Pervade 10ec Sds
Pervade 10ec Sds
Pervade 10ec Sds
tachycardia. Studies have shown many cases of dermal vapours. Keep upwind.
deltamethrin poisoning after agricultural use with inadequate Personal protective equipment:
handling precautions, and many cases of accidental or suicidal Wear full protective clothing and single or double cartridge
poisoning by the oral route at doses estimated to be 2 -250 respirators.
mg/kg. Oral ingestion caused epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting
and coarse muscular fasciculations. With doses of 100 -250
mg/kg, coma was caused within 15 -20 minutes. SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE
Remove source of contamination or move victim to fresh air.
Keep affected person warm and at rest. Supply oxygen if Personal precautions:
necessary. Treat symptomatically and supportively. Seek Do not inhale fumes. Ventilate area of spill or leak, especially
medical advice immediately. confined areas. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothes. For
Skin contact: personal protection see Section 8.
Remove contaminated clothing, shoes and leather goods. Environmental precautions:
Gently wipe of excess chemical. Wash skin gently and Do not allow to enter drains or water courses. When the
thoroughly with water and non-abrasive soap. Seek medical product contaminates public waters, inform appropriate
advice if necessary. authorities immediately in accordance with local regulations.
Eye contact: Occupational spill:
Immediately flush eyes with gently flowing cold water or saline For small spills, soak up sand or suitable non-combustible
solution for 20 minutes, holding the eyelid(s) open. Seek absorbent material, place into containers for subsequent
medical attention immediately. disposal. Thoroughly wash body areas, which come into
Ingestion: contact with the product. Avoid runoff to sewer as it may cause
Have victim rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do not induce fire/explosion. Do not allow the product to come in contact
vomiting, due to the aromatic solvent. Seek medical advice with water systems. For large spills contact the manufacturer.
immediately. Contain liquid far ahead of spill. Contain spillage and
Advice to physician: contaminated water for subsequent disposal. Do not flush
There is no specific antidote if this product is ingested. spilled material into drains. Keep spectators away and upwind.
If a large amount has been ingested and emesis is inadequate,
lavage stomach. Treat symptomatically. An aqueous suspension SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE
of activated charcoal can be administered to absorb remaining
Remove sources of naked flame or sparks. Harmful by
inhalation or if swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes and skin
and inhalation of fumes. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash
Fire and explosion hazard:
hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking or using
Product is highly flammable and explosive due to the formulant
the toilet. Operators should change and wash clothing daily.
(solvent) content.
Remove clothing immediately if the insecticide gets inside.
Extinguishing agents:
Then wash skin thoroughly using a non-abrasive soap and put
Extinguish small fires with carbon dioxide, dry powder, or
on clean clothing. Do not apply directly to areas where surface
alcohol-resistant foam. Water spray can be used for cooling of
water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high
unaffected stock, but avoid water coming in contact with the
water mark. Water used to clean equipment must be disposed
product. Contain water used for firefighting for later disposal.
of correctly to avoid contamination
Avoid the accumulation of polluted run-off from the site.
Fire fighting:
Store in its original container in isolated, dry, cool and well-
Remove spectators from surrounding area. Remove container
ventilated area. Avoid cross contamination with other
from fire area if possible. Fight fire from maximum distance.
pesticides and fertilizers. Keep under lock and key out of reach
For massive fire, use unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles.
of unauthorized persons, children and animals. Store away from
Contain fire control agents for later disposal. Use a recom-
incompatible substances. Not to be stored next to foodstuffs
mended extinguishing agent for the type of surrounding fire.
and water supplies. Local regulations should be complied with.
Water can be used to cool unaffected containers but must be
contained for later disposal. Avoid inhaling hazardous
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Studies did not detect any teratogenic effects. UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.
Mutagenicity: (permethrin),
Studies did not detect any mutagenic activity. 9, PG III, marine pollutant
IATA (air):
SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.
Environmental hazards: This pesticide is highly toxic to fish. 9, PG III, marine pollutant
Do not apply directly to water. Avoid contamination of
ornamental fish ponds. Drifts and runoff from treated areas may SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION
be hazardous to aquatic organisms in treated areas. Do not
contaminate water when cleaning equipment or disposing of
CAUTION - Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed
equipment wash water. This product is highly toxic to blooming
through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid breathing
crops or weeds while bees are actively visiting the treatment
spray mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Remove
contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash thoroughly
Bioaccumulation: Unlikely to bioaccumulate due to acute
with soap and water after handling. Prolonged or frequently
repeated skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some
Environmental fate: The average half-life of permethrin in individuals.
aerobic soils is 39.5 days, with a range from 11.6 to 113 days.
Permethrin binds tightly to soil and is broken down primarily
by microorganisms, but also by photolysis. 16. OTHER INFORMATION
Ecotoxicological information:
Rainbow trout LC50 (24h): 0.62 μg/l All information and instructions provided in this Material
Bluegill sunfish LC50 (48h): 0.79 μg/l Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are based on the current state of
Bobwhite quail LD50 (8-day): 5,200 ppm scientific and technical knowledge at the date indicated on the
present MSDS and are presented in good faith and believed to
be correct. This information applies to the PRODUCT AS
SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS SUCH. In case of new formulations or mixes, it is necessary to
ascertain that a new danger will not appear.
Pesticide disposal: It is the responsibility of persons in receipt of this MSDS to
Contaminated absorbents, surplus product, etc., should be
ensure that the information contained herein is properly read
burned in a high-temperature incinerator (1000oC) with and understood by all people who may use, handle, dispose or
effluent gas scrubbing. Where no incinerator is available in any way come in contact with the product. If the recipient
surplus product should be or diluted and buried in designated subsequently produces formulations(s) containing this product,
landfill. Never pour untreated waste or surplus products into it is the recipients sole responsibility to ensure the transfer of
public sewers or where there is any danger of run-off or all relevant information from this MSDS to their own MSDS.
seepage into water systems. Comply with local legislation
applying to waste disposal.
Package product wastes:
Emptied containers retain vapour and product residues.
Observe all labeled safeguards until container is destroyed.
Combustible containers should be disposed of in pesticide
incinerators. Non-combustible containers must be triple rinsed
with water and then be punctured and transported to a scrap
metal facility for recycling or disposal in approved landfill site.
Comply with any local legislation applying to disposal.
DOT (ground)
Not regulated
IMO (vessel):
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