The XML file defines the layout of an activity containing text views, edit texts, and a button arranged vertically in a linear layout to collect a username and password. The Java file implements an activity class that retrieves the views by ID, sets an on click listener for the submit button to get the text from the edit texts and display it in a text view. Together, the XML and Java files create a simple login screen application.
The XML file defines the layout of an activity containing text views, edit texts, and a button arranged vertically in a linear layout to collect a username and password. The Java file implements an activity class that retrieves the views by ID, sets an on click listener for the submit button to get the text from the edit texts and display it in a text view. Together, the XML and Java files create a simple login screen application.
The XML file defines the layout of an activity containing text views, edit texts, and a button arranged vertically in a linear layout to collect a username and password. The Java file implements an activity class that retrieves the views by ID, sets an on click listener for the submit button to get the text from the edit texts and display it in a text view. Together, the XML and Java files create a simple login screen application.
The XML file defines the layout of an activity containing text views, edit texts, and a button arranged vertically in a linear layout to collect a username and password. The Java file implements an activity class that retrieves the views by ID, sets an on click listener for the submit button to get the text from the edit texts and display it in a text view. Together, the XML and Java files create a simple login screen application.