Reviewer in Understanding The Self
Reviewer in Understanding The Self
Reviewer in Understanding The Self
4. Feedback
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
-provides opportunities to clarify
-is a motivational theory in psychology
expectations, adjust goal difficulty, and
comprising a five-tier model of human
gain recognition.
needs, often depicted as hierarchical
levels within a pyramid.
5. Task Complexity
-lower down in the hierarchy must be
satisfied before individuals can attend to
needs higher up. From the bottom of the
hierarchy upwards, the needs are:
physiological, safety, love and
belonging, esteem and self- actualization.
Albert Bandura’s Self Efficacy STRESS AND STRESS
Mastery Experiences -refers to events that are perceived as
-experiencing the results of self-efficacy challenging, damaging or threatening to
first hand. one's physical or psychological
-key to mastery is approaching life with well-being.
dedicated efforts and experimenting with -referred to as stressors and the way
realistic but challenging goals. people respond to them called stress
Social Modeling response.
-means choosing role-models that can
demonstrate their self-efficacy. There are four types of conflict:
-refers to the observation of a role model 1. Approach-approach conflict
–occurs when a person needs to choose
Social Persuasion between two options that are both
-about ‘finding the right mentor’. attractive.
-is about having others directly influence 2. Avoidance-avoidance conflict
one’s self-efficacy by providing - occurs when a person needs to choose
opportunities for mastery experiences in between options that he or she finds both
a safe and purposeful manner. unpleasant.
3. Approach-avoidance conflict
- occurs when a person needs to choose
States of Physiology between options that have both positive
-our emotions, moods, and physical state and negative consequences.
can influence our interpretation of 4. Multiple conflict
self-efficacy. - occurs when there are more than two
Carol Dweck’s Fixed vs. Growth
Mindset Theory Defense Mechanism
-to deal the frustrations, conflicts, and
Carol Dweck stress people sometimes use unconscious
-studies human motivation. strategies to cope with the pain and deal
-she spends her days diving into why with anxiety.
people succeed (or don’t) and what’s
within our control to foster success. Types of Stress and Stress Relief
-her theory of the two mindsets and the Techniques
difference they make in outcomes is
incredibly powerful. 1. Acute Stress
-is the type of stress that throws you
off-balance momentarily.
-is the type of stress that comes on
quickly and often unexpectedly and
doesn’t last too long, but requires a
response and shakes you up a bit, like an
argument with someone in your life.
These stress relievers can help you to Here are some ways to manage
relax and more quickly recover from emotional stress:
acute stress: ▪ Write in a journal- there are some
▪ Breathing exercise- great for acute different journaling strategies to try, all
stress because they work quickly with benefits
▪ Cognitive reframing- learn to change ▪ Talk to a friend- learn about the
the way you look at the situation to several different types of social support
manage your stress levels friends can offer you
▪ Progressive muscle relaxation- like ▪ Listen to music
bresthing exercise, PMR will give you a ▪ Practiced mindfulness- help keep you
moment to regroup and calm down rooted in the present moment
▪ Mini-mediation- take breathing ▪ Talk to therapist
exercises a step further with this quick,
5-minutes meditation techniques to 4. Battling Burnout
calm-down in the moment. -is the result of a prolonged chronic
stress of a situation that leaves people
2. Chronic stress feeling a lack of control in their lives.
-is the type of stress that tends to occur
on a regular basis. The following strategies can help you
-may leave you feeling drained, and can to come back from a state of burnout
lead to brownout if it’s not effectively or prevent it entirely:
managed. ▪ Take some time off- if you never take
your vacation time, here's why you
The following long-term habits can should start
help you to better manage general ▪ Get more laughter into your life-
stress that you may feel from the laughter can lead into overall health and
chronic stressors in your life: bring joy into your day.
▪ Exercise regularly- exercise and stress ▪ Indulge in hobbies- don't wait until
management are closely linked for your life calm down to engage
several reasons. in your hobbies
▪ Maintain a healthy diet- fueling your ▪ Get more enjoyment out of your
body well can help with overall stress current job- if you landed in a job you
level because your entire system will don't love, all is not lost. Learn how to
function better. make your job fulfilling
▪ Cultivate supportive relationship- ▪ Make your weekends count- learn
having a solid support system is a crucial how to bring some of your weekend into
coping mechanisms. your week for less stress.
▪ Meditate regularly- while quick
meditation is great for dealing with acute
stress, a regular meditation practice will
help build your overall resilience to
▪ Listen to music- music can act as a
wonderful, stress reducing backdrop to
everyday tasks.
3. Emotional Stress
-the pain of emotional stress can help
harder than some other type of stress.