Identification of Maize Crop Using Deep Learning

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Identification of Maize Crop Diseases

Using Deep Learning




1 Introduction
• Maize Crop
• Maize Crop Diseases 4 Result
• Approaches
• Research Problem
• Research Objectives

5 •
2 Literature Survey • Contributions
• State of the art
• Research Gaps

3 •
Research design
• Dataset
• Implementation
Details 6 References
 Maize, also known as corn, is a staple crop of immense importance globally, serving as a primary food
source for millions of people.
 Its significance extends beyond just being a dietary staple, encompassing economic, cultural, and social
 The versatility of maize allows for various culinary uses, including consumption as whole kernels,
processed into flour, or used as an ingredient in numerous food products.
 Its derivatives, such as cornmeal and corn oil, are essential components of diets worldwide.
 Crop diseases pose significant threats to agricultural productivity, food security, and livelihoods, with
devastating consequences for both farmers and consumers.
 Crop diseases can lead to yield losses, reduced crop quality, and economic hardships for farmers.
 They can also disrupt food supply chains, exacerbating food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly in
vulnerable populations.
 By training neural networks on large
datasets of images of healthy and
diseased maize plants, we can
develop models that can accurately
identify Various diseases such as
Common Rust, Gray Leaf Spot, Blight,
 These models can provide
quick and accurate assessments,
enabling farmers to take timely actions to prevent the spread of diseases and
minimize crop losses.
 Image Dataset Collection:
Gather a diverse dataset of images depicting various maize crop diseases, including
common pathogens, symptoms, and stages of infection. Ensure the dataset represents different
environmental conditions, maize varieties, and disease severities.
 Preprocessing:
Preprocess the images to enhance quality and standardize features. This may include resizing,
normalization, and augmentation techniques to increase dataset variability and improve model
 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architecture:
Design a CNN architecture tailored for maize crop disease detection. CNNs are well-
suited for image classification tasks due to their ability to automatically learn hierarchical features.
 Limited and Unbalanced Data: Acquiring a large and diverse dataset of maize crop disease images can be
challenging. Moreover, the distribution of images among different disease classes might be uneven, leading
to biased models and reduced performance on underrepresented classes.
 Fine-grained Classification: Maize crop diseases often manifest in subtle visual cues that can be difficult to
differentiate, even for human experts. Deep learning models need to be capable of capturing these nuanced
features to accurately classify diseases, which may require complex architectures and extensive training.
 Generalization to New Disease Outbreaks: Deep learning models trained on existing datasets may
struggle to generalize to new or previously unseen diseases. Continual monitoring and updating of the model
with new data are necessary to adapt to evolving disease landscapes.
 Robustness to Environmental Variability: Environmental factors such as lighting conditions, weather patterns,
and variations in plant physiology can introduce noise and variability in image data, affecting the model's
performance. Developing robust deep learning models that are resilient to such variations is essential for
real-world deployment.
 Identify and collect a comprehensive dataset of images depicting various maize
crop diseases, including but not limited to common pathogens Common Rust, Gray
Leaf Spot, Blight and Healthy.
 Design and implement deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks
(CNNs), capable of automatically identifying and distinguishing between different
types of maize crop diseases based on input images.
 Evaluate the performance of the developed models in terms of accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1-score using appropriate evaluation metrics and techniques.
Title, Year, Dataset Approach Key Features

Safeguarding production-pests, losses and crop Plant Village Pest identification and Pest monitoring. Aspect of crop protection, including strategies, techniques,
protection in major crops 2004 Crop Protection and the impact of pests on crop yield.

ImageNet: A large-scale hierarchical image Image Net Convolutional neural networks proved to be The construction of Image Net, the annotation process, and

database in 2009 IEEE conference on computer highly effective in automatically learning the challenges associated with building such a large-scale
vision and pattern recognition. hierarchical representations of visual features. dataset.

Very deep convolutional networks for large- Image Net The VGG network is a deep CNN architecture The article presents various configurations of the VGG
scale image recognition 2014 arXiv preprint composed of multiple layers, with a focus on network with 16 to 19 weight layers, and it discusses the
arXiv using small 3x3 convolutional filters throughout impact of different architectures on the performance of the
the network. model.

Deep learning, 2015 nature Image Net The paper starts by providing a historical The database contains millions of labeled images belonging
perspective on neural networks. to thousands of different classes.
Title, Year, Dataset Approach Key Feature
Turcicum leaf blight—sustainable management of Plant Village The characteristics of the illness, including its Various management techniques, such as cultural
a reemerging maize disease 2017,Journal of Plant epidemiology. customs, chemical control, and resistance breeding,
Diseases and Protection. may also be covered.

Recent advances in convolutional neural network ImageNet As new architectures like VGG Res Net, and Dense It’s possible that the article will discuss numerous
2018, Pattern recognition . Net have been developed, CNNs have gradually developments and advances pertaining to CNNs, a
grown deeper. class of deep learning models primarily employed
for image and video analysis applications.

Mobilenetv2: Inverted residuals and linear Mobilenetv2 To boost the effectiveness and performance of the Traditional residual blocks increase the amount of
bottlenecks 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Mobile Net design, the authors introduced the idea feature maps by adding input to the block’s output.
conference on computer vision and pattern of inverted residuals. With MobilenNetV2, the bottleneck layer first,
recognition. which lowers the number of channels, is followed
by a light depth wise convolution.

“Efficient net: Rethinking model scaling for EfficientNet By enhancing the model’s depth, width, and The authors present a brand-new compound scaling
convolutional neural in 2019 International resolution, model scaling. technique that adjusts the neural net- work’s width,
conference on machine learning. depth, and resolution equally.
Title, Year , Dataset Approach Key Feature

An optimized dense convolutional neural network Plant Village The researchers most likely gathered a big dataset To increase the model’s generalization and
model for disease recognition and classification in of images of maize leaves, including both healthy robustness, the dataset may have undergone
corn leaf 2020 Computers and Electronics in leaves and leaves damaged by different illnesses. preprocessing to resize, standardize, and enhance.

Advanced application of raman spectroscopy and Plant Village The research probably presents a novel lightweight This implies that the authors are investigating a
surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy in plant neural network architecture with modules for method based on artificial intelligence for
disease diagnostics: a review 2021 Journal of attention created specifically for identifying maize identifying and diagnosing illnesses in maize
Agricultural and Food Chemistry diseases. plants.

Deep learning-based approach for identification of Plant Village Assemble a varied series of images showing both A variety of disease types and growth stages should
diseases of maize crop 2022 Scientific reports good and ill maize crops. be depicted in the images.
Research Gaps
• Deep learning models require large amounts of labeled data for training. Availability of comprehensive
datasets specifically focused on maize crop diseases might be limited, leading to challenges in model
training and generalization.
• Even if some datasets are available, they might suffer from class imbalance issues, where certain disease
classes are underrepresented. This can lead to biased models that perform poorly on minority classes.
• Maize crop diseases can manifest differently based on factors such as environmental conditions, plant
genetics, and disease progression stages. Developing models that can generalize across these variations is
• Deep learning models trained on one dataset or geographical region might not generalize well to different
regions or environmental conditions due to variations in disease prevalence and symptoms.
• Deep learning models are often considered "black boxes," making it challenging to understand the
reasoning behind their predictions. For agricultural applications, interpretability and explain ability are
crucial for gaining trust from end-users such as farmers and agronomists.
Research Design
 Gather a large dataset of images featuring healthy maize plants as well as those infected with various
diseases. This dataset should cover different stages of the disease and variations in lighting, background,
and image quality. Preprocess the images to standardize their size, color, and orientation. Perform data
augmentation techniques such as flipping, rotation, and zooming to increase the diversity of the dataset.
 Choose a suitable deep learning architecture for image classification tasks. Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) are commonly used for this purpose due to their effectiveness in learning spatial hierarchies.
Explore various pre-trained CNN architectures like ResNet, VGG, or Inception, and fine-tune them for
specific task.
 Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets. Train the selected model using the training set while
monitoring its performance on the validation set. Experiment with different hyperparameters, optimization
algorithms (e.g., Adam, SGD), and learning rates to improve the model's performance.
 Evaluate the trained model on the test set to assess its generalization performance. Metrics such as
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are commonly used to evaluate classification models. Conduct
error analysis to identify common misclassifications and areas for improvement.
 The "Plant Village" dataset, with an emphasis on deep learning applications, is a collection of images
illustrating illnesses that harm maize crops. The dataset aims to assist researchers and industry experts in
creating algorithms for the DL-based autonomous detection and classification of maize diseases.
 The collection includes a number of diseases that commonly affect
maize crops, including Common Rust, Gray Leaf Spot, Blight,
Healthy and others. A total of 4188 different images are included
in the collection after standardizing each image to a dimension of
256*256 pixels.
Implementation Details
 Collect a diverse dataset of images containing healthy maize plants and various types of diseased plants.
 Label the images with appropriate disease categories.
 Split the dataset into training, validation, and testing sets.
 Apply data augmentation techniques to artificially increase the size of your training dataset. Common
augmentation methods include rotation, flipping, zooming, and color adjustments.
 Choose a deep learning architecture suitable for image classification tasks. Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) are commonly used for this purpose.
Result of Maize Crop Diseases
Epochs Training Validation Training Validation
Accuracy Accuracy Loss Loss

2 85 95 0.3613 0.1375

4 94 96 0.1407 0.1001

6 95 97 0.1129 0.0786

8 96 97 0.0870 0.0653

10 97 97 0.0748 0.0747
Matrices of Maize Crop Diseases
. A mapping of class labels to their corresponding numerical representations looks to be the dictionary you gave. The words
"Blight," "Common Rust," "Gray Leaf Spot," and "Healthy" appear to be various kinds of maize crop conditions. The count
of images for each class in your training dataset is shown in the "Images per Class in TRAIN" section. Many images fall
under each class is indicated by the numbers:
1. Blight : 1086 images
2. Common Rust : 1301 images
3. Gray Leaf Spot : 546 images
4. Healthy : 1162 images
 To create a summary of maize crop diseases, we can analyze the model's predictions across
different images.
 We might use techniques like class activation maps or Grad-CAM to highlight regions of the
image that contributed most to the model's decision.
 This can help in visually explaining which parts of the plant are indicative of a particular
 While deep learning holds great potential, there are challenges to address, such as the need
for large and diverse datasets, potential biases in data labeling, and the interpretability of
model decisions. Collaboration between deep learning experts, agricultural scientists, and
domain experts is crucial to overcome these challenges.
 Overall, using deep learning for maize crop disease contribution can significantly enhance
disease detection accuracy, enable timely interventions, and contribute to more sustainable
and productive agricultural practices.
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