Final RFP
Final RFP
Final RFP
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Government of India
2. Proposals are hereby invited from eligible Consultants who meet the guidelines
contained in Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017
(amended on 16.09.2020) for preparation of Detailed Project Report of Consultancy
Services for DPR Preparation for widening of Ajanta Ghat to 4L+PS of NH-753F
configuration in the state of Maharashtra. Consultant submitting Proposal in sole
capacity or as a member of joint venture or as an associate shall meet the
guidelines contained in Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order,
2017 (amended on 16.09.2020). The Letter of Invitation (LOI) and Terms of
Reference (ToR) including Request for Proposal (RFP) is available online on e-tender
portal of document can also be downloaded from
<Agency Website>. Cost of the Document in the form of a Non-refundable
document fee of Rs.5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) must be submitted in CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai account online at the time of Submission of Bid proposal,
specifying the tender id and bid due date.
4. All the bidders registered on Infracon shall form a Team on Infracon and which
would be assigned unique Infracon Team ID. Bidders while submitting the
proposal shall quote the Infracon Team ID.
Yours sincerely,
<Agency, Location>
Yours sincerely,
The Chief Engineer (NH)
Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra
Room No. 526; 5th Floor, Konkan Bhawan, Sector – 10, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400 614
Phone : 022-27574303
Letter of Invitation (LOI)
<Reference> Dated :<Date>
Dear Sir,
Sub: Consultancy Services for Consultancy Services for DPR Preparation for widening of
Ajanta Ghat to 4L+PS of NH-753F configuration in the state of Maharashtra
1. Introduction
1.1 The CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai has been has been entrusted with the assignment of
Consultancy Services for DPR Preparation for widening of Ajanta Ghat to 4L+PS of
NH-753F configuration in the state of Maharashtra. CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai now
invites proposal from Technical consultants for carrying out detailed project
report as per details given in Annexure-1.
1.2 A brief description of the assignment and its objectives are given in the
Appendix-I, “Terms of Reference”.
1.3 The CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai invites Proposals (the “Proposals”) from eligible
consultants who meet the guidelines contained in Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 (amended on 16.09.2020) through e-
tender (online bid submission) for selection of Technical Consultant (the
“Consultant”) who shall prepare detailed project report (DPR). The consultant
should have expertise in carrying out similar kind of job, in similar geographical
location (particularly for hill road projects). Consultants are here by invited to
submit proposal in the manner as prescribed in the RFP document.
A Consultant with “a Particular Team” may submit proposals for more than one
package. However, a Consultant is not allowed to bid for a package with more than
one team. For the sake of clarity, it is mentioned that one consultant cannot
submit two proposals/ bids for the same package. A consultant (either as sole or
as in JV/Association) can be awarded only upto 2 packages. A Consultant with “a
Particular Team” may submit only one “proof of eligibility (Part 1)” and “Technical
Proposal (Part II)” for any number of packages applied for by them. However, the
packages for which a Consultant with “a Particular Team” applies should be
clearly mentioned.
In case, a Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred
bidder (H-1) in more than one package, the package which is to be awarded to
this Consultant with “a Particular Team” shall be determined on the basis of
least cost to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai considering the financial quote of H-1
bidder and H-2 bidder limited to those packages, which shall be worked out as
per the procedure given in the RFP. The consultants are hereby invited to submit
proposals in the manner
prescribed in the RFP.
1.4 The consultants shall submit proposals either in sole capacity or in JV or in
Association. In case of Joint Venture, the maximum number of Joint Venture
partners is limited to 2 (i.e. one lead + 1 JV partner). The Applicant whether a
sole applicant or joint venture may include an Associate company also. Any entity
which has been barred by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH)
or its implementing agencies for the works of Expressways, National Highways,
ISC and EI Works and the bar subsists as on the date of application, would not be
eligible to submit the bid, either individually or as a member of a Joint Venture.
1.5 To obtain first hand information on the assignment and on the local conditions,
the consultants are encouraged to pay a visit to the client, local State PWDs and the
project site before submitting a proposal and attend a pre-proposal conference.
They must fully inform themselves of local and site conditions and take them
into account in preparing the proposal.
1.6 Financial Proposals will be opened only for the firms found to be eligible and
scoring qualifying marks in accordance with Para 5 hereof. The consultancy
services will be awarded to the highest ranking consultant on the basis of Quality
and Cost.
1.7 Please note that (i) costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the
contract, including visits to the Client, etc., are not reimbursable as a direct
cost of the assignment; and (ii) Client is not bound to accept any of the proposals
submitted and reserve the right to reject any or all proposals without assigning
any reasons.
ii. by the partner holding the Power of Attorney in case of a firm in partnership (A
certified copy of the Power of Attorney on a stamp paper of Rs. 100 and duly
notarized shall accompany the Proposal).
iii. by a duly authorized person holding the Power of Attorney in case of a Limited
Company or a corporation (A certified copy of the Power of Attorney on a stamp
paper of Rs. 100 and duly notarized shall accompany the proposal).
ii. Purpose of Joint Venture/Association (must include the details of contract works
for which the joint venture has been invited to bid)
iii. A clear and definite description of the proposed administrative arrangements for
the management and execution of the assignment. Name of Lead Firm and other
partner of JV should be clearly defined in the MOU
iv. Delineation of duties/ responsibilities and scope of work to be undertaken by
each firm along with resources committed by each partner of the JV/Association
for the proposed services
v. An undertaking that the JV firms are jointly and severally liable to the Employer
for the performance of the services
vi. The authorized representative of the joint venture/Association shall give a Letter
of Association, MOU as in i) to vi above except v, letter of Authorization, copies
of GPA/SPA for the person signing the documents and a certificate of
1.8.3 In case of Joint venture, one of the firms which preferably have relatively higher
experience, will act as the lead firm representing the Joint Venture. The duties,
responsibilities and powers of such lead firm shall be specifically included in the
MOU /agreement. It is expected that the lead partner would be authorized to incur
liabilities and to receive instructions and payments for and on behalf of the Joint
Venture. Payment to be made to the JV can also be made to the account of the
JV. For a JV to be eligible for bidding, the experience of lead partner and other
partner should be as indicated in data sheet.
1.8.4 A firm can bid for a project either as a sole consultant or in the form of joint
venture with other consultant or in association with any other consultant.
However, alternative proposals i.e. one as sole or in JV with other consultant
and another in association / JV with any other consultant for the same package
will be summarily rejected. In such cases, all the involved proposals shall be
1.9 Pre-proposal conference shall be held on the date, time and venue given
in Data Sheet.
1.10 The Applicant, by submitting its Application pursuant to this RFP, shall be deemed
to have acknowledged that without prejudice to the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai any
other right or remedy hereunder or in law or otherwise, the Applicant shall be
debarred from participating in the future projects of the CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai in the following situations 6
(a) If an Applicant withdraws its Proposal during the period of its validity as specified in
this RFP and as extended by the Applicant from time to time.
(b) In the case of a Selected Applicant, if the Applicant fails to sign the Agreement.
2. Documents
2.1 To enable you to prepare a proposal, please find and use the attached documents
listed in the Data Sheet.
2.2 Consultants requiring a clarification of the documents must notify the Client, in
writing, by Upto 11.00 Hrs. 28.03.2024. Any request for clarification in writing or
by telefax/e- mail must be sent to the Client’s address indicated in the Data Sheet.
The Client will upload replies to pre-bid queries on its website.
2.3 At any time before the submission of proposals, the Client may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
Consulting firm, modify the Documents by amendment or corrigendum. The
amendment will be uploaded on CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai website. The
Client may at its
discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals and the same shall
also be uploaded on CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai website.
3. Preparation of Proposal
3.1.1 The minimum essential requirement in respect of eligibility has been indicated in
the Data Sheet. The proposal found deficient in any respect of these requirements
will not be considered for further evaluation. The following documents must be
furnished in support of proof of eligibility as per Formats given in Appendix-II:
(ii) Firm’s relevant experience and performance for the last 7 years: Project sheets
insupport of relevant experience as per Form-E2/T3 supported by the experience
certificates from clients in support of experience as specified in data sheet for the
project size preferably in terrain of similar nature as that of proposed project shall
be submitted on Infracon portal in input data sheet. Certificate should indicate
clearly the firms Design/DPR experience, in 2/4-/6- laning of highway, structures
like bridges, Viaducts, tunnels, hill slope stabilization, rock bolting, ground
improvement, etc. Scope of services rendered by the firm should be clearly
indicated in the certificate obtained from the client. The information given in
Form E2/T3 shall also be considered as part of Technical Proposal and shall be
evaluated accordingly. The Consultants are therefore advised to see carefully the
evaluation criteria for Technical Proposal and submit the Project Sheets
(iii) Firm’s turnover for the last 5 years: A tabular statement as in Form E3 showing
the turnover of the applicant firm(s) for the last five years beginning with the last
financial year certified by the Chartered Account along with certified copies of the
audit reports shall be submitted in support of the turnover shall be submitted on
Infracon Portal ininput data sheet.
(iv) Document fee: The non-refundable fee for the document amounting to Rs.
5000/- (Five thousand only) is to be submitted online in CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
account. The proof/ transaction receipt of depositing online fee must be furnished
while submitting the proposal. However, Consultants who are Micro and Small
Enterprises are exempt from payment of Document Fee. Such Consultants will
be required to submit documentary evidence of their being Micro or Small
Enterprise both in CPPP and in hard copy.
(v) Deleted
(vi) Power of Attorney on a stamp paper of Rs.100 and duly notarized authorizing to
submit the proposal.
(vii) In case of Joint Venture/ Association of firms, the proposal shall be accompanied
by a certified copy of legally binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on a
stamp paper of Rs.100, signed by all firms to the joint venture/ Association as
detailed at para 1.8.2 above.
(viii) Consultants shall comply with the provisions of Integrity Pact (IP) as given in Form
T-12 and the Integrity Pact (IP) duly signed by Authorised signatory shall be
submitted by the Consultant with technical Proposal & shall be part of the
Contract Agreement.
(ix) A Consultant is required to submit along with its Technical Proposal, a self-
certification that the services offered meets the local content requirement for
‘Class-I Local supplier’/’Class-II Local Supplier’ as the case may be. In case the
Consultant has not submitted the aforesaid certification, the Consultant will be
treated as ‘Non-Local supplier’. The definition of Class-I Local Supplier, Class-II
Local Supplier, Non-Local Supplier and Local Content shall be as given in Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 (amended on 16.09.2020).
In case of procurement of a value in excess of Rs. 10 crores, the ‘Class-I Local
supplier’/’Class-II Local Supplier’ shall provide a certificate from the statutory
auditor or cost auditor of the company (in case of companies) or from a practicing
cost accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect suppliers other
than companies) giving the percentage of local content.
3.1.2 The minimum essential requirement in respect of eligibility has been indicated in the
data sheet, the proposal found deficient in any respect of these requirements
will not be considered for further evaluation.
3.1.3 Requirements with respect to Technical Capacity Provision for maximum number of
consultancy services to be awarded to one consultant:
(i) The maximum number of consultancy services to be awarded to one consultant
will be governed by the following provisions:
Sl. Average Annual Turnover of Firm Upto More than More More
No. in last 3 Financial Years Rs. 10 Rs. 10 crores than than
(from Consultancy Services) Crores but less Rs. 30 Rs. 60
than/equal crores but Crores
to Rs. 30 less
Crores than/equal to
Rs. 60 Crores
Sl. Average Annual Turnover of Firm Upto More than More More
No. in last 3 Financial Years Rs. 10 Rs. 10 crores than than
(from Consultancy Services) Crores but less Rs. 30 Rs. 60
than/equal crores but Crores
to Rs. 30 less
Crores than/equal to
Rs. 60 Crores
Note: (1) Both the conditions of turn over and number of key professionals on full time employment with the
consultant have to be satisfied to be eligible for award of maximum no. of consultancy assignments mentioned in Sr. No.
2, 3 & 4 of the above table. In case one condition is fulfilled for higher slab but the other condition is fulfilled for lower
slab, consultant will be eligible for award of maximum number of consultancy assignments corresponding to the condition
meeting lower slab.
(2) (i) In case of JV bidding for the current assignment, the weighted average of turnover and key professionals of the JV
will be determined considering the ratio of participation of the JV members in the current assignment. The total
consultancy assignments, DPR consultancy assignments and cap on the DPR consultancy assignments that can be awarded
to the JV during CFY shall be determined in accordance with the note 1 above with respect to the weighted turnover and
number of key professionals. The ongoing consultancy assignments (total & DPR) shall be determined by simple summation
of the respective figures of individual members.
Further, in case technical capacity of both the JV members make them ineligible for award of a single DPR consultancy
assignment individually, JV will not be eligible for award of any consultancy assignment based on the weighted average
of turnover and key professionals of the JV members.
(ii) The consulting firms should be encouraged to carry out a mix of DPR and Supervision Assignments like
IE/AE/Construction Supervision Consultants (CSC).
(iii) The following assignments would not be counted as ongoing consultancy services for the purpose of
determination of technical capacity as above.
(a) IE/AE/CSC assignments where original assignment period + one year is lapsed or provisional completion of civil
work is issued, whichever is earlier;
(b) DPR assignments where either (i) the bids for civil works have been received; or (ii) original assignment period
+ one year has lapsed;
(c) Special Projects like tunnel, stand-alone bridge, emergency landing facility, etc.; and
(iv) For the purpose of calculation of maximum no. of consultancy assignments, the assignments awarded on the
date of opening of financial proposal and in progress will be taken into consideration as utilized capacity. Projects of
MoRTH and its executing agencies (awarded/ in progress) only shall be considered for the purpose. The Consultant shall
provide these details and they shall be solely responsible for accuracy of such details provided.
(v) The applicants shall submit copies of Form-26 AS in the proposal in order to certify their permanent key
personnel (as given in Sr. No. 1 of above table).
(vi) The applicants shall submit the requisite details for determination of technical capacity in the prescribed format
Technical Capacity (Form T-11) enclosed.
10 26 8 6 3 6 1 5 1 2*
Sl. Average Annual Turnover of Firm in Upto More than More More
No. last 3 Financial Years (from Rs. 10 crores than than
Consultancy Services) but less Rs. 30 Rs. 60
than/equal crores but Crores
Rs. 10 to Rs. 30 less
Crores Crores than/equal to
Rs. 60 Crores
Note: (1) Both the conditions of turn over and number of key professionals on full time employment with the
consultant have to be satisfied to be eligible for award of maximum no. of consultancy assignments mentioned in Sr.
No. 2, 3 & 4 of the above table. In case one condition is fulfilled for higher slab but the other condition is fulfilled for
lower slab, consultant will be eligible for award of maximum number of consultancy assignments corresponding to the
condition meeting lower slab.
(2) (i) In case of JV bidding for the current assignment, the weighted average of turnover and key professionals of the
JV will be determined considering the ratio of participation of the JV members in the current assignment. The total
consultancy assignments, DPR consultancy assignments and cap on the DPR consultancy assignments that can be
awarded to the JV during CFY shall be determined in accordance with the note 1 above with respect to the weighted
turnover and number of key professionals. The ongoing consultancy assignments (total & DPR) shall be determined by
simple summation of the respective figures of individual members.
Further, in case technical capacity of both the JV members make them ineligible for award of a single DPR consultancy
assignment individually, JV will not be eligible for award of any consultancy assignment based on the weighted average
of turnover and key professionals of the JV members.
(viii) The consulting firms should be encouraged to carry out a mix of DPR and Supervision Assignments like
IE/AE/Construction Supervision Consultants (CSC)/PMC.
(ix) The following assignments would not be counted as ongoing consultancy services for the purpose of
determination of technical capacity as above.
(e) IE/AE/CSC/PMC assignments where original assignment period + one year is lapsed or provisional completion of
civil work is issued, whichever is earlier;
(f) DPR assignments where either (i) the bids for civil works have been received; or (ii) original assignment period
+ one year has lapsed;
(g) Special Projects like tunnel, stand-alone bridge, emergency landing facility, etc.; and
(h) Assignments having less than 6 months contract period.
(x) For the purpose of calculation of maximum no. of consultancy assignments, the assignments awarded on the
date of opening of financial proposal and in progress will be taken into consideration as utilized capacity. Projects of
MoRTH and its executing agencies (awarded/ in progress) only shall be considered for the purpose. The Consultant shall
provide these details and they shall be solely responsible for accuracy of such details provided.
(xi) The applicants shall submit copies of Form-26 AS in the proposal in order to certify their permanent key
personnel (as given in Sr. No. 1 of above table).
(xii) The applicants shall submit the requisite details for determination of technical capacity in the prescribed
format Technical Capacity (Form T-11) enclosed.
* Compare 3B – 5B with 3A – 5A and take lower of the two and in this case, it is 2 (X). Compare 4-6 with X and take
lower of the two and in this case, it is 2 (Y). Hence, Y is the remaining DPR consultancy assignments that can be
awarded to the consultant during the CFY.
3.2 Technical Proposal
3.2.1 You are expected to examine all terms and instructions included in the
Documents. Failure to provide all requested information will be at your own risk
and may result in rejection of your proposal.
3.2.2 During preparation of the technical proposal, you must give particular attention
to the following:
3.2.3 The technical proposal shall be submitted strictly in the Formats given in
Appendix- III and shall comprise of following documents:
i) Forwarding letter for Technical proposal duly signed by the authorized person on
behalf of the bidder, as in Form-T-1
ii) Details of projects for which Technical and Financial Proposals have been
submitted by a Consultant with a particular Team as in Form-T-2
iii) Firm’s references - Relevant Services carried out in the last seven years as per
Form- E2/T-3. This information submitted as part of Proof of Eligibility shall be
evaluated and need not be submitted again as a part of the Technical proposal.
iv) Site Appreciation: limited to four A4 size pages in 1.5 space and 12 font including
photographs, if any (Form-T-4).
vi) Proposed methodology for the execution of the services illustrated with bar
charts ofactivities, including any change proposed in the methodology of services
indicated in the TOR, and procedure for quality assurance: The proposed
methodology should be accompanied by the consultants initial view, key challenges
they foresee and potential solutions suggested regarding: a) proposed alignment
and bypass required, b) land acquisition requirements, c)access control,
rehabilitaton of existing road, drainage and utilities, d) adoption of superior
technology along with proof: limited to six A4 size pages in 1.5 space and 12 font
including photographs, if any for items a to c, (Form-T- 6) and information in
Form-T-8 (as covered in para viii below) for item d
vii) The proposal should clearly identify and mention the details of Material Testing
lab facilities to be used by the Consultants for the project (Form-T-7). In this
connection, the proposals of the Consultants to use in-house lab facilities up to a
distance of maximum 400 km from the project site being feasible would be
accepted. For all other cases suitable nearby material Testing Laboratory shall be
proposed before Contract Agreement is executed.
viii) The proposal shall indicate as to whether the firm is having the facilities for
carrying out the following field activities or these are proposed to be outsourced
to specialized agencies in the Form- T-8.
In case the consultant envisages outsourcing any or all of the above services to
the expert agencies, the details of the same indicating the arrangement made
with the agencies need to be furnished. These agencies would however, be
subject to approval of the client to ensure quality input by such agencies before
award of the work. For out-sourced services, proposed firms/consultants should
have such experience on similar projects
ix) Details of office equipment and software owned by the firm in Form-T9
x) CVs of following 4 (four) key Personnel may be submitted only through Infracon in Form–
[Team Leader cum Highways Engineer, Bridge Engineer, Highway Engineer & Traffic / Road
Signage / Marking and Safety Expert in case of Normal Highway Project]
[Team Leader cum Bridge Engineer, Highway Engineer, Bridge/Structural Engineer & Material
cum Geo-Technical Engineer in case of Standalone Bridge Project]
[Team Leader cum Tunnel Expert, Tunnel Design Expert, Geo- Physicist/Geologist &
Geotechnical Engineer in case Standalone Tunnel Project].
For remaining key personnel, the CVs need to be submitted for approval prior to signing of
xi) The bidders shall submit the additional details in Form–T-11 for technical proposal.
xii) In case consultant firms experience or document such as Form E2/T3, Form E3, References
(client certificate) is found to be false at any stage i.e. from bidding to completion of services,
the consultancy contract shall be terminated and consultant firm shall be debarred for a
period of 2 years.
i) The CVs of the four key personnel as mentioned in para 3.2.3(x) above in the
format as per Form T-10 is to be furnished on Infracon portal. It may please be
ensured that the format is strictly followed and the information furnished therein
is true and correct. The CV must indicate the work in hand and the duration till
which the person will be required to be engaged in that assignment. The Firm shall
ensure that details furnished in the CV by the personnel are correct.
a. If an information is found incorrect/fake/inflated in the CV, at any stage,
debarment of the key personnel from future MoRTH or its Executing Agencies
projects upto 2 years may be taken by MoRTH or its Executing Agencies.
b. In case, the information contained in the CV for the duration in which the key
personnel was employed by the firm, proposing his candidature is found
incorrect/fake/inflated at any stage, action including termination of the
consultancy agreement and debarment of the firm upto 2 years from future MoRTH
or its Executing Agencies projects shall be taken by MoRTH or its Executing
c. In case, the information contained in the CV is found incorrect/fake/inflated at
any stage, the consultancy firms shall have to refund the salary and perks drawn
in respect of the person apart from other consequences.
ii. The minimum requirements of Qualification and Experience of all key personnel are
listed in Enclosure-II of TOR. CV of a person who does not meet the minimum
experience requirement as given at enclosure-II of TOR shall be evaluated and
the marks obtained shall be taken into consideration during evaluation of
Technical Proposal (except Team leader). However if a firm with such key
personnel is declared the “most preferred bidder” for a particular package, such
key personnel should be replaced before signing of contract with a person
meeting requirements of Qualification and Experience as given at enclosure-II of
TOR and whose CV secures 75 % marks and above. If a proposed key personnel
does not possess the minimum (essential) educational qualification as given at
enclosure-II of TOR, Zero marks shall be assigned to such CV and such CV shall not
be evaluated further. The CV of the proposed Team Leader should score at
least 75 % marks otherwise the entire proposal shall be considered to have
failed in the evaluation of Technical Proposals and shall not be considered for
opening of Financial Proposals.
iii. [Team Leader, Highway cum Pavement Engineer, Senior Bridge Engineer, Geo-
technical cum material engineer Senior Survey Engineer, Tunnel Design Expert,
Senior Geotechnical Engineer and Senior Geo Physicist] * should be available from
beginning of the project. Other Key Personnel with intermittent input are
allowed to be deployed/proposed in 2 teams at a time. If same CV is submitted
by two or more firms, zero marks shall be given for such CV for all the firms.
iv. The availability of key personnel must be ensured for the duration of project as
per proposed work programme. If a firm claims that a key personnel proposed by
them isa permanent employee of the firm (the personnel should have worked in
the firm continuously for a period of at least 1 year), a certificate to the effect
be furnished by the firm.
v. The age limit for key personnel is 65 years as on the date of bid submission. The
proof of age and qualification of the key personnel must be furnished in the
technical proposal.
vi. An undertaking from the key personnel must be furnished that he/she will be
available for entire duration of the project assignment and will not engage
himself/herself in any other assignment during the period of his/her assignment on
the project. After the award of work, in case of non-availability of key personnel
in spite of his/her declaration, he/she shall be debarred for a period of two
years for all projects of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
vii. Age limit for supporting staff to be deployed on project is 65 years as on the date of
bid submission.
viii. A good working knowledge of English Language is essential for key professional
staff on this assignment. Study reports must be in English Language.
ix. Photo, contact address and phone/mobile number of key personnel should be
furnished in the CV.
start of the civil work at site during the period of survey and review of DPR by
the Supervision consultant/Authority Engineer. For this purpose, payment shall be
made as per actual site deployment of the key personnel at the man month rates
quoted by the firm in their financial proposal.
xi. It may please be noted that in case the requirement of the ‘Experience’ of the
firm/consortium as mentioned in the “Proof of Eligibility’ is met by any foreign
company, their real involvement for the intended project shall be mandatory.
This can be achieved either by including certain man-months input of key experts
belonging to the parent foreign company, or by submitting at least the draft
feasibility report and draft DPR duly reviewed by the parent firm and their paying
visit to the site and interacting with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai . In case of key
personnel proposed by the foreign company, they should be on its pay roll for at
least last six months (from the date of submission).
3.2.5 The technical proposal must not include any financial information.
3.3.1 The Financial proposal should include the costs associated with the assignment.
These shall normally cover: remuneration for staff (foreign and local, in the field,
office etc.), accommodation, transportation, equipment, printing of documents,
surveys, geotechnical investigations etc. This cost should be broken down into
foreign and local costs. Your financial proposal should be prepared strictly using,
the formats attached in Appendix – IV. Your financial proposal should clearly
indicate the amount asked for by you without any assumptions of conditions
attached to such amounts. Conditional offer or the proposal not furnished in the
format attached in Appendix-IV shall be considered non- responsive and is liable
to be rejected.
3.3.2 The financial proposal shall take into account all types of the tax liabilities and
cost of insurance specified in the Data Sheet.
3.3.3 Costs shall be expressed in Indian Rupees in case of domestic as well as for
foreign Consultant. The payments shall be made in Indian Rupees by the
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and the Consultant themselves would be required to
obtain foreign currency to the extent quoted and accepted by CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai. Rate for foreign exchange for payment shall be at the rate established
by RBI applicable at the time of making each payment installment on items
involving actual transaction in foreign currency. No compensation done to
fluctuation of currency exchange rate shall be made.
3.3.4 Consultants are required to charge only rental of equipments / software(s) use
so as to economize in their financial bid.
4. Submission of Proposals
4.1 The Applicants shall submit the proposal (Proof of Eligibility and Technical Proposal)
comprising the documents as mentioned under clause 3.1.1 and 3.2.3
respectively to meet the requirements of ‘Proof of Eligibility’ and ‘Technical
Proposal’ online only. A Consultant with “a Particular Team” may submit only
one proposal of “proof of eligibility (Part 1 Para 5.1 i, ii &vii)” and “Technical
Proposal (Part II)” to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai for all the packages applied by
them with a particular team on or before the deadline of submission of bids. A
consultant can apply for a particular package with one team only. The packages for
which a Consultant with “a Particular Team” applies should be clearly mentioned
in their proposal. However, Consultants are required to submit a copy of Proof
of Eligibility and Technical Proposal online separately for each package. Financial
proposal for each package are to be submitted separately. Financial proposal are
only to be submitted online and no hard copy of the financial proposal should be
The document listed in para 3.1.1 (iv), (vi), (vii) shall be submitted in original
by the H-1 bidder to the Authority before issue of LOA.
4.2 The proposal must be prepared in indelible ink and must be signed by the
authorized representative of the consultants. The letter of authorization must be
confirmed by a written power of attorney accompanying the proposals. All pages
of the Proof of Eligibility and Technical Proposal must be initialed by the person
or persons signing the proposal.
4.4 Your proposal must be valid for the number of days stated in the Data Sheet from
the closing date of submission of proposal.
5. Proposal Evaluation
iv) The documents are properly signed by authorized signatories and whether the proposal
contains proper POA as mentioned at para 1.8.1 above.
v) The proposals have been received on/ or before the deadline of submission.
vi) In case a Joint Venture/Association of firms, the proposal shall be accompanied by a
certified copy of legally binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a stamp paper
of Rs. 100/- signed by all firms to the Joint Venture/Association as detailed at para 1.8.2
vii) The determination of technical capacity of the bidding consultant shall be
evaluated as per Form-T11 in Appendix-III Formats for technical proposals.
In case answers to any of the above items is ‘No’ the bid shall be declared as non-
responsive and shall not be evaluated further.
A consultant satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned
hereinabove and more specifically in Data Sheet shall be construed as shortlisted
for further evaluation of Technical Proposals.
In the second stage the Technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the detailed
evaluation criteria given in Data Sheet.
5.3.1 In case for a particular package, only one firm is eligible for opening of Financial
Proposals, the Financial Proposal shall not be opened, the bids for that package
shall be cancelled and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai shall invite fresh bids for this
package. For financial evaluation, total cost of financial proposal excluding
Goods & Service Tax shall be considered. Goods & Service Tax shall be payable
5.3.2 The evaluation committee will determine whether the financial proposals are
complete (i.e. whether they have included cost of all items of the corresponding
proposals; if not, then their cost will be considered as NIL but the consultant
shall however be required to carry out such obligations without any compensation.
In case, if client feels that the work cannot be carried out within overall cost of
financial proposal, the proposal can be rejected. The client shall correct any
computational errors and correct prices in various currencies to the single currency
specified in Data Sheet. The evaluation shall exclude those taxes, duties, fees,
levies and other charges imposed under the applicable law & applied to foreign
components/ resident consultants.
5.3.3 For a package, the procedure as mentioned at Clauses 5.3.4, 5.4 and, 5.5 as
mentioned below shall be followed for determining the “most preferred bidder
(H-1 bidder)” forthis package.
5.3.4 All the bid prices which are 25% or more below average bid prices will be given
financial score (SF) of 100 points. The financial score of other bidders shall be
computed as follows:
SF=100*amount equal to 25% below average bid prices/bid price of the
particular bidder
5.4 Combined evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals.
S= STxT + SFxf
S= Combined Score,
ST= Technical Score out of
100 SF= Financial Score out
of 100
T and f are values of weightage for technical and financial proposals
respectively as given in the Data Sheet.
5.6 In case work has to be awarded for multiple packages, award of work to a
Consultant with “a Particular Team” either as sole or as in JV/Association shall
be limited to one package only. At first, Consultants who become H-1 in one
package each shall be assigned the respective package. Then packages in which
a Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder
(H-1) in more than one package shall be considered. In case, a Consultant with
“a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than
one package, the package which is to be awarded to this team of a consultant
shall be determined on the basis of least cost to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
considering the Financial Quote of H-1 bidder and H-2 Bidder limited to those
packages. Procedure to be followed for awarding work based on QCBS including
assessment of least cost to
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai under special circumstances i.e. When a Consultant with
“a Particular Team” turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1)in more than
one package is given at given at Annex-II.
6. Performance Security
6.1 The consultant will furnish within 15 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance
(LOA), an unconditional Bank Guarantee equivalent to 10% of the total contract
value from a Nationalized Bank, IDBI or ICICI/ ICICI Bank/ Foreign Bank/ EXIM
Bank / Any Scheduled Commercial Bank approved by RBI having a net worth of
not less than Rs.1000 crore as per latest Annual Report of the Bank. In the case
of a Foreign Bank (issued by a Branch in India) the net worth in respect of Indian
operations shall onlybe taken into account. In case of Foreign Bank, the BG issued
by Foreign Bank should be counter guaranteed by any Nationalized Bank in India.
In case of JV, the BG shall befurnished on behalf of the JV or by the lead member
of the JVs for an amount equivalent to 10% of the total contract value to be received
by him towards Performance Security valid for a period of three years beyond the
date of completion of services, or end of civil works contract, whichever earlier.
The Bank Guarantee will be released by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai upon
expiry of 3 years beyond the date of completion of services, or end of civil works
contract, whichever earlier, provided rectification of errors if any, found during
implementation of the contract for civil work and satisfactory report by CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai in this regard is issued. However, if contract is
foreclosed / terminated by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai at Inception Stage, with no
fault of Consultant, Performance Security shall be released within three months
from date of foreclosure / termination.
Alternatively, the Consultant may submit a single Bank Guarantee as Performance
Security to cover the performance of all the consultancy assignments being
undertaken by the Consultant for the Client for the amount indicated below. If any
part of the Omnibus Bank Guarantee has been encashed by the Client, whether
before submission of Proposal, during pendency of the Proposal evaluation or during
pendency of the Contract, the Consultant shall re-equip the Omnibus Bank
Guarantee within a period of 3 working days. The Consultant may initially provide
the Omnibus Bank Guarantee towards Performance Security for a period of two years
provided that it shall procure the extension of the validity of the Performance
Security at least one month prior to the date of expiry thereof. Once the appropriate
single Bank Guarantee for Performance Security has been submitted by the
Consultant, the existing BGs shall be returned. The Bank Guarantee be submitted in
prescribed Proforma.
Performance Security
Cumulative Value of Consultancy Fee as per Ongoing BG Value (Rs. In
Contracts (Rs. In Crores) Crores)
0-10 0.2
10-20 0.4
20-30 0.5
30-40 0.6
40-60 0.8
60-80 1.0
80-100 1.2
100-150 1.5
150-200 1.75
>200-250 2.0
6.2 Further, in case where the bid of the successful consulting firm is less than 85% of
the average of all bids received, the successful consulting firm shall have to
submit an Additional Performance Security (APS) in the form of a Bank Guarantee
for 30% of the differential value between the successful bid and average of all the
bids received. The BG shall be valid for a period of [xx+2] months i.e. upto 2
months beyond the expiry of the Contract of [xx] months. The other requirements
of APS are same as those of Performance Security.
6.3 In the event the Consultant fails to provide the security within 15 days of date of
LOA, it may seek extension of time for a period of 15 (Fifteen) days on payment of
damages for such extended period in a sum of calculated at the rate of 0.05%
(Zero Point Zero Five Percent) of the Bid price for each day until the performance
security is provided. For the avoidance of doubt the agreement shall be deemed
to be terminated on expiry of additional 15 days time period.
7. Penalty
The consultant will indemnify for any direct loss or damage that accrue due to
deficiency in services in carrying out Detailed Project Report. Penalty shall be
imposed on the consultants for poor performance/ deficiency in service as
expected from the consultant and as stated in General Conditions of Contract.
8. Award of Contract
The Client shall issue letter of award to selected Consultant and ask the
Consultant to provide Performance Security as in Para 6 above. If the selected
Consultant fail to provide performance security within the prescribed time or the
Consultant fail to sign the Contract Agreement within prescribed time, the Client
may invite the 2nd highest ranking bidder Consultant and follow the procedure
outlined in Para 8 and 9 of this Letter of Invitation.
9. Signing of Contract Agreement
After having received the performance security and verified it, the Client shall
invite the selected bidder for signing of Contract Agreement on a date and time
convenient to both parties within 15 days of receipt of valid Performance
10. The Client shall keep the bidders informed during the entire bidding process and
shall host the following information on its website:
vi) List of bidders who did not pass the eligibility requirements, stating the broad
vii) List of bidders who did not pass the Technical Evaluation stating the reasons.
viii) List of bidders along with the technical score, who qualified for opening the
financial bid
11. It is the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai policy that the consultants observe the highest
standard of ethics during the selection and execution of such contracts. In
pursuance of this policy, the
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai:
(a) Defines, for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,
directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of a public
official in the selection process or in contract execution;
12. Confirmation
We would appreciate you informing us by facsimile/e-mail whether or not you
will submit a proposal.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
The Chief Engineer (NH)
Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra
Room No. 526; 5th Floor, Konkan Bhawan, Sector – 10, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400 614
Phone : 022-27574303
Encl. as above
S. NH No. Section State Tentative Length (in km) Package No. Estimated Cost
No. (in INR)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 NH-753F Ajanta Ghat Maharashtra 6.00 -- 21,00,000
Procedure of Awarding Work based on QCBS including Assessment of Least Cost
to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai under Special Circumstances i.e. When a
Consultant with a particular team becomes H-1 bidder in more than one
A Consultant with a particular Team can apply for any number of packages with one
team. However, Award of work to a Consultant with “a Particular Team” either as sole or
as in JV/Association shall be limited to one package only. Following procedure shall be
followed for the selection of the most preferred bidder for the consultancy
1. At first, Consultants who become H-1 in one package each shall be assigned the
respective package. Then packages in which a Consultant with “a Particular Team”
turns out to be the most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package shall be
considered. In case, a Consultant with “a Particular Team” turns out to be the
most preferred bidder (H-1) in more than one package, the package which is to be
awarded to this team of a consultant shall be determined on the basis of least cost
to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai considering the Financial Quote of H-1 bidder and H-2
Bidder limited to those packages which shall be worked out as per procedure
illustrated with an example as mentioned below.
The different packages shall be awarded to consultants as mentioned below:
2.1 Step-1:
In this case, Consultants P (team-1) and Q are the H-1 in only one package each
namely package-1 and package-6 respectively. Consultant V is H-1 in 3 packages
namely Package-2, Package-3 and Package-8 respectively. Consultant R (team-1)
is H-1 in 3 packages namely Package-4, Package-5 and Package-7 respectively. Since
Consultant P (team-1) is H-1 in Package-1 only and Consultant Qis H-1 in Package-6
only, Consultant P (team-1) shall be awarded Package-1 and Consultant Q shall
be awarded Package-6.
2.2 Step-2:
After Consultant P (team-1) is awarded Package-1 and Consultant Qis awarded
Package-6, the scenario for the remaining 6 packages is as given below .P
(team- 1) and Q occurring anywhere else stands deleted as they have already been
awarded one work each
Consultant V shall be awarded only one package out of the 3 packages for which it is H-1
namely Package-2, Package-3 and Package-8 respectively. Similarly Consultant R (team-
1) shall be awarded only one package out of the 3 packages for which it is H-1
namelyPackage-4, Package-5 and Package-7 respectively. The determination of package to
be awarded to Consultant V and Consultant R (team-1) shall be worked out in a single step
(i.e. one at a time) .New H-1 for the remaining packages (4 packages) shall be worked out
only after determination of packages to be awarded to the H-1 bidders at this stage [i.e.
Consultant V and R (Team-1) in the instant case] in one step . Determination of Package
to be awarded to each of Consultant V and Consultant R (team-1) shall be worked out as
(i) After the award of Package-1 to Consultant –P (team-1) and Package -6 to Consultant
– Q and also considering that a Consultant with a particular team can be awarded
only one work, the details of H-1 and H-2 / New H-2 in the remaining 6 packages
are asmentioned below .Since V is H-1 in more than one package and shall be
awarded one of these packages, V has been deleted from all other packages
.Similarly, since R(Team-1) in more than one package and shall be awarded one of
these packages, R (Team-1) has been deleted from all other packages
Package-4 R (team- T
250 lakhs 220 lakhs
Package-5 R (team- S
220 lakhs 260 lakhs
Package-7 R (team- U (team-1)
200 lakhs 220 lakhs
Package-8 V W Consultant-R(team-1) has not been considered as H-2 since Consultant –C (team-1) is
to be awardedone package out of the packages 4,5 and 7 in whichit is H-1. Hence
190 lakhs 220 lakhs
Consultant – W is the new H-2
(ii) Package to be awarded to Consultant –V who is H-1 in three packages namely Package
- 2, 3 and 8 respectively shall be determined on the basis of least cost to
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai considering the Financial Quote of H-1 bidder and H-2
Bidder limited to those packages The situation for least cost to CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai shall be when the firm with Consultant –G is awarded the package for
which Financial Bid of second ranked team (H-2) minus Financial Bid of the first
ranked team (H-1) is maximum. The same is illustrated as given below
In a similar way, Package to be awarded to Consultant – R (team-1) who is H-1 in
three packages namely Package -4, 5 and 7 respectively shall be determined as
illustrated below:
2.3 Step-3
(i) After the award of the above mentioned 4 packages namely, Package-1 to
Consultant–P (team-1), Package -6 to Consultant –Q, Package -3 to Consultant –
V, Package -5 to Consultant –R (team-1) and also considering that a Consultant
with a particular team can be awarded only one work, the details of new H-1
and New H-2 in the remaining 4 packages are as mentioned below
(ii) Consultant T is the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-4. Similarly
Consultant W is the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-8. Accordingly
Package- 8 shall be awarded to Consultant–W and Package -4 shall be awarded
to Consultant–T.
2.4 Step-4:
Consultant U (team-1) is the new H-1 for package- 2 and Package-7 respectively and
Consultant U (team-1) shall be awarded only one package out of this 2 packages.
Package to be awarded to Consultant –U (team-1) shall be determined as illustrated
2.5 Step-5 :
(i) After the award of the above mentioned 7 packages namely, Package-1 to
Consultant–P (team-1) , Package -6 to Consultant –Q, Package -3 to Consultant –
V, Package -5 to Consultant –R (team-1), Package-4 to Consultant -T, Package -8
to Consultant-W, package-7 to Consultant –U (team-1) team and also considering
that a Consultant with a particular team can be awarded only one work , the
details of new H-1 and / New H-2 in the remaining package i.e. package -2 is
as mentioned below
(ii) Consultant X is the new H-1 for only one package namely Package-2. Accordingly,
Package -2 shall be awarded to Consultant –X.
3. Thus as per the above mentioned procedure the 8 packages are awarded to the
following Consultant at the Financial Quoted (after arithmetic Corrections) by
them for the respective packages
I (References to corresponding paragraphs of LOI are mentioned alongside)
(The Name of project and Package No. should be indicated in the format given
in the technical proposal)
2. The name of the Client is : Chief Engineer, National Highways, Public Works Department,
Government of Maharashtra
3. Duration of the Project: Duration of the project 06 months.
* The time period for DPR preparation may be fixed as follows:
Sl. Type of Project Size (km) Duration
1 Widening & upgradation to 2 lanes with paved Upto 50 10
shoulders 50-100 12
>100 15
2 Widening & upgradation to 4/6 lanes with paved Upto 50 12
shoulders from 2L/2L+PS 50-100 15
>100 18
3 Widening & upgradation to 6 lanes with paved Upto 50 10
shoulders from 4L+PS 50-100 12
>100 15
4 Green Field Expressways Upto 50 18
50-100 21
>100 24
5 Stand alone bypass Upto 20 10
>20 12
6 Stand alone bridge/tunnel Duration to be decided for individual cases
depending on size and complexity
In case the project is located in hilly region in more than 50% length, the time period as
mentioned above shall be increased by 25%.
Time period may also be suitably increased in case the project has tunnel/long span bridge.
Time: 15.00 Hrs. at Chief Engineer office NH Konkan Bhawan, CBD Belapur, Navi
Pre-proposal conference shall be held through hybrid mode i.e. physical & video
5 The Documents are:
iv. Appendix-IV: Formats for Financial Proposal
6. Deleted
(i). The Consultants and their personnel shall pay all taxes (including Goods &
service tax), custom duties, fees, levies and other impositions levied under
the laws prevailing seven days before the last date of submission of the
bids. The effects of any increase / decrease of any type of taxes levied by
the Government shall be borne by the Client / Consultant, as appropriate.
(ii). Limitations of the Consultant’s Liability towards the Client shall be as per
Clause 3.4 of Draft Contract Agreement
(iii). The risk and coverage shall be as per Clause 3.5 of Draft Contract Agreement.
8. Deleted
9. Deleted
Date 19.04.2024
Address at Chief Engineer office NH Konkan Bhawan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
11. Proposal Validity period (Number of days): 120 days (Ref. Para 4.5)
12.1 First stage evaluation – eligibility requirement. (Ref. Para 3.1 & 5.1)
Table-1: Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Sr. Minimum experience and performance of Preparation of DPR of Highways Annual average
No. / Bridges in the last 7 years (NH/SH/Equivalent) (for past performance attach turnover
undertaking for any litigation history/ and arbitration).
1 A Firm applying for a package should have Experience of preparation of Detailed Annual average turnover
Project Report of two/four/six lane / Feasibility of Two/ four/ six lane projects of for last
aggregate length equal to the indicative length of the package (i.e. 100km if the indicative 5 years of the firm
length of the package is 100 km). Firm should have also prepared DPR for at least should be equal to or
one project of 2/4/6laning of minimum 40% of the indicative length of the package (i.e. more than Rs.5.00
40 km if the indicative length of the package is 100 km) or Feasibility Study of Crores.
two/four/six laning of minimum 60%of the indicative length of the package (i.e. 60 km if
the indicative length of the package is 100 km)
Note: The experience of a firm in preparation of DPR for a private
concessionaire/contractor shall not be considered.
(i) The sole applicant shall fulfill all the requirements given in Table-1.
(ii) In case of JV, the Lead Partner should fulfill at least 75% of all eligibility
requirements and the other partner shall fulfill at least 50% of all
eligibility requirements.
(iii) If the applicant firm has / have prepared the DPR/FS projects solely on its
own, 100% weightage shall be given. If the applicant firm has prepared the
DPR/FS projects as a lead partner in a JV, 75% weightage shall be given. If
the applicant firm have prepared the DPR projects as the other partner (not
lead partner) in a JV 50% weightage shall be given. If the applicant firm
have prepared the DPR/FS projects as an associate,25% weightage shall
be given.
(iv) Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is
invited. For 2-lane projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered
with a multiplication factor of 1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall be
considered interchangeably for 4/6 laning projects. For 4/6 laning
projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication
factor of 0.4, but only for those 2 lane projects whose cost of consultancy
services was more than Rs.1.0 crore
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
3.3.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 75 crore 5
3.3.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 20 but < 40 crore 3
4.5 Additional one mark will be given if minimum 20% of the above key personnel have M.Tech in any 1
field of civil engineering
5.1 Average CoS (net of positive and negative) as percentage of contract price in last 5 DPRs prepared 2.5
by the firm
5.1.1 0 2.5
5.2 Average area variation as percentage of acquired private land as per 1st 3D notification in last 5 2.5
DPRs prepared by the firm
5.2.1 0 2.5
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
5.2.2 > 0 but <=4 2.0
5.3 Average delay in land acquisition in last 5 DPRs prepared by the firm (delay in 90% site possession 2.5
wrt contract period)
5.4 Average use of new materials/waste materials/new technology used in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm as percentage of total cost of civil works
For special projects such as special bridges, tunnels and expressways that
require specialized capabilities and skill sets, the following is the break-up:
1.2.1 1 project 3
1.2.2 2 projects 4
1.2.3 3 projects 5
1.2.4 4 projects 6
1.2.5 ≥ 5 projects 7
2 DPR of Bridge having length more than 200 m 5
2.1 1 bridge 1
2.2 2 bridges 2
2.3 3 bridges 3
2.4 4 bridges 4
2.5 ≥ 5 bridges 5
3 Specific experience of firms in terms of turnover 5
3.1 Two Lane up to 50 km length or 4-lane up to 30 km length
3.1.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 25 crore 5
3.1.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 10 - 25 crore 4
3.1.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 5 but < 10 crore 3
3.2 Two lane 50-200 km length or 4/6 lane 30-120 km length
3.2.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 50 crore 4
3.2.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 25 - 50 crore 4
3.2.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 10 but < 25 crore 3
3.3 Two lanes more than 200 km or 4/6 lanes above 120 km in length.
3.3.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 75 crore 5
3.3.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 40 - 75 crore 4
3.3.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 20 but < 40 crore 3
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
4 DPR for special category projects (Special bridges/ tunnels or expressways,
whichever applicable). It is to be noted that either 4.1 or
4.2 shall be applicable, and not both.
4.1 DPR of number of special bridges/ tunnels (if applicable) 5
4.1.1 1 project 1
4.1.2 2 projects 2
4.1.3 3 projects 3
4.1.4 4 projects 4
4.1.5 ≥ 5 projects 5
4.2 Aggregate length of DPR/ Feasibility study for expressways 5
4.2.1 Upto 50 km 2
4.2.2 50km to 100 km 3
4.2.3 100km to 150 km 4
4.2.4 > 150 Km 5
5 Highway Professionals * working with the firm 10
5.1 <10 nos. 0
5.2 10-19 nos. 7
5.3 20-29 nos. 8
5.4 > 30 nos. 9
5.5 Additional one mark will be given if minimum 20% of the above key personnel have M.Tech in any 1
field of civil engineering
*The professionals who possess degree in Civil Engineering/Transport Planning/Transport
Economics/Traffic Management/Geology/Environment Science or Engineering and 8 years
Experience in highway/bridge/tunnel with employment in the firm for more than one year. The
current Employment Certificate shall be uploaded by Key Personnel on INFRACON.
6 Quality of Past Performance (based on self certification) 10
6.1 Average CoS (net of positive and negative) as percentage of contract price in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm
6.1.1 0 2.5
6.1.2 > 0 but <=2.5 2.0
6.1.3 > 2.5 but <=5.0 1.5
6.1.4 > 5.0 but <=7.5 1.0
6.1.5 > 7.5 but <=10.0 0.5
6.1.6 >10 0.0
6.2 Delay in completion of DPR as percentage of original contract period in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm
6.2.1 0 2.5
6.2.2 > 0 but <= 25 2.0
6.2.3 >25 but <= 50 1.5
6.2.4 >50 but <= 75 1.0
6.2.5 >75 but <=100 0.5
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
6.2.6 >100 0.0
6.3 Average delay in land acquisition in last 5 DPRs prepared by the firm (delay in 90% site 2.5
possession wrt contract period)
6.3.1 <=3 months 2.5
6.3.2 >3 but <=6 months 2.0
6.3.3 >6 but <=9 months 1.5
6.3.4 >9 but <=12 months 1.0
6.3.5 >12 months 0
6.4 Average use of new materials/waste materials/new technology used in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm as percentage of total cost of civil works
6.4.1 <=2.5 0
6.4.2 >2.5 but <=5 1.0
6.4.3 >5.0 but <=7.5 1.5
6.4.4 >7.5 but <=10 2.0
6.4.5 >10 2.5
Note: In case feasibility study is a part of DPR services the experience shall be counted
in DPR only. In case bridge is included as part of DPR of highway the experience will be
(1) and (2) Note:
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
4.2 2 projects 2
4.3 3 projects 2.5
4.4 4 projects 3.0
4.5 ≥ 5 projects 3.5
5 Experience in using GPR and Induction Locator or better technologies for detection of sub- 1
surface utilities (Infrastructure sector)
5.1 1 project 0.25
5.2 2 projects 0.50
5.3 3 projects 0.75
5.4 ≥ 4 projects 1.00
6 Experience in digitization of cadastral maps for land surveys 1
6.1 Area upto 100 ha 0.50
6.2 Area between 100-500 ha 0.75
6.3 Area > 500 ha 1.0
a. Office equipment setup including Computer, plotter, A0 printer etc.
The number of points assigned during the evaluation of qualification and competence of
key staff are as given below:
S. No. Description Maximum Points Sub-Points
1 General Qualification 25
1.1 Essential education qualification 20
1.2 Desirable education qualification 5
2 Relevant experience and adequacy for the project 70
2.1 Total professional experience 15
2.2 Experience in Highway/Bridge/Tunnel Projects 25
2.3 Experience in Similar Capacity 30
3 Employment with the Firm 5
3.1 Less than 1 Year 0
3.2 1 year 3
3.3 Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks
The consultancy services will be awarded to the consultant scoring highest marks
in combined evaluation of Technical and Financial proposals in accordance with
clause 1.3 and 5.4 hereof.
The weight given to Technical Proposal (T) = 0.80. The weight given to
Financial Proposal (F) = 0.20
Consultant have to quote in Rupees both for domestic Consultant as well as Foreign
Consultancy Services for Consultancy Services for DPR Preparation for widening of Ajanta
Ghat to 4L+PS of NH-753F configuration in the state of Maharashtra
1. General
1.1 The CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai has been entrusted with the assignment of Consultancy
Services for DPR Preparation for widening of Ajanta Ghat to 4L+PS of NH-753F configuration in
the state of Maharashtra. CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai now invites proposal from
Technical consultants for carrying out detailed project report as per details given
in Annexure-1.
1.2 CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai will be the employer and executing agency for the
consultancy services and the standards of output required from the appointed
consultants are of international level both in terms of quality and adherence to the
agreed time schedule. The consultancy firm will solely be responsible for
submission of quality work in stipulated period.
1.3 Ministry has recently awarded works of consultancy services for construction of
ROBs for replacing level crossings in various states. In case a level crossing exists in
a project reach, consultant is required to co-ordinate with those consultants and
finalize the alignment & configuration of road accordingly. However, if the same
is not covered in the above assignment of DPR/feasibility study awarded by
Ministry, the consultant under this assignment shall be responsible for preparing
DPR for such level crossings.
2. Objective
2.1 The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical,
economical, and financial viability of the project and prepare detailed project
reports for rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing road to <4 Lane>
2.2 The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the
requirements with regard to rehabilitation, upgrading and improvement based
on highway design, pavement design, provision of service roads wherever necessary,
type of intersections, rehabilitation and widening of existing and/or construction
of new bridges and structures, road safety features, quantities of various items of
works and cost estimates and economic analysis within the given time frame.
2.3 The Detailed Project Report (DPR) would inter-alia include detailed highway
design, design of pavement and overlay with options for flexible or rigid
pavements, design of bridges and cross drainage structures and grade separated
structures, design of service roads, quantities of various items, detailed working
drawings, detailed cost estimates, economic and financial viability analyses,
environmental and social feasibility, social and environmental action plans as
appropriate and documents required for tendering the project on commercial
basis for international / local competitive bidding.
2.4 The DPR consultant should ensure detailed project preparation incorporating aspects
of value engineering, quality audit and safety audit requirement in design and
implementation. The Consultant shall ensure to carry out Road Safety Audit at
various stages as per supplement-III (Additional Requirement for Safety Audit) of
2.5 The consultant should, along with Feasibility Report, clearly bring out through
financial analysis the preferred mode of implementation on which the Civil Works
for the stretches are to be taken up. The consultant should also give cost
estimates along with feasibility report/ detailed Project Report.
2.6 If at inception stage or feasibility stage, employer desires to terminate the contract,
the contract will be terminated after payment up to that stage.
3. Scope of Services
The general scope of services is given in the sections that follow. However, the
entire scope of services would, inter-alia, include the items mentioned in the
Letter of Invitation, terms of reference, general contract and any supplements
and appendices to these documents.
3.1 RoW and Land related aspects
3.1.1 The Right of Way norms for National Highways should be as under:
(i) Expressways 90 m
(ii) Economic Corridors and major National Highways requiring provisions for Service Roads andplanned for expansion to 8- 70 m
(iii) National Highways with planed capacity to 6-lane Configuration 60 m
(iv) National Highways with planned capacity to 4-lane 45 m
(v) NH with planned capacity to two-lane + PS configuration requiring provision of Service Roads 30 m
3.1.2 In case of upgradation of an existing two lane Highway to a 4/6/8 lane configuration,
a comparative cost-benefit analysis shall necessarily be carried out while
recommending development of existing route/alignment vis-a-vis alternate
option of a green –field alignment. While carrying out the cost benefit analysis
of both the options, the following factors shall be considered:
(i) Extant of land acquisition and the associated costs;
(ii) Number of structures required to be acquired along their extant and costs.
(iii) The quantum of utilities and costs required for their shifting.
(iv) The extent of tree –felling and the associated cost & time for
obtaining therequisite permissions.
3.1.3 However, green-field option may not be resorted to in cases where growth of
traffic is such that ultimate capacity does not require widening beyond 4 lanes in
3.1.4 In case the green field alignment option works out to be a preferred option, then-
(i) RoW width to be acquired shall be intimated to the Consultant by the client on
completion of feasibility study. No positive or negative variation to the price shall
be made on this account.
(ii) The lane status of the highway should be decided depending on the anticipated
traffic and ROW available. However, carriageway shall be placed in such a manner
that additional land is left adjacent to the median for future expansion.
(iii) The highway shall have provision for service roads in inhabited areas, preferably
of 10 mtrs width, with maximum access –control for the main carriage way .
(iv) Access to the towns/cities/establishments located on the existing National
Highway, may be provided through spurs from the green field route.
3.1.5 All efforts shall be made to avoid any road alignment through National Parks and
Wild life Sanctuaries, even if it requires taking a long route/bypass. However,
where it becomes absolutely unavoidable and necessary to keep the alignment
through such reserve forest / restricted areas, minimum land would be acquired
such that highway can be provided except the service road so as to meet all
design requirements.
3.1.6 Similarly, though it may be difficult, while determining the alignment for any
bypass, efforts be made to see if these could be along the revenue boundaries of
two revenue estates thereby minimizing the compulsions of land owners / farmers
for cross-overs to the other side. In case such an alignment is not found
feasible, it should be ensured that access to common facilities for the local people
(e.g. schools, Healthcare facilities etc.) is maintained only on one side of the
alignment, thereby minimizing the need for cross-over for day-to-day life.
3.1.7 Protection of the acquired RoW against any possible encroachments is extremely
important. Boundary stones be provided at the end of the RoW as per provisions
of IRC:SP:84 and also supplemented as per Circular dated 08.12.2015 issued by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. The boundary pillars alone, which are subject to
removal with passage of time, may not be enough to save against encroachments.
As such, the typical cross- section of a Highway Road is being re-visited separately
with the intention of providing permanent features in this behalf. For a typical RoW
of 60 mtrs, starting from one end, these will require the following:
(a) Use barricading of the RoW with plantation of hedge-like species (Ficus / Poplars)
within a 3m wide strip area, dug up to 0.6 to 0.9 mtrs, of which 2.0 mtrs to serve
as a Utility Corridor.
(b) Provision of a Service Road (along the inhabited area) with its drainage slope
towards the drain / area reserved for Strip Plantation, for a width of 9.0 mtrs.
(c) Earmark width of 1.5 mtrs for construction of a drain so as to be able to capture
the rainwater flow from the Service Road (wherever provided) and the main
(d) Three lane with paved shoulders: Main carriageway – 10.5 mtrs, paved shoulder –
2.5 mtr and earthen shoulder – 1.5 mtr.
3.1.8 With regard to land acquisition, tree felling, utility shifting across the alignment,
Ministry’s Guidelines issued vide letter no. NH -15017/21/2018-P&M dated 10th May,
2018, or any amendment thereof, may be adhered to.
The Consultant in the process of his deliverables, is expected to:
(i) To delineate and propose the most optimal alignment and take care of geometrics
of the road to meet safety parameters while finalizing the DPR;
(ii) Identify and avoid (to the extent feasible) all such structures (religious structures,
public utilities cremation grounds, private structures) in the RoW of the road
project that could become major hindrances at the time of project execution;
(iii) Procure or create digitized, geo referenced cadastral/land revenue maps for the
purpose of land acquisition activities. Where state governments of local agencies
have already digitize cadastral maps, the consultant shall arrange to procure such
maps. The digitized map should exactly match the original map so that the
dimensions and area of plots can be extracted from the map itself.
(iv) Co-ordinate collection of all relevant land revenue records (including Khasra
maps, Khatiyan, Jamabandi etc.) from the local land revenue administration office
required for preparation of Draft notification under Section 3A of the NH Act.
(v) Identify and list all land parcels that need to be acquired as part of project road.
Conduct Joint measurement survey in conjunction with CALA, the Executing
Agency and the Land Revenue Department to verify land records.
(vi) Assist the CALA and the Project Executing agency in preparation of statutory
notification under Sections 3A, the CALA during hearing of objections received
under Section 3C, recording of hearings and completion of this process,
preparation of draft notification under Section 3D and completion of the LA
process at every stage, timely publication of notifications and public notices in
newspapers at every stage;
(vii) Clear identification and preparation of an inventory of the assets attached to the
land under acquisition (e.g. Structures, trees, crops or any such assets which
should be valued for payment of compensation);
(viii) Co-ordination with offices of various departments like Land Revenue Office (or
Tehsil), Registrar office and other State departments (public works department,
horticulture department, forest department etc.) for evaluation of assets
(Structures, tree, crops etc.) attached to the land and liaison with respective State
authority for authentication of the valuation.
(ix) Prepare and inventory of all the utilities (electrical/water supply lines/gas
pipelines etc.–
(x) both linear and cross overs) and all such structures (religious structure, public
utilities, cremation grounds, private structures) in the RoW of the road project
that could become major hindrances at the time of project execution;
(xi) Carefully avoid location of any Flyover/VUP/elevated structure where a high
tension electricity line (66/132/220/400 KV etc.) is crossing over so as to avoid
raising of such line at such point, while designing the road projects;
(xii) Assist in demarcation of the acquired land and installation of the boundary
stones/pillars/peg makings along the RoW of the alignment;
(xiii) Identification of land parcels missed out from acquisition in the first round and
assist the Authority and the CALA in preparation of Draft Notification for
acquisition of the land under missing plots.
3.4 Approach to the provision and specifications for Structures:
3.4.1 The structures on roads viz. Bridges, ROBs (Road Over Bridges, and Flyovers),
RUBs(Road Under Bridges) etc. are designed for more than 50 years. It is difficult to
increase the width of the structures at a later date which may also have larger
financial implications apart from construction related issues in running traffic.
Therefore, it has been decided to keep provision for all the structures including
approaches comprising of retaining structures as 6-lane (length of such
approaches shall, in no case, be less than 30m on either side) on all the four-lane
highways except in the following cases (i) Reserve Forest (ii) Wild life Areas (iii)
Hilly Areas (iv) Urban Areas where site condition do not permit this. Wherever
elevated sections are designed through any inhabited areas, these should be six-
lane structures supported on single piers so that the road underneath serves as
effective service roads on both sides.
3.4.2 Highway projects shall be designed for separation of local traffic especially for
Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), for longitudinal movements and crossing facilities
through viaduct(s) located at convenient walking distance. Provision of PUPs and
CUPs with size of 7.0m x 3.0m, as specified in para 2.10 of the IRC specifications,
has proved to be insufficient keeping in view the increased use of
mechanization in agriculture practices. These structures do not support the easy
passage / crossing for the tractors with trolleys so often used for agricultural
operations. As traffic on cross roads is increasing day-by-day, it has been
decided to substitute the provision of Pedestrian Underpass (PUP) / Cattle
Underpass (CUP) [for para 2.10 of IRC specifies the dimensions of 7.0m x 3.0m]
with a LVUP with a minimum size of 12 (lateral clearance) x 4m (vertical
clearance). Out of 12m lateral width, 2.5m width on one side shall be raised
for pedestrian sidewalks with grills to make pedestrian movement convenient and
safe. A third smaller dimension VUP-SVUP (4m*7m) for all cross roads
carriageway width lesser than
5.5m may also be considered. Thus VUPs would be of three grades i.e.VUP-
5.5mx20m ; LVUP-4mx12m ; and SVUP-4mx7m These structures shall be located at
the most preferred place of pedestrian / cattle / day-to-day crossings.
Depending on the site conditions, feasibility of clubbing the crossing facilities
through service roads shall also be explored. Further, the bed level of these
crossings shall not be depressed as any such depression, in the absence of proper
drainage facilities becomes water-logged rendering the same unusable. Ideally,
the bed level of the crossings should be a bit higher with proper connectivity to
a drain, which could serve the drainage requirements of the main carriageway,
the underpass and the service road as well.
3.4.3 Wherever the alignment of 4-lane Highway road project is retained in-situ while
passing through inhabited areas (e.g. villages), it should be ensured that Service
Roads are provided on both sides of the carriageway, connected underneath with
a cross- over structure (VUP/ LVUP/SVUP). Thus each habitation should
preferably have crossing facility at the highways with a vertical clearance of 4
3.4.4 To ensure that bypass once constructed serves the intended purpose during its life, all
the bypasses shall be well designed and access controlled. The entry / exit from /
to side roads shall be controlled such that they are grade separated at major roads
or at spacing not less than 5 kms. Side roads at closer spacing shall be connected to
the service roads on either side and taken to major roads for provision of grade
separated interchange.
3.5 The provision of embankments shall be kept minimum so as to save land as well
as earth which are scarce resources. This can be decided on case to case basis
with due deliberations. However, economic considerations may also be given due
weightage before deciding the issue.
3.6 The Consultant shall study the possible locations and design of toll plaza if
applicable to the project. Wayside amenities Land (minimum 5 acres, length and
depth preferably in the ratio of 3:2) shall also be acquired for establishment of
Way-side amenities at suitable locations at distances varying between 30 to 50
kms on both sides of the Highway. The local and slow traffic may need
segregation from the main traffic and provision of service roads and fencing may
be considered, wherever necessary to improve efficiency and safety.
3.7 The Consultant will also make suitable proposals for widening/improvement of
the existing road and strengthening of the carriageways, as required at the
appropriate time to maintain the level of service over the design period. The
Consultants shall prepare documents for EPC/PPP contracts for each DPR
3.8 All ready to implement ‘good for construction’ drawings shall be prepared
incorporating all the details.
3.10 Wherever required, consultant will liaise with concerned authorities and arrange
all clarifications. Approval of all drawings including GAD and detail engineering
drawings will be got done by the consultant from the Railways. However, if
Railways require proof checking of the drawings prepared by the consultants, the
same will be got done by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and payment to the proof
consultant shall be made by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai directly. Consultant will
also obtain final approval from Ministry of Environment and Forest for all
applicable clearances. Consultant will also obtain approval for estimates for
shifting of utilities of all types from the concerned authorities and CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai. Consultant is also required to prepare all Land Acquisition papers
(i.e. all necessary schedule and draft 3a, 3A, and 3D, 3G notification as per L.A.
act) for acquisition of land either under NH Act or State Act.
3.11 The DPR consultant may be required to prepare the Bid Documents, based on
the feasibility report, due to exigency of the project for execution if desired by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
3.12 Consultant shall obtain all types of necessary clearances required for
implementation of the project on the ground from the concerned agencies. The
client shall provide the necessary supporting letters and any official fees as per
the demand note issued by such concerned agencies from whom the clearances
are being sought to enable implementation.
3.13 The consultant shall prepare separate documents for BoT as well as EPC contracts
at Feasibility stage / DPR stage. The studies for financing options like BoT,
Annuity, EPC will be undertaken in feasibility study stage.
3.14 The consultant shall be guided in its assignment by the Model Concession/
Contract Agreements for PPP/ EPC projects, as applicable and the Manual of
Specifications and Standards for two/ four/ six laning of highways published
by IRC (IRC:SP:73 or IRC:SP:84 or IRC:SP:87, as applicable) along with
relevant IRC codes for design of long bridges.
3.15 The consultant shall prepare the bid documents including required schedules (as
mentioned above) as per EPC/ PPP documents. For that it is suggested that
consultant should also go through the EPC/PPP documents of ministry before bidding
the project. The Consultant shall assist the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and the
Legal Adviser by furnishing clarifications as required for the financial appraisal
and legal scrutiny of the Project Highway and Bid Documents.
3.16 Consultant shall be responsible for sharing the findings from the preparation
stages during the bid process. During the bid process for a project, the
consultant shall support the authority in responding to all technical queries, and
shall ensure participation of senior team members of the consultant during all
interaction with potential bidders including pre-bid conference, meetings, site
visits etc. In addition, the consultant shall also support preparation of detailed
responses to the written queries raised by the bidders.
4. General
General Scope of Services shall cover but be not limited to the following major
tasks (additional requirements for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Hill
Roads and Major Bridges are given in Supplement I and II respectively):
i. Review of all available reports and published information about the project road
and the project influence area;
ii. Environmental and social impact assessment, including such as related to cultural
properties, natural habitats, involuntary resettlement etc.
ii (a). Public consultation, including consultation with Communities located along the
road, NGOs working in the area, other stake-holders and relevant Government
departments at all the different stages of assignment (such as inception stage,
feasibility stage, preliminary design stage and once final designs are concretized).
iii. Detailed Reconnaissance;
iv. Identification of possible improvements in the existing alignment and bypassing
congested locations with alternatives, evaluation of different alternatives
comparison on techno-economic and other considerations and recommendations
regarding mostappropriate option;
v. Traffic studies including traffic surveys and Axle load survey and demand
forecasting for next thirty years;
vi. Inventory and condition surveys for road;
vii. Inventory and condition surveys for bridges, cross-drainage structures, other
Structures, river Bank training/Protection works and drainage provisions;
viii. Detailed topographic surveys using LiDAR equipped with minimum engineering grade
system or any other better technology having output accuracy not less than (a)
specified in IRC SP 19 (b) Total Station (c) GPS/ DGPS. The use of conventional
high precision instruments i.e Total Station or equivalent can be used at locations
such as major bypasses, water bodies etc. where it may not be possible to survey
using LiDAR. Use of mobile / Aerial LiDAR survey is preferable.
ix. Pavement investigations;
x. Sub-grade characteristics and strength: investigation of required sub-grade and
sub-soil characteristics and strength for road and embankment design and sub soil
xi. Identification of sources of construction materials;
xii. Detailed design of road, its x-sections, horizontal and vertical alignment and
design of embankment of height more than 6m and also in poor soil conditions and
where density consideration require, even lesser height embankment. Detailed
design of structures preparation of GAD and construction drawings and cross-
drainage structures and underpasses etc.
xiii. Identification of the type and the design of intersections;
xiv. Design of complete drainage system and disposal point for storm water
xv. Value analysis / value engineering and project costing;
xvi. Economic and financial analyses;
xvii. Contract packaging and implementation schedule.
xviii Strip plan indicating the scheme for carriageway widening, location of all existing
utility services (both over- and underground) and the scheme for their relocation,
trees to be felled, transplanted and planted and land acquisition requirements
including schedule for LA: reports documents and drawings arrangement of estimates
for cutting/ transplanting of trees and shifting of utilities from the concerned
xix Develop 3D engineered models of terrain and elevation, as-is project highway,
proposed and project highway along with all features, current and proposed
structures, current and proposed utilities and land acquisition plans.
xx To find out financial viability of project for implementation and suggest the
preferred mode on which the project is to be taken up.
xxi. Preparation of detailed project report, cost estimate, approved for construction
Drawings, rate analysis, detailed bill of quantities, bid documents for execution
of civil works through budgeting resources.
xxii. Design of toll plaza and identification of their numbers and location and office
cum residential complex including working drawings
xxiii. Design of weighing stations, parking areas and rest areas.
xxiv. Any other user oriented facility en-route toll facility.
xxv. Tie-in of on-going/sanctioned works of MORT&H/ CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai / other agencies.
xxvi. Preparation of social plans for the project affected people as per policy of the
lending agencies/ Govt. of India R&R Policy.
4.2 While carrying out the field studies, investigations and design, the development
plans being implemented or proposed for future implementation by the local
bodies, should be taken into account. Such aspect should be clearly brought out in
the reports and drawings.
4.3 The consultant shall study the possible locations and design of toll plaza, wayside
amenities required and arboriculture along the highway shall also be planned.
4.4 The local and slow traffic may need segregation from the main traffic and
provision of service roads and physical barrier including fencing may be
considered, wherever necessary to improve efficiency and safety.
4.5 Standards and Codes of Practices
1. All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done as
per the latest guidelines/ circulars of MoRT&H and relevant publications of the
Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For aspects not
covered by IRC and BIS, international standards practices, may be adopted. The
Consultants, upon award of the Contract, may finalize this in consultation with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and reflect the same in the inception report.
2. All notations, abbreviations and symbols used in the reports, documents and
drawings shall be as per IRC:71.
1. (i) The Consultants should have detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for all field studies
including topographic surveys, traffic surveys, engineering surveys and investigations,
design and documentation activities. The quality assurance plans/procedures for
different field studies, engineering surveys and investigation, design and
documentation activities should be presented as separate sections like
engineering surveys and investigations, traffic surveys, material geo-technical
and sub-soil investigations, road and pavement investigations, investigation and
design of bridges & structures, environment and R&R assessment, economic &
financial analysis, drawings and documentation, preparation, checking, approval
and filing of calculations, identification and tractability of project documents
etc. Further, additional information as per format shall be furnished regarding
the details of personal who shall be responsible for carrying out/preparing and
checking/verifying various activities forming part of feasibility study and project
preparation, since inception to the completion of work. The detailed Draft QAP
Document must be discussed and finalized with the concerned CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai officers immediately upon the award of the Contract and submitted as
part of the inception report.
(ii) It is imperative that the QAP is approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai before
the Consultants start the field work.
i. Required data formats for some reports, investigations and documents are
discussed in ENCLOSURE-IV
iv. The proposed data forms will need to be submitted for the approval of CE NH (PWD) Navi
After the commencement of services.
1. The Consultants shall collect the available data and information relevant for the
Study. The data and documents of major interest shall include, but not be limited
to, the following:
i. Climate;
ii. Road inventory
iii Road condition, year of original construction, year and type
of major maintenance/rehabilitation works;
iv. Condition of bridges and cross-drainage structures;
v. sub-surface and geo-technical data for existing bridges;
vi. Hydrological data, drawings and details of existing bridges;
vii Existing geological maps, catchment area maps, contour plans etc. for the
project areaviii Condition of existing river bank / protection works, if any.
ix. Details of sanctioned / on-going works on the stretch sanctioned by
MoRT&H/other agencies for Tie-in purposes
x. Survey and evaluation of locally available construction materials;
xi. Historical data on classified traffic volume (preferably for 5 years or more);
xii. Origin-destination and commodity movement characteristics; if available
xiii. Speed and delay characteristics; if available;
xiv. Commodity-wise traffic volume; if available;
xv. Accident statistics; and,
xvi. Vehicle loading behavior (axle load spectrum), if available.
xvii Type and location of existing utility services (e.g. Fibre Optical Cable, O/H
and U/G Electric, Telephone line, Water mains, Sewer, Trees etc.)
xviii Environmental setting and social baseline of the project.
The social analysis study shall be carried out in accordance with the
MORT&H/World Bank/ADB Guidelines. The social analysis report will, among
other things, provide a socio-economic profile of the project area and address in
particular, indigenous people, communicable disease particularly HIV/AIDS poverty
alleviation, gender, local population, industry, agriculture, employment, health,
education, health, child labor, land acquisition and resettlement.
1. The type of traffic surveys and the minimum number of survey stations shall
normally be as under, unless otherwise specifically mentioned.
2. The number of survey locations indicated in the table above are indicative only for
each road stretch under a package. The Consultants shall, immediately upon
award of the work, submit to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, proposals regarding the
total number as well as the locations of the traffic survey stations as of inception
report. Suitable maps and charts should accompany the proposals clearly
indicating the rationale for selecting the location of survey Station.
1. Consultant shall make use of traffic survey done by Indian Highways Management
Company Limited (IHMCL) using ATCC systems. However in isolated locations
where there are site constraints, manual counting can be done. If required,
especially in cases where a particular stretch is not covered by IHMCL, DPR
consultant should carry out classified traffic volume count survey using ATCC
systems or latest modern technologies.
2. Consultant shall use ATCC systems that can meet the following accuracy levels
after validation/ calibration:
Before validation and calibration, the ATCC system shall meet the following
accuracy levels:
For verification of above accuracy levels, audit of raw ATCC shall be done
by the consultant on a sampling basis and should submit a certificate in this
3. ATCC systems such as Pneumatic Tube Detector, Inductive Detector Loop, Video
Image Detection, and Infrared Sensor or latest technologies shall be adopted.
4. The classified traffic volume count surveys shall be carried out for 7 days
(continuous, direction-wise) at the selected survey stations. The vehicle
classification system as given in relevant IRC code may be followed. However,
the following generalized classification system is suggested in view of the
requirements of traffic demand estimates and economic analysis:
Bus Mini Bus Standard Bus
5. All results shall be presented in tabular and graphical form. The survey data shall
be analyzed to bring out the hourly and daily variations. The traffic volume count
per day shall be averaged to show a weekly average daily traffic (ADT) by vehicle
type. The annual average daily traffic (AADT) shall be worked out by applying
seasonal factors.
6. The consultant shall compile the relevant traffic volume data from secondary
sources also. The salient features of traffic volume characteristics shall be
brought out and variations if any, from the traffic census carried out by the State
PWD shall be suitably explained.
1. The consultants shall carry out 1-day (24 hour, both directions) O-D and
commodity movement surveys at locations finalized in consultation with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.These will be essentially required around congested
towns to delineate through traffic. The road side interviews shall be carried out on
random sample basis and cover all four-wheeled vehicles. The location of the O-D
survey and commodity movement surveys shall normally be same as for the
classified traffic count.
3. The trip matrices shall be worked out for each vehicle type information on weight
for trucks should be summed up by commodity type and the results tabulated,
giving totalweight and average weight per truck for the various commodity types.
The sample size for each vehicle type shall be indicated on the table and also in
the graphical representations.
4. The data derived from surveys shall also be analyzed to bring out the lead and
load characteristics and desire line diagrams. The data analysis should also bring
out the requirement for the construction of bypasses.
5. The distribution of lead and load obtained from the surveys should be compared.
The axle load surveys shall normally be done using axle load pads or other
sophisticated instruments. The location(s) of count station(s) and the survey with
those derived from the axle load studies.
6. The commodity movement data should be duly taken into consideration while
makingthe traffic demand estimates.
4.9.4. Turning Movement Surveys
1. The turning movement surveys for estimation of peak hour traffic for the design
of major and minor intersections shall be carried out for the Study. The details
regarding composition and directional movement of traffic shall be furnished by
the Consultant.
2. The methodology for the surveys shall be as per IRC: SP: 41-1994. The details
including location and duration of surveys shall be finalized in consultation with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai officials. The proposal in response to this TOR shall
clearly indicate the number of locations that the Consultants wish to conduct
turning movement surveys and the rationale for the same.
3. The data derived from the survey should be analyzed to identify requirements of
suitable remedial measures, such as construction of underpasses, fly-overs,
interchanges, grade-separated intersections along the project road alignment.
Intersections with high traffic volume requiring special treatments either
presently orin future shall be identified.
1. Axle load surveys in both directions shall be carried out at suitable location(s) in
the project road stretch on a random sample basis normally for trucks only (both
empty and loaded trucks) for 2 normal days - (24 hours) at special count stations
to be finalized in consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. However, a few buses
may be weighed in order to get an idea about their loading behavior. While
selecting the location(s) of axle load survey station(s), the locations of existing
bridges with load restrictions, if any, shouldbe taken into account and such sites
should be avoided.
2. Axle load surveys shall normally be done using axle load pads or other
sophisticated instruments. The location(s) of count station(s) and the survey
methodology including the data formats and the instrument type to be used shall
be finalized before taking upthe axle load surveys
3. The axle load data should be collected axle configuration-wise. The number of
equivalent standard axles per truck shall be calculated on the basis of results
obtained. The results of the survey should bring out the VDF for each truck type
(axle configuration, if the calculated VDF is found to be below the national
average, then national average shall be used. Furthermore, the data from axle load
surveys should be analyzed to bring out the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Single
Axle Load (SAL) Distributions by truck type (axle configuration).
4. The Consultant shall ascertain from local enquiries about the exceptional live loads
that have used the highway in the past in order to assess the suitability of existing
bridges to carry such loads.
The Consultants shall carry out appropriate field studies such as moving car survey
to determine running speed and journey speed. The data should be analyzed to
identify sections with typical traffic flow problems and congestion. The objective of
the survey would be to recommend suitable measures for segregation of local
traffic, smooth flow of through traffic and traffic safety. These measures would
include the provision of bypasses, under-passes, fly-overs, interchanges, grade-
separated intersections and service roads.
4.9.7 Pedestrian / animal cross traffic surveys:
2. Consultant shall leverage information from local consultations, inputs from local
governmental/ non-governmental agencies in selecting sites for checking
pedestrian/ animal crossing traffic surveys.
The data derived from the O-D, speed-delay, other surveys and also
supplementary surveys should be analyzed to assess requirements for present
and future development of truck terminals at suitable locations en route.
1. The consultants shall make traffic demand estimates and establish possible
traffic growth rates in respect of all categories of vehicles, taking into account the
past trends, annual population and real per capita growth rate, elasticity of
transport demand in relation to income and estimated annual production
increase. The other aspects including socio-economic development plans and the
land use patterns of the region having impact on the traffic growth, the
projections of vehicle manufacturing industry in the country, development plans
for the other modes of transport, O-D and commodity movement behavior should
also be taken into account while working out the traffic demand estimates.
3. It is envisaged that the project road sections covered under this TOR would be
completed and opened to traffic after 3 years. The traffic demand estimates
shall be done for a further period of 30 years from completion of two/four lane.
The demand estimates shall be done assuming three scenarios, namely,
optimistic, pessimistic andmost likely traffic growth. The growth factors shall be
worked out for five-yearly intervals.
6. The traffic forecasts shall also be made for both diverted and generated traffic.
7. Overall traffic forecast thus made shall form the basis for the design of each
pavement type and other facilities/ancillary works.
1. The Consultants should make an in-depth study of the available land width (ROW)
topographic maps, satellite imageries and air photographs of the project area,
geological maps, catchment area maps, contour plans, flood flow data and
seismological data and other available relevant information collected by them
concerning the existing alignment. Consultant himself has to arrange the required
maps and the information needed by him from the potential sources. Consultant
should make efforts for minimizing land acquisition. Greater use of technology
for LA be adopted by the consultant at the DPR stage so as to have a precise land
acquisition process.
2. The detailed ground reconnaissance may be taken up immediately after the study
of maps and other data. The primary tasks to be accomplished during the
reconnaissance surveys include;
3. The data derived from the reconnaissance surveys are normally utilized for
planning and programming the detailed surveys and investigations. All field
studies including the traffic surveys should be taken up on the basis of
information derived from the reconnaissance surveys.
4. The data and information obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be
documented. The data analysis and the recommendations concerning alignment
and the field studies should be included in the Inception Report. The data obtained
from the reconnaissance surveys should form the core of the database which
would be supplemented and augmented using the data obtained from detailed
field studies and investigations.
5. The data obtained from the reconnaissance surveys should be compiled in the
tabular as well as graphical (chart) form indicating the major physical features
and the proposed widening scheme for CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai's comments. The
data and the charts should also accompany the rationale for the selection of traffic
survey stations.
1. The basic objective of the topographic survey would be to capture the essential
ground features along the alignment in order to consider improvements and for working
out improvements, rehabilitation and upgrading costs. The detailed topographic surveys
should normally be taken up after the completion of reconnaissance surveys.
2. The carrying out of topographic surveys will be one of the most important and
crucial field tasks under the project. Technologies which can meet the following
accuracy levels shall be adopted. For land based surveys (a) Fundamental horizontal
accuracy of 5cm or better (b) Fundamental vertical accuracy of 5cm or better (c)
More than 50 points shall be measured per sq. m and for aerial based surveys (a)
Fundamental horizontal accuracy of 5 cm or better (b) Fundamental vertical
accuracy of 5 cm or better (c) More than 10 points shall be measured per sq. m.
To establish accuracy, a check point survey using DGPS (for horizontal accuracy)
and Auto Level (for vertical accuracy) shall be carried out to establish the
fundamental horizontal and vertical accuracy. A minimum of 25 check points, or
check points once every 4 km should be established, and these should be strictly
different from any geo-referencing or control network points.
3. The following are the set of deliverables which should be submitted after
completion of survey:
(a). Raw DGPS data for the entire highway length and adjoining areas of interest
(b). Point cloud data or equivalent for the entire highway length and adjoining areas
of interest in a format/ platform as per industry good practice which shall be
amenable to operations by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai / Consultant. CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai may decide about format/ platform ofpoint cloud data
(c). Topographic map of scale as per IRC SP 19 of the entire highway length and
adjoining areas of interest.
(d). Contour map of 50 cm of entire highway length and adjoining areas of
that can meet above requirements shall be adopted. Where possible,
mobile/terrestrial LiDAR and total station or better studies should be used to
supplement aerial LiDAR for the final alignment chosen. Aerial based surveys shall
be used as the primary source of topographical data only in cases where a
new/green field alignment is being planned and/or major junctions are being
planned where it is necessary to significantly increase the survey corridor beyond
the capabilities of mobile LiDAR. In shadow areas such as invert levels below
culverts, terrestrial LiDAR shall be used where LiDAR or better technologies cannot
survey accurately, traditional methods of Total Station/ Auto Level shall be used
to complete the study.
(h). In case of mobile LiDAR or better technology, 360 degree panoramic images of the
entire highway length and adjoining areas of interest shall be submitted. In case
of aerial LiDAR or better technology, ortho-images of the entire highway length
and adjoining areas of interest shall be submitted.
(i). The detailed field surveys would essentially include the following activities:
i. Topographic Surveys along the Existing Right of Way (ROW): Carrying out
topographic survey using LiDAR or better technology along the existing road
and realignments, wherever required and properly referencing the same with
reference pillars fixed on either side of the centre-line at safe places within
the ROW
ii. The detailed field surveys would essentially include the topographic surveys along
the proposed location of bridge and alignment of approach road.
iii. The detailed topographic surveys should be carried out along the approach
roadsalignment and location of bridge approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi
iv. Collection/ Extraction of details for all features such as structures (bridges,
culverts etc.) utilities, existing roads, electric and telephone installations
(both O/H as well as underground), huts, buildings, fencing and trees (with
girth greater than 0.3metre) oil and gas lines etc. falling within the extent of
4. The width of survey corridor will generally be as given under:
(i). The width of the survey corridor should take into account the layout of the existing
alignment including the extent of embankment and cut slopes and the general
ground profile. While carrying out the field surveys, the widening scheme (i.e.
right, left or symmetrical to the centre line of the existing carriageway) should
be taken into consideration so that the topographic surveys cover sufficient width
beyond the centre line of the proposed divided carriageway. Normally the surveys
should extend a minimum of 30 m beyond either side of the centre line of the
proposed divided carriageway or land boundary whichever is more
(ii). In case the reconnaissance survey reveals the need for bypassing the congested
locations, the traverse lines would be run along the possible alignments in order
to identify and select the most suitable alignment for the bypass. The detailed
topographic surveys should be carried out along the bypass alignment approved by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. At locations where grade separated intersections could
be the obvious choice, the surveyarea will be suitably increased. Field notes of the
survey should be maintained which would also provide information about traffic,
soil, drainage etc.
(iii). The width of the surveyed corridor will be widened appropriately where developments
and / or encroachments have resulted in a requirement for adjustment in the
alignment, or where it is felt that the existing alignment can be improved upon
through minor adjustments.
(iv). Where existing roads cross the alignments, the survey will extend a minimum of100
m either side of the road centre line and will be of sufficient width to allow
improvements, including at grade intersection to be designed.
i. Reference Pillar and Bench Mark / Reference pillar of size 15 cm X 15 cm X 45cm shall
be cast in RCC of grade M 15 with a nail fixed in the centre of the top surface. The
reference pillar shall be embedded in concrete upto a depth of 30cm with CC M10 (5 cm
wide all around). The balance 15 cm above ground shall be painted yellow. The spacing
shall be 250m apart, incase Bench Mark Pillar coincides with Reference Pillar, only one
of the two need be provided.
ii. Establishing Bench marks at site connected to GTS Bench marks at a interval of250
metres on Bench mark pillar made of RCC as mentioned above with RL and BM No.
marked on it with red paint.
iii. Boundary Pillars- Wherever the proposed alignment follows the existing
alignment, the boundary pillars shall be fixed by the DPR consultant at an interval
of 200m on either side of proposed Right of Way. Wherever there is a proposal of
realignment of the existing Highway and/or construction of New Bypasses,
Consultant shall fix boundary pillars along the proposed alignment on the extreme
boundary on either side of the project Highway at 50 m interval. Boundary pillars
shall be strictly provided as per IRC:25:1967.
The topographic surveys for longitudinal and cross-sections shall cover the
i. Longitudinal section levels along final centre line shall be taken at every 10 m
interval. The levels shall be taken at closer intervals at the curve points, small
streams, and intersections and at the locations of change in elevation. The
interval shall also be modified as per IRC:SP-19 for rolling, mountainous & steep
ii. Cross sections at every 50 m interval in full extent of survey covering sufficient
number of spot levels on existing carriageway and adjacent ground for profile
correction course and earth work calculations. Cross sections shall be taken at
closer interval at curves. The interval shall be modified as per IRC SP 19 for rolling,
mountainous & steep terrain.
iii. Longitudinal section for cross roads for length adequate for design and quantity
estimation purposes.
iv. Longitudinal and cross sections for major and minor streams shall cover Cross
section of the channel at the site of proposed crossing and few cross sections at
suitable distance both upstream and downstream, bed level upto top of banks
and ground levels to a sufficient distance beyond the edges of channel, nature of
existing surface soil in bed, banks & approaches, longitudinal section of channel
showing site of bridge etc. These shall be as per recommendations contained in
IRC Special Publication No. 13 (Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and
Culverts) and provisions of IRC:5 (“Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for
Road Bridges, Section 1 – General Features of Design”).
58 Details of utility Services and Other Physical Features
1. The Consultants shall collect details of all important physical features along the
alignment. These features affect the project proposals and should normally
include buildings and structures, monuments, burial grounds, cremation grounds,
places of worship, railway lines, stream / river / canal, water mains, sewers,
gas/oil pipes, crossings, trees, plantations, utility services such as electric, and
telephone lines (O/H& U/G) and poles, optical fibre cables (OFC) etc. The survey
would cover the entire right-of-way of the road on the adequate allowance for
possible shifting of the central lines at some of the intersections locations.
2. Consultant shall also map out sub-surface utilities. Accurate mapping and resolution
of all sub-surface utilities up to a depth of 4 m shall be carried out. Differentiation
between sub-surface utilities such as live electric cables, metallic utilities and other
utilities shall be indicated and sub-surface utilities radargrams further processed
into utility maps in formats such as PDF, JPEG and AutoCAD shall be furnished. To
meet the accuracy levels, consultant shall use Ground Penetrating Radar,
Induction Locator or better technologies.
3. The information collected during reconnaissance and field surveys shall be shown
on a strip plan so that the proposed improvements can be appreciated and the
extent of land acquisition with LA schedule, utility removals of each type etc.
assessed and suitable actions can be initiated. Separate strip plan for each of the
services involved shall be prepared for submission to the concerned agency.
The Consultants shall carry out detailed field studies in respect of road and
pavement. The data collected through road inventory and pavement
investigations should be sufficient to meet the input requirements of HDM-IV.
1. Detailed road inventory surveys shall be carried out to collect details of all existing
road and pavement features along the existing road sections. The inventory data
shall include but not limited to the following:
xi. Land width i.e. ROW
xii. Culverts, bridges and other structures (type, size, span arrangement and location)
xiii. Roadside arboriculture
xiv. Existing utility services on either side within ROW. There shall be a provision of
utility corridor for appropriate categories / combination of utilities in the
construction of new 4/6 laning of National Highways. Such structures shall be
located at appropriate location preferably as close to the extreme edge of Right
of Way (RoW). In this connection, guidelines contained in IRC:98 shall be
xv. General drainage conditions
xvi. Design speed of existing road
2. The data should be collected in sufficient detail. The data should be compiled
and presented in tabular as well as graphical form. The inventory data would be
stored in computer files using simple utility packages, such as EXCEL.
1. Pavement Composition
i. The data concerning the pavement composition may be already available with
the PWD. However, the consultants shall make trial pits to ascertain the
pavement composition. The test pit interval will be as per Para 4 below.
ii. For each test pit, the following information shall be recorded:
test pit reference (Identification number, location):
pavement composition (material type and thickness); and
subgrade type (textural classification) and condition (dry, wet)
embankment (composition and geometry)
i. Detailed field studies shall be carried out to collect road and pavement surface
conditions. The data should generally cover:
pavement condition (surface distress type and extent);
shoulder condition;
embankment condition; and
drainage condition
Pavement Condition
Shoulder Condition
Unpaved: material loss, rut depth and corrugation,
Edge drop, mm.
Embankment Condition
Drainage Condition
General condition
Connectivity of drainage turnouts into the natural topography
Condition in cut sections
Condition at high embankments
The data obtained from the condition surveys should be analyzed and the road
segments of more or less equal performance may be identified using the criteria
givenin IRC: 81-1997.
3. Pavement Roughness
i. The roughness surveys shall be carried out using a network survey vehicle
mounted laser profilometer or better technology with specifications as
described in para 2 above
Roughness measurement with outputs of both raw longitudinal profiles and
IRI calculation shall be reported at 100m referenced to the preceding LRP.
The roughness must meet ASTM-E950 (equivalent to Class I road profiler).
The IRI shall be determined for both wheel paths over a minimum
length of 250m for a minimum of 6 calibration sites with a roughness range
between 2m/km and 8m/km. Calibration shall be made for speeds of 20,
30, 40, 50, 60 km/h.
ii. The surveys shall be carried out along the outer wheel paths. The surveys
shall cover a minimum of two runs along the wheel paths for each
iii. The results of the survey shall be expressed in terms of BI and IRI and shall
be presented in tabular and graphical forms. The processed data shall be
analyzed using the cumulative difference approach to identify road
segments homogenous with respect to surface roughness.
1. The Consultants shall carry out structural strength surveys for existing
pavements using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) in accordance with IRC 115
or IRC 117 as the case may be.
i. It is suggested that the deflection surveys may be carried out as per the scheme
given below:
mainline testing; and,
Control section testing.
ii. The deflection tests for the mainline shall be carried out at every 500 m along the
road sections covered under the study. The control section testing shall involve
carrying out deflection testing for each 100 m long homogenous road segment
along the road sections. The selection of homogenous segment shall be based on
the data derived from pavement condition surveys. The total length of such
homogenous segments shall not be less than 100 m per kilometre. The deflection
measurements forthe control section testing should be at an interval of not more
than 10 m.
iii. Test pits shall be dug at every 500 m and also along each homogeneous road
segmentto obtain pavement composition details (pavement course, material type
and thickness) so as to be able to study if a correlation exists between deflection
and composition. If so, the relationship may be used while working out the
overlay thickness for the existing pavement.
iv. Falling weight deflectometre surveys may not be carried out for severely
distressed sections of the road warranting reconstruction. The Consultants,
immediately upon the award of the contract, shall submit to CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai the scheme describing the testing schedule including the interval. The
testing scheme shall be supported by data from detailed reconnaissance
v. It is mandatory for the consultant to use Falling weight deflectometre or
alternative better technique for the evaluation of pavement strength, details of
such methods or innovative features for deflection testing using Falling weight
deflectometre along with the methodology for data analysis, interpretation and
the use of such data for pavement overlay design purposes using IRC or any other
widely used practices, such as AASHTO guidelines, should be got approved by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. The sources of such methods should be properly referenced.
62 Subgrade Characteristics and Strength
2. Based on the data derived from condition (surface condition, roughness) and
structural strength surveys, the project road section should be divided into
segments homogenous with respect to pavement condition and strength. The
delineation of segments homogenous with respect to roughness and strength
should be done using the cumulative difference approach (AASHTO, 1993).
2. The data on soil classification and mechanical characteristics for soils along the
existing alignments may already be available with the PWD. The testing scheme
is, therefore, proposed as given under:
(i). For the widening (2-Laning) of existing road within the ROW, the Consultants shall
test at least three sub-grade soil samples for each homogenous road segment or
three samples for each soil type encountered, whichever is more.
(ii). For the roads along new alignments, the test pits for sub grade soil shall be @5km
or for each soil type, whichever is more. A minimum of three samples should be
tested corresponding to each homogenous segment.
4. For problematic soils, the testing shall be more rigorous. The characteristics with
regard to permeability and consolidation shall also be determined for these soils.
The frequency of sampling and testing of these soils shall be finalized in
consultation with the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai officers after the problematic soil
types are identified along the road sections.
5. The laboratory for testing of material should be got approved from CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai before start of work.
The Consultants shall make an inventory of all the structures (bridges, viaducts,
ROBs/RUB and other grade separated structures, culverts, etc.) along the road
under the project. The inventory for the bridges, viaducts and ROBs shall include
the parametres required as per the guidelines of IRC-SP:35. The inventory of
culverts shall be presented in a tabular form covering relevant physical and
hydraulic parametres.
1. The hydrological and hydraulic studies shall be carried out in accordance with
IRC Special Publication No. 13 (“Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and
Culverts”) and IRC:5 (“Standard Specifications & Code of Practice for Road
Bridges, Section I General Feature of Design”). These investigations shall be
carried out for all existing drainage structures along the road sections under the
5. The Consultants shall collect information on high flood level (HFL), low water
levels (LWL), high tide level (HTL), low tide level (LTL) where applicable,
discharge velocity etc. from available past records, local inquiries and visible signs,
if any, on the structural components and embankments. Local inquiries shall also
be made with regard to the road sections getting overtopped during heavy rains.
6. Conducting Model studies for bridges is not covered in the scope of consultancy
services. If Model study is envisaged for any bridge, requirement of the same
shall be spelt out in the RPF documents separately indicating scope and time
frame of such study. Salient features of the scope of services to be included for
model study are givenin the supplement- II Terms of Reference.
1. The Consultants shall thoroughly inspect the existing structures and shall prepare
a report about their condition including all the parametres given in the Inspection
pro- forma of IRC-SP:35. The condition and structural assessment survey of the
bridges / culverts / structures shall be carried out by senior experts of the
3. For the bridges identified to be in a distressed condition based upon the visual
condition survey, supplementary testing shall be carried out as per IRC-SP:35 and
IRC- SP:40. Selection of tests may be made based on the specific requirement of
the structure.
3. The assessment of the load carrying capacity or rating of existing bridges shall
be carried out under one or more of the following scenarios:
i. when the design live load is less than that of the statutory commercial vehicle
plying orlikely to ply on bridge;
ii. if during the condition assessment survey and supplementary testing the bridge is
found to indicate distress of serious nature leading to doubt about structural and
/ or functional adequacy, and
iii. Design live load is not known nor are the records and drawings available.
4. The evaluation of the load carrying capacity of the bridge shall be carried out as
per IRC-SP:37 (“Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges”).
The analytical and correlation method shall be used for the evaluation of the load
carrying capacity as far as possible. When it is not possible to determine the load
carrying capacity of the bridge using analytical and correlation method, the same
shall be carried out using load testing. The consultant has to exhaust all other
methods of evaluation of strength of bridges before recommending to take up
load testing of bridges. Road closure for testing if unavoidable shall be arranged
by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai for limited duration say 12 hours or so.
2 Overall length = 30 – 60 m One abutment location and at least one intermediate location between abutments
for structures having more than one span.
2. The deviation(s), if any, by the Consultants from the scheme presented above
should be approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
5. The scheme for the borings locations and the depth of boring shall be prepared by
the Consultants and submitted to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai for approval. These
may be finalized in consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
6. The sub-soil exploration and testing should be carried out as per IS 1892. The soil
testing reports shall be in the format prescribed in relevant IRC Codes.
7. For the approach road pavement, bore holes at each major change in pavement
condition or in deflection readings or at 2 km intervals whichever is less shall be
carried out to a depth of at least 2 m below embankment base or to rock level
and are to be fully logged. Appropriate tests to be carried out on samples
collected from these bore holes in NABL accredited laboratory to determine the
suitability of various materials for use in widening of embankments or in parts of
new pavement structure.
1. The Consultants shall identify sources (including use of fly-ash/ slag), quarry sites
and borrow areas, undertake field and laboratory testing of the materials to
determine their suitability for various components of the work and establish
quality and quantity of various construction materials and recommend their use
on the basis of techno- economic principles. The Consultants shall prepare mass
haul diagram for haulage purposes giving quarry charts indicating the location of
selected borrow areas, quarries and the respective estimated quantities.
4.12 Detailed Design of Road and Pavements, Bridges, Structures
4.12.1. General
1. The Consultants are to carryout detailed designs and prepare working drawings for
the following:
i. High speed highway with divided carriageway configuration complete in all
respects with service roads at appropriate locations;
ii. Design of pavement for the additional lanes and overlay for the existing road,
paved shoulders, medians, verges;
iii. Bridges, viaduct/subways and other grade separated structures including
ROBs/RUBs etc.
iv. At-grade and grade-separated intersections, interchanges (if required);
v. ROB for railway crossings as per the requirement and the standards of the Indian
Railways; and,
vi. Prepare alignment plans, longitudinal sections and cross-sections@ 50mintervals;
vii. Designs for road furniture and road safety/traffic control features;
viii. Designs and drawings for service road/under passes/overpass / cattle passes tree
planting/fencing at locations where necessary / required
ix. Toll plazas and office-cum-residential complex for CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
(one for each civil contract package)
x. Short bypasses at congested locations
xi. Drainage design showing location of turnouts, out falling structures, separate drawings
sheet for each 5 km. stretch.
xii. Bridges and structures rehabilitation plan with design and drawings
xiii. Traffic amenities (Parking Areas, Weighing Station and Rest Areas, etc.).
xiv. Design of pavement for approach road
xv. Design of river bank protection / training works. Innovative type of structures with
minimum joints, aesthetically, pleasing and appropriate to the topography of the
region shall be designed wherever feasible.
1. The Consultants shall evolve Design Standards and material specifications for the
Study primarily based on IRC publications, MoRT&H Circulars and relevant
recommendations of the international standards for approval by CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai.
2. The Design Standards evolved for the project shall cover all aspects of detailed
design including the design of geometric elements, pavement design, bridges and
structures, traffic safety and materials.
1. The design of geometric elements shall, therefore, take into account the
essential requirements of such facilities.
2. Based on the data collected from reconnaissance and topographic surveys, the
sections with geometric deficiencies, if any, should be identified and suitable
measures for improvement should be suggested for implementation.
3. The data on accident statistics should be compiled and reported showing accident
type and frequency so that black spots are identified along the project road
section. The possible causes (such as poor geometric features, pavement condition
etc.) of accidents should be investigated into and suitable cost-effective remedial
measures suggested for implementation.
4. The detailed design for geometric elements shall cover, but not be limited to the
following major aspects:
i. horizontal alignment;
ii. longitudinal profile;
iii. cross-sectional elements, including refuge lane (50m) at every 2kms.
iv. junctions, intersections and interchanges;
v. bypasses; and,
vi. service roads as and when require i.e built up area.
5. The alignment design shall be verified for available sight distances as per the
standard norms. The provision of appropriate markings and signs shall be made
wherever the existing site conditions do not permit the adherence to the sight
distance requirements as per the standard norms.
6. The consultants shall make detailed analysis of traffic flow and level of service
for the existing road and workout the traffic flow capacity for the improved
project road. The analysis should clearly establish the widening requirements
with respect to the different horizon periods taking into account special problems
such as road segments with isolated steep gradients.
7. In the case of closely spaced cross roads the Consultant shall examine different
options such as, providing grade separated structure for some of them with a view
to reduce number of at-grade crossings, services roads connecting the cross-roads
and closing access from some of the intersections and prepare and furnish
appropriate proposals for this purpose keeping in view the cost of improvement,
impact on traffic movement and accessibility to cross roads. The detailed drawings
and cost estimate should include the provisions for realignments of the existing cross
roads to allow such arrangements.
8. The Consultant shall also prepare design of grade separated pedestrian crossings
(viaducts) for large cross traffic of pedestrians and / or animals on the basis of
passenger and animal cross traffic surveys conducted.
9. The Consultant shall also prepare details for at-grade junctions, which may be
adopted as alternative to the grade separated structures. The geometric design of
interchanges shall take into account the site conditions, turning movement
characteristics, level of service, overall economy and operational safety.
10. The Consultants shall prepare design and other details in respect of the parallel
service roads in urbanized locations and other locations to cater to the local traffic,
their effect of the viability of the project on commercial basis if service roads are
constructed as part of the project and the implications of not providing the
service roads.
11. The consultant shall prepare complete road and pavement design including
drainage for new bypass option identified around congested town en-route.
4.12.4. Pavement Design
i. strengthening of existing road pavement and design of the new pavement if any,
if the findings of the traffic studies and life-cycle costing analysis confirm the
requirement for widening of the road beyond 2lane undivided carriageway standard;
ii. pavement design for bypasses; and,
iii. design of shoulders.
2. The design of pavement shall primarily be based on IRC publications.
3. The design of pavement shall be rigorous and shall make use of the latest Indian
and International practices. The design alternatives shall include both rigid and
flexible design options. The most appropriate design, option shall be established
on life-cycle costing and techno-economic consideration.
4. For the design of pavement, each set of design input shall be decided on the basis
of rigorous testing and evaluation of its suitability and relevance in respect of in-
service performance of the pavement. The design methodology shall accompany
the design proposals and shall clearly bring out the basic assumptions, values of
the various design inputs, rationale behind the selection of the design inputs and
the criteria for checking and control during the implementation of works. In other
words, the design of pavement structure should take due account of the type,
characteristics of materials used in the respective courses, variability of their
properties and also the reliability of traffic predictions. Furthermore, the
methodology adopted for the design of pavement shall be complete with
flowcharts indicating the various steps in the design process, their interaction
with one another and the input parametre required at each step.
5. For the design of overlays for the existing 2-lane pavement, the strengthening
requirement shall duly take into account the strength of the existing pavement
vis-à-vis the remaining life. The overlay thickness requirements shall be worked out
for each road segment homogenous with respect to condition, strength and sub-
grade characteristics. The rehabilitation provisions should also include the
provision of regulating layer. For existing pavement with acceptable levels of
cracking, provision of a crack inhibiting layer should also be included.
5 (a) For rehabilitation and strengthening, consultant shall consider the alternatives of
rehabilitating the existing pavement, overlaying with the same or alternate
pavement type (e.g. white/black topping) and also the option of removal and
replacement of existing pavement layers and chose the best alternative basis
lifecycle costing, and any local considerations such as material availability, time
available for construction etc.
using reclaimed materials with the given properties) and technology (the
methods to reclaim and reprocess, equipment, knowhow and quality) issues. After
addressing these issues, the recycling of pavements will be environmentally and
economically better option for rehabilitation, repair or reconstruction compared
to the use of fresh or virgin materials. Indian Road Congress has published IRC:
120-2015 on “recommended practice for recycling of bituminous pavements”
giving a detailed procedure for its implementation
7. The paved shoulders shall be designed as integral part of the pavement for the
main carriageway. The design requirements for the carriageway pavement shall,
therefore, be applicable for the design of shoulder pavements. The design of
granular shoulder should take into account the drainage considerations besides
the structural requirements.
8. The pavement design task shall also cover working out the maintenance and
strengthening requirements and periodicity and timing of such treatments.
2. The Consultants shall carry out detailed analysis and design for all embankments
of height greater than 6 m based on relevant IRC publications.
3. The design of embankments should include the requirements for protection works
and traffic safety features.
1. The data collected and investigation results shall be analyzed to determine the
i. HFL
ii. LWL
iii. LBL
iv. Erodibility of bed/scour level
v. Design discharge
vi. Linear waterway and effective linear waterway
vii. Likely foundation depth
viii. Safe bearing capacity
ix. Engineering properties of sub soil
x. Artesian conditions
xi. Settlement characteristics
xii. Vertical clearance
xiii. Horizontal clearance
xiv. Free board for approach road
xv. Severity of environment with reference to corrosion
xvi. Data pertaining to seismic and wind load
xvii. Requirement of model study etc.
2. The Consultant shall prepare General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) and Alignment
Plan showing the salient features of the bridges and structures proposed to be
constructed/ reconstructed along the road sections covered under the Study. These
salient features such as alignment, overall length, span arrangement, cross section,
deck level, founding level, type of bridge components (superstructure,
substructure, foundations, bearings, expansion joint, return walls etc.) shall be
finalized based upon hydraulic and geo- technical studies, cost effectiveness and
ease of construction. The GAD shall be supplemented by Preliminary designs. In
respect of span arrangement and type of bridge a few alternatives with cost-benefit
implications should be submitted to enable CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai to approve
the best alternative. After approval of alignment and GAD the Consultant shall
prepare detailed design as per IRC codes /guidelines and working drawings for all
components of bridges and structures.
3. The location of all at-grade level crossings shall be identified falling across the
existing level crossings for providing ROB at these locations. The Consultants shall
prepare preliminary GAD for necessary construction separately to the Client. The
Consultant shall pursue the Indian Railways Authorities or/and any statutory
authority of State/Central Government for approval of the GAD from concerned
5. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and Alignment Plan by CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai and Railways, the Consultant shall prepare detailed design as per IRC
and Railways guidelines and working drawings for all components of the bridges
and structures. The Consultant shall furnish the design and working drawings for
suitable protection works and/or river training works wherever required.
9. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and the alignment plan by CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai, detailed design shall also be carried out for the proposed underpasses,
and interchanges.
10. The Consultants shall also carry out the design and make suitable
recommendations for protection works for bridges and drainage structures.
11. In case land available is not adequate for embankment slope, suitable design for
RCC retaining wall shall be furnished. However, RES wall may also be considered
depending upon techno-economic suitability to be approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi
12. All the bridge structures having a length of 100 m or less can be used for tapping
of water for serving dual purpose i.e., to cross the water body or to store water,
if technically feasible. Therefore, such structures shall be designed as bridge cum
barrage structures (bridge cum bandhara). Ministry’s guidelines in this regard
issued vide letter no. RW/NH-34066/89/2015-S&R(B) dated 18.04.2017 may be
1. The requirement of roadside drainage system and the integration of the same
with proposed cross-drainage system shall be worked out for the entire length of the
project road section.
2. In addition to the roadside drainage system, the Consultants shall design the
special drainage provisions for sections with super-elevated carriageways, high
embankments and for road segments passing through cuts. The drainage
provisions shall also be worked out for road segments passing through urban
4. The project highway shall be designed to have well designed efficient drainage
system, which shall be subsurface, as far as possible. While constructing the
underpasses, the finished road level shall be determined so as to ensure that the
accumulation of rain water does not take place and run-off flows at the natural
ground level. The drains, wherever constructed, shall be provided with proper
gradient and connected to the existing outlets for final disposal.
5. The rain water harvesting requirements be assessed taking into consideration the
Ministry of Environment & Forest Notification Dt. 14.01.1997 (as amended on
13.01.1998, 05.01.1999 & 06.11.2000). The construction of rainwater harvesting
structure is mandatory in and around water scarce / crisis areas notified by the
Central Ground Water Board. The provisions for rainwater harvesting be executed
as per the requirements of IRC:SP:42-2014 (Guidelines for Road Drainage) and
IRC:SP:50-2013 (Guidelines on Urban Drainage).
6. All the bridge structures having a length of 100m or less can be used for tapping
of water for serving dual purpose i.e. to cross the water body and to store water,
if technically feasible. Therefore, such structures should be designed as bridge
cum barrage structures (bridge cum bandhara). Ministry’s guidelines in this regard
issued vide letter no. RW/NH-34066/59/2015-S&R(B) dated 18.04.2017 may be
7. The locations of the culverts should be planned in such a way that the proposed
culvert covers optimum catchment area & the location shall be decided on the
basis of topographical survey, local rainfall data, gradient of natural ground and
enquiry from the local habitants. All culverts should preferably be box culverts as
pipe culverts get filled up with silt, which is rarely cleared.
4.12.8. Traffic Safety Features, Road Furniture and Road Markings
1. The Consultants shall design suitable traffic safety features and road furniture
including traffic signals, signs, markings, overhead sign boards, crash barriers,
delineators etc. The locations of these features shall be given in the reports and
also shown in the drawings.
2. The Consultant should make the provisions for “the overhead (gantry-mounted)
signs on roads with two or more lanes in the same direction” as per provisions of IRC-
67. The minimum height of gantry mounted sign be 5.5 m above the highest point
at the carriageway.
3. Road safety shall be the focus of design. The roads shall be forgiving, having self-
explaining alignment, safe designed intersections / interchanges segregation and
safe crossing facilities for VRUs with crash barriers at hazardous locations. The
details of traffic signs and pavement markings with their locations, types and
configuration shall be shown on the plan so that they are correctly provided.
4. DPR shall undergo the exercise of Road Safety Audit through the Road Safety
Auditor (separate from design team) and recommendations mentioned be
5. Road markings and proper signage constitute another important aspect of the
Road safety. The DPR shall contain a detailed signage plan, indicating the places,
directions, distances and other features, duly marked on the chainage plan. It
shall specify the suitable places where FoBs are to be provided. Road marking and
signage plan shall be included in DPR and shall be specifically approved by the
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
6. Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) shall be in place for all 4/6
lane roads of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai being put to tolling. This would provide
real time information, guidance and emergency assistance to users. ATMS would
include outdoor equipment including emergency call boxes, variable message
sign systems, meteorological data system, close circuit TV camera (CCTV) system in
addition to any other equipment required to meet the objective. Indoor
equipment would include large display board, central computer with Network
Management System, CCTV monitor system and management of call boxes system
with uninterrupted power supply, all housed in a central control centre. In this
connection, CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai’s policy circular no.11041/218/2007-Admn
dated 15.09.2016 may be referred.
7. As availability of suitable sight distance has a large effect on road safety, the
alignment of all the NHs should be finalized in such a way so as to have double the
stopping sight distance available to the road users at all locations.
The Consultants shall work out appropriate plan for planting of trees (specifying
type of plantation), horticulture, floriculture on the surplus land of the right-of
way with a view to beautify the highway and making the environment along the
highway pleasing. These activities should be included in the TOR for
contractor/concessionaire and the cost of these activities shall also be added to
the total project cost for civil works. The existing trees / plants shall be retained
to the extent possible. The Transplantation of trees shall also be proposed
wherever feasible.
4.12.10. Toll Plaza
1. The Consultants shall identify the possible toll plaza location(s) based on the data
and information derived from the traffic studies and a study of the existing
physical features including the availability of land. The location of the plaza should
keep in view that the project road is to be developed as a partially access controlled
highway facility and it is required to collect toll on rational basis from as much of
the vehicular traffic as possible consistent with economy of collection and
operations. The location of the toll plaza should be finalized in consultation with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
2. The minimum number of toll lanes at the toll plazas should be carefully designed
taking into consideration the projected peak hour tollable traffic, permissible
service time, adopted toll collection system and the capacity of service lanes. The
number of lanes at any toll plaza would, however, be not less than four times the
number of lanes for which the highway has been designed. Eventually, all the lanes
have to be designed / equipped with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems and
one lane at the extreme outer side for Over Dimensioned Vehicles (ODV) should
be earmarked in each direction.
3. Car lanes and lanes for commercial vehicles shall be earmarked at the toll plaza
with outer lanes earmarked for the commercial vehicles. At least 50% of the total
lanes on each side shall be equipped with weigh-in-motion facility for dedicated
use by commercial vehicles followed by a static weigh bridge on either side.
Number of lanes with weigh-in-motion facility may be suitably increased
depending on proportion of commercial vehicles in total traffic Provision should
be kept for acquisition and earmarking of about one acre area for parking of the
overloaded vehicles.
1. The consultant shall select suitable sites for weighing stations, parking areas and
rest areas and prepare suitable separate designs in this regard. The common
facilities like petrol pump, first-aid medical facilities, police office, restaurant,
vehicle parking etc. should be included in the general layout for planning. For
petrol pump, the guidelines issued by OISD of Ministry of Petroleum shall be
followed. The facilities should be planned to be at approximately 50 km interval.
At least each facility (1 no.) is foreseen to be provided for this project stretch.
Weighing stations can be located near toll plazas so that overloaded vehicles can
be easily identified and suitably penalized and unloaded before being allowed to
proceed further. The type of weighing system suitable for the project shall be
brought out in the report giving merits of each type of the state-of-the art and
basis of recommendations for the chosen system.
2. The Consultant should take into consideration the provisions for persons with
disabilities (PwD) in way side amenity centres / rest areas and provide ramp
facilities, exit / entrance door with minimum clear opening of 900 mm and special
toilet facilities for use of handicapped persons. The consultant shall also take into
consideration, the provisions for Pedestrians facilities as per IRC-103.
1. The Consultants shall make suitable designs and layout for miscellaneous
works including rest areas, bus bays, vehicle parking areas,
telecommunication facilities etc. wherever appropriate.
2. The Consultants shall prepare the detailed scheme and lay out plan for the
works mentioned in Para 1.
3. The Consultants shall prepare detailed plan for the traffic management
and safety during the construction period.
The consultant shall under take the detailed environmental and social impact
assessment in accordance with the standard set by the Government of India for
projects proposed to be funded by MORT&H/CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. In respect
of projects proposed to be funded by ADB loan assistance, Environmental
Assessment Requirements, Environmental Guidelines for selected infrastructure
projects, 1993 of Asian Development Bank shall be followed. Similarly, for
projects proposed to be funded by World Bank loan assistance, World Bank
Guidelines shall be followed.
3. The consultant shall assess the potential significant impacts and identify
the mitigation measures to address these impacts adequately.
additional inputs in the areas of performance indicators and monitoring
mechanisms for environmental components during construction and
operational phase of the project.
8. The consultant shall provide the cost of mitigation measures and ensure
that environmental related staffing, training and institutional
requirements are budgeted in project cost.
9. The consultant shall prepare the application forms and obtain forestry
and environmental clearances from the respective authorities including
the SPCBs and the MOEF on behalf of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. The
consultants will make presentation, if required, in defending the project to
the MOEF Infrastructure Committee.
10. The consultant shall identify and plan for plantation and Transplantation
of the suitable trees along the existing highway in accordance with IRC
1 The consultant would conduct base line socio-economic and census survey to
assess the impacts on the people, properties and loss of livelihood. The
socioeconomic survey will establish the benchmark for monitoring of R&R
activities. A social assessment is conducted for the entire project to identify
mechanisms to improve project designs to meet the needs of different
stakeholders. A summary of stakeholder discussions, issue raised and how the
project design was developed to meet stakeholders need would be prepared.
2 The consultant shall prepare Land Acquisition Plan and assist CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai in acquisition of land under various Acts.
4.13.3 The consultant would prepare Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan and assess
feasibility and effectiveness of income restoration strategies and suitability and
availability to relocation sites. The resettlement plan which accounts for land
acquisition and resettlement impacts would be based on a 25% socio-economic survey
and 100 % census survey of project affected people which provides the complete
assessment of the number of affected households and persons, including common
property resources. All untitled occupants are recorded at the initial stages and
identify cards will be issued to ensure there is no further influx of people in to the
project area. All consultations with affected persons (to include list of
participants) should be fully documented and records made available to
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
Assessment on social issues such as indigenous people, gender,
HIV/AIDS, labourers including child labour.
Implementation budgets, sources and timing of funding and schedule of tasks.
Responsibility of tasks, institutional arrangements and personnel for
delivering entitlement and plans to build institutional capacity.
Internal and external monitoring plans, key monitoring indicators and
grievance redress mechanism.
Incorporating any other suggestions of the ADB/ World Bank/ CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai, till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/
World Bank/ CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
4.13.4 Reporting Requirements of EIA
The consultant would prepare the stand-alone reports as per the
requirement of the ADB/World Bank /CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, as
applicable, with contents as per the following:
Executive Summary
Description of the Project
Environmental setting of the project.
Identification and categorization of the potential impacts (during pre-
construction, construction and operation periods).
Analysis of alternatives (this would include correlation amongst the finally
selected alternative alignment/routing and designs with the avoidance
and environmental management solutions).
The public consultation process.
Policy, legal and administrative framework. This would include mechanisms
at the states and national level for operational policies. This would also
include a description of the organizational and implementation
mechanism recommended for this project.
Typical plan or specific designs for all additional environmental items as
described in the scope of work.
Incorporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB/ World Bank /
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/
World Bank/CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai , as applicable.
EMP Reports for Contract Package based on uniform methodology and
processes. The consultant will also ensure that the EMP has all the elements
for it to be a legal document. The EMP reports would include the following:
Brief description of the project, purpose of the EMP, commitments on
incorporating environmental considerations in the design, construction
and operations phases of the project and institutional arrangements for
implementing the EMP.
A detailed EMP for construction and operational phases with recourse to
the mitigation measures for all adverse impacts.
Detailed plans for highway-side tree plantation (as part of the
compensatory afforestation component).
Environmental enhancement measure would be incorporated.
Enhancement measures would include items described in the scope of
work and shall be complete with plans, designs, BOQ and technical
Environmental monitoring plans during and after construction including
scaling and measurement techniques for the performance indicators
selectedfor monitoring.
The EMP should be amendable to be included in the contract documents
for theworks.
Incorporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB/ World Bank/
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/ World
/CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai as applicable.
Executive summary
Description of project
Objectives of the project.
The need for Resettlement in the Project and evaluation of
measures to minimize resettlement.
Description and results of public consultation and plans for continued
participation of PAPs.
Definition of PAPs and the eligibility criteria.
Census and survey results-number affected, how are they affected and
whatimpacts will they experience.
Legal and entitlement policy framework-support principles for different
categories of impact.
Arrangements for monitoring and evaluation (internal and external)
Implementation schedule for resettlement which is linked to the civil
works contract
A matrix of scheduled activities linked to land acquisition procedures to
indicate clearly what steps and actions will be taken at different stages and
the time frame
The payment of compensation and resettlement during the
acquisition process
An itemized budget (replacement value for all assets) and unit
costs for different assets Coordinate all activities necessary for accurate and timely publication of
notifications as per NH Act including but not limited to
i. Identify all land parcels that need to be acquired as part of project highway
ii. Conduct Joint Measurement Survey in conjunction with CALA, CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai and state revenue department to verify land records
iii. Conduct valuation of land and associated assets (structures, trees, crops etc.) and
liaison with authorities of State Government for authentication of the valuation Liaison with relevant state departments throughout land acquisition process
i. Liaison with State Government departments including but not limited to Land Revenue
Office (or Tehsil), Sub - Registrar office, Directorate of Surveys and with other
State departments (like Public works department, horticulture department etc.)
to expedite the land acquisition process
ii. Co-ordinate collection of all the necessary land record documents and information
required to support CALA/CALA staff during the LA process Facilitate communication between CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) and CALA
throughout land acquisition process Support CALA and PIU with manpower and resources CALA throughout land
acquisition process
5.1.2 Assist CALA and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) in the publication of notifications Provide copy of following documents to PIU - 1 soft copy (less than 3MB combined)
+ 1 hard copy, on finalization of alignment and approval of the alignment from
the competent authority Ensure correct spelling of taluks and villages according to local revenue records
(Jamabandi) or State Government land record website. The same should be done
for English and Hindi Obtain approval of taluk names, village names and other details mentioned in 3a
from CALA office Co-ordinate with PIU and District Collector/State Government in obtaining
appointment order for CALA
79 Co-ordinate with NIC to ensure correct village names and spelling are
included in Bhoomi Rashi portal Assist PIU in creating 3a notification and preamble on Bhoomi Rashi along
with all supporting documents in format prescribed to be sent for approval to
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai HQ
5.1.3 Assist CALA and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) in the publication of 3A notification Co-ordinate collection of all village maps from state land revenue department
i. Ensure all village maps are collected from the Taluk Office/Regional Deputy Director
of Survey and Land Records and bear a saleable copy mark. Co-ordinate collection of all survey maps for all the affected survey numbers
in the proposed right of way from state land revenue department
i. Ensure collection of digitized survey maps from the state revenue department
prepared using CollabLand software of NIC for the purposes of land acquisition
activities, wherever available
ii. Ensure all survey maps collected are scaled to 1:500, 1:1000 or 1:2000
iii. Ensure survey maps contain all necessary information including boundary dimensions,
ladder diagrams, topographical details, sub division details and adjoining survey
numbers as available, in line with the norms of the State Government
iv. Verify the level of accuracy in the maps and their suitability for the purposes of
supporting the land acquisition effort for the project road in terms of both
dimensional accuracy and details available
v. Ensure consistency between the revenue maps and other land records (Record of
Rights, Tenancy and Crops /A-Register etc.) and correct the maps/records in case
of inconsistency. Ensure, the corrected maps are vetted by the Village
Administrative Officer Ensure collection of geo referenced control points capable of being imported
into appropriate GIS system Ensure accurate digitization and projection of village maps on GIS system Ensure accurate projection of survey revenue maps on Google Earth or similar
GIS software necessarily having the following layers
i. Alignment Map
ii. Digitized Village Map
iii. Topographical details as collected during topographical survey using LiDAR/Drone
iv. Geo-referenced control points imported into GIS software Ensure proper superimposition of the alignment map, digitized village map by
accurately matching the topographical details and geo-referenced ground
control points on both the layers.
i. Divide the village maps at every 500 meters (in case of the same village) to ensure
proper projection of the planar map on Google Earth or equivalent
ii. Adjust the digitized map to exactly match the ground situation using the geo-
referenced ground control points identified Co-ordinate collection all the relevant revenue records from state revenue
department required to ascertain type and nature of land
i. Collect the updated land revenue records with details on survey numbers, sub-
division, land type, land nature and owner from the Taluk office Prepare and submit 3A draft and LA plan in the format prescribed by CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai Co-ordinate submission of copies of LA plan and Alignment map to CALA offices
through PIU required for verification of 3A draft in the format prescribed by the
CALA Office
81 Facilitate CALA staff in verification of the draft 3A document Assist PIU in uploading 3A notification (as declared by CALA) along with
preamble on Bhoomi Rashi Provide copy of 3A Gazette notification to the office of the CALA on publication
in the Gazette
i. Ensure the translated 3A sent to the newspaper matches the 3A Gazette copy
verbatim and no changes are made Co-ordinate with the CALA to get a signed copy of the press ready version along
with the file reference number needed for future reference at the CALA office Provide copies of newspaper publication of 3A notification to the CALA and PIU Ensure all activities are planned and adequate manpower is made available to
ensure the prescribed timelines are adhered to
5.1.4 Assist CALA and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) in conduction of 3C enquiry
and compilation offinal orders Co-ordinate with CALA for scheduling public hearings as necessitated by section
3C of NH Act 1956 Assist CALA staff in sending notices to petitioners on respective hearing dates
either through newspaper notifications to be published in 2 newspapers: 1
Vernacular + 1 other or through respective village administrative offices
82 Assist CALA staff in receiving and compiling of objections Assist CALA during objection hearings, recording of hearings, ensuring compliance
of corresponding orders and notification of final CALA order to petitioners Assist CALA staff in dispatching and ensuring delivery of final 3C orders to
petitioners in a timely manner and obtain acknowledgement of receipt of 3C
orders from the aggrieved parties
5.1.5 Assist CALA and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) in conducting Joint Measurement Survey Co-ordinate with the CALA office and state government departments and obtain
all permissions necessary to conduct JMS and center line marking
i. Ensure use of Differential GPS or Total Station systems to conduct center line marking
ii. Ensure placing of boundary pillars (left and right) and the center line peg (in case
of brownfield sections), center line pillar (in case of greenfield sections) at 50-
meter intervals, clearly demarcating the Proposed Right of Way.
iii. Ensure all boundary pillars are provided and planted as per IRC:25:1967
iv. Ensure that the boundary stones are secured at location
v. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of
boundary stone marking in terms of length and chainage covered
vi. Retain a Total Station system, controller and a prism holder for the entire duration
of the JMS to ensure prompt assistance to the survey team Ensure accurate and timely conduction of JMS for the complete length of the project
i. Provide scaled revenue maps, latest ownership records, village map and other
revenue documents necessary for conducting JMS
ii. Arrange retired revenue sub inspectors of survey and chainmen to conduct Joint
Measurement Survey at the consultant’s cost
iii. Ensure accurate measurement of revenue survey plots with respect to PROW of
project, by identifying physical features present on the ground & the survey
sketches, measuring the distance of the PROW stone from the physical features
and marking the distance on the survey sketch
iv. Ensure marking of PROW on scaled revenue maps indicating extent of
encroachment into survey numbers/sub division numbers
v. Ensure surveyors collect details of structures and trees present in sub-divisions during
vi. Ensure accurate calculation of area affected in each sub-division
vii. Ensure sub-division records are prepared as per the guidelines of the state revenue
surveyor clearly indicating the name of the land owner as per latest ownership
viii. Ensure sub-division records divide affected sub-divisions clearly indicating portion
ofland vested with the owner and portion of land acquired by CE NH (PWD) Navi
ix. Ensure submission of JMS records in format expected by the CALA office along with
all supporting documents
x. Co-ordinate with local land revenue office in updating of all land records as per
sub- division records submitted to CALA office, including vesting of acquired land
in the name of Government of India, post publication of the 3D notification
xi. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of JMS in
terms of length, villages and number survey numbers covered
i. Ensure all records are submitted at Taluk office in the correct format
ii. Facilitate creation of new sub-divisions based on the sub division records submitted
by the survey team, including vesting of acquired land in the name of Government of
India, post publication of the 3D notification
iii. Provide daily reports to PIU and CALA office by mail indicating progress of pre-
scrutiny in terms of number of villages covered Co-ordinate with CALA team and PIU to facilitate site inspection
5.1.6 Assist CALA and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai (PIU) in the publication of 3D notification Prepare 3D draft based on 3A notification and scrutinized JMS statements in the
format prescribed by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
i. Ensure presence of surveyors to clarify/rectify any issue that may arise during
verification, both during on-ground inspection as well as during the document
verification Assist PIU in uploading 3D notification (as declared by CALA) along with
preamble on Bhoomirashi Provide copy of 3D Gazette notification to the office of the CALA on publication
in the Gazette
i. Ensure the translated 3D sent to the newspaper matches the 3D Gazette copy
verbatim and no changes are made Co-ordinate with the CALA to get a signed copy of the press ready version along
with the file reference number needed for future reference at the CALA office Provide copies of newspaper publication of 3D notification to the CALA and PIU Ensure all activities are planned and adequate manpower is made available to
ensure the prescribed timelines are adhered to
i. Ensure submission of 3D statement along with sub-division records to the PIU in
prescribed format within 45 days of 3A publication
ii. Ensure publishing of 3D in Gazette by pursuing the same with relevant stakeholder
within 15 days of submission of final 3D to the PIU
iii. Provide adequate manpower including but not limited to surveyors, revenue
inspectors, chain-men, liaison officers, computer operators, central line marking
teams, helpers, etc. to ensure mandated timelines are met
iv. Ensure adequate resources including but not limited to computers, boundary
pillars, Total Station/DGPS systems, vehicles etc. are deployed to ensure
mandated timelines are met Assist CALA in drafting public notice inviting claims (under sub-section 3 of section
3G) from all persons interested in the land to be acquired and 3D notification to
be published in 2 local newspaper - 1 vernacular and 1 other. Assist CALA during claim hearings, record hearings and compliance of corresponding
i. Collate ownership claims and the documents received during the claim hearings
ii. Assist the office of the CALA in verifying the claims and in finalizing the land owners Assist CALA office in collection of sales statistics and market value (Guideline
value/ Collector rates) from the relevant State Government department
i. Collect the sales statistics for 3 years prior to the date of the 3A notification from
the Sub-Registrar’s Office
ii. Assess the sales statistics to evaluate the nature of land for all the sale deeds
based on the land records available with the State Government (Chitta/ A-
Register, etc.)
iii. Compute the average of the top 50% of the sales statistics after eliminating the
outliers, with proper justification
iv. Collect the Guideline Value/ Prevalent market rates, as issued by the order of the
Competent Authority of the State Government for all the relevant villages
v. Collect the details of the sales of land for public purpose through private
negotiation inthe recent past for similar type of land Compute land valuation for the all the affected survey numbers in line with
RFCTLARR Act and the guidelines issued by MoRTH Conduct valuation of land related assets (Structures, trees, crops etc.) and liaison
with respective State authority including but not limited to State Public Works
Department, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forest Department, etc. for authentication
of the valuation.
85 Assist CALA in 3G award preparation and in drafting 3G award documents along
with the required annexures including but not limited to preparation of field book
which contains award by each beneficiary, list of sales statistics considered for
finalizing the market value, etc. Assist CALA staff in drafting notification for beneficiaries for award collection
and vacating the land within 60 days (under section 3E) Co-ordinate serving of notice to all beneficiaries for collection of award and to
vacate the land within 60 days (under section 3E)
5.2.1 Identify type and location of all existing utilities within the proposed ROW
1. Consultant will review information available with all utilities agencies in the
region, consult maps/plans available with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, MoRTH and
state road agencies, consult with locals and municipal bodies to ascertain the
presence and location of utilities , including but not limited to water-mains, gas,
telephone, electricity and fiber-optic installations in and around the project
1. Consultants need to identify utilities that will require shifting to enable construction
of the proposed project road
2. Incorporate space required for elevated and under-ground utilities corridors and
utilities crossings as required for existing and future utilities in consultation with
user departments
5.2.3 Develop a utilities relocation plan
1. Consultants need to develop and submit a utilities relocation plan in consultation with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and user departments clearly identifying current utilities and
suggested relocations along with crossings as required
2. Plan and conduct discussions, consultations and joint site visits required for the
planning of utilities shifting and the development of required drawings and
4. Develop initial cost estimates based on suggested relocation plan and the latest
available schedule of rates for inclusion in the cost of the project at the time of
1. Consultants need to obtain draft utilities shifting proposal from user departments
for all utilities identified for shifting along project road
2. Prepare utility shifting cost estimates using latest schedule of rates and obtain
approval from user departments
5. Obtain all required utilities shifting proposal estimates and required approvals
from both user departments and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai within the time
stipulated in DPR contract
1. The Consultants shall prepare detailed estimates for quantities (considering designs
and mass haul diagram) and project cost for the entire project (civil packages
wise), including the cost of environmental and social safeguards proposed based
on MoRT&H’s Standard Data Book and market rate for the inputs. The estimation
of quantities shall be based on detailed design of various components of the projects.
The estimation of quantities and costs would have to be worked out separately
for civil work Package as defined in this TOR.
2. The Consultants shall make detailed analysis for computing the unit rates for the
different items of works. The unit rate analysis shall duly take into account the
various inputs and their basic rates, suggested location of plants and respective
lead distances for mechanized construction. The unit rate for each item of works
shall be worked out in terms of manpower, machinery and materials.
4. The Consultant should work out the quantity of Bitumen, Steel and Cement likely
to be used in the project and indicate in the summary sheet.
6. Viability and Financing Options and Bidding process
1. The Project Road should be divided into the traffic homogenous links based on
the findings of the traffic studies. The homogenous links of the Project Road
should be further subdivided into sections based on physical features of road and
pavement, sub- grade and drainage characteristics etc. The economic and
commercial analysis shall be carried out separately for each traffic homogenous
link as well as for the Project Road.
2. The values of input parametres and the rationale for their selection for the
economic and commercial analyses shall be clearly brought out and got
approved by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
3. For models to be used for the economic and the commercial analyses, the
calibration methodology and the basic parametres adapted to the local conditions
shall be clearly brought out and got approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
4. The economic and commercial analyses should bring out the priority of the
different homogenous links in terms of project implementation.
1. The Consultants shall carry out economic analysis for the project. The analysis
should be for each of the sections covered under this TOR. The benefit and cost
streams should be worked out for the project using HDM-IV or other
internationally recognized life- cycle costing model.
2. The economic analysis shall cover but be not limited to be following aspects:
i. assess the capacity of existing roads and the effects of capacity constraints on
vehicle operating costs (VOC);
ii. calculate VOCs for the existing road situation and those for the project;
iii. quantify all economic benefits, including those from reduced congestion, travel
distance, road maintenance cost savings and reduced incidence of road accidents;
iv. estimate the economic internal rate of return (EIRR) for the project over a 30-
year period. In calculating the EIRRs, identify the tradable and non- tradable
components of projects costs and the border price value of the tradable
v. Saving in time value.
3. Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV), “with “and
“without time and accident savings” should be worked out based on these cost-
benefit stream. Furthermore, sensitivity of EIRR and NPV worked out forth different
scenarios as given under:
The sensitivity scenarios given above are only indicative. The Consultants shall
select the sensitivity scenarios taking into account possible construction delays,
construction costs overrun, traffic volume, revenue shortfalls, operating costs,
exchange rate variations, convertibility of foreign exchange, interest rate
volatility, non-compliance or default by contractors, political risks and force
4. The economic analysis shall take into account all on-going and future road
and transport infrastructure projects and future development plans in the
project area.
1. The Consultants shall in consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai finalize the
format for the analysis and the primary parameters and scenarios that should be
taken into account while carrying out the commercial analysis
2. The Financial analysis for the project should cover financial internal rate of
return, projected income statements, balance sheets and fund flow statements
and should bring out all relevant assumptions.
3. The financial analysis should cover identification, assessment, and mitigating
measures for all risks associated with the project. The analysis shall cover, but be
not limited to, risks related to construction delays, construction costs overrun, traffic
volume, revenue shortfalls, operating costs, exchange rate variations, convertibility
of foreign exchange, interest rate volatility, non-compliance or default by
contractors, political risks and force majeure.
4. The sensitivity analysis should be carried out for a number of probabilistic scenarios.
1. The financial model so developed shall be handed over to and be the property of
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
2. The consultant shall also suggest positive ways of enhancing the project viability
and furnish different financial models for implementing on BOT format
6.3.1 Consultant shall assist the authority in preparing the required bid documents
and support the authority through the bidding process
1. The consultant shall prepare all required bid documents and technical
schedules required for the bidding of the project
3. The consultant shall assist authority in reviewing bid documents and in making
any changes required basis their findings or the and finalising bid
4. The consultant shall assist the authority in collecting and providing all
required supporting documents for initiating bid as defined by the SOP for
a. To enable this, consultant should study the financial viability and financial
options for the project for modes such as BOT Toll/ Annuity during the
feasibility stage.
1. Consultant shall support CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai through the entire bid
process and shall be responsible for sharing the findings from the
preparation stages during the bid process
3. During the bid process for a project, the consultant shall support the
authority in:
4. The consultant shall assist CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and its functionaries
as needed in the evaluation of technical bids
1. Time period envisaged for the study of the project is indicated in Annex-I to LOI.
The final reports, drawings and documentation shall be completed within this
time schedule.
2. CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai shall arrange to give approval on all sketches, drawings,
reports and recommendations and other matters and proposals submitted for
decision by the Consultant in such reasonable time so as not to delay or disrupt the
performance of the Consultant’s services.
8. Project Team and Project Office of the Consultant
4. The Consultants shall establish an office at the project site manned by senior
personnel during the course of the surveys and investigations. All the project
related office work shall be carried out by the consultant in their site office unless
there are special reasons for carrying out part of the office work elsewhere for which
prior approval of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai shall be obtained. The address of the
site office including the personnel manning it including their Telephone and FAX
numbers will be intimated by the Consultant to
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai before commencement of the services.
5. All key personnel and sub professional staff of the DPR Consultants shall use the
fingerprint based (biometric) attendance system for marking their daily
attendance. Attendance shall be marked at least once a day and anytime during
the day. Biometric Attendance System shall be installed by the DPR Consultants at
its own cost at the site office and design office in order to facilitate the
attendance marking. A copy of attendance records shall be attached at the time
of submission of their bills to the
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai from time to time. Proper justification shall be provided
for cases of absence of key personnel/ sub-professional staff which do not have
prior approval from Project Director of Concerned stretch. If CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai so desires, it shall facilitate electronic linking of the attendance system
with the Central Monitoring System of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
9. Reports to be submitted by the Consultant to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
9.1 All reports, documents and drawings are to be submitted separately for each of
the traffic homogenous link of the Project Road. The analysis of data and the
design proposals shall be based on the data derived from the primary surveys and
investigations carried out during the period of assignment. The sources of data
and model relationships used in the reports shall be indicated with complete
details for easy reference.
9.2 Project preparation activities will be split into eight stages as brought out below.
5 Technical Preparation of bid documents and Civil Works Contract Agreement and
Schedules technical schedules Schedules
6 (i) LA II Land acquisition process, obtaining final JMS and 3D Report, Final Project
(ii) Project utilities estimates and required Clearances and Utilities Report
Clearances clearances
Preliminary design work should commence without waiting for feasibility study to
be completed. Stage 3, 5 and 6 shall run in parallel with Stage 2 and 4
1. The Consultant shall submit to the client the reports and documents in bound
volumes (and not spiral binding form) after completion of each stage of work as per
the schedule and in the number of copies as given in Enclosure-III. Further, the
reports shall also be submitted in floppy diskettes / CD’s in addition to the
hardcopies as mentioned in Enclosure-III. Consultant shall submit all other
reports mentioned specifically in the preceding paras of the TOR.
2. The time schedule for various submissions prescribed at Sl. No.1 above shall be strictly
adhered to. No time overrun in respect of these submissions will normally be
permitted. Consultant is advised to go through the entire terms of reference
carefully and plan his work method in such a manner that various activities
followed by respective submissions as brought out at Sl.No.1 above are
completed as stipulated. Consultant is, therefore, advised to deploy sufficient
number of supporting personnel, both technical and administrative, to undertake
the project preparation activities in construction package (Section)
simultaneously. As far as possible, the proposal should include complete
information such as number of such persons, name, position, period of
engagement, remuneration rate etc. The Consultant is also advised to start necessary
survey works from the beginning so as to gain time in respect of various other
activities in that stage.
1. The key stages, activities and deliverables for the detailed project report
are as described in these documents
2. The following section describes the detailed requirements for each report that
needs to be submitted
5. All reports must be submitted along with the relevant checklist form
completed and signed off by the consultant
10.1 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Document
1. Immediately upon the award, the Consultants shall submit four copies of the QAP
document covering all aspects of field studies, investigations design and
economic financial analysis. The quality assurance plans/procedures for different
field studies, engineering surveys and investigation, design and documentation
activities should be presented as separate sections like engineering surveys and
investigations, traffic surveys, material geo-technical and sub-soil investigations,
road and pavement investigations, investigation and design of bridges
&structures, environment and R&R assessment, economic & financial analysis,
drawings and documentation; preparation, checking, approval and filing of
calculations, identification and traceability of project documents etc. Further,
additional information as per format shall be furnished regarding the details of
personnel who shall be responsible for carrying out/preparing and
checking/verifying various activities forming part of feasibility study and project
preparation, since inception to the completion of work. The field and design
activities shall start after the QAP is approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
i. Required data formats for some reports, investigations and documents are
discussed in ENCLOSURE-IV
ii. Formats for submission of Reports and Documents.
iii. The consultants will need to propose data formats for use in all other field
studies and investigations not covered in enclosure IV.
iv. The proposed data forms will need to be submitted for the approval of CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai after the commencement of services.
10.2 Inception Report (IR)
i. Project appreciation;
ii. Detailed methodology to meet the requirements of the TOR finalized in
consultation with the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai officers; including scheduling of
various sub activities to be carried out for completion of various stages of the
work; stating out clearly their approach & methodology for project preparation
after due inspection of the entire project stretch and collection/ collation of
necessary information;
iii. Task Assignment and Manning Schedule;
iv. Work programme;
v. Proforma for data collection;
vi. Design standards and proposed cross-sections;
vii. Key plan and Linear Plan;
viii. Development plans being implemented and / or proposed for implementation in
the near future by the local bodies and the possible impact of such development
plans on the overall scheme for field work and design for the study;
ix. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) finalized in consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai;
x. Draft design standards; and
STAGE 2: Feasibility Report
10.3 Alignment options report
1. Basis review of the existing project road, local traffic patterns and initial
reconnaissance surveys, the consultant shall present possible alignment
alternatives for the project road
i. Drivers for re-alignment of road and re-alignment needed as discussed in para 2 above
ii. Alignment alternatives for each section where re-alignment of road is needed
iii. Analysis of alignment alternatives bringing out the pros and cons of each
alternative including, but not limited to: new construction required, land acquisition
requirements, environmental impact, utilities and structures affected, cost of
construction, road geometry and road safety aspects, input from local
consultation, CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai views
iv. Recommendations from among the alignment options presented for the authority
to consider
1. The consultant shall commence the Feasibility Study of the project in accordance
with the accepted IR and the report shall contain the following:
i. Executive summary
ii. Overview of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai organization and activities, and project
financing and cost recovery mechanisms
iii. Project description including possible alternative alignments/bypasses and
technical/engineering alternatives
iv. Methodology adopted for the feasibility study
v. Socioeconomic profile of the project areas
vi. Indicative design standards, methodologies and specifications
vii. Traffic surveys and analysis
viii. Environmental screening and preliminary environmental assessment
ix. Initial social assessment and preliminary land acquisition/resettlement plan
x. Cost estimates based on preliminary rate analysis and bill of quantities,
xi. Cost analysis of all alternate identified alignments
xii. Economic and financial analysis
xiii. Conclusions and recommendations
2. In view of para 1 above the consultant has to submit the following documents
in six sets:
ii. Rate Analysis: This volume will present the analysis of rates for all items of works.
The details of unit rate of materials at source, carriage charges, any other
applicable charges, labour rates, and machine charges as considered in arriving at
unit rates will be included in this volume.
iii. Cost Estimates: This volume will present the each item of work as well as a
summary of total cost.
iv. Bill of Quantities: This volume shall contain the detailed Bill of Quantities for all
items of works
3. The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations shall be
submitted in a separate volume as an Appendix to Feasibility Report.
1. The Consultants shall submit the following documents:
i. Details of the center line of the proposed widened NH along with the existing and
proposed right-of-way limits to appreciate the requirements of land acquisition;
ii. The information concerning the area including ownership of land to be acquired for
the implementation of the project shall be collected from the revenue and other
concerned authorities and presented along with the strip plans;
iii. Strip plans showing the position of existing utilities and services indicating clearly
the position of their relocation;
iv. Details for various clearances such as environment and forest clearances;
v. Separate strip plan showing shifting / relocation of each utility services in
consultation with the concerned local authorities;
vi. The utility relocation plans should clearly show existing right-of-way and pertinent
topographic details including buildings, major trees, fences and other installations
such as water-mains, telephone, telegraph and electricity poles, and suggest
relocation of the services along with their crossings the highway at designated
locations as required and prepare necessary details for submission to the Service
vii. Detail schedules for acquisition of additional land and additional properties in
consultation with the revenue authorities; and
viii. Land Acquisition Plan shall be prepared after digitization of cadastral / land
revenue maps. The digitized map shall exactly match the original map, like a
contact print, since the dimensions and area of plots, or the whole village is to be
extracted from the map itself. An accuracy of 1mm or higher in a map of scale as
per IRC SP 19 shall be ensured.
2. The strip plans and land acquisition plan shall be prepared on the basis of data
from reconnaissance and detailed topographic surveys.
3. The Report accompanying the strip plans should cover the essential aspects as
given under:
4. The strip plans shall clearly indicate the scheme for widening. The views and
suggestions of the concerned State PWDs should be duly taken into account while
working out the widening scheme (left, right or symmetrical). The widening
scheme shall be finalized in consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
5. Kilometre-wise Strip Plans for section (Package) shall be prepared separately for
each concerned agency and suggested by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
10.6 Land Acquisition Report
1. Consultant shall submit a detailed land acquisition plan that provides details on
kilometre-wise land acquisition requirements, all required details and draft
notifications made.
2. The Land acquisition plan and report shall be prepared and submitted for each
section (package). Details shall also be submitted in land acquisition proforma to
be supplied by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, in both Hindi and English languages.
4. The land acquisition plan shall present details concerning the land area to be
acquired in conjunction with the strip plan:
i. Kilometer-wise existing and proposed RoW on either side of the proposed centre line
ii. Detail schedules of additional land to be acquired, land ownership and other
required details as per revenue records
iii. Details of properties, such as buildings and structures falling within the right-of way
iv. Costs of acquisition as per revenue authorities and also based on realistic
market derived rates
v. Detail schedules for acquisition of additional land and additional properties in
consultation with the revenue authorities;
5. The land acquisition plan shall report the progress of the land acquisition process
under the NH Land Acquisition act
6. The estimated cost of land acquisition shall invariably be worked out realistically
for all projects before finalization of 3(D) notifications for publication so as enable
taking a conscious decision regarding the feasibility of acquiring the land or
exploring of other alternatives (such as following alternative alignments, etc.).
10.7 Utility relocation plan
1. The consultant shall prepare a kilometre-wise Utility Relocation Plan (URP) and
costs for relocation per civil construction package as per estimates from
concerned authorities
i. All utilities identified in the existing and proposed road RoW such as water-mains,
telephone, telegraph and electricity poles
ii. Those utilities that will require shifting to enable construction of the project road
iii. All necessary details required for submission of utilities shifting proposals to the
concerned user agencies
iv. Copies of utilities shifting proposals made to the concerned user agencies along
with suggested relocation of services along with their crossings across the project
road at designated locations as required
v. Details of consultations made with local people and user agencies
vi. Preliminary scheme for shifting and cost estimates for shifting as per the
concerned authorities
vii. Separate strip plan showing shifting/relocation of each utility services
prepared in consultation with the concerned local authorities
viii. Draft map and plans showing road centerline, existing right of way, proposed
right of way, pertinent topographic details and existing and proposed location of
1. The consultant shall prepare a report regarding all other clearances required to
enable the construction of the project road such as environment, forest, tree
cutting and railways clearances
ii. Date of submission of clearances proposals, Environmental impact assessment
report to the competent authority
iii. Copies of all actual clearance proposals made or drafts of proposals yet to be submitted
iv. Information regarding points of contact, current status of proposals made, key
issues raised and clear next steps to obtaining clearances
4. The consultant shall also assist in attending to queries raised/ furnishing of
clarifications towards securing applicable clearances.
10.9 Draft Detailed Project Report (DPR)
1. The draft DPR Submission shall consist of construction package-wise Main Report,
Design Report, Materials Report, Engineering Report, Drainage Design Report,
Economic and Financial Analysis Report, Environmental Assessment Report
including Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Package-wise bid Documents and
3. The Documents and Drawings shall be submitted for the Package and shall be in
the following format:
i. Volume-I, Main Report: This report will present the project background,
social analysis of the project, details of surveys and investigations carried
out, analysis and interpretation of survey and investigation data, traffic
studies and demand forecasts designs, cost estimation, environmental
aspects, economic and commercial analyses and conclusions. The report
shall include Executive Summary giving brief accounts of the findings of
the study and recommendations. A sample executive summary has been
enclosed in Appendix VIII.
The Report shall also include maps, charts and diagrams showing locations
and details of existing features and the essential features of improvement
and upgrading. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for
contract package shall be submitted as a part of the main report.
The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations and
input data used for the preliminary design shall be submitted in a
separate volume as an Appendix to Main Report.
ii. Volume - II, Design Report: This volume shall contain design calculations,
supported by computer printout of calculations wherever applicable. The
Report shall clearly bring out the various features of design standards
adopted for the study. The design report will be in two parts. Part-I shall
primarily deal with the design of road features and pavement composition
while Part-II shall deal with the design of bridges, tunnels and cross-
drainage structures. The sub-soil exploration report including the
complete details of boring done, analyses and interpretation of data and
the selection of design parametres shall be included as an Appendix to
the Design Report.
The detailed design for all features should be carried out as per the
requirements of the Design Standards for the project. However, there
may be situations wherein it has not been possible to strictly adhere to
the design standards due to the existing site conditions, restrictions and
other considerations. The report should clearly bring out the details of
these aspect and the standards adopted.
iii. Volume - III, Materials Report: The Materials Report shall contain details
concerning the proposed borrow areas and quarries for construction
materials and possible sources of water for construction purposes. The
report shall include details on locations of borrow areas and quarries
shown on maps and charts and also the estimated quantities with mass
haul diagram including possible end use with leads involved, the details
of sampling and testing carried out and results in the form of important
index values with possible end use thereof.
The materials Report shall also include details of sampling, testing and
test results obtained in respect physical properties of subgrade soils. The
information shall be presented in tabular as well as in graphical
representations and schematic diagrams. The Report shall present soil
profiles along the alignment.
The material Report should also clearly indicate the locations of areas
with problematic soils. Recommendations concerning the improvement
of such soils for use in the proposed construction works, such as stabilization
(cement, lime, mechanical) should be included in the Report.
vi. Volume - VI, Rate Analysis: This volume will present the analysis of rates
for all items of works. The details of unit rate of materials at source,
carriage charges, any other applicable charges, labour rates, machine
charges as considered in arriving at unit rates will be included in this
vii. Volume - VII, Cost Estimates: This volume will present the contract
package wise cost of each item of work as well as a summary of total cost.
viii. Volume - VIII, Bill of Quantities: This volume shall contain the package-
wise detailed Bill of Quantities for all items of works.
ix. Volume - IX, Drawing Volume: All drawings forming part of this volume shall
be ‘good for construction’ drawings. All plan and profile drawings will be
prepared in scale 1:250V and 1:2500H scale to cover one km in one sheet.
In addition this volume will contain ‘good for construction’ drawings for
the following:
a. The consultant shall deliver the final road alignment geometry, proposed
roadway model and all proposed structures in a 3D engineered model with
all the required features as proposed in Enclosure IV
b. The consultant shall also provide digital versions of all drawings stated in
para 1 above in the format proposed in Enclosure IV
The drain covers should be strong enough to withstand the weight of Light commercial
vehicles, wherever required.
Stretch of the NH passing through a town can have multiple drainage plans/ sub plans
due to different contours or due to having different outlets.
The cross-sections of drains being shown presently in Schedule-B (Typical Cross-
Sections) & details of drains being mentioned in Schedule-C (length & type of drains)
shall not be mentioned in future as it will vary from location to location based on
drainage plan. The scope of drains in the project shall be on the basis of Drainage Plan
drawn at each location and such Drainage Plan shall be made part of Scope of Project.
4. The draft Detailed Project report of specialized projects will be scrutinized by the
Peer Review consultant appointed by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. The peer Review
Consultant will be retired professional in the field, drawn from the various
Central/State Highway/Road Work departments having adequate knowledge in the
field. One professional will be earmarked from the standing panel of Peer Review
consultant approved by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai for each DPR. The Peer Review
consultant will scrutinize the draft DPR within 15 days of submission and the
observations will be complied with and incorporated in the final DPR.
1. The Final package-wise DPR consisting of Main Report, Design Report, Drainage
Design Report and Materials Report, incorporating all revisions deemed relevant
following receipt of the comments from CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai on the draft DPR
shall be submitted as per the schedule given in Enclosure-III.
10.11 Bid documents and Technical Schedules
1. Bid documents
a. The consultant shall prepare bid documents for EPC, PPP or other modes of
contracting as suggested by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
b. Individual bid documents will be submitted for each mode suggested and for each
individual package or section identified for execution
c. Consultant shall assemble and provide all supporting documents from the DPR
assignment that will be required for the bid, in the format required by the
contracting SOP in force at the time of bidding or as maybe required by the
2. Technical Schedules
10.12 LA & Clearances II
report II
Clearances Report II
1. The consultant shall obtain all the necessary project related clearances
such as environment, forest and wildlife clearance from MOEF, Railways in
respect of ROB/ RUBs, Irrigation Deptt, CRZ clearances from concerned
authorities, and any other concerned agencies by the end of this stage
Utilities Report II
1. Consultant shall obtain final utility clearances from the relevant user
agencies to enable shifting of the utilities from project road
i. Copies of actual approvals granted at user agency and CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
ii. Cost estimates and shifting plans approved, demand note from agency
iii. Approved utilities shifting proposal including strip plan showing scheme of shifting
iv. Map and design/engineering drawings of existing utility and shifting to be
v. Details of approved contractors, schedule of rates for state and bank
account/deposit details for agency
vi. Finance pro-forma, utilities checklist, no upgradation certificate and
other documentation as maybe required by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai at the
time of approval
Stage 7: Award Determination
10.13 Submission of Award Determination Report
b. The Consultant shall also submit an updated report containing all required
details upon approval of award by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai of 100% of
land required to be acquired
Stage 8: Land Possession
10.14 Submission of land possession report
b) The Consultant shall also submit an updated report containing all required
details upon completion of 100% of land possession certificates
total private and public land being acquired for the project (sq. m) - by village
1. During entire period of services, the Consultant shall interact continuously with
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai and provide any clarification as regards methods being
followed and carryout modification as suggested by CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. A
programme of various activities shall be provided to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
and prior intimation shall be given to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai regarding start
of key activities such as boring, survey etc. so that inspections of CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai officials could be arranged in time.
2. The CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai officers and other Government officers may visit the
site at any time, individually or collectively to acquaint/ supervise the field
investigation and survey works. CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai may also appoint a Proof
Consultant to supervise the work of the DPR consultant including inter-alia field
investigation, survey work, Design work and preconstruction activities
3. The consultant shall be required to send 3 copies of concise monthly Progress
Report by the 5th day of the following month to the designated officer at his Head
Quarter so that progress could be monitored by the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
These reports will indicate the dates of induction and de-induction of various key
personnel and the activities performed by them. Frequent meetings with the
consultant at site office or in Delhi are foreseen during the currency of project
4. All equipment, software and books etc. required for satisfactory services for this
project shall be obtained by the Consultant at their own cost and shall be their
12. Payment Schedule
ii. Topographic Surveys and Drawings: All topographic data would be supplied
in (x, y, z) format along with complete reference so that the data could be
imported into any standard highway design software. The drawing files would
be submitted in dxf or dwg format.
iii. Rate Analysis: The Consultant shall submit the rate analysis for various works
items including the data developed on computer in this relation so that it could
be used by the Authority later for the purpose of updating the cost of the
4. Consultant shall include editable soft copies of the final versions of all
documents, including but not limited to the strip plan, plan & profile drawings,
cross sections of right of way and details of structures as well as any cost
5. 4.5 (1) All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done as per the latest
guidelines/circulars of MORT&H and relevant publications of the Indian Roads Congress
(IRC)/Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for hill roads. For aspects not covered by IRC and BIS,
international standard practices, such as, British and American Standards may be adopted.
7. 4.11.1(1) The Consultant should make an in depth study of available geological and
Sr. Clause No. Additional points
No. of TOR
Meteorological maps of the area.
8. 4.11.1(2) The primary tasks to be accomplished during the reconnaissance survey shall alsoinclude:
a) details of terrain (steep or mountainous), cliffs and gorges, general elevation of the road
including maximum heights negotiated by main ascents and descents, total number of ascents and
descents, hair pin bends, vegetation etc.
b) Climatic conditions i.e. temperature, rainfall data, snowfall data, fog conditions, unusual
weather conditions etc.
c) Realignment requirements including provision of tunnels, if required.
d) Inventory of tunnels and geologically sensitive areas like slip prone areas, areas subject to
landslides, rockfall, snow drifts, erosion, avalanche activity etc.
9. (3.ii) Cross sections shall be taken at every 25 m. in case of hill roads and at points of appreciable changes
in soil conditions. While taking cross sections, soil conditionsshall also be recorded.
10. (1) The inventory data shall also include:
a) General elevation of road indicating maximum & minimum heights negotiated by main ascents
& descents and total no. of ascents & descents.
b) Details of road gradients, lengths of gentle & steep slopes, lengths & location ofstretches in
unstable areas, areas with cliffs, areas with loose rocks, land slide prone areas, snow drift prone
areas, no. & location of hairpin bends etc.
c) Details of tunnels
d) Details & types of protective structures, erosion & land slide control/protection measures, snow
drift control measures, avalanche protection/control measures etc.
11. (2) Pavement:
a) Location of crust failures along with their causes
b) Conditions of camber/cross falls/super elevations etc., whether affected bysubsidence
Embankment: Extent of slope erosion on hill and valley side
12. -- Condition Surveys & Investigation for Slope Stabilization, Erosion Control, Landslide
Correction/Protection & Avalanche Protection Measures:
a) Inventory & Condition Surveys of Existing Protective/Control Measures:
The consultant shall make an inventory of all the structures related to Slope Stabilization,
Erosion Control, Landslide Control/protection, Avalanche Protectionetc. This shall include details
of effectiveness of control measures already done and condition of protective/control structures.
b) Landslide Investigation
This shall be carried out to identify landslide prone areas, to suggest preventive measures or
alternate routes that are less susceptible to landslide hazard. Furtherin existing slide areas this shall
help to identify factors responsible for instability and to determine appropriate control measures
needed to prevent or minimize recurring of instability problems. Initial preliminary studies shall be
carried out using
Sr. Clause No. Additional points
No. of TOR
available contour maps, topographical maps, geological/geo-morphological maps, aerial photographs
etc. for general understanding of existing slide area and to identify potential slide areas. This shall
be followed by further investigations like geological/geotechnical/hydrological investigation to
determine specific site conditions prevailing in the slide area as per relevant IRC
specifications/publications, MORT&H circulars and relevant recommendations of the international
standards for hill roads. The result of the investigations shall provide basis for engineering
analysis and the design of protection/remedial measures.
13. a) For tunnels if required, geotechnical and subsurface investigation shall be done as per
b) Geotechnical and subsurface investigation and testing for tunnels shall be carried out through
the geotechnical Consultants who have the experience of geotechnical and subsurface
investigation in similar project.
14. 4.12.1 (1) The Consultant shall also carry out detailed designs and prepare working designs for the following:
a) cross sections at every 25 m intervals
b) Slope stabilization and erosion control measures
c) Design of protection/control structures in areas subject to subsidence, landslides, rock
fall, rock slide, snow drifts, icing, scour, avalanche activity etc.
d) Design of protective structures in slip prone and unstable areas
e) Design of scenic overlooks, watering points etc.
f) Safety features specific to hill roads
15. 4.12.2 (1) The Consultant shall evolve Design Standards and material specifications for the Study primarily
based on IRC publications, MORT&H Circulars and relevant recommendations of the
international standards for hill roads for approval by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
4.12.2 (2) The Design Standards evolved for the project shall cover all aspects of detailed design including the
design of geometric elements, pavement design, bridges and structures, tunnels if required, traffic
safety and materials.
16. 4.12.3 Wherever practicable/feasible hairpin bends and steep gradients shall be avoided by realignments,
provision of structures or any other suitable provisions.
17. 4.12.4 While designing pavement for hill roads specific aspects relevant to hill regions like terrain &
topographic conditions, weather conditions, altitude effects etc. shall be duly considered and
suitably incorporated in design so that pavement is able to perform well for the design traffic and
service life. Effects of factors like heavy rainfall, frost action, intensive snow and avalanche
activity, thermal stresses due to temperature difference in day and night, damage by tracked
vehicles during snow clearance operations etc. must also be considered along with traffic intensity,
its growth, axle loads and design life.
18. 4.12.5(3) The design of embankments should include the requirements for protection works and traffic safety
features including features specific to hill roads.
Sr. Clause Additional points
No. No.of
19. 4.12.6 Design and Drawing of Tunnels:
The Consultant shall prepare design and drawings for tunnels, if required as per the results of
feasibility study, as per the relevant specifications of IRC:SP:91/MORT&H and other
international specifications.
20. 4.12.7 a) Topography of hills generates numerous water courses and this coupled with continuous gradients
of roads in hills and high intensity of rainfall calls for effective drainage of roads. The drainage
system shall be designed to ensure that the water flowing towards the road surface may be diverted and
guided to follow a definite path by suitable provision of road side drains, catch water drains,
interceptors etc. and flow on valley side is controlled so that stability is not affected.
b) Further, adequate provision shall be made for sub-surface/subgrade drainage to take care of
seepage through the adjacent hill face of the road & underground water flows.
21. 4.12.8 The Consultant shall design suitable traffic safety features and road furniture including traffic
signals, signs, markings, overhead sign boards, crash barriers, delineators etc. including any feature
specific to hill roads. The locations of these features shall be given in the reports and also shown in
the drawings.
22. 4.12.11 The Consultant shall make suitable designs and layout for miscellaneous works including rest
areas, bus bays, vehicle parking areas, telecommunication facilities,
scenic overlooks, watering points etc. wherever appropriate.
23. 10.9.3 Volume II: Design Report :
a) Inventory of protection measures and other structures b) Inventory of tunnels,if required.
b) Proposed preliminary designs for tunnels, if required.
Volume III: Drawings
a) Drawings for protection/control measures and other structures
b) Drawings for tunnels, if required.
ii) Provide information on estimated/observed maximum depth of scour.
iii) Provide information on required river training works for proposed bridge
iv) Provide hydraulic design for the bridge and the required river training works.
v) Quantify the general direction of river course through bridge, afflux, extent and magnitude of flood,
effect of backwater, if any, aggradation/degradation of bed, evidence of scour etc. shall be used to
augment the available hydrological data. The presence of flood control/irrigation structures, if
affecting the hydraulic characteristics like causing obliquity, concentration of flow, scour, silting of
bed, change in flow levels, bed levels etc. shall be studied and considered in Hydraulic design of
proposed bridge. The details of any planned work in the immediate future that may affect the river
hydraulics shall be studied and considered.
vi) Analyze effects of Wind Load on the Structures
4. Information/Documents/Data required for Physical /Mathematical Model study
i) Plan layouts showing the locations of the proposed bridge as well as the existing bridges /barrages
etc., in the vicinity of the proposed bridge with the chainages with respect to a standard reference
marked on it.
ii) High flood discharges and corresponding flood levels at the locations of the existing bridges in the
vicinity of the proposed bridge.
iii) General arrangement drawing (GAD) of the existing bridges showing number of spans, pier and well
dimensions, founding levels, maximum scour level, the design discharge and the HFL, guide bund details.
On this, the planform of the river course with the bridge alignment may also be shown as far as
iv) General arrangement drawing (GAD) of the proposed new bridge showing number of spans, pier and
foundation dimensions. On this, the plan form of the river course with the bridge alignment may
also be shown as for as possible.
v) River cross sections at 500m longitudinal spacing (maximum) up to a distance of 2 times the
bridge total length on the upstream side and up to a distance equal to the bridge total length on the
downstream with right bank and left bank clearly marked on it. At least one cross section to be provided
at the location of the proposed bridge. At each cross section, the bed levels to be taken at a maximum
lateral distance of 8 m in flow section and at 25 min non-flow section respectively. The abrupt variations
in the bed levels to be captured by taking measurements at closer locations both in longitudinal
as well as lateral directions.
vi) The cross sections, as for as possible, from high bank to high bank.
vii) The longitudinal profile of the river along the length of the proposed alignment.
viii) Size distribution of the river bed material and the bore log data at different locations at the site of
the proposed bridge.
ix) The series of annual peak rainfall and flood of the river for at least 30 years period
The use of checklists is highly recommended as they provide a useful “aide memoire”
for the audit team to check that no important safety aspects are being overlooked. They
also give to the project manager and the design engineer a sense of understanding of
the place of safety audit in the design process. The following lists have been drawn up
based on the experience of undertaking systematic safety audit procedures overseas. This
experience indicates that extensive lists of technical details has encouraged their use as
“tick” sheets without sufficient thought being given to the processes behind the actions.
Accordingly, the checklists provide guidelines on the principal issues that need to be
examined during the course of the safety audits.
1. The audit team should review the proposed design from a road safety
perspective and heck the following aspects
Aspects to be checked A. Safety and operational implications of proposed alignment and junction strategy with
particular references to expected road users and vehicle types likely to use the road.
B. Width options considered for various sections.
C. Departures from standards and action taken.
D. Provision of pedestrians, cyclists and intermediate transport
E. Safety implications of the scheme beyond its physical limits i.e. how the scheme fits
into its environs and road Hierarchy
A4 : Non- Motorised road users Provision Adjacent land
Non-motorised vehicles
A5 : Signs and Lighting Lighting
A6 : Construction and Operation Build ability
Network Management
1. The audit team should review the proposed check the following aspects design from a road safety perspective and
check the following aspects
A. Safety and operational implications of proposed alignment and junction strategy
Aspects to be checked with particular references to expected road users and vehicle types likely to use
the road.
B. Width options considered for various sections.
C. Departures from standards and action taken.
D. Provision of pedestrians, cyclists and intermediate transport
E. Safety implications of the scheme beyond its physical limits the scheme
fits into its environs and road hierarchy
Departures from standards
B1 : General
Cross-sectional variation
Climatic conditions
Services apparatus
Pedestrian crossings
Access (minimize number of private accesses)
Emergency vehicles
Public Transport
Future widening
Staging of contracts
Adjacent development
B2 : Local Alignment
New/Existing road interface
Safety Aids on steep hills
Minimise potential conflicts
B3 : Junctions
Adjacent land
B4 : Non-Motorised road users Provision
Non-motorised vehicles
B5 : Signs and Lighting
Build ability
B6: Construction and Operation
Network Management
Stage 2 – Completion of Detailed Design
1. The audit team should satisfy itself that all issues raised at Stage 1 have been resolved. Items may requirefurther
consideration where significant design changes have occurred.
2. If a scheme has not been subject to a stage 1 audit, the items listed in Checklists B1 to B6 should be considered together with
the items listed below.
Aspects to be checked A. Any design changes since Stage 1.
B. The detailed design from a road safety viewpoint, including the road safety implications of
future maintenance (speed limits; roadsigns and markings; visibility; maintenance of street
lighting and central reserves).
3. The Consultant shall provide one Land Acquisition Expert along with allied team
and supporting logistic as envisaged in Clause of TOR for each 100 km
stretches proposed for DPR preparation or part thereof
B. Standalone Bridge Projects
Qualification and Experience Requirement of Key Personnel
i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent as approved by AICTE.
Desirable Post graduate in Civil Engineering / Construction Management /Transportation)
{AICTE Approved}.
ii) Essential Experience
a)Total Professional Min. 12 years.
b) Experience in Highway Min. 8 years in Planning, project preparation and design of Highway projects,
projects including 2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/ expressways. For hill roads, respective hill roads
experience is required.
c) Experience in similar In Feasibility of two / Four/Six Laning works and DPR/IC/ Construction Supervision
capacity(Either as Team of Two/Four/six laning of major highway projects(NH/SH/Expressways)/ feasibility
Leader or in Similar capacity cum detailed project report of two/ four laning projects of minimum aggregate
) length of 80 km. For hill roads, respective hill roads experience is required.
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on
"Preparation of Feasibility Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian
Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) or any other institute specifically approved by
MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration.
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
i) Educational
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent / Graduate in Civil Engineering or M.Sc.
Desirable Masters in Structural Engineering / Bridge Engineering/Foundation Engineering/
Hydraulics / Masters in Foundation Engineering / Soil Mechanics / Phd in Geology /Geo-
Tech Engineering
ii) Essential Experience
a) Total Professional Min. 8 years
b) Experience in Bridge / Min.06 years in project preparation and design of bridge projects /
Highway projects Min. 6 years on similar projects in design and/or construction.
c) Experience in similar Bridge Engineer in highway design
capacity consultancy projects (2/4/6 lane NH/SH/ Expressways) involving design of minimum two
major bridges (length more than 200 m)
Enclosure-II (contd.)
i) Educational
Essential Graduate or equivalent in Civil Engineering or Diploma in Civil Engg or Diploma in Surveying
c) Experience in Survey Engineer for projects preparation of highway project (NH/SH/Expressways) involving
similar capacity 2/4/6- laning of minimum aggregate length of 80 km.
It is mandatory for the Road Safety Expert to have completed at least 15 days’ certification course
on Road Safety Audit from IAHE/IITs/NITs/CRRI. The CV of the proposed key personnel not having
completed minimum 15 days certification course shall not be evaluated.
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
Environmental Specialist
i) Educational
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering / Environment Engineering / Masters in Environment Science
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on
"Preparation of Feasibility
Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of
Highway Engineers (IAHE) or any other institute specifically approved by
MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of bid
Quantity Surveyor
i) Educational
Essential Graduate or equivalent in Civil Engineering / Certificate course from ‘Institution of
Quantity Surveying’
ii) Essential
a) Total Professional Min. 8 years
b) Experience in Min. 6 years in Preparation of Bill of Quantities, Contract documents and
Highway Projects documentation for major highway projects involving two/ four laning
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on "Preparation of Feasibility
Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) or
any other institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate or equivalent
ii) Essential Experience
a) Total Professional 15 years as Deputy-Tehsildar or above Desirable: Ex- revenue officers like Ex-ADM/SDM,
Experience Ex-Tehsildar, Ex-Deputy-Tehsildar etc.
b) Role specific Min 10 years in Land acquisition for government/ authority projects
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of bid
Enclosure-II (contd.)
i) Educational Qualification
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent as approved by AICTE
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on
"Preparation of Feasibility Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian
Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) or any other institute specifically approved by
MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
Bridge/Structural Engineer
i) Educational
Essential Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent
Desirable Masters in Structural Engineering / Bridge Engineering/Foundation Engineering/
ii) Essential
a)Total Min. 8 years
b) Experience in Min. 05 years in project preparation and design ofbridge projects.
Bridge projects
Enclosure-II (contd.)
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on “Preparation of Feasibility
Study and DPR for Highway Projects” conducted by Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) or any
other institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
I Educational
Graduate in Civil Engineering/Tunnel Engineering/Mining Engineering
II Essential
a)Total Min. 10 years
(i) Professional experience in handling major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
c)Experience in
similar capacity (ii) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in preparation of DPR or Feasibility
report of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on "Preparation of
Feasibility Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of Highway
Engineers (IAHE) or any other institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days
III Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of proposal
I Educational
Essential Degree in Civil/ Mining Engineering
Desirable Post Graduation in Design/ Structural Engineering or equivalent.
II Essential
a)Total Min. 10 years
(i) Professional Experience in handling major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
c) Experience in
similar capacity (iii) Experience as Tunnel Design Engineer (Structural) of major tunnel for preparation of DPR
projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
(iv) Experience as Tunnel Design Engineer (Structural) in preparation of DPR/ Feasibility report
of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro) using NATM
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on "Preparation of Feasibility
Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) or
any other institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
III Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
Geotechnical Engineer
I Educational Qualification
Essential Civil Engineering/Mining Engineering / Engineering Geology
Geotechnical Engineering /Foundation Engineering/Rock Mechanics/Geo science or
II Essential
a) Total Min. 10 years
(i) Professional experience in handling major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
c) Experience in (iii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or similar capacity in preparation of DPR
similar capacity or Feasibility report of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
d)Training It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on "Preparation of
Feasibility Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of Highway
Engineers (IAHE) or any other
institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days duration
III Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
I Educational Qualification
Graduate in Geophysics/Geo science/ Earth science or equivalent.
II Essential
(ii) Experience of carrying out AEM survey for tunneling/ mineral and oil exploration or any other
similar work for area of more than 2.7 sq km
(iv) Experience in carrying out AEM survey, processing, interpreting, generating 3D resistivity
of AEM survey’s raw data for major tunnel work (Rail/Road/Metro)
Enclosure-II (contd.)
i) Educational Qualification
Essential Post Graduate Degree in Geology/Related field.
Desirable Phd in Geology/Related fields.
ii) Essential Experience
a)Total Professional Min. 10 years
He should have a minimum 10 years of professional experience and should have involved in
b) Experience in project preparation/ DPR/ Tunnel Design for atleast two major Tunnel projects.
Tunnel projects
He should have experience in similar capacity per five years on Design/ Construction/
Supervision of Tunnel Projects.
c) Experience in
similar capacity The minimum cost of the project handled in the similar capacity should be 2500
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal
E&M Expert
i) Educational Qualification
Essential Degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.
Desirable Post Graduation in Degree in Electrical/Mech Engineering.
ii) Essential Experience
a) Total Professional Min. 10 years
10 years in Tunnel Projects and should have worked for atleast five years as an E&M Expert
b) Experience in Tunnel for Tunnel Design/ Construction projects.
He should have handled atleast two tunneling projects in similar capacity.
c) Experience in similar
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of Proposal
Enclosure-II (contd.)
Material Engineer
i) Educational Qualification
Graduate in Civil Engineering/Material Science and Engineering or equivalent
It is mandatory for the key personnel to have attended training course on "Preparation of
Feasibility Study and DPR for Highway Projects" conducted by Indian Academy of Highway
Engineers (IAHE) or any other institute specifically approved by MoRTH for minimum 6 days
iii) Age Limit 65 years on the date of submission of proposal
Schedule for submission of Reports and Documents
The checklist for different stages of submission of report has been enclosed as under
and the same shall be appended with proper references and page numbering. The
checklist/s shall be appended with the report without which no payment shall be made.
Schedule for approval of Reports and Documents by PD
after submission by Consultant.
The checklist for different stages of submission of report has been enclosed as under
and the same shall be appended with proper references and page numbering. The
checklist/s shall be appended with the report without which no payment shall be made.
Formats for submission of Reports and Documents
i. All reports and documents shall be submitted in both printed hard copy
and digital formats
ii. For hard copies, the consultant shall submit bound volumes (and not in
spiral binding form) after completion of each stage of work as per the
schedule and in the number of copies as given in Enclosure III
1. Every report shall also be submitted in digital format to the authority in the
following formats:
2. The removable storage device submitted at each deliverable stage shall contain:
And local agencies and any other relevant body
vi. An updated index of all the contents on the removable storage device
2 Data products
1. During the course of the assignment, the consultant shall perform several surveys
and collect data that will be used for the design of the road and delivered to the
2. Consultants are encouraged to keep commonly available software and data
packages, and typical uses for data while deciding final formats of data within the
constraints of this document or where a format has not been defined
3. As required in relevant clause, consultants are required to agree with CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai all actual data formats proposed to be used for the project
4. In order to standardise data formats and simplify hand over and re-use of data,
some requirements for minimum content and format are laid down below.
0 Formats to be used List of data, drawing and design outputs, reporting format, CSV or ODF sheet,
digital format suggested, key data to be included (column .xlsx optional
headers), units and system to be used
1 Traffic surveys
1.1 List of traffic Point no, location coordinates (lat, long), location of survey point, CSV or ODF sheet,
survey points chainage, no lanes/type of junction, type of survey, date of survey, .xlsx optional
length of survey, any commentary, equipment/technique used,
link to survey output
1.2 Classified traffic Survey point, survey location, location id (ihmcl), no of lanes, Raw data: IHMCL
volume count chainage, location coordinates (lat, long), date, time and period of Traffic survey data
survey survey format
Processed, corrected
with AADT: CSV or
ODF sheet, .xlsx
1.3 O-D, turning Survey point, survey location, location lat, long, chainage, date, CSV or ODF sheet,
movement, axle time, period of survey, technique/equipment used in addition to .xlsx optional
load and other the survey data itself
2.1 Raw DGPS data Notes must contain Date, time of survey, equipment CSV or ODF, Receiver
Sr Data product Contents required (definition) Data format
2.2 LiDAR point Notes must contain Date, time of survey, equipment, summary post LASer file format for
cloud processing applied. Data: Survey benchmarks, data points, point cloud exchange
of entire project corridor as defined in CSV sheet, .xlsx
2.3 Images 360 Deg/ ortho images of entire project road way Geographic Tagged
Image File Format
2.4 Video Traverse video of entire project length Audio video interleave
(.avi) or MPEG-4 file
2.5 Topographic Scale of map in accordance with IRC SP 19, 50 cm contours with Contours: geo-
map roadway marked on maps referenced shape files
+ contours (.shp) or .dxf files,
.dwg/.dgn files options
2.6 Digital elevation Digital terrain modeled from aerial and ground surveys Digital elevation model in
model USGS Spatial Data
transfer standard
(SDTS) format
2.7 Longitudinal Location of cross section - existing, design chainage, lat, long, Cross .dxf files, .dwg/.dgn files
And cross section drawing options
2.8 As-is road map 3D digital map of as-is project highway containing earth surface, road Digital terrain model
layers, utilities, buildings and trees with feature data extracted and maps in
and mapped in layers, marked on the map and tabulated data LandXML/.dxf format,
provided separately. All road, surface, sub surface inventory, .dwg/.dgn files options
pavement investigation and soil survey data to be super- Separate CSV or ODF
imposed as layers sheet, .xlsx optional of
feature data in addition
to map
2.9 Details of utility type of utility, no, class and category of utility installation (e.g. 66 CSV or ODF sheet,
kV xlpe), location, distance from centerline, user agency .xlsx optional
2.10 Utility maps geo-referenced schematic map, existing and design road centerline, georeferenced shapefiles
type of utility, size, no, class and category (.shp) and drawings in
.dxf format
2.11 Road All data as required in clause, geo-referencing for each CSV or ODF sheet
invento row of data in lat, long form
Sr Data product Contents required (definition) Data format
2.12 Pavement Test pit reference id, location, chainage, geo- reference (lat, long), CSV or ODF sheet
investigation pavemet composition - layer no, material type, thickness, sub grade type,
and condition
2.13 Pavement condition Data as required in clause, along with location/chainage CSV or ODF sheet
survey and geo-reference for all data
2.14 Pavement FWD results as per IRC guidelines, geo-referencing for test points CSV or ODF sheet
2.15 Sub-grade and In the format of the testing lab, summary details must be tabulated and Summary in CSV
soil strength must include: test pit no, location, chianage, lat/long, date, time of orODF sheet
test, tester/lab details, in-situ density, moisture content, field CBR,
characterization, in-lab moisture and density, lab CBR
3.1 Proposed Georeferenced centerline horizontal and vertical alignment for the Geometry or
alignment road shape files
geometry To be presented superimposed on surface map, satellite imagery and : .shp/.dxf,
digital elevation model of region .dwg/.dgnfiles
3.2 Final alignment Georeferenced centerline horizontal and vertical alignment for the Geometry or
geometry road. Additional detail on lanes, super elevation, junctions, shape files
structures, under/overpasses, PUP/CUP, wayside amenities etc : .shp/.dxf,
3.3 Proposed roadway Proposed digital roadway model and design data- including .dxf/.dtm
model embankment, road way, road layers, roadside amenities, signals, road
furniture, markings and other construction elements in 3D
3.4 Proposed Geo referenced location and alignment, 3D model of structure and .dxf/.dtm
structures appurtenances, cross section, plan and profile drawings for construction
as per IRC
3.5 Proposed highway Roadway cross sections for homogenous sections .dxf files
cross Digital surface
sections model in
.dxf format
4 Other deliverables
4.1 Digitized cadastral Digitized revenue map overlaid with key land marks, land size, survey Geometry or
maps number and owner ship data, with >1mm accuracy on a scale in shape files
accordance with IRC SP 19. : .shp/.dxf,
4.2 Financial analysis Spreadsheet model with instructions, index and containing all ODF sheets, MS
inputs and assumptions, time series construction and operating office
costs, revenues, financing and equity cash flows, NPV/IRR,
sensitivity scenarios and results
Proof of Eligibility
Reference) To,
Sub: Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Detailed Project Report for ……………...
Dear Sir,
With reference to your RFP Document dated ………, I/we i.e M/s-----------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------- (Name of Bidder) having examined all
relevant documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Proposal for
selection as Consultant. The proposal is unconditional and unqualified.
2. All information provided in the Proposal uploaded on INFRACON and in the Appendices
is true and correct and all documents accompanying such Proposal are true copies
of their respective originals.
3. This statement is made for the express purpose of appointment as the Consultant
for the aforesaid Project.
4. I/We shall make available to the Authority any additional information it may deem
necessary or require for supplementing or authenticating the Proposal.
5. I/We acknowledge the right of the authority to reject our application without
assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive our right to challenge the
same on any account whatsoever.
6. I/We certify that in the last three years, we or any of our Associates have neither
failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an
arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award
against the Applicant, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any
public authority nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for
breach on our part.
7. I/We understand that you may cancel the Selection Process at any time and that you
are neither bound to accept any Proposal that you may receive nor to select the
Consultant, without incurring any liability to the Applicants in accordance with
Clause 1.7 of the RFP document.
8. I/We declare that we/any member of the consortium, are/is not a Member
of any other Consortium applying for Selection as a Consultant.
9. I/We certify that in regard to matters other that security and integrity of the
country, we or any of our Associates have not been convicted by a Court of Law or
indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which would cast a
doubt on our ability to undertake the Consultancy for the Project or which
relates to a grave offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.
10. I/We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of
the country, we have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government
or convicted by a Court of Law for any offence committed by us or by any of our
12. I/We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage
at law or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken
by the Authority [and/ or the Government of India] in connection with the
selection of Consultant or in connection with the Selection Process itself in
respect of the above mentioned Project.
13. Deleted.
14. I/We agree and understand that the proposal is subject to the provisions of the
RFP document. In no case, shall I/we have any claim or right of whatsoever
nature if the Consultancy for the Project is not awarded to me/us or our proposal
is not opened or rejected.
15. I/We agree to keep this valid for 120 (One hundred and twenty) days from
the Proposal Due Date specified in the RFP.
16. A Power of Attorney in favor of the authorized signatory to sign and submit
this Proposal and documents is attached herewith.
17. In the event of my/our firm/consortium being selected as the Consultant, I/we agree
to enter into any Agreement in accordance with the form Appendix V of the RFP. We
agree not to seek any changes in the aforesaid form and agree to abide by the
18. I/We have studied RFP and all other documents carefully and also surveyed the
Project site. We understand that except to the extent as expressly set forth in
the Agreement, we shall have no claim, right or title arising out of and documents
or information provided to us by the Authority or in respect of any matter arising
out of or concerning or relating to the Selection Process including the award of
19. The Proof of Eligibility and Technical proposal are being submitted in separate
covers in hard copy (as per clause 4.1 of LoI) and INFRACON Team I.D no. .
Financial Proposal is being submitted online only. This Proof of Eligibility read
with Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal shall constitute the Application
which shall be binding on us.
20. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP
Document. In witness thereof, I/we submit this Proposal under and in accordance
with the termsof the RFP Document.
Applicant/Lead Member)
Appendix- II
Relevant Services Carried out in the Last Seven Years (2010-11 onwards) Which Best
Illustrate Qualifications
The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of
the major companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:
Form- E3
Name of Applicant:
This is to certify that ---------- (name of the Applicant) has received the payments shown above against
the respective years on account of Consultancy Services.
$In case he Applicant does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the certificate
from its chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the annual account of the Applicant.
Form- E4
Yours faithfully,
Full Name
(Authorized Representative)
Details of projects for which Technical and Financial Proposals have been
Sl. No. Name of Project Consultancy Package No. Names of Proposed Key Personnel
Relevant Services Carried out in the Last Seven Years Which Best Illustrate
The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the
major companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:
Shall give details of site as per actual site visit and data provided in RFP and
collected from site supported by photographs to demonstrate that responsible
personnel of the Consultant have actually visited the site and familiarized with
the salient details/complexities and scope of services.
Composition of the Team Personnel and the task Which would be assigned
To each Team Member
I. Technical/Managerial Staff
Assignment 1.
The approach and methodology will be detailed precisely under the following topics.
1) Methodology for services, surveying, data collection [not more than 2 pages]
and analysis
2) Quality Assurance system for consultancy assignment [not more than 1 page]
3) The key challenges foreseen and proposed solutions will be detailed precisely
under the following topics
d) adoption of superior technology along with proof (to be submitted in Form T9)
Replies to items 3) a) to c) should be limited to six A4 size pages in 1.5 space and 12 font
including photographs, if any
Details of Material Testing Facility
1. State whether the Applicant has in-house Material Testing Facility Available /
Outsourced / Not Available
2. In case answer to 1 is Available, attach a list of Lab equipment and facility for
testing of materials and location of laboratory
Facility for Field investigation and Testing
4. For experience in LIDAR or better technology for topographic survey, GPR and
Induction Locator or better technologies for detection of sub-surface utilities
and digitization of cadastral maps for land acquisition, references need to be
provided in following format:
The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference
assignment for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the
major companies within a consortium, was legally contracted by the client:
Office Equipment and software
Name of Work:
I, .................... (Name and INFRACON registered ID) have not left any assignment
with the consultants/ contractors engaged by Client viz. MoRT&H /NHAI/NHIDCL/
IAHE/BRO/ State PWD or any other MoRTH implementing agency without completing
my assignment. I will be available for the entire duration of the current project for
which I am being included in the team. If I leave this assignment in the middle of the
completion of the work, I may be debarred for an appropriate period to be decided by
Client. I shall also have no objection if my services are extended by Client for this work
in future.
I, the undersigned, also certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, my
biodata, information and credentials uploaded on INFRACON portal truly describe
myself, my qualification and my experience. I shall be liable for any action, as deemed
fit, in case there is any mis-representation in this regard.
Name of Work:
: Signature
Form T-11
Sl. Name of the Key Professional Designation Continuous Nos. of Years with the firm
No. Employment from (Date)
Sl. Project Bids for Civil Works Start Scheduled Whether awarded In case of JV,
No. Description received or Date Completion in Current share of
Original Financial Year Contract Fee (%)
period+ one year
(Yes/ No)
(Yes/ No)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The undersigned on behalf of------------ (name of consulting firm) certify that the firm do not
have any other in-hand/ awarded DPR project other than those listed above.
Date.............. (dd/mm/yyyy)
[Signature of
representative of
the Firm]
(iii) Details of all in-hand AE/ IE/ SC projects or AE/ IE/ SC awarded by
MoRTH or its executing agencies for NH works and centrally sponsored
road works:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Format for undertaking by the firm for in-hand AE/ IE/ SC Projects:
The undersigned on behalf of ----------- (name of consulting firm) certify that the firm do not
have any other in-hand/ awarded AE/ IE/ SC project other than those listed above.
Date.............. (dd/mm/yyyy)
[Signature of
representative of
the Firm]
Note 1:
The figures in Col 7 be rounded off to the nearest integer i.e. in case
remaining bid-capacity comes to 0.5 or more then it will be considered as
1, in case less than 0.5 then it will be considered as 0 (Zero).
Note 2:
Clarification for technical capacity utilised in case of JV with other firm than proposed in
current assignment.
In case Firm-1 proposes for new JV with other partner, then capacity
utilisation will be calculated on the basis of JV share in existing assignments
JV in one project with 30% share:-One projectX0.3=0.3
JV in one project with 70% share:-One projectX0.7=0.7
JV in one project with 50% share:-One projectX0.5=0.5
JV in two projects with 80% share:-Two projectX0.8=1.6
The weighted utilization of the Capacity of Firm-1=3.1
Note 3:
The Consultant shall re-submit the bid capacity details as per above format at the time of
opening of Financial Bid.
Form T-12
(To be executed on plain paper and submitted along with Technical Bid/Tender
documents for tenders having a value of Rs. 5 cr or above for Consultancy
projects and 100 cr. or above for Construction projects. To be signed by the
Bidder and same signatory competent/ authorized to sign the relevant contract
on behalf of the MoRTH)
Whereas, the Principal has floated the Tender {NIT No……….dtd ....................... }
(here in after referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down
organizational procedure, contract/s for {Name of the work} (hereinafter
referred to as the “Contract”).
And Whereas the Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws of the
land, rules of land, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/
transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s) and/ or
And whereas to meet the purpose aforesaid, both the parties have agreed to
enter into this Integrity Pact (hereafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”)
the terms and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel
of the Tender documents and contract between the parties.
(1) The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:-
(b) The Principal will, during the Tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity
and reason. The Principal will in particular, before and during the Tender
process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any
Bidder(s) confidential/ additional information through which the Bidder(s) could
obtain an advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution.
(c) The Principal will exclude all known prejudiced persons from the process,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
(2) If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees
which is a criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act or any other Statutory Acts or
if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform the
Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions as per its
internal laid down
Principal’s employees involved in the tender process or the execution of the
contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not
legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind
whatsoever during the tender process or during the execution of the contract.
Article - 3 Disqualification from tender process and 9 exclusion from future contracts.
(1) If the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s), before
award or during execution has committed a transgression through a violation
of any provision of Article-2, above or in any other form such as to put his
reliability or credibility in question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the
Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) from the tender
(5) The decision of the Principal to the effect that a breach of the provisions
of this Integrity Pact has been committed by the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/
Concessionaire(s)/Consultant(s)shall be final and binding on the Bidder(s)/
Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s), however, the Bidder(s)/
Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) can approach IEM(s)
appointed for the purpose of this Pact.
(7) Subject to full satisfaction of the Principal, the exclusion of the Bidder(s)/
Contractor(s)/Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s) could be revoked by the
Principal if the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/ Concessionaire(s)/ Consultant(s)can
prove that he has restored/ recouped the damage caused by him and has
installed a suitable corruption prevention system in his organization.
Article – 4: Compensation for Damages.
(1) If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process
prior to the award according to Arcticle-3, the Principal shall be entitled to
forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security or demand and recover the
damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security apart from any
other legal right that may have accrued to the Principal.
(1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3
years immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other
Company in any country conforming to the anti corruption/ Transparency
International (TI) approach or with any other Public Sector Enterprise/
Undertaking in India or any Government Department in India that could
justify his exclusion from the tender process.
(2) The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this
one with all Bidders/ Contractors/ Concessionaires/ Consultants and
(3) The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all Bidders who do
Article- 8: Independent External Monitor (IEM)
(1) The Principal has appointed Shri. R.S. Gujral as Independent External
Monitor (herein after referred to as “Monitor”) for this Pact. The task of the
Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what
extent the parties comply with the obligations under this agreement.
(6) The Monitor will submit a written report to the Director General (Road
Development) & Special Secretary within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of
reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the occasion
arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
(7) If the Monitor has reported to the Director General (Road Development)
& Special Secretary, a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant
IPC/PC Act, and the Director General (Road Development) & Special
Secretary has not, within the reasonable time taken visible action to proceed
against such offence or reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Monitor
may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance
(8) The word 'Monitor' would include both singular and plural.
Article – 9 Pact Duration
This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it (in case of EPC i.e.
for projects funded by Principal and consultancy services). It expires for the
Contractor/ Consultant 12 months after his Defect Liability Period is over or
12 months after his last payment under the contract whichever is later and
for all other unsuccessful Bidders 6 months after this Contract has been
awarded. (In case of BOT Projects) It expires for the concessionaire 24 months
after his concession period is over and for all other unsuccessful Bidders 6
months after this Contract has been awarded. If any claim is made/ lodged
during his time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite
the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged/ determined
by Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary.
(1) This pact is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction
is the Registered Office of the Principal, i.e. New Delhi.
in writing.
(4) Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid,
the remainder of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will
strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions.
(5) Any disputes/ differences arising between the parties with regard to term
of this pact, any action taken by the Principal in accordance with this Pact
or interpretation thereof shall not be subject to any Arbitration.
(6) The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any
other legal action that may follow in accordance with the provision of the
extent law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings.
In witness whereof the parties have signed and executed this Pact at the
place and date first done mentioned in the presence of following witness:-
re/ Consultant)
Witness 1:(Name & Address)
JV Partner}
Yours faithfully,
Full Name
(Authorized Representative)
*The Financial proposal is to be filled strictly as per the format given in RFP.
** Total Cost Net of Goods & Service Tax shall be considered for financial
payment for any stage shall be modified (+/-) by following formula:
price*L1/L0 where Lo and L1 are the average wage indices for the quarter before
the quarter in which base month falls and for the quarter before the quarter in
which date of supply falls; respectively. For example for a tender opening on
March 17, 2016 (base date), Lo would be average wage index for the quarter of
Oct-Dec 2015.
Insurances shall not be allowed separately. These will be incidental to main items.
Estimate of Local Currency Costs
4 Environmental Specialist 3
Note - For proper assessment of utility estimates and proper drainage system provisions,
DPR consultant shall also engage an utility expert and drainage expert at sub-professional
level, with relevant technical expertise in respective fields.
(For Standalone Bridge Project)
8 Quantity Surveyor 4
Sub-Professional Staff (To be assessed by Consultant as per requirement of assignment and
one sub-professional be a fresh graduate)
For Standalone Tunnel Project
6 Geologist 10
7 Environmental Specialist 4
8 Material Engineer 6
9 Highway Engineer 4
10 Quantity Surveyor 4
11 Survey Engineer 6
Sub-Professional Staff (To be assessed by Consultant as per requirement of
assignment and one sub-professional be a fresh graduate)
III. Duty Travel to Site (Fixed Costs)
11 Draft EMP 4
12 Draft Bidding Documents 4
13 Final Detailed Project Report with Bill of 6
Quantities, Cost Estimates, Updated Drawings
14 Final EMP 6
15 Final Bidding Documents 6
16 Draft 3(a) ,3(A) and 3(D) notification for land acquisition ( 3 9
copies each)
17 LA & Clearances II Report 6
Note - In case of splitting of the project in packages after alignment is finalized, the additional
payment in respect of reports and document printing shall be made on prorate basis of accepted
financial proposal according to additional number of documents submitted, as mentioned above.
VI. Survey and Investigation
Note: * Quantities of borings shall be taken from Financial Proposal Form No. V. For
financial evaluation, these quantities and rates quoted by the consultant will be
considered. However, Payment shall be made on the actual quantity of boring at rates
quoted above by the Consultant, which may be substantially more or less than the
estimated quantities.
Item Amount
Procuring and fixing boundary pillars and its installation, complete in all respect as per IRC:25,1967: Wherever
the proposed alignment follows the existing alignment, the boundary pillars shall be fixed at an interval of
200m on either side of proposed Right of Way. Wherever there is a proposal of realignment of the existing
Highway and/or construction of New Bypasses, Consultant shall fix boundary pillars along the proposed
alignment on the extreme boundary on either side of the project Highway at 50 m interval. (lumpsum )
XI Land Acquisition Team including support staff and logistics/ transportation
S. No. Position Name Number Rate (INR) Man Months Amount (INR)
1 Ex-Land Revenue Inspector/Officer or equivalent TBN 1 8
2 Printers 2 8
3 Vehicles (Bolero or equivalent) with monthly running limit of 4000 1 8
Number of Land acquisition Teams
Grand Total (B)
Grand Total for All Land acquisition Teams and Logistics (A) + (B)
Note: The Consultant shall provide one Land Acquisition Expert along with allied team and
supporting logistic as envisaged in Clause of TOR for each 100 km stretches
proposed for DPR preparation or part thereof subject to the condition that such 100 km
length shall not stretch beyond two adjoining Districts (for example total length of package
is 343 km, there will be four team). The inputs given in Form XI shall be accordingly
modified before issue of RFP”.
The sole applicant firm shall satisfy the following 3 (Three) Nos. of criteria.
(a) & (b) Firm should have experience of preparation of DPR/Feasibility of 2/4/6 lane of
aggregate length as given below. The firm should have also prepared DPR/Feasibility of at
least one project of 2/4/6 laning of minimum length as indicated below in the last 7
Note: Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for which RFP is
invited. For 2-lane projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be considered with a
multiplication factor of
1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall be considered interchangeably for 4/6 laning projects. For
4/6 laning projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication factor
of 0.4, but only for those 2 lane projects whose cost of consultancy services was more
than Rs.1.0 crore
(c) Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years {In cases where, Audited/Certified
copy of Balance Sheet for the FY 2016-17 is available, last five years shall be counted from
2012-13 to 2016-17. However, where audited/certified copy of the Balance Sheet for
the FY 2016-17 is not available (as certified by the Statutory auditor) then in such cases
last five years shall be considered from 2011-12 to 2015-16} of the firm from Consultancy
services should be equal to more than Rs.5 crore.
In case of JV, the Lead Partner should fulfill at least 75% of all eligibility requirements
and the other partner shall fulfill at least 50% of all eligibility requirements as given at 1.1
above. Thus a Firm applying as Lead Partner/Other Partner in case of JV/Associate
should satisfy the following (a) & (b) Firm should have experience of preparation of
DPR/Feasibility of 4/6 lane of aggregate length as given below. The firm should have also
prepared DPR/Feasibility of at least one project of 4/6 laning of minimum length as
indicated below in the last 7 years (i.e. from 2008-09 onwards)
S. Package Minimum Aggregate Length Minimum length of a Eligible Project (4/ 6 lane)
No. No. required of
DPR/ Feasibility km)
DPR Feasibility
Lead in JV Other Lead in Other Partner Lead in JV Other
Partner in JV JV in JV Partner in
c ) Minimum Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years { In cases where,
Audited/Certified copy of Balance Sheet for the FY 2016-17 is available, last five years shall
be counted from 2012-13 to 2016-17. However, where audited/certified copy of the
Balance Sheet for the FY 2016-17 is not available (as certified by the Statutory auditor)
then in such cases last five years shall be considered from 2011-12 to 2015-16} of a firm
applying as Lead Partner/Other Partner in case of JV from Consultancy services should
be as given below:
No. Mode of Submission by a firm Annual Average Turn Over for the last 5 years
1 Lead Partner in a JV Rs.3.75 crore
2 Other Lead partner in a JV Rs.2.50 crore
No. Status of the firm in carrying out DPR/ Feasibility Study Weightage for experience
1 Sole firm 100%
2 Lead partner in a JV 75%
3 Other partner in a JV 50 %
4 As Associate 25%
2. Second Stage Evaluation -Technical Evaluation (Para 12.2 of Data
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
3.3 Two lanes more than 200 km or 4/6 lanes above 120 km in length.
3.3.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 20 but < 40 crore 3
4.5 Additional one mark will be given if minimum 20% of the above key personnel have M.Tech in any 1
field of civil engineering
5.1 Average CoS (net of positive and negative) as percentage of contract price in last 5 DPRs prepared 2.5
by the firm
5.1.1 0 2.5
5.2 Average area variation as percentage of acquired private land as per 1st 3D notification in last 5 2.5
DPRs prepared by the firm
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
5.2.1 0 2.5
5.3 Average delay in land acquisition in last 5 DPRs prepared by the firm (delay in 90% site possession 2.5
wrt contract period)
5.4 Average use of new materials/waste materials/new technology used in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm as percentage of total cost of civil works
For special projects such as special bridges, tunnels and expressways that require
specialized capabilities and skill sets, the following is the break-up:
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
1 Specific experience of the DPR consultancy related to the assignment for eligibility 15
1.2.1 1 project 3
1.2.2 2 projects 4
1.2.3 3 projects 5
1.2.4 4 projects 6
1.2.5 ≥ 5 projects 7
2 DPR of Bridge having length more than 200 m 5
2.1 1 bridge 1
2.2 2 bridges 2
2.3 3 bridges 3
2.4 4 bridges 4
2.5 ≥ 5 bridges 5
3 Specific experience of firms in terms of turnover 5
3.1 Two Lane up to 50 km length or 4-lane up to 30 km length
3.1.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 25 crore 5
3.1.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 10 - 25 crore 4
3.1.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 5 but < 10 crore 3
3.2 Two lane 50-200 km length or 4/6 lane 30-120 km length
3.2.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 50 crore 4
3.2.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 25 - 50 crore 4
3.2.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 10 but < 25 crore 3
3.3 Two lanes more than 200 km or 4/6 lanes above 120 km in length.
3.3.1 Firm’s Average Turnover of last 5 years > 75 crore 5
3.3.2 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years 40 - 75 crore 4
3.3.3 Firm Average Turnover of last 5 years > 20 but < 40 crore 3
4 DPR for special category projects (Special bridges/ tunnels or expressways,
whichever applicable). It is to be noted that either 4.1 or
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
4.2 shall be applicable, and not both.
4.1 DPR of number of special bridges/ tunnels (if applicable) 5
4.1.1 1 project 1
4.1.2 2 projects 2
4.1.3 3 projects 3
4.1.4 4 projects 4
4.1.5 ≥ 5 projects 5
4.2 Aggregate length of DPR/ Feasibility study for expressways 5
4.2.1 Upto 50 km 2
4.2.2 50km to 100 km 3
4.2.3 100km to 150 km 4
4.2.4 > 150 Km 5
5 Highway Professionals * working with the firm 10
5.1 <10 nos. 0
5.2 10-19 nos. 7
5.3 20-29 nos. 8
5.4 > 30 nos. 9
5.5 Additional one mark will be given if minimum 20% of the above key personnel have M.Tech in any 1
field of civil engineering
*The professionals who possess degree in Civil Engineering/Transport Planning/Transport
Economics/Traffic Management/Geology/Environment Science or Engineering and 8 years
Experience in highway/bridge/tunnel with employment in the firm for more than one year. The
current Employment Certificate shall be uploaded by Key Personnel on INFRACON.
6 Quality of Past Performance (based on self certification) 10
6.1 Average CoS (net of positive and negative) as percentage of contract price in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm
6.1.1 0 2.5
6.1.2 > 0 but <=2.5 2.0
6.1.3 > 2.5 but <=5.0 1.5
6.1.4 > 5.0 but <=7.5 1.0
6.1.5 > 7.5 but <=10.0 0.5
6.1.6 >10 0.0
6.2 Delay in completion of DPR as percentage of original contract period in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm
6.2.1 0 2.5
6.2.2 > 0 but <= 25 2.0
6.2.3 >25 but <= 50 1.5
6.2.4 >50 but <= 75 1.0
6.2.5 >75 but <=100 0.5
6.2.6 >100 0.0
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
6.3 Average delay in land acquisition in last 5 DPRs prepared by the firm (delay in 90% site 2.5
possession wrt contract period)
6.3.1 <=3 months 2.5
6.3.2 >3 but <=6 months 2.0
6.3.3 >6 but <=9 months 1.5
6.3.4 >9 but <=12 months 1.0
6.3.5 >12 months 0
6.4 Average use of new materials/waste materials/new technology used in last 5 DPRs prepared by 2.5
the firm as percentage of total cost of civil works
6.4.1 <=2.5 0
6.4.2 >2.5 but <=5 1.0
6.4.3 >5.0 but <=7.5 1.5
6.4.4 >7.5 but <=10 2.0
6.4.5 >10 2.5
B. Similar project means 2/4/6 lane as applicable for the project for
which RFP is invited. For 2-lane projects experience of 4/6 lane also to be
considered with a multiplication factor of 1.5. Experience of 4/6 lane shall
be considered interchangeably for 4/6 laning projects. For 4/6 laning
projects, experience of 2 lane will be considered with a multiplication
factor of 0.4, but only for those 2 lane projects whose cost of consultancy
services was more than Rs.1.0 crore
No. Status of the firm in carrying out DPR/ Feasibility Study Weightage for experience
3 Other partner in a JV 50 %
4 As Associate 25%
(ii) The experience of a firm in preparation of DPR for a private Concessionaire/contractor shall
not be considered.
B Material testing, survey and investigation, equipment and software
proposed to be used (10)
S. No. Description Maximum Sub-
Points Points
1 Availability of Material Testing Facilities with persons/resources having operational 3
skills of the equipment
1.1 Owned* (Available In House) 3
1.2 Outsourced (Hire basis/Through Associate) 2.25
* Shall be ascertained through the ownership evidence uploaded on INFRACON in regard to major equipments
g. MS Project or Primavera or equivalent
h. HDM-4 or equivalent
2.4. Qualification and Competence of the Key Staff for adequacy of the
Assignment.(Para 12.2 of Data Sheet and Enclosure II of TOR)
S. Description Max.
No. Points
I General Qualification 25
i) Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent [AICTE Approved] 20
ii) Post Graduation in Civil Engg./ Construction Management/ Transportation [AICTE Approved] 5
< 80km 0
≥80 km but <100km 15
≥100 km but <150km 17
≥ 150km but <200 km 18
≥200 km but < 250 km 19
≥250 km 20
(ii) In Feasibility of 2/4/6 laning works or DPR/IC/Construction Supervision of major highway projects 10
i.e. 2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity- Number of Projects
< 2 projects 0
2 projects 6
3 projects 7
4 projects 8
5 projects 9
> 5 projects 10
III Employment with Firm 5
< 1 Year 0
1 year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year
subject to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100
S. Description Max.
No. Points
I General Qualification 25
Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent [AICTE Approved]
i) 20
Degree in Civil Engineering /M. Sc. in Geology [AICTE Approved]
ii) Post Graduation in Structural Engineering/ Foundation Engineering/Hydraulics [AICTE 5
Post graduation in Foundation Engineering / Soil Mechanics / Geo Tech Engineering or
Phd in Geology [AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<8 years 0
≥8 but <10 years 11
≥10 but <12 years 12
≥12but <14 years 13
≥14 but <16 years 14
≥ 16 years 15
b) Experience in Bridge / Highway Projects 25
Experience as Material cum Geo-technical Engineer or in Similar capacity on Highway Projects (2/4/6
laning of NH/SH/Expressways) (Minimum aggregate length 80 km)
<2 numbers 0
3 numbers 18
4 numbers 21
5 numbers 24
6 numbers 27
> 6 numbers 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than 1 Year 0
1 year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject tomaximum of 2 marks
Total 100
2.4.3 Senior Survey Engineer Cum Traffic and Safety Expert
S. Description Max.
No. Points
I General Qualification 25
i) Degree in Civil Engineering [AICTE Approved] 20
ii) Post graduation in Traffic Engineering /Transportation Engineering / Transportation Planning 5
[AICTE Approved]
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 70
a) Total Professional Experience 15
<6 years 0
≥6 but <8 years 11
≥8 but <10 years 12
≥10 but < 12 years 13
≥12 but <14 years 14
≥ 14 years 15
b) Experience in Highway Projects – Experience on Similar Projects (2/4/6laning of NH/SH/ 20
<5 years 0
≥5 but <7 years 13
≥7 but <9 years 15
≥9 but < 11 years 17
≥11 but <13 years 19
≥ 13 years 20
c) Experience as Traffic and Safety Expert / Traffic Engineer or in Similar Capacity in Highway 25
Projects (2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways) (Minimum aggregate length 80 km)
<80km 0
≥80 km but <100km 17
≥100km but <150km 19
≥ 150km but <200 km 21
≥200 km but < 250 km 23
≥250km 25
d) 15 days’ certification course on Road Safety Audit from IAHE/IITs/NITs/CRRI 10
No 0
Yes 10
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than 1 Year 0
1 year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100
Total 100
2.4.5 QUANTITY SURVEYOR / Documentation Expert
<6 years 0
6 -8 years 19
>8-10 years 22
>10 years 25
c) Experience as Quantity Surveyor / Documentation Expert or in Similar Capacity in Highway 30
Projects (2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways) (Minimum Aggregate length of 80km)
<80km 0
80km-150km 24
>150km – 250km 27
>250km 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than 1 Year 0
1 year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of
2 marks
Total 100
Total 100
< 8 years 0
≥8 but <10 years 14
≥10 but <12 years 19
≥12 but < 14 years 21
≥14 but <16 years 23
≥ 16 years 25
c) Experience in Similar Capacity 30
(i) As Team Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity of at least Two projects in Construction 20
Supervision / IC involving 4 laning/6-laning/ Expressway of minimum 50km length and atleast two major
bridge of a length 500 mtr. (Excluding approaches).
< 80km 0
≥80 km but <100km 15
≥100km but <150km 17
≥ 150km but <200 km 18
≥200 km but < 250 km 19
≥250 km 20
(ii) In Feasibility of 2/4/6 laning works or DPR/IC/Construction Supervisionof major highway projects i.e. 10
2/4/6 laning of NH/SH/Expressways in Similar Capacity- Number of Projects
< 2 projects 0
2 projects 6
3 projects 7
4 projects 8
5 projects 9
5 projects 10
III Employment with Firm 5
< 1 Year 0
1 year 3
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100
2.4.12 Bridge Structural Engineer
S. Description Max.
No. Points
I General Qualification 25
i) Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent[AICTE Approved] 20
<2 numbers 0
2 projects 18
3 projects 21
4 projects 24
5 projects 27
>5 projects 30
III Employment with Firm 5
Less than 1 Year 0
1 year 3
2.4.8 Bridge Structural Engineer
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2 marks
Total 100
S. No. Description Max.
I General Qualification 25
i)Degree in Civil Engineering/Tunnel Engineering / Mining Engineering 20
ii)Post Graduation in Civil Engineering /Tunnel Engineering/Mining Engineering 5
II Relevant Experience & Adequacy for the Project 65
a)Total Professional Experience 10
<10 years 0
≥10 but <12 years 6
≥12 but <14 years 7
≥14 but < 16 years 8
≥16 but <18 years 9
≥ 18 years 10
(b) Experience in Tunnel Projects 40
(i) Professional experience in handling major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro) 8
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥ 12 years 8
(ii) Experience in major tunnel construction/construction supervision projects(Road/Rail/Metro)
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
(iii)Experience in preparation of DPR or Feasibility report of major tunnel projects(Road/Rail/Metro)
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
(iv) Experience in DPR preparation of minimum 5 km Tunnel length 8
< 3 projects 0
3 projects 5
4 projects 6
5 projects 7
>5 projects 8
Experience in construction/construction supervision/ preparation ofDPR/feasibility report 8
(d) of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/metro) using NATM
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
c) Experience in Similar Capacity 15
2.4.14 Tunnel Design Expert
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
(ii) Experience of major tunnel construction/construction supervisionprojects (Road/Rail/Metro) 8
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
(iii) Experience in preparation of DPR or Feasibility report of major tunnelprojects 8
<8 years 0
≥8 but <9 years 4
≥9 but <10 years 5
≥10 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <12 years 7
≥ 12 years 8
c) Experience in Similar Capacity 31
(i) Professional Experience as Tunnel Design Engineer (Structural) 8
<5 years 0
≥5 but <6 years 4
≥6 but <7 years 5
≥7 but < 8 years 6
≥ 9 years 8
< 3 projects 0
3 projects 4
4projects 5
5 projects 6
>5 projects 7
III Employment with Firm 10
Less than 1 Year 0
1-2 years 7.5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2.5 marks
Total 100
2.4.15 Geotechnical Engineer
≥14 but <16 years 7
≥ 16 years 8
c) Experience in Similar Capacity 31
(i) Professional Experience as Tunnel Design Engineer (Structural) 8
<5 years 0
≥5 but <7 years 4
≥7 but <9 years 5
≥9 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <13 years 7
≥ 13 years 8
(ii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or similar capacity in major tunnel 8
construction/construction supervision projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
<5 years 0
≥5 but <7 years 4
≥7 but <9 years 5
≥9 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <13 years 7
≥ 13 years 8
(iii) Experience as Senior Geotechnical Engineer or similar capacity in preparation of DPR or
Feasibility report of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/Metro)
<5 years 0
≥5 but <7 years 4
≥7 but <9 years 5
≥9 but < 11 years 6
≥11 but <13 years 7
≥ 13 years 8
(iv) Experience in construction/construction supervision/ preparation of DPR/feasibility report 7
of major tunnel projects (Road/Rail/metro) using NATM
<5 years 0
≥5 but <7 years 3
≥7 but <9 years 4
≥9 but < 11 years 5
≥11 but <13 years 6
≥ 13 years 7
III Employment with Firm 10
Less than 1 Year 0
1-2 years 7.5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent year subject to maximum of 2.5 marks
Total 100
2.4.16 Geophysicist
<8 years 0
≥8 but <10 years 7
≥10 but <12 years 9
≥12 but < 14 years 10
≥14 but <16 years 11
≥ 16 years 12
(ii) Experience of carrying out AEM survey for tunneling/ mineral and oilexploration or any other similar 12
work for area of more than 2.7 sq km
< 2 projects 0
2 projects 8
3 projects 9
4 projects 10
5 projects 11
>5 projects 12
(iii) Processing, Interpreting, generating 3D resistivity model of AEM survey’s raw data for tunneling/ 12
mineral and oil exploration or any other similar work for area of more than 2.7 sq km
< 2 projects 0
2 projects 8
3 projects 9
4 projects 10
5 projects 11
>5 projects 12
(iv) Experience in carrying out AEM survey, processing, interpreting, generating 3D resistivity of 14
AEM survey’s raw data for major tunnel work(Rail/Road/Metro)
< 3 projects 0
3 projects 8
4 projects 9
5 projects 10
6 projects 12
>6 projects 14
II Employment with Firm 10
Less than 1 Year 0
1-2 years 7.5
Add 0.5 marks for each subsequent yearsubject to maximum
of 2.5 marks
Total 100
Assumptions to be made regarding Similar Capacity for various
1. Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer
and above
Engineer/Pavement Engineer.
and above
Expert/Geo Technical
Material Engineer/Material
Expert/Geo Technical
Engineer/Manager (Material)
5. Traffic and Safety Expert
7. Environmental Specialist
Environmental Specialist/
Environmental Expert
environment/forest matter.
(ii) In Government Organizations: Executive Engineer (or equivalent) and above.
Consultant has to assess the major utility shifting involved and propose the CV accordingly.
Note: While carrying out evaluation of key personnel, the experience in similar capacity is
alsoa criteria of evaluation and assumptions to be made regarding similar capacity have
been mentioned above. However, if a key personnel has worked in next lower category to
the similar capacity, the marks allotted to key personnel in the category ‘experience in
similar capacity’ shall be reduced to two thirds of marks in this category. This shall be
applicable for evaluation of all key personnel.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Definitions
1.4 Language
1.5 Headings
1.6 Notices
1.7 Location
2.6 Modification
2.7.1 Definition
2.7.2 No Breach of Contract
2.7.3 Measures to be Taken
2.7.4 Extension of Time
2.7.5 Payments
2.7.6 Consultation
2.8 Suspension
2.9 Termination
3.1 General
3.3 Confidentiality
4. Consultants’ Personnel
4.1 General
5.5 Payment
7.1 General
7.3 Penalty
Appendix H(1): Format for Bank Guarantee for Performance Security for
individual work
Appendix H(2): Format for Bank Guarantee for Performance Security for a
number of works
Consultancy Services for Consultancy Services for DPR Preparation for widening of Ajanta
Ghat to 4L+PS of NH-753F configuration in the state of Maharashtra
This CONTRACT (hereinafter called the “Contract”) is made on the ------ day of the month of
-----------------2018, between, on the one hand, (CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai), New Delhi
(hereinafter called the “Client”) and,
(A) the Client has requested the Consultants to provide certain consulting services
as defined in the General Conditions attached to this Contract (hereinafter called
the “Services”);
(B) the Consultants, having represented to the Client that they have the required
professional skills, personnel and technical resources, have agreed to provide
the Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract;
Appendix B: Consultants’ Sub consultants, Key Personnel and Sub Professional Personnel,
Task assignment, work programme, manning schedule, qualification
requirements of key personnel, and schedule for submission of various
Appendix H: Copy of Bank Guarantee for Performance
1. The mutual rights and obligations of the Client and the Consultants shall be as set
for thin the Contract; in particular:
(a) The Consultants shall carry out the Services in accordance with the provisions
of the Contract; and
(b) Client shall make payments to the Consultants in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed in
their respective names as of the day and year first above written.
1. Signature Name
Name Address
1. Signature
Authorized Representative 2.
Signature Name
1.1 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in
this Contract have the following meanings:
(a) “Applicable Law means the laws and any other instruments having the force
of law in the Government’s country as they may be issued and in force
from time to time;
(b) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties, to which these
General Conditions of Contract are attached, together with all the
documents listed in Clause 1 of such signed Contract;
(c) “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract comes into force
and effect pursuant to Clause GC 2.1;
(d) “foreign currency” means any currency other than the currency of the
(j) “Party” means the Client or the Consultants, as the case may be, and
Parties means both of them;
(l) “SC” means the Special Conditions of Contract by which these General
Conditions of Contract may be amended or supplemented;
(m) “Sub consultant” means any entity to which the Consultants subcontract
any part of the Services in accordance with the provisions of Clause GC
3.7; and
(n) “Third Party” means any person or entity other than the Government, the
Client, the Consultants or a Sub consultant.
1.2 Relation between the Parties
This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the
Parties shall be governed by the Applicable Laws of India and the Courts at
. ..................................................................................... shall
have exclusive jurisdiction over matters arising out of or relating to this
1.4 Language
This Contract has been executed in the language specified in the SC, which shall
be the binding and controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning
or interpretation of this Contract.
1.6 Notices
1.6.1 Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant
to this Contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent shall be
deemed to have been given or made when delivered in person to an authorized
representative of the Party to whom the communication is addressed, or when sent
by registered mail, facsimile or e- mail to such Party at the address specified in
the SC.
1.6.3 A party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party
notice of such change pursuant to the provisions listed in the SC with respect to
Clause GC 1.6.2.
1.7 Location
In case the Consultants consist of a joint venture of more than one entity, with
or without an Associate the Members hereby authorize the entity specified in
the SC to act on their behalf in exercising all the Consultants’ rights and obligations
towards the Client under this Contract, including without limitation the receiving
of instructions and payments from the Client.
1.9 Authorized Representatives
Unless otherwise specified in the SC, the Consultants shall pay all such taxes, duties,
fees and other impositions as may be levied under the Applicable Law.
This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date of the Client’s notice
to the Consultants instructing the Consultants to begin carrying out the Services.
This notice shall confirm that the effectiveness conditions, if any, listed in the SC
have been met.
If this Contract has not become effective within such time period after the date
of the Contract signed by the Parties as shall be specified in the SC, either Party
may, by not less than four (4) weeks’ written notice to the other Party, declare
this Contract to be null and void, and in the event of such a declaration by either
Party, neither Party shall have any claim against the other Party with respect
The Consultants shall begin carrying out the Services at the end of such time
period after the Effective Date as shall be specified in the SC.
Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause GC 2.9 hereof, this Contract shall
expire when services have been completed and all payments have been made at
the end of such time period after the Effective Date as shall be specified in the
SC. The Contract shall be treated as closed under following circumstances except
for projects spanning across 2 or more states or passing with wildlife sanctuary or
protected areas:
In case final DPR and 3D has been submitted and no further action is taken by the
Client, the DPR shall be considered as completed after 3 year or submission of both
final DPR and 3D notification, whichever is earlier.
One year after scheduled completion period when delay is not attributable to the
2.4.1 In case the contract has expired in pursuance to Clause 2.4 of GC and later the Client
desires to get the DPR completed with/without modification of original scope and the
Consultant agrees to the same, the Client and the Consultant will sign a supplementary
agreement to get the DPR completed. The original financial proposal of the consultant
shall form the basis for payment of balance/additional services duly enhanced by indexing
to WPI (all commodities). The key personnel deployment will also be firmed up in
supplementary agreement keeping in view the key personnel proposed by the Consultant
in its original proposal.
This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the
Parties. No agent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the
Parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation,
promise or agreement not set forth herein.
2.6 Modification
Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification
of the scope of the Services, may only be made by written agreement between the
Parties. Pursuant to Clause GC 8.2 hereof, however, each party shall give due
consideration to any proposals for modification made by the other Party.
2.7 Force Majeure
2.7.1 Definition
(a) For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an event which
is beyond the reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party’s
performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as
reasonably to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and
includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake,
fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather conditions,
strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes,
lockouts or other industrial action are within the power of the Party
invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by
government agencies.
(b) Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the
negligence or intentional action of a Party or such Party’s Sub consultants
or agents or employees, nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could
reasonably have been expected to both (A) take into account at the time of
the conclusion of this Contract and (B) avoid or overcome in the carrying
out of its obligations hereunder.
(c) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make
any payment required hereunder.
The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be
considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability
arises from an event of Force Majuere, provided that the Party affected by such an
event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative
measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of this
(a) A party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable
measures to remove such Party’s inability to fulfill its obligations
hereunder with a minimum of delay.
(b) A party affected by an event of Force Majuere shall notify the other
Party of such event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than
fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event, providing
evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give
notice of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.
(c) The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the
consequences of any event of Force Majeure.
Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any
action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such
Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
2.7.5 Payments
During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event
of Force Majeure, the Consultants shall be entitled to be reimbursed for
additional costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by them during such period
for the purposes of the Services and in reactivating the Services after the end of
such period.
2.7.6 Consultation
Not later than thirty (30) days after the Consultants, as the result of an event of
Force Majeure, have become unable to perform a material portion of the Services,
the Parties shall consult with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate
measures to be taken in the circumstances.
2.8 Suspension
The Client may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultants, suspend all
payments to the Consultants hereunder if the Consultants fail to perform any of
their obligations under this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services,
provided that such notice of suspension (i) shall specify the nature of the failure,
and (ii) shall request the Consultants to remedy such failure within a period not
exceeding thirty
(30) days after receipt by the Consultants of such notice of suspension.
2.9 Termination
The Client may, by not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice of termination
to the Consultants (except in the event listed in paragraph (f) below, for which
there shall be a written notice of not less than sixty (60) days), such notice to be
given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in paragraphs (a)
through (f) of this Clause 2.9.1, terminate this Contract:
suspension or within such further period as the Client may have
subsequently approved in writing;
(b) if the Consultants become (or, if the Consultants consist of more than
one entity, if any of their Members becomes) insolvent or bankrupt or
enter into any agreements with their creditors for relief of debt or take
advantage of any law for the benefit of debtors or go into liquidation or
receivership whether compulsory or voluntary;
(c) if the Consultants fail to comply with any final decision reached as a
result of arbitration proceedings pursuant to Clause 8 hereof;
(d) if the Consultants submit to the Client a statement which has a material
effect on the rights, obligations or interests of the Client and which the
Consultants know to be false;
(e) if, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultants are unable to perform
a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60)
days; or
(f) if the Client, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever,
decides to terminate this Contract.
The Consultants may, by not less than thirty (30) day’s written notice to the Client,
such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in
paragraphs (a) through (d) of this Clause 2.9.2, terminate this Contract:
(a) if the Client fails to pay any money due to the Consultants pursuant to
this contract and not subject to dispute pursuant to Clause 8 hereof
within forty- five(45) days after receiving written notice from the
Consultants that such payment is overdue;
(c) if, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant are unable to perform
a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60)
days; or
(d) if the Client fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result
of arbitration pursuant to Clause 8 hereof.
Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses 2.2 or 2.9 hereof, or upon
expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause 2.4 hereof, all rights and
obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, except (i) such rights and
obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or expiration, (ii) the
obligation of confidentiality set forth in Clause 3.3 hereof, (iii) the Consultant’s
obligation to permit inspection, copying and auditing of their accounts and
records set forth in Clause 3.6 (ii) hereof, and (iv) any right which a Party may
have under the Applicable Law.
2.9.4 Cessation of Services
Upon termination of this Contract by notice of either Party to the other pursuant
to Clauses 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 hereof, the Consultants shall, immediately upon
dispatch or receipt of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring the Services
to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and shall make every reasonable
effort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a minimum. With respect to
documents prepared by the Consultants and equipment and materials furnished
by the Client, the Consultants shall proceed as provided, respectively, by Clauses
3.9 or 3.10 hereof.
Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 hereof, the
Client shall make the following payments to the Consultants (after offsetting
against these payments any amount that may be due from the Consultant to the
(iii) except in the case of termination pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (d)
of Clause 2.9.1 hereof, reimbursement of any reasonable cost incident
to the prompt and orderly termination of the Contract including the cost
of the return travel of the Consultants’ personnel and their eligible
If either Party disputes whether an event specified in paragraphs (a) through (e)
of Clause 2.9.1 or in Clause 2.9.2 hereof has occurred, such Party may, within
(45) days after receipt of notice of termination from the other Party, refer the
matter to arbitration pursuant to Clause 8 hereof, and this Contract shall not be
terminated on account of such event except in accordance with the terms of any
resulting arbitral award.
2.9.7 Without prejudice to any provision of this Agreement, the Client and
Consultant may foreclose this Agreement by mutual consent in circumstances
which does not constitute either party’s default without any liability or
consequential future liability for either party except as mentioned in this
financial proposal. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that such foreclosure will be
without prejudice to the Consultant and shall not affect the Consultant in any
way if it wishes to bid in future projects of the Client.
3.1 General
The Consultants shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations here
under with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with
generally accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe
sound management practices, and employ appropriate advanced technology and
safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The
Consultants shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or
to the Services, as faithful advisers to the Client, and shall at all times support and
safeguard the Client's legitimate interests in any dealings with Sub consultants or
Third Parties.
The Consultants shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable Law
and shall take all practicable steps to ensure that any Sub consultants, as well
as the Personnel and agents of the Consultants and any Sub consultants, comply
with the Applicable Law. The Client shall advise the Consultants in writing of
relevant local customs and the Consultants shall, after such notifications, respect
such customs.
3.2.2 Consultants and Affiliates not to be otherwise interested in Project
The Consultants agree that, during the term of this Contract and after its
termination, the Consultants and any entity affiliated with the Consultants, as
well as any Sub consultant and any entity affiliated with such Sub consultant, shall
be disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than the Services
and any continuation thereof) for any project resulting from or closely related to
the Services.
Neither the Consultants nor their Sub consultants nor the Personnel of either of
them shall engage, either directly or indirectly, in any of the following activities:
(a) during the term of this Contract, any business or professional activities in
the Government's country which would conflict with the activities
assigned to them under this Contract; or
(b) after the termination of this Contract, such other activities as may be
specified in the SC.
3.3 Confidentiality
The Consultants, their Sub consultants and the Personnel of either of them shall
not, either during the term or within two (2) years after the expiration of this
Contract, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relation to the
Project, the Services, this Contract or the Client's business or operations without
the prior written consent of the Client.
Subject to additional provisions, if any, set forth in the SC, the Consultants'
liability under this Contract shall be as provided by the Applicable Law.
The Consultants (i) shall take out and maintain, and shall cause any Sub consultants
to take out and maintain, at their (or the Sub consultants', as the case may be)
own cost but on terms and conditions approved by the Client, insurance against
the risks, and for the coverage, as shall be specified in the Special Conditions
(SC), and (ii) at the Client's request, shall provide evidence to the Client showing
that such insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the current
premiums therefore have been paid.
The Consultants (i) shall keep accurate and systematic accounts and records in
respect of the Services hereunder, in accordance with internationally accepted
accounting principles and in such form and detail as will clearly identify all
relevant time charges and cost, and the bases thereof (including the bases of the
Consultants' costs and charges), and (ii) shall permit the Client or its designated
representative periodically, and up to one year from the expiration or
termination of this Contact, to inspect the same and make copies thereof as well
as to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Client.
3.7 Consultants' Actions requiring Client's prior Approval
The Consultants shall obtain the Client's prior approval in writing before taking
any of the following actions:
(b) entering into a subcontract for the performance of any part of the
Services, it being understood (i)that the selection of the Sub-consultant and
the terms and conditions of the subcontract shall have been approved in
writing by the Client prior to the execution of the subcontract, and (ii)
that the Consultants shall remain fully liable for the performance of the
Services by the Sub-consultant and its Personnel pursuant to this Contract;
The Consultants shall submit to the Client the reports and documents specified
in Appendix A/E here to, in the form, in the numbers and within the time periods
set forth in the said Appendix. Reporting stages, review progress and checklist
shall be as reflected in the DPR.
4.1 General
The Consultants shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Personnel
as are required to carry out the Services.
each of the Consultants' Key Professional / Sub Professional Personnel
are described in Appendix B.
(b) If required to comply with the provisions of Clause 3.1.1 of this Contract,
adjustments with respect to the estimated periods of engagement of Key
Professional / Sub Professional Personnel set forth in Appendix B may be
made by the Consultants by written notice to the Client, provided
(i) that such adjustments shall not alter the originally estimated period of
engagement of any individual by more than 10% or one week, whichever is
larger, and
(ii) that the aggregate of such adjustments shall not cause payments under this
Contract to exceed the ceilings set forth in Clause 6.1 (b) of this Contract.
Any other such adjustments shall only be made with the Client's written
(c) If additional work is required beyond the scope of the Services specified
in Appendix A, the estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set
forth in Appendix B may be increased by agreement in writing between the
Client and the Consultants.
The Key Personnel and Sub consultants listed by title as well as by name in
Appendix B are hereby approved by the Client. In respect of other Key Personnel
which the Consultants propose to use in the carrying out of the Services, the
Consultants shall submit to the Client for review and approval a copy of their
biographical data. If the Client does not object in writing (stating the reasons for
the objection) within twenty- one (21) calendar days from the date of receipt of
such biographical data, such Key Personnel shall be deemed to have been
approved by the Client.
(a) Working hours and holidays for Key Professional / Sub Professional Personnel
are set forth in Appendix C hereto. To account for travel time, foreign
Personnel carrying out Services inside the Government's country shall be
deemed to have commenced (or finished) work in respect of the Services
such number of days before their arrival in (or after their departure from)
the Government's country is specified in Appendix C hereto.
(b) The Key Professional / Sub Professional Personnel shall not be entitled to
be paid for overtime nor to take paid sick leave or vacation leave except
as specified in Appendix C hereto, and except as specified in such
Appendix, the Consultants' remuneration shall be deemed to cover these
items. All leave to be allowed to the Personnel is included in the staff -
months of service set for in Appendix B. Any taking of leave by Personnel
shall be subject to the prior approval of the Client by the Consultants,
who shall ensure that absence for leave purposes will not delay the
progress and adequate supervision of the Services.
(c) All key personnel and sub professional staff of the DPR consultants shall
use the Aadhar based biometric attendance /geo-tagged selfie-based
attendance system for marking their daily attendance for the duration in
site office. Aadhar based biometric attendance /geo-tagged selfie-based
attendance system shall be marked at least once a day and any time
during the day. Aadhar based biometric attendance /geo-tagged selfie-
based attendance system shall be installed by the DPR Consultants at its
own cost at the site office in order to facilitate the attendance marking.
A copy of Aadhar based biometric attendance /geo-tagged selfie-based
attendance records shall be attached at the time of submission of their
bills to the CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai Proper justification shall be provided
for cases of absence of key personal /sub-professional staff which do not
have prior approval from project director of concerned stretch. If CE NH
(PWD) Navi Mumbai so desires, it shall facilitate electronic linking of the
Aadhar based biometric attendance /geo-tagged selfie-based attendance
system with the central monitoring system of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai.
(d) Consultant will intimate concerned project Director/Project In charge
immediately after establishing its site office regarding installation Aadhar
based Biometric attendance /Geo-tagged selfie-based attendance system
and complete address of its site office.
4.5.1 In case notice to commence services pursuant to Clause 2.1 of this Contract
is not ordered by Client within 120 days of signing of contract the key personnel
can excuse themselves on valid grounds, e.g., selection on some other
assignment, health problem developed after signing of contract, etc. In such
a case no penalty shall be levied on the Firm or on the person concerned.
The firm shall however be asked to give a replacement by an equal or
better scoring person, whenever mobilization is ordered.
4.5.2 In case notice to commence services is given within 120 days of signing of contract
the, the Authority expects all the Key Personnel specified in the Proposal to
be available during implementation of the Agreement. The Authority will not
consider any substitution of Key Personnel except under compelling
circumstances beyond the control of the Consultant and the concerned Key
Personnel. Such substitution shall be limited to not more than three Key
Personnel subject to equally or better qualified and experienced personnel
being provided to the satisfaction of the Authority. Replacement of the Team
Leader will not normally be considered and may lead to disqualification of the
Applicant or termination of the Agreement. Replacement of one Key Personnel
shall be permitted subject to reduction of remuneration equal to 5 % (five per
cent) of the total remuneration specified for the Key Personnel who is
proposed to be replaced. In case of second replacement the reduction in
remuneration shall be equal to 10% (ten per cent) and for third and subsequent
replacement, such reduction shall be equal to 15% (fifteen per cent). The
maximum age limit of replaced key personnel shall be 65 years as on the date
of submission of proposal for such replacement. The Consultant shall make
all endevours to ensure that replacement of a Key Personnel is approved
before the concerned Key Personnel leaves the consultancy assignment, in
any case the Consultant shall submit replacement acceptable to Client not
more than 3 weeks after the Key Personnel leaves the consultancy
assignment, failing which Client may terminate the Contract in pursurance to
Clause 2.9.1(a) of GC.
4.5.3 If the consultant finds that any of the personnel had made false representation
regarding his qualification and experience, he may request the Employer for
replacement of the personnel. There shall be no reduction in remuneration for
such replacement. The replacement shall however be of equal or better score.
The personnel so replaced shall be debarred from future projects for 2 years.
4.5.5 If the Employer (i) finds that any of the Personnel has committed serious
misconductor has been charged with having committed a criminal action or (ii)
has reasonable ground to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the
Personnel, then the consultant shall, at the Employer’s written request specifying
the grounds therefore, forthwith provide a replacement with qualifications and
experience acceptable to him. For such replacement there will be no reduction
in remuneration.
4.5.6 If any member of the approved team of a consultant engaged by CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai leaves that consultant before completion of the job, he shall be barred for
a period of 6 months to 24 months from being engaged as a team member of any
other consultant working (or to be appointed) for any other CE NH (PWD) Navi
Mumbai/ MoRTH projects.
4.5.7 In case, person permanently employed with the firm is to be replaced, technical
score of both the CVs shall be compared excluding the marks given for
employment with firm. Replacement would be allowed when the Technical
Score (excluding the marks given for employment with firm) of the new key
person is equal or better than the existing key person's Technical Score
excluding marks assigned for permanent employment with the firm. However,
the remuneration of such replacement shall be reduced on proportionate basis
in case the overall score of the replacement person is less than the
overall score of original person.
The person designated as the Team Leader of the Consultant’s Personnel shall
be responsible for the coordinated, timely and efficient functioning of the
Personnel. In addition, the Consultant shall designate a suitable person from its
Head Office as Project Coordinator who shall be responsible for day to day
performance of the Services.
5.1 Assistance and Exemptions unless otherwise specified in the SC, the Client shall
use its best efforts to ensure that the Government shall:
(a) provide the Consultants, Sub consultants and Personnel with work permits
and such other documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultants,
Sub consultants or Personnel to perform the Services;
(b) assist for the Personnel and, if appropriate, their eligible dependents to
be provided promptly with all supporting papers for necessary entry and
exit visas, residence permits, exchange permits and any other documents
required for their stay in India;
(c) facilitate prompt clearance through customs of any property required for
the Services;
(d) issue to officials, agents and representatives of the Government all such
instructions as may be necessary or appropriate for the prompt and
effective implementation of the Services;
The Client warrants that the Consultants shall have, free of charge, unimpeded
access to all land in the Government’s country in respect of which access is
required for the performance of the Services. The Client will be responsible for any
damage to such land or any property thereon resulting from such access and will
indemnify the Consultants and each of the Personnel in respect of liability for any
such damage, unless such damage is caused by the default or negligence of the
Consultants or any Sub consultants or the Personnel of either of them.
If, after the date of this Contract, there is any change in the Applicable Law with
respect to taxes and duties which increases or decreases the cost or reimbursable
expenses incurred by the Consultants in performing the Services, then the
remuneration and reimbursable expenses otherwise payable to the Consultants
under this Contract shall be increased or decreased accordingly by agreement
between the Parties hereto, and corresponding adjustments shall be made to the
ceiling amounts specified in Clause 6.1(b),
The client shall make available to the Consultants and the Personnel, for the
purposes of the Services and free of any charge, the services, facilities and property
described in Appendix D at the times and in the manner specified in said Appendix
D, provided that if such services, facilities and property shall not be made available
to the Consultants as and when so specified, the Parties shall agree on (i) any time
extension that may be appropriate to grant to the Consultants for the performance of
the Services, (ii) the manner in which the Consultants shall procure any such services,
facilities and property from other sources, and (iii) the additional payments, if any, to
be made to the Consultants as a result thereof pursuant to Clause 6.1(c) hereinafter.
5.5 Payment
(a) An abstract of the cost of the Services payable in local currency (Indian
Rupees) is set forth in Appendix E.
(b) Except as may be otherwise agreed under Clause 2.6 and subject to Clause
6.1(c), the payments under this Contract shall not exceed the ceiling
specified in the SC. The Consultants shall notify the Client as soon as
cumulative charges incurred for the Services have reached 80% of the
(a) The Client shall cause to be paid to the Consultants an advance payment as
specified in the SC, and as otherwise set forth below. The advance payment
will be due after provision by the Consultants to the Client of a bank
guarantee by a bank acceptable to the Client in an amount (or amounts) and
in a currency (or currencies) specified in the SC, such bank guarantee (i) to
remain effective untilthe advance payment has been fully set off as provided
in the SC, and ii) in suchform as the Client shall have approved in writing.
Sr. Item Payment %
6 Submission of all stage I clearance proposals and submission of clearances report to Executing 5%
7 Approval of final DPR report, documents and drawings(Refer Note-2) 10%
8 Approval of bid documents and draft civil works contract agreement along with technical schedules. 5%
9 3D publication for all land parcels identified in item 4 above and submission of Land Acquisition II 10%
10 Stage II clearance approval and submission of final clearances II report 5%
11 Final approval of utilities shifting estimates and submission of Utilities II report 2.5%
12 Completion of award declaration (3G) for 90% of land parcels identified in item 9 and submission of 10%
Land Award report
13 Earlier of award of package to contractor/concessionaire or 6 months from launch of tender process 10%
14 Receipt of land possession certificates (3E) for 90% of all land parcels identified in LA II report and 10%
submission of Land Possession report
15 Amount to be released at earlier of projects COD or 3 years from start of civil work 5%
Total : 100%
16 Bonus on submission of draft 3A within 15 days of alignment finalization 1 % bonus
17 Bonus on submission of draft 3D within 60 days of draft 3 A. 2.5% bonus
18 Bonus on receipt of possession certificate (3E) for more than 90% of land identified in item 9 above 5% bonus
within 165 days of draft 3 A.
19 Bonus on submission of utility shifting proposal including clearance within60 days of alignment 1% bonus
(c) No payment shall become eligible for the next stage till the consultant
completes to the satisfaction of the client the work pertaining to the
preceding stage. The payment for the work of sub-soil investigation
(Boring)will be as per plan approved by the client and will be paid as per
actual at the rates quoted by the consultants. The payment for the
quantity given by the client for boring will be deemed to be included in
the above mentioned payment schedule. Any adjustment in the payment
to the consultants will be made in the final payment only.
(d) The Client shall cause the payment of the Consultants in Para 6.4 (b) above
as given in schedule of payment within thirty (30) days after the receipt
by the Client of bills. Interests at the rate specified in the SC shall become
payable as from the above due date on any amount due by, but not paid
on, such due date.
(e) The final payment under this Clause shall be made only after the final
report and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been
submitted by the Consultants and approved as satisfactory by the Client.
The Services shall be deemed completed and finally accepted by the
Client and the final report and final statement shall be deemed approved
by the Client as satisfactory one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days
after receipt of the final report and final statement by the Client unless
the Client, within ninety (90) day period, gives written notice to the
Consultants specifying in detailed deficiencies in the Services, the final
report or final statement. The Consultants shall thereupon promptly
make any necessary corrections, and upon completion of such
corrections, the foregoing process shall be repeated. Any amount which
the Client has paid or caused to be paid in accordance with this Clause in
excess of the amounts actually payable in accordance with the provisions
of this Contract shall be reimbursed by the Consultants to the Client
within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultants of notice thereof.
Any such claim by the Client for reimbursement must be made within
twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the Client of a final report
and a final statement approved by the Client in accordance with the
(f) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the account of the
Consultants specified in the SC.
(h) Consultants will make payment of salary to all key personnel in their
respective bank accounts through electronic mode only. No cash
transaction w.r.t salary will be made. Proof of salary transfer through
electronic mode shall be submitted by the Consultant with his bill.
7.1 General
7.1.1 The Consultant shall be responsible for accuracy of the data collected, by him
directly or procured from other agencies/authorities, the designs, drawings,
estimates and all other details prepared by him as part of these services. He shall
indemnify the Authority against any inaccuracy in the work which might surface
during implementation of the project. The Consultant will also be responsible for
correcting, at his own cost and risk, the drawings including any re-survey /
investigations and correcting layout etc. if required during the execution of the
7.1.2 The Consultant shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of design and drawings
of the bridges and structures. All the designs and drawings for bridges and
structures including all their components shall be fully checked by a Senior
Engineer after completion of the designs. All drawings for bridges and structures
shall be duly signed by the (a) Designer, (b) Senior Checking Engineer, and (c)
Senior Bridge / Structure Expert. The designs and drawings not signed by the
three persons mentioned above shall not be accepted. The Consultant shall
indemnify the Client against any inaccuracy / deficiency in the designs and
drawings of the bridges and structures noticed during the construction and even
thereafter and the Client shall bear no responsibility for the accuracy of the
designs and drawings submitted by the Consultants.
7.1.3 The survey control points established by the Consultant shall be protected
by the Consultants till the completion of the Consultancy Services.
7.2. Retention Money
7.3. Penalty
i. If variation in project cost occurs due to Change of scope requests of more than
10% of the total project cost as estimated by the consultant and these change of
scope requests arise due to deficiencies in the design provided by the consultant,
the penalty equivalent to 4% of the contract value shall be imposed. For this
purpose retention money equivalent to 4% of the contract value will be forfeited.
This shall exclude any additional/deletion of items/works ordered by the client
during the execution
ii. If there is a discrepancy in land to be acquired during the execution of the project
upto an extent of +/- 2% of the area of land, a penalty equivalent to 3% of the
contract value shall be imposed. For this purpose retention money equivalent to
3% of the contract value will be forfeited. This shall exclude any
additional/deletion of items/works ordered by the client during the execution.
For discrepancy of more than + / - 2% of the area of land to be acquired, the
firm shall be declared as non performing as per para 7.4.2.
Sr. Item Penalty (%age of
No. contract value)
1 Topographic Surveys 1.0 to 1.5
a) The horizontal alignment does not match with ground condition.
b) The cross sections do not match with existing ground.
c) The co-ordinates are defective as instruments of desired accuracy not used.
2 Geotechnical Surveys 1.0 to 1.5
a) Incomplete surveys
b) Data not analyzed properly
c) The substrata substantially different from the actual strata found during
3 Traffic data found to be varying by more than 25% on resurvey at a later date, unless 0.5 to 1.0
there are justifiable reasons.
4 Axle load data found to be varying by more than 25% on resurvey at a later date, 0.5 to 1.0
unless there are justifiable reasons.
5 Structural Designs found to be unsafe or grossly over designed The firm shall be
considered as non-
performing as per para
(b) In case, the information contained in the CV for the duration in which the key
personnel was employed by the firm, proposing his candidature is found
incorrect/fake/inflated at any stage, action including termination of the consultancy
agreement and debarment of the firm upto 2 years from future MoRTH or its
Executing Agencies projects shall be taken by MoRTH or its Executing Agencies.
(d) Incase consultant firms experience or document such as Form E2/T3, Form E3,
References (client certificate) is found to be false at any stage i.e. from bidding to
completion of services, the consultancy contract shall be terminated and consultant
firm shall be debarred for a period of 2 years.
7.3.3 Total amount of recovery from all penalties shall be limited to 8% of the
Consultancy Fee.
Consultant shall be liable to indemnify the client for any direct loss or damage
accruedor likely to accrue due to deficiency in service rendered by him.
In case of major deficiencies in the Detailed Project Report involving time and
cost overrun and adverse effect on reputation of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, the
firm shall be declared as non-performing and the firm will not be eligible for
participating in future projects of the Ministry (including NHAI, NHIDCL, BRO, etc.)
for a period of 5 years. Decision as to major deficiencies by Client shall be final
and binding. However, the Consultant will be given an opportunity to present its
case before it is declared non-performer by the Client.
The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’s rights under
this Contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of
the objectives of this Contract.
9.1 Amicable Settlement
The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out
of or in connection with this Contract or the interpretation thereof.
9.2.1 Any dispute, difference or controversy of whatever nature howsoever arising under or
out of or in relation to this Agreement (including its interpretation) between the Parties,
and so notified in writing by either Party to the other Party (the “Dispute”) shall, in the
first instance, be attempted to be resolved amicably in accordance with the conciliation
procedure set forth in Clause 9.3.
9.2.2 The Parties agree to use their best efforts for resolving all Disputes arising under or in
respect of this Agreement promptly, equitably and in good faith, and further agree to
provide each other with reasonable access during normal business hours to all non –
privileged records, information and data pertaining to any dispute.
9.3 Conciliation
In the event of any Dispute between the Parties, either Party may call upon
[Chairman of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai] and the Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Consultant or a substitute thereof for amicable settlement,
and upon such reference, the said persons shall meet no later than 10(ten)
days from the date of reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve
the Dispute. If such meeting does not take place within the 10(ten) day period
or the Dispute is not amicably settled within 15(fifteen) days of the meeting
or the Dispute is not resolved as evidenced by the signing of written terms of
settlement within 30 (thirty) days of the notice in writing referred to in
Clause 9.2.1 or such longer period as may be mutually agreed by the Parties,
either Party may refer the Dispute to arbitration in accordance with the
Provisions of Clause 9.4.
9.4 Arbitration
9.4.1. Any Dispute which is not resolved amicably by conciliation, as provided in Clause
9.3, shall be finally decided by reference to arbitration by a Sole Arbitrator
appointed in accordance with Clause 9.4.2. Such arbitration shall be held in
accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as
amended. The venue of such arbitration shall be ***** and the language of
arbitration proceedings shall be English.
9.4.2 Each dispute submitted by a Party to arbitration shall be heard by a sole
arbitrator to be appointed as per the procedure below
arbitrator for the matter in dispute.
The sole arbitrator selected pursuant to Clause 8.2.1 hereof shall be expert with
extensive experience in relation to the matter in dispute.
9.4.5 The Arbitrators shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”). Any Award made in
any arbitration held pursuant to this Clause 9 shall be final and biding on the
Parties as from the date it is made, and the Consultant and the Authority agree
and undertake to carry out such Award without delay.
9.4.6 The Consultant and the Authority agree that an Award may be enforced against
the Consultant and/or the Authority, as the case may be, and their respective
assets wherever situated.
9.4.7. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall remain in full force
and effect, pending the Award in any arbitration proceedings hereunder
9.4.8 Miscellaneous
(a) Proceedings shall, unless otherwise agreed by the parties be held in Delhi.
(b) The English language shall be the official language for all purposes;
(c) The decision of sole arbitrator shall be final and binding and shall be
enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction, and the Parties hereby
waive any objections to or claims of immunity in respect of such
enforcement; and
(d) The schedule of Expenses and Fee payable to the Arbitrator shall be as under
(Twenty Crore) 10,00,00,000 (Ten Crore)
Above Rs 20,00,00,000 (Twenty Crore) Rs 19,87,500 plus 0.5 per cent of the claim amount
over and above Rs
20,00,00,000(Twenty Crore) with a ceiling of Rs
30,00,000 (Thirty Lakh)
Note: Being sole arbitrator, an additional amount of twenty five per cent on the fee set out above
shall be paid. The above fee is to be shared equally by both the parties to the arbitration
i.e. claimant and respondent, which is inclusive of fee of arbitrator for claim and counter
claims i.e. total “Sum in Dispute”, reading charges, declaration/publishing of award. The
expenses, such as stay and travelling charges will be paid as per Client’s guidelines.
enhanced by 2.5%.
10.4 In case of revision of DPR is done after submission of Final DPR due to
revision in standards/guidelines of Indian Roads Congress/MoRTH, the original
consultancy fee shall be enhanced by 2.5%.
11. The Consultant shall be evaluated based on its performance in this consultancy
services as per rating system given in Appendix- IX and the said rating of the Consultant
will be utilised in subsequent proposal evaluation.
Number of GC
A. Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions
1.1(a) The words “in the Government’s country” are amended to read “in INDIA”
For the Client : CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra
Room No. 526; 5th Floor, Konkan Bhawan, Sector – 10, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai –
400 614
Phone : 022-27574303
Attention : CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai, Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra
Room No. 526; 5th Floor, Konkan Bhawan, Sector – 10, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai –
400 614
Phone : 022-27574303
Attention: Name
Tel: Fax: E-mail address
1.8 Entity to Act as Member in charge (In case of Joint Venture of Consultants)
with orwithout an Associate: - ………………………..
1.10 The Consultants and the personnel shall pay the taxes, duties, fees, levies and
other impositions levied under the existing, amended or enacted laws
(prevailing 7 days before the last date of submission of bids) during life
of this contract and the Client shall perform such duties in regard to the
deduction of such tax as may be lawfully imposed.
2.2 The time period shall be “four months” or such other time period as the
parties may agree in writing.
2.3 The time period shall be “fifteen days” or such other time period as the
Parties may agree in writing.
2.4 The time period shall be ----- months or such other time period as the parties may
agree in writing.
(b) This limitation of liability shall not affect the Consultants’ liability, if
any, for damage to Third Parties caused by the Consultants or any person or firm
acting on behalf of the Consultants in carrying out the Services.
(a) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance as required under Motor Vehicles
Act, 1988 in respect of motor vehicles operated in India by the Consultants or their
Personnel or any Sub consultants or their Personnel for the period of consultancy.
(b) Third Party liability insurance with a minimum coverage, for Rs.1.00 million
be appointed as per the procedure below
(c) (i) The Consultant shall provide to CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai Professional Liability Insurance
(PLI) for a period of Five years beyond completion of Consultancy services or as per
Applicable Law, whichever is higher.
(ii) The Consultant will maintain at its expense PLI including coverage for errors and
omissions caused by Consultant’s negligence in the performance of its duties under
this agreement, (A) For the amount not exceeding total payments for Professional
Fees and Reimbursable Expenditures made or expected to be made to the
Consultants hereunder OR (B) the proceeds, the Consultants may be entitled to
receive from any insurance maintained by the Consultants to cover such a liability,
whichever of (A) or
(B) is higher.
(iii) The policy should be issued only from an Insurance Company operating in India.
(iv) The policy must clearly indicate the limit of indemnity in terms of “Any One
Accident” (AOA) and “Aggregate limit on the policy” (AOP) and in no case should be
for an amount less than stated in the contract.
(v) If the Consultant enters into an agreement with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai in a joint
venture or ‘in association’, the policy must be procured and provided to CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai by the joint venture/in association entity and not by the individual
partners of the joint venture/ association.
(vi) The contract may include a provision thereby the Consultant does not cancel the
policy midterm without the consent of CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai. The insurance
company may provide an undertaking in this regard.
3.9 The Consultants shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract
without the prior written approval of the Client.
4.6 The person designated as Team Leader cum Senior Highway Engineer in
Appendix B shall serve in that capacity, as specified in Clause 4.6.
6.1 (b) The ceiling amount in local currency is Rs……… Excluding Goods & Service Tax)
Account Number :
IFSC Code :
9.2 Disputes shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the following provisions:
be appointed as per the procedure below
Each dispute submitted by a Party to arbitration shall be heard by a sole arbitrator to
Appendix A
Terms of reference containing, inter-alia, the Description of the Services and
Reporting Requirements
Appendix B
Consultants’ Sub consultants, Key Personnel and Sub Professional Personnel
Appendix C
Hours of work for Consultants’ Personnel
The Consultant’s personnel shall normally work for 8 hours in a day and six days a week.
Normally Sundays shall be closed for working. In addition they shall also be allowed to
availholidays as observed by the Client’s office in the relevant state without deduction
of remunerations. In case any person is required to work on Sunday or Holiday due to
exigency of work, he/she shall be given compensatory leave within the next 15 days .
Appendix D
Duties of the Client
Appendix E
Cost Estimate
Appendix F:
Copy of letter of invitation
Appendix G:
Copy of letter of acceptance
Appendix – H
Format for Bank Guarantee for Performance Security BANK GUARANTEE FOR
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra
Room No. 526; 5th Floor, Konkan Bhawan, Sector – 10, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400 614
Phone : 022-27574303
The Client shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, from time to time to vary or to extend the time for
performance of thecontract by the Consultant. The Client shall have the fullest liberty
without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any
powers vested in them or of anyright which they might have against the consultant and to
exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce
any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Client and the
Consultant any other course or remedy or security available to the Client. The bank
shall not be relieved of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Client
of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any
other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission onthe part of the Client
or any other indulgence shown by the Client or by any other matter or thing whatsoever
which under law would but for this provision have the effect of relieving the Bank.
Appendix – H
The Bank also agrees that the Client at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance without
proceeding against the Consultant and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee
that the Client may have in
relation to the Consultant’s liabilities.
c) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before
(date of
expiry of Guarantee).
(i) The bank guarantee(s) contains the name, designation and code number of the
officer(s) signing the guarantee(s).
(ii) The address, telephone no. and other details of the Head Office of the Bank as
well as of issuing branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing
(iii) The bank guarantee for Rs 10,000 and above is signed by at least two officials (or
as per the norms prescribed by the RBI in this regard).
Appendix I: Minutes of Pre-bid meeting
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
Details /
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Project Appreciation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.1 Location of site office Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of scope of ToR and gap identification
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Key departments identified for various documents
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Start and end location of project verified with client
2.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
(Mention details)
Project description
2.5 Start and End Chainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Village/District ☐
Project location map
2.6 On State Map Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
On District Map ☐
2.7 Site photos and data of project alignment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.8 Overview of land use plans Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of existing pavement conditions
Number of Lanes
2.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Type of Pavement
(Flexible/Rigid/Surfaced/ Unsurfaced)
2.10 Existing right of way details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Number/ Location of major and minor bridges
2.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Number/ Location of level crossings
2.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
2.13 Number/ Location of ROB and RUB Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
2.14 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Approach Methodology Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.1 Engineering survey and investigations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Design of road, pavements and structures
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Environment and social impact assessment
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Estimation of project cost, viability and
3.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
financing options
3.5 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details / Specifications
DPR Checklist – Stage 2 – Feasibility Report (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
Details /
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Overview of client organization /activities
2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Methodology adopted for feasibility study
3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Socioeconomic profile of the project areas
4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Regional economic profile basis last 10years data as per
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Economic profile of project influence area basis last 10
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
years data as per IRC
NA ☐
Socio Economic status of project influence area
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Indicative design standards, methodologies, and
5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
6 Traffic surveys and analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Classified traffic volume counts using IHMCL data (7
6.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
day data)
NA ☐
Traffic projection methodology as perIRC:108
6.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
6.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
6.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
6.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
6.6 Origin destination surveys as per IRC: 102 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
6.7 Speed and delay studies as per IRC:102 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Traffic surveys for the design of road junctions as per
6.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
data in IRC: SP:41
NA ☐
Analysis for replacing railway level crossings with over
6.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
bridges/ subways
NA ☐
6.10 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Details /
6.11 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Traffic surveys monitored and reviewed by the client
6.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.1 Road Inventory Survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.2 Review of Road Inventory survey by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Chainage wise details of pavement composition
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geological Survey
7.4 Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Seismicity NA ☐
Climatic Conditions
7.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Pavement composition and condition survey as per
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of pavement composition and condition survey
7.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
by client
NA ☐
Pavement roughness survey as per IRC:SP:16
7.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of pavement roughness survey by client
7.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Pavement structural strength survey asper IRC:81
7.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of pavement structural strength survey by client
7.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.12 Sub grade characteristics and strengths Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Topographical survey as per IRC:SP:19using LiDAR
7.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Terrain NA ☐
Inventory of bridges, culverts andstructures
7.15 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Condition survey for bridges, culverts andstructures
7.16 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of condition survey for bridges,culverts and
7.17 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
structures by client
NA ☐
Details /
7.18 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
8 Geotechnical Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations asper IRC:78
8.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Bore holes dug for every pier and abutment
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of geo-technical and sub-soil explorations by
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory testing in accordance
8.4 with BIS/ AASHTO/BS Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Recommendation of Foundation Type and Depth
8.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
8.6 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
9 Hydraulic and Hydrological Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Hydraulic and hydrological investigations as per
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
IRC:SP:13 and IRC:5
NA ☐
9.2 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
9.3 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
9.4 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
9.5 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Review of hydrological investigations by client
9.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
10 Materials Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Materials Survey conducted as perIRC:SP:19
10.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregates
10.2 Details of Borrow Pits with Distance Yes ☐ No ☐
from Project Site NA ☐
Cost of Material/ Transportation
Sources of Manufactured Items specified
Details of suppliers with distance from project site
10.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Cost of material/ transportation NA ☐
Details /
Environmental screening/ preliminary environmental
11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Analysis basis Initial Environment Examination in
11.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
IRC: SP: 19
NA ☐
Recommended feasible mitigation measures
11.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Initial social assessment/ preliminary LA resettlement
plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Analysis basis Initial Environment Examination in
12.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
IRC: SP: 19
NA ☐
Details of consultation with potentially affected
12.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Names/ Details of consultation with local NGOs
12.3 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Names/ Details of consultation with municipal
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
12.5 Preliminary resettlement plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
12.6 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
13 Cost estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
13.1 Item rates and rate analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
13.2 Escalation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
14 Economic and financial analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
14.1 Estimated cost details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
14.2 Projected revenues details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
14.3 Assumptions stated Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Analysis and results (IRR, Sensitivity
14.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Analysis, Financial Viability)
NA ☐
15 Strip plan and Alignment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
15.1 Details of center line of proposed highway Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Details /
16 Alignment Options Study Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
At least two alignments proposed
16.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of Alignments on Map
NA ☐
16.2 Review of options with client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
16.2.1 Review of options with local authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Length of the project along proposed alignment
16.3 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Land Acquisition required along alignment options
16.4 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
16.4.1 Environmental impact of each option Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Review of road geometry and safety foreach option
16.4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
16.5 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Recommended Alignment with Justification
16.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
16.7 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
17 Technical Specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
MoRTH technical specifications for Road sand Bridge
17.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
works followed
NA ☐
17.2 Details of technical specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
18 Rate Analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Rate analysis for all relevant items as per latest SoR
18.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
19 Cost Estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Cost estimates for all relevant items as per latest SoR
19.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
20 Bill of quantities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
21 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
21.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Report fulfils project objectives and scopeas per RFP
21.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
21.3 Report reviewed for errors and omissions Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Compliance report prepared on clientobservations
21.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
DPR Checklist – Stage 3 – LA and Clearances I Report (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Strip plan- additional details added Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of centre line, existing structures, road furniture
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
and other features
2.2 Widening scheme Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
New construction/ reconstruction of structures
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
and amenities
2.4 Existing and proposed right of way Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.5 Clearances impacting each chainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Forest Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.1 Requirement for forest clearance identified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of initial consultation with competent
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details/cost of trees being felled basis
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
concerned District Forest Office
Date of submission of proposal for forest clearance
3.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.5 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4 Wildlife Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Requirement for wildlife clearance identified
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of initial consultation with competent
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details/cost of trees being felled basis
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
concerned District Forest Office
Date of submission of proposal for wildlife clearance
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
4.5 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.1 Identification of overground utilities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities using GPR,
5.2 Induction Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with local authority/
5.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
5.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competent authority
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposal by client
5.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6 Utility Clearances (Water) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.1 Identification of overground utilities in RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities using GPR,
6.2 Induction Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with local authority/
6.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
6.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competent authority
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposal by client
6.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7 Utility Clearances (Others) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.1 Identification of overground utilities in RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities using GPR,
7.2 Induction Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with local authority/
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
7.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competent authority
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposal by client
7.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8 Railway Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of ROB/ RUB on project corridor
8.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Initial consultation with competent authority
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of proposal submission to competent authority
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
8.4 Review of GAD/ proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9 Other Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Requirement for other clearances identified
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of proposal submission to competent authority
9.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
9.3 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10 Land Acquisition Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Detailed schedule about acquisition of land
10.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
holdings as per land records
10.2 Consultation with affected persons Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.3 Name/ Details of consultation with NGOs Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Name/ Details of consultation with concerned
10.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
government agencies
Total land required, land area already available, land
10.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
to be acquired identified
Review of land acquisition using digital cadastral map
10.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
by client
10.7 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.8 Review of 3a notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.9 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.10 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.11 Review of 3A notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.12 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
11 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
11.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report fulfils project objectives and scopeas per
11.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
11.3 Report reviewed for errors and omissions Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client
11.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 4 – Detailed Project Report (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
Details /
1 Main Report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Introduction and project background Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of project location, project objectives
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of report structure, deliverable setc.
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Social analysis of the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Project impact on stakeholders such as local people
3.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Project impact on residential, commercial and public
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.3 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Geometric Features of the Existing Road Design Speed
Sight distance details
Horizontal Alignment Details
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Vertical Alignment Details
Height of Embankment
Pavement roughness survey as perIRC:SP:16
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA Na
Pavement structural strength survey asper IRC:81
4.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details /
Geological Survey
4.6 Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Seismicity NA ☐
Climatic Conditions
4.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Land Use along the existing alignment
4.8 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Agricultural/Habitation/Forest Area NA ☐
Details of Existing Structures
4.9 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Hutments/Buildings/Temples/Public Building/Any Other
NA ☐
Significant Structure
4.10 Inventory and condition survey of culverts Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations as per IRC:78
4.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Number of Bore holes dug (holes for every pier and
4.12 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory testing as per IRC:
4.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Recommendation of Foundation Type and Depth
4.14 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
4.15 Hydrological investigations as per IRC:5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
4.16 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
4.17 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
4.18 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Materials Survey conducted as perIRC:SP:19
4.19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregates specified
Details of Borrow Pits with Distance
4.20 from Project Site Yes ☐ No ☐
Cost of Material/Transportation NA ☐
Sources of environmentally friendly construction materials
4.20.1 identified as perMoRT&H circular Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Details /
Sources of Manufactured Items specified
Details of Suppliers with Distance
4.21 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
from Project Site
Cost of Material/Transportation
Source of Water for construction specified as per IS:456
4.22 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4.23 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Traffic studies and demand fore cast designs
5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Classified traffic volume counts using IHMCL data (7
5.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
day data)
Traffic projection methodology as perIRC:108
5.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Origin destination surveys as per IRC:102
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.7 Speed and delay studies as per IRC:102 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Traffic surveys for the design of roadjunctions as per
5.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
data in IRC: SP:41
Analysis for replacing railway level crossings with over
5.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
bridges/ subways
5.10 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.11 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Traffic surveys monitored and reviewedby the client
5.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6 Cost estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.1 Project costing as per latest SoR Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7 Environmental aspects Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.1 Environment profile of the project region Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of Public consultation at residentialand commercial
7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
settlements affected
7.3 Impact analysis and mitigation measures Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8 Economic and commercial analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.1 Estimated cost details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.2 Projected revenues details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details /
8.3 Assumptions stated Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Analysis and results (IRR, SensitivityAnalysis,
8.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Financial Viability)
8.5 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Financial model shared with client andreviewed
8.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report fulfils project objectives and scopeas per RFP
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.2 Report reviewed for errors and omissions Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Compliance report prepared on client
9.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10 Design Report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.1 Highway improvement proposals Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.2 Highway geometric designs Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.3 Roadside drainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.4 Intersections Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.5 Urban service roads Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.6 Bus-stops Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7 Toll plazas Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.8 Pedestrian crossings Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.9 Utility relocation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.10 Pavement Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.11 Structures Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.12 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details /
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorationsas per IRC:78
11.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of geo-technical and sub-soilexplorations by
11.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratory testing in
11.8 accordance with BIS/ AASHTO/BS Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Pavement composition and conditionsurvey as per
11.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of pavement composition andcondition
11.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
survey by client
Pavement roughness survey as perIRC:SP:16
11.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of pavement roughness survey byclient
11.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Pavement structural strength survey asper IRC:81
11.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of pavement structural strengthsurvey by
11.14 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Water sample tests as per MoRTHspecifications
11.15 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
11.16 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Environmental Assessment Report/ Resettlement and
12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Rehabilitation Plan
Option for alignment alternativesconsidered and
12.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Land environment data collection anddetails/
12.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
impact/ mitigation measures
Air environment data collection anddetails/ impact/
12.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
mitigation measures
Water resources details/ impact/mitigation
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Noise environment details/ impact/mitigation
12.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Biological environment details/ impact/mitigation
12.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.7 Details of public consultation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Environment monitoring and managementplan
12.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.9 Details of social impact assessment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details /
Details of resettlement and rehabilitationaction
12.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.11 Measures to minimize resettlement Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of public consultation with
12.12 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of implementation arrangement /budget
12.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.14 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
13 Technical Specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
MoRTH technical specifications for Roadsand Bridge
13.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
works followed
13.2 Details of technical specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
14 Rate Analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Rate analysis for all relevant items as perlatest SoR
14.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
15 Cost Estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Cost estimates for all relevant items asper latest
15.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
16 Bill of quantities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
17 Drawing Volume Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
18 Digital drawings of road
18.1 Highway cross sections Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
3D engineered models of:
Road alignment geometry
18.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Proposed highway
Proposed structures
DPR Checklist – Stage 5 – Technical Schedules (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
Details / Specifications
DPR Checklist – Stage 6 – LA and Clearances II Report (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Environment Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.1 Details of public hearings completed Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of final environment clearance bycompetent
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
3 Forest Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of Joint site inspection withDFO/
3.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of Stage I forest clearance approvalby
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of final forest clearance approval bycompetent
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
4 Wildlife Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of joint site inspection withDFO/
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of final wildlife clearance approval bycompetent
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of Joint site inspection withcompetent
5.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
5.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
5.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 6 – LA and Clearances II Report (Pavements)
Approved utility shifting proposal includingstrip plan
5.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit
5.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
details for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
6.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
6.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Approved utility shifting proposal includingstrip plan
6.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit
6.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
details for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Approved utility shifting proposal includingstrip plan
7.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit
7.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
details for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of final approval of GAD bycompetent
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
9 Other Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of final approval by competentauthority
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10 Land Acquisition Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.1 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.2 Review of 3a notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.3 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.4 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.5 Review of 3A notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.6 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of Joint Measurement Survey withcompetent
10.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.7.1 Date of survey - village wise Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.2 Land type –by survey number Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.3 Nature of Land –by survey number Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.4 Ownership status of plots- by surveynumber
Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.5 Verification of area to be acquired – bysurvey
Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.6 List of structures on each plot Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.7 Sketches of updated alignment by village Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.8 Verification from Land revenue department Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.9 Verification by CALA office Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
1.1.1 DPR Checklist – Stage 7 – Award determination (Pavements)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Village level summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Total private and public land beingacquired
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Variation in area and nature of landagainst 3D
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
with justification
2.3 Method used by CALA to arrive at award Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of award by CALA and approval by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai along with valuation report
Total award calculated and deviation fromRFCTLARR
2.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 In detail for each Village Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Updated land acquisition tracker withstatus of:
3.1 Award Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Disbursement ☐
4.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report fulfils project objectives and scopeas per RFP
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4.3 Report reviewed for errors and omissions Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Compliance report prepared on clientobservations
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
1.1.2 DPR Checklist – Stage 8 – Land possession report
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Village level summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Total private and public land beingacquired
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of final award by CALA andapproval by
CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai
Status of disbursement on date of receiptof Land
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
possession certificate
Key issues being faced in completingland
2.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
acquisition, if any
3 In detail for each Village Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Updated land acquisition tracker withstatus of:
3.1 Award Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Disbursement ☐
Annexure III: Checklists for Structures such as ROB/ RUB
DPR Checklist – Stage 1 – Inception Report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Project Appreciation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.1 Location of site office Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of scope of ToR and gap identification
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of key departments for documents
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Project description
Existing LC number
2.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Start and End Chainage
Project location map
On State Map
2.5 On District Map Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Latitude & Longitude Coordinates ☐
of the LC
Details of Existing Level Crossing
Number of Railway Tracks
2.6 Type of Railway Tracks Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
(Broad/Metre/Narrow) ☐
No. of trains per day
Justification for need of an ROB/RUB(on basis of
2.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
TVU count)
2.8 Overview of land use plans Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of existing pavement conditions
Number of Lanes
2.9 Type of Pavement Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
(Flexible/Rigid/Surfaced/Unsurfaced) ☐
2.10 Existing right of way details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
2.11 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Approach Methodology Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.1 Engineering survey and investigations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Design of road, pavements and structures
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Environment and social impact assessment
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Estimation of project cost, viability and financing
3.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.5 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Task Assignment and ManningSchedule
4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4.1 Number of key personnel provided Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Specific tasks assigned to each keypersonnel
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4.3 Manning schedule for key personnel Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Number of key personnel deployed atsite
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5 Performa for data collection Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Indicative Design standards andcross sections
6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7 Development plans Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of development plans being implemented/
7.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
proposed by local bodies
Overview of impact of suchdevelopment
7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8 Quality Assurance Plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.1 Engineering surveys and investigation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.2 Traffic surveys Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Material geo-technical and sub-soil
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.4 Road and pavement investigations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Investigation and design of bridges andstructures
8.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.6 Environment and R&R assessment Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.7 Economic and financial analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.8 Drawing and documentation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Discussion of draft QAP document withclient
8.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Approval of final QAP document byclient
8.10 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.11 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9 Draft design standards Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Geometric design standards of bridges(Plain)
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Geometric design standards of bridges(Hilly)
9.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.3 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report fulfils project objectives andscope as
10.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
per RFP
Report reviewed for errors andomissions
10.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Compliance report prepared on client
10.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 2 – Feasibility Report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Overview of client organization /activities
2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Methodology adopted for feasibilitystudy
3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Socioeconomic profile of the projectareas
4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Regional economic profile basis last 10years data as
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
per IRC
Economic profile of project influence areabasis last 10
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
years data as per IRC
Socio Economic status of project influencearea
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Indicative design standards, methodologies, and
5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6 Traffic surveys and analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Classified traffic volume counts usingIHMCL data
6.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
(7 day)
Traffic projection methodology as perIRC:108
6.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.3 Projected Traffic data for 20 years Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.4 Current and Projected PCU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
6.5 Current and Projected TVU Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
6.6 Axle load survey as per IRC:SP:19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.7 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Traffic surveys monitored and reviewed bythe client
6.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.1 Road Inventory as per IRC:SP:19 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.2 Review of Road Inventory Survey by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Geometric Features of the Existing Road
Design Speed
Sight distance elements
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Horizontal Alignment Details
NA ☐
Vertical Alignment Details
Height of Embankment
Topographical Survey as per IRC:SP:19using LiDAR or
equivalent technology
7.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.5 Review of topographical survey by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Pavement composition and conditionsurvey as per
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geological Survey
7.7 Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Seismicity NA ☐
Climatic Conditions
7.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Land Use along the existing alignment
7.9 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Agricultural/Habitation/Forest Area NA ☐
Details of Existing Structures
7.10 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Hutments/Buildings/Temples/Public Building/Any Other
NA ☐
Significant Structure
7.11 Inventory and condition survey of culverts Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.12 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
8 Geotechnical Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations asper IRC:78
8.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Number of Bore holes dug (holds for everypier and abutment)
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Review of geo-technical and sub-soilexplorations by
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratorytesting as per
8.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Recommendation of Foundation Type andDepth
8.5 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
8.6 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9 Hydraulic & Hydrological Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Hydrological investigations as per IRC:5and IRC: 13
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.2 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.3 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.4 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.5 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.6 Review of Hydrological Survey by the client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10 Materials Survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Materials Survey conducted as perIRC:SP:19
10.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregatesspecified
Details of Borrow Pits withDistance
10.2 from Project Site Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Cost of Material/Transportation ☐
At least two alignments proposed
12.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of Alignments on Map
12.2 Review of options with client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.2.1 Review of options with local authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Length of the project along proposedalignment
12.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Land Acquisition required along alignmentoptions
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.5 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.6 Recommended Alignment with Justification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Skew Angle of Proposed AlignmentSpecified
12.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
12.7.1 Environmental impact of each option Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of road geometry and safety foreach
12.7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.9 Traffic Diversion Route Specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.10 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Environmental screening/ preliminary
13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
environmental assessment
Analysis basis Initial EnvironmentExamination
13.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
in IRC: SP: 19
Recommended feasible mitigationmeasures
13.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Initial social assessment/ preliminary LA
14 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
resettlement plan
Analysis basis Initial EnvironmentExamination
14.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
in IRC: SP: 19
Details of consultation with potentiallyaffected
14.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
14.3 Details of consultation with local NGOs Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of consultation with municipal
14.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
14.5 Preliminary resettlement plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
14.6 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
15 Cost estimates Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
15.1 Item rates and rate analysis Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
15.2 Escalation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
16.5 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
17 Strip Plan NA
17.1 Details of center line of proposed structure Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
17.2 Details of existing RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
17.3 Details of proposed RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details about ownership of land to beacquired
17.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Strip plan basis reconnaissance andtopographic
17.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Strip plan reviewed and approved by theclient
17.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
17.7 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
11 Strip plan- additional details added Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details of centreline, existing structures,road
11.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
furniture and other features
11.2 Widening scheme Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
New construction/ reconstruction ofstructures
11.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
and amenities
11.4 Existing and proposed right of way Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
11.5 Clearances impacting each chainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 3 – LA and Clearances I Report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Environment Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Requirement for environment clearanceidentified
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of Initial consultation withcompetent
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of submission of draft EIA report/proposal for
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.4 Review of proposal/ EIA report by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Forest Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.1 Requirement for forest clearance identified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of initial consultation withcompetent
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details/cost of trees being felled basisconcerned
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
District Forest Office
Date of submission of proposal for forestclearance
3.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.5 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4 Wildlife Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4.1 Requirement for wildlife clearance identified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of initial consultation withcompetent
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details/cost of trees being felled basisconcerned
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
District Forest Office
Date of submission of proposal for wildlifeclearance
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
4.5 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.1 Identification of overground utilities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities usingGPR, Induction
5.2 Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with local authority/
5.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
5.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
5.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competentauthority
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposalby client
5.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6 Utility Clearances (Water) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.1 Identification of overground utilities in RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities usingGPR, Induction
6.2 Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with localauthority/
6.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
6.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
6.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competentauthority
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposalby client
6.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7 Utility Clearances (Others) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.1 Identification of over ground utilities in RoW Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of underground utilities usingGPR, Induction
7.2 Locator or equivalent technologies Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Name/ Details of consultation with localauthority/
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Utility relocation plan with existing / proposed location
7.4 showing existing RoWand topographic details Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
7.5 Cost for relocation as per authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of proposal submission to competentauthority
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Review of utility relocation plan/ proposalby client
7.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8 Railway Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Identification of ROB/ RUB on projectcorridor
8.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
8.2 Initial consultation with competent authority Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of proposal submission to competentauthority
8.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
8.4 Review of GAD/ proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9 Other Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
9.1 Requirement for other clearances identified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of proposal submission to competentauthority
9.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
9.3 Review of proposal by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10 Land Acquisition Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Detailed schedule about acquisition oflandholdings as
10.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
per land records
10.2 Consultation with affected persons Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.3 Name/ Details of consultation with NGOs Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Name/ Details of consultation withconcerned
10.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
government agencies
Total land required, land area already available , land
10.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
to be acquired identified
Review of land acquisition using digitalcadastral map
10.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
by client
11 Strip plan- additional details added Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11
NA ☐
Details of centreline, existing structures, road
11.1 furniture and otherfeatures Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11.1
NA ☐
11.2 Widening scheme Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11.2
NA ☐
New construction/ reconstruction of structures
and amenities Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11.3
NA ☐
11.4 Existing and proposed right of way Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11.4
NA ☐
11.5 Clearances impacting each chainage Yes ☐ No ☐ NA 11.5
NA ☐
12 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.1 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report fulfils project objectives and scopeas per
12.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
12.3 Report reviewed for errors and omissions Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 4 – Detailed Project Report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Project background Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Project description
Existing LC number
1.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Start and End Chainage
Project location map
On State Map
1.2 On District Map Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Latitude & Longitude Coordinatesof the LC ☐
Project impact on residential, commercialand public
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.3 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 Reconnaissance survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geometric Features of the Existing Road
Design Speed
Sight distance details
3.1 Yes ☐ No ☐
Horizontal Alignment Details
NA ☐
Vertical Alignment Details
Height of Embankment
Topographical Survey using LiDAR or equivalent technology
as per IRC:SP:19
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Pavement composition and conditionsurvey as per
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geological Survey
3.4 Geological Map of the Area Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Seismicity NA ☐
Climatic Conditions
3.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Land Use along the existing alignment
3.6 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Agricultural/Habitation/Forest Area NA ☐
Details of Existing Structures
3.7 Map of the Project Area depicting Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Hutments/Buildings/Temples/Public Building/Any Other
NA ☐
Significant Structure
3.8 Inventory and condition survey of culverts Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Geo-technical and sub-soil explorations asper IRC:78
3.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Number of Bore holes dug (holds for everypier and
3.10 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Field testing, soil sampling, laboratorytesting as per IRC:
3.11 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Recommendation of Foundation Type andDepth
3.12 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Hydraulic and Hydrological investigationsas per IRC:5
3.13 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
3.14 High Flood Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
3.15 Depth of Water Table specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
3.16 Ponded Water Level specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Materials Survey conducted as perIRC:SP:19
3.17 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Sources of Naturally Occurring Aggregatesspecified
Details of Borrow Pits withDistance from
3.18 Project Site Yes ☐ No ☐
Cost of Material/Transportation NA ☐
NA ☐
6.4 Cost Estimates of alternatives Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
Recommended Alignment withJustification
6.5 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Skew Angle of Proposed AlignmentSpecified
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
6.7 Traffic Diversion Route Specified Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
6.8 Any other details relevant to the project Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7 Design Specifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
NA ☐
7.1 Number of Lanes Yes ☐ No ☐
NA ☐
Width of ROB
Width of Carriageway
7.2 Width of Safety Kerbs Yes ☐ No ☐
Width of Footpath NA ☐
Any other
Proposed Number of Lanes on ROB in linewith PCU as per
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
latest MoRTH guidelines
NA ☐
Proposed Length of the Project
Length of ROB
Length of Viaduct
7.4 Yes ☐ No ☐
Length of RE Wall
NA ☐
Length of Approach Road
Length of Service Road
Span Arrangement
7.5 Span Length Yes ☐ No ☐
Number of Spans NA ☐
Are all spans of standardised length as perRailways
standards (
7.6 If non-standardised, suitablejustification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
provided NA ☐
Details of Proposed Substructure DesignType
Details of Material Use Proposed
7.8 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Drawings of Cross-Sections
NA ☐
Details of Proposed Pavement DesignType
Details of Material Use Proposed
7.9 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Design MSA
Drawings of Cross-Sections
12.2 Plan of Railway Portion Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.3 General Elevation Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
General Plan (showing completeROB/RUB
12.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
along with diversion)
12.5 Key Plan Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
12.6 Cross-Section of Railway Portion Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3D engineered models of:
Existing structure, if any
12.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Proposed structure
Utilities and other features in RoW
Cost Summary Table
2 Cost of Viaduct
4 Cost of RE Wall
6 Miscellaneous Costs
Cost of Subway
Cost of Toll Plaza
Cost of Culverts
Any Other Costs
DPR Checklist – Stage 5 – Technical Schedules (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Bid documents- EPC Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
DPR Checklist – Stage 6 – LA and Clearances II Report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Environment Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2.1 Details of public hearings completed Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of final environment clearance bycompetent
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
3 Forest Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of Joint site inspection withDFO/
3.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of Stage I forest clearance approvalby
3.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of final forest clearance approval bycompetent
3.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
4 Wildlife Clearance Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of joint site inspection withDFO/
4.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
competent authority
Date of final wildlife clearance approval bycompetent
4.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5 Utility Clearances (Electricity) Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date/ Details of Joint site inspection withcompetent
5.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
5.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
5.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit details
5.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
5.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
6.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
6.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
6.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit
6.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
details for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
6.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate submission by competentauthority
7.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of estimate approval by competentauthority
7.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
7.4 Approved utility shifting proposal Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Details of approved contractors, SoR anddeposit
7.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
details for user agency
Utilities checklist, no upgradationcertificate
7.6 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of final approval of GAD bycompetent
8.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
9 Other Clearances Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of final approval by competentauthority
9.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10 Land Acquisition Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.1 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.2 Review of 3a notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.3 Date of 3a gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.4 Draft 3a notification submitted Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.5 Review of 3A notification by client Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.6 Date of 3A gazette notification Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
Date of Joint Measurement Survey withcompetent
10.7 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
10.7.1 Date of survey Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.2 Land type –by survey number Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.3 Nature of Land –by survey number Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.4 Ownership status of plots- by surveynumber
Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
10.7.5 Verification of area to be acquired – bysurvey
Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Details/ Specifications
1.1.3 DPR Checklist – Stage 7 – Award determination (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Village level summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Total private and public land beingacquired
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Variation in area and nature of landagainst 3D with
2.2 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Method used by CALA to arrive ataward
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of award by CALA and approvalby CE NH
2.4 (PWD) Navi Mumbai along with valuation
Total award calculated and details ofdeviation from
2.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 In detail Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Updated land acquisition tracker withparcel-wise
status of:
3.1 Notifications Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Award ☐
Valuation report and details of awardcalculation-
3.2 verification by state authority to be included Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.3 Claims report Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3.4 Copies of notifications published Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Copies of land possession certificatesreceived
3.5 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
4 Conclusions and recommendations Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Report reviewed for errors and
4.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
Compliance report prepared on client
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA ☐ NA
1.1.4 DPR Checklist – Stage 8 – Land possession report (Structures)
General Details
Project Name
Consultant's Name
Date of Review
1 Executive Summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
2 Village level summary Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Total private and public land beingacquired
2.1 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Date of final award by CALA and approvalby CE NH (PWD)
Navi Mumbai
Status of disbursement on date of receiptof Land
2.3 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
possession certificate
Key issues being faced in completing landacquisition, if
2.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
3 In detail Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Updated land acquisition tracker withstatus of:
3.1 Award Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
Disbursement ☐
Compliance report prepared on clientobservations
4.4 Yes ☐ No ☐ NA NA
GIS Map containing digitised details of land parcels
Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
5 acquired with all relevant details NA
DPR Consultant
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 293
2 Project overview 294
2.1 Key features of project 294
2.2 Key plan of existing project stretch 296
3 Traffic demands on project road 297
3.1 Traffic volume surveys 297
3.2 Axle load survey 298
3.3 Traffic volume forecast 298
3.4 Turning movement surveys 299
4 Pavement and corridor surveys 300
4.1 Pavement condition and distress seen 300
4.2 Pavement composition 300
4.3 Pavement strength 300
4.4 Sub-grade soil survey 301
5 Improvement proposals 302
5.1 Proposed alignment 302
5.2 Bypasses proposed 302
5.3 Road geometry 303
5.4 Widening scheme 303
5.5 Pavement design 303
5.6 Design of structures 305
5.7 Intersections and grade separators 306
5.8 Toll plazas 306
5.9 Wayside amenities proposed 306
6 Environmental impact assessment 307
6.1 Impact and clearances needed 307
6.2 Cost of environmental mitigation 307
7 Social impact assessment and Land acquisition 308
7.1 Social impact assessment 308
7.2 Land acquisition requirements 308
7.3 Key risks envisaged in land acquisition 308
8 Utilities shifting and clearances 309
8.1 Utilities shifting estimates 309
8.2 Total cost of utilities shifting 309
9 Project cost estimates 310
10 Material investigation 311
10.1 Borrow pits for soil 311
10.2 Sand 311
10.3 Gravel 311
10.4 Fly ash 311
10.5 Bitumen 311
10.6 Cement 311
10.7 Other local material available 312
10.8 Key risks 312
10.9 Location of material sources 313
11 Potential for value engineering and innovative technologies 314
12 Economic and financial analysis 315
12.1 Economic analysis of the project 315
12.2 Financial analysis 315
13 Execution plan 317
13.1 Packaging 317
13.2 Bidding mode and timelines 317
13.3 Construction time and planning 317
14 Conclusions and recommendation 318
1. Introduction
<Any special circumstances or requests made by the Authority for the project
that affect the consultancy assignment e.g.: CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai desired to
restructure project into two packages, bifurcating the project road at Betulnagar, this
report has been revised and resubmitted providing improvement proposals and bid
documents separately for the two stretches>
2. Project overview
As described earlier the project road lies on NH xx (previously NH yy) and connects
<orgin> with <destination>, passing through the states of <state 1, state 2>. The
proposed project alignment passess through <towns/junctions a, b, c, d> for a total
length of <xx km>.
Attributes Details
Origin- Destination
Via towns
Existing carriageway
Attributes Details
Structures along stretch
2.2. Key plan of existing project stretch
3. Traffic demands on project road
For the purposes of traffic projections and lane design, <xx> individual sections of
road were considered:
Volume Count
Section Chainages Locations Remarks
Traffic volume surveys for the project road were < available from IHMCL for x
locations> and were carried out at <x> additional locations along the project road
in the month of
<mm/yyyy>. The results are as follows:
Homogenous section 1 1 2
Source of data
2 Wheeler
3 Wheeler
Tractor with Trailer
2 Axle SCV
LMV 2 axle
LCV 2 Axle
2 Axle Truck or Bus
3 Axle Truck or Bus
Multi Axle Vehicles MAV
Oversized Vehicle OSV
Axle load surveys were conducted at <x> locations using <xxxx> to understand
the actual load spectrum of commercial vehicles plying on the project road. The
results of the load survey, were converted to Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) using
equivalency factors from <IRC xx> for the purpose of MSA calculations
Traffic volume forecast was developed using the <xx> method and converted to
Million Standard Axles (MSA) for the purposes of pavement design. The cumulative load
in MSA for each section is given as under for various horizon years:
3.4. Turning movement surveys
Peak Hour
Total Grade
SL. Existing VolumePCU Peak Intersection
Location Volume separator
No. Chainage Hour type
PCU proposed
4. Pavement and corridor surveys
<other categories
<xxx FWD/BBD> was carried out to test the strength of the existing pavement, and
the characteristic deflection values have been calculated for each homogeneous section
of road to enable design of an overlay for the road.
Table 9: Strength of existing pavement
Chainage Distance
Start End Km Mm
<other attributes>
5. Improvement proposals
The final alignment chosen for the project in consultation with <xx, yy> will <be
along current project road/ pass through xx, yy new towns- short description of
alignment with changes if any>.
Given increasing urban traffic and congestion and the lack of available RoW in
urbanareas through the project route, <x> urban areas are proosed to be by-passed in the
proposed project alignment
Bypass plan
Urban area tobe
Start End Length Key driver for by-pass
chainage chainage proposed
5.3. Road geometry
The project road has been re-designed to accommodate speeds of <xx>, adopted as per
<standard or consultation with CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai >. Enabling this higher speed
will require re- design and re-alignemnt of the road in certain sections given their
<description of poor geometry>.
Basis traffic information available, level of service requirements and consultation with
<CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai , local authorities etc.>, the following lane configuration is
adopted for the project road:
Basis availability of RoW and land acquisition constraints, a widening scheme has
been proposed that makes optimum use of existing ROW and minimizes need for land
acquisition in urban areas, a summary of which is given below:
Using the projected traffic, VDF values,lane and directional distribution factors,
the design traffic loading used for the project is <xx to yy> MSA.
5.5.2. Design sub-grade strength
Considering the soil investigations conducted in the prject road area, and the
availability of suitable soil in the region, the following sub-grade strength has been assumed
to vary from <xx%> to <yy%> for various sections of the highway
Sub-gradestrength Pavementloading
Design Chainage Layer thickness (mm)
Start End Min % CBR MSA GSB WMM DBM BC xx
The strengthening requirements for the existing pavement have been estimated
fromt eh deflection measurements and estimated traffic loadings. The designed overlay
proposed isas below:
5.5.5. Pavement design for service lanes
Pavement for service lanes is designed for MSA of xx-yy with a design CBR of
~xx%. The composition for the <flexible/rigid> service lane pavement along the project
corridor is as follows:
Sl Construct in New
Structure Existing Dismantle Widen Reconstruct Total
No parallel construction
1 Major bridge
2 Minor bridge
3 Flyover
4 Vehicle
5 Vehicle
6 Passengerunder
7 Culverts
8 xxx
5.7. Intersections and grade separators
Based on the traffic and turning movement surveys conducted, <xx> junctions
have been identified for redesign or grade separation, the details of which are given
SL. Existing Est total vol (kPCU) Est Peak HourVol (k PCU)
Location Improvement proposed
No. Chainage
Based on the traffic surveys, O-D surveys and layout of project road, <xx> toll
plazas are proposed along the project road:
6. Environmental impact assessment
A environmental impact study was undertaken during the process of creating the
detailed project report to understand impact of the project road on the surrounding
ecology and environment. The project road is categorized as a category <xx> project by
the MoEF and as it is <xx km> in length, it <will/will not> require environmental
7. Social impact assessment and Land acquisition
The existing RoW (x-y m) is <adequate/ in adequate> for the proposed widening
and RoW requirements as required by <CE NH (PWD) Navi Mumbai /Authority>. This will
lead to the additional acquisition of <xx>Ha across the states of <states1, 2>, affecting a
total of <yy> villages in <zz> districts. In addition to structures found to be encroaching
the current Row, the required acquisition is poised to affect <xx> residential and <yy>
other structures.
Preliminary interactions have been held with locals to understand their issues
and concerns and help communicate the project plan and its impact on them. The key
concerns of title and non-title holders centered around:
<Key issues expressed over and above land being acquired, and
compensation norms>
The state and district wise details and status of land acquisition as on the date
of publishing of this report is as follows:
Private landto be
Total land 3A done, 3D
Village and acquired (Ha) 3A pending 3D
State required(Ha) pending (Ha)
Chainage (Ha) completed
A total of <xx cr> is expected to be awarded for the acquisition of land required for
this project. The land acquisition process is underway with a total of <xx> CALAs
appointed, and 90% of land is expected to be in possession by <xx, 20xx>.
Despite the best efforts of the consultant and various lad acquisition teams
working to complete land acquisition, it is envisaged that acquiring possession of the
RoW for some specific sections of the project road may prove to be difficult or be delayed
inordinately. Such potential risks are highlighted below:
8. Utilities shifting and clearances
Utilities belonging to <x> user agencies have been identified that fall within the
project road ROW and will need to be shifted to enable road construction. Shifting proposals
have been submitted to the user agencies and initial estimates have been received from
the concerned agencies. The process of site inspection, review and revision of the
proposals for utilities shifting is in process.
<To enable better management of utilities and installation going forward, all
utilities are being shifted underground/into a utilitiy corridor/out of the road RoW/
utilities trench isbeing planned as part of construction>
The total cost of utilities shifting for all the utilities identified in the road RoW
is estimated to be <xx cr> with supervision charges of <yy cr> being paid as supervision
charges to the <z> concerned agencies.
9. Project cost estimates
The cost estimates for the project has been carried out based on detailed design,
bill of quantities, and the schedule of rates for <state/district/authority> of year <xx-yy>.
10. Material investigation
Material investigations were carried out to explore the availability and identify
sources of suitable material for the construction of the road.
<include details on additional material sources like construction rubble, moorum etc>
10.2. Sand
Sand is available in <close proximity> of the project site. Test results show that xx
of yy sand sources satisfy the minimum requirement for use in the project.
<Include details of additional potential for sources such as pond bed desilting,
other excavation happening>
10.3. Gravel
Several quarries were identified for sourcing aggregates in the project zone. Xx
of yy quarries were found to be suitable for use in the construction of the road. <further
details ongravel available and suitability for construction>
Fly ash is available in close proximity of the project road due to the presence of
<xx steel plant/power plant>. Test results show that the available fly ash <satisfies/does
not satisfy> the minimum requirement of <specification> to use as <material for
embankment/cement mixture/other layers>. The fly ash available has density greater
than xxg/cc and shows an OCM of xx-yy%. <the fly ash located isnon plastic>
10.5. Bitumen
10.6. Cement
Other local material available
Sl No Material Source
10.8. Location of material sources
11. Potential for value engineering and innovative technologies
Throughout the detailed design of the project, several opportunities for value
engineering and introduction of new technology were explored that will help in reducing
the cost of the project or increase quality and longevity of project road. Approval of these
elements as part of the construction design and suitable instructions to all stakeholders
of the project can help significantly lower the projected cost of construction.
Value engineering opportunity Potential impact
12. Economic and financial analysis
The EIRR and NPV of the project has been carried out using <model/software>
under multiple scenarios, and the project returns <justify/do not justify> construction
given an EIRRof xx in the best case and yy in the worst case.
2. Sensitivity 2: Xx
3. Sensitivity 3: Xx
The results of the base case and sensitivity analysis are presented below:
Option Sensitivity Case NPV (in millionRs.) NPV (in millionRs.)
EIRR (in %) EIRR (in %)
Base Case 0
Sensitivity 1
With time
Sensitivity 2
Sensitivity 3
Base Case 0
Sensitivity 1
Without time
Sensitivity 2
Sensitivity 3
The projected tollable traffic basis traffic survey and forecasts at the <xx> toll
plazas suggested in year <xx> is given below
Toll Plaza 2
Traffic type
2 Wheeler
3 Wheeler
Tractor with Trailer
2 Axle SCV
LMV 2 axle
LCV 2 Axle
2 Axle Truck or Bus
3 Axle Truck or Bus
Multi Axle Vehicles MAV
Oversized Vehicle OSV
Earth Moving Equipment
AADT (in vehicles)
With the most likely traffic scenario and assumed costs of construction,
maintenance, financing and tolling over the period of the project, the return on equity
at various periods of concession was calculated. Equity IRR for this project will pass
<15%> in year <x> of this project, hence it <is/is not> possible to bid the project
Figure 5: Equity IRR with increasing concession period for project road
13. Execution plan
13.1. Packaging
Given the length of the project, the entire project is planned to be bid out in
<xx> packages with <yy> packages.
The authority has proposed to initiate bidding of the project under <bot/epc/ham>
mode <with a grant/premium of xx %>. The tentative timeline for this is:
14. Conclusions and recommendation
Table 31: Salient features and key financial aspects of the project road a
Project road
Project road length
On national highway
Proposed features Current road Proposed
Bypasses proposed
Major junctions
Minor Junctions
Grade separated interchanges
Major Bridges
Minor Bridges
Vehicle/Pedestrian under/overpasses
Service roads (kms)
Slip roads (kms)
Toll plazas (no)
Bus bays (no)
Truck lay-byes (no)
Rest areas (no)
Financial implications INR Cr/%
Total capital cost
Total project cost
Civil construction cost (incl. contingency)
Preconstruction expenses
Land acquisition
Utilities shifting
Rehabilitiation and resettlement costs
Other pre-construction expenses
Implementation mode proposed BOT (Toll)
Total project cost
Concession period
<Authority> support (Grant/Premium)
Estimated NPV
Project IRR
Equity IRR
Criteria for rating of DPR Consultants performance in individual NH Projects
Name of Consultant:
STATE: Names of JV partners/associates with % of Shareholding:
>20% 0
Submission of % delay period [(Actual Date of Submission - 3
DPR Stipulate Submission Date) / (Stipulated
Submission Date in Agreement - Date of
Commencement)] *100 in submission of alignment
Delay Percentage Marks
0% 3
>0%≤10% 2.25
>10%≤20% 1.5
>20% 0
% delay period [(Actual Date of Submission - 3
Stipulate Submission Date) / (Stipulated
Submission Date in Agreement - Date of
Commencement)] *100 in submission of final
feasibility report.
Delay Percentage Marks
0% 3
>0%≤10% 2.25
>10%≤20% 1.5
>20% 0
% delay period [(Actual Date of Submission - 5
Stipulate Submission Date) / (Stipulated
Submission Date in Agreement - Date of
Commencement)] *100 in submission of final DPR
Delay Marks
0% 5
>0%≤10% 3.75
>10%≤20% 2.5
>20% 0
GAD Approval % delay period [(Actual Date of approval - 6
Stipulated Date of approval) / (Stipulated
approval Date in Agreement - Date of
Commencement)] *100
Delay Marks
0% 6
>0%≤10% 4
>10%≤20% 3
>20% 0
Category III: Overall Project Management
Adverse No of adverse notices issued to the consultant 5
No Marks
0 5
01-05 3.75
06-10 2.5
>10 0
Key Personnel No of times key personnel deployed in the 10 Self certified
project were changes (Except for reasons other statement with
than unforeseen circumstances e.g. position, dates of
reassignment on some other assignment by replacements done.
competent authority,
health problem developed after signing of
No Marks
0 10
01-02 7.5
03-04 5
>4 0
Name of Consultant's Authorized Representative