Formalistic Analysis of Poems
Formalistic Analysis of Poems
Formalistic Analysis of Poems
M. Phil English Researcher, Department of Linguistics & Literature, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology,
D. I. Khan, KP, Pakistan Email:
Keywords: poets in terms of their style, diction and themes. Furthermore, this study
investigates literary devices that are used in the selected poems. The
formalistic analysis, form, death, themes,
study utilizes qualitative approach by using a textual analysis.
comparative analysis
© 2022 The Authors, Published by AIRSD. This is an Open Access Article under
the Creative Common Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0
Russian Formalism
Russian Formalism was started in 1920s in Russia. Formalist rejected many 19th century
literary critics. They introduced scientific approach to literary studies. According to formalists
form is superior to context and only text is enough to study it. There is no need to study a text in
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
reference to the context. A literary text should be studied by taking the linguistic and structural
features of the text. There chief focus was on the literariness of the text. By literariness they
mean the language employed in the text. They study a text through structure, imagery, rhyme
scheme and figurative language. The formalists endeavor to identify literariness in a given text
which is achieved by the use of language. They believe that literary language is different form
everyday speech. By the use of literary devices literary language deviates from everyday speech
patterns and produces literariness and defamiliarization.
His poetry is connected to past and present simultaneously. His works has the unique
sense of history, culture, art and civilization. He beautifully uses the technique of imagery in his
poetry and his poems create a clear insight of the things he portrays in his poems. Daud Kamal in
his works conveys a sense of spirituality and loss. His writing style is very beautiful as his deep
observations about small things can be seen in his poems. Sufism is one of the important parts in
Daud‟s poetry. He elegantly portrays the images of nature as he talks about trees and sparkling
waters. Through his writing Daud allows the reader to see the deep connection he has with the
entire universe.
Emily Dickinson, In the American state of Massachusetts, in the town of Amherst, Emily
Dickinson was born on December 10th, 1830. She was regarded as one of the greatest poets of
America in 19th century. Her poems are lyrical and the speaker in her poems is identified as the
first person “I”. Most of her poems are really short but they hold within them the beauty of an
entire world. Emily Dickinson was a keen observer and in her poems she wrote about everything
she observed. Her unique power was to write about imaginary world because of her strong
imaginative strength which would lead her works to the high levels of uniqueness. Emily
Dickinson didn‟t follow any poetic rules and made a distinct style of her own.
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
takes little time than lifting of a single eyebrow. Death is inevitable, no one can deny it and
nobody can escape the occurrence of it. There is no doubt that every living being has to die one
day but this death of an individual causes no effect on time as it stops for no one. Grief at the loss
of a loved one cannot cause one to pass away, every individual comes to his normal routine at
certain point. Although diamonds are comprised of carbon, it is not a given or required that each
molecule of carbon dust transforms into a diamond. Same is the case with human beings, it is not
necessary that they will accomplish all their dreams in such a short period of life. Human beings
have huge dreams and goals in their lives but it is not possible for them to accomplish all of their
goals in a really limited time. The combination of soul and body results in the existence of
human beings and life and death have a certain link that is similar to the link between tear and
eye. In the busy world human beings forget that death occurs as rapidly as a tear drop flows out
from an eye. No one knows the exact timing of when death will occur but it will certainly
happen. The poet further talks about the after-death situation of the grave. There is complete and
utter silence in grave because after death there are no more hardships and chaos of life anymore.
Grave is a place where there is no space for mourning because it is free from all sorrows and
troubles of life. At the end of the poem Daud Kamal asks a question from life that either you left
me or I was on the verge of passing out as it is the harsh reality of our life.
In I heard a fly buzz- when I died, the poet described the transition between life and
death. The poet in this poem has tried to describe that what it feels like to actually die. The
speaker of the poem is telling this after having actually died, as the speaker in on her deathbed.
The room and the air was completely still in those final moments like the calm and tense air
between storms. This seems to herald the silence of death and implies that the boundary between
these two states is somewhat blurred, as if the transition between life and death was not a sharp
jump, but a slow fading. The people around the speaker were crying so much that they couldn‟t
shed their tears anymore. They all seem to hold their breath while waiting for speaker‟s last
moments and looking forward to the arrival of God in the room. The speaker further tells that she
signed a will and gave away all her property. The speaker divided all those parts of her life
which were dividable. But then instead of God‟s arrival into the room, a fly suddenly interrupted
the process. Fly suggests the arrival of death and the buzzing of fly prevents the speaker from
reaching a state of spiritual contemplation or grace which seemed more appropriate for the
occasion. The moment of death remains a hidden mystery as fly interrupts the final moments of
the speaker and human beings can‟t know for sure that what comes after life. The poem ends
with an unfinished note and the fading light of windows represents the speaker‟s inability to see
beyond her last living moments. Death remains a mystery despite the fact that the speaker is
talking from a life after death.
Research Question:
1. What are the similarities and differences between the writing style of Daud Kamal and
Emily Dickinson by applying formalism on selected poems?
2. How effectively Russian Formalism is truly applicable on both of the poems?
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
Andrew Bula in his research article The Poetry of A.N Akwanya: A Formalist Evaluation of
its Technique, does the formalistic analysis of the A.N Akwanya‟s collection of poems. He
analyzed that there is the existence of formalist techniques at large in the all the three poetic
collections and they depict the true essence of literature. The three collections analyzed include,
“Pilgrim Foot”, “Moments”, and “Visitant on Tiptoe and Other Poems”. In this research article
the researcher analyzed the poetic collection separately. In the very first poetic collection,
namely „pilgrim foot‟ the researcher pointed out that the poet used all the thematic and figurative
devices aptly and accurately. There is an extensive use of themes, poetic diction, similes,
metaphors, personification and rhetorical devices. Repetition is visible either in every line or
every stanza of the poem.(Bule, 2018) The researcher explored many religious themes through
the use of different words like „judgment by fire‟, „seesaw‟, and „time for the military‟ in the
poems. Bule analyzed that the use of these words depicts the religious as well as the ethnic
nationalism attractions of the poets. Then the researcher analyzed second poetic collection which
was published in 2007 with the name “Moments”. In this poetic collection is also analyzed by
Bule on the grounds of Russian Formalism. There is the use of assonance, consonance,
alliteration in this poetic collection also this includes multiple themes of religious integrity.
The Textual Analysis of Wole Soyinka’s Poem: A Formalist Approach, is the research article
jointly written by Faniran, A. O. Adetuyi, C. A. In this research article, the researchers did the
analysis of Abiku, a poem written by Wole Soyinka by applying Russian Formalism. The
researchers firstly described what actually Russian Formalism is and how it is related to the
concept of literature as „art for art sake‟ and then analyzed one of the poems of Soyinka on the
theoretical grounds of Russian Formalism. The researchers pointed out the use of literary devices
and stylistic features such as diction, symbolism, imagery, graphology, rhythm and other
observed literary styles in the selected poem (Adetuyi and Olatayo, 2015). The researchers
evaluated the themes as centered on the interplay between the individual predicaments and social
responsibilities. It is noted by the researchers that “Soyinka exploits literary stylistics to embark
on syntactic modification of his poetic lines in “Abiku”. This study only plays up lines or stanzas
of the poem that either breaks existing linguistic rules to create new ones or those that modify
and utilize conventional rules for specific stylistic effects.” (Adetuyi and Olatayo, 2015).
Pervez (2018), in his research article, The semantic analysis of Daud Kamal’s Ode to
Death, has semantically analyzed the Pakistani poet Daud Kamal‟s poem Ode to Death. This
article is interpreted with the help of semantics which explains the characteristics of poem, its
meaning and poet‟s assumption towards it. The article further stats that as Daud Kamal is
Pakistani and a Muslim, his approach towards linguistics, his religious bent of mind, viewpoint
about personal life and attitude towards death is visibly different from other regional poets.
According to Wahid Pervez, „Death is the door from which every living being will pass.
It is that drink which will be taken by everyone. Death is that flavor which every human will
taste. Death is that tyrant who will put you into the stomach of Earth where human will live
alone for an uncertain period of time. Death is that deceiver from whose deceive no one could
escape‟ (Pervez, 2018).
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
Daghamin (2017), in his research article, Reflection of Death in the Poetry of Emily
Dickinson, has discussed that how the topic of death is reflected in Emily Dickinson‟s poetry.
Death arouses fear and curiosity because it suddenly approaches without preparation or
expectation. Death is a pure and mysterious truth that no one likes; it is a natural phenomenon in
the life cycle of human beings. Death seems insensitive and cruel to most of us, although we all
know that it is inevitable and predetermined. We are afraid of death because it takes away those
we love, our parents, siblings and friends. People have different opinions about death, some
people think that death is a savior and it saves us from all pains, trials and sufferings of life.
However some people think of death as a bad omen because it takes away all relatives and
friends. Literary works and religious books have long portrayed the existence of death. The topic
of death is not only reflected in novels, short stories and dramas, but also are present in in- depth
discussions in poems. Poets use words to express their views on death, while the readers use
personal perceptions and experiences to appreciate and understand death.
Writing Style used in Daud Kamal’s Ode to Death
Ode to Death is one of the most amazing blank verse of Pakistani writer Daud Kamal.
This poem talks about death as the ultimate fact, and it is written in an incredibly lovely manner.
The poet has make use of symbolism and images in such a brilliant way that it catches the
attention of many readers and leaves a great impact on them. The language of this poem is
completely straightforward but the way poet has written it conveys a deep meaning. Three major
topics are present in this poem; first is the ultimate fact of death, second major aspect is the
vulnerability of worldly life and third is the unending life after death. One surprising fact about
this poem is that the poet has quoted two different but modern American writers twice in the
beginning, one after the other.
This line depicts that there is no huge separation between death and life. When death
holds a man in its arms, the story of human ends and it all happens in few seconds that it will
even require a small deal of time than raising an eyebrow. This much small distance is present
between life and death.
As diamond is one of the most precious gems, it is composed of carbon. But it is not
necessary that each and every tiny particle of carbon will turn into precious diamond. Just like
that there is no surety that each and every single dream of human beings will be fulfilled in this
short period of life in world.
Humans all their lives have many wishes and dreams which they want to achieve in their
lives but it is not possible to fulfil them all. Wishes are like the seeds of a pomegranate, and time
is like one, due to which human can‟t satisfy all those dreams in such short life.
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
Poet compares a huge pine tree with a matchstick and says that pine tree was knocked
down by thunder strike last year. The end of both pine tree and burned matchstick in ashtray is
same. The last destiny of everything is tomb.
The poet in these lines is addressing to a man that he was present when the person was
taking his final breaths, poet was holding his hand. Poet then asks from dying person that is it
true that bones and hair takes long time in decaying as other body parts disintegrate quite
Poet is saying in these lines that humans exist because of the combination of body and
soul. These two entwine together and submerge into the long forgotten stream of the world. The
link between life and death is similar to the link between an eye and tear. Human in their daily
life hassle forgets about the existence of death which comes as rapidly as a tear coming out from
an eye.
Here Islamic point of view is presented that grave is a place of barrel rocks and silence
and sleep roams there. It is a location devoid of all the problems and pains of life, leaving no
room for grief.
The poet also wonders about death and then thinks about his past life from which he gets
terrified as he has done nothing good in his life. The bad deeds are responsible for the darkness
which consumes the poet when he things about his past life and makes him concerned.
In these lines poet says that life is moving very far away from him because death takes
over life and nobody can fight against it. The poet further says that it is hard to figure out that
which one between life and death are a deceiver and which one of them is being deceived. At the
end of the poem Daud Kamal asks a question from life that either you left me or I was on the
verge of passing out as it is the harsh reality of our life.
Writing Style used in Emily Dickinson’s I heard a Fly buzz – when I died
I heard a Fly buzz – when I died is one of the popular poetries of American poet Emily
Dickinson. In this poem, poet is explaining the dying experience. The poem shows poet‟s own
experience of death, which is an unexplainable mystery as only those who die, knows how it
feels to be dying. But the poet has tried to imagine it in her poem. The tone used here is very
light and soothing which shows to the readers that narrator is excepting her fate. Fly is such a
small meniscal creature but it interrupts the arrival of god in the room where narrator is taking
her last breaths. An insignificant fly arrives into the room instead of god.
In the starting line of poem, narrator hears the buzzing of a fly in the last moment of her
death. Dying is very grim and heavy moment as it is a very serious occasion but fly interrupts the
moment. It can be understood from the first line that fly is the center focus of this poem. Next
line shows the setting of poem, the narrator is taking her last breaths in a room where she is
surrounded by her loved ones. The atmosphere in the room is completely still because the
occasion is very gloomy but this stillness also awaits the stillness of being dead. There is a
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
moment of complete and utter stillness when a person dies. This stillness comes after the storm
of life and before the storm of death.
In line 5, the narrator is hyper aware of her surrounding and stats that her loved ones who
are present in the room have cried for her so much that their eyes are unable to shed anymore
tears because they have wrung them dry. The next line presents a fact that death is now awaited
and the breathing of her loved ones is firm because now everyone is waiting for her last breath.
In next line the moment of death is told as the last onset which means the last beginning, that
speaker will begin a last journey after death. In Christianity, the word King is frequently used for
God. Everyone gathered in the room is anticipating the arrival of God who will lead the last
journey of narrator.
In these lines the narrator says that she signed away all her property/will. Speaker signs
away only that stuff which was assignable because some things can‟t be assigned, such as human
soul. And then fly makes its entrance into the room where narrator and people are waiting for
god‟s arrival. Fly interrupts the moment which represents the doubt about what comes after
In last quatrain narrator tells that fly enters the room and comes between the narrator and
the window, here window symbolizes life. These lines also suggest that the speaker‟s vision is
narrowing as she takes her one last breath and leaves the world. Here the fly can be interpreted as
the grim reaper. In the last line see is repeated which means that two types of seeing is
mentioned. The narrator‟s literal vision has failed, as she is dead now and her ability to see
beyond death has also failed. The narrator‟s line of sight goes blank and the poem ends, leaving
the readers in the same state of blankness.
Throughout the poem, the usage of tone is serious, dull and dark. It doesn‟t change the
entire time. The gloominess of the poem can be seen from the use of words like thunderbolt,
grave, dissolving of eyes, hair and bones.
Metaphor is a figurative device in which a certain word is used for something to refer it
with another object in order to show the similarity between them. Daud Kamal has used
metaphors throughout his poem. The words like diamond dreams and galaxies are used to refer
to human goals and dreams which end with his demise. Poet compares the death of a man with
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
pine tree and matchstick that a thing strong and big like a pine tree will turn into ashes just like a
small matchstick. The end of every living thing is death and everyone will taste the flavor of it.
Imagery is used to appear certain ideas, things and actions in such a way that it interests
the physical senses. Poet has used imagery in this poem from line 11 to 15.
Religious Approach
Daud Kamal is a Muslim writer and that‟s why the influence of religion can be seen in
his poetries. In Ode to Death religious influence is present because he tells throughout his poem
that death is the ultimate reality and it will come for everyone. Grave will be a last destination of
all human beings and there is eternal life after death.
The style used in this poem is dramatic monologue which is a poem written in a form of
speech narrated by a single person. A style in which no dialogue comes from any other person
and only a single imaginary person narrates the whole poem.
Thus, the writing style and techniques used by Daud Kamal in his poem Ode to Death is
simple and precise. The word usage and arrangement is very simple, effective and easily
understandable. The poem is written in such a way that it forces readers to stick to it even after
finishing the poem and leaves a great impact on one‟s mind.
Simile is used to compare two objects with each other in order to make the statement
more clear. Simile is present in the second and third line of the poem where poet is comparing
stillness of room with the stillness in air, as there is a moment of complete stillness when the
storm of life ends with person‟s death and when person enters to the state that comes after death.
In between these two storms stillness exists.
Enjambment means when a line is continued even after the end of line. The continuation
of sentence without break is enjambment. In first quatrain it is used in lines two and three.
Enjambment makes the sentence longer as there is no pause when one line finishes and the other
starts. It is also present in lines six and seven and in the third quatrain.
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
Anaphora is repetition of words in any poetic line or sentence. The word stillness is used
two times, in line two and three. Stillness here is giving more stress to the atmosphere of the
room in these two lines of the poem.
Synecdoche is used in the fifth line of poem. The eyes here represent the people who are
present in the room.
This poem has a formal pattern written in quatrains and rhyming scheme used here is
ABCB, a slant rhyme.
Emily Dickinson has used her common pattern; iambic tetrameter and trimeter, which
could be seen in her many poems. There are four stresses in first and third lines of every quatrain
and three stresses in second and fourth lines.
Rhyming Scheme
This poem follows the ballad stanza rhyming scheme, ABCB.
By comparative formalist analysis of these two poems, it could be said that I heard a fly
buzz-when I died has formal pattern written in quatrains and rhyming scheme used here is
ABCB, a slant rhyme. There are four stresses in first and third lines of every quatrain and three
stresses in second and fourth lines. This poem follows the ballad stanza rhyming scheme, ABCB.
Ode to death is a lyrical poem about the ultimate truth of death and that it will occur in the life of
every human being. The writing technique used in this poem in the form of an ode. Throughout
the poem, the usage of tone is serious, dull and dark. It doesn‟t change the entire time. The style
used in this poem is a dramatic one-liner which is a poem written in a form of speech narrated by
a single person. Imagery is used in both poems and the theme focus of these two poems is death.
In the nutshell, according to Russian Formalism the meaning, essence and beauty of any
text lies within the text and only the text is enough to extract the exact meaning from it. There is
no need to study the social, political, cultural or any sort of context to understand a text. The true
literariness lies inside the text. Formalists study the form, use of literary devices, use of
figurative language, plot, characters, rhythm and rhyme of the poem to analyze its true meaning.
This research focuses on the comparative formalistic analysis of „Ode to Death and I heard a fly
buzz- when I died, written by Daud Kamal and Emily Dickinson respectively. Both the poets not
only successfully used the poetic techniques like theme, imagery, symbolism, alliteration,
assonance, consonance, simile, metaphor etc. but they also embellished the poem by the quality
use of poetic diction.
Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature (PJLL) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
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