The document lists the defendants, attorneys, and scheduled court times for a day in court on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Several defendants had court times scheduled at 9:00 AM and were represented by either Woodruff, Narrow, or the Public Defender. Additional defendants with later court times at 1:30 PM were represented by Woodruff, Riendeau, Goodwin, or Swartz.
The document lists the defendants, attorneys, and scheduled court times for a day in court on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Several defendants had court times scheduled at 9:00 AM and were represented by either Woodruff, Narrow, or the Public Defender. Additional defendants with later court times at 1:30 PM were represented by Woodruff, Riendeau, Goodwin, or Swartz.
The document lists the defendants, attorneys, and scheduled court times for a day in court on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Several defendants had court times scheduled at 9:00 AM and were represented by either Woodruff, Narrow, or the Public Defender. Additional defendants with later court times at 1:30 PM were represented by Woodruff, Riendeau, Goodwin, or Swartz.
The document lists the defendants, attorneys, and scheduled court times for a day in court on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Several defendants had court times scheduled at 9:00 AM and were represented by either Woodruff, Narrow, or the Public Defender. Additional defendants with later court times at 1:30 PM were represented by Woodruff, Riendeau, Goodwin, or Swartz.
9:00 Burns Jr., Carl D. Woodruff Howard, Jahiem J. Woodruff Perras, Patricia J Woodruff Stark, Pamela M. Woodruff
Schroy, Peter R. Narrow
Lavancha, Public Defender
Stepheny J. Preston, Franklin J. Public Defender nuutic Derender I fo*".,Maryann I Sanders, Harley R Public Defender Brannan Jr., Julius Public Defender McGhee, Shaun H Public Defender Mims, Heather A. Public Defender Spellary Michael A. Public Defender Williams, Jennifer Pubiic Defender
King, Dustin R Riendeau
Sealed Wilson, Damien M. Goodwin Arruda, Goodwin Christopher L. Chandler, Sincere D Goodwin