لغة انجليزية ادبي 75 77
لغة انجليزية ادبي 75 77
لغة انجليزية ادبي 75 77
Paper TWO
الفرع األدبي
Time: 2 hrs.
Total Marks (50) دوةل فلسطي
وزارة الرتبية والتعلمي العال
Question Number One: (15 points)
Read the text about Building Bridges to the World and complete the tasks below:
Along with President Arafat, other prominent representatives of this Palestinian generation in exile played
a vital role in bringing the cause to the world’s attention. One of these was the great writer and academic Edward
Said, originally from Jerusalem, who fought with all the strength of his great mind for freedom, equality and
justice in general, and for the future of Palestine in particular. On his death, the poet Mahmoud Darwish, himself
an important and well-known international figure, wrote: ‘I cannot say goodbye to Edward Said, so present is he
among and within us, and so alive around the world.’
Another great Palestinian intellectual was Hisham Sharabi (1927–2005), originally from Jaffa, and later an
important professor at Georgetown University near Washington. Like Said and other Palestinians, he worked all
his life to improve western understanding of Arab and Palestinian issues. He was editor of the Journal of Palestine
Studies, and wrote many books, including his famous Introduction to the Study of Arab Society (1975). He also
became well known for his television appearances and his journalism, as well as creating the Arab-American
Cultural Foundation, which builds American understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, and setting up the
Jerusalem Fund, a foundation that provides scholarships for students from Palestine.
Sharabi wrote about his ‘bitterness and anger’ when, in 1993, he returned to Jaffa to make a documentary:
‘As I stood there, I could hear people speaking Russian, probably recent immigrants from the old Soviet Union.
They were full citizens in my country, and I was there only on a limited Israeli tourist visa.’ However, he went
on to say that the only way forward was a political compromise founded on justice and international law and
UN Security Council resolutions. For him, this compromise had to include the Right of Return.
1. I don’t need this again, so you can ………………………………… it ……………. (drove away / throw away)
2. Social media as a way of communicating is often used by ……………………. (the young / the blind)
3. The ………………………………… to his speech has been generally positive. (reaction / react)
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Question Number Two: (10 points)
Read the text about Money and complete the tasks below:
Earning a lot of money may be the purpose in life of some people but in my opinion, money is not
everything, it is just the tool leading us to a better life. Money is very important, surely, but we should not regard
it as an only objective in our life. We earn money to support our life, cover our human basic needs; moreover, it
makes our life much easier and more comfortable. If you have a large sum of money, you can buy many things.
Most people long for wealth as wealth is thought to bring happiness. However, often, wealth causes a great
deal of worry without much happiness. A millionaire is a very wealthy man, of course, yet his great wealth is
also a great responsibility. He may own many large estates and factories. These usually require a lot of attention.
There may be disputes between the millionaire and his workers over one trouble or another.
You can achieve everything if you have the effort and confidence about your ability and potentials. Having
confidence and strong effort will give you power to overcome all the difficulties in life and you will find your
real happiness. Personally, I am sure that to be happy or not depends on our lifestyle and our attitude. Be
optimistic and determined then you will get all that you want.
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C. Circle the correct answer: (3 points)
1. Edgar hid from his father's men by ………………………………………………………..
a. pretending to be a mad homeless person. b. staying in Regan's castle.
c. living among Lear's knights. d. staying in the castle.
2. The illegitimate son of Gloucester is ………………………………………………………..
a. Edgar b. Albany c. Cornwall d. Edmund
1. How did Cordelia die at the end of the play? ………………………………………………………..
1. Write a short essay about A resolution you might make for the future.
Make use of the following ideas:
Name of the resolution \Why you chose it \ Steps you follow to achieve the
goal. What could go wrong? Your chance of success.
2. Write a short first person autobiography about life before the Nakba, either from imagination or from what
your family has told you.
▸ Describe the leaving and where the family went.
▸ Say what effect the Nakba had on you and your family.
▸ Add a conclusion about how people kept the memory alive and their hope for a Right of Return.
Good Luck
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