New Guidelines For ACR

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#.S Subject Page

1. Introductions 4-5
2. ACR Form 6
3. Initiating Officers 7
4. Reporting Officers Remarks 9
5. Ancillary Documents to be placed on ACR 10
6. Remarks by Ministers 11
7. Training / Course Report 11
8. Placing Nomination Forms 11
9. Remarks to be communicated 11
10. Representation for Expunction of Adverse Remarks 13
11. Date of Initiation 13-14
12. Disposal of ACRs 14
13. Initiating ACRs for certain eventualities 15
14. ACRs for less than three months 14
15. ACRs for broken period 14
16. ACRs under two IOs 15
17. ACRs by Retired / Expired Officers 15
18. ACRs of Old/Reemployed 16
19. Proforma for ACR 17-23
20. The Guide for Assessment – Part-II 24-25
21. Guide for Assessment – Part-III Performance 26-27
22. ACRs of BPS-15 and Below 28-29
23. Common Mistakes and Guidance 30-31
The ACR system is most important and effective means of
evaluation of performance of officers for their advancement in the careers
which badly suffers when the system is not operated properly however
guidance / instructions were regularly issued from time to time to improve the
process of ACRs system. The feed back from CM Cells and other cases
came to the notice sporadically reveals that there are following major
problems which need to be improved:

a. Late initiation / completion of ACRs than the given schedule;

b. Filling the pen picture / part – V of the ACRs inappropriately
resulting in communication of adverse remarks
undeservedly or non-communication due to non-observance
of pre-requisite;
c. Initiation of ACRs by wrong / unauthorized I.O;
d. Grading an officer as ‘Outstanding’ (OS) without fulfilling the
2. In order to overcome the aforesaid deficiencies, instructions of the
past and recent have been highlighted and pro vided as Annexes in the
booklet as under:
a. Guidelines and schedule for prompt initiation / completion
and actions to be taken for default;

b. Correct way to fill the Part-V of the ACR and recording

adverse remarks;

c. Detailed Channel of every post has been provided to

eliminate the chance of getting ACR from wrong IO/SRO/

d. Formalities to be completed before grading an officer as

‘OS’ while providing a fixed Channel of Reporting Officers
changes cannot be ruled out.

3. Detailed instructions have been issued vide letters No.

GM(A)/D(Rules)/07456/18/X/45551-46851 dated 19.12.2005, No.
DG(S&GA)/D(Rules)/07456/18/X/3390-4690 dated 23.01.2006 and No.
DG(S&GA)/D(Rules)/07456/18/X/20021-21271 dated 15.03.2006.
4. The principle behind the channel of reporting officers is that an ACR
be initiated by the officer (as I.O) who is immediate incharge of an officer.
The TRO is applicable rarely and only where an officer of different
cadre/profession is working outside his chain of command. All ACRs must be
finalized as under:-

For BPS-17 - BPS-20

BPS-18 - GM / CEO
BPS-19 - Member concerned
BPS-20 - Chairman

Brig (Retd)
General Manager (Admn)
( Muhammad Najam us Saqib )


During the recently held Promotion-cum-Review Board meeting, I had an

opportunity to examine a few Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs) and was
extremely disappointed to see the shabby treatment meted out to this important
document in many offices. To me it appears that the importance of this document is
not realized by many senior officers. The reporting is indifferent and subjective in
many cases. In other cases they are not written for years and when they are suddenly
called for, ACRs of last 3 or 4 years are written in hurry in a most casual and
irresponsible manner. The remarks thus endorsed are often meaningless and in
certain cases ludicrous. In one case I saw the write up on an officer saying “He is fat
and about 42 years of age” I leave it to you to judge the value of this kind of

2. I wish to stress, at the very outset, that this document is extremely

important from the Authority’s point of view to correctly judge the potential of an
officer for higher posts/appointments. A heavy responsibility, therefore, devolves on
the officers who come in the chain of reporting. They have to indicate clearly and
lucidly their assessment of an officer related to the job held by him and guage his
potential for his next promotion and future employment, bases on the officers’
cumulative performance during the period under review Guiding principles are
honestly truthfulness and a sense of responsibility, which you as a loyal servant of
the State, must follow while reporting on an officer.

3. Reporting also becomes an unpleasant business, when one has to write and
communicate adverse remarks to one’s subordinates. This is part of our
responsibility as Senior Officers which has to be fulfilled in a conscious and
dignified manner. An officer may be having a serious shortcoming which, if pointed
out in time, could prove helpful to him in overcoming it before it is too late in his
career. Junior officers should also be guided to develop a healthy attitude towards
ACRs and accept their reports in a constructive spirit for self improvement. While
they are permitted to represent in certain cases, they must5 eschew the tendency of
leveling counter allegations against the reporting officers which can come within the
mischief of ‘misconduct’ and rebound on them with serious consequences.

4. I also expect the reporting officer to be fair and totally impartial in their
reporting. I will take serious note of an officer who tries to victimize his junior
through irresponsible reporting. Likewise it speaks poorly on the judgment of an
officer who makes it a habit to over-rate his officers. To me reporting is a reflection
of personality and character of a reporting officer which the SRO and NSRO, will
please analyze and so record in the ACR, of the Initiating Officer.
5. I wish to make it clear that from the Authority’s point of view, an
‘Average’ report is not an adverse report and does not disqualify an officer from his
future promotion. In any organization, ‘Average’ officers constitute the majority and
the ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ strand our prominently amongst them. They come in the middle
order and thus constitute the back-bone of an organization. There is, therefore, no
stigma attached to an ‘Average’ report and we should not hesitate to grade an officer
as such if he only comes upto that grade.

6. I now come to a rather sensitive point and that is the delayed reporting are
‘No Reporting’ on an officer. As I mentioned earlier, these ACRs are frequently
required for consultations when an officer falls due for promotion or is being
considered, as a part of his career management, for training within or outside the
country. An officer is seriously handicapped if his ACR is not available in the
Headquarters for consultation. In a few cases the promotions had to be deferred,
because certain old ACRs were not on record. I believe that the delay in the
submission of ACRs is not entirely due to the carelessness of the IOs/SROs, but
certain amount of machination is involved on the part of officers to be reported
upon. An erroneous impression seems to prevail that it is the responsibility of
individual officers to get their ACRs initiated and the IOs/SROs do not bother if the
ACRs proforma are not submitted to them for even 4 to 5 years. This is
preposterous. In future I will blame the IOs/SROs if they fail to initiate ACRs
according to the timings specified in the “Guidelines for Completion of Confidential
Reports”. If an officer fails to submit his ACRs form in time, the IO will initiate the
ACR without the endorsement of medical fitness certificate and make a remark in
the officer’s ACR to the effect that “the officer failed to submit his ACR form in

7. The initiation and processing of ACRs is an important administrative

function of reporting officers and is not to be taken as an unnecessary burden. I have
felt the need to lay emphasis on this aspect of your official duties which remains
neglect ed due mainly to an indifferent attitude on the part of senior officers. I would
like all concerned officers to take note of the contents of this directive and ensure
timely initiation of ACRs and their expeditious processing at all tiers of reporting

Maj. Gen.
Chairman WAPDA
(G.S. Butt)
ACR Form. The ACR (Annual Confidential Report) form is displayed at Annex-A
will be procured duly numbered from Wapda Central Stationery Store on indent as
“ACR form shall be issued to the Head of the Department of the concerned
office not below the rank of SE/ Director/equivalent status for field offices
and to the General Manager Finance (Power)/(Water), Director General
Finance (B&C). Chief Auditor, Chief Engineer (Admn) Power / Water and
Director General (S&GA) for officers / officials working in the Headquarter
of the Authority”.

2. The ACR forms shall be distributed to the officer reported upon by the
relevant office by 15th December. The form has five parts as under:-

a. Part - I Personal Data

b. Part – II Personal Qualities
c. Part – III Performance
d. Part – IV Final Assessment & Recommendations
e. Part – V Reporting Officer’s remarks
Part-I Personal Data

3. This part relating to vital information of the officer reported upon is to be

filled in (typewritten) by him from Sr. 1 to 12. The officer shall take it to the
designated Medical Officer of the Station / Project for his medical check up and
filling of Sr. 13 by the Doctor regarding medical category of his health. After the
medical the officer must hand over this duly filled ACR form to his I.O by January
positively. The onward process shall be as under:-

- Employee reported upon by 15th Jan

- I.O to TRO before 15th Feb
- TRO to SRO before Ist Mar
- SRO to NSRO before 15th Mar

Note-I: In case the concerned officer fails to submit the ACR form duly
filled by due date to the concerned office, the CM Cell / Controlling Office
shall initiate his ACR by providing a note to this effect in the ACR.

Note-II: All the officers to be reported upon while submitting their ACRs
to the respective IOs shall furnish a certificate to the effect that they have
completed all the ACRs of there subordinates.
Part II – Personal Qualities

The Initiating Officer (IO)

5. The IO shall fill Sr. 14 a of the ACR . Under Sr. 15 the IO shall evaluate
personal qualities of the officer as per Columns of the ACR by assessing him from
highest qualities to the lowest whichever is possessed by the Officer by initialing in
the relevant box. Also see Annexure – A.

Part III - Performance

6. The IO under Sr. 16 shall evaluate the officer’s performance as per Columns
of the ACR by assessing him from highest qualities to the lowest whichever is
possessed by the officer as per performance of the Officer by initialing in the
relevant box. Also see Annexure – B.

Note-I: An ACR initiated by the IO which lacks consistency between Part-

II, III and Part-V may not be accepted by SRO and NSRO, who may make
their observations in paras 22 & 23 of the ACR form to make the report

Note-II: If the report is not written before 15 th of February of the year to

which the report relates, the initiating officer will record reasons for the delay
in the letter forwarding the ACRs.

Note-III: Serving officers who are failed to initiate / countersign and

forward ACRs as per schedule for completion of ACRs may be processed
against under the Disciplinary Rules and penalty imposed shall not be less
than the major penalty.
In case of deputationists the report shall be made to their parent department to
proceed against them, appropriately.

Part IV – Final Assessment & Recommendations

7. The IO shall assess overall performance under Sr. 17 as per actual

performance of the officer by initialing in one of the following boxes:-

a. Outstanding d. Average
b. Very Good e. Below average
c. Good f. Unsatisfactory
Note-I: No officer shall be assessed as Outstanding before seeking
Chairman’s prior clearance at least one month before.

Note-II: ACRs which were not written / got finality by 19.2.2000 and were
written afterwards regardless the year those belonged are obliged to be
permitted by Chairman for their “Outstanding” status.

Note-III: Any ACR initiated as outstanding without permission of the

competent authority shall be treated as “Very Good”.

8. Under Sr 18 the IO shall assess the potential for promotion of the officer by
initialing in one of the following boxes:-
a. Fit for accelerated promotion.
b. Fit for promotion in his own turn.
c. Not yet fit for promotion.
d. Unfit for further promotion.
9. Following guidelines are given for correct assessment for Sr. 8 above in this
a. Recommendations for accelerated promotion:- Such recommendations
may only be given to those officers who are outstanding, acquired
good experience for increased responsibility for ahead of their
contemporaries and have consistently demonstrated their performance
well beyond their present rank. These recommendations must be based
on Parts II and III, and will also be reflected in the report. At least two
SROs must support these recommendations to become effective.
b. Fit for promotion:- This include those officers who are considered to fit
for promotion in their own turn and are to be promoted to the next rank
according to the rules applicable to their service about promotion.
c. Not yet fit for promotion:- His recommendation indicates that the
officer requires further experience in his present rank or he is
developing at a slower rate, if he has recently been promoted then 7(b)
is appropriate. Otherwise, this also indicates that the Reporting Officer
has not been able to judge him sufficiently. It is imperative for the
Reporting Officer to give his recommendation only when cogent
reasons exist and not because an officer is not yet located in the
promotion zone. This will be reflected in the Reporting Officer’s
remarks, in Part-V.

d. Unfit for further promotion:- This recommendation implies that the

officer has reached his ceiling in the trade he is working, but not yet
developed to be promoted and may be supported with cogent reasons
in the Reporting Officer’s remarks, Part-V.

e. Guidance by IO/SRO during the year:- An IO/SRO may not wait until
the end of year to record his views about the performance of his
subordinate in the ACRs. As the needs of the situation may dictate he
may make suggestions for improving the performance of the
subordinate by directing his attention to work schedule, output, delayed
reports, line losses tripping, revenue realization, budget etc. Criticism
or discussion of personality traits may be avoided. An effort may be
made to capitalize on the subordinate’s strength. This can be achieved
by discussion and by timely written advice in the form of polite D.O
letter to him so that the subordinate may become aware of his short-
comings during the year and try to improve. This will help the IO/SRO
in making the final assessment at the end of the year, more realistic.
Part V – Reporting Officer’s Remarks

10. a. In Part V, the Reporting Officer will give a pen-picture of the reported
officer, based on his observations. Each Reporting Officer, that is, IO,
TRO, SRO and NSRO will report in his respective box, viz. Sr. #
20,21,22 & 23 respectively.

(1) IO-Remarks on the significant aspects of competence, glaring

weaknesses and other points not covered elsewhere, will be
included in order to provide a clear picture on the officer being
reported upon. The IO shall also obtain certificate from the office
that he has initiated the ACRs of his subordinates.
Note: Para 16 (j) of Part-III of ACR Form reads as under:-
“(a). Attitude towards audit, inspection and technical reports.”

IOs are required to give evaluation against the above item

in the ACR Form. While doing so they may keep in view
the financial irregularities committed by the officer and his
performance in settling audit observations and replying to
audit reports to the satisfaction of the Audit during the year
under report. In case the officer reported upon as related
below average / unsatisfactory it should also to be reflected
under general remarks (Part-V) by IO etc.
(b) TRO. He will comment on the technical
competence/knowledge of the reported officer. He may also
give his views on the character/personality traits of the
officer which he may have observed during the
performance of technical duties by the reported officer.
Where IO happends to be TRO as well, these points will be
included in his report and column for TRO deleted.

(c) SRO/NSRO. The remarks on personal qualities,

performance and the potential of the reported officer are

Note-I: NSROs to record in the ACR of SROs that they

had initiated ACR of all their subordinate employees.
Note-II: Serving officer who have failed to initiate /
countersign and forward ACRs as per time schedule may
be proceeded against under Removal from Service
(Special Powers) Ordinance 2000 and penalty imposed
shall not be less than the major penalty.
b. The reporting officer will also keep the following points in view while
recording their remarks:-

(1) Whether the officer reported upon has or has not taken steps to
remedy the defects which were communicated to him on the
basis of the previous year’s report; and

(2) On initiation of disciplinary proceedings against an employee, a

copy of original order/show cause notice should be placed on
his ACR Dossier. If he is subsequently exonerated or some
punishment is awarded, a copy of the final order should be
placed on his ACR Dossier. There is, however, no harm in
making a mention in his ACR about the criminal case pending
against an employee.

11. Ancillary document to be placed on CR Dossiers.

a. Letters of Commendation/Appreciation from Government or

(1) Letters of Appreciation from Government or Authority and

letters of Commendations issued by Chairman WAPDA which
may be issued to the officers in recognition of their meritorious
work or commendable efficiency, should be placed on the CR
Dossiers of the officers concerned and a copy should be
endorsed to the officers concerned.

(2) In the case of Committees/Commissions set up by Government

or Authority not only letters of Appreciation issued by such
Committees/Commission s to officers serving with them but
also attested copies of such remarks of paragraphs concerning
them which have been embodied in their reports may be placed
in the Character Rolls of the officers concerned.

(3) Remarks by Ministers

There is no objection in placing the remarks recorded by a
Minister in appreciation of the work of an officer on his

(4) Training. Course Reports.. at the end of all courses of more

than 2 weeks deputation, conducted in Wapda Academy Terbela
or any other training Institute of Wapda shall be dispatched to
the Confidential Section of the respective Wings (Head Offices)
for inclusion in the personal Dossiers of the individual
concerned alongwith his ACR and the 2nd copy of the “course
reports” shall be sent directely to the nominating officers / CM
Cells. Certificates for successful completion of training courses
may be recorded in the ACR Dossiers of the officials / officers
concerned as well as in their personal files.

(5) GLI / E.P. Fund Nomination forms. In order to avoid

inconvenience to the dependents and legal heirs of the deceased
Wapda employees in getting their dues, one copy of nomination
form in respect of GLI, E.P.Fund, Pension / Gratuity should also
be placed in the ACR dossiers of the officer / official concerned.
The nomination forms will henceforth be attached by the
employees, while submitting the ACR forms to the Initiating
Officers / Officials. All General Managers, Chief Engineers, and
Heads of Divisions are requested kindly to ensure strict
compliance of above instructions.

12. Remarks to be communicated

a. The overall final assessment and remarks will be communicated in
writing to the officer reported upon, if he is rated ‘below average’ or
‘unacceptable’ in Para 17 or assessed as ‘unfit for further promotion’
and his report contains adverse remarks under Part V of the ACR
(1) If the overall assessment of the officer reported upon is not below
average and he is otherwise suitable for promotion to the next higher
rank, but he is reported by the Initiating Officer to be “Not yet fit for
promotion” against Para 18 (c) of the ACR of a particular year, the
Initiating Officer should record reasons for the same which should be
communicated to the officer reported upon as advisory remarks.
(2) Only such remarks will be considered as adverse which have been
accepted as adverse by the highest Reporting Officer (i.e SRO/NSRO
as the case may be) and underlined in red ink by him.
(3) The adverse remarks as elucidated in (1) and (2) above will be
communicated within 90 days of the report having been signed by the
highest Reporting Officer (i.e. SRO/NSRO, as the case may be) either
by him or his senior most staff officer on his behalf (BPS-17 & below)
or concerned CM Cell (BPS 18 & above).
(4) If the officer reported upon is rated below average or unsatisfactory in
one or more boxes in Para 15 under Part II or in Para 16 under Part III,
it should not be treated as adverse if the sum total of both the columns
is not less than* 16 marks. *(not applicable since 1998).
(5) In other cases the words of advice which are likely to affect an
officer’s career will be communicated to him within ten days of the
remarks having been recorded by the respective I O, TRO, SRO and
NSRO and this will not be treated as adverse remarks.(Annex-E, P/38).
(6) In order to keep the record complete and to rule out altogether the
possibility of a false denial by the employees of communication of
adverse remarks to them, authorities concerned are rejoined to ensure
that duplicate copy of the letter communicating adverse remarks to the
employees is assigned by them in token of receipt of the letter and the
copy is duly placed on record.
*(7) (a) Adverse entries shall be made in the ACRs for those officers, who
are found negligent in replying to queries of the Public Accounts
** (b) State of Audit paras / Inspection Report shall necessarily be
reflected in concerned officer’s ACR failing which concerned
IO/SRO/NSRO shall be held responsible personally.
* O/O dated 23.05.1996 at page 64.
** OM dated 21.01.1987 at page-53
(2) IO’s, SRO’s, NSRO’s are directed to adhere to the guidelines of the
Authority for completion of ACRs. In case of failing, adverse entries
will be recorded in CR Dossiers of the responsible officer. GM (Coord)
Power, GM (C&M) Water, GM (Admn) and DGF(B&C) to ensure that
all pending ACRs are finalized by 31.10.1999 positively, and report

13. Representation for expunction of adverse remarks

a. Only an officer who is communicated adverse remarks towards his

‘integrity’ or has been categorized as ‘below average’ or
‘unacceptable’ or is assessed as ‘unfit for further promotion, can apply
for expunction of such remarks. This should be done within thirty days
from the date of the communication. The representation must be made
in temperate and dignified language and no allegations of personal and
malicious nature should be leveled. A person who levels baseless and
malicious allegations against the Reporting Officers will be liable to
disciplinary action for “misconduct under the relevant E&D
Rules/RFSO and will render the representation liable to be summarily

Note: “SRO/NSRO will not forward the representations, if these are

not covered by the above para”.

b. All representations for the expunction of adverse remarks will be made

through proper channel to the SRO/NSRO who has recorded the
adverse remarks.

c. If the final authority (the highest authority who has remarked on the
ACR of the officer) dealing with a report considers the adverse
remarks to be unjustified or inconsistent with the facts and decides that
the adverse remarks should be expunged, then adverse remarks should
be scored off but not in such a way as to make them illegible. A
marginal note should be added in red showing the file number and date
of the order by which the entry has been expunged.

d. In order to guard against personal likes and dislikes an employee who

is rated as ‘below average’ or ‘unacceptable’ in any one year or
receives adverse remarks for two successive years from the same IO
should be placed under another IO. This will, however, not be
applicable to the officers whose IO is Managing Director, Member or
14. Dates of Initiation

a. ACR form duly completed by the officer being reported upon and after
medical examination will be handed over to the his IO concerned by 15
January following the year for which a report is being initiated.

b. IO will complete the ACR and hand over or dispatch by Registered

Mail to the TRO (if applicable) or SRO (as the case may be) on or
before 15th February.

c. TRO, where applicable, will hand over or dispatch by Registered Mail

to the SRO on or before Ist March.

d. SRO will dispatch by Registered Mail to the NSRO on or before 15 th


e. The NSRO will dispatch by Registered Mail to concerned CM Cell/

Controlling Office where ACRs are kept on or before Ist April..

Note: IOs, TRCs, SROs and NSROs are directed to adhere to above
guidelines of Authority in letter and spirit otherwise action under the
relevant disciplinary Rules will be initiated against defaulting officers.

15. Disposal of ACR.

a. ACR will be written on a single set of Form and finally will be filled in
the ACR Dossier of the officer concerned in the Career Management

b. ACRs of Deputationists serving in WAPDA will be written in duplicate

and disposed of as under:-
(1) Original copy of ACR will be sent to the parent department of the
(2) Second copy will be forwarded to the CM Cell for filing in the
ACR Dossier of the officer concerned.

16. Initiating ACR in Certain Eventualities.

a. Less than 3 months. In case where a major period of the calendar year
is covered by a regular report, the confidential report for a period of less
than three (3) months is not required to be initiated.
b. Broken Period: (1) The officer under whose charge an officer / official
had been working for at least 3 months in a calendar year shall be the I.O
and the ACR so written may be considered sufficient for the whole year
in the following situations only:-

(a) Where the Officer to be reported upon was not assigned any
duty/work during rest of the nine months.

(b) ACR of the major part of the year is not available due to any
reason at the time of Promotion Board, but this does not mean that
ACR of the major part of the year is not required to be written.

(2) In other cases, the officer who has supervised the work of an
officer to be reported upon for major part of the year shall be IO
and ACR so written will be taken into account for the whole year
if he was not assigned any duty / job during rest of the months for
any reason or the same is not available on record.

d. Under two IOs: An officer who has worked under two or more
Initiating Officers (IOs) for a period exceeding three months in each case
during the period of Annual / Special or Interim Report. ACR form (three
forms in case of deputationists) are to be submitted to each of IOs under
whom the officer to be reported upon has worked for at least three months.
Confidential Reports will be marked “INTERIM CR ON ACCOUNT OF
TRANSFER OF IO / REPORTEE” in all such cases. Medical examination
will invariably be carried out and para-13 of the CR completed. Reports in all
such cases should be initiated before the move of the IO or the officer to be
reported upon for the period that the latter has served under him which should
not be less than 3 months. These will be Interim Reports except the Report
which covers the last part of the year will be the Annual Report.

e. By Retired / Expired Officers. The case officers, who are

transferred, the officers proceeding on retirement, whether voluntary or on
attaining the age of superannuation, should be asked to write / countersign
reports, on the officers and staff who have worked under them for more than
three months, before their retirement. If an officer proceeds on retirement
without writing / countersigning the reports and can not be contacted or fails
to oblige despite repeated requests, the following procedure should be

(1) The officer who would have countersigned, had the report been initiated
by the retired officers, should initiate the report provided he had seen
work of the officer, reported upon, for a minimum period of three
months. The next higher officer, if any, should countersign it.
(2) If the report has already been initiated but the countersigning officer has
retired, the next higher officer, if any, should countersign, provided he
has personal knowledge of the work of the officer concerned.
(3) If both the initiation and the countersigning officers have retired the
officers next higher than both of them, if any, should initiates and the
next higher officer, if any, should countersign it. In such cases both the
initiating and countersigning officers must have personal knowledge of
the officer reported upon.

(4) In case the report can not be initiated it all, a suitable note to this effect
be recorded in the ACR Dossiers. If the report has been initiated but can
not be countersigned the reasons, therefore, be recorded in Part-I of the

f. Of Retired / Re-employed. The Annual Confidential Reports may be

completed in respect of retired / re-employed officer, because the Annual
Confidential Reports, so completed, will enable the competent authority
to retain such employees during the period of re-employment on contract
on the basis of their ability, performances and health as reflected in the
Annual Confidential Reports.

g. Delayed ACR. (1) ACRs being received beyond 2 years period shall
be accepted for Dossiers, after approval of competent authority.

(2) Grading of ACR as outstanding without the approval of Chairman

WAPDA will not be accepted. All such ACRs otherwise will
treated be as “Very Good” for all purposes.



1. Loyalty (to the organization, to superiors and subordinates):

The quality of loyalty to an organization and allegiance given to superiors
and subordinates, will be reflected in the assessment. Honesty and sincerity
in aiding and advising will also be assessed.

2. Integrity, honesty and reputation, impartiality: Adherence to

recognized moral principles of integrity, honesty, impartiality and reputation
of officer reported upon.

3. Intelligence, common sense and mental alertness: Consider

comprehension, independent thought, creativity, frequency of sound
suggestions. Ability to perceive, analyse and grasp concepts and situations.

4. Initiative and drive to get things done, dynamism: Ability to take

correct and appropriate action without being told. Basic urge and energy to
get things done. Does employee do more than is assigned in a systematic
and forceful manner?

5. Appearance and bearing: Creates good impression.

6. Tact, cooperation and team work: Can he get alongwith his

superiors, equals, juniors, with tact and cooperation? Is employee a team
worker and does he extend his help voluntarily?

7. Sense of responsibility and dedication to his job: Does he

display zeal and energy in the active pursuit of assigned task? Extent to
which he goes to set an example with his personal behaviour as a pattern for
others to follow.

8. Leadership Confidence and will power: Effectiveness in

developing in others the willingness and desire to work and to guide
employees so that they work together towards a common objective.

9. Personal conduct and discipline, including punctuality and

obedience of orders: Is he punctual? Work area neat? Keeps himself
clean? Does employees avoid wasting time? Does employee socialize
excessively? Does employee spends too much time on personal matters?
Does he obey the orders given to him?
(10) Emotional stability and adaptability: Can the employee take
mature and balanced decisions under adverse situations? Is he alert and
responsible in such situations?

(11) Attitude towards constructive criticism and self improvement:

Is employee responsible and mature? Does employee accept constructive
criticism? Does he resent criticism? Is he out-spoken to an extent that he
exceeds limits of composure and reasonableness?

(12) Ability to train his staff: Is he capable of training his staff?

(13) Knowledge of religious for non-Muslims: Has he sufficient

knowledge of Islam or has narrow mind and is superficial?

(14) Attitude towards Religious for non-Muslims Ideology: Is he

deeply motivated/enlightened or is indifferent intolerant?
1. This is the most important part of the report as it relates to the actual
performance of the officer during the period under review which reflects the
combined value of officer’s personal qualities and profession al competence.
This part will be completed by the IO only. The performance aspects given in
Para 16 of the ACR Form are amplified as follows:-

a. Professional competence: Theoretical knowledge and its

application. Self explanatory. For officers holding the charge of
Section, Sub-Divisions, Circles, Project etc., relating to his
professional knowledge pertaining to his appointment.

b. Ability to take decisions: Logical and decisive or lacks proper

approach vacillating.

c. Foresight and planning beyond immediate requirements:

Foresight and forward planning in this para pertains to
administration, training and operations.

d. Acceptance or responsibility for his decisions and actions:

It should be adjudged whether the officer accepts responsibility if
tings go wrong because of his decisions or tries to absolve
himself of the consequences by blaming his superiors,
colleagues or subordinates.

e. Delegation of responsibility and exercising appropriate

supervision: Since no officer can handle everything himself, the
Reporting Officer should adjudge whether delegation of authority
and responsibility is judiciously done or not. Mere delegation of
authority and responsibility does not absolve an office of his duty
of supervision and guidance.

f. Energy and capacity for sustained hard work: While

evaluating this aspect it should be seen whether the officer is
capable of devoting himself fully and putting continuous and
sustained effort to accomplish a task assigned to him.

g. Output of Works: Always uptodate; accumulates no arrears.

h. Quality of Work: Always produces work of exceptionally high


i. Goals set Vs. Targets achieved: Self explanatory.

j. Administrative ability and financial discipline:
(1) Planning: Effectiveness in anticipating needs, forecasting
conditions, setting goals and standards, planning and
scheduling work and measuring results.

(2) Organizing: Effectiveness in dividing the total work to be

done into clear-cut and manageable jobs and integrating
all components into a harmonious, smoothly working

(3) Delegation: Effectiveness in delegating work and

assigning responsibility to subordinates and establishing
appropriate control.

(4) Analysis: Effectiveness in thinking through a problem in

recognizing securing and evaluating relevant facts; and in
reaching a conclusion.

(5) Communicating: Effectiveness in keeping subordinates,

associates and supervisions adequately informed.

k. Attitude towards Audit Inspection Reports including

Technical Reports: Self explanatory.

l. Expression:

m. Verbal:- Verbal; puts across the point convincingly and

concisely or is ineffective.

n. Written:- Is precise, clear and well set out or is clumsy and


o. Welfare and motivation of subordinates: This aspect pertains to

the degree of interest displayed by an officer in the management
and welfare of his command/subordinates.

p. Resourcefulness and innovativeness: Effectiveness in dealing

with unusual problems and ability to innovate.

q. Economic utilization of resources, man-power and cost

objectives: Self explanatory.

r. Ability to deal with the public: is the courteous and helpful or is

unsympathetic and ill-behaved?
ACR of BPS-15 & Below

1. Ability to work under stress and strain.

“The employee may be assessed for his ability to dispose of immediate

and urgent work, or sudden heavy rush of work”.

2. Capacity to organize the work.

“The priority in which the work is executed by the employee can be

indicated under this column. In case of supervisory staff, it may be
assessed that the supervisor has so distributed the work that no
subordinate has unduly heavy burden”.

3. Ability to Command and Train his Subordinates.

“In case of supervisory staff, it may be assessed that supervisor is

capable of maintaining order and discipline among his subordinates and
capable of giving on the job training to his subordinates where every

4. Ability to deal with the public.

“The employee may be assessed for his ability to deal with the public in
such a way that there is least complaint by the public either against the
employee or against the organization due to his dealings”.

5. In order to ensure timely submission of ACRs the following time table

may be observed:-

a. Assistant Director (Admn) / Superintendents / Head Clerks (as the

case may be) shall distribute the ACR forms to the IOs after filling in
Part-I of the form on or before 15th January each year.

b. The IO after completion of portion relating to him shall forward the

ACR to the SRO by 15th of February.

c. The SRO shall complete the portion relating to him by 15th of March.

Note-I: The IO and SRO are the officers both being concerned with the
work of employee reported upon.
Note-II: No employee shall be assessed (Outstanding) without prior
approval of GM concerned.

Note-III: ACRs which were not written / got finality by 19.02.2000 and
were written afterwards regardless the year those belonged are obliged
to be permitted by Chairman for their outstanding status.

Note-IV: Any ACR initiated as outstanding without the permission of

competent authority shall be treated as “Very Good”.

6. The report may be retained by the SRO if he happens to be a Head of

Office. In case he is not Head of Office then it will be passed on to the Head
of Office by SRO.

7. As the performance of Stenographer can be property evaluated by the

officer with whom he is attached, therefore, ACR is to be initiated by the
officer with whom the Stenographer Grade-I / II is attached and is not to be
appraised / countersigned by SRO.

8. The rest of the instructions as contained in the Wapda Guidelines for

Completion of Confidential Reports, 1977 will also be applicable to the
employees in Grade-15 and below.

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