In Operando XRD of Battery Pouch Cells-BRUKER
In Operando XRD of Battery Pouch Cells-BRUKER
In Operando XRD of Battery Pouch Cells-BRUKER
Innovation with Integrity
Figure 1: Charge/discharge profile showing the evolution of the
cell voltage (red) with applied current (blue).
Figure 4b: Qualitative phase analysis with DIFFRAC.EVA of a diffraction pattern collected at 4.3 V (charged state).
The y axis is displayed in square-root scale to emphasize the weak diffraction peaks of minor phases. The peak at
9.5° 2q is from the separator between anode and cathode.
Figure 5: Evolution of the graphite and NMC lattice parameters as a function of the state of charge for the two charge/discharge cycles.
Figure 5 shows the NMC and graphite lattice Interestingly, the NMC a- and c-lattice parameters show
Bruker AXS is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
parameters during the two charge/discharge cycles. opposite behavior during cycling. The a-lattice param-
eter decreases during charge, as intuitively expected
The intercalation of Li into the layered graphite struc- since Li transfers from NMC to graphite. The c-lattice
ture during charge initially leads to a quick expansion of parameter shows a strong initial increase during charge,
graphite c-lattice parameter and LiCX (X = 24,12,6) were followed by a decrease just before reaching its maxi-
formed and identified as charging continues. mum capacity. This behavior is linked to the layered
structure of NMC. Figure 6 shows that the metal atoms
(Ni, Mn and Co) are arranged in layers of MO6 octahe-
dra stacked along the c-axis with Li atoms in-between.
During charge, Li leaves the structure leading to strong
O–O electrostatic repulsion. As a consequence, the
c-lattice parameter expands. The then following reduc-
tion of the c-axis at higher charge levels (at > 4V) can
possibly be linked to a charge transfer from oxygen to
the transition metals, which would reduce again the