Mi 180114
Mi 180114
Mi 180114
Abstract. Stage stacking methods commonly use a one-dimensional (1D) through flow analysis at the mean line
to design individual axial compressor stages and stack these to form a multistage axial compressor. This phase of
design exerts a great influence on each stage’s pressure and temperature ratio. The design process for an
individual stage is usually guided by design values and rules developed in previous designs. This study develops a
1D stage un-stacking method (SUSM), which uses a minimal set of data from an actual axial compressor, while
reducing the needed number of assumptions. Proceeding from the premise that an actual axial compressor design
fulfills all thermodynamic requirements, velocity triangle requirements and design guidelines simultaneously,
this proposed SUSM calculates the pressure, temperature, velocities and flow angles as a set of dependent data at
each stage of the axial compressor. In approximating a possible axial compressor design for the LM2500 gas
turbine that achieves the known pressure ratio distribution, the suggested stage loading coefficient (SLC)
distribution is more appropriately considered an initial well-informed estimate and further improvements to this
SUSM are needed to infer the actual SLC distributions used.
Keywords: Multistage axial compressor / stage un-stacking approach / velocity triangle / flow design /
aero-derivative gas turbine
1 Introduction the blade rows are unwrapped from the rotational axis), 2D
streamline curvature, 1D analysis of radial variation across
The need for greater efficiency drives each new gas turbine the blade span resulting in span-wise blade twist angles and
model towards higher overall pressure ratios and power three-dimensional (3D) analysis to simulate the challeng-
outputs, inevitably keeping the gas turbine relevant. The ing actual turbulent flows at the blade root and tip (which
design ideas implemented in actual gas turbines are contribute heavily to losses). Despite its relative simplicity,
complex and delicately optimized across various techno- the 1D analysis at the mean line exerts great influence on
logical aspects to achieve performance, reliability and cost- the design of an axial compressor because, at this design
effective maintenance. The compressor is often the axial phase, each stage’s pressure and temperature are defined
flow design, to pass higher mass flow rates through a before detailed design work begins and assembled together.
relatively smaller frontal area and achieve generally higher In 1D analysis through the turbomachine, while the
stage pressure ratios with lower losses compared to the corrected mass flow rate is examined for the effects of
centrifugal design. With each successive design delivering pressure, Cumpsty [1] demonstrated that obtaining correct
higher overall pressure ratios, the relevance of the stage stacking or matching will be challenging, because the
multistage axial flow compressor is not diminishing. mass flow rate, effective flow area and pressure are in an
The design process for an axial compressor from simple intricate relationship. This stage matching challenge is
to challenging are: one-dimensional (1D) analysis at the further compounded after incorporating inter-disciplinary
mean line, two-dimensional (2D) cascade analysis (where aspects into the design space. The gas turbine developed
traditionally along distinct components lines and has been
tremendously refined to achieve component efficiencies
* e-mail: mykng@ntu.edu.sg over 90%. The design space is now arguably more complex
2 F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019)
owing to more disciplines, including inter-disciplinary This paper is divided into the following Sections. The
work. Ghisu et al. [2,3] have developed an integrated design literature is reviewed in Section 1.1. In Section 2, the SUSM
approach using a 1D mean line solver embedded in an is described. The results of stage un-stacking and testing on
optimisation routine, to defer fixing the components an approximated 3D model are presented in Section 3.
interface design parameters till later phases in the design Section 4 discusses the results and is followed by
process, resulting in better explorations of the design space conclusions.
and hence harnessing the gains from trade-offs between
different components and disciplines. From the observa- 1.1 Literature
tions of Jarrett and Ghisu [4], the search for an optimised
balance between time spent on configuration selection and The literature contains a number of 1D stage stacking
refining a selected configuration during the design process methods for designing an axial compressor from individual
reveals that in the best designs, configuration selection stages and stage stacking these together to form a
with 1D mean line solvers consumes half to three-quarters multistage axial compressor.
of the design time.
The stage stacking process is the core of 1D analysis at 1.1.1 RSRR approach
the mean line. The stage stacking approaches recorded in
the literature focus on building up a compressor stage by The repeating-stage repeating-row (RSRR) model from
stage, with stage temperature and pressure (or equivalent Mattingly [8], also introduced in an aircraft engine design
information) available. For the gas turbine manufacturers, book by Mattingly et al. [9], is one of the simplest design
the design process may be guided by design values and rules approach and therefore provides a suitable initial design.
developed in previous compressor designs. Sehra et al. [5] However, the constant mean line in this model often does
apply existing knowledge and design techniques from an not match that in actual compressors and actual
aviation gas turbine to design the compressor of a utility compressor stages are often not repeating as seen in the
gas turbine. Smed et al. [6] report evolving the design of clearly varying stage axial velocity.
compressor within a family of gas turbine models. Smith [7]
begins unifying compressor models into families based on 1.1.2 STGSTK code
similar design rules. Mattingly [8] shows that the design
process is often iterative as a multitude of performance The STGSTK code by Steinke [10] is an early code used to
requirements must be fulfilled simultaneously. In the light predict the off-design performance of an axial compressor-
of this, the stage flow angles, flow speeds, stage character- based performance at the design operating point. The
istics, among other variables are then the inputs to the stage analysis is performed at the mean-line with velocity
stacking method. The ability of the blades to maintain un- triangles at the rotor inlets and outlets. The compressor
separated flow at reduced or excessive mass flow rate within a is built up cumulatively through stage stacking to obtain
range of off-design flow angles is often summarized as a the multistage design and overall performance. However,
model, which is usually empirical, derived from experimental the few critical parameters that build the compressor stage
data or from performance data of a previous related design. by stage are required inputs to STGSTK; therefore, the
When tasked to determine the stage details of a multi- STGSTK code is unable to provide guidance on the stage-
stage axial compressor designed by others, the current to-stage variation of these critical parameters.
methods require a large number of inputs, which unfortu-
nately are not known with certainty. While estimates and 1.1.3 LUAX-C code
design guides may be helpful sources of input design
variables, there are few systematic ways to un-stack a A more recent 1D steady state operation stage stacking
multi-stage axial compressor, other than iteratively testing model is the LUAX-C by Falck [11]. This model is under
with a range of input values for each design variable. The active development again in 2013 by Perrotti [12]. This
available information on an axial compressor is usually the model is much more flexible than the RSRR model and has
overall pressure ratios and the overall efficiency, but do not the potential to obtain most of the geometric, thermody-
mention how flow angles and flow speeds relate within the namic and flow conditions in each blade row of each stage.
machine. The aim of this paper is thus to present a stage un- A number of experimentally based enhancements are
stacking method (SUSM) that uses minimum information, incorporated, such as empirical relations for incidence
and applies a feasible relationship between adjacent stages angles and deviation angles at each blade row, blade profile
temperature ratio and pressure ratio to infer the flow angles losses and endwall losses. However, this model is not used
and flow speeds at each stage for the axial compressor as it required stage solidity and stage reaction as inputs.
operating at the design point. Another required input which discouraged use is the
Presently, this method is restricted to operating inflexible distribution of stage loading.
conditions at a compressor’s design point only. While 2D
streamlines curvature methods are the common approach 1.2 Deliberately working with limited data
to define the blade geometry and flow angles at each axial
stage in relation to the next axial stage, this paper details a Stage stacking methods that use more inputs generate
1D approach that trades off calculating for realistic flow more feasible designs and are capable of more realistic
physics at blade surfaces for quicker calculation of the performance predictions. This is not a challenge for the
mean flow variables. knowledgeable original equipment designer. However, the
F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019) 3
In early compressors, Bullock and Prasse [17] reported distribution, dividing the overall pressure ratio into near-
that the compressor was also designed for reduced outlet equal stage pressure ratios or near-equal diffusion processes
axial velocity so that excessive or abrupt deceleration for all stages.
before the combustor was avoided. This meant that the Based on the compressor’s pressure rise and tempera-
rear stages must use reduced axial velocities and would see ture rise, a corresponding overall specific entropy rise is
smaller specific static enthalpy rises than the front stages. already incurred. After apportioning the compressor
In recent combustor designs, the diffuser design incorpo- pressure rise and temperature rise nearly equally across
rated after the combustor inlet has improved greatly, all stages, each stage is able to see a small but unavoidable
incurring acceptable stagnation pressure losses while specific entropy rise.
slowing down the flow. This has removed the need for
the compressor to produce greatly reduced axial speed for 2.4 Axial velocity design rule
the combustor which Mattingly et al. [19] demonstrated in
the design approach for the combustor. For minimal buildup of wakes and boundary layers to
The RSRR compressor design approach in Mattingly maximise effective flow area for greater mass flow rates,
[8] treats the diffusion factor D as a design variable. This Bullock and Prasse [17] point out the need to minimise
gives the designer greater flexibility to distribute SLC more abrupt changes at the mating surfaces of the stage inlets
evenly throughout the compressor and one feasible axial and outlets. Implementing this guide, the casing and hub
distribution of SLC is defining the specific stagnation walls are constructed to vary smoothly from compressor
enthalpy rise as a fixed proportion of U 2WHEEL , resulting in inlet to outlet so that changes to the boundary layers and
constant SLC. then wakes are gradual. The axial velocity distribution
The overall design of the engine is optimised for cost model takes in the resulting smoothly varying cross-section
and weight saving. The compressor is of no exception and areas and also requires that the axial temperature and axial
therefore is likely close to the optimum least weight when pressure distributions return a density distribution that is
finalized, as Smith [7] points out. From his wealth of design varying smoothly. This results in a smooth variation of
experience, Smith [7] emphasizes the importance of loading axial velocity for use in further analysis with velocity
each stage appropriately through advising designers and triangles.
designs to work with proven loading criteria achievable
through practical mechanical clearances. 2.5 Axial blockage design rule
When operating at a compressor’s design point, this
study uses an equal or near equal distribution of SLC, with Due to boundary layers and wakes accumulating from
the following arguments. stage to stage, the effective flow area at each stage
– An axial compressor may improve its overall pressure gradually decreases. While the blockage in the compressor
ratio by adding more stages. Each added stage increases increases, the ideal distribution must be smoothly changing
weight and machine complexity such that the design so that the available flow area is able to give a smooth axial
must extract maximum useful output from any stage. velocity profile. This works in tandem with Smith’s [7]
Consequently, each stage is then designed applying the advice of removing all forward facing steps and obtaining
same utmost improvements in aerodynamic insight. surface finishes to appropriate smoothness. This study
– An axial compressor may also increase its pressure ratio includes the effect of viscosity as an additional increase in
through increasing the individual stage pressure ratio via blockage over mechanical blockage from the rotor and
improved aerodynamic insight and design of the blade stator blades.
rows. Since constraints on weight and machine complex-
ity demand the least number of stages, each stage 2.6 Velocity triangles design rule
receives the same improved aerodynamic insight.
– When no information is available, weight and machine The velocity triangle rule is implemented in part 3 of the
complexity constraints do indicate that each stage shares SUSM. At the design operating point, a compressor is
the compression burden. IGV and OGV stages add and performing at its ideal state aerodynamically, based on the
remove swirl respectively and must be presented so the advice of Smith [7] that the blades are uniquely designed for
inlet stage and the outlet stage of the compressor are able the design operating point. The working fluid follows the
to impart the same amount of work on the working fluid curvature of the blades with minimum deviations from the
as the other stages as explained in Mattingly [8]. design intention. For minimum variation in flow angles
between the exit plane of a blade row to the inlet plane of
the next blade row, it would be a reasonable argument that
2.3 Pressure ratio design rule the outlet velocity triangle of a blade row is the same or
While a compressor is designed to be highly efficient, there very similar to the inlet velocity triangle of the next blade
will be losses and specific entropy rise across each stage, row for the following reasons. This minimizes the onset of
stemming from irreversibility in compression. Considering flow separation in the adverse pressure gradient on the
the need to minimize weight and complexity again, the suction side of each compressor blade and that in turn
relationship between the stage pressure ratios would be minimizes the onset of stall and maximizes the diffusion
similar to that for SLC; each stage bears a similar burden. taking place within adjacent blades to give maximum
A feasible axial distribution of pressure ratios when compressor efficiency. To begin solving for the stage inlet
operating at a compressor’s design point is a near-equal and outlet velocity triangles, the straight forward RSRR
F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019) 5
2.8 Design guidelines for uncertain information Combining the Euler whirl equation and SLC, c for an
axial stage gives
To reduce assuming a fixed value for uncertain informa-
tion, the following minimum design guidelines are DhTOT:STG vr2 j~v 2 j vr1 j~
c¼ ¼ : ð4Þ
implemented. ~ WHEEL j
jU 2 ~ WHEEL j
jU 2
1. The axial flow speed, outer and inner radii are smooth
varying in the axial direction to reduce boundary layer ~ WHEEL j at station 1 as
Defining wheel speed jU
build up. ~
jU WHEEL:1 j,
2. The stator and rotor blades are likely to have similar
camber angles at the initial design stage. Since flow is vr2 j~
v 2 j vr1 j~
v1j vr2 j~
v2j vr1 j~
more energetic across the rotor, the rotor blade is c¼ ¼ : ð5Þ
jU WHEEL:1 j 2 ~
jU WHEEL:1 j 2 ~
jU WHEEL:1 j2
allowed more camber than the stator blade as the
calculation progresses.
3. Stage reaction is initially assumed at 0.5 and is allowed Using the wheel speeds at stations 1 and 2, and noting
to vary between 0.0 and 1.0. that v is common since the same shaft is used,
4. The de Haller number is calculated at each stage and
checked against the historical achievement of >0.72, as ~ WHEEL:1 j jU
jU ~ WHEEL:2 j
used in Falck’s [11] design approach. Saravanamuttoo v¼ ¼ ð6Þ
r1 r2
et al. [20] discusses the de Haller number as only an
initial design criterion. Due to the lack of more intimate a relationship between wheel speeds at different stations of
machinery details in this study, the de Haller number is varying radius is found
6 F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019)
~ WHEEL:1 j ¼ r1 ~
jU jU WHEEL:2 j: ð7Þ 2.10.1 Inlet guide vane model
Before setting up the thermodynamic model of the
SLC becomes compressor, the IGV is treated separately as it only turns
r22 vr2 j~v2j vr1 j~
v1j the flow. As the IGV is a flow device with no moving parts
c¼ and only smooth, gently curving walls, the blockage
~ WHEEL:2 j2 jU
r21 jU ~ WHEEL:1 j2 estimated to accumulate at the end of the IGV is assumed
ð8Þ at 1.00%, due to boundary layer growth. From the same gas
r2 j~
v2j j~
¼ 22 : turbine manufacturer, Holloway et al. [22] report a
~ WHEEL:2 j jU
r1 jU ~ WHEEL:1 j blockage of 3% at the first rotor inlet when designing a
highly loaded 10-stage axial compressor with an overall
The components of absolute speed gives a relation pressure ratio of 23 for aviation. With no further
between j~
u 1 j and j~
v 1 j. information, a small 0.01% of the entire specific entropy
rise is assumed to take place in the IGV, with the remainder
j~ ~ ABS:1 jcos a1 ¼ j~
u 1 j ¼ jV
: ð9Þ
through the compressor. The IGV is also assumed to incur
tan a1 no flow losses given its short length and smooth gradual
flow turning angle. The compressible Bernoulli equation in
~ WHEEL:1 j
v 1 j and jU
The subsequent analysis is to relate j~ equation (14) is one of the governing equations for the IGV,
with both flow angles a and b. Using the two triangles in selected for its conservation of specific stagnation enthalpy.
Figure 2 found above and below the axial velocity vector,
the wheel speed, jU ~ WHEEL:1 j, is related to the axial speed, g1 P1 1 2
þ ðu þ v21 Þ
u 1 j by equation (10).
j~ g 1 1 r1 2 1
g2 P2 1 2 1
¼ þ ðu þ v22 Þ þ kLOSS u21 : ð14Þ
u1j 1 g 2 1 r2 2 2 2
¼ : ð10Þ
~WHEEL:1 j
jU tan b1 þ tan a1
Station 1 is the IGV inlet while station 2 is the IGV
outlet. The loss coefficient kLOSS is assumed zero but should
Removing j~ u 1 j and introducing j~
v 1 j with equation (9) at it be needed, the reference velocity is u1 instead since this is
station 1 gives the only known velocity and v1 is zero at the inlet. The
other governing equation is the second law of thermody-
v1j tana1
¼ : ð11Þ namics, where specific entropy is determined as a function
~WHEEL:1 j
jU tanb1 þ tana1 of temperature and pressure.
DsIGV ¼ s2 s1 ¼ s2 ðT 2 ; P 2 Þ s1 ðT 1 ; P 1 Þ ≥ 0: ð15Þ
Similarly at station 2,
Due to flow turning, increasing rotational speed and
v2j tan a2 maintaining mass flow rate, the kinetic energy increases
¼ : ð12Þ
jU WHEEL:2 j tan b2 þ tan a2 at the expense of thermal energy and pressure through
the IGV.
Returning to SLC in equation (8), SLC becomes
2.10.2 Thermodynamic model
r22 tan a2 tan a1 The unknown inlet conditions of the compressor are
c¼ : ð13Þ estimated as 100 000 Pa and 278.15 K. At the compressor
r21 tan b2 þ tan a2 tan b1 þ tan a1
outlet, there is only information on stagnation tempera-
ture and static pressure. This information is transferred
Within a non-VGV stage, equation (13) indicates that onto the OGV inlet, equivalent to one stator blade row
SLC depends on the flow angles and the variation between ahead of the compressor outlet. The outlet static
g 1 and g 2. Since in rear high pressure stages with no VGV temperature is determined at the OGV inlet instead,
capability, flow angles need to remain constant at varying through iteration with the help of the estimated velocity
rotational speed, v, SLC is necessarily constant when components ~ u and~v (u and v). The orientation of ~
u and~
v is
varying v at each non-VGV stage. shown in Figure 2.
Viscosity and the shed wakes build up throughout the
2.10 Building a basic axial compressor compressor, increasing blockage for the axial flow. The
minimum blockage accumulated at the end of the
The compressor performance data from Pedersen [21] at compressor is 10.0%, based on the available flow area in
the highest power output is considered the design point for Pedersen [21] and the blockage model then defines the
this axial compressor and used for inferring a possible blockage value B as 90%.
compressor design. In the following sections, the inferred At the OGV inlet, v depends on the stator outlet flow
design is studied by examining the effects of implementing angle, which is also an unavailable piece of information.
various design rules. However, v may be efficiently defined as a fraction, ku of
F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019) 7
wheel speed from equation (16). The form of the SLC model based on constant
specific static enthalpy rise shares the same inspiration
n ¼ ku vrE ð16Þ as the constant temperature rise SLC model and
supported by a rule of thumb for constant stage energy
E is the Eulerian radius
ffi at each blade row and rise in [24]. Specific static enthalpy is the variable as this
rE ¼ 0:5ðrCASE 2 þ rCORE 2 Þ. The outlet static tempera- is also common in turbomachinery analysis.
ture T is found through the outlet stagnation temperature. 4. Varying (decreasing) SLC across the stages: the SLC
With OGV inlet temperature and pressure determined, the at the last stage is a percentage lower than the SLC at
specific entropy rise in the whole compressor is calculated. the first stage, with SLC varying linearly across all
the middle stages. Using the operating point with the
highest power output, equation (21) gives the specific
2.10.3 Stage loading coefficient model
stage stagnation enthalpy rise in terms of the design SLC
In this SUSM, four possible SLC distribution models are of each stage, cDS,STG. Using the specific stagnation
considered. There is no preferred model as each gas turbine enthalpy rise for the full compressor, equation (22)
has its unique heritage and possibly additional stages were determines the design SLC of each stage.
designed differently as evident in the account by Smith [7]
for a gas turbine manufacturer. DhTOT:STG ¼ cDS:STG ðvrE:STG Þ2 ð21Þ
1. Constant SLC for non-VGV stages and constant SLC for
VGV stages: at each level of power output, the specific STG
stagnation enthalpy rise through the compressor, DhTOT:COMP ¼ DhTOT:STG : ð22Þ
DhTOT.COMP with corresponding rotational speed v is STG¼1
used in equation (17) to determine the SLC, c,
distribution at that power level. This decreasing SLC model was inspired by [25] where
the front stages are deliberately highly loaded. An
XMAX increasing SLC distribution may be possible too.
DhTOT:COMP ¼ cv rE:STG 2 : ð17Þ To determine the SLC distribution, the axial and
STG¼1 rotational components of the absolute velocity must be
known. However, these are found only after the velocity
Using the set of data from Pedersen [13] with 11 triangle analysis. Therefore, a more comprehensive
power output levels and thermodynamic data from solution requires iteration. To test the robustness of the
Cengel [23], the third highest power output gives the solution procedure, the SLC in equation (4) is approxi-
largest constant c at all stages. This is considered the mated by arguing that the specific stage stagnation
design SLC, cDS. enthalpy rise is similar to the specific stage static enthalpy
2. Constant temperature rise for all stages: based on the rise, DhTOT.STG ≈ DhSTG and this removes the need to
highest power output, equation (18) gives the tempera- iterate as DhSTG may be determined without velocity
ture at each stage outlet. The velocity at the mean inputs.
line fixes the specific stage stagnation enthalpy in
equation (19) and in turn, determines the design SLC for 2.10.4 Pressure ratio model
each stage, cDS,STG.
In this SUSM, three possible pressure ratio models are
△T COMP available, each built with an efficiency model and a specific
STGMAX entropy model.
1. Pressure ratio guided by small stage polytropic efficiency
1 using reference specific entropy (function of temperature)
hTOT:STG:OUT ¼ hðT STG:OUT Þ þ ðuSTG2 þ vSTG2 Þ: ð19Þ 2. Pressure ratio guided by small stage polytropic
efficiency using specific entropy (function of temper-
This SLC model, which is based on constant ature, pressure)
temperature rise through all stages, is inspired by a 3. Pressure ratio guided by fully isentropic compression
worked example in Mattingly [8], where a preliminary based specific entropy (function of temperature, pres-
compressor is designed without detailed stage tempera- sure)
ture information. Each pressure ratio model suggests a feasible relative
3. Constant specific static enthalpy rise for all stages: using distribution of maximum stage pressure ratios for all the
the operating point with the highest power output, stages. There is no best model as pressure ratio is
equation (20) calculates the specific stagnation enthalpy determined stage by stage to meet the overall pressure
at each stage outlet, which in turn determines the design ratio, which in turn fulfills several possible objectives. The
SLC for each stage, cDS,STG. gas turbine could have been designed for maximum overall
pressure ratio or the most economical maintenance
DhCOMP package. An inference using the overall pressure ratio is
ðSTGMAX Þ at best an estimate and cannot compensate for unavailable
1 information, considering that an actual design has as many
þ ðuSTG2 þ vSTG2 Þ: ð20Þ
2 as a million details as pointed out by Ghisu et al. [2].
8 F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019)
met for both rotor and stator and the stage reaction is
reasonable. The stage reaction is initially 0.5 and allowed to uROT ðuSTA þ DuÞ
eSOFT ¼ : ð33Þ
vary as iteration proceeds. The rotor blade is given more uSTA þ Du
curvature than the stator blade as the solution iterates.
At each stage, the solution process begins at the stage When the stage degree of reaction and acceptable angle
outlet, where specific stagnation enthalpy, the flow difference Du between the rotor and stator blade angles do
velocities, blade angles and thermodynamic properties not result in feasible set of blade and flow angles, the inlet
are found. Moving to the stage inlet, this SUSM applies relative flow angle b1 is adjusted with the eHARD error
only initially the design rule of similar relative velocity flow variable. The design variables VDS are updated with their
angles at the stage inlet and outlet, b1 = b3. The b1 angle error variables e and a relaxation factor, fRELAX to prevent
enables determining the stage inlet flow angles, blade over-correction, according to equation (34).
angles and thermodynamic properties. The rotor-stator
interface quantities in the middle of the stage are V DS:NEW ¼ V DS:OLD ð1 ± f RELAX eÞ ð34Þ
determined by degree of reaction, RREAT in equation (28),
where the subscripts “NEW” and “OLD” refer to the
h2 ¼ h1 þ RREACT ðh3 h1 Þ ð28Þ updated and previous values, respectively.
Fig. 4. The effect of flow turning angle in the IGV on the mean mismatch in flow angles per stage at each stator-outlet–rotor-inlet
the OGV inlet wheel speed, it becomes possible to obtain a enthalpy at the OGV inlet requires the rotational
set of feasible flow turning angles for the axial compressor component v before allocating sufficient specific static
as a whole that achieves minimal mismatch in flow angles and stagnation enthalpy to each axial compressor stage.
at each stator-outlet–rotor-inlet interface between stages. Using the same generated data for IGV flow turning
However, as the fraction of wheel speed increases further, it angles, the effect of OGV inlet flow angle is examined by
again becomes increasingly difficult to obtain a set of varying v and presented in Figure 5. Each data point in
feasible flow turning angles for the whole compressor. Since Figure 5 represents a set of design choices that results in
the axial compressor’s design is highly optimized, the many feasible set of flow angles across the whole compressor.
design parameters simultaneously match narrowly only For clarity, only the even IGV flow turning angles are
about the design point. shown.
Increasing v as a fraction of wheel speed at the outlet
3.2 Effect of OGV inlet flow angles has only a small effect on reducing the amount of mismatch
in flow angles at the stator-outlet–rotor-inlet interface.
The velocity components u and v at the OGV inlet Adjustments to v hardly minimise the flow angle
determine the outlet flow angle at the last stage’s stator. mismatches unless the IGV flow turning angle is close to
An improved estimate of the specific stagnation 31° for this axial compressor.
F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019) 11
Fig. 7. Maximum pressure ratios and used Pressure ratios with different pressure ratio model (stage outlets indicated by numbers in
Fig. 12. Stage SLC distribution with different SLC models. Fig. 14. Stage pressure ratios with different SLC models.
Fig. 13. Specific stage static enthalpy rise with different SLC Fig. 15. Stage axial velocity with different SLC models.
5 Conclusion
This paper presents an SUSM that determines the
velocities and flow angles within a multistage axial
compressor. The design options in this method are built
upon inferred possible design guidelines implemented in
Fig 17. Estimated SLC distribution for the compressor in the actual gas turbines. The design options are implemented in
LM 2500 gas turbine. four SLC models, three pressure ratio models and three
blockage models which, working with other required
information, determines the stage velocities and stage flow
Table 1. Span wise radial mean blade curvature angles.
angles for an axial compressor operating at design point.
The method implements a calculation procedure that
Experiment Blade row Spanwise
simultaneously fulfills thermodynamic requirements, ve-
(radial direction)
locity triangle requirements and user-selected design
mean blade
options for the whole axial compressor at the mean line.
camber angle
The outputs are specific static enthalpy, pressure, axial
Test Case Rotor 51.81° velocity and flow angles at each stage interface of the axial
E/CO-1 compressor. The SUSM is tested with a set of operation
Test Case Rotor 17.27° data from an actual aero-derivative gas turbine. Through
E/CO-3 adjusting of the IGV flow turning angle and OGV inlet flow
Stator 47.30° angle, the method identifies a small range of design options
that suggests an axial compressor with minimal mismatch
Test Case Rotor for stage 1 and 2 38.36°
of flow angle at each stage interface. Among the adjustable
design options, the method shows that the IGV flow
Stator for stage 1 and 2 43.78° turning angle has the most influence on minimising flow
angle mismatches compared to the other design options.
Noting that incidence angles and deviation angle are
usually small at the design operating point, the estimated
blade angles from this SUSM are well within this range. Nomenclatures
While solving for the stage flow angles, a stage with a
relatively higher stage axial velocity makes for less, Uppercase
therefore easier, rotational velocity contributions to
specific stagnation enthalpy, which in turns requires less A Station cross sectional area (m2)
flow turning in the rotor blade row. This eventually lowers B Blockage in terms of fraction of available station
the blade curvature and consequently also lowers the cross sectional area for flow (dimensionless)
tendency for boundary layer growth and separation on the D Diffusion factor, a measure of the blade loading
suction surface. (dimensionless)
The flow features surrounding the blades are described J Mechanical equivalent of heat, 778.2 ft-lb/Btu
in relatively greater detail in Test Case E/CO-1 by Serovy or 1 J/J where 1 ft-lb = 1.35582 J and 1 Btu =
and Dring [30], Test Case E/CO-3 by Ginder and Harris 1055.06 J (dimensionless)
[31] and Test Case E/CO-5 by Serovy and Dring [32] for the OPR Overall pressure ratio of the compressor (di-
purpose of bench marking computational fluid dynamics mensionless)
codes. The blade curvature angles used in the blade rows of P Absolute pressure in Pascal (Pa)
the three relevant test cases are calculated across the span PRMOD Stage pressure ratio determined from the
in the radial direction and shown in Table 1. The estimated pressure ratio models (dimensionless)
blade angles from this SUSM are also well within this range. P RACT Actual stage pressure ratio used (dimensionless)
R Gas constant for air (J/kg.K)
4.4 Selected stage loading coefficient and pressure RREACT Stage degree of reaction (dimensionless)
ratio models c The stage load coefficient (dimensionless)
cDS The design SLC, which could be a single value for
The pressure ratio distribution of the LM2500 spans a all stages or a distribution of values by stage
relatively small range indicating that the loading on each (dimensionless)
F.H.A. Koh and Y.K.E. Ng: Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019) 17
T Absolute temperature in Kelvins (K) r Density of the working gas which is air in this study
U~WHEEL The rotor tangential speed, also referred to as (kg/m3)
wheel speed UWHEEL (m s1) s Blade solidity which is the ratio of chord to pitch
V~ABS The absolute velocity in the velocity triangles for (dimensionless)
turbo-machinery analysis and also referred to as v Shaft rotational speed (rad/s)
VABS (m s1)
VREL The free stream velocity outside the boundary Script
layer, which is the velocity relative to the blade
and is the relative velocity in the velocity dℋ The de Haller number (dimensionless)
triangle analysis for turbo-machinery and also
referred to as VREL (m s1) Subscript
VDS The general symbol for a design variable
(depends on variable) 1 The blade leading edge which is also considered to
be equivalent to the upstream measuring station
Lowercase of the blade row or blade row inlet station
2 The blade trailing edge which is considered to be
CP Specific heat of air at constant pressure (J/kg.K) equivalent to the downstream measuring station
CV Specific heat of air at constant volume (J/kg.K) of the blade row or blade row outlet station
eWHIRL Euler whirl (J/kg) ABS Absolute
fRELAX The general symbol for a relaxation factor CASE The compressor casing
(dimensionless) CFD Computational fluid dynamics
h Specific enthalpy (J/kg) COMP Full compressor
kLOSS The coefficient of loss for flow in the Bernoulli CORE The compressor hub
equation (dimensionless) DS Design
KPR Actual fraction of the stage pressure ratio found HARD Strict or fixed conditions or criteria
in the pressure ratio models (dimensionless) IGV Inlet guide vanes
KPR.1 The KPR for stage 1 of the compressor (dimen- IN The stage inlet station
sionless) MAX Maximum value of a variable
Ku The fraction of wheel speed at the OGV inlet Mean Mean value
(dimensionless) MIN Minimum value of a variable
m The mass flow rate (kg/s) NEW Updated values of a design variable
g CASE Casing radius (m) OLD Previous values of a design variable
rCORE Hub radius (m) OUT The stage outlet station
gE Eulerian radius (m) POLY Polytropic
S Specific entropy (J/kg.K) REL Relative to the blade
SO Specific reference entropy from thermodynamic ROT Rotor
tables (J/kg.K) S Isentropic condition
u or u The axial component of V ABS also referred to as u SOFT Less strict or flexible conditions or criteria
(m s1) STA Stator
~ or V The tangential component of V ABS also referred
V STG Stage
to as V~ (m s1) SUSM Stage un-stacking method
x Axial coordinate of the compressor (m) TOT Total or stagnation properties
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Cite this article as: F.H.A. Koh, Y.K.E. Ng, A one-dimensional stage un-stacking approach to reveal flow angles and speeds in a
multistage axial compressor at the design operating point, Mechanics & Industry 20, 107 (2019)