Operating Manual: en Digital Web Guider WSS
Operating Manual: en Digital Web Guider WSS
Operating Manual: en Digital Web Guider WSS
Component descriptions:
Sensor B
Sensor support beam C
Actuating element D
Command stations H
Digital interfaces (optional) I
Control card J
Electrical components (optional) U
CAN bus, serial bus V
Service manual (optional) W
Spare parts X
Parameter lists Y
Diagrams Z
Operating instruction notes
Operating manual structure The E+L web guider manual consists of a general system description
(A), individual component descriptions (B, C, ... W), spare parts lists
(X), parameter lists (Y) and diagrams (Z).
Proceed according to the operating manual instructions. All important
operating procedures are explained in the manual. Where necessary,
reference is made to the individual component descriptions.
The block diagram includes a schematic of your system. The block
diagram also includes the address settings in the case of web guid-
ers designed by E+L.
See the parameter lists for explanations of the individual setup
parameters. See "Setup editor" section 4 for procedure on check-
ing/changing parameters.
Type overview The operating manual applies for web guiders with the following ac-
tuating elements:
- reel station WS
A page 2
1. Function
1.1 Purpose The web guider positions the moving web according to the web cen-
ter. It corrects deviations from the set position and thus prevents it
wandering off to the side. Web oscillation within the operating range
of the actuating element and width measuring are possible.
1.2 Design
Unwind station
Support beam
Actuating element
Wind station
Support beam
Actuating element
- command station DO ....
- command station NT ....
- web offsetting command station RE ....
- digital interface DI .... (e.g. CAN-SPS, CAN-ARCNET,
KAP--250967-EN-01 A page 3
1.3 Operating principle To insert the web move the actuating element to its center position
and drive the sensors to their outer position. Once the web is insert-
ed, drive the sensors to the web edge. If the web guider is in auto-
matic and the guider stop contact is enabled, the web is guided. The
sensors follow up in the event of web width deviations.
The sensor scans the web edge. If the web edge deviates from its
set position, the sensor sends the magnitude and direction of the de-
viation to the digital controller for evaluation. The position controller
corrects the web edge back to its set position via the actuating ele-
1.3.1 Oscillation The oscillating function is used to offset the web to the left/right of the
set position. Use command station DO 01.. / DO 20.. or the setup pa-
rameters to set the oscillating time and stroke. With path-dependent
oscillation the oscillating time and stroke can be specified by the cus-
tomer (reel station controls). The web continues to be guided during
1.3.2 Width measuring The web width is displayed in mm in conjunction with command sta-
tion DO 01.. / DO 20.. or remote display DO 002. .
A page 4
Assembly / Installation
2.1 Actuating element Mount actuating element according to attached description. See
also dimensioned or set-up drawing.
2.2 Sensors The sensors are pre-mounted on the actuating element (sensor sup-
port beam). In exceptional cases, see sensor and actuating element
descriptions, application instructions section.
2.3 Support beam (optional) The support beam is pre-mounted on the actuating element. In ex-
ceptional cases, see support beam description. The support beam
must be mounted so that the sensors are located immediately after
the actuating element, see also actuating element description, appli-
cation instructions section.
2.4 Digital controller The digital controller is either mounted on the actuating element or
designed for mounting in a control cabinet on-site.
The connection between control board and D.C. positioning drive
can run in one line up to a length of 3 m. However, if the distance
is between 3 m and 10 m then the motor lead and the lead of the
incremental encoder MUST run seprately.
2.5 Command stations The command stations should be mounted in such a way that the
(optional) operator actually sees the equipment he is controlling (e.g. the
support beam).
3.1 Sensor No installation work is requried for compact systems. See the sen-
sor description for exceptions.
3.2 Support beam (optional) No installation work is required for compact systems. See the de-
scription "Suppor beams" for exceptions.
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Assembly / Installation
A page 6
Setup mode
Setup mode iis started via the "Acknowledge" key and, at the same time, the
"Increase value" key. If a password is requested in the display, setup mode
may only be started once the password has been entered .
Enter the password via the "In-
crease/Decrease value" keys.
+ Press "F2" to select each indivi-
dual place.
Select the required para- To change a parameter, Select the required A tick is set via the "Ack-
meter via the "Increase/ the latter must be ope- option via the "In- nowledge" key . With
Decrease value" keys. ned via the "Acknow- crease/Decrease round brackets () only
ledge" key . value" keys. one menu option may
be selected, with square
brackets [] several.
KAP--250211-EN-01 A page 7
Setup mode
4.2 Important additions The following two options are available to quit setup mode:
1. Jump back in the menu to the start window (as described in sec-
tion 4.1 "Basic operation in setup mode").
2. Setup mode is quit by pressing one of three "Automatic", " Center
mode" or "Manual mode" keys, regardless of where one is.
Device address Device designation CANMON may only be called up once, either via the CANMON
program or command station DO 200. .
A flashing device address means that two devices are featured in the
CAN network with the same device address.
If the device designation flashes, the device is not featured (is not
identified via CANMON).
4.3 Allocate password All settings in setup mode may be protected by a freely selected
password. Settings in setup mode are only possible following pass-
word entry. To assure that no unauthorised persons may enter setup
mode, we recommend that a password is defined as follows:
Start setup mode.
Select the "customer PIN" parameter in the device (*ZC 4070*)
and enter a five-place numerical password. The password may be
freely selected between 1 and 32767.
If parameter value "0" is entered, no password will be requested
(status on delivery).
Quit setup mode.
Should unauthorised persons attempt to establish the password
by entering numbers, after the third entry of an incorrect pass-
word, setup mode is inhibited and in addition, a commentary ente-
red in the error memory. Switch off the power briefly on command
station DO 200. to re-enable it.
A page 8
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
5. Commissioning There must not be anybody present in the web guider's dan-
ger area during commissioning or operation. Please observe
with command the locally applicable and customary safety and accident pre-
vention regulations.
station DO 200.
Check the individual connecting cables are correct.
Connect all the web guider's equipment to the operating voltage.
Check CAN bus connections. The light emitting diodes for the
CAN bus connections on the web guider and the command sta-
tions illuminate green, i.e. ready. If a light emitting diode illumi-
nates red, there is a malfunction on this CAN connection. Check
device and CAN cabling.
Position sensor, check and set if necessary (e.g. adjustment etc.),
see sensor description.
F 2
F 3
F 4
KAP--250974-EN-01 A Page 9
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
Position the selection bar on the command station "*ZC 4071*".
0.2(FR5001) Press "Acknowledge" key.
(Center Switch)
0.8(AK 4022)
0.A (*ZC4071*)
Position the selection bar on the parameter heading "keyboard
ZC 4071 settings".
keyboard settings Press "Acknowledge" key.
user parameter
special keys
0.A (*ZC4071*)
Position the selection bar on the parameter "arrow direction".
ZC 4071
keyboard settings
keyboard usage Press "Acknowledge" key.
arrow direction
used sensor values
used add. values
Invert parameter value. The actual state of the parameter is marked
arrow direction by a " * " in the parameter.
( * ) Normal Position the selection bar on the value that is not in use.
( ) Inverted
A Page 10
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
5.2 Actuator initialization run During the initialization run the guider detects the two mechanical
end points (actuator stop) and the actuator limit switches. These po-
sitions are saved in the guider. In addition the actuator's start position
is saved as the center position. The actuator should therefore be in
the required center position before the initialization run.
Position the selection bar on the master device, address X.5.
0.1(FR5001) If two or more guiders are connected together on a network, at
0.2(FR5001) this point the required guider must be selected.
(Center Switch)
0.8(AK 4022)
Press "HELP" key.
A Page 11
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
Position the selection bar on the master device, address X.5.
0.1(FR5001) If two or more guiders are connected together on a network, at
0.2(FR5001) this point the required guider must be selected.
(Center Switch) Press "Acknowledge" key.
0.8(AK 4022)
A Page 12
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
The effective direction has been changed.
If the effective direction for the manual mode has been in-
verted, chapter 5.2 must be performed again.
A Page 13
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
5.4 Effec. dir. for automatic For an unwinder it is not necessary to make any settings for the auto-
mode on an unwinder matic mode.
In the automatic mode the reel moves in the direction of the free sen-
sor if a sensor is free (one sensor covered, one sensor free).
5.5 Effec. dir. for automatic On a winder the sensor is mechanically linked to the reel. The sensor
mode on a winder is therefore positioned with the reel.
In the automatic mode the reel moves in the direction of the web if a
sensor is free (one sensor covered one sensor free).
On a winder, the parameter value for "P13 prop range ±" on the
control card must have a negative sign (no sign).
A Page 14
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
Position the selection bar on the master device, address X.5.
0.1(FR5001) If two or more guiders are connected together on a network, at
0.2(FR5001) this point the required guider must be selected.
(Center Switch) Press "Acknowledge" key.
0.8(AK 4022)
10.0 mm
-10.0 mm
A Page 15
Commissioning with command station DO 200.
5.6 Special settings If necessary, the settings for the following functions can be re-
ferred to in the description for the control card RK 4004:
Step size for web offset using keys
Proportional range (control loop gain)
Actuating speed, automatic mode
Actuating speed, manual mode
Actuating speed reduction on a web fault
Sensor emergency guiding
Adaptive gain
End position pre-warning
Programmable digital inputs
Run-up ramp in manual mode
Dynamic motor current increase
A Page 16
Operation with command device DO 200.
6. Operation with Only insert web when the web guider and processing ma-
chine are switched off.
command de- Risk of injury!
vice DO 200.
If two or more digital guiders are networked, before operation
each individual control loop for which the following operation se-
quence is to be applicable must be selected via the "multi-opera-
tion" function.
Enable web guider operating voltage
6.1 Multi-operation
(if featured)
Select multi-operation menu
Press "F 4" to start the multi-operation menu. All groups featured
will be displayed.
Select group
Via the "Decrease value" key each group may now be selected
by the selection bar. A tick displayed in front of a group indicates
that the latter has been selected for subsequent operation. To set
a tick, press "F 4" and press again to remove ticks. Select the indi-
vidual groups one after another via the "Decrease value" key and
make your selection.
Quit multi-operation menu
Press "Acknowledge" to quit the multi-operation menu.
The group selected by the selection bar prior to quitting the menu
is now selected as user group. The first number indicated in the
"Group" display represents the user group. The remaining num-
User group bers indicate the groups selected.
KAP--251002-EN-01 A page 17
Operation with command device DO 200.
Select center mode
The web control is switched off, the web guider positions itself at
the set center position. The sensors move to park position.
Before inserting a new web always set the actuating element to
Insert web
edge. The web guider is enabled when the sensors have reached
their web edge position. If the guider block is not connected, the
web guider will go into automatic mode immediately.
7.3 Oscillation
Select oscillation menu
Press "F 3" to start the oscillation menu for entering the oscillation
stroke and time.
A page 18
Operation with command device DO 200.
Enter amplitude
To enter the amplitude (oscillation stroke) the acknowledge key
must be pressed. Press the "Increase/Decrease value" keys to
enter the required amplitude (oscillation stroke).
Enter time
Press the acknowledge key again to enter the time (oscillation
time for a cycle) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.
HELP Quit the oscillation menu
Press "Acknowledge" again to quit the oscillation menu.
A page 19
Operation with command device DO 200.
A page 20
7. Optimization Amplification is correctly set if, after brief overshooting the error is
corrected. If the position controller is set with too great a degree of
7.1 Optimization premises sensitivity, the guider will overshoot as well. In the case of too little
amplification the control loop will be too slow. Optimum amplifica-
Amplification too high
tion may be determined with a characteristic curve tracer. In prac-
tice, amplification may also be determined by trial and error:
While the web is controlled in the automatic mode it is necessary
Amplification right to shortly cover up the sensor measuring range (with a piece of
Amplification too low cardboard for ex.). A change of the web position will change the
web path. The level-out behavior of the web guider provides fur-
ther data on the amplification.
The smaller the set proportional range at a constant maximum po-
sitioning velocity (Parameter ".1.6. velocity auto") is, the greater the
amplification of the web guider will be.
A negative proportional range causes negative amplification, the
effective direction is thus inverted in automatic mode.
Velocity correction
Proportional range
established correction .1.3. prop range ±
positioning velocity 2,0 3,5
depending on propor-
tional range
15 mm/s
8 mm/s
control deviation
Positioning velocity
.1.6. velocity auto
20 mm/s
Set position
(sensor measuring range Control deviation of
center ) 1.5 mm
KAP--250547-EN-01 A page 21
Example 1: Example 2:
G = 20/2 = 10 1/s G = 20/3,5 = 5,71 1/s
VK = 1,5 mm * 10 1/s VK = 1,5 mm * 5,71 1/s
VK = 15 mm/s VK = 8,6 mm/s
A page 22
Maintenance / Technical data
9. Technical data The technical data depend on the devices implemented and are spe-
cified in the relevant descriptions.
Technical data subject to modification without notice.
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Erhardt + Leimer GmbH
Postfach 10 15 40
D-86136 Augsburg
Telephone (0821) 24 35-0
Telefax (0821) 24 35-6 66
Internet http://www.erhardt-leimer.com
E-mail info@erhardt-leimer.com