This document contains log information from launching the Telegram desktop application on March 17, 2024. It records details such as the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio and camera devices detected on the system, and notes that the application started the server and app as this was the only instance running.
This document contains log information from launching the Telegram desktop application on March 17, 2024. It records details such as the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio and camera devices detected on the system, and notes that the application started the server and app as this was the only instance running.
This document contains log information from launching the Telegram desktop application on March 17, 2024. It records details such as the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio and camera devices detected on the system, and notes that the application started the server and app as this was the only instance running.
This document contains log information from launching the Telegram desktop application on March 17, 2024. It records details such as the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio and camera devices detected on the system, and notes that the application started the server and app as this was the only instance running.