MCRF Pagibig Form
MCRF Pagibig Form
MCRF Pagibig Form
I hereby certify under pain of perjury that the information given and all statements made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further
certify that my signature appearing herein is genuine and authentic.
The maximum Monthly Compensation to be used in computing the employee 7 Period Covered – indicate the applicable month and year of MC
and employer contributions shall not be more than 5,000.00. remittance.
A member may contribute more than what is required, however the employer Pag-IBIG MID No. - indicate the member’s assigned Pag-IBIG
shall only be mandated to contribute two percent (2%) of the monthly 8
Membership Identification (MID) Number.
compensation of the member as counterpart contribution. In case the
member increases his/her monthly membership contribution, the employer 9 Name of Members - indicate member’s complete name in the
shall have the option to match said increase or to contribute only what is following format: Last Name, First Name, Name Extension (Jr., III,
required. etc.), Middle Name
f. Membership contribution payments to be remitted should be equal to the total Account No. - accomplish this column only if the member has
amount reflected in the MCRF. Check payments should be made payable to 10
multiple Modified Pag-IBIG II (MP2) accounts. Indicate the Account
HDMF and shall be posted upon clearing. No. for the applicable remittance period.
g. Employers with over remittance from previous payments shall be issued with
a Notice of Overpayment and Credit Memo. For remittances previously made 11 Monthly Compensation – refer to the basic salary and other
for employees for whom remittances should not have been made, the allowances, where basic salary includes, but is not limited to, fees,
employer shall request a refund subject to the Fund’s verification and salaries, wages, and similar items received in a month. Accomplish
approval. The request shall be made not later than six (6) months from the this portion only when remitting the member’s initial membership
time said remittance was made. contribution or if there are changes in monthly compensation of the
h. Employers who shall remit on or before the due date as evidenced by the member.
validated Membership Contribution Remittance Form (MCRF) or Pag-IBIG 12-14 Contributions – indicate the amount of employee contributions
Fund Receipt shall be entitled to an incentive fee equivalent to 0.2% of the under column 12 , the amount of employer contributions under
amount remitted provided he satisfy all the conditions required. column 13 , and the total amount of employee and employer
contributions under 14 . Do not round-off nor drop centavos.
Indicate the total number of members listed if this is the last page of
17 the listing.
18 Indicate the total amount due and employer contributions per page