Notes-8398-6867-Mid Term Notes Grade 10
Notes-8398-6867-Mid Term Notes Grade 10
Notes-8398-6867-Mid Term Notes Grade 10
Q5: List down any three methods that can be used to secure data and personal information online.
Ans: Data and personal information can be secured by:
1. Firewalls
2. Encryption
3. Password, PIN and Biometrics
A computer program or system that can identify whether a user is a human or
b) Bot
A computer program that can interact with the systems
c) Anti- Malware
It prevents malware from accessing or operating, it scans the computer files in real
time and allows users to scan files, folders or disks.
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
d) Backup
Backup creates one or more copies of data. Backup is usually stored to an external
storage device, which makes the data secure.
e) Near field communication
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology allows users to make secure
transactions, exchange digital content, and connect electronic devices in a very
short range.
Q10: Write any three parts of information you need to enter when paying online.
1. Card number
2. Expiry date
3. Three or four digit card security code
Q11: A strong password will help prevent others from accessing the user account. State two ways a
user could keep his password secure.
Create a password that is long, complex, and unique. Avoid using easily guessable information, such
as birthdays, names, or common words.
Q12: List two threats to data that is saved on CD.
Malicious software or viruses can infect the CD. The data on the CD may be at risk of corruption
due to factors like scratches, exposure to extreme temperatures, or poor handling.
Q13.State two ways of identifying a device on a network.
MAC Address , IP Address
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
Q15: Explain why NFC speeds up the payment process.
With NFC, user doesn't need to insert the card into a slot or swipe it, reducing the physical
interaction time required for the transaction.
Q16: Draw one straight line from each method of protecting a network to the correct use.
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
Q5: Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of Collaborative working for employees.
Teamwork helps generate creative ideas by combining different skills and perspectives.
Collaboration exposes employees to various approaches, fostering continuous learning and skill
Collaborative work may lead to conflicts due to differences in opinions or communication issues.
Teams may face issues when workload isn't evenly distributed, causing frustration among
Q6: Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of flexible working for employees.
Flexible working allows employees to better balance their professional and personal lives. This can
lead to increased job satisfaction and overall well-being.
Some individuals find that they are more productive when they have the flexibility to choose their
working hours or location.
Remote work may lead to communication difficulties, as spontaneous interactions are reduced.
Working remotely may pose security risks, especially if employees are using personal devices.
Q7: Explain one reason why cyberbullying can be more distressing than in person bullying.
Ans: In cyberspace, individuals can hide behind screen names or profiles, making it difficult to
identify the bully. Additionally, the digital nature of cyberbullying means that hurtful messages,
images, or videos can spread quickly and reach a broader audience.
Q9: State three examples of services that are not available to those with limited or not access to
digital technologies.
1. Without access to digital technologies, the users cannot perform online banking.
2. Without access to digital technologies users may miss out on opportunities for remote
3. Individuals without digital access may find it challenging to make purchases and compare
Q10: Describe the ways in which greater access to network has affected society.
Greater network access has expanded educational opportunities. Online courses, e-learning
platforms, and educational resources are more accessible, allowing individuals to pursue education
at their own pace and often without geographical constraints.
The internet has created new avenues for economic activities. E-commerce platforms enable
businesses to reach a global audience, while freelancers and entrepreneurs can connect with
clients and partners worldwide.
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
Q12: Discuss the impact of internet on how individuals socialise.
The internet lets us talk to people from all around the world. We can make friends and share ideas
with someone far away. Social media and messaging apps make it simple to keep in touch with
friends and family.
On contrary, spending a lot of time online might mean fewer face-to-face conversations. It's
important to find a balance between online and offline socializing. Communicating through text
and emojis can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. It's not always easy to convey emotions
accurately online. Sharing too much personal information online can be risky. It's crucial to be
careful about what you share to protect your privacy.
Q13: What are the three rules one should follow to stay safe online.
Ans: Zip it
Block it
Flag it
Q 16: Some people cannot go online because of their religious beliefs. List two other causes of
unequal access to ICT.
Ans: Digital Literacy and Education Disparities
Social and Cultural Barriers
Q 17: The Internet has provided a wider range of entertainment and leisure opportunities. One
example is video and audio streaming. List two other examples.
Gaming and eSports
Social Media
Online shopping
Q 18: Pat has a desktop PC at home. The company that Pat works for allows staff to work from
home. This reduces her travel costs. State two other benefits to Pat of being able to work from
Pat can save money on commuting expenses.
Pat can use the time spent commuting and utilize it for other productive activities
With the ability to work from home, Pat can achieve a better balance between her professional and
personal life.
Multiple Choice Questions.
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
Q2: ___________ are the types of backup.
a) Differential
b) Incremental
c) Full Backup
d) All of these
Q5:Kay uses a range of software. Kay uses software to protect her from risks online. Which one of
these is an example of phishing?
Q6:Judy sets file permissions on her online documents. Which one of these is a benefit of doing
a) Improves encryption
b) Increases storage
c) Quicker backup
d) Secures data
Q8:Kay works from home. She uses ICT for business and entertainment. Which one of these could
prevent the risk to Kay's work data caused by accidental deletion?
a) Anti-malware
b) Backup
c) Encryption
d) Phishing
Q12: How has the internet significantly impacted global communication and connectivity?
a) Restricted communication between countries
b) Improved global connectivity and communication
c) Reduced the need for communication
d) Limited the exchange of information
Q13: What is one major benefit of the internet concerning information access?
a) Limited access to information
b) Reduced availability of educational resources
c) Increased access to a vast amount of information
d) Slower access of news
Q14: What is a common challenge associated with the internet's impact on privacy?
a) Increased control over personal information
b) Decreased risk of identity theft
c) Growing concerns about data privacy and security
d) Limited access to personal data by third parties
Q15: Which one of these describes people who are 'information poor'?
a) Limited access to technology
b) Phishing victims
c) Rural communities using 4G technology
d) Write access, rather than read access
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Grade XOL - ICT | Mid Term Notes
Q18:Which of the following best describes flexible working?
a) Working fixed hours in the office
b) Working from home only
c) Having the freedom to choose when and where you work
d) Working overtime regularly
Q20: Which of the following is NOT a safe practice for sharing sensitive information online?
a) Sending it through an encrypted email
b) Posting it publicly on social media
c) Using secure file transfer services
d) Utilizing password-protected documents
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