JK Quick Start Guide (UFH)
JK Quick Start Guide (UFH)
JK Quick Start Guide (UFH)
Quick Start
Setting up the JK underfloor heating system for the first time is made simple with this guide. This
guide is best viewed in full colour print or on either on a phone, PC or tablet. Crucial details on
Your JK installation team will leave your manifold pressure tested and filled, so there is no need
to fill or pressure test the manifold again if this is the first-time setup. You may want to refer back
to this guide whenever the heating has been off for a prolonged period, such as when you are
Commissioning your JK Manifold 04 turning the system on for the first time coming up to winter.
The Commissioning Process 05 Once the manifold has been connected to the heat source - with the primary flow and return
pipework to the manifold pre-filled – commissioning of the system can begin. It is best to have
Bringing the system up to temperature 06 the control system fully installed prior to commissioning, as this guide assumes your controls are
in place.
To prevent damage, the final floor finish should be laid as soon as possible after the system has
been installed. The system should not be run until a floor finish has been applied on top of the
Zoning and Control pipework, leaving the pipework pressurised will make a leak obvious if someone accidentally
punctures a pipe.
Actuators 09
If the pipe is punctured by performing other jobs before the floor finish is laid, do not panic. Call
Thermal cut out feature 09 your local operations manager and they will arrange for a repair to be made, or to relay that loop.
JK repairs are guaranteed and maintain the warranty on your system..
heat source. If dealing with an older heating system, then the plumbing will need to be altered
to change any existing 3-port valves for new 2-port valves.
Additional Information
• Each manifold should have its own feed from the heat source and a 2-port valve.
Frequently Asked Questions 11
Troubleshooting 12 • The feed for the underfloor heating should be teed off after the primary pump, but before
the first radiator. The manifold pump is a circulator and will not pull from the heat source.
Manifold Label Sheet 12
• If you are using low-loss headers / buffer vessels, you will need a shunt pump on the flow to
the manifold after the header, in addition to your primary pump.
• *IMPORTANT NOTE* an auto bypass valve must be installed on the primary pipework to
the UFH manifold to maintain circulation in the primary system when the demand for hot
water fluctuates on the UFH system.
• Some boilers have an internal bypass, this is not sufficient and a separate bypass should
be installed for the UFH manifold, there should be one per manifold, installed before the
manifold’s 2 port valve.
• Purge the primary flow/return to the manifold prior to commissioning the system to avoid
introducing large amounts of air to the system, This can also be done by opening the boiler
filling loop and the primary flow and return valves on the manifold in turn, allowing the air
SCAN FOR ONLINE and water to travel from flow to return. the valves on the right hand side of the manifold can
VERSION OF THIS be opened to allow water and air out at this point.
Look at the placard above the pump to identify whether you have an Ecoline or LT Manifold. The Ecoline manifold can be commissioned
Ecoline only steps are noted in red. LT Manifold only steps are noted in blue. by any competent person. The LT manifold
should be commissioned by the heating
(Steps 1-6 below should be completed by a plumber before commissioning your JK manifold)
Run primary flow and return pipework to the manifold from the Remove the red protective caps off the flow meters on the bottom
1 7
heat source, installing a 2-port valve on the primary flow to give Fig.6 bar of the manifold (Fig.6).
an “s-plan” setup.
Ecoline additional step: Install the auto-bypass valve (ABV) (Fig.1) The flow meters should have been left open by the installers, you
between the primary flow and return pipework to the manifold, should see the thread between the black locking nut and the silver
preferably before the 2 port valve. Set the ABV to 0.1Bar initially. nut underneath.
2 8
Unscrew the blue manual caps on the top bar of the manifold
Ecoline only: Remove the white cap on the primary flow valve. to open the return valves (Fig.7).
Replace the cap with the Caleffi Thermostatic head set to 35°c Actuators will be used to replace the blue caps for a multizone
(Fig.2). system.
Fig.4 Fig.8
Ecoline only: Remove the white cap
3 9
on the primary return valve (Fig.3).
Fig.3 Make a call for heat with one of the thermostats (Fig.8). This will
cause the 2 port valve to open, and the heat source to fire. If you
Open the screw (anti-clockwise)
have an Ecoline, the pump should also run.
under the white cap using a 5mm hex
key, 2.5 turns from fully closed (Fig.4).
Fig.9 STEP 10: Ecoline only. For LT Manifold, skip to STEP 11.
4 10
LT Manifold Only: Open the 2x isolation valves Check the pump is on the correct setting (Constant
(Fig.5) on the manifold primary flow and return A pressure, speed 2) (Fig.9).
Fig.10 Fig.11
Set the thermostatic head to 35°c (Fig.10).
5 10
Ecoline Manifold: Unplug the connector on the back of the pump.
Allow the system to run for 10 minutes,
LT Manifold: Make sure the first loop on the manifold is open. observing the temperature gauge under the B
pump (Fig.11).
6 10
Fill the primary pipework using the filling loop on the heat source, flushing any air out of the
primary feeds. If you have followed the steps above water should be able to pass through the Open/close the primary return valve (Fig.12) using a
manifold from flow to return as required. hex key as required (opening further anti-clockwise will
Close the 2 port valve manually. The system is now ready to be commissioned with its electronic
C increase temp, adjust ¼ turn at a time).
Depending on your floor finish and heat losses, you may heat
the room with as low as 30-35°c water temperature, if you find
the rooms to be adequately heated at this temperature, you can
When the gauge settles at 30-35°c, leave the return valve as it is. stop here, you do not have to increase the TRV head all the way
to 40-50°c (Fig.15) to complete commissioning in this instance.
Adjust the thermostatic head (Fig.13) first to 40°c, checking that
the temp gauge reflects this adjustment within 15 minutes, then
down to 30°c and check the same. D You may need to adjust the return valve further (Fig.16) to achieve
The Ecoline manifold is now balanced. the flow temperature that has been set on the thermostatic head
Allow the system to run for a few hours on minimum. as you bring the system up to operating temperatures. After
every increase on the thermostatic head, make sure to leave the
system running for a while before making any adjustments.
Fig.14 You can now start increasing the flow temperature of the
manifold from minimum (20°c) by 5°c every other day, up
to your operating temperature. This is typically 40-45°c with
50°c being the maximum (Fig.14).
Ecoline manifolds flow temperature is controlled by the If the dial shows a temperature up to 5°c cooler than set on the head, this is acceptable, if it is
MAX thermostatic head. showing a temperature hotter than the head, then adjust the grubscrew to bring the temperature
50c LT manifolds flow temperature is set by the heat source. down.
After this, if you experience thermal cutout (this is when the pump should be on but there are no
lights on the pump face), check the “thermal cutout feature” section of this document (Page 10) for
LT only: now that the manifold is operational and up to temperature. Your heating engineer may
advice. This is not a fault; it is a safety precaution.
want to balance the flow rates using the flow meters to achieve their desired temperature differential
(typically 5-10°c).
The LT manifold has 2x temperature gauges to enable them to fine-tune the temperature differential
on a loop-by-loop basis.
Below you can see a simplified illustration showing the control relationship with underfloor heating.
The manifold can be fitted with actuators to create a multizone system. The actuators control the flow of
The brown lines show a signal going from a thermostat to a 2 port valve for the radiator, then a signal
water around the loops and can be opened and closed independently of each other.
going from a thermostat to a pump and a 2 port valve for the manifold. There is also a manifold with 2
thermostats sending a signal to a control centre, the control centre is then sending a signal to the pump
and 2 port valve, as well as opening the appropriate actuators on the manifold. The JK manifold is designed to work with a normally closed actuator with an M30 thread. JK can supply
actuators designed to work with our manifold. These actuators have a clear indicator of when they are
The orange lines show that all 3 2-port valves then send a signal to the boiler, so when any system is on, open or closed.
the boiler will fire, but will only be able to send hot water to the systems that have asked for it, because
only those 2 port valves will be open.
When closed, the black disc will sit flush with the top of the actuator head, when open, the black disc will
This illustration is not meant as a guide on how to wire the system, but rather to give an understanding pop up. This is a visual and tactile indicator – most basic actuators have a similar style indicator.
of how the relationship works, you should always refer to the control manufacturer’s instructions.
JK Ecoline manifold pumps have a temperature sensor built into the power cable. This sensor will cut
power to the pump if it senses that the water temperature has exceeded safe operating temperatures.
Boiler and primary
This feature protects the UFH system from prolonged overheating and is a fail-safe should the mixing
valve fail – or should the system be commissioned incorrectly and the temperature is not properly
balanced – there is information on balancing the flow temperature in this document (Pages 4-7).
You can tell that the thermal cut out has tripped by looking at the pump. If the pump should be on (you
have a call for heat, actuators are open if you have them) but there are no lights on the face of the pump,
then the most likely answer is thermal cut out. You can also look at the temperature dial underneath the
pump, it may not show excessively hot temperatures, but if it’s showing temperatures above 40°c and the
pump is not on, it’s likely that the pump has cut out and is in the process of cooling down.
To check for thermal cut out, cancel all calls for heat for 30 minutes, look at the temperature dial
underneath the pump and make sure that it is at ambient temperature (around 20°c, but could be cooler).
FLOW SIGNAL FROM THERMOSTAT Once everything has cooled down, make a call for heat and watch the manifold pump. Within 5 minutes
the pump should come on, depending on your control system and relationship. If the pump trips again,
Multizone Underfloor heating
with thermostat and control you are experiencing thermal cutout.
To resolve this, you should first follow the instructions in this guide on balancing the flow temperature.
If you are still experiencing thermal cutout, take a look at our troubleshooting guide, or call technical
You should discuss the control situation with your heating engineer/electrician to make sure the control system
provided has the features and capabilities you are looking for.
The JK system is capable of outputting 2-3x the heat requirement of modern homes built to the latest Q: My UFH is on but my floor is only luke-warm?
standards, more than sufficient to act as the primary heating system.
A: During the heating process the floor may feel cooler than you would expect as the air heats
You may find some floor finishes need to be limited to approximately 27°c to protect them, and we up. This is because room temperature and floor temperature rise in relation to one another
recommend that no floor should be warmer than 29°c, in order to maintain a safe, healthy and comfortable when the system is on. Cooler air means the floor is able to radiate more heat into the space. as
environment. This also complies with ISO 7730. Floor temperatures should be limited by the use of floor the air heats, the floor will start to feel warmer while the system is working.
probes on your control system. You should not rely on water temperature to limit floor temperature.
Q: My room is at a comfortable temperature but my floor is stone cold?
The JK system can be used on its own in every room, or it can be used in conjunction with other heating
systems throughout the home – for example, you may wish to have radiators upstairs and the JK system A: The primary purpose of the UFH system is to heat the room, and warm floors are an enjoyable
downstairs. side effect. A cool floor but a room at temperature (~20°c air temp) would suggest a system is
working perfectly. If the purpose of your system is to heat the floor and not the room, such as
Homes with high heat losses may opt to use supplementary heating. You may choose to have radiators around an indoor pool, discuss this with your electrician who may want to consult with our
or a log burner in the same room as underfloor heating, to provide additional output. While the system technical team to achieve this.
can work in this configuration, we would always recommend that you insulate the home to reduce heat
losses so that underfloor heating can heat the space on its own, rather than introducing supplementary Q: Does the manifold heat up the water?
heating systems.
A: The manifold needs to be connected to a heat source such as a boiler or heat pump, it does
Reducing heat loss can often be more affordable than a secondary heating system, and will pay for itself not heat the water by itself
quite quickly as it will reduce the total energy needed to keep the home at a comfortable temperature.
Q: Can I turn my UFH system off completely?
With the latest part L guidelines, most new properties and heating systems should be designed to heat
the space using low temperature (<55°c) water with only a few exceptions being made, so it is advisable A: Underfloor heating is a “low and slow” system, meaning it shouldn’t be allowed to cool down
to reduce heat loss rather than increase output. This is something you should discuss with your heating too much, as it takes a while to heat up. Once it’s warm, it is efficient to maintain the heat in a
engineer to determine the best course of action. room. Ideally, you should operate on “comfort” and “setback” temperatures.
If you will be using supplementary heating – or using underfloor heating as the supplementary system, When you are in a room, you want to set a comfortable temperature, typically 20°c, and you
we have some advice below. typically want it to start heating to this temperature 1-3 hours before you will be in the room.
This complies with BS EN 1264 AND ISO 7730.
When you are not using the space, utilise a “setback temperature”, typically 17-19°c, so that
Underfloor Heating as Primary Heating System with Supplementary Heating the room does not cool too much, keeping a quick heat up time. Setting a setback temperature
lower will reduce energy consumption if the room is often unoccupied, but will increase the
amount of time it takes to heat to your comfort temperature.
When the underfloor heating is utilised as the primary heating system for the property, most or all of
the heating requirements of the zones should be provided by the underfloor heating system. You should This method of operation is particularly important in the colder winter months. In the warmer
only need to adjust the water flow temperature on the manifold, and the room temperature set by the summer months you can operate your system in a more “on/off” fashion as heat demand is less
wall thermostat(s). and you have the benefit of more solar gain.
If supplementary heat is present, such as the heat from a log burner or even that of solar gain, once the Q: where should i put my thermostats?
room reaches the temperature specified by the room stat, the underfloor heating will stop sending hot
water to the floor. However, you may find the room continues to heat due to the energy stored in the A: Speak with your electrician to determine a suitable location for your thermostats -
subfloor and the energy provided by the supplementary heat sources. considerations need to be made for appropriate height and power requirements.
If the underfloor heating is used as a primary heat distribution system, and the primary heat source Thermostats should not be placed close to a heat source, in direct sunlight, or where it is draughty,
either does not have bypass valves or the radiators are fully closed, this may cause the heat source to as this will prevent the thermostat from getting a true reading of the room temperature.
fault, as it cannot dissipate sufficient heat. This is typical in older properties where a single radiator (such
as the one in the hallway) is acting as a bypass and has been removed. In this case, we recommend an Q: My plumber has told me I dont need a bypass valve for my ecoline manifold as there is one
auto-bypass valve should be installed as previously recommended. already present in the boiler.
A: a local bypass valve is always required with ecoline manifolds to enable proper mixing - it
should be installed going from flow to return. Please have your plumber call the JK technical
team to discuss if they still believe a local bypass is not required.
JK have modernised our methods of troubleshooting and now have an interactive troubleshooting
Our technical support team are available to help Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. For 24 hour, instant
support, our interactive guide can be used to resolve most issues or help you to better inform our
technical team with more in-depth information about your system.
Upon completing the guide, if your problem has not been solved, the technical
team will be notified, review the steps that have been taken, and contact you
with further troubleshooting guidance, taking over where the guide left off.
You can access the guide by scanning the QR code on this page, or by visiting:
Manifold Name:
Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Room Name