Cloud Resources
Operating System
Marketing Cloud
Marketing - Campaigning
Tele Marketing
Bill Boards
Social Media Marketing
Web to Lead…
Trade shows
Leads –
Three types Hot, Warm and Cold Leads
Sales Cloud
Convert these Leads… will get created.. Sales User - MSK
Account Infosys
Contact Shibhangi
SVP – Shaik -
Service Cloud
CRM Objects
Salesforce Environments
Production Environment
Your actual Application Environment
Development Environment / Testing Environment Sandbox
The development and testing environment within Salesforce is termed as Salesforce
Replica of Production Environment - Copy of Production
Deploy that code in the Production Environment…
Sandbox Create –
Write our code in Sandbox.. 75% of code Converge..
Platform Basic
Classic vs Lightning
Profile Settings
Salesforce comes out with two types of UI –User Interface..
Company Information
00D5g000003cUtC – Unique Org ID
Activities / Scenario based….
Standard Objects
Custom Objects
Standard Fields
Custom Fields
Create a Custom Object -
Add Fields to the Custom Object
Page Layout
Field Dependencies
Page Sections
Classic vs Lightning
Requirements Gathering
Understand the Requirements
Derive the Objects
Derive the fields
Create Relationships between the Object
Create Teams …
Collaborate and will do it
In all the Salesforce Orgs..
Database - Tables
Rows - Tuples
Columns – Attributes
Product Details
States / Attributes
Attributes / Columns
Product ID
Product Name
Product Cost
Object - Fields
Two types
Label APIName
Object Manager is nothing but a repository where you can find Standard and Custom
Created By
Last Modified By
Rows / Records
Job Title
Email ID
Custom Fields
***** Certification…
Different Properties of a Field…
Field Name - API Name
Help Text
Required /
Scenario 2: Create or Add various Custom fields on Position Object. Please refer below
Field Dependencies
Create a dependent relationship that causes the values in a picklist or multi-select picklist
to be dynamically filtered based on the value selected by the user in another field.
• The field that drives filtering is called the "controlling field." Standard and custom
checkboxes and picklists with at least one and less than 300 values can be controlling
• The field that has its values filtered is called the "dependent field." Custom picklists and
multi-select picklists can be dependent fields.
Registration form
Address Fields
Country Pickist 240 India / USA Controlling Field
State 23 States Delhi Telangana Dependent
Field (Controlling Field)
City 4 Cities Rashtrapathi Bhavan Road - Hyderabad
Dependent Field
Filtering. Dependency
This is called as Field Dependencies
Scenario 3:
Create Field Dependencies on Position Object
Controlling Field Sub Status Dependent Field
Status New NA
Open Pending, Approved
Closed Cancelled, Not
Approved, Filled
Department PayGrade
Eng Eng100,Eng 200, Eng-300, Eng-400
IT IT100, IT200,IT 300, IT 400
***** Page Layout Field Properties are two types 1) Read Only 2) Required
Recruiting Process
Shortlisting of the candidates
Back Ground Verification
Career Portal / Job Portal..
Project Recruiter or HR …
Candidates will Registered / Applied for that Position by filling a form (Job
***** with one Job application you can apply only for one Position
Offer Letter –
Recruiter (HR)
Hiring Manager(HM) / Project Manager
HR Manager -> Report on the recruitment process.
CEO. SVP –HR, SVP-Development
One to Many Relation
School Students
One school can have many students
Organization Employees
Coach Subjects
Customer Accounts
Look-up relationship
Position Interviewer
Master Detail
Master Detail
Lookup – Loosely coupled..
If you want to see who are the candidates have applied for a Position
If you want to see which all the positions these candidates have applied
Position Interviewer
Job Application Review
Scenario: 7 Create a Junction Object called Job Posting and create MD relationship
Scenario 8: Represent all Custom Objects relationship for Recruiting App in Schema
Self Relationship
UI Technologes
HTML, CSS & Java Script
Backend Technoloies
Programming Technologies
Hierarchical relationship
In Salesforce, only a user object has this type of relationship where we can create a
hierarchy of users in the organization. For example, a user can have his manager, and his
manager may have senior manager, and so on till the CEO or CIO level. The best example
is the manager field on a user object
External objects are similar to custom objects, but external object record data is
stored outside your Salesforce organization.
Scenario 9 - Create external lookup relationship between Order and Supplier Objects
How to Create a User
Users & Set-Up a User
Enable Admins to Login (Login Access Policies)
Session Settings (Retain admin session after logging-off as another User)
Profiles + Standard Profiles
Permission Set
Workshop - Profiles + Permission Set
Data Security
Org Access
Object Access
Record Access
Record Types
How can we make the user experience more streamlined and efficient?
Profiles / Roles / Accessibility of Objects and Records
Which users should be able to customize the app?
Sys Admin & Developer
12 Salesforce licenses
Deactivate User:
Deactivating a user in Salesforce means that user will not be deleted from the system but
will no longer be able to log in to Salesforce and their records can be transferred to another
user. They cannot be part of workflows or part of any automated processes.
Deactivating a user, the licenses are available for use in your organization.
Deactivated users lose access to any records that were manually shared with them, or
records that were shared with them as team members. Users higher in the role hierarchy
relative to the deactivated users also lose access to those records. However, you can still
transfer their data to other users and view their names on the Users page.
Freeze User:
Freezing a user in Salesforce means that only stops the user from being able to login.
In some cases, you can’t immediately deactivate a user (such as when a user is selected in
a custom hierarchy field or a user that’s assigned as the sole recipient of a workflow email
alert). To prevent users from logging into your organization while you perform the steps to
deactivate them, you can freeze user accounts.
Freezing user accounts doesn’t make their user licenses available for use in your
If you don't want the user to login into Salesforce then just go ahead and freeze that user or
if that user is not using Salesforce instance anymore then you can deactivate that user.
One point to consider here: Deactivating the user frees up the license which can be used
by another user but in case if you freeze the user then the license is still being used.
Enable Admins to Login (Login Access Policies)
Administrators Can Log in as Any User -
Session Settings (Retain admin session after logging-off as another User)
Un check Force relogin after Login-As-User
Sys Admin should determine what level of Access that he is going to provide for different
users in the org..
How is going to determine…
Standard Profiles
Profiles which are created by Salesforce.
Ex: Solutions Manager, Standard user, Standard Platform user, System Admin…
Custom Profiles – Profiles which are created by admin or developer
Profiles will consider a Salesforce license.
You cannot create a Profile… if you want to create a profile u need to clone an existing
It is recommended to Clone any Standard Profile.
Profiles are controlling
1) Page layouts
2) App Level Access
3) Tab Level Access
4) Login HRs
5) IP Rangers
6) Administrative Permissions
7) General User Permissions
8) Standard & Custom Object Permissions
CRUD - Create, Read, Update and Delete
9) Field Level Security
10) Password settings / policies
11) Record Types
12) Access to Apex Classes
13) Access to Enable VFPages
Activity –
Create a Profile
Configure a Profile
Assign a user to that profile
Login with that user profile. what kind of access levels that user has..
Scenario 15: Create a Recruiter Profile and provide below and Object level access as
per the table and assign this profile only to (Mario, Cynthia, Meghan and Andrew)
1) Recruitment App, Sales App (both Classic and Lightning) //App Level Access -
2) Default On Only Recruitment Tabs. // Tab Level Access
************** Certification Question
Default On - You can view the object on the Tab
Default Off - You cannot see an object on the tab but you can see the object
in All Items of App Launcher Page or + in classic
Tab Hidden - You cannot see the object either on Tab or in App Launcher. it
is hidden.
3) Custom Object Level Access (Kindly refer the table)
4) Login Hrs (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only on Weekdays) Org Level Access
Select the days and hours that users with this profile are allowed to log in. Note that all
times are exact times specific to a time zone. Login hours will be applied at those exact
times even for users in different time zones.
5) IP Ranges (specific IP's which are provided by Network team)
6) Administrative Permissions //special permissions. Business will give.)
7) General User Permissions
8) Standard & Custom Object Permissions.
10) Password Policies.
3 Records for all objects with various users
Assign this profile to a User and Login with that user and check whether the user is
having above access levels on the Org or Application
We need to enable this..how to enable it?
******Enable: Administrators Can Log in as Any User
*** Disable Force relogin after Login-As-User – Session Settings
**** when you logged in as a particular user..you cannot perform any admin related
1) Recruitment App, Sales App, Salesforce Chatter (both Classic and Lightning) App Level
2) Only Recruitment Tab level Access.
Default On - Custom Tabs On
Default Off - Chatter Tab
3) Object Level Access (Kindly refer the table)
Assign the users to the profiles...and Navigate the App and see the changes.
Hiring Managers: Phil and Ben
Scenario: 18
Create an Interviewer Profile and provide Object level access as per the table and provide
access only to (Melisa Lee)
Permission Sets
Position -R
Candidate - R
Job Application -R
Phil and Ben, Aditya..
Scenario 19
Phil Khatz will reach out to Sys Admin he will request Sys admin to Provide or Grant
Additional Permissions like Edit, Create and Delete on Position, Candidate and Job
Application Objects only to me not to all other users who are part of Hiring Manager Profile
Scenario 20
Create a Permission set so that Mario and Megan when hey login as Recruiter Profile they
should able to see addition App level Access (Chatter and Service –Classic and Lightning).
Field Level Security
1) Profile Level
Scenario 21: Ensure Min and Max Pay fields are not visible for Interviewer Profile users.
Scenario 22: Create an Email ID or Phone number field on Candidate object where FLS
For these fields are Read Only fields..
3) Permission Set..
Record Types
iii) Create two Record Types and assign only to Recruiter and Sys Admin Profile only
1) Technical Record Type
Assign this record type to Technical Page Layout
Edit the Dept and Paygrade Fields
1) Non US Candidate
2) US Candidate
i) Create additional fields
US Candidate
Unique ID No
Green Card Holder
H1B Candidate
Non US Candidate
Aadhar Card
Country Specific Identity
ii) Create two Page Layouts.
Assign those fields to Page Layouts
iii) Create Record type assign those page layouts with respective fields
iv) Assign it only to SysAdmin and Sales Profile or Recruiter profile
Workshop on Field Dependencies Ashwini - Mars
Workshop on External Relationship
Workshop of Look-up filter Srija - Venus
• View
• Edit
• Transfer ownership
• Delete
• Share
Queues allow groups of users to manage a shared workload more effectively. A queue is a
location where records can be routed to await processing by a group member. The records
remain in the queue until a user accepts them for processing or they are transferred to
another queue. You can specify the set of objects that are supported by each queue, as
well as the set of users that are allowed to retrieve records from the queue.
To add members to this queue, select a type of member, then choose the group, role, or user from
the "Available Members" and move them to the "Selected Members." If the sharing model for all
objects in the Queue is Public Read/Write/Transfer, you do not need to assign users to the queue,
as all users already have access to the records for those objects.
Scenario 26: Queue- Create a Queue called Recruiter Queue on Position, Candidate and
Job Application and assign Mario, Megan and Cynthia as a group of Queue Users.
• User above him (who has ownership) in the role hierarchy. – will have Full
Access to the record.. if you mark or check an option called “Grant Access
Using Role Hieracrhy”
Sharing Model – Will tell what kind of record level Access you have …
And it is decided by OWD
• Organization-wide defaults are a security setting that defines the baseline level of
access to data/ records that you do not own.
• They are the only way to restrict access to data in the sharing model.
• They can be defined for the custom as well as several standard objects.
• Access levels:
• Public Read/Write (all users can see and edit every record)
All users can view, edit, and report on all records.
• Public Read-Only (all users can see every record)
All users can view and report on records, but only the owner, and users
above that role in the hierarchy, can edit them.
• Private (users can only see records that they own)
Only the record owner, and users above that role in the hierarchy, can
view, edit, and report on those records.
Public Read/Write/Transfer – Only - is only for Case and Lead objects
Defined Role and Role Hierarchy Structure in your Organization
Scenario 27: Create Role and Role Hierarchy Structure as per below Chart. And add or assign
users for these roles that you created
Scenario 28: Change the OWD setting from Public Read/Write only to Private for
Position object.
Controlled by Parent
If u want to share the records below or above the role and hierarchy users..need to
Share the records…
1) Manual Sharing
2) Sharing Rules
3) Apex Sharing Rules
Though ur OWD setting is Private or Read only you can share the records.
1) Manual Sharing – IF you want to share only single record…. You can use Manual
Scenario 30: Share a Record from Position from Megan to Mario and provide Read and
Write Access to MArio
2) Sharing Rules
Is to provide access the record
Are divided into two types
Use sharing rules to make automatic exceptions to your organization-wide sharing settings
for defined sets of users.
Note: "Roles and subordinates" includes all users in a role, and the roles below that role.
You can use sharing rules only to grant wider access to data, not to restrict access.
You can share the records at below user hierarchies and to other hierarchy users
Criteria Based Sharing
You can share the records based on Criteria or Condition
Ex : Department = IT, ENG
Status= “Open”
Scenario 31: Share all the Position records whose Department equals to IT, Eng and
Service to – Role called SVP-HR *** you can share these records to
Scenario 32: Share the records whose owner is Cynthia to SVP Dev Role or Public
Sharing the records based on the ownership
Public Groups
A public group is a set of users. It can contain individual users, other groups, the users in a
particular role or territory, or the users in a role or territory plus all of the users below that
role or territory in the hierarchy.
M Model
V View
C Controller
I need to perform some Automation Process. some tasks should complete automatically
with less intervention or no user involvement.
Automation Process.
Business Logics or Business functionalities which are given by client of by requirements
documents. you are supposed to implement the automation process
What are the different Automation tools or Process tools does Salesforce is providing.. so
that I can implement in my Application
Medical Allowances
Special Allowances
Calculate the Total Salary of an employee based on Basic, HRA and other allowances
Before doing this exercise you need to have a record in Candidate and Job Application
Object to perform this calculation.
Create formula field called as HRA with 30%, other Allowances with 12% and Total Salary
in offer object. You cannot see these fields on the page layout.
Scenario 34:
Calculate the Total Salary of an employee based on Basic, HRA and other allowances
Before doing this exercise you need to have a record in Candidate and Job Application
Object to perform this calculation.
Create formula field called as HRA with 30% of Basic, other Allowances with 12% of Basic,
and DA Allowance of 12 % and Calculate the Total Salary in offer object. You cannot see
these fields on the page layout.
Total Salary=10000+HRA+OA+DA
Cross Object Formula’s & Advance Formula Fields
Salesforce has some inbuilt functions which can be used to perform complex operations in
the formula. Some of the functions are ( for example DATETIMEVALUE returns a year,
month, day and GMT time value, ISNUMBER() determines the given text value is a number
and returns true if it is, otherwise returns false. The following are the various kinds of inbuilt
functions used to write a formula.
1. Date and Time functions (DATE, DATEVALUE, DATETIMEVALUE, TODAY, etc.)
2. Logical functions (IF, ISBLANK, ISNULL, ISNUMBER, AND, OR etc.)
3. Math functions (MAX, MIN, ROUND, FLOOR, etc.)
Can also be used to reference the fields of other objects – called as Cross – Object
***** Create formulas that reference fields on parent or grandparent object (up to 10
Scenario 35:
Create a Cross Object Formula to display Candidate Name and Position Name on the Offer
Page Layout.
Aggregate functions
Scenario 36:
Implement Roll-up Summary field on Job Application and Review object which we
discussed in the class. Complete this activity.
Experience Leadership Skills Culrutal Fit
R001 7 8 8
R002 8 9 9
R003 9 8 8
Sum of Experience 24 25 25
Total No of Review – Count(Review) -3
Total Score 24+25+25=74
If you see the field definition, opportunity to account is a lookup field. But in terms of
business logic it behaves as Master-Detail one .... e.g. you can create Rollup summary field
in account, if an account is deleted then related opportunity will be deleted.
Account - Opportunity
Opportunity - Product
This page allows you to select the fields you want to track on the Position History related list.
Whenever a user modifies any of the fields selected below, the old and new field values are added
to the History related list as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and user making the
change. Note that multi-select picklist and large text field values are tracked as edited; their old and
new field values are not recorded.
Fields - Track… Data…
Will track.. old and new values of a particular field…
Who did the changes and the timings and date
Scenario 38: Implement Field History Tracking on Position Object. Do the same on
Candidate or Account object
Validation Rules
• Validation rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the standards
you specify before the record is saved.
• A validation rule contains a formula or expression that evaluates the data in one or
more fields and returns a value of True or False.
• Validation rules also include an error message to display to the user when the rule
returns a value of True due to an invalid value.
• Error message can be displayed directly below field or at top of the page.
• Multiple error messages may be displayed at one time.
Define a validation rule by specifying an error condition and a corresponding error message. The
error condition is written as a Boolean formula expression that returns true or false. When the
formula expression returns true, the save will be aborted and the error message will be displayed.
The user can correct the error and try again.
Scenario 39 - Write a validation rule where Min Pay cannot be greater than Max Pay…
It should through an error message stating that “Min Pay cannot be greater than Max Pay”
at the Min Pay field.
Scenario 40:
Candidate Object: - Build Validation Rules to Enforce Data Format using regex()- Use Reg
Exp to ensure State/Province field should have only two characters in Capital letters.
“Please provide State as Two Alphabets with Capital Letters” should display error of the
user not entering as per format.
Scenario 41:
Create a lookup relationship between Positions(C) to User (M) object as a HM field
Position Object. -Build Validation Rules on Hiring Manager field to Enforce Conditionally
Required Fields and display an error message.
Scenario 42:
Whenever a new Position is created or edited I want the Start Date of that Position should
be greater than two days from Today's date. Hint: Today (03-May-2020)+ 2 days.
Workflow Rules
Evaluation Criteria
Rule Criteria
Immediate & Time Bound Actions
Workflow Actions
Field update
Email Alert
Send outbound SOAP message
Many of the tasks you normally assign, the emails you regularly send, and other record updates are
part of your organization's standard processes. Instead of doing this work manually, you can
configure workflow to do it automatically.
• Actions: Entry criteria: which records
• Object Type - Position
• Evaluation Criteria
created, and every time it's edited
created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria
• Rule Criteria
Condition / Criteria
• Assign Task
• Send Email Alert
• From current user’s email address
• From organization-wide email
• Update Field
• Post Outbound SOAP Message
Scenario 43:
Create a work flow to assign Open Position to recruiter Queue for working on that record.
WF-Whenever a record is created or edited the record owner (field update) is changed to
Recruiter Queue
Whenever a new Candidate is created (Evaluation Criteria) then Current Employer field
should be updated as Cognizant and mail should be sent to system admin:
Create a field called Employer and make this field as Read Only.
Scenario 45 : Create a time dependent workflow for notifying owner to follow up on offer
letter? Create WF on Offer object if the Candidate he or she doesn’t accept or reject the
offer for seven days.. Create an Email Template and send it to the candidate to accept or
reject the offer letter.
Criteria – Offer Status=Sent
**** How many types of email templates that you can create
1) Text
2) HTML Using Classic Letterhead
3) Custom without Using classic Letterhead
4) Visualforce
Scenario 46 : Whenever a new offer is created then bonus percentage should be updated
to 10%. Rule Criterial can be Status = draft. Workflow Actions update Status Field = Sent
an email should be sent to the system administrator and if require to Candidate.
Scenario 47 : For all the positon records when created or updated check if the priority is
Critical and Min Pay is >= 10000 and Max Pay <=15000, if so then status of such position
record should be updated to automatically “Open” and email should be sent to Owner.
Scenario 48 : Whenever a new Position record is created, automatically the record start
date should be next week from the current data.
Whenever the Position Status is New- Entry Criteria.
Object = Opportunity
Evaluation Criteria - third
Rule Criteria: Amount >3000000 USD
Time Dependent
Time Trigger - 10 Days before Close date
Email Alert to the Sales team / Admin or Sale user.
Approval Process
***** once the record enters into Approval Process…. Immediately the record will get
locked.. only Sys Admin and edit the record.. and some time Approver can also edit the
If the Opportunity Amount is greater than 1000000. Kindly get it approved by CEO
Cynthia. Update the record Status field has Approved. Create a status picklist field
with below values Pending, Approved, Rejected, Recalled.
Hint: JumpStart Approval Process...
Add the Submit for Approval button and Approval History related list to all
Opportunity page layouts
Approval Process.
Scenario 51: Multi Step Approval process
Scenario 52:
Skip Level Approval Process.
When a new Position is created by Mario Riuz,
If the Paygrade <300 it goes to Phil for approval.
If the Paygrade >300 and 400 it goes Meghan Smith for approval
Entry Criteria – Status Equals to New
Final Approval Actions
Status- Open
Sub Status- Approved
Final Rejection Actions
Status- Closed
Sub Status – Rejected
Hint: Enter this step if the following criteria are met ,else Go to Next
Process Builder
Process Builder:-
• Process Builder is a ‘point and click’ administrator tool in Salesforce that can be
used to set up automation functions that help you in the sales process. It was
launched in 2015 as a successor to its Workflow feature. Workflow still works,
although it is no longer included in Salesforce updates.
• The Process Builder tool allows you to easily automate business processes using a
convenient graphical representation of your process as you build it. Automated
processes in the Process Builder consist of:
• Criteria that determine when to execute action groups
• Immediate and scheduled actions to execute when those criteria are met
• Any change that causes a record to match the criteria automatically triggers the
action group.
Workflow Actions
Field update
Email Alert
Send outbound SOAP message
Scenario 53.
Aditya is working in the ABC organization. And your organization want when a new
Candidate /Employee is created. His/her email id should get created automatically by using
the last name or Full Name and with the company name (Example: shiva@abc.com).
Whenever we will enter the data of new Candidate with there Full Name/Last Name, an
email id will be auto-generated and Introduction Email to be sent to the candidate..
Scenario 54.
At Universal Containers (UC), company policy states that hiring managers must always
take part in the interview process. UC wants a new interviewer record to be created
automatically for the hiring manager whenever a new position is created.
Scenario 55
When Opportunity is closed Won and Amount >2Million Dollar. Create an Order record
where Order Start Date equal to Today (), Status value should be equal to Draft ,
AccountId- Reference the Opportunity AccountID
Scenario 56.
You've been given a requirement to keep contact addresses in sync with the accounts they
belong to. Use Process Builder to create a process on the Account object that updates
child Contact addresses when an account's address is updated.
The process must have an Update Records action that updates Contact mailing address
fields (Street, City, State, Postal Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address
field values are updated
Salesforce Flows
UI Screens
Perform Complex actions without writing code
Screen Flows
In this type of flow, there will be a series of screen elements to gather information from the
user and perform some operation. Screen flows can be accessed from custom buttons,
custom links, Visualforce Pages etc. This type of flow is implemented if a user interaction is
needed in the process. Custom Screen has to be implemented
Screen Flows
In this type of flow, there will be a series of screen elements to gather information from the
user and perform some operation. Screen flows can be accessed from custom buttons,
custom links, Visualforce Pages etc. This type of flow is implemented if a user interaction is
needed in the process. Custom Screen has to be implemented
Auto-launched Flow
Auto-screenshot runs in the background without any user interaction. Auto-launched flows
can be accessed from custom buttons, custom links, Visualforce Pages, process builder
and Apex etc. (Coding)
Behind-the-Scenes Automation
If your business process runs behind the scenes, and it should start automatically, such as
when a record changes, you have your pick of solutions.
Build an autolaunched flow that specifies a record trigger in Flow Builder.
Build an Apex trigger with Apex code.
Assignment Operators
Collections Sort
Collection Filter
Create Records
Updated the Records
Get / Fetch the Records
Delete the Records
Data types, are the individual variables of data that are to be
used in a Flow – these can be strings of text, numbers, records,
formulae, or collections.
Scenario 57
Display a “HELLO WORLD” or Hi – I am learning Salesforce l Flows in Salesforce
Scenario 58
Display LOGIN USER NAME in Hello World Screen. And run or execute tis flow on Home
$ Global Variables
User, Profile, ORanization, Flow.. called as Global Variables
If you want to access these variables values of object fields…
First Name : “{!$User.FirstName}”
Last Name : “{!$User.LastName}”
Scenario 59
Create a UI where you can enter Account Name, Account Number, Amount for an
Account Object where user can input these three values.
But user is able to enter the values on the screen or UI.. but the data is not stored
and it is displayed at run time (flow)
Scenario 60
Ensure the user can input the values in the screen elements and also the data or
information entered should save it in Accounts object or in Database
0015j00000dfVHMAA2 0015j00000dfVHMAA2
Scenario 61 - Replicate Scenario 60 where user can input values on the screen elements
and the data has to save in Candidate Object. and please take care of validation rules and
required files…. And display or execute that flow on Home Page (HW)
Do a Business Process Automation Tools - Comparative Study?
Group By Row and Column is called Matrix Report
Subscribing a Report
Particular Conditions or Criteria
Particular week or a day
Receive Notifications
Adding a Graph / Chart to a report
Adding Custom Formula Report
Adding Conditional Formatting to the Report
Custom Report Types
Bucket Fields
Report Export & Subscription
Folders - (Sharing Access to Reports & Dashboards)
Report Formulas - Row & Summary
Salesforce has created Standard Report Templates for all Standard and Custom
Where do you enable Reports and Dashboard permissions for a particular user in
Profiles / Administrative and General User Permissions
Reports in salesforce are dynamic.
Custom report types allow you to build a framework in the report wizard, from which
users can create and customize reports. You build custom report types off of the
relationships (master-detail and lookup) between objects so that you can:
Choose which objects to display to users creating and customizing reports
Define the relationships between objects displayed to users creating and
customizing reports
Select which objects' fields can be used as columns in reports
With custom report types, you can enable users to create reports from the
predefined objects, object relationships, and fields that you specify.
Scenario 62-
Replicate all 14 Reports that are created in the Report folder both on Custom and
Standard Objects.
Explore these reports coming out with various scenarios.
Few Reports should be generated on Sales Cloud (Objects) Applications
Few Reports should be generated on Service Cloud (Objects) Application
Create at least three different Custom Report Types
Dashboards Components
Dynamic Dashboards
Dashboard Components
We can place various components.
Data Management
DML Operations
Upsert (Insert + Update)
How many ways or methods you can perform DML Operations on your objects
Four ways
Its an internal tool within the salesforce where you can perform below DML operations
It supports only three DML Operations
It will support Data Import Wizard to import accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, campaign
members, person accounts, but not support for all Standard objects … but supports all Custom
******* It will support 50K records at a time..********** 1 Cert
Salesforce supports only .csv file for performing any DML operations
Whenever you are performing any DML operations, Salesforce fields and .csv file header fields
should match. ensure you need to map these fields in the Data Import Wizard
Scenario 63- Create a table as below and Perform Insert, Update and Upsert
Data Loader
First Export that data into a .csv file… and you that .csv file template for any DML Operations
***** Certification - 5 Million records you can bulky you can insert… the records
First Export that data into a .csv file… and you that .csv file template for any DML Operations
Ensure both object fields and csv header field should match and map
Scenario 64- Perform Export All, Upsert, Delete and Hard Delete operations with Data Loader
on Books objects
Dataloader io
Scenario 65- Use Dataloader io for import, export, and delete in Salesforce.
Data Export: Data Export lets you prepare a copy of all your data in salesforce.com. From this page you
can start the export process manually or schedule it to run automatically. When an export is ready for
download you will receive an email containing a link that allows you to download the file(s). ***** 1 Certi The
export files are also available on this page for 48 hours, after which time they are deleted. ****
Export Now
Schedule a Report
Reporting Snapshots
Reporting snapshots allow users to run reports and save the report results as records on custom objects. Unlike reports,
users can schedule reporting snapshots to summarize data at specific times, and work with the summarized data similarly
to how they work with other records in Salesforce.
The benefits of using reporting snapshots include:
Reporting snapshots allow you to load data from a custom report to a custom object on a regularly scheduled
basis. Reporting snapshots enable you to work with report data as you would with other records in
Approval Process
Process Builder
Compare study - Data Loader, Data Import Wizard, & Data Export –
Sales Organization
Web to Leads
Lead Conversion
Account and Contact
Account Team
Opportunity Team
Price Book
Opportunity Line Items
Campaign Member
Campaign Influence
Duplicate Management
Multi Currency
Multi Language
Create an Sales app (Name it as some Sales App) and Add below objects.
Price Books
Campaign (Most Important)
Scenario 67- Create an App (Name it as some Sales App) and Add below objects.
• Leads
• Organization/Accounts
• Contacts
• Opportunities
• Products
• Price Books
• Reports
• Dashboards
• Campaign (Most Important)
1) First Create an App (My Sales App) ...and add all the Standard Object- Refer the
PDF document..
3) Web-to-Lead Setup
Configure on Customer Application web
Where you can generate the leads from Web Application.
Code to generate web-to lead- which will automatically connect to lead object of SF..
Web-to-Lead (Built in code is there) – Configure.
Configure Auto Response Rule -
5) Configure Lead Assignment Rules (Automatically assign to Respective SalesRep)
****Automatically assign leads to users or queues based on criteria you define. You can
create multiple rules with different conditions, but only one rule can be active at a time.
You need to create as many as templates
i) Email Template - Auto Response
ii) Auto-Response Rules
iii) Lead Assignment Rules Lead will get automatically assigned to a Sales
user./ Sales Queue
That User should have Salesforce Licenses.
Create an Lead Assignment Template. (Email Template)
***** USer should have valid Salesforce License. *****************
iv) Web Lead to Form
Using pre-existing pages on your company's website, you can capture contact and profile
information from users and automatically generate new leads in salesforce.com, enabling
you to respond in real-time to customer requests.
****** Users should have valid salesforce license *********
Help for this Page
Using pre-existing pages on your company's website, you can capture contact and profile
information from users and automatically generate new leads in salesforce.com, enabling
you to respond in real-time to customer requests.
6) Create an Auto Response Rule and also create multiple email template as per your
Sales process. Completed
Automatically determine which email templates to use when sending auto-response
messages to new leads from your website.
7) Create Lead Assignment Rule - Assign lead to a specific Sales USer..Lead will
get automatically assigned to a Sales user./ Sales Queue
Automatically assign leads to users or queues based on criteria you define. You can create
multiple rules with different conditions, but only one rule can be active at a time.
Assignment Emails.. to be created..
Configure Web to Lead
8) Create Web to Lead (Create a Record) automatically Lead will get created in Leads
**** Update the Campaign member related field by adding the lead to the respective
Sales user will start connecting with the lead to collect some more information and also will
set up a meeting to give demo of your products.
9) Create an Email Template and send it to the correct lead.
13)Create and Add Products into the Product Object. (Product and Opportunities are
14)****Go to Price Book and Add the Products first to the Standard Price Book and add
price for each Product.
You have added the Price for each and very Product
15)Go to the Product Choose the Standard Price Book and add the respective Products to
your Opportunity. This is called Opportunity Line Item..
17)Create a Quote and add all the products to the Quote and if require give discount to the
18)Sync that Quote and create the quote in an PDF file and share it to the Customer
(Revised Quote) -
Discount - Deal Cost is very high… Aditya is regular… customer
19)Update the Opportunity and compare the total Amount values in the opportunity and
quote and both should match.
20) Create a Big deal alert under Opportunity settings.
20)Update the Opportunity as Closed Won and update the fields like Lead Source and
Primary Campaign Source.
21 You can see the updates in the Campaign object with the Opportunity Cost and Closed
22) You can create a formula field where you can calculate the target amount vs Actual /
achieved amount and also % of Actual Target reached.
**************** Please complete or practice Sales Cloud as per above steps given
A price book is a list of products and their prices.
The standard price book is the master list of all your products and their default standard
prices. Salesforce creates the standard price book when you start creating product
records. It includes all your products and their standard prices regardless of any custom
price books that include those products.
A custom price book is a separate list of products with custom prices, called list prices.
Custom price books are ideal for offering products at different prices to different market
segments, regions, or other subsets of your customers. Create a separate price book for
each set of customers that you want to address. For example, if you have one set of prices
for domestic customers and another for international customers, create a domestic price
book and an international one.
When you collaborate on accounts with colleagues, use account teams to facilitate
teamwork and track progress. Roles on a team can include an executive sponsor, a
dedicated support agent, and a project manager, for example. Team members can be
internal users or partner users.
Why use Account Teams?
Account Team defines additional users that are involved in an Account, in addition to the
Account Owner. The additional users added as the Account Team can have extra access
permission or without extra permission Account and on the related Contact, Opportunity,
and Case.
Adding members to an account team serves several purposes
Documentation & accountability. Clearly defining each user’s role within the management of
an account provides an easy way to establish accountability.
Record access. When a user is assigned to an account team, they are granted record-level
access to the account record and some of its related records:
Add Teams to Your Accounts
If your Salesforce admin has enabled account teams, the Account Team related list appears
on each account. You can add, edit, or remove team members.
Account Teams help multiple users to better collaborate on accounts by defining a role for each team member,
setting record-level access individually, and viewing teams in list views and reports. When enabled, the account
teams feature is available in Salesforce Lightning, Salesforce Classic, and the mobile app. Users may prepare
default account teams for speedy setup of new accounts. Account Teams are not the same as opportunity teams.
Opportunity Team
Campaign Member
People who are part of sales
Who participate in campaign
As an organizer..
Campaign members are the contacts and leads in your CRM that you included in the campaign and
are trying to market to
Scenario 71- Create Campaign members
Campaign Influence
Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Data
Salesforce Campaign Influence is how Salesforce Opportunities are associated with the Campaigns
that helped generate them. It’s all about joining the dots between sales revenue (stored in
opportunities) and marketing data (stored in campaigns) – and therefore, is the fundamental
connection in measuring Marketing ROI (return on investment).
Duplicate Management
Maintaining clean, accurate data is one of the most important things you can do to get the most out
of Salesforce. It builds the trust of your sales team and helps you work toward complying with
various data protection and privacy regulations. Salesforce gives you tools for managing duplicates
one at a time and across your org, and to track your progress in eliminating duplicates.
To maintain a clean and accurate data in an organization, Salesforce introduced a new concept
called Duplicate Management with Data. This feature provides an effective solution to control
whether to allow duplicate records or not in Salesforce as well as when to allow such duplicates.
The feature supports following 3 objects:
• Lead
• Contact
• Account
Here, we will discuss how to create a matching rule and duplicate rule for Lead.
Scenario 73 – Implement Duplicate rules and Matching rules on Books object and try to
figure it out no duplicates found related list on the layout..
Smart Phones
Communication Process between Customer and Service Center / Organization. Service Process
• access to self-help capabilities, and by streamlining all customer service interactions.
Step- No 1
• Service Cloud Objects / or Service Cloud App
Add Objects
Go to Case Object and add “Hardware” and “Software” Values to the type Field
• Create Case Auto Response Rules – Configure & Create an Email Template - Auto
Response Email Template
• Create Case Assignment Rules – Configure & Create an Email Template stating
that the case is assigned to a Service Engineer Completed
Step No 6
Select the days and hours that your support team is available. These hours, when
associated with escalation rules, determine the times at which cases can escalate.
If you enter blank business hours for a day, that means your organization does not
operate on that day.
Solutions and Knowledge will help the customer executive to provide solutions on
the spot..
• Solutions
Scenario 75:
Additional Activity- You can create a solution and send this solution for Approval to
a Solution Manager User.
Scenario 76: Additional Activity – You can create a formula field called Duration
Taken to Close the Case. which will calculate the total duration taken to close the
Date/Time Closed - Date/Time Opened
Case Teams-
The Service Console is a standard Salesforce Lightning console app that you can customize to
meet the team’s case management needs, allowing them to access all things case-related, all from
one screen
It streamline the processes of service agents in order to meet all service needs. With the help of
this, agents can speed up the activities like creating new contacts, cases, registering products and
processing returns, all without losing the context of the interaction or needing to switch screens
Each and every service representative (reps) and manager want to see the things like Accounts,
Contacts, associated Cases with Accounts and Contacts, activities of reps on a single tab instead of
switching to multiple tabs in order to see different cases with different associated Accounts and
Contacts. All this can be achieved with the help of Salesforce Lightning Service Console.
Softphone utilities let your Lightning console users make calls directly from Salesforce. Before
you add the softphone utility to your Lightning console app, first set up and configure the softphone
and Open CTI.
Who sees her articles? Other agents, customers in self-service sites, or customers searching on a
public website. Who sees her articles? Other agents, customers in self-service sites, or customers
searching on a public website.
Knowledge Settings
Data Category Groups & Data Categories
Record Types, Custom Fields & Page Layouts
Surface Knowledge Articles inside Lightning Console
Auto Suggestion - Knowledge Articles (Case Subject)
Apex Classes
Standard Controller
List Controller
Custom Controller
Custom Extension Controller
Exception Handling
Asynchronous Apex
Apex Triggers
Apex Test Classes
Sandbox Creation & Deployment Process
Scenario 80:
Experience Cloud
- It’s built on 360 degrees’ platform
- It will connect with Customers and Partners on a Social platform
- Earlier it was called as Community Cloud and now it is called as
Experience Cloud
- Sales and Service Products Companies
- Build strong relationship with source of truth
Customer Portal
Partner Portal
Community Portal-
Help u to create the sites..
Car - States
Engine Type
No of Tyres
Apply Brakes
Types of variables..
Local Variables
Instance Variables //Instance variable are also variable of object commonly known
as field or property. They are referred as object variable.
Static Variables / Class
Scenario 81:
Adds the specified number of additional days to a Date
Returns the number of days between the Date that called the method and the specified date.
Controlling Statement
• If-else
• Switch-Case
Untill Summer 18 release Apex doesn’t have Switch statement … it was added in the
Syntax is different … when it is compared to Switch Case statement..
Instead of Case .. we use when keyword..
• Continue statement
• break statement
• For loop
• while loop
• do-while loop
Apex allows you to use the private, protected, public, and global access modifiers when
defining methods and variables
Private :- This is the default and means that the method or variable is accessible only within the
Apex. If you do not specify an access modifier, the method or variable is private.
Protected :- This means that the method or variable is visible to any inner classes in the defining
Apex class, and to the classes that extend the defining Apex class. You can only use this access
modifier for instance methods and member variables.
Public :- This means the method or variable can be used by any Apex in this application or
global :- This means the method or variable can be used by any Apex code that has access to the
class, not just the Apex code in the same application. This access modifier should be used for any
method that needs to be referenced outside of the application, either in the SOAP API or by
other Apex code. If you declare a method or variable as global, you must also declare the class that
contains it as global.
Angular -
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Class - Food
Non Veg()
The wrapping up of data and methods together is called encapsulation. For example, if we
take a class we write the variables and methods inside the class. Thus, class is binding them
together. So class is an example for encapsulation.
The whole idea behind encapsulation is to hide the implementation details from users. If a data
member is private, it means it can only be accessed within the same class. No outside class can
access private data member (variable) of other class.
Apex Properties: An Apex property is similar to a variable; however, you can do additional things
in your code to a property value before it is accessed or returned.
Property definitions include one or two code blocks, representing a get accessor and a set
accessor: The code in a get accessor executes when the property is read.
The code in a set accessor executes when the property is assigned a new value.
If a property has only a get accessor, it is considered read only. If a property has only a set
accessor, it is considered write only. A property with both accessors is considered read-write.
Public class BasicClass {
// Property declaration
access_modifier return_type property_name {
get {
//Get accessor code block
set {
//Set accessor code block
Why Encapsulation?
• Better control of class attributes and methods
• Class attributes can be made read-only (if you only use the get method), or write-only (if you
only use the set method)
• Flexible: the programmer can change one part of the code without affecting other parts
• Increased security of data
printSum(integer x, integer y)
printSum(Decimal x, Decimal y)
Apex supports method overloading and always occur in the same class
Method Overriding
Redefining the base class method in derived class is called Method Overriding
Method Overriding:
Redefining the base class method in derived class is called Method Overriding
1. Overridden methods should have the same argument list.
2. Overridden methods should have the same return type.
3. Overridden methods can have the same access level and cannot be narrower.
4. Overridden method invocation is decided at run time
5.*** To override any method in the Parent class that must be declared as 'virtual' and Child
class method must be declared as 'override'
Abstraction and Abstract Class Implementation
//Example for abstract class- IF any class having at least one Abstract method that is called as
Abstract class. Abstract Class:
1. It's a class which contains at least one abstract method.
2. abstract class and method must be prefixed with 'abstract' keyword
3. abstract class cannot be instantiated
4. When a class is inherited from an abstract class, it must implement abstract methods of
an abstract class, otherwise the derived class also becomes abstract class
5. By default abstract methods are virtual.
Two types of Employees
New - allocating a memory
List<String>studentlist=new List<String>();
List Program
List<String>allName=new List<String>();
allName.addAll(mylist); // mylist is getting added to anoter list called allName... addAll()....
Set Collection
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products);
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products.size());
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products);
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products.size());
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products);
System.debug('Product Names are ' + Products.size());
Boolean result=Products.contains('Laptops');
//check wether the set contains the particlar element Laptops or not and retrns true or false
System.debug('Does the set have the value' + result);
Map Collection
Map<String,String>currencies=new Map<String,String>();
1- String – Key - will be Unique….. only
2- String - Value – for key what is the value.. value can be unique or duplicate values
Map<Integer,String>StudDetails=new Map<Integer,String>();
Key - Roll No (Integer)
Values - Ashwin , Shashank
A map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a single value. Keys and
values can be any data type—primitive types, collections, sObjects, user-defined types, and built-in
Apex types.
To declare a map, use the Map keyword followed by the data types of the key and the value within
<> characters.
Total Use cases for Apex Programming till Collections 49 Programs / Use Cases
Business Process Automation Tools - Comparative Study – Satellites Team on Monday
▪ SOQL is not used in Triggers and can be used only in Apex classes and anonymous
SOQL in Salesforce.
▪ SOQL stands for "Salesforce Object Query Language”.
▪ It returns Records.
▪ Records are stores in collection. Records are pertaining to single sObject.
▪ SOQL is similar to the SELECT statement in the widely used Structured Query Language
(SQL) but is designed specifically for Salesforce data.
▪ Search in single sObject and it retains records.
▪ SOQL retrieves the data from the database using “SELECT” keyword.
▪ It works on multiple objects at the same time.
▪ SOQL is not used in Triggers and can be used only in Apex classes and anonymous
▪ SOQL against the same field will be slow.
Select FirstName, LastName, Phone from contact ORDER BY FirstName DESC NULLS
Aggregate Functions:
Count(Field Name)
Select StageName,Sum(Amount) from Opportunity Group By StageName
Select Name, Count(StageName) from Opportunity Group By Name HAVING NAME LIKE
SOQL Queries
List<Contact>contactlist=[Select ID,Name from Contact Order by Name Desc Limit 10];
for(Contact c:contactlist)
System.debug('Name of the contact ' +c.Name);
List<Position__c> plist=[Select Name,Department__c, Status__c from Position__c where
Status__c='Open' ];
for(Position__c p:plist)
System.debug('Position is ' + p.Name + ' Department ' + p.Department__c + ' And Status '
// SOQL qeries support Apex variable binding.. you can use an Apex variable and filter
SOQL records against that
//value of that variable
String pstats='Open';
List<Position__c> plist=[Select Name,Department__c, Status__c from Position__c where
Status__c=:pstats ];
for(Position__c p:plist)
System.debug('Position is ' + p.Name + ' Department ' + p.Department__c + ' And Status '
Integer pCount=[Select count() from Position__c where Status__c='Open'];
System.debug('No of Open Position Records ' +pCount );
Position__c p=[Select Name,Department__c, Status__c from Position__c order by name
Limit 1];
System.debug('Position Record ' +p);
1. Find {joe} – Finding joe anywhere in the system… (Org) returning ID where Joe is
5. Find {Edg*}
11. Retrieve Name & Industry from Account and Name & Department from Position
where Names must be started with ‘sa’.
Try -
SOQL Query
Account m = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ' LIMIT 1];
m- is a single object variable
Below code
/* the below SOQL statement doesn't cause an exception, even though yo don't
have a accouunt record wit name='XYZ'..
The list lm will be empty*/
List<Account> lm = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ'];
// Output is lm.size(0)..
Account m = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'XYZ' LIMIT 1];
catch(QueryException qe)
System.debug('The following excepton has occured : ' + qe.getMessage());
Position__c pinv = new Position__c(
Job_Description__c='Machine Learning');
insert pinv; // Record will get inserted...
// Query the Position we just inserted
Position__c v = [SELECT Name FROM Position__c WHERE Id = :pinv.Id];
// Causes an SObjectException because we didn't retrieve
// the Description__c field.
String s = v.Job_Description__c;
catch(SObjectException se)
System.debug('The following exception has occured' +se.getMessage());
ListException (Array outbound except)
Null Pointer Exception
Query Exception
DML Exception
SObject Exception
DML Operation
DML – Data Manipulation Languages
Insert / Import
Export All
Hard Delete
Single Insertion
You can perform above DML operations by using the Apex Code or DML statements or
Methods of “ Database Class”
Insert / Import
Position__c p1=new Position__c(Name='Test Manager',Job_Description__c='Testin Apps',
Max_Pay__c=95000, Min_Pay__C=8888);
Position__c p2=new Position__c(Name='GCP Architect',Job_Description__c='Google
Cloud', Max_Pay__c=15000, Min_Pay__C=9888);
Position__c p3=new Position__c(Name='Oracle Architect',Job_Description__c='Oracle
Cloud', Max_Pay__c=12000, Min_Pay__C=9888);
Update: -1
Inserting and Immediately updating the record with the respective matching using the Id
Account a=new Account(Name='KGF-Part2');
insert a; // Id will get created
Account myacc=[SELECT Id,Name, BillingCity from Account where Id=:a.Id]; // Matching
the ID and update will trigger only on this sObject record
update myacc;
catch(DMLException de)
System.debug('The Exception Occured' +de.getMessage());
Update 3
// List of Records with SOQL statement limiting set of records DML Update Statement Bulk
public class UpdatePosition {
public static void updatePositons()
Position__c [] plist=[Select Name, Job_Description__c from Position__c where
Department__c='Engineering' LIMIT 5];
//Loop the records
for(Position__c pos:plist)
update plist; // Update the records
System.debug('Records Updated');
Record Id …
Matching External Id
Upsert helps avoid the creation of duplicate records and can save you time as you don’t have to
determine which records exist first.
External ID **** 1 Cert
is field in Salesforce to say that this field is primary key in external Database which can be used to
identify that external record exists in Salesforce or not.
If the record exists Salesforce will have an intelligence to update the record or it will create a record.
This field is usually references an ID from another (external) system. When a field is marked as
external Id, the field will be automatically indexed.
You can use External IDs to ensure you have an ID that can be referenced both inside and outside
of Salesforce.
Ex: If any application (Oracle) that have data of employees (like empId, name, designation etc.) is
now linking with Salesforce so when they both linked together and application's data imported to
Salesforce so at that time the empId of employees in existing application is considered as an
external Id for Salesforce.
Note: External Id is not case-sensitive – for example, “XYZ” will be matched with “xyz”. if the custom
field has enable the “Unique” attribute and the case-sensitive option for that attribute is selected,
uppercase and lowercase letters will not be considered identical.
An object can have at most 7 External IDs’ fields. The field type should be any one of auto-number,
email, number, or text. Custom fields marked as unique also count against an object’s limit of 7
External IDs’ fields.
Email ID - Unique
7 External Id’s
Apex Programming
Upsert uses the sObject record's primary key (the ID), an idLookup field, or an external ID field
to determine whether it should create a new record or update an existing one:
• If the key is not matched, a new object record is created.
• If the key is matched once, the existing object record is updated.
• If the key is matched multiple times, an error is generated and the object record is neither
inserted or updated.
Merge :
Account masterAcct = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Vijay Thalapathi!!
Beast' LIMIT 1];
Account mergeAcct = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Beast' LIMIT 1];
try {
merge masterAcct mergeAcct; // Merge command
catch (DmlException e)
// Process exception here
UnDelete :
Restoring or recovering the record from Recycle bin. Records will reside 15 days in Recycle
bin after that records will be deleted automatically.
Hard Delete X UnDelete
***** 1 Cert Hard Delete – Permanently deleting the data.. u need to have Profile level Bulk API
Hard Delete..*****
Bulk DML
You can perform DML operations either on a single sObject, or in bulk on a list of sObjects.
Performing bulk DML operations is the recommended way because it helps avoid hitting governor
limits, such as the DML limit of 150 statements per Apex transaction.
Below Example
Sub Queries
Write a Query to return the list of Accounts whose Opportunity Stage as ‘Closed Won’
Write a Query to return the list of Accounts whose Opportunity isClosed=’false’
Write a Query to return the list of Opportunity and Contact Name whose leadsource=’Web’
and often we need to fetch the list of all child records related to parent record in SOQL
i. Order- Cricket Bats – MSDhoni
ii. Order – Cricket Balls - Jadega
iii. Order - Pads and Glouses –
Most of the times, we have relationships between the objects(master-detail OR lookup) and often
we need to fetch the list of all child records related to parent record in SOQL. This can be achieved
using relationship query in Salesforce.
We can also say it as a Inner Query (query inside query).
For using relationship query, most important is, to know the Name of relationship between the
two objects. You can get this relationship name by going to the Look-up OR Master-detail field on
child object.
Using relationship queries, we can retrieve the related objects data using the SOQL query.
Child-to-Parent relationship
For example, the Contact child object has a child-to-parent relationship to the Account object, so
the value of relationshipName in Contact is Account. These relationships are traversed by
specifying the parent using dot notation in the query, for example:
Foreign Key is your Account Object
This above query returns Account Names, Contact Names and Contact ID for only te contacts
whose account is related account Industry=’Energy’;
The parent object has a name for the child relationship that is unique to the parent, the plural of
the child object name. For example, Account has child relationships to Assets, Cases, and Contacts
among other objects, and has a relationshipName for each, Assets, Cases, and Contacts. These
relationships can be traversed only in the SELECT clause, using a nested SOQL query.
1. Always One to Many.
2. Specify the relationships using a Sub Query..
3. *** For all Standard Objects sub queries, you should specify the plural name of the object
that is the name of the relationship for each object
The Child Relationship Name for the lookup field on Contact is "Contacts" Therefore, you would use "Contacts" in Account
queries to refer to Contact records whose Account field references a given Account.
Parent : Account
Child: Contact
The above query will returns all accounts and for each account, the first and last name of each
contact associated with (the child of) that account
Write a query which will returns all accounts, and for each account, Opportunity Name of each
Opportunity associated with (the child of) that account?
Write a Query which will return all Positions and for each Position, get me the Job Applications of
each Job Application associated with the child of Position__c
4) List<Account> accList = [select id,name,(select name, id, email from contacts) from
for(Account a:accList)
System.debug('ID' +a.id+ 'Name' +a.name);
Child to Parent
***** Dot Notation
***** No Sub Query
Parent to Child
Standard Objects
***** Sub Query
***** Plurals (Contacts, Assests, Cases, Products, etc)
Custom Objects
***** Sub Query
***** __r (Suffix ) for Child Objects
Visualforce Pages/MVC Pattern
Visualforce Controller (Essentials) - Standard, Custom and Extensions
Component - Image, Text Box, Picklist, Command Button, List Button, Label, Radio Button, Check
Box, Message I want to display
Standard Controller
Visualforce consists of many built-in controllers which can be used to access and display data. It
works on the MVC (model-view-controller) approach. The controllers interact with the database and
pull the data from the database to view the data through a webpage created by apex page.
A Visualforce controller is a set of instructions that specify what happens when a user interacts with
the components specified in associated Visualforce markup, such as when a user clicks a button or
link. Controllers also provide access to the data that should be displayed in a page, and can modify
component behavior.
The Lightning platform provides a number of standard controllers that contain the same functionality
and logic that are used for standard Salesforce pages. For example, if you use the standard
Accounts controller, clicking a Save button in a Visualforce page results in the same behavior as
clicking Save on a standard Account edit page.
A standard controller exists for every Salesforce object that can be queried using the Lightning
Platform API.
To associate a standard controller with a Visualforce page, use the standardController attribute on
the <apex:page> tag and assign it the name of any Salesforce object that can be queried using the
Lightning Platform API.
Scenario: 1 Create a VFPage and display the current user details on the Page
Standard Controllers
Standard & Custom objects
Account, contact, Opportunity
Position__c, Book__c, Candidate__c
Standard Controller are already created
Standard+custom objects
Scenario 3: Create a VFPage of StandardController of Position object and display or bring a record
into the current context.
You need to pass a record ID in the url..
Scenario 5: Create a VFPage where you can display the complete details of a Particular Position
Record… into the current context
Scenario 6: Create a VFPage where user can input the values into an Account object. / Create a
VFPage to insert the Account Records
Std Controller - Account
<apex:Input Field>
To Save or Insert the data … Buttons or Labels
Scenario 7: Please display the associated contact information (Name, Mailing city, Phone, Title) for
a Particular Account. Use a Page Block Table as a component … and pass the account Record Id
into the current context
Scenario 8: Please display the associated Opportunity information (Name, Amount, Stage,
AccountName ) for a Particular Account. Use a Page Block Table as a component … and pass the
account Record Id into the current context
Scenario 9: Create a VFPage on Review object where all the Score parameters like (Experience,
Cultural Fit, Leadership skills) should display in the Radio button, and option values or Ratings
should be Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Bad…for all the three reviews.
<apex:Page stdlistcontroler> X
<apex:Page:standardcontroller=”Positon__c” Recordservar
Scenario 10: Use standard List Controller to display list of Account Records on a VFPage.
HW- Scenario 11: Use standard List Controller to display list of Opportunity Records on a VFPage.
Scenario 12: Use standard List Controller to display list of Position Records on a VFPage in a PDF
Custom Controller : A custom controller is an Apex class that implements all of the logic for a
page without leveraging a standard controller. Use custom controllers when you want your
Visualforce page to run entirely in system mode, which does not enforce the permissions and field-
level security of the current user.
Scenario 14: Create a custcontroller and Invoke the Custom Controller constructor () and display
Student details on a VFPage
Scenario 15: Create a custcontroller and Invoke the Custom Controller constructor () and a apex
metod and display Student details on a VFPage by clicking on a Button
Scenario 16: Create a custcontroller and display Name and EmpNo on an Output label of VFpage
Apex Classes
1) System
2) Date
3) String
4) List
5) Map and Set
6) Page Reference
7) Exceptions
8) MathException
9) ListException (Array outbound except)
10) Null Pointer Exception
11) Query Exception
12) DML Exception
13) SObject Exception
Scenario 17 : With PageRefernce is a class ensure user input EmpName and city details and print
these details on a VFPage and use ReRender attribute so that when the user clicks on a button the
fields should get refreshed…
Scenario 18 : Write an Apex controller where you can perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division operations and execute the same logic on a VFpage..
Scenario 19: Write an apex controller to fetch the Account records using SOQL statement and
display all those records on a VFPage
Scenario 20: Write an apex controller to fetch the Position / Opportunity records using SOQL
statement and display all those records on a VFPage
Position – where Department= IT, Engineering and Sales
Opportunity - where Stage=’Closed Won’
Scenario 21: Write an Apex Controller where user can insert Records into Account objects
Use DML Operation Insert
Scenario 22: Create a Custom controller where user can insert records in Candidate FirstName
and LastName and Gender fields in Candidate object
<apex:page controller="CandidateCustomController">
<apex:pageBlock title="Candidate Page">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Enter Candidate Details">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2" border="2" bgcolor="Pink">
Scenario 23: Create a Custom controller where user can insert records in Position object (HW)
A controller extension is an Apex class that extends the functionality of a standard or custom
System Mode
As per your System settings
A controller extension is an Apex class that extends the functionality of a standard or custom
controller. Use controller extensions when You want to leverage the built-in functionality of a
standard controller but override one or more actions, such as edit, view, save, or delete.
Create an Extension Controller class to get an Account Record from Account object.
Standardcontroller = Account
Extension controller = Extension Account (Apex Class)
<!-- Displaying Account and Contact Records with help of Controller and extension controller
Scenario 25: Create an Extension class and leverage the Account object functionality to display or
fetch the records on a VFPage. Use SOQL statement in the extension class.
<!--Create an Extension class and leverage the Account object functionality to display or
fetch the records on a VFPage.
-Use SOQL statement in the extension class-->
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountExtensionRecords"
recordSetVar="accounts" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="acc">
<apex:column value="{!acc.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!acc.AccountNumber}"/>
Scenario 26: Create two extension classes and invoke or call the classes from a VFPage
public String getFriend()
return 'Ajit & Vijay Thalapatthi';
public class ExtSecond
public ExtSecond(ApexPages.StandardController sec)
public String getCities()
return 'Hyderabad & Bangalore';
Lines of code or a proceduere will be invoked whenever a events occurs in a database…Trigger will
perform actions … these actions will be performed either before or after the events..
Triggers will run before objects records are created, updated or deleted into the database,, or after
the records are inserted, updated, deleted and restored(Undelete)
Before Trigger
It can be used to update or validate record values before they are saved to Database….
After Trigger
It can be used to access the field values that are already set by the database such as a
record's Id or last Updated field,
And these after triggers are used to affect the changes in other records.
DML Operations
These events are also divided or Categorized based on Before and After Triggers
Before Trigger will support only three events
1) Before Insert
2) Before Update
3) Before Delete
After Triggers
1) After Insert
2) After Update
3) After Delete
4) After UnDelete
BEFORE and AFTER triggers fired by DML statements can be defined only on tables, not
on views. However, triggers on the base tables of a view are fired if an INSERT, UPDATE,
or DELETE statement is issued against the view.
BEFORE and AFTER triggers fired by DDL statements can be defined only on the database
or a schema, not on particular tables.
Before Insert :
These triggers will fire when we are trying to insert a new record into a specified object.
Before Insert :
These triggers will fire when we are trying to insert a new record into a specified object.
Operations which we have written in the trigger will be implemented before new records are
saved to the database.
In before Insert, Trigger.New stores the list of new records which we are trying to insert.
Trigger.New is one of the context variable
Stores the list of new records which are trying to insert.
Scenario 1: Create a Trigger when a new record is getting created automatically the Acc
Industry field should be updated as ‘Communications’
Scenario 3: Populate contact description field with modified User Name when user
updates a contact.. – before update existing records
Before update..
Scenario 4:
When a new contact is created without Account then throw an error message
Scenario 6: Create a Triger when creating a Position, its related Min Pay should be
greater than >8000 and Max Pay should be greater than >=15000. If its is less than the
above number, it should throw an error message
Scenario 7: Create a Trigger on Position when user enters a new record or updates an
existing record and if Min Pay greater than Max Pay, it should throw an error stating ‘Min
Pay Cannot be greater than Max Pay’
before Insert, before Update Events
Is insert and isUpdate- context variables
Scenario 8: Try to implement 6 and 7 in one Trigger both before Insert and before Update
Scenario 9: Create a Trigger to Avoid Using Candidate Name as ‘M’. It should throw an
error if Candidate Name starts with ‘M’
Scenario 10
Create a Triger where it should validate or compare or match the new Candidate
email id with an existing email ids list in Candidate object. If any email id matches it should
throw an error stating the ‘Email ID already exists in the database’
Scenario 11: Whenever a Case is created with Origin as email then set status as Working
and Priority as Normal
Scenario 15; Throw an error whenever a user tries to delete a Contact which is not
associated to any account..
Scenario 16: Whenever a new account is created with Annual Revenue more than 50000$
then add Narendra Modi as Contact Name. (HM)
After Insert..
Scenario 17: After insert trigger salesforce
Let us see an example of a trigger on contact which will create Account record
whenever contact is created without an account.
Apex Handler
It is always a best practice to write a single trigger on object and process all
operations in Apex Class(we call it as Apex Handler).
Don’t write heavy logic in Trigger.. instead of writing the logic in the Trigger
you handle that logic in Apex Handler or Apex Class so that you can specify the order of
event based on the context variables…
Call that class on a Trigger
Scenario 18:
When an Account is created it should create a contact under that account with
Account Name
Recursive Trigger
Recursive Trigger
When you want to write a trigger that creates a new record as part of its processing logic.
However, that record may then cause another trigger to fire, which in turn causes another
to fire, and so on. You don't know how to stop that recursion.
Recursion occurs when same code is executed again and again. It can lead to infinite loop
and which can result to governor limit sometime. Sometime it can also result in
unexpected output or the error “maximum trigger depth exceeded”. So, we should
write code in such a way that it does not result to recursion.
For example, we may come across a situation where in a trigger we update a field which in
result invoke a workflow. Workflow contains one field update on same object. So trigger will
be executed two times. It can lead us to unexpected output.
Using a static variable in an Apex class to avoid an infinite loop. A static variable is
local to the context of a web request (or test method during a call to runTest()), so all
triggers that fire as a result of a user's action which has access to it.
Order of Exaction
How does salesforce follow or implement the Order of Execution…..
Apex Testing
Testing Concepts?
Why do we require Testing?
Unit Testing
Regression Testing
Functionality Testing
Load Testing
Code coverage is a measure that describes the degree to which the source
code of a program has been tested. It is usually measured in percentages.
Code coverage is also called test coverage or just coverage.
Code coverage is a part of feedback loop in the development process. As tests
are developed, code coverage highlights aspects of the code which may not
be adequately tested and which require additional testing. This loop will
continue until coverage meets some specified target.
Source Code
Apex Testing
• Validate Desired Behavior
• Reduce the bug Cost
• Perform Bulk tests
• 75% Code coverage for Production deployment
• Apex Trigger
• Apex Class – Handler/Helper, WebService, Apex REST, SOAP
• VF Page
• Apex Batch/Queueable/Future Method
• Custom Controller
The following are the benefits of Apex unit tests.
1. Ensuring that your Apex classes and triggers work as expected
2. Having a suite of regression tests that can be rerun every time classes and triggers
are updated to ensure that future updates you make to your app don’t break existing
3. Meeting the code coverage requirements for deploying Apex to production or
distributing Apex to customers via packages
4. High-quality apps delivered to the production org, which makes production users
more productive
5. High-quality apps delivered to package subscribers, which increase your customers
Apex Class
Apex Trigger
1. Methods of your test class have to be static, void and testMethod keyword has to
be used.
Error Guessing
0000 valid
1111 valid
9999 valid
11WW Not valid
public class Calculations
public static String Name='MSK'; // not null
public static integer printSum(integer x, integer y)
return x+y;
public static integer printMul(integer x, integer y)
return x*y;
public static testmethod void testprintMul()
integer x=20;
integer y=40;
integer expected=800;
Calculations c2=new Calculations();
integer actual=c2.printMul(x, y);
System.assertEquals(expected, actual);
You add an Apex class that contains a method for updating the book price. This
method is called by the trigger that you will be adding in the next step.
You now have a class that contains some code that iterates over a list of books and
updates the Price field for each book. This code is part of the applyDiscount static
method called by the trigger that you will create in the next step.
Apex Class:
you create a trigger for the Book__c custom object that calls
the applyDiscount method of the Book Class class that you created in the
previous step.
// Trigger Handler
trigger BooksTriger on Book__c (before insert) {
Book__c [] books1=Trigger.New;
You now have all the code that is needed to update the price of all books that get
inserted. However, there is still one piece of the puzzle missing. Unit tests are an
important part of writing code and are required. In the next step, you will see why
this is so and you will be able to add a test class.
You add a test class with one test method. You also run the test and verify code
coverage. The test method exercises and validates the code in the trigger and class.
Also, it enables you to reach 100% code coverage for the trigger and class.
Test Class
private class HelloWorldTestClass {
static testMethod void validateHelloWorld() {
Book__c b = new Book__c(Name='Behind the Cloud', Price__c=100);
System.debug('Price before inserting new book: ' + b.Price__c);
// Insert book
insert b;
Concept - Synchronous vs Asynchronous operations
Apex annotations & interfaces (@future, Batchable, Schedulable)
(Queuable, @InvocableMethod)
Deployment using Change sets
It is used to run large jobs (think thousands or millions of records!) that would
exceed normal processing limits. Each time you invoke a batch class, the job is
placed on the Apex job queue and is executed as a discrete transaction.
For example, if you want to make a field update of all records in any object which is
having more number of records, then governor limits restricts us to process that
operation. Because in a single transaction we can only process 10,000 records.
In batch apex, it will fetch all records which you want to perform the field update and
divide them into a list of 200 records & every 200 records operation is performed
When we are hitting the Governing Limits --------- > we use batch Apex.
Scenario : Fetch Position Records and update the Position Name with ‘Cognizant’
Batch Apex
Queueable Apex
Queueable Interface
We can add upto 50 Jobs to the Queue with System.enqueuejob in a Single transaction
Schedulable Apex:
To invoke the Apex batch classes to run at specific times, first we need to implement
the Schedulable interface for the Apex class,
then specify the schedule using either the standard Salesforce Schedule Apex
page in the user interface,
or we can use the System.schedule method.
The Schedulable interface that contains one method that must be implemented
always, i.e execute.
CRON Expression
An expression is written in the form of 'Seconds, minutes, hours, day of the
month, month day of the week, optional year.'
'Seconds' : 0-60
'Min' : 0-60
'Hours' : 0-24
'Day-Months' : 1-31
'Month' : 1-12
'Day-Week' : 1-7
'Optional Year' : --
String str = '0 0 10 * 3 2';
'Seconds' : 0-60
'Min' : 0-60
'Hours' : 0-24
'Day-Months' : 1-31
'Month' : 1-12
'Day-Week' : 1-7
'Optional Year' : --
? : Special character specifies no specific value. This is only available for the day of
the month and day of the week.
Write the expression to schedule an operation 10th of August at 12:30 PM.
'0 30 12 10 8 ?'
'0 30 12 10 AUG ?'
'0 30 12 10 AUG ? 2013'
Write an expression to schedule an operation on Jan Monday 12:30.
'0 30 12 ? 1 MON'
'0 30 12 ? 1 2'
Will you get access to the production environment for developing the Application?
Application is already on live … go live
Similar copy of Application is also available with the Dev team- in Sandbox…
Deployments on Weekends.
You need to know what are the different types Sandboxes available in Salesforce..
Four Sandboxes
Developer Pro
Partial Copy
Full Sanbox
Deploy / Production
Your live Salesforce instance, or your production org, is a critical tool for your
business and your customers. Without governance and management, it's easy to
lose or duplicate data, create errors, or cause large, overarching issues for your
users. As a way to help your team prevent these types of issues from popping up
around your production org, Salesforce created their own version of the Application
Lifecycle Management (ALM) framework.
Many organizations find themselves making updates to their software on an almost
daily basis. Implementing an ALM framework helps your team maintain organization
and outline how you oversee updates and track changes as they move from the
planning stage to retirement.
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) on the other hand, is the way a Salesforce
owner or admin rolls out changes and enhancements to their Salesforce instance
(otherwise known as an org). Having a solid ALM process ensures the org continues
to work properly and delivers the most value to end-users.
Application Lifecycle Management is a combination of software engineering and
integrated requirements management. ... Efficient progression of application through
development, testing, and production.
1) Change Sets
2) Eclipse with Force.com IDE (Deprecated)
3) Force.com Migration Tool – ANT/Java based
4) VSCode
Salesforce CLI software as to be installed local machine
Install VSCode
Install Salesforce Extension Pack in VSCode
5) Salesforce Code Builder
Scenario 58:
How to Create an App in Sandbox and how to deploy this App in Production?
Setup a communication process between Production Env and with Sand Box
Production ---→ Sandbox
An outbound change set contains customizations that you want to send from this organization to
another organization. These customizations can include new components or modifications to
existing components, such as apps, objects, reports, or Apex classes and triggers. An outbound
change set can't be used to delete or rename components in another organization.
Apex Development
Apex Classes
Apex Triggers
Asynchronous Classes
Recommended in Sandbox rater writing directly Prod Environment
• Apex Trigger
• Apex Class – Handler/Helper, WebService, Apex REST, SOAP
• VF Page
• Apex Batch/Queueable/Future Method
• Custom Controllers
Aura …
RestAPI – Webservice
WebService? –
The @ReadOnly annotation allows you to perform unrestricted queries against the
Force.com database. All other limits still apply. It’s important to note that this
annotation, while removing the limit of the number of returned rows for a request,
blocks you from performing the following operations within the request: DML
operations, calls to System.schedule, calls to methods annotated with @future, and
sending emails.
The RemoteAction annotation provides support for Apex methods used in
Visualforce to be called via JavaScript. This process is often referred to as
JavaScript remoting.
Use the TestVisible annotation to allow test methods to access private or protected
members of another class outside the test class. These members include methods,
member variables, and inner classes. This annotation enables a more permissive
access level for running tests only.
› It uses JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side.
› In other words,
“Lightning Components is a framework for developing web apps.”
“Web apps for mobile and desktop devices.”
What is aura framework?
› Aura is a UI framework for developing dynamic web apps for mobile and desktop
devices. Aura provides a scalable long-lived lifecycle to support building apps
engineered for growth.
› Aura supports partitioned multi-tier component development that bridges the client
and server. It uses JavaScript on the client side and Java / Apex on the server side.
› The framework intelligently utilizes your server, browser, devices, and network so
you can focus on the logic and interactions of your apps
HTML 5.0
Modern Java Script
https:// NalandatechUniversity.com
Extension .cmp
<aura: component>
App Code:
<aura:application >
Scenario 2: Create an another Component called Heading.cmp and call that component
into the CognizantApp.
<aura:component >
This is my Second Component Created !!! <br/><br/>
My Intern's batch students are from Loverly Proffesional University <br/>
Welcome Team !!
Scenario 3: Add css to the Component 2 and execute on the Cognizant App
Before we can really build components that do something, we need to learn about
attributes, types, values, and expressions.
Component Attributes
we need to learn two things. First, we need to learn how to enable a component to
accept input when it’s created. That is, we need to set values on the component. We
do this using attributes.
The second thing we need to learn is how to actually use these values to change a
component’s behavior and output.
Scenario 4: Write an attribute component and display on App using view port to access the
component message attributes values..
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="Message"
default="Hello Team"/><br/>
Scenario 6:
Create a Lightning Component called CalculatorComp , define 2 attributes
and perform arithmetic operations
Create a Lightning Application called CalculatorCompApp and refer
CalculatorComp by setting.
<aura:component ><br/><br/>
<aura:attribute name="Number1"
<aura:attribute name="Number2"
default="60"/> <!-- if you don't pass the values in the Name attributes
the defalt value will be
considered for calculation-->
<div class="myStyle">
Addition : {!v.Number1 + v.Number2}<br/><br/>
Substartcion: {!v.Number1 - v.Number2}<br/><br/>
Multiplication: {!v.Number1 * v.Number2}<br/><br/>
Division: {!v.Number1 / v.Number2}<br/><br/>
Modulous: {!v.Number1 % v.Number2}<br/><br/>
<aura:application >
<c:CalculatorAuraComp Number1="100" Number2="88"/>
Scenario 7: Add CSS style selector to the above program and execute on an App
border:5px RED SOLID;
Static Resource
1. Next to the File text box, click Browse to navigate to a local copy of the resource
that you want to upload.
– A single static resource can be up to 5 MB in size, and an organization can
have up to 250 MB of static resources, total.
2. Set the Cache Control:
– Private specifies that the static resource data cached on the Salesforce
server shouldn’t be shared with other users. The static resource is only stored
in cache for the current user’s session.
– Public specifies that the static resource data cached on the Salesforce server
be shared with other users in your organization for faster load times.
3. Click Save.
Scenario 8:
Add a Calc Image by using a Static Resource concept and add it to the Calculator
Component and execute it on Lightning Page App
<aura:if >
Actions - Addition
Event- onClick
ActionHandle – Need to handle the Events – onclick
<aura:component >
<aura:attribute name="Number1"
<aura:attribute name="Number2"
<aura:attribute name="Result"
<div class="myStyle">
<img src="{!$Resource.MyNalandaCal}" width="200" height="100" alt="Nalanda
addition : function(component, event, helper)
var number1=component.get("v.Number1") ;
var number2=component.get("v.Number2");
var result=parseInt(number1)+parseInt(number2);
alert("Addition " +result);
border:5px RED SOLID;
<aura:application >
<aura:component controller="OpportunityServerSideController"
access="global" >
<aura:attribute Name="opplistAttr"
<ui:button label="Get Opportunities" press="{!c.getOpps}"/>
<!--Iterates over a collection of items/records and renders the body of the tag for
each item -->
<aura:iteration var="opt" items="{!v.opplistAttr}">
<br/> {!opt.Name} <br/>
<br/> {!opt.Amount} <br/>
getOpps:function(component) {
var oppt=component.get("c.getOpportunities");
var state=response.getState();
///3 Please process that response ...
component.set("v.opplistAttr", response.getReturnValue());
<aura:application >
.house - > block which represents the component
Utility Classes
For example, margin and padding are indicated with the formula
.slds-m-top_medium (margin, top, medium).
• Events are mode of interaction between the user and the web page
• JavaScript is used to react to the events
• Example of an event can be:
o An HTML Page is loaded
o A field value is changed
o An HTML button is clicked
• Specific HTML elements have event handler attributes for supported events
• When the event is triggered corresponding script is executed
What is an Event ? Generally an event is a thing that happens or takes place. When
we talk about events in JavaScript, they are simply a thing that happen to HTML
element. There can be various types of events when we talk about HTML.
For example:-
1. Web page loaded is an event
2. Clicking of a button is an event
3. Changing text in an input field is also an event.
So, we can say that any kind of interaction that happen in a webpage either
automatically or by human interaction is an event.
Event – Button Click – Action – Registered – Event has to be handled - > Event
Handler will handle it- > Where it is handled in JS (Java Script)
What is an Event ? Generally, an event is a thing that happens or takes place. When
we talk about events in JavaScript, they are simply a thing that happen to HTML
element. There can be various types of events when we talk about HTML.
For example:-
1. Web page loaded is an event
2. Clicking of a button is an event
3. Changing text in an input field is also an event.
So, we can say that any kind of interaction that happen in a webpage either
automatically or by human interaction is an event.
Event-driven programming is used in many languages and frameworks, such as
JavaScript and Java Swing. The idea is that you write handlers that respond to
interface events as they occur. Salesforce Lightning is a component based
framework for the application development. Component is the core part of the
lightning framework. The communication between components are handled by
There are two types for events:
1. Component Event
2. Application Event
When we have two components (or multiple) in the hierarchy and when we need to
send information from child to parent then we will be using Component Events.
When we have two components (or multiple) in the hierarchy and when we need to
send information from child to parent then we will be using Component Events.
Application Events
When we have multiple components which are not in the hierarchy and if were to
send info from one component to a different component altogether (which is not
within the hierarchy) then we will be using Application Events.
It's always suggested to use Component Events first before we use Application
Events because when we have multiple Application Events we need to extremely
careful, as something is misconfigured then the event listeners in the other
Components also(which is not required) also gets trigged.
1) Create an Event
2) Register that Event
3) Fire an Event Component - child
4) Handle that Event Parent Component which is present in the hierarchy.
Or by the Same Component.
Component Event
Step 2: Register the event in the sender component (child) and fire the
event using the below code
When you have two independent events (meaning without parent child
relationship) and you want to pass values between them, then “Application
Events” are the way to achieve it. Imagine you have two independent
components, say A which takes User Name as the input from the user and
passes the value to another component, say B, which will receive the value for
doing some logic. Here are the steps:
AppExchange Overview, Release Updates, Recap & Reinforced Learning
Revise all the contents
Admin 201 Certification / Platform App Builder Certification
Platform Developer 1- Certification Exam Preparation
Add few more Trailhead Modules
Super Badges-
Android- PlayStore
iPhone – App Store
Built in Apps
Built in Components
Market Place
Paid Apps
Categories / Industries
Financial Group
Capital Markets
Automobile - Industry
It’s simple, actually. AppExchange is the leading enterprise cloud marketplace. Find proven apps
and experts to help you solve business challenges fast and extend your Salesforce Customer 360
from anywhere — across every industry, department, and product. With more than 117,000
customer reviews and 9 million installs, you know you can confidently choose the right solution for
your business needs.
PHASE-2 Training
55 to 100 Trailhead badge ranges will focus on 1x Ranger -
Workshops - At least Daily-2
Super Badge (Trailhead, locate them and complete)
▪ Business Administration Specialist
▪ Process Automation Specialist
Recruitment Application (Trailhead Project, locate the below in order and
▪ Build a Data Model for a Recruiting App
▪ Customize the User Interface for a Recruiting App
▪ Improve Data Quality for a Recruiting App
▪ Keep Data Secure in a Recruiting App
Created Groups
****** Each Group has to implement atleast 5 different scenario’s or complex
business requirements on Recruitment Application as a team…..
Preferred - Apex or Aura or LWC
Second Preferred Declarative Concepts
Micro Project :: Auto Response Templates, Lead Auto Response Rule, W2L, Lead Assignment
Rule, Queue
MICRO PROJECT :: To decide whether to allow Sales Agents to Upsell
Micro Project - Flows - Auto Launched Flow (Record Triggered Flow) + Logging
Fault Messages
MICRO PROJECT Simple Approval Process + Auto Submit For Approval via a
Process Builder
Email Id- @ - a X
Concepts: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/
62 Flows Module Quick Look flow-concepts-quick-look
63 Flows Module Flow Builder flow-builder
64 Flows Module Flow Basics flow-basics
Screen Flow https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/
65 Flows Module Distribution screen_flow_distribution
Build a
Discount https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/projects/f
66 Flows Project Calculator low_calculate
Dim X
Browsers use their own JavaScript Engines to execute the JavaScript code. Some
commonly used browsers are listed below:
• Chrome uses a V8 engine.
• Firefox uses the SpiderMonkey engine.
• Microsoft Edge uses the ChakraCore engine.
• Safari uses the SquirrelFish engine.
JavaScript Array is also like a data type that is used to store one or more than one value
of a similar type together. It's like a container which is used to store values in a single
variable. We can use an array to store values of string type, or integer type, or an object or
any other valid data type in JavaScript.
JavaScript does not have a specific array datatype for defining arrays. But, there is a
predefined Array object and its methods to work with arrays. Arrays also have properties in
JavaScript like length which is not a function but a property.
We can create JavaScript array either by using the new keyword or using the array literal
notation i.e. [](square brackets).
Rest of the Javascript (BOM, DOM)
Introduction LWC
Bundle, Data Binding, CSS, Rendering, Loops, Iteration
JS Properties, Component Lifecycle and Composition
Events - Component Communication
Accessing Salesforce Data, Navigation Service
Custom Settings & Metadata Types
• What is the DOM?
DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a programming interface that allows us to
create, change, or remove elements from the document. We can also add events to these
elements to make our page more dynamic.
• Document Object Model or DOM is an interface to access HTML elements
• It is platform and language neutral
• DOM allows the control of the following:
• HTML Elements or tags
• Attributes of an element
• Form Methods and Events
• JavaScript uses the DOM objects to retrieve and manipulate HTML tags
<BODY bgcolor=>
<font size=
<a href=
Form Elements
The HTML <form> element can contain one or more of the following form elements:
• <input>
• <label>
• <select>
• <textarea>
• <button>
• <fieldset>
• <legend>
• <datalist>
• <output>
• <option>
• <optgroup>
Why are we moving from VF to Aura to LWC? Why Lightning or LWC?
1) At the beginning of the Salesforce Development times, before Aura Framework,
developers used Visual Force, which is an HTML Tag-based mark-up language
to develop their Visual Force web pages and Apex to control the internal logic.
But this HTML based Visual Force standards were not compatible to build large
scale enterprise solutions and complex applications. So, developers needed
something that could support the ongoing huge demand for web-based
applications with complicated business logic.
4) In the modern electronic age, businesses are moving towards using different
devices, such as Laptop, Smart Phones, and Tablets for their business
processes. One of the major challenges these businesses have been facing is
handling device compatibility.
6) Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools
for developers. Lightning makes it easier to build responsive applications for any
7) As of Spring ’19 (API version 45.0), you can build Lightning components using
two programming models: The Lightning Web Components model, and the
original Aura Components model. Lightning web components are custom
HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript. Lightning web
components and Aura components can coexist and interoperate on a page.
8) Using Lightning Components, Lightning App Builder and Experience Builder you
can seamlessly customize and easily deploy new apps to mobile devices
running Salesforce. In fact, the Salesforce mobile app and Salesforce Lightning
Experience are built with Lightning components.
10) It’s a modern framework for building single-page applications with dynamic,
responsive user interfaces for Force.com apps.
11) It uses JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side.
In other words,
12) “Lightning Components is a framework for developing web apps.”
15) The framework intelligently utilizes your server, browser, devices, and network
so you can focus on the logic and interactions of your apps
In LWC- you can use Aura and Aura you can use LWC both are interoperability….
Lightning Web Components and Aura Components Working Together
An interoperability layer enables Lightning web components and Aura components to work
together in an app.
, Lightning Web Components utilize standard tech like CSS, HTML, and updated
JavaScript without requiring a set framework, incorporating the latest innovations in
JavaScript, including Shadow Document Object Model(DOM), custom elements, and web
components (ECMAScript 7 is specifically the updated JavaScript language used).
<Aura: Component>
<Aura:Attribute name=”message”
Type = “number”
Default= “89”>
view port or value provider
{!v.Number + v.Number2}
<div class=”Head”>
<Lightning-card name=”Enter your Name”/>
@track message=”Hai Welcome”
<font size=10 color=’red’/>
Standard HTML
Custom HTML Elements
Basic Java Script and Modern JavaScript
Shadow DOM
Aura Components - Trailhead link –
Migrate VFPages, Aura Components to LWC
Install VSCode
Salesforce CLI software
Created a Folder
Salesforce Extension Packs are installed in VS Code
Select SFDX: Create Project.
Select SFDX: Authorize an Org (Salesforce Org)
Scenario 1: Create a LWC and display a simple message “Welcome to the World of
Lightning Web Components” and display this LWC on Lightning Home Page
Add css to <p> and <input> element
JavaScript files in Lightning web components are ES6 modules. By default, everything
declared in a module is local—it’s scoped to the module.
Contains the Metadata values for the component. How to deploy a component on
Salesforce Org.
Scenario 2: Create LWC with various Buttons and also write a handler while you click on
each button to display a message
Scenario 3 : To the above Scenario 2 LWC add various Button Types
Destructive Text
Scenario 4: Create a LWC combo box and it should enable you to select only one option.
Use onChange event handler to capture what’s selected
<h1 class="comb">Created a New Combo box called Movie></h1>
label="Select a Movie"
placeholder="Select Combobox"
background-color: greenyellow;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 80%;
font-weight: bold;
Scenario 5 : Create a LWC with two input boxes..
Scenario 6: Create a LWC and display an Enfield Bike on Home Page
<h1>Royal Enfield Bike</h1>
<div class="bike">
<div>Name : {name} </div>
<div>Description : {description} </div>
<div>Category : {category}</div>
<div> Model No : {modelNo} </div>
<div> Price : {price}</div>
<div> <img src={bikePicture}/></div>
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;
background-color: aqua;
Data Binding
{!v.name} hook to access the value of an attribute
v is called as view port
How many ways you do DataBinding?
1) {name} accessing the attribute value from JS by using {} curly braces
2) @track decorator
Scenario 7: Create a LWC to use private properties @track for data binding and reflecting
on the screen. In this scenario I am also creating lightning-card
<lightning-card title="Data Binding Type 2">
<div class="slds-p-around_medium">
<p style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:crimson;">Hello Team !!
My Name is {name}</p>
<p>This is the second type of Data Binding</p>
<lightning-input name="Your Name" label="Enter your Name"
value={name} onchange={handleChange}></lightning-input>
Scenario 8: Create a LWC which will display name and company of an employee by
using Java Script getter property
******When do we se get()?
Whenever we want to dynamically calculate the value of property used in HTML
templates.. then we use get()… **********
<lightning-card title="Data Binding Type 3 with get property of JS">
<p style="font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;color:crimson;">Hello Team !! My
Name is {name}</p>
<p>This is the third type of Data Binding</p><br/>
<div class="name">
Your Name and Company that you work for: {blogName}
Scenario 9 : Create a LWC where user enters first name and last name. A Javascript
computes a new value and called “UpperCaseFullName should display and the template
should renders it as ASHWIN KUMAR(get Method())
<lightning-input> firstName
<lightning-input> Last Name
Event Name is onChange {handlerchange}
<p class="upper">
UpperCased Full Name is :{upperCasedFullName}
const field=event.target.name;
else if (field==='lastName')
font-size: 10px;
color: hotpink;
font-weight: bold;
Loading a Page
Refreshing the Page
Will allow the component to update themselves this will reload some of fields or sections of
an HTML page after the operation is performed…
PageReference P=new PageReference();
101 - Ashwin
102 - Srija
List must have a Key..
Scenario 10:
Create LWC where you can display the list of the contact list with ID, Name and Title Fields
with for:each directive, use for:item="currentItem"
Above Example iterates over an array called contacts, which are defined in the component
Javascript class.
<lightning-card title="Hello For:Eac" icon-name="custom:cutom20">
<ul class="sldes-var-m-around_medium">
<template for:each={contacts} for:item="contact"> <!-- each lineitem-->
<li key={contact.id}> <!-- with Key:unique id record-->
{contact.id}, {contact.Name}, {contact.Title}
Scenario 10:
Add or Apply CSS to Scenario 09 Component..
<lightning-card title="Hello For:Each Displaying Contact Details"
icon-name="custom:custom20" class="myfont">
<b class="myTitle">For:Each List of Records</b>
<ul class="slds-var-m-around_medium">
<template for:each={contacts} for:item="contact"> <!-- each lineitem-->
<li key={contact.id} class="mypad"> <!-- with Key:unique id record-->
{contact.id}, {contact.Name}, {contact.Title}
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: lighter;
font-size: 14px;
color: brown;
background-color:rgb(0, 255, 30);
margin-top: 3px;
border-radius: 02cm;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
color: blue;
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
Scenario 11: Create LWC where you can display the list of the Movies list with Movie Name,
Movie Hero, and Villan Fields with for:each directive, use for:item="currentItem" …. Add
appropriate CSS wherever it is required
renderList.HTML (Workshop)
Scenario 12 : Create LWC where you can display the list of the contact list with ID, Name
and Title Fields with iterator directive and also use first and last properties of The iterator
directive in that list… with if:true directive
<lightning-card title="Iterator Directive Displaying Contact Details"
<p>Iterator Directive if:true Directive</p>
<ul class="slds-var-m-around_medium">
<template iterator:it={contacts}>
<li key={it.value.id}>
<div if:true={it.first} class="list-first"></div>
<div if:true={it.last} class="list-last"></div>
border-top: 1px solid black;
padding-top: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(7, 228, 11);
padding-bottom: 5px;
If I want to render a dom element eg: (Check box) (true or false) I need to use
To render HTML conditionally, add the if:true|false directive to a nested <template> tag that
encloses the conditional content.
TIP Directives are special HTML attributes. The Lightning Web Components programming model
has a few custom directives that let you manipulate the DOM using markup.
The if:true|false={property} directive binds data to the template and removes and inserts DOM
elements based on whether the data is a truthy or falsy value.
Let’s look at some code.
The template contains a checkbox labeled Show details. When a user selects or deselects the
checkbox, the handleChange function sets the value of the areDetailsVisible property. If the
areDetailsVisible property is true,
the if:true directive renders the nested template, which displays “These are the details!.”
Scenario 13:
Render DOM Elements Conditionally
Create a LWC component with a checkbox, if the user selects or deselects the checkbox
the handle change function sets the value of the Property either true or false
<lightning-card title="Conditional Rendering" icon-name="custom:custom20">
<lightning-input type="checkbox" label="Show Details"
<template if:true={areDetailsVisible}>
<div class="detail">
These are the details after selecting!!
<lightning-card title="Conditional Rendering" icon-name="custom:custom20">
<lightning-input type="checkbox" label="Show Details"
<template if:true={areDetailsVisible}>
<div class="detail">
These are the details after selecting!!
font-weight: bold;
color: blueviolet;
Properties in LWC
The Lightning Web Components programming model has three decorators that add
functionality to a property or function.
The ability to create decorators is part of ECMAScript, but these three decorators are
unique to Lightning Web Components.
HTML template
JS file
Contacts=[ ‘amit,’ashwin’]
Name=’shiva kumar
Properties are divided into two types
1) Reactive Properties
Public Property
Public Property: If you want to make the property to be called from other
component, you need to declare this property with @api decorator in the calling
component. Along with this, if the value changes on this property, component will be
re-rendered automatically. That’s why, it’s reactive.
Class - fields
Object – fields
@api contacts
@api name
@apt city
These properties are publicly available for other componetnts these are Reactive
Scenario 13:
Implement @api decorator which is a Reactive Property
<lightning-card title="Cognizant Salesforce Team using @api decorator">
<p>Hello Team !! {SalesforceDecorator}!!</p>
<!--SalesforceDecorator is a attribute in HTML template and will get
the value from JS @apiSalesforceDecorator decorator-->
JS - property
Tracked Property
Boolean Property
Track Property: If you want to track the property’s value, you need to declare this
property with @track decorator. Along with this, if the value changes on this
property, component will be re-rendered automatically. That’s why, it’s reactive.
Track property is also called private reactive property. Because, caller component or
component A can not call with @track decorator property to the calling component or
component B.
2) Private Properties
<lightning-card title="Displaying Account Details with @track Decorator" icon-
<div class="account">
<!-- the above attributes in the currly braces are bound to the properties of
the same
name in the corresponding Javascript file or class-->
Scenario 15- Create an Employee form where user input the values and display
those values on the component and use @track property.
Employee Name
And these values should display on change event handler…
<lightning-card title="Employee Details with @track">
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<p>Employee Name : {employeename}</p>
<p>Employee Age : {employeeage}</p>
<p>Employee Designation : {designation}</p>
<p>Employee Salary : {salary}</p>
// Now we need to define the handlers which we have declared in HTML template
Scenario 16- Create a Books details LWC where user will input the values and
display those values on the component and use @track property
Book Name
Book Author
Book Type (Combo box) (Fiction, Detective, Drama, Thriller)
And these values should display on the component with on change event Handler
Boolean Property: By default, Boolean Property has the value of false. If you call
the component with just Boolean Property name, the Boolean value would be true
and component will also be re-rendered due to @api decorator. That’s why, it’s
Private Property
Private Property can be used only by the JS class in JS file. If the value changes on
private property, the component doesn’t re-render. So, it’s not reactive. You should
not put any decorator (@api, @track) for declaration of private property.
To read salesforce data, the lwc uses a reactive property called as
wire service…@wire. this service provisions data, the component rerenders…
Components use @wire in their Javascript file or class to specify a wire adaptor or
an Apex method
Salesforce Data it is in Server…
Serverside scripting -
@wire decorator is implemented in three ways
We can call the apex class in Lightning web component using these different ways:
• Wire a property
• Wire a function
• Call a method imperatively
*************Lightning web components can import methods from Apex classes into
the JavaScript classes. Once after importing the apex class method you can able
call the apex methods as functions into the component by calling either via the wire
service or imperatively. The Apex Method should be marked with @AuraEnabled.
Before you use an Apex method, make sure that there isn’t an easier way to get the
data. ******************************
Scenario 16- Create a LWC where you can display the list of Account records.
Use @wire property or function and invoke the Apex method from JS file and
ensure the Apex method is annotated with @AuraEnabled and import apexmethod
@salesofrce/apex/namespace.classname.apexmethod file..
Apex Class
<lightning-card title="Display Account List with @wire a method" icon-
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={accounts.data}></template>
<template for:each={accounts.data} for:item="acc">
<p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Name},{acc.Phone},{acc.Type}</p>
<template if:true={accounts.error}>{accounts.error}</template>
Scenario 16- Create a LWC where you can display the list of contact records.
Use @wire property or function and invoke the Apex method from JS file and
ensure the Apex method is annotated with @AuraEnabled and import apexmethod
@salesofrce/apex/namespace.classname.apexmethod file..
Composition of Components
Composition : Let's consider an example of Car, we all know Car is a product which
consists of a car wheel, car body, car glasses etc. Now they all are manufactured or
created in a different company.
Similarly, In our lightning application, we create such small-small reusable components
separately and install them (compose them) inside another component. this concept is
called as component composition.
Now, the obvious question is why to use other components inside the main component ?
So there are many advantages to this Like:
- No need to re-write the code again.
- Easy to call other components.
- Reduce code size.
Now let's understand how we can create a composition in the lightning web component.
Basic Idea is we create the main component (parent component) and call other reusable
child components inside main component.
<childComponent> <wireAccount>
<lightning-card title=”Composition”></lighting-card>
Scenario 16- Create a child component and compose this child component into
Parent component
Child Component
<!--Child Component-->
font-size: 20px;
color: blue;
Parent Component
<!-- Parent Component-->
<p class="parent"> See !! I am Parent Component</p>
Parent Component Example:
New Year is :{TrackedProperty} : {year}
<!-- Calling the Child Component-->
font-size: 40px;
color: blueviolet;
Scenario 17-
<p>Child Component</p>
<p class="child"> We will listen and Follow India they are our neighbouring
<div class="pakistan">
<img src="https://www.worldometers.info/img/flags/pk-flag.gif"/>
<div class="Srilanka">
<img src="https://www.worldometers.info/img/flags/ce-flag.gif"/>
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 40px;
color: darkmagenta;
max-width: 50%;
height: auto;
max-width: 50%;
height: auto;
<p class="child"> LWC Component Composition I am Parent Component</p>
<p class="india"> India will lead neighbouring countries and support them</p>
<div class="indian">
<img src="https://www.worldometers.info/img/flags/in-flag.gif"/>
font-size: 40px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: blue;
font-size: 40px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color:rgb(247, 247, 11);
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
Custom Settings
Custom settings are similar to custom objects. The concept of custom setting in Salesforce
is similar to that of custom objects. Just like a developer or operator could create custom
objects if the existing Salesforce objects are not enough for the requirements of the
business, custom settings can be created to facilitate application developers in building
custom data sets associate all necessary custom data according to customized and
specific requirements of a profile, a user, an account or the organization as a whole.
However, custom settings have relatively fewer types of fields, which include:
1. Checkbox
2. Date/time
3. Number
4. Percent
5. Text
6. Text area
7. Phone
8. Currency
9. URL
Use custom settings to create and manage custom data at the organization, profile, and user levels. Custom
settings data is stored in the application cache. This means you can access it efficiently, without the cost of
repeated queries. Custom settings data can be used by formula fields, Visualforce, Apex, and the Web Services
Custom Metadata
1) Update your Trailhead, Super batches data in the share point excel sheet
2) We will cover below topics in LWC
1)Component Life Cycle
2)Event – Component Communication
Parent to Child communication
Child to Parent communication
3) Salesforce Lighting Data Service
Lightning Record form
Lightning Record View form
Lightning Record Edit Form
Introduce about WebServices
Component Communication
Component Composition – yesterday we have seen
We have called some of the child components into Parent Component
Scenario 17 -
How we can pass the value from our parent component to the child component by
using reactive property i.e. @API (which is a public property)
<lightning-card title="Child Component Data" icon-name="standard.contact">
<!-- we will pass the value for myname property from Parent Component-->
<c-cog-Child-Component myname = {parentValue}></c-cog-Child-Component>
<!--Assigning a new property called parentValue-->
<!-- first name which is there in child component is getting overrited by
parent component attribute (parentValue)-->
Scenario 18 - How we can pass the value from our parent component to the child
component by Event communication…I want to pass the value by clicking some
button… event will get registered…
By Event communication I want to pass the values from Parent child when the user
clicks on a button
<c-cog-Child-Component myname = {parentValue}></c-cog-Child-Component>
<!--Assigning a new property called parentValue-->
<!-- first name which is there in child component is getting overrited by
parent component attribute (parentValue)-->
<lightning-button label="Change Value" onclick={changehandler}></lightning-
this.parentValue='Third Value passing by Event Click';
***** Implement pass or communicate from child to parent you can do it by creating
Custom Events (User defined Events)..
But this time because of LWC's modern framework there is no more struggle for that, In
LWC we just have to use CustomEvent() constructor in child component and then handle it
in the parent component.
Event Dispatcher which is responsible for carrying data from child to parent.
Scenario 19 Child to Parent Communication with Custom Events
Step-1 Create a Child Event Component I will create one button with an handler
Step-2 In child event component S I will create test variable assign some value.
(Refer childEventComponent.js
//passing a paramter called event in handlecheck(event)
//defined a const called storeEvent variable to store the event that we
//created and a new instance of CustomEvent with event paramer myevent..
// we are passing this.test which is property contains the value ' Value
received from child'
const storeEvent=new CustomEvent('myevent', {detail:this.test});
<h1 style='font-size:1.5em;margin-left:45%;' class="slds-text-title">
This is a Parent Component Screen;
<span style="font-size:2em;margin-left:30%;">
This is the response from the child
<span style="color:blue;">
<c-cog-Custom-Event-Child onmyevent={handleresponse}>
// handled the event in handleresponse method where every time
// when user will click on child component button the resonse will
// be captured by child component
console.log('Event ==>' +JSON.stringify(event));
LDS it is a Service for developer who can built LWC componers on LDS
LDS is a framework. specifically designed for Salesforce data
Below are 3 base Lightning components built on Lightning Data Service (LDS)
Use the lightning-record-form component to quickly create forms to add, view, or update a
Using this component to create record forms is easier than building forms manually with
lightning-record-edit-form or lightning-record-view-form.
Use the lightning-record-view-form component to create a form that displays Salesforce
record data for specified fields associated with that record. The fields are rendered with
their labels and current values as read-only.
Use the lightning-record-edit-form component to create a form that’s used to add a
Salesforce record or update fields in an existing record on an object. The component
displays fields with their labels and the current values, and enables you to edit their
Scenario 20: Display or view or Load a Record from an Account object onto a LWC
Scenario 21: Use Lightning Record Form component to edit a specific record from an
Account Object.