RM Module - 5 Notes
RM Module - 5 Notes
RM Module - 5 Notes
Industrial Design
1. What is an Industrial Design? What is the objective of registration of industrial Designs?
The word Design‘ is defined as the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition
of lines or colours applied to any article. The Design may be of any dimension i.e. one or two or three
dimensional or a combination of these
It may be created by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical,
separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to and is judged solely by the eye.
The main object of registration of industrial Designs is to protect and incentivize the original
creativity of the originator and encourage others to work towards the art of creativity.
The artistic work defined under Section 2(c) of the Copyright Act, 1957 is not a subject matter for registration
for Industrial Designs, such as:
Paintings, sculptures, drawings including a diagram, map, chart or plan.
Photographs and work of architecture.
Any other work related to artistic craftsmanship.
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1 Prior Art Search : Before filing an application for registration of Industrial Designs, it is prudent
to ensure that the same or similar Design has not been registered earlier
2 Application for Registration : he can proceed with filing an application for Design registration.
The application for registration of Design can be filed by an individual, small entity, institution,
organization and
3 After the application has been filed, an officer (examiner) analyses the application for qualifying
the minimum standards laid down for eligibility criteria for registration. In case of any query, the
same is sent to the applicant and he is supposed to respond within 6 months from the objection
raised. Once the objections are removed, the application is accepted for registration.
4 The particulars of the application, along with the representation of the article, are published in the
Official Journal of Patent Office
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5 If no objection is received from the public, the Design is registered. After the registration of the
Design, the applicant becomes the proprietor of the Design and is conferred with the exclusive right
to apply that Design to the article belonging to the class in which it is registered.
Geographical Indication
1 Explain Geographical Indications and list out some Registered GI in India.
A GI is defined as a sign which can be used on products belonging to a particular geographical
location/region and possesses qualities or a reputation associated with that region. In GI, there is a strong link
between the product and its original place of production.
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Case Study
1 Neem Patent
The Neem tree and its therapeutic benefits have been discussed in ancient Indian Ayurvedic
texts dating back to 5000 BC and it is used till date as bio pesticide and medicine. In India, in
addition to being utilised for germicidal purposes and pesticides, this tree is also used to wash teeth.
From its root to the crown, the tree is considered legendary.
W.R. Grace and the US Department of Agriculture initially submitted the request for issuing a patent
for neem to the European Patent Office for a neem oil mixed fungicide for the "method of controlling
fungi on plants." This patent was granted in the year 1995.
In the same year, the three organisations the International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movements (IFOAM), based in Germany, the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and
Ecology, Delhi, and the Green Party in the European Parliament, Brussels filed a legal opposition
against the grant of this patent at the European Patent Office (EPO). The primary argument in
opposition was that the fungicidal properties of hydrophobic extracts of neem seeds had been widely
known and utilised in India for centuries, both in Ayurvedic medicine to treat dermatological
conditions and in traditional Indian agriculture to prevent fungal infections from destroying crops.
Since this traditional Indian knowledge had actually been known to Indians for a very long time, the
patentee's argument for novelty had been refuted by the evidenced prior public use. The second
argument made was that the patent violated "morality" because the so-called inventors sought to
monopolise ownership of a technique that is a part of Indian traditional knowledge. The Neem patent
became the first instance where US and the European patents were accused of being infringed upon
through biopiracy. In 2005, the European Patent Office (EPO) cancelled the aforementioned
contested patent.
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Intellectual Property law now considers this a very important arena which seeks to preserve the
varieties in their natural habitat and let the geographical area where it is traditionally and originally
grown have certain special rights over it. This paper is an attempt to understand the impact and
importance of such patents and appreciate the law regarding the same in the light of the Basmati
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