Audit of Consolidated Financial Statement
Audit of Consolidated Financial Statement
Audit of Consolidated Financial Statement
Chapter Audit of Consolidated Financial Statement
Q.3 CA. Vimal is the auditor of Excellent Ltd., a parent company which presents Consolidated
Financial Statements. The management of Excellent Ltd. has provided the list of the
components included in the Consolidated Financial Statements. As an auditor of
Consolidated Financial Statements, CA Vimal has to verify that all the components have
been included in the Consolidated Financial Statements and review the information
provided by the management in identifying the components. State the procedures to be
followed by CA. Vimal in respect of completeness of this information.
[Nov. 20 – New Syllabus (5Marks)]
Ans.: Auditor’s procedures in Auditing the consolidation:
(a) The auditor should obtain a list of subsidiaries, associates & joint ventures included in
(b) The auditor should review the information provided by the management of the parent
identifying the subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.
(c) The auditor should verify that all the subsidiaries, associates and joint venture have
been included in the consolidated financial statements.
(d) In respect of completeness of this information, the auditor should perform the following
review his working papers for the prior years for the known subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures;
review the parent’s procedures for identification of subsidiaries and joint ventures;
review the investments to determine the shareholding in other entities;
review the joint venture and other relevant agreements entered into by the parent;
review the statutory' records maintained by the parent, for example register
required under section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013.
(e) The auditor should also identify the changes in the shareholding that might have taken
place since the last audit.
Q.4 JRS Limited holds the majority ownership of R Ltd. & K Ltd. S Ltd. is an intermediate
subsidiary of JRS Limited in Surat. The JRS Limited presents the consolidated financial
statements for audit purposes to MMT & Co. As a statutory auditor of MMT & Co. obtain a
listing of all the components and verify that all the components included in financial
statements unless any component meet criterion for exclusion. Explain any two reasons
which are considered by MMT & co for exclusion of components from the consolidated
financial statements and reporting of reasons of exclusion thereof.
[Jan. 21 – New Syllabus (5 Marks)]
Ans.: Exclusion of Components from the Consolidated F.S.
As per Para 11 of AS 21, “Consolidated Financial Statements”, subsidiary should be
excluded from consolidation when:
(a) control is intended to be temporary because the subsidiary is acquired and held
exclusively with a view to its subsequent disposal in the near future; or
(b) it operates under severe long-term restrictions which significantly impair its ability
to transfer funds to the parent.
As per Para 31 of Ind-AS 110, an investment entity shall not consolidate its subsidiaries.
Instead, an investment entity shall measure an investment in a subsidiary at fair value
through profit or loss in accordance with Ind AS 109 (Financial Instruments).