Saludes-ABS 424 Article Review
Saludes-ABS 424 Article Review
Saludes-ABS 424 Article Review
To cite this article: Nathalie Gontard, Ulf Sonesson, Morten Birkved, Mauro Majone,
David Bolzonella, Annamaria Celli, Hélène Angellier-Coussy, Guang-Way Jang, Anne
Verniquet, Jan Broeze, Burkhard Schaer, Ana Paula Batista & András Sebok (2018) A research
challenge vision regarding management of agricultural waste in a circular bio-based
economy, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 48:6, 614-654, DOI:
CONTACT Nathalie Gontard UMR 1208 IATE Agro-Polymer Engineering and
Emerging Technologies, INRA, 2 Place Pierre Viala, Bat 31, F34060 Montpellier cedex 01, France.
ß 2018 Nathalie Gontard, Ulf Sonesson, Morten Birkved, Mauro Majone, David Bolzonella, Annamaria Celli, Hélène Angellier-
Coussy, Guang-Way Jang, Anne Verniquet, Jan Broeze, Burkhard Schaer, Ana Paula Batista, and András Sebok. Published with
license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (http://, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
According to FAO (2011), food production and supply chains consume
approximately 30% of the total global energy production, while increasing
bio-energy dedicated crops are criticised for competing with food crops
and hence jeopardising food security and biodiversity. Additionally, the
projected 9 billion people world population by 2050 will lead to a demand
for increased food production inevitably yielding a proportional increase in
primary agricultural residues. In 2012, these residual resources accounted
for about 50% of the fresh weight of harvested crops and represent a
potential of 90 Million Tons Oil Equivalent (MTOE), far more than any
other waste streams such as round wood production (57 MTOE), munici-
pal and other waste (42 MTOE) and tertiary forest residues (32 MTOE)
(Elbersen et al., 2012). Moreover, economic and environmental issues asso-
ciated to agricultural primary residues are correlated with the regional spe-
cialisation (e.g. infrastructure, waste processing technologies, energy supply
technologies etc.) in terms of either animal feed crop or animal production.
For example, in regions devoted to animal breeding, huge amounts of
manure residue are produced, resulting in intensive odours and bacteria
contamination, high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and high organic
matter and nutrients (e.g. nitrogen) loads. Meanwhile, in regions mainly
devoted to vegetable crop production (e.g. for animal feed) there is a deple-
tion of nutrients and organic matter, thus resulting in a global unbalance.
Agricultural waste, by-products and co-products are usually defined as
plant or animal residues that are not (or not further processed into) food
or feed, that may even be responsible for additional environmental and
economic burdens in the farming and primary processing sectors. In order
to further improve resource efficiency and improve agricultural waste man-
agement in primary production, it is considered of paramount importance
to promote a circular economy approach. Agricultural waste is, mainly, pri-
mary residues that can be turned into resources using intensified conver-
sion processes which may yield potentially sustainable bio-products such as
fertilisers, energy, materials and molecules. The conversion of this agricul-
tural residue is crucial for supporting the decoupling of economic growth
and human well-being from (primary) resources use, preventing putting
pressure on land, causing adverse effects on biodiversity and jeopardising
global food security (UNEP, 2011).
Figure 2. Illustration of application of TM-LCA applied for assessment of wine regions. Scaling
concept from national to departmental or regional allowing for a process-based aggregation of
individual producers (territories), shown in theoretical form for the Tarn department in France.
Based on Sohn, Croxatto Vega, and Birkved (2018).
the inventory phase due to the vast data demands. Most frequently, inven-
tories are based on, often criticised, large highly aggregated and often non
transparent databases. Even when local processes are involved assessors are
often forced to use general inventories most often representative for generic
regions (e.g. Europe, World) and hence most likely representative for a dif-
ferent technological context than the one actually being assessed. More
importantly, although not often discussed, LCA is most often applied as “a
posteriori” assessment at fully upscale stages and is therefore only rarely
used in early stages of R&D, hence with almost no possibility of feedback
and consequently no guidance for eco-design. This was identified and dis-
cussed by Hospido et al. (2010), but no concrete attempts to operationalise
it was presented. However recent developments in the application of LCA
for early stage decision support regarding bio-refining has emerged by
combination of LCA and Process Flowsheet Simulation, as presented by
Corona et al. (2018). The approach presented by Corona and co-workers is
however still in its infancy and needs further validation, especially for
application in agricultural residue utilisation. Furthermore, the LCA
method does not take into account long term impacts such as those related
to plastic pollution. Some research has been performed in assessing and
comparing the environmental performance of different manure manage-
ment strategies in the field of LCA, including anaerobic digestion (Croxatto
Vega et al., 2014) but in general only a limited number of LCA studies
have addressed novel products from agricultural residues (Al-Oqla
et al., 2014).
Another potential methodology for assessing the implications of altered
agricultural residue utilisations is Territorial Metabolism (TM), which,
being a regional scale version of urban metabolism (UM) (Wolman, 1965;
Kennedy, Cuddihy and Engel-Yan, 2007), quantifies the material and
energy flows across a certain geographic region at e.g. regional scale. Such
territories can be specific agricultural regions with a distinct palette of
products (e.g. wine regions such as Roussillon-Languedoc), which, contrary
Figure 3. Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC) aimed at wastewater oxidation and biogas upgrading
equipped with a cation exchange membrane (A) and anion exchange membrane (B).
(PHAs) and derivatives (Reis et al., 2011), which have numerous potential
uses as speciality biopolymers for packaging applications (Chen, 2009).
Indeed, PHAs has been identified as a promising potential of the bio-
waste bio-refinery (Bugnicourt et al., 2014), especially because: (i) its pro-
duction process has the best potential to cope with large heterogeneity of
the waste feedstock, in particular because the first production step, i.e. the
acidogenic fermentation, is both robust and flexible and provides stable
feedstock to the PHA production; (ii) PHA includes a whole family of
copolymers with a wide range of tunable properties, so that PHA can be
the main constituent of several bioplastics and their biocomposites, with a
wide portfolio of applications (Chen, 2010); (iii) PHA is bio-based not only
because it is produced from organic biomass, but also because it is pro-
duced through a process, which is mostly biological under mild conditions
(e.g. no sterile conditions are required); (iv) in comparison with other bio-
logical processes, the PHA-producing process does not produce an excess
of sludge that needs to be handled, as the polymer makes up to 70% of the
biomass (Reis et al., 2011).
International market of PHAs was estimated at 50,000 tons in 2017, rep-
resenting 2.4% of the total bioplastic production (2.05 Mtons), with an
expected increased production in 2020 (European Bioplastics, 2017). PHA
polymers are commercially available at a price ranging between 5–8 e/kg.
By combining the use of agriculture residue as the feedstock and the inte-
gration of a mixed-culture PHA process into an AD-based technology
chain, PHA costs could be reduced significantly with respect to PHA
benchmark glucose fermentation and axenic-culture processes (Choi and
Lee, 1999; Kim, 2000; Reis et al., 2011; Fava et al., 2015). Additionally,
GHG saving can be increased by extending the valorisation of the residual
CO2 streams from innovative AD technologies into CO2 consuming tech-
nologies, such as microalgae-based products (Posadas et al., 2017).
On the other hand, AD digestate, a nutrient rich fertiliser, is able to
lessen the environmental concerns of animal husbandry (Battini et al.,
2014) and produce renewable fertilisers (Bolzonella et al., 2017), but still
raises concerns about possible hygienic (e.g. pathogens), environmental
(e.g. antibiotics, metals) hazards and storage (e.g. degradation, odours and
GHG emission) issues (Scaglia, Pognani and Adani, 2015), while storage is
necessary because of the land disposal limitation imposed by EU nitrogen
regulation (EEC, 1991).
The integration of AD with pyrolysis processes has been proposed,
namely for lignocellulosic materials (H€ ubner and Mumme, 2015; Fabbri
and Torri, 2016; Feng and Lin, 2017). Pyrolysis of solid AD digestate can
extract additional energy from this residual material, by conversion into
syngas, bio-oil and biochar fractions, which can be further used for
Figure 4. Cascading activities around anaerobic digestion (upstream and downstream proc-
esses) to valorise agro and food processing waste.
plastics sector (e.g. 28 Mtons epoxy resins market). The generic depolymer-
isation pathway of lignin can be applied to a wide range of biomass types,
namely vine residues (Deepa and Dhepe, 2015). Thanks to the large struc-
tural diversity of natural polyphenols, the exploitation of (poly)phenols as
aromatic substitutes offers different possibilities of selection and fine tuning
in specific applications, which are not available for monostructural chemi-
cals such as Bisphenol A. This diversity can avoid the accumulation of a
universal molecular species such as Bisphenol A in the environment, lower-
ing the associated risk (Aouf et al., 2014).
As regards bioplastics, they currently represent about one percent of the
approx. 320 million tonnes of plastic produced annually, with only the half
being bio-sourced (European Bioplastics, 2017). But as demand is rising
and with more sophisticated biopolymers, applications, and products
emerging, the market is continuously growing. According to the latest mar-
ket data compiled by European Bioplastics and Nova-Institute (European
Bioplastics, 2017), global bioplastics production capacity is set to increase
from around 2.05 million tonnes in 2017 to approximately 2.44 million
tonnes in 2022. The applications are multiple, from rigid packaging to
horticulture and agriculture, with a high number of manufacturers, con-
verters and end-users in Europe. As an example, the United States Flexible
Packaging Association (FPA, 2017) reported that 62% of consumer prod-
ucts goods companies expect to change their packaging within the next
year with sustainability being a key consideration and 90% of the packagers
say that sustainable design has become a key consideration in packaging-
design decisions. Biodegradable polymers lighten the environmental con-
cerns of petro-based plastics use and may be recovered in the form of com-
post and/or energy (e.g. through AD). Moreover, developing bio-based
products (e.g. bioplastics) from agro-waste can provide GHG savings from
at least 55% compared to the equivalent EU’s fossil products (Eerhart, Faaij
and Patel, 2012). The European market of polymers accounts for 60,000
companies, 1.5 million jobs, production of 60 Mtons, and combined turn-
over of close to 340 billion euro (PlasticsEurope, 2017). It could be using
80% agricultural residues resources, before re-entering the nutrient cycle,
for providing safe and eco-friendly materials and chemicals for packaging,
building and construction, automotive, agriculture and others.
Therefore, new agricultural residue based biopolymers should be developed
to facilitate the growth of the bioplastics sector regarding advanced technical
properties, cost reduction, high consumer acceptance and boosting climate
change mitigation. Replacing 50% of petrochemical polymers consumed in
Europe by alternative bio-polymers issued from agricultural residues, would
mean to consume less than 30% of agricultural residues potential (calculations
made using data from PlasticsEurope (2017) and Elbersen et al. (2012)).
land to cultivate and utilise all sugar cane by-products since more than
four decades ago (Guitang Group, see Shi and Chertow, 2017).
However, the agro-food sector is not fully integrated in the bio-economy
landscape yet. Efforts in R&D, business modelling and framework condi-
tions are needed to favour such integration and permit a complete conver-
sion, similar to a petro-chemical refinery, of the full fresh weight of
harvested crops (food plus agriculture residue mass) into food/feed, bio-
energy and bio-products, in order to increase the potential of agricultural
biomass without pressure on land uses and plant productivity. For effective
use of agricultural resources, including agriculture residue, with better allo-
cation of environmental benefit and added value, it is required to bridge
the gap between innovative agriculture residues upgrading technologies and
business opportunities by developing a cross-sectorial vision able to review
the entire value of the agriculture residue chain.
A targeted analysis of existing eco-innovative business models, as well as
a strong business model generation methodology, can enable the develop-
ment of a few business model options, for each case study cross sectorial
value chains. This can also allow to highlight and mitigate key barriers that
need to be raised through the evolution of the framework conditions (new
policies, incentives) or through a marketing and communication strategy to
show all the benefits and raise market acceptance. Scientific evidence from
technological and scientific achievements, including territorial approach
will substantiate which options profit from local or regional proximity, and
fit in locally designed agro-parks promoting the bio-economy and the
industrial symbiosis in food, feed, energy and bio-products sectors. An
improved knowledge on agriculture residue molecular complexity and het-
erogeneity and optimal streams (mostly organic and also conventional)
management can permit to diversify the feedstock used for generating
energy (e.g. biogas), materials and commodities such as agro-chemicals,
polymers and other materials. Innovative locally adaptable strategies based
on developing agriculture residue conversion into biogas and bio-products,
or intermediate chemical building blocks, should be implemented at full-
size scale and their associated knowledge transferred across levels. This
approach can contribute to doubling biogas production by 2020 to reach
the 1.5% of the European Union’s primary energy supply and the 5% of its
overall natural gas consumption according to the National Renewable
Energy Action Plans (European Commission, 2018). It can also contribute
to reaching the 2030 EU targets in the waste area, namely net savings for
EU businesses of e600 billion, increasing resource productivity by 30%,
boosting GDP by nearly 1%, and creating 2 million additional jobs. A
favourable European and national policy and legislation context on waste
should support circular economy by setting clear objectives and supporting
The present paper intends to provide a transdisciplinary and holistic vision
on how to coherently tackle some key research challenges related to
The authors acknowledge the NoAW’s partners for their contribution at different levels to
this document and especially Maria Reis (IBET), Carol Lin (City University of Hong
Kong), Taihua Mu (IAPPST, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Hugo de Vries
(INRA), Patrice Buche (INRA), Fabio Fava (University of Bologna), Bosko Josimovic
(IAUS Serbia), Maria Loizidou (National Technical University of Athens), Nelly Urban
(Groupe Grap’Sud) and Bao Duep (INRA Transfert).
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The authors acknowledge financial support from Project NoAW: No Agro-Waste -
Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets (http:// This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688338. Industrial
Technology Research Institute would like to acknowledge the financial support extended by
the Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan, under contract number 107-EC-17-A-22-0894.
SOFIES acknowledges financial support by the Swiss Confederation under contract number
16.0058, REF-1131-52107.
Biographical notes
Nathalie Gontard. Professor and Research Director in the field of circular bio-economy,
food and bioplastics at INRA Montpellier (France). She is currently the coordinator of
H2020 project NoAW ( and has led many others European/international
projects (e.g. FP7 EcoBioCAP project coordinator). She has published more than 150 A-
level papers, with an h-index of 31. Invited Professor at the University of Kyoto (Japan) in
2010. Other relevant activities include being an EFSA expert since 2006, promoter and
Editor-in-chief of “Packaging Research” journal. Awarded as Scientific Breakthrough 2017
by INRA, and Horizon 2020 Etoile de l’Europe Award in 2015. Scopus ID: 6603949527.
Ulf Sonesson. Associate Professor and Senior Scientist in the field of sustainable food pro-
duction at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). His research background is life-cycle
assessment (LCA) of foods, including both methodology development and application. He
did his PhD in material flow analysis, or territorial metabolism. Scopus ID: 6602861442,
ORCID: 0000-0002-0167-5603.
Morten Birkved. Associate Professor in the Department of Management Engineering,
Quantitative Sustainability Assessment Division, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
He is Mainly responsible for system modelling, LCA, inventory analysis and modelling as
well as principal supervision of PhD. Scopus ID: 16174563600; ORCID: 0000-0001-
Mauro Majone. Full Professor in Chemical Engineering at the Department of Chemistry,
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He has supervised more than 80 undergraduate stu-
dents and more than 10 PhD students. His main research areas are waste and wastewater
treatment, energy and resource recovery, groundwater remediation, environmental and
industrial biotechnology. He is co-author of more than 170 papers in international scien-
tific journals with more than 4900 citations and an h-index of 42. Also author of 15 chap-
ters on international books and more than 150 communications to scientific conferences
and other publications. Scientific coordinator of research projects under public or private
commitment and responsible of Research Contracts with several private companies.
Coordinator of H2020 project RESURBIS and partner of 5 research projects under the
European Community 7 Framework Programme FP7 (MINOTAURUS, ECOBIOCAP,
ROUTES, KILLSPILL and W4C). Scopus ID: 7004617753. ORCID:0000-0002-3198-9822
David Bolzonella. Associate professor in Chemical Engineering at the Department of
Biotechnology of the University of Verona (Italy). He is also vice-President of InnovEn SRL, a
spin-off company from U. Verona dedicated to new processes validation and implementation
in the sector of environmental technologies. He is an expert in the field of anaerobic processes
for the treatment of organic residues/waste for methane, hydrogen and organic molecules pro-
duction. Published 100 papers, cited 3000 times, with an h-index of 28. ResearcherID: A-6213-
2008, Scopus ID: 8079710900, ORCID: 0000-0002-3240-7417.
Annamaria Celli. Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental
and Materials Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Bologna (Italy). Her research area
is mainly synthesis of bio-based polymers, preparation of composites and nanocomposites,
material characterization. Scientific supervisor of research agreements with national and
international companies; responsible for the University of Bologna and DICAM in H2020
projects. Published more than 75 papers, cited more than 1600 times, with an h-index of
17. She is also author of 6 chapters in international books and inventor in 6 patents.
Researcher ID: K-7631-2013, Scopus ID: 7003613488, ORCID: 0000-0002-5974-1642.
Helene Angellier-Coussy Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier (France).
Her research focuses on formalizing structure/properties relationships in bio(nano)compo-
site materials, especially for food packaging applications. She is a specialist of the eco-con-
version of lignocellulosic residues for the production of biocomposites. Scopus ID:
Guang-Way Jang. Researcher at the Material and Chemical Research Laboratories of the
Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan). Graduated from the University of Texas
at Arlington (USA) with a Doctor of Science degree in Chemistry. He is the chairman of
the Association of Bio-based Materials Industry (Taiwan). His research interests include
bio-based and hybrid materials, with expertise in sol-gel processes, nanocomposiites and
bioplastics. He has held 30 patents and co-authored more than 50 scientific journal articles
and book chapters. Scopus ID: 7102646131
Ulf Sonesson
Morten Birkved
Mauro Majone
David Bolzonella
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