TunerPro MS43 Community Patchlist - MS4X Wiki

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TunerPro MS43 Community


Contents hide
1 ECU Information
2 Immobilizer Bypass
3 Checksum Bypass
4 Launch Control Deprecated
5 M Instrument Cluster LEDs
6 DS2 Logging Extensions
7 MAF Sensor Hack
8 Boost Control Over Canister Purge Output
9 Ignition Cut Limiter
10 Alpha/N
11 MIL Knock Indicator
12 Daniel_F 430056 Update Fix
13 E3x Differential Vehicle Speed Sensor Accuracy
14 Fuel Cut Table Switch Over Cruise Control
15 LC / NLS / RAL Features
16 Injection Calculation Based On Fuel Factor
17 MAF Based Full Load Enrichment

TunerPro offers a very good method of editing flash files

with its "Patch" function.

We used this feature to create an "All-In-One" solution for

editing engine displacement independent functions, like
Launch Control, EWS Delete, M3 Cluster functionality etc.

Important Notes:

This patch list is only compatible with the normal

MS430069 software version. For extended load go
here: Siemens MS43 Extended Load Limit
All these features change the program code of the ECU
so use it with caution and always correct checksums
before flashing or use MS4X Dev Group Flasher from
here which corrects them automatically.
If you are coming from a bootmode flashed 430056
EWS delete, it's recommended to bootmode flash a
backup of the original binary to restore the ecu back to
stock before flashing the 430069 firmware to avoid
Bootmode flashing is only needed when you want to
virginize the ECU and re-adapt it to a EWS module.
Every other feature works without bootmode flashing!
Chipster MSS5X flasher contains a bug where it in
some cases incorrectly calculates the program section
checksum, so avoid using this software.

Download it here:

Old Versions:


ECU Information
#UIFVehicleIdentificationNumber ×

⽇x从應店x介 Function:Muitiply Value:1.1 Execute


2C A2 9F 02 90 C8

UIFSoftwareNumber #*UIFServiceNumber WUIFAssemblyNumber

UIFSoftwareNumber UIFServiceNumber UIFAssemblyNumber

7592624 7503718 7552620

NoComparebr Save NoCompareon _Save NoCoroveor _Save.
None Conv Care None Cony Cancel Nore Cook Cancel

#*ECUNumber X

Function:Mutolv Value:1.1 Eyecute


#Softwareversion 8 ISNValue

Function:MuitplyvValue:1.1 Execute Function:Multiply Value:1.1 Execute

Softwareversion ISNValue


ECU Information

UIF Vehicle Identification Number
UIF Manufacturing Date - The date code is stored in
two bytes. DAY (5 bit) and MONTH (3bit) in the first byte
(DDDDDMMM), the YEAR in second.
UIF Software Number
UIF Service Number
UIF Assembly Number
ECU Number
ISN Value - Immobilizer Sync Code

This section shows the first entry of the user information
fields (UIF), the ECU number, the ISN and most important
the softwareversion.

Please keep in mind that the shown UIF values came with
the initial flash from factory. There might be additional
entries when the MS43 has been updated at the dealership.

Immobilizer Bypass
[PATCH] Immobilizer Bypass - Bypasses the
immobilizer checks of the ECU
[PATCH] Clear Immobilizer Data - Virginizes the ECU
by clearing all immobilizer related data

This will bypass immobilizer checks that are made to
prevent the car from starting with an unauthorized key or no
key at all.

Note: On some cars it takes some time to start during the

first crank. So crank it a bit longer than you are used to if
the engine isn't starting up right away.

When virginzing the ECU by clearing the immobilizer data

you want to overwrite data in the bootloader area, so
bootmode flashing is needed.

To synchronize ISN and rolling codes between the ECU and

the EWS3 module just use INPA or MS4X Dev Flasher.

Checksum Bypass
[PATCH] Checksum Bypass - Disables both checksum
checks for the calibration data section

Siemens implemented calibration checksum bypasses from
factory into the firmware.

This feature is often misinterpreted with completely turning

off all checksums. This is not the case and the program and
boot loader section checksums will still need to be
corrected to allow the engine to start.

The checksum bypass depends on changes in both the

program and calibration section so it's crucial that both
sections are patched simultaneously.

If for example the calibration section is overwritten with a

calibration section that hasn't been checksum bypassed
the ecu will always report a checksum error even if the
checksums are corrected so use this feature with caution
as incorrect use will result in a non-starting engine.

Since the MS4X Dev Group Flasher corrects all five

checksums on the fly this checksum bypass is only
needed when using old legacy tools to flash a
calibration section.

Launch Control Deprecated

[PATCH] Remove Deprecated Launch Control -
Removes the old launch control feature of patchlist v2.5
and before from the binary
[DATA] Remove Deprecated Launch Control -
Removes the old launch control data of patchlist v2.5
and before from the binary

Please do no longer use this and switch to the new launch
control feature that implements new features

M Instrument Cluster LEDs

M Cluster Values

[PATCH] M3/M5 Cluster LED Mod - Implements code
that controls the LEDs of the M3/M5 cluster
ldpm_toil_led - Oil temperatur axis to adjust the switch
points of the led array for the warmup light feature
id_icl_toil_led__n - LEDs used at the given oil
tempetature for the warmup light feature
ldpm_toil_led - Engine Speed axis to adjust the switch
points of the led array for the shift light feature
id_icl_led__n - LEDs used at the given enginespeed for
the shift light feature

For an explanation of the values see M Cluster LED

You can retrofit the LEDs to a non-M cluster with this guide:
Cluster M3 LED Retrofitting

DS2 Logging Extensions

[PATCH] DS2 Baudrate Switch Engine Stopped
Bypass - Enable baudrate switching when the engine is
started (experimental)
[PATCH] DS2 Logging Feature Enhancement -
Implements code needed for the new logging command
[PATCH] DS2 Speed Increase - Increases how often
the ECU processes DS2 commands

Since MS43 only outputs a small amount of loggable
values we created a custom DS2 logging command without
slowing down logging rate.

This extends the stock command with the following values:

Individual Ignition Timing For All Cylinders And Average

Fuel Injector Pulse Width For Bank 2 And Average
Calculated Manifold Air Pressure
Active VO Table
Filtered Load Values (Ignition, Injection, VANOS, Moving
Mean Value)
Calculated Gear
Rear O2 Sensor Input Voltages
Secondary Air MAF Sensor Input Voltage
DMTL Input Voltage
EGT Sensor Input Voltages
Ron Adaptation Value
Indexed Engine Torque

Especially the calculated MAP and filtered load values will

improve tuning since you will be able to see what load the
subsystems are really using.

When looking at individual cylinder ignition angles, you will

see that sometimes logging only cylinder 1 won't be
enough. Same with injection.

You can easily log 0-5V analog sensors over the rear O2,
secondary air MAF and DMTL voltage inputs. Together with
the fuel cap detection input we have a total of 5 spare
analog inputs!

Please choose the matching ADX logging file for your

engine from the Logger Definition Files and look at the
TunerPro Data Logging page for more information on how
to datalog with TunerPro RT:

Notice: The ADX makes use of a much higher baudrate

(125kBaud) than the default 9600Baud. The ecu can only
change baudrate when engine is not running so you have
to start the datalogging with the engine off and the ignition

MAF Sensor Hack

[PATCH] MAF Sensor Hack 2048kg/h - Changes code
to allow 2048kg/h of air mass to be measured
id_maf_tab - MAF sensor table 256x1
id_maf_tab - MAF sensor table 16x16

This patch doubles the mass air flow capability of the MS43
to 2048kg/h. Use one of the id_maf_tab tables to edit MAF
sensor scale.

Note: Keep in mind that (for now) we still have a hard

engine load limit of 1389mg/stroke.

Boost Control Over Canister

Purge Output (Experimental)
[PATCH] Boost Control - Forces the ecu to use the
ip_cppwm_min_* tables to control the canister purge
output and linearizes ip_cppwm_cps__cppwm
c_tco_min_cp - Coolant temperature threshold for
activation of the boost control / canister purge PWM
ip_cppwm_min___n__maf - PWM duty circle output
table engine speed vs. engine load
ip_cppwm_min_cat_var__n__maf - PWM duty circle
output table engine speed vs. engine load in catalyst
preperation mode. (c_conf_cat=0/1)
ldpm_maf_1 - Engine load X-axis used by the boost
control / canister purge PWM output table
ldpm_n_32_7 - Engine speed Y-axis used by the boost
control / canister purge PWM output table

This patch implements a basic open loop boost control
feature by forcing the ECU to use the ip_cppwm_min_*
tables to control the canister purge output and also
linearizes ip_cppwm_cps__cppwm.

This feature is highly experimental and must be used with

caution. The solenoid output uses a 10hz PWM base

Ignition Cut Limiter

[PATCH] Ignition Cut Limiter - This patch implements
a basic ignition cut feature
c_conf_n_max_max_td - Configuration switch for
igntion cut hard limiter
0 = Ignition cut disabled
1 = Ignition cut enabled

This modification will zero out ignition coil dwell time to
interupt ignition while the hard limiter is actively limiting
engine speed.

When you set the hard limiter below the soft limiter and
lower your the limiter hysteresis (c_n_max_hys &
c_n_max_hys_max) to 32rpm you will get most aggressive

Warning: Ignition cut limiters may harm your coils, center

sprocket, or whole engine and exhaust system. Use with
extreme caution and never with catalyst equipped cars.

Ignition cut will work well with the launch control if you
want to build up more boost or impress your neighbours.

[PATCH] Alpha/N - Implements code to use load value
from MAF substitute table

With this mod, the load calculation will fully rely on the MAF
sensor substitude table ip_maf_1_diag__n__tps_av.
Normally the ECU will throw an error when disconnecting
the MAF sensor, but this patch prevents it from triggering a

The ECU will always think that the value it's processing
comes from the MAF directly. This is done by utilizing the
load lookup table instead of reading the MAF and feeding
this value into all important MAF variables used by the

Warning: When this patch is active the ecu will ignore the
MAF sensor readings even if it's plugged in, so be careful
and tune the ip_maf_1_diag__n__tps_av table very
carefully before applying this patch since this table tends to
run a bit lean from factory.

MIL Knock Indicator

[PATCH] MIL Knock Indicator - This patch implements
a knock indicator that flashes the MIL light during light
or heavy knock events.
c_t_max_knk_mil - Maximum activation time for knock
lv_mil_knk_lv_1 - Activate knock light during light
lv_mil_knk_lv_2 - Activate knock light during heavy

This modification will flash the MIL when there is a knock
event detected. Knock events are either light or heavy and
you can configure the indicator the way you need.

With the two configuration bits, you have three possisble

configurations: light knock only, heavy knock only, light and
heavy knock.

Tests showed, that light knock events can be caused by

single mass flywheels in lower engine speed regions.

Daniel_F 430056 Update Fix

[PATCH] Daniel_F. 430056 Update Fix - Implements the fix

If the ECU was previously flashed with a MS430056 binary
from Daniel_F and you can't or don't want to flash a fresh
and unmodified 430069 in boot mode, this patch can help
you if your engine won't crank.

Don't patch this unless you encounter a non starting

engine after updating your ECU from MS430056 to

E3x Differential Vehicle Speed

Sensor Accuracy Improvement
[PATCH] E3x Differential Vehicle Speed Sensor Accuracy
Improvement - Skips division of VS signal

This will skip the division of the speed sensor signal in ECU
code to make the vehicle speed reading more accurate
with older BMW speed sensors located inside the rear

Very handy if you install M54 engine into E30 or E34 and
want to keep the VS sensor of the rear axle differential. Set
c_vs_fac to ~1096 impulses per kilometer.

Fuel Cut Table Switch Over

Cruise Control
[PATCH] Deceleration Maps Over Cruise Switch -
Decelleration map switching changed to cuise control
main switch

Instead of depending on the AC compressor relay state, the
decision of deceleration maps for ignition and injection will
be depending on cruise control main switch (green LED in

Ignition angle change limitation is still depending on AC

on/off to put less stress on AC belt.

Affected tables are:

ip_n_min_puc__tco & ip_n_min_accin_puc__tco

ip_iga_puc__n__tco & ip_iga_accin_puc__n__tco

LC / NLS / RAL Features

LC stand for Launch Control, NLS stands for No Lift
Shift and RAL stands for Rolling Anti Lag

[PATCH] Launch Control & Rolling Anti Lag -

Implements code for the launch control and rolling anti
lag feature
[PATCH] LC & RAL Default Values - Implements
default values for the launch control and rolling anti lag
c_tco_max_iga_rtd_lc_nls_ral - Maximum coolant
temperature during ignition retard for LC, NLS and RAL
c_pvs_min_lc - Minimum accelerator pedal position for
the launch control to be activated
c_pvs_min_lc_nls - Minimum accelerator pedal input to
activate launch control and no lift shift feature.

Launch Control

General Parameters
c_conf_lc - Configuration switch to change the launch
control behaviour
0 = LC Disabled
1 = LC Enabled when clutch is pressed
2 = LC Enabled when clutch is pressed and cruise
control LED is active
c_conf_lc_iga_rtd - Configuration switch to apply
additional ignition angle retard c_iga_rtd_lc_nls_ral
while the launch control is active and clutch is
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
c_n_max_lc - Maximum engine speed while the launch
control is active
c_vs_max_lc - Maximum vehicle speed when the
launch control deactivates and switches to normal

This implements a configurable launch control feature that
sets an additional engine speed limiter up to a specific
vehicle speed.

You should tweak c_vs_max_lc to be slightly below the

regular vehicle speed in 1st gear for the configured limiter
c_n_max_lc. If the car engaged the limiter too long, slightly
lower c_vs_max_lc.

The c_conf_lc mode "2" is an additional feature to be able

to heat up your tires before launching, as the launch control
limiter will only become active when the cruise control LED
in your cluster is active.

To make the launch control limiter less bouncy please set

the soft and hard limiter hysteris to 32rpm (c_n_max_hys &

Rolling Anti Lag

General Parameters
c_conf_ral - Configuration switch to control the rolling
anti lag behaviour
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
c_pvs_min_ral - Minimum accelerator pedal input to
activate rolling anti lag feature.

This implements a rolling anti lag feature that retards the
current igntion angle by a configurable amount.

It will be activated as soon as you press and hold the "-"

button on your cruise control and exceed the configured
PVS value c_pvs_min_ral.

Injection Calculation Based On

Fuel Factor

[PATCH] Injection Calculation Patch - Implements
injection calculation patch for MS43.
[DATA] Injection Calculation Default Data - M54B30 -
Applies the default M54B30 calibration data for the
injection calculation patch
c_inj_flow - Injector flow rate in cm³/min
c_af_stoich - Stoichiometric air fuel ratio
c_fuel_density - Fuel density in kg/dm³

Extended Load Binary Only!

This patch will completely rework the injection logic and

purely relies on the air mass consumed by the engine.

Based on the measured mass air flow, a configurable value

for the injector size, target air/fuel ration and the fuel
density, the ECU can now calculate injection pulse width on
its own.

With this patch, the engine can't go lean even when

exceeding the fuel tables, because those are refactored to
be used as correction tables to compensate for non linear
injectors. as long as your intake path isn't leaking.

MAF Based Full Load


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