NMRJ 2616 F
NMRJ 2616 F
NMRJ 2616 F
Article in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) · October 2020
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.D8115.118419
4 21,442
2 authors:
B. S. Abdur Rahman University
All content following this page was uploaded by s. Rabiyathul Basariya on 08 October 2020.
Today’s consumers are too smart to buy their needs through various means. But before buying their
needs, they go through various online sites and social media review about product performances and
price. While surfing this information they can able to evaluate its real value and price advantages, since
online establishment need not spend cost for showroom with staff. Consumers need not roam here and
there to various shops to evaluate the product performance and its cost. Moving from one place to other
is tedious journey and time consuming part. It is also difficult to ensure their required models are
available or not. Moreover, consumers can view forthcoming new models in the manufacture’s site
whereas these details may not be shared in showrooms. Earlier accessing internet is complicated and
needs a system to view. Now this can be accessed through smart phone. The prices of smart phone were
also drastically lowered. After the entry of Jio network, the cost of one GB data were brought down to Rs
15/to Rs 20/- from Rs 250/-. This could be an affordable price for the common people. With the above
improvements, the smart phone usage in the country was increased and every smart phone user are in a
habit of surfing the internet or interacting in the social media now and then. While so, everybody can
able to see the various products in the online markets and its review. This will provoke the user to buy
the products through online. In America ToySaras and BabySaras retail showrooms of baby products
were forced to close during 2018, since most of Americans preferred to shop through online and few
others are in the same stage. The above situation may also arise to Indian Market in the near future. The
study vouched the same scenario in near future.
Key Words: Online marketing, Targeted customer, Consumer preference, Consumer buying habits.
1. Introduction:
We live in the information era and any information can now be shared in a matter of minutes to our near
and dears through internet and smart phone. We have faster internet and first hand access to information.
We have social media and new age media portals. Hence vast and latest information are known to all
consumers. So any body will understand what traditional marketing is and what online marketing.
Marketing is important not only for organization but for individual, society and economy as a whole.
Financial success often depends on marketing ability. Finance, operations and other business functions
will not really matter if there isn’t sufficient demand for products and services so the company can make
a profit. There must be top line for there to be a bottom line. Marketing is something that affects us even
though we may not necessarily be conscious of it.The users review about the product performances and
problems faced during are shared in the social media now a day. The manufacturer of the product is also
encouraging this customer reviews in the social media, which helps the manufacturer to modify the
products to meet the customers’ expectation. Now it becomes the habit of the consumers to go through
this review before buying any product. Consumers preferred to buythe perishable goods and day to day
requirements in the local market as these products are low cost products. Whereas for buying costly and
one time buying products they analyze the products reviews submitted by users in the social media before
buying. They also compare the brick and matter market price with the online marketing price. Then only
they are taking their buying decision.
2. Traditional Marketing:
hard copy printing and distribution to the targeted consumers are also a costly afire. If little changes
happen the already printed copy cannot be useful and needs reprint. There always some positive and
negative aspects in every process. If positive aspects are superseding the negative aspects that process is
feasible and if on other way, it is not workable. In traditional marketing, maintaining the showrooms with
necessary stocks, staff and business events are cost consuming factor. Results of these marketing tactics
cannot be easily measured, i.e. you cannot expect success after spending the amount for these events.
Expenditure towards these events made will increase the basic price of the product.
3. Online Marketing:
Now a days online marketing is trending compare to traditional marketing and it is more cost effective
one. All the four P s discussed in traditional marketing are in the virtual form in online marketing. Better
result will yield in Online marketing when compare with traditional marketing, since it reaches is vast
and with single click the information reaches many more who can access the internet. Every change that
happen now and then can be easily altered instantaneously without any cost implications. You can attract
the consumers with dynamic colorful advertisements through search engines with less cost. Since, above
half of the population is accessing internetdaily, hence, the information reaches nook and corner
throughout the globe. The earning capacity of the young generation is high as compared to earlier years
and their buying behavior also changed from traditional to online due to any time any place buying can
be performed. They can compare the price in alternate sourcesand go through the customers review about
the products etc. Obliviously, the prices shall be lesser in online marketing, since, cost of showroom
maintenance is eliminated and advertisement costs are also less. No compulsion to buy the product in
online marketing even after go through any number of times viewing the product performances. Whereas
in traditional marketing rejecting the buying decision in front of sale person face to face is difficult one.
In the Online marketing process, leverage consumer data and customer relationship management (CRM)
system are easy. It has the following advantages:
Huge consumers can be reached with less amount of spending on advertising budget allowing
business to pick up fast.
Online buying is more flexible in time i.e. 24 x 7 and buying can be made in consumers’ place
itself. No need to visit the showroom to select the product.
Multiple cheap advertising tools like pay-per-click, email, local search integration and search
engines are available
Analytical efficient statistical tools may be used online. Hence strategic decision may be taken
then and there
Products are delivered to home and damaged / faulty products maybe returnedfrom home itself
The growth of online marketing is going on increasing YOY (Year over Year)
Delivery system may be tracked online to know its status and arrival
Payment can be made online, avoid physical money handing
Improved customer service, better control and elegant communication system are other
Major online shopper had secured payment system
4. Technology development:
Modern business mostly depends on the technological improvements. Marketing is the process, which
starts and ends with consumer. It is the prime part of business activity. Consumer needs are to be
identified first and then process is to be started. Marketing requires planning, organizing, control and
proper leadership. Selling focuses on volume whereas marketing focuses on consumer. Advertising is the
process of reaching the consumer through a media. The goal of marketing process is to minimize the cost
and maximize the revenue. Earlier, focuses were given to the product but now focus is given to customer
needs. The success of the product depends on the utility and message spreading. Consumer base becomes
more and more made up of individuals who primarily connect through social media, lacking a social
media presence will become a major detriment to business success. Marketing business on the web is
also beneficial because it creates brand recognition. Now the importance is for information and then for
technology. Now the product model has changed and need model have emerged.
Earlier online marketing requires computer system with internet connection. Now, the smart phone with
internet connection will fulfill this requirement. Moreover, the cost of internet has also reduced from Rs
250/- per GB to Rs 15/- to Rs20/- per GB of data consumption. Most of the internet providers operate
unlimited data usage with nominal cost. Hence smart phone users prefer this unlimited data utility pack.
Similarly, the internet speed also increased from kilo byte to megabyte. All major internetonline shoppers
have developed their own apps for buying the products. By using these exclusive apps, selecting the
product and buying the products made easy for users through smart phone.From the below advertisement
of Google play, by downloading the app, you can discover 200 million products in just 2 sec. Now the
technology has supported for easy surfing of latest information about the products in notime.
Further to boost the online shopping, big billion days sale by Flipkart and Great Online Shopping
Festival (GOSF) by Amazon India will kick start the business to attract new online customers and
changed their buying habits.
Cost effectiveness
All the above factors are more favorable for online marketing. All these factors are inbuilt in online
marketing. Moreover, consumers buying habits various depending upon the nature of products they are
For buying Convenience goods which are bought frequently in small quantities from shop within easy
reach. E.g. Newspapers, soap, food articles, all perishable items etc., consumers prefer traditional
marketing only.
For buying Shopping goods namely fashion goods and service goods, which need some time to shop
around and are no need of urgent buying these products and it does not have numerous retail outlets and
can be bought at buyers’ convenience. E.g. Furniture, jewellery etc., consumers prefer either traditional
or online marketing.
For Speciality goods that are unique and needs shopping efforts and sold in speciality shops. E.g. Fridge,
T.V, electronic gadgets etc., consumers prefer online shopping over traditional marketing since price
advantages are more for these products.
To know the customers' view, an objective type of questionnaire was prepared and distributed to them
who are regular buyers of products in the regular physical marketing as well as through online marketing.
The questionnaire was handed over and collected the filled questionnaire personally. The objective of
this study is to find out the customers experience regarding their day to day shopping experience, their
preference and buying. The questionnaire provides the customer an opportunity to express their views
and concerns which they face on a regular basis while buying through online and off line. This study will
help the marketers to identify the challenges affecting buying behaviour of customers /their preferences
and the marketers need to formulate the future policy that further helps in customer retention. The survey
reveals a number of interesting facts when we interviewed the respondents. Selected customers in tier II
cities namely Madurai, Tiruchirappalli and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu were the respondents. Let us
analyse few responses, which can be taken as a strong indicator for awareness of online marketing, its
popularity over time and customers preference and their buying habits.
General objectives of this research are to establish the extent to which online marketing is preferences of
today’s customers and their buying habits. The research proposes
a) to evaluate the customer preference in the tier II cities Tiruchirappalli, Madurai and Coimbatore
in Tamil Nadu
b) to analyse the pattern of customer buying habits while purchasing the products through
offline/online marketing
c) to ascertain the impact customer buying habits through social media
d) to study the social media and other online marketing sites that encouraging customer involvement
in sharing their online marketing preference
e) to identify and evaluate the difficulties faced by the online marketing customers
f) to offer suitable suggestions on the basis of the findings of know the customer preference and
their buying habits
The data for the present study were collected through personal interview method. Since the data
collected from three tier II cities in Tamil Nadu who had purchasing experiences, the possibility of
data bias exists and hence, the data collected would only be an approximation of actual facts.
Consumers’ preference may change in due course hence it may not be a fixed one throughout all the
time periods.
Usage of Internet
150 26 28
36 48 39
50 84 72 94 81 92
0 Occasionaly & Never
Searching Searching Searching Chatting Reading News Very Often & Often
product online Social & Articles
information shopping networks
It is clear that two third of consumers preferred utilizing internet for searching for product information,
online shopping, social networks, chatting and news and article reading. This indicates that majority of
them aware and involve in online marketing activities apart from regular offline marketing.
From the data, the consumer buying behaviour changing depending on the nature of product. Consumer
preference for shopping convenience goods is through Traditional shopping. Whereas, consumers
preference for shopping / speciality goods is through Online shopping.
7.5. Type of Problem faced during online shopping: (120 Responses - out of 720 occasions)
During online shopping of 120 responses @ average six purchase during last two years i.e., about 720
purchases, they faced 48 times Quality related issues, 16 times delay in delivery, 8 times product damage
and 1 time non delivery. Strict Quality control and improved packaging / transportation may avoid all
these types of problems. Shoppers have to improve their processes to improve consumers’preference of
buying through online.
These problems will not arise in offline shopping, since customers take enough care during buying itself.
Hence it is not applicable for offline buying process.
7.6. Number of users surfing product information in the net before buying the products through online /
offline: (120 Responses)
More than 90% of the respondents are surfing the product information in the net before buying. This
shows they utilize all the facility in online marketing like comparing the price, alternative available in the
market, users review about the product etc. This indicates the majority of the consumers’ buying habits
are changed to online buying.
Usage of internet for shopping
20 43
29 25 20 3
Very Often Often Sometimes Rare Never
Statistics indicates that most of the respondents uses internet forshopping. This positive trend has to be
properly utilized by the online marketers to retain their existing customers as well as to attract new
The response w.r.t major advantages given in the above graph indicates customers' view. It is a highly
positive sign that show customers had obtained major benefits through online marketing and their buying
habits changed.
Major concerns
N 120
14 18 12 24
o 100 45 32
o 60
106 102 108 96
f 40 75 88
R 0 No
e Troble free Speed of Free WiFi to Every Returns to Payment Lack of Yes
s internet the internet be provided online be made risks / risk trust
p signals to to be by the purchase easy of identy worthiness
o be esured improved online free theft
marketer internet
s shall be
e given by
s the online
Majority of online marketing consumers are facing the following problems payment risks, returns and
trouble freeinternet connections. Marketers have to ensure strict product quality and flawless payment
transition system to improve customers' trust. For easy return of faulty products, the companies should
make the arrangement to collect at the customer doorstep. The government digital India programme will
improve the internet/Wi-Fi connectivity, speed and reduce the cost of wireless connection.
8. Suggestions:
Shoppers have realized the benefits of online purchasing over purchasing from Brick and Mortars for
buying the costly one time products. Consumer purchases are mainly based on the cyberspace appearance
such as pictures, image, quality information, and video clips of the product, not on the actual experience.
It is much easier for customers to find substitutes from competitors on the internet. This feedback forms
the basis of market identification and segmentation that enables marketers to better position their
products. With the use of the Internet there can be continuous customer support. Services can be made
available through interactive e-mail systems on the net.
9. Conclusion:
Companies are now using the Internet to build closer relationships with consumers and marketing
partners. The growth of online marketing depends to a great extent on effective IT security systems for
which necessary technological and legal provisions need to be strengthened constantly. Returns of faulty
/ unsatisfied products are to be made as simple to improve customers' satisfaction. For mobile users,
exclusive mobile apps developed by the shoppers will be more useful. Customer relationship and cost
effectiveness plays critical role for retaining the existing customers as well as to attract new potential
customers to penetrate in this online marketing business module. Effective online marketing, leverage
consumer data, customer relationship management (CRM) systems and ensures increased customers'
satisfaction. Now, online marketing has outsold traditional marketing in recent years and continues to be
a high-growth industry.
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