
S3-4P14: Product Description – Quality Sure Tony. Well, quality control is where we
Related Elements are actually checking products against the
Tony: quality specifications laid down for them in their
In the Plans practice we outlined the content of respective product descriptions. This happens
a product description, but now it’s time to focus in the Managing product delivery process in
on the elements that relate to quality. PRINCE2’s lifecycle, and it must be noted, the
longer we leave a flaw in a product, the cost of
Karen, can you emphasise these please?
correcting it grows exponentially, especially
Karen: when the product is already in operational use.
No problem Tony, well the obvious one is
As checks are made, the quality register is
‘Quality specifications’, in a sense the most
updated by the team manager, usually via
important part of the product description.
project support.
These include functional and non-functional
The quality register records the date a product
requirements. Functional describes how a
was reviewed and approved, which may of
product must perform and be used, whereas
course be different from the target dates initially
non-functional are the ‘ilities’, namely, the
placed in the quality register when the project
inherent characteristics of a product, such as
manager planned for the stage which the
its security, reliability, maintainability and so on.
relevant work package was part of.
Next in the product description we see ‘Quality
The result of ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ is given, and any
tolerance’, which allows a product to be
failure assessed against any quality tolerances
considered ‘fit for purpose’ and acceptable
that may have been set around quality
within certain confines around the quality
specifications, and, the potential off-
specification that may result.
Quality methods and quality skills required
Namely, a product was delivered that wasn’t
outline the quality checking methods to be
right or fit for purpose, or perhaps wasn’t
used, such as visual inspections or automated
delivered at all. We’ll talk more about this in
the Issues practice.
Quality skills refer to the skills needed to do
The last part of the quality technique in
that check, which dependent on the nature of
PRINCE2 is that of ‘product acceptance’.
the products in question, could be very involved
or specialist in nature. Here, the roles defined in the relevant product
description’s ‘Responsibilities’ section listed as
Finally, we have responsibilities, which, for the
‘Acceptance authority’ will be authorised to
product in question, detail who is the producer,
advise whether an individual product is in
reviewer and acceptance authority for the
acceptance or not.
If so, this status change to ‘accepted’, will be
This translates to those who are developing the
recorded in the product register.
product, the producers, those who assess
whether a product meets quality specifications, More globally, acceptance of the entire
the reviewers, and those who decide whether a project’s product will often involve independent
product is acceptable, or fit for purpose. review as to whether the user’s quality
expectations, and associated measurable
Acceptance authority could be granted to the
acceptance criteria were met.
Project Board, or others, in which case such
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
Session 3-4: Practice: Quality
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
For risk management to work effectively, risks All identified risks though should be recorded
will need to be: within the risk register which should capture
and maintain information on all the identified
• Identified - clearly describing the risks threats and opportunities relating to the project.
so that there is a common
understanding The risk register is created in the Initiating a
• Assessed - ranking risks in terms of project process. Any risks identified during
estimated probability, impact and Starting up a project should be recorded in the
timing or proximity, Project Manager’s daily log and transferred to
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
S3-5P9: Risk Guidance – Risk Planning and S3-5P10: Risk Guidance – Risk Control
Risk Analysis Tony:
Tony: The next part of risk guidance in PRINCE2 is
Now it’s time to look at aspects of what called ‘Risk control’.
PRINCE2 calls ‘Risk guidance’. We’ll see how
this manifests itself in PRINCE2’s risk Karen, please elaborate further if you don’t
management procedure, which we’ll go through mind.
later in the session.
Pete, please can you take us through ‘Risk Not an issue at all Tony. Well, risk control
planning’? encompasses taking the best action, or actions,
available to identified threats and opportunities
Pete: from the available response types. We’ll talk
No problem Tony. more about this in the ‘Plan’ step of our risk
management procedure.
‘Risk planning’ is where we use environmental
scanning techniques like PESTLE to identify The next part of risk control is to assign a risk
risks, which, by the way, is regarded by owner, who owns all aspects of a risk assigned
PRINCE2 as a ‘supporting technique’. In to them, and perhaps ‘risk action owner’ as
addition, we’d aim to understand the type of well, who just does the action on behalf of the
each risk, such as sustainability, cybersecurity, owner, keeping them up to date. We’ll see this
financial or reputational. in the ‘Implement’ part of the risk management
Irrespective of the technique used to identify
risks, it’s important that we describe them with The next part of controlling risks would be to
three elements, namely risk cause, risk event potentially ring-fence an explicit budget for
and risk effect. specific risk responses from the overall project
budget, and provide provision for currently
We’ll explore this more in the ‘Identify’ part of unknown risks.
our risk management procedure.
The final aspect of risk control is to think about
Next, risk guidance is provided on ‘Risk risk culture, noting earlier, that we said culture
analysis’. This will involve qualitative analysis, will influence the organization’s risk appetite,
such as assessing a risk’s impact and namely how risk loving or loathing the
probability, and assessing the proximity of the organization is.
identified threat or opportunity. Namely, if it’s
going to happen, when will it happen by? The key is that a supportive culture recognizes
that considering risk is a key part of decision-
Another thing we’ll analyse is the ‘velocity’ of a making. This then links to the concept of
risk. ‘decision-bias’, whereby mental shortcuts and
faulty thinking can result in less effective
This term is about how quickly a risk will start
impacting on the project’s objectives if it
occurs. Examples of decision bias include:
A risk matrix can then be used to plot risks at a • 'Optimism bias’, whereby
given moment in time, namely a snapshot of disadvantageous risk is discounted,
the risk environment. with an overly ‘sunny’ view of the
Scales for impact, on the x-axis, and probability situation
on the y-axis can be seen, with risks plotted • Loss aversion, which is where the
using their unique identifiers from the risk mindset values the avoidance of
register. losses more than making potential
Risks above the risk tolerance line represent • Groupthink, a mindset where people
those that the business will not be able to feel unable to voice an alternative
tolerate, and these would have to be referred to view or perspective on a situation, and
the Project Board. finally
• Proximity, where risks closer in time
Tony: are seen as being riskier than those
That’s great Pete and revisiting the risk matrix further away.
will allow us to spot trends, to see whether
certain risks are getting more or less likely. Tony:
Thanks Karen, that was superb.
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
S3-5P11: Risk Management Procedure summary of each of these which can be viewed
Tony: by clicking the button shown on screen.
The risk management procedure that PRINCE2
recommends contains five steps. These are: If you remember the risk guidance on ‘risk
planning’, It is very important to clearly express
• Identify - which has two elements - the risk in terms of its;
Define context and objectives and
Identify threats and opportunities • Cause – the source of the risk, for
• Assess - which also has two elements example, because it rained a lot last
- Prioritize risks and Assess combined night
risk profile • The Event – the area of uncertainty,
• Plan for example, the river through
• Implement, and productive agricultural land may
overflow, and finally
• Communicate.
• The Effect – the description of the
The first four steps here are executed in impact, for example, leading to the
sequence and are iterative. The Communicate crops being damaged.
step will run in parallel, in order to
communicate any findings prior to the Or for an opportunity…
completion of the overall procedure. Because of increased adoption of home solar
As the project proceeds, new or updated photo voltaic systems (the cause) then fewer
information will become available. At this point, people may use their gas central heating over
some of the earlier steps may need to be winter (the event) leading to a reduction in CO2
revisited to achieve the best result. emissions from the housing stock and quicker
achievement of carbon neutral targets (the
Let’s consider each step in a little more detail effect).
Pete, could you explain how we assess risks?
Once the context and risk management It is usual for risks to be visualized in a ‘risk
approach has been established, the risks to the matrix’ as we saw in the ‘Risk analysis’ risk
project (both threats and opportunities) should guidance earlier, and information on impact and
be identified and recorded in the risk register, probability to be added to the risk register.
noting that risks can be identified at any point Next, in the ‘Assess combined risk profile’
during a project’s lifecycle. This is the ‘Identify element of the ‘Assess’ step, we need to
threats and opportunities’ element of ‘Identify’. consider the combined effect of the individual
There are many techniques that could be used risks to determine the overall risk exposure of
to identify risks including, review lessons, risk the project.
checklists, risk prompt lists, brainstorming and Typically, this is done using techniques like
risk breakdown structures. We’ve provided a expected monetary value, whereby the
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
probability of a risk is multiplied by its financial • Avoid – plan the activities differently in
impact, to give us the ‘expected value’. If we such a way that either the risk is
were to then add up all the expected value avoided altogether, or there is no
figures, with negatives for threats and positives impact, and
for opportunities, we get the ‘expected • Reduce – take some action to reduce
monetary value’ for the project. An indication of the probability and / or the impact.
how risky we are compared to other projects. This leaves you with what we call
‘residual’ risk, namely, the threat may
If risk exposure is greater than risk appetite, still happen, and it will have some
then actions would need to be planned in form of impact.
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
Information about risks is communicated both a useful insight on certain risks, informing your
within the project ecosystem and to external view on their probability and impact.
stakeholders from the organizational
ecosystem, for example to a programme office. Use of data generally gives a great insight into
the risks faced by a project and the
Risks are communicated in: relationships between them.
Thinking back to the risk guidance earlier, this The middle column shows how the Risk
is part of ‘Risk control’. practice achieves the principle by doing
Pete, would you mind setting the scene and Resulting in… A clear understanding of the
then exploring this a bit further please? threats and opportunities relating to developing
the products in the project.
No problem Tony. In short it shows how interconnected the
PRINCE2 method is.
Well, one of the ‘supporting techniques’ we’ve
mentioned already is the idea of ‘Horizon It shows how one of the five integrated
scanning’ in the form of PESTLE analysis or elements, a practice, relates to the
SWOT, namely strengths, weaknesses, achievement of principles, another integrated
opportunities and threats. element, throughout the lifecycle, namely
processes, which are another integrated
PRINCE2 alludes to how these supporting element.
techniques relate to the steps of the risk
management procedure. So, for example,
‘Horizon scanning’ relates to the ‘Identify’ step
of the risk procedure. S3-5P19: Activity
One other supporting technique used On the screen, you will see the five steps of the
throughout the entire risk management PRINCE2 technique for risk (the risk
procedure is that of ‘Use of data’. management procedure) and a number of
statements relating to it.
Here, use of data analytics on data sets for
similar projects, products or activities can give Drag each statement onto the appropriate step.
Session 3-5: Practice: Risk
When you are satisfied with your choices click products), is the responsibility of the Senior
“submit” to check your answer. Supplier.
An accessible PDF version of this activity can The Project Manager should consult
be found in Course Resources, which can be stakeholders to prepare and maintain the risk
accessed from the course menu or by selecting management approach and establish and
Ctrl, Alt + R on your keyboard. maintain risks in the risk register. Project
support may assist with the preparation and
The 5 steps of the PRINCE2 technique for risk maintenance of the project’s risk register.
(the risk management procedure) are:
The Project Manager should also ensure that
• Implement project risks are being identified, assessed and
• Identify controlled throughout the project lifecycle.
• Plan
• Assess, and Team Managers should participate in the
• Communicate. identification, assessment and control of risks,
whereas project assurance are responsible for
The statements to be matched to the steps are: advising the Project Manager with regard to the
risk management approach, and confirm to the
• Establish the risk management Project Board that the approach is compliant
approach with business policies.
• Inform the Project Board by highlight
• The Project Executive should own this S3-5P21: Summary
risk Tony:
• The best thing to do is accept this risk We have now come to the end of our
• We could share this opportunity discussions about PRINCE2’s Risk practice.
• The risk may happen in three weeks
time You should now be able to:
• The marketing team can take the
• Explain the purpose of managing risk
and the purpose of the risk budget
• Hold a brainstorming workshop
• Explain the purpose of the risk
• Review end stage reports for
management approach and risk
information to include
• The risk has a probability less than
• Describe guidance for risk
management including risk planning,
risk analysis, risk control and
S3-5P20: Risk Responsibilities consideration of risk culture
Pete: • Define risk as a threat or opportunity,
Finally, let’s have a look at risk responsibilities. risk responses, risk owners and risk
action owners, and
Providing the corporate risk management • Define the risk in terms of cause,
policy and risk management process guide is event and effect
the role of the business layer. • Define the difference between risk
probability, impact, proximity and
The Project Executive approves the risk
velocity, and finally
management approach and ensures it is
• Describe the PRINCE2 technique for
appropriate for the project’s objectives and the
risk, the risk management procedure.
business’ risk appetite. The Project Executive
also ensures that risks associated with the
This concludes this session.
business case are identified, assessed and
controlled and should escalate risks to the
business layer as necessary.
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues
In this context though, we are talking about and off-specifications, as opposed to lower
something that has happened, not might severity, potentially more trivial things.
happen, that is having positive consequences
for the project, an ‘upside issue’ if you like. For The method of funding for changes is also
example, a competitor has gone out of known as the change budget, and is used to
business which will increase the benefits to be fund approved requests for change. Similarly,
realized from our project relating to sales to the risk budget, this is optional, but should
revenues. always accompany any delegation of authority
for changes.
Formal definitions of the types of issues that
arise can be seen on screen now. Please note It is essentially a ‘ring-fenced’ ‘pot’ of money to
that requests for change and off-specifications fund approved changes, noting that cost
come under the banner of ‘change control’, tolerance in a stage, does not get used to pay
whereas problems and concerns, an external for changes.
event to a project and a business opportunity
By default, the Project Board will make the
come under ‘issue resolution’.
decisions, but in most projects limited authority
Definitions for these can also be seen on for day-to-day changes will be delegated to the
screen. Project Manager.
The issue management approach will Where an issue requires formal consideration
document the procedure for change control and then an issue report will be created and this
issue management. It will also specify the roles information will be documented within the issue
and responsibilities for change control and register.
issue management. Records, timing of
activities, assessment scales, and so forth are The issue report records information on one
also covered. formally managed issue, whereas the issue
register records information on all the formally
S3-6P6: Approach to Change – 2 managed issues.
When thinking about changes, two of the most Both the daily log and issue register are part of
important aspects to be considered and the project log, which acts as a ‘container’ for
approved are the responsibility for agreeing to all the logs and registers in PRINCE2.
implement a change and the method of funding
for changes.
S3-6P8: PRINCE2 Technique - Issue
By default, the Project Board has the Management Procedure – 1
responsibility for agreeing to implement a Tony:
change, but this can be delegated to others, PRINCE2 provides a common and systematic
and is sometimes referred to as granting approach to dealing with issues. This process
‘change authority’. This ‘frees up’ the Project consists of five steps, these are: Capture,
Board, so they are being asked to make Assess, Recommend, Decide and Implement.
decisions on more severe requests for change
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues
Session 3-6: Practice: Issues
S3-6P19: Activity
Identify the missing word(s) in the following
1. PID
2. Role descriptions
3. Specific
4. Management products.
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
Let’s make a start by considering the purpose The main controls for the Project Board
of the Progress practice. include:
The purpose of PRINCE2’s Progress practice Exception reports and issue reports: Early
is to establish mechanisms to monitor and warning of any forecast deviation beyond
compare actual achievements against those tolerance levels and issues requiring their
planned, to provide a forecast for the project attention.
objectives and continued viability, and control
any deviations causing an exception. Assessment of an exception plan: The Project
Board jointly considers what action to take in
Progress control involves measuring actual response to a forecast, or actual, deviation.
progress against the performance targets of
benefits, time, cost, quality, scope, The main controls for the Project Manager
sustainability, and risk. include:
It ensures that, for each level of the project Authorizations: Authorize work packages
management team, the level above can: including setting work package tolerances.
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
S3-7P7: Progress Control Guidance – 2 This requires an open and honest culture to
Tony: support it, and the analysis of lessons should
Karen, would you mind continuing the answer five questions:
discussion on PRINCE2’s progress guidance?
• What did we expect to occur?
Karen: • What actually happened?
The next part of guidance around progress • What worked well and why?
control is ‘Reviewing progress and lessons’. • What did not work and why? and
• What needs to be done differently or
During a stage, in the process Controlling a
what needs to be repeated?
Stage, the Project Manager will be receiving
regular checkpoint reports, in a format and
frequency set by the Project Manager, and will
That’s great Karen. The definition of a lesson
use these to review progress and update the
is on screen now.
project log. The stage plan will also be
updated with actual progress information, and it
is from these actual positions that they will be
forecasting whether they are still with their S3-7P9: Progress Control Guidance – 4
stage tolerance laid down by the Project Board. Tony:
Next in the guidance for progress control
During the stage, even when progress is comes ‘Reporting progress and lessons’.
apparently going as expected in terms of
products being delivered to the project, the The key here is that the frequency of reporting
Project Manager will be looking for trends, such can vary at different times in a project lifecycle,
as if the average number of unresolved issues reflecting the level of control required. For
appears to be increasing. example, if the team is highly experienced,
then less frequent reporting may be appropriate
The Project Manager needs to examine the generally, whereas, for an inexperienced team,
product register and quality register to see the Project Manager or Project Board may wish
whether this tallies with the physical state of to increase the frequency of reporting, until
specialist products. If there is a disconnect, for sufficient confidence has been gained in the
example, if the product register has status ‘in capability of the team.
development’ for a product, whereas the quality
register has a ‘fail’ status in the ‘result’ column PRINCE2 does not dictate the format and
for the same product, it indicates one or both presentation of reports, which could be verbal,
sets of information are incorrect. perhaps in a simple project using in-house
suppliers, or in larger more complex projects,
As such, assurance activities may be required then dashboards would be suitable, with
regarding the confidence in the reporting and access and availability to information in such
monitoring mechanisms and the data that reports outlined in the digital and data
underpins it. In short, ‘garbage in and garbage management approach.
out’, or ‘GIGO’ for short, is the concern. We’ll
talk more about the digital and data You can find suggestions for the ‘format’ of
management approach, which is part of the reports in PRINCE2 in Appendix A of the
PID, and the importance of systems and data PRINCE2 guidance.
which is integrated and accessible, later on.
Next, the guidance for progress control talks
about ‘Forecasting’, which is a word we’d
always associate with two other words…
S3-7P8: Progress Control Guidance – 3 ‘tolerance’, and ‘exception’.
When reviewing progress, lessons are often To go into ‘exception’ is not when you have
identified, perhaps around why progress has broken tolerance, but rather, when you forecast
been slower than expected, or alternatively, to exceed the tolerance laid down for you, in
what has worked particularly well though a view of actually how it’s going, as opposed to
stage. how you thought or hoped it would go.
The principle of Learn from experience is key It’s all about ‘bothering the boss early’, and is
here then, and it’s important that the entire not a sign or weakness, but rather, a sign of
project team actively seeks, records, and strength. A supportive culture to is required to
incorporates relevant lessons throughout the enable this.
life of the project and shares them for future
projects. As we mentioned earlier, while time and cost
are quite often the focus, all seven PRINCE2
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
performance targets, and their associated the specialist products and the expectation of
tolerances, should be considered. outcomes and benefits.
If, however a Team Manager forecasts to The approach will explain how the data will be
exceed the work package tolerance laid down used and what digital technology will be used
for them by the Project Manager, then they for data analytics.
raise this via an issue, and not an exception
report, as it is assumed they are not using The ‘high level content’ of the approach is
PRINCE2. shown on screen if you want a closer look.
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
the Project Manager to the Project Board, and If the chosen decision is made by the Project
an exception report would not be required. Board to request an exception plan, then we
move to step 4.
Moving onto step 2. In the situation where the
Project Manager forecasts to exceed their
stage tolerance, they are no longer authorised S3-7P14: Exception Management – 3
to continue and need to send an exception Pete:
report up to the Project Board as soon as In step 4, the Project Manager ceases the
possible, possibly giving warning in advance. current stage and introduces a stage boundary
to create the exception plan. Namely, the
This exception report will detail the situation Project Manager goes into the Managing a
with resolution options and a recommendation. stage boundary process early, and they hold a
planning workshop to come up with a
This report is sent from the Project Manager, in
replacement plan, called the exception plan,
the Controlling a stage process to the Project
which will replace the plan that has gone into
Board or Project Executive at the directing
level, along with any other relevant data to
assist in their decision. Specifically, they At step 5, in the Directing a project process, at
receive this during the ‘Give ongoing direction’ the activity ‘Authorize a stage or exception
activity. plan’, the Project Board or Project Executive
will either:
Session 3-7: Practice: Progress
S3-7P17: Activity
Identify the missing word in the following
1. Progress
2. Performance
3. Achievements
Session 4-1: Processes: SU, IP
Session 4-1: Processes: SU, IP
that the contents of the project brief will be outline business case to them, along with other
extended and refined during IP to create the elements of the project brief.
project initiation documentation or PID.
In summary the outputs of Starting up a project
This is subsequently included in the project In the process SU the [?] is the first project
brief during the ‘Assemble the project brief’ management team role to be appointed.
activity. Essentially, the project mandate is
1. Project Board
developed into the project brief which states
2. Project Manager
the scope and definition of the project.
3. Project Executive
It is necessary to make sure the work that will 4. Senior User.
be undertaken during the initiation stage is
understood as it will take time and consume
S4-1P9: Activity
resources. This work is identified and
scheduled in the ‘Plan the initiation stage’
Which two are objectives of the SU process?
A. To produce a PID
Finally, we have the activity ‘Request project
B. To document the business justification
initiation’ which is where the Project Manager
C. To stop projects which are poorly-
formally requests the authority from the Project
conceived being initiated
Board to initiate the project, presenting the
Session 4-1: Processes: SU, IP
S4-1P11: Context of IP From the list shown can you identify two of the
Tony: objectives of the IP process?
If the organization proceeded directly from SU A. Explain how the quality required will
into delivery it risks committing significant funds be achieved
and resources to the project without fully B. Agree the project approach
understanding the project’s objectives and how C. Document the outline business case
it might be achieved. D. Define who needs information, in what
By using IP we can lay down the foundation format, and at what time.
required to achieve a successful project. Choose your answer from the following options:
Session 4-1: Processes: SU, IP
1. Foundations
2. Scope
3. Requirements
4. Costs.
S4-1P16: Activity
Which of these is an objective of IP?
S4-1P17: Summary
This brings us to the end of our considerations
of SU and IP.
Session 4-2: Processes: CS, MP, SB
Session 4-2: Processes: CS, MP, SB
• That the planned products are sure that risks and issues are under control
delivered to quality expectations and and, if necessary, triggering corrective action.
within tolerance, and finally
• That accurate progress information is Periodically, the Project Board will need to be
provided to the Project Manager at an informed of progress. At the frequency defined
agreed frequency to ensure that by the Board, the Project Manager will issue a
expectations are managed. highlight report as described in the ‘Report
highlights’ activity.
There are three four activities in MP and these
S4-2P6: Controlling a Stage
• Accept a work package Tony:
• Execute a work package and The final activity group associated with issues
• Evaluate a work package, and involves capturing the issue or risk.
• Notify work package completion.
Issues that can be managed informally should
be noted in the daily log, otherwise they should
S4-2P5: Managing Product Delivery be entered into the issue register and analyzed
Tony: further.
Let’s consider the interaction between
Controlling a stage and Managing product Risks should be entered into the risk register. If
delivery in a little more detail. the issue or risk cannot be resolved within
tolerance, then it will need to be escalated to
Firstly, the work packages group has three the Project Board via an exception report using
activities: the ‘Escalate issues and risks’ activity.
Session 4-2: Processes: CS, MP, SB
S4-2P9: Activity
S4-2P12: SB Objectives
Identify the missing word or words in the
There are a number of objectives associated
following sentence.
with SB. In the normal course of events, they
The Project Manager sends the Project Board are to:
a [?] report at a frequency decided by them.
• Assure the Project Board that all
1. End project products in the current stage plan
2. Checkpoint have been completed as defined.
3. End stage • Prepare the stage plan for the next
4. Highlight. stage
• Review and, if necessary, update the
PID, in particular the business case,
S4-2P10: Activity project plan, the project approach and
Pete: the project management team
Which two are objectives of the Controlling a structure and role descriptions
stage process? • Provide the information needed for the
Project Board to assess the continuing
A. Risks and issues are controlled
viability of the project.
B. The planned products are delivered to
• We should also record any lessons or
quality expectations and within
information that can help later stages
or other projects, and
C. Work on products allocated to the
team is authorized and agreed • Request authorization to start the next
D. The business case is kept under stage.
Choose from one of the following options: When dealing with exceptions, the objectives of
SB are similar to the ‘normal’ ones, with the
1. A and B exception that ‘Preparing the plan for the next
2. B and C stage’, as an objective, is replaced by
3. C and D ‘Preparing an exception plan’, and the
4. A and D. requested authorization is not for the next
stage, but rather, to replace the current stage
or project plan with the exception plan.
S4-2P11: SB Purpose
Pete: SB has these objectives:
Let’s move on now to consider Managing a
stage boundary or SB. • To review and if necessary update the
PID, in particular the customer’s
The purpose of SB is to enable the Project quality expectations, project
Manager to provide the Project Board with approaches, controls and role
sufficient information to be able to: descriptions
• To provide the information needed for
• Review the success of the current the Project Board to assess the
management stage continuing viability of the project
• Approve the next stage plan • To prepare an exception plan as
• Review the updated project plan, and directed by the Project Board and
to • To seek approval to replace the
• Confirm the continued business project or stage plan for the current
justification and acceptability of risks. stage with the exception plan.
Session 4-2: Processes: CS, MP, SB
S4-2P15: Activity
Which plan may the Project Board request if
the stage has deviated from its tolerance and
an exception report has been raised?
1. Exception plan
2. Replacement stage plan
3. Replacement project plan
4. Replacement stage and project plan.
S4-2P16: Activity
Identify the missing word in the following
1. Exception
Session 4-3: Processes: CP, DP
Session 4-3: Processes: CP, DP
In ‘Prepare planned closure’ the Project 1. There is always a final closure stage
Manager closes the project log, and ensures all to a PRINCE2 project
project information is secured and archived. 2. Benefits are realized before the
They will then prepare a draft project closure project closes
notification and consult the communication 3. Closing a project is planned as part of
management approach as to which stakeholder the planning for the final stage of the
groups need to be informed about closure. project
4. The Project Executive is responsible
If the project has been brought to a premature for closing a project.
close then the Project Manager must ensure
that, rather than simply abandoning any work
still in progress, the project it is brought to an S4-3P8: Activity
orderly close and that anything that can be Pete:
salvaged has been, and that whatever remains Identify the missing word or words in the
to be done is raised to the business layer. following sentence.
In either event the remaining activities must be One of the objectives of Closing a project is to
completed – the products are handed to the review the project’s performance against [?].
operational and maintenance environment and
the Project Manager ensures that mechanisms 1. Its baselines
are in place to realize the benefits post-project. 2. Its performance targets
3. The user's quality expectations
The Project Manager should evaluate the 4. The corporate management
project against the project initiation processes and procedures.
documentation as baselined at the end of the
initiation stage and create an end project report
and a Lessons report. S4-3P9: Activity
Finally, the Project Manager should Which two of the following are objectives of the
recommend to the Project Board that the Closing a project process?
project is closed, and that they celebrate the
success of the project, using the ‘Request A. To review the project’s performance
project closure’ activity B. To ensure provision has been made to
address all open issues and risks, with
follow-on action recommendations
C. To realize benefits
S4-3P6: Activity D. To determine the value of the benefits
Pete: in the business case.
Time for a few questions.
Choose your answer from the following options:
Which two are reasons why a clear end to the
project is better than a gradual drift into 1. A and B
operational use? 2. B and C
3. C and D
A. Provides an opportunity to realise
4. A and D.
benefits during the final stage
B. Provides an opportunity to tell
everyone the project is finished S4-3P10: Directing a Project
C. Provides recognition that the original, Pete:
or changed, objectives have been met Directing a project runs from the end of the
D. Ensures that there is a final closure Starting up a project process until the very end
stage to the project. and final close-down of the project.
Choose from the following answer choices: This process is used exclusively by the Project
Board who should manage by exception,
1. A and B monitor through reports provided by the Project
2. B and C Manager and control via a series of key
3. C and D decision points.
4. A and D.
There are five activities within DP, as shown:
Session 4-3: Processes: CP, DP
• Authorize the project approves the Fundamentally, this means the Project Board is
outputs of the initiation stage, namely the decision-making body, and that each stage
the project initiation documentation, of the project is authorized, the Project
and makes sure the project has a Manager is supported and that there is a focus
sound foundation before making any on the project’s benefits and their realization.
major commitments.
• Authorize a stage or exception plan
approves the plans for the next stage S4-3P12: DP Context
of the project, or if the stage or project Tony:
is in exception, then the exception Before we try a few more questions Pete, can
plan will require approval. This you just summarize the key contextual points
process ensures that the Project about DP and the Project Board’s role for us
Board review the project at the end of
each stage and that it is still worth Pete:
doing. Thanks Tony.
• Give ongoing direction covers the
informal communication with the The Project Board manages by exception and
Project Board and enables them to only meets to make decisions at key points.
respond to reports during a stage, There should be no need for any other
plus also inform the Project Manager progress meetings.
about any external influences such as
The Project Board and the business layer must
changes to business priorities, and
maintain regular contact throughout the project
and this will be documented in the
• Authorize project closure enables the communications management approach.
Project Board to be sure that the
project has been completed to their The Project Board should maintain a dialogue
satisfaction before disbanding the with the Project Manager providing ongoing
project team and infrastructure. If the advice and guidance as necessary.
project has been closed prematurely
then this process is still completed to If the Project Board is unable to provide a
make sure that the project has been single view then the Project Manager should
brought to an end in an efficient defer to the wishes of the Project Executive.
Finally, DP provides the mechanism for the
Project Board to assure itself that there is a
This process does not cover the day-to-day
continued business justification for the project
activities; these rest with the Project Manager
which it achieves by authorizing each stage of
the project, or an exception plan if one is
S4-3P11: DP Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of DP, therefore, is to enable the
S4-3P13: Activity
Project Board to be accountable for the
project’s success by making key decisions and
Time for a few more questions.
exercising overall control while delegating the
project’s day-to-day management to the Project Which two activities are part of Directing a
Manager. project?
The objectives of DP are to ensure that: A. Authorize the project
B. Confirm project closure
• There is authority to initiate the project
C. Confirm the business case
• There is authority to deliver the project D. Give ongoing direction.
product Choose your answer from the following options:
• The necessary management and
control is provided and the project 1. A and B
remains viable 2. B and C
• The business layer has a connection 3. C and D
to the project 4. A and D.
• That there is authority to close the
project, and finally
• That the plans for realizing the post-
project benefits are managed and
Session 4-3: Processes: CP, DP
S4-3P14: Activity
Which PRINCE2 principle reflects this
1. Manage by exception
2. Manage by stages
3. Define roles, responsibilities and
4. Tailor to suit the project.
S4-3P15: Activity
Identify the missing word or words in the
following sentence.
1. Business layer
2. Senior Supplier
3. Senior User
4. Project Executive.
S4-3P16: Activity
When does the process Directing a project
S4-3P17: Summary
This brings us to the end of our considerations
of Closing a project and Directing a project
processes in PRINCE2.
Session 4-4: Process Model Walkthrough
This is very similar to the PRINCE2 Journey From now until the end of the stage the
which you studied in session 2 and will act as a management of the project will involve cycling
refresher of the whole process model. through the Controlling a stage and Managing
product delivery processes as work packages
So, let’s get started. are authorized and work is undertaken by the
Team Managers and their teams.
Session 4-4: Process Model Walkthrough
authorize progression to the next stage – and product delivery being the responsibility of
so the cycle will re-start for the following stage. Team Managers and team members.
If things are not going according to plan, This brings us to the end of this short session
following an exception report the Project Board where we walked through a PRINCE2 project.
may issue the ‘Exception plan request’ trigger,
and Managing a stage boundary will be
invoked to produce an exception plan along,
potentially, with an end stage report, and the
updated project initiation documentation.
Session 5: Foundation Exam Simulator
Good Luck.
Session 6: Case Study
Session 6: Case Study
and has decided to delegate his project Before Janice formally presented the project
assurance responsibilities. Sid Hall works for brief to the Project Board, it was reviewed by
Mike as Product Quality Assurance Manager Sid Hall, who suggested a few small
and Sid’s background in quality and standards corrections. While Sid was reviewing the
made him an ideal candidate to fill the project project brief, Janice produced a stage plan for
assurance role, Karen and Tim have decided to the initiation stage.
get more involved in the day-to-day elements of
the project and have decided to undertake their As this was a relatively small project, this
own project assurance. consisted of a short paper outlining when the
main activities would be undertaken and the
As the project is relatively small, Karen has delivery dates of each product. Again, due to
decided that she will make decisions on any the relatively small size of the project, it was
changes that will extend the project by more decided not to use a Gantt chart, a list of dates
than one week or cost more than 10% of the being adequate for this stage.
total budget.
The project brief can be viewed by clicking
The Project Board has also delegated change here.
authority to Janice for changes lasting less than
one week or costing less than £1,000 up to a
combined total of 10% of the project budget.
S6P6: Case Study – 6
Janice and the Project Board have decided that Tony:
issues should be handled informally unless At the first meeting of the Project Board the
they cause a deviation from stage or project project brief was tabled and, following some
tolerance. discussion, and final sanction from Helen, the
Project Board gave their authority to initiate the
Also, the nature of the work that went on within project. The minutes of the meeting served as
the development department meant that a the ‘Project initiation authorized’ trigger to
project support function already existed and Helen.
this was provided by Emily Barker whose main
function was maintaining the configuration And so, the Initiating a project process began.
management and filing systems for all of the Janice was lucky because the company had
development projects. used PRINCE2 before and had the basis of the
management approaches already prepared. As
It was decided that the project did not warrant an IT company, Ace Computing already had a
the appointment of Team Managers, the small defined corporate change management
number of specialists who would be involved strategy in place.
would report directly to Janice.
This was used on the project as the basis of its
own ‘change management approach’, which is
part of the project initiation documentation, or
S6P5: Case Study – 5 PID for short, showing current, interim and
Tony: target states, along with associated transition
Having agreed the team, Karen and the Project activities to get us from the old, to the new way
Board considered previous marketing projects of doing things in ACE Computing.
to see if there were any relevant lessons and
Janice contributed some valuable lessons The ‘risk management approach’ just required
based on her experiences in previous projects. the scales to be set for the analysis and the risk
A lessons log, which is part of the project log, tolerance had to be checked with Karen and
was opened and these lessons were Helen. A formal risk budget wasn’t required on
documented. this project.
Janice worked with the rest of the team to The ‘issue management approach’ was also
assemble the project brief. The project defined for the project, outlining the how issues
definition was straightforward, as Karen had will be raised, reported and resolved. This was
covered this element in the project mandate. derived from an existing ACE computing
Karen also prepared the outline business case. corporate change control policy.
The project product description was produced The ‘communications management approach’
with the help of Karen and Helen and it was was prepared and reflected the desire to
agreed that the project approach would be to provide a more informal approach to
complete all the development in-house and it communication and control.
wasn’t necessary to define this in any more
detail. The ‘quality management approach’ again
referred to Ace’s quality standards and the
Session 6: Case Study
quality register, which is part of the project log, A copy of the project initiation documentation
was established. can be viewed by clicking here.
Finally, the ‘benefits management approach’ So now the real work began…
was also created at this point, showing when
the benefits from this rebranding project would The main products were the requirements
be baselined and measured. document, website specification, website
design, completed website, logo and
S6P7: Case Study – 7 Janice liaised with Mike Mayhew and his team
Tony: to generate a requirements document.
Having established the basis of the
management approaches in the PID, Janice Sid reviewed this document along with Eddie
got the team together to plan the project. The and Liz, two of the senior managers in the
result of the planning workshop was a simple marketing department.
product breakdown structure in the form of an
Once it had been approved the work of
indented list of products which enable the main
specification and design began.
product descriptions to be written. These
covered the new website, company logo and Janice took on the specification herself, whilst
new document templates. Glyn started on the new logo design.
It was decided that a work breakdown structure The documentation, graphics and artwork were
was not required given the small scale of the assigned to Adam who worked in Tim’s
project and the use of in-house specialists. production team and the job of writing the code
to make the whole thing work was given to
And, as the work was going to take less than a
Greg Fitzpatrick.
month in total, it was agreed that a single stage
would be used and the controls would be Because Janice worked very closely with both
largely informal. All reporting would be done Adam and Greg, it was decided that checkpoint
verbally. Written reports would only be reports were not necessary. However, Janice
generated when an issue report or exception did produce highlight reports which were
report was raised. circulated to the Project Board members on a
weekly basis.
Janice finalised the business case with the help
of Karen and Mike and the documentation was During the second week of the stage, an issue
assembled into the project initiation was raised by Greg Fitzpatrick, which caused
documentation. In this case, this amounted to a Janice some concern.
single sheet of links to areas of the ACE
computing corporate file sharing system, Greg had been expecting to have a routine
located on the main server, which documented operation and his appointment had come
the location and filenames of the constituent through earlier than expected. This would result
parts. This allowed the team to review each in a three week absence. As this delay caused
element separately and made it easy to keep a forecast deviation from the time tolerance,
the elements updated when necessary. Janice raised an issue report and after
Session 6: Case Study
considering the options, raised an exception Tailoring PRINCE2 had been a great success
report for the Project Board. Janice and the rebranding exercise completed with the
recommended that Glyn was taken off some minimum of documentation whilst retaining an
routine software development, to work on the excellent level of control.
rebranding project. This meant rescheduling
some activities, so that Glyn could bring his The minutes of the meeting noted the ‘Closure
other work to an orderly close. The Board notice’.
asked Janice to produce a new project (and
As the Senior User, Mike Mayhew was then
stage plan) to reflect the changes and this was
tasked with realising the benefits in line with the
reviewed and approved at the ‘Authorize a
benefits management approach.
stage or exception plan’ decision point.
We will leave you with a view of the some of
Glyn joined the project four days later and the
the key documents produced during the
work continued on target. A total of three
project. By clicking on the appropriate icon, you
highlight reports were produced during the
can open up and review any of the documents
stage and these, together with the exception
that we have previously examined.
report, can be viewed by clicking here.